#Janne Suominen
gbhbl · 5 months
EP Review: My Favourite Nemesis - We Annihilate (Seek and Strike)
Finland’s modern metallers, My Favourite Nemesis, return with their crushing new EP, We Annihilate, set for release on 26th April via Seek and Strike Records. Formed in 2017,  My Favourite Nemesis have actively gained a reputation in the Finnish modern metal scene as well as growing worldwide attention. That attention, and over two million streams probably helped too, led to them partnering up…
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fassicranes · 4 years
A wonderful Fassi F1650RA.2.28 L816 xhe-dynamic
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Finnish Fassi distributor Grutech Oy works with Nappa Machine Oy to produce an efficient and safe F1650RA.2.28 L816 xhe-dynamic hydraulic crane
Valkeala (Finland) - Grutech Oy can count on the expertise and experience of Nappa Machine Oy, a multi-brand workshop with body shop specialising in crane installation, maintenance and repair. This spring Grutech Oy, Fassi's importer and distributor in Finland, based in Helsinki, prepared a splendid Volvo FH540 five-axle demo truck with a Fassi F1650RA.2.28 L816 xhe-dynamic crane in agreement with Nappa Machine Oy. This set-up has been equipped with all the technology that Italian cranes offer to those who want to work efficiently and in total safety. The value of this package did not go unnoticed, in fact after a few months the vehicle found a buyer who was enthusiastic about the possibility of picking up such a high-performance and technological machine. The owner of the company Nappa Machine Oy, which made the supporting frame and the crane assembly on the vehicle, Mr. Janne Korpivaara, from the beginning of this project had no doubts about offering the market demo set-up with such characteristics. (Courtesy of Esa Suominen for the Konepörssi magazine)
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La collaborazione dell'importatore-distributore di Fassi in Finlandia, Grutech Oy, con Nappa Machine Oy
Valkeala (Finlandia) - Grutech Oy può contare sulla competenza e sull'esperienza di Nappa Machine Oy, una officina multimarca con carrozzeria specializzata nell'installazione, nella manutenzione e nella riparazione gru. Grutech Oy, importatore e distributore Fassi in Finlandia con sede a Helsinki, questa primavera d'accordo con Nappa Machine Oy ha preparato uno splendido autocarro dimostrativo Volvo FH540 cinque assi con una gru Fassi F1650RA.2.28 L816 xhe-dynamic. Questo allestimento è stato dotato di tutta la tecnologia che le gru italiane offrono a chi vuole lavorare in modo efficiente e in totale sicurezza. Il valore di questo pacchetto non è passato inosservato, infatti dopo pochi mesi il veicolo ha trovato un acquirente entusiasta della possibilità di ritirare una macchina così performante e tecnologica. Il proprietario della società Nappa Machine Oy, che ha realizzato il telaio di supporto e il montaggio della gru sul veicolo, il signor Janne Korpivaara, sin dall'inizio di questo progetto non ha avuto dubbi nel proporre al mercato un allestimento dimostrativo con tali caratteristiche. (Per gentile concessione di Esa Suominen per la rivista Konepörssi)
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Grutech Oy, l’importateur finlandais de Fassi, travaille avec la société Nappa Machine Oy pour produire une grue hydraulique F1650RA.2.28L816 xhe-dynamic efficace et sécure
Valkeala (Finlande) - Grutech Oy peut compter sur la maîtrise et l'expérience de Nappa Machine Oy, un atelier multi-marques avec une carrosserie spécialisée dans les installations, les entretiens et les réparations de grues. Le printemps dernier, Grutech Oy, importateur et distributeur de Fassi en Finlande basé à Helsinki, a préparé un magnifique camion de démonstration Volvo FH540 à cinq essieux avec une grue Fassi F1650RA.2.28 L816 xhe-dynamic, en collaboration avec Nappa Machine Oy. Cet aménagement a été muni de toutes les technologies que proposent les grues italiennes aux clients désirant travailler efficacement et en toute sécurité. La valeur de cet ensemble n’est pas passée inaperçue : en effet, quelques mois plus tard, le véhicule a trouvé un acheteur qui était enthousiaste de la possibilité d’acquérir une machine aussi performante et technologique. Dès le début de ce projet, M. Janne Korpivaara, propriétaire de l’entreprise Nappa Machine Oy, qui s’est chargé du châssis de support et de l’assemblage de la grue sur le véhicule, n’a eu aucun doute quant à la décision de proposer sur le marché cette configuration de démonstration dotée de telles caractéristiques. (Avec l’aimable autorisation d’Esa Suominen pour le magazine Konepörssi)
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Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Importeur und Vertreiber von Fassi in Finnland, Grutech Oy, und Nappa Machine Oy
Valkeala (Finnland) - Grutech Oy kann auf die Expertise und Erfahrung von Nappa Machine Oy setzen, eine Werkstatt für verschiedene Marken mit einer auf die Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von Kranen spezialisierten Karosseriewerkstatt. Dieses Frühjahr stattete Grutech Oy, Importeur und Vertreiber von Fassi in Finnland mit Sitz in Helsinki, in Abstimmung mit Nappa Machine Oy einen prächtigen fünfachsigen Vorführ-Lkw des Typs Volvo FH540 mit einem Fassi-Kran F1650RA.2.28 L816 xhe-dynamic aus. Diese Ausstattung verfügt über die gesamte Technologie, die die italienischen Krane all jenen bieten, die effizient und in vollkommener Sicherheit arbeiten möchten. Der Wert dieses Pakets blieb nicht unbemerkt und tatsächlich fand das Fahrzeug nach einigen Monaten einen Käufer, der begeistert von der Möglichkeit war, eine derart leistungsstarke und technologische Maschine zu erwerben. Der Inhaber des Unternehmens Nappa Machine Oy, der den tragenden Rahmen und die Montage des Krans am Fahrzeug ausführte, Herr Janne Korpivaara, hatte von Beginn des Projekts keine Zweifel daran, am Markt eine Demo-Ausstattung mit diesen Eigenschaften anzubieten. (Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Esa Suominen für das Magazin Konepörssi)
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Grutech Oy, importador finlandés de Fassi, trabaja con la empresa Nappa Machine Oy para producir una grúa hidráulica Fassi F1650RA.2.28 L816 xhe-dynamic eficaz y segura
Valkeala (Finlandia) - Grutech Oy puede contar con la pericia y la experiencia de Nappa Machine Oy, un taller multimarca con servicio de carrocería que está especializado en la instalación, el mantenimiento y la reparación de grúas. Esta primavera, Grutech Oy, importador y distribuidor de Fassi en Finlandia con sede en Helsinki, preparó un espléndido camión de demostración Volvo FH540 de cinco ejes con una grúa Fassi F1650RA.2.28L816 xhe-dynamic en colaboración con Nappa Machine Oy. Este conjunto ha sido equipado con toda la tecnología que ofrecen las grúas italianas a quienes quieren trabajar de forma eficiente y con total seguridad. El valor de este conjunto no pasó desapercibido, de hecho, a los pocos meses el vehículo encontró un comprador que se mostró entusiasmado con la posibilidad de recoger una máquina tan tecnológica y con tantas prestaciones. El propietario de la empresa Nappa Machine Oy, que realizó el bastidor de soporte y el montaje de la grúa en el vehículo, el Sr. Janne Korpivaara, desde el inicio de este proyecto no tuvo dudas en ofrecer al mercado una instalación de demostración con tales características. (Cesión de Esa Suominen para la revista Konepörssi)
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Automated Waterborne Transportation Project Underway With EU Support
The effort to develop a connected automated waterborne transport took an important step forward as Cargotec’s Kalmar and MacGregor, leaders in cargo and load handling solutions for ports, terminals, distribution centers, and heavy industry, joined the EU-supported initiative as the technology providers.
“Increasing the level of automation in cargo handling onboard vessels and in ports is critical in terms of developing waterborne logistics systems in inter-European cargo transport,” said Janne Suominen, Manager, Offering Development, MacGregor. “We expect that our involvement in AEGIS will provide valuable input for our strategic initiatives to develop world-leading cargo handling technology for connected and automated transport.”
The Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal Systems (AEGIS) is a three-year project focused on integrating smaller ships, inland transport and short-sea shipping with larger terminals to create a completely new European transport system. The goal is to develop more flexible and user-centric transport, improve services to rural and urban areas, and revitalize regional ports and city terminals. 
“By participating in this project we want to help smaller ports and inland cargo logistics operators to address the challenges they are facing, which include congestion and scaling problems due to heavy road traffic, ever-larger vessel sizes and increasingly limited storage space as well as labor cost and availability,” said Lasse Eriksson, Vice President, Technology, Kalmar Mobile Solutions.
A three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, AEGIS recently announced that it had has secured a €7.5m grant. The project was selected by the EU Commission to show that autonomous ships and port automation technologies can make waterborne transport much more flexible and user-oriented while further reducing the environmental impact of transport in the EU.
AEGIS will develop three case studies located in North Europe that represent typical inter-European transportation modes. One will explore the use of small cargo shuttles to link coastal container ships to rural and urban destinations work with North Sea Container Line in cooperation with the Port of Trondheim. The second will involve DFDS and will link Ro-Ro short sea services in BeNeLux to inland waterways. The third will examine how existing small and medium-sized ports can use automation to facilitate the transfer of cargo from trucks to sea working with the ports of Aalborg and Vordingborg.
AEGIS will be coordinated by SINTEF Ocean in Denmark along with the Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz GmbH (ISE), the Technical University of Denmark, (DTU), and Aalborg University.  
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/cargotec-providing-tech-to-automated-waterborne-transportation-project via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dtdzine · 6 years
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Impression of the “DtD” zine release party “HELSINKI QUEER CLUBBING” @ HELSINKI CITY MUSEUM during Pride week 2018.
Pietari Jean Jean (La Persé, PUMP) Mr.A (Danceteria, Rebels) Miia Magia (L-World) Jussi E (Homotekno) Janne X (FAG YOU!) Niko Likainen (Tech Noir) Jopo Sḯmeon K Miikka (DTM) Peijakas!
Hosting: Plastic Pony, House Of Disappointments Juhlapuhuja: Riitta ”Ritu” Suominen
”Helsinki Clubbing – 30 vuotta savua ja stroboa” näyttely on auki koko tapahtuman ajan kaupunginmuseon 4. kerroksessa.
Juhlat jatkuvat klo 23 – 05 ravintola DTM:ssä (Mannerheimintie 6 B).
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arikuosmanen · 7 years
Jokkiskolmikko jalkauttaa autourheilukerhon Ylöjärvelle (Ylöjärven Uutiset)
Lue alkuperäinen artikkeli tältä sivulta: this site
Ylöjärveläisen moottoriurheilutarjonnan parissa puhaltavat uudet tuulet, sillä nyt esimerkiksi jokamiesluokkaa pääsee harjoittelemaan pitkän linjan jokkiskuskien opissa. Ajamisen ohella voidaan perehtyä auton mekaniikkaan ja rakentaa vaikka oma jokkisauto. Mistä on siis kyse?
Marko Koivisto (vas.) Johanna Koivisto, Eemeli Koivisto ja Janne Jokipolvi ovat jokkisharrastajia henkeen ja vereen. Heillä on yhteensä 15 jokkisautoa ja Jokipolvella on lisäksi kaksi F-ryhmän ralliautoa, joita kerho voi käyttää erilaisissa tapahtumissa ja ajotilaisuuksissa. Tulevaisuudessa jokkiskalustoa on tarkoitus hankkia moottorikerholle mahdollisesti vuokraus- ja opetuskäyttöön.
Nuoruudestaan saakka autourheilun parissa viihtyneet pinsiöläiset Johanna ja Marko Koivisto sekä keväästä asti jokamiesluokkaa ajanut haavistolainen Janne Jokipolvi ovat pohtineet, miten harrastamisen autojen parissa voisi tehdä mahdollisimman helpoksi ilman, että aloittamiseen vaadittaisiin isoa rahasummaa.
Syksyn alussa kolmikko päättikin laittaa pystyyn Ylöjärven Moottorikerho ry:n, jonka he povaavat olevan ainutlaatuinen koko Suomen mittakaavassa.
Perustajajäsenten mukaan kerhon toimintaperiaate on tarjota harrastus moottoriurheilun parissa matalalla kynnyksellä ja siten, että kerholaiset voivat harrastaa omien mieltymystensä puitteissa esimerkiksi ajaen ja rakentaen.
– Meillä on jokkisautoja yhteensä 15 kappaletta. Jannella on puolestaan halli Elovainiolla, jossa on mahdollista pitää autoa tallipaikalla, 19-vuotiaasta saakka jokamiesluokkaa ajanut Marko Koivisto selittää.
Marko Koivisto (vas.) on voittanut pitkällä jokkisurallaan yli 200 palkintoa. Perheen kodin seinät on koristeltu sekä Markon että Johannan pokaaleilla. Janne Jokipolvi toteutti pitkäaikaisen haaveensa viime keväänä ja ryhtyi ajamaan jokamiesluokkaa.
Koko perheen harrastus
Välineistön ja hallin lisäksi perustajakolmikko tarjoaa kerhon jäsenille oman ammattiosaamisensa autojen parissa.
– Opettelin nuorena auton korjaamista itsekseni, kun ei ollut ketään, joka olisi opettanut. Nyt tahtoisimmekin tarjota osaamistamme niille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneet autoharrastamisesta, mutta eivät tiedä, mistä aloittaa, Marko Koivisto sanoo.
Perustajajäsenten tarjoama ammattitaito, talli ja työkalut mahdollistavat sen, että isommatkin rakennusprojektit ovat mahdollisia.
– Jos kiinnostusta löytyy, voi hallissa rakentaa vaikka oman jokkisauton alusta loppuun, kolmikko huomauttaa.
Janne Jokipolvi muistuttaa, että autojen parissa harrastaminen sopii kaiken ikäisille. Kiireinen yrittäjä toteutti pitkäaikaisen haaveensa keväällä ja ryhtyi ajamaan jokamiesluokkaa.
Koivistojen perheessä autot ovat sekä vanhempien että lasten yhteinen harrastus.
– Jokkis on koko perheen harrastus. Jos ikä ei vielä riitä kilpailemiseen, voi autojen parissa harrastaa muuten ja olla kilpailuissa kannustusjoukoissa, 19-vuotiaana jokamiesluokassa ajamisen aloittanut Johanna Koivisto lisää.
Jokamiesluokkaa pääsee ajamaan sinä vuonna, kun täyttää 15 vuotta. Pirkanmaa tarjoaa harrastukselle hyvät puitteet, sillä lähimmät ajoradat sijaitsevat Nokialla ja Tampereella Kaanaassa. (Kuva: Niko Suominen)
Myös leirejä ja elämyksiä
Moottorikerhon toivotaan herättävän kiinnostusta etenkin ylöjärveläisessä nuorisossa.
– Jos jotakuta kiinnostaa esimerkiksi lähteä kokeilemaan autoa radalle, järjestämme sen. Ensin tutustumme itse autoon, minkä jälkeen hankimme sopivat varusteet ja lähdemme radalle, kerholaiset sanovat.
Perustajajäsenistö aikoo jalkauttaa autourheilun ylöjärveläisten keskuuteen myös erilaisin tapahtumin ja leirein.
– Tulevina kesinä aiomme järjestää nuorille jokkisleirejä, jos innokkaita osallistujia löytyy. Esittelemme lajia myös tutustumispäivissä, joihin tuomme autoja näytille ja kerromme lajista ja kerhomme toiminnasta, he sanovat.
Myös elämysten tarjoaminen esimerkiksi yrityksille ja ryhmille kuuluu Ylöjärven Moottorikerhon tulevaisuudensuunnitelmaan.
– Jokkisautojen lisäksi käytössämme on muutama ralliauto, joiden kyydissä voimme tarjota uusia kokemuksia erilaisille porukoille, Janne Jokipolvi kertoo.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2kwVgG8 via IFTTT
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Automated Waterborne Transportation Project Underway With EU Support
The effort to develop a connected automated waterborne transport took an important step forward as Cargotec’s Kalmar and MacGregor, leaders in cargo and load handling solutions for ports, terminals, distribution centers, and heavy industry, joined the EU-supported initiative as the technology providers.
“Increasing the level of automation in cargo handling onboard vessels and in ports is critical in terms of developing waterborne logistics systems in inter-European cargo transport,” said Janne Suominen, Manager, Offering Development, MacGregor. “We expect that our involvement in AEGIS will provide valuable input for our strategic initiatives to develop world-leading cargo handling technology for connected and automated transport.”
The Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal Systems (AEGIS) is a three-year project focused on integrating smaller ships, inland transport and short-sea shipping with larger terminals to create a completely new European transport system. The goal is to develop more flexible and user-centric transport, improve services to rural and urban areas, and revitalize regional ports and city terminals. 
“By participating in this project we want to help smaller ports and inland cargo logistics operators to address the challenges they are facing, which include congestion and scaling problems due to heavy road traffic, ever-larger vessel sizes and increasingly limited storage space as well as labor cost and availability,” said Lasse Eriksson, Vice President, Technology, Kalmar Mobile Solutions.
A three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, AEGIS recently announced that it had has secured a €7.5m grant. The project was selected by the EU Commission to show that autonomous ships and port automation technologies can make waterborne transport much more flexible and user-oriented while further reducing the environmental impact of transport in the EU.
AEGIS will develop three case studies located in North Europe that represent typical inter-European transportation modes. One will explore the use of small cargo shuttles to link coastal container ships to rural and urban destinations work with North Sea Container Line in cooperation with the Port of Trondheim. The second will involve DFDS and will link Ro-Ro short sea services in BeNeLux to inland waterways. The third will examine how existing small and medium-sized ports can use automation to facilitate the transfer of cargo from trucks to sea working with the ports of Aalborg and Vordingborg.
AEGIS will be coordinated by SINTEF Ocean in Denmark along with the Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz GmbH (ISE), the Technical University of Denmark, (DTU), and Aalborg University.  
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/cargotec-providing-tech-to-automated-waterborne-transportation-project via http://www.rssmix.com/
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Automated Waterborne Transportation Project Underway With EU Support
The effort to develop a connected automated waterborne transport took an important step forward as Cargotec’s Kalmar and MacGregor, leaders in cargo and load handling solutions for ports, terminals, distribution centers, and heavy industry, joined the EU-supported initiative as the technology providers.
“Increasing the level of automation in cargo handling onboard vessels and in ports is critical in terms of developing waterborne logistics systems in inter-European cargo transport,” said Janne Suominen, Manager, Offering Development, MacGregor. “We expect that our involvement in AEGIS will provide valuable input for our strategic initiatives to develop world-leading cargo handling technology for connected and automated transport.”
The Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal Systems (AEGIS) is a three-year project focused on integrating smaller ships, inland transport and short-sea shipping with larger terminals to create a completely new European transport system. The goal is to develop more flexible and user-centric transport, improve services to rural and urban areas, and revitalize regional ports and city terminals. 
“By participating in this project we want to help smaller ports and inland cargo logistics operators to address the challenges they are facing, which include congestion and scaling problems due to heavy road traffic, ever-larger vessel sizes and increasingly limited storage space as well as labor cost and availability,” said Lasse Eriksson, Vice President, Technology, Kalmar Mobile Solutions.
A three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, AEGIS recently announced that it had has secured a €7.5m grant. The project was selected by the EU Commission to show that autonomous ships and port automation technologies can make waterborne transport much more flexible and user-oriented while further reducing the environmental impact of transport in the EU.
AEGIS will develop three case studies located in North Europe that represent typical inter-European transportation modes. One will explore the use of small cargo shuttles to link coastal container ships to rural and urban destinations work with North Sea Container Line in cooperation with the Port of Trondheim. The second will involve DFDS and will link Ro-Ro short sea services in BeNeLux to inland waterways. The third will examine how existing small and medium-sized ports can use automation to facilitate the transfer of cargo from trucks to sea working with the ports of Aalborg and Vordingborg.
AEGIS will be coordinated by SINTEF Ocean in Denmark along with the Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz GmbH (ISE), the Technical University of Denmark, (DTU), and Aalborg University.  
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/cargotec-providing-tech-to-automated-waterborne-transportation-project via http://www.rssmix.com/
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Automated Waterborne Transportation Project Underway With EU Support
The effort to develop a connected automated waterborne transport took an important step forward as Cargotec’s Kalmar and MacGregor, leaders in cargo and load handling solutions for ports, terminals, distribution centers, and heavy industry, joined the EU-supported initiative as the technology providers.
“Increasing the level of automation in cargo handling onboard vessels and in ports is critical in terms of developing waterborne logistics systems in inter-European cargo transport,” said Janne Suominen, Manager, Offering Development, MacGregor. “We expect that our involvement in AEGIS will provide valuable input for our strategic initiatives to develop world-leading cargo handling technology for connected and automated transport.”
The Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal Systems (AEGIS) is a three-year project focused on integrating smaller ships, inland transport and short-sea shipping with larger terminals to create a completely new European transport system. The goal is to develop more flexible and user-centric transport, improve services to rural and urban areas, and revitalize regional ports and city terminals. 
“By participating in this project we want to help smaller ports and inland cargo logistics operators to address the challenges they are facing, which include congestion and scaling problems due to heavy road traffic, ever-larger vessel sizes and increasingly limited storage space as well as labor cost and availability,” said Lasse Eriksson, Vice President, Technology, Kalmar Mobile Solutions.
A three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, AEGIS recently announced that it had has secured a €7.5m grant. The project was selected by the EU Commission to show that autonomous ships and port automation technologies can make waterborne transport much more flexible and user-oriented while further reducing the environmental impact of transport in the EU.
AEGIS will develop three case studies located in North Europe that represent typical inter-European transportation modes. One will explore the use of small cargo shuttles to link coastal container ships to rural and urban destinations work with North Sea Container Line in cooperation with the Port of Trondheim. The second will involve DFDS and will link Ro-Ro short sea services in BeNeLux to inland waterways. The third will examine how existing small and medium-sized ports can use automation to facilitate the transfer of cargo from trucks to sea working with the ports of Aalborg and Vordingborg.
AEGIS will be coordinated by SINTEF Ocean in Denmark along with the Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz GmbH (ISE), the Technical University of Denmark, (DTU), and Aalborg University.  
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/cargotec-providing-tech-to-automated-waterborne-transportation-project via http://www.rssmix.com/
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Automated Waterborne Transportation Project Underway With EU Support
The effort to develop a connected automated waterborne transport took an important step forward as Cargotec’s Kalmar and MacGregor, leaders in cargo and load handling solutions for ports, terminals, distribution centers, and heavy industry, joined the EU-supported initiative as the technology providers.
“Increasing the level of automation in cargo handling onboard vessels and in ports is critical in terms of developing waterborne logistics systems in inter-European cargo transport,” said Janne Suominen, Manager, Offering Development, MacGregor. “We expect that our involvement in AEGIS will provide valuable input for our strategic initiatives to develop world-leading cargo handling technology for connected and automated transport.”
The Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal Systems (AEGIS) is a three-year project focused on integrating smaller ships, inland transport and short-sea shipping with larger terminals to create a completely new European transport system. The goal is to develop more flexible and user-centric transport, improve services to rural and urban areas, and revitalize regional ports and city terminals. 
“By participating in this project we want to help smaller ports and inland cargo logistics operators to address the challenges they are facing, which include congestion and scaling problems due to heavy road traffic, ever-larger vessel sizes and increasingly limited storage space as well as labor cost and availability,” said Lasse Eriksson, Vice President, Technology, Kalmar Mobile Solutions.
A three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, AEGIS recently announced that it had has secured a €7.5m grant. The project was selected by the EU Commission to show that autonomous ships and port automation technologies can make waterborne transport much more flexible and user-oriented while further reducing the environmental impact of transport in the EU.
AEGIS will develop three case studies located in North Europe that represent typical inter-European transportation modes. One will explore the use of small cargo shuttles to link coastal container ships to rural and urban destinations work with North Sea Container Line in cooperation with the Port of Trondheim. The second will involve DFDS and will link Ro-Ro short sea services in BeNeLux to inland waterways. The third will examine how existing small and medium-sized ports can use automation to facilitate the transfer of cargo from trucks to sea working with the ports of Aalborg and Vordingborg.
AEGIS will be coordinated by SINTEF Ocean in Denmark along with the Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz GmbH (ISE), the Technical University of Denmark, (DTU), and Aalborg University.  
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/cargotec-providing-tech-to-automated-waterborne-transportation-project via http://www.rssmix.com/
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Automated Waterborne Transportation Project Underway With EU Support
The effort to develop a connected automated waterborne transport took an important step forward as Cargotec’s Kalmar and MacGregor, leaders in cargo and load handling solutions for ports, terminals, distribution centers, and heavy industry, joined the EU-supported initiative as the technology providers.
“Increasing the level of automation in cargo handling onboard vessels and in ports is critical in terms of developing waterborne logistics systems in inter-European cargo transport,” said Janne Suominen, Manager, Offering Development, MacGregor. “We expect that our involvement in AEGIS will provide valuable input for our strategic initiatives to develop world-leading cargo handling technology for connected and automated transport.”
The Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal Systems (AEGIS) is a three-year project focused on integrating smaller ships, inland transport and short-sea shipping with larger terminals to create a completely new European transport system. The goal is to develop more flexible and user-centric transport, improve services to rural and urban areas, and revitalize regional ports and city terminals. 
“By participating in this project we want to help smaller ports and inland cargo logistics operators to address the challenges they are facing, which include congestion and scaling problems due to heavy road traffic, ever-larger vessel sizes and increasingly limited storage space as well as labor cost and availability,” said Lasse Eriksson, Vice President, Technology, Kalmar Mobile Solutions.
A three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, AEGIS recently announced that it had has secured a €7.5m grant. The project was selected by the EU Commission to show that autonomous ships and port automation technologies can make waterborne transport much more flexible and user-oriented while further reducing the environmental impact of transport in the EU.
AEGIS will develop three case studies located in North Europe that represent typical inter-European transportation modes. One will explore the use of small cargo shuttles to link coastal container ships to rural and urban destinations work with North Sea Container Line in cooperation with the Port of Trondheim. The second will involve DFDS and will link Ro-Ro short sea services in BeNeLux to inland waterways. The third will examine how existing small and medium-sized ports can use automation to facilitate the transfer of cargo from trucks to sea working with the ports of Aalborg and Vordingborg.
AEGIS will be coordinated by SINTEF Ocean in Denmark along with the Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz GmbH (ISE), the Technical University of Denmark, (DTU), and Aalborg University.  
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/cargotec-providing-tech-to-automated-waterborne-transportation-project via http://www.rssmix.com/
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