#Janitorial supply store
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jmjanitorial · 3 months ago
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punkbooyahbomber2227 · 8 days ago
i've noticed with the upcoming big run more people are wondering how to clean up objects that get covered with salmonid ink*, so here's my advice:
the same class of airborne microbes that feed on ink spilled on surfaces also break down salmonid ink. it takes a little bit longer than it does with inkfish ink since the microbes in the air where most inkfish live aren't as acclimated to salmonid ink, but you could just air it out and it'll clear up on its own. further cleaning and disinfecting is necessary for food-grade surfaces and toys, same as with inkfish ink once it clears up (which you guys have been doing when cleaning up inked objects anyway right? right?????)
on a similar note, cleaning supply chains stock aerosol cans filled with concentrated microbes to aid in breaking down spilled ink faster (try not to call it "inkbug spray" though since that confuses people half the time). makomart and other general goods stores sell lower concentration microbe spray, typically behind locked shelves they won't open for you unless you show an ID confirming you're above the age of majority. there is a notable difference in speed between the standard spray sold in general stores and the heavy-duty spray used in janitorial work. the specialty concentrate formulas used specifically for inkfish ink, salmonid ink, and other similar bodily fluids do work the fastest on their one thing, but in my opinion they aren't worth using over heavy-duty general spray considering the much higher price point make sure you wear a mask, gloves, and eye protection when using these sprays, and ABSOLUTELY DO NOT use them to flush out salmonid ink from tentacles. it will sting when the spray makes contact with your body, and prolonged exposure can cause rashes and bacterial infection. any sprayed surface must be disinfected once the ink clears up while these sprays are shelf stable and will keep for at least a decade, there was a recall specifically for spray to break down salmonid ink back in 2018 over cross-contamination with norovirus. if, say, you opted for taking one of these cans from your local grizzco branch to give a non-specific example, check the best-by date printed on the can. if it's within the year 2026 or earlier, there's a very high chance it was affected by the norovirus recall
if you are an inkfish and do get salmonid ink staining your tentacles, you can wash it out with the same type of saline solution used in nasal irrigation. the higher the concentration of salmonid ink and longer it stays in, the harder it will be to flush out, but you can get it all out eventually. make sure you take breaks in flushing out your tentacles with saline if you feel it negatively affecting your osmotic pressure
*the term "ink" is only used here for the sake of ease and clarity. salmonids technically don't generate ink like inkfish do, and the fluid in question is better described as a mucus-laden saliva. it isn't any more or less gross to think about for too long than our own pastimes of shooting ink at each other for sport
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limey-self-inserts · 5 months ago
First Day Alive
Word Count: 3.8k words F/Os: The 501st (familial) Summary: Ajax's first meeting with the 501st and Domino Squad, before they even have a name. Content warnings: canon is a sandpit and we are building castles here
Tag list: @lavenoon @mikealys-ael @rexscanonwife @space-sweetheart @bugsband @ssunnybee @avenships @faerie-circle-ships
As ever it did, a storm rolled over the surface of Kamino. It rained more than it shone sunlight out here, but the weather was as much deterrent to those who wanted to reach the secrets on the surface as much as the fleet of starships that floated in space above the planet. Within the clone factory and training base, it was usually impossible to hear any of the storm’s sounds. To do that, you needed to find the quiet spaces in the corridors where the vents drew close, and the thunder could sneak down the metal veins to rumble in the distance. Or you could head to the hangar bay.
“How goes it?” Rex called out to the other trooper who stood to the side of the hangar doors, just barely touched by the rain that lashed the metal floors and roof tops of the smooth domed buildings. Neither of them could see the ocean from here, but it roared louder than the wind. 
“Miserable, but a good light show,” Fox replied, gesturing up towards the skies. Thick clouds were intermittently split by lightning, turning the grey-green sky to hues of blue. And somewhere beyond that, roiling red and orange sparks could be seen descending towards the ocean horizon, far from their reach. Although the sparks were certainly not natural, neither clone trooper reacted with surprise.
“General Shaak Ti had mentioned a Separatist cruiser coming in too close for comfort. Looks like that’s not going to be an issue for us,” Rex commented, folding his arms as he watched the shreds of debris cascade down past the lightning storm.
“Mmm. Someone too bold or too stupid,” Fox agreed. “But that’s their problem now.”
“Was their problem.”
Both clones shared a small smile of amusement, silently laughing over some hapless droids that had been left to burn up in the atmosphere on the orders of someone who hadn’t put their head on straight. Anything that could be a victory, even the destruction of a Separatist cruiser without needing to lift a blaster, was taken as one.
There wasn’t time to celebrate, of course.
“You’re expected in the training facility with the rest of the boys soon,” Rex said. “We might be here on medical but we still need to keep sharp. I’ve got to track down Jesse, so I’ll see you there.”
“Right you are, Captain.” Fox snapped a quick salute before marching back inside alongside Rex, leaving the rolling storm, far away falling debris, and the very close hungry ocean behind the hangar doors.
Ninety-Nine knew the corridors of the Tipoca City facility well. So well in fact he could easily have navigated it blind. Not that he ever had to - the facility was constantly bathed in white light, as if the darkened sky of storm clouds didn’t exist. But he knew each corridor and each store room and every maintenance hatch’s location, a little helping hand for his janitorial duties.
Shuffling along to the next store room along, he ducked aside for a squad of clone infantrymen - freshly graduated from the look and sounds of them, their high spirits and eagerness as they chatted amongst themselves. Ninety-Nine would never count in one of their number on the battlefield, but he took great pride in being a clone still. Important duties needed to be done here at home as much as at war.
The store room door slid open and he pushed the hov-trolley inside. This room was mostly medical supplies, boxes of mediscan units and painkillers alongside huge tanks of bacta, mostly to be shipped off to the front line alongside medic squads. Picking a data-pad off the trolley, Ninety-Nine began to scan over the crates and tanks surrounding him, ticking off what he saw. Anything they needed he would be able to bring to the Kaminoans attention, and then they would ensure the shipments arrived. Although not always in good time, as he noted that the supplies here had already been flagged as needing restocking.
“War’s tough on everyone and everything,” he muttered, holstering the data-pad back on the trolley and beginning to load up a supply run for the medical wing.
What was thudding?
Turning around, his eyes skimmed over the store room. There it was again, that low metal beating sound. The waves were too far below to be able to strike against the sides of the facility, and the storms rarely got so bad as to physically impact the city. So then…
His eyes turned to the maintenance hatch in the floor.
Turning on his heel, Ninety-Nine shuffle-ran for the store room door, grateful for the automation to fling it open fast enough for him to exit. Further gratitude arose as he spotted familiar faces of Domino Squad in the corridor, Fives and Hevy both catching sight of him and rapidly going from delight to concern.
“Ninety-Nine! What’s wrong?” Fives called out, leading the squad to hurry across. Other eyes spotted the attention. Other passing troopers paused to watch. It was a soldier’s instinct - to see the disturbance before it could begin. And Jesse, one of the elite 501st, was the closest to be drawn over with a frown.
“Someone’s below the maintenance hatch,” Ninety-Nine replied breathlessly. “We’ve got a security breach.”
“Shouldn’t we alert the system?” Echo asked quickly.
“Not if we deal with the intruder ourselves,” Heavy replied, hand squeezing on the grip of his blaster pistol. But Jesse stepped in, pushing his hand down and away.
“Are they actively breaking in?” he asked Ninety-Nine, who shook his head.
“Alright. You open the hatch. Domino, you provide cover. I’ll alert the system the moment we start shooting.” 
Domino Squad were still fresh from graduating, waiting for their first assignment, but they moved like a squadron that had been fighting together for years. They filed into the store room as one, flanking around Ninety-Nine as he took position at the entrance hatch. The knocking was beginning to get more rapid, as if the entity below knew that there were people in the room. Briefly the clones all glanced to each other, before Cutup nodded towards Ninety-Nine. He reached down and twisted at the locking system. The hatch hissed. Locks fell back from sockets. The hinge swung upwards. Four blaster pistols readied themselves at the open hole where the storm and wind began to howl from.
A sodden human stared back. Possibly a youngling. They gripped to the emergency escape ladder like it was the only thing keeping them alive, wet hair plastered to their face. Bright blue eyes looked up at the squad and Ninety-Nine, wide and scared and exhausted.
For a moment, no-one moved. The clones waited. The human stared.
“Sorry,” they murmured. “I-I couldn’t find the front door.”
“Kriff’s sake, what’s this supposed to be?” Hevy snapped.
“Could be a spy?” Fives raised.
“We won’t find out leaving them out in the cold, will we?” Droidbait looked over his shoulder to Jesse, who was also caught staring. “Alert General Shaak Ti. Let her know an intruder got into the facility but we have them secured.”
As Jesse turned to speak rapidly into a comms device, Echo holstered his pistol, kneeling down to extend a hand to the human. They took it quickly, a foot slipping from the ladder, but Echo’s strength and their arm pulling onto the room flooring overhead kept both from tumbling back down to the ocean below. He hauled them through, Hevy reaching over to hook a hand under the human’s other arm and help pull them fully into the store room, allowing Ninety-Nine to seal the hatch once more. They lay on the floor, more beached fish than human, gulping down deep breaths as their eyes tried to focus on the figures around them. 
“C’mon, get up,” Hevy said firmly.
“I don’t think they can.” Ninety-Nine approached, kneeling down and taking the human’s pulse. “Heart rate is going too fast.”
“You might need to call in a med-bay,” Echo called over to Jesse. “Looks like they really did climb all the way up from the ocean.”
As the squad continued to discuss over their heads, Ninety-Nine felt fingers catch on the edge of his uniform sleeve. The human caught his eye, and the faintest of smiles slipped past their lips. A faint “Thank you” formed but was not spoken.
He was a good soldier. He hadn’t seen the enemy but knew them well. It seemed wrong that the enemy would come directly to the clone force’s doorstep with a face that was so exhausted.
He held their hand until the medics came in with the gravstretcher.
“Human, planetary origin unknown. Biological age, around twenty six standard years. Anatomically female, although signs of past surgery suggest alternative designation. Much more recent signs of surgeries show the subject to have experienced numerous incisions across the front and sides of the torso, although our medical scans have not picked up on any foreign objects present in the body.”
Nala Se read the results from the data pad in her hands, although her eyes frequently flickered to the individual that lay within the medibed. Shaak Ti also rarely looked away, her face creased by a firm frown, the humming of electrical equipment punctuated by the soft rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor.
“Closer examination of the subject found broken fingernails and bruised pads from impact or attempts to open an object; a near hypothermic state from exposure to cold temperatures; trace amounts of seawater in the lungs; and severe muscle fatigue.” Nala Se now glanced across to Shaak Ti. “Tying in from the Separatist medical robes they were first found in, it would seem that it was not only shipwreck debris that has been falling on Kamino.”
“If escape pods managed to get past the blockade then anything else could have made it past,” Shaak Ti muttered. “This isn’t good.”
“The prime minister will need to be informed,” Nala Se agreed, nodding her head slowly. “Defences must be fortified.”
“Have you managed to identify them?”
“It is….proving to be difficult.”
Something about Nala Se’s hesitancy and body posture carried the tone of embarrassment more than evasiveness. Shaak Ti’s head tilted, her gaze turning to fix upon the Kaminoan scientist. Caught under scrutiny, Nala Se ducked her head down further.
“With our biometric scanners, we are normally well capable of identifying any individual. However, it is reliant on using live tissue. The subject’s tissue….is not live.”
But then - both scientist and general looked back to the medibed. To the heart monitor that beeped steadily away. 
“They are living, are they not?” Shaak Ti questioned.
“They are indeed, general. It is possible there is a technological fault at hand. I will speak to one of the facility technicians to have the subject scanned elsewhere.”
And just like that, the thought was pushed to the back of their minds, where it would remain unwilling to be considered. Far easier to fault the highest state of technology on the planet, than to take into truth the possibility of something that could be alive and dead at the same time.
“I will go to speak with Lama Su,” Shaak Ti says, pulling away towards the exit of the medical room. “I have instructed Domino Squad to guard the intruder until a decision is made as to what will be done with them.”
“I must accompany you, to provide the prime minister with information on the subject’s state,” Nala Se commented, her steps gliding along beside the jedi. “Once we have concluded whether the subject is a threat or not, we will want to take steps to interrogate them as to how they escaped the transport ship, whether before or after the cruiser was brought down by the blockade.”
The room emptied, door sliding closed behind the pair.
Silence. A steady beep. Blue highlights across a still body.
Eyes opened. Head turning to glance towards the door, a steady breath escaping before they lay back again. Eyes closed.
The door slid open again, allowing the tail of a conversation to spill into the quiet space.
“- delaying us from taking proper assignments.”
“This is our assignment now. It’s important for the safety of the facility, for the city, for the rest of our brothers,” Droidbait returned fire to Cutup, who folded his arms.
“I do reckon we don’t need everyone in this room,” he said. “I’d rather keep guard on the front door.”
“That’s a fair call. Who wants front door and who wants inside the room?”
The squad split relatively evenly, Fives and Echo settling on chairs inside the room as the rest of the troopers filed out to the front door. Another silence returned, although this one accompanied by an air of….impatience. Curiosity. Thoughts rotated in the space between.
“Do you think they’re actually a spy?” Echo asked.
“Anyone could be a spy. Could be they put themselves in this condition as a way for us to lower our guard, or they’re just a….” Fives waved a hand through the air. “Bad spy.”
“Guess you’re right about that.” More silence. More thoughts. “It seems risky though. They could’ve been blown up with the Separatist cruiser. If they came down with an escape pod, it might’ve sunk with them inside. Too many holes in that sort of a plan.”
“Who’s to say it wasn’t ejected before the cruiser was blown up?”
“But then the system would’ve flagged it. Instead it was hidden with the debris fall. That’s why no-one was alerted until they were quite literally knocking at the front door.”
“So it was risky, but still perfectly timed to be hidden?”
Echo went silent, and Fives folded his arms as he looked back to the resting figure.
More silence. But fewer thoughts now.
Boredom was easy to slip through the edges. Even good soldiers got bored, and guarding a sleeping body was a sure-fire way to go about it.
“Where do you think we’ll go first?” Echo asked.
“From what I’ve heard, it’s a seventy-thirty shot of being sent straight to the frontlines or posted up on active guard duty. There’s some talk of a new push being made for Hypori. And although Christophsis was cleared up, there’s still skirmishes happening on the planet’s surface that’ll need reinforcements.”
“There’s a lot of talk about Ryloth. Seems risky leaving the Separatists to establish a base there without sending in troops to counter-.”
“Orders are orders. We wait for the command to come as to where to go.”
The chatter eased through, back and forth, falling and rising through periods of quiet to moments of casual discussion. There was more silence than talk - the reason for their presence wasn’t forgotten.
But it meant the room, for a while, was disconnected from the rest of the facility. So when the blue lighting switched to emergency red, it jolted Fives and Echo into action immediately. 
“What’s happening?” Fives called out to the rest of the squad, opening the door to look outside. The corridors, normally so bright and clear, were now also bathed in red lighting. Troopers ran to their stations, calling out to one another. Domino Squad bristled in their posts, watching as others hurried to where they might be needed.
“Security breach. A proper one this time,” Droidbait replied. “Comm chatter says it’s Separatist droids, stealth bots.”
“Looks like something did come down with the debris fall,” Echo muttered. “The intruder hasn’t done anything over here, so the droids are something separate.”
“We need to gear up and get moving,” Cutup said, Hevy nodding in agreement. But Droidbait shook his head.
“We have our orders to guard this intruder.”
“They’re not doing anything, look at-”
All eyes focused on the human that was very much sat up in the medibed, tentatively shifting over the edge with feet dangling towards the floor. They froze at the sound of no further talking, meeting their gaze.
“I can help.”
Cutup snorted in amusement.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to make demands.”
“I’m not demanding I just…I can help,” the human replied, voice shaking. “You said it was droids.”
“How long have you been awake?” Fives questioned, beginning to prickle. How much had been listened to, eavesdropped on.
“Just for the important bit.” They dropped down the short distance off the medibed and their knees buckled immediately, forcing them to cling to the handles of the bed-frame. Despite the hesitation, despite the tension, Echo took the few steps forward. Slinging an arm under their shoulders, he hoisted them upright.
It was like the first breath before a lightning strike. Hair over his body standing on end, the edges of his armour buzzing just barely to be noticeable, a metallic taste across his tongue.
“I can help,” the human repeated, insistently, looking up towards Echo. And he believed them.
“I think they can help,” he said, glancing back to his squad, who all recoiled in various levels of disbelief and confusion.
“Echo, now is not the time to be acting a di’kut,” Droidbait muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We just managed to pull through graduation, we cannot be spoiling that by assisting an intruder in doing goodness only knows.”
“Look at them, they can barely stand, do you think they’re a threat to us?”
“That makes this worse, you realise? How can they help if they can’t even walk?”
The lights above them flickered. Somewhere deeper in the facility came the echoes of blaster fire. Somewhere in the red there was a haze of blue.
“We managed to conquer the Citadel by trusting each other,” Fives said, slowly, picking through the words. “I can’t see what Echo sees, but we are all brothers, aren’t we? Maybe this will prove us well too.”
That seemed to bring a shift in the squad. Cutup still looked reluctant, but Hevy was beginning to glance over his shoulder, in the direction of the blaster fire.
“Wouldn’t this count as keeping our post? We’re still guarding the intruder, just…not in the med-bay,” he raised. Droidbait’s gaze flickered madly from him, to Fives, to Echo, to the human.
“If we get court-martialed for this, I’m putting all the blame on you lot,” Droidbait muttered, as he unholstered his pistol and activated it.
“If we get court-martialed.”
“What’s your plan?” Echo asked the human, who’d been steadily leaving more of their weight in his hands. He could hold it at least.
“I need to see one of the droids. I can take care of them from there.”
“You heard the civvie. Let’s go droid hunting,” Hevy commented, beginning to head further down the corridor.  
Boots and bare feet fell against the metal flooring, footsteps swallowed behind the background of the alarm blaring. Blaster fire rattled like rain on a hollow roof, echoing louder and louder the further and further Domino Squad proceeded. Rounding a corner together, the sound of the fight washed in hard. Hevy and Cutup split to the opposite side of the T-junction’s mouth, giving cover fire for the other clones who had cornered a pair of stealth droids - lanky bastards that, for any other droid, would be pinned down under the heavy fire, but even now were progressing bit-by-bit up the corridor.
Glancing back towards the reinforcements, Kix and Jesse both went from relief to confusion to alarm. Sensing the pause from his fellow brothers, Rex took a quick look over his shoulder and it was only thanks to the cover of Domino Squad that they were able to maintain the blaster pressure.
“Really? You brought a civvie to a firefight?” Rex questioned as Kix hurried back towards the squad, relieving Echo of his cargo for the moment. The human was visibly sweating under the emergency lighting, but their eyes were clear and hands steady as they accepted the new arm to support them.
“They said they can help,” Echo replied, kneeling down to join Jesse’s side with pistol in hand.
“Oh, I’d like to see what that means.” Jesse rolled his eyes.
Kix didn’t speak up. His gaze was firmly on the human’s hands that were lifted into the air. Their focus trained on the stealth droids, further down the corridor. 
The smell of the storm warped its way through the ventilation system. Or maybe it came from a different source entirely.
With a harsh crackle, electricity sprung from the human’s fingertips. Arching down the corridor in the blink of an eye, the lightning connected with one droid, then the second. Both froze in place, limbs jerking wildly as their wires and connections were burnt to a crisp.
The human dropped, and Kix dropped with them, but it was on purpose instead of fatigue. Palms flat on the floor, those threads of lightning bounced into the metal of the facility, racing through the maintenance tunnels and cords of wires. They’d dug into the droids, and knew how they felt under the bright blue electricity that rolled off them.
Across the facility, the other stealth droids jolted, electrocuted from the sudden burst of electricity that sprung from the floors and walls. The scrap came to as an abrupt halt as it had started, clone troopers and one jedi staring in disbelief as the droids fell to the ground, smoke wafting from their joints.
The human gritted their teeth together, eyes alight with a glow that was almost white. Steam and smoke rolled off their back and shoulders, curled from under their fingertips. Thinking and acting rapidly, Fives rushed forward and brought the butt of his blaster rifle hard on the back of their head.
Silence. Still bodies on the ground. The creeping smell of ozone and petrichor lingered.
“You alright?” Jesse asked, pulling Kix to his feet.
“I’m fine,” Kix replied, turning his hands over in disbelief. He’d been supporting them up until Fives knocked them out, yet not a single burn or char appeared on his palms, or anywhere on his armour.
Lifting the human back up into his arms, Echo felt very aware of how fast his heart was beating. Adrenaline was a natural thing, and he was swimming in it now, just from proximity to this…person? This thing? They’d nearly burned themselves inside out. Had they even known what they were going to do?
I can help.
“General Shaak Ti will have to be informed,” Jesse said firmly. “Again."
"Get them back to the medical bay, so any damage they dealt to themselves can be treated," Rex added in. "There'll be discussions about your decisions another time. But at the very least...good job, Domino Squad."
“They did help,” Fives muttered, glancing away as he holstered his rifle, unwilling to look back at the human’s face. Domino Squad began to tail away towards the med-bay again, only too aware of the murmurings that were already beginning to snake through those present. That the squad had brought a civvie in, and the civvie had brought the storm indoors.
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crowblincray · 6 months ago
So I have at least 20 years of experience in the janitorial profession. (Work at a grocery store now) The number of stories I have from said time are kinda crazy.
I've cleaned for so many various businesses and have cleaned homes and apartments.
Most people don't think of the cleaning staff. It's a mostly thankless job, you're basically invisible until someone has something to complain about.
The pay usually sucks, at least with the companies I worked for. No benefits, no days off, no breaks.
You get to see a side of the world that most don't even think about.
I have a lot of ghost stories in particular. A lot of places I worked at had weird occurrences and paranormal things. Something about night time in various locations really changes things.
I grew up with an awareness of unexplainable things. My mom never told me ghosts didn't exist or anything like that. If anything, she had her own stories from her childhood.
I don't expect other people to believe my stories or beliefs about things. If you read my stories and want to think of it as just spooky stories, so be it. I'm not here to convince anyone.
That being said.
The most haunted place I ever cleaned for was a private school.
To my knowledge, it's no longer there and was torn down some years ago but I haven't bothered to confirm. I never want to go back to that place.
Now ghosts and weird stuff don't easily scare me. I cleaned for other buildings that had resident ghosts that I became familiar with and even kind of befriended, maybe?
Anyway this place in particular was bad. I don't know what it was about it.
During the day it was beautiful. Birds singing, squirrels running around. 8 acres, 10 buildings. Quiet area.
At night, the place changed. I once had a moment there that felt straight out of silent hill. I worked there with only one other person and sometimes completely alone.
One afternoon as the sun was going down we were outside of the performance building they had for plays and the science fair they did, etc. There was an airforce base within close proximity. The storm sirens at the base started up just as the last bit of light fell behind the horizon. Sounding just like the silent hill sirens. The area instantly felt different, malevolent. The woman I worked with felt it too. A large southern black lady who didn't scare easily. She shuddered at the same time I felt a chill and loudly declared, "Whelp, time to get in the building!" And left to go back inside. Me following right behind her.
The bugs that would infest that place were Massive. I usually don't mind most bugs but I'm talking centipedes that looked like living ostrich feathers that had no fear of humans. Various other bugs I'd never seen or heard of at the time.
It felt like it would rain every night there. Sometimes only on that property. One time I got so mad about it since I had to go outside and walk to each building carrying all my cleaning supplies and would get drenched in the process. One night I screamed at the sky in frustration, "Stop Fucking Raining!" At the top of my lungs at the sky. Oddly enough it did a few minutes later.
The place felt like it had a mind of its own. Like it was alive. I know it sounds crazy. Yes there were ghosts there but there was something about it that scared me more than the ghosts.
You know how at night big glass windows kind of turn into black mirrors and you can't see outside? Just a reflection of the inside?
I'd see kids in the windows all the time following me around. In one building there was a tall black figure I could see following behind me all the time.
The performance building I mentioned earlier had an old man I'd see there sometimes. Now to turn the lights off in that building you had to go All the way behind where the stage was and flip them off and walk back to the front door in pitch black. I didn't have a flashlight either. Now I'm not afraid of the dark, never really have been. I usually find it comforting. As soon as I would flip that light off I'd feel like I had to run out of there. Like I was being chased out by the old man. I don't think he liked people being around after dark.
I'd constantly hear my name being called or people talking though no one was there. I'd ask the other lady if she had called for me or anything. She never did. She was encountering the same kind of things that I was.
It got so bad and I started getting so paranoid and distracted that I started bringing music with me to drown it out. To try and ignore all the creepy crap just so I could get my work done. My coworker began to do the same.
Time would seem to warp some nights. Things that should have only been 20 or 30 minutes long would in actuality be over an hour.
Other times, nights that seemed to go on forever were relatively short. I usually have really good time management with that job so it was really weird.
There is one funny story about that place I'll never forget though.
The place had two huge gates that leads into the campus that were kept locked at night. One being right in front of the very first building.
It was around 2/3am, pouring rain outside. I had just finished bagging the trash in that building and was dragging it out the front door. We would leave the bags of garbage at the front of the buildings to collect at the end of our shift.
I was there alone that night. The road in front of the school was usually completely dead that time of night. I hadn't seen any cars go by at this point.
One lone car is going down the road and comes to a stop right by the gate as I'm putting the bags down. They roll their window down and turn their radio up.
It's blasting Set fire to the rain by Adele.
I stare at the car.
They drive off.
I shake my head and walked back into the building.
When we were given the news that we had been fired from that place I felt no panic or anxiety that I would usually feel at such news.
I was relieved.
I might try and post some other stories here sometime, but that place will always stick in my mind.
P.S. little funny fact. It was the exact same private school my mom had sent me for kindergarten/1st grade. Lol.
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mobilejanitorialsupply1 · 11 months ago
Easy Tips to Clean Out the Garage
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Is your garage starting to resemble a cluttered storage unit rather than a functional space? Don't worry; you're not alone. Garages often become dumping grounds for everything from old furniture to holiday decorations and forgotten sports equipment. However, reclaiming this valuable space doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. With a few simple tips and the right supplies from Mobile Janitorial Supply, you can transform your garage into an organized and functional area in no time.
1. Declutter First
Before diving into the cleaning process, take some time to declutter your garage. Sort through items and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. Be ruthless – if you haven't used something in over a year, chances are you don't need it. Clearing out unnecessary items will make the cleaning process much more manageable.
2. Gather Your Supplies
Having the right cleaning supplies on hand is essential for a successful garage cleanout. At Mobile Janitorial Supply, we offer a wide range of products to suit your needs, including trash liners, cleaning chemicals, and equipment. Stock up on essentials like brooms, mops, and storage bins to help tackle dirt and clutter effectively.
3. Create Zones
Once you've decluttered and gathered your supplies, it's time to create zones in your garage. Designate areas for different purposes such as storage, workspace, and parking. This will help you maximize space and keep items organized in the long run.
4. Start from the Top Down
When it comes to cleaning, always start from the top down. Begin by dusting shelves and overhead storage areas, then work your way down to the floor. This will prevent dust and debris from settling on already cleaned surfaces.
5. Use Proper Storage Solutions
Invest in proper storage solutions to keep your garage organized and clutter-free. Shelving units, pegboards, and overhead racks are great options for maximizing vertical space. Clear storage bins are also useful for storing seasonal items and keeping them visible and accessible.
6. Maintain Regularly
Once your garage is clean and organized, make an effort to maintain it regularly. Set aside time each month for quick touch-ups and decluttering sessions to prevent clutter from accumulating again.
At Mobile Janitorial Supply, we understand the importance of a clean and organized space. With our extensive range of janitorial supplies and equipment, we're here to help you tackle any cleaning project, including garage cleanouts. Visit our website today to shop our products and experience a hassle-free ordering process. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a pristine garage – you'll thank yourself later!
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bobathirstaccount · 2 years ago
Priceless Pt 5
Boba x fem!reader, slight action/adventure, no smut, bit of fluff, bit of angst
“Shit. Fuck.” You whispered to yourself as you laid crumpled in some kind of ventilation system. You noisily scrambled up a tube. There was no other way to do it. You got to the top and stopped abruptly, holding your breath and waiting. Nothing happened. You exhaled quietly and started to shimmy along the air duct you found yourself in.
You kept going, peering through the occasional vent. Nothing looked promising. Finally you found yourself looking into a storage closet. You quietly opened the latch for the vent. Nearly dropping it, you pulled it up and pushed it across from you. You stuck your head down into the dimmed room warily. No one was there. It was quite small, storing what looked like basic janitorial supplies.
You hopped down. You cast a hurried gaze around the room and saw a locker. Inside was a spare janitor’s outfit; a grey loose fitting onesie you slipped into. You grabbed some supplies and nonchalantly slipped out into the corridor. Not knowing where to go and seeing no one, you turned right and walked at what you thought was a normal speed. You tried to look purposeful, but casual.
You wandered for what felt like forever, but you estimated was more realistically 10 minutes or so. Finally you found a console. You typed in your mentor’s name, trying just for sport. It worked. Your jaw dropped as his booking information was displayed; he was in cell block A1, cell 356. Your body got tingly and you grabbed the console, feeling light headed. This was all a lot to have happen. You shook your head and tried to pull up a map. No luck. Where the hell were you, to begin with, let alone your Commander?
You wandered a bit more until you found a small cafeteria. A few officers were chatting as they finished their meals. You emptied the trash can, trying to spy on them. They were talking about administrative squabbles and office gossip. Nothing useful.
You left the room with the garbage in hand, unsure what to do with it now. You turned left and continued your exploration of the detention center. It felt bigger than it looked on the outside. You found a trash compactor and acted as if you knew it’d be there. Tossing the trash, you happened to see a maintenance console. This one was password protected. You tried password123. Nothing. Password 1234. Nope. Admin. Success. You rolled your eyes. Jeez.
You found an actual map. You found your destination, but couldn’t figure out where you were. You found what you thought was the cafeteria you’d been in earlier. You followed your trail until you found the symbol for the garbage compactor. Success. Next you found the closest exit to you destination. It was very close, you saw. Carefully locking the screen, you took off more quickly than you should’ve.
You stood in front of the door, confused. Now what? The door was locked. You tried all the basic passwords you could think of. This time, nothing worked. You grew nervous. As a janitor you shouldn’t be here. Your cover was thin.
You grabbed a flathead screwdriver from your pocket and undid the panel. Behind it was a sea of wires. You stared blankly. So many colors. So many options. Finally you decided to let Lady Luck take the wheel and disconnected a blue wire that seemed like it might be connected to the locking mechanism. Nothing happened. You undid some more wires frantically and started crossing them, trying to short circuit the door.
Smoke appeared and sparks happened, but the door stayed closed. Finally you gave up. What else could you do? You noticed a fuse panel at the end of the hallway. You went up to it and got it open. You gulped, hoping that turning off the power would release the maglocks on the doors. Then you could pull it open.
You turned off all the switches. Sprinting back to cell 356, you manifested the door opening. You knocked three times, then started to pull on the door. You grunted, pulling hard. The door stubbornly slid open a bit. You readjusted and grabbed the edge of the door. Pulling, you exclaimed, “It’s me! Help me open the door we gotta go!”

”What! How?!” But he cut himself short and put all his effort into the door. An alarm started blaring. Someone had noticed the power outage. You took off with him. As you turned the first corner, you got shot at. The guards were ready. You were pulled backwards into the safety of the cell block hallway.
“Shit!” You realized you hadn’t thought about alternative escape routes. Now what? You just had to wing it, you realized. You grabbed your mentor and pulled him. He ran with you down the corridor, away from the blaster fire this time. Miraculously, your stunt paid off. You found yourself rounding a corner into a quiet passageway. You sprinted down it, heart pounding and lungs burning. But you couldn’t stop.
“This way!” You turned back and followed your boss. He yelled over his shoulder, “I remember how they took me in — I can get us out.”
You ran.

You hid in the hangar for hours, waiting for a ship to arrive so the doors would open and you could run out, undetected. Hopefully. It was risky but the only thing either of you could think to do. The compound was surely locked down now. You weren’t even sure if they would open the doors for a ship.
“How’d you get in here? Where’s the rest of the rescue team?”
“Uh, I came alone. The interim commander wouldn’t believe me when I said you were here.”

”Oh.” He was quiet for a moment. Then he started, “Kiddo, we’ve got a lot to talk about when we get out of here. Impulsivity, for one. Bravery for another, but look, you should not be here alone.”
You nodded, “I know, but no one else would come.” You sniffled, realizing you were upset about Boba’s refusal to help you.
“Hold it in for now, kiddo. Everything is okay, for now. When they open these doors, well, we’ll just see what happens. Thank you, for coming to get me.”
You sniffled some more but recovered after a few minutes. Another hour passed in silence. Your head nodded; you couldn’t believe it but you were falling asleep. Out of nowhere a creaking sounded behind you. You turned your head; the doors were opening!

”Get ready kiddo,” your mentor patted you on the shoulder.
The ship came screaming in, landing with a bit of flare. It was a prison transport. You were pushed forward. You ran. Somehow, you made it outside and down the hill. But at the bottom you were spotted by a drone. It screamed an alarm as the two of you ran into the forest. You somehow got your bearings and veered left.
You heard Imperial ships above you, flying low and slow. You were about 5 minutes from the road, and then a friendly walk to the station to catch a monorail.
“We can make it,” you explained the rest of the route to your mentor.
He nodded, “Risky, but if we get on the monorail we just might make it. Now, take off that janitor outfit or we’ll get some suspicious looks, if we make it that far.”
You looked down, surprised. You had forgotten. You unzipped it and kicked it off and under a bush. You readjusted your shirt and were ready again. The two of you took off and beelined to the very edge of the road. It was dimly lit and deserted. It looked very inviting. Too inviting? You both hesitated, straining your senses trying to find the hidden danger you feared.
Nothing. It was just quiet. A ship flew overhead, its spotlight hitting the road for a moment. But it continued on. Your mentor pulled you, “Come.” You scrambled over uneven ground alongside the road, all the way up to the station.
He observed for a moment before explaining his plan. You nodded your understanding. You made a break for it when the next monorail arrived. Instead of boarding it normally, you dropped and rolled under it and grabbed ahold of the bar your mentor said would be there. You pulled yourself up and over it, grabbing the next piece you were supposed to. Finally you came to rest; you were allegedly in a safe place to ‘catch a ride.’ The monorail took off. It glided along, picking up speed until you felt sure you’d die if you fell.
You travelled all the way to the heart of the city, then dropped down and rolled out of the way. You jumped up onto the crowded platform, grabbing your mentor’s hand. The two of you put your heads down and walked for the 12 blocks it was to where your ship waited.
“What a cutie,” he commented as you boarded your ship.

“Thanks,” you laughed, giddy. You felt as if you were getting away with it after all. You took off and casually made your way through traffic, waiting your turn so as to not draw attention. Finally you were routed out and upwards, into space. You made the jump to light speed and sat back. Your mentor leaned over and hugged you. “We did it, kiddo… somehow, “he laughed, “we pulled it off.”
You started crying and laughing at the same time, overwhelmed with relief and residual fear and… guilt. You stuffed the guilt down deep.
The trip was quick. After 30 minutes, you dropped out of jump space in front of the Reballion’s new home base. You piloted in, notifying flight control you were coming in with The Commander. Confused, they told you that Wasn’t Funny.
The Commander took over comms, speaking calmly in a reassuring tone. The comms officer freaked out and forgot how to do their job for a minute. Once you were finally landed, you were pulled out of your ship by a cheering crowd. Everyone was crying, laughing, yelling, talking over each other. It was a riot of joy and relief. The Commander gave a small speech, then pulled you into the spotlight. Thanking you, he credited you singlehandedly with his rescue.
You gulped, feeling guilty. If only he knew how you had come by the information. Not so noble.

You flew home after a spontaneous party had erupted. It was still going, but you wanted Boba. You needed Boba. You hurried back to him. Back home.
You arrived to a darkened hangar. You were approximately 20 hours later than you’d said you would be. You gulped. What were you going to say?
You hurried up to his ship. The cargo bay door was open invitingly. You scurried up and into the ship. Boba was there, sitting. His helmet was off and he had several empty bottles of whiskey around him.
Your guts churned.

“Oh, here you are. So you got him, hm. I’m impressed… Tell me how you pulled it off.”
“I… I… I’m sorry.” You stood awkwardly, your heart in your throat.
He sipped from his fourth bottle of fire whiskey. “You know, you did surprise me…”
You started to sob.
“… definitely didn’t see that one coming.” He shrugged.
You ran over to him and threw yourself into his lap. “I’m sorry, once I realized I could, I couldn’t not… I didn’t want him to die. You did what you did for money; I did what I did for love.”
“But not love for me.” He was very quiet.
“I would do worse for you, baby,” you tried to kiss him but he pushed you away with one arm. With the other he continued to drink.
“Please, please, I love you so much. I just couldn’t let him die.”
“You know what they did, right?”

“They called me right away… I’m to track him down again, and the person who busted him out. So they can make an example of you.”
“Did you take the contract?” You were stunned.
“Vader himself commed me. Man, he’s pissed. He knows how important your mentor is to your Cause.”
“Baby I’m sorry. I know I betrayed your trust. I didn’t want to. I don’t want to again.”

”Until I do another job you don’t like.” He sipped his drink loudly. “Anyway, the contract’s only good for 72 hours, then the reward goes down substantially.”
“Please talk to me —“

”I am, you’re just not listening.”
“You’ve done plenty of jobs I haven’t liked in the past. But this was different.”

”Oh yeah, of course…”
“So now what?” You looked into his eyes earnestly.
He was furious. But he controlled himself, “Get off my ship. I’ll give you 24 hours head start, cause you pulled a good one over me and I respect that. But after that I’m coming for both of you.”
You thought you were having a heart attack for a moment, “P-please. Boba. Don’t do this. We’re so good together.”

“Please baby,” you whispered.
“If you stay much longer you’re gonna forfeit your head start.” He was emotionless.
You sat in his lap, debating. Did you run? Did you stay? Would he really turn you over?

”I know what you’re wondering. You’re wondering if I’m really gonna do it. You really wanna find out the hard way?”

You stood and backed away. You didn’t want to die in an Imperial prison. “Go.” He stood, swaying slightly. “Rebel scum.”

You cried silent tears. “Go!” He yelled. Turning away from him, you fled to your ship. You took off, scratching his ship as you did. Hurriedly, you exited orbit and flew to one of the moons. You put the ship in autopilot and stared at the nearby planet.
He was really coming for you. You knew there was no way you could escape him. So the only real question was, what was going to happen when he saw you again?
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wetleavesandfeathers · 2 years ago
It's been 364 days since I quit my job at the gas station and the universe decided to reward me with a literally shitty day at work today.
I work at a big box retail store, mostly in the snack bar by the checkouts. We were understaffed for the crowds we got today. I can handle busy, but at a certain point we start falling behind and need people from other departments to help out for a bit so we can get caught up. Unfortunately when people who aren't normally in our department are helping out, we aren't as efficient and more mistakes happen, and we have to spend extra time and effort correcting the errors and appeasing angry customers.
I escaped to go take short break and made the critical error of stopping to use the restroom before going back to my department. I discovered that someone had smeared feces all over the stall. This wasn't a simple case of someone losing control of their bowels before being properly positioned over the toilet, it was so extreme that I don't see how it could have happened without deliberate malice. This kind of thing happened with alarming frequency at the gas station, it doesn't usually happen at BoxMart*.
I retrieved the appropriate PPE and cleaning supplies from the janitorial closet and dealt with the mess. I used the tiny wastebasket inside the stall as a temporary holder for the soiled paper towels and accidentally knocked it off the wall directly onto my foot and I'm pretty sure I howled but did not swear in front of the small children who were observing me.
I then went back into the janitorial closet in search of a replacement liner for the wastebasket and started crying when I couldn't find it. Not my finest moment but I was Having That Kind Of Day.
I lasted a couple more hours but did end up asking for permission to go home early.
*Obviously not the actual name of my employer.
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carrilloscleaningservices · 2 years ago
Tips For Choosing Essential Cleaning Supplies
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Cleaning supplies are needed for many different reasons. These can be very useful tools for those in the cleaning industry, whether it is residential or commercial. If you want to overhaul a whole room in your house or are simply looking to buy essentials there are many options available.
Determine what these products will be used for. You probably do not want to waste a lot on cleaning solutions or cleaners if you're in the business of cleaning. You can find what you are looking for at janitorial supply companies. These businesses offer discounts on bulk purchases. Determine whether or not you need products for indoors or outdoors if you plan to do a major project around the house. You can save money by shopping at bulk stores like Sam's Club or Costco.
It's probably easiest to stock up on the essentials. It's probably okay to buy name brands, but most of the time store brands work as well and are cheaper.
It is essential to consider how you intend to use the supplies before you purchase them. If you have a lot of dirt that has been stuck to the surface or if an area is dirty and neglected, it will take more cleaners and solutions to make them look like new. It is better to purchase cheaper products in these cases. Also, tools like sponges and scrubbers should be considered. It can take a great deal of elbow grease and lots of effort to remove dirt that has accumulated in an area over time. However, you do not want to harm any surfaces. This can be done with a sponge that has a coarser side. A stiff toothbrush will also work.
There are other tools that you might need in order to complete a task or work. You may require brooms and mops as well as rags, scrubbers or trash bags. Before buying, look around the house for items like these. Try to check out the janitorial supplies store first before you pay retail. These supply stores will send you a free catalogue with the merchandise. If they have a company website, it may also include product pictures and descriptions.
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theknightlywolfe · 5 months ago
I have full systemic, almost instant, allergies to a common artificial lemon. Think the cheapest lemon scented cleaner you can imagine (and dollar store lemon baking mixes). Burns my skin, closes my throat, etc. I have had nurses and doctors look at my forms when I go for an examination and give me a look for putting it down and I have to remind them I don't know what cleaning products their facilities are using and if it is the wrong one I might be slowly losing the ability to breathe because of the extended low level exposure. It's a little disheartening how many medical professionals don't consider the possible impact of the janitorial supply budget on patients. Especially considering that the products themselves always have safety warnings as long as your arm.
Okay Wait I need to test something
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jamesvince9898 · 7 days ago
Professional Commercial Cleaning Services in Phoenix and Scottsdale
Maintaining a clean and sanitized environment is essential for every business and organization. At The MJ Company - Phoenix Janitorial, we specialize in delivering top-tier commercial cleaning services that ensure your workspace remains spotless and inviting. With years of expertise, our team provides exceptional cleaning solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of offices, churches, and commercial establishments in Phoenix and Scottsdale.
Our commitment to excellence, combined with our use of high-quality cleaning products and equipment, guarantees a pristine and healthy workplace. Whether you need regular janitorial services or deep cleaning solutions, The MJ Company - Phoenix Janitorial is your trusted partner in creating a hygienic and professional environment.
Church Cleaning Companies: Ensuring a Sacred and Pristine Space
Churches serve as places of worship, reflection, and community gatherings, making cleanliness an essential aspect of their upkeep. As one of the leading church cleaning companies in Phoenix and Scottsdale, we provide specialized cleaning services tailored to the unique requirements of religious facilities.
Our team understands the importance of maintaining a serene and sanitized environment within places of worship. From dusting pews and altars to ensuring restrooms and common areas are impeccably clean, we take great care in preserving the sacredness of your space. Our cleaning solutions prioritize hygiene, helping to create a welcoming atmosphere for congregants.
Office Cleaning in Scottsdale: A Clean Workspace for Enhanced Productivity
A clean office is vital for boosting employee productivity and creating a positive impression on clients. Our office cleaning services in Scottsdale cater to businesses of all sizes, ensuring that workplaces remain organized, sanitary, and conducive to professional success.
Our comprehensive office cleaning services include:
Dusting and wiping down desks, chairs, and office furniture
Vacuuming and mopping floors to maintain cleanliness
Disinfecting high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs and keyboards
Emptying trash bins and restocking essential supplies
Deep cleaning restrooms and breakrooms
By partnering with The MJ Company - Phoenix Janitorial, businesses can enjoy a cleaner, healthier work environment that promotes employee well-being and efficiency.
Commercial Cleaning in Scottsdale: Reliable Solutions for Businesses
Commercial establishments require consistent and thorough cleaning to maintain a professional image and ensure the health of employees and customers. Our commercial cleaning services in Scottsdale are designed to meet the needs of various industries, including retail stores, restaurants, healthcare facilities, and corporate offices.
We provide tailored cleaning plans that accommodate your business’s schedule, ensuring minimal disruption to daily operations. Our services include carpet cleaning, floor polishing, window washing, and deep sanitization. Whether you need daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning, we offer flexible solutions that fit your requirements.
Comprehensive Cleaning in Phoenix: Keeping Your Space Spotless
Our cleaning services in Phoenix go beyond the basics, offering detailed and customized cleaning plans for various industries. We take pride in delivering superior janitorial services that help maintain a pristine and hygienic environment.
We utilize eco-friendly cleaning products and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure safe and effective cleaning. Our team is highly trained and adheres to industry standards to provide unparalleled results. Whether you need routine maintenance cleaning or a one-time deep clean, The MJ Company - Phoenix Janitorial is your go-to solution.
Why Choose The MJ Company - Phoenix Janitorial?
Experienced and Professional Staff: Our team is highly trained and dedicated to delivering top-quality cleaning services.
Customized Cleaning Plans: We offer flexible cleaning schedules tailored to your needs.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions: We use environmentally safe products to promote a healthier workplace.
Reliable and Efficient Services: We prioritize punctuality and thoroughness in every cleaning task.
Competitive Pricing: Our services are affordable without compromising on quality.
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jandrcleaning · 8 days ago
Why Choose Fort McMurray Cleaning Services?
Keeping your home or business clean is essential for a healthy and productive environment. However, finding the time and energy to maintain a spotless space can be challenging, especially with a busy schedule. That’s where professional cleaning services in Fort McMurray come in. Whether you need routine house cleaning, deep cleaning, or commercial janitorial services, local professionals offer customized solutions to meet your needs.
In this blog, we’ll explore the key reasons why hiring a cleaning service in Fort McMurray is a smart decision.
1. Experienced and Trained Cleaning Professionals
One of the main reasons to choose a professional cleaning service & & residential cleaning company Fort McMurray, AB is the expertise they bring. Trained cleaners have extensive knowledge of cleaning techniques, the proper use of products, and how to handle different surfaces without causing damage.
They also follow industry best practices to ensure thorough and efficient cleaning. Whether it’s tackling stubborn stains, disinfecting high-touch areas, or using eco-friendly cleaning methods, these professionals know how to get the job done right.
2. Saves Time and Effort
Cleaning takes time, and with a busy lifestyle, it can be difficult to keep up with regular chores. Hiring a cleaning service allows you to focus on other important tasks while experts handle the cleaning for you.
Whether it’s a weekly, bi-weekly, or one-time deep clean, outsourcing these tasks frees up your schedule and reduces stress. Instead of spending your weekends scrubbing floors or dusting shelves, you can relax and enjoy your time with family and friends.
3. Customized Cleaning Plans
Every home and business has unique cleaning needs. Local cleaning services in Fort McMurray offer flexible and tailored cleaning plans to suit your specific requirements.
Some common cleaning services include:
Residential Cleaning – Regular housekeeping, deep cleaning, and seasonal cleaning.
Commercial Cleaning – Office spaces, retail stores, and industrial facilities.
Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning – Ensuring a spotless space for new tenants or owners.
Post-Construction Cleaning – Removing dust and debris after renovation projects.
By choosing a cleaning service that offers customized plans, you can ensure that every area of your space is cleaned to your satisfaction.
4. Healthier Living and Working Environment
A clean environment is crucial for maintaining good health. Dust, dirt, and allergens can accumulate over time, leading to respiratory issues and other health problems.
Professional cleaners use high-quality cleaning products and equipment to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and allergens from your home or workplace. They also focus on disinfecting high-touch areas, such as doorknobs, countertops, and light switches, reducing the risk of illness.
For businesses, a clean workspace boosts employee morale, enhances productivity, and creates a positive impression for clients and visitors.
5. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Options
Many cleaning companies in Fort McMurray prioritize environmentally friendly cleaning methods. If you’re concerned about the impact of harsh chemicals on your family, pets, or employees, you can choose a service that uses non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning products.
Eco-friendly cleaning solutions not only promote a healthier indoor environment but also contribute to sustainability efforts by reducing pollution and waste.
6. Professional Equipment and Supplies
Professional cleaning services & office cleaning services Fort McMurray use industrial-grade equipment and top-quality cleaning supplies to achieve superior results. From HEPA-filter vacuums that remove allergens to steam cleaners that sanitize surfaces, they have the right tools for every job.
By hiring a cleaning service, you don’t have to worry about purchasing or storing expensive cleaning products and equipment. The professionals come prepared with everything needed to leave your space spotless.
7. Reliable and Consistent Cleaning Results
One of the biggest challenges of maintaining a clean space is consistency. Life gets busy, and it’s easy to overlook certain areas during routine cleaning. Professional cleaners follow a systematic approach to ensure no detail is missed.
With a dedicated team handling your cleaning needs, you can expect reliable and high-quality results every time. Whether you need a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, a professional cleaning service guarantees a consistently clean environment.
8. Enhanced Property Value and Longevity
Regular cleaning helps maintain the condition of your home or commercial property. Dirt, grime, and mold buildup can cause damage to floors, walls, and appliances over time.
By keeping your space clean and well-maintained, you can extend the lifespan of carpets, furniture, and fixtures, ultimately saving money on repairs and replacements. If you plan to sell your property, a professionally cleaned space can also enhance its market value and appeal to potential buyers.
9. Stress-Free Moving and Special Event Cleaning
If you’re moving into a new home or preparing for a big event, professional cleaning services can make the process stress-free.
Move-in cleaning ensures your new home is fresh and sanitized before you settle in.
Move-out cleaning helps you leave your previous residence in excellent condition, which can be essential for renters looking to get their security deposit back.
Event cleaning services are ideal for pre- and post-event cleanups, making sure your venue is spotless before guests arrive and efficiently cleaned up afterward.
10. Affordable and Cost-Effective Solutions
Hiring a cleaning service may seem like an extra expense, but it’s actually a cost-effective investment. Consider the value of your time, the cost of cleaning supplies, and the potential for damage if improper cleaning methods are used.
With affordable pricing options and flexible service plans, you can find a cleaning solution that fits your budget without compromising on quality.
Final Thoughts
Choosing a carpet cleaning company near me offers numerous benefits, from saving time and effort to ensuring a healthier and more organized living or working space. With trained professionals, advanced equipment, and customized cleaning plans, you can enjoy a stress-free cleaning experience while maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of your property.
Whether you need residential, commercial, or specialized cleaning services, hiring local experts is a smart and practical choice. Let the professionals handle the cleaning while you focus on what truly matters!
Read Also: Carpet Cleaning Services near me – Fresh & Spotless Floors
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cleanmaxservices0 · 10 days ago
Benefits of Janitorial Cleaning Services for Your Calgary Business
Maintaining a clean business location in Calgary is a challenge. It involves keeping employees and customers satisfied while also focusing on core operations. Professional janitorial cleaning services are important for maintaining high sanitation and cleanliness standards. These services are customized for the unique needs of offices, stores, facilities, and commercial buildings of all sizes in this region.
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Outsourcing daily, routine, and periodic cleaning tasks to local service providers has key perks. It is better than handling everything in-house when managing a thriving Calgary company.
Why Professional Cleaning Services?
Trying to schedule internal staff hours for extensive cleaning takes them away from priority business activities. Quick tidying or superficial dusting also fails to eliminate germs or leave pristine spaces. Locally compliant service providers bring:
Efficiency - Tailored processes polish spaces quickly
Consistency - Even cleaning across all areas
Compliance - Meet industry and regional benchmarks
This keeps Calgary workplaces running optimally.
Core Benefits
Partnering with CleanMax Services, an experienced cleaner of corporate Calgary locations, can fuel success.
1. Healthy + Productivity-Boosting Interiors
Vigilant disinfection is important. It helps prevent illness spread. It eliminates contagion-causing germs. This is done in high-traffic zones, common surfaces, and washrooms. This allows for healthy and comfortable workspaces. It also increases mental acuity and focus. As a result, it enhances employee effectiveness and creativity.
2. Professional, Compliant Processes
Consistent cleaning is important. It upholds regional health, safety, and hygiene regulations. This makes positive impressions on visiting customers. It also keeps your business legally compliant. This is done through well-documented policies.
3. Risk Mitigation
Comprehensive cleaning reduces slip-and-fall accidents. It also prevents other accidents. This is done by regularly removing floor debris. Additionally, it helps to clear illness triggers such as accumulated dust or mold. This protects staff. This protects visitors. This protects the company's reputation.
4. Flexible + Customizable Support
Reputable local Commercial Cleaning Contractors offer fully personalized packages. These packages cater to each facility's layout, materials, workforce size, facility hours, industry protocols, and unique needs. They do this through a consultative approach. This ensures appropriate cleaning intervals. It also ensures appropriate cleaning techniques for all spaces.
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5. Regional Expertise + Gear
Homegrown Calgary groups understand localized climate patterns. They also understand soil types and other considerations tailored to the area. For example, they know salty winter sediments requiring specialized removal. They comply with provincial regulations. They utilize permitted cleaning solutions. They utilize equipment compatible with local construction materials.
Services Suited For Every Site
Office towers, medical clinics, shops, industrial plants and more in Calgary can tap into customizable offerings:
Daily cleaning for floors, trash, washrooms, lobbies
Periodic deep cleaning
Seasonal pressure washing
Floor restoration
Supply restocking
Outdoor surface upkeep
And extra needs like tenant improvement turnover cleaning.
Embracing professional office cleaning services in Calgary eliminates the hassle. It helps coordinate intensive interior care. It also allows your business to stay compliance-ready. A partnership with regional corporate environment specialists, such as those at CleanMax Services, guarantees that your clinic, office, or other locations remain guest-ready. They offer housekeeping services that are customized to your workspace's requirements, employee count, and industry norms. Upgrade your location's cleanliness today. Reach out to them via https://cleanmaxservices.ca/. It's the simple, locally supported way
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primefacilitymaintenance · 13 days ago
The Importance of Professional Janitorial Cleaning Services for Your Business
A clean and well-maintained workspace is essential for any business. It not only creates a positive impression on clients and visitors but also fosters a healthier and more productive work environment for employees. This is where professional janitorial cleaning services come in, ensuring your office, commercial space, or facility remains spotless and hygienic at all times.
Why Your Business Needs Janitorial Cleaning Services
Many business owners overlook the importance of consistent cleaning, often relying on in-house staff to handle the job. However, professional janitorial cleaning services offer several advantages that go beyond what basic cleaning routines can achieve.
Healthier Work Environment A workplace that is regularly cleaned and disinfected helps reduce the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas like offices, retail stores, and medical facilities. Professional cleaners use industry-grade disinfectants and equipment to ensure a thorough cleaning that protects employees and customers alike.
Boosts Employee Productivity A clutter-free and clean workspace contributes to employee satisfaction and productivity. When employees work in a tidy and organized environment, they are more focused and motivated, leading to improved performance and efficiency.
Creates a Positive First Impression Your office or commercial space is often the first point of interaction between your business and potential clients. A clean and well-kept facility conveys professionalism, attention to detail, and a commitment to excellence. Janitorial cleaning services ensure that your business always looks its best.
Cost-Effective and Efficient Hiring a professional janitorial cleaning service is more cost-effective than managing an in-house cleaning team. Professional cleaners bring their expertise, equipment, and supplies, eliminating the need for you to invest in expensive cleaning products and training. This allows you to focus on running your business while leaving the cleaning to the experts.
Customized Cleaning Plans Every business has unique cleaning needs. Professional janitorial services offer customized cleaning schedules tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning, a professional service provider can adjust their services to fit your schedule and preferences.
What to Expect from a Professional Janitorial Cleaning Service
When you hire a reputable cleaning company, such as Prime Facility Maintenance, you can expect a range of services designed to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in your workspace. These services may include:
Regular office cleaning (dusting, vacuuming, and trash removal)
Carpet and floor cleaning
Restroom sanitation
Window cleaning
Disinfection of high-touch surfaces
Specialized cleaning for medical or industrial facilities
Choose Prime Facility Maintenance for Reliable Janitorial Cleaning Services
At Prime Facility Maintenance, we understand the importance of a clean workspace. Our team of highly trained professionals provides top-notch janitorial cleaning services tailored to your business needs. We use eco-friendly cleaning products, advanced equipment, and proven techniques to ensure a spotless and healthy environment.
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para-mount-packaging · 1 month ago
Ensure Safety of Your Products with Eco Friendly Packaging in Australia
For most businesses, whether they are manufacturing plants, warehouses, godowns, food facilities, or any other type of commercial or industrial establishment, eco friendly packaging in Australia are essential. The leading providers of packaging supplies provide a broad range of products, from vacuum sealers to different types of sticky tapes, and are cognizant of the unique needs of the industry.
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Analysing the Different Types of Packaging Products and Their Features
Packaging products come in a wide variety, each designed to meet specific industrial requirements. Foam packaging is important for ensuring that sophisticated items like electronics, etc do not break while in transit. When shipping valuable things on pallets, pallet pads are a crucial commodity since dust, splinters, and other debris can harm the goods. Corrugated cardboard sheets are used to provide protective layers in between items. Cartons and boxes, which are available in a range of sizes and strengths, offer safe packing solutions for products of various shapes and sizes. Corrugated trays and folders are ideal for organising and storing items, particularly in retail and warehouse environments.
Prominent suppliers of packaging products cater to both the industrial and service sectors, which include the hotel and food industries. Some of the goods used to package and distribute food to consumers in a sustainable manner include biodegradable wrap, plates and bowls, mugs of various sorts, and silverware like knives, spoons, forks, etc. Eco-friendly sustainable packaging, such as dispensing cartons, retail rolls, bags, sheets, tubes, wraps, and takeaway bowls, has gained in popularity in recent years as environmental concerns have been more widely recognised.
The best manufacturers of packing materials also meet janitorial concerns, providing a wide choice of things to protect safety and cleanliness in commercial and industrial environments. Workplace hygiene requires supplies like roll-up hand towels, toilet tissue dispensers, and facial tissues. Products such as antibacterial hand cleansers and odour control dispensers keep the toilet or room hygienic and fresh.
Packing machines and dispensers have become essential for providers of items offered online due to the fast expansion of the e-commerce industry in recent decades. Automatic tape dispensers, vacuum sealers, and stretch wrap machines are all designed to handle big loads, boosting productivity and reducing labour costs.
Browse the product sections of the leading packaging product suppliers' websites and buy what you or your company require.
Source: https://paramount-packaging.blogspot.com/2025/01/ensure-safety-of-your-products-with-eco.html
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tuvwxyz0123 · 1 month ago
 Janitorial Services in Mississauga: Why Professional Cleaning is Essential for Your Business
Maintaining a clean and organized workspace is crucial for any business, and professional janitorial services in Mississauga can make all the difference. Whether you're running an office, retail store, or industrial facility, keeping your space spotless ensures a positive impression for both employees and customers.
Why Choose Janitorial Services in Mississauga?
Expertise and Experience: Professional cleaners have the skills and knowledge to handle various cleaning tasks efficiently. From floor care to window cleaning, their attention to detail ensures your facility is spotless.
Customized Cleaning Plans: Each business is unique. Janitorial services in Mississauga offer tailored cleaning schedules to meet your specific needs, whether daily, weekly, or monthly.
Health and Safety: A clean environment helps reduce the spread of germs and allergens, promoting a healthier workspace for everyone. Professional cleaners use high-quality, eco-friendly products to maintain cleanliness without compromising safety.
Time and Cost-Effective: Outsourcing your cleaning tasks allows you to focus on your core business activities while saving on time and cleaning supplies.
Investing in reliable janitorial services in Mississauga ensures your business remains clean, hygienic, and welcoming. With expert services tailored to your needs, professional cleaning enhances productivity, health, and your business’s image.
Looking for a top-rated janitorial service in Mississauga? Contact us today to learn more about our customized cleaning solutions!
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cleaningservice7 · 2 months ago
Where Can I Find Cleaning Supplies and Services That Will Help Me Protect My Floors Over Time?
Both homeowners and businesses must keep their floors immaculate. Taking good care of your floors guarantees their longevity and visual appeal, whether you're running a retail establishment, a busy office, or just your house. The correct cleaning products and services can make a huge difference for people in Southern Manitoba, which includes Morden, Winkler, Portage La Prairie, Winnipeg, and Altona.
The importance of floor protection, where to find trustworthy cleaning supplies, and how CleaningService7 (CS7) is raising the bar for cleaning goods and services in Manitoba are all covered in this article.
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The Value of Keeping Your Floors Clean From spills and dirt
accumulation in homes to high foot traffic in commercial settings, floors experience daily wear and tear. Your floors may get scratched, lose their sheen, and even become dangerous if they are not properly maintained. Here are some striking figures:
A study by the National Wood Flooring Association revealed that 93% of real estate agents believe well-maintained floors increase property value.
The Global Cleaning Industry report projects that floor care products will grow by 4.5% annually, highlighting the growing demand for effective cleaning solutions.
To protect your floors, regular maintenance with the right cleaning supplies is essential.
Finding High-Quality Cleaning Supplies in Southern Manitoba
When searching for cleaning supplies in Southern Manitoba, it’s crucial to consider your location and specific needs. Let’s break down the options by area:
Cleaning Supplies in Morden
Businesses and residents in Morden rely on eco-friendly cleaning supplies, janitorial products, and disinfectants to maintain their spaces. CS7 offers high-quality solutions tailored to both commercial and residential needs.
Cleaning Supplies in Winkler
For those in Winkler, access to cleaning tools such as mops and brooms, vacuum cleaners, and microfiber cloths is vital. CS7’s range of eco-friendly cleaning supplies ensures a healthier environment for your family or employees.
Cleaning Supplies in Portage La Prairie
In Portage La Prairie, commercial cleaning products and industrial-grade cleaners are in high demand for businesses looking to maintain high standards of cleanliness. CS7 provides solutions that cater to these needs while prioritizing environmental safety.
Cleaning Supplies in Winnipeg
As the largest city in Manitoba, Winnipeg offers a diverse range of cleaning needs. From bulk cleaning supplies to specialized products like carpet cleaning solutions and all-purpose cleaners, CS7 ensures businesses and homeowners can find everything they need in one place.
Cleaning Supplies in Altona
Residents and businesses in Altona benefit from pet-safe cleaning products, window cleaning solutions, and odor removers provided by CS7. These products not only maintain cleanliness but also protect surfaces over time.
Why Choose CleaningService7 for Your Floor Care Needs?
CS7 has established itself as a leader in the cleaning industry in Manitoba, thanks to its unique features and customer-focused solutions. Here’s what sets CS7 apart:
Comprehensive Product Range
CS7 offers a wide array of cleaning supplies, including:
Eco-friendly cleaning supplies that reduce environmental impact.
Industrial-grade cleaners for heavy-duty tasks.
Pet-safe cleaning products to ensure the safety of your furry friends.
Odor removers and disinfectants for a fresh and hygienic space.
Tailored Solutions
Whether you’re a business owner in Winnipeg or a homeowner in Morden, CS7 provides personalized recommendations to suit your unique needs. For instance, retail stores in Winkler can benefit from bulk orders of floor cleaners, while offices in Portage La Prairie may prefer eco-friendly options.
Expertise and Support
With insights from industry experts, CS7 helps clients choose the right products for their floors. "Using the correct cleaning products can extend the life of your floors by up to 40%," says John Carter, a floor care specialist at CS7.
Online Accessibility
Through its website, CleaningService7.com, CS7 makes it easy to browse and order cleaning supplies from the comfort of your home or office. Detailed product descriptions and expert advice ensure a seamless shopping experience.
How CS7 Helps Protect Your Floors Over Time
Proper floor care is a long-term investment, and CS7 ensures you get the best results with its specialized cleaning solutions. Here’s how:
High-Performance Cleaning Products
CS7’s cleaning products, such as disinfectants and all-purpose cleaners, are designed to remove dirt, grime, and bacteria without damaging surfaces.
Floor-Specific Solutions
From carpet cleaning solutions in Winnipeg to wood floor cleaners in Morden, CS7 offers products that cater to specific flooring materials.
Preventive Maintenance
Regular use of CS7’s cleaning tools, such as microfiber cloths and vacuum cleaners, prevents scratches and stains, keeping your floors looking brand new.
Eco-Friendly Options
Concerned about the environment? CS7’s eco-friendly cleaning supplies provide effective cleaning while minimizing environmental impact.
Testimonials and Success Stories
"After switching to CS7’s eco-friendly cleaning products, our office floors look amazing, and we’ve reduced our carbon footprint," says Sarah Johnson, a Winnipeg business owner.
"The industrial-grade cleaners from CS7 have been a game-changer for our manufacturing plant in Portage La Prairie. Our floors have never been easier to maintain," shares Tom Fraser, a local entrepreneur.
Conclusion: Trust CS7 for All Your Cleaning Needs
Protecting your floors starts with choosing the right cleaning supplies and services. Whether you’re in Morden, Winkler, Portage La Prairie, Winnipeg, or Altona, CleaningService7 offers high-quality solutions tailored to your needs.
With a focus on eco-friendly cleaning supplies, commercial cleaning products, and expert guidance, CS7 ensures your floors remain in top condition for years to come. Visit CleaningService7.com today to explore their full range of products and services.
By choosing CS7, you’re not only investing in the longevity of your floors but also contributing to a cleaner, healthier environment. Don’t wait—let CS7 be your trusted partner in floor care and cleaning excellence! Call us today at 204-312-1434 or email us at info@cleaningservice7.com.
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