#Jango Fett x Reader
ceapa-mica · 11 months
Me, if my favorite Mandalorian bounty hunter was hunting me down.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Just because I know how much you love, Jango.
Can I request a Jango and whatever you wish. Write away... love oo
Let Her Be Mine
Summary: When Jango Fett was 14 years old, his people were slaughtered and he was sold into slavery. His cell mate on the slave ship was a small girl, younger than him, though she had been a slave for much longer. Jango’s biggest regret is not acting before she was sold. And then he runs into her again...and this time he’s not letting go.
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader
Word Count: 4134
Warnings: Slavery
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Okay, this is a labor of love that took me days to write. A big thanks to @daimyosprincess for helping me with a sentence that was far too wordy. And thank you for giving me such an open ended ask, lol. I kind of just ran with it.
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Jango remembers the first time he met her with surprising clarity. He remembers the feel of chains around his wrists, the heavy slave collar wrapped around his neck, and the scent of unwashed people and fear all around him.
And he remembers her.
She was younger than him by a couple of years, though she looked much younger. The rags that she was wearing, designed for men much larger than her, hung on her small frame like a dress. And razor thin scars crisscrossed her body like some kind of twisted tattoo.
She didn’t have a name, she told him with a small smile. A peaceful smile, as though she had accepted her lot in life and was okay with it.
Jango named her Sen’ika.
A little bird in a little cage.
The slavers shoved him into the same cage as her, claiming that they were both so small that they could share. In truth, he didn’t mind. She deserved to be protected, and surely even he couldn’t kark that up.
His Sen’ika became his reason for surviving. He learned to bite his tongue when the slavers came through, learned to take the beatings from men who beat down on people smaller than them just to make themselves feel important. He learned the importance of listening, rather than just reacting.
And when things were so bad that he couldn’t handle it, his Sen’ika would take his hand and curl against his side, and tell him that tomorrow will be better because it couldn’t possibly be worse.
She was always right.
And on nights when the darkness of despair blotted out all the light, when even his Sen’ika struggled to cradle that fragile flower of hope, Jango would tell her what freedom tasted like.
He’d weave the most amazing stories of the planets that they’d visit and the people that they’d meet and the places that they’d see—
It helped. It gave him something to cling to, and it bolstered her waning spirits. And she would flash him the tiniest of smiles, and Jango would feel ten feet tall.
He couldn’t be that terrible of a person if someone as kind as his Sen’ika smiled at him like that.
And then the auction happened.
And then his Sen’ika was sold. Ripped from from his arms and clapped with heavy chains that weighed her down, as though she was a threat.
They clipped her wings so that she might never fly free.
And the last time he saw his Sen’ika, was when she was being forced into the back of a van with the other children that her new owner purchased.
Jango remained a slave for ten years. Ten long, dragging, years.
Ten years where he never stopped hoping that he might see his Sen’ika again.
Ten years where he clung to life just on the off chance that his Sen’ika might still be out there.
And when Jango escaped, he did so in the bloodiest way possible, slaughtering anyone who might have tried to stop him. And a part of him was glad that his Sen’ika wasn’t on board, because she deserved more than this.
It’s been several years since then, and Jango is now pushing thirty.
He’s a rather prolific Bounty Hunter, having elected to stay away from Mandalore in the hopes of finally tracking down his Sen’ika. If nothing else, all evidence points to her still being alive...even if he can’t find her.
And that’s when he’s approached by the Jedi.
Now, Jango Fett has no love for the Jedi, with very good reasons. Jedi and Mandalorians mix about as well as oil and water on a good day, and the last time Jango saw a Jedi he was leading the slaughter of the True Mandalorians.
So Jango is less than thrilled at the arrival of the Jedi.
Somehow he’s even less thrilled when the Jedi inform him that they are reaching out to him on behalf of the Senate. But his ship needs some work and credits are credits, so he agrees to listen to them while mentally tacking several additional zeros to the end of the number that he usually charges for a job.
“I am sure that you are aware of the uprising in the outer rim.” The Jedi begins, “The Senate has been trying to reach out to the person who is currently leading the Pirates, to come to an agreement.”
“And?” Jango asks, bored out of his mind.
“And the Jedi they sent to negotiate were told to leave and not come back.”
Jango chokes back a laugh with great difficulty, “I fail to see how this is my problem.”
“We would like you to go and speak with them on our behalf.” The Jedi replies, “We think that they might be more receptive to someone more like me.”
“You mean you think I might be able to make contact because I’m closer to pirate than I am to cop.” Jango says with a sharp smile.
“I...didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to.” He’s quiet for a moment, “Yeah, alright. I’ll take the job. I want half my fee up front.” In truth, he was going to reach out to these pirates anyway, they’re known for freeing slaves, and he’s hoping that they’ll have a good clue as to finding his Sen’ika.
The Jedi inhales sharply, and Jango arches a brow. “Problem?”
“This is...quite a lot.” The Jedi replies calmly.
“I’m very good at what I do. But, if you’re not interested-”
“No! No! The fee is fine,” The long haired Jedi hastens to reassure, “And you’re quite sure that you’ll be able to get them to talk?”
“I’m sure I can get them to hear me out. Anything else is on them.”
“That will have to be good enough, I suppose.” The Jedi muses thoughtfully, “Oh. Where are my manners. My name is Qui-Gon Jinn. It’s a pleasure to be working with you.”
Jango blinks once. Twice. A third time.
“I beg your kriffing pardon?”
“Oh yes, did I not mention? I will be joining you on this.”
“You did not.” Jango says through clenched teeth, “You did say that the Pirates kicked the last Jedi out.”
“Well, yes. They did.” He smiles politely and Jango wants to punch him in the face. “But you can’t speak for the Republic. So I need to be there.”
Jango grinds his teeth in annoyance, “Do you have a ship, Qui-Gon Jinn.”
“I do, in fact.” The other man says brightly. “I wouldn’t dream of trespassing on your ship, Mister Fett.”
Well, that’s something, at least.
“Fine. We’ll be leaving as soon as the credits are transferred to my account.” Jango says as he stands, “Pleasure doing business with the Republic.” And then he sweeps out of the dingy little bar to head back to his ship.
So much for him plans to search for his Sen’ika.
Whatever, the Jedi won’t be with him the whole time. Odds are he won’t even be allowed to land on Tatooine, which means he’ll be able to talk to them without being interrupted.
At least. He hopes so. If this Jedi ruins his one chance of getting usable data on where his Sen’ika is...Jango might actually kill him.
He makes the long trek back to his ship, he wasn’t kidding about leaving as soon as he got his payment. Though he fully expects the payment to take a few days. Since this is the government that he’s working with.
So, when he gets the initial credit transfer less than an hour later, Jango is genuinely surprised. Though, as he thinks more about it, he really shouldn’t be. The Republic is so eager to get ahead of this, that they’re willing to hire him, of all people, to help them deal with it.
“So,” He murmurs to the empty ship, “This is what a desperate Republic looks like.”
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Three weeks later, Jango lands his ship in his assigned landing bay on Tatooine. He’s aware, vaguely, of the Jedi landing his ship only a few landing pads away, and he sighs.
He was kind of hoping that the Jedi would be barred from landing at all.
Jango pays the fee needed to keep his ship secured on this pad, and heads out of the spaceport, though he’s very quickly joined by the older man.
“Ah, Tatooine,” Qui-Gon says as he looks around at the city. “Have you ever been here before?”
“More than you, probably.” Jango replies, his eyes narrowing as people glance at them and whispers start spreading through the market. They’re not whispering about him, he’s been here many times and he’s never gotten this reaction before.
He glances at the man standing next to him.
The man clad in, obvious, Jedi robes.
And he sighs. So much for the more stealthy approach he was hoping for.
“Are you the representative from the Republic?” A woman, shorter than him and carrying an infant on her back, asks as she approaches the pair of men. She looks older than she actually is, if Jango had to guess.
“I am,” Qui-Gon said, “My name is Qui-Gon Ji-”
“I don’t care.” The woman interrupts, “You are a Jedi, yes? Your kind was told never to return to Tatooine.”
“This is true,” Qui-Gon flounders, “But my companion here is not authorized to speak for the Republic-”
“Then perhaps one of the Senators should have gotten out of their plush offices and come here themselves,” She interrupts again, and then she frowns, “Were it up to me, you’d be back on your ship and off my planet. But it isn’t.”
“You are to be our guide then?”
“I will guide you to the taxi stand and no further.” The woman says, “I have my own business I must attend to.”
The Jedi next to you, seeming unable to keep his mouth shut, just has to speak again. “Forgive me, but are you a slave for the new leader of Tatooine?”
The woman stiffens in offense, and Jango presses his hand against his helmet and shakes his head.
“Were you anyone else, and not a guest of our new Imperator-” She takes a deep breath and stalks away, “Follow, and stay close.”
The woman leads the men through the winding street of Mos Espa, until she stops by a taxi droid. She speaks to the droid and then stalks away, back to the market.
“Hm…” Jango sighs as Qui-Gon gazes after the woman thoughtfully, “Her child is very force sensitive.”
“If you think you can convince her to give him to you-” Jango says, sounding bored out of his mind.
“Ah...no. I think she might shoot me if I try.”
“That she’d shoot me? Yes, I agree-”
“-that you won’t ask.” Jango interrupts, “Seeing you get shot would make this a slightly more interesting trip.”
Qui-Gon actually looks surprised at his words, hopefully it’ll keep him from talking overly much on the trip to the palace. Thought, Jango wouldn’t put money on it. The Jedi seems to like the sound of his own voice overly much.
And, true to his prediction, the older man started chatting with the Droid as soon as the speeder started moving. Not that the Droid was the chattiest of drivers. He’s a driver, not a tour guide after all.
Jabba the Hutt’s palace, ah no, it’s the Imperator’s palace now, looks just as it had the last time he was here. Worn down from age, with antenna sitting on the roof. The windows are open, though the heavy metal shutters are drawn low, to keep the twin suns from heating the building over much.
There are some difference too, though.
Jango’s fairly certain that those are solar panels attached on the sun facing side of the building. And it almost looks as though someone is trying to cultivate a cacti garden off to the side of the path.
That or the Imperator thinks that death by cacti is an appropriate punishment for interlopers.
Much to Jango’s surprise, they’re invited inside immediately, by a young twi’lek boy dressed much nicer than any twi’lek would have ever been allowed to dress while Jabba was in charge.
“You wait here.” The boy orders imperiously, before he turns and runs down the hall.
If the outside of the palace looks the same, the inside couldn’t be more different if they replaced the entire building. The formerly dimmed halls are well lit, and the walls, formerly covered in blood and other...unsavory...things, are now covered in tasteful tapestries.
Probably items that Jabba received as tribute over the years, Jango thinks with an amused smile as he steps away from the door and onto the new looking plush carpet that covers the hallway.
“I admit,” Qui-Gon murmurs, “This is not what I was expecting from someone called Imperator.”
“What, were you expecting slaves lining the halls or something?”
“...in a manner of speaking, yes.”
Jango takes a moment to remove his helmet, now that the twin suns aren’t beating down on him, “Are you karking stupid? These people free slaves. There aren’t any slaves on Tatooine anymore.”
“That...the reports the Jedi were given-” He’s cut off as a different child, this one a little Chiss girl, runs up. “Oh, hello.”
“The Imperator will see you in the throne room. He expects you both to keep your weapons sheathed while you are guests in our home.”
“Of course,” Jango agrees, “We wouldn’t dream of threatening the Lord of this place.”
The little girl nods, and focuses her attention on Qui-Gon, “This message is for you, Master Jedi.”
“I’m listening.”
“The Imperator is not happy that the Republic have ignored his wishes for no Jedi to trespass on his home, however, in the spirit of cooperation, he is willing to hear out what you have to say.”
“That is very magnanimous of the Imperator.”
“Yes,” The child agrees, “It is. Follow me please.”
The little girl leads them through the winding halls of the palace, and Jango takes the time to take in all of the changes. New coats of paint, flowers growing in pots, little mouse droids designed to travel the halls trailing perfume after them-
Jango much prefers this version, over the Jabba’s version of the same palace, which always smelled like blood and bile, even through his helmet.
The child stops in front of the throne room and pushes open the door, “Imperator, the Mando and the Jedi are here.” And then she moves to the side to let the two men into the room.
The Imperator is a Tholothian male, dressed in pirates armor. And, if Jango had to guess, he would easily be the same height as him, if not a little taller, though even with the armor, he’s much less broad and much more wiry.
Jango wouldn’t want to have to fight him hand to hand, that’s for sure. Which he knows that he’d win, it’d be a hard fought fight.
“Jango Fett,” The Imperator speaks with a crisp Coruscanti accent, which is rather jarring when compared to his more roguish appearance, “It’s always a pleasure to host a man of your caliber.”
Jango nods, once. Accepting the compliment for what it is.
“Master Jinn,” The Imperator’s voice goes cold, “Your presence is much less welcome in my home.”
“Yes, the Jedi apologizes for being unable to adhere to your request-”
“It was not a request, Master Jinn.” The Imperator interrupts, and the room descends into a, slightly awkward, silence before their host claps his hands together, “Now, I am willing to hear you out, however, not today.”
“Is there a reason that we can’t start negotiations today?” Qui-Gon asks.
“Yes. I don’t want to.”
And, well, that’s that.
“I have taken the liberty of preparing rooms for the both of you in my palace. Though, you will not be staying in the same part of the palace, I’m afraid.” The Imperator says, and he genuinely sounds grieved. Or he would if it wasn’t for the gleam in his eyes.
“You honor us,” Qui-Gon says politely.
“Indeed, I do. Master Jinn, you will be staying in the lower levels, it’s a bit cooler but also noisier. Jango, I have a room set up for you upstairs.”
“Thank you,” Jango replies.
The Imperator nods once, and there’s a look of mirth on his face before he waves his hand and the two children from earlier run into the room, “Please show our guests to their rooms.”
Jango falls into step behind the little twi’lek boy, who keeps glancing at him and giggling like he knows a secret. He’s not bothered, he remembers being a child, after all.
He’s also in a much better mood since he doesn’t have to spend anymore time with Qui-Gon Jinn.
“Have you heard a good joke, ad’ika?” Jango asks as the little boy glances at him and giggles again.
The child clamps his hands over his mouth and shakes his head, “We gotta surprise.” He whispers.
“A surprise? For me?”
“Uh-huh. But,” He leans in and lowers his voice, “It’s a secret! So-so...come on!”
The boy almost sprints up the stairs, though Jango follows at a more sedate pace, and he trails behind the boy until they stop in front of a door. There are plants sitting in planters on each side of the door.
“Here!” The boy presses a scrap of flimsy into his hand, “Here’s the door code!” And then he sprints off, giggling as he does so.
Well, Jango thinks to himself as he glances at the numbers on the scrap and starts keying them in, this is either the most obvious trap I’ve ever walked into, or it’s actually a surprise.
The door slides open and Jango steps into the room. And the first thing he notices is all of the green.
There are plants on every open surface. All sorts of plants from all over the galaxy.
The second thing he notices is that the vanity in the corner is covered in woman’s hair care products, and slowly his eyebrows raise. Surely the Imperator wouldn’t have given him a room that already belongs to someone, right.
Finally, he notices her. Dressed in loose, comfortable clothes, and kneeling next to a small table covered in succulents. And, at first he’s slightly bemused that he was shoved into another person’s room, and then he looks again.
And he realizes that he recognizes her.
He clears his throat, and she turns her head slightly, before she favors him with the warmest smile. “Jango.”
His helmet falls from his fingers, “Sen’ika.”
She stands, and she’s still so small and still so thin, and her skin is still covered in razor thin scars, “You remember me!”
“Of course. I never stopped looking for you.” Jango steps closer to her and reaches out, though he stops shy of actually touching her. Sen’ika doesn’t have any such qualms, as she takes his hand in both of hers and presses it against her cheek.
“I knew you wouldn’t.” She replies as she rubs her cheek against his gloved hand, “I knew that you’d find me eventually.”
Jango releases a shuddering breath and steps even closer into her space, before ripping his glove off and pressing his bare hand against her cheek, “I’m sorry I’m late.”
“That’s okay. I forgive you.”
Jango takes a moment to tug off his other glove and presses his hand back against her cheek, “Just look at you,” He breathes out, “You’ve grown up.”
She presses her hands over his, and there are tears in her eyes, “So have you. You’re not that scrawny kid anymore.”
“Scrawny?” Jango asks with a laugh.
“Scrawny.” She agrees. Her smile doesn’t waver when she releases his hands and reaches out to cup his cheek, “How have you been?”
“Lonely.” Jango admits, “It’s been...a very lonely galaxy without you with me.” This is the first time he’s admitted it, though he could never lie to his Sen’ika. “How about you?”
She leans her head into his touch, “Lonely. The Imperator he’s...great. But he’s not really a friend. And his people don’t like me much.”
“How could they not like you?”
She shrugs, “They say I have stars in my eyes. That I’m not meant for…” She gestures vaguely to the room, “This.”
He laughs softly, “And what are you meant for, then?”
“Well,” She averts her gaze for a moment, “You once promised me that you’d show me the galaxy.”
Jango stares at her, surprised.
“If that offer is still open-” She adds, hesitantly.
“You’d leave this? To wander through the stars with me?”
“It sounds...romantic, when you put it like that.” She says softly, wistfully.
“You think so?”
Her smile is small, “Wandering through the stars with the man I’ve loved since he was a boy? Sounds like a fairy tale.”
“Love, huh?”
Her smile doesn’t waver, “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. After all, I fell in love with a little girl who kept hope alive when I had none left.”
She looks surprised, “Oh. Really?”
“Really.” Slowly he leans in and presses his forehead against hers, “We don’t have to rush, we can take things slow. Especially since we’re going to be together from here on out.”
“Together, I like that.”
“Me too.” Jango closes his eyes and tries to draw her in closer, “As soon as I’m done with my job here, we can get you settled on my ship and then we can go wherever we want.”
“What’s your job here?” His Sen’ika asks as she lightly traces his face with gentle fingers.
“I was hired by the Republic to help open a Dialogue between them and the Imperator.” Jango replies.
“It won’t work.” Her answer is immediate.
“Yeah, I don’t think it will either. But credits are credits.”
She shakes her head, “The Imperator has a thing about the Republic and their weak stance on slavery.”
“I don’t blame him.”
She’s quiet for a very long moment, and then she sighs, “Jango. As soon as his army is large enough he intends to go to war with the Republic. You shouldn’t get involved.”
Jango pulls back and stares at her, “I see.” He scans her face for a moment, and then sighs, “Well, I did get half of the money up front, and there’s no love lost between me and the Republic.”
“Pack what you need, Sen’ika. We’re leaving before we get any more involved in this.”
Her smile is almost blinding, “Give me a few minutes.”
He watches her dart around the room, shoving clothes and other items into her bag, and then she’s back by his side, “Okay, I’m ready. I’ll leave the plants to the kids.”
“Do we need to tell the Imperator that you’re leaving?”
“He knew that I would be going with you the moment you arrived on planet, Jango.” She says breathlessly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “No one is going to stop us.”
True to her words, not a single soul stopped them as they head through the palace and back to the taxi stand. And no one stopped them as they headed back to the spaceport. And no one stopped them when he started up his ship and flew through the pre-flight checks.
And no one stopped them as they left Tatooine’s atmosphere for greener pastures.
As they sit high in orbit over the desert planet, Jango watches his Sen’ika watch the stars around them, and a small smile crosses his lips. “So,” He starts, turning in his chair to allow her to sit on his lap, “Where do you want to go?”
“Um...someplace new.” Sen’ika replies as she lightly sits on his lap, her gaze locked on the open space outside his ship.
Jango chuckles, “Someplace new it is.” He lightly taps her chin, pulling her attention off of the openness of space and onto him. He flashes a small, mischievous, little smile and tugs her in to press his lips against hers in a quick, and very chaste kiss.
When he pulls away, she looks flustered and has her fingers pressed against her lips, “Was that okay?” He asks.
Shyly, she meets his gaze, and then she nods. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s perfect.”
“Good,” He wraps a secure arm around her waist, and then focuses his attention on his computer, “Someplace new….hm...I know. I have just the place.”
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Six months later, The Imperator declares war on the Republic, aided by a growing number of formerly Republic Planets who were jaded by the inaction of the government they supported for so long.
But that’s a different story.
As for Jango Fett and his Sen’ika, they write themselves out of the story, content to wander the galaxy, so long as they can wander together.
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daisies-daydreams · 4 months
Hey, love!
I am here to request a sex pollen story with our lovely Jango Fett! I would love some build-up to the actual act? Maybe like a job gone sideways or maybe a short stop on a planet leads to a situation or maybe whatever you come up with!
Well, whatever you decide it will be good!
Much love,
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A Small Favor (Jango Fett x F!Reader)
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader Category: Smut (with a hint of angst) Warnings: Depictions Blood/Wounds, Aphrodisiacs/Sex Pollen, Consensual Sex, Unprotected P in V Sex (You Know the Drill), Dirty Talk, Nipple Play, Squirting, Cowgirl Position, Missionary Position, Multiple Creampies, Multiple Orgasms, Swearing, Mentions of Infertility Word Count: 4.1k+ A/N: Hello dear! Thank you so much for your fun request (we both know I'm a sucker for sex pollen fics lol). Also Lucas allegedly said that underwear doesn't exist in space, so I had to...improvise. :| I hope you enjoy!
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This was not how today was supposed to go.
What started as a mission you had been planning with another bounty hunter for weeks has turned into a complete disaster. A streak of lightning cracked over the lush Onderonian jungle as you and your partner, Jango Fett, quietly listened for the gut-wrenching hiss of the pack of Gutkurrs that were stalking you. You tried to steady your breathing as your heart pounded in your ears, the sound of heavy rain and rumbling thunder doing little to assist you in keeping a sharp ear.
Jango grunted as he tensed beside you; the prominent, red gash in his calf making you frown. You bit the inside of your cheek as you kept his arm over your shoulder.
"Come on, Fett. We only have a bit more to go," you tried to quietly reassure him. Your eyes widened when you heard the sound of plants rustling around you as one of the Gutkurrs release a bellowing roar that echoed through the dense, dark forest. You glanced over at the rugged Mandalorian as he wheezed.
“Har’chaak,” the bounty hunter cursed beneath his drenched helmet [damn it]. You remained as quiet as possible as the sound of shuffling grew closer. You shoved the both of you as much as you could beneath the ledge as the carnivores sniffed the air. You felt your heart drop into your stomach as a bright bolt of lightning illuminated their spiny shadows across the landscape in front of you. You leaned against Jango's helmet when a loud crack of thunder rolled over the forest.
"Are you sure your jetpack is damaged?" you asked. You remained quiet as the thunder dissipated, the clicking of the Gutkurr's claws soon replacing the rancorous sound. Jango slowly nodded his head. You sighed as your heart raced even faster when you saw a few streams of mud cascade over the edge above you. You held your gloved hand over your mouth, your body stiff as the insect-like creatures rumbled lowly.
Your eyes darted around the forest as lighting illuminated the lush greenery. Your eyes landed on the familiar glint of Slave I's energy-shield shining past a thick patch of magenta flowers. A tiny pulse of hope shot through your heart as an idea popped into your head.
"Jango," you whispered loudly. The man grunted while the beasts above you skittered about, dragging their sharp, raptorial legs along the muddy ground with impatience. You pulled a flare from your pack, your eyes shining with anticipation as your breathing grew ragged. The other bounty hunter simply gave a short nod, steadying himself against you as you prepared the flare.
You took a deep breath before you ever so slightly stuck your arm out from beneath the edge. The beasts roared and hissed as a streak of red light flashed across the sky, their footsteps rumbling against the soggy ground as the two of you dashed in the opposite direction. You squinted your eyes as you rushed through the patch of magenta flora resting beneath the thick midstory of the jungle.
Your eyes widened when a cloud of yellow dust unexpectedly sprayed in your face. You felt like someone just punched you in the stomach as you nearly doubled over, Jango slipping away from your grasp before you quickly caught him in your arms. He grunted as if he were trying to suppress a cough while his body tensed in your grasp.
You whipped your head up when a lone Gutkurr suddenly rumbled nearby, the reds of its eyes glowing in the light of the storm.
"Run!" you screamed as you tried to steady him against your side. Jango hobbled alongside you as you desperately ran towards the ship sitting in the thick field before you. Your heart raced as the creature's footsteps grew louder as it dragged it's long raptorial legs along the ground. You nearly slipped on a slick patch of mud before Jango grabbed and threw you forward. The two of you panted as he opened the hatch to his ship with the gauntlet on his wrist. Your lungs burned as you wrapped your hand around his wrist and stomped through the tall grass.
Your heart dropped when the Gutkurr roared menacingly as it launched itself forward and opened its wide, dark maw. Time slowed to a stop as you braced yourself to be bitten in half by its razor-sharp teeth...only to open your eyes when you heard the loud sound of a blaster echo through the field. You gasped when the beast fell in front of you with a pitiful groan, Jango heaving as his hand clumsily fell back to his side. You snapped your head up when you heard the rest of the pack roar nearby.
"Hurry!" you whispered loudly as you helped Jango into the hangar. Your heart nearly stopped when you saw a collection of red eyes glint on the outskirts of the field as the door slowly began to close. You pounded your hand against the button inside, praying it would make it go faster as the carnivores rushed towards Slave I.
You flinched and nearly stumbled back when the door finally locked shut just as the creatures surrounded the attack craft. Your chset rose and fell as you ran a hand through your hair, your mind still racing as your heart pounded wildly. You gasped and braced yourself against the wall as the ship began to rock back and forth, the muffled hissing of the Gutkurrs sending a shiver down your spine.
Your eyebrows shot up when the lights suddenly went out, leaving you and Jango in dim lighting as a menacing red glowed through the hangar. The other bounty hunter clenched his fists.
"Dank-" You flinched when the ship shook violently, followed by the frustrated grunts and shrieking of the insect-like carnivores. Jango grunted as he leaned against the wall, the gash in his leg now gushing with blood as he heaved.
You rushed to his side as the emergency lights of his ship flickered each time one of the Gutkurr's slammed their armored bodies against the sides of Slave I. Jango tensed as you gently laid a hand on his lower back, your eyes glowing with softness as you parted your lips.
"Where's the medkit?" you asked, your chest quickly rising and falling as adrenaline coursed through your veins. Jango's shoulders slumped as he tilted his head towards the far left side of the hangar. Your heart pounded in your ears as the ship continued to shake. You frowned as you guided your partner over to an empty seat, his grunts doing little to ease your troubled mind. A trail of blood followed his injured leg as you sat him down as gently as you could.
You furrowed your brows when you laid eyes on his ripped pants, your cheeks glowing with heat as the room grew stuffy in a matter of seconds. You flicked your eyes back up to the emotionless visor of his helmet as you swallowed thickly.
"Okay, um..." your voice trailed off as you got on your knees, your hands hesitantly sliding up to Jango's belt before he grabbed your wrists.
"What do you think you're doing?" the rasped, his breathing ragged as he balled his hands around your wrists. You nervously glanced up at his face as you squeezed your thighs together; the unbearable tension inside you only growing stronger as he touched you.
"I-I need to take off your pants to treat your wound," you said with a shaky voice as goosebumps broke out across your body. You winced as the ship shook again, the lights flickering violently as the creatures dragged their limbs and scrambled alongside the sides of his ship. You tried to take a deep breath as Jango slumped in his seat.
"Fine," he huffed and clumsily unbuckled his belt. Oh, Maker. Your throat grew tight as images of him slamming his cock deep inside your dripping, needy cunt flooded your mind. You shook your head and sucked in a sharp breath as you helped him out of his pants, the fabric falling to the floor and revealing a thin, dark one-piece clinging to his tan skin. You quickly shifted your gaze when your eyes lingered on the outline of his cock straining against his thin body suit.
"Uh...alright," you blinked several times as you desperately tried to suppress the urge to climb onto his lap and ride him until he-
"Just take them off...whatever it takes to patch me up," Jango breathed as he leaned back in the chair and yanked off his helmet. Your eyes widened as you gazed upon his rugged, scarred face. His thick, dark hair clung to his head as he sighed heavily.
You bit your lip as the fabric of your clothes rubbed against your sensitive nipples and slick folds as you adjusted yourself in front of him. Sounds of clanging Beskar plates and shifting fabric echoed inside the hangar as the noises outside began to grow faint. You swallowed the thick lump in your throat as your mind grew hazy at the sight of his thick, heavy cock springing free from the confines of his black one-piece. Your mouth watered as it slapped against the dip of his abs, a large pearl of precum smearing across his sweat-coated skin as he sucked in a sharp breath and shifted in his seat.
You were pulled back to reality when you heard him grunt with pain (or what you assumed to be pain...) and tense in the chair.
"Right!" you said with a strained voice as you rushed over to the medkit hanging on the wall. Your chest grew tight as a heavy wave of arousal suddenly washed over you, the space between your legs growing unbearably hot as you caught your breath.
You shook your head violently before rushing back over, your body shivering with arousal as you threw the kit opened and grabbed a large, clean gauze. Jango hissed and clawed his fingers against the arms of his seat as you wrapped your hands around his gash, putting as much pressure as you could onto the deep wound.
Your walls pulsed when you saw his cock twitch in front of your face, the large vein on the underside of his thick shaft making you wonder what it would feel like if-
"I think you can start cleaning it out now," Jango rasped with a shallow breath. You blinked and looked down at your hands, the bleeding having already slowed down enough for you to start sterilizing the gash. You swallowed and gave him a short nod before taking off your gloves. You felt him slightly shiver while you gently cleaned the wound, as if every lingering touch of your fingers made him sink further into a trance. The bubbling heat inside your core only intensified as you watched the thick bead of precum leak from his slit and down his shaft.
You feared Jango judging you for staring so much...only to see him tilting his head back as he breathed in short, shallow pants. Everything around you seemed to fade away as your core ached with a primal desire - you even nearly missed as you used the field cauterizer to close his gaping wound. Your vision grew blurry as you clumsily put the medical supplies away and sterilized your hands...only to feet Jango's warm palms slide over your shoulders.
"Wait..." he swallowed thickly as a deep red hue filled his sharp cheeks. Your eyes trailed down his rugged chest and lean stomach before landing on his girthy length again. It stood up straight and twitched beneath your hungry gaze as he ever so slightly shifted his hips forward. You whined as he tightened his grip around your shoulders, his dark pupils blown wide as he breathed heavily.
"I need...I need you," he muttered lowly. A bolt of pleasure struck through your core as your eyes widened. You gasped when he pulled you onto his lap, your thighs draped over his as he gripped your waist. You mewled as your breasts rubbed against his chest, your clothed pussy hovering over his weeping cock as he bared his teeth over your pulse.
"I don't know what's come over me...but I just...I need you," his voice dropped several octaves as he growled against your neck. You moaned and arched your back as he slipped his fingers beneath the band of your soaked, muddied pants. You felt him clench his jaw against your cheek as he struggled to contain himself. You gulped and parted your lips.
"Jango...I need you to-" that was enough for him to literally rip your pants off of your legs. Your jaw dropped as your clothes fell into tatters onto the dimly lit floor before he firmly tugged you forward. You ducked your head into his shoulder and screamed when he shoved you down on his girth in one swift, fluid motion.
Your eyes rolled back as his cock stretched your drenched pussy wide open, your cunt already slick and deep as his thick length spread your gummy walls. You swallowed as your cunt fluttered around his shaft as he began to thrust his dick into your burning sex.
“Oh, M-Maker Jango!” you screamed as he bounced you on his cock, your walls squeezing him tightly as your cunt squelched lewdly with every feral thrust of his hips.
"O-Osik," he hissed through gritted teeth as your pussy swallowed his dick whole each time your ass came back down and slapped against his taut, muscular thighs [shit]. You threw your head back as the thick tip of his member railed into your soft, oversensitive g-spot, each tender graze leaving your legs shaking and cunt aching for more.
"Jango," you slurred as your forehead fell against his, your warm breaths mingling while you tried to match his relentless pace. The hangar was flooded with sounds of skin wetly slapping against skin mixed with your combined grunts and moans.
Your eyes shot open when he quickly shoved his lips against yours, your wet tongues quickly finding each other in a sloppy, passionate dance as he pounded into you. You gasped for air when the two of you parted, your lips glossed over with your combined spit as he groaned.
"I want to fill you so badly," Jango growled into your ear as his hands slid down to tenderly squeeze your ass. Your moan rattled through the dark room as the head of his cock slammed against the soft, gummy plug to your womb. "Stuff you with my seed - over...and over..." his breath hitched as your walls pulsed around his veiny shaft. True euphoria pumped through your veins as your core tightened, squeezing his dick in a wet, vice grip as his thrusts began to falter. You whined as a deep, low rumble rose from his scarred chest.
"Yes, yes!" you screamed as your vision suddenly flooded with white. Your body tensed in Jango's hold as your cunt gushed with your warm juices. You babbled and squirmed on his lap as you drenched his inner thighs with your thick cream. Your body trembled as your jaw remained slack, your vision blurred with hot tears of pure bliss. Your body grew limp as your walls contracted deliciously, your mind dizzy and hazy with pleasure as he continued to fuck into your raw, puffy cunt.
You yelped when he released a gutteral groan, his fingers digging into the supple flesh of your ass as his cock twitched deep inside your tight canal.
"Take me - take all of me," Jango snarled as he slammed you down to the hilt, his thick brows furrowed as his cock throbbed against your cervix. You gasped as he soaked your walls with thick ropes of his heavy, warm cum.
"J-Jango," you said with a hoarse whisper as your greedy pussy drank every drop he shot into your tight walls. You whined as his lips brushed against your pulse, his hot breath fanning over your neck as his grip on your hips loosened.
You blinked away the tears of bliss that clouded your vision, the heat within you still lingering as you felt a few loose drops of his cum leak out of your stretched seam and stain your soft, inner thighs. You shot your head up when the regular lights suddenly flickered on, the sound of the storm and the creatures previously lurking outside completely dissipated.
"Looks like the ship's working again," you beamed with a lighter feeling in your chest. Your smile fell when you saw the lingering hunger remaining in his eyes as his cock remained hard within your raw sex. "Jango?" you murmured. You yelped when he rose to his feet, the room spinning around you as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and hooked your arms over his thick neck.
"I'm not finished yet," the dark-haired man rumbled lowly, his face as stoic as ever as he climbed towards his bunk. "It's too much...too much-" the bounty hunter couldn't even finish his sentence as he swallowed thickly. You keened as his cock gently grinded inside your tight heat every time he ascended the ladder to his chambers. The bunk sliding-shutter was pulled down, allowing the two of you some privacy from the wildlife of Onderon as Jango stepped over to his bed.
Your heart wildly beat against your sternum as Jango laid you down on your back, his muscular form looming over you as his cock remained stuffed half-way inside your slick cunt. He gazed directly into your eyes as he wasted no time and began to rock his hips forward, his thrusts more steady and controlled than before as he rested his toned arms on either side of your flushed face. You threw your head back as every nerve ending in your body lit up with pleasure; the feeling of his heavy shaft dragging along your plush walls making your mouth water and toes curl.
"You're so tight, an'edee," Jango grunted as his brows furrowed with pleasure [all bite]. You had no time to ask what he meant in his native tongue before he started to pick up the pace, his eyes lit with a primal desire as he watched your body bounce with each swift snap of his hips.
You gasped and arched your back as a shiver of arousal crept down your spine, your pussy squelching lewdly with your combined juices each time he pushed his cock back inside your hole. A sharp cry fell from your lips as he perfectly hit your g-spot with a few quick thrusts.
"Y-Yes! Right there!" you keened as your legs shook around his waist. You heard Jango grip the sheets beside your head as he repeated the hypnotic motion with ease, your cunt clamping down on his cock as you moaned softly. The man above you grunted as you rested your hands on his upper back, your nails slightly sinking into his muscles as you writhed with pleasure.
"Haar'chak...I need to make you mine," the bounty hunter rumbled against your skin [Damn it]. You gasped when he unbuckled the latches of your overcoat, his hands making quick work of discarding all of the clothes from your upper body and tossing them aside. You flushed as his eyes locked on your bouncing breasts, his lips slightly parted before he dipped down and latched onto one of your pebbling nipples.
"Oh, Jango!" you cried and arched into his touch as the sounds of your hips slapping against each other grew louder inside the confined space of his bunk.
Your pussy pulsed as the Mandalorian puckered his lips around your bud before gently tugging at it between his teeth. You slid your hands up and slipped your fingers through his thick, black locks as he lavished your sensitive breast. You twitched when he moaned against your areola, the vibrations causing a little more of your warm arousal to smear along his stiff, swollen cock.
"You feel so, so good - I swear I could stay inside you forever," Jango murmured against your plush tit before quickly turning his attention to your other one. Your eyes widened as he swirled his tongue around your neglected nipple, one of his hands slipping down and pinching your other bud between his thick, calloused fingers.
You felt yourself careening closer to the edge of your release with every swipe of his tongue and push of his hips.
"J-Jango, so close," you whined and desperately clenched your walls around his dick, begging for him to stuff you with another heavy load of his seed. You watched as his Adam's apple bobbed, beads of sweat forming on his temples as he filled you over and over with his hard cock. You swore you saw stars in your vision when he dipped a pair of his fingers down and began to rub sloppy circles around your bundle of nerves.
"Cum for me, mesh'la. Let me feel you squeeze this cock before I fill you again," he snarled as he wildly plunged his dick within your puffy, sensitive walls [beautiful]. You released a silent scream as he pressed his thumb down on your clit, a shockwave of euphoria bursting through your core as you squirted all over his lower stomach.
"Yes," Jango groaned as your pussy sucked him in, his breathing growing more ragged while you shattered into a million pieces beneath him. You wailed and babbled his name as your cunt completely soaked the sheets below you, the sounds of his cock sliding into your slick pussy reverberating inside the small bunk.
"Oh, Maker," you managed to squeak out of your tight throat as your body shivered with the aftershocks of your release. Jango gritted his teeth as he wrapped his hands around your waist, his grunts filling your ears along with the sound of his heavy balls wetly slapping against your juicy slit.
"(Y/N)..." the dark-haired man roared as he rested his forehead against your own.
You gasped as his cock stiffened between your creamy walls, his cock buried down to the hilt as the intoxicating feeling of his cum filling you until it burst from the tight space where your sexes were snugly joined. You whined his name as he squeezed your tender love handles, his face contorted with pleasure as he remained tense against your sweaty body. You both released a shaky sigh as he spilled one more thick string of cum inside your rawly fucked cunt.
You closed your eyes as you caught your breath, your body coated with a thin sheen of sweat as you basked in the afterglow. The Mandalorian sighed as he slowly pulled out of you, his softening cock hanging between his legs as he adjusted himself in the small bed. Your bodies were practically pressed chest to chest as he gazed into your eyes.
"Are you alright?" he asked between heavy breaths as he knitted his brows. Your heart skipped a beat at his gentle words before you gave a slow, lazy nod.
"Yes...just c-catching my breath," you sighed. Jango grunted as his body seemed to relax against the warmth of your own. A question began to gnaw at your mind, causing your eyes to widen a little.
"Jango, will I get...you know..." you shifted your gaze as heat rose to your cheeks. You've thought about having a child from time to time...but with your current line of work, it's now nothing more than a passing daydream. His dark brown eyes held a rare look of longing as he tightly gripped the sheets.
"No," he muttered. "I...I can't have any younglings of my own," Jango hesitantly continued, his voice now slightly cold as he stared between your bodies. You frowned as your heart sank into your stomach.
"Oh," you replied before glancing away. A heavy silence seeped between the two of you before he sighed heavily.
"It's alright, though. I actually have an opportunity to-" Jango paused, his face growing hard as he pursed his lips. "Well, let's just say I'm able to...adopt one," the bounty hunter chuckled softly. You raised a brow and tilted your head curiously. You chose not to pry and instead remained quiet, the sound of the ship's tech humming filling the space between the two of you. You bit the inside of your cheek as you tried to think of something to say after a long period of silence.
"I think that you'll be a wonderful father, Jango," you said with a gentle grin. Jango blinked, his eyes softening as a genuine smile stretched across his rugged, worn features.
"Thank you...mesh’la," the mercenary murmured gently with a faint shine in his eyes.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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dystopicjumpsuit · 11 months
Promises and Pastry
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Rating: T / SFW (whaaaaat?!)
Pairing: Jango Fett x Baker Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 3.3k
Summary: On your way to work, you stumble upon an adorable two-year-old Boba Fett, who wandered away from the bounty hunter Jango entrusted with his care. Wholesome, tooth-rotting fluff ensues. Feat. Jango Fett being a sexy single dad.
A/N: I wrote this for Father's Day. This is the last AO3 work that I needed to migrate to Tumblr, so DJ's Great Fic Migration is now complete 🖤
Warnings: fluff; canon-typical violence
Suggested listening:
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Boba Fett sits in a rundown cantina, waiting for his contact to show. The place is an absolute dive, but not even close to the worst he’s seen. The jukebox is playing an old, old song—some sentimental Arcadian jazz ditty about a lost love. The music is incongruous with the dingy setting, but something about the melody tugs at his subconsciousness. It makes him think of warm, soft arms; a gentle voice; the mouthwatering scent of freshly baked bread. Is it a memory or a dream? He can’t tell.
He finishes his drink and pushes the intrusive thoughts away, then orders another round as he waits for his new employer.
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The air is crisp in the predawn hours, and only the dim glow of street lamps illuminates your path as you walk to work. Your mind is caught up with the tasks ahead of you: baking the para rolls, ryshcates, and buttersweet puffs that you assembled the previous day; mixing up tomorrow’s batches of dough; topping up the caf supplies before your barista arrives—and all of this needs to happen before you even open the shop for the day. The bakery has always been your dream, and it’s worth the early mornings to finally have a place of your own.
You are almost to the shop when you hear a strange sound. A small, distressing whimper that echoes clearly through the early-morning silence. You scan the area. Bar’leth is a Core World: a safer planet than some, but your bakery is located near one of the seedier areas. It’s an unfortunate tradeoff for the low cost of rent. You don’t see any obvious threats, but you clutch your satchel a little closer to your body, just in case. The cry comes again, and you increase your pace, eyes darting up and down the street. And then you see the source.
A tiny, weeping child huddles on the walkway. He can’t be more than two or three years old. 
“Oh, my stars,” you whisper as you hurry over to him. “Are you all right, sweetheart?”
He looks up at you, wet tears clinging to his eyelashes. An adorable mop of dark curls tumbles around his face, and his tragic, golden eyes break your heart. He holds his hands up to you, and without a second thought, you scoop him up.
“Where are your parents, darling?” you ask, looking around the deserted street.
He wails something incoherent and buries his face in your shoulder. There is no sign of another living being anywhere. You rub his back consolingly and whisper gentle reassurances. Your heart has already made the decision before your mind can catch up: you can’t leave him out here. Settling him more securely in your arms, you hurry the last couple of blocks to your bakery and let yourself inside, locking the door behind you.
You flip on the lights in the kitchen, and the child ceases his wailing and takes a few shuddering gulps. You check him for injuries and find none; it seems he was merely, understandably, frightened. He peers around the bakery curiously.
“Are you thirsty?” you ask.
He nods, so you pour him a glass of water. He gulps it down while you turn on the oven, watching you with fascinated, intelligent eyes. He sloshes a bit of water on you, and you wonder how you are going to manage your workload with one hand occupied holding him. Just then, he spots a tray of day-old pastries.
“I’m hungry,” he says.
You’re relieved that he speaks Basic. Hopefully that means he can tell you where to find his parents. Your commercial kitchen is not exactly a welcoming environment for a toddler, but you set him down on a footstool and bring him a scone—the plainest one you can find, without too much sugar. Force knows the last thing you need is a toddler on a sugar high bouncing around your kitchen while you try to work.
You introduce yourself and ask, “What’s your name?”
“Boba,” he replies around a mouthful of scone. He has crumbs all over his face already; it’s impressive how quickly he made the mess.
“Boba, do you know where your parents are?”
“Dada went to work.”
“Where does your dad work?” you ask as you tie on your apron.
He shakes his head, and tears well in his eyes again. You feel something tug in your chest, and you blink back tears of your own. You’ve always been a sympathetic cryer, but your heart would have to be made of stone to not be moved by Boba’s woeful expression.
“It’s all right,” you soothe him, crouching down to brush those long curls out of his eyes. “You can stay here with me. We’ll find your dad, I promise.”
He nods with a sniffle, and then dives forward into your arms. You squeeze him tightly to you, then settle him onto your hip and get to work. Luckily, the trays are small enough that you can manage them with only one hand, but eventually, you need both hands to work. You start to shift Boba, and you realize he’s fallen asleep against you. It is far from ideal, so you retrieve a large cushion from the front of the house and set it up out of the way in the kitchen. You lay the boy gently down and get to work, amazed that he can sleep through your racket, but then again, it’s only four o’clock in the morning.
He sleeps for hours, and once you’ve finished prepping the next day’s goods, you change out of your utilitarian apron into the pretty, frilly one you wear when you’re running the register. You hear the back door open, and you turn to see your barista, Siero, staring at the sleeping child.
“What. is. that?” she asks.
“And good morning to you, too,” you say.
“Did you steal that child?” she asks suspiciously.
You roll your eyes. “No, I didn’t steal him. He was wandering alone outside the bakery. I brought him inside so he’d be safe until I can find his parents.”
“Have you checked the Holonet to see if anyone has reported him missing?” Siero asks, ever practical.
“Not yet,” you admit. “I’ve been busy getting ready to open.”
Siero pulls out her datapad and runs a quick search. “Nothing so far,” she says with a frown. “I hope you don’t expect me to watch him.”
“Of course not,” you say. “I’ll take care of him. Maybe his parents will come in. If they don’t, I’ll get in touch with the Children’s Wellness Department after we close up for the day.”
Siero shrugs and pulls on her apron. “Well, I always said you could run this place blindfolded with your hands tied. Looks like I’m about to find out.”
Boba continues to sleep as the first wave of customers makes its way through the shop. Fortunately, there’s a lull by the time he wakes up, and you’re able to take a break and sit with him at one of the tables as he eats a pedunkee mufkin and drinks a cup of hot chocolate that Siero makes for him. After that, you work the register with one hand while you carry him on your opposite hip. 
He’s a sweet boy, polite and well-mannered, and your customers are enchanted with him. They are not the only ones; you can feel yourself growing attached, even as you remind yourself how utterly foolish it is to do so. He starts to echo you every time you thank a customer for their business.
“Thank you, come back soon,” he calls, beaming a delighted grin when you laugh.
All too soon, it’s time to close up for the day. Siero heads home, and you flip the Open sign over to Closed as you begin cleaning the bakery. You turn on your favorite old-timey Arcadian jazz music and set Boba down as you sweep the floors, wipe down the tables, and clear out the display case. He follows behind you, eager to help, and you end up swooping him up and dancing with him to the music as he shrieks and giggles with joy. 
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Ten hours earlier
Jango Fett limps onto the Slave I, lugging a gory bag containing the severed head of his bounty. It had been a brutal hunt—far more difficult than he’d anticipated. He should never have brought Boba with him this time. But by the time he had tracked his target to Bar’leth, it was too late to return the boy to the safety of Kamino. Instead, he’d entrusted him to the care of his not-quite-friend, sometimes-hunting-partner, Mado Kena. The Rodian had not exactly been delighted to be stuck with babysitting duty, and Jango wasn’t thrilled at the idea of leaving Boba in his care, either, but he hadn’t had much choice.
He’d tracked the bounty for hours and finally cornered him in a gambling den. It hadn’t gone well. The man fought back viciously, and Jango took a blaster bolt to his leg. Ultimately, he had killed the bastard. The bounty is lower for his corpse, but still worth enough to cover expenses. 
He can’t wait to get off this rock. He hisses with pain as he climbs the ramp to his ship and tosses the bag into the conservator.
“Mado, I’m back,” he calls. 
There is no response. The kriffer is probably holed up in his bunk. Jango pounds on the door.
“Mado, wake up, it’s time to go.”
There is no sound from the Rodian. With an exasperated sigh, Jango hits the control panel, and the door slides open. The bunk is empty. Jango stares at it for a moment, then whirls to check his own bunk. It is also empty. Cursing, he runs through the ship, checking every cubby and nook large enough to hold a toddler.
“Boba! Boba, where are you?” he calls, his voice ragged and urgent.
He comms Mado, but there is no response. Gritting his teeth, he calibrates his vambrace to track the comlink. Mado hasn’t gone far, and Jango immediately sets out to find him. His leg screams with agony, but there is no time to stop and apply bacta. He pushes through the pain, and soon tracks Mado to a squalid cantina. The hunter is passed out on one of the tables, and there is no sign of Boba.
Jango seizes Mado by his shirt and drags him to his feet. The hunter startles awake and thrashes in Jango’s grasp. The acrid scent of cheap whiskey oozes from his green skin.
“Where is my son?” Jango growls.
“Wha—what?” Mado stutters, blinking his star-flecked eyes with confusion.
“Where is Boba?” Jango’s voice is hoarse with rage and fear.
“He was just here,” Mado says as he claws at Jango’s fists to try to break his grip. “I got thirsty, so I came over for a drink. I brought him with me, I swear!”
Jango shoves the hunter back down into his seat and whirls to face the bartender. “Have you seen a little boy? He’s only two. Dark hair, brown skin.”
The bartender shrugs. “Sorry, bud, that Rodian was here when I started my shift. Didn’t see a kid with him.”
“Karabast,” Jango spits, rounding on Mado. “If any harm has come to him, there will be no place in this galaxy where you can hide.”
The Rodian cowers, and Jango strides out of the cantina, tracking the most important target of his life.
Not many things frighten Jango Fett, but as he chases through the night, his heart pounds, his stomach churns, his gloves grow damp with sweat. The darkness gives way to dawn, and then to the harsh light of morning, and still he hunts. He searches endlessly, desperately, sweeping the seedy district and working his methodical way outward into the fringes of respectable neighborhoods. There is no sign of his son, and panic claws at his throat. 
By the time the sun is high overhead, Jango is near despair. He stops to rest his throbbing leg, leaning against a building as he gasps with pain. A flash of movement in his peripheral vision catches his attention, and he turns. Across the street is a quaint little shop with a cheerful sign that reads BAKERY, and through the large windows, he sees a woman twirling with a young child. Jango stiffens.
He launches away from the wall and storms across the street, slamming the bakery door open with a shout. “Boba!”
You scream and cower away, shielding the boy with your body. Jango stalks toward you, a huge and intimidating figure in Mandalorian armor.
“Please don’t hurt us!” you cry. “I haven’t cleared the till yet. You can take all the credits, just please, please don’t hurt him.”
Jango skids to a halt. “Hurt him?”
“He’s just a child,” you beg. “Please.”
Jango raises his hands slowly, telegraphing that he’s not a threat. Currently. He breaks the seal on his helmet and removes it, setting it on the table next to him.
“My name is Jango Fett. Boba is my son,” he says.
Your terrified gaze darts to his face. Your hand is cupping Boba’s head protectively, but the boy twists in your arms when he hears his father’s voice.
“Dada!” Boba shrieks, pushing away from you.
You set the boy down with obvious reluctance, and he runs to Jango, who scoops him up into a tight embrace. He clutches Boba to his chest as he examines him for injuries.
“How did he come to be wandering the streets alone in the middle of the night?” you ask, more than a hint of judgment in your tone.
“My friend was supposed to be watching him while I was at work,” Jango replied. “Former friend, I reckon. I’ve been searching for him for hours.”
Boba is babbling happily. You can only understand about half of what he says, but Jango listens gravely to the boy.
“Is that so?” he asks. He shifts his attention to you, and you swallow nervously under the intensity of his scrutiny. “He says you gave him hot chocolate.”
You feel a hot flush wash over you at the disapproval you infer from his words. “Well, it was either that or caf, and I didn’t want to see what would happen if we gave a toddler a double shot of espresso.”
“Thank you for taking care of him,” he says, and his voice is filled with so much relief that you soften instantly. 
“I’m glad you found him. He’s a sweet boy.” After a moment’s hesitation, you speak again. “Would you like something to eat? I’ve just closed up for the day, but we have a few things left.”
Jango looks surprised at your offer, but he accepts gladly. “I haven’t eaten since yesterday.”
You pull together an assortment of savory and sweet pastries: a vagnerian canapé, a water-chicken meat pie, a tal-toori, and dameapple turnover. Then you brew a large cup of caf and set it all on the table for him. He has collapsed into one of your big, comfortable armchairs, and Boba is resting against his armored chest. Without his helmet, you can see that he is remarkably handsome, and you smile at the way he rests his cheek on his son’s riotous curls. He looks exhausted; deep circles carved under his eyes—eyes that are exactly the same beautiful, rich brown as Boba’s—and there is a shadow of stubble on his jaw. The Arcadian jazz continues to play, and you pick up your broom to continue cleaning as Jango eats. Boba calls out your name and reaches for you.
“No, Boba,” Jango chides. “Leave the pretty lady alone. She has work to do.”
“I don’t mind,” you say, holding out your arms to Boba. 
Jango shrugs and hands his son back to you so he can attack his plate in earnest. You dance as you work, much to Boba’s delight. Jango watches you, admiring the way your body sways to the music. He isn’t blind; he can see that you are a beautiful woman, and he takes a moment to appreciate the way a few strands of hair have worked themselves free from your simple bun to curl in a halo around your face. He realizes that he’s been holding a pastry halfway to his mouth as he watches you twirl and play with his son. He crams the rest hastily into his mouth and takes a long drink of caf to wash it down. 
The food is good. Delicious, actually. He’s been eating ration bars for weeks, and he’s almost forgotten what real food tastes like. The warm light of the early afternoon spills into the bakery and bathes the room in a tranquil golden haze. He notices now that there are cheerful vases of fresh flowers on each table, and a low shelf full of books against one wall. 
Kriff, he’s so tired. He stretches his legs out gingerly, feeling the ache of his blaster wound. He leans back in the soft chair, just for a moment. Just to rest his leg before making the long walk back to the Slave I.
You finish cleaning the bakery and get everything staged for the next morning, and when you and Boba return to the front of house, you find Jango asleep in your armchair. You finally get a good look at him without feeling quite so awkward and intimidated. He looks younger; his guarded expression relaxes into softness. His head is tilted back, leaving the thick, brown column of his throat exposed. His shoulders are impressively broad, and while some of that bulk is clearly due to his armor, you suspect that most of it is just Jango.
With a tiny smile, you retrieve a picture book from your shelf and settle into another armchair with Boba on your lap. The boy snacks on the leftover scraps from his father’s plate, even though you offer to get him a plate of his own. You read to him until he falls asleep, cuddled safely in your arms.
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Jango lurches awake, staring wildly around him, his body tensed for violence. He’s disoriented for a moment, but then he sees you, curled up in an armchair across from him, Boba nestled securely against you. Both of you are fast asleep. He stands, flexing his leg experimentally. He’s not sure how long he was out, but judging by the angle of the sun, it’s been a few hours. He crosses to your armchair and gazes down at you and Boba. Something like tenderness is in his eyes as he smooths your hair out of your face.
Your eyes flutter open at his touch, and you smile up at him drowsily.
“I need to get going,” he says quietly, careful not to wake his son.
You nod your understanding and rise to your feet. He takes Boba and settles him against his shoulder. You help him put on his helmet, and he presses his free fist to his chest in a gesture of respect, careful not to jostle the boy.
“Thank you again,” he says sincerely. “For everything.”
“Of course,” you say. “Tell Boba to come visit me again sometime.”
“He’d like that,” Jango says. 
You walk him to the door and watch as he and Boba disappear down the streets of Bar’leth, and as you stand alone in your bakery, the music continues to play.
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“Boba Fett?” a man asks. He is wearing civilian clothes, but the stick up his ass has Boba willing to bet a thousand credits that he’s Imperial military.
Boba nods his head.
“The very man I was hoping to find," the man says. His clipped, affected Coruscanti accent grates on Boba's temper."The Empire requires your service. I’m to deliver you personally to Lord Vader’s ship.”
Boba finishes his drink and wordlessly follows the man, and the song plays on in the empty cantina.
@secondaryrealm @blueink-bluesoul @spicy-clones @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @merkitty49 @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella @cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @mandos-mind-trick @littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu
This fic has artwork!
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yandere-wishes · 6 months
My Star Wars prequels analysis
Ep 1 .... Qui-Gon Jinn is actually so daddy coded, I might die😍😍 Like sir let me be your bbg!!....And he's dead...
Ep2 Jango Fett is totlly daddy matrial. Like he's literally a dilf!!😍...And he's dead too...
Ep3 Count Dooku kinda grows on you. He's like an honary daddy!...Oh,he's dead...
In conclusion Star Wars has a thing aginst dilfs.😤😤
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kaminokatie · 5 months
Simple Pleasures || Jango Fett
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Synopsis - You and your Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, head to Kamino in search for the bounty hunter responsible for the attempted assassination of Senator Amidala.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 2.3k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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You had come to Kamino with your Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, in search of a bounty hunter that had been contracted to assistante Senator Padme Amidala on Coruscant. You and Obi-Wan had learnt of the creation of a Clone Army, ordered by Master Sipho-Dyas ten years prior, and cloned from a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. “Where is this bounty hunter now?” Obi-Wan asked the Kaminoan Prime Minister as you walked down the corridor of the facility. 
“We keep him here,” the Prime Minister replied. Obi-Wan gave you a knowing look. 
“I would very much like to meet this Jango Fett,” Obi-Wan spoke to the Prime Minister. 
The meeting was arranged quickly. So quickly you and Obi-Wan found yourself outside of Jango’s quarters after mere minutes. You shifted uncomfortably on your feet as you waited for the door to open: this had to be the man responsible for the assassination attempt on Senator Amidala, you were sure of it. When the door opened, a young boy answered. His eyes darted towards your form almost immediately as the Kaminoan began to speak, “Boba, is your father here?”  
“Yep,” the boy, Boba, replied with a nod. 
“May we see him?”
“Sure,” he said, looking you and Obi-Wan up and down cautiously. Boba stepped aside whilst shouting to his father that he had some visitors. 
“Be mindful of your surroundings,” Obi-Wan whispered to you as you both stepped inside. You nodded, giving your Master a reassuring smile. Wrapping your robes around you, you took in the surroundings of the quarters: everything was painted white, it was almost blinding, and although it was small, it seemed comfortable enough. 
After a few minutes, a man stepped out of the side room rolling up his sleeves. “Jango, welcome back. Was your trip productive?” The Kaminoan asked him. 
“Fairly,” he responded, never breaking eye contact with Obi-Wan. 
“This is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi,” the Kaminoan introduced before pointing to you, “and Padawan Y/N L/N.” Jango’s eyes fluttered to your form, a soft smile graced his lips. “They’ve come to check on our progress.” 
“Your clones are very impressive,” Obi-Wan started. 
Sensing the conflict between the two males, you decided to jump in. “You must be very proud,” you said to Jango. There was no denying that this man was handsome, extremely handsome. It made your stomach flutter slightly as he continued to ignore Obi-Wan’s glaring stare and kept his eyes focused on you. 
“I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe,” Jango replied, holding his hand out to you. You took it and immediately he pressed his lips to the back of your hand causing your heartbeat to speed up slightly. 
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes at Jango’s actions. “Ever made your way as far into the interior as Coruscant?” 
Jango let go of your hand and looked to your Master, expression now deadpan. “Once or twice.” 
“Recently?” Obi-Wan asked as he raised an eyebrow. 
“Possibly,” Jango replied. 
You, the Kaminoan and the child named Boba watched as the two men had a silent standoff. “You must know Master Sipho-Dyas,” Obi-Wan said. 
Jango walked towards Boba, speaking to him in a language unfamiliar to you. The boy nodded and walked off before Jango turned his attention back to you and Obi-Wan, shrugging. “Master who?” He asked, eyes wandering over your body. He wasn’t exactly being very subtle and the whole ordeal was getting to your Master.
“Sipho-Dyas,” Obi-Wan repeated. “Is he not the one who hired you for this job?” 
“Never heard of him,” Jango replied, taking a step towards Obi-Wan. 
“Really?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. 
The bounty hunter smiled at you, a seductive type of smile that had your heart skipping a few beats. “I was recruited by a man called Tyrannus,” he opened up to you. After a few seconds of silence, Jango spoke again, this time asking a question to the both of you. “Do you like your army?”
“We look forward to seeing them in action,” you replied before Obi-Wan could open his mouth. 
“They’ll do their job well,” his smile remained as he stared at you. “I’ll guarantee that.” 
“Thank you for your time, Mr Fett,” you said, trying to signal to Obi-Wan that you should probably leave. 
“The pleasure was all mine,” he whispered huskily. He took your hand once more and kissed it again, letting his eyes flutter closed for a brief second. You allowed his lips to linger for a moment before you pulled your hand away. “Perhaps, we will meet again.” 
“Don’t count on it,” Obi-Wan muttered under his breath, clearly frustrated by Jango’s advances on you. 
“I would like that,” you whispered breathlessly before coming to your senses. You shook your head lightly as if trying to force yourself out of the obvious trance the man before you had put you in as Obi-Wan grasped your arm and led you out of the room. As you returned to the ship you had arrived in, Obi-Wan growled under his breath. “What’s wrong Master?” You asked as you stood in the pouring Kaminoan rain, staring at your Master with confusion. 
“You are a Jedi, Y/N,” Obi-Wan reminded you. “Attachments are forbidden.” 
“Don’t think I didn’t see the moves that that bounty hunter was putting on you,” Obi-Wan rolled his eyes as he wrapped his robes further around his body in a futile attempt to protect him from the harsh conditions outdoors.  
“He was just being polite,” you replied, following suit and wrapping your robes around yourself. 
Obi-Wan hummed in disagreement as he began a transmission to the Jedi Council. He reported what you had learnt about the Clone Army and Jango Fett, but you weren’t listening. You felt a pull to go back inside, and so you slipped away from your Master while he continued the transmission. You found yourself back outside of Jango’s quarters, pressing the bell-like button and waiting for someone to answer the door. It was Boba. “Dad, that Jedi lady is back!” He called, stepping aside to let you enter. 
“Thank you, Boba,” you smiled politely at the young boy. 
Jango walked out of the side room with a grin on his face. “I’m no Jedi, but I knew you’d come back. Where is your Master?” He nodded towards his son who left the quarters quickly, closing the door behind him. 
“Outside,” you responded, looking down at your feet and kicking aimlessly at the white floor beneath you. 
“Why is it you’ve returned to my home?” Jango asked as he stepped closer to you. 
“I-I don’t know,” you said honestly. Your breath caught in your throat as the bounty hunter pulled you close to his body, the scent of soap radiating off his skin had you dizzy. 
“I think you do,” he grinned, cupping your face with his hands. His eyes searched yours as he spoke. “What’s it like not being able to indulge in the simple pleasures of life?”
“Such as?” You asked as you let your vision cast down to his lips. 
“Such as this,” he responded before kissing you softly. Your breath hitched at the sudden contact but you couldn’t find it in yourself to pull away. You allowed the rough bounty hunter to kiss you deeper, and found yourself wrapping your arms instinctively around his neck, bringing him as close to your own body as possible. “You’re a good kisser, for a Jedi.” 
“Not my first kiss,” you responded, your nose bumping against his as you kissed him again. 
Jango let out a soft noise as your lips connected once again. “So you do indulge in life's simple pleasures.” You just nodded as Jango’s hands moved to remove your robes, unwrapping the wet cloth from around your body and letting it fall to the floor with a silent thud. He bit your bottom lip before poking his tongue into your mouth, wet muscle fighting with your own for dominance. You moaned into his mouth, giving in and letting his tongue do whatever it wanted. This pleased Jango whose hands were working on peeling your tunic off your torso, throwing it into the corner of the room for you to find when he was finished with you. Anticipation shivered up your spine as the bounty hunter pushed you back onto the sofa, finally breaking apart the kiss and looking down at you as he took off his own shirt. “What would your Master say if he saw you right now?” He asked teasingly as he pounced on top of you, lips attaching to your neck and sucking on the supple flesh. 
“Certainly wouldn't be happy,” you whispered, letting your eyes flutter closed as you relished in the sensation of his soft lips against your skin. 
“Then let’s make this quick, hm?” 
You nodded and looked down to see Jango unbuttoning his trousers, pulling his cock out of his boxers rapidly. He was thick, large and painfully hard, tanned, but the tip was blushing furiously and leaking translucent pre-cum. A moan left your lips at the sight that you almost didn’t register the feeling of your own trousers and underwear being pulled down to your ankles. “What about your son?” You asked, suddenly coming to your senses and looking around the room. 
“He’ll be gone for a while,” Jango replied, kissing you again as he slipped his cock up your slit. You were already wet with anticipation from the idea of fucking a stranger, and a dangerous stranger nonetheless: a stranger thought to be involved in the plot to assassinate a Senator. Jango’s tip prodded at your entrance before he pushed himself inside of you, stretching you deliciously. “Ah, osik,” he hissed through gritted teeth. Your eyes rolled back into your head as Jango began to move quickly against you, hips slapping against your own as he pushed your knees up to your chest forcing his cock deeper inside of you. “You’re so tight Jedi,” he groaned, lolling his head back. 
“Call me Y/N,” you whimpered, biting your bottom lip, stopping a loud moan from escaping your mouth. 
“Fair enough Y/N,” he replied, nodding slightly. The sound of your name slipping past his lips had your pussy fluttering around his cock. A string of curse words in a different language left Jango’s lips as he continued to rut against you. Your fingernails dragged down his back, scratching scars that were no doubt a result of missions he had been on in the past. 
“Jango,” you cried out, arching your back slightly. 
“So kriffing pretty,” he groaned, smashing his lips against yours to quieten down the moans leaving his lips. “Gonna cum pretty? I can feel you tensing around me.” His words had you tumbling over the edge, orgasm washing over you like the Kaminoan waves. Your legs, that were still bunched up against your chest, shook violently as you came with a cry. Jango chuckled and his pace sped up, desperately chasing his own release. “You know what?” He asked, not giving you a second to respond before continuing. “I’ve wanted another child for a while. Maybe you could give me one.” You couldn’t even process his words as he fucked you dumb, not caring about the consequences this little rendezvous could lead to. You felt Jango’s cock twitch inside of you against your velvety walls, moaning your name loudly as he spilled himself inside of you violently and only when you had finished milking him dry did he stop moving his hips. You were breathing rapidly as he pulled out of you, body shaking intensely from the pleasure you had experienced. “You okay?” He asked looking down at you, eyes softening slightly as they met yours. 
All you could do was nod as you attempted to regain your breath, allowing your body to go limp as the bounty hunter sat off of you and onto the sofa next to you. The silence in the room was deafening as you both came down from your highs. “I…” You started, standing up and grabbing your clothes off the floor and dressing yourself. “I should get going before my Master comes here looking for me.” 
Jango frowned but nodded in understanding. “You Jedi and your rules.”
“We aren’t stupid though,” you said, giving him a silent warning that Obi-Wan was onto what he had been contracted to do. 
You were surprised when Jango pulled you back down for a passionate, sensual kiss. “I’m sure we’ll meet again, Y/N.” 
“I’m sure we will,” you replied into his lips. “Sooner than you might think.” You didn’t know his fate, but you knew that it wasn’t going to be favourable but alas Jango seemed confident. 
He patted your arse softly, “you better go.” 
“Tell Boba I said goodbye,” you whispered as you walked towards the door. You turned slightly to look back at the bounty hunter who was still naked and sitting on the sofa. 
“I will.”
You nodded at him before exiting Jango’s quarters and heading back to the land strip to meet up with Obi-Wan who was waiting for you in the rain, arms folded across his chest. “And where did you go?” He asked through gritted teeth. 
“To the bathroom,” you replied quickly, too quickly. “Lady problems.”
“The Council believes we should go after the bounty hunter,” Obi-Wan said, ignoring your blatant lie. “Now.” 
“Now?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows. Obi-Wan just nodded and ran off back into the Kaminoan facility. You ran after him, feeling Jango’s spend trickle down your thigh with each movement you made, a faint reminder of what you had done behind your Master’s back, your friend Senator Amidala and the Republic. You’d pay with the consequences though. You sensed it, although, you weren’t exactly sure as to what they would be just yet.
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l3xi3luv · 1 year
Saw someone else so this but can’t remember the tag, but who’s y’alls first clone crush? Mine was
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Boring? No. Iconic. I watched star wars In chronical order when I was like two and this man has stuck with me since then. AND LEMME TELL YOU WHEN I STARTED TCW? MAKER HAVE MERCY-
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pickleprickle · 1 year
Jango Fett's Trust
Pairing: Jango Fett x f!reader
Word Count: 726
Warnings: bit of knife play
A/N: I am FERAL for Jango Fett while reading the AOTC novelization. He is such a good dad (in his way). Reader doesn't have a daddy thing for Jango, though. Reader is a ruthless bounty hunter like him.
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"You may take him out in the canoe," Jango said lowly, staring at his son hunting for crabs on the lakeshore in the moonlight. Occasionally, the boy would look out at the glossy water and be stilled by the calm of it. You and Jango Fett lounged on a blanket near the fire pit. The two of you had done so several times over the storied course of your careers, but this was the first time he'd brought his son.  
"Capsize it," the boy's father said.
"Why do that?" You regarded the bounty hunter with a cocked eyebrow, deeply interested in his response. "What purpose would that serve?"
Jango breathed out hard, considering his next words. These things were always a delicate balance and one he'd never anticipated. He held so much love for his boy but knew that taking such things too far would be detrimental to both. Boba deserved to be a better bounty hunter – a stronger person – than Jango Fett. He deserved to be perfect. And you were something else entirely. Jango stared at his son on the shore and determined that he was growing too close to you.
"Jango," you took his chin and turned it toward you. "If you have a contract on me, let's just do this now."
He slapped your hand away with a laugh.
"If I had a contract, I would have already collected." He brought you in for an uncharacteristically soft kiss. A kiss that released all his needs for comfort. Needs to be held. Needs to be told it's okay you're safe.
"Then why?" You smiled. There was no reason to trust this man and you'd never really done so in all of the trysts. If felt like he might be trusted for this one night.
"He's only ever practiced swimming on Kamino. It's an ocean planet and an angry one. Storms are frequent. He should know how to do it everywhere," he replied, leaning back on the blanket.
"Also, I've always enjoyed swimming," Jango mused. "I'd like for him to enjoy it, too. Everything doesn't have to be harsh."
You showed Jango's boy how to row the canoe and promptly arranged for the oars to be lost then, as per direction, capsized.
The moonlight sparkled through the water as you sank, letting the lake draw you down into the murkiness that had taken so many. Boba's little legs paused, then kicked away toward shore, every bit Jango's son.
With a smile, you swam fast beneath the surface to burst up and sling him over your shoulder just before he reached shore.
"Fooled you!"
Most kids would have whined no fair. This kid? Just ran to his father and asked what could I have done better?
"You did well to leave her, Boba. But you paused and she caught you," he said while you retreated to the tent you shared with Jango to shrug out of the wet clothes, hearing everything. "You should have swam away immediately."
"I understand," the boy said solemnly. "It seemed like you liked her, though."
"Not at the expense of your training." He placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Now, dry off and go to bed. We're leaving tomorrow and it will be a long day. Get some rest but remain alert." The boy retreated to his solitary tent across the fire from Jango's, preparing himself for the inevitable attack.
Jango knew you should be eliminated because this was getting too comfortable even though you both continued to sleep with blasters at the ready. However, he only killed when he was paid to and, eventually, he most likely would be. All bounty hunters wound up with contracts on themselves at some point. He expected a bounty on himself at some point, too.
"Shall we retire?" you called from the tent.
"Seems appropriate," he replied.
Once he was inside, you tackled and straddled him in a violent kiss and, in an instant, you both pulled back in defense. A knife was at his throat. A blaster was at yours.
"No contract then?" he floated.
"Not today." You pressed the knife further, not quite enough to break the skin, yet still dangerous. "You?"
"I'd never tell." Jango threw aside the blaster and brushed your nipples. "Might want to keep the knife at the ready."
These encounters should continue, he thought. Every one of them only revealed more weaknesses and opportunities.
That's what he told himself as you kept the knife at his throat and dived in for a savage kiss.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober day 1
Jango Fett + rough sex
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Happy first day of kinktober, can’t promise all prompts will be written the same way as this one, and lengths may wary. Happy spooky month.
Kinktober list
Jango grunted as he was shoved down, the clank of his armor meeting the control panel of his ship, a crack sounding as a lever or some other button snapped under his weight. (Y/N)s hand was tight around his unarmored throat, sweat glistening on his brow as he forced the bounty hunter down onto his back. He glared through the visor of the mandalorians helmet, breathing heavily through his nose.
Jango had been chasing (Y/n) around the galaxy for weeks now, the other man always seeming to slip right between his fingers at the last moment. At some point it had become more than just a bounty hunter and his target. It started the night Jango had been watching (Y/N) through his binoculars, looking in through his window. As he was about to pull the trigger, the other man had shucked off his pants and underwear, revealing his half hard cock. Jango could do nothing but watch as his target pleasured himself, his armor crowing hot and uncomfortable, especially around his crotch.
When Jango had finally caught (Y/N), they had scuffled in a less than professional manner. Hands grabbing hips, crotches rubbing together and teeth meeting what little skin was available. The duo soon found themselves back on Jangos ship, where (Y/N) took charge, throwing the heavily armored bounty hunter around and crowding around him.
Jango was half folded in on himself as (Y/N) stepped in as close as possible, his legs lifted halfway up onto the other man’s shoulders. The hand around his throat flexed and Jango groaned, the cod piece of his armor growing even more uncomfortable. “Get that fucking helmet off” (Y/N) growled, squeezing Jangos thigh as he sneered, his own hardness pressing against Jangos cod piece.
Fumbling with his hands, Jango got his helmet off. He didn’t have time to put it down before (Y/N) was on him, shoving his tongue down the other man’s throat. Jango gagged as the man forced his tongue further into his mouth. The helmet fell to the floor with a clank, as Jango clutched at (Y/N)s shoulders.
(Y/N) palmed at Jangos cod piece, pressing down on the armor and grinding it against Jangos cock, forcing a moan out of the mandalorians throat. He smirked, watching Jango throw his head back as he kept grinding down with his palm. As Jango lay with his legs spread, (Y/N) let go of his thigh to grab a knife from his belt. Before Jango could panic, (Y/N) had cut the fabric that held his armor in place.
Jangos cock sprung into the air, twitching at the sudden cold of the ship. (Y/N) smirked up at the bounty hunter as he reached down, ripping the fabric until his hole was visible, fluttering as (Y/N) pressed his dry fingers against it. He groaned, face scrunching up at the slightly uncomfortable feeling. (Y/N) snickered and removed his hand, only to shove the fingers into Jangos mouth.
The bounty hunter moaned at the taste, closing his lips around the appendages, and sucking. He knew this was most likely the only type of lube he would be getting, so he made sure to get the fingers covered in his spit. As Jango was busy slurping on his fingers, (Y/N) let go of his throat to reach down to undo his belt, pulling at his pants until he could free himself, his length bouncing as it was pulled free.
Jango gasped as (Y/N) pulled his fingers from his mouth, leaning in close to nip at Jangos lip as he pushed a finger inside the bounty hunter’s hole. His leg gave a small jolt at the uncomfortable feeling, the spit covered finger moving back and forth, soon joined by a second. At any other time Jango would complain, wanting his partner to go slower. But all he could do now was moan against the other man’s lips as he forced a third finger inside.
Growing impatient, (Y/N) pulled his fingers away and spat into his palm, lathering the drool over his cock. Seeming to press even closer to Jango, he pressed the head of his length against the spit covered hole, which fluttered at the touch. Both men  groaned as (Y/N) pushed inside, the burn making Jango throw his head back, smacking it against the control panel.
(Y/N) gave the man very little time to adjust as he grabbed his thighs, pulling them up to give himself better access, and he began to thrust. Jango choked what could both have been a groan or a yell, his hands grasping at (Y/N)s shoulders as he roughly moved his hips back and forth. Jango couldn’t focus as tears gathered in his eyes, moving his hand to grip at (Y/N)s hair and forced his lips against his own. The wet noise of their kissing joining the noise of (Y/N)s hips meeting his own, and the groans and gasps that escaped both men.
Jango knew he would have hand shaped bruises on his thighs where the other man was gripping, a choked off scream tearing its way out of his chest as his partners cock rammed against the bundle of nerves inside him. He could feel (Y/N) smirk against his lips, focusing strictly on Jangos prostate with renewed fervor. Jango could barely focus as he moaned into the other man’s lips, his thighs tightening around his shoulders.
Jangos cock gave a twitch as he felt his orgasm hurdling closer, each ram against his prostate forcing it closer and closer. (Y/N) moved his hips faster, alerting his partner that he too was growing closer. Jango dislodged from their kiss, throwing his head backwards with little care of the control panel, as his cock spurted white across his still armored torso. A spurt shot up and hit (Y/N)s chin, who lurched forwards and sank his teeth into Jangos neck. The tightness of Jangos hole as he came pushing him over the edge, flooding the man with his seed. (Y/N) lazily thrust his hips a few times, drawing out the pleasure as much as possible before he came to a stop. He leant up to kiss Jangos lips carefully, who was still blissed out and unresponsive.
(Y/N) pulled out with a wet noise, tucking himself into his pants once again and doing his belt. He smirked to himself at the blissed-out bounty hunter, who was still moaning quietly to himself. When Jango came back to himself he found himself alone in his ship, armor streaked in his own cum and hole still dripping. As he got down from the control panel, a piece of flimsy caught his attention. “Call me ;)” it said, followed by a number. Jango snorted softly under his breath, tucking the paper away for later.
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hetalianskywalker · 1 month
Day 28: The Sea Alor
Pairing: Sea Alor Mer Jango Fett x Harpy Reader
Summary: The in hiding king of the Mer feels bad for a caged Harpy.
Author’s Note: I hope this turns out alright.
Warnings: non- permanent main character death and reference to physical and mental trauma.
Word Count: 1646
Prompt: Well funded ships keep a harpy caged at the helm, for calling or dispersing winds when necessary. Mermaids and harpies are natural enemies. But still, I feel sorry for them.
Prompt 3236 by deepwatwrwritingprompts
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Well funded ships keep a harpy caged at the helm, for calling or dispersing winds when necessary. Mermaids and harpies are natural enemies. But still, he feels sorry for them.
Jango occasionally found work on these ships. The captain believes him a storm summoner and in truth it’s what most of his employers believe. While he prefers to hunt for bounties across the high seas, these jobs weren’t a problem if they paid his fee. He often finds himself in the company of a caged and wing clipped harpy, but this is different.
Your eyes linger on him for long stretches of time and you look like you wish to speak with him. Usually Jango would just ignore the looks, but this did not feel like begging for help that would not come. It’s inquisitive and analytical; he wonders if you have figured out who he truly is. What he truly is.
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Being the Sea Alor has many benefits, one being the siren song ability. He makes sure the crew will remain asleep before walking up to your cage. You are wide awake, waiting for him.
“Sea Alor.” You cut right to the chase and look him dead in the eyes through the t-face of his helmet. Well, that’s one question answered.
“Harpy.” Jango curtly responds as he crosses his arms. “What do you wish to say?”
You suddenly look very unsure. Your talons scratch at the metal bars and deck beneath you. “Have you taken the deal with Tyranus yet?”
“What?” He bites out in complete disbelief. There is no way you should be able to know that. You watch his whole body go absolutely still.
“I see…” Your voice trails off before taking a deep breath. “When your only recognized child is ten, you shall leave him an orphan.”
Both his hands reach in and snatch the collar of your shirt. You barely have enough time to grip the bars to stop your face from hitting them as he pulls you to him. His face is twisted in a terrifying snarl with his sharp Mer teeth coming out inches from your face. You feel choppy waves slam into the ship and see the stars vanish behind dark clouds. It’s terrifying to think this is but the tip of the iceberg of his destructive power.
“Tell me what you know, Harpy.” You summon all your anger and courage, feeling the wind fight back against him. It was first your ally, not his. You think of all you have seen of the future. How his longing for revenge against the Jedi helps almost doom the world, leads an army of Mer clones to suffer and die in vain, and one boy orphaned.
“My freedom first, Fett.” You hiss, snapping your own sharp teeth. You extend out one of your hands, knowing he has the magic to bind you two to an agreement. “Deal?”
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Once the journey is done, Jango leaves the ship before swimming up in Mer form that very night. He breaks you out true to his word and you keep up your end of the bargain. You explain, like how Tarre Vizsla was both Mer and a Jedi, you are both a harpy and blessed with a wider range of magic. You get snippets of the future. You tell him how a 10 year old Boba gets to watch his father get decapitated by a Jedi.
While he believes you're being honest, he can’t have you spreading word around about Kamino island so he half drags you back with him. While that might be everything on his death, you obviously know far more about everything else than you're letting on. Especially with the amount of disdain you hold for him. Also, any more visions could give more context or details about his death in eight years.
At first, you are just the stranger next door to Jango’s apartment. The one off worlder that isn’t a trainer, but Jango is keeping here anyway. It gives you the freedom to move around the facilities, but interacting with the mer clones is far more difficult. But you are kind in little ways when the Kaminoans and the trainers aren’t looking.
Rex, Cody, Wolffe, Fox, Ponds, and Bly are the main ones. Unlike many of the others, you’ve stolen multiple hugs from Bly, Rex, and Cody and ruffled the hair of the other three. The amount of slowly grown trust in their bright brown eyes means the world to you.
You have seen them the most in your visions about the Mer clones, but you do your best with all of them. You try to keep track of the clones you’ve seen in visions, but it’s impossible to run into all of them all the time. Some you see maybe a couple of times in your entirety of time on Kamino like Delta Squad for example. Emerie and Omega are the only ones you never get to see.
While you have a few more visions of the coming war, there is nothing to help the Mer clones or how to stop Palpatine completely. Kark, just avoiding the sith’s attention was hard enough work.
However, something unexpected happens in your plans. You slowly become Boba’s other guardian. You have a soft spot for him from all the visions you’ve seen and you're more than happy to watch him for Jango. But about a year in, you find him calling you mom and Buir; it warms your heart more than you're willing to admit.
Jango, on the other hand, you continue to deeply despise. Does he have a valid reason for wanting the destruction of the Jedi? Yes, even if he is taking it too far and it needs to be stopped for everyone’s good. However, his treatment of the mer clones as cattle makes you want to scream. You tolerate him for the goal of changing the future.
When he begins to take interest in Cody, however, you panic. You had thought you had covered all your tracks. You apparently had for the Kaminoans, but not Jango.
“Is that one meant for glory?” He mutters under his breath as you walk away side by side.
“What do you care?” You hiss, too angry to look at him. “Go back to ignoring him; it’s less cruel that way.”
But the cruelest twist of fate is how behind closed apartment doors, when you can’t see the cold stare he gives the army made in his image, you grow to like his company. It takes five or so years to realize it, but you love the little family you, he, and Boba have made together. Longing stares and soft touches become nights shared and living with him and Boba in their apartment.
And you hate yourself for falling for him. This man was simultaneously filled with so much love and disdain. Who is just as capable of protecting family as he is abandoning it. Who is able to abandon his responsibilities as Sea Alor and yet still has a code of honor. He is a mess of contradictions. You want to hate him. It would be so much easier to just hate him.
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Geonosis is a desert island and Boba is ten. Jango clearly recognizes all the details from your visions over the years. He goes in anyway. Knowing who he’s going to face, he thinks he can win.
He doesn’t. His fate comes for him anyway. You and Boba are left in heartbroken shock. But this… this isn’t the end. You refuse to stand there while fate takes its course. When the battle ends, you and Boba work fast to get him aboard Slave I. And you then start the ritual.
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Jango doesn’t understand why he’s on Mandalore. Or how he’s on Mandalore. He’s dead; he died. His fingers trace along his neck and he finds a burn scar going all the way around. It was definitely real.
A thirteen year old Boba soon explains as best he can after a tearful reunion. While his son explains the insanity of the war, how your kindness had left channels open with multiple battalions, and with Boba’s growing magical strength as the next Sea Alor, they were able to unite the Mandalorian Sector, he conveniently circumvents how Jango was alive.
“What did she give, Boba?” His son goes deadly quiet. Boba looks so much older and it makes Jango want to be sick, thinking of all he’d missed. “You need to tell me.”
“She’s lived with it for three years already. It’s not…” Boba whispers the next part. “That bad.”
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Jango has to switch into mer form to find you. You tucked yourself away in a quiet cove that’s hard to access by land. He pulls himself up to sit next to you on the sand. He watches the way the drowning sun’s light reflects off his silver scales.
“It all happened as you prophesied.” He states, unsure of how else to start. You were right about everything.
“Not completely.” You smile sadly. “I got to save a few more Mer clones and Jedi. I’ve sped up how fast they’ll be free from their mind control enchantment. And Mandalore won’t fall victim to the empire and it’s stable.”
“Besides, I have you, Boba, and so many of my other sons. I did quite a lot without magic since your death.” You look out at the setting sun. Jango analyzes you and hates to see that his son was right. The wind doesn’t react to you anymore.
“Cuyan…” He squeezes his eyes shut. “I was not worth your wings.” Your back itches when he says that. You had almost gone mad trapped in a human body at first, but Boba and the mer clones had helped keep you grounded.
“You are.” Jango gives you a truly genuine smile and leans his forehead against yours.
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somedaylazysomeday · 4 months
Fanfic February 2024 - Week Two
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We are well past the halfway point of the month, but here are the collected links for Fanfic February 2024 - Week Two:
Winner Take All (Part Four) - A fourth chapter of my Nathan Bateman x fem!reader Ex Machina fic.
Hunted (Part Three) - A continuation of my Hunter x fem!reader Star Wars: The Bad Batch fic from FFF - 2022.
Noisy (Part Four) - A continuation of my Viktor x fem!reader Arcane fic.
Target Acquired (Part Three) - The first of a two-part installment of my Jango Fett x fem!reader Star Wars fic.
Target Acquired (Part Four) - The second half of this year's installment of my Jango Fett x fem!reader Star Wars fic.
A Boon (Part Five) - The fifth chapter of my Thranduil x fem!reader The Hobbit fic.
A Boon (Part Six) - The sixth (and final) chapter of my Thranduil x fem!reader The Hobbit fic.
All of these fics are either mature or explicit. Minors, please do not interact with my works.
You can find other fics on my masterlist, SFW Star Wars fics on my other sideblog - @wanderinginksplot-writes - or find me on AO3 under InkSplots.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Hey, i am back with another idea!
So, i was thinking about young Jango Fett and how he would woo a woman that isnt apart of the Mandalorian culture marry him.
Hope i gave you enough information for the story!
Love yeah!
Cultural Miscommunications
Summary: You like to think that you're friends with Jango Fett, though you desperately want more.
Pairing: Jango Fett x Reader
Word Count: 1920
Warnings: Reader goes on a bad date
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I hope that this is close to what you wanted. There's not a lot out there for Mandalorian dating culture, though, admittedly, I didn't look too hard.
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The first time you met Jango Fett, it was because he approached you when you were at a store. He was a visitor to the planet, and was hoping for some advice on finding something that he was looking for.
You knew, from the first glance, that he was going to be trouble. A bounty hunter, and a Mandalorian bounty hunter at that? There are easier ways to break your own heart.
Still, he was handsome and polite, and it was a step up from the way that guys normally talk to you, so you favored him with a bright smile, and offered your help. If nothing else, it would be an interesting little story to share with your friends in the future. 
After all, there was no way you were ever going to see him again.
Except you did.
Multiple times that week, and the first couple of times you thought it was just a coincidence, but then you started thinking that maybe he was following you. He spoke to you only one more time during that week, the last day before he left, and he gifted you with a book, one that you had wanted to buy but hadn’t been able to afford, and he told you that it was a thank you gift, for helping him with his job.
And then he left, and you thought that that was the end of it.
Except two months later, he was back. A little more worn, a little more ragged, and with a new ding in his armor, but he greeted you with a small smile, and a question for the best place to get some quick and cheap food.
And, well, you invited yourself to his lunch. Solely because you were worried that he was going to keel over if he didn’t have a buddy to make sure that he didn’t.
He didn’t, wouldn’t, tell you about his hunt, but he was more than happy to talk to you about the planets he’s been to, and some of the weird things he’s seen as a bounty hunter. And with a little prodding, he admitted that he came back here because it was the closest, safest, planet he could get too, and he really needed to rest.
You invited him to crash on your couch, and when he argued, you insisted intensely enough that he finally agreed. You allowed him the use of your shower, and your laundry, and your kitchen, and he spent the night on the couch, listening to a newsreel on your holo.
And when you woke up the following morning, Jango was gone. But there was a note left on the kitchen table, next to a hot caf and a breakfast sandwich from the cafe down the street.
That time you were almost sure was going to be the last time you saw Jango…and it would have been, had you not ended up going on a trip with your closest friends. 
And you know, you know, that you were brought along as a cover-up for your friend's hookup with her pirate boyfriend, but you did enjoy the trip to Rishi, right up until you were cornered by a different pirate group. And then Jango was there, dealing with the people threatening you with ease, and he looked just as surprised to see you as you were to see him.
Though, to be fair, he was probably more at home on Rishi than you were. And you were thrilled to see a friendly face. He, on the other hand, was furious that your friends dragged you to such a dangerous place and then left you to fend for yourself. 
You ended up on Jango’s ship while he returned you to your home planet, and while he was still upset about you ending up in such a dangerous situation, he wasn’t angry at you. In fact, once he calmed down, you had several very long, and very nice, talks. 
And when he dropped you off in your home city, you couldn’t stop yourself from wrapping both of your hands around one of his and asking him to come and visit again.
His response was a surprised laugh and a “we’ll see.” But you had a good feeling that he would be back. After all, you were friends now.
That was almost a year ago now, and you like to think that you and Jango are pretty close. When he’s on planet, he crashes with you, always on your couch, though you’ve offered him your bed on more than one occasion. He always refuses though. No matter how exhausted he is. No matter how many times you swear that adults can share a bed without it becoming weird.
He always flashes that small smile and takes your couch.
And when he leaves, he always leaves a gift. A trinket from his most recent hunt, something he saw when he landed that he thought you might like, or, most often, food from your favorite places.
Honestly, it’s enough to turn a girl’s head.
And you’re not dating him. You’re not, as much as you’d like it. Because you don’t go places and he doesn’t touch you, and sure, he buys you stuff, but he seems totally physically uninterested in you-
But you’re not willing to give up yet.
Your friends, however, are much less patient than you are. Which is how you ended up in this situation.
This situation being dressed up in a flowy dress and your hair done up, and on a date with someone you, frankly, wouldn’t spit on if he burst into flames. It was supposed to be a girls night out with your friends, not a surprise blind date with a man who’s been crushing on you, but hasn’t had the stones to talk to you.
So here you are, at a nice, relatively low cost, restaurant with this total stranger who hasn’t taken his eyes off your chest since you sat down. You can’t even remember his name, honestly, and you’re a bit worried to order anything on his dime in case he feels entitled to anything you aren’t willing to give.
So when your comm chimes, you heave a silent sigh of relief. And when you see who’s messaging you, you have to smother a delighted smile.
“I just stopped at your apartment. Where are you?”
“I was supposed to be out on a girls night,” You reply to Jango’s curt message, “It was a trick. It’s actually a blind date.”
Jango doesn’t respond, though you know he sees your response.
“He’s been staring at my chest for the last forty minutes, and I’m too nervous to order anything because I think he’ll think that I owe him sex if I let him buy me anything.”
Jango still doesn’t respond.
“The Code to your apartment is still 34790, right?”
“Great. Where are you?”
“Saint Mocianne’s, the pasta restaurant.”
There’s no response, so you sigh and stow your comm back. You were kind of hoping that Jango would come to your rescue, but it looks like it’s no dice.
“You know, it’s rude to answer a comm while on a date, babe.”
You forcefully repress your shudder of revulsion. “Sorry. Work stuff.”
“If you were my girl you wouldn’t have to work.” And then he releases a chuckle, “Well, you’d have to work in my bed-”
“Wow. You…you just said that. Outloud. Where I can hear you.” You say flatly, “I think I’m actually repulsed.”
He opens his mouth to say something when a warm hand lands on your shoulder, “Sorry, I’m late. I needed to change.”
You turn your head and a flash of delight crosses your face. “Jango!” You stand and fling your arms around his neck, “Thank you for coming, do you have any idea what he just said to me?” You hiss in his ear.
“I heard him, mesh’la.” He rubs his hand up your spine soothingly, and then releases you, “You’re in my seat.” Jango says coldly to your wannabe date.
He sputters, “No. This is my seat, and she’s my date.”
“I was tricked into a blind date,” You grumble, “I never agreed to go on a date.” You rest your cheek against Jango’s shoulder. And while Jango always cuts a fine figure, whether in his armor or just his body suit, he’s wearing much more casual dress clothes, and he looks good enough to eat.
“What? No!” The Blind Date stands suddenly, “I was promised-”
“What?” Jango asks, his voice silky smooth, “What were you promised?”
“I…” He pauses and seems to realize exactly the danger he’s in, “Nothing.”
“Smart.” Jango turns to you, “Do you want to stay and eat here, or would you rather go somewhere else?”
“Somewhere else.” You reply immediately. He flashes a small smile at you, and places his hand on the small of your back to guide you out of the building, “You look very nice by the way, Jango.”
“I thought you’d prefer it if I didn’t ride to the rescue in my armor.” He lightly pulls you to the side as soon as you’re outside, “Are you okay?”
You hum thoughtfully, and lightly trail your hand across his chest, “I don’t know, I think your armor would have proven the point nicely.” you muse thoughtfully. And then you smile brightly at him, “He didn’t hurt me.”
“Well then, the next time I have to ride to your rescue, I’ll wear my armor.” Jango says in a low voice.
“Hopefully there won’t be a next time,” You laugh, as you slide your hand up to his shoulder, “It’s not like I’m going out of my way to go on dates with people. In spite of what my friends want.”
“Well, there’s a guy I like and he’s sending really mixed signals.” You start slowly, “He’s always there, he stays at my place when he’s in town, buys me gifts and makes me feel like I’m important. But he also doesn’t take me up on any of my overtures.”
Jango blinks at you, and then he huffs out a laugh and presses his forehead against yours, “I think we’re having a cultural miscommunication.”
“How do you mean?” You ask with a frown.
“So far as I’m concerned, we’ve been dating since the day I brought you home from Rishi and you asked me to come back.” Jango trails his fingers along your cheek, “All of those gifts, courting presents.”
You stare at him, your lips parted, “Are you telling me I could have been kissing you this whole time and I didn’t know?!”
He laughs, “I’m afraid so.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You ask, “I would have definitely been taking advantage of that! Is there anything else that I should know?”
His grin becomes impish, and he flicks the pendant hanging around your neck, “Technically, this means we’re engaged in my culture.”
You release a heavy breath, and then stand on your toes to crash your lips against his. And he responds as though he’s been waiting for you to kiss him for ages. Which, thinking about it, he probably was.
You break the kiss, though you keep yourself pressed close to him, wanting him even closer. “Will you spend the night in my bed now?” You ask him, your voice breathy.
He laughs softly, “Will you marry me?” Jango asks in return.
And you surprise even yourself when you kiss him again and say, “Yes.”
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averagehorrorgirl · 6 months
Work in progress 💕 Hi and welcome! I do believe I should introduce myself :) So I'm Cass 21 female ace nerd. I've been writing since 6th grade and use it as a form of therapy and healing. I really struggle accepting people actually like my work so I always have drafts ready to be published but I'm my own worst enemy haha. Anyway stay awhile read some of my work and I hope you stick around :)
Request Rules: - No non-con/dub-con - No pedophilia - No incest Newest: Angel Wings Pt 2 2) I saved your fucking life (soap x reader) 3) Forged in War ( General Grievous x sith reader)
¤ Legend ¤
Fluff: 💫
Smut: 🔥
Angst: 😨
Author favorite: 💕
• Movies/Shows •
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Miles Quaritch:
A Second Chance
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Cooper Howard:
Cowboy Hat Rule
Then Fame and Fortune Never Could Compete
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Zemo x reader:
Angel Wings [pt 1] [pt 2] 💫😨🔥
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Michael Myers:
Bleeding Boogeyman
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Commander Wolfe x Padawan Reader
Captain Rex x Padawan Reader
Darth Maul x reader: Ferocity
Darth Maul x reader: Laced Chains
Dooku x reader
Darth Maul x reader: I was There From the Beginning 😨💫
Savage Opress x reader: Darkness Takes All 😨
Savage Opress x reader
Bounty Hunters:
Cad Bane x Senator reader: I Don't Follow You
Bossk x reader
Boba Fett x fallen Jedi: I Told You [pt 1] [pt 2] 💫😨🔥
Din Djarin x reader: Flinch
Jango Fett x reader + Cad Bane
General Grevious x sith reader: Forged in War 😨💫
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Billy Hargrove:
Dmitri Antonov:
The Enemy
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• Video games •
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Wired Hideaway
I Saved Your Fucking Life 😨💫💕
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Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn):
Just an Old Cowboy
Legion (Frank Morrison):
Picking up the Pieces
Pyramid Head:
Simple Kindness
Pinhead (Elliott Spencer):
Chains That Bind Us
Trickster (Ji-Woon):
I can Treat You Better
Kissed by Fire
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Nate (SS):
Friend's till the End
Mason (Nuka World)
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Joel Miller:
Tommy Miller:
I Gotcha
Long Time No See
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firstofficerwiggles · 4 months
Congrats on 1,200 followers!
May I get a spicy romantic letter from Jango, please? I have light brown skin, really dark brown eyes, and short, curly black hair.
Thank you!
Thank you so much, sweetie!! I’m thinking Jango is writing to you soon after he’s arrived on Kamino and he’s looking forward to when you join him. (18+ under the cut)
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I hope you are well, I miss you greatly. I’ve arrived here on about the rainiest place in this galaxy. This system really is something else, unlike anything I’ve seen before, but funnily enough, I think you’ll enjoy it. Didn’t you tell me once that you like the ocean? The Kaminoans have given me a very comfortable apartment, one I think you’ll like very much. It has a great view of the rolling waters outside, it becomes almost hypnotic at times. Although the apartment is looking a bit impersonal right now, it definitely needs your special touch to help make it a home. And I can’t wait to bring you home, it’s too empty without you, especially our new bed. I’m sitting in it right now, as I write this, thinking of you. I picture those warm, deep brown eyes of yours looking up at me with such desire and it makes me crazy with need for you. I want you here with me, spread out on these lovely white sheets, just waiting for me to touch you. I’ll start slow with soft kisses and caresses, taking my time to appreciate the treasure that you are. But you know me, soon those kisses will be heated and demanding as my body yearns for yours. It doesn’t mean I’ll rush things though, oh no, I intend to enjoy you to the fullest all the while reminding you of the wonderful pleasure I know how to give you. When I finally make you mine again it will be after I’ve brought you over the edge several times. You know I love it when you’re gasping and moaning for me. I think we might end up testing the limits of the sound proofing in this place. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Cyare, this is going to be our own love nest, tucked away where the rest of the galaxy can’t touch us. The weather here might be dreary but our place will be a blazing fire every night. As soon as I can head back to get you, I will be on my way. I hope you’re ready for me.
All my love,
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Send in an ask for Wiggles' 1200 Follower Celebration
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Fic Masterlist
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Hello there.
Thanks for stopping by! This is my masterlist of Star Wars fics. I'll update it as I publish new works. Please note that most of my fics contain mature content and are intended for readers over 18. Enjoy, and feel free to drop a comment any time; I love connecting with fellow readers and writers. May the Force be with you!
UPDATE 6/14/24: I am currently on hiatus. Please see my announcement post for more details.
Requests are currently closed. Outstanding requests will be filled following hiatus. 🩵
Follower Celebration requests are currently closed for hiatus.
My art, gathered in one convenient location
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Looking for my cocktail masterlist? It's here
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🍋 indicates mature content 🍋
My AO3
Stars Beyond Number. (AO3 link, complete)
Soldiers. Heroes. Deserters. Traitors. They've been called many things. As the Galactic Empire rises from the ashes of the Republic, a small group of clone troopers and their allies will find a new identity: Rebels.
Echo, Rex, and Gregor are on a mission to save as many of their brothers as they can. The task is daunting, and their friends are few. But from these small and desperate beginnings will come a spark of resistance that will set the galaxy ablaze.
Cerra Kilian GAR Personnel Datafile
Martyrs and Kings. (AO3 link, complete) Star Wars meets light academia. A post-stasis Kix longfic. Clone medic Kix is a man displaced in time. Captured by Separatists and put into cryostasis when he learned the truth about the clones' inhibitor chips, he awakens fifty years after the end of the Clone Wars. The Republic is gone. The galaxy has changed. And now, the last clone trooper searches for answers with the help of a New Republic historian.
🍋 "Martyrs and Kings AND ZOMBIES!!!" 🍋 - a spooky, sexy one-shot sequel.
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Cal Kestis
Request: "Cuddles of consolation after a bad day" (GN)
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501st Legion
Rex x Reader
🍋 "No Sleep Till Coruscant" 🍋
Request: "Soft looks while cuddling" (GN)
Jesse x Reader
Jesse First Kiss Ficlet (GN)
🍋 "In Which Jesse Gets What He Deserves" (AKA the cuddlefuck fic) 🍋  
🍋"She's Such a Scream"🍋  
Hardcase x Reader
"A Question of Seman-dicks" (GN)
"Hey, Sunshine 💙" (GN)
Dogma x Reader
Quote prompt ficlet (GN)
Tup x Reader
Tup fanart!
🍋 "Do It Again" 🍋
🍋 "Tup à Trois"🍋
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The Bad Batch
Hunter x Reader
First kiss ficlet (GN)
🍋 "I Wish All Readers a Very Hunter Life Day"🍋
Crosshair x Reader
"I Know." (GN)
"The Plant Prowler of Pabu" (GN)
🍋"Too Early"🍋
Tech x Reader
Request: "Feeling the rumble of their chest when they talk while cuddling/Needing their cuddles even though they have something else to do" (GN)
Request: "Putting your ear against their heart" (GN)
Wrecker x Reader
Request: "Trying to crawl under their shirt" (GN)
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212th Attack Battalion
Commander Cody x Reader
"Someday" (GN)
🍋"The Night Before Someday"🍋 (GN)
Boil x Reader
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 1)" (GN)
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 2)"
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 3)"
🍋"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 4)🍋
Art: "Boil deserves to feel pretty" (mildly 🍋. Let's say 🍊)
🍋"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 5)"🍋
Waxer x Reader
"The Sixth Language (part 1)"
"The Sixth Language (part 2)"
"The Sixth Language (part 3)"
🍋 "The Sixth Language (part 4)" 🍋
"The Sixth Language (epilogue)"
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104th Battalion - Wolfpack
Wolffe x Reader
"Sweet as Summer Rain"
🍋"Just a Little Bit More"🍋
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Other Clones
Alpha-17 x Reader
🍋"Who's the Alpha Now?" 🍋 (GN)
🍋"Who's the Alpha Now? Part 2"🍋
Hound x Reader
🍋 “Watch and Learn, City Boy 🍋
T version | 🍋 E version 🍋
Neyo x Reader
🍋 "Everybody Hates Neyo." 🍋
🍋 "Everybody Hates Neyo Round 2: Matchmaking Boogaloo" 🍋 (reader got converted to OC)
Neyo first kiss ficlet (GN)
Mayday x Reader
Accidental first kiss ficlet (GN)
"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 1" (collaboration with @nika6q)
"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 2" 
🍋"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 3" 🍋
🍋"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 4" 🍋
O'Niner x Reader
🍋 "Nine Lives for Sergeant O'Niner" 🍋 (cowritten with @anxiouspineapple99) 
Sev (RC-1207) x Reader
"Are You Sure About This?" (GN)
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 1
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 2
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 3
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Jango Fett x Reader
"Promises and Pastry"  
Fenn Rau x Reader
🍋 Fenn Rau Thots 🍋
"The Protector of Chopper Base" (GN)
Request: Falling Asleep in Each Other's Arms (GN)
Please don't put my work through AI programs or repost elsewhere. Also, if you’d like custom dividers, feel free to send a request via DM or Ask; I love designing these! But please don’t use mine without permission.
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kill-the-feels · 1 year
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a/n: hey y’all! Here’s the final part — the epilogue to Jango’s story!! Thank you to everyone who’s stuck with this from day one. All your comments and likes and reblogs truly make my heart happy. Enjoy!! <3 (previous part) (masterlist)
word count: ~2.5k
warnings: none! Just lots and lots of fluff and implied spicy content and reference to past injuries (very mild/vague)
Building a house takes a surprisingly short amount of time. It isn’t big; just large enough for the four of you to comfortably inhabit. You make short trips to the nearby settlements, bartering for odds and ends that make the house more comfortable, slowly but surely putting down roots by the sea.
You and Jango lay in bed, the sun slanting through the curtains, the shushing of the ocean drifting in through the open windows, the breeze bringing the scent of salt and earth.
The two of you have been awake for the past few minutes, both of you too lazy to get up out of bed.
The giggling outside your door gets louder. Jango reaches over and snags your pillow out from under your head, stuffing it over his face.
“Sounds like we’re about to have guests,” he mutters.
“Hey!” you protest quietly, right before the door pops open and Boba and Jate enter softly. Boba has something behind his back, something living, judging by the way Jate keeps reaching up to help him hold it.
Unceremoniously, he dumps a loth-cat on the bed, the poor creature freezing in fear, torn between running over you or trying to sneak past Boba.
“Boba,” you say, jumping back, taking half the covers with you. The cat hisses, its ears flattening against its head.
“Can we keep it?” he whispers, mistakenly thinking Jango — who hasn’t moved — is still fast asleep.
“Can you- no! It’s a living creature. You’re not keeping it.” He and Jate give you twin pouts, Jate reaching to pet the cat. To your surprise, it purrs and curls into a ball at her touch, settling. Boba looks pleased.
“You just told us we needed to find something to do. About how we should do something productive with our time. Buir, getting a pet will give us that.” it’s hard to argue when he throws your own word back at you. You look between the both of them. Jango is no help, but you can feel the way his side twitches slightly in laughter.
Fine. You’ll show him.
“You promise you’ll take care of it? Promise that I am not going to be the one cleaning up after it?” Both of them nod vigorously. You bite your lip, the only way you can contain your laugh.
“Okay. We can keep the cat.” Boba cheers quietly, snatching the poor creature back up, and the three of them are gone in a rush of giggles, the door swinging shut behind them.
“They get it from you, y’know,” Jango says under the pillow, and you snatch it off his head. He retaliates by reclaiming his share of the covers.
He’s laying on his back, eyes still closed, mouth tilted up in an easy smile.
“Get what?” you poke his ribs gently and he jerks away with a grunt, eyes finally opening. A recent discovery? Jango is ticklish.
“Taking in strays.” You raise an eyebrow. It’s rich coming from him. Jango, who specifically asked for a son, instead of credits, who plucked you up because he couldn’t leave you, who Jate currently has wrapped around her little finger.
As if he wasn’t the one to go over how to clean and shoot a blaster with Jate over and over, until she could do it nearly as well as him, or he wasn’t the one to find a needle and thread to stitch up a tear in Ai-Ai’s tail after the two of them went to bed, or he wasn’t the one to sit in the field for an extra hour, pretending to fix the equipment as he posed for Boba and Jate to draw him, instead of finishing tilling the ground like he wanted to.
But you’re the pushover.
“Please,” you say, poking him again. This time he catches your hand, holding it to his chest, over his heart. With a huff, he rolls over, pinning you to the bed underneath him. You grunt, trying to shove him off, and in response, his hand falls to your side, tickling.
You snort out a laugh, head falling back into a patch of sunlight.
“You know that damn cat is going to become a hassle,” he says, easing up a little, so he can slip his legs in between yours.
“You didn’t see their faces. They clearly- oh!” The last part of your speech is cut off when Jango shifts forward purposely, pressing up against you in the best way.
“Clearly what?” he whispers, not taking mercy on you. You clear your throat, intent on giving as good as you get.
“Clearly were excited for it.” You tighten your grip on his waist with your hips, pushing him over, so you’re on top. He lets you, hand coming to a rest on your hip.
Now, some months past that fateful day, he’s almost completely healed.
His lungs still give him problems sometimes, coughing fits that double him over, leaving you feeling helpless as you cradle him and stroke his back, coaxing him through it.
The scar on his neck has faded, the jagged edges pink. And if his missing hand bothers him, he never says, and he more than makes up for his loss, sometimes more competent than you with both hands.
“You just couldn’t say no to their faces,” he says, stealing a kiss before you can refute his argument.
“Neither could you,” you murmur. “Which is why you put the pillow on your head.”
He tightens his grip around you, pulling the two of you into a sitting position, so you’re sprawled across his lap.
You can feel him press against your center and you bite your lip, trying not to moan as his lips move to a spot just beneath your ear, pressing a final kiss there before moving to your lips.
It starts out lazy, and impossibly, achingly gentle as he simply presses his lips to yours, the two of you just enjoying the contact. But you want more and you’re hungry for it, so you twist your hips, grinding against him, eliciting a perfect, choked groan against your mouth. And then you’re kissing him deeply, practically licking into his mouth as your hands hold the side of his face.
He pulls away from the kiss just slightly, and you bite his bottom lip as he goes, thighs clenching just slightly at the way his own grip tightens on you. His hand, which has wandered all over your body, tightens over your ass and then your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
You can’t quite contain the breathy moan when your chest makes contact with his, and you feel more than hear the low growl he makes in response. Your breaths are coming out as pants now, and with every gasp, your increasingly sensitive nipples brush against the fabric of your shirt and his chest.
“Fuck,” he hisses, dragging his mouth away from yours. Laughter echoes in through the window, followed by a loud meow.
“Got-gotta get up,” he murmurs, even as he pulls you in for another kiss. “Got stuff to do.” You roll against him.
“Just stay,” you say. “It’ll keep.” He kisses down your neck.
“Mhm. Maybe. But it’s important. Remember?” You do, actually. Have been looking forward to it for almost a week now.
Today, you and Jango are making it official. Even though technically, you’ve been together for years, today, he’s really giving you his name.
It takes your breath away.
“Later,” he promises you, giving you one more searing kiss before he stands. You don’t miss the way his eyes linger on you laying in the bed, eyes drinking up the way the patches of sunlight highlight your body, before he finally forces himself out the door to get ready for the day.
You follow soon after, finding Jate and Boba playing with the cat under the kitchen table.
Jate still doesn’t talk, but none of you mind. After all, Jango himself can go through phases where he uses little words, and you and Boba are perfectly fine being the only two talkers — it’s what you’re used to, after all. The four of you have come up with signs and motions that allow you all to understand each other without words anyways.
She’s signing at Boba right now, fingers flying furiously as she argues over something he’s said about the cat.
“We’re arguing over a name,” Boba fills you in. “I want to name it something cool like Killer, and she wants to name it something boring, like Seafoam.” You hide your laugh by turning to the cabinets, setting about making something to eat for everyone. Days of overly bland Kaminoan foods are long behind you, and if you never have to taste a ration bar again, it’ll be too soon. ~~~ The house you’ve built is surrounded by fields of crops Jango has been steadily tending to with the help of you, Boba, and Jate.
“Fett,” he confessed one night under a full moon, “means farmer.” It’s something that his ancestors were quite proud of. Now, he uses it to make a living, instead of bounty hunting. Some of the crops are kept for your own food, the others bartered away at the nearby settlements for other necessities.
It’s such a change from your time on Kamino, the unhurried way in which Jango moves, the very air charged with something different, but in a good way. It’s here you’ve learned that while Jango was very good at bounty hunting, it was never his true passion. Rather, just a way to survive.
The Slave I remains parked up behind the house, at the border to the forest where you, Boba, and Jate go sometimes to forage and see what trinkets you can find.
Jango keeps it ready to fly, just in case, but you know his hope is to not need it for years to come. There’s a pounding coming from behind the house, the clanging of durasteel on durasteel. Jango’s been working on something back there for a few weeks now, but you’ve been put under strict orders not to come investigate. Boba and Jate are in on it, all of them sharing little smiles when you ask if you can know the secret yet. ~~~ There’s another Mando’a word Jango taught you the night before, after Boba and Jate were put to bed. The two of you stayed up, staring at the stars. It’s one of your favorite pastimes now, without Kaminoan clouds to hinder you.
“That one looks like a helmet,” Jango’d said, as the two of you tried to make shapes out of them.
“There’s four all in a row,” you’d replied, curving back into his chest while his arms tightened around you.
“An aliit,” Jango said.
Aliit. Clan or family, he explained. A group of people sworn to protect each other.
Today, the four of you are becoming Aliit Fett.
As the sun sinks in late-afternoon, you step outside, the breeze brushing over your skin, a welcome reprieve from the sunny day. It’s nothing like Tatooine here, with the hot, dry air, or Kamino, with the constant dampness and cold.
It’s the perfect middle, a hidden oasis in the midst of a chaotic galaxy.
Jango is waiting down by the ocean, high enough to avoid the tide, with Boba and Jate, one on each side. The loth-cat darts past Boba, and you hear him shout, “Seafoam!” telling you who won that argument. He’s wearing his armor, minus the helmet, as is tradition. The hole’s long since been patched, the piece heated and molded until you can no longer see where it once was.
You take a step towards him, closing the distance.
Ten feet. Seven. Five. Two.
He extends his hand towards you, drawing you into his arms. Your palms land on his chest, the armor warm from the sun, seemingly alive in its own way beneath you.
“Hi,” you say, and he doesn’t even try to stop the small smile that tilts up the corner of his lips, the secret look in his eyes, the one he reserves for you alone. In the setting sun, this close, you can see the flecks of gold in his eyes, the few freckles on his nose.
“Hi,” he responds.
Mandalorians, he explained the night before, don’t have marriages in the traditional sense. Instead, they promise to become one, two sides of the same blade, preparing for the future.
He told you the words, in the Mando’a language, and now, as he says them, they flow off his lips in a way you know you can never replicate.
“Mhi solus tome. Mhi solus dar'tome. Mhi me'dinui an. Mhi ba'juri verde,” Jango says. He pauses after each phrase, and on the last one, his voice cracks a little. Boba watches solemnly, and you don’t miss the way he swipes a tear away before Jate takes his hand. You clear your throat, determined to get through this without crying.
“We are one when together,” you say, speaking in Basic, too overcome with emotion to try and translate in your mind.
“We are one when parted.” Jango tightens his hold on you when you say this, pressing his forehead against yours. Another part of his culture, something he never quite told you how meaningful it was until the night before, when he was explaining all this.
“We will share all.” An easy promise to make.
”We will raise warriors." This part. Your voice is a whisper when you say it. Realistically, you know that one day, the galaxy will intrude. Everything outside your little moon is in turmoil now. You and Jango are careful to keep the extent of it away from Boba and Jate — wanting them to be children for as long as they can — but one day.
Even if you don’t like it, one day, the galaxy will pull them away, because the two of you are raising the two of them to be protectors. Leaders. Warriors. It would go against everything if you forced them to stay, to avoid the fight. But for now. Here. This moment.
It is enough.
Jango smooths a thumb over your cheek, wiping away the moisture.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out something. A ring, you realize, made out of part of his armor. It’s the same blue as the painted portions, smoothed and shaped until it fits your finger perfectly. There isn’t enough of his armor to make you a set, something he lamented over the night before, but you couldn’t care less in that moment.
This is a piece of him, a physical part to carry with you no matter where you go.
“Cyare,” he says softly. Beloved. It echoes, over and over in your mind, and you realize, he means so much more than just you.
It’s everything. It’s Boba and Jate and the home, and yes, you.
All of it. For was long as you have it.
Enough. Cherished.
Your aliit.
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