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https://www.musikblog.de/2024/09/jan-delay-live-im-haus-auensee-leipzig/ Ok, Füchse sind keine Rudeltiere. Wäre es so, dann würde Jan Delay einen charismatischen Leitrüden abgeben, denn die Meute, die dem Entertainer am gestrigen Donnerstag ins Leipziger Haus Auensee folgte, war groß. Dorthin wurde sein Auftritt infolge eines umgefallenen Baums auf dem Gelände der Parkbühne verlegt, vielleicht keine schlechte Fügung, denn obwohl Konzerte des Hanseaten […]
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Starfinder - Far Realms
Solo Run Studio is back, and this week we take a look at some the strangest planes in the Starfinder Multiverse.

#starfinder#ttrpg#sci fantasy#paizo#ttrpg stuff#Leng#Plateau of Leng#Dimension of Time#Jandelay#Lovecraft#cthulhu mythos
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Milestone Monster: Watchers of Jandelay
CR 22
Lawful Neutral Gargantuan Outsider
Planar Adventures, pg. 246-247
Have you ever felt like you were being watched, even though you were certain you were alone? Have you ever felt like something was terribly wrong even though you couldn’t place why? Then you may have some form of anxiety and/or paranoia, I’m afraid. Unless you’re in the Pathfinder universe, where a sense of something staring at you from some unseen direction or a vague feeling of doom is a fairly good sign you’re being stalked by a Fey, or some form of Undead, or any number of fiends. You’re lucky in some ways if it turns out to be one of these 30-foot-tall insects instead, but unlucky in significantly more important ways.
The Watchers are the primary keepers of the infinitely mysterious Jandelay, a bead of order floating within the endless chaos of the Maelstrom. Knowledge of this unusual demiplane is basically nonexistent on Golarion but for a strange poem carved into the base of a thousand-foot-tall tower called the Spindlethorn, meaning that if any of THESE creatures show up, it’s very likely that no one on the planet will know what the hell it means. Unfortunately for everyone involved, their presence typically means that the world on which they’re spotted is about to end, all life on it to be wiped out by an apocalyptic calamity which can rarely be averted. They’re not the cause, merely a symptom; they’re observers called to a doomed world to witness its end, recording and collecting what they can before its history and uniqueness are lost forever.
Perhaps as a form of mercy for the doomed world, the inhabitants don’t really have to deal with 30-foot-tall spiders suddenly appearing and gazing dispassionately at them. Rather, Watchers of Jandelay have the unnerving ability to become completely Inconspicuous, fading entirely from all senses if an onlooker fails a DC 28 Will save the first time each day they’d observe one of them. If that save is failed, that creature simply cannot be made to see or hear that Watcher with any of its senses for 24 entire hours, unless it’s forced to touch one by someone who succeeded (or the Watcher, for whatever reason, touches it). This Inconspicuous ability is a mind-affecting effect, so any creature immune to them can see a Watcher perfectly, which I’m sure will have no effect on their mental health whatsoever.
Even if a creature can see it, though, that’s no guarantee they’ll be able to interact with it. Once per day, a Watcher can Phase Shift out of local reality entirely, appearing to all the world as ghostly, transparent shapes that are entirely untouchable, something they use to minimize their potential impact to a world (and also avoid being caught in whatever calamity is about to befall it). A creature able to see one (or even multiple) will not only have to convince their allies that the Watchers are even THERE, but that they’re living beings rather than some kind of illusion or hallucination. Depending on if the apocalypse is in full swing or not, they could be entirely dismissed as some harmless but disquieting magical anomaly or trickery, which suits them just fine. The fewer creatures that perceive them, the fewer opportunities there are for something to go wrong with their work.
When a Watcher arrives on a world, it has two duties: Observation and preservation. Assisting the former is their singular, gigantic eye, a sensory organ so impossibly complex and powerful that comparing it at all to your pathetic human eyes is like comparing a lit match to the light of the sun. A Watcher’s eyesight is unmatched due to its Perfect Observation, recording all sensory information in a memory that never fades or corrupts unless tampered with by an outside source. They also are always treated as rolling a natural 20 on ALL vision-based Perception checks regardless of any possible intervening factors... which means that they’re always treated as having a 71 Perception, a number that may as well be an infinity sign! They’re outright immune to being blinded or dazed, and with 120ft of Blindsight, See In Darkness, and True Sight besides, it’s safe to say that the only way you’re hiding from a Watcher’s eyesight is with good old cover and concealment.
Aiding in their efforts for preservation is their ability to erect Beacons of Jandelay, six-foot-tall pillars of pale yellow energy that designate their surrounding environment as worth keeping. Jandelay, the realm of emerald fields and alabaster spires, is actually something of an archive and a museum in one, keeping records and collected remnants of worlds and civilizations destroyed by calamity. Any stretch of land marked by a Beacon of Jandelay is transported to the demiplane and knit together with one another, magically preserved for review by the Watchers and any visitor that manages to reach the plane. Because these beacons are so important, they’re typically built out of phase with reality, where they can still function but cannot be interacted with. Dimension Anchor or any similar spell that bars interplanar travel can cause a phased-out beacon (or even a phased-out Watcher) back into reality, but doing so can be dangerous, because interacting with or ESPECIALLY causing damage to a beacon will summon a Watcher to investigate; they always arrive on target with their at-will Plane Shift or 3/day Quickened Teleport if their destination is near a beacon! And once they’re there, they have ways to very, very quickly deal with interlopers.
At their base, being Full-Attacked by a Watcher can end a battle as soon as it starts. Their unique version of Air Walk allows their body to remain fixed in space even as their limbs are occupied, meaning they can swat an annoyance with all six of their limbs without risking falling over. That means upwards to six 2d8+10 shots from claws that crit on a 19 or 20! And with a 20ft space but a 30ft reach, having one suddenly appear in the midst of your party (either because it teleported there or because the party finally noticed it) means you’re likely stuck there as it Full-Attacks every round.
Thankfully, Watchers rarely fight to kill... because, oftentimes, they literally can’t kill their targets before the targets are permanently neutralized via their Stasis. Being hit by a single claw forces a DC 28 Will save to avoid being slowed (as the spell), and any creature that’s already slowed has to make a DC 28 Fortitude save or be permanently frozen in time. This works exactly like Temporal Stasis; the victim cannot take actions, cannot be harmed or targeted by anything, and cannot be moved from whatever spot they were frozen on This stasis can only be ended if it’s dispelled, if the Watcher that caused it is slain, or if the Watcher and frozen target are no longer on the same plane as one another... which typically means the unfortunate victims are often frozen right up until whatever calamity the Watchers came to watch is wracking the planet. They snap out of their stasis just as the world ends around them.
Being able to force upwards to six Save-or-Suck effects a round with no per-day limit or 24-hour immunity clause is really all a Watcher needs to handle most threats. There’s basically no creature that resists the Stasis effect, and the only way to avoid it entirely is to dispel the Slow effect each time it’s applied (or, more realistically, bolster the target’s Will save beyond 28)... though it’s a little ambiguous if this ability would have any effect on a creature under the effects of Freedom of Movement, which allows a creature to move normally even while under the effects of Slow, but Stasis doesn’t CARE of a creature is actually affected by the Slow, only that the effect is there in the first place. Make sure you think about this before sending one after your players! And make sure you have a way out in case they all fail! Like, perhaps, the Watcher has sustained too many injuries (though players would have to get past its DR 15 and Regeneration 15, both requiring Chaotic sources) and has to Plane Shift away to recover, which frees everyone held at once to regroup.
Anyway, back on track: the six natural attacks are typically all a Watcher needs in its day to day life, but those are by no means the only weapon in its arsenal. Oh no, you wish it was. As witnesses to countless calamities, Watchers have absorbed some of the resulting destructive energy to become mobile armageddons all on their own, to a degree that feels almost unnecessary! I mean, they have Control Weather and Telekinesis at-will, which is already great for causing chaos... But then there’s their 3/days: Whirlwind, Call Lightning Storm, Sirocco, Vortex, and Earthquake. THREE TIMES A DAY, EACH! If stirred sufficiently to action, a Watcher can obliterate not just an adventuring party, but the entire city around them if it needs to, bending the laws of nature to their whim and will with all the power of an angry demigod.
And that’s before we look at their 1/days. The combat applications for Time Stop and Meteor Swarm are plenty, but why do they also need Storm of Vengeance and Tsunami? My personal guess is to create distractions for anyone trying to stop the coming end times.
Uniquely and frighteningly, Watchers will move to intervene against any group of creatures that stand a good chance of stopping whatever apocalypse is about to unfold, each one guided by whatever strange intelligence that lays within Jandelay... or perhaps guided by sunk cost fallacy. They’re already here and already set up, and now it’s not going to happen? Boooooo! It’s unclear why they’re motivated to fight against any attempt to avert a world’s fate that seems poised to succeed, but whatever the case may be, it’s certainly convenient for a DM that wants to test their luck and their player’s patience with these aliens from one of the strangest planes in all of Pathfinder.
You can read more about them here.
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The Pocket Brothers: Gasthaus Zum Lachenden Stalin - Jan Delay (Drums & ...
Jay M: Bass Helmar Weiß: Drums 🎥🔊 Schaut euch unseren funkigen Groove zu "Gasthaus Zum Lachenden Stalin" von Jan Delay an! UPCOMING GROOVE VIDEOS: Drop It In The Slot - Tower of Power Staffel 1: Cold Sweat - James Brown Charlie - Red Hot Chili Peppers Give Up The Funk - Parliament Use Me - Bill Withers https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 🎸💥 #ThePocketBrothers #jandelay #stalin #gasthaus #FunkGroove #DrumAndBass #Musikvideo #Rhythmussektion #Musikliebhaber #GrooveSession #FunkyBeat #Musikproduktion #Musikcover #Musikduo #funkdrummer #Musikperformance #MusicIsLife 🎶💃🕺
#youtube#Helmar Weiß#Drums#Jay M Bass#Gasthaus zum lachenden Stalin#Jan Delay#Drum Cover#Bass Cover#Jost Nickel#Funky#Funk Drummer#Funk Drumming#Regensburg#Schlagzeuger#the pocket brothers
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Jan Delay & Disko No.1 am 28.08.2022 in Lingen. #auralunaphotography #jandelay #diskono1 #emslandarena #lingen #openair #concert #concertlighting #concertlights #concertphotography #myconcertpic #livemusic #musicphotography #photography #earthwindundfeiern #tour2022 #abschlusskonzert #lastconcert https://www.instagram.com/p/CicQ5hcMUGH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Erstes @splashfestival 1998, Freunde! 😮 Ich war damals 21 und hatte natürlich keine Ahnung, was das Splash! einmal für einen Bedeutung in der deutschen Hip-Hop-Szene haben würde, geschweige denn, dass ich da noch weitere 21 Mal auflegen würde. 😮 Ich hab die Bilder gerade alle aus einer Pressemappe von damals eingescannt, die mir der @djlittlet1976 gestern in die Hand gedrückt hat. Die diente dazu, um Künstler und Sponsoren für das erste große Splash als Festival am Chemnitzer Stausee Oberrabenstein im Jahr 1999 zu aquirieren. In diesem Sommer von ‘99 änderte sich für Deutschrap alles! Das war der erste große Hype mit Szenekünstlern, die die Charts eroberten und eben auch dem ersten richtig großen Splash! Festival. Über diesen aufregenden »Summer Of 99« hat Jan Wehn von @allgoodde einen wunderschönen 4-teiligen Podcast für @redbullmusicde aufgenommen und neben @djshusta & mir kommen viele andere wie z.B. @jandelayofficial, @afrobofficial, @cursezeit, @realtrettmann, @instafrico von Freundeskreis, @visavieofficial, @fatoniyo, @ildikobrixx, @falkschacht oder @doelloffiziell zu Wort. Alle Intro-Scratches kommen übrigens auch von uns, und der Beat ist von @dj_thomilla. 🔺 Link zum Podcast ist in der Bio - wenn ihr später hören wollt speichert am Besten den Post hier mit dem Save-Button rechts unten als Reminder!🔺 Diese Bilder sind auch eine Erinnerung an Big Sal von den Harleckinz, Rasul von Square One und Jan Richter. 🕊 R.I.P. 🕊 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #splashfestival #throwbackthursday #splash1999 #summerof99 #chemnitz #festivalsommer #harleckinz #squareone #walkinlarge #afrob #freundeskreis #absolutebeginner #jandelay #curse #djshusta #djlittlet #djron #deejayron #phlatline #phlatlinedjs #djlife #djsofinstagram #deutschrap #deutscherhiphop #falkschacht #visavie #trettmann #kitschkrieg #fatoni #döll (hier: Chemnitz, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24OaGaocyL/?igshid=zu51j9f52sr
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ha Jan Delay szól jó a hangulat!
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https://www.musikblog.de/2024/07/jan-delay-live-im-tanzbrunnen-koeln/ „Denn im Großen und im Ganzen / Ha’m wir allen Grund zum Tanzen“ sind die letzten beiden Zeilen, die vor der Kulisse des rötlichen Sonnenuntergangs durch den Kölner Tanzbrunnen schallen. Sie fassen den gestrigen Abend mit Jan Delay und seiner Disko No. 1 perfekt zusammen. Aber von vorne. Dass die Show ausverkauft ist, merkt man […]
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So what is Jandelay?
One of the earliest and longer-running mysteries in Pathfinder was the identity of the mysterious Jandelay, mentioned only in the statblock of the Oliphaunt of Jandelay. In Mythic Realms, it remained ambiguous if Jandelay was a creature, an event, a plane, or some other mysterious entity, with the only hints about it being the poem carved into the base of the enormous Spindlethorn:
Jandelay, proof against the Maelstrom, Jandelay, of green fields and faultless spires; No sane soul born dares trespass fair Jandelay For the Oliphaunt guards you always.
But five years later, (almost) every question about the mysterious Jandelay was answered in Planar Adventures! It’s a demiplane, but not just any old demiplane! It is a bubble of pure Law floating on the surface of the Maelstrom in stark defiance of the Maelstrom’s desire to subsume all that is back into chaos. It refuses the Maelstrom’s pull and instead exploits the source of all quintessence, drawing it out as needed in order to maintain itself for its unique purpose.
Also known as the Apocalypse Archives, Jandelay is a realm of rolling green grass fields with alabaster spires placed regularly throughout... and thousands upon thousands of stitched-together, chimeric and chaotic arrangements of various biomes, architectures, and environments. Whenever a Watcher places a Beacon of Jandelay down upon a doomed world, it marks that section of the planet for collection by the plane. When the world is destroyed by the apocalypse which summoned the Watchers in the first place, every area marked by the Beacon is torn from the world and placed on Jandelay, merged together with other marked sections with little regard for whether or not the arrangement makes sense, but the magic of the plane and the attentions of the Watchers maintains these sections even when they would have logically crumbled away or annihilated one another (such as if a section of glaciers ended up next to an active volcano). Sapient lifeforms preserved by the Watchers are combined into a Collected, a form of Outsider with the minds and memories of dozens or perhaps even hundreds of creatures, bound eternally to the stitched remains of the world they were “rescued��� from and allowed to wander it, but no further.
It’s not directly stated if animal life is taken along for the ride, but what IS canon is that Watchers use their perfect memories and passion for crafting, as well as knowledge obtained from the Collected, to build facsimiles of various flora and fauna that didn’t manage to get saved, using their constructs to decorate the world-sections. Despite this adorable behavior, Watchers don’t exactly make for good company, so the Collected tend to live a lonely existence. It’s not like anyone really visits.
Any knowledge about Jandelay is understandably difficult to come across. How the Runelords learned anything about the Oliphaunt or the plane itself is a mystery that yet endures, because dimensional travel straight up does not work. Any attempt to use Plane Shift or ANY other form of dimensional travel to enter, exit, or even just travel around inside Jandelay fails if the user doesn’t succeed a DC 41 Will save (something the Watchers must be innately immune to despite their statblock saying no such thing, else they can’t escape or re-enter their own home if they roll lower than 15), and Gate or similar effects fizzle automatically without allowing a save unless the caster is Mythic or the source is an Artifact.
So to even know about it, your world will already have to be on its way out the door. You need to succeed a DC 28 Will save (or be immune to Inconspicuous) to see a Watcher, NOT freak out about it, then convince it to tell you a little about itself, and then further convince it to tell you about Jandelay... and if you want to GO there, that’s a DC 41 Will save or you simply can’t without burning another spell slot or resource to try again. And Armageddon continues to breathe down your neck as you try again! And if, by some miracle, you end up there? Well, good luck getting out with any swiftness, especially since you’d need to not only have more castings of Plane Shift, but a safe destination in mind to recollect yourself as you grapple with knowing your world is gone. That kind of thing changes a person! Is it any wonder why knowledge about Jandelay is so hard to come by, when the conditions for gaining even tiny scraps are so severe? (No, you can’t just summon a Watcher; they have far too many HD for anything lower than Gate to work)
It’s not super dangerous in the archives, at least. if you wanted, you could wait to get your slots and sanity back while looking at the past destroyed worlds. Maybe even find your own. The Watchers don’t attack creatures who merely examine the exhibits--that’s what they’re there for, after all--but any attempt to damage them and you’ll find out there’s a lot more of the creepy crawlies than you know about hiding just outside your senses.
And then there’s the Oliphaunt itself. Chaos made manifest, a mountain made flesh, a storm given purpose. It’s the Oliphaunt that protects Jandelay from all intruders, its own presence the one that imposes the travel restrictions for reasons that can only be guessed at (which means that if it’s NOT in Jandelay, one can travel there without making a save! easy, right?) and the greatest deterrent to the Proteans who’d otherwise object to Jandelay’s presence. The origins of the Oliphaunt, and of Jandelay, are stated in surprisingly plain terms: the Oliphaunt created itself, and made Jandelay soon after. Then, Jandelay itself birthed the Watchers to tend to it. The Oliphaunt is stated to be the incarnated form of the idea of the apocalypse; the manifestation of calamity and destruction on a planetary scale, drawn to observe its collection of destroyed worlds for its own inscrutable reasons.
It leads me to believe it was born shortly after the rampage of Rovagug, the collective dying gasps of thousands of worlds and gods coalescing into a single being, and it created Jandelay as a method to assure no more worlds would be forever lost and forgotten; something by no means canon, but it makes the most sense to me. What also is not canon but makes sense to me is that the Oliphaunt, as the incarnation of world-destroying calamities, should not be an entity the players can reasonably fight. We’ll see how I approach this particular challenge this Friday!
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QUIET PLEASE! Recording in Progress:
Tower of Power - Drop It In The Slot Jan Delay - Gasthaus Zum Lachenden Stalin Earth, Wind & Fire - Fantasy
The Pocket Brothers Jay M: Bass Jürgen Mohr Helmar Weiß: Drums
#thepocketbrothers #recording #Staffel2 #funk #rhythmsection #fantasy #earthwindandfire #towerofpower #jandelay #gasthauszumlachendenstalin #dropitintheslot #funkdrummer #funkbass #funkdrumming #bass #drums
#The Pocket Brothers#Helmar Weiß#Drums#Schlagzeug#Jay M#Bass#Funk#rhythm section#Tower Of Power#Jan Delay#earth wind and fire#Fantasy#Gasthaus Zum Lachenden Stalin#Drop It In The Slot#recording session
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Jan Delay & Disko No.1 am 28.08.2022 in Lingen. #auralunaphotography #jandelay #diskono1 #delaydies #emslandarena #lingen #openair #concert #concertphotography #myconcertpic #livemusic #musicphotography #photography #earthwindundfeiern #tour2022 #abschlusskonzert #lastconcert https://www.instagram.com/p/CicQrvisCAU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Jan Delay & Disco No. 1 / Cebit 2018 | Hannover #cebit2018 #jandelay #hannover #cebit #hannover #nikond700 #nikon #nikontop #nikondeutschland #eventphotography #instacool #concertphotography #instalike #instadaily #shot #live #livephotography #musik #bestmusicphotography #hiphop #festival #kult #hannoverliebe #hannoverlife #e2pic #event2picture #frankbolzcom #kulturhauptstadt #dreaminstreets #thesovereignphotographerblog #visithannover (hier: CEBIT)
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Support your local hero!!! @jandelayofficial - Sooo geil! 🔊🎶 ___________________________________________ #spnyrd #supportyourlocal #hero #jandelay #vinyl #intro #earthwindandfeiern #fanboy (hier: Eimsbüttel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKol-yCHCF-/?igshid=cmd2q2oq8r85
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Magische Mine ➡️ NIE eine bessere Coverversion gehört!💘
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