#Jamil Viper's Brother: Jayden Viper
the-broken-truth · 26 days
Return Home AU: "How I Accidently Freed My Family From Servitude." By Jadyen Viper
Summary: Gaining some breathing room from his elder brother due to club activites, Jayden tells his friends and Dorm Members at Ramshackle how he accident freed the Viper Family from Servitude & made them one of the riches familes in the Land of Scalding Sands.
@sweetbunpura - A Small Gift for ya, Boss. Hope you like it!
Note: Indented Slanted Text indicates Jayden's Narration during the flashback of the story.
|During After School Clubs| - |At Ramshackle Dorm|
Darius (Handing a cup of Lemon Tea to Jayden): Here you go.
Jayden (Takes the cup with a smile): Thanks. (Takes a sip) I swear this is someone of best tea I've had all week.
Marcus (Sitting in his favorite chair with a book in one hand and the other petting Grim who is using his lap as a pillow) (Looks at Jayden with a smile): You say that as if you are a guest and not a member of Ramshackle.
Yuu (Lodging in his chair with his feet on the table): Since he spends most of his time in Scarabia, he's rarely here.
Jayden (Points his finger at Yuu with a jokingly scowl on his face that matches his tone): It's not by choice and you know that, Housewarden Yuu!
Yuu (Chuckles as he waves his hand dismissively at Jayden's words): Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know, Small Serpent.
Darius (Taking a seat on the couch across from Jayden): I'm certain you are enjoying some time away from the overwhelming presence that's your elder brother.
Jayden: He's older than me by an HOUR. But, you are right, it's nice to have some time and space away from Jamil. (Exhales) He's just so overbearing since we got back from the Land of Scalding Sands...
Yuu (Raises an eyebrow): Just what the heck happened over there that made your brother cling to you tight than a noble grips his coin purse?
Jayden: Remember what happened during the Winter Holiday?
Marcus: Darius and I never heard what happened since he and I were with our fathers over the holidays.
Yuu: That Bastard Crow wanted me to do something, but Jay (Yuu's Nickname for Jayden) offered to do it for me and ended up running into Viper cooking with some of the other Scarabia Students.
Jayden: Jamil told me that Kalim was acting strange, turning into more of a tyrant and over-training the students, Jamil asked Grim and I for help to find out what was wrong with Kalim; but it turned out it was all a ruse. Jamil used his Unique Magic, Snake Whisper, to control Kalim into acting like that so the other dorm members would kick him out and Jamil would take his place as Housewarden.
Marcus: In other words, Jamil Viper attempted a coup. Did it have something to do with the Viper Family's Servitude that I heard about?
Jayden: Yeah...
Darius (Raises an eyebrow): How about you tell use what happened in the Land of Scalding Sands during the 3-Day Weekend?
Jayden (Exhales): Okay, get comfortable. I'll tell you how I accidently freed the Viper Family from servitude...
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[Flashback:] [First Day of the Three-Day Weekend] [Land of Scalding Sands]
Jayden: A while after Jamil's Overblot, Jamil and our parents requested that I come meet them for the 3-Day Holiday; since I had nothing better to do and I was rather curious about where I was from that I couldn't remember due to my head injury. Thus, I accepted his invitation and joined him & Kalim to the place of our origin: Land of Scalding Sands.
Jayden (Looking around him with fasination & curiosity dancing in his silver eyes): This is the Land of Scalding Sands? (Looks up in the sun's direction without looking directionly at it) True to its' name, I feel like I'm standing under the Summer Sun during mid-day back on Earth.
Jamil (Looks over at Jayden): Earth?
Jayden (Looking at Jamil): The name of the planet where I was sent to. It's a lot like Wonderland but there is no magic there.
Jamil (Raises an eyebrow): When you disappeared, you were 6 years old. Just how have you been taking care of yourself?
Jayden (Smiles): A nice couple found me and took me in. They gave me my name 'Jayden', since I couldn't remember my real name.
Jamil: I could tell you your real name...
Jayden: It's okay. I love my Earthling Name because it's who I am.
Jamil: And yet you would cast aside the name given by your parents?
Jayden: I'm not saying that, Jamil.
Jamil: Then, why don't you just use your real name? The name our parents gave you at birth?
Jayden: It's... It's complicated, Jamil. I'll explain later. (Looks over Jamil's Shoulder) Kalim is coming.
Jayden: Kalim greeted us and welcomed me 'back home' but then he told Jamil that Mr. Asim wanted to speak with him & the Viper Family regarding what to do about me since I had been missing for so long that I was declared dead. Jamil gave me 1,000 Madol and told me to explore the place I once knew as home to become familiar with it again while he went t speak to Mr. Asim and his family. I decided to walk around until I found soething rather intesting: A Bookstore.
Jayden (Standing outside a shop called 'Bizzare Bargains' - A Discount Bookstore): Hm... What an interesting name.
[Jayden opened the door and walked inside the store, taking in the sights around him: books on the shelves sorted by genre with rather unique covers before his eyes drifted to a crate of books with a sign hanging on the edge: "Bargain Books" - Under 10 Madol. Jayden raised an eyebrow, walked over the the Bargain Books Crate and started looking through it.]
Store Owner: Are you certain you wanna look through those? No one really looks through those books.
Jayden (Searching through the books): If there is anything I know about book, the most interesting books are the ones that don't have the most appeal with other people. I always love looking through discount book crates. Hm?
[Jayden's eyes landed on a small book with a crimson cover made of a soft material that was torn in multiple places and faded from time. Wrapping his hands around the fragile spine of the book, he lifted it, his eyes trained on the strange symbol in the center of the book. The strange marking made his brain itch, it looked so familiar but he couldn't make the connection as to where he had seen it before. However, one thing was certain: This book was calling to him.]
Jayden (Walks over to the counter, places the book down before looking at the Store Worker): I would like this one, please.
Store Owner (Looks at the book): That one? It's been here for so long, I was gonna throw it away since no one wanted it but I kept forgetting about it. I'm not about to charge you for that. You can have it.
Jayden: Oh. Um... Thank you. (Sees a satchel on the wall with a sale sign on it) Can I buy that satchel behind you?
Store Owner: Sure. I'm give it to you for 300 Madol.
Jayden: Deal.
Jayden: After getting the book & satchel, I got a small snack but along the way, there was a stand hosting a raffle about an abandoned estate complex; apparently someone purchased it just to give it away in a raffle as a deed of karma. I thought it would be funny so I purchased a raffle ticket and went somewhere to ready the book and the moment I opened it, a piece of paper fell out from the eroding cover. What I didn't know...that was going to be the one piece of paper that freed the Vipers.
Jayden: Huh? What's this?
[Jayden picked up the paper and gently unfolded it: It was written in a language he didn't understand with markings on the bottom that appeared to look lik signatures and stamps, but with ink instead of wax. With a raised eyebrow, Jayden looked around before he happened to find the Scalding Sand Archive. He walked inside and lookd around for someone to aid him when a man walked up to him.]
Elder Man: Good afternoon, Young Man. It's quite rare to see a young soul in these halls of history and wisdom. What can I do for you?
Jayden (Holds out the strange paper to the Elder Man): I found this paper in an old book I bought, but it's in a language I don't understand; the same with the book.
Elder Man (Takes the paper): Let's see what we have here. (Adjusting his glasses and looks over the paper) Hm. I can understand why you wuld not understand this language - This is the Ancient Language of the Land of Scalding Sands when it was first being founded. The paper this is written on over 500 years old; it's no longer in production because the trees it was made from have long since been extinct.
Jayden: Really? Can you tell me what is says?
Elder Man (Looking at it): I would need to hold to this since I would need to brush up on my Ancient Language Translation. I should have it done in a few hours and, if you want, I can take a look at the book you found this in; it could be something interesting.
[With a nod of his head, Jayden reached into his satchel and handed the book to the Elder Man who asked where he would be staying so that he would return everything with the information. With a smile, the Elder Man walked off with the paper and book while Jayden left the archives to head to Asim Estate to meet the family he was born into.]
Jayden: I will admit that meeting Jamil's Parents... My Parents...and my youngest sister, Najma, was something else; I wasn't sure how to react to them. Sure, they had my blood but they were complete strangers to me. Then, I meet Mr. Asim - Kalim's Father & Head of the Asim Family; he was...interesting. He was kind, but at the same time, he was a businessman. He informed me that process of clearing my death was underway and he was debating what to do with me since I was a Servant's Son; however, before I could say anything, a servant came in and told Mr. Asim that someone from the Archives was looking for me, Mr. Asim. and Mr. Viper... It was major news. News that would change their lives.
Mr. Asim: And you are whom?
Elder Man: Good Afternoon, Mr. Asim. I am Issac Croft and I work in the Archives. I need to speak to you about the incredible discovery this young man found. (Gesturing to Jayden)
Mr. Asim: Which is?
Issac Croft (Holds up the paper framed with a authentifcation stick on the corner): This document. (Reaches into his bag and pulls out the book) And This Journal.
Mr. Asim (Looking at the Journal): That's journal bears the Asim Family Crest. (Looks at Jayden) Where did you get your hands on that when you have never been here before?
Jayden: At a bookstore.
Issac Croft: That's not important, Ms. Asim. What is important is the contents of this contract.
Jayden: It's a contract?
Issac: Yes. From what I have depicted, this contract was an agreement between the first heads of the Asim and Viper Families over 500 years.
Mr. Asim: What contract do you speak of? I've never heard of any kind of agreement?
Issac: You may not have but the owner of this journal did. This Journal belonged to Maxius Crane, The Attendant to the First Head of the Asim Family. He documented everything, including the signing of this contract which was an agreeent between the Asim and Vipers in regards to the Viper's Servitude to the Asim Family.
Najma: A Servitude Agreement?
Mr. Viper: I never heard of anything like this.
Mr. Asim: Nor have I but I can confirm the stamp is he Asim's Original Stamp.
Mr. Viper: And I can confirm our family's stamp. What was the agreement?
Issac: This contract stated that The Vipers were to serve the Asim Family for 200 Years with compensation to the generation at the end of the timespan on the contract.
Jayden: But, didn't you tell me that contract is over 500 years old?
Issac: Correct. Meaning the Viper Family has been serving 300 years longer than the alotted time.
Mr. Asim: If that is the case, the Viper Family are owed their freedom and compensation.
Viper Family: WHAT?!
Mr. Viper: Our freedom?!
Mrs. Viper: Compensation?!
Najma: We're free?!
Ms. Asim: Mr. Viper. Mr. Croft. Follow me to my office, we need to discuss the compensation details.
[Jamil's Father, Kalim's Father, and Issac leave the office.]
Ms. Viper/Najma/Jamil: (Looks at Jayden)
Jayden:... Hey?
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Darius: Ah. So,, that is what happened.
Marcus: And people say books are useless.
Yuu: What about the estate you told us about?
Jayden: Turns out I won the Estate Raffle and the old estate became Viper Estate.
Yuu: Damn. Went for vacation a freed your family by getting a book.
Jayden: Yeah, and Jamil has been hunting me ever since...
Jamil: I wouldn't call it hunting.
Jayden (Jumps out his seat and looks at Jamil): WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!
Jamil: I've been here for 10 minutes just listen to you talk.
Jayden: You were just watching me?! You're such a stalker.
Jamil: Say what you want. Let's go, we're going back to Scarabia.
Jayden: No. I'm staying here.
Jamil: Jayden... (Tilts his head) When did I give you a choice?
Jayden::... (Makes a run for it)
Jamil: Excuse me. (Runs after him)
Yuu:... Damn.
@sweetbunpura - Thoughts, Boss?
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It's Training Day for the Ramshackle Boys - Vil, Azul, Jamil, and Malleus see how the Ramshackle Boys stay fit. (Don't faint, Vil & Azul)
Marcus (Shirtless with a 8-Pack and buff body) (Lifting 500 lbs weights): 200...201...202...
Jayden (Shirtless with a 6-Pack/A Fit but Muscular Form) (Dodging attacks from Yuu): Come on, Housewarden! You gotta hit me once.
Yuu (Shirtless with a 6-pack/Fit & Muscular Form) (Throwing punches at Jayden): Stop moving and I will, Viper!
Darius (Shirtless with a 6-pack/More slim but has noticable muscles) (Running through obstcale course): You gotta hit him once, Yuu!
Yuu: I know that!
Azul and Vil just blue screened.
Jamil and Malleus are proud brother/best friend!
There goes Azul and Vil. Try to compose yourself, gentlemen, Rook along with the twins are watching.
Malleus: Viper.
Jamil: Yes?
Malleus: Who do you think is stronger? Child of Man or your brother?
Jamil: Jayden.
Malleus: Oh? Is that the bias talking? I believe it'll be Child of Man.
Jamil: Oh? Is that your bias talking?
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sweetbunpura · 26 days
Boss! I just thought of something: What if Jamil (After the Viper's Liberation) found out Jayden had a GIRLFRIEND?!
Like, he would have been looking for Jayden and saw him cuddling up with a girl…(Maybe a Tiger Beastwoman) & She's possessive of her man!
Protective brothers vs possessive girlfriend. Jayden's just caught in the middle, help him. Najma's no help either, she's laughing at the situation. Imagine, one day Jamil goes to check on him, opens the door, and just sees Jayden and his girlfriend chilling in the room.
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the-broken-truth · 26 days
Return Home AU: Jamil Viper Variant
@sweetbunpura - Heya, Boss! I just managed to find the perfect way to blend him. Introducing the Lost Viper! The One who untentionally ended Servitude! The one who is constantly trying to hid from his brother! The Sealed Serpent, Jayden Viper!
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[Note: The Scar on his head is the impact scar from the accident that took his memory of Jaml & the Viper Family - the lack of magic in the other world made it remain since he couldn't heal it himself.]
Jayden (Looking around teh corner to make sure Jamil is not there - sees no one) (Exhales): Finally, some peace and time to myself. (Turns around and bumps into someone - It's Jamil) Crap...
Jamil (Looking down at Jayden with his arms folded): Well, isn't this interesting?
Jayden: Jamil... Wait... I can explain...
Jamil (Raises an eyebrow while tapping his chin in a thinking manner): Can you now? That would be kind because something must be wrong with my memory: I could have sworn I told you to stay in my room while I was taking care of something. And yet, I find you out here: not where I told you to be. Care to explain this confusing situation to me?
Jayden: Well, Dear Brother, there is a perfectly understandable reason for this...
Jamil: I'm listening.
Jayden: The reason is... I'm sick of being locked in your room or glued to your side! I long for freedom!
Jamil: We already have that. You freed us, remember? Besides, we are twins - a set: Sets usually stay together at all times. Like the Leech Twins.
Jayden: Not that kind of freedom! I mean I wanna be able to do what I wanna do! Ever since we got back, you been dragging me off to Scarabia when I'm not even a Scarabian Student! And don't compare us to the Leech Twins! Even they do their own things!
Jamil: I'm the Older Brother. What I say goes.
Jayden: You're older than me by an HOUR!
Jamil: Still older. And, as the older brother, I say we are going back to Scarabia.
Jayden: NEVER! (Turns and makes run for it)
Jamil (Exhales): He always runs... (Runs after him)
@sweetbunpura - Thoughts, Boss?
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Welcome home, you're back where you belong.
Hello! Welcome to the blog that's spun off from my very rampant and fun AU! In this AU, Yuu or whoever you've named were taken from TWST into a different world as a kid or baby, only to return to TWST during the entrance ceremony. Now they have to renavigate a world that was lost to them with magic. You are more than free to just make up a Yuu for this or design your own version, anything is welcomed!
From these ideas can come comedy, due to whatever shenanigans the siblings get up to, and angst, you've returned home to see how much has changed around you. Nothing is concrete which allows for endless possibilities with this concept!
I will normally use Yuu for the sibling or child if they go unnamed in the ask.
Opening Ceremony:
Current Siblings or Children:
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Yuu Crowley - Crowley's kid [The-Broken-Truth]
Marcus Trein - Trein's son [The-Broken-Truth]
Darius Crewel - Crewel's son [The-Broken-Truth]
Canis Woods-Vargas - Vargas' son (Wolf beastman) [🔆 Anon]
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Domino Spade - Deuce's twin brother [🔆 Anon]
Roxas Hearts - Riddle's estranged older brother [❤️ Anon]
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Jacob Howl - Jack's older brother [The-Broken-Truth]
Nox Bucchi - Ruggie's older brother [The-Broken-Truth]
Hari Kingscholar - Leona's twin sister [👻 Anon]
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Sundew Ashengrotto - Azul's younger sister [🍋 Anon]
Cordelia Ashengrotto - Azul's step sister (Not related to Sundew) [🦑 Anon]
Peridot Leech - Jade and Floyd's younger brother [🍋 Anon]
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Jayden Viper - Jamil's twin brother [The-Broken-Truth]
Didem Bint Asim - Kalim's younger sister [🐧 Anon]
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Honeycrisp Felmier - Epel's twin sibling [🍋 Anon]
Riley Hunt - Rook's younger sister [👻 Anon]
Desmier Schoenheit - Vil's younger sibling [🎨 Anon]
Sage Crewel - Crewel's daughter (Not related to Darius) [🦑 Anon]
Kit Honest - Fellow's younger sister [🔆 Anon]
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Aoda Shroud - Idia and Ortho's brother [⚔️ Anon]
Belladonna Shroud - Idia and Ortho's sister (not related to Aoda) [🍋 Anon]
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Aurum - Silver's sister [🐩 Anon]
Cyrus - Silver's brother (Not related to Aurum) [The-Broken-Truth]
Dusk Vanrouge - Lilia's son [🔆 Anon]
Dawn Vanrouge - Lilia's daughter (not related to Dusk) [🥣 Anon]
Thornton Draconia - Malleus' brother (Related to Aurum) [🐩 Anon]
Vivienne Vanrouge - Lilia's wife (not related to Dusk or Dawn Vanrouge) [🕊️ Anon]
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Ceceri - Sam's little sister [🫧 Anon]
Mayet Artemiyevich Pinker - Che'nya's adopted older sister [🪻Anon]
Oisin LeBlanche - Neige's half-brother [🪻Anon]
Nanette LeBlanche - Neige's twin sister (Not related to Oisin) [👻 Anon]
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sweetbunpura · 28 days
Heya, Boss! I'm working on a Younger Twin Brother for Jamil Viper named Jayden (I'll draw him later) who is friends with Yuu, Marcus, and Crewel's Son (Currently drawing him) and accidently free the Viper Family and this came to mind. Hope you find it funny.
Jayden (Bursts in and locks the door): I need you guys to hide me!
Marcus (Looking up from his book): Why?
Jayden: Jamil is hunting me.
Crewel's Son: What did you do?
Jayden: (Explains how he accident freed the Viper Family, got them massive compensation, a new estate in the span of 3 days. Now, Jamil is trying to keep him locked in his room in Scarabia because he's a 'Good Luck' Charm)
Yuu: And you came here why?
Jayden: What do you mean?
Yuu: He knows we're your best friends... This is the first place he would look.
Jayden: Crap...
I shall quote a part of TFS:DBZ - "That is literally the first place they'd check."
Jayden, abort mission, I can hear Jamil on the horizon!
Jayden sounds goofy, I love him. Imagine accidently free your family in a span of three days, Jamil's going through it, but he's dragging his brother back to Scarabia in the process.
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[After Najma breaks them up]
Jayden: That's it! I've HAD IT! (Points at Jamil) From the moment you found out we were twins, you have been a bother. At first, it was tolerable, but the moment I freed the Viper Family; you've been more suffocating than a Boa Constrictor! You follow me around! You constantly pull me away from my friends and Dorm just to keep me locked in Scarabia when I am not even a student of that dorm! I tried so hard to understand you, thinking you wouldn't go too far and you'll ease up, but you keep proving me WRONG! Now, you ruined my date and embarassed me in front of all those people by pulling me out by my arm like I'm a child! Let me tell you something, Jamil: I took care of myself long before I met you!
Mr. Viper; Jayden, you shouldn't speak to your brother like that!
Jayden: The same with boht of you! (Points at the Viper Parents) You're just as bad as Jamil! The only one who treats me like a person here is Najma and she's the YOUNGEST ONE here! (Exhales) I'm done. I need a break. I need to breathe! I need my own space. I'm going to stay in the Servant House (The Smaller House on the Property). I can't stand this aymore.
[Without another word: Jayden ges to back his bags and moves into the Servant House.]
Najma, slow clapping: Way. To. Go. Jamil. Best brother in the world award goes to you.
Jamil: Najma! Don't start! He needs to be kept-
Najma: Are you so far up your ass that you can realize what just happened? You drove him away, it wasn't a spell that did it this time, it was you, Jamil!
Jamil: ...
Najma: ..I don't want him gone again... We wouldn't be able to handle it this time around.
Jamil: ...Was I too... I was too overbearing...
Yes, yes you were Jamil.
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The Viper Twins switch places for the day. Literally!
[Jayden and Jamil somehow managed to switch bodies.]
Jayden (In Jamil's Body): Oh, Sevens! This is weird! I know where twins, but this does not feel right! I'm in my brother's body!
Kalim (In the timeout box): Sorry...
Jayden (Looks at Jamil, who is in his body): How are you not freaking out?!
I found Navi. He was in a flowerpot full of water. He just wanted a soak.
Jamil, looking at "his" hands: ...This could've been worse...
Good! He was just chilling!
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Scarabia's New Vice is not to be messed with...however, an uninvited guest crashes the party.
Jamil knew that Jayden's Serpent Sense was effective, but even he didn't expect these results; not that he wasn't pleased, a smirk appeared on his face as he watched his Vice Warden break Floyd Leech like a hammer against dried pasta.
"GAH!" Floyd yelled out as Jayden's back fist slammed into his ribs and a crack was heard signaling that Jayden broke something. Jayden let go of Floyd's wrist, causing the younger leech brother to fall to the carpet in pain; bruise all over him with a cut on his lip and a broken nose. Floyd didn't make a move to get up, just groaned in pain as Jayden glared down at him with red pupils before turning his attention to Azul & Jade who protected Kalim.
"I had a feeling that he was strong, but I didn't know he could do all of this." Jade said, his voice wavering in certainty.
"He literally broke Floyd. This is not gonna be easy." Azul said.
Jade and Azul attempted to rush Jayden, but he handled both of them by kicking Azul in the arm to make him drop his cane, grabbing the cane, and using it as a bat to injure Azul's Knee to make him fall. Jayden would down Jade with a simple roundhouse kick to his head to daze him.
Jamil's smirk widened as Jayden neared the frightened Former Housewarden who was paralyzed with fear. Jayden's fist raised but he suddenly crossed his arms in front of his chest as The Housewarden of Ramshackle, Yuu, came flying into the room with a kick; Yuu's foot handed int the middle of Jayden's guard but the force caused him to slide back until he was next to Jamil's throne. Jayden lowered his guard and glared at Yuu who stood as a wall for Kalim.
"Y...Yuu?" Kalim asked.
"Ab...About time, Shrimpy..." Floyd tried smirking through the pain.
"I'm not here to save your asses." Yuu walked forward and stopped a few feet away from Jayden but looked at Jamil, "I'm taking my Dorm Member back, Viper."
Jamil: Your dorm member? He's mine at the moment, and I don't think he wants to return to your run down dorm.
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The Viper Family ventures to Viper Estate for the 1st time & the urge to protect Jayden becomes too strong to ignore.
[Viper Estate]
[Jayden pushed open the Massive Door of the Walls protecting the once vacant estate as the Viper Family walked onto the property.]
Jayden (Looks at the list the Previous Owner gave him): Let's see... There's the Main House, The Servant House, A Greenhouse, An Outdoor Pool, An Indoor Pool, A Training Room, 10 Bedrooms, 4 Full Bathrooms, A Spa And Sauna Room, A Vault, Several Offices, Kitchen, Dining Room, Foyer...and a lot of other stuff...
Najma: Let's go explore!
[After The Tour]
Jayden: Sevens... This place is larger than I thought...
Najma: And it's ours!
Mr. Viper: You kids go select your rooms. I believe the Main Bedrooms are in the East Wing.
[Mr. & Mrs. Viper walks off discussing décor for the estate while Najma & Jayden head off to find their rooms.]
[Jamil, however, stood in the foyer and looked around a bit more before his eyes glared at his Twin Brother's Back, however all he can see is the target on his brother's back. His teeth locked at the thought.]
(Holds up a slice of Cheesecake): Want some?
The all encompassing target that Jamil can only see and is doomed with.
Yes, cheesecake~
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While watching over Jayden, Jamil finds himself confused.
[Scarabia - Jamil's Room]
Jayden (Bandages over his eyes) (Sitting on Jamil's Bed): Looks like I can't beat you in Mancala yet. But, don't worry, I'll take your crown soon enough. (Smirks)
[Blind for a week and he's worried about beating Jamil in Mancala?]
[That's when the thoughts start coming in: Jayden gets roped into so much crap, saves people, but he still smiles when others get angry: He forgave Jamil for the Attempted Coup & Overblot, He freed the Viper Family, He forgave Jamil for being overbearing, He forgave Ace after the ghost possessed him... Now this. He was blind saving Jamil and he's still smiling, only upset he can't play Mancala with him.]
Jamil hugs his brother close to him and shakily breathes in: Why is Mancala what you're focused on? You could've been permanently blinded by those two! How can you not think about your situation!? Not think of the ramifications? Jay...I...
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The Stupidity of the Adeuce Duo has gained the irritation of Jamil Viper. However, he has to take care of something else before he can strangle them.
[Potions' Class]
[Scarabia, Ramshackle, and Heartslabyul Dorms were creating potions when Ace & Deuce started bickering about the proper way of dealing with a potion, Ace pushed Deuce as a joke but the Spade ended up bumping into a shelf holding potions, and one of them falls.]
[As the potion exploded, everyone hid behind the cauldron but Jamil was right in the path of the explosion.]
Jayden: Jamil!
[Jayden shields his brother from the explosion of red powder.]
Darius: Jayden!!
[An Hour Later - In The Nurse's Office]
Nurse: The potion's fumes are not life-threatening to your brother, Mr. Viper, but it would seem the fumes got into his eyes and have caused temporary blindness. I have cleaned and wrapped his eyes, as well as spoken to this Housewarden. The Housewarden of Ramshackle has recommended that Jayden Viper should be under your care until his eyes are fully repaired.
Jamil, holding Jayden: I understand, thank you. *Sends a very cold and harsh glare Ace and Deuce's way* I don't have time for you two right now, but I'll let Riddle know that I will be speaking to you later.
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Jayden (Cleaning the flour off his twin's face): There we go. Sevens, you have bags under your eyes... You haven't been sleeping well... (Pulls his brother into a tight hug) I understand your reasons, Jami... I understand, but don't do this to yourself. Please, don't do this to yourself. I'm sorry for what I said... I'm so sorry, Jami...
Jamil: I should be the one apologizing... Sevens, here I was begging for freedom, only to put you in the cage once I got out. I was *sighs* I was wrong to hold you down, to hold you back. *Hugs him* I'm sorry.
Najma, runs in to join: The viper siblings are back!
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[A Week After Jayden left to stay in the Servant House - Jamil & Najma happened to overhear a conversation between Jayden and Aria.]
Jayden: Aria, you cannot be serious.
Aria: Babe, listen, I'm not saying that you forgive them right away, but try to understand the reason for their actions.
Jayden: Even those agaisnst you?
Aria: Especially those against me. Just hear me out, Love: The Vipers have been in the clutches of someone else for generations & they were suffering in silence when they thought you were dead. Suddenly, their lost son returns to them & that son breaks the chains that held them in place for so long and allows them to fly free. They are happy and grateful to you, but they are afraid.
Jayden: Of what?
Aria: Of everything, Jay. Money tends to corrupt the minds of those around it, especially those who don't have it or lust for its touch. Jamil had to risk his life countless times to protect the heir of a fortune and now (Gestures around them at the estate) he has a fortune through the twin he shared a womb with. (Places a hand on Jayden's Cheek) He's scared that someone will try to hurt you, just like they would have tried to harm his former master, but you're his brother, his blood, his TWIN; the fear is greater and so is the protective nature.
Jayden: But... Aria, he was so mean to you. My parents were too.
Aria: I'm an unknown to them, Love. They have no reason to trust me and I understand that. I'm not saying to trust them quickly, just sit and talk to them, and reach a compromise; they love you, Jay.
Jayden (Exhales): Okay. I'll speak to them.
Aria (Kisses his cheek): Thank you, Jay. Come on, let's head to the Bizarre. I heard there's a sale on some new book sets.
[Aria and Jayden head off]
Jamil can feel the stare Najma is sending him and he's ignoring her the best that he can.
Jamil: "I should go prepare a meal."
Najma: "It better be an apology meal."
Jamil: "It is."
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[Viper Estate - Foyer]
Jayden (Bursts through the door with Jamil following him, anger on his face): You had no right or reason for what you did tonight! NO RIGHT! You weren't even supposed to be there; Aria and I had a private reservation! How did you get them to let you into our section to ruin our dinner?!
Jamil: (Glares in Jayden's eyes)
Jamil: I did what I had to.
Jayden: What you DID was ruin my dinner with my girlfriend! What the hell is wrong with you, Jamil?! Why can't you just leave me the hell alone?!
Jamil: Don't speak to me like that, I am your Elder Brother.
And there go the Viper brothers fighting, Najma runs in to see her brothers fighting. While she is tempted to let them fight it out, she ushers them outside before they could break anything in the house.
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Situation: Aria comes to Viper Estate to get Jayden and has a conversation with his parents and brother with her future sister-in-law beside.
[Viper Estate]
Mr. Vipr: Aria, you come here everyday to take Jayden off someone. Can't you give him some place?
Aria (Glaring at Mr. & Mrs. Viper): And let you keep him in your grips? Pass.
Mrs. Viper: Excuse me?
Aria: You think I don't know, but I'm not stupid; you three are trying to keep Jayden locked up here, in his own house, because you're don't want to 'lose' him. He already freed your family and he lets you live on his Estate. Give my boyfriend room to breath and have his own life. (Points at Jamil) And you're the worse one. You hate me because I make sure Jayden isn't in your clutches.
Jamil "Only because I don't trust you. You suddenly appear after Jayden frees us and you're his girlfriend. Forgive if I don't welcome you with open arms."
Someone stop Jamil before he actually fights someone in the house. Angry snake boy about to cause more problems.
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