#Jamie tag
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bandtrees · 10 months ago
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the mr beast extension has created a thumbnail that made me laugh so hard my body started hurting
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del-stars · 1 month ago
Spare some remus thoughts🙏
any time.
mama's boy! mama's boy. mama's boy. he writes letters to his mommy twice a week and sits in her lap even though he's half a foot taller than her
guess what he also likes his dad. him and lyall definitely aren't as close but remus definitely sees lyall as his protector, even once he's grown up. i rly dont vibe w the idea that hope and lyall were horrified of remus' lycanthropy.... i think they blamed themselves for what happened to their little baby boy and saw his lycanthropy as a horrible aftereffect of their failure to protect him. hope wants to make sure her boy knows that she will always love him no matter what, while lyall wants to make sure remus is safe/comfortable/not in pain. they fret over him a lot which he's very used to as it's what he grew up with, so i don't think he's combatting it
gargantuan. torso, limbs, fingers, neck are all stretchedddd out. which means his jeans never come high enough on his waist and his sweaters aren't long enough which means he has chronic slutty little waist
annotates his books! writes shitty sappy poetry! drinks an obscene amount of tea! loves the ocean!
irish. whatever
lovessss the southern gothic genre. fav book is beloved
sleeps heavy & snores like his dad. dead to the world. sirius could not wake him if he tried
doesn't rly care abt scars in a vain way (he doesn't think he's attractive enough to be like to think he's less attractive with the scars) but is worried they hint at his lycanthropy
only calls himself a werewolf when he's really upset about it, otherwise he vaguely says 'my condition'
most of his jeans are lyall's and patched by hope, most of his sweaters are made by hope
in love with sirius black in every universe SORRY! he thinks sirius is the most gorgeous, smartest, coolest man in the world. does NOT think sirius is dumb or annoying. GLADLY listens to him yap for hours on end. he thinks sirius deserves someone wayyyy better than him but since he actually managed to get a chance (his words) he's like. mineminemineminemineminemine
crier. cries! cries after every single moon. cries when he knows the transformation is coming, cries when he wakes up, cries the day after in the infirmary, cries when sirius tucks him back into bed. cries when sirius looks at him weird. cries when other people cry. cries cries cries
horny is dictated by the moon. after moons he's very soft and wants sirius to hold him and make love to him while he cries but before moons he does indeed want to pin sirius down and fuck the life out of him
has experienced sexual Thoughts about james potter
and now, a little mb do demonstrate the aforementioned slutty waist
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autism-swagger · 1 year ago
Since the identity of the Sweet Sixteen Killer is known in Timeline 2, I don't think it would be as big of a part of the town's identity as it in Timeline 1. So I propose that the big unsolved mystery the town builds itself around in Timeline 2 isn't the killings.
It's Jamie.
The supposed exchange student who was only in town for five days, who knew things she shouldn't (couldn't) have, who disappeared without a trace and, when looked into, never even existed to begin with.
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v7lgar · 27 days ago
I think effiemonty open relationship where each one of them has their own little twink is sm fun and also no i don’t think james is oblivious to his parents’ open marriage he’s been knowing and he thinks all marriages are like that for a while then he finds out what monogamy is
yk what hell yeah.
also i'm stepping up ur game, they ACT like monogamous only for the shits and giggles lmaooo. like pls monty and effie are sooo fine and they love each other deeply and they're never gonna break up and they have the sweetest boy in the world and they're like... i don't mind if u fuck around unless i get to have my fun w it and monty is like HELL YEAH bcuz i cant stop think abt monty fucking and being a daddy to someone else bcuz in my mind they don't have that relationship w each other (w effie) they're both dominant but very strict to the rules of basic marriage and i james thinking that's a default setting IS CRACKING ME UP LMFAOOO
Like imagine james going thru puberty and all the hormones makes him very possessive abt the people he love and he thinks he is somehow wrong in some way bcuz that's not how he saw from his parents? like he needs to be ok if other people flirt w the people he likes but no he feels so jealous and possessive? like imagine seeing slytherin trio for the first time. he instantly thinks they're all together and he is fuminggg and like he is not sure who he is more attracted to bcuz they're all hot lmao but after talking w his parents abt how he feels wrong monty and effie are like shit. we need to tell him & i thought he knew this is not the default setting for relationships!! & it's ur fault & no it's urs & yada yada lmao
i love james bcuz he is not a person who likes to share bcuz he is a single child lol however i can see he is down for having more than once partners (ie rosestarkillerchaser) bcuz thats diff
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tommasokinard · 7 months ago
do you have any favorite tommy headcanons?
Honestly my absolute favorite Tommy headcanon is that he has a fixer upper ❤️ Like I'm obsessed with it.
And then throw in him, having Buck help make decisions with renovation cause he views it as their home.
God there I go again making everything about BuckTommy 😅
Thanks babe <3
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florsial · 4 months ago
Wdym regulus emasculating sirius👁️👁️
I have no idea what you mean, Jamie, I have no idea. I think you are being strange-
I don't think Regulus does it in an "I was a born a woman and now suffers that while [Sirius] gets to prance around." Type of thing. I think if anyone thinks that, it's Walburga and Narcissa. The difference is that for example, Narcissa wants the position of power associated with a man while still being a woman (she thinks she's capable as a woman) while Regulus thinks he can be a better man himself as a whole.
Regulus doesn't view Sirius very highly in terms of being the Head of the House [Black]. Sirius goes against their family teachings, actively fights back against his family, and runs away, etc etc. With this, Regulus views him as rather weak, and since I think Regulus associated the purity views with love, he kinda also thinks that Sirius is a coward for not giving into those views for their family and by extension, Regulus. By emasculating Sirius, Regulus is admitting he can be a better "man" or he is "more of a man" than his brother.
I am aware that I sound like those people who say Regulus is sexist and believe me I know that, I'm sorry but I think sexism is so SO heavy in the stuff we embed into the Pureblood Society of Harry Potter (arrange marriages, victorian "aesthetics") (in my case, Chinese culture) that kinda "ties" everything together. Even though the idea of sexism is a rlly weird topic with Trans Regulus and the female characters of the Marauders (once again another thing that the fandom does to make up for the lack of female content). If you're gonna hc Regulus as trans, it is going to happen with the connections you put into the Purebloods. Yk? Anyway I'll shut up about this lol
Regulus is trying to validate the man he isn't allowed to be by emasculating Sirius' biological masculinity that comes with his identity as a cis man. It's less about the fact he's afab but it's more selfish, catering to Regulus, specifically as a closeted Trans Man. In a broader view, you could say it reflects his selfish nature in a very wide range way.
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nessaiscute · 2 months ago
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I have a date with my wife, we're gonna watch wrestling. I know nothing bout wrestling but I'm so excited.
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thamepo · 7 months ago
Happy happy birthday MJ!!!!!! 😘😘😘
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hi jamie!!!! thank you so much!!!! love you!!! 💕💕💕
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canislupusangelus · 29 days ago
Sketchbook pages from my summer sketchbook that I love and can't believe I didn't like
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I had notes throughout the entire sketchbook about how much I hated my art! And literally all school year I've been thinking "man I really love my summer sketchbook, I wish I could go back to that, i hate my stuff now". Me when I lie. To myself. About my art. Aggghhg. This is pretty validating though because I've been feeling awful about my art. But apparently (obviously) I just lie to myself all the time about my skills. And I'm actually not the most awful ever.
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nebulastarss · 1 month ago
Would also like more Batfam? 😘😘😘
-tottaly not jamie from tiktok
See I've already made a post for Poison Ivy so you're gonna get it tomorrow. Now you're gonna get cats since. You're the reason I even made the catbatfam au
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Harley the cat ^v^. I've explained their lore before so I won't get into it here. Also youve literally seen this on tiktok so I dunno why you want more.
Anyway the heterochromia is supposed to represent the hair and eyeshadow
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Don't remember her breed I just know it was ugly as fuck. Sunken ass cheeks, big ol ears. Loved it. Harley deserves to be a little skrunkly. As a treat. Now the fur coloring is supposed to be because she's blond but also. Look me in my eyes and tell me that Harley is not Orange. She is.
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Pam, the local magical stray. Her fur is green for the skin tone, eyes orange for the hair as there's no red eye color for cats (an oversight). I colored her fur myself. With my PS5 controller. While still trying to maintain her patterning. Sucked.
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Shes fluffy because I say so. She's one of the 3 longhair breeds, but not the British or American longhair. The other one. God I'm nauseous I should not be awake rn
I'm also gaining a headache. Whatever. She has a darker gradient around her legs, tail, and ears. She has a trail of a more vibrant green around the top of her. Pretty kitty
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bandtrees · 4 months ago
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As the clock struck midnight i was losing my MIND with my friends trying to play this old flash game (because we were watching commercials, found the website this was hosted on, and were astounded it was still up) and we are CONVINCED the score can not go past 17 despite what the leaderboard says.
If nothing else, i must pass this baton onto my poor followers. If i had to suffer so do you. Please help me . Is the leaderboard achievable. Do we just have immense skill issues. Why would a merciful god let Juicy Drop Sweet ‘n’ Sour Shot exist. I need to know
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del-stars · 2 months ago
Sirius is the third in the stormking marriage and it’s like he’s 20something and broke and they’re this older well off bored married couple and they decide hey what the hell and suddenly sirius is drinking their expensive merlot in a velvet robe after round 4848575 because for 40sometings they can go for a while
And it’s perfect because kingsley needs a new shiny thing to dote on and alastor loves providing and protecting and sirius is a-ok fulfilling whatever role they need
sirius is BROKE 😭😭 like he went from being raised around the finer things in life to being bust down broke as fuck. so when he runs into these older gay guys who clearly have cash.... he's scheming from the moment he meets them. alastor and kingsley r both like. wow. look at this shiny new toy we get to play with. so they r taking him on expensive ass dates and LAVISH vacations and he's just their 20something twink there to entertain them. he's not not a sugarbaby... but also he likes them!! alastor is like. giving him career guidance n shit. and kingsley is always giving him life advice. for angst purposes i feel like alastor definitelyyyyy catches hard feelings & genuinely cares for sirius on a very deep level whereas kingsley is like. this is literally a 20 year old nyu student we found on grindr. like he's cool but he's not part of our family ?? chill out. but kingsley and sirius fuck the nastiest which is why kingsley keeps him around. and then sirius is litr just happy to be there !!!!!!!!
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autism-swagger · 1 year ago
Jamie is an ideal character for me actually. Awkward. Has tears in her eyes for the entire movie. Doesn't sleep for five days straight. Undoubtedly super fucked up after everything and she can't even talk about it. Ate five weed brownies and wasn't affected at all.
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v7lgar · 21 days ago
Agonnnn how do you feel about montyreg im curious
i thought i answered this damn sorry for late answer jamie!!
i had a montyreg phase before montysirius lmaooo but i think they're a bit diff but i'm just gonna share my thoughts on montyreg
sooo imo regulus always find monty rly attractive and whenever he looked at him he couldn't help but think abt james in his old age like imagine u going to ur bf's house to meet his parents and u see his dad is smoking hot and u look at ur bf and he is going to look the same one day and u just cant help but want to have him older atm and not when regulus is older too. he thinks wow if only i met monty first and james second lmaooo also i think regulus def had fantesies abt monty a lot but he never told anyone and he is really good at not showing his feelings BUT james can see the look in regulus' eyes so he def made a comment like. r u thinking abt my dad? r u thinking abt my dad in that way? and regulus didnt see that coming lmaooo and he just says "so what?" and james is already speechless
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tommasokinard · 6 months ago
ideal bucktommy proposal: who proposes and what is it like, romantic? dramatic utterance????
Tommy proposes, and it's accidental.
Buck and Tommy are making dinner together and Tommy just takes a moment to watch Buck and he thinks I want to do this every day for the rest of my life and then breathlessly just says
"Merry Me."
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florsial · 5 months ago
This is me formally asking (begging) to know more about ur ocs
I do have a couple asks hidden and buried
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡
(Either both or one of them has the drawings for them)
There we go! ^^
Anyways, they are grown adults and college kids respectively. Christopher and Cecelia are trans twins and Michael is a Lit. student who lives across from them. James is a closeted model/actor, Dallas is his doctor, and Valentine is the librarian in the twin's college.
Dallas is from a wealthy family, Michael is a cam boy, and James pretends to be cis men on gay dating apps to lure in victims. I've had them around for a couple of years now but I do need to polish some of their more graphic and violent traits.
My favorite is actually Michael and Christopher. Their entire thing is just Michael contorting in weird positions with a kitchen knife while Chris watches all mesmerized at the taut muscle and blood and sketches him during shows across the street. Chris is an intern for Dallas at a hospital so imagine his surprise when he sees a bloody Michael come in with a lame excuse of "I slipped" (he accidentally cut himself too deep while filming). Cue cute bonding while wrapping ur crush in bandages.
Dallas is watching like ugh wtf why cant I have that.
anyways i hate them <3
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