#Jamie Badminton
adaptationsdaily · 2 years
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The Snowy Day (2016) Directed by: Jamie Badminton & Rufus Blacklock
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Jamie Badminton how do you feel being the only based British person
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binary-bird · 2 months
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he was 100% trespassing on purpose. [template] transcript below the cut
OC DIALOGUE MEME Have them introduce themself: Name's David. You'd be surprised how quickly people forget.
Describe their voice, generally (ex. accent/type/inflection): Mancunian accent when upset, stressed, or drunk (ex. drops the g in -ing). Speeds up, words slur together when nervous/excited doing exposition. Tries to keep his voice low and even but is too emotional to maintain it. Tenor.
Voice claim: Jamie Muscato (but with the accent and vibes of Liam Gallagher if that makes any sense)
In their own words, what is their most passionate interest? D'you know that "the 4th wall" was coined in the context of modern theater? And that when characters "break" it, it never actually breaks? Picture a character coming down from the stage, yeah? He grabs an audience member by the shoulders, bawling, begging them to help stop the play because he'll die in act 4. Does the plot change? No! What does the audience do? Fu██ all! They just sit there and watch him die because they paid for their seats.
How would they respond to an insult that hit the mark? OI THAT'S NOT-- I-I'M JUST-- Oh, piss off.
They've been caught doing... something! Can they talk their way out of it? How the hell was I supposed to know that this was a restricted area? A-- Well, I-I didn't see it. Y-yeah, I completely missed the… electric fence… Okay. Okay look. I was, I was just playin' badminton with me mates, yeah? Ball flew over, so obviously I had to get it back! Why d'you keep thinkin' I'm here to do somethin' suspicious? Is it because of how I look is that it?
Free space/dramatic monologue! HEY YOU. YEAH, YOU. Unshrimp. Stretch your legs. Quit staring at the screen and rest your eyes. Look after yourself, yeah? You're worth looking after. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Now go. Shoo. Keep scrolling or whatever I'm done being sappy.
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s-rosie · 4 months
hiii, this is my first hc post and im still a bit new to the all so pls ignore it if it is bad. some amazing tig hc creators are @x-liv25-jamieswife and @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys and i took some inspiration from them so pls check them out.
Jameson is a huge theatre nerd and he converted Avery so now they listen/watch/go to musicals together
they sing and quote them so often, everyone gets SOOOO annoyed
for Halloween, they went as pre say no to this Hamilton and Elliza one year and as jd and veronica another year and everyone LOST IT
Jameson even surprised her with Hamilton tickets but she had to solve a riddle to see where they were going
the riddle was a single letter that just said “My Dearest, Avery” and nothing else (iykyk)
Grayson has secretly watched every episode of Dance Moms and even memorized some of the dances
Avery one time did a spicy dance on TikTok and Jameson absolutely LOST HIS MIND
Alisa made her take the video down, because she said it was too “inappropriate” (even though it wasn’t even as bad as half of the other dances out there)
Jameson managed to save it beforehand and still has it to this day
Xander has read Avery’s diary and saw some THINGS things she wrote (especially about jamie (iykyk)) and he almost died but she just laughed it off
Libby often says stuff that sounds really dirty but she doesn’t mean it that way and gets very confused why everyone started laughing at what she was saying
Jameson played/plays hockey
Nash and Avery go on little outings every once and a while just for some bonding time (and a bit of lovingly trash talking Jamie)
Thea has MAD rbf like its not even ok
Rebecca can play guitar and sing and it sounds so soothing
Oren ugly cried at Avery and Jameson’s wedding
Jamie absolutely adores matching couples shirts but Avery hates them with a passion but she wears them sometimes to make him happy
Grayson loves picking flowers
Max and Avery one time pretended they were receiving awards (grammy’s, oscar’s, etc.) with the many awards the Hawthorne boys won (before javery was official) and Jameson was in a secret passage the whole time watching and they heard him giggling so she opened the passage to see him standing there and she just went beet red
he thought it was adorable and it just made him like her even more (can someone pls write a fic about this pls)
Nash is/was a barrel racer
Xander has the absolute dirtiest mind ever and can make anything he/you say sound dirty (a close second is Jameson)
but Xander is so clueless he sometimes says something that sounds so dirty and he doesn’t even realize
Max had to run a mile for school and almost died
Avery one time broke her arm while playing badminton (don’t ask me how but i can’t talk because i would too)
Jameson loves roller coasters but gets motion sick so he will ride the most intense roller coaster and immediately throw up after
Max and Avery threaten each other with telling embarrassing things they have done in the past to the others
Nash and Libby tease Avery and Jameson SO MUCH
they are always saying things like “leave some room for Jesus” and “get a room” when they show the slightest affection (out of love)
sometimes Nash will even come out of nowhere when they are watching a movie and say something like “what are we watching?” and just sit in the middle of them
Avery loved up cycling old and vintage thinga and Jameson will help
Rebecca loves to craft because it helps her relax
she even taught Libby how to crochet
after seeing the effects, no one lets Gigi have coffee
even though Savanna is cold at first, she really opens up to the group and they all love her though she thought they wouldn’t (ofcc)
Grayson and Avery once made a power point about skincare for Jamie after learning he just washes his face with body soap and cold water (*shutters*)
Avery calls Xander Xanny Poo or just Pookie but never his real name
when they were still in school, Xander made Avery a fake prom-posal after her, Xander, and Jamie had a conversation about how cringy they were
She almost murders him on the spot
Avery once threatened to slap Jameson because he was being annoyed and he said “is that a threat, or a promise? and she almost passed out
after that, Xander called Ave a sadist and Jamie a masochist for a month and a half
Grayson and Avery watch Bridgeton together
when he was younger, Jameson was absolutely OBSESSED with Gravity Falls, he would theorize about it and try to solve the mysteries (which he got most of them right)
he has the journal #3 with the invisible ink on his book shelf to this day
Jameson and Avery are always playing game pigeon
Avery and Libby bought dress-up dresses and have tea parties (sometimes Max joins)
Jameson loves to rub it in his brothers (especially Gray’s) faces that he is technically royalty
I hope you like this!!! please let me know how i can improve. all constructive criticism is highly appreciated and welcome. please give me suggestions on what i can do next. thank you so much!
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marauderswolf22 · 1 year
Sirius: okay jamie look, the best joke ever
Sirius: mooney can you say "badminton" for me?
Remus: badmAton
Remus: badmANton
Remus: badmOnton-
Sirius: and it always works!!!
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wontaemin · 6 months
get to know me 🥰❣️
thank you for tagging me, jamie @brightrapheephong! :D
🧃 do you make your bed? no omg i wish i was that put together dkjfks
🧃 what's your favourite number? 10
🧃 what is your job? mental health care assistant in a secure forensic facility, which is as interesting as it sounds skjdhfks
🧃 if you could go back to school, would you? maybe for a week skjhfsk
🧃 can you parallel park? no omg i can't drive
🧃 a job you had that would surprise people? i think my current job bc i'm such a small and insecure person but i deal with like. murderers on the reg dkjfhdk
🧃 do you think aliens are real? the universe is so infinitely huge i just can't see earth being the only planet where life happened
🧃 can you drive a manual car? i'm not allowed to drive bc i had brain surgery
🧃 what's your guilty pleasure? kpop photocards omg they're so expensive but i love looking through my binders <3
🧃 tattoos? two! poppies on one forearm, and the planets on the other
🧃 favourite colour? remember when monx jooheon had the red mullet for no limit era? that specific red skjdhks
🧃 favourite type of music? kpop, jpop, and classic rock. i did follow the emo to kpop pipeline though
🧃 do you like puzzles? as long as there's no maths involved ah
🧃 any phobias? spiders!
🧃 favourite childhood sport? badminton, my beloved
🧃 do you talk to yourself? all the time
🧃 what movies do you adore? lord of the rings, the crow, fantastic mr fox, the princess bride, coraline, kubo and the two strings, 300, what we do in the shadows, the lovely bones
🧃 coffee or tea? tea, one sugar, lots of milk
🧃 first thing you wanted to be growing up? a lollipop lady akjsds
tagging: @patchanons, @boozles, @lunaaaylin, @mooninagust if u wanna <3
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
I'm a bit late to the party, I was waiting for everything to be out before judging. [it's long but I think worth reading it]
the way you choose to be represented is very important and has always been because it's a powerful tool -the way kings represented themselves in painting, dictators or presidents for their official portrait is really important and says a lot about them. here, Kelly, her agency and the editor-in-chief decided that it was a good idea to appropriate the usual representation of drivers: the helmet on the cover, the racing suit, cars visible on almost every pictures and filming the promotional video inside a garage and filming her driving a car with a racing helmet/suit, justified by the narrative of «she can because she's the daughter of a world champion and the partner of a world champion/F1 driver so it's part of who she is» but it makes no sense because Kelly isn't a racing driver and more importantly, don't want to be a driver, she wants to be a model and made it clear on her interview, so why using something foreing for «her» cover and moment? it was a prime opportunity to go beyond the «someone's partner, someone's girlfriend». and it doesn't make sense either with her persona: she never wears anything motorsports related, hardly post about it if it's not Max and don't seem to follow any other racing categories than F1 -she doesn't look like a motorsports fan that would attend many racing events or closely follow races/championships and doesn't fit her instagram vibe:
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the photoshoot that «represents her because racing is part of her identity» / her instagram feed (without Vogue recent photos) > 1 thing racing related: going to see her boyfriend race/Louis Vuitton ad
something I find interesting: out of all the picture posted by @.kellypiquetsource, she choose to post on her own account only the ones linked to motorsports, not the ones next to the swimming pool that are more model-like. most people won't buy the magazine, so they will link Kelly Piquet to racing because of the promotional video and the way she appropriate the codes of racing. if I'm being honest, if I see this magazine in a store, I won't think she's just a model on the cover of a magazine because when someone's name is clearly visible on the cover and is linked to a sport, it means that the person is know in this sport. for example: (there is not a lot because athlete usually do more model-like shootings if it's not a sports magazine) but we can mention these:
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Simone Biles for Times 2021 (I don't think I need to present her 😅) / Pusarla Venkata Sindhu on the left, a badminton player that got a silver medal at the 2016 Rio OG, known in India, here for Harper's Bazaar in 2021
the cover choice of Vogue NL really looks like one of photos of the Harper's Bazaar Arabia featuring Amna Al Qubaisi — link to the article because it's really interesting (and the photos are breathtaking) and clearly, there is no difference in the structure of the cover than the 2 previous magazine cover, when the 3 other than Kelly are professionnal athletes. you can genuinely thinks she's a racing driver.
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Kelly's cover / Amna Al Qubaisi for Harper's Bazaar Arabia of Novemeber 2022 - she drives in the regional F3
here the covers of 2 females drivers in not-motorsports magazine: we see the leather jacket and helmet for Susie and the racing suit and gloves for Jamie (when the other girls are wearing dresses) -helmet, leather jacket, suit and gloves are really linked to motorsports and say «that person is a driver» and were used by Vogue to link Kelly to motorsports.
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Susie Wolff in 2014 for The Weekly Review (lifestyle magazine) / Jamie Chadwick for Asian Wealth in 2018 (lifestyle magazine)
2 other example: Georgina Rodriguez magazine covers (she had them and a career thanks to be being Cristiano Ronaldo girlfriend so it makes sense to compare the two) it's very fashion and not related to football at all because she tries to build her own persona (and her Netflix show is going on the same direction -I didn't watch it but that was the idea of it I think 😅) her name is not in the middle and she looks like any not-famous model you can see on magazines. the other example is Zhou that, like Lewis did (but as we always talk about him I choose my beloved Guanyu instead, so many people sleep on him 😅) choose to not use the usual racing codes you can see on motorsports magazine. nothing is racing oriented, you can't think he's a F1 driver when you look at the cover, it's really fashion oriented.
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screenshot of a Google research for their name + «magazine cover»
here, I put 4 covers of Vogue Netherlands featuring models without their names on the cover so they choose to represent Kelly as a known person because her name is really visible, known in the racing world because it's not fashion photos and the racing world is everywhere, and as a driver because there are all the codes of racing. on the other collage, I put 4 athletes on Vogue covers: Lovlina Borgohain, (a professional boxer), Naomi Osaka, Neymar and Serena Williams > none of them, like Zhou, used their sports for their image when it's their whole life and the reason they're known (I don't forget about Gisele she's just not the subject here)
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on the left: Vogue NL February 2012/December 2019/June 2021/May 2021 / on the right: Vogue India October 2021 / Vogue January 2021 / Vogue Brazil May 2014 / Vogue February 2018
I honestly don't think it's dramatic she got a cover that way but I was expecting a fashion photoshoot to back what she keeps trying to do: becoming a model -I don't consider having done 2 professional shootings for magazines and invited to less than 5 shows in 1 year being a model), but not a full racing photoshoot. she keeps saying motorsports is part of her life, but where? she didn't mention in the interview the only thing she did in the sport: working for the communication of FE. I really dislike the fact that she used codes that aren't hers only for a shooting because she don't care about racing, so it makes no sense, and if Vogue wanted to put a racer on the cover, they just call one or hire models but they don't make someone that never drove a racing car a «female in motorsports» because real woman in motorsports are hardly given any screentime or attention, struggle so hard to have sponsors to drive and face so much sexism -it makes me sick that any wag has more followers and attention than female racing drivers, or that people cares about the woman working in motorsports only if they're pretty. this is a prime example of it, because she's not just «a model», they made her part of the few woman that worked so hard to be there, when she never did.
she's «more known» as a model, they should have stick with that and focus the article on fashion (especially when people say to defend her «it's a fashion magazine» well, then how do you explain that athletes on the covers talk about their career and journey on «fashion magazine» interviews? plus she has a rather good fashion sense and worked in the field before, and it would have fueled her career as a model. and the interview wasn't even about fashion at all, but her private with Max. that being said, the way they promoted the article here (I can't put the screenshot, it's only 10 media/you can translate it with google) clearly shows that she's a side character on this: on the cover because of Max -I guess they wanted a couple shot like the ones below- and about racing because of her dad. about her dad, it's ridiculous and disgusting that Vogue could shot at his house and casually mention him and put his name on their magazine but the police can't find him when there is an enquiry about him for being racist, without forgetting about his nazi salute, the fact he threatened the new president but we put his name and house on display???
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iconic Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik cover Vogue August 2017 / and lovely cover of Achraf Hakimi (Psg player) and Hiba Abouk (Spanish actress) Vogue Arabia October 2022
thank you for reading, it was really long, I'm sorry 🫶🏻 there's a lot more to say, but this shows that people aren't unhappy about the «@nlvogue January/February 2023 Cover Girl» because they just randomly decided they don't like Kelly, there is reason for people saying they should have chosen a female driver. and of course, what she said in the interview that we already talked about here
Thank you so much for this nonnie! To the tag it goes in case someone else finds it interesting too.
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khaotunq · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Jamie @first-kanaphan tagged me and I'm taking this opportunity to declare my undying love for her 🤟🏻
Are you named after anyone? Not in particular. My mother says I "chose" my name when I was born. I can assure you right now that I did not.
When was the last time you cried? Uhhhhh. Probably recently. I used to be one of those "I never cry!" folks. I am no longer one of those folks. I think I burst out crying last week just because I was near my period.
Do you have kids? Nyet, and no desire for any.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Never. I'm sincere as fuck. :)
What sports do you play/have you played? I occasionally am corralled into badminton. I used to run for my school then I fucked my knees up. I used to do hurdles and high jump but... knees, man.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Eyes, teeth, nails. Usually in that order.
What’s your eye color? Hazel. Blue-green.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I live alone in a town centre with a drug dealer at the end of the hall: my life has enough gritty reality.
Any special talents? I don't think I have any in particular.
Where were you born? About 15 miles north of Glasgow.
What are your hobbies? Languages, writing, crocheting, plants, being a general layabout on my days off work.
Do you have any pets? Unless 40-odd plants count, none anymore.
How tall are you? Depends when you ask. On a good day, I'm 5ft 3. I can often found saying "I'm 5 feet fuck all" for simplicity.
Favorite subject in school? History and French.
Dream job? I'd love to be a copyeditor, but I have no intention of pursuing it, so. I'm content having a job I can just do and go home.
Tagging: I don't know that I have 15 mutuals, lmao. APOLOGIES IF YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN TAGGED 🥰. No obligation to do this, I'm just pretending to have friends xoxo @andavs @mushiemadarame @dandelionlwt @sollucets @alan-apologist @jyuubin @akkpipitphattana @deadcatinspace @theflagscene @stillqueerstillhere @telebi
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thank you for tagging me, @mrgaretcarter <3
15 questions and 15 mutuals
Were you named after anyone?
I know I was named after anyone but I forgot who it was lmao
When was the last time you cried?
I think 3 weeks ago?
Do you have kids?
Nope, and honestly I don't plan to have any
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I used to be very sarcastic but I'd like to think I do not use sarcasm that much anymore
What's the first thing you notice about people?
How they treat the people around them
What's your eye color?
Brown (but some people say it's black)
Scary movies or happy endings?
Definitely happy endings!
Any special talents?
Uhhh none?
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Watching TV shows, listening to music and gifmaking
Have any pets?
I have three dogs!
What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play badminton but I just couldn't be bothered playing any sport lmao
How tall are you? 5'2
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
I'd like to be a graphic designer but tbh I'd rather not work at all if I have the chance aljdkjkjdsj
Tagging: @montygreen, @mcbride, @sophiedevreaux, @agathadanbury, @sylvies-casey, @ginaricky, @nick-nellson, @afalsegcd, @levy-tran, @jamies, @janinegregory, @sharpesjoy, @freddiecarly, @usernace and @shivgirly (you don't have to do this, i wasn't sure who to tag ajdksjfksjfj)
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goose-duck · 2 months
Jamie Lowe
Name: Jamie Lowe
Age: 15
Birthday: August 12
Biological Gender: male
Pronouns: he/she
Romantic/Sexual orientation: straight
Height: 5’4
Weight: 145lbs
Eyes: hooded eyes, short eyelashes, royal blue iris
Hair: Natural black, dyed forest green, lower back length, (4C)
Skin: very dark brown
Species: human
Favourite Colour: mint green
Notable Physical Features: eyebrow slit both sides
Family: grandmother (Nia Imani)(83), sister (Tatu Lowe)(34), sister (Sheena Lowe)(26)
Friends: Blanch Fournier (mutual), Meihui Liu (mutual), Amarin Wentzell (mutual), Raven Loch (mutual), Arson Zhao (mutual), Aaron Clark (mutual), Hannah Boe (mutual), Chrystal Zon (mutual), Skell Alba (mutual), Silver Benko (mutual), Peri Nuno (mutual), Goose Jackson (mutual), Jay Valentine (mutual)
Enemies/People they dislike: Tae Choi (one sided), Rowen Starr (Mutual)
Personality Type: ENFJ
Fears: police, the future
Likes: lemon cookies, anime, dogs, lizards, arachnids, summer, autumn, basketball
Dislikes: government, authority, silk, flowers, halloween, winter, spring
Fighting Capabilities: average
General Intelligence: slightly above average
Specific Skill: identifying arachnid species
Languages they speak: English (first language)
Powers: N/A
Occupation: student - Startail Badminton team
Star Sign: Leo
Random: has no spice tolerance
Love language: acts of service
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dmercer91 · 3 months
what sports did all the au girls play growing up? (for the ohl/nhl girls, did they play any other sports?)
blake - hockey (centre) and softball (pitcher)
landen - soccer (forward)
rae - hockey (goalie) soccer (also goalie)
dahlia - she was on debate teams and i love her for it 
cam - volleyball (libero) 
robbie - basketball (power forward) and field hockey (defence)
wesley - dance (contemporary and when she was much younger, ballet) and she ran track (she still loves to run!!)
tanner - she would play any position in any sport that would let her play for free and didn’t need a lot of gear or had gear she could borrow. notably liked badminton, basketball and she also did 3on3 hockey during the summers 
rylie - tennis singles
draya - gymnastics and figure skating
jamie - soccer (goalie) and volleyball (setter)
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laresearchette · 8 months
Thursday, January 11, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT: PRESS YOUR LUCK (Premiering on January 16 on City TV at 9:00pm)
2024 IIHF U18 WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP (TSN4) 4:00am: Quarterfinal (TSN4/TSN5) 7:30am: Quarterfinal (TSN4/TSN5) 11:00am: Quarterfinal (TSN4/TSN5) 2:30pm: Quarterfinal
NHL HOCKEY (SNPacific/SNEast/SNOntario) 7:00pm: Canucks vs. Penguins (SNWest) 7:00pm: Oilers vs. Red Wings (TSN2) 7:00pm: Sharks vs. Habs (TSN4) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Islanders (TSN5) 10:00pm: Sens vs. Sabres (TSN3) 8:00pm: Chicago vs. Jets (SN1) 9:00pm: Flames vs. Coyotes
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN) 7:30pm: Celtics vs. Bucks (SN360) 8:30pm: Knicks vs. Mavericks (TSN/TSN4) 10:00pm: Suns vs. Lakers
GOING PLACES WITH ERNIE DINGO (APTN) 7:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Ernie travels to the Great Barrier Reef to meet people who call this unique part of the world home; he catches up with Yindinji elder Gudju Gudju, Jamie a toxicologist, and Gareth skipper of Monsoon.
DRAGONS’ DEN (CBC) 8:00pm: An entrepreneur brings a tech solution for Michele's closet; a West Coast family hopes its dreams of a deal don't become sour grapes; an Ontario duo puts its best foot forward; a couple from Ottawa tries to satisfy the Dragons' sweet tooth.
ALMOST PARADISE (CTV2) 8:00pm: When Alex's friend from the local gym is found murdered, Alex investigates and discovers his friend was involved in an underground badminton competition; Alex and Ernesto must go undercover as badminton players to solve the murder.
HOLMES FAMILY RESCUE (CTV Life) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Homeowners' plans for an addition have only added up to a year of terrible workmanship from a contractor who left them with an unlivable house.
THE NATURE OF THINGS (CBC) 9:00pm: Sarika Cullis-Suzuki travels back in time to solve the evolutionary mystery of the walking whale.
SWAMP PEOPLE (History Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): The hunters try new strategies when water levels plummet to unprecedented lows; Troy Landry launches a daring plan to bag 100 gators on the first day; Ashley Jones returns with a hit list and an unbeatable strategy.
THE INCREDIBLE DR. POL (Nat Geo Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): A DOC-umentary
TOP GUNS: INSIDE THE RAF (documentary) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): At a time of heightened global tensions, this documentary series goes behind the scenes at RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland, one of the UK's two Quick Reaction Alert stations - able to launch fighter jets in moments to respond to threats.
CANADA'S DRAG RACE (Crave) 9:00pm: The queens write, record and perform their debut singles in hopes of being crowned Canada's next drag superstar.
CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm: Crows; Finders Keepers
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gingerhotelsindia · 2 years
Are you Looking for Inexpensive Accommodation in Vadodara RCR?
Ginger is one of the best hotels in Vadodara RCR. The second-largest city in the Indian state of Gujarat is sometimes referred to as Baroda. It is located 141 kilometres from Gandhinagar, the state capital, on the banks of the Vishwamitri River and acts as the Vadodara district's administrative centre. The presence of Banyan (Vad) trees in the city gave it its name. Locally, Vadodara is also known as the Sanskari Nagari and the Kala Nagari of India.
On the Vishwamitri River is where Vadodara is located. Various religious influences have shaped Gujarat, as evidenced by Pavagadh Hill, which towers over Champaner, the pre-Mughal Islamic fort from the 15th century and is decorated with Hindu and Jain shrines. Vadodara offers many reasons to visit because it is a blend of several eras and is known as the "Cultural Capital."
Want to know what the best sights to see and things to do in Vadodara are? Just a taste of what's in store includes fantastic shopping, delicious local cuisine, and a tonne of breathtaking attractions. Prepare to load up your baggage and explore this busy metropolis.
The Laxmi Vilas Palace- Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III ordered the construction of the majestic Lakshmi Villas Palace in 1890, with Major Charles Mant serving as the principal architect.
The Moti Baug Palace and the Maharaja Fateh Singh Museum building are two of the many structures that make up the "complex" of the palace, which spans more than 500 acres. The Moti Bagh Cricket Ground, the Baroda Cricket Association's offices, and a very uncommon indoor teak-floored tennis court and badminton court are close to the Moti Baug Palace and Museum. A stepwell from 1405 AD known as Navlakhi Vav is also located inside the property.
Champaner- Champaner is located about 45 kilometres from Vadodara. For hundreds of years, Champaner served as an obscure pilgrimage destination. It later became Gujarat's capital before being abandoned and taken over by the jungle. 
As evidence of Champaner's former splendour as the capital of Gujarat during the Mughal Empire, there are several sizable and noticeable mosques throughout the city. The majority are from the final decades of the fifteenth century. These include the Lila Gumbai ki Masjid, the Jami Masjid, the Nagina Masjid, the Kevasa Masjid, and the Sahar ki Masjid.
Kadai Dungar Kevas- At Kadia Dungar, one may witness monolithic lion pillars and seven rock-cut caverns. They may have been viharas, based on the caves. In the foothills, a brick stupa was also discovered. The first and second centuries AD saw the use of these caverns.
Vadodara City and Kadia Dungar Caves are separated by about 100 kilometres. The closest railroad station is located at Bharuch, about 41 kilometres.
One of the best Baroda hotels in RCR is Ginger Vadodara, which offers all the latest conveniences and top-notch service. Vadodara, one of Gujarat's bigger cities, is a significant centre for business, culture, and industry. Additionally, it is home to the biggest university in the state, Maharaja Sayajirao University.
The hotel, located in the centre of the city, offers quick access to both the airport and the train station, whether you are travelling for business or pleasure.
Along with a multi-cuisine restaurant, the hotel has a banquet hall with seating for more than 300 people.
There are several advantages to booking an inexpensive hotel room in Vadodara RCR, no matter why you're there. Finding convenience in Vadodara will not only enable you to delay your journey for longer, but it will also save you money. You may not only have a pleasant stay at a reasonable price in one of the GINGER-owned branch hotels, but you can also benefit from standard quality services that are difficult to get at other hotels within the same price range.
GINGER accommodation in Vadodara RCR, one of the best budget hotels in Vadodara, provides guests with 101 wonderfully equipped rooms, with the choice of twin or king beds. For guests who are physically or intellectually disabled, the hotel also has spaces that are carefully built to ensure they have a top-notch stay. Ginger Vadodara is one of the best value hotels in Vadodara city and promises you a great experience that is worth every penny.
Despite your decision to stay in one of the several accommodations kinds at Ginger Vadodara, you might value the nearby offices. All 50 of the establishments in India under the Ginger brand promise to provide comparable services. Benefit recipients have access to free wireless internet, in-room dining, climate control, a tea or espresso maker, a mini-fridge, and an LCD or LED TV with satellite-connected stations to keep them entertained.
While Vadodara is home to numerous excellent amenities that can accommodate your needs, none of them will ever seem as necessary as Ginger's lodging options. When a traveller chooses to stay at Ginger, not only are their requests for assistance acknowledged, but they also get ongoing round-the-clock support. The Ginger Vadodara Hotel team attends to every visitor's interest in minute detail and offers contemporary amenities and services to guests to improve their entire experience.
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im-not-a-joke · 4 years
*throws love at you*
*hits love back at you with a tennis racket*
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solemntitty · 4 years
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i didnt want my last lecture to end like this
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jfouler · 2 years
Obscure Headcanons
what they smell like. coffee and aftershave, cigarette smoke depending on the day
how they sleep. sleeping position. schedule. jamie always hugs a pillow when he sleeps. so pathetically, like a sad lonely dog. curls his whole body around that pillow. 😭 the time he goes to bed varies every night but on a good night he's conked out by 10:30. wakes up at 5 am always because he's unhinged. he normally wears old band t-shirts to bed/shirts he refuses to wear in public
what music they enjoy. any and all dad rock. he likes linkin park. he does not care about expanding his music taste
how much time they spend getting ready each morning. not a lot, despite how early he gets up! fairly quickly. he's gotten much faster over the years.
favorite thing to collect. this man owns a lot of guns. where are they? who knows
left or right handed. right !
favorite sports. tennis, badminton... really any net sports are ones he can tolerate, at least when it comes to playing them. also basketball, he likes to watch. the high school games can get pretty wild. but overall he doesn't care much for sports
favorite touristy thing to do when traveling. getting souvenirs n trinkets... thats about it.
favorite kind of weather. nice 60-70 degree weather. sunny. weather he can be completely unbothered by
weird / obscure fear they have. outer space. the vastness of the universe—incomprehensible and horrifying
the carnival / arcade game they always win without fail. any of the shooting games really. like the buck hunting one. gun guy! he likes to flex
tagged by: @primordyalsoul
 tagging: @mourrow and/or @tennology and whoever else wants to steal i get nervous tagging ppl ABJWJDJS
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