#James Potter is a spoiled little tosser
severussnapemylove · 2 months
I really wonder what kind of people Fleamont and Euphemia Potter were because James gives such Dudley Dursley vibes.
The thing is, I can kinda understand why Remus and Sirius behaved as they did as part of the Marauders. Remus wasn't going to turn against his only supportive friend group, even when it was his duty to. And Sirius came from a completely toxic, possible abusive, family that was made up of Slytherins, so he took his anger out on another Slytherin. But James? The boy with all the privileges; the spoiled son of doting parents, financially stable, socially well placed, tight friend group. Who targeted an abused, poverty stricken, socially disadvantaged boy because he existed. James had no reason to behave as he did, other than the fact he was a spoiled brat who had never been told "no" in his life. James Potter is just an athletic variant of Dudley Dursley. Only difference is, Dudley matured and realised he was wrong.
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siriuslysnuffles · 7 years
The News
enjoy, loves!
(January 1980)
It was Wednesday, the second to last day of January where five friends arrived at the Leaky Cauldron.
Sirius’ arm was thrown around Lily’s shoulder as the other three walked ahead of them. “We’re getting you so plastered tonight, Evans. Prongs won’t know what to do with you.”
Lily laughed, although part of her felt unease.
James turned to them as Remus and Peter headed towards an empty booth. “Trying to seduce my wife, Padfoot?” His hazel eyes met hers tenderly, “All right there, Cariad?”
“I’m fine, Sirius here is just planning on getting me drunk is all.” James’ eyes widened slightly understanding what her real concern was. Her hand came to rest on her stomach gently as Sirius continued on, oblivious to James and Lily’s silent concern.
“First round’s on me, yeah?” His grey eyes look at Lily softly, never missing the chance to spoil the birthday girl.
“‘Course,” Lily voiced, waiting until after he was gone to turn to her husband. “Get me pumpkin juice please and some chips.”
He smiled down at her before leaning down to place a quick kiss on her cheek. “Of course, I’ll make sure Padfoot doesn’t put anything in it either.”
”Thank you.”
He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, “Anytime, my love.”
He winked at her as he walked away from her backwards, accidentally bumping into an elderly lady as he did so. She snorted as she saw him turn towards the lady, frantically apologising as he helped her up. A giggle escaped her as she watched the lady examine her husband, pinching his cheeks briefly before walking away.
“You realise you married him, right?” She looked at Remus as she sat down across from him.
“Yeah,” she grinned at her fellow green-eyed friend. “Don’t tell him I said this, but it was one of my wiser decisions.” She gazed at her husband fondly as she watched him ruffling his hair nervously. “He makes me happy, very happy. Do you believe in soulmates?”
“Not really,” said Peter who appeared sad about it. Remus shrugged as if he too would have preferred not to think about it.
“I do.” Her words came out a sigh. “I don’t think everyone finds theirs, but mine is James. If there’s one thing I’m sure about it’s that James and I were always supposed to be.”
“The stag and the doe,” Remus said, referencing their patronuses, their souls.
“It sounds silly, but it’s true; we’re soulmates.”
“Well, as James’ soulmate, can you tell me what you did to cheer him up? He was distraught just last week about his parents. It’s understandable, but James suddenly being all smiles and laughs again doesn’t make sense, Lily.”
A blush rose onto her face.
“I assumed Padfoot just gave him something,” Peter added as Lily avoided the question.
“Lily, your husband’s a tosser,” Sirius said as he slid in next to Remus, leaving the empty space next to her for James. “He’s refusing to drink with me.”
“You are?” She asked curiously as he placed her chips and drink in front of her.
He let his arm circle her waist as he placed a kiss on the place below her ear. “For Harry,” he mumbled. Her heart swelled as tears came to her eyes.
“Evans?” Sirius questioned as they looked at her with brotherly concern.
“It’s Potter, you prat,” she said as hid her face in James’s chest.
“Want to tell them now?” James asked with light strokes to her back, soothing her with his gentle touches.
She nodded as she lifted her face, wiping away the stray tears.
“What is it?” Peter asked for them.
James bit on his bottom lips as he looked down at her, he squeezed her hand in support.
“James and I are going to be parents.” She felt James hand move to lie on the bump that was hidden by her robes.
“Are you adopting?”
“No, Pete. I’m pregnant.” Peter’s eyes were wide.
“Bloody hell,” Sirius said, his hand coming to cover the bottom portion of his face.
“Congratulations,” Remus said, “That certainly explains a lot.” His eyes shifted to James as he said that.
“Congrats,” Peter stuttered briefly. “How far along are you?”
Her face broke into a smile, “About fourteen weeks. We just entered the second trimester.”
“We went to St. Mungo’s yesterday, and they showed us how big the baby is. He’s so tiny, I could probably fit him in the palm of my hand.” His voice was mesmerising.
“He?” Sirius speaking willingly for the first time since hearing the news. “The baby is a he?”
James blushed, “We’re not sure yet, but we think the baby is going to be a boy, and it would feel wrong to call the baby an it.” Another smile graced his lips as if he couldn’t get enough, “We’re thinking of naming him Harry if it is a boy. Or Emma for a girl.”
“Harry James,” Lily specified. “I think Petunia would want to save my mum’s name in case she ever has a girl.” James pulled her tighter against him, a kiss placed on top of her head as he watched Sirius’ expression change.
“We’re going to have a little mischief maker.”
“Are you crying, Sirius?” Lily asked as she grabbed one of his hands in hers.
“No,” he denied quickly, giving her hand a squeeze. “I just, you’re going to have a little James and Lily running around your flat in less than a year. Bloody hell.”
“Would you like to be godfather?” Lily’s timid voice asked. Red hair moved to hide her face.
“I’d be honoured.” They could hear the emotion coming from Sirius’ voice. “I’ll spoil Harry more than anyone ever,” he promised as he stared into their faces.
“I don’t doubt it,” James said as his lips placed a tender kiss on his wife’s shoulder as his hand moved to the other one. “He’ll be so loved with all his uncles around and his beautiful mummy to keep him in check.”
“A mini Prongs.” Peter said in awe.
Remus raised an amused eyebrow, “Let’s just hope he gets his mother’s looks.” Lily laughed as she watched her husband toss a chip at him.
“Good luck, Harry,” she whispered, giving her stomach another loving touch.
validation? also see, not sad! 
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