#James Brown bio data
nghubs1 · 2 years
James Brown Biography, Real Name, Age, Career and Net Worth
James Brown Biography, Real Name, Age, Career and Net Worth
James Chukwueze Obialor popularly known as James Brown is a Nigerian Internet personality, Content creator, comedian, dancer and brand influencer. He gained popularity after his “They did not caught me” video went viral on social media. James Brown was born on 22 February 1999 in Lagos, Nigeria. James Brown Profile Name James Brown Real Name James Chukwueze Obialor Birthday 22 February…
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We are so excited to welcome Denise Williams as our January speaker. Come join us next month!
Bio At the intersection of Indigenous sovereignty, technological advancement and a rapidly expanding technology and innovation economy, Denise has the privilege of working with Indigenous peoples, governments, academics, technology futurists and social change makers to map an ecosystem that will result in fair and equitable access to the tools and education required to lead digital transformation in the 21st century. Denise leads a theory of change that aims to ensure Indigenous peoples are leading in Canada’s technology and innovation sector and in building new connected economies. Her purpose is to create space for Indigenous peoples to access the knowledge they carry from their ancestors and bring back community, balance and humanity to the design, integration and evolution of digital technologies and online spaces. The legacy of which is meant to advance Truth and Reconciliation both in physical and virtual worlds.
With a passion for contributing and volunteering in initiatives and organizations that influence real change and the advancement of Truth and Reconciliation, Denise proudly serves as a governor with the Urban Native Youth Association, MakeWay, Vancouver Foundation, Hollyhock Learning Institute, Innovate BC and Simon Fraser University as the Chair of university relations, and where she earned her MBA in 2015. Denise is as advisor on innovation to the Governor General of Canada, a member of Status of Women Canada’s Indigenous Women’s Circle, BC’s Indigenous Business and Investment Council, and a mentor with the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.
Denise has been awarded Business in Vancouver’s Top 40 under 40 in 2018, Motherboards Human of Year in 2017, BC’s Most Influential Women STEM Stars in 2017, and Women in Technology’s Community Champion in 2016.
How do you define creativity and apply it in your life and career? Creativity, enthusiasm and pure recklessness in pursuing the impossible are absolutely central to my leadership model! Creativity for me is all about finding inspiration in analogous systems, models and theories. When I’m thinking about how to create systems change in Canadian telecommunications from regulation to deployment, I like to walk through the forest and think about the communications systems happening there, the information systems exchanging data between different species to respond to a changing environment. I like to imagine how they regulate themselves, what agreements they have in place and how these complex interspecies systems achieve balance through ongoing change and adaptation. Perhaps difficult to understand as it’s read here, but my creative self enjoys free association, letting ideas diverge and converge, allowing some ideas to be completely useless and others to become central to my next decision. Unleashing my mind to wander without a map is my favourite part of the day.
Where do you find your best creative inspiration or energy? I go for very long meditative walks every day. The kind so deep in the moment, connected to surroundings and meandering of mind, that I have to follow the same path everyday so that I don’t run into anything or get lost! I also get a lot of inspiration and energy from being near, or in, water. Perhaps my Salish ancestry at play. Everything about water systems and watching the light on water transcends me to a different realm that inspires me to feel like a small part of something profound and meaningful.
What’s one piece of creative advice or a tip you wish you’d known as a young person? You don’t have a creative “side”. We are all creative beings and that permeates through every moment of everyday, it’s just a choice I think about acceptance and indulgence! I spent perhaps too much time as a young person thinking that the best I had to offer was having good ideas that fit into what someone/something else wanted or expected. I would absolutely tell myself to thank every person that fired you for not following the rules, they are helping you accelerate toward your potential.
Who (living or dead) would you most enjoy hearing speak at CreativeMornings? Selfishly, Charles Eisenstein. I can never get enough of his work, his ideas and understanding his process.
What’s your one guilty creative indulgence? I like to pretend I’m an interior designer in both my home and in the homes of friends! It’s not unusual for me to take on small design projects because I love building spaces that inspire and rejuvenate. I do this while listening to very loud jazz music and with superb red wine. I’m not always in the good graces of my neighbours, but, it’s my process and for someone with no credentials in this area I have a list of happy clients!
If you could do anything now, what would you do? I would launch an Indigenous Innovation Institute, National Indigenous owned ISP and First Nations led design firm all from a hobby farm where I could look after chickens in the morning and go horseback riding in the evening and cook every meal from my farm. I guess I’m answering the question “what am I TRYING to do” What's the most recent thing you learned (big or small)? Recently I’ve learned, or finally accepted, that when someone says “explain ____in a nutshell” I will never be able to do that in under 15 to 30 minutes. I’m a storyteller, not a summary writer!
What are you reading these days? These days I’ve had more time to read than ever before. I’m doing the thing I always said I wouldn’t do and am reading several things at once, because that’s the extent of rebellion possible when I never leave home: Emergent Strategy, Adrienne Maree Brown Public Philosophy in a New Key, James Tully Sacred Economics, Charles Eisenstien
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gnosticgnoob · 5 years
An Excerpt from Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson:
...the human mind behaves as if it were divided into two parts, the Thinker and the Prover. The Thinker can think about virtually anything, that the earth is suspended on the backs of infinite turtles or that the Earth is hollow, or that the Earth is floating in space; comparative religion and philosophy show that the Thinker can regard itself as mortal, as immortal, as both mortal and immortal or even as nonexistent (Buddhism). It can think itself into living in a Christian universe, a Marxist universe, a scientific-relativistic universe, or a Nazi universe—among many possibilities.
As psychiatrists and psychologists have often observed (much to the chagrin of their medical colleagues), the Thinker can think itself sick, and can even think itself well again.
The Prover is a much simpler mechanism. It operates on one law only: Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves. ...The Thinker thinks that the sun moves around the earth, the Prover obligingly organizes all perceptions to fit that thought; the Thinker changes its mind and decides the earth moves around the sun, and the Prover reorganizes the evidence.
"We, as a species, exist in a world in which exist a myriad of data points (1). Upon these matrices of points we superimpose a structure and the world makes sense to us (2). The pattern of the structure originates within our biological and sociological properties (3)." — Persinger and Lafreniere, Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events
(1) events or actions, i.e. verbs, not nouns.
(2) models or maps, static things; nouns not verbs.
(3) brain hardware and software.
We will consider the human brain a kind of bio-computer—an electro-colloidal computer. The brain appears to be made up of matter in electro-colloidal suspension.
Colloids are pulled together, toward a condition of gel, by their surface tensions, and surface tensions pull all glue-like substances together. Colloids are also, conversely, pushed apart, toward a condition of sol, by their electrical charges, because their electrical charges are similar, and similar electrical charges always repel each other. In the equilibrium between gel and sol, suspension maintains its continuity and life continues. Move the suspension too far one way or another, and life ends.
Any chemical that gets into the brain changes the gel-sol balance, and "consciousness" is accordingly influenced. Thus, potatoes are, like LSD, "psychedelic"—in a milder way. The changes in consciousness when one moves from a vegetarian diet to an omnivorous diet, or vice versa, are also "psychedelic." Since "What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves," all of our ideas are psychedelic. Even without experimenting with diet or drugs, whatever you think you should see, you will see—unless it is physically impossible in this universe.
All experience is a muddle, until we make a model to explain it. The model can clarify the muddles, but the model is never the muddle itself. "The map is not the territory"; the menu does not taste like the meal.
Every computer consists of two aspects: hardware and software. (Software here includes information).
The hardware is concrete and localized, consisting of a processor, display, keyboard, disks, etc.—all the parts you can drag into the shop for repair if the computer is malfunctioning.
The software consists of programs that can exist in many forms, including the totally abstract, that can be "in" the computer in the sense that it is recorded in the CPU or on a disk which is hitched up to the computer, or even exist on a piece of paper, as in a manual; in these cases, it is not "in" the computer but can be put "in" at any time. A program may even exist only in my head, if I have never written it down.
The hardware is more "real" than the software in that you can always locate it in space-time—if it's not in the bedroom, somebody must have moved it to the study, etc. On the other hand, the software is more "real" in the sense that you can smash the hardware back to dust ("kill" the computer) and the software still exists, and can "materialize" or "manifest" again in a different computer.
The hardware is inside the human skull. The software, however, seems to be anywhere and everywhere. For instance, the software "in" my brain also exists outside my brain in such forms as, say, a book I read twenty years ago, which was an English translation of various signals transmitted by Plato 2400 years ago. Other parts of my software are made up of the software of Confucius, James Joyce, my second-grade teacher, Kanye, Beethoven, my mom and dad, Richard Nixon, my various dogs and cats, and anybody and any-thing that has ever impacted upon my brain.
Of course, if consciousness consisted of nothing but this undifferentiated tapioca of timeless, spaceless software, we would have no individuality, no center, no Self.
We want to know, then, how out of this universal software ocean a specific person emerges.
Each set of programs consists of four basic parts:
Genetic Imperatives. Hard-wired programs or "instincts." 
Imprints. These hard-wired programs which the brain is genetically designed to accept only at certain points in its development known as times of imprint vulnerability.
Conditioning. These are programs built onto the imprints. They are looser and fairly easy to change with counter-conditioning.
Learning. This is even looser and "softer" than conditioning.
The primordial imprint can almost always over-rule any subsequent conditioning or learning. An imprint is a species of software that has become built-in hardware, being impressed on the tender neurons when they are peculiarly open and vulnerable.
Imprints are the non-negotiable aspects of our individuality, establishes the limits, parameters, perimeters within which all subsequent conditioning and learning occurs.
Before the first imprint, the consciousness of the infant is "formless and void"—like the universe at the beginning of Genesis. As soon as the first imprint is made, structure emerges out of the creative void.
The growing mind, alas, becomes trapped within this structure. It identifies with the structure; in a sense, it becomes the structure.
This entire process is analyzed in G. Spencer Brown's Laws of Form wherein he writes about the foundations of mathematics and logic. But every sensitive reader knows that Brown is also talking about a process we have all passed through in creating, out of an infinite ocean of signals, those particular constructs we call "myself and "my world."
Each successive imprint complicates the software which programs our experience and which we experience as "reality."
Conditioning and learning build further networks onto this bedrock of imprinted software. This brain circuitry makes up our map of the world. It is what our Thinker thinks, and our Prover mechanically fits all incoming signals to the limitations of this map. We shall divide this brain hardware into 8 circuits. The first four of the circuits are "antique" and conservative, they exist in everybody (except feral children).
The Oral Bio-Survival Circuit. Imprinted by the mother or the first mothering object and conditioned by subsequent nourishment or threat. It is primarily concerned with sucking, feeding, cuddling, and body security. It retreats mechanically from the noxious or predatory—or from anything associated (by imprinting or conditioning) with the noxious or predatory.
The Anal Emotional-Territorial Circuit. Imprinted in the "Toddling" stage when the infant rises up, walks about and begins to struggle for power within the family structure. This mostly mammalian circuit processes territorial rules, emotional games, or cons, pecking order and rituals of domination or submission.
The Time-Binding Semantic Circuit. Imprinted and conditioned by human artifacts and symbol systems. It "handles" and "packages" the environment, classifying everything according to the local reality tunnel. Invention, calculation, prediction and transmitting signals across generations are its functions.
The "Moral" Socio-Sexual Circuit. Imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences at puberty and is conditioned by tribal taboos. It processes sexual pleasure, local definitions of "right" and "wrong," reproduction, adult parental personality (sex role) and nurture of the young. The development of these circuits as the brain evolved through evolution, and as each domesticated human brain recapitulates evolution in growing from infancy to adulthood, makes possible gene-pool survival, mammalian sociobiology (pecking order, or politics) and transmission of culture.
The Holistic Neurosomatic Circuit. This is imprinted by ecstatic experience. It processes neurosomatic ("mind-body") feedback loops, somatic-sensory bliss, feeling "high," "faith-healing," etc. NLP and holistic medicine consist of tricks or gimmicks to get this circuit into action at least temporarily.
The Collective Neurogenetic Circuit. This is imprinted by bio-chemical - electrical stresses. It processes DNA-RNA-brain feedback systems and is "collective" in that it contains and has access to the whole evolutionary "script," past and future. Experience of this circuit is numinous, "mystical," mind-shattering; here dwell the archetypes of Jung's Collective Unconscious—Gods, Goddesses, Demons, Hairy Dwarfs and other personifications of the DNA programs (instincts) that govern us.
The Meta-programming Circuit. This consists, in modern terms, of cybernetic consciousness, reprogramming and reimprinting all other circuits, even reprogramming itself, making possible conscious choices that best exercise our faculty of free will.
The Non-Local Quantum Circuit. This is imprinted by shock, by "near-death" experience, by extremely rare bizarre-seeming trans-time perceptions often labeled as "precognition", etc.
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fortisfiliae · 6 years
Against the Odds - Part 2 [James Potter x reader]
Prompt: College AU ❃ Jocks are disgusting. Too good looking, too aware of it, too drunk and too dumb. Or so you thought.
A/n: This is the second part for @marvelcapsicle ‘s writing challenge. Pic is not mine (also look at this smiling cutie). If you need to zoom in on the texts, just click on the picture to do so.
Find the other parts on my Masterlist linked in my bio!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of needles and blood donations
Word count: 2.8k
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Part 2 - My sandwiches, my soda, my blood
So James had texted you. He really had. Wow. And he had managed to come off even more confident by only using six words and a winking smiley-face. Douchey. But somehow still cute. How he managed to be arrogant and sweet at the same time would forever be a mystery.
You lay in bed and read those six words over and over again, your fingers hovering above the keyboard on your phone. What should you answer? Should you answer at all? Or should let a couple hours pass, to not seem like you waited for him to text you? Oh, this texting-etiquette where everyone wanted to come off as not interested at all, was a huge load of crap. Still, you contemplated what the right thing to say was. 
You weren’t even sure if you wanted to see him. Alone at least. You didn’t know him so it would be really unsafe, wouldn’t it? He could be a mass murderer after all. But he was Remus’ friend, so he probably wasn’t. It would be so easy to decline. Just a “No thanks”, or simply blocking him, like he had suggested yesterday. But there was something about him. Something that made your tummy tingle. So you kept on thinking. He wanted to meet on Wednesday. Wednesday, Wednesday... Oh damn, Wednesday! You had plans already. Convenient for the part of you that didn’t want to meet him, frustrating for the part that did.
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Yikes. That sounded rough. Better add something to make it less bitchy.
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Good. A reasonable explanation. Not mean, just honest.
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That was... Nice! Nothing a mass murderer would say. Right? Probably not. You smiled to yourself and put the phone back on the nightstand, your attention wandering back to your laptop. You went for a couple of episodes of The Office, something light and funny. It was good, made you laugh here and there, but you caught yourself looking over to the nightstand a couple of times, just checking if a text had arrived that you hadn’t noticed. 
Some hours later your roommate Louise returned from her boyfriend’s and plopped down on her bed.
“Hey,” she mumbled into her pillow. She’s seen better days for sure.
“Hey. Are you okay?”
She raised her head, her hair tousled and makeup smeared across her face. “I am. Just a rough night.”
“Where have you been?”
“The frat party,” she said and scratched the back of her head. “Hey, is it possible that I’ve seen you there?”
“Um, yeah. I’ve been there.”
“Really! I knew it. I saw you sitting on the couch with these guys. First I thought it might be someone else because I’ve never seen you at the frat before. But then I saw you talking to this Remus guy and I know you’ve told me you’re friends with him once.”
“Yeah, he invited me. It was nice actually. Very loud and stuffy. But fun.”
“Are you going out with him?”
“With who?”
“No. No, no. We’re just friends. He’s really nice though. Introduced me to some people.”
“Oh, I see,” she said and grinned mischievously. “Well, good. Glad you had fun.”
“Thanks! Glad you had fun too!”
“Ugh, yeah.” She sat up with an effort and went to open the drawer with her toiletries. “I smell and feel like shit. I’m going to take a shower. See you then.”
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A few minutes past 11, you were in bed already and listened to Louise breathing slowly in her sleep. Lights were out, it was completely dark in your room, you were on the verge of sleeping, but checked your phone one last time. Just in case some jock had texted you. Not that you were thinking of him, or anything. Just in case. 
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It’s been a long day. You were reunited with your laptop again, watched this futuristic horror-show and tried to overhear Louise on the phone, talking to her boyfriend. How much time could a couple spend together until they’d start hating each other? What did they even have to tell each other anymore? She had come to your room twenty minutes ago and was talking to him for at least ten now. That means she had last seen him about half an hour ago. Well, everyone’s talented in their own ways. You tried to push your headphones further into your ears and put the sound up a little more, to concentrate on the plot of the episode, when your phone vibrated once. 
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You went to the blood drive at 8.30, half an hour before it would open, so the staff could show you around once more. The red cross had pitched up a huge tent, in which you had to sit at the entry to welcome the donors. A guy in his fifties handed you the sign-up sheets and told you what questions you had to ask each person. Easy peasy. It was pretty quiet all morning. Not a lot of people could be bothered to wake up early if they had a day off of school apparently. Some freshman came, probably to skip classes, since all of them asked for an attendance note. It got quite busy around noon - the line of people got so long from time to time, that some had to wait outside.  The afternoon was when it got tiring. Not because there were more people, they came and went in waves. But you were hungry and asking the same questions all day had become annoying. You felt your concentration fading with each sheet you gave out and were looking forward to closing and go home.  It felt like an eternity had passed until the older guy, who had shown you around in the morning, came up to you and told you that there were only a few people left in line and they would be done for the day when those one’s had donated.
Finally. You didn’t even know how late it was, probably around 6 p.m., when the last person in line eventually came up to you. You looked up and saw a familiar pair of brown eyes behind some wild, black curls. James.
“Wha- Hi.” You said and caught yourself raking your fingers through your hair. “You here?”
“Hey,” he said and grinned, his hands hidden behind his back. “Last person for today, huh.”
“I guess so,” you said, a smile on your face as you slid a sign-up sheet across the table. “I got to ask you two questions.”
“Go ahead.”
“Did you drink and eat enough today?”
“I have.”
“Did you drink alcohol in the last 24 hours?”
“I haven’t.”
“Didn’t you say you had a beer last night?”
“Oh yeah. Root beer.”
You frowned. “Root beer?”
“Yes, root beer.”
“Did you really plan to come and donate?”
“I did, on Sunday.”
Had he planned it since you had told him about it? “Good.” You cleared your throat. “You need to fill this out, please. There are some more detailed questions on the list. The guy over there has to check your answers before they’ll draw your blood.”
James nodded and bent over to fill in his data while putting a brown paper bag on the table. He started scribbling his name and day of birth when he asked: “Did you donate too?”
“I wanted to do it before I’d go home, but I think I haven’t eaten enough. Practice what you preach, you know.”
He chuckled and pushed the paper bag closer to you. “I bought you a sandwich.”
“Yeah, I thought maybe you wouldn’t have time to eat, so I figured I’d bring one. And a coke, for later.”
You opened up the bag and looked inside to see a cheese tomato sandwich and a can of soda, which looked like a five-course meal at that moment. “Oh my god. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much I need this right now.”
“No problem, darling.”
Darling. He was the only person to ever call you that. You cleared your throat again as you opened the plastic wrap of the sandwich. “Do you want some?”
“No,” he said and grinned again. “I’ve had mine on the way. Eat up. And fill out your registration. I don’t want them to stab me alone.” 
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It was quiet in the back of the tent - only a few people were left to donate. They were all lying down on what looked like portable hospital beds, while five of those beds were empty already.
A short woman with curly blonde hair brought you over to two of the empty beds. “Alright, who wants to go first?”
James looked at you as if he wanted to ask if he should volunteer, but you said: “Can I go first? So it’s over faster.”
“Sure. Ladies first.”
You sat down on the bed, while James did the same on the one beside you when the woman started to arrange the needles and other props. After rolling up your sleeve and positioning your arm so she could insert the tube into your vein, you tried to avoid looking at what she was about to do. The thought of it alone made you nauseous. You let your head fall back, looked up to the ceiling of the tent and inhaled heavily.
“You okay?”, James asked from the side.
“I’m nervous,” you said. “Not a big fan of needles.”
“Alright. Look at me.”
You did and watched him pushing up his glasses on the bridge of his nose. He just sat there and stared back, looked into your eyes and tilted his head slightly with a tiny smile on his lips.
“Aren’t you supposed to distract me?” you asked jokingly.
“I am. Look. It’s all done.”
The lady nodded and handed you a small plastic ball, that you had to squeeze until the bag attached to the tube in your arm was full. She went and did the same to James, who turned to look at you, one eye squeezed shut. 
“Not my favorite thing to do either,” he admitted.
“Alright, you two. Here’s your ball, Mister. You can keep them,” the woman said. “I’ll see you in a few minutes. The devices next to the bags will beep when it’s done.”
You watched her go looking after the other donors. She seemed tired as well but was better at hiding it than you were. It was a strange sensation, squeezing the ball and feeling warmth leaving your arm. You tried to distract yourself from this thought again and looked over to James, who was looking around aimlessly as well.
“You have no idea how bad I want to drink that coke right now,” you said after a while. “Thanks again by the way. That was really sweet.”
James smiled, his eyes lit up for a brief moment and he looked like he wanted to high-five himself. “Anything for you,” he said playfully. “My sandwiches, my soda, my blood.”
Even though you rolled your eyes, it made you laugh and a minute later the devices attached to your blood bags started beeping.
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“So, are you going back to your dorm now?”, James asked when you had left the red cross tent.
“Yeah, it’s only five minutes away.”
“Mind if I walk you home?”
“Uh, sure. Yeah, sure!” you said and took the can out of your bag. Finally. The low hiss that escaped when you cracked it open was worth every ounce of blood. “You want some?”
“No, it’s yours,” he said as you started walking.
“Come on, you’ve earned it.”
James laughed, took the can and had a sip. “Thanks.”
You walked slower than usual, sharing the drink after every other sip and wondered why Netflix suddenly didn’t have the same appeal anymore. Conversation ran surprisingly smooth. It was like he always knew what to say. James sure was funny, but he was really good at making small talk interesting. Maybe that’s why Louise talked to her boyfriend non stop.
You could have easily gone for another five (or forty-five) minute walk, but no matter how slowly you tried to walk, you eventually took the last sip of coke and arrived at the doorstep of your dorm.
“So,” you said and turned around to say goodbye.
“Thank you for coming today. I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime darling. It was a pleasure to be stabbed next to you,” he answered and winked. What a dork. “Text you tomorrow?”
“Sure. Or tonight?” 
He suddenly took a step closer, a sly smile on his face - you didn’t know what was going to happen. Would he kiss you? What was he doing? Before you knew, he placed a peck on your cheek, quickly turned around and left.
James turned his head after a few steps and called: “Bye darling.”
You watched him go, grinning stupidly but unable to answer, and looked down to the can in your hand. It was crushed. 
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Find the other parts on my Masterlist linked in my bio!
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@geeksareunique @ren-ela @marauderskeeper @way-obsessed5 @oreofrappiewithblueberry @draqcnheartstrinq @dogfatherpads @whatisthisthingcalledlife @obscurilicious @maralisa124 @sjriusblck @siriuslyimmoony @theboywhocriedlupin @igotmadskills @emi-loser @diggorysghost @jamcspotters @thisismysecrethappyplace @vulpecula-minor @snarledblack @swellwriting @fandomtravels
Against the Odds tags:
@lolingggatu @sly-vixen-up2nogood @axielle-suson @sweetlyshinylady @harrypotterimmaginaa @yourhufflepufftrash @eastcoasthaven @tired-eyes-fairy-lights
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shaso-cinnjin · 6 years
Planetary Annexation Report -13455 - Rust and Oil
Planetary Designation: Imperial Factory World.
Imperial Title: Forgeworld Telbane.
Fauna/Flora: Hostile
Biome: Sub-Arctic
Planet located at point Sel'los of the great rift, ejection took place within system  -=REDACTED=- , approximately -=REDACTED=- distance from Sept Bork'an. A "distress" signal was received on a primitive broad band frequency accelerated via means still under investigation.
The signal was received as the following:
*Translated from Binary Code*
Rust and oil.
Chipped souls burnt to cinders.
Abandoned twas we.
Cast adrift to suffer.
Discarded old tools.
We thought ourselves righteous.
We thought ourselves hateful.
We witnessed true hate.
We witnessed truth.
Learn from our folly.
The folly of hate.
The folly of ignorance.
The folly of intolerance.
Rust and oil.
The cogs stop.
An Omnissiah dies.
An Omnissiah dies..
An Omnissiah dies...
*Last Dialogue Repeats in Intervals of 12000, Entire Message then Repeats*
Message was received and translated, prompting an Ethereal council headed by Aun'el Au'taal Ki to lead hunter contingents Stellarblade, Blacksun and Mu'galth'ka to the system now known as Barrenvask.
The orbit around Telbane consisted of a debris belt that upon inspection consisted, in its entirety, of imperial civilian and military vessels, as well as a large portion of organic matter that was found to be that of their former crews, ritualistically strewn across each of the ship hulls. Larger objects of such nature were later scuttled by contingent Stellarblades’ fleet assets. A search for survivors provided no results.
The surface of Telbane consisted of what appeared to be reddish brown snow,  the high content of oxidized iron in the planets upper and lower atmospheres was believed to be the culprit of such an anomaly, which had also made scanning through the planets thick atmosphere difficult, most scan’s coming back scattered or distorted due to interference caused by the iron laced air.
Samples sent by Recon Drone’s further proved this hypothesis, though the strangeness of the the situation was only heightened by the 90% iron to 10% crystallized hydrogen dioxide ratio. The air, obviously, was unsafe for respiration.
Another note worthy characteristic of Telbane was that upon its surface the planet had two sprawling industrial complexes, one centered with mathematical precision upon the planets equator and the other, more heavily damaged, military installation situation at the southern pole of the planet.
The following reports collected from personnel sent unto the planets surface give a more in-depth description of what happened on the strange planet.
Report One: Ambush
Team Longbow lead by Shas’ui Tash’var Bel’shi:
-Bel’shi: “This is Shas’ui Bel, we’ve made planet fall and are beginning our trek to the Recon Drone.”
-Por’ui James Shepard: “Copy, we may lose communication off and on as you complete the repairs, transmission is shaky as is. We’ll try to keep contact. Be safe Shas.
-Bel’shi: “We’ll be fine, you Gue’la worry to much, the bio-scan the por’ar’tol did came up 0%. There’s nothing here.”
-Shepard: “Still, come back. Drinks are on me if you do.”
-Bel’shi: “*Audible laughter* I’ll tell Na’ban you said that, he’ll be happy to drain your pockets!”
-3 Hours of Trek pass-
-Bel’shi: “What’s that? Is that... translator on.”
-*Audible beep*-
-Bel’shi: “Hello! We are warriors of the T’au Empire, we’ve come to hel- Agh!”
-Unknown: *Static Shrieking*
-Bel’shi: “Its got blades for hands! Why’s it got blades for hands?! Stay back! We’ll respond to aggression with necessary force!“
-Shepard: “Bel, whats going on down there, communications are getting shakier and we’ve got multiples closing in on you!“
-Bel’shi: “Ruststalkers! Open Fire!”
-Ruststalker: *Shrieking increases in volume*
-Team Longbow Engages hostiles-
-00:00:56: -Shas’la Hel’los vitals hit 0%, helmet feed confirms termination via decapitation-
-00:01:12: -Helmet feed confirms two hostiles are brought down from Shas’la Jun’ka and Shas’ui Bel’s cross-fire-
-00:01:24: -Shas’la Na’ban’s vid feed confirms a killshot on a single hostile-
-00:01:45: -Shas’la Na’ban’s vid feed confirms an additional killshot.
-00:01:45: -Shas’la Jun’ka’s Vitals drop to 32%, helmet feed confirms a loss of  limb, right arm at the elbow, medical is administered.-
-00:02:00: -Shas’ui Bel tosses a standard issue EMP grenade, detonation appears to disable the limbs of another five hostiles, causing them to flop around on the ground, mechanical limbs robbed of function.-
-00:02:10: -Hostiles seen falling back, no longer visible through the dust, seemingly routed due the detonation of the grenade.-
-Team Longbow disengages hostiles at 00:02:20-
-One Casualty-
-One Wounded-
-Two Combat Ready-
-Shepard: “Longbow, We’ve got your location, remain hidden and tend to Jun, we’ll send a devilfish”
-Bel’shi: “C-copy, there’s something wrong with these stalkers, they’re all rusted, and they’re not bleeding. Not blood anyways, I-Its all black and viscus. They seemed like they were rusting away into the wind. What the- they’re completely rusted through!”
Team Longbow is received by Devilfish Fury, Shas’la Jun’ka’s arm is further amputated to the shoulder due frostbite and an “infection”, symptoms characteristic’s of necrosis occurred, however dead cells immediately exhibited hyper-oxidization causing them to turn flaky and red.
Rust damage caused to Devilfish Fury has rendered its internal systems in need of replacement.
Objective Recon Drone triggers self-destruct to avoid capture, this is due to being moved by an unseen force it could not visually verify.
Report Two: Untenable
Team Rust-Jumpers lead by Shas’el D'yanoi Monat:
Team Rust-Jumpers Consisted of pilots in enforcer battle-suits configured for aquatic combat, the advanced pressure sealing and nano-crystalline coating provided efficient protection from the advanced decay caused by the anomalous rust.
The team of three set down three clicks south of the aforementioned military complex through low orbit and began their attempt to search for survivors, the source of the distress signal, assets considered valuable, or simply answers to what had happened.
Rusted wrecks of what was later identified as Dunecrawler class assault vehicles lay strewn around, red dunes forming over them as red icicles hung from their blocky silhouettes, some looking to have torn violently into each other. Reddish skeletal remains of what looked to be skitarii lay in poses of torment, each one seemingly fighting against itself, many having torn their mechanical implements from their bodies. An Imperial Knight, Warden class, lay on its side, its multi-barreled cannon torn off in an act of self mutilation still firmly grasped by the rusted claw of its remaining arm.
After transmitting the prior visual to command the team made a series of planned jumps towards the complex, the visuals of carnage increasing with each bound.
On the third jump a sinkhole seemed to open around 400 meters ahead of the team, black viscous liquid beginning to seep out from its depths until the hulking and malformed shape of another imperial knight emerged from the pits depths, covered in the slick and viscous substance.
It seemed to cry-out in pain, emitting a vox that sounded as if someone was drowning from within the beast, muffled screams and the sloshing of liquid were all that was heard.
The Imperial Knight was so severely damaged from what is expected to have previously transpired that it all but fired its battle cannon twice before it was slain by fusion fire. The team lead Shas’el Monat set the creatures cockpit aflame with ionic fire, an attempt to lay the tapped individual to eternal rest.
Having confirmed the presence of seemingly scattered Imperial forces, a discovery previously made by Team Longbow, the team continued with caution to their final destination, an opening in the fortress spire created by a monolithic cargo vessel having made impact with the structure.
The three entered a gash between the two superstructures, the endless hallways of the ship creating a confusing maze made worse when one has to frequently navigate between the vertical and horizontal, the two melding together as if welded perilously yet with purpose by giants of myth. Traveling through the fortification the team came across a hanger-bay, seemingly torn from the ship and placed upside down within the fortification, space craft still gravlocked to what was now the ceiling, along with the hundreds corpses hung from the same space by what the team hoped to not be entrails, due to this one member of the team quickly became overwhelmed and had to be calmed by the other two, they then proceeded as normal and continued deeper into the structure.
After another two hours of exploration and the distress signal going silent the team deemed the fortification “empty”, the fortification was brimming with corpses, adepts torn up and strewn across rooms, skitarii laying dead against makeshift barricades still clutching their rifles, magos’ laying over cashes of primitive data storage devices as if protecting their own children, the hundreds of data stacks now to rusted to be useful, and strangely in areas where concentrated fire took place strange energies could be felt, as if something had forced its way through reality only to be sent back screaming to an unknown void by a fusillade of rifle fire.
As soon as the report was given an ear-shattering scream smashed into the team, a gaggle of slimy black creatures fell unto the squad emerging from ceilings, walls and floors. Electroshock projectors blasting ichor into the air before the pilots had a chance to act on their own, and when they did they unleashed the might of what could only be compared to as a typhoon against the creatures, sending puffs of red and black in every direction, the rusted blades of the creatures scraping harmlessly against the contrastingly pristine armor of the commander suits.
Shas’el Monat immediately began cutting through the walls of the structure with his fusions, keeping his cyclonic Ion blasters trained on the monsters. Within the hour they were out, covered in black soot and gore but out.
Two of the three were later submitted for stress therapy due to mental trauma caused by such an experience.
Report Three: Vaulted
Report Designation: Classified
-=Administrator Override Accepted=-
Shas’O Tash’var Cinnjin Nem’ka:
[00:00:00]-Shas’O Cinnjin make’s final checks aboard Manta-12231-Moonshark
[00:05:00] -Bay doors open
[00:05:05] -Decoupling...
[00:05:07] -Decoupled
[00:05:20] -Coldstar is clear of slipstream
[00:05:20] -Recording system on standby
[00:10:00] -Retro’s ignited
[00:10:30] -Burning 75%
[00:11:00] -Burning 25%
[00:11:40] -Mid atmosphere reached
[00:12:00] -Liquid fuel switch-over complete
[00:12:00] -Shield systems check positive
[00:12:00] -Exiting free-fall, entering controlled descent
[00:20:00] -Lower atmosphere reached
[00:30:00] - Rust clouds reached
[00:31:00] -Hull integrity remaining at 100%
[00:35:00] -Impact occurs
[00:35:00] -Impact occurs
[00:35:04] -Origin signal emanating from Alpha-one-three is followed
-=Log Cut for Brevity=-
[02:00:00] -Contact Made with Alpha-One-Three
[02:02:00] -Alpha-One-Three leads Commander Cinnjin to Vault, designation One-Three
[02:03:00] -Vult-One-Three can be seen opening
[02:03:00] -No auditory, visual of physical communication has occurred between Alpha-One-Three and Shas’O Cinnjin
[02:03:20] -Vult-One-Three's door consists of an airlock, unseen scrubbing and treatment mechanism which activates at this time frame
[02:03:25] -Vult-One-Three’s inner airlock opens
[02:05:40] -An industrial elevator is boarded and begins its decent
[02:10:30] -Lift system reaches its destination
[02:10:30] -Approximately between Three-million to Six-billion non-combatants are seen huddled in a cavern spanning an undetermined distance.
[02:10:30] -Designation Gue’la.
[02:10:32] -Alpha-One-Three Speaks, phrase is received and translated as “Help them.”
[Continuing Entries From This Log Have Been Expunged on request of Shas’O Tash’var Cinnjin Nem’ka. Reasoning: -Pending-]
Evacuation log of Vault-One-Three:
-Evacuation order is sent at 04:00:56-
-Evacuation begins at 04:10:32-
-Evacuation is complete at 72:22:32-
-Planet’s atmosphere is set ablaze by ionic fire from Battleship Drakken, Os’lan, Tek’el and Shas’len’ra at 80:10:45-
-Reasonsing: -=*Redacted*=-
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stackmyjob123 · 3 years
May, 9 Famous Birthdays List with celebrities Age, Networth and more
This Article features the List of all popular celebrities born on May, 9. This list contains 42 number of famous people who have their birthdays on May, 9.
Please Click on Each famous person card to know more about their lives, family and bio. All Data has been verified and checked by Flickthinkers Team.These Celebrities belong to the sun-sign Taurus.
Famous Birthdays on May, 9
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Aaron Harang Baseball Player 42 years old Net-worth: $25 Million
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Albert Finney Movie Actor NA Net-worth: $10 Million
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Alley Mills Soap Opera Actress 69 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Amy Hill Movie Actress 67 years old Net-worth: $3 Million
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Audrina Patridge Reality Star 35 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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Billy Joel Rock Singer 71 years old Net-worth: $225 Million
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Brian Deegan Motorcycle Racer 45 years old Net-worth: $10 Million
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Calvin Murphy Basketball Player 72 years old Net-worth: $3 Million
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Candice Bergen TV Actress 74 years old Net-worth: $25 Million
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Chris Diamantopoulos Movie Actor 45 years old Net-worth: $2 Million
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Chris Zylka TV Actor 35 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Christian Bach Soap Opera Actress NA Net-worth: $20 Million
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Dana Perino Politician 48 years old Net-worth: $6 Million
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Daniel Franzese Movie Actor 42 years old Net-worth: $500 Thousand
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Doug Christie Basketball Player 50 years old Net-worth: $20 Million
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Dylan Lauren Family Member 46 years old Net-worth: $50 Million
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Edd China Reality Star 49 years old Net-worth: $3 Million
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Ghostface Killah Rapper 50 years old Net-worth: $17 Million
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Grace Gummer TV Actress 34 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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Ion Tiriac Hockey Player 81 years old Net-worth: $1.2 Billion
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James L. Brooks TV Producer 80 years old Net-worth: $500 Million
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Joe Carnahan Director 51 years old Net-worth: $13 Million
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John Corbett TV Actor 59 years old Net-worth: $9.5 Million
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Lane Kiffin Football Coach 45 years old Net-worth: $6 Million
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Mike Wallace Journalist NA Net-worth: $21 Million
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Paul Heaton Rock Singer 58 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Pierre Bouvier Pop Singer 41 years old Net-worth: $9 Million
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Prince Fielder Baseball Player 36 years old Net-worth: $80 Million
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Rachel Boston TV Actress 38 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Rosario Dawson Movie Actress 41 years old Net-worth: $16 Million
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Steve Yzerman Hockey Player 55 years old Net-worth: $40 Million
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Tamia Hill Soul Singer 45 years old Net-worth: $10 Million
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Tom Petersson Bassist 70 years old Net-worth: $16 Million
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Tony Gwynn Baseball Player NA Net-worth: $20 Million
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Alex Martin Family Member 47 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Cree Cicchino TV Actress 18 years old Net-worth: $500 Thousand
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Dave Gahan Rock Singer 58 years old Net-worth: $60 Million
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Frank Ski Journalist 56 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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Janice Dean Meteorologist 50 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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John Brown War Hero NA Net-worth: $3 Billion
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Matt Morris Pop Singer 41 years old Net-worth: $25 Million
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Sonja Sohn TV Actress 56 years old Net-worth: $1.5 Million
Please do comment your suggestions below, we appreciate your feedback.
The post May, 9 Famous Birthdays List with celebrities Age, Networth and more appeared first on Flick Thinkers.
from Flick Thinkers https://ift.tt/3u3EXz9
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torielectra83 · 6 years
Prindrohi bio
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Preliminary Info:
Name: Prindrohi Candaren
Nicknames: “Prin”, “Cap’n”, “Mr. Drohi”
Alias(es): The Voidhound
Age: 26
Born: 3664 BBY
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliations: Republic, all the way
Occupation: Republic privateer/free-trader, future King-Consort of Dubrillion
General Description:
Almost your typical smuggler-- a guy with a snarky sense of humor, an attitude that speaks for everyone depending on what crazy crap he’s been roped into this week, and a sense of justice that doesn’t waver. Just about the only thing that sets him apart is A: his reputation as the Voidhound and B: his cyborg add-ons.
Height: 5’2
Weight: 187 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green (albeit covered up by ocular implants)
Skin/Fur: White
Random assortment of scars suffered from injuries, battle and everything else, none are too notable to write about
Ocular implants and certain related devices (see Disorders for more)
Handedness: Right-handed
Prin doesn’t have one style per se, he randomly chooses clothing that isn’t too dirty/stinky and wears that. Risha’s trying to give him a sense of style, time will tell how that fares.
Frequently carries around a CEC MyComm, an early adopter (the MyComm is essentially an iPhone in the Star Wars-verse, rolling a holocomm, a spot-on locator and a datapad into one small package)
Born on Chandrila to a normal family, James Malloy expressed constant boredom in the small town of Sludaan, having an urge to explore beyond the planet. When in 3643 BBY, a smuggler left his ship in town, only to be arrested by Chandrilan authorities for parking a starship without a permit, James seized his opportunity. He took the ship and escaped Chandrila, using the ship’s existing cargo to jumpstart a smuggling career. He also renamed the ship as the Boundless. Then, he took a fateful delivery of blasters for Rogun the Butcher, and headed for Ord Mantell, where thanks to a traitorous slimeball named Skavak, he found himself working with Ord Mantellian native and patriot Corso Riggs in an attempt to get the Boundless back. He regained his ship at Coruscant, along with a mysterious woman named Risha, who aided them in recovering the lost treasure of legendary cartel leader Nok Drayen. After Risha’s real origins were revealed, the duo stuck together and eventually began a relationship, with Prin helping Risha in her quest to regain her rightful place as Queen of Dubrillion.
Quite snarky, easily held his own against Risha in the earlier days of their relationship. Can be very confused by the strange events he frequently finds himself in. Knows how to have fun. He also has a strong sense of justice.
Raps his hand on the Boundless’ navicomp for good luck, and it seems to work, given how many near-disasters he’s managed to escape.
When his mother was pregnant with him, a virus swept through Chandrila; though it mainly caused normal sickness in most people, pregnant women were at risk of their fetuses developing birth defects. Prindrohi was one such victim. His defect was that, beginning at puberty, his senses became highly developed, allowing him to see better, hear better and the like, almost to the point that his sense could be on par with your average Jedi-- but his brain was not meant for such sensory input, and with a lack of Force-sensitivity, it meant his brain could be at risk of shutting down for a few seconds from the feedback of the sensory input. Hence, he received a set of cyborg implants designed to lessen the effects and filter the data. Most of these are internal, but the ocular implants are a special case. Per his request, he had special implants for his eyes that he could remove with a special wristband, if he ever needed/wished to disable the implants.
His sense of right and justice, never giving up
His sense of right and justice, being in close-range of an EMP (which can disable his cyborg implants)
Flying his ship, blasting through mooks, dancing
Traitors, giant jerks
Biscuit Baron (due to several bad incidents involving them, like a bad case of food poisoning)
Sabacc, binging on holo-vids, extreme sports, reading, smoking canny
Favorite TV shows: 
Thunderbolts, VCL (Vehicular Combat League), Max Titanium, anything with big explosions
Crack shot with a blaster, political maneuvering (from his Chandrilian heritage)
Sometimes he can get really revved up and start blasting everything in sight without realizing the fight’s over already, or that he’s just blasting the wall.
He’ll always take the light-side path even when inconvenient to him or others, because of his upbringing on Chandrila instilling a sense of peace and justice in him practically from birth. As a result, he’s helped out more people than he can count and embraces his reputation as the Voidhound-- together with Risha, once they reclaim Dubrillion they can hopefully move forward with making the Republic more opening to everyone.
Short-term goals: 
get Port Nowhere back up and running, take some time off after the Voidwolf’s defeat. Long-term goals: help Risha dethrone Actavarus
To explore their crazy galaxy, to help Risha regain her birthright, and to just plain have some fun
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: 
Relationship History:
Was in a relationship or two during high school, but nothing serious; only Risha has truly managed to capture him
Pretty much squeaky-clean, between his actions as the Voidhound and his moral choices, his rep is that of a good smuggler, and due to his actions against the Voidwolf, the more morally dubious smugglers respect him for that even if they don’t care for his moral leanings
He gets along well with his father, who encouraged his son to pursue what he wanted (though he never anticipated James stealing a starship); his mom, on the other hand, never approved of his wanderlust and wanted him to remain on Chandrila, grooming him to be her successor at Chandrila House; when she found out about his move into the smuggling game, she realized that maybe she’d gone too far in trying to make him her successor; she’s been keeping tabs on his whereabouts and is proud of what he’s done
Corso, Bowdaar, Risha, Akaavi, Guss, Beryl
Skavak to start, then the Voidwolf (and once their true angles were revealed, Darmas and Dodonna); Actavarus is also one, albeit one Prin hasn’t even seen a picture of, all he knows is that he saved Risha from one of his assassins
Love Interest:
When he first met Risha, he only expected to cooperate with her in finding Nok Drayen’s treasure, then drop her off somewhere. But neither of them expected how loyal they’d be to each other’s goals, and eventually it escalated into a full-blown romance, especially after Risha was injured in an Imperial attack on the Boundless. He’s sworn to help her get to Dubrillion and take back her throne.
The Boundless:
A CEC XS-11 stock freighter, first enhanced during the search for the Drayen treasure with a class .7 Arkanian hyperdrive, super sublight engines for increased maneuverability, powerful sensors, and an additional ventral turbolaser turret. However, the upgraded hyperdrive has a tendency to run hot, sometimes necessitating a temporary realspace reversion to cool the engines (this proved to be disastrous in one case, where the reversion led to the Boundless being ambushed by Imperials). It also has two different aliases, the Early Riser, and the Stoneskipper
Role: Captain
Faction Loyalty:
Republic all the way. He isn’t a patriot like Corso, but he still sees them as the far better alternative to the Sith Empire, mainly because the Republic actually has a working infrastructure.
Famous Jobs:
Defeating the Voidwolf in orbit of Corellia, managing to escape the self-destruction of the Voidwolf’s flagship and using his pirate fleet to help stop an Empire fleet enroute to Corellia
Prefers a Merr-Sonn IR-5 blaster pistol, favoring it for its’ high rate of fire and increased accuracy compared to other pistols; also uses a IT-10 scattergun, and prefers fighting dirty because it gets the job done quicker
Other Biographical Info:
Birthworld: Chandrila
Homeworld: Corsucant
Their stronghold is a spacious Coruscant apartment, bought for a song (only 5,000 credits!) and a place for the crew to settle down in after so many galaxy-spanning adventures.
Familial Background:
Prin’s mother, Sarah Malloy (nee Tuveld) is one of the more prominent figures in the Chandrilan House, leading the “Key” political faction, devoted to helping the Republic against the Sith Empire non-violently
Prin’s father, Walter Malloy, is a middle-management figure at ChandrilTech’s industrial sensor division
Other Info:
His real name was originally James Malloy, but he legally changed it when he first acquired the Boundless, wanting to both protect his family, and give himself a more ”spacer” name, considering his original name to be rather pedestrian by galactic standards
Oh yeah, @therron-shan created the google doc template for this, thanks dude
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
bios i’m slowly writing and will post on the dash until i get help with the html code on my actual bio pages! yes, i stole the format from @heartsunholy as well as the theme for the bio pages, so sue me
tw for homophobia, mild parental abuse, and automobile accident mentions
“All my life, I’ve been told I can’t do things; because it’s wrong, because my body doesn’t work properly. I decided every time someone told me that, I’d prove them wrong. And so far, I’ve done just that.” 
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Annwyl was the first and only daughter born to Denise and James O’Shea, two very Catholic parents. She lived an uneventful life, until an accident when she was eight caused her to need a wheelchair to get around most of the time - she could stand and walk on her own, after extensive physical therapy, but not without a cane and significant discomfort. Going back to school after the accident meant that Annwyl needed to become used to bullying from a very young age, her parents’ only advice being to turn her own cheek or to talk to the teachers herself.
A bright girl, Annwyl always came out on top of her classes, but no matter how hard she tried, she could never seem to gain the respect and admiration of her parents - it seemed they could only find her faults, or bemoan how difficult it was to raise a ‘handicapped child’. Because of this, when Annwyl realised that she found the other girls at school to be the most beautiful beings she had ever seen, she kept it silent, knowing that both home and church would rather she die than be gay.
So her first girlfriend - the only girl at school to treat her as an equal, a gorgeous redhead named Rhiannon - was a secret one. The two dated for a little over a year, but shortly after Annwyl turned sixteen, her parents went through her journal while she was away at school, and it all fell apart. Not only did they know she was gay, but they knew who her girlfriend was, and just like that the two of them were outed. Rhiannon cut off all contact, feeling betrayed even though it wasn’t Annwyl’s fault, and the O’Sheas told her that she was no longer welcome to live with them.
Determined not to let that be the end of her story, however, Annwyl only worked harder to make a life for herself: living in a shelter, she continued to study until she graduated high school, and from there, though it took working at three separate jobs, she managed to get into university. It was there that she caught the eye of Emrys Collins, the leader of a branch of NOVIS, an agency that researched and studied all things paranormal, bizarre, and extraterrestrial. Having noted Annwyl’s intelligence and resolve, he offered her a position at NOVIS.
One thing led to another and now Annwyl has a primary job as a technologist for Emrys’ branch of NOVIS. Her coworkers quickly became her new family, who appreciated and loved her for who she was, and Annwyl never looked back - she had found her home.
full name: annwyl elinor o’shea
nicknames: annie, ace, willow
age: in most threads, she’s anywhere from 20 to 29, but it can vary verse to verse.
gender & pronouns: cis woman, she/her, though they/them is also okay
orientation: homoromantic demisexual
species: human (main verse), may vary from verse to verse
occupation: data analyst, researcher, communications specialist, hacker, and other odd jobs. 
residence: born and raised in Wales, but now relocates to wherever NOVIS sends her team.
hair: curly, auburn/warm brown, usually kept long though put up in a ponytail when necessary
eyes: hazel
complexion: rosy
build: curvy, short (5’4’’)
scars: she has a variety of scars up and down her arms from self harm (a coping mechanism she had for a year or two after being kicked out); there are scars from varying surgeries on her legs and her torso from the automobile accident she was in as a child as well, she has a faint scar on her chin from a tumble she took in school, as well as a few less noticeable/prominent ones elsewhere.
tattoos: none, currently, though she eventually wants to get a few tattoos; at least a few of different birds, and one of a unicorn to match the unicorn head on her cane.
piercings: both lobes, and one eyebrow piercing that she often forgets she has.
etc: she has freckles and little birthmarks all up and down her arms.
face claim(s): emmy rossum (young adult), other faceclaims for other ages to be announced.
zodiac: libra
alignment: neutral good
hogwarts: ravenclaw
positive traits: compassionate, loyal, tenacious, intuitive
negative traits: stubborn, workaholic, insecure, anxious
mental: PTSD, clinical depression, ADHD
physical: disabled; spinal injury as child led to severe loss of use in legs, resulting in the need for a wheelchair or on ‘good’ days, a cane in order to walk with minimal discomfort.
phobias: claustrophobia (fear of enclosed/tight spaces), atychiphobia (fear of failure), 
eyesight: fairly good
drug use: outside of prescribed medications for her various disabilities, no.
alcohol use: occasional; usually a social drinker
birth place: swansea, wales
ethnicity: white; welsh, scottish, and irish
parents: denise and james o’shea
siblings: meical (younger brother, though her parents claim he’s their ‘firstborn, totally disowning and refusing to acknowledge her existence)
pets: she was fond of her father’s irish setter, rocco, before she was disowned. she’s wanted to get another pet since then but has never been able to figure out which would be best to adopt with her frequent habit of moving around the world to stick with her NOVIS branch.
education: some college; was only a few classes away from graduating when she decided to leave and accept the job position offered by emrys collins
notable skills: anything to do with computers, she knows. has a decent knowledge of swordfighting and other forms of combat that use swords or staves, so that she can use her cane as a weapon when needed. 
languages: english, sign language, and some welsh - wants to learn more of it.
0 notes
Design for the new climate era
Collecting and making use of climate/energy data
As individuals, we all produce waste daily; our perception has formed that once the waste is disposed of and out of sight it, we cease to believe it ever existed. Although different forms of rubbish such as plastic are not bio-degradable; they stay within our ecosystem. The study of ecology follows these interactions among organisms and their biophysical environment.
Nature can be described as a harmonious ecosystem that provides new cycles for organisms to live on that has been disturbed by human technological advancement. This is not to say nature is a balanced totality that has been interrupted by humans, but nature itself is a combination of unpredictable catastrophes. As humans, we all profit from these catastrophes, oil reserves beneath the ground are a result of aged fossil fuels and other plant matter to provide us with fuel to power our combustion engines to further and continue to improve the economy.
Slavoj Žižek, a Slovenian philosopher and researcher, states that we should not forget that us humans are part of the living nature and that we should not view nature as “an impenetrable dead-ground”. By “thinking this way it is that it can be a great danger”. As society recognises the impact of economic activities on nature, and consumers increase their “demands for businesses to adopt environmentally conscious behaviour”. As noted by Vergragt et al. (2008)  at the current rates of worldwide industry growth, we are facing the potential of “an enormous increase in environmental deterioration”.
Climate change has already attributed to the rising sea levels over the last two decades as seen in figure 1. It is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms. The effects of modern industrialisation are of one of the main contributing factors that account melting ice sheets and glaciers. Industry accounts for 37% of global carbon dioxide emissions IPCC Climate Change (2007) .
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--Fig 1 --
Other human factors that can be to detrimental climate change include, narcissism. Cisek et al. (2008) have found that narcissists are significantly more likely to buy items that make them feel and look good rather than those that satisfy practical needs. It is imperative to analyse the accelerated rise of the global climate and its varying effects on the risk of natural ecosystems and the economy, and, particularly in view of the stringent targets of 1.5 degrees set by the Paris Agreement of 2015 to limit global temperature rise.
The main concern of this essay is not based solely on climate change. Climate change itself; is unlikely to cripple civilization. A fine-functioning global society, with motivation, could easily eliminate hunger and poverty, not only present day, but under all but worst-case climate change.
In order for an individual to be successful in the sector of ecology. A degree in a biological science or environmental subject is generally a must. Strong analytical skills are preferable; an of understanding of and using statistics with both verbal and written communication are “both required prerequisites”. Prospects.ac.uk. (2014)
Group Task:
In today's session, my group and I discussed ways to minimise carbon emissions. Our proposed idea was to provide recycled clothing using hydrogen fuel trains.
One of the most significant carbon footprint contributors are vehicles transporting stock to other countries. Most of these vehicles are fuelled by either petrol or diesel. Diesel fuels are one of the most harmful fuels to the environment as it releases a toxic by-product Carbon Monoxide. Manufacturing clothing will inevitably increase carbon emissions, but by using recycled materials, it will eliminate the need to create new ones. Hydrogen fuel trains are a relatively new concept that will be used to transport stock across the UK. Since the train will run on the UK railroad network eliminates the need to build new tracks to reach the consumer. It is almost impossible to achieve zero emissions.
Examined Life: Philosophy is in the Streets. (2020). [video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_K_79O21hk [Accessed 14 Jan. 2020].
Cisek, S., Sedikides, C., Hart, C., Godwin, H., Benson, V. and Liversedge, S. (2014). Narcissism and consumer behaviour: a review and preliminary findings. Frontiers in Psychology, 5.
J., Westerman, J., Bergman, S., Westerman, J. and Daly, J. (2013). Narcissism, Materialism, and Environmental Ethics. Journal of Management Education, 38(4), pp.489-510. 
Prospects.ac.uk. (2014). Ecologist job profile | Prospects.ac.uk. [online] Available at: https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/ecologist [Accessed 14 Jan. 2020].
Butler, C. (2018). Climate Change, Health and Existential Risks to Civilization: A Comprehensive Review (1989–2013). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), p.2266.
Vergragt, P., Brown, H., Sanders, E., Peine, J. and Speth, J. (2008). James Gustave Speth, The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 4(2), pp.38-45.
IPCC Climate Change (2007): Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, Pachauri, R.K and Reisinger, A. (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 104 pp.
Fig 1  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (2015). https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level/. [image] Available at: https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level/ [Accessed 14 Jan. 2020].
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savetopnow · 7 years
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Who is Raphaël Coleman? Bio, Wiki, Age, Parents, Cause of Death
Who is Raphaël Coleman? Bio, Wiki, Age, Parents, Cause of Death
Raphaël Coleman Bio, Wiki
Raphaël Coleman was a child actor and British activist, who known for his role as Eric Brown in Nanny McPhee has died at 25. He subsequently gave up acting, took the name James “Iggy” Fox, and became a climate change activist involved with the group Extinction Rebellion. He was also known for his role as Eric Brown in the 2005 film, starring Emma Thompson and Colin Firth.
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dailywikis · 5 years
Raphaël Coleman (Actor) Bio, Age, Wiki, Cause of Death, Girlfriend, Career, Net Worth
Raphaël Coleman (Actor) Bio, Age, Wiki, Cause of Death, Girlfriend, Career, Net Worth
Raphaël Coleman Bio – Wiki
Raphaël Coleman was born on 30 September 1994 in London, England, UK. He was a British activist and former actor. As a child, he acted in several films and was best known for his role as Eric Brown in Nanny McPhee.
He subsequently gave up acting, took the name James “Iggy” Fox, and became a climate change activist involved with the group Extinction Rebellion. He wrote…
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networthbro-blog · 6 years
Chadwick Boseman Net Worth 2018 | Salary | Mansion | Cars | Bio
Chadwick Boseman Net Worth 2018 | Salary | Mansion | Cars | Bio
Chadwick Boseman Net Worth: Chadwick Aaron Boseman is an American actor. He is known for portraying Jackie Robinson in 42(2013), James Brown in Get on Up (2014), Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (since 2016), and Thurgood Marshall in Marshall (2017). He also had roles in the television series Lincoln Heights (2008) and Persons Unknown (2010), and the films The Express (2008), Draft…
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stackmyjob123 · 3 years
May, 5 Famous Birthdays List with celebrities Age, Networth and more
This Article features the List of all popular celebrities born on May, 5. This list contains 36 number of famous people who have their birthdays on May, 5.
Please Click on Each famous person card to know more about their lives, family and bio. All Data has been verified and checked by Flickthinkers Team.These Celebrities belong to the sun-sign Taurus.
Famous Birthdays on May, 5
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Adele Pop Singer 32 years old Net-worth: $190 Million
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Bart Baker YouTube Star 34 years old Net-worth: $3 Million
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Bill Ward Drummer 72 years old Net-worth: $65 Million
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Brian Souter Entrepreneur 66 years old Net-worth: $328 Million
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Brian Williams Journalist 61 years old Net-worth: $50 Million
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Brooke Hogan Reality Star 32 years old Net-worth: $6 Million
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Chris Brown Pop Singer 31 years old Net-worth: $50 Million
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Chris Howard Football Player 45 years old Net-worth: $6 Million
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Clark Duke Movie Actor 35 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Craig David Pop Singer 39 years old Net-worth: $18 Million
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Danielle Fishel TV Actress 39 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Devin Townsend Guitarist 48 years old Net-worth: $2 Million
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Hank Green YouTube Star 40 years old Net-worth: $12 Million
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Hannah Jeter Model 30 years old Net-worth: $3 Million
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Henry Cavill Movie Actor 37 years old Net-worth: $40 Million
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James Cracknell Rower 48 years old Net-worth: $3 Million
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James Labrie Metal Singer 57 years old Net-worth: $20 Million
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John Rhys-Davies Movie Actor 76 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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Kurt Loder Journalist 75 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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Kurt Sutter TV Producer 60 years old Net-worth: $30 Million
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Kyan Douglas TV Show Host 50 years old Net-worth: $4 Million
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Lance Henriksen TV Actor 80 years old Net-worth: $26 Million
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Manny Pérez TV Actor 51 years old Net-worth: $8 Million
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Michael Palin Comedian 77 years old Net-worth: $25 Million
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Muhsin Muhammad Football Player 47 years old Net-worth: $8 Million
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Sage Stallone Movie Actor NA Net-worth: $200 Thousand
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Shawn Drover Drummer 54 years old Net-worth: $10 Million
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Steve Stevens Guitarist 61 years old Net-worth: $45 Million
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Tammy Wynette Country Singer NA Net-worth: $900 Thousand
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Tina Yothers TV Actress 47 years old Net-worth: $2 Million
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Vincent Kartheiser TV Actor 41 years old Net-worth: $6 Million
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Will Hutchins TV Actor 90 years old Net-worth: $5 Million
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Nick Gordon Reality Star NA Net-worth: $2 Million
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Scott Tucker Race Car Driver 58 years old Net-worth: $100 Thousand
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Tahiry Jose Reality Star 41 years old Net-worth: $200 Thousand
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Vanessa Bryant Model 38 years old Net-worth: $600 Million
Please do comment your suggestions below, we appreciate your feedback.
The post May, 5 Famous Birthdays List with celebrities Age, Networth and more appeared first on Flick Thinkers.
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terabigham395-blog · 7 years
Enjoying with My Bro Little Penis.
Okay, so she's certainly not wed to the scalp of Sony Records any more and also who cares that she possessed an emotional malfunction (which would not along with the kind of stress she must take care of - I believe I want to have a breakdown currently!) - She's taken into consideration a liability? However, the more an individual knows about chords as well as effective ways to play all of them, the easier as well as better approval songs becomes. Downsides: Double music plannings may be confusing; Best Songs has over 2 million tunes, however that's still a thinner selection than various other solutions deliver. Interpol introduced on Twitter that it's delivering a staff to Nice to aid along with the identity of victims. I assume the most effective idea is to organize popular music that is actually significant to you as well as the one you lost. It is actually said that the amount of applause you are obtaining after participating in the beats in your social gathering will definitely remain as one of the most beautiful mind all throughout your lifestyle. Unsatisfied with his potential customers, Cowell left behind EMI in the very early 1980s to form E&S Songs, his very own private music company. This is actually the best existing for Http://Todaybodywork.Info your cool, stylish girl which likes songs and also adores this. Provide her a chance to permit her center beat to the beat from the drum with this Success exciting Children fun digital Drum collection. Just like a lot of my short article right here at Road Articles, I like to write a great deal about a songs software that is actually showing me (little by little) to participate in the Ukulele and also is Beatnik's Speak Ukulele Songs Program" a training Ukulele popular music program you download and install to your personal computer that instructs you how you can participate in the tool much like having one on one sessions. Any sort of popular music along with a fit is actually immediately added to your iCloud library for you to pay attention to anytime, on any type of unit. Dallas93444 - Thanks for your review - cherish your time and also incredibly wonderful to see you. The fact is that the majority of congregation music programs (and dramatization plans) have issues as a result of this, than other departments from the religion. He took pleasure in hip hop popular music as a kid as well as developed his initial group, the Boyz, with secondary school pals which took the stage labels DJ Eddie F, Issue T-Roy and also G-Wiz. A diverse performer, Estrin likewise executed with Chuck Mangione at the Eastman School from Popular Music. I don't feel for one second that God has an individual inclination as to the style or idiom from popular music that our experts use. X-mas popular music might use a bit additional rut, and also James Brown was kind adequate to deliver it. When the Godfather from Soul handles St. Scar straight, all of us win. This ends with the singer revitalizing all the personalities of her popular music profession - from awkward, guitar-playing 16-year-old to poised Grammy winner - and also possessing them quarrel with each other for being actually bogus, pretending to be wonderful and playing the target. In their statement, Downie's loved ones claimed the singer had devoted his last days creating popular music and memories along with family and friends. That is actually animal bio-acoustics that has discovered that using the same psycho acoustically created songs for leisure, they can accomplish the very same soothing outcomes for dogs as our experts make with humans. Earl Marsden began creating a passion for popular music at the very early age from twelve. In the unique settings of the Charité, an one-of-a-kind celebration showing the various effects of Jewish music. When all the songs have been browsed, I am actually bring in a comparable popular music player application my concern is exactly how i may i automatically generate a data source.
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pkadh-blog · 8 years
James Haggar
Short Bio of James Haggar: Full Name James Haggar  Date of birth  23rd July 1973 Birthplace  United Kingdom Marital Status   Married Nationality  English Ethnicity   White Profession  Actor, Director Spouse  Naga Munchetty Eye colour  Dark Brown Hair color   Dark Brown Build  Average Official Website  Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Net Worth  N/A Short and Sweet:
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