#Jaelyn Chin
backscale-pivot-queen · 3 months
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USA RG national championships 2024
Ksenia Potoski 🥉 Ball
Jaelyn Chin 🥈Ball 🥉Hoop (Jaelyn is coached by Anna Bessanova)
Sarah Mariotti 🥉Ribbon
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czarinakanaeva · 2 months
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Some of my favorite ribbon shots by Indrek Kask
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fandomwritings-cm13 · 3 years
The Quiet Mill Inn (A 20′s!AU Steve Rogers fic) -- Chapter 2
Pairing: 20s!AU Steve Rogers x OC (Jaelyn Roberson)
Summary: Jaelyn is sent back in time to the year 1920 by a devious acquaintance, Max. He sees her as more than a friend or acquaintance, and his goal in sending her back is to convince her that he’s good for her.
Warnings: Max is a dark character (obsessive, possessive, and, frankly, evil) (he’s mentioned and the results of his actions are shown in this chapter), poorly explained time travel, confused and far too trusting OC (Jaelyn), protective Steve and Bucky
A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter! There’s definitely more coming soon between Steve and Jaelyn ;)
Word Count: 1808
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The fire is still roaring in the fireplace, and I have finally warmed up from wandering in the frigid air. The window is closed, but the curtains are open so I’m able to see outside the inn. No matter where I am in the room, I can’t stop my eyes from going to the window. Eventually, I stand just in front of it, my gaze wandering to all I’m able to see.
It seems like something is moving in the corner of my eye, and I quickly focus my attention on that area. My eyes linger for several moments, and when I don’t see anything, I move to the bed. I curl up underneath the thick top blanket, facing the window.
My eyes remain focused on the window, even as they get heavier. However, at a sound outside my window, my eyes quickly open wide. My heart races uncomfortably in my chest.
He’s coming for me.
I throw the blankets off of me and scurry into the bathroom, practically slamming the door behind me. It���s so dark in this room, lacking moonlight without a window. 
Feeling more like Max can’t see me, I settle into a seat on the floor with my knees pulled up to my chest. The room is silent, though I can still faintly hear the crackling of the fire in the bedroom. As my chin rests on my knees, my eyes droop and quickly close. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bucky knocks on the door of Jaelyn’s room, hoping he’s not catching her at an inopportune moment. He hears nothing for a couple seconds, so he pushes the door open. 
There’s no sign of Jaelyn anywhere, though it’s evident that she was in the bed at some point with the blankets thrown carelessly onto one side of the bed. 
He steps into the room and leaves the door slightly cracked behind him. Again glancing around the room, he approaches the bed. He places his hand where she had laid. 
The bed’s cold. 
His hands on his hips, he glances around the room again. 
“Jaelyn?” he calls, hopeful she’ll hear. 
There is, however, no response. 
Other than the thud he hears from the bathroom. 
Bucky looks in the direction of the room then cautiously approaches. He opens the door slowly and steps inside. Seated inside, between the door and bathtub, is Jaelyn. Her lips are blue, her skin pale. Without a moment’s hesitation, he gently picks her up and carries her back out into the bedroom, closing the door with his foot.
Once she’s laid on the bed, he pulls the blankets over her then leaves the room. He heads down the hall to Steve’s room, entering without knocking.
“Buck, what’s the meaning of this?” Steve questions. “You don’t have to check in-”
“It’s Jaelyn,” Bucky replies.
Steve raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Something’s wrong. You should call a doctor.”
“How bad is it?”
Bucky shrugs. “Hard to tell, but she’s bound to be worse off after falling asleep in the bathroom.”
“I’ll go get Dr. Brent.”
Steve leaves the room first then Bucky returns to Jaelyn’s room.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
My eyes feel heavy as I blink them open. To my left, in a chair, is Bucky. He’s wide awake, his leg bouncing up and down.
“How’re you feeling, doll?” he asks, his tone concerned.
“Fine,” I answer, the heel of my right hand going to my temple, “I guess.”
“What’s wrong?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Just hurt all over.”
“You warm enough?”
I shrug again.
“Are you hungry?”
I shake my head. “No, my stomach-...”
“How about some tea then?”
“N-No, I don’t think so.”
“Sorry I’m bombarding you with questions, Jaelyn. I just want to be sure that you’re taken care of.”
I nod slowly. “Thank you.”
Bucky’s eyes wander the room as several silent seconds pass between us. 
“Why’d you fall asleep in the bathroom?” he bluntly asks. 
“What do you mean?” I reply, shifting my legs under the blanket. 
He practically glares at me, and the corners of his lips turn downward slightly in a minute frown. “I found you, practically blue-lipped, in the bathroom, asleep sitting up. Why were you in there instead of in here?” He pauses, raising an eyebrow. “You do know beds are meant for sleeping, right? They have beds where you're from?”
“Yes, they do, and I know they’re for sleeping.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Sounds to me like you’re avoiding it, and I’d like to know why.”
I look down at the sheets, intentionally avoiding his eyes. “It’s complicated…”
“I’m sure I can follow along.”
I shake my head quickly as tears well up in my eyes. 
Bucky lightly rests his hand on my knee, his thumb tenderly rubbing the joint. “Jaelyn, what happened before I saw you last night?”
“I-I can’t.” I bury my face into my pillow, wishing I could just close in on myself. 
Before Bucky can push me any more for an answer, the door swings open, and footsteps enter. He removes his hand from my knee. 
“I’ve got breakfast and some tea,” Steve announces. “The doctor said warm food and drink paired with a roaring fire will help the most. And I heard Rosalie talking about making some hot chocolate for lunch.” I feel him set the tray down on the foot of the bed, not far from where my feet are beneath the blankets, but I don’t move to acknowledge him. “Is she awake?”
I don’t hear Bucky’s answer, so I assume he’s nodded his head. 
Again, I don’t hear any sort of verbal response from Bucky. 
I hear their footsteps moving around, but without either of them speaking to me, I take the chance to try to push down the tears still threatening to spill down my face and into the pillow. 
My heart jumps when I feel someone lift the blankets then climb onto the bed beside me. Bucky’s hands are on me a second later, pulling me to sit leaning on his chest with my legs extended between his. 
“Doll, you gotta tell us what happened,” he murmurs. One hand rests on my side just below my rib cage, and his other runs through my hair. “This is unusual behavior, and we need to know what’s causing it in order to help.”
“I said it’s complicated,” I reply, trying to keep my voice from trembling. 
“You said that last night, too.”
“Doesn’t make it any less true.”
“Did you see something out the window?”
I shake my head, nibbling on my thumb nail to distract myself. 
“A nightmare?”
I shake my head again. 
“Do you not feel safe here?”
I stare across the room in thought, my eyes again drifting towards the window.
“That’s it, isn’t it?” Steve questions. 
“No,” I answer, sitting up. I look at Bucky then Steve. “You two have done nothing to make me feel unsafe.”
Steve stares at me for a few seconds before sighing and hiding his face in his hands. “What can we do?”
“One of us could stay in here with her each night,” Bucky proposes. “Might make her feel safer.” He looks down at me. “Would that be helpful, doll?”
I shake my head. “I don’t want to cause you any problems. I’m sure-”
Steve rises to stand so quickly his chair creaks loudly against the floor. “How can we know how to help if we don’t know what the problem is!”
“Steve, relax,” Bucky calmly says in an attempt to diffuse the situation before things get more ugly. “She probably-”
This time I’m the one to interrupt with a sob breaking loose. Both men are quick to look at me, and concern immediately fills their features. Unable to stand how they’re looking at me and in an attempt to conceal my tears, I turn my face into Bucky’s chest and let the tears loose. My chest shakes as I cry, my breaths uneven. Bucky tightens his arm around my waist, pulling me to face him, and cradles my head with his other hand. At this point, I’m sitting in his lap with a leg on either side of his torso. 
“It’s alright, doll,” he assures me in a tender murmur. “Steve just wants to make sure you get better. Neither of us want to see you feeling worse than this morning.”
Neither say anything as I continue crying into Bucky’s chest. Bucky rubs my back gently and keeps me held close to him until I move to sit back a little. I wipe one side of my face with the back of my hand, and Bucky beats me to the other side. Several more tears fall as my bottom lip trembles.
“What happened?” Bucky asks, his voice barely louder than a whisper. 
“I-…” I take in a long, shaking breath. “I was talking to a guy I met through a friend.”
Bucky says nothing though his eyebrows are furrowed and there’s a worried glint to his eyes. 
“He-…” I look away from Bucky, feeling more tears rush down my cheeks. “He tried to get me to change my mind.”
“Change your mind about what?” Steve asks, his tone soft and practically tender. 
I shake my head quickly, leaning forward to again hide my face in Bucky’s chest. 
“Doll, what did he do?” Bucky prods. 
“No, no, no, no, no,” I rush out, Max’s voice echoing in my head again. 
Bucky gently places a hand on either side of my face and maneuvers my head so I look him in the eyes. I can only see a blur through the steady stream of tears. 
“He’s not going to come anywhere near you again,” Bucky states firmly. “He won’t even be able to touch you, let alone hurt you again.”
“You-… You don’t know that!” I cry. 
“We won’t let him near you,” Steve adds. 
“But-!” I take in a long gulp of air, though my breaths still tremble. “You don’t even know what he looks like!”
“Doesn’t matter,” Bucky states. 
“If he’s hurt you this badly, he’s not even stepping foot inside the fence,” Steve continues. 
I swallow thickly, loosening my grip on Bucky’s shirt. I didn’t even realize I had latched onto him. He dries my cheeks with his thumbs then allows his hands to settle into place at my waist. He watches me as I try to steady my breathing to something close to normal, but he says nothing. 
“One of us needs to go and attend to business for the day,” Bucky states. “We’re going to take turns, so that you’re not alone until you feel more comfortable staying here. Who do you want to take the first shift?” I point to him, and he nods. “Alright, doll. Steve and I will switch at dinner, and he’ll spend the night with you, okay?”
I nod quickly.
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17caratfics · 6 years
What about 29 and 40 with Seungcheol?
29. “How is my wife more badass than me?”40. “The kids. They ambushed me.”
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You came home and saw utter chaos. There were crayon strewn drawings everywhere, books scattered on the floor and the leftover vestiges of what must have once been a pillow fort piled near the sofa. The only thing that made you pause was how quiet it was in the house.
“Seungcheol?” You called out softly as you rounded the corner to peer into the empty kitchen. You padded down the hallway and saw that the door to your children’s rooms were both halfway closed and judging from the dim light, they were fast asleep.
When you neared your room, you heard the shower running and smiled to yourself. It was rare for your husband to spend a day along with the children and clearly the aftermath was as you expected.
You turned the knob of the bathroom door and carefully swung it open just in time for the water to turn off. Seungcheol slid open the glass door and it was a testament to how tired he was that despite being completely undressed in front of you, he made no innuendo. Instead he raised an eyebrow slightly as he nodded in acknowledgement.
You took the towel and wrapped it around him before pressing yourself against his dripping chest. “You look exhausted.”
His arms came around you so that he could rest his chin on your shoulder. You didn’t mind that your blouse was getting soaked. “The kids. They ambushed me.”
Clucking your tongue, you pulled away to grin softly at him. “You make it sound like you’ve been to war and back.”
“I have,” he took your hand and led you out to the room. “I swear they’re always so well behaved when I come home. But today it was like they were unleashed.”
You sat on the bed and watched him drop the towel to pull on his pajama set. “Baby, can you stay home with me tomorrow? I don’t think I have the energy to do one more day alone.”
“Choi Seungcheol,” you scolded, “these are your children you’re talking about.”
“I know, and I’m just a tired, defeated dad. I need my co-captain to help me get them in line.”
You held out your arms and allowed him to climb into your embrace. “What did they do?”
“Junyoung wanted to play forts and war which was all fun and games until he accidentally knocked a pillow into Jaelyn’s face. Obviously that prompted a time out and quiet time coloring before the sugar high from rice kicked in.”
Your eyebrows raised automatically. “Rice?”
Seungcheol laughed a little and shifted so that you were tucked into his chest. “Well, maybe they had ice cream.”
“Was this before or after dinner?”
He hummed, the low vibrations rumbling in his chest. “I’d rather not say.”
Despite your words, you hugged him tighter. “Then I’d have to declare that you did this to yourself.”
“I couldn’t help it! You don’t understand. Jaelyn’s eyes when she’s begging for something is exactly like yours when you want me to do something, and I’m just absolutely putty in her hands.” 
You laughed and placed a kiss against his shirt. “Tomorrow, I’ll show you how it’s done.” 
Sure enough, the living room the next night was the epitome of familymagazine  perfection. Your two children were sitting on the floor, surrounded by their coloring books, cozy in their matching pajamas. Seungcheol and you were holding one another on the couch, looking through photos your friends had sent of their vacation.
He placed a kiss on the top of your head. “How is my wife more badass than me?”
“Because I’m not out to spoil my children rotten.”
The kids, upon hearing the quiet murmurs of their parents’ conversation, abandoned their drawings to curl against your warm bodies. You shifted so that they could have room and chuckled at how they fought to have sole possession of Seungcheol’s chest.
“Children, there is more than enough of daddy to go around.”
Seungcheol was laughing as he settled both squirming bodies between his arms and pouted slightly when you slipped away to lie next to him instead. “I can fit you too,” he protested.
You pressed against his back and stroked your children’s hair. “Hmm, maybe you can save that spot for the baby.” You said it idly but his ears immediately caught on.
“Baby?” And despite the difficulty, he still managed to turn his head to look at you.
The slow smile you gave him was answer enough as you moved closer to him so he could feel the barely there protrusion of your stomach. 
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dailylangdon · 6 years
Intertwined: It Begins (1)
“Oh you and I...Safe from the world, though the world will try.”
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Jaelyn Price was probably crazy. It had been two days since her MRI, and now wires were adhered to her body as she prepped for a sleep study. She had scars on her hands and irrational thoughts constantly buzzing around in her head. But those weren’t the reasons for the constant examinations. The problem was her boyfriend, Michael.
It had been three years since they me in her room when she was 14. She was dreaming, and then he came. He was kind, a bit mischievous, and handsome in a boyish way. The time they spent together made Jaelyn happier than she’d been in a while. The only problem was that he didn’t exist.
When Jaelyn first told her mother, she expected her to find it weird or funny. But Susan Price was incredibly concerned. All Jaelyn wanted to do was share about the boy she’d dreamt about for so long, but Susan was convinced it was a big problem. She consulted many medical and psychological professionals to treat Jaelyn. She was 17, nearly a high school graduate, but she felt so small and afraid. It was a mistake to tell her mother about Michael, but it was too late to change anything.
A nurse in purple Scooby Doo scrubs gave Jaelyn a glass of water. The nurse was at the doorway in about three steps. She turned around, lush ponytail swishing over her shoulder.
“Just try to relax,” She flipped the light switch. “All you have to do is sleep.”
Yeah, Jaelyn thought. Easy for you to say. Outwardly, she nodded and smiled.
She downed the water, though it was warm and tasted metallic. The pillow was too soft, and she sunk into the bed as she lay and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes, never feeling more alone than she did in that cold, dark room.
When Jaelyn opened her eyes again, she knew she wasn’t really awake. The small room was covered in a light blue haze that always accompanied Michael’s visits. The wires and cords weren’t attached to her body anymore. She turned onto her side and saw him leaning coolly against the dark wall.
Michael wore dark jeans and a black muscle shirt. His arms were crossed, and his strawberry blond waves were tousled as usual.
Jaelyn shoved herself up to sit. She gave him a once over and sighed.
“Seriously?” she grumbled.
He barely fought a smirk.  “What?”
“You could have taken me anywhere,” she said. He had, in the past, taken her to parks or movies. Sometimes, a nice picnic. “And you’re dressed. I’m in my stupid pajamas.”
She gestured to her big ratty t-shirt and flannel pants. The rules of the sleep study were that she wears what she usually wore to bed. In these /dreams, though, she often wore jeans and a t-shirt. Sometimes a simple dress, if it fit the occasion.
Michael’s eyes danced as he pushed himself off the wall to sit next to her on the bed.
“You were scared, and you wanted me to be here. So, I came.” His hand rested on the back of her neck, fingers gently caressing the back of her scalp. “Do you want to go somewhere else?”
She tried to take comfort in his touch, like she usually did. He could take her anywhere. But she’d still feel the same sinking feeling.
“No, it’s fine,” she looked down at her hands and noticed one of her scabs was bleeding from picking.
Michael’s large hands came into view as he put them on hers.
She paused, raising her dark eyes to the familiar shade of blue.
“Anything you want to talk about?”
He still wore the smirk on his lips, but his eyes shone with sincerity.
Jaelyn looked at their now intertwined fingers. “After all these results come back, they’ll find out I’m crazy. Then they’ll send me to an asylum and electroshock me until I forget you and everything else. And I don’t wanna forget you, even though it’d probably be better if I did.”
Her vision went blurry. The only sounds for a moment were her sniffles and distant beeping in other rooms.
“Jaelyn,” his voice was just above a whisper. “Can you look at me please?”
With some effort, she met his eyes again. They were such an icy shade but made her feel so warm. How did he do it?
He let go of her hands to hold the sides of her face. His thumbs wiped stray tears from her cheeks.
“You are not crazy, I promise. The tests will come back normal.”
“How do you know that?” She challenged.
“Trust me,” he said. “And I’ve told you, if you ever want me to go, I will. Especially if it would make your life easier.”
Jaelyn’s life wasn’t miserable by any means. It was just hard. Her father left before Jaelyn was born, and her mother barely had enough money to support the two of them. The medical bills weren’t helping at all. She knew it would be better to take him up on the offer. But she also knew she was a lot happier having him around.
“Michael,” her hands went to the sides of his waist, “I don’t ever want you to leave.”
His smile had a tinge of sadness that came up every once in a while. “Then I won’t.”
She had a clear view of his face after the tears stopped. It was amazing that her mind could create such a fucking angelic face. Her eyes trailed down to his lips, and she pulled him for a kiss.
Michael’s kisses, to her, were kind of like an atomic fireball candy. They were so warm, almost too much at times. At the same time, they were comforting and sweet. It was the sweetness that made them go overboard at times. Too many times, she’d woken up with swollen lips (Her mother insisted she must have bitten her own lips). Once, she had purple love bites peppering her neck and collarbone (Luckily, it was winter, so she wore a week’s worth of turtlenecks.).
Michael broke the kiss, his forehead resting against hers.
“If we don’t stop, your heart rate will mess up the results.”
“You sure think a lot of yourself,” she said.
He chuckled, pressing his lips against hers again. “You better go back to sleep.”
“I’m already asleep.”
“You know what I mean.”
And she did. If she spent a long time with Michael during the night, she’d wake up happy, but tired. It almost felt like she hadn’t slept at all.
Michael kissed her yet again and started to stand.
“Wait,” Jaelyn said, clutching his shirt. “Will you sleep with me?”
He quirked a brow, the smirk returning to his lips.
“Just sleep, Michael,” she rolled her eyes.
When he nodded, she lay down, rolling over to face the wall. A content smile came to her face as his body pressed against the back of hers. His arms wrapped around her middle, and his chin rested on top of her head. He repeated something Jaelyn heard him say dozens of times.
“There’s so much I want to tell you.”
"I know." She yawned and fell into a deeper sleep.
Next Chapter
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Chapter 3
Pairing: Redeemed!Erik/ Killmonger x Black OC
Word Count: 1,900
A/N: This chapter is sad.. sorry not sorry. I’ll make up for it in chapter 4. 
Chapter 1   Chapter 2
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“Finally!” Jaelyn quietly whispered as the last few drops of liquid dripped into the vial. For the last few weeks she’s been studying Dr. Chiron and the Iqiniso strain like a hawk, learning its chemical makeup and experimenting with refining it to a liquid form. After about 20 failed attempts, she’d finally done it. She couldn’t wait to report back to Agent Spade with her findings. But first, there was a tiny matter that she needed to attend to.
Hennessy was seated at the vibranium desk in her office, a gift from King T’Challa after she’d opened the dispensary. She was reviewing the patents for her three most successful strains as well as the land plots Erik had sent her from Wakanda. She’d already decided that he and Abasi’s daughter Tao would be the overseers of the dispensaries there, given Tao’s scientific prowess and Erik’s business sense. The fact that the two of them spent more time in Wakanda than she did also played a factor in her decision making. Erik still hadn’t returned home which meant she was still avoiding Agent Spade and her questioning. She had accomplished so much and didn’t want it all to come crashing down once they finally spoke. A swift knock at her office door pulled her from her thoughts.
“Come in,” Hennessy called, placing the paperwork in the desk drawer.
“Hi Dr. Chiron, I’ve come to ask a favor.”
“I’m listening,” Hennessy responded.
“Well, my mother’s real sick and I was wondering if I could have the rest of the day off to spend some time with her. The doctors aren’t real sure how much time she has left,” Jaelyn added in an attempt to pull at the good doctor’s heartstrings. Hennessy only looked at the girl, completely unfazed by the Oscar-worthy performance. She still couldn’t place it, but there was something about this girl that rubbed her the wrong way. As a means of getting the young woman out of her office and out of her face, she agreed to let her have the rest of the day off with the promise that she’d work later the following day.
“Thank you so much Dr. C! I promise you won’t regret this,” Jaelyn called over her shoulder, vial tucked safely in her purse. As she made her way out of the laboratory, she placed a call to Agent Spade.
“Did you get it?” Jaelyn rolled her eyes at the lack of greeting before engaging in the conversation.
“Well hello to you too, Spade. Yes I have the serum and am on my way back to D.C.”
“Perfect! She’s stalled me long enough, I’m sending Baxter to bring her in.”
“Erik!” Hennessy squealed when Erik crossed the threshold of their shared condo. Erik laughed into her hair as she clung to him tightly like a spider monkey in a tree.
“Missed you too, Princess,” he responded, returning her hug a placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“How have things been around here?” he asked, setting his bags down on the floor.
He noticed how quickly the energy switched in the room as well as how her demeanor changed, so he pressed further.
“What’s been going on around here babygirl?” he asked, gently running his fingers through her thick coils.
“It’s like Agent Spade knew you weren’t here. Every time I turned around, she was there. She keeps asking me to come to D.C. for questioning regarding Ares’ death. I’ve been stalling as much as I could, waiting for you to come back.”
He could tell by the way her voice shook that she was afraid and he hated that for her. True enough she’d done some fucked up things in her past, but she wasn’t a monster.
“Is that all that’s been bothering you?” he questioned, pulling her onto his lap on the couch. Instead of responding, she buried her face in the side of his neck. The smell of his cologne calmed her. For the first time in the two months that he’d been gone, she relaxed, comfortable in the knowledge that her protector was back home. His fingers on her chin brought her out of her thoughts as he lifted her head so that their eyes met.
“Talk to me,” he cooed, tucking a few stray curls behind her ear.
“There’s this new intern that started that rubs me the wrong way. Don’t get me wrong, she’s incredibly smart and exceptional in what she does, but it’s just something about her that leaves a sour taste in my mouth.”
“Need me to drop by the lab tomorrow and check her out?”
“Actually, yeah.” Hennessy responded. Erik’s aura was one that told others not to fuck with him. She knew if anyone could get to the bottom of this whole Jaelyn business, it would be him. She turned her body sideways so that her legs draped over Erik’s and onto the couch. She resumed her original position with her head resting on his shoulder and cuddled deeper in his arms.
“I’m so glad you’re home,” she admitted before drifting off to sleep.
Hennessy woke with a jolt, body instantly growing cold when she realized that she was on the couch alone. She reached over to grab her phone from the bedside table to check the time, 11:45 am.
“Damn,” she thought to herself. She’d forgotten how well she slept when Erik was home and it was nice to sleep in for a change. Taking in how late it was, she decided to take the remainder of the day off for a little self-care. She’d been working ridiculous hours and needed to realign her chakras. After a confirmation text from Erik that he’d go by to check on the lab, she decided on a nice long soak in the bath. She’d just finished adding lavender oil to the water when a rough knock came to her door.
“Dr. Chiron?” the burly man asked.
“Yes,” Hennessy responded, one eyebrow raised.
The man held up the warrant before continuing.
“I’m Agent Baxter and you’re under arrest for the murder of Ares Green.”
Hennessy looked like a deer in headlights. Of all the times for Erik to not be home, it had to be this one. She moved to grab her keys and phone before Agent Baxter stopped her.
“Leave your phone, it’s not allowed in the Pentagon.”
The Pentagon?! You’re taking me to D.C.?!”
“Yes ma’am, now come on. I don’t have all day!” Agent Baxter snapped.
Hennessy followed behind reluctantly, cursing herself for telling Erik that she didn’t need Ayo watching her.
The ride to D.C. seemed longer than usual. She and Erik would make the seven-hour trip some Saturdays when neither of them had anything better to do. She felt her heart sink to the pits of her stomach. She wasn’t sure what awaited her in D.C., but she knew she’d feel better if Erik was there or if she even got the chance to let him know where she was. She knew he’d be pissed once he came home and saw that she wasn’t there.
Erik made his way to the laboratory in the back of the dispensary. He was a familiar face so none of the other interns batted an eye at his appearance, except one. Jaelyn almost dropped a beaker full of sulfuric acid at the sight of him. Her body still quaked at the thought of the week they spent together during his time at MIT. She turned around quickly, hoping that her mistake went unnoticed, but Erik noticed everything, especially those that looked out of place. He stalked up behind her slowly, like big cat stalking prey. He waiting until she was done with the chemical before discreetly grabbing a fistful of her coils.
“You got 10 seconds to tell me what the fuck you doing here, trust fund baby,” he growled in her ear.
“That’s Agent Trust Fund Baby to you, Stevens. And I’m only here to keep an eye on your psychopathic girlfriend,” she snapped back, silently wishing one of the other interns would pay attention to what was going on.
“She’s not a psychopath,” he growled back, gripping her coils tighter. If she wasn’t in fear for her life, Jaelyn would be incredibly turned on right now.
“Oh, but she is and she’s about to tell Agent Spade all of her dirty little secrets with the help of her own creation,” Jaelyn teased, holding up one of the vials of liquid Iqiniso.
Erik immediately saw red. He knew that Spade was shiesty, but he never could have imagined that she’d stoop that low. Erik quickly released Jaelyn and made his way back to his Jeep. He could only hope that he’d make it to D.C. before it was too late.
“Dr. Chiron! So nice of you to finally meet with me,” Agent Spade exclaimed as she walked into the interrogation room.
After the long drive, Hennessy was exhausted and hungry. She wanted to get the entire ordeal over with so she could find some food and a bed before returning to Cambridge the following morning.
“Would you like some water?” Agent Spade asked, producing a water bottle from her pocket.
Hennessy took it eagerly, drinking like she’d been stuck in a desert for weeks. Once she was done, Agent Spade continued.
“I’m sure you know why you’re here, so we’ll just dive right into it. Did you kill Ares Green?”
Hennessy wanted to say ‘no’, but found herself at a loss for words instead. She immediately noticed this as a side effect of Iqiniso and realized exactly how much trouble she was really in.
“What’s the matter Shy? Truth got your tongue?” Agent Spade teased.
“How about I ask a different question. How old were you when you first killed?”
“Who did you kill?”
“My foster father.”
“He was raping my foster sister. I stabbed him and dumped his body in the Mississippi River.”
The words were flowing out of Hennessy like lava spilling from a volcano. Her tears were flowing just as freely, knowing that these confessions would be the end of her career.
“Now, I’ll ask again, did you murder Ares Green?” Agent Spade barked.
“Yes,” Hennessy replied weakly.
Before Agent Spade could get another word out, she was cut off by the sound of gunfire and yelling outside the room. Hennessy immediately recognized the angry voice as Erik’s and revelled in the thought that he’d come to rescue her. Her revelry was instantly cut short by a stinging pain in her stomach. She looked down at herself and through blurry vision she saw red. The last thing she saw was Agent Spade standing over her, the barrel of her glock 9 pointed at her face before she blacked out.
Erik cradled the semi-lifeless body as a child would their favorite teddy bear. Everything that they both had worked so hard for was crashing down around him. Blood was everywhere; her face, arms, and torso. As much as he fought them back, his tears were falling in streams. He cursed himself and T’Challa. If they’d gotten back sooner, he would’ve been able to prevent this and she’d still be with him. His ears rang and his vision blurred. The world around him became shrouded in darkness as the Beast began to rise to the surface. He’d fix this. Everyone involved in his love’s current predicament would suffer until she came back to him.
“Don’t worry Princess,” he whispered into her hair.
“Killmonger will make it all better.”
TAG LIST: @vibranium-soul @imagine-mbaku @mareethequeen @greennightspider @eriknutinthispoosy @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @muse-of-mbaku @shesfromwakanda @thehomierobbstark @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @dameshaemonique @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @thickoreo @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @laketaj24 @bidibidibombaclaat @allhailnjadaka @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @forbeautyandlife @yaachtynoboat711 @panthergoddessbast @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @dacreskars @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @wakanda-inspired @wawakanda-btch @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @ayellepea @awkwardlyabstract @itsangeludaku @yoyolovesbucky @madamslayyy
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miamigymnastics · 5 years
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Congratulations, Jaelyn Chin @jaelyn8327 on your well deserved victory at USA Rhythmic National Championships 🏆 🥇 clubs, 🥈 ribbon, 🥇 AA and personal best score 15,6 for clubs routine! Way to go, dear! What a wonderful end of the season, we are so proud of you!!! 😍 #gymnast #rhythmicgymnastics #usagym #usagymrg #usagymnastics #miamigymnastics #gymnasticsmiami #youngchampions www.ikgymnastics.com (at Des Moines, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzexrfpBCSd/?igshid=18zmjd997gcq5
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fandomwritings-cm13 · 3 years
The Quiet Mill Inn (A 20′s!AU Steve Rogers fic) -- Chapter 4
Pairing: 20s!AU Steve Rogers x OC (Jaelyn Roberson)
Series summary: Jaelyn is sent back in time to the year 1920 by a devious acquaintance, Max. He sees her as more than a friend or acquaintance, and his goal in sending her back is to convince her that he’s good for her.
Warnings: lots of dialogue, kinda pushy reader (she knows what she wants and she wants to be useful)
A/N: This is honestly more of a “filler” chapter, but it’s still got plot important stuff :) Hope you enjoy this chapter! Feel free to like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed!
Word Count: 1020
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“I take it you feel better, doll?” Bucky inquires, plopping onto the stool beside me at the bar.
I look over at him and nod. “Yes, thank you. I’m sorry to have caused any trouble or worry.”
“Doll, you were no trouble at all. You must stop saying that.”
“Can you blame her?” Rosalie comments, pouring more tea into my cup. “Cooped up all day every day for a week and a half in that room.”
“Did you feel cooped up, doll?”
I nod, taking a sip of tea.
Steve enters the room, boots clunking heavily on the wooden floor as he approaches the bar. He slumps into the stool on the other side of me. Rosalie immediately sets a mug in front of him and fills it with coffee.
“What’s wrong?” I question, tentatively resting a hand on his arm. His muscles twitch at the touch, but even the rest of his body doesn’t relax.
“It’s nothing,” he replies quietly, staring off behind the bar. He doesn’t look at any of us as he takes a long gulp of coffee then stares into the mug once it’s on the counter again.
“You look far too worried for it to be nothing.”
He shakes his head. “It’s nothing for you to worry about.”
“I only want to help if I’m able.”
“Doll, he’ll figure it out,” Bucky assures me quietly. “Trust me.”
Steve stands quickly and disappears back upstairs, coffee mug in hand. I watch as he disappears from view, my brows furrowed.
“Doll, don’t worry about him,” Bucky states. “He’s smart enough to figure this out.” He pauses. “Well, at least smarter than me.”
“Bucky, it doesn’t look like it,” I reply. I stare at the stairs for a moment longer before standing and following Steve’s path, leaving the tea and Bucky behind. 
I ascend the stairs and go for the open door, peeking inside. Steve’s inside and seated behind a desk. He’s practically hunched over the desk as he pours over the book before him.
I knock on the open door, and Steve replies only with a grunt. I walk in and quietly approach him, picking at my thumb nail.
“I know you said not to worry about repaying you,” I begin, causing Steve to look at me with his hand on his chin, “but I want to help.”
“Like I said, you don’t have to,” Steve replies. “I appreciate that you’re concerned, but I assure you, there’s no need for it.”
“But, I can help.”
He shakes his head, his eyes returning to the book in front of him.
“Steve, you’re stressed out. Perhaps a new set of eyes would be helpful.”
Again, he shakes his head. “I wouldn’t want to trouble you with it.”
“I wouldn’t be offering to help if I felt it would be troublesome.”
“There’s a lot of numbers here.”
“Nothing I can’t handle, believe me.”
He raises his hands in surrender and doesn’t stop me when I step closer to the desk to take a look at the large book on the desk. He’s right, there is a lot of numbers even just on this page alone.
“What is this?” I ask, flipping back a page.
“The accounting for the inn,” Steve mumbles.
My brows raise, and I pull the book closer to me. There’s numbers on here for meat, flour, sugar, vegetables, taxes on the property, payroll, sales. 
“Do you have a scrap piece of paper?” I request.
He slides a blank sheet and a pencil to me. I immediately begin separating out the different transactions, what’s increasing versus what’s decreasing the available money or assets. Once they’re all listed for the past month, I begin adding each column.
“How do you know how to do this?” Steve inquires once I’ve set the pencil down, eyeing me as he picks up the paper.
“I took a few accounting courses before switching to education,” I reply.
He looks up at me, his jaw dropped slightly. “Really?”
I nod. “I thought it was what I wanted.”
“Well, you’re clearly good with numbers.”
“Thanks.” I pause as his attention returns to the paper in front of him. “I think you need to do something. You might lose the inn.”
He shakes his head. “There’s nothing we can do.”
“I think there is.”
He turns to face me, setting the paper on the desk. “What do you think?”
“We should reach out to the community. Then, they know we’re here, and we need to do things to engage them.”
He smirks. “Anything in particular you had in mind?”
“Christmas is always a time of year for events. I’m not sure what you’d want to do.”
There’s a certain fondness in his eyes, that turns his smirk into more of a genuine smile.
“What is it?”
“We used to have a Christmas Eve ball every year when I was growing up.”
“Why did they stop?”
He shrugs. “I guess the family decided they didn’t want to do it.”
“Why couldn’t the inn be the new place for it? I’m sure it would create a lot of nostalgia for people like you in the community.”
Steve purses his lips. “I’m not sure we can afford it.”
“Then we’ll do things a little differently, so we can get some more positive traction.”
“Let me talk to Bucky first.”
I nod once. Silence then hangs in the air for several seconds. “Do both of you own the inn?”
“Yes. Our parents owned it before us, and I’m sure our children will do the same.”
“Are you brothers?”
He chuckles but shakes his head. “No, doll. Our parents were very good friends, so it followed that we grew up to be very good friends.”
I pause for a few more seconds. “Well, I’ll let you know if I think of anything else that could help.” I start to leave the room, a blush heating my cheeks.
“Jaelyn,” Steve calls, and I stop, turning to face him again. “Thank you.”
I smile a little, timidly, and nod once. Before he can stop me again, I leave the room and return downstairs.
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miamigymnastics · 5 years
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Congratulations, Level 9! Nice job at Rhythmic Art Invitational this weekend! 🤸🏻‍♀️ Jaelyn Chin - 🥇 rope, 🥈 ball, 🥇 clubs, 🥈 ribbon, 🥇 AA. 🤸🏻‍♀️ Gabriela Montano - 🥉 rope, 🥉 ball, 🥈 clubs, 🥉 AA. Let’s keep working hard - next stop Nationals 💫 #rhythmigymnastics #gymnasts #rhythmicgymnasts #gymnasticscompetition #miamikids #miamimoms #miamigymnastics #gymnasticsmiami www.ikgymnastics.com (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZ1SaMBZGm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1203l3ckegngt
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miamigymnastics · 5 years
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Congratulations, Level 9! Nice job at Rhythmic Art Invitational this weekend! 🤸🏻‍♀️ Jaelyn Chin - 🥇 rope, 🥈 ball, 🥇 clubs, 🥈 ribbon, 🥇 AA. 🤸🏻‍♀️ Gabriela Montano - 🥉 rope, 🥉 ball, 🥈 clubs, 🥉 AA. Let’s keep working hard - next stop Nationals 💫 #rhythmigymnastics #gymnasts #rhythmicgymnasts #gymnasticscompetition #miamikids #miamimoms #miamigymnastics #gymnasticsmiami www.ikgymnastics.com (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYjoWrHf6E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fnyyruwzdzem
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miamigymnastics · 5 years
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Congratulations to our Level 9 AA Region 6?champions! 🤸🏻‍♀️ Gabriela Montano - 🥇 ball, 🥇 clubs, 🥇 ribbon,🥈 rope, 🥇 AA 🤸🏻‍♀️ Jaelyn Chin - 🥇 clubs, 🥇 ribbon, 🥈 ball, 🥉 rope, 🥇 AA Good job, girls, we can only wish you work harder than you did yesterday 🖤 #rhythmicgymnastics #ksis #rhythmicchampionships #usagym #usagymnastics #hardworkpaysoff #gymnasts #dreamteam #miamikids #miamimoms #gymnastics #gymnasticsmom www.ikgymnastics.com (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxBx8vWh9-S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yklf2hnr7lin
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miamigymnastics · 5 years
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Congratulations, IK Level 9! 2019 Level 9 Classic Championships is over! ⠀ 🤸🏻‍♀️ Jaelyn Chin - 🥉 clubs, 8th AA 🤸🏻‍♀️ Gabriela Montano - 🥈 clubs, 6th ball, 8th ribbon, 10th AA. ⠀ Stay strong, girls! Next stop - USA Gymnastics National Championships 💪🏻 ⠀ #gymnasts #usagym #usagymnastics #gymnasticschampionships #miamigymnasts www.ikgymnastics.com (at Lake Placid, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQDfzRh8I2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uwt9acul1vnz
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