Just Your Average Buddy Cop
Overview: Bad Cop was never one to feel feelings other than, well, rage. So liking someone and not knowing how to handle it is certainly an experience. Thankfully, Good Cop is there to help Bad out. Reader is a police academy cadet, who along with others are ordered to assist Bad Cop in finding the Piece of Resistance before Taco Tuesday.
Warnings: None! No swearing, no nsfw, only slow burns and fluff~
Working was a pain in the arse. Working for Lord Business was an even BIGGER pain in the arse. The piece of resistant had yet to be found, and it was driving everyone—especially Lord Business— up the wall. And you know business; if it wasn't done his way then there was no right way at all.
Work overwhelmed every officer in Bricksburg to the point where Lord Business turned to police academy students who hadn't even graduated yet. You were the top of your class—fresh from military courses and hardened by the intense backlash of a drill officer. Spunky in some aspects, but punctual to protocol, you were a total knockout.
Bad Cop had no idea you were coming. In fact, he didn't even think he needed the extra help.
"Sir, I don't believe this is the best call for action. Undergraduate academy rookies?—"
Lord Business swung around on the heels of his colossal boots, almost punting Bad Cop in the process.
"You don't think I know the best call for action is? Please, Bad Cop! I'm Lord Business. Can you hear that? The LORD." For dramatic flare, he clutched a hand close to his chest.
"Affirmative, sir, I can hear it. But—"
"Ayup, bup, bup, not another word. I don’t like it when people cut me off. "
How ironic.
Lord business stalked over to Bad Cop in the least threatening way he could. Each step he undertook, his heels lowered him closer to the ground.
"Listen, Bad Cop,” he slung an arm over Bad’s shoulder, guiding him past his relics, “ you need to widen your perimeters, and I need the piece of resistance. It's a give and take. I give you more cadets, then I take the piece. Easy as pie.”
Lord Business let go of Bad Cop’s shoulder instantly and walked over to his desk.
“Speaking of pie..."
Bad Cop could only watch as he pressed a button and hears the dial tone ring.
“...Sharron! Cancel my 5 o'clock. I am in the mood for some keeeylime."
Not a minute later, a robot dressed in a suit popped into the office. In his arms laid a lime-green pie swirled with whipped cream and a red cherry sitting on top. Lord Business didn’t hesitate to slice up the pie then thank the robot.
"Oh, oh that is good! Octan bakery pies, aren't they the best?" He shoved another slice into his mouth, "want some?"
"No thank you, sir."
"A week from today, Taco Tuesday will commence. But the senile man's words have been bothering me lately, so I need all precautions for this hypothetical "piece of resistance" and I can't trust robots for this job. Too many malfunctions lately."
Just as the robot walked out the door, it shut off with electricity sparking everywhere. Two more robots drug the short-circuiting one out then slammed the door.
"You see my problem here, Bad Cop?" Lord Business wiped cream from his mouth.
Bad Cop fidgeted on the spot, "yes, Lord Business."
"Anyways, the rookies are waiting in the lobby, BC. Get them squared away aaaaaand we can talk later, m'kay? Bye-bye."
With that, Lord Business was gone. Only an empty pie tin remained.
By himself, Bad Cop was promptly escorted shoved really from the relic room back into the hallway.
No one could tell but he was furious underneath his sunglasses. Red searing anger consumed his heart. Lord Business didn’t think he could do it by himself? Not he, Chief of Police, Bad Cop could single handedly keep any obstacles out of Taco Tuesday’s way?
Absolute applesauce. Bad Cop would—will—prove himself worthy, and he’ll be darned if those rookies have anything credit in it.
“Cheer up buddy! You can show him. I know you can!” Good Cop switched in to better the mood, but despite his encouragement, it did little for BC.
"Oh, don't worry. I will."
With a scowl that could curdle milk, Bad Cop jam pressed the lobby button in the elevator. He growled to himself with bitterness sewn about.
When the elevator dinged his arrival, the rage inside him swelled to the brim. If anything, anyone ticked him off, they’d have heck to pay.
He surveyed the new recruits. Rookies. All of them. Messin' around like a bunch of silly sacked school children.
Christ on a cracker, he even saw one of them elbow-drop their friend. You were concealed amongst the wave of black clothed cadets, your head already pinned in Bad Cops direction. How could you not notice the anger seeping through the cracked doors?
One step out of the elevator and the atmosphere grew tense.
You lowered your voice to talk to Ranger, one of your academy friends, “is that who I think it is?”
“Him? Bad Cop? Isn’t he one of those double changers? All I’ve heard about him is how angry he can get.”
Ranger and you can see the red glowing on Bad Cop’s face. All he needs is another second, and the cop snaps.
Rookies scrambled to arrange two lines facing opposite to each other. You and Ranger simply walked into place, pulling stern gazes over your faces. On the inside though, you were thrilled to hit the streets officially.
Out of the corner of your eye, you stare at him. His mouth is twisted in a scowl, his face still flushed with rage. Who knows what he’s thinking behind his sunglasses.
He’s a lot angrier in person...Your mouth twitches into a smile, but you keep it under wrap.
Bad Cop started at the front.
A small, lanky cadet nearly shook in his boots. Tales of the double changer chief were notorious at the academy. Whether you were assigned to his section was like a wild draw of cards. Many did not want to be here, this cadet especially.
“breece brixton,”
Bad Cop snarled a, “LOUDER.”
Breece’s voice cracked, “B-Breece Brixton!”
“Do I hear a sir?!”
Breece stood up straight, arms pressed to his side and chin up even with his cowardice nature. “BREECE BRIXTON, SIR.”
A scoff left Bad Cop’s mouth.
“Good. Now that the wax is out of your ears, maybe you can listen to what I have to say.”
He strode down the line, hands firmly tucked behind his back. You could hear people gulping; hoping not to be picked on.
“I don’t want none of ya here, do you hear me?!”
Everyone replied in unison.
“I don’t want to be in charge of your inexperienced rookie arses, but Lord Business believes we need help in finding the Piece of Resistance.”
Bad Cop resumed walking down the line of cadets.
“Now I don’t want any one of you in my way. You will listen to my orders and mine alone. You move even one inch out of line, and you’ll see your pink expulsion slip for the academy."
He stopped in front of another cadet, who nearly back up by how close BC was.
"Do I make myself clear?”
The cadet and others replied small yes, sirs.
Bad Cop pressed on until he stopped in front of you.
How lucky, you wanted to laugh. He didn’t waste time stepping into your personal bubble, yet, your face unwavered in his show of intimidation.
“I said, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” You could smell the coffee lingering off him.
Looking him square in the eyes, you shout right back, “YES, SIR!”
“Great! Now everyone have a fantastic day! You’re all free to go. Get good sleep because we start early tomorrow, okay!”
In front of you, Bad switched to Good in a flat second. Good Cop leaves your space and bounds off somewhere.
“uhh, okay?” go a chorus of confused cadets, who step out of the line to stare at Good Cop.
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Hey!! Chapter 4 is up,, reader jumps from a ferris wheel (I can’t spoil any further!)
(lookie here)
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Just Your Average Buddy Cops
Chapter five is up! Reader and Bad Cop fight a Magician~ (no spoilers ya dummies)
(lookie here)
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Chapter 3 is posted!! Reader, Bad Cop, and Good are stuck on patrol together
(lookie here)
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Letting you guys know I'm not dead!! I'm in the process of writing both chapter five and six :P
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The new chapter is almost 2 thousands words
im gonna cry,,,its great. At least I think it is 😂😂
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Writing the fourth chapter yeaaaah just updating you guys~
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chapter 2 is posted!!
(lookie here)
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link for the first chapter:
(lookie here)
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I’ve recently gotten into your fanfic and I love it!! Do you know when the next pert will be out?
Hopefully soon!! This week and the next are exam week and I currently have no time to update 😭😭 it will be soon I promise!! Perhaps sometime over tge weekend
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Jsjsjsjs i just want to say that I really like your BadCopGoodCop x Reader!!!! ❤❤
This is the best thing to wake up to oh my gosh!!
I'm glad you like it because there's more to come 😉
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Yesssssss 🕷️
Yeeeeaaasss 🚔🚨
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Aww yea, new chapter was awesome! 🕷️
Yeaaa boi, and there's more to come bc its the weekend my dudes. Let's party 👏🎉
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Can I become a usual anon for you my dude? (I mean that in the broad sense I dunno ur pronouns.) I can like, sign off with an emoji or something 🕷️
Yeah! That'd be cool, I'd be cool with that 🕷
I'm okay with she/her, they/them whatever works!
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