#JK Wood Wool
Packing Wood Wool in Ludhiana
Carefully sorting and processing wood fibers to produce a lightweight, environmentally beneficial packing material is required while packing wood wool in Ludhiana. The wood wool is meticulously packaged in a range of forms and sizes to accommodate diverse packing requirements. Wood wool is a well-liked option for cushioning and insulating delicate objects while they are being transported. This procedure is carried out precisely in Ludhiana to guarantee the efficacy and quality of the packing material.
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E-623, 24, Phase 7, Focal Point Phase 6, Focal Point, Ludhiana, Gobindgarh, Punjab 141010
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kooktrash · 2 years
hi :D ty for doing spooky requests.
can i request something like: witch!reader x jungkook.
reader is very obsesses with jungkook.
but jungkook is s1 else’s boyfriend. and that s1 is s1 reader wouldn’t want to mess with. (you can ignore this btw)
but still reader couldn’t let go of her little crush on jk. (she would if she could). so reader decided to just admire/watching him from afar silently instead.
and everyday reader would sitting on the tallest branch of tree and watching jungkook doing his works silently. example: shirtless!jungkook chopping off woods. 😏 (they’re living in the wood)
you can decide the ending for them.
i hope u have a good day! 🫶
I’m gonna do it as a list cuzzzz why not. also I wasn’t sure which route to take so I just did a little fluff???? it COULDVE been more yandere but listen 😭 it just ended up being fluff
little witch | jeon jungkook drabble
okay but think about small village in the woods au where Jungkook is like the town’s golden child. he’s nice, good looking, helpful… the list literally goes on
it’s no surprise that you fell for him early on, since you were a child. he was just so sweet and his smile was gorgeous and his voice so melodic. everyone had a crush on him but you definitely took it too far. it wasn’t your fault that he was so unapproachable that you had to admire from afar.
sure, he was always nice when he’d see you somewhere in the small farmer’s market filling your woven baskets with goods. he always said hello when the two of you would find yourselves walking in the same direction
he’s only unapproachable because of her. Her who has been Jungkook’s closest friend for a long time, always trailing after him, always latching on his arm. probably the one started the rumors that they would wed.
still, you couldn’t stop your little crush on him. you just had to keep your distance considering she had no problem confronting anybody who got too close to him. like today; you’ve managed to keep good distance from him. you haven’t seen her but maybe that’s bc you’ve been hiding in a tree
your spying tactics have def escalated lately, more bizarre since you’ve been avoiding seeing him in the market. and the look today was amazing. a shirtless Jungkook cutting lumber in what he could call his backyard. in reality it was just a neck in the woods only a few yards away from his cabin and yours too
you had only been watching him for thirty minutes but you swear you’re not a creep. you were doing a little sketch and it just so happened to be about him. you had just finished adding shade to his backside when you heard her voice.
“Jungkookie! Why don’t you take a break? I’ve just picked some fresh strawberries.”
well that just ruined your day. if she catches you up here she’ll just tease you about something and embarras you
crazy enough, this was not the first time you’ve hidden somewhere to watch him. sometimes you’d be around a corner in the market watching him take lumber to some of the elders who couldn’t cut any. sometimes he’d offer bread to a stray child or show them magic tricks like a coin behind the ear
unlike you he was praised for everything he did. you were merely called a witch even tho you didn’t think you were. nobody trusted you or wanted to be around you so you didn’t have friends. the only nice one had been Jungkook
handsome and kind and unavailable jungkook who knocked on your cabin one stormy night much to your dismay. he was drenched in rain clutching something under his wool
“Y/n, sorry to disturb you I know it’s late but I need your help”
you hadn’t even known what to say, he had never come to you door, you had no clue he knew you lived next to him
you didn’t say anything caught completely off guard. even in rain he looked good, still kind and pretty smile. you moved to the side letting him in and suddenly all the hanging herbs and spices in jars seemed ridiculous. the black cat sleeping on a book and the cauldron tucked away in the fireplace seemed bizarre.
he was nervous too mostly bc you were so quiet. “so… i heard you can help with injuries? i accidentally hurt myself earlier and—“ he lifted his shirt, a gash down his torso not deep but long
you bit your lip, well this was an excuse to stare. but still. you had a feeling any second she would barge in here and tell him you’re a freak. you left him for a second going to the kitchen opening up a jar. his nose scrunched at the smell but he tried not to say anything
“w-whats that?” he couldn’t help but ask when you crushed some dried berries and mixed it with what was in the jar. it was a dark green color, “swamp mud, helps with scratches”
“s-swamp mud?” he asked before wincing arrival the first cold touch of the paste. his muscles tensed like the skin around the cut was burning but you told him to leave it on for a few more minutes
he’s always known you. a sweet and shy person who kept to themselves and often times he found himself wanting to greet you. just let you know that you could always talk to him but you never do.
of course she always tries to tell him you’re a witch and a freak but he doesn’t believe it to bad. if she knew he came tonight she’d be missed but it was his decision. he knew if anyone could do something about the gash it was you, a healer
he watched you back away from him, tucking yourself into the window seat as the rain hit the windows harshly. the black cat coming by to curl around his foot while he felt embarrassing bare in front of you. you just seemed so innocent and gentle, he felt bad for the way the town treated you.
“what’s her name?” he asked about the cat. “salem and they go by he”
he smiled a little, the cat goes by he. before he could ask another question you were leaving to the kitchen again. a bucket of water and a rag in your hands as you pulled a stool in front of him
at this proximity he was able to get a good look at you. he hadn’t known minutes passed instead of seconds. he sees you sometimes in the market but you always keep your distance. usually he’s the one who has to stop with a hello and even then you don’t always talk. whenever he’s with her you don’t even look his way but in truth nobody does. why? he’s not sure but every now and then when he catches you in the woods smiling down at a bunny or bird it makes him smile. she always tries to tell him you’re a freak and stalker but he doesn’t believe that.
“does it hurt?” “huh?” “the cut” “oh, uh a little?”
actually not at all but he didn’t think when he responded. “alright, we’ll give it another minute or two.” he nodded wondering why he said it still hurt but he pushed the thought aside. instead he thought about your soft scent of rosemary and elderberry. up close he can tell you’re very pretty. well, he always thought you were pretty but right now it was different. he used to think you were cute with the shy smiles and soft voice but up close he can tell you’re just naturally pretty
she always tell him you’re obsessed with him. that you’re a freak who watches him in the woods. you’re just a loser with no friends. but he never listens, he has seen you in the woods before sketching in some book but he thinks it’s sweet. anytime he’d be cutting lumber and he’d catch you up on some tree branch sketching away he wouldn’t say anything. he didn’t want to scare you away but he always wondered what it is you sketched
after some time you didn’t ask him again if it hurt but if you would have he would’ve lied again. instead you dipped the rag into the warm water and began to wash away the dried paste. he prepared himself for the pain but there was none so instead he watched you
“there.” “what?” “it’s healed.” “oh” why was he disappointed? you left him to go back to the kitchen and as he looked down the gash had turned into scarred tissue but healed. you came back out with a little jar of the paste, “put this on before bed and soon the scar will fade.”
you sent him on his way before he could even say thank you and he was back in the rain with a jar in hand
the next time you saw him it was in the woods again. you were down by the swamp collecting more mud, unaware of Jungkook passing by with her. he stopped the second he found you crouched down on the floor, the end of your dressed costed in dirt and grass. she pulled in his arm, “let’s go to the market for some bread. hurry before y/n sees u—“
“y/n!” he left her there cutting through the meadow to the thicker marsh side. you looked up seeing him there before looking behind him where she stood glaring. immediately you got up turning to leave before she confronted you about Jungkook talking to you
he visibly frowned watching you walk away. “Jungkook just leave the witch alone. she’s a fre—Jungkook!” and he’s running after you calling your name but he couldn’t find you anymore. hw turned to her, “don’t talk about y/n like that anymore. she is sweet and kind”
you stayed in your cabin for a couple days. just enough time for Jungkook and her to stop looking for you. the other day by the swamp he probably told her how you helped him and was ready to chew you out for it. so you avoided them both. you haven’t even gone to watch him cut lumber but it was for the better. your obsession with him would turn into something more and you can’t dream about something you can’t have.
Jungkook knew your shy nature though and even if he didn’t see you out of the cabin in a couple days he had a feeling it had something to do with his friend. you must’ve heard her call you mean names and it scared you of. he didn’t want to scare you off. he wanted the opposite actually. so what did he do? he went out into the meadow where he could pick some herbs out for you. he had a feeling you weren’t into flowers or sweets so maybe he could try and coax you with things he knows you’ll like
so what happened? little jars of spices, rosemary, thyme, lavender, even that healing swamp mud, all packed nicely for you. set in front of your door everyday with the little notes here and there
it was ironic actually. you used to watch and obsess over him and now he’s the one watching and obsessing over you. making sure to be as loud and obvious as possible when he passed by your cabin or in the market he’d follow after you. he’d cut more lumber than necessary as an excuse to drop it off at people’s doorsteps, making sure to knock when he got to yours. the kind little witch who used to obsess over him was now his own growing obsession.
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taesramenhair · 3 years
Would I Lie To You? [MYG x JJK]
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Yoongi’s not had it easy. For some reason - don’t ask him why, he doesn't know - everyone who touches him ends up spilling their darkest secrets. People don’t seem too fond of that, so he’s spent forever alone. An unfortunate encounter in a bar leads him down a road he’d rather have avoided, making him confront his past and look to the future for once.
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Chapter 3: Taking Stock
The aftermath of Taehyung's statement in the bar is not what anyone wanted.
Previous chapter | Next chapter
chapter wordcount: 2.5k // fic genre + rating: SFW (15+)
work warnings/tags etc: past abuse, neglect, mafia!Jungkook, sad!Yoongi, established Namjin, endgame Yoonkook, angst with a happy ending.
chapter warnings/tags etc: drunk!Taehyung, alcohol, mentions of spiking drinks, mild threat, mentions of previous violence, Tae's feeling sick, JK's angry, Yoongi's scared.
Fic Masterlist
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After five years of friendship, Jungkook was used to drunk Taehyung. He’d dealt with his giggly nights, his whisky-induced tears at 3AM after that particularly bad break up, and even the occasional friends-with-benefits proposition. (If he’d ever said yes to that, no one else needed to know. They were adults. They could do what they wanted.) One thing he was not used to, however, was a loose-tongued Taehyung. He could be one shot away from passing out on the dancefloor and still draw a line between harmless, blurted statements (“Sorry, Kook-ah, I need to tell that guy I wanna lick his chest,”) and things he absolutely must not say. There was a reason Jungkook had kept him close when he stepped up to fill his uncle’s position. One day, he’d make an excellent consigliere. Something evidently wasn’t right if he’d lost sight of that line.
“Ah, sorry, man,” Jungkook chuckled awkwardly to the blonde stranger staring at him, one tattooed hand kept firmly over Taehyung’s mouth in case the word vomit continued, “he’s super drunk. Doesn’t know what he’s saying. Sorry about your jacket.” The lighting was low, but he could have sworn he saw the stranger’s lower lip tremble before he took a deep breath and nodded swiftly. If Jungkook didn’t know better, he’d say he didn’t believe him – but what were the chances? Who was seriously going to believe that he was in the mafia based off a passing comment from a drunk guy? And a non-sequitur at that. In any case, the stranger said nothing more and moved off into the crowd again. Jungkook watched him take his place at the piano in the corner and then beckoned the bartender over with his head. Beside him, Taehyung reached up and pulled the hand away from his mouth.
“Jungkook-ah,” he started in a low voice, but a click of Jungkook’s tongue silenced him. Not now. Tab settled, he wrapped a firm hand around the older man’s forearm and led him swiftly towards the exit. As they walked through the heavy doors into the cooling night air, Jungkook thought he could hear the piano starting up again, quiet underneath the bustling of the bar. Before he could listen more carefully, though, the wood swung shut behind them and he was left with just the impersonal noise of the city on a Friday night and the click of his shoes as he led Taehyung to a narrow alleyway around the corner from Shadow.
Now that he was standing, Taehyung’s head was starting to throb a little, which was odd. Normally, he didn’t feel the alcohol until the hangover hit the next morning – when he was still drunk, he was floaty and warm. This feeling, though, it was heavy. Taehyung’s mind wasn’t cotton wool like it was when he’d had too much soju; it was thick molasses, like he hadn’t slept for days. When Jungkook leaned him against a wall and let his hand slip from his forearm to tangle their fingers, Taehyung felt it tingle through his skin – and not the good kind. Pins and needles flashed through his right arm and he pulled his hand away, frowning.
“What is it, Taehyung-hyung?” Jungkook asked sharply, concern and impatience twining in his voice.
“Feel weird, Kook-ah,” was the response, thickened by an uncooperative tongue. “Head hurts. Arm’s tingling.” Taehyung looked up from his hand to meet Jungkook’s steady gaze in the spilling yellow light. “Don’t know why I told him that, Jungkook-ah. Didn’t mean to – it just… it was suddenly the only thought in my head-“
“It’s fine, hyung.” Jungkook wasn’t so sure; the more he thought about it, the less convinced he was that the stranger hadn’t believed Taehyung. But he was just a bar pianist – what was the harm if he thought Jungkook was some kind of mafia boss? Even if he went to the police, they would surely laugh at him. Hey, some drunk guy spilled alcohol over me and then said his friend was running the mafia. No, I don’t have names. No, I probably couldn’t identify them if I saw them again. It was ridiculous to even think about. He was more concerned about Taehyung not feeling right. “When did your arm start tingling? Has it happened before?”
“No – it doesn’t normally feel like this. Don’t remember when it started. I think – when you touched me? Or maybe before.” It wasn’t stopping. He flexed his hand and shook it out, but the tingling didn’t fade. The cold air was doing nothing for his pounding head either; he still felt like he was pushing through murky water to process what was happening around him. Every blink took a lifetime, and he could feel his heart contracting with each beat. Groaning, he leaned his head back against the rough wall behind him and closed his eyes. “Had to say it, Kook-ah. Like he was asking. Like I wasn’t in control.”
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed at that, and Taehyung hoped he’d managed to impress upon him the urgency of what he’d felt in the bar. As soon as his fingers had pressed against the stranger’s jacket, his mind had completely emptied, only one thing ricocheting around until it found its way out through his mouth. He hadn’t really thought about Jungkook’s position for weeks – it was old news, they’d known it was coming even before the official announcement at Jungkook’s uncle’s wake – so it couldn’t possibly have been some sort of Freudian slip. He had no explanation for it other than that he had somehow been compelled to say it.
“Had to, hyung? Did he – did he do something? I didn’t see anyone put anything in your drink, but I guess-“ Jungkook kept rambling, but Taehyung didn’t have the energy to parse it, just letting it wash over him. It would make sense if one of his drinks had been spiked. That would explain how he was feeling; although, to be completely honest, Taehyung had been spiked before (“Don’t be a baby, dear, how will you be able to recognise what it feels like if you’ve never tried? You’ll be fine, drink up”) and it hadn’t felt exactly like this. He wasn’t getting better, but he also wasn’t getting worse and although he wasn’t entirely clear-headed, he was still there. He’d only lost control for that brief moment between touching the stranger and Jungkook pulling him away. Besides, they were always careful when they were drinking in public and his memory was a little hazy but he was sure he’d barely had a sip of that bottle before it ended up flying out of his grasp.
“No, Kook-ah. Don’t think it was the drink; but it was him. Something with him. Didn’t feel like this before.”
“Alright, hyung. We’ll work it out tomorrow. Let’s order a taxi, now, get you home.”
Just as he’d finished tapping the details into his phone to have a taxi come pick them up, Jungkook heard a door bang shut further down the alley, off to his right. Looking up sharply, he peered into the darkness – and oh, it turned out fate wasn’t done with them just yet. A head of bleached hair popped out of the darkness, moving towards them as the guy from the bar ambled towards the road his focus on his phone. Well. Maybe it didn’t need to wait until tomorrow.
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Yoongi’s fingers had trembled all the way through his final ten minutes of playing, but eventually the last patrons were ushered outside and he could flip the cover down over the stubborn keys he’d wrangled all evening. He collected his rucksack from the back office, slipping his half-full bottle of water into a side pocket, and then headed out of the staff exit. Before the door had even closed behind him, his headphones were on and tired fingers were flicking through playlists to find something to get him home. The desire to run was completely gone; he was already exhausted enough. That incident at the bar – a run-in with the mafia, what the hell – had utterly drained him. Honestly, if he thought he could get away with it, he’d have curled up underneath the piano and gone to sleep there.
(He knew he couldn’t; as he’d been pointedly reminded on numerous occasions, the bar had a reputation to maintain, and that didn’t include rumours of homeless pianists. The “suffering artist” aesthetic might be cutesy from the other side of the street, but people didn’t like to see it up close.)
Dragging himself across town to a cold, empty apartment and the promise of nothing but work all weekend didn’t appeal to him in the slightest. Still, he found something to do the trick – slow, melancholy rap that would wash over him without completely numbing him to his surroundings. It was a half-hour walk. He could do it in twenty, if he pushed himself. His head was already pounding, the twisting in his chest was near-constant and his warm jacket (ruined, still need to clean it, don’t forget) did nothing to stop the wind scraping at his cheeks. What more was burning lungs and aching calves? Yeah, he’d do it in twenty.
A shout from ahead of him pulled Yoongi up short before he’d even had a chance to really start walking, right hand still poised behind him from slipping his phone into his back pocket. Towards the entrance to the alley were two figures, silhouetted against the yellow lamplight spilling from the main street beyond them. He couldn’t make out any features, but it seemed one of them wasn’t feeling too well, leaned as he was against the wall, head down, hands braced on his thighs. His friend, however, the one who had shouted, seemed just fine. As he stalked towards where Yoongi was frozen, his shoulders were pushed back – not particularly broad, but powerful nevertheless. Something about his hair seemed familiar: dark, fairly long, gently curled around his cheekbones.
“Can I help you?” Yoongi croaked, flexing his hands and putting them in his jacket pockets to keep warm. Might as well do what he can to hide his nervousness and fend off the chill, since he wouldn’t be able to warm them at home.
“What did you do to him?” the figure demanded, stopping a foot or so in front of Yoongi and tilting his head back towards his friend at the alley entrance. Yoongi swallowed anxiously, clearing his throat before flicking his eyes off to one side. Even if he couldn’t see the stranger’s face properly, he’d never felt comfortable with eye contact. Besides, it made it easier for him to assume an attitude. He found that gruffness was his best line of defence when random people decided to start trouble with him: if he could convince them that he was infinitely more pissed than them, they might decide he wasn’t worth the hassle and back down. It certainly had a higher success rate than apologising for things he hadn’t done or showing any sign of confusion.
(Not that anyone ever got further than one punch before scrambling away in terror. Still, he’d rather not take the hits if he didn’t have to.)
“I don’t even know who you are. Get out of my way, I’ve got places to be.”
“We met in the bar just now.” The man in front of him stepped forward and light caught his face. Oh. Yoongi’s figured his odds of getting out of this one through bluster alone had just plummeted. He couldn’t out-grump the bloody mafia. The iciness in the other man’s voice when he spoke again didn’t improve the outlook. “I’ll ask again. What did you do to my friend?”
“He poured his drink on me. I didn’t do anything.” Plan B: play innocent and hope to heaven it works because if it doesn’t… Well, Yoongi didn’t have a plan C. He didn’t even really know what he was being accused of. Even if he pushed past both of them and made a run for it, they knew where he worked and what he looked like; he wouldn’t be hard to track down. If either of them touched him again and said any more… He already knew more than he should, and although everything he knew about the mafia came from fiction, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what they did to people who stuck their noses where they didn’t belong. None of the outcomes looked good.
“Sure, you didn’t. That’s why he feels like he’s been hit by a truck.”
“You said he was drunk, didn’t you? Last I checked, that disagrees with people sooner or later.” Yoongi figured he could probably slide past him if he pressed up tight against the wall – ah. Well. That didn’t go to plan. Now he had a stranger caging him against a wall and millimetres away from his face. Shrinking back against the brick as hard as he could, Yoongi tried to concentrate on the coldness seeping through his jacket rather than the warmth of the breath against his cheek and the danger it threatened.
“I think we both know that’s not what this is.” The stranger bent his elbows slightly, leaning even closer and Yoongi held his breath, turning his face away and staring at the man’s hand where it was pressed next to his head. “Last chance, buddy.”
“You really don’t want to touch me.”
“Yeah.” A cold chuckle told him what he already knew: he didn’t exactly strike an imposing figure right now, cowering against an alley wall. “Listen, your friend will be fine in the morning. I didn’t do anything to him, ok, it just happens sometimes.” The stranger moved back a little, giving Yoongi more space to breathe, but his hand didn’t budge from its position.
“What happens?”
“I–“ What could he say? If he told the truth, would he believe him? (Would it get him into more trouble? They didn’t know he knew who they were.) “I don’t know. People say stuff they don’t mean. They feel a bit weird, then they’re fine. He’ll be fine.”
Dark eyes narrowed at him, and for a second Yoongi was worried that it wasn’t going to be enough. The fingers by his head drummed against the wall, knuckles rippling in the streetlight. Somewhere off to his right, Yoongi thought he heard a car pull up and someone call a name, but he couldn’t be sure.
“What exactly makes people say ‘stuff’?”
“I don’t know.” It wasn’t convincing at all, words thinner than the fog Yoongi was breathing into the cold air. The stranger leaned in again, and Yoongi desperately spluttered, “Me.”
Another call from the alley entrance had the stranger stepping backwards. Scrambling off to the left, further into the alley, Yoongi saw that the drunk man was now leaning heavily against the body of a car, the door open in front of him. It seemed their time was up.
“I’m coming, hyung,” his interrogator said, still watching Yoongi but thankfully moving backwards towards the waiting car. “We’re not finished, trouble. Don’t disappear.”
The car was long gone and the cold had stabbed its way into his bones by the time Yoongi convinced himself to trudge shakily home, jumping at shadows and glancing over his shoulder the whole way.
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taerseok · 4 years
hi | 01 | survival bts!
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♡ synopsis:. when 7 immature players gather together to play one of the most famous games the world has seen to-date; Minecraft, and a stranger joins their survival world out of nowhere, there really is nothing that could go wrong, right? Right?
♡ pairing:. ot7 × reader
♡ word count:. 1.2k
♡ genres / rating:. crack, fluff, non-idol!au, reverse harem / pg-15
♡ trigger warnings:. ot7 are a bunch of kids pretending to be professional, sexual jokes (mainly from jimin) here and there, chaos ensues, none of them know how to play minecraft except for JK, ot7 disrespect eachother a lot, homies being homies, taehyung is obsessed with yeontan in this one but i mean i can't blame him
⚠️ masterpost ⚠️
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♡ author notes:
▪ @bangtan-dreamland asked; "YO WADDUP IT'S ME AGAIN >:) since you're still part of the game >:) gib ot7 + vodka please >:) you know you want to do it >:)"
well. here you go T^T i made a whole lil series because of you- happy?
▪ thank youu to @mindays for the banner and dividers TwT (still cannot get over how pretty they are arGh)
part of @bangtan-dreamland's drabble game. request here~
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Generating world…
[Don't kill dolphins, you monster!]
World loaded!
Steve joined the game
Steve joined the game
Steve joined the game
Steve joined the game
Steve joined the game
Steve joined the game
Steve joined the game
"OMG we're twins," one Steve exclaims. "Is it really twins if there's seven of you and you're playing a game?" 
"Of course- we all have the same brain, we're twins-"
"That's not how it works!" another one speaks up. "Leave the game and change the usernames." 
"And what if I want to stay as Steve-"
"I said leave the game and change your usernames!"
Steve left the game
Steve left the game
Steve left the game
Steve left the game
Steve left the game
"You leave first," he says stubbornly. "No, you."
"No, you!"
"I said- you!"
Steve left the game
Steve left the game
Generating world…
[Ocelots show creepers who's boss!]
World loaded!
GoldenJK joined the game
Eatjin joined the game
Baby_mochi joined the game
Namjesus joined the game
MinSuga joined the game
Goodboy95 joined the game
Hopesbalenciaga joined the game
It was the plains where they spawned. In the distance, the seven players could see a forest of oak and birch wood. They'd need that wood very soon. 
"So how do you move?" asks Namjoon. "W, A, S, D to move, space to jump, press 'control' to sprint, 'shift' to crouch-"
"You can crouch?" Jimin interrupts Jungkook. Guessing by the way he was holding down shift at the moment, he couldn't be more surprised at the discovery. "Yeah, you can crouch," Jungkook mentally rolls his eyes. "Anyway-"
"Can you eat this dirt?" Jimin interrupts again. "What?" 
"Can you eat dirt?"
He was looking at the ground below him as he spoke. Did he even know how to break the block? "Why would you eat dirt?" the maknae frowns. "Once I ate dirt when I was at the playground..." Jimin reminiscences. "Ooooh!" Taehyung jumps around from excitement, almost falling down into a nearby hole- which, guessing by the depth, was a cave, Jungkook noted. "How did it taste?"
"It was very good!"
"Right," Yoongi mutters, letting out an exasperated sigh. "It's daytime right now, we should probably start with-"
"Ooooh a sheep!"
"Jimin, will you stop interrupting me for once!?"
"Sorry," he crouches back down, facing the ground. "Alright," Jungkook takes a deep breath before starting again. "All of you have never played this game before, yes?" six heads shake left to right in response. "We need to collect wood first. Mobs spawn at night and they can kill you so we should gear up as soon as possible too."
"Do we need food?"
"We do need food. Can you work on killing the sheeps, Jin-hyung?"
"With my hand?"
Jungkook sighs. "Yes, with your hand. Get wool too. We'll need it for beds."
"I'm on it!" With that, Seokjin could be seen walking away towards the nearby herd of sheeps, his pace irregular. There came a moment he was sprinting, and then another when he was jumping as he walked. Which escalated- or rather, slowed down into crouching and jumping. Jungkook could only watch.
"Namjoon-hyung, can you please go help Jin-hyung?"
And with that, there were two people on the sheep-killing job. The maknae could only hope that they'd be able to sleep tonight. The first nights were always the-
"Can you sleep in one bed with someone else?" Jimin asks. "You can have a double bed, you can't sleep in a single bed with another-"
"What's the fun in that?"
Jungkook tried to feign ignorance. "You're on the tree-cutting team with Hobi-hyung."
"Why are we cutting poor trees?" Hoseok speaks up. "Can't we just leave them be?" 
"If you want to get killed by the mobs, yeah, sure!" Jungkook says hotly. "I'm going to dig a hole and live in dirt," Jimin remarks, "that way, no trees will be-"
"Can I get a dog?" Taehyung was the one to interrupt this time. "You need bones for that." 
"Yeontan will not eat bones, he's too cute to eat bones-"
"You need bones to tame a wolf, Hyung. That's how it works."
"I'm abandoning my plans and helping Jiminie with the dirt hole then." It was at this moment, Jungkook could just barely suppress his anger- which he soon failed at, too. "You'll die if you dig a hole! You need torches so it isn't dark down there so mobs don't spawn and torches are made with sticks so you have to cut-!"
"I'll go cut the trees." Jungkook turned to Yoongi. "Really?" to his surprise, Yoongi nodded. "But who knows how long Yoongi will take to cut trees? What if he falls asleep trying to cut them!?" Hoseok exclaims, and turning to the 95ers, Jungkook notes that they had already begun digging down. So they did know how to break blocks.
"I'm not that irresponsible," Yoongi mumbles. "I'll help with the wood then," Hoseok huffed, and without another word, Jungkook was left alone. Well… this was certainly going to be an interesting day.
While the 95ers are digging a little bunker that, Jungkook muses, they'd have to live in tonight, the clearly-professional-gamer makes sure everyone is being productive. 
"Jin-hyung, you don't crouch as you jump! Stop pressing shift!" 
"Taehyung keeps hitting me instead of digging the dirt! What do I do!?"
"Hyung, stop bothering Jimin-"
"He keeps jumping in front of me, it isn't my fault!"
"Well let's dig different holes then!"
"Like I ever wanted to dig with you anyway."
Jungkook sighs. He turned to the other side, where Hoseok and Yoongi are getting wood.
"What do you do with saplings?"
"Use them to grow trees, Hoseok, what else would you do, put them in your-"
"Forget the saplings. Just cut down the trees!" The maknae frowns, exhausted already, turning back to the two players incharge of killing sheeps.
"Namjoon-hyung, stop hitting the sheep with a seed, don't you have the sword I passed over to you!?" Namjoon turns to him, the sheep he was chasing after certainly isn't becoming their dinner tonight. Neither is it contributing to crafting beds.
"I think I threw it somewhere in a hole and it looked pretty dark so I got scared."
Deep breath, Jungkook…
Deep breath…
"And the sword which Jin-hyung had?"
"Oh, that, uhm," Namjoon paused. "Well… I took it from him after I lost mine and it may have fallen in the hole too but you need not-"
Jungkook had to think. And fast.
The player, GoldenJK cautiously looks around. Torches, beds, food, a crafting table…
They were set for the first night.
"Can I sleep with one of you, I'm scared of the dark-"
"Jimin, there are torches here."
"Jungkook, there are monsters near."
He sighed, reluctantly giving in. "Fine." 
"Can someone turn off the light, I hate to sleep with lights on."
"Can I tape your mouth? I'm trying to sleep here."
"Oooooh, taping mouths now, are we? Maybe next we'll be blindfolding-"
"Yoongi-hyung, don't be mean. Hobi-hyung, go to sleep, it's a game. Jimin-hyung, please stop." 
"I mean, I'm just saying, blindfolding is pretty kinky if you ask me, not that I have ever tried it or-"
Y/N joined the game
"Wait. What?"
"Ah- did Yeontan get his paws on a computer again, such a naughty little-"
"It's not Yeontan, hyung!"
"Who could it be? How did they join our world?" Namjoon frowns. "Maybe it's a hacker?" Seokjin suggests, brows furrowing more and more by the second. "Maybe it's my secret admirer."
"Oh shut up, Jimin-"
[Y/N] : hi
"...I know he loves games but- I didn't know Yeontan could type."
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stilesloverdaily · 4 years
You Found Me
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Cedric Diggory x Hufflepuff!Fem!Reader
Words: 4k 
Warning: sad cause Cedric is dead and i’ll never forgive JK for it. ANGST, FLUFF. reader is hufflepuff. SERIOUSLY prepare tissues
♡ playlist ♡
Cedric ran out into the Hufflepuff common room, shrugging on his House cloak with one hand as he rushed to get to his potions class, as he’d slept in. “Crap.” The sixteen, soon to be seventeen, year old boy whispered to himself as he stubbed his toe on the chaise on the way out of the boy’s dormitories. A tendril of his hair fell in front of his face for a moment, before he ran his hand through it.
Helga shook her head above the fireplace at the boy’s foul language, before turning back to what she was doing, taking a sip from a golden cup. Her badger-covered-frame on the yellowish brick wall, as the sun fell in from the circular windows near the low ceiling. A fire aflame in the fireplace, continuous and homey, cheerful. Green plants covered the room, hanging and potted, ferns and ivies as well as the cacti dotted around the space. Occasional feet passing by the windows, creating brief shadows in the light. The rounded transparent glass showing the flowers and grass of the floor level to them.
“Sorry.” He quickly apologised to both Helga and the bumblebee coloured chaise. Diggory opened the rounded door and ran through, his books in his arms. A gasp took him from his frantic mind in a rush as he hit something. Reaching forward with one arm automatically, he caught the arm of the girl he had ran into, helping her stay upright. “Sorry.” He spoke once again.
Y/N looked up at the taller boy, with brown locks, fair skin and grey eyes, the boy wonder, the golden boy of the Hufflepuff house. Cedric Diggory was the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team, where he played seeker, and was also a school prefect. She had had the biggest crush on him, everyone did, and kind of looked up to him as a person as they were in the same Hogwarts house. “It’s okay.” She spoke softly, her cloak slowly falling from her shoulder.
Her eyes held a warmth that Cedric hadn’t seen before and it made his stomach feel a light, reminding him of the fireplace from the common room. His eyes showed a light that was hard to see around here, something that was optimistic and merry, unlike the events of the previous years at their school.
“I was in a rush, and I wasn’t really paying attention.” Cedric muttered, his palm still on your forearm and his eyes still locked onto yours. “I should actually head out, um…” The boy trailed off, lost completely in you.
“I’m Y/N.” 
“Cedric.” He hummed.
She coughed after a moment, stepping out from his arm, reluctantly. Shaking her head lightly, a hair falling from her ponytail as she motioned behind him, “I forgot my Transfiguration textbook…” He slowly nodded as she stepped around him and towards the entrance honey-coloured wood barrels.
Spinning around to turn to Y/N, “Wait.” He held his arm out, grabbing her wrist lightly as he spoke. Turning around, her skin tingled at the limited skin to skin contact that there was, due to her cardigan sleeves higher up her forearms. Her eyes gazed up into his as he spoke, “Did you want to uh,” He shifted on his feet. “Want to hang out later?”
Cedric’s Potions class was gone from his mind, even if he would be chewed out by Slughorn, something in him needed to talk to her. Y/N smiled at the boy wonder, “Yeah, I’d like that.” What can she say, it was like they were drawn together.
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Three months later
They had been dating ever since, even if it took him a couple times to officially ask for her to be his girlfriend, and Cedric had never felt more content. 
She supported him through his games, cheering in the stands in her black and yellow wool scarf, her jumpers and earmuffs, sometimes he even got distracted due to how cute she always looked. It felt weird for her to be dating the captain of the quidditch team and a prefect, as though all eyes were on them, but she didn’t care and people were nice about it.
The two of them became the golden couple.
Y/N was there for when he wanted to put his name into the goblet for the TriWizard Cup, even though she assured him that he didn’t have anything to prove, he understood but guaranteed you he wanted a challenge and to show that Hufflepuffs weren’t dimwits or duffers and could win such a prestigious award. She admired how loyal he was to their house, and it became one of the things she liked about him, his loyalty.
Cedric had been through the first two TriWizard events, tying first with Harry Potter, and to say that Y/N was on the edge of her seat during the events, was an understatement. She barely sat, having to always shift out of nerves for her beloved boyfriend. After the first event, she was sure that the next two events would leave her anxiety driven.
The second event, she was submerged as part of the task. Although not in real harm, Cedric had reached the village not long after Harry, and was shocked to find the item stolen from him was Y/N, and that she wasn’t safely on the sidelines. He swam directly to her in an instant and freed her from the restraints, not having the previous knowledge that she was indeed in no harm.
Once back on the shore, she had awoken, informing her boyfriend that she wasn’t in any harm, but he still held her face in his hands and checked her over for any signs of trauma. Giving her a short kiss, it was a reassurance if anything, but also a show of care.
A towel was placed over her by a teacher, before she grabbed one for Cedric. Hugging him in the towel, to help share her body heat and the need to hold him closely after terrifying events. Her heart was pounding against her chest, absolutely knowing he could feel it, but she couldn't help it, even if he was using a Bubble-Head Charm. He appreciated Y/N so much, the thought of putting her through so much worry or her being in any danger was the only downside to the tournament, he hated to see her so filled with anxiety or worse, hurt.
Her arms were wrapped around his torso, trapping him in the towel with his arms underneath, her head resting under his chin as they warmed each other up; her towel wrapped across her shoulders and held taut in her hands to keep herself warm also. Cedric beamed to himself, before moving to kiss the top of her head, humming against her. She smiled softly into him as he moved so his left cheek sat on top of her hair and closed his eyes, embracing her touch.
Cedric could stay like that all day. With her, safe.
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The night before the final task, Cedric had asked Y/N to meet him in the common room, as he had wanted to take her somewhere special to them.
On their first official date, the captain of the quidditch team decided to take Y/N to a hidden spot he’d found in the castle that was abandoned. To get to this special place, you had to fly. He took her on his broomstick, after a small debate whether she trusted him or not. The conversation had begun upon the sight of his broomstick and the allusion it was safe to have two on it. She had rejected at first, saying riding with two was difficult, to which he bragged about being an experienced flyer.
She trusted him, of course, he was the head of her house’s quidditch team. But, she wanted him to work for it a bit. Y/N, of course was a trusting person anyway, it was in her nature, in her appointment to her Hogwarts house.
After small playful banter, she agreed although still nervous. Ced just had a playful smirk on his face as he assured her it was safe, which got her thinking how many girls he’d flown to the hidden spot or had just ridden on the back of his broom, causing her tummy to flip anxiously. Ignoring that feeling, she got on behind him and held tight and the journey to their destination was one to awe at.
Flying high, the two flew above the castle, amongst the clouds, passing the moon. Looking at their school, she noticed how breathtaking it could be from this angle, the castle’s sharp spikes giving a thrilling allusion but also providing a strong fairytale atmosphere. The lights in the castle windows made their flight feel dangerous in the sense that they could get caught, giving an excitable ailment to their ride. Gazing across the expanse of their school, she smiled leaning against Cedric’s back with a content sigh.
Cedric didn’t refuse the contact, feeling tranquil at her touch.
After rounding the castle a few times, Cedric flew to one of the spiked coned roofs, that held light through an opened rectangular window, easy to spot in the darkness. Flying closer to the window, he asked her to get off and into the window which she scoffed at, no way was she getting off a broomstick this high to get through the window.
“Please?” He softly spoke.
Y/N sighed, holding him tighter as she shuffled close to the windows edge, and successfully climbing through the window. He smiled and waited for her to safely get inside before climbing in himself, holding his broom securely.
Y/N opened the round honey wood door, spotting Cedric straight away standing with his arms behind his back as he swayed on his feet, staring at a knot in the wood floor. He was wearing weekend clothes, a grey sweater that complement his eyes, a yellow shirt collar poking out from underneath, some dark brown khaki pants accentuating his long legs, and some black converse fitted on his feet. His hair was styled messy, with little gel, a curl left hanging above his right eyebrow.
Upon hearing the door open, he saw Y/N quickly shutting the door to the girl’s dorms so as to not let light into the room, before she turned back to him. She was also wearing weekend clothes; a pair of black skinny jeans around her legs, frilly white socks in a pair of dijon coloured flats, a pale peach t-shirt with loose dandelions on, a black school cardigan and the classic house scarf. Her hair was down, and pushed behind her ears as she beamed up at him, the firelight lighting up her soft features.
Her smile was contagious as his lips turned up, as he smiled from ear to ear whilst she walked towards the centre of the room to meet him. Leaning down slightly, he kissed her lips briefly and pulled back.
Chuckling softly, she laced her arms behind his head and pulled him back in gently to kiss him again, for longer. It was sweet, full of passion and caring, a peaceful moment between the two. Helga noticed the two kissing, and as she was about to say for them to go to sleep, she held back, letting them be young. A smile to her face as she looked on at the two, not creepily but with remembrance, to be young and in love.
Pulling apart, he smiled softly down at her, “Ready?” Nodding, the two headed towards the door to exit the common room, Cedric walking behind her like a gentleman. Helga decided that she would keep their secret rendezvous to what it was, a secret. Passing through the castle kitchen, the two made their way to a door leading outside just like their first date. Coming across a broomstick on the floor, Cedric muttered the one word and it was up and infused with the young warlock’s magic.
Flying that night was much like the first time they had done it, whimsical and thrilling. The wind whipping through her hair, causing her nose and cheeks to become rosy from the brisk air. Stars out and scattered across the sky, a rather clear night few clouds could be seen in the moonlight. Y/N tightly held her boyfriend, having complete trust in him after having done this more than once before.
The two had come up for secluded dates during the weeks, and alone time that could only be shared between the two.
After reaching the spiked roof, Y/N climbed off, quickly followed by Cedric, the candlelight illuminating the space. The space never stopped to take her breath away.
Candles were placed safely around, lighting the area, a blue cerulean blanket on the floor surrounded by a few random pillows of different patterns and colours. A picnic basket stood to the side of the blanket, the weaved hamper holding delicious goods. The two had brought things like plants and photos to help decorate over time, the former proving quite difficult.
Sitting in their regular spots, the two began to discuss everything and anything, always falling into conversation easily. The topic of the following day’s task talked about briefly, but not wanting to worry Y/N, Cedric decided to change topic. They discussed the letters they had received from their parents, and what was going on at school. She mentioned a wacky conversation that Seamus, her and Ben had that day in their Care of Magical Creatures class and the joke that the Weasley twins had told her earlier on.
The two talked for what felt like hours as they ate and drank apple juice, until Cedric grabbed her hand, looking her in the eyes. She smiled at him and as he kissed her hand, she realised something. Although they had dated for almost a year, nine and a half months, she decided that she, Y/N Y/L/N, was indeed in love with Cedric Diggory. They had both said they loved each other about two months after they met, but she didn’t just love him, she was in love with him. She saw a future with him, yes they were seventeen, but she saw it all.
Marriage, kids, and a happy life. Together. 
Cedric however, had seen this about four months in, seen his future with Y/N, had seen that he was in love with her, everything.
He reached into his back pocket with the hand not holding hers, pulling out a bracelet. It was threaded, with thin green-ish leather straps, a heart pendant hanging in between a woven section. “I want you to have this.” He spoke softly in the quiet air between the both of them. She awed at the bracelet as he tied it around the wrist he was holding.
“It’s beautiful.”
It was, although simple, it had felt like the most complicated, amazing piece of jewelry she had seen.
“I was going to give it to you after the task tomorrow, but I decided to do it now to say thank you.” He sighed softly, moving his eyes from her wrist to her eyes. “For staying with me through all this Cup tournament thing. For loving me as much I love you, and being the best thing to come into my life. Although I was sorted into our house, with my accomplishments I doubted whether I still belonged to it, or if I had betrayed it somehow. But, you showed me that I haven’t, you’ve humbled me and brought me back down to earth, been with me through the highs and lows. I love you.”
Tears had slipped from her eyes, to which he happily wiped away, claiming something as beautiful as her shouted be crying. Leaning forward, Y/N kissed him with all she could wrapping her arms around him, breathing in his familiar scent that she’d become accustomed to.
The two seventeen year olds fell into each other’s arms, cuddling each other tight, holding the other close as possible. Before the two of them fell asleep, however, they decided to go back and rest up for tomorrow. Whilst Cedric prepared the broomstick, Y/N blew out the candles, coming to the decision that they’d clean up after he won tomorrow.
As the candles died out, all that was left was the darkness of the room, when a chill ran over her shoulders, as she glanced back before leaving on the broom. Ignoring it, she hugged Cedric tight on the broom, they’d be back tomorrow probably.
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Y/N had never screamed so loud, her heart had been ripped from her as she ran forward towards the maze wall.
No, it wasn’t true.
They were going to get married, have kids and have a happy life together. It couldn’t be.
More specifically, she didn’t want it to be.
The two had gone to the final task, a maze, with high hopes and hopeful smiles as Cedric was in the lead. He was so close to winning, they could taste it. He walked her to the spectating area, to which she gave him a kiss for luck, before he joined Harry, Fleur and Viktor near the entrance. She should’ve known, something about the kiss didn’t feel like luck, it felt like a goodbye.
She pulled him in tight, her lips against his in a smooth motion as they fit together perfectly, a tug in her stomach which she ignored as he let the moment take them before he had to go.
Her body shivered from the cold british air, the clouds hiding the warm sun, calling a dreary nature to the day. Y/N had turned to Hermione and Ron, wishing her best to Harry as well, which they returned for Cedric. She did the same with Fleur’s sister.
She stood staring at the wall in anticipation for what felt like years, swaying on the balls of her feet in her usual way that she had been during the first task.
Only for Harry Potter to emerge, with Cedric in his arms lifeless. He was shouting about Voldemort had murdered him, and that Cedric was too good to die by an accident, but Y/N’s ears were ringing, she barely heard anything the glasses wearing brunette said.
Each step forward she took was equal to the harsh beat of her erratic heart, a shrill scream at the sight of the boy exiting with the boy she was in love with in his arms. Approaching his body, Harry had moved away, tears staining his cheeks much like hers, her hands reaching for Cedric’s face and chest as she knelt beside him. Her cries were resounding throughout the field the maze had been placed on.
Bringing his head into her lap, she dragged his upper body into her arms, crying over his corpse. She heard faint voices and felt people trying to pull her from him, but she blocked it out.
By the time the stadium had cleared, and McGonagal helped whisk the maze away, it was just her, Cedric and his parents. She had no tears left, her cheeks stained with the remnants, which made her face taut. Her right hand was softly placed on his left cheek, as if he were to break if she used too much force, his body having become cold and still, his face had paled and any signs of life were gone.
She would have stayed with him like that for eternity if she could, holding him close as if would bring him back. It was only when she heard Hagrid’s voice, who knows how long later, that she was brought out of her trance. Y/N protested against moving, but knew she had to in order to lay Cedric to rest.
There was hardly a funeral, just a leaving feast turned speech about him by Dumbledore, and despite his death, Harry was recorded the winner of the tournament. He refused, even tried to give the money to Cedric’s parents, who also refused. The funds ended up in the hands of the twins for their shop, they say they dedicated the opening to Cedric, she didn’t go though.
His death proved to be an inspiration to students, some ‘Support Cedric Diggory’ badges still linger throughout the castle, his death not in vain. His bravery against Voldemort was unmatched in Y/N’s eyes.
Dumbledore asked if she wanted to say something at the feast/memorial, which she did and Harry didn't.
“Cedric was a friend for all, that’s just who he was. He was loyal, hard working and trusted. His death won’t be in vain, I won’t allow it, neither would he. Cedric would want people to learn and act in wake of his death, stand up for what is right and just. Work hard for peace and care for others around you.” A few tears fell from your speech, as you breathed in. “Thank you.”
Later on, she’d found out from Harry that Cedric wanted him to take his body back to her, whilst he’d helped other people out even after death.
Y/N didn’t return to their spot for about a month, when she finally decided it was time. It was the weekend, she secretly flew up on her broomstick, it wasn’t as magical as it had been with him and it was daytime. Climbing in, the room felt cold, abandoned and just empty, although it was still how they had left it the night before he passed.
Light streamed in through the window she’d entered from, shining on what was left of the candles, the blanket and pillows, the basket and cups as well as the dead plants. It illuminated the badge she had on the wall which Cedric didn’t like much, saying ‘Support Cedric Diggory’. The photos were in clear view, pictures of the two of them sharing happy moments played out in a video before her, along with a picture of him from the start of the tournament. Taken the day he found out he’d been chosen, a smile on his face as he beamed.
The dead plants reminded her of the void in her shattered heart, and how she couldn’t be in the common room unless passing through because the memories were too much. The common room filled with plants and life, it was once one of her favourite places. It reminded her of her loss and all the emotions that happened in that room, everything that had happened in the space she was standing. The struggle to get the plants up safely.
She cried.
She fell upon the dusty pillows and cried after weeks of keeping it together.
Weeks of seeing reminders everywhere, people coming up to her and commenting on how they’re sorry and it’ll get better.
After the sun had faded, she lit the candles as her tears stopped, getting up from her position. She walked to where she placed her broom, reaching for the broom she brought next to hers. Picking it up, Y/N walked to lean it against the wall with the photos. Technically, it was all one wall as she did stand in a cone roof. Standing back, she smiled slightly at Cedric’s broom standing next to his picture, the broom that brought them here many a time.
She hated the thought that one day, she would leave this school and this spot would be empty and cold forever. Or at least until someone found it.
Still staring at the broom and picture, she spoke, her throat scratchy from crying. “I’m glad we bumped into each other, I’m glad you found me.” His photo winked at her and she laughed lightly, twirling the bracelet on her wrist.
Y/N came back every weekend from then on, talked to the space and pictures and sometimes did her homework there, or to get peace and quiet. She said hello to Helga everyday, to which Helga nodded back. Helga made sure to watch over her and watch her grow to be a proud member of Dumbledore’s Army, created in memory of Ced.
She told Dumbledore and Harry about the spot, to ensure that she could come back every year on the day they met, but other than them, the secret spot was never discovered by anyone else. Which made her think how Cedric Diggory found it in the first place.
Cedric never told Y/N that Helga told him about it.
tagged: @itsnolongerteen​ @justsomewritingsandshit​
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Back to Normal” || YEAR 3 – Ch.18 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
<-- Last Chapter                          Next Chapter -->
Day posted: 9/9/2020
Word count: 3, 395
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall set Harry down on a bed and went to talk to Madam Pomphrey. He still hadn’t stirred the whole way up the lawn or at any point through the castle. Heather, Hermione, and Ron had followed close behind, holding back tears.
They took their seats next to Harry’s bed and sat there as Madam Pomphrey mumbled angrily under her breath as she looked him over.
“ – Should have canceled that match – Like I had said – but no – ” She pushed the sheets up to Harry’s shoulders. “I’ll be back with my wand. He’s fine,” she assured them.
Ron gave Heather an arm squeeze and she nodded, taking in what she said. Harry was fine. He’s been through worse… it was only a fifty-foot drop or so.
Professor McGonagall had left with Professor Dumbledore and come back with a bundle under a grey wool blanket. She gave it to Heather and sighed heavily before walking away.
Ron checked what it was and squeaked. “It was a good broom… The best.”
“They must have canceled the match after this, wouldn’t they? How many players can you have before the game has to be canceled?” Hermione looked out the window at the storm clouds nervously.
Her question wasn’t answered until twenty minutes later when the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, all muddy and sore, came rushing into the hospital wing looking for Harry. Fred and George sat on the bed on the other side of him, joined by the three chasers, Alicia, Katie, and Angelina.
“How is he?” Fred looked at Ron for answers, seeing as Hermione was still staring out the window, avoiding looking at Harry, and Heather couldn’t do anything but stare at Harry.
Ron nodded, “He’s fine. Just knocked cold. Madam Pomphrey already went over him and gave him some kind of goo,” he made a face. “Didn’t look edible.”
“He was real lucky the ground was so soft. All that mud broke his fall,” Fred nudged George.
George sighed, “Was really worried. We thought he was dead.”
“Wood even called for a reschedule – too bad we didn’t get one,” Alicia shook her head. “Poor Harry.”
Heather had been staring at Harry’s face when she saw his eyes squeeze. She stood and got on the bed next to him, “Harry?”
His eyes fluttered open. “Ow.” He rubbed his head and winced, “Everything hurts.”
“Well you did fall from the sky, Harry,” Hermione sniffled.
“How’re you feeling, Harry?” Fred asked, leaning in closer. “You gave George quite a fright.”
George hit his arm, “I wasn’t the one shaking on my broom.”
“What happened?” Harry sat up suddenly, looking at all their faces.
“You fell. From VERY high, so lay back down.” Heather pushed him back.
“We thought… We thought you’d died,” Katie was shaking under Angelina’s arm.
Hermione sniffed again.
“Yeah, I remember that. I mean the match! What happened? Did we win?” He stared at Fred and George but they looked away, rubbing their necks. “We LOST?”
“Right after you fell, Diggory got the Snitch. He hadn’t realized what was happening below and caught it while you fell – ”
“He wanted a rematch, though. Him and Wood argued with Madam Hooch the rest of the time we were out there, but according to the rules, it’s fair – ”
“Even Wood agreed in the end.”
Harry looked around. “Where is Wood?”
“Still in the showers,” Angelina said.
Fred leaned in again, “We think he’s trying to drown himself in there.”
Fred and George laughed but Harry pressed his hands to his face and shook his head. Heather looked at them and frowned.
“It’s alright, Harry!” Fred shook his shoulder.
“You’ve never missed the Snitch before,” George reminded him.
“There had to be at least one time you did.”
Heather pulled Harry’s hands away, “You can make it up against Ravenclaw. Right?”
“Yeah!” Fred shook his shoulder again. “We lost by a hundred points so Hufflepuff just needs to lose to Ravenclaw and we have to beat both Ravenclaw and Slytherin!”
“’Cept Hufflepuff never lose to Ravenclaw…”
“Well if Hufflepuff loses to Slytherin – ”
“Sure, that’ll happen for sure but Slytherin won’t be losing to Ravenclaw so our match – ”
“You could throw it for Harry, couldn’t you. Humble Malfoy a bit –”
“Ron!” Heather glared at him.
“You don’t need to throw the match,” George reassured them. “A hundred point margin could go either way, really.”
“Doesn’t really matter yet, if you think about it,” Fred agreed.
The team left and it was just Heather, Hermione, and Ron left by Harry’s side as he stared vacantly at the ceiling above.
“Did you see Dumbledore on his way out?” Hermione was asking them. “He seemed deadly angry.”
Ron nodded. “Never seen him so mad.” He looked back at Harry, “Furious the dementors had come onto the grounds.”
They all stared at Harry, who still hadn’t moved since finding out Gryffindor had lost.
He turned to them, as if realizing they were still there. He looked around. “Did… someone get my Nimbus?”
They looked at the pile of snapped wood on the far chair.
“Well…” Heather looked at Ron.
“I-it… Broke. Snapped in half, actually.”
“What?” Harry sat up again and was pushed back down by Hermione.
“When you fell the winds carried it and… dropped it off on the Whomping Willow.” Hermione kept her hand on Harry’s shoulder, preventing him from bolting up again.
“In half? How will I play!”
“Alright, visiting time’s over.”
They were glad for Madam Pomphrey’s interruption. Heather wasn’t sure how to answer his question just yet. It seemed like they had the money for another Nimbus Two-Thousand, but how they’d get to Diagon Alley in London and purchase it before his next match was the real problem, especially if they couldn’t even go to the village just below the castle gates.
They left him to rest and while Ron and Hermione went to Hogsmeade that weekend for more candy, Heather stayed by Harry’s side, studying and playing wizard chess with him. Neither of them where any good so she spent most of the time studying and Harry sleeping.
Lots of people came by on Saturday. Hagrid brought huge yellow flowers the size of Heather’s whole head, Ginny brought a get-well card she made herself – handing it over with a furious blush, and all of the team came by again with Wood.
“Don’t blame you, Harry. It was those dementors that ruined the game,” he had said. They could tell he was telling the truth, despite his sullen face and angry eyes.
On Sunday, Harry was finally feeling better enough to sit up and talk. They were on their third attempt of wizard chess when he paused and looked at her, opening his mouth to say something and then didn’t.
“What is it Harry?”
He crossed his arms and looked down at his feet under the white sheets. “I-I saw the… grim. Again. Right before I fell.”
Heather bit her lip. She really shouldn’t be encouraging this but… “I saw it too! In the sky! Right before you fell. I couldn’t believe the clouds had really formed – ”
“It wasn’t just the clouds, Heather! The grim was actually there. In the stadium, a few seats above you.”
She stared at him. “Harry… The grim is an omen, a symbol… Not an actual living thing.”
He frowned. “But the dog, just before I almost got run over by the Knight Bus! It was there again!”
“Harry. The same thing being used as an omen makes it seem like the grim is a creature. The book says the death omen shows up in many places – it never mentions any creature actually BEING the grim.”
He raised his brow, “You’ve been doing research?”
She blushed. Just because it was ridiculous to think that Professor Trelawney was right about the grim didn’t mean she shouldn’t be studying it on her own just to be sure. Especially if it had to do with Harry and the fact that every year something horrible happens.
“I’ve been reading our textbook. So what? You should try it some time.”
Monday morning felt like the world was back to normal again. Harry was back and even Draco had ditched his sling once again. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for Draco doing constant imitations and impersonations of dementors and Harry when he fell off his broom. Of course, it had been raining so hard that he wouldn’t have been able to see anything but a falling red streak, but everyone around him still laughed anyways.
Every chance Draco had to show off his horrible acting skills, he took. During potions he had decided that the best use of his time after he’d turned in his potion was to close his robes up all the way with the hood up and go around their table booing like a ghost.
“Shove off,” Ron pushed Draco back.
Draco laughed and went back to his seat.
“Why isn’t he doing anything?” Hermione was glaring at Professor Snape for letting Draco run around like that. “If that were me – ”
“Gryffindors would be at negative five-hundred points,” Harry rolled his eyes. “He’s a Slytherin though, so – ”
Heather scoffed. “Excuse me. But if that were ME I’d be serving detention for life. And I’m a Slytherin.”
“Well I’M not looking at any progress here and if I were you, I’d stop this bickering and get back to work.” Professor Snape narrowed his eyes at them. He looked down at Heather’s potion and tisked, “Done, I presume?”
Heather nodded and ladled her potion into her jar. “It looks like Malfoy’s… Doesn’t it?”
Professor Snape chuckled and snatched the jar from her hand, stalking away. She sighed and took out her potions guide and textbook, wondering where she was going wrong.
“OOOO!” Draco was back with his arms outstretched at Harry, bobbing up and down under his black robes.
“We said quit it!” Ron picked up the crocodile heart he’d accidently left out of his potion and threw it at Draco.
It smacked him right in the face and he stumbled back, holding his cheek. “Ow! Weasley!” he growled.
“Enough! Draco, back to your seat. Weasley,” Professor Snape glared at him, “Fifty points from Gryffindor. There will be no throwing – any – potions ingredients in my classroom. Get a mop and wipe that blood before someone slips on it.”
Ron nodded and ran out of the room for a mop.
“Only Gryffindor gets points taken away?” Hermione hadn’t even bothered to raise her hand.
Professor Snape made a growling sort of noise and looked away, sitting back at his desk with his arms crossed.
The bells rang and they packed up, walking out of the class in a hurry and stopped at a suit of armor just before the Defense classroom. They waited, looking down the corridor at everyone who walked by or walked into the classroom.
“No sign of Snape.”
“That doesn’t mean he isn’t in there. Hermione, you check.”
Hermione walked over to the door and opened it a crack, peering inside. She gave them a thumbs up and walked in.
Professor Lupin was back behind his desk, looking more worn out than when they had first met him on the train. His clothes hung off him more loosely and he had deep grey circles under his eyes. Heather wondered how bad his cold had gotten since they talked. He hadn’t been in the hospital wing so he must have been in bed all weekend.
She opened her textbook as he asked the class how Friday’s lesson was and saw her essay on werewolves.
The class erupted and started calling out everything that had gone wrong that lesson.
“He gave us homework even though he was only filling in!”
“Two parchments? On werewolves? We don’t know anything about them!”
“ – TWO rolls – ”
Professor Lupin frowned. “Did you tell him we were on hinkypunks?”
“Yes, but he insisted!”
“ – And he said we were really behind – ”
“Well you can forget about the essays. I’ll speak to Professor Snape about all this. On to our lesson. Hinkypunks.” He pulled the cover off the tank on his desk to reveal a one-legged creature holding out what looked like a lantern.
There was smoke and mist floating all around the creature and only the lantern was crisply visible. Professor Lupin shut the windows and in the darkness they could make out the shape of it better, seeing that the hand holding the lantern had long claws and it’s pale eyes were glaring at everyone, watching them all carefully behind the glass as the yellow lantern light reflected dimly off its eyes.
“Tricky creatures, Hinkypunks,” Professor Lupin started the lecture and they began taking notes. “They lure people into bogs with the lantern. They follow the light into its den and then – ”
The Hinkypunk thumped against the glass and scratched with his caws. He tried biting his way free and ended up making a disgusting squelching noise, similar to that of a dead bloated mouse being stepped on.
The bells rang and Professor Lupin covered the Hinkypunk up again. They packed up and before Harry was out the door, Professor Lupin called him back. Heather, Hermione, and Ron left with everyone else, who seemed infinitely more happy about this lesson than the one from Friday with Professor Snape.
“Wait for me,” Ron headed to the boy’s bathrooms down a passageway.
“It’s a shame we couldn’t turn in the essay. I finished it Friday night.”
“I did too.” Heather added quickly.
“Well maybe Professor Snape will take it anyways,” Hermione turned to leave and Heather pulled her back.
“Are you mad? He’ll take more points off your house if you go talk to him now. I wouldn’t even try it after today’s lesson, and he doesn’t hate me as much as he hates you guys.”
Hermione rolled her eyes, “He asked us to do this work. He HAS to give me points for it somehow.” She turned and left down the stairs.
Heather shook her head. Was Hermione hoping he’d include it in the grades for potions? She sighed and headed back to the Defense classroom, poking her head inside.
“Why were they at the match?”
Professor Lupin closed his briefcase, “They’re just hungry. And you were all a giant bowl of food for them to feast on.”
Heather let the door shut behind her. “The dementors?”
Harry nodded.
“Don’t worry, Professor Dumbledore won’t let them on the grounds again. They only came on because they’re supply of human prey has been taken away from them and with all the excitement on the Quidditch field – well – it was sort of like a feast, just waiting for them.” Professor Lupin leaned on his desk. “Professor Dumbledore wasn’t joking when he said they were dangerous.”
“How did Sirius Black escape them then?” Heather looked at Professor Lupin and noticed he seemed extra distant.
After a moment he responded. “Well, to begin with, the fortress is on a tiny island out in the middle of the ocean. But that’s not what keeps the prisoners stuck there. No. The walls and ocean isn’t even what I’d consider the prison to be. Azkaban is only the place that holds all those criminals locked inside their heads, unable to escape the misery inside their minds. Weeks, months, years… without a single happy thought… They’re all mad there. And defenseless. See, if you’re left too long at a dementor’s whim, they drain your magical powers…”
He hadn’t answered her question but the picture he had painted them in their heads was enough to stop her from asking again. It was all over wizard news about how dangerous Sirius Black is… and now she knew why. No wonder everyone at school always talked about how scary it was that he had escaped. And now he was after Harry, angry that Harry had defeated his master… She shuddered.
“But you made the dementor on the train go away… and Ron said Professor Dumbledore made them leave the field – ”
“There are defense spells to use against them… but the more there are… It was incredible hearing about how many Professor Dumbledore had been able to expel with only one use of it.” He stroked his chin, “Really wish I could have been there to see that.”
“Teach me?”
“Teach us,” Heather corrected. “Will it be part of this year’s lessons?”
“No – I’m no expert in fighting them, really. One on a train is the most – ” he looked at them and sighed. “If you really wanted to learn to fight dementors you should actually ask – ”
“I don’t need to learn to fight a whole bunch… just maybe one or two. If they show up on the quidditch field again… and come near me…”
“Who should we ask instead?” Heather was desperate to know who Professor Lupin thought was an expert in dealing with dementors.
“I don’t want anyone else to know about… what we talked about. Could you just show us? Just enough to do what you did? So that I could do that?” Harry cut Professor Lupin off before he could even speak.
Professor Lupin chuckled at the look of determination on Harry’s face. “If… you insist… I’ll help you two learn it – But these lessons will have to start next term, after the holidays. I’m hoping Professor Snape can tweak the potion just enough to have a stronger effect… so that I can recover from this illness quicker. Wizard colds can be real tricky sometimes,” he laughed.
Heather gave Harry a look and he groaned, keeping his mouth shut. “Alright then. After Christmas?”
Professor Lupin smiled, “Alright.”
They left the classroom to find Ron leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
“What part of ‘Wait for me’ did no one understand? Where’s Hermione?”
Heather sighed, “Probably off getting more points removed from – ”
“I’m right here.”
They all jumped and turned behind them to see Hermione walking out of the ancient runes classrooms down the corridor.
“I just needed to ask my teacher a question.”
“Did you talk to Professor Snape?”
“Snape? We’re already down a hundred-fifty, please tell me – ”
“He took my essay and gave Gryffindor back a single point. Happy?” She crossed her arms. “ONE point? For two rolls?”
Heather couldn’t help but laugh. If Hermione got a point, then she was sure she could get Slytherin at least double. They headed down to the library to study, and after lunch she went down to Professor Snape’s office.
She knocked on the door three times and waited. The door swung open and she stepped in, her essay in hand. He was sitting at his desk grading papers when he looked up and rolled his eyes.
“Let me guess… The werewolf essay.” He stared at her as she approached and stuck out his hand for it, snatching it from her hand. He looked through it quickly and handed it back. “A point to Slytherin.”
“Just one?” She looked over her essay and frowned. “Was it worse than Hermione’s?”
“They were both awful, but at least yours was more concise. Yes. A point. What more do you want for doing your homework? Applause?”
She blushed and looked away, frowning. “Do I leave it here or…”
Professor Snape leaned back and curled a finger to his lips, tapping them as he thought. “Keep it,” he said slowly. “You never know when… it’ll come in handy.”
“But all this is in the textbook anyways.”
He rolled his eyes and leaned forward, looking annoyed. “But I doubt Professor Lupin will manage to cover that this year.”
Heather nodded and walked out of his office, closing the door behind her. “We’re not THAT behind.” If he thought he could a better Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher why wasn’t he one already. She headed back to the common room and stuffed the two rolls in her trunk.
She looked around and closed the door, making sure Pansy and her other dormmates were not in sight. She very rarely got a chance to open up the books she had taken from the library. She picked up the transfiguration one and started a new section in her art journal. “‘Chapter one: Thirty supervise-required spells’.”
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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impassiveesper · 4 years
Tagged by: @brigadeleadxr​​​
Tagging: Whoever wanna do the thing, I’m not trying to bother anybody. You can @ me if you steal it.
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Character Aesthetics: Horrifically bad shirt from chapter 95. Meme over. jk cut for length
BOLD any which apply to your muse! Repost instead of reblog.
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red.navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. fog. LIGHTNING. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison.guns axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. bears. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs.birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. CATS. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket.  hood. gloves. socks. masks. costume. ruffle collar. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. fear. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. deception. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
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tfwonthefarm · 6 years
Fighting the Chill at the Homestead
So Dean runs hot, sleeps on top of the blankets most of the year, and seems genuine in his concern that the electric blanket is a fire hazard, but it's December and the central heating in the farmhouse is pretty crappy, and also our husband's feet feel like they're made of ice, so... 2 to 1, the ayes have it, out comes the best 75 bucks we ever spent at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.     
There are some downsides to having bed be the most comfortable spot in the house. I definitely run less often when I'm so warm in the mornings and remember how cold it'll be outside, and it practically takes a crowbar to get Cas out of bed when it's his turn to do the morning chores (again, he's a damn heat sink). Also, it means Dean banishes himself to the far side of the big bed (or to his own room) for the better part of three months a year, but given it keeps him from kicking me awake in his sleep every other night, I won't exactly be crying myself to sleep over that one. (JK - we miss him. He's a more vital contributor to cuddling than he'll admit.) 
So given the downsides, I thought this week I'd share some of our favourite ways to keep that cozy feeling alive and well even when there's three feet of snow on the ground and yes, you really, really gotta get up and feed the chickens, babe. Including a few nice, warm, and not totally out of season recipes.
Keep a fire going. It's actually not that hard to keep a fire running all day (and all night, if you have a set up to safely handle that) without wasting a ton of firewood, as long as you base your fire building technique on keeping big hardwood logs going rather than feeding in kindling. It heats up a house a lot faster than electricity, and depending on the size of your house, might be comparable to a furnace. Obviously, though, you have to feed it throughout the day, and for safety you shouldn't leave it unattended. We have a fireplace in the farm house, but if you're lucky enough to have a wood burning stove it's probably even more optimized to heat the house. Regardless, it's nice to have a warm spot to hang out without totally bundling up in blankets and falling asleep!
Tea! Dean and I have a pretty strong tolerance for caffeine, and can drink coffee throughout the day without an issue, but Cas starts feeling the jitters if he doesn't switch to tea, or even just hot water, about noon. Compared to coffee, it's also way less dehydrating and can in fact serve as a substitute to drinking cold water throughout the day which can be hard to think of as necessary when you're already chilly. We haven’t tried making our own herbal tea blends, yet, but it’s something Cas is likely to give a shot in the coming year.
Knit goodies. Since this is a homesteading blog, how about something else you can make yourself and reduce your dependence on the dubiously sustainable, often exploitative clothing market? Hats, scarves, and when you get good, gloves, are always a little warmer with the pride of knowing you made something with your own two hands, or when you can feel the love of a family member who made them for you. My favourite are socks and slippers, though. Warm feet? Awesome. Bonus: spinning your own yarn is also surprisingly easy. We keep sheep, of course, but Cas has a talent for sweet talking the lady a few miles down the road who keeps alpacas and I love him so much (for other reasons, sure, but mostly for scoring that sweet alpaca wool.) 
Baking. Long time readers know by now: bread is the best. The oven makes the whole kitchen warm, and bread is so, so easy to make yourself, and then you get to eat it? Amazing. We love beer bread (because Dean is predictable and realizing he could cook with beer was the best moment of his life bar none), which adds a bit to the cost compared to something like a peasant loaf, just for the cost of the 12 oz. can of beer it takes, but it's still cheaper by far than buying a decent loaf of bread at the store, especially considering we bake and eat three or four whole loaves a week between the three of us. Scroll to the bottom of the list for Dean's easy, foolproof recipe. (Seriously foolproof. Even Cas can do it.)
Cooking. Yeah, we're in recipe town, now. You know what goes good with bread? Stew. And chili. And soup. If you can make it hot in a pot (or a slow cooker!) it's a good wintertime meal. I've typed up our usual chili recipe below, but I think the best thing about chili specifically is that it's an easy formula to riff on. You don't like peppers? They're out. You love tomatoes? Put in as much extra as you want. Vegan? You can leave out the meat or replace it with whatever you want. Dial the spice up or down as much as you want. Our base version doesn't even include much in the way of ratios - it's all what you feel like. 
Drinks. I mentioned tea before? Tea is nice for all the time. Now I'm talking getting fancy. I'm talking hot chocolate with real, non-powdered milk. I'm talking cider. I'm talking boozy stuff. We've have a few favourites at our house, but at the risk of jumping the gun and getting Christmas-y too early, I'm going to include a nice eggnog recipe here - because if it can be made with eggs, Dean's mastered it just to keep us from being crushed by the hens' productivity.
Bonus Item: Illegal Barn Cat. Husband just kind of bummed out by the thought that the poor cat is sleeping in the uninsulated barn? Brother horribly allergic? Try Sneaking The Cat In When Dean's On A Run Into Town™! You can try to keep her in Cas' room, but she will escape! She will enter your joint bedroom in the middle of the night! And she will sleep directly on the chest of the one person in the bed whose breathing is affected by her dandruff! But what a hot water bottle substitute a cat can be before she's once again banished from the house because the hay loft is plenty warm enough to keep her safe and comfy.
Beer Bread [x]
3 cups of flour (sifted, but we find sifting only part of it lets you control how dense a bread you prefer - sift 1 cup for a dense loaf, all 3 cups for a fluffy loaf, etc.) 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup sugar 12 oz beer (or as needed for dough consistency) 1/4 to a 1/2 cup melted butter
1. Mix all the dry ingredients, then gradually add in the beer. Remember you want the dough to be semi solid, not like a batter. 2. Push the dough into the bottom of a greased or parchment-lined loaf pan. Pour the melted butter over the top. 3. Bake at 375 for 1 hour.
1lbs ground beef (can sub other ground meat or meat substitute) 2 cans crushed or diced tomatoes 3 cans beans (we use kidney or black beans) 3 bell peppers, diced 1 large white onion, diced Chili powder
1. Brown the ground beef in a pan, ideally with the onion. 2. Put everything in a big pot. Heat on medium. 3. Adjust chili powder to taste, let it stew as long as you can stand (remembering to stir), serve with rice or bread! Sour cream and shredded cheese are also great toppings.
Chai Eggnog [x]
2 cups of cream (can sub coconut milk) 2 cups of whole milk (can sub almond milk) 5 egg yolks 1/3 cup maple syrup 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 chai tea bags Bourbon
1. Mix dairy, egg yolks, maple syrup, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt in a pan. Whisk it until it’s frothy. 2. Heat on medium, stirring, until it bubbles just a bit. Turn down the heat and add the tea bags, cooking for another 3 minutes, and then remove them again. Add and mix in the vanilla. 3. Adjust for taste and booze it up.
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kat-riddle · 6 years
Wool’s Orphanage
Part 2: A Magical Game of Hide and Seek
||Chara Bolton was left at Wool’s Orphanage when she was just a few months old. She has been living there ever since. Chara likes being alone and does not have many friends but upon realising that she and Tom Riddle have some special things in common, she wants to spend more time with him.
(All the rights belong to JK Rowling except for a few original characters)
I’m sorry if my writing sucks. This is my first story and English is not my first language. I also want to add a small trigger warning for depression, self-harm, violence and abusive relationships.||
Prologue  Part 1          Part 3  Part 4
After Breakfast, Chara didn't feel like reading anymore. She also didn't want to be stuck in her tiny room all day so she decided to go outside, even though the sky was still depressingly grey it had stopped raining. The door leading to the backyard was wide open and Chara could already tell that many children had started playing catch because she heard them arguing about whose turn it is. Today was a good day. Chara was in a good mood, classes were cancelled because of Halloween and she even felt like interacting with others. Betty and Amy sat next to each other on the swings, giggling and whispering into each other's ears, as always. No one else was on the playground, well it wasn't really a playground because it only had a set of swings and a sandpit but everyone called this corner of the backyard 'the playground'. Chara walked over to Eric Whalley, who was obviously hiding from Billy Stubbs behind a big bush. He was startled when she tapped him on the shoulder. "WHAT? Shhh" he put his finger on his lips "We are playing hide and seek" "Yes, I can see that. I want to join in, is that okay?" "Sure after this r-" "AHA! I found you!" Billy yelled, running towards Eric and Chara. "That's not fair! It's Chara's fault!" Eric yelled at Billy, pointing to Chara. "I-" "It's your turn! New players always have to be the seeker!" Eric interrupted her. Chara decided not to start an argument. "Well, who else is playing? I have to know who I have to find." "It's only me, Eric, Walter and Barbara." Billy answered Chara just put her hands over her eyes and started counting to 30 out loud. Through her fingers, she could see Billy getting behind some bushes next to the playground. They played a few times, with a lot of arguments in between rounds due to Chara and Billy never agreeing on the rules, then decided the next round would be the last one because they would be called to lunch soon. It was Billy's turn and Chara desperately wanted to win this round. She looked around, Billy had already counted to 15 and was starting to count faster, when her eyes fell on a few trees next to the wall that separated Wool's Orphanage from another big building. She quickly ran over and started to climb up the most hidden tree, while making sure Miss Lester, who was overseeing the children today, couldn't see her. Though Chara immediately regretted that decision because the few leafs this tree still had were wet. She started watching Billy from above, he found Eric first, who hid in some bushes yet again. Chara was getting bored, so her mind started to wander. She wasn't really enjoying this game of hide and seek. Billy was annoying especially when he was losing. The only guy Chara hated more than Billy was Dennis Bishop because he was always so mean. He used to make a lot of jokes about Chara's parents abandoning her until Mrs Cole told him to stop. Betty said that he is mean to her because he has a crush on Chara but she couldn't understand the logic behind that. Everyone was always talking about who has a crush on who but Chara really didn't care about things like that. She never had a crush on anyone. She tried to avoid thinking about her parents but especially today she wondered why they brought her here. Chara didn't really care about finding them or knowing who they are, she didn't know them and she will never. They didn't want her. Maybe they were too poor to care for a child. Well, she would never know the answer. Of course, sometimes Chara wished they hadn't abandoned her but not because she wanted a family desperately, like many children here, but because she hated this place. Wool's Orphanage. What a sad little place to grow up in. Everything was so loud, she disliked so many children here and the place was scabby and nearly everything was falling apart. Most of the other children were almost obsessed with finding out who their parents are, but some children were here because their parents died. A sudden hissing noise made her snap out of her thoughts. Chara looked down to see someone sitting next to the tree she was currently sitting in, but she couldn't recognise them. Looking over to the other side of the backyard Chara noticed that Billy had found everyone except her. The hissing continued and it almost sounded like words. Chara wanted to see who the person was and started to climb down a little but she had forgotten how wet the wood was and slipped. "Ahh-" Time seemed to slow down as she was falling, she closed her eyes, waiting for the pain of hitting the ground. But it never came. Chara was confused, she couldn't feel anything. She slowly opened her eyes and was even more confused. She saw grass. The ground was right in front of her but gravity seemed to have stopped working for her and she was floating just a few centimetres above the grassy soil. She was amazed. This feeling was great, it almost felt like flying, as if she didn't weigh anything. Chara only remembered there was another person present after he started speaking. "This-this can't be- I'm not- this is not- I'm not doing this!" Chara stopped floating after she recognised Tom Riddle's voice and hit the ground. She looked at him in shock. "Please-PLEASE don't tell anyone about this!" she begged, still not quite believing what just happened. "I-how did you-I thought I was the only-" he stopped himself and glared at her, he seemed angry. Chara didn't understand why and slowly got up. "Pl-" she started. Tom sighed. "Do you really think anyone would believe me? Are you that stupid?" "Hey! I-" "FOUND YOU!" Billy came running over with Walter, Barbara and Eric right behind him. He noticed Tom standing next to her. "Aww, I see you were too distracted by Riddle to stay in your hiding place." He added mockingly. The others started to giggle at his comment but Chara didn't care. "No, I got bored and you weren't gonna find me anytime soon so I decided to come out, then I saw Tom and started telling him how bad you are at hide and seek. It's not even fun to win if you have to wait an hour until someone finds you!" she almost yelled. "It didn't take me an hour!" "It would have if I hadn't come out of my hiding place." Billy glared at her for a few seconds, then turned around and walked away. "Who wants to play catch with me until we get called to lunch?" Barbara asked them. "Me!" Walter and Eric answered in unison. "I think I'm gonna go to my room." Chara said more to herself than to anyone else and headed to the entrance. She noticed that someone was following her and of course she knew who it was, so she continued faster, took two steps at a time, ran through the corridor and quickly closed the door to her room behind her. She told herself that it was stupid to be scared of him and he wasn't following her intentionally, he just wanted to go back to his room. Chara sat down on her bed, causing it to make a squeaking noise, to calm down a little. She still tried to find a rational explanation for what had happened. She was floating, hovering just above the ground. And she wasn't crazy, Tom saw it too. His reaction was really weird when she came to think about it. He said 'I'm not doing this' and he was angry and maybe a little annoyed? Everyone else would have been confused, astounded or scared. Chara just couldn't understand. What was he doing there anyway? He was rarely ever outside. She looked at her pocket watch. They would be called to lunch in 20 minutes. She got up, sat down at the desk and started reading again. She was very hungry and exhausted and she just noticed that she was shaking. She had been looking forward to trick and treating but now she just felt like sleeping really early today. Chara froze for a second as she heard the door behind her open and close again. She turned around to see Tom standing in the middle of her room with a serious expression on his face. "How about knocking before you just enter someone else's room?!" Chara said while standing up. He didn't answer, he just stared at her. "Okay... what do you want from me?" "An explanation." He said, in a demanding way. "I-um- I don't know what you're talking about." Chara tried not to show that she was a little frightened but as he took a step forward she couldn't help but back away. "Do you think I'm stupid?! You know exactly what I mean! Talk. NOW." "I don't know what you want me to say. I- I don't know what happened- or how I did that. I'm just happy that I didn't get hurt ... and that feeling- I felt so-" "I don't care about how you felt. Does stuff like that- weird stuff- does that happen to you a lot?" He interrupted. Chara tried not to break eye contact with him but he was really intimidating. "I'm not sure. Sometimes. Maybe... I don't know." She mumbled. Tom didn't seem happy with that answer. "Oh come on. Stuff you can't explain, things that happen for your benefit, objects floating or appearing somewhere you didn't put them, stuff like that?" He was definitely annoyed with Chara and yes things like that had happened to her but should she tell him? "Why do you ask me this?" "This is a waste of time, you're oblivious." He gave her one last look of annoyance before he headed for the door. "It's happening to you too, isn't it?" This made him stop, he just stood there for a few seconds, facing the door, probably trying to decide if he should tell her or not. Chara didn't know how to feel about this. Were they different from the other children? Of course, she had noticed some weird things that had happened around her but after today she couldn't just ignore it anymore. The fact that Tom could be the same made her feel better somehow. "It's not just 'happening' to me. I can control it to some extent." He was facing her again. Chara was sick of standing now and sat down on her bed. "You can control what? What is 'it'?" She questioned. "I would say it's some kind of power. I thought I was the only one with this power." "Is that why you never do anything with other children?" She regretted asking this question right away because Tom just glared at her. "No, I just don't want to waste my time with others, most of them are so dull." She had to agree with him there. It wasn't always fun talking to other children here and some of them just never got anything the teacher was trying to teach them, which was annoying. "If you can control it, can you show me?" She asked him eagerly. He thought about it for a second, then started to look around, seemingly searching for something. His eyes landed on Chara's books on the table. Tom's eyes met Chara's again and the book started to fly around the room. He didn't even move his hands or look at the books. "This is so amazing! How are you doing that?" Chara got up and tried to catch her favourite book but they were too high for her to reach. "I'm just thinking about it. I command them to fly in my mind and with enough concentration, they start doing what I want them to do." Everything he said was emotionless. Chara couldn't understand how he wasn't amazed by his power. "I want to try!" She pulled her pocket watch out, put it on the bed and started staring at it. Nothing happened. Confused, she looked over to Tom and expected him to tell her what she had to do. "I guess I'm just more powerful than you." He was smirking now, it was pretty obvious that he loved being better at this. "Maybe I just have to practice a little." She looked back at the watch, trying to concentrate.
"LUNCH IS READY, I want everyone down here in less than five minutes!" Miss Lester's yelling broke Chara's concentration and Tom's apparently too, the books hit the ground and his smirk was gone again. They both went for the door without picking up the books. Chara looked at Tom with a big smile on her face which he didn't return.
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ash-and-oake · 6 years
Character Aesthetic (Tharlindel)
I’m gonna claim I got tagged by @merigreenleaf because I really like these, and I’m gonna do Tharlindel because he’s my Oldest. *quietly loves my first child most* (jk lol I couldn’t decide so he gets to go first)
Rules: Bold everything that applies to your character. Feel free to add words.
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. bronze. rust. chrome. eggshell white. rose gold.  
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. mist. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic. aether. spirit. evil. 
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. feline. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. chubby. curvy. stocky. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. lithe.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. pyre. teeth. rifles. jitte. parrying dagger. swordbreaker. darts. crossbow. broken glass. brass knuckles. chains. scythes. punch dagger. javelin. shuriken. bombs.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. bone. obsidian. flint. sandstone. papyrus. vellum. parchment. play-doh. flour.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies. daylilies. marigolds. venus flytrap. vines. soil. mud. flowerbuds. 
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. bears. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. crickets. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. demons. medusa. rats. livestock. foxes. peacocks. chupacabra.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. frappe. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries. ambrosia. oatmeal. poultry. roasts. ribs. dumplings. rice. beans. caviar. bagels. mushrooms. 
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. exploring. hunting. swimming. basketball. (american) football. baseball. soccer. golf. archery. magic.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. stilettos. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. winged eyeliner. blush. facepaint. ties. uniform. temporary tattoos. stick n’ pokes. tattoos. broaches. weapons. winter coat. leather jacket. furs. tallis. hijab. yarmulke/kippah. headscarf. shawl. patches. tux. suit. pantsuit. 
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. drinking. adrenaline. joy. revelry. pride. kindness. love. hugs. revenge. anarchism. totalitarianism. bigotry. justice. chaos. truth. lies. hell. heaven. murder. rape. robbery. gangs. vandalism. safety. fear. anger. hope. punk. pop. indie. classical. museums. schools. stores. arcades. offices. capitols. urban. rural. suburban. ritual.
This was fun! Hope my additions are good. Tagging @msmeaghanrey @brynwrites @cofffeeshopp @heavenlybattles and @worldbuildingwren and anyone else who wants to! Tag me so I can see too pls. And feel free to tag me in this again, I’ll just do more characters!
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Woodwool Plywood
JK Wood Wool Industries is an expert manufacturer of premium Woodwool Plywood that is painstakingly made from the finest wood fibers. Because of its exceptional strength and adaptability, our Woodwool Plywood is the best option for a wide range of uses, such as building, furniture production, and decoration. Our Woodwool Plywood is engineered to provide remarkable strength and stability, tailored to fulfill the demanding specifications of contemporary architectural and design endeavors. You can rely on JK Wood Wool Industries to deliver Woodwool Plywood of the highest caliber, surpassing expectations in both appearance and functionality.
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E-623, 24, Phase 7, Focal Point Phase 6, Focal Point, Ludhiana, Gobindgarh, Punjab 141010
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vincentbnaughton · 7 years
That Time We Thought The Bedroom Would Simmer For A While, And Then Bam.
We mentioned some recent master bedroom movin’ & shakin’ on this week’s podcast, so we thought a post full of photos was in order for anyone wondering how it’s looking these days. Pretty much everything in our bedroom was purchased while we were living in our second house, so after moving here in 2013 stuff just kinda landed where it landed and whoop, there it was. We painted. We hung frames. We made a few sporadic dresser swaps, and then we repainted. But the anchor pieces like the rug, the bed, the armchair, and most of the other furnishings pretty much remained the same. More recently we got a super on-sale chandelier and swapped beds with the guest room and it felt like the room was nicely settling into feeling “nearly-done.” Basically, we were fully expecting to go back to ignoring this corner of the house for at least a few more years.
And then it happened. A total bedroom curveball. My friend texted me a gorgeous picture of a rug she came across in a local consignment shop. YES, A CONSIGNMENT SHOP. And I fell hard. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Rug love at first sight. I’m pretty sure you could have seen little cartoon angels flying around my head holding bow and arrows when I ran up to John with that dazed-looking cheeks-flushed expression and said “remember how we’ve always said it would be nice to have a plush wool rug in the bedroom someday!?” And thankfully, he remembered. And he agreed that it looked promising enough to go check it out in person (and smell it, because John was wondering how a consigned rug might smell).
We love a flat weave rug – and have a bunch in our house – but ever since we discovered our love of plush wool Turkish rugs, we’ve been talking about how if ever there were a spot to add one more, it’s the master bedroom. It just feels like the ultimate place for something thick and cozy underfoot. Plus, that soft green flat weave was something we bought back in 2011 for our last house’s living room, so the size wasn’t perfect for the bedroom (it wasn’t as long as the space, so it didn’t extend quite as close to the closet/bathroom door as we’d prefer). But it couldn’t have been that bad because we lived with it for nearly four years this way.
Back to the new rug. It was miraculously the perfect size (around 12 x 16′) and didn’t smell at all (hallelujah!). And because it was a one-of-a-kind find at a consignment store, we knew it wasn’t going to wait around for us. Cut to John standing there grinning with it on the dolly, ready to be loaded into our car.
And guess who muscled that giant wool beast up the stairs? That’s right. This married couple (*points to selves with thumbs*).
Once we got it into the room I pretty much did the Macarena with excitement. It might just be my favorite rug of all time. I mean LOOK AT THE DETAILS! The COLORS! The SHAPES! The SHEER AMOUNT OF CAPS LOCK I’M USING TO DESCRIBE IT!
There are tons of other rugs I love a whooooole lot in this house (I’m looking at you dining room, bonus room, and living room), but this new bedroom edition just feels extra special. So shh, don’t tell them. And don’t cry for the old rug Argentina! That green flat weave sold in less than an hour on a local buy-sell board on Facebook and is currently living her best life in a neighbor’s house.
You may also be noticing a couple of other changes in the wide shot – namely the wall behind the bed. This rug’s bolder, more colorful, and larger scale pattern made it much more of a focal point than its soft green predecessor. So when we rolled out the new rug, the frames on the wall felt kinda jumbled and crazy all of a sudden. Like Lady GaGa in a meat dress next to Bjork in a swan costume. Why? Because the frame wall used to be the focal point with a more subtle rug playing backup. But with a big bold rug in the room now, two focal points were fighting for attention.
So we took all of the frames off the wall and tried out a few “calmer” pieces instead. After buying something the instinct might be to go buy a ton of other stuff to go with the exciting new item, but one of my favorite things to do instead is just to play around with what you have. Sometimes you just have to shift a few things around the house and a few rooms end up looking and feeling fresher to the tune of zero more dollars spent.
The winner was this painting that used to hang above John’s desk in the office (we bought it right off of the wall at a ski house we rented a few years back). I may stain the frame to match some of the other woods in the room, but for now it’s doing the job of complementing – not competing with – the new rug. And from afar it looks surprisingly similar to some of the gold frames we added to the other side of the room (more on those in a sec).
And now in the office there’s a mirror we already had hanging where the pink painting used to be – which is nice because it reflects the light from the two windows across from it. There’s no better feeling than running up and down the stairs with things and trying them in other rooms until the crazy puzzle of “I need one thing for this room and another thing for that room” is solved. I’m serious. I LOVE that weird challenge feeling. It’s like Supermarket Sweep, Home Edition. Come to think of it, that would make a pretty good game show. Stop laughing. I’m serious.
And I know you were worried about where all of our family photos went (JK, nobody cares about family photos unless they’re their own family). We found a few other places around the room to hang some, and I moved some into the guest room above my sewing desk. It’s not as many as we used to have on display, but I think we’ll survive just fine without having 20+ photos of ourselves in a single room anymore.
I reframed the photos in our room in these gold frames that I already had stashed in the guest room (they’re my favorite gold ones from Target that I’ve also hoarded for the beach house). They created a nice little grid above our wood dresser – an antique hand-me-down from John’s parents that had been in the closet. We just swapped it for the white dresser that used to sit here since the wood one looks so nice with the rich new rug colors.
In rearranging our family photos, we realized we’re waaaay overdue for printing some updated ones (so many of a tiny baby boy and a toddler girl) so we sent a few new 8 x 10″ pics to Target so we can finally update these frames. It just feels like you “notice” pictures again when you change them out, so this bedroom update was a nice kick in the pants to get on that.
The other side of the room still has the gradient dresser we painted back in 2011 for our first book (yes, we have no shortage of dressers in here!). Also, can you tell John is asking Burger why he’s always walking into our pictures like he owns the place? You saw him up in the bed squishing all of our pillows a few pictures up too, right? Dude, is ALWAYS ready for his close up.
The Samantha French print above the dresser (she’s one of my favorite painters – here’s her Easy shop) is one we’ve had for years, and we FINALLY got it properly framed! It was actually a birthday gift from John, who sent it off to a framing company called Simply Framed and they made it look so much more legit and lovely with a nice chunky white frame and a perfectly sized mat. This isn’t a sponsored mention or anything (he paid for it, and we love it). It’s not as cheap as finding a ready-made frame at the store (it was about $120, with a coupon code) but it looks so expensive and well done when it comes back to you. Finally feels like the frame is doing the print justice.
It’s hard to tell in the pic, but they even emailed us to say “do you want the mat to go right up to the edge of the print or would you like it to be spaced around a quarter-inch away so the penciled title and signature are visible?” We were so glad they suggested that because that little detail that makes it feel much more professionally done and polished.
So that, my friends, is the tale of a bedroom that we thought was going back into dormancy for a few more years, but was propelled into an accidental-but-surprisingly-thrilling makeover, thanks to a rug switch and a whole lot of other free furniture and accessory swapping.
Oh, and that picture above captures one of the cooler things about the rug – see how it looks faded in a few rows? The lady who owns the consignment store said her friend who vends rugs said it’s not truly faded in those areas, it’s a different looming method and type of wool that they use for those parts so the little water-color-like effect is something they intentionally add when they make the rug. Cool, right? I love how layered and soft it looks with those strips of blurrier colors.
And yes, I totally daydream about moving those windows over so they’re centered. Except they would look wonky from the front of our balanced brick colonial, so I guess I need to leave them where they are and DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT MY ENTIRE LIFE CAN’T BE SYMMETRICAL. Maybe adding one more curtain panel on that left side and extending the rod would cheat things a little and make it less noticeable? Might give that a try sometime.
But so ends our new tour of the bedroom. I’ll leave you with this performance art piece by Burger, entitled Dog Leaves Bed.
And for anyone wondering where we got things in the room, here’s a big ol’ list for you:
bench / faux fiddle leaf fig plant / chandelier / curtains / curtain rods / night stands / swimming girl print / gold frames / similar pink painting / similar duvet / similar bedside lamps / similar dresser / similar tallboy dresser / similar chair / similar floor lamp 
You can also always find our room’s paint colors and sources for everything in them right here.
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post That Time We Thought The Bedroom Would Simmer For A While, And Then Bam. appeared first on Young House Love.
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E-623, 24, Phase 7, Focal Point Phase 6, Focal Point, Ludhiana, Gobindgarh, Punjab 141010
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