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My dear Jesse again…

#THE JESY#JESNYS…..#digital illustration#oc illustration#illustration#original character#my oc art#character illustration#procreate art#procreate illustration#my original character
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^ what a bluegill might say moments before biting onto my baited hook
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OKAY Here me out: Keefe and Stina are two sides of the same coin and the keeper gang might be jerks in Stina's POV
Let's ignore Sophie's bias for a second, and let's actually look at the characters, both were expected to up hold their family's reputation only Keefe decided he didn't want to play that role, but Stina did, Keefe had to deal with his Family being disappointed in him and being abusive, Stina had to deal with all the added stress that came with breeding unicorns, which is a very important job, she helped with deliveries since she was a young child it seems, imagine a young Stina not even in foxfire having to deal with the stress of making sure a foul doesn't die, and quite honestly we don't know what her home life is like, we could assume it's good but from some interactions or lack there of with her father i'd say it's not as good as we may think. I have the feeling that they have a very distant relationship and that seems to be due to the blackswan.
Second: Stina has to deal with something Keefe didn't, the rumors about her family, her dad's talentless, and her mom isn't, we see time and time again that people think that they cheated to be together. they bribed the match makers or something, and imagine that following a child for years, we see how defensive Stina gets about it, which to me, seems to signal that at least a small part of her thinks they did and she's scared of that, but later we see the reaction that Keefe has when he finds out his mom is in the neverseen, he shuts down from all the gossip and rumours about his mother and father heck they still whisper
third: Stina's probbaly jealous of the keeper gang, yes Stina's mom seems to be kind to her, but it's only when she does something notable, or she's in puplic, since we don't see Stina with her parent's very often, and parents are a huge part of the plot, we always get refrences to things they do to or for their kids, but Stina, Muruca and Jesni, nope, none, we haven't met muruca's parents which might be why we haven't heard anything about them same with Jensi's, but we know Stina's parents yet she almost never talks about them it's always someone else who brings it up, so could you imagine Stina watching as her dad risks his life for Sophie time and time again, it might seem as if that her dad cares about Sophie more than her, and then this might be why she holds the bad match thing over Dex's head, Kessler and Juline are good parents something maybe Stina whishes she had so to cope she tries to think of them as lesser, it's also obvious she got this mentality from her mum, which like a lot of kids do to try and impress thier parents they emulate that behaviour.
Four: We know the prank war has been happening pre-first book, but we don't know who started it, we could say Stina but it could also be Dex, we see have angry he is at the vackers, I bet he'd be even more angry at the Heks's for not being a bad match when his parent's are. Yet we only give Stina flak for that, and for reference Sophie was a huge jerk for laughing at Stina's misery, as she had just met Dex and just met Stina. like imagine that happened to you, someone shaved your head you go to confront them, and this new kid that you don't know laughs at you and quite honestly, the muskog prank was WAY tamer, what Dex did was cruel, his intention seemed to be to get people to laugh at her, and that paints the feud very diffrenetly, we see over and over Dex's pranks are to get people to laugh at the the persons own extent, while Stina's her far more like Keefe's only in a more mean spirited way. Also we know the rest of the school doesn't seem to like Stina very much, she might be increadbily isolated
Five: Sophie is kinda a jerk, she laughs at Stina at Stina's expense twice, then expects her to be nice to her, I wouldn't espeically with someone who's friends with my bully, (and yes activily and purposefully trying to get people to laugh at someone else is bullying) then even when Stina calms down they all anganizie her when she hasn't done anything wrong, or has done something slightly petty in Stellerlune Stina has every right to be pissed at Sophie and Rayni, Rayni is openly antagnostic to her even though Stina has every right to be suspicous of her and Sophie endangers her and doesn't comunicate with her constantly. They even get mad at her in the first book for telling her Biana's reasons for becoming friends with her, which is honestly a bro move (Like hey, this person doesn't actually want to be your freind she just doing it because her dad told her tow), because the way to me it seemed like Biana wasn't actually trying to be her friend, only when Stina told sophie the truth did she change.
Six: Stina got a lot of flak from the keeper gang for staying back, saying she was a coward, but honestly, the keeper gang is just stupid, Stina was the only one to actually take the time to learn about military tactics, yes the goblins would know some but honestly, there's a reason we have reserves, it's so you have backup and others to pull from, what if everyone got knocked out in your team and no one knew where you were, and couldn't get any help, having extra people to check where you are and be ready is a good idea, (Also really they should be using gurillia warfar tactics which is what the neverseen does instead of clean tactics)
There's more to this but that's enough for now, I'd like to know what you guys think of this rant. seriously Stina seems like an animal backed into a corner trying to escape
#stina heks#keeper of the lost cities#kotlc#sophie foster#keefe sencen#when you really look at it Dex is kinda a bully
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Some character designs for some characters histories
#fantroll#fantrolls#homestuck#hiveswap#sharklilly's fantrolls#fesino sejoij#voykka brandy#franja strent#lintol smorkl#muyhte podind#nianfu fuanii#jesnie dahmus#weinen yleton#monoma agobaa#Haphazard
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Ok, identifying yall as members of the gang from KotLC (extra notes at the end):
Neurodivergent and arachnophobic/don't like spiders: Fitz
Neurotypical and arachnophobic/hate spiders: Biana, Stina
Neurodivergent and indifferent to spiders: Sophie, Keefe, Marella
Neurotypical and indifferent to spiders: Maruca, Wylie, Amy
Neurodivergent and like spiders/think they're spiffy: Dex, Rayni, Jesni
Neurotypical and like spiders/think they're spiffy: Tam, Linh
Extra notes:
So this may not be super accurate, I didn't read Stellarlune but the vibe I get from the fandom about Rayni leads me to the assumption that she's very neurodivergent and thinks they're cool.
Jensi also gives me neurodivengency vibes of some sort, perhaps ADHD or ADD, and I feel like he would like spiders because he's a cinnamon roll and will befriend literally anything
I know they're all traumatized and have anxiety and depression so in their cases I tried not to use those as indicators of neurodivergent, though those are valid mental health issues.
Biana and Fitz not liking spiders isn't a rich kid thing or whatever, Fitz is scared of them because one time when he was three and his mom was very pregnant for Biana, he got bit by a pretty big spider at night and screamed and Alden came running but he didn't believe Fitz until morning when he came down from his room and had a giant welt on his neck and Fitz had spent that entire night in pain and got bit all over by even more spiders but his dad didnt believe him and probably wouldn't come back again and his mom could barely even leave the bed.
Biana doesn't like them because when she was 10, she found an old stuffed animal, but when she squeezed it, a bunch of spiders came out.
Stina just doesn't like the damn things because whenever she has to take stable duty and resupplying the hay there's always at least three of the creepy bitches hanging from a silky thread in the corner. They have a mutual agreement where they don't repel into her hair, and she won't murder them
I also 1000% believe that Fitz has severe OCD and have an entire post about it somewhere on this blog, I think a lot of it is in an ask to or from @synonymroll648 (love ya Lucas <3<3)
Speaking of Izzy, he has amazing takes about Sophie being autistic and Keefe being autistic and ADHD and I adore it so much it's cannon now, and I've always adored the idea of Sophie being dyslexic
Also, Marella gives me ADD vibes, so there she is
I think the three of them are all indifferent to them because it matches so well with Sophitz, Keefex and Marelinh
Like Dex likes spiders a lot. He admires most how they can make such intricate patterns that are also effective and strong using the lightest of materials. He always has a bunch of facts about them that he will infodump to anyone at any moment
Little break from the train of thought to say a thought I just had about this where while they're at Alluveterre Dex notices Fitz looks uncomfortable and rubs his neck everytime someone talks about spiders so he torments him about spiders and makes jokes about one being on his shoulder to make Fitz flip out and Fitz has enough of it and grumbles about going for a walk and Biana chews Dex out for being an ass and tells them the whole backstory for why Fitz doesn't like spiders and Dex feels bad and apologizes and they become buddies and Sophie wants to hit Alden next time she sees him because of it
Back to the thought, liking spiders is such a Tam and Linh thing, and not because they have the punk/goth/emo/etc. look going for them. A lot of people don't like spiders or think there's something wrong with them and that they're creepy. Tam and Linh can definitely relate to feeling like spiders compared to the other insects (yes I know spiders are arachnids, but Im making an analogy). They sympathize and enjoy spiders because they're different from the other bugs and they have a lot of good qualities when you get to understand them, just like our Song twins.
Sophie likes gardening (there's a post on it in here somewhere) so she thinks spiders are good for killing bad insects that eat her plants, but when Fitz calls her in the middle of the night she doesn't mind killing them for him and then staying with him and reassuring him for the rest of the night, and I really think that she should give him a Venus flytrap so that the spider carcasses don't go to waste
And Keefe and Marella's own partners (Dex and Linh respectively) like spiders, so Marella always hails Linh when she has a spider in her house so that Linh can collect it and talk about how beautiful it is, and Keefe listens to Dex ramble on about the awesomeness of spiders
By the way, Dex and Linh are such a MlM and WlW friendship. They have a lot of shared interests, especially about spiders, and usually Keefex and Marelimh double dates turn into Dex and Linh cooing over a spider in the kitchen while Marella and Keefe talk about their amazing partners and how one tiny arachnid instantly brightens their moods.
I really don't think Amy, Maruca, or Wylie really care. If they find one in their room, they keep it in a jar for a bit with holes in it to chill and then let it go outside. They just vibe with the spider and then let it go on with its life.
I think I explained everyone, but if you want more headcannons about it, lmk and I'll make another post/just reblog with more ideas!!
Poll Time: Which are you?
I promise, this does indeed have some relevance to KotLC, so stay tuned!
#fitz vacker#kotlc#sophie foster#kotlc fitz#sophitz positivity#kotlc sophie#dex dizznee#kotlc dex#kotlc keefe#kotlc keefex#kotlc tam#tam song#kotlc linh#linh song#kotlc marella#kotlc marelinh#kotlc biana#biana vacker#marella redek#kotlc wylie#wylie endal#kotlc maruca#maruca chebota#kotlc jensi#jensi babblos#fitzphie positivity#stina heks#kotlc stina#kotlc amy#amy foster
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memilih kemeja yang bagus bukanlah perkara yang mudah, apalagi kalau kamu adalah pekerja kantoran yang setiap hari diharuskan menggunakan kemeja.
Agar tidak bingung berikut kami berikan beberapa bahan kemeja yang adem dan tidak mudah kusut jika kamu berencana untuk membeli kemeja ataupun membuat kemeja kamu sendiri.
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can i request/suggest gif icons of kris wu please ? :)
of course! i’ll add him to my list and, hopefully, post it in a few weeks!
#krph#𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞. ― faq.#i have to finish the daehyun update tho#and i'll probably redo my cai xukun icons bc??????#i'm hating them oh my#anonymous.#jesnie.
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— LAST CALL! olá, meus docinhos. como é o do conhecimento da maioria - mas, creio eu, que não de todos -, o roleplay vai passar por algumas muitas mudanças, inclusive mudanças no theme, na página de muses, entre outras. como de costume, eu geralmente faço um activity check antes de começar a reforma e fecho as aplicações até que esteja tudo completo. porém, como eu me ausentei do gwangju por um tempo e devido ao infelizmente, grande número de personagens inativos, resolvi que desta vez, teremos um LAST CALL. como isso vai funcionar? nesta mesma postagem, eu peço que vocês deixem um like caso vocês desejem permanecer com o seu personagem. vamos supor que você tenha mais de um e não queira ficar com todos - por n motivos, não vamos te julgar! - você pode curtir só com os que você quer ficar. é relativamente simples, mas muito importante! o last call vai até domingo (23/07)! creio que seja tempo suficiente pra todos que estão ativos estarem cientes. obrigada pela atenção!
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Bingung mau model sablon apa yang pas untuk jersey kita??

Bisnis jersey bola,dengan sablonan memang sedang menjadi tren di berbagai kalangan belakangan ini termasuk saya. Sejak pertengahan tahun 2018 silam, banyak sekali minat atau ketertarikan masyarakat mengenai usaha ini.
Bagi sahabat,yang berencana memulai usaha jersey bola dalam bentuk sablonan harus sekali memperhatikan jenis-jesnis sablon yang umum digunakan oleh konsumen.
Baiklah kali ini kita bakal membahas tentang macam-macam yang jenis sablonan yang berada di berbagai macam kaos jersey yang sering dikenakan olrh club bola maupun fans club bola tersebut.
Jenis-jenis sablonan untuk jersey bola:
1. .Sablon Plastisol
Sablonan ini biasanya,terbuat dari minyak atau biasa disebut juga dengan PVC yang sablonannya mempunyai daya rekat yang sangat kuat.Namun Plastisol termasuk dalam jenis sablonan yang cukup mahal karena memiliki beberapa kelebihan seperti dapat mencetak dot atau raster dengan ukuran yang kecil.
2. Sablon Flocking
Sablonan ini merupakn sablon yang biasanya, pada proses penyablonan ditambahkan bahan seperti beludru untuk lapisannya agar membentuk permukaan timbul yang disatukan dengan perekat tertentu.
3. Sablon Gliter
Sablonan ini dalam bentuk gliter adalah mengkombinasikan tinta dengan zat mengkilat.
4. Sablon Polyflex
Sablon Polyflex ini menjadi buah bibir di kalangan para pegiat usaha jersey sablon karena kehadirannya yang cukup diminati konsumen. Ada 2 jenis Polyflex berdasarkan cara prosesnya, yaitu Cutting dan Printing.
5. Sablon DTG
Adalah sebuah proses sablon dimana gambarnya dicetak langsung di dalam jersey bola tersebut dan biasanya menggunakan mesin digital/printer dalam mengerjakannya.
Mungkin Begitulah,gambaran mengenai jenis-jenis sablon yang dapat anda jadikan referensi ketika nanti berniat membuka usaha jersey bola dalam bentuk sablonan yang saat ini lagi digandrungi oleh para kalangan masyarakat saat ini. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat.
6. Sablon Rubber
sablon karet disebabkan sablon ini mempunyai sifat menutupi serat kain yang timbul serta hasil sablon yang paling elastis. Sablon rubber ini adalahjenis tinta sablon yang paling tidak sedikit digunakan sebab tingkat kepekatannya yang sesuai untuk menyablon kain berwarna gelap. Di samping itu, jenis rubber ini seringkali dimanfaatkan guna sablon dasar sebelum kain disablon dengan yang lain. Keunggulannya ialah sablon ini ingin awet.
7. Sablon Pigmen
Sablon ini hanya dapat digunakan guna menyablon warna kain yang terang. Pigmen memiliki sifat laksana tinta yang bisa menyerap ke serat kain. Kekurangannya ialah tidak dapat digunakan guna kain berwarna gelap sebab warna sablon bakal kalah dengan warna kain tersebut sendiri.
8. Sablon Glow in The Dark
esuai namanya, sablon ini memiliki keunggulan dapat menyala saat kita membawanya ke lokasi gelap. Sablon Glow in The Dark tercipta dari gabungan fosfor dan bahan dasar lainnya. Usaha sablon yang ketika ini saya geluti pun meluangkan sablon glow in the dark tetapi dengan harga yang bertolak belakang dari sablon biasanya.
9. Sablon 3D
Akhir-akhir hadir terobosan baru dalam dunia persablonan yakni dengan timbulnya teknologi sablon 3D dimana hasil sablon terlihat hidup sebab dapat disaksikan dalam 3 sudut pandang. Tidak Semua gambar dapat dijadikan 3D. Anda mesti memilih dan menggabungkan sejumlah gambar supaya dapat menjadi 3D.
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Bermain Poker Online Di Situs Aman Dan Terpercaya
Kami dari pokervip88 akan memberikan tips yang terbaik untuk para pencinta poker, jika ingin bermain Judi Online yang pertama harus mencari situs yang terpercaya dengan mengunakan uang asli. Karena permaina domino ini mengunakan uang asli, dan jika anda sudah mendapatkan situs yang terpercaya maka anda bisa mendaftar terlebih dahulu, lalu anda bisa bermain poker atau domino online, tapi ada satu hal yang harus anda ketahui yaitu cara mengkombinasi kartu anda karena permainan ini pemain harus pandai dalam kombinasi kartu langsung saja kedalam pembahasan cara bermain poker yang harus anda perhatikan disini adalah cara mengkombinasi kartu poker online dan seperti berikut :
1. ROYAL FLUSH Jenis kartu ini harus mempunyai bentuk bunga yang sama dan untuk nilai kartunya juga harus berurutan contoh susunan kartu royal flus adalah nomor 10, J, Q, K Dan As.
2. STRAIGHT FLUS Jesnis kartu ini juga harus mempunyai bunga yang sama tapi untuk angka berurutannya bebas contoh anda dapatkan kartu bebas tapi berurutan seperti 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
3. FOUR OF A KIND Jenis kartu ini dengan bentuk bunga yang tidak sama dan ada empat buah kartu yang sama dan untuk contoh susunan kartu yang bagus adalah J, J, J, J, K.
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5. FLUSH Jenis kartu ini mempunya jenis bunga yang sama dan untuk nilai kartunya berbeda dan kami akan memberikan susunan kartu flush memiliki bunga hati, wajik, sekop atau keriting.
6. STRAIGHT Jenis kartu ini mempunyai bantuk bunga yang secara acak dan untuk nilai kartunya berurutan seperti 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
7. THREE OF A KIND Jenis kartu ini memiliki jenis bunga yang berbeda atau secara acak dan untuk nilai 3 kartunya saama contoh 3, 3, 3, J, K.
8. TWO PAIR Jenis kartu seperti ini mempunyai bantu bunga yang secara acak atau tidak sama contoh susunan yang baik adalah 2, 2, 3, 3, K.
9. ONE PAIR Jenis kartu ini adalah bentuk bunga yang secara acak dan untuk nilai kartu nya sama contoh yang akan kami berikan5, 5, 8, 9, dan AS.
10. HIGH CARD Jenis kartu ini adalah mempunyai bentuk bunga yang secara acak dan untuk nilai kartunya juga tidak ada yang berurutan. Cara Bermain Judi Online Di Situs Poker Online Indonesia TerpercayaCara bermain judi online di situs poker Dan Domino Online Indonesia terpercaya sangat aman dan nyaman untuk para member jadi saran kami jika anda mencari situs poker dan domino bergabunglah dengan kami di agen domino terpercaya dan bandar poker online terpercaya hanya di Pokervip88 dan situs domino kami sudah resmi jadi para member tidak perlu ragu untuk bergabung bersama kami, jika para pemain tidak paham tentang pendaftaran kami dari Pokervip88 bisa membantu dengan cara yang sangat mudah caranya anda bisa masuk kedalam live chat kami dan meminta bantuan untuk melakukan pendaftaran ID dan password. Lalu anda harus siapkan data-data yang akan didaftarkan.
Dan untuk datanya yang di perlukan seperti Rekaning yang aktif, Nomor Handphone, Alamat Email. Dan saran kami berikan datanya yang valid agar tidak terjadi kesalah pada saat bermain, jika sudah selesai pendaftaran maka anda bisa bermain semua permainan yang ada didalam situs pokervip88 dan sebelum itu member harus tau cara bermain game judi poker online ini jika tidak paham maka anda akan kalah didalam judi poker online, dan jika tidak paham maka para pemain bisa membaca artikel kami ini sampai selesai karena kami akan membahas tentang cara bermain poker online di situs aman dan terpercaya. Mungkin hanya ini yang bisa kami bahas pada kali ini sampai jumpa di artikel kami selanjutnya terimah kasih.
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Before and after their haircuts today. Thank you for doing a great job with them as always, Jesni! It's so nice to have you back. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjMdR2gsTos/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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*hears noises at night*: well this is it this is the end for me I had a good life
*gets shampoo in my eyes*: I guess I'm blind now how am I ever going to see my first born child
*heart is beating fast*: I think I am having a heart attack is this what cardiac arrest is
*a cop walks by*: here I go about to get arrested I probably murdered someone
*taking a test*: don't take your eyes off of this paper you will get caught cheating and get kicked out of school and amount to nothing
*gets a sunburn*: great now I have skin cancer how will I tell my parents
*tripping over something*: I guess my leg will have to be amputated why did this happen to me
*period is late*: shit i'm pregnant i'm the next virgin mary
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(mesmo anon da ideia do sideblog) eu mandei essa ask tanto pra jesnie quanto pra vivi e ambas tiveram respostas positivas (a crystal também) queria mandar para outras gif makers mas não sei se elas topariam esse projeto
eu tenho contato com as duas (vivi e jesnie) então vou ver se elas estão up para isso, mas a crystal eu não conheço, então eu fico meio shy lmao vamos ver como isso rola ! !
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Muslim Wedding Photography In Calicut|Sajid-Jesny|From Crystalline Studio
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