dysabria · 11 months
“and then you and i can chill out in the dot of the ‘i’ forever” IS THIS TRUE LOVE OR AM I JUST LONELY
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dreams-in-daylight · 1 year
Gets a tramp stamp, but it’s a “use by”/expiration date
This post brought to you by an old jar lid I happened to notice reads “Use by date stamped on bottom”
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eosofspades · 1 year
also the good place excelled in every area possible but i don't see enough appreciation for it's time travel system. like unironically the good place's explanation of how time travel works and why the characters can do it is one of the best i've ever seen anywhere and i think it's BECAUSE it doesn't take itself so seriously. it knows time travel is batshit insane by nature and instead of trying to belittle the audience by acting like the writers are smarter than them for "getting it" or whatever, there's an entire subsection of an episode and a running joke across two seasons dedicated to what utter fucking DELIGHTFUL nonsense it is
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hyacinth--girl · 10 months
They had NO RIGHT to end season 3 of the good place like that
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biboybuckley · 6 months
how is “jeremy bearimy, baby” one of the most romantic sentences i’ve ever heard in my life.
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michaelmellz · 2 months
“its been almost a year since-” WRONG!! JEREMY BEARIMY, BABY!!
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dotthings · 2 months
“Time means nothing. Jeremy Bearimy, baby. We’ll get through this, and then you and I can chill out in the dot of the ‘i’ forever.”
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cringefaillosersummit · 11 months
Round 2 - Group 3A
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Submission notes under cut. Some submissions had notes others did not:
Eleanor Shellstrop:
not really cringe more arizona trash bag
she got sent to Hell with a capital H because she just sucked in life. in Hell with a capital H she was tortured for i think a few centuries in Hell with a capital H time (jeremy bearimy baby) and wasn’t allowed to say fuck during any of it. specifically she was tortured in a simulation where she was in heaven but because she was such a bad person she knew she didn’t belong there. over the course of the show she gets less pathetic but is still incredibly cringe. also she canonically died in a grocery store parking lot because she dropped a bottle of margarita mix and a row of shopping carts sped towards her, and though she managed to hold onto the shopping carts, they then plowed into a truck advertising erectile disfunction pills. thats how she died. ultimate cringefail woman behavior.
Yaegashi Yasuko:
She is Reigen Mobpsycho but for women. She sends newbies on a suicide mission. She stuffed a whole ass cup of coffee into her pants. Her maid cafe is failing spectacularly and whatever she tries to get more customers, nothing works. She pisses off the maid cafe mafia everyday. THIS POLL WAS MADE FOR HER!
she is in so much debt and everything keeps fucking up so she gets in worse and worse debt. shes in a cycle of gang debt
Propaganda: [1]
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thatonesquintern13 · 2 months
jeremy bearimy baby 😭😭😭😭
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notsocheezy · 6 months
Brain Curd # 6 - Fanfic Friday # 1
I'm trying something new for Brain Curds! Introducing Fanfic Friday, which is starting on a Saturday, but it's cool, my babies, it's very cool, because I wrote this yesterday! Including this part. You get it. This is my first time releasing fanfic - ever! I also haven't read anyone else's in this particular fandom, so go easy on me if I accidentally came up with the same idea as someone else. Enjoy.
A blonde woman with shoulder-length hair sat peacefully on a couch in a serene room. In front of her, painted on the wall in a most soothing shade of green, were the words, “Welcome! Everything is fine.” Though she couldn’t see them - her eyes were closed.
There was a double door to her left, and in the room on the other side there was a panicked and confused rustling. The woman’s eyes opened as if from slumber, and she looked around herself, pleased by what she saw and comforted by the sounds of windchimes and flowing water.
The door burst open, and a silver-haired man with a bow tied-suit and dark-framed glasses stepped out, nearly tripping over himself. He looked at her, then down at the papers in his hand, back and forth as if he didn’t believe what he was seeing. His mouth hung agape and he spoke.
“Eleanor? What are you doing here?!?”
The woman replied, confused. “I dunno, man, you’re the one who knows my name.” She looked down at her clothes and scoffed at them. “Did we hook up last night? Because this definitely isn’t my shirt.”
The man was speechless for a second. He ran his hands through his hair, thinking of what his next course of action should be. “Can you just wait right there for a moment?”
Without waiting for a response, he slammed the door shut behind him and braced himself against it, hyperventilating. It had been over one thousand Jeremy Bearimys since Eleanor walked through the final door - what was she doing back here? He ran to his desk and put in a call to the Judge.
A floating screen popped up into the middle of the room and a dark-skinned woman in a sweatshirt appeared on it, slightly annoyed, and took an earphone out.
“What do you want, Michael? I was just listening to a podcast episode about the Dennis the Menace guy. It’s crazy how terrible of a father he was.”
“Yes, if I recall correctly, it took him just shy of twelve-hundred tries to pass his afterlife test.”
“I’m thinking maybe that wasn’t enough, if you know what I’m sayin’.”
“I do, Judge, but I have something a little more important going on right now. Do you see this file?” He held it up to the screen. She leaned in close to read it.
“Why are you looking at Eleanor Shellstrop’s file?”
“Because she is sitting in the other room.” He mimed his head exploding. “You didn’t know about this?!?”
“No! Are the others back?”
“Not that I know of, but… oh geez.” He gripped his chest tightly. “Did we do something wrong when we made the final door? Janet!”
A purple-attired brunette popped into existence with a ‘bing’ sound. “Hi there!”
“Eleanor is in the other room.”
“What? That’s impossible. She walked through the final door, Michael. I watched her do it.”
“Then you go tell her that!”
Janet poked her head out into the other room and saw her sitting there - unmistakably Eleanor Shellstrop, who noticed Janet’s face sticking out of a crack in the door.
“Oh, is this your shirt?” She smirked. “I pulled some sexy unicorn hunters last night. Too bad I don’t remember.”
Janet closed the door. “Oh dip.”
Michael’s phone began to ring.
“Sorry, Judge, I’m gonna have to call you back.” He adjusted his glasses. “Vicky is calling.” He waved his hand and with one motion ended one call and started another.
“Michael, is this some kind of practical joke?”
“Probably not. What is it? I’ve kind of got a situation here.”
“Chidi Anagonye is on my docket for today’s souls! I run a tight ship, here, Michael! We don’t have time for pranks!”
Michael was stunned and pale. He looked like he’d seen a ghost - because he had.
“Yes, Michael?”
“You’d better start looking around for Jason before he gets into trouble.” With a warm smile and fear in his eyes, he said “I think they’re all coming back.”
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hopeaterart · 9 months
This might be an…odd and confusing question? But I’m curious.
So Kirby is the embodiment of Void’s joy when it first came into existence, Zero its rage at being sealed away, and Twinkle its relief at being defeated at the end of Star Allies.
But Kirby is a baby, Zero is presumably much older than them, and Twinkle passed away long, long before either came into existence. So…what’s up with that? Is time going backwards for Void or something? (One would assume the incarnations spring into being when Void feels the emotion in question, but that’s probably not the case since otherwise Kirby would be older than both his fellow incarnations)
It's not that time goes backward, so much that it... bends in weird ways for Void? Like, for (mostly) everyone else, time is linear, but Void has some kind of Jeremy Bearimy-like situation going on. The Gamble Galaxy is a weird place, and Void is one of the weirdest thinga there.
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jilliankayeart · 1 year
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Oh, time means nothing. Jeremy Bearimy, baby.
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songofsutarima · 2 years
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Should we wake,
with miles to separate,
memories erased
I know I’d take
all steps to demonstrate
a love deeply based
Wholly on finding you
Only on returning to my one true.
As we swim through life
Bustling with its demons, pains, and strife,
With all the forces that would keep us apart,
I’ll follow always to the end to find my heart.
When the universe is splitting,
Tearing at its seams,
And it seems only fitting
To fill the air with screams.
You’ll never find me quitting,
Only going to extremes
To get through struggles hard hitting
And reunite with the girl of my dreams.
Should I find myself stolen away,
And in need of fighting through a fray,
I’ll look for you, my perfect forgotten, day after day.
I’ll use all the time on a path to you and never stray.
Time folds in on itself, bends back, flows through, it’s just the way
And I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t track til me and you becomes they.
Perhaps there is much I don’t know, maybe.
But always, only, ever do I love you. Jeremy Bearimy, baby.
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saffronsplace · 1 year
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Jeremy Bearimy, baby.
pose @ foxcity - insomnia
earrings @ andore - winter sky rings @ kibitz - lola cigarette @ kunst - spring cigarette holder hair by truth & wasabi @ access - shuri top by neve @ access - wager
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thetinydivine · 8 months
"Jeremy Bearimy, baby"
0 notes
Round 1 - Group 5A
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Submission notes under cut. Some submissions had notes others did not:
Eleanor Shellstrop:
not really cringe more arizona trash bag
she got sent to Hell with a capital H because she just sucked in life. in Hell with a capital H she was tortured for i think a few centuries in Hell with a capital H time (jeremy bearimy baby) and wasn’t allowed to say fuck during any of it. specifically she was tortured in a simulation where she was in heaven but because she was such a bad person she knew she didn’t belong there. over the course of the show she gets less pathetic but is still incredibly cringe. also she canonically died in a grocery store parking lot because she dropped a bottle of margarita mix and a row of shopping carts sped towards her, and though she managed to hold onto the shopping carts, they then plowed into a truck advertising erectile disfunction pills. thats how she died. ultimate cringefail woman behavior.
Natalie Scatorccio:
Accidentally killed her abusive father as a kid immediately after trying to kill him on purpose. Was a cast out in normal society and only became popular once all her friends were crazy and cannibalistic in the woods. Tries to kill herself and immediately gets kidnapped by a purple cult.
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