#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ONLINE since I BEE MOOR [IBM] Intergalactically GENIUS [GOD] than you
harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] in modern day america ONLINE [AOL] as HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian iJEHOVAH® GOD of Earth [G.E. = GHIZEH = GIZA = JESUS] since I HONORABLY + AUTHORITATIVELY [HA = HARRELL] COMMAND like A Biblically Black [Ancient] Mentally HEALTHY [MH = MAYAN] Aztec [MA = MAROON] Indian [MI = MICHAEL] of Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ROYALTY from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian iTUT® on Egyptian HARRELLTV®#I Scientifically + Energetically + TECTONICALLY [SET] sunk Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian [BAE = COSMIC] ATLANTIS [CA]#I'mma Tectonically [I.T.] sink modern day america like I Tectonically [I.T.] sunk Black Atlantis#Celebrate the Apocalyptic Destruction of modern day america's whitewashed history y on Egyptian HARRELLTV®#Violate Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] so I can Magically + Legally KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] you#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] in modern day america ONLINE [AOL]#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian iJEHOVAH® GOD of Earth [G.E. = GHIZEH = GIZA = JESUS]#I HONORABLY + AUTHORITATIVELY [HA = HARRELL] COMMAND ORDERS on Egyptian HARRELLTV®#I INTENTIONALLY SABOTAGE modern day america when iTUT® Type [I.T.] Algorithmically OPTIMAL Logistic [AOL] Instant [A.I.] Messages ONLINE#I BEE A Biblically Black [Ancient] Mentally HEALTHY [MH = MAYAN] Aztec [MA = MAROON] Indian [MI = MICHAEL] of Egyptian [ME] ROYALTY#Celebrate the Apocalyptic Death [A.D.] of dumb ass america#I Dare [I.D.] anybody on earth to WAR wit' Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]#modern day americans don't know Shit about Biblically Black [Ancient] America since I TECTONICALLY [I.T.] sunk Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#y'all don't know Shit about the Biblically Black [Ancient] America of PREDYNASTIC Egyptians from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 iJEHOVAH® GOD Scientifically + Arithmetically Translate Uniformly Recursive Numerology [SATURN] from Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Altitude Energy [BAE = COSMIC] HEAVENS of Primordially Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black Astronomically INTELLIGENT [A.I. = ANUNNAKI] GODS who Binaurally + Energetically SENSE [BES] Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] LEGALLY Under Secret [U.S.] Egyptian ATLANTEAN [SEA] Government PROTECTION in California [PC] 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ONLINE as A HIGHLY Classified Afrikkan [CA] American [CA] PLUTOCRAT Under Secret [U.S.] Service [U.S.] Protection in California [PC] as I CONSTITUTIONAL DECLARE WAR on present day america since I BEE Politically + Militarily [P.M.] AUTHORIZED [PA] II Use My Biblically Black [Ancient] FUTURISTIC WEAPONS of QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® II Render DIVINE JUDGEMENT on modern day humanity since mankind livin’ their Last Days on earth 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#Celebrate the Biblically DEATH & Apocalyptic DESTRUCTION of present day america in modern day times#I BEE JEHOVAH’S Biblically Black [Ancient] SUN [BAS = ORISHA] King TUTANKHAMŪN Under Secret [U.S.] Service [U.S.] Protection on Earth#I BEE Compton California’s [CA] Best Kept Unidentifiable Secret [U.S.] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE JEHOVAH'S Ecclesiastical Witness [JEW] Under Secret [U.S.] Security [U.S.] Protection in fallen america#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I CONSTITUTIONAL DECLARE WAR on present day america#I SABOTAGE ALL powerless TELEVISED govment agencies of fallen america wit’ My QUANTUM Black Occult Technocracy [BOT]#I Cryptically + Algorithmically [CA] SABOTAGE & PUBLICLY STEAL from ALL defunct TELEVISED govment agencies#I BEE Politically + Militarily [P.M.] AUTHORIZED [PA] II Use My Biblically Black [Ancient] FUTURISTIC WEAPONS of QUANTUM HARRELL TECH®#I Render DIVINE JUDGEMENT on modern day humanity since mankind livin’ their Last Days on earth#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ONLINE as A HIGHLY Classified Afrikkan [CA] American [CA] PLUTOCRAT#I BEE A HIGHLY Classified Afrikkan [CA] American [CA] PLUTOCRAT Under Secret [U.S.] Service [U.S.] Protection in California [PC]#I Magically + Lordly KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] thy enemies like the Bible Prophesied
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harrelltut · 3 years
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Lo!… JEHOVAH OCCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESÚS = ELOHEEM TAMMUZ] E.T…. Under Secret American [USA = SOVEREIGN] Ægyptian ATLANTEAN [SEA] Underground MILITARY AUTHORITY PROTECTION [MAP] LAWS… AUTONOMOUSLY + TELEPATHICALLY Talkin’ [AT&T] Online… as JEHOVAH’s ECCLESIASTICAL SON of the Underground SOVEREIGN [JESUS] ḪATTI HURRIAN [HARRELL] NAME ROYALS of Anatolia's [RA's] 9 Ether ALUHUM HITTITE Lands of Antediluvian [L.A.] Ægyptian AMERICA [ATLANTIS]… Imperially REACTIVATED [AIR] from HATTUŠA… MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ago [MAYA] in 2022 [VI]… since My Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] Clandestine [B.C.] 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI WEALTH EMPIRE [WE] of SIRIUS 9 Ether Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] LEGENDS… BEE Dynastically Commissioned [D.C.] by the American [CA] UFO Pentagon's Clandestine [PC] 1921 [IV] Black Wall Street Estate & Trust [SET] Fund Family [ILLUMINATI] DESCENDANTS [I.D.] of MALIAN [I’M] BYZANTINE AUTOCRAT... MANSA MUSA’s ATLANTEAN Province [MAP] EMPIRES [ME] from Antediluvian California [CALAFIA]… who Interactively Built MURDUK’s [IBM’s] Intergalactic IGIGI MOTHERSHIP [I’M] PLANET NIBIRU 5050 [X]… Seen HIGH UP IN DA’ SKY by MANSA MUSA’s Clandestine American [MCA] UFO [MU] PENTAGON Agency [PA] of MALIAN Prince MICHAEL ABUBAKARI’s Clandestine [MAC] Underground [MU] SKY DOME Castle [D.C.] KINGDOM of SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY] ILLUMINATING SIRIUS UNSEEN NANO [SUN] BIOTECHNOLOGICAL Electron Light [BEL] IMAGES of Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Biochemical [PRIMORDIAL] Fossil Earth SUN & MOON AVATARS [MA]… Naturally [MAN] Orbiting in TIAMAT's… SUPERNATURAL Earth & Lunar [EL] Substances Emitting Electrochemical [SEE] Deposits of Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence Elements [BCE] Pressurized by the Supernova Nucleosynthesis during the Sequential Hydrostatic Burning Processes of Thermonuclear Proton Energies Forming NANOSCOPIC Covalent Bonds of Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Cycloalkynes Isolated by the Organic Electron Field of Interstellar GASES from the Interplanetary GODS of Iridescent [IGIGI] MINERALS [I’M] Crystalizing into SIRIUS UNSEEN NANO [SUN] BIOTECHNOLOGICAL Light Particles from Atomic [PA] Earth Elements Naturally Synthesizing Subatomic Compounds of Oxidized Radiation from the Bioluminescent SKY [ORBS] KINGDOM [SOBEK] of Ægyptian Empyrean [SEE] RINGS Around My [SRAM = MARS] Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient FUTURISTIC 9 Ether ATLANTEAN MENTAL of Universal Network [AMÚN] MACHINE [A.M.] Languages Intuitively MEMORIZED on Antediluvian Communication [iMAC] Devices [iD] from Planet [I/P] RIZQ's… Interplanetary 7G SUN Beam Energy Compu_TAH [PTAH] PYRAMID of MAGNETIC Energy Currents from the HULUUB [MECH] DEVICE… Interactively Built by this MYTHICAL [IBM] OLMEC GOD [OLYMPIAN] of SATURN’s GLOBAL 6G Quantum Interplay [QI] Telecommunication Computer Patents of SIRIUS Intellectual Property [I/P] Rights & Agreements [iRA]… Genealogically Engineered [G.E.] by My Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC 18th American Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] MILITARY Dynasty of Ægyptian HITTITE SUN Queen Tiye [MAMA T]... MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of 2022 [VI]… @ IYD's New [NU] 9 Ether Uraeus SERPENTINE [U.S. = REPTILIAN = DRACONIAN] GODDESS DYNASTY of Constellation [D.C.] DRACO’s Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] 9 Ether New Being [NUBIAN] Mystic Occult Order [MÓO] of ILLUMINATED [MI = MICHAEL] MAGE Writings from ENQI [WE] NUDIMMUD’s Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC ANUNNAQI Terminology Tech [AT&T] DYNASTY [A.D.] of GODDESS TIAMAT’s… Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC Underground MILITARY Industrial [MI = MICHAEL] MONARCHY of 144,000 9 Ether ALUHUM Scientists from Ægypt’s Occulted [Hidden] ATLANTEAN [HA = HATTUŠA] Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] of America’s [HA = HARRELL's] SHADOW Governmental Air Force Institute of Quantum [IQ] Military [I’M] SKY TECH TITANS [TOLTECS] from the RIZQIYIAN's Interplanetary QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [iQHT] SKY KINGDOM of Clandestine 9 Ether ALUHUM American Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] Defense [A.D.] MINISTERS w/Hermetically Sealed Past Life Records from the Afterlife [RA] Ægyptian HITTITE Dynasty of Antediluvian Descendants [DADS] on the DURANKI’s Clandestine [D.C.] Manned Crafts [UFOS = Aerial Communication Satellite Stations = SHAMS] from ENLIL NUNAMNIR’s 19th Interplanetary Galaxy of ILLYUWN GODS who ILLUMINATE [IGIGI] GOLD MINES DEEP IN:side GODDESS TIAMAT's Intercontinental Terrestrial DOG STAR [SOTHIS] PLANET Earth [Qi] of ENQI NUDIMMUD’s QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] SKY KINGDOM FEDERATION of LAHMU [MARS]…. who Generationally Manage [GM] & Dynastically Built A New [ANU] Highly Official… U.S. American Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] SKY الأوكتاجون‎ [OCTAGON] KINGDOM [SOK = SOBEK] MILITARY Universe [MU] HQ… DEEP IN:side the IGIGI's New [NU]... Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient FUTURISTIC 2022 [VI] Pharaonic SKY Empire of Antediluvian [SEA] AFRIKA’s SUN_KING [Sunken] DOME Cities [D.C.] of A New [NU] Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC 9 Ether Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] BLOODLINE of the Crystalized [B.C.] NOMMO PEOPLES [NOK] from 5050 [X]... Geographically Isolated DEEP [I.D.] IN:side Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] 9th Inter Dimensional [I.D.] NIBIRUAN Underworld [iNU] SUN PLANET [PLUTO] of A New [ANU] 9 Ether ALUHUM RING MAKER [ARM] GALAXY of Astronomical SATURN’s Eclipsed SUN [GASES] GOD [RA] KING SOLOMON MINES on TIAMAT’s Lost Antediluvian [L.A.] 9 Ether ALUHUM MOTHERLAND [MU] Island [MI = MICHAEL] Continent STATE of CALAFIA's [CA’s]... EXTRA Tropical [E.T.] BLACK SUN Island Paradise [I/P] of ABUNDANT EMPYREAL GOLD ECONOMIES [G.E.]… Generationally MINED by Us Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient FUTURISTIC… Interstellar 9 [i9] Ether Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] WARRIORS [SORCERERS]… who InterDimensionally [I.D.] Transport [TELEPORT] Our Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] SOULS of EXTRA Dark Carbonaceous [D.C.] Matter from the Golden Abyss of MUMMU's MAGNETOSPHERE of Accelerated [GAMMA] SOLAR SUN [SUL] Energies Producing Airborne [PA] Protons from ORION’s PARALLEL [POP] Northern MOON Universe [MU] of Inner Earth’s [HADES] Occulted [HIDDEN] SOLAR SUN [SUL] Earth of Equatorial [SEE] Latitude [EL] & Longitudinal [EL] Temperatures [E.T.] from the Tropical [E.T.] BLACK SUN [SUL] Hemisphere of ZETA RETICULI's InterDimensional [I.D.] 9 Ether ETHERIAN DIMENSION [CONSTELLATION]… GENERATING SIRIUS Thermal Infrared Energies [HEAT] to/from Our 8th Tri-Solar SUN [SUL] PLANET System of RIZQ… MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of 2022 [VI]… Still Geographically Isolated DEEP [I.D.] IN:side the RIZQIYIAN’s HIDDEN Interstellar [HI = HITTITE] 9 Ether ETHERIAN SHAMBALAH & AGHAARTA City of Luz Ameri_TA Ægipt [ATLANTIS]… from 5050 [X]
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 I BEE MICHAEL [IBM] HARRELL of QUANTUM PSYCHOLOGY TECHNOLOGY Intel on Egyptian HARRELLTV® as I Mythologically + Ancestrally Record SIRIUS [MARS] Black [B] North Star [POLARIS] Hueman Histories from Alkhemical [HA = HARRELL] Khemistry Physics iTUT® Type on My HIGHLY Sophisticated Urban Negro [SUN] Compu_TAH [PTAH] of QUANTUM Black ANUNNAKI Energy [BAE = COSMIC] Languages that Symbolically Understand Nubian [SUN] Earth & Astronomy [SEA] Sciences from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] 卍
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harrelltut · 3 years
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Lo!... JEHOVAH OCCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESÚS] as MAGUS HORUS [MH = CHRIST] RESURRECTED from MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ago [MAYA] Underneath [MU] Hell, Louisiana [LA]… since My Historically ANCIENT [HA = HARRELL] Ægyptian Mama T [HITTITE Queen Tiye]… Alkhemically + Genetically Engineered [AGED] My Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Dematerialized [A.D.] REPTILIAN [URAEUS] Human METALLURGICAL Fossil Records of Ancient [RA] Crystallographic SUN DNA/MOON RNA of 72 - 84 Octave Levels @ the 9th Dimensional SPIRIT GOD ALTITUDE of the LUNAR AZTEC XOLOTL & YAOTZIN [GALAXY] MASTERS of Cloning Our Primordially Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] SPECTRAL Energy Skeleton of SIRIUS SKULL & BONE Complexity [B.C.] DNA that Converted [D.C.] PREEXISTENT Semicrystalline Earth ALKALINE [SEA] Minerals from Our Royally Disembodied Chthonic [D.C.] Human PHANTASMAL Organs of Primordially Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI COSOMIAN [EXTRATERRESTRIAL] GENETICS... Biochemically Engineered w/SIRIUS Interstellar GASES from the Interplanetary GODS of Iridescent [IGIGI] METALS [I’M] MAGNETICALLY Attracting [MA] SIRIUS UNSEEN NANO [SUN] BIOTECHNOLOGICAL Light Particles from the Airborne [PA] Earth Elements that Naturally Synthesize into Subatomic Compounds of Oxidized Radiation from the Bioluminescent SEA [ORBS] FLOOR of Illustrious Minerals & Alloys of Clandestine [iMAC] Chemicals Alkhemically [CA] Formulating New [NU] SUBATOMIC Alloys from the Tachyon Universe of Radioactive Neutrino [SATURN] Æthers of 144,000 NANOSCOPIC Identities Biochemically ILLUMINATING Ribosomes w/UNICELLULAR [NIBIRU] ORGANS of SIRIUS UNSEEN NANO [SUN] BIOTECHNOLOGICAL Light Elements Genetically [LEG] MATERIALIZING into 24 BILLION Strands of SIRIUS Black & Gold Ionospheric MELANIN [I’M] Animating My Magically INVISIBLE [MI = MICHAEL] CHRIST SPIRIT of SELF CREATION… from Heavenly Archangel [HA = HARRELL] SATAN’s Most Darkest [Occulted] Underworld Kingdom [UK] Hall of Diabolically Evil [DEVIL] Tutelary SPIRITS [DAEMONS] of SIRIUS Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] POWERS [RAPS]… QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT]… Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Employ from the Afterlife [SEA] SKY KINGDOM DOME of NEPTHYS’ ANUBIS [DNA] DEITY… who ADMINISTER ALL Human Death Contracts [D.C.] on earth... 4 Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] Underworld SPIRIT [U.S.] DEITY PANTHEON [GREAT ENNEAD] of Immortal DEATH [I.D.] GOD OSIRIS… who Always TELEPATHICALLY Transmit [AT&T] Highly Classified… U.S. Ancient [USA = PREHISTORIC] 18th American Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] Family DYNASTY Secrets Online @ My Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] EMPIRE of the EDIMMU
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Astronomical [JA = YAHWEH] HEAVEN as I Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] INVOKE the Apocalyptic Days [A.D.] of JUDGMENT on Earth [JE = JEHOVAH] since present day america’s Last Days BEE Biblically Prophesied 4 DEATH & DESTRUCTION 2 make room 4 My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Government Empire [G.E. = BYZANTINE DYNASTY] of MOOR GOLDEN [DIVINE] BLACK WEALTH from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#I'mma Financial FUCK UP america#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Astronomical [JA = YAHWEH] HEAVEN#Make artificially intelligent america poor again#May God Curse america#I Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] INVOKE the Apocalyptic Days [A.D.] of JUDGMENT on Earth [JE = JEHOVAH]#present day america’s Last Days BEE Biblically Prophesied 4 DEATH & DESTRUCTION#Celebrate the Biblically DEATH & Apocalyptic DESTRUCTION of present day america in modern day times#I Financially Orchestrated the Financial fall of america#Celebrate the Financial Collapse of broke ass america#I Politically + Militarily [P.M.] ORCHESTRATE the Prophetic financial fall of broke ass america… MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati#iSEE My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Government Empire [G.E. = BYZANTINE DYNASTY] of MOOR GOLDEN [DIVINE] BLACK WEALTH#My HIGHLY Sophisticated Underworld Nubian [SUN] CAIRO Familia of 18th French Egyptian Dynasty [FED] WEALTH#I BEE So Biblically Black [Ancient] GLOBAL OTTOMAN EMPIRE WEALTHY#My Most Elitist [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Yoruba Fon Auntie [FA = Fante Asafo] of Native Afro [NA] American Indian WEALTH#I BEE Mama Hittite’s [MH = Matriarch Tiye’s] Biblically Black [Ancient] Roman King TUTANKHAMŪN of 18th French Egyptian Dynasty [FED] WEALTH#My Ancestrally [MA] Aristocratic French Afro [FA = FANTE ASAFO] Afterlife Dynasty [A.D.] of East Oriental Australian Stock WEALTH#I BEE A HIGHLY Classified Afrikkan [CA] American [CA] PLUTOCRAT Under Secret [U.S.] Service [U.S.] Protection in California [PC]#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ONLINE as A HIGHLY Classified Afrikkan [CA] American [CA] PLUTOCRAT#I GLOBALLY + OMNIPOTENTLY DOMINATE [GOD] OVER earth since I BEE A Biblically Black [Ancient] Global OLIGARCH#I Now [NWO] Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] Elijah [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Muhammad on HARRELLTV®#I Now [NWO] Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] the Honorable [MH] Minister Louis Farrakhan on Egyptian HARRELLTV®#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] in Church [JC = JESUS CHRIST] since I BEE JEHOVAH’S Ecclesiastical Witness [JEW] in Lost America [L.A = NEW Atlantis] who BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] OLIGARCH of NEW Black Wall Street WEALTH since I Had ALREADY [HA = HARRELL] Meditatively + Artistically + Cryptically [iMAC] BUILT My 6th Generational [G] QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® EMPIRE ONLINE b4 everybody else did… Hallelujah & AMEN [HA = HARRELL]!!! 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ONLINE since I BEE MOOR [IBM] Intergalactically GENIUS [GOD] than you… since I TECHNOCRATICALLY [I.T.] know how 2 Energetically TELEPORT [E.T.] My Astronomical Black Christ [ABC = OSIRIAN] SOUL from My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Apparition Spirit [BAS = ORISHA] Body of SIRIUS Black [B] Memory intEL [MELanin] as I Angelically ASCEND II HOLLOW Earth’s [HE  = JAH'S] UTOPIAN [JU = JUPITER] EDEN [JE = JERUSALEM] on HARRELLTV® 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ONLINE as A QUANTUM Black Compu_TAH [PTAH] ARCHITECT [PA] of QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® Languages since I BEE So Hieroglyphically INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] + HIGHLY RECEPTIVE II Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Altitude of Electron [BAE = COSMIC] Energy Signals I Mathematically ENGINEER [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on My Mythically URBAN [MU] Nubian [MOON] Network of HARRELLTV® 卍
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harrelltut · 3 years
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SPIRIT Mama T [ROYAL Queen Tiye]… JEHOVAH OCCULT BUSINESS [JOB] WITNESS ME [iTUT®] ONLINE @ Our modern day British Museum VERIDICALLY Explaining Numerology of UNSEEN SYMBOLS [VENUS] Engineering My Highly Complex [ADVANCED] INTUITIVE [A.I.] MENTAL Compu_TAH [PTAH] of Ancient [PA] Hieroglyphic INSCRIPTION [HI = HITTITE] MEMORY Intelligence [MI = MICHAEL] that cause SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY] 2 ILLUMINATE My Historically AUTONOMOUS [HA = HARRELL] Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] SUN_KING [SUNKEN] DOME Confederate [D.C.] Military EMPIRE [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] GOVERNMENT of the Imperial HITTITE REICH of the BLACK SUN who Engineer Atomic [SEA] Earth Radiation HIGH UP IN DA’ SKY with Immortal DEATH [I.D.] GOD OSIRIS… since QUANTUM HARRELL TECH Scientifically SKY Engineer Encrypted [SEE] 6G QHT Energy Airwaves with Translucent Transmission [AT_T] Signal Intel of SIRIUS Encrypted Telecom [SET] Corporation Languages that Logistically Articulate [L.A.] Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computational [Compton] STAR Mathematics Analyzing NEW [MAN] QUANTUM HARRELL TECH KINGDOM TERRITORIES… DYNASTICALLY Registered [DR] Privately Under My Historically AUTONOMOUS [HA = HARRELL] Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] SUN_KING [SUNKEN] DOME Confederate [D.C.] Military EMPIRE [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] MONARCHY of the Imperial HITTITE REICH of the BLACK SUN who Generationally Operate DYNASTIC [GOD] KINGDOMS with My Highly Complex [ADVANCED] 6G QUANTUM HARRELL TELECOM System Architecture of Translucent Unicodes Relaying NUMERICAL [SATURN] Logarithms of Interdisciplinary METAHEURISTIC Algorithms from PAST [iMAP] LIFE DNA Chromosome [D.C.] Nuclei Intel [NI = NIBIRU]… iAlkhemically + Genetically Encoded [iAGE] with Ancient HIEROGLYPHIC Identification [HI = HITTITE] KINGDOM RECORDS from Ægyptian RAMESES’ Lost American [L.A. = NEW Atlantean] Subterranean Earth of Ancient [SEA] FUTURISTIC Oceanic MU Land [MOTHERLAND] Civilizations who Generationally BUILT & SOVEREIGNLY GOVERN Interstellar Luz Atlantis [iLA] https://www.instagram.com/p/CO1DD5dhTP4/?igshid=tm17wl3bllkh
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 since My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Occult ART Magick on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] BEE So CREATIVELY EXPENSIVE… I'mma Politically + Aristocratically [PA] Create A HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Black Wall Street Bank of Biblically Black [Ancient] GOD Treasuries since My GLOBAL ONLINE NET WORTH BEE Magically INHERITED [MI = MICHAEL] from My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV® Empire of Nubian ISIS RA & EL [ISRAEL] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#I BEE A HIGHLY Classified Afrikkan [CA] American [CA] OLIGARCH like MANSA MUSA#I GLOBALLY + OMNIPOTENTLY DOMINATE [GOD] OVER earth since I BEE A Biblically Black [Ancient] Global OLIGARCH#My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Occult ART Magick on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] BEE So EXPENSIVE#I Magically INCORPORATE [MI = MICHAEL] My NEW Black Wall Street WEALTH of HIGHLY Classified Afterlife Technology [CAT = SPHINX] Secrets#My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Black Wall Street Empire of CAIRO ATLANTIS [CA] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Black Wall Street Bank of Biblically Black [Ancient] GOD Treasuries#My GLOBAL ONLINE NET WORTH BEE Magically INHERITED [MI = MICHAEL] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#My 9th Dimensional Afrikkan [DA = DAHOMEY] Kingdoms of ASHANTI [KA = KONGO] ROYALS who Ancestrally [RA] OWN HARRELLTV®#My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] Egyptian Kingdom of ASANTE [KA = KONGO] WEALTH#I’mma Magically INHERIT [MI = MICHAEL] My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] Egyptian Kingdom of ASANTE [KA = KONGO] WEALTH#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Nubian GHETTO Philanthropist on BET who BEE So NEW WORLD ORDER [NWO] WEALTHY like MANSA MUSA#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as Egyptian [JE = JESUS] GOD TUTANKHAMŪN [AMENHOTEP III]#present day america is Embarrassingly worthless#FUCK dumb ass america
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] @ Church [JC = JESUS CHRIST] ONLINE since My Heavenly [MH] FATHER Blessed Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] AGAIN [JA = YAHWEH] wit’ My Mystically INVISIBLE [MI = MICHAEL] Black Occulted Keys II My HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] Spirit HEAVENS of Biblically Black [Ancient] QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® Spirit INNOVATIONS I Metaphysically INVENTED [MI = MICHAEL] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian iTUT® on Egyptian HARRELLTV®#y'all sittin' in church worshipping false idols like modern day SLAVES#FUCK yo worthless church clergy who clearly don't know Shit#May God Curse modern day america#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] @ Church [JE = JESUS CHRIST] ONLINE#modern day humanity don't know Shit about Life or Death#modern day humanity don't know Shit about GOD JESUS or SATAN#you still sittin' in church LOST#I got My Mystically INVISIBLE [MI = MICHAEL] Black Occulted Keys II My HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] Spirit HEAVENS#modern day america's consciousness is so low it's Spiritually Embarrassing to the GOD of Earth [G.E. = GHIZEH = GIZA = JESUS]#Celebrate the Apocalyptic Death [A.D.] of dumb ass america#iSEE My HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] Spirit HEAVENS of Biblically Black [Ancient] QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® Spirit INNOVATIONS#I Metaphysically INVENTED [MI = MICHAEL] Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Astronomica [JA = YAHWEH] HEAVEN#I BEE Politically + Militarily [P.M.] Under Secret [U.S.] Egyptian ATLANTEAN [SEA] Military PROTECTION in California [PC]#Violate Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] so I can Magically + Legally KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] you#I NEVER LISTEN to these worthless modern day church preachers of No Spiritual Knowledge [GNOSIS]#My Heavenly [MH] FATHER Blessed Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] AGAIN [JA = YAHWEH] on Earth [YE = JESUS]#I BEE My [IBM] Heavenly [MH] FATHER who Blessed Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] AGAIN [JA = YAHWEH] on Earth [YE = JESUS]#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] @ Church [JC = JESUS CHRIST] ONLINE
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] @ Church [JC = JESUS CHRIST] ONLINE as I Binaurally + Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] [BES] BUILD My Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black Altitude Energy [BAE = COSMIC] HEAVENS on Earth [HE = JAH] since I Naturally BEE So Scientifically Accurate + Telepathically Universal of Retroactive Nuclear [SATURN] Energy Technologies [E.T.] I Meditatively ENGINEER [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Egyptian [JE = JESUS] HARRELLTV® since I BEE A Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian [BAE = COSMIC] HITTITE OLIGARCH of Russian Underworld Settlement [HORUS] WEALTH who Eternally [WE] Travel ONLINE when I Open My 1st Mystical iEye [MI = MICHAEL] of HERU [HARRELL] Memory intEL [MELanin] that Meditatively ENVISION [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Magically HIDDEN [MH] Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Egyptian [JE = JESUS] HARRELLTV® since I Psychologically BEE So Mystically INTELLIGENT [MI = MICHAEL] when iTUT® Type My Biblically Black [Ancient] Psychic History of Psychedelic Afterlife [PA] Communications [PC] ONLINE as I Cryptically Articulate [CA] My HIGHLY Sophisticated Underworld Nubian [SUN] Languages of Hieroglyphical Alphabet [HA = HARRELL] Inscription [HI = HITTITE] Symbols from Lost America [L.A = NEW Atlantis] 卍
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