#JEE Main Exam 2021 for May session postponed
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satyam-mathematics · 4 years ago
1.मई सेशन के लिए जेईई मेन परीक्षा 2021 स्थगित (JEE Main Exam 2021 for May postponed),मई सत्र के लिए जेईई मेन परीक्षा 2021 स्थगित कर दी गई (JEE Main Exam 2021 for May session postponed)-
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मई सेशन के लिए जेईई मेन परीक्षा 2021 स्थगित (JEE Main Exam 2021 for May postponed) कर दी गई है।अब अप्रैल व मई सेशन के लिए फिर से तारीखों की घोषणा की जाएगी।
एनटीए ने अपनी ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर नोटिफिकेशन के जरिए सूचित किया है कि मई सेशन 2021 की प्रस्तावित जेईई-मेन परीक्षा को स्थगित कर दिया गया है।
केन्द्रीय शिक्षा मंत्री डाॅ.रमेश पोखरियाल निशंक के अपडेट के अनुसार कोविड-19 की वर्तमान स्थिति और स्टूडेंट्स की सुरक्षा को ध्यान में रखते हुए जेईई-मेन मई सेशन 2021 को स्थगित कर दिया गया है।
आपको ज्ञात हो कि इससे पूर्व कोविड-19 के बढ़ते ��ंक्रमण के कारण सेशन-3 अर्थात् अप्रैल सेशन की परीक्षा को पहले ही स्थगित किया जा चुका है।
एनटीए द्वारा जारी नोटिफिकेशन के अनुसार जेईई-मेन परीक्षा के अप्रैल व मई सेशन की स्थगित परीक्षाओं को आयोजित करने के लिए नई तारीखों की घोषणा बाद में की जाएगी।एनटीए अर्थात् नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी ने यह सलाह दी है कि कैंडिडेट्स को तब तक एनटीए अभ्यास ऐप्प पर परीक्षा की तैयारी करते रहना चाहिए।
सेशन-4 अर्थात् मई में आयोजित होने वाली जेईई-मेन की परीक्षा का आयोजन 24 मई,2021 से 28 मई,2021 तक किया जाना था।मई सेशन की परीक्षा पेपर 1 और पेपर 2 दोनों के लिए आयोजित की जाएगी।
मई सेशन की परीक्षा स्थगित होने के बाद कैंडिडेट्स मई सेशन के नवीनतम अपडेट का इन्तजार कर रहे थे।
देश में कोरोनावायरस से फैली महामारी कोविड-19 के बढते हुए मामलों को देखते हुए अप्रैल सेशन की परीक्षा को टाल दिया गया था।
इस सम्बन्ध में केन्द्रीय शिक्षा मंत्री रमेश पोखरियाल निशंक ने 18 अप्रैल को ट्वीट करके जानकारी साझा की।इसके साथ ही एनटीए ने ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर नोटिफिकेशन के जरिए सूचित किया था कि कोविड-19 महामारी को देखते हुए तथा कैंडिडेट्स व परीक्षा अधिकारियों की सुरक्षा को ध्यान में रखते हुए जेईई-मेन 2021 अप्रैल सेशन की परीक्षा को स्थगित करने का निर्णय लिया गया है।
अप्रैल सेशन के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन की प्रक्रिया पूरी हो चुकी थी तथा कैंडिडेट्स एडमिट कार्ड के रिलीज होने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे।जेईई-मेन 2021 अप्रैल सेशन की परीक्षा का आयोजन 27 अप्रैल,2021 से 30 अप्रैल,2021 तक किया जाना था।
इस बार एनटीए द्वारा जेईई-मेन परीक्षा को चार सेशन क्रमशः फरवरी, मार्च, अप्रैल, मई 2021 में आयोजित किए जाने का निर्णय लिया गया था।
इनमें से फरवरी,2021 तथा मार्च,2021 की परीक्षा का आयोजन किया जा चुका है।फरवरी सेशन में 6,20,978 कैंडिडेट्स ने भाग लिया था जबकि मार्च सेशन में 5,56,248 कैंडिडेट्स ने भाग लिया था। दोनों सेशन की परीक्षाओं का परीक्षा परिणाम की घोषणा भी की जा चुकी है।
Read More-JEE Main Exam 2021 for May Session Postponed
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mjjoshi · 4 years ago
Preparation Strategies For The Final Month Before JEE Exam
With just a month until JEE Main 2021, engineering aspirants in the country are pondering how to make the most of the remaining time and crack JEE Main in the shortest amount of time possible. The JEE Main 2021 exam will be held in four sessions, namely in February, March, April, and May. The JEE Mains February session took place from February 23 to February 26, 2021. The March session of JEE Mains was held from March 16 to 18, 2021. The April session of JEE Main had been postponed. New exam dates for the April session will be announced shortly. 
This period is critical for your JEE Main 2021 planning. You might be wondering if it is possible to pass JEE Main with a good score in the time allotted. In this post, we'll give you a step-by-step training plan for JEE Main and show you how to ace the exam in the time you have left.
 In the last month, here's how to prepare for JEE Main: 
1.Time Management is crucial. For timely preparation and coping with the pressure, proper planning is essential. Serious students should have measured their readiness by now, or been briefed about it by their teachers. So now is the time to finalise your training and ensure that you do exceptionally well in the JEE(Main) exam.
2. All three subjects are significant. The subjects of physics, chemistry, and mathematics are all equally relevant. Therefore split the remaining weeks between the three topics as effectively as possible. 
3. Prepare a revision schedule for each chapter and subject. 
4. Make a list of all formulae and points to recall and write them down in short notes. This will aid in swift revision prior to the exam. 
 Important Subject-Wise Tips For Preparation: 
The syllabus for classes 11 and 12 is evenly spread throughout the JEE Main question paper. When studying all in the chapters of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, you can focus on the following points: 
Mathematics: Maths is a subject that requires extensive study and practise to master. To build a strong confidence level with the subject, try to solve as many difficult problems as possible. The formulas for different equations should be on your fingertips. You must also make sure to manage your time and practise sample papers. 
Physics: Physics is a mixture of theory and practical based questions and students often find the subject to be intimidating. However, The secret to success in this topic is to practise difficult and high quality questions. This topic becomes more important if the definitions are straightforward. 
Chemistry: Chemistry demands you to be thorough with its syllabus and memorising all the important concepts is one of the primary problems for students. Read NCERT for Inorganic Chemistry and go over the Periodic Table in general. For the Organic section, first solidify all of your fundamental principles before beginning to practise. Also, practise as many numerical problems as you can for the Physical section. 
For more information about JEE visit Doubtnut.com. Doubtnut is a website that contains comprehensive notes and helps you clear all your academic doubts.
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saurabhblog7007 · 2 years ago
JEE Main 2021 Question Paper
JEE Main 2021 Question Paper
To make the JEE Main 2021 question paper more accessible to all candidates, Extramarks provides JEE Main 2021 paper solutions that can be accessed free of cost. By practicing the previous papers, students can become familiar with the JEE Main exam pattern.
Introduction to the Exam
The JEE Main (Joint Entrance Exam Main) is an entrance examination test for engineering aspirants in NITs, IIITs and other CFTIs engineering courses. It is also the qualifier for the JEE advanced, which is conducted for admission to all IITs. From 2019 onwards, the Government of India has transferred the mandate of conducting Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Main) to the NTA (National Testing Agency). JEE Main Paper 1 is conducted for admission to undergraduate B.E./B.Tech programs and Paper 2 is conducted for B.Arch & B.Planning courses admissions.
JEE usually is scheduled for two sessions, one is held in January and the other is held in September. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NTA conducted four exam sessions. Therefore, the exam was scheduled for February, March, April, and May. The April and May sessions were further postponed; due to the pandemic.
JEE Main Syllabus
Below table shows us the key Chapters for Maths, Physics and Chemistry for JEE Main:
Heat & Thermodynamics
Ray Optics
Electromagnetic Waves
Error & Instrument Analysis
Wave Optics
Photoelectric Effect
Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Current
Current Electricity & Capacitors
Properties of Matter
Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism
Bohr’s Atomic Model
Waves & Sound
Atomic Structure
Gaseous & Liquid State
Chemical Kinetics
Nuclear & Surface Chemistry
Chemical Bonding
d-Block Elements
Coordination Compound
Alkyl Halides
Aromatic Compounds
p-Block Elements
General Organic Chemistry
Aldehydes and Ketones
Carboxylic Acids & Its Derivatives
3-Dimensional Geometry
Determinant & Matrices
Sequence & Series
Straight Line
Probability Distribution (Binomial + Mean & Variance)
Definite Integral & Area Under the Curve
Limits, Continuity & Differentiability
Application of Derivatives
Conic Sections
Complex Number
Quadratic Equation
Binomial Theorem & M. I.
JEE Main 2021 Exam & Question Paper Pattern
In the JEE main 2021 question paper, there were 90 questions in all three sections. Out of these 90 questions, the students had to choose75 questions to attempt. In each section of the JEE main 2021 question paper, there were 25 questions. Out of the 25 questions, 20 were MCQ's with negative marking, and the other 5 were numerical questions to which negative marking did not apply. The syllabus of the JEE mains question paper 2021 was the same as the previous year.
JEE main 2021 question paper pattern and marking scheme:
Paper 1 of the JEE main question paper 2021 had 90 questions, of which candidates had to attempt only 75. The paper had questions from mathematics,chemistry and physics.Each subject had 30 questions each Each subject was divided into two sections. Section A had 20 questions which were MCQ, while section B had ten questions, of which the candidate had to attempt 5. The total marks were 300
The JEE main question paper 2021 for paper-2A had 82 questions out of which candidates had to attempt 25 questions from Maths, 50 questions from aptitude, two questions from drawing, which is a total of 77 questions. The total marks allotted were 400.
The JEE main 2021 question paper for paper-2B had 105 questions, of which students had to attempt 100 questions. Therefore, the total marks allotted were 400.
Candidates were asked to attempt five out of ten questions for the mathematics numerical section from both JEE main 2021 question papers for 2A and 2B.
JEE Main 2021 Question Paper Analysis
For each correct answer in the JEE Main 2021 question paper, the candidate was awarded +4 marks and -1 for each incorrect question in MCQ and 0 for every wrong question in the numerical. In addition, 0 marks were awarded for unattempted questions.
Usually, in JEE Main, mathematics is the most challenging section, followed by physics and then chemistry. Surprisingly, the JEE main 2021 question paper had only 7% of Mathematics questions that were difficult. Chemistry, similar to Mathematics, was moderately challenging. The questions were primarily theoretical with a couple of natural formula- based numerical. Many students found Physics to be the most straightforward section.
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theliveusa · 3 years ago
JEE MAIN 2021 [May exam postponement] new exam & registration dates! How to stay focused on preparations amid all?
JEE MAIN 2021 [May exam postponement] new exam & registration dates! How to stay focused on preparations amid all?
ANI | Updated: May 22, 2021 14:27 IST New Delhi [India], May 22 (ANI/Oswaal Books): NTA on May 4 announced the postponement of JEE Main 2021 May session Exams. There is also delay in the registration process due to a spike in coronavirus cases.The previous dates announced for JEE Main 2021 May registration was May 3 to 12. As per the official announcement, the registration for the May Session…
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techminsolutions · 3 years ago
JEE Main 2021 Session 4 LIVE Updates: Know when will NTA release answer keys
JEE Main 2021 Session 4 LIVE Updates: Know when will NTA release answer keys
The exam was originally set to be conducted in May but was postponed due to Covid outbreak. JEE Main will be held in 13 languages – English, Hindi, Gujarati, Assamese, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. The agency had declared the result for JEE Main (April) 2021 on August 6. The JEE Main 2021 session 3 was successfully conducted on July 20, 22, 25, and…
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scholarbees2 · 4 years ago
With students burning the midnight oil to secure a bright future, it is ultimately to the Education Boards and the Ministry responsible to ensure the smooth conduction of competitive exams during the crippling situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
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The mutating virus has rapidly spread the infection and forced public places like educational institutions to shut down indefinitely. However, imparting education is critical, if humanity has to succeed. Subsequently, the online education system has paved a way for achieving great heights of success. Education technology is a great benefactor for students, as now they enjoy the benefits of a standard classroom system that combines theory with practical implementations in the comforts of their home; without the fear of being infected.
Entrance exams like NEET and JEE form the basis for admissions in medical and technical institutes in India. This year, after the recent cancellation of the Class 12 CBSE Board Examination 2021, the candidates are naturally worried about their future. There is still no official announcement on examination cancellation, hence students must regularly visit the government website nta.nic.in to receive the latest updates. The Indian Government and the Education Board are as concerned about the future of the students as the aspirants themselves and their parents are. Due to the pandemic, the National Testing Agency (NTA) plans to conduct JEE Exams in 4-cycles. With the recent surge in the number of infected people, the government had to postpone the sessions of April and May.
However, they had successfully conducted the sessions for February and March. The NTA gave notifications on examination postponement for the sessions in April and May.
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With the government deciding to postpone the JEE MAIN exams for 2021 until further notice, students can only wait and watch. Simultaneously, it is important to maintain the competitive streak as students must be prepared to appear for the examination in the future. According to the ANI report, the new dates for the sessions for April and May are most likely in July and August 2021. The NTA plans to announce the exam dates for the two remaining sessions 15 days before the scheduled examination. For JEE 2021 examination dates have been rescheduled until further notice. Students must regularly visit the official website for the announcement of examination dates. The NTA notified the aspiring NEET students of the pen and paper mode examination that will be held on 1st August 2021.
Get Adequate Sleep: Inadequate sleep makes you unproductive so get a minimum of eight hours to sleep at night to cope with stress better.
Physical Activities: The pandemic restricts you to be at home and increases anxiety so blow off the steam with regular exercise. Breathing techniques help you to de-stress and prepare you for the challenges better.
Practice Visualization: Think positively about succeeding at the exam. Visualization will set your mind in a positive frame and help you succeed in your endeavors.
Balanced Study – The entire year you have worked hard to prepare for the big exam. Now it’s time to revise your learning. Avoid over-studying or learning new concepts as it would cause mental fatigue, loss of your learning, and poor concentration.
Reduce Tests – Avoid taking exhaustive timed tests daily. Engaging in such a practice would only stress you more than help you revise. It’s better to attempt timed tests once/twice a week.
Read motivational books. Books that instill confidence and positivity. Some of the popular books are The Power of Positive Thinking (Dr. Norman Vincent Peale), The Magic of Thinking Big (David J. Schwartz), Daring Greatly (Brené Brown), Awaken the Giant Within (Tony Robbins)
The pandemic has delayed the examination process causing anxiety among students, parents, teachers, and the administration. However, students must continue the zeal to succeed as when the time comes, they are prepared to crack the NEET/JEE successfully.
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gretonew · 4 years ago
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The National Testing Agency (NTA) will close the online application window today for the third session of the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main 2021. Aspirants can apply at the official website jeemain.nta.nic.in upto 9.00 PM.
The JEE Main April and May sessions had to be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank on Tuesday informed that the pending sessions of the JEE Main will be held in the month of July and August.
The third session (April) of JEE Main will now be held from July 20 to 25. This session will be held only for Paper 1 (BE/BTech).
Candidates who had previously applied for the April session are allowed to modify their application details. Due to limited time, there will be no correction window available after the application process concludes on July 8.
Here’s JEE Main session 3 schedule.
Steps to apply for JEE Main 2021 session 3:
Visit NTA JEE Main website jeemain.nta.nic.in
Apply for Online Registration using Email Id and Mobile No
Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application Number
Upload scanned images of a recent photograph, signature, educational qualifications, category certificate, etc
Make the online fee payment
Download, save and print a copy of Confirmation Page of the Application Form for future reference.
Here’s direct link to apply...Read more
from Scroll.in https://ift.tt/3AHqaht
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satyam-mathematics · 4 years ago
1.जेईई-मेन 2021 अप्रैल सेशन परीक्षा स्थगित (JEE Main 2021 April Exam Postponed),जेईई-मेन्स 2021 अप्रैल सेशन परीक्षा की तारीख 15 दिन पहले घोषित की जाएगी (JEE Mains 2021 April Session Exam Date Declared Before 15 Days/-
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कोविड-19 महामारी के बढ़ते हुए प्रभाव के कारण जेईई-मेन 2021 अप्रैल सेशन परीक्षा स्थगित (JEE Main 2021 April Exam Postponed) कर दी गई है।रविवार को इसके स्थगन की घोषणा कर दी गई है।राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण एजेंसी (NTA) द्वारा संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा (JEE Main) का आयोजन (अप्रैल सेशन) इस महीने की तारीख 27 अप्रैल,28 अप्रैल,29 अप्रैल तथा 30 अप्रैल को किया जाना था।
जेईई-मेन के बहुत से कैंडिडेट्स को एडमिट कार्ड जारी होने का बेसब्री से इंतजार था।परंतु कुछ कैंडीडेट्स कोविड-19 के कारण सोशल मीडिया पर इस परीक्षा को स्थगित करने की गुहार लगा रहे थे।
सीबीएसई द्वारा दसवीं बोर्ड की परीक्षाओं को रद्द करने और 12वीं कक्षा की परीक्षा स्थगित करने के बाद से ही छात्र-छात्राओं और अभिभावकों द्वारा ट्विटर पर लगातार जेईई-मेंस परीक्षा को स्थगित करने की मुहिम चलाई जा रही थी।हालांकि छात्र-छात्राओं का एक वर्ग इन परीक्षाओं को न टालने का दबाव बना रहा था।लेकिन वर्तमान परिस्थितियों को देखते हुए परीक्षाओं को कुछ समय के लिए टालना ही उचित समझा गया।
नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी (NTA) ने अपनी अधिकारिक वेबसाइट jeemain.nta.nic.in पर जेईई-मेन अप्रैल सेशन की परीक्षा स्थगित होने की जानकारी रविवार को दी गई।अब नई तिथि की घोषणा न्यूनतम 15 दिन पहले की जाएगी।
शिक्षा मंत्री रमेश पोखरियाल निशंक ने राष्ट्रीय परीक्षा एजेंसी के शीर्षस्थ अधिकारियों की मीटिंग में यह सुझाव दिया था कि जेईई-मेन परीक्षा को कुछ समय के लिए टाल दिया जाए।
Read More-JEE Main 2021 April Exam Postponed
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gule-sangam · 4 years ago
JEE Main 2021 Exam Date: When will NTA conduct the remaining sessions?
National Testing Agency (NTA) conducted JEE Main 2021 for the first two sessions – February and March. However, the remaining two sessions have been postponed constantly due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With the number of COVID-19 cases rising steadily and many states going under lockdown, the authorities had to cancel the JEE Main exam dates which were already announced.
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When will NTA conduct the remaining sessions?
NTA is yet to announce the official dates for the remaining sessions of JEE Main 2021. According to various reports, the authorities may announce the official dates soon. The tentative dates for JEE Main 2021 Phase 3 and 4 have been reported by various outlets but it has not been confirmed yet.
JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates for Phase 3 and 4 (Tentative)
Dates (Tentative)
JEE Main 2021 Phase 3
Last week of July 2021
JEE Main 2021 Phase 4
Second week of August 2021
NTA is expected to decide and release the JEE Main 2021 exam dates for the remaining sessions after considering the safety of students and the feasibility of holding the exams. Since CBSE 12th board exams have been cancelled, the JEE Main exam dates will be decided after the evaluation criteria for 12th standard students are fixed.
Candidates will be able to check the official JEE Main 2021 exam date on the official website jeemain.nta.nic.in and nta.ac.in, when it is released.
Has JEE Main 2021 registration for remaining sessions ended?
JEE Main 2021 application form for Phase 3 was available from March 25 to April 7 on the official website. The registered candidates were also able to correct their submitted JEE Main application form from March 25 to April 7, 2021.
The official dates for JEE Main 2021 registration process for Phase 4 are still yet to be announced. Previously, the application form was to be available from May 3, 2021; however, the process has been delayed due to the sudden rise in COVID-19 cases. NTA may also open the JEE Main application process for Phase 3 to those candidates who had missed the chance to apply earlier.
Who will be eligible to apply for the remaining sessions of JEE Main 2021?
All candidates who meet the basic eligibility criteria will be able to attempt the remaining sessions of JEE Main 2021. Candidates who have already attempted and qualified the Phase 1 or 2 of JEE Main 2021 will also be able to apply for the upcoming sessions. Candidates can check the basic JEE Main 2021 eligibility criteria below:
· Candidates should have passed class 12 or qualifying the exam in 2019 or 2020 or appearing in 2021.
· Should have studied Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry/Biology/Biotechnology/Technical Vocational Subject.
· As per the revised JEE Main eligibility criteria 2021, 75% of the criteria is removed for NIT and IIIT admissions.
When will JEE Main 2021 Paper 2 be held?
JEE Main Paper 2 (BArch/B.Plan) will be held for one more session. Previously, the Paper 2 exam was held in February and the next session was to be conducted in May. However, due to the pandemic, the exam has been postponed. Tentatively, JEE Main Paper 2 is expected to be held in August 2021. However, the official JEE Main exam dates will soon be announced by the NTA authorities.
About JEE Main
JEE Main is conducted annually by National Testing Agency to provide B.Tech/BArch/B.Plan admissions into the participating NITs, IIITs and GFTIs. Candidates who qualify under the top 250,000 ranks will also be eligible for JEE Advanced, which is the gateway for IIT admissions. JEE Main is conducted as a Computed Based Test for BE/B.Tech/BArch Planning and Pen and Paper-Based Test for the drawing section in BArch paper.
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bengalbytes · 4 years ago
Final Decision on Entrance Exams in Two Weeks
Final Decision on Entrance Exams in Two Weeks
The examination dates of JEE Main April and May sessions, NEET 2021 postponement or lack of it, and CUCET 2021 are likely to be announced in the next two weeks. This is expected as the Ministry of Education on Monday held a meeting with Vice Chancellors of various universities. The meeting was held days after the Central government cancelled the CBSE class 12 board examination 2021. The Education…
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techminsolutions · 3 years ago
NTA JEE Main Session 4 admit card 2021 released: How to download
NTA JEE Main Session 4 admit card 2021 released: How to download
The National Testing Agency (NTA) released the admit card for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main session 4. Candidates who applied to appear for the exam can download the admit card from the official website – jeemain.nta.nic.in.  The fourth and last session of the JEE Main 2021 was originally set to be conducted in May but was postponed. The exam is now set to be conducted on August 26,…
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abhay121996-blog · 4 years ago
May Session Of JEE Main Exam 2021 Postponed Amid Covid Surge Divya Sandesh
May Session Of JEE Main Exam 2021 Postponed Amid Covid Surge
The NTA said that the registration for the May session of JEE (Main) will also be announced later.
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everythingshouldbereality · 4 years ago
JEE Main 2021 May exam postponed due to Covid: Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal
JEE Main 2021 May exam postponed due to Covid: Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal
Image Source : PTI JEE Main 2021 May session exam postponed, says Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal JEE Main 2021 May Session Exam Update: The Joint Entrance Examination, Main (JEE Main) 2021 May session examination has been postponed by the National Testing Agency (NTA),  Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank said on Tuesday. The JEE Main 2021 May exam is scheduled to be conducted from…
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techminsolutions · 4 years ago
NTA JEE Main 2021 session 4 admit card soon: How to download
NTA JEE Main 2021 session 4 admit card soon: How to download
The National Testing Agency (NTA) will soon release the admit cards for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main May (session 4) soon. Candidates who applied to appear for the exam can download the admit card from the official website – jeemain.nta.nic.in.  The fourth and last session of the JEE Main 2021 was originally set to be conducted in May but was postponed. The exam will now set to be…
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techminsolutions · 4 years ago
JEE Advanced 2021 likely to be postponed, say officials 
After the postponement of JEE (Main) April and May 2021 sessions until further notice, there is uncertainty looming over the conduct of JEE Advanced 2021. The exam is scheduled to be conducted on July 3, 2021. “If JEE Advanced is to be conducted as per schedule, then ideally one session of JEE Main was to be conducted in May and the second session in June. However, now that the JEE Main exams…
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techminsolutions · 4 years ago
JEE Main April, May Postponed by The NTA, Education Ministry Not Conducting Exam this Month
JEE Main April, May Postponed by The NTA, Education Ministry Not Conducting Exam this Month
Due to the spike in COVID-19 cases, the National Testing Agency (NTA) today decided to reschedule the JEE Main (May) 2021. The notification for the exam was to be released this month but now the process has been put on hold. The May sessions exams were scheduled to be conducted from May 24-28, 2021. “Looking at the present situation of COVID-19 and keeping students safety in mind, JEE (Main) –…
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