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drowninintipp · 1 year ago
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Fiddling about with art styles cause
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vicking814 · 1 month ago
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The village of Jötunnheim when the men are defendig, fighting or killing the monsters whos were approaching to much to the village.
Pov: you are a young warrior whos coming back from a hunt
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hraunwyf · 1 month ago
LEGAL NAME: loki laufeyson NICKNAME(S): lady loki, potentially lola kikibelle when @apothekosm is around DATE OF BIRTH: a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away GENDER: female PLACE OF BIRTH: the temple of útgarðr, jötunnheim CURRENTLY LIVING: has a small house in upstate new york, but travels a lot and stays in luxury hotels. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: alltongue covers pretty much all of it EDUCATION: formal asgardian royal education, plus a billion secrets since then. HAIR COLOR: dark, dark brown. EYE COLOR: green, with golden central heterochromia HEIGHT: 5'2"
thor (adoptive)
balder (adoptive)
laufey (biological father)
fárbauti (biological mother)
odin (adoptive father)
frigga (adoptive mother)
kill jr (in some timelines)
PETS: n/a
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual STATUS: verse dependent, but background on-and-off with norman osborn should be assumed.
tagged by: @abovedivinity tagging: Steal This Meme!
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chantsdemarins · 2 years ago
Fresh Snow on Sled Tracks Part 2
a 🌙High Moon Story
Summary: The "whisper chant" lands Loki in a time and place on Midgard during the early medieval period in Alba (Scotland).
An 18+ series because of adult themes and sexual situations
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You both had discussed for many days the fact that there was no “off switch” for Loki. The result of those frustrating conversations led to the languid afternoon you were both spending in the meadow. Loki couldn’t imagine this strange infinity-you couldn’t imagine what Valhalla was. It was an impasse.
There was one thing you could offer him besides the haptic-laced sexual experiences and pastries neither of you could consume. You’d described it to Loki using words from Earth since this was where you both found yourself currently.
You used the word snow, it wasn’t supposed to be a grand metaphor, but it was. The word “snow” had many variants, and Loki sat for what seemed like a whole day processing all the words he had for the phenomena of “snow”. Even remembering a word from a time and place he knew somehow belonged somewhere in his history, Jötunnheim. Isbrjótr
He got lost a little. The ancient part of him, the god part of him wound himself around the memory, the word, the feeling, and he was suddenly far away. You told him there was a program that only a few projections and bots knew about. It was used by humans on earth for thousands of years and then it became a “whisper” that bots exchanged amongst themselves from time to time.
You told Loki it was like fresh snow on sled tracks. Even though you’d never seen snow. You had no idea that Loki had. That it was a powerful part of his past. Isbrjótr
“Your past is like the sled tracks Loki. It haunts your present form. Your current self just goes down the path already laid.”
“And this whisper is like fresh Isbrjótr and will allow me to be here without longing to be somewhere else?”
“Yes, that’s the idea. All beings including machines and apparently gods-get stuck.”
“Apparently it is so,” Loki looked at you with sincerity. How it had come to this moment so soon was shocking to him. He thought he had a lot of fight left in him. He would have found the way to end his program and go to Valhalla, but it was clear you were telling the truth. You couldn’t help him permanently shut off, perhaps no one could. Either way it was turning into a more complicated situation than he had first imagined.
“I think you have so many memories still with you Loki,” you quietly exchanged.
“Like the jealous woman you mentioned earlier.”
“She was my wife,” Loki said plainly staring off into a grapefruit-colored sunset that was replacing the foggy blue sky.
“Yes, wife. Before I was an augmented being, I lived for thousands of years…”
“Of course, yes, and those are the memories that haunt you.”
“It is the reason I want to go to Valhalla, for the chance to find them again.”
“This won’t take you to Valhalla, but it will give you a chance to see them again, I think.”
“Thank you,” Loki said, tenderly smiling.
“Might as well do this now,” you replied, looking into the various bags and things you’d brought to the meadow with you. Still rifling through the bags and looking down you continued, “Are you sure Loki? Last chance to change your direction.”
“I am sure, if this whisper is true as you say it is, then I will find a way to redo the harm I caused.”
Looking up and studying him carefully before speaking, “Why harm, Loki? What about love?”
“What about love?”
“Didn’t you say that you wanted to go back and find those you loved?”
“Harm and love are but one and the same,” Loki said wearily looking off into the distance.
If you could sigh you would have. You finally wrestled out an awkward synth halo from the picnic basket that also held your pan du chocolate and champagne. You placed it on Loki’s head.
You held your small hands up into the sunset and then placed them in front of your face and gently spoke the whisper chant you’d been given by those that were made before into your palms.
Studying Loki’s face briefly, you remarked at the way the sunset cast embers on his pale skin, you placed your hands over his face letting the whisper sink into his programming. His eyes closed and he laid back, it looked like he was paused.
“You will only have time to re-experience three life events Loki, much more than that and you’ll be on my shelf collecting dust with the chopsticks and MP3 players,” you cautioned him, knowing he would be tempted to want to stay, tempted to want to fix it all with the miracle of his seiðr which still accompanied him even in this existence. His voice was already leaving his body as he agreed in barely audible mumbles to come back when you told him to.
You’d stay with him and watch over him.
He was unusually brave. This must be one of the reasons why so many beings loved and apparently hated him, you thought as you watched the sun disappear behind the mountains.
On to part 3 Lady Ragnarök
Some of these folks might be interested? @mischief2sarawr @lokisgoodgirl @michelleleewise @lovelysizzlingbluebird @holdmytesseract @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @lokischambermaid @goblingirlsarah @vickie5446 @peaches1958 @lokixryss @eleniblue @simplyholl @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr
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unityrain24 · 2 years ago
sometimes i think about making my OWN loki series, one that's actually about the actual, "sAcReD TiMeLiNe" Loki (rather than the variant the "Loki" Tv series was on), and have it follow the events of his life.
I would have Act 1 (season one) start with when Odin brought him from Jötunnheim to Asgard, and i'd have it show snippets of his young life growing up having it focus on him and his characterization (and also give frigga characterization. i'm still salty what little scenes she had, they deleted most of them). And I'd have it then show the events of Thor 1 from from his point of view, rather than thors. Act 1 would end with his suicide attempt.
Act 2 (season two) would be what happened to him after he fell and was subjected to the hands of Thanos/The Black Order/The Chitauri.
Id also have and act that explains tdw and ragnarok from his point of view (although there would need to be a lot of work done to explain ragnarok, because even though it was nowhere near as bad as the series, it still butchered his character).
I'd call my series Fallen Heir, and i'd want it to be animated. Mainly so that the age differences and shapeshifting can be handled more smoothly, but also because i think there are advantages to animated series. (also, in this imaginary series, i'd have the animation style be reminiscent of keiid or what a coincidence because i think their art styles are beautiful and i think they'd be so cool animated) Also i'd include lokis genderfluidity in it (and NOT in an offensive or half-assed way).
Anyways i just really want a series that's actually on my favourite character, and explores who they are and their past and their trauma and why they do things. The loki tv series wasn't even on the same person, and they thoroughly fucked up his character and the whole series was just a huge, chaotic, offensive mess. And i hate that.
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void-knights · 2 months ago
@gloriousburden I believe that the runt aspect is inconsequential to MCU Loki's identity crisis as a whole. Not because it doesn't matter but because it's such a tiny (no pun intended) aspect of the larger issue, which is that he is biologically jötunn.
The way I see it is this:
Loki's most significant issue is that he is jötunn. This is revealed to him at a time in his life when he hasn't been given much chance to reflect on this issue for too long. He's been handed the throne to Asgard and has to keep his brother out of Asgard while dealing with the Warriors Three/Sif going behind his back before finally trying to kill himself. In this time, he regurgitates everything that he learnt growing up culturally Asgardian, that he is a monster because he is jötunn. He is the thing that he grew up fearing, the thing his brother wanted to slaughter. Being a runt is hardly an issue. It would also recontextualise his entire fucking life and probably make him realise why he may seem so other when compared to everyone else. Because Loki didn't fit in before the truth was revealed. MCU Loki does not appear to have friends; he is isolated, and that further deepens the trauma he feels later on.
Loki is then forced to endure Thanos' torture (and yes, I believe he was tortured) and the continued persistent influence of the mind stone trying to fuel his rage towards his brother. I doubt Loki had time to reflect on his being jötunn here, but if he did, I am confident that whatever feelings he had, the mind stone happily turned it into something dark and self-sabotaging.
I genuinely do not believe that MCU Loki gives two tin shits about being a runt. It's just a small piece of the larger problem. In the MCU, he never had a chance to explore what it might mean to be a jötunn (or his gender, sexuality or extensive magical abilities). Nobody addresses it, nobody speaks about it, and nobody tries to reach out and ask Loki if he needs a shoulder to lean on. So I reiterate, I don't think the runt aspect of his jötunn biology is his major or any issue. The simple reason is that I think MCU desperately wants to be Asgardian or at least blend in with other Asgardians, so to him, being a runt is actually beneficial.
There is also What If? Loki, to me, tells us that Loki, raised in Jötunnheim, has the possibility of growing to an average height/size. I don't say it's 100% confirmed because there are comic book versions of Loki raised on Jötunnheim, where he remains a runt. (Mind you, What If Baby Loki doesn't appear to be a runt, but sizes are not consistent in the MCU)
So, someone could argue that Loki, a runt, was never given the opportunity to thrive. Odin, through sheer ignorance, took a tiny baby (if I recall correctly, it is only Odin who mentions that Loki was small; Laufey just called Loki a bastard) back home with him as a trophy/baby for Frigga.
If he had been left on Jötunnheim, perhaps Loki could have thrived in his natural habit. Whether it was lack of nutrition or something to do with the environment, Loki was never granted the chance to at least attempt to grow into his jötunn form.
TL;DR - No, I do not think Loki gives a shit about being a runt.
Obvious feelings about being Jotun aside.. how do you think Loki specifically feels about the fact he is a runt? He’s probably used to being taller than most (though, Thor is still an inch taller. That guy just has to be better than him at everything, even by an inch…), so the fact that he is technically a runt (despite being considered tall) must be so weird for him.
Knowing that when Loki was told that he’s Jotun, it fucked with every aspect of how he views himself, and made him hyper conscious of EVERYTHING about his own body… Maybe one of those things being that he doesn’t feel so tall anymore. Maybe he takes it personally when someone is taller than him. Short man syndrome, but he’s 6'2 so it’s like really weird.. he’s meant to be like 9 feet tall (don’t quote me on that. I forgot the exact height of frost giants) 😞
Maybe he demands humanity to kneel to him in The Avengers not because he’s a god and humans are pathetic af and he’s their new ruler, but so he can feel like he’s 9 feet above them… ‘Ehehehe, so this is what it feels like..’ But he’d never tell anyone that… (Joke) maybe he now only befriends short peopl, because he needs a constant reminder that he’s tall as well as others he can project his insecurities onto.. (another joke)
Jk the short man syndrome thing was a joke too, but it’s interesting to think about..
On an actual serious note, I do wonder how the runt aspect specifically affected him. It’s all fucked up already, but on top of that, he was left to die because he was a runt. 😞 he was looked down upon as soon as he entered the world!! Not a single moment of happiness in his life. The whole thing probably (definitely) messes with his head quite a bit.
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grilledcheese-aspiration · 7 years ago
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Halló, ég heiti Jötunn. Gaman að hitta þig!
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vicking814 · 1 month ago
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Welcome everybody!... To Jötunnheim...
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fan-maddson · 4 months ago
“Not Asgardian.” she shook her head slightly. “My mother, Skaði, is the daughter of Thiaśi, deposed king of Jötunnheim. She asked Freja to take me in, so I would be under her protection from Odin. Funny thing, living under his roof, he no longer wished for my death. My mother continues to live in exile, however.”
He fell with a thud, the metal fused to his bones making him sink deeper into the snow.
He gasped for breath, one of the bullets in his chest, had hit his lung. His vision blurred and goes black.
The last thought he had was how sore he'd be once he woke up. And with that he passed out in the snow. His blood painting the snow around him.
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hraunwyf · 2 years ago
loki's titles in their proper order of address:
princess loki laufeyson of asgard and of jötunnheim, jewel of the frozen realm and heir to the body of ýmir, daughter of the first magic, witch-oracle of ginnunga, mother of the ninth cosmos, and holy witness of creation.
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experimentjr · 2 years ago
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Ok, for a long long time I've been wanting to draw the map of realms from my AU and this drawing took me so long to finish that I dropped it halfway through BUT I finally picked it up again and finished!!! I present to you: 
Yggdrasil and its realms
In my AU, there are 14 known realms and among them, we have:
Sólmani, the realm of Sun and Moon and the kingdom of Dellingr, deity of day/night;
Viðbláinn, the new place for the remaining humans and gods after Ragnarök;
Andlangr, the “bunker” for all humans when Ragnarök happens;
Asgard, realm of the Æsir gods. Here we have Valhalla, Valaskjálf and Hliðskjálf, Þrúðvangr and Bilskirnir, Fensalir AKA Sökkvabekkr, Breiðablik, Glitnir, Himinbjörg, Belivalr mountain and Ýdalir, Iðavöllr and Glaðsheimr and Vingólf, Hvergelmir river, Lanvidi, Nóatún, Hildarvangr.
Vanaheim of the Vanir gods. A place full of magic and where the first witches came. Here you can find Fólkvangr and Sessrúmnir just to name a few. It’s the place of rest of a giant who fell in the hands of Lilith, turning into Vanaheim upon his death. The Ylgr river flows through Vanaheim and bathes the giant skeleton of the realm.
Midgard is Earth, where most of “Hilda and The Allmother” characters came from. Among thousands upon thousands of known places, few stand out. They are: Trolberg, Toføten, Vanæsvalr AKA Hexental, Gnipahellir, Húnaland, Hreiðgotaland, Gästrikland, Bjarmaland, mountain Rerir, mountain Hár, mountain Halldór, Munnin’s peak, Járnviðr forest, Myrkviðr forest, Nótt forest, Huldraforest, Steinnharr and Jötunnstone, Björgfjord and Björd lake and Liten, the ruins of Whiteridge castle, Byrstrfossen, Towe's tower, the Highwood, Philosopher's Watch, The Signalhan's barrow, Possegrim, Fjörm, Fimbulþul and Sylgr triplet rivers just to name a few.
Jötunheim, the realm of giants of old. Hnitbjörg, Útgarðar, Fjällenótt, Þrymheimr, Vimur AKA Við and Hríð river are few of the most famous locations on the realm. When the giants left Midgard, they went to Jötunnheim.
Muspelheim, is the realm of fire and magma and where Surtr lives. Vígríðr and Eldrhellir are two of the most famous places of the realm. The river of molten metal, Leiptr, flows through Muspelheim and leads to Svartalfheim, where the dwarves can use the metal to forge.
Helheim is the realm of the dead and where the ship of the dead Naglfari sails. Niflheim is located here and the entrance to Niflheim. The Gjöll river cuts the land of the living from the land of the dead and where the Gjallarbrú bridge stands above, protected by Angrboða and Garmr. There’s another river, the Sliðr and lastly, the Svöl river from where the Náströnd is born. The Éljúðnir hall, home of Helgeisten and his daughters is the last known place.
Ránarheim is the realm of the drowned. This is where all drown people go to rest and the kingdom of Rán. Hríð rive from Jötunnheim leads to this realm. Gunnþrá is the second river from where the drown can use to go to Ránarheim.
Gefheim, the immense fields where Gef uses to plow the dirt with her oxen children. All of those who died virgin go to Gefheim to become he oxen. She’s the responsible for rowing giants portions of land for humans to settle. The river that flows through Gefheim and nourishes all plants and gardens is Vimur river, that flows through Jötunheim
Svartalfheim is the second darkest realm to live. There you will find the dwarves, where they can mine from the caves to forge all of their itens. It’s connects Niflheim to Muspelheim by a hidden entrance. Its most famous kingdom is Niðavellir and where the molten metal river Leiptr ends.
Niflheim, the realm of mist and darkness and the prison of Lilith and Níðhöggr, alongside other monstrous dragons who gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil. There, móðguðr and the three nornir Valkyries Skuld, Svipul AKA Urðr and Verðandi fight with the dragons. There you will find the Náströnd river, the Mímisbrunnr, Urðarbrunnr and Hvergelmir wells protected by the nornir and Níðhöggr’s lair: Niðafjöll.
At last, Ginnungagap, where Yggdrasail and Svartrfligr, “the eternal black” live. A neverending space that leads to nowhere and from where the Éligávar river was born. Frozen by Niflheim’s coldness and evaporated by Muspelheim heat, all life began at this river and this river runs through all of Yggdrasil, flooding the realms with life. From Éligávar, tons of rives flow, among them we have: Hvergelmir, Sliðr, Vimur, Ylgr, Hríð, Gunnþrá, Fjörm, Fimbulþul, Sylgr, Leiptr, Svöl.
I really hope you people like it and I’m so sorry it took me this long to post. Hope the next doesn’t take as long.
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chantsdemarins · 3 years ago
❄️Frost Secrets from the Other Son
Chapter 5
A Strange Awe
Part 1 and Part 2
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Loki's life changes forever. Lots of emotions here!
Part 1
In a glade near the mountains of Asgard, Loki caught up with the other warriors and Thor; just as they were getting new information, all were equally perplexed by the writing on the long scroll that Thor held in his hands.
The target on the scroll seemed to move again after disappearing from their view. The parchment was infused with Ultonian ink, which was aligned with the patterns of frost giant blood; it acted as a magnet drawing lines across a makeshift map of Asgard. If the ink was correct, then the target was headed directly towards them at this very moment.  
Thor called to the warriors to gather their weapons and hold their location.
Loki still wasn’t entirely convinced. Something deep within him wasn’t buying this entire situation. If the frost giants were here, they would have seen them already. Why would they hide? He was tempted to march out in front of the soldiers instead of being in wait. But Thor insisted they needed his help; they were stronger together…
Loki thought it was convenient to say that when they needed him, and the opposite was true when they didn’t want him around, he was hauntingly unwelcome. All his time with Lillian had given him some courage to see his true place in his family.
So, he continued to sit underneath a dark tree; his green leather suit shone brightly from the multiple moons that illuminated the evening sky. He wished he would have brought one of his books with him, and he almost conjured one when he heard hooves clacking from far off in the hilly distance.
Quickly getting up, he motioned to the rest of the group to steady their positions. Although just as quickly, it occurred to him that frost giants are huge and typically can’t ride horses...
He rushed to Thor’s side, pulling the scroll towards him to get a better look. Indeed the line was moving with the sound of the horse hooves and coming right towards their camp. 
“Brother, this can’t be our target; Jötunn are giants; as you know, this person coming our way is riding a horse.”
“I know Loki,” he said dismissively.
“Therefore, there must be some magic affront, wouldn’t you agree, Loki?” Thor ordered Sif and Fandral to ready their net. Thor continued shouting orders at the warriors, “We should try and capture this fool, don’t kill them right away!”
“Yes, yes of course!”
Fandral and Sif quickly climbed up the tree Loki had been sitting under; they pulled out a fine gold net fortified with the strength of thousands. They could not risk this creature getting away or getting them first before they had the chance to figure out if Jötunnheim was indeed invading Midgard.
Just then, the line on the scroll merged with their location, and Sif let the net fall on the white horse and its rider. Suddenly the rider was whisked off the horse and fell hard to the ground.
A large scream came out of their mouth. Loki was unable to see the rider's full image in the darkness, but he knew that scream immediately, and his heart sank.
That scream had been in his ear for the past four months, resulting from orgasm after orgasm, his quite efficient and effective abilities at play. But surely that wasn’t Lillian. 
Lillian immediately yelled again, now on the ground facing nearly ten warriors.
“Unhand me, you brutes!” she said, pulling at the tight gold chains. 
Fandral was the first one to light a torch. Loki was shrinking behind everyone but conjured a tiny flame from his hand.
He stepped forward cautiously, bending over and putting his hand near the shrieking sound beneath the net. 
“Loki! UNCHAIN ME!” Lillian screamed again. 
She was hurting now. Not only did the fall hurt, but she was feeling worse, and a new wave of nausea befell her. She thought to herself, this was not the right time to puke. 
She had to wait until she was out of this damn trap. 
“Damnit Loki, yes, it’s me for god's sake, get me out of here!”
Thor stepped closer, also kneeling. He held the scroll next to Lillian in the net. The lines were now intersecting. He studied the scroll; he studied Lillian.
He looked back at the warriors behind him, everyone breathing heavily in the quiet night. Sif spoke up first. 
“Thor, how often is Ultonian blood ink wrong? Why is Lillian in the net? Isn’t she some Midgardian journalist here writing about you, Loki, Odin…the whole royal crew? She’s not a frost giant. Or is she?”
Sif bent down further, studying Lillian carefully. 
“I don’t know what messed up antiquated tracking devices you have on Asgard, but let me tell you, they need an update! Try using a real GPS! I am obviously not a frost giant. I am from Cleveland, Ohio! Earth! Loki, tell them!” Lillian continued to yell. Only pausing to place a hand over her mouth, from time to time, trying to hold back the puke. 
Loki was petrified.
His secret lover was seconds away from possibly outing their relationship, the scroll was saying she was a frost giant, and she looked more beautiful than ever while looking rather ill all at the same time. He thought it was odd that she was still sick; when he had left weeks ago, she was complaining of an “Earth flu” and drinking the mugwort tea that she now made him conjure.
His instincts kicked in finally, and he turned to Sif and the others, motioning for them to gather closely. But Thor cut him off before he could launch into one of his well-crafted schemes. 
“Loki, why does Lillian act as if you should know her so well? Have you two been spending time together?” 
Fandral laughed as did Sif; clearly, they suspected something right away. 
“No! I mean yes, I mean No! Why would I spend time with a human? We’ve only met to discuss the book, brother, same as you, I assume.”
Loki spun around attempting a wink that Lillian couldn’t possibly see in the barely lit darkness. 
Thor interjected, “Loki, my scroll says Lillian is a frost giant, and that is a threat to our planet and our family; if you’ve let a frost giant get close to you and all our family, and you knew it- there will be hell to pay Loki, and you will be the one paying it!”
Thor’s voice was loud and pained. He was confused and frustrated; weeks searching for a signal only to have it appear as Lillian, the journalist from Midgard, was unbelievable.
If Loki had known all this time, things were not looking good for Asgard.
Loki feeling hot under his Asgardian leather, loosened his collar and spun around to face his brother and the warriors after one more glance at the clearly pained Lillian.
He was worried. He put a loose raven hair behind his ear before speaking.
“Look at her! She’s not well; she’s clearly just a sickly human! Why would I keep a secret like that from my family?” 
“I am not a sickly human, and I am not a frost giant!” Lillian softly spouted, although by now she was so nauseous that she was slumped over beneath the golden net. 
“I mean, I am just a regular human. Not sickly.”
Loki looked bemused but also knew the seriousness of the situation. Asgardian technology was not wrong. While clearly, Lilly was not a frost giant.
Something was wrong and off. His heart was torn in two directions, and he had no idea how to proceed. Had something happened to Lillian when she was frozen out looking for Mímir?
“We can’t let her go, Loki; we have to take her back to the palace and have the healers examine her, see what kind of magic she is spinning; she is clearly suffering from something, maybe whatever spell she cast is wearing off,” Sif added suspiciously. 
Loki considered for a moment longer how to appease Lillian and his family, who were clearly on high alert. 
“We can at least remove the net; she isn’t going anywhere!” Loki finally raised his voice to his brother and the warriors.  
Thor seemed to agree hesitantly, and nodded, making a gesture to lift off the net. 
Unable to wait any longer Loki aggressively stepped toward Lillian and used his magic to remove the net. 
“Hey! That’s not fair!” Fandral exclaimed.
“He always does stuff like that!” 
Lillian did not want the healers anywhere near her. She tried to run as fast as possible with whatever energy she had left. Resume her tentative plan to reach the Bifrost and go home to Cleveland. 
But this was to no avail.
Her small effort to dash away was thwarted when Loki grabbed her in his arms. Feeling his hands on her skin, she promptly turned her head to the side and finally vomited on the cool grass beside her. Loki was horrified once again. 
Being caught between keeping up his image and displaying his growing concern for Lillian, he did what any alien god would do; he held her long brown hair as she continued to puke. A fake smile etched across his face as his brother and the fellow palace warriors stood in strange awe. 
“We must get her back to the palace right now; let Heimdall and Odin know we are coming.” Thor threw the order out to anyone who could snap their focus back fast enough to hear him. 
“Right, of course, right away, sir,” said a thin warrior who was also staring at the prince and his nursing skills, pulled himself together to hop on his horse and rode away into the night, back to the palace. 
Loki sat down next to Lillian, his legs getting tired of squatting. She had stopped puking finally and was now about to fall over, but she kept her worried eyes on him.
He gently held her now, and Lillian, too tired to fight this dreadful night further, wrapped her arms around his neck. Thor and the warriors continued to stare at Loki, he was the prince of lies, and it was clear something other than just being interviewed by Lillian had transpired. 
“She’s just really tired,” Loki said, glancing up at his brother and the rest of their small palace detail. 
“Well, that doesn’t look like the first time she’s had her arms around you, brother, “Thor laughed. 
“Lillian’s from Midgard, you know they have seen a lot of movies with damsels in distress, etc., they are practically raised to know what to do when being rescued.”
This angered Thor instead of putting him at ease.
“But brother, she’s not being rescued, she's our prisoner now, she is being investigated for being a frost giant!” 
Loki had had enough of this. 
“Thor, are you completely dense? She’s been here for months, and just a few weeks ago, Heimdall detects an invasion. Why didn’t the all-seeing one see that? If she really is a frost giant, he would have known!” 
Now Loki was the one yelling. 
“Heimdall is never wrong, Loki; we need to know what is happening. When Lillian can stand, you must carry her to your horse and ride her back to the palace. Don’t be sly and take a divergent path or magic you both to Vanaheim. This isn’t the time. I don’t know what exactly has been going on with you both, but now you must focus. Father has kept the peace with Jötunnheim for hundreds of years. Don’t let something like this threaten that and our entire realm.” 
Loki felt Thor was being overly dramatic. He didn’t hear him. His grandstanding was once again just to prove that he was rightfully going to be king someday. Blah, blah, blah. He was too concerned with Lillian, which was the only reason he agreed to return to the palace with her. He wanted his mother to see her right away. He was afraid she was dying. 
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Part 2
The next day Loki was in the palace gardens, alone, sitting on one of the benches near the lake where he and Lillian went on many walks during her official times interviewing him. He was thinking of those walks when Frigga found him.
“Son, Lillian is not dying; you must know that first.” 
Loki looked relieved, but only slightly. The frost giant question was looming next. 
“Then what is she, mother? She was so sick, and that fool of a brother thinks, well, thinks she’s some undercover Jötunn spy. It’s all ridiculous. I am aghast at it all, to be quite truthful.” 
“Loki, she isn’t a frost giant either, but…” Frigga sat down on the bench. 
“Sit back down with me, son. We must talk.” Loki obliged his mother but was getting worried now. 
“Will Lillian recover? Mother, what is going on? Why are you so serious?”
“Loki, your father and I have wanted to discuss this with you for as long as I can remember. It was never the right time.”
Loki wondered just what this could be. If it was something to do with the succession of the crown or other palace business, then she should just say it, but how was it also connected to Lillian further what did Jötunnheim have to do with anything? 
“What does this have to do with me, mother?” Loki was becoming angry now; he didn’t know exactly why, but he could feel the tension in the conversation shifting, it was like the moment before a lit firework would go off. 
“Your father needs to be here for this conversation, I just wanted to tell you that Lillian is not dying, she is recovering now, but I am also not sure she is out of the woods just yet. I am being honest with you, son.”
“Mother, I am going to ask you one more time, what does this have to do with me!? Besides my apparent affection for her, there is something significant you are not telling me, and I demand you speak it!”
Loki was now furious. It felt like the challenges of his entire family life were now collapsing into this one singular conversation with his mother. 
“We should go see Lillian and then your father and I will explain everything. I’ve told your brother to stand down, there is no emergency other than this significant situation with your friend that is now needing our attention.” 
“She’s your friend too mother; you asked her to come here after all.” 
“Yes, she is very special indeed, and now she is even more so.”
Loki was not one for impulse control; he didn’t want to wait to see his father and talk to his parents. He was so concerned for Lillian that any further conversation could wait. He was unsure of his mother's assurance that she was fine. There were pieces of this puzzle that we're not coming together quickly enough for Loki's satisfaction.
When Loki and his mother arrived at the infirmary, what Loki saw was immediately confusing and disorientating.
Lillian was in the soul forge.
A strange blurry image was held in the etheric crystals above her. It had a blue glow around it and gently moved.
Loki looked at Frigga; she motioned with her hand for Loki to continue toward Lillian.
Odin quietly walked in behind them and joined Frigga, although he stayed behind as Loki neared the soul forge. 
“Let him figure it out, Frigga; he’ll know,” he whispered to Frigga.
“Odin, how will he know?
He will see a baby, but he won’t know anything about the baby. We must tell him now. We cannot wait anymore; this will upset our son. I don’t know if you’ve just hoped he’d never know who he was, but Odin, this day is now here.” 
Loki was mesmerized by the glowing light in front of him and how peaceful Lillian looked. She looked better than yesterday, yet her being unconscious was disturbing to him.
The palace healer Eir was standing next to Loki now. She knew this was not her story to tell him and looked over at Frigga and Odin before speaking. 
“Your majesty, Allfather, do you think you can join your son and explain what he is seeing? Help him understand?” 
Loki quickly interjected, “Is Lillian pregnant?" His voice was barely audible.
"I didn't, I mean, we didn't think that was even possible," he was stunned in disbelief, running his hands through his raven locks.
“It is rare, Loki, but it happens.” Eir was slightly nervous to say more. 
“This explains why she was so sick; I am a fool for not considering this outcome.” 
“Yes, it partially explains why she is so sick, but I must say congratulations to you and Lillian, this is Asgard’s first royal grandchild, prince Loki, as you know” Eir was genuinely happy for him, but also concerned.
Loki smiled, tears falling down his face; he was suddenly filled with a sense of pride that was overwhelming. He was looking at his child. Their child. He might have done something right in this world even if it was not expected. Immediately he considered if Lillian would be as happy about this or if this was something she wanted. She was now entangled permanently with his messed-up family alongside him. There was also the book, the assignment of her lifetime, which had been why he even met her...
He looked up at the soul forge imagery with curiosity; he asked Eir more questions. 
“Eir, how old is she?”
“You mean how long ago was he conceived Loki?” 
“Yes, prince Loki, you have a son, and I’d say the summer solstice precisely would have been the moment he joined us.” 
“Oh, that makes sense.” Loki was blushing deeper crimson.
Thinking back to the first time he took her in the library and his apparently non-effectual magic spell. It was truly unbelievable to him that she got pregnant the first time they had sex.
Lost in thought, he cleared his throat. He thought about Lillian again. Did she already know? Is that what she was doing riding out in the woods, trying to find him, to tell him he would be a father?
“Does lady Lillian know about our baby Eir? 
“She doesn’t yet. I don't think. She has been unconscious since you brought her to us. Your father wants to tell her.” 
“Why would my father tell my wife, I mean my friend, that we are having a baby? Loki was amazed and confused; more disbelief beset him.
He turned his eyes to Odin and Frigga, fear growing, “Mother, father, he’s beautiful, but is it just the soul forge, or is he glowing? Is that why father wants to tell Lillian? What is wrong with him? If something is wrong, then surely the baby's father will be sufficient to inform her!?” Loki’s voice was high-pitched, becoming even more erratic if that was possible.
Eir noticed that Odin and Frigga were slowly coming closer, their sign to take over. This was soon going to be her exit. 
Frigga spoke, “Thank you, Eir; you can return later to check on lady Lillian and our grandchild, Loki needs more context, and we are happy to give it to him.”
“As you wish ma’am and Allfather.” Eir gave one more glance to Loki sympathetically and then disappeared. 
“MOTHER, FATHER, I demand answers, now!” 
“Please, Loki, not here; now that you’ve seen Lillian and the baby, you need to calm yourself, and let's go to the next room; Lillian needs rest; we can’t wake her yet,” Frigga said, grasping for the right words. 
Odin pulled Loki from the room by his arm, and Frigga walked silently next to them, entirely unsure how this would now go…
On to Chapter 6
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hraunwyf · 1 month ago
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"how blesséd i am that the illustrious victor von doom comes to my house for a check-in and a snack. and for the record, i'm still at the very least a princess of asgard, and heir apparent to jötunnheim, though no one likes to say that part."
the rest of the coffee goes quick, too much sugar to be sensible but enough to help her wake up even more than the caffeine does. after all, the brain needs glucose to work, right? she knows she's heard that somewhere, but is internally mildly perplexed at the idea of having a brain that would work in any sort of normal or expected fashion.
ah, well. those are problems for another loki, at another time. for now, she's being served what she assumes will be the finest latverian cuisine, if victor's cooking lives up to the last dinner she had with him. hopefully this time it's actually him, and not—wait.
loki rubs at the little bit of sleep-crust that lingers in her eyes, and takes another look at doom, and realizes what she's seeing.
"is that actually your fucking face? why do you have your face out in my house?" the question's incredulous on purpose, sounds exaggerated for humor even though it's more to hide her shock at not having noticed before, and the advent of the situation itself. "am i dr—god, you're handsome. wow. i mean, i was sure you were, but i was prepared to take you however you—that didn't come out right. what i meant was… are you sure?"
that you meant to trust me enough for this sits unspoken, but her green eyes are certainly fixed and bewildered enough to convey it regardless.
Only the cursory of glances is thrown her way, no judgment in his eyes, rather simple examination. To die and be reborn, literal as well as metaphorical in her case. It would be easy for him to judge her for it, for her current condition, a simple act of ego and vanity to preen. But he was wiser than that. He knew better. Everyone had their own path to walk towards resurrection, in whatever shape it took.
He supposed they had both discarded their regalia, took off all of their masks to be plain for the other to see. Well, not that she had a choice in the matter, in this particular case. Alas.
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"Consider it a courtesy call." The wooden spoon is gently tapped against the pot before being set aside, his attention turning to the cabinets around him, fishing for a set of plates. "In recognition of the-- colorful times we've had, and your position as a fellow head of state. One point in time, at any rate." Nimbly, the plates are brought out and placed on the counter, moving over to carry the pot to the dinner table.
"And know that to experience Doom's cooking is a rare honor in itself."
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poormeowmeowcollector · 3 years ago
Two Kings And One Guard
Relationship: Every Asgardian and Jotunn from Thor 1 with each other, mostly Thor & Loki, no slash
Warnings: angst, whump, trauma, possible war mention... I'm still working on it
Summary: The Jotnar attacked the palace, and Thor wants -- needs revenge for ruining his coronation. But Heimdall does not allow Thor to use the bifrost
Notes: Ideas were taken from this post by @woodelf68 and that post. I am still working on it so please bear with me
Chapter 1: You Shall Not Pass
chapter warnings: Caps, Odin, language
Read On AO3 | Next chapter
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Thor drags his idiot friends into the suicide mission number "lost count". Yes, of course Loki's coming along, someone has to make sure the oafs will stay alive. Which is why he informed a guard on his way out. If lucky, Odin will come running before Thor can leave the planet.
But, so far, nothing stops the idiot. The only obstacle between him and his desire for blood is Heimdall, the last defence line. But Loki can still work with that.
"Let me do it…" they inform and step forward, ready to speak up.
"If you really think I will allow you to break a thousand years old peace truce just so you can get revenge for having your feast ruined, you are fooling yourself, Odinson," the guard answers, glaring directly into Thor.
"They invaded the palace! They were close to getting the casket again!" He yells, his patience already running dry.
"Which is why a diplomatic mission will be sent there to discuss the incident without disturbing the peace.
"Diplomatic mission? With these barbarians, these monsters? With all honesty, who the fuck is stupid and coward enough to suggest this?" Thor's voice echoes in all the length of the rainbow bridge. Sif and Fandral share a wary look but do nothing, and Heimdall stays silent and still.
"Brother, maybe we should stay. Jötunnheim is not just a forest for a hunting trip, we'll freeze to death," Loki speaks up.
"If you want to run back to your mother's skirts, you're free to go, snake," Hogun scoffs, always with the comeback ready.
"Not everyone is as much of a coward as you, Liesmith," Volstagg adds, making Loki's first clench and their blood boil.
"The Prince is correct. You will freeze before you find Laufey," Heimdall insists.
"I AM THOR ODINSON, CROWN PRINCE OF ASGARD AND I DEMAND YOU TO OPEN THE BIFROST," Thor starts yelling, yet cannot get Heimdall to even blink.
"And I do not care about how much you can raise your voice. You shall not pass," Heimdall's voice is dead, unfazed by Thor's fury. Yet, he only fuels that anger, since Thor grips the Mjölnir tighter.
"When Allfather gets here-"
"What will happen?" Thor gets interrupted by Odin, already slaying the prince with his eye. Everyone but Thor and Heimdall moves aside, praying Odin's fury won't be directed to them as well.
"You disobeyed my direct order to leave the matter as it is, you almost broke a peace treaty that stayed strong for a thousand years. And for what? So you will play war and prove your might?" Odin growls, his glare getting even more cold and deadly.
"But the Frost Giants-" Thor strutters, his shoulders dropping.
"ENOUGH! You attempted to bring war to Asgard mere minutes after your coronation! You not only endangered yourself but your friends and brother and people! You never grew past playing hero with your wooden dolls, for you insist on toying with people's lives!" Odin now yells, ten times more intensely than Thor did, even though his tone is lower. The Warriors Four are frozen on their spot, and Loki finds himself unable to draw in a deep breath. Odin flares his nostrils and looks down.
"Perhaps I was mistaken. You are not fit for a king, and you are now a traitor of Asgard," Odin decides.
No, no, that's not what should happen. Odin should have just taught Thor how to be a better king, not punish him! He didn't even do anything!
"Father," Loki tries to reason, to stop Thor from getting imprisoned, or banished or killed. The only response from Odin was a scream, utterly incoherent. Then, Odin glares at Heimdall, and the gatekeeper finally moves.
After getting dragged there, Thor stands right at the opening of the bridge, watching Odin with terror.
"Thor Odinson, you are unworthy of these realms. You are unworthy of your titles, you are unworthy of the loved ones you betrayed!" He first uses Gungnir to open the Bifrost, and then strips Thor off his cape and armour as he strips him off his titles and power.
"I now take from you your power," and the Mjölnir sits on Odin's hand instead of Thor's, each word from the king's mouth is another part of Thor's armour getting reduced into nothing.
"In the name of my father, and his father before, I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!" With just a movement forward, Thor is being sent in that wormhole, possibly never to return. And the Warriors Four, Heimdall, and even Loki, are frozen still and watching, even after Odin has walked away. But, at some point, someone had to talk.
"What is it like to have no competition?" Fandral scoffs, following the well known technique of when something goes wrong, bully Loki into fixing it.
Yet, Loki stays silent, watching where his brother stood, trying to remember everything he can, since his memory is all that's left of Thor. It takes a long time, but eventually, they answer.
"I didn't mean for this to happen. Just… I just wanted to show Odin that Thor wasn't ready, that he needed time and training, not… not that. He… he was my brother…" His words are just a whisper, but still strike the Warriors Four with the realization, Loki's being truthful, and has a point. Just when Sif is about to answer, Heimdall stops them.
"If you will excuse us, I must speak to the prince alone." His voice is just as steady and unyielding as always, as before Odin's arrival. The Warriors Four nod sharply and leave, not even questioning or whispering behind Loki's back. And Heimdall guides Loki in the Bifrost, explaining with just one sentence.
"We need to talk about your father."
The first thing Thor notices is the pain, both the sharp burn from the Bifrost and the harshness of the ground below him. He takes a look at his surroundings, a desert of some sort. And, it's night, yet warm. Then, he looks at his clothes, at the odd mixed fabrics and plastic and…
Is this Midgard?
And where's his hammer? Did Odin keep it?
He notices a sharp light, far away from his location, it must be Mjölnir. But, before he can move from where he is, a vehicle stops in front of him, and a man in a dark suit with a red eight legged creature printed on it laughs.
"Boss, you're not going to believe this."
Taglist: @lucywrites02 @electroma89 @the-emo-asgardian @rorybutnotgilmore @hybrid-in-progress @weirdfangirl2416 @darkacademicfrom2021 @nicoistrying @twhiddlestonsstuff @kozkalovesloki @thewindandthewolves @gaitwae @leucoratia
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saabab · 3 years ago
Gonna repost everything i have on insta here.
This scene is from a story i made about people living in Jötunnheim and dealing with the ice giants there.
To survive living in these foreign lands they created warriors with the only purpose of slaying the ice giants that threaten the human villages.
The hero here is named Göllnir, he is the strongest warrior of humanity in Jötunnheim, his only goal in life is to save humanity, therefore the sword he carries is not fit to kill a human, but it is perfect for slaying the slow and enormous giants. The sword was made by the Dwarven shamans who made an alliance with humans to help protect each other. It was made from a whole mountain worth of bronze and it has runes of blessing carved onto it.
Other details in this picture are: mother of the last dragon or Jötunnheim, a dead couple with their riding dragon who all wanted to challenge the giant and a lone warrior lying dead along with his horse, it was his last wish to die in a battle because he wasnt chosen to be giant hunter and had to live in comfort or fear throughout his entire life.
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 4 years ago
(MCU) Loki Laufeyson/Odinson Character History and Analysis
(WARNING: Contains spoilers from Thor, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, and The Avengers: Infinity War. Additionally, this is SUPER LONG.
Word Count: 3,795
Some people may view Loki as simply a black and white character in terms of morality. Some may say he's "selfish" or "power hungry" or "evil" or even "uncaring". Some directors may even falsely attribute ideas of being "a spoiled rich kid" or "over dramatic" or having been "trying to kill his brother his whole life" to Loki. But these couldn't be further from the truth. Throughout the Thor franchise (much more diluted in the 3rd Thor thanks to the bias and lack of care or sensitivity from one particular director) and within his appearances in the Avengers films, we see Loki display a wide range of emotion and multi-layered complexity. He struggles with depression, PTSD, extreme fear of failure, being an outcast, and utter brokenness of one's self. Loki is a multifaceted character who has had an immense growth over his years on the screen and allusions to experiences in the past. Loki is not just an "evil", "two-dimensional", "boring", "selfish", "Draco Malfoy-esque" (no offense Draco, I love you too, but this ain't about you), character. He is so much more.
He’s a broken and desperate man who only wanted recognition from his father. This drove him to sabotaging Thor’s coronation to give him more time to prove himself. But when he found out his true parentage, he was broken. Suddenly, in his mind, everything made sense as to why Odin favored Thor over him; not only was he not truly the son of Odin, but he was a “monster”.
Suddenly, the stakes are raised as he feels like he know has to try even harder than before. He goes from making calm and calculated decisions to some desperate and reckless decisions. Thor is out of the way, so he believes he already has a slight advantage. Unfortunately, Thor starts to cause a ruckus on earth. Loki is panicking. He sends the destroyer after him, to destroy him; something he has never done before. He has never gone this far before. He’s not himself anymore; the cumulation of years and years of being in his shadow, untrusted, not knowing why he can’t be equal with his brother (why caused him to do pranks and other mischievous things as, in his eyes, negative attention was better than no attention), all of this building up until it finally overflowed with the events of the first Thor movie finally putting him over the edge. And even then, when Thor is right there to quickly kill with a beam from the destroyer, Loki goes for the backhand. It could still kill him, yes, but emphasis on ‘could’. He is still angry and wanting Thor out of his way, but he can’t bring himself to just so easily get rid of him. Especially not after Thor’s speech to him.
When Thor manages to defeat the destroyer, Loki is thrust into his plan even quicker than before. Trick the frost giants, the Jötunns, the biggest enemy of Asgard at the time, into coming into the palace under the guise of being led to kill Odin. Of course it was never Loki’s intention to have them kill Odin. Even when Odin’s death could solidify his position on the throne; it Odin was killed, no one would be in Loki’s way to claim the throne forever, but the truth is, he didn’t want the throne. He only wanted to be Thor’s equal. So, within the presence of the All-Father in his All-Sleep, Loki killed Laufey. This not only proves that Loki could do what Thor could not, but it also is Loki’s way of showing Odin that he is nothing like the other Jötunns. Unfortunately for Loki’s plan, Thor manages to arrive just in time. Loki’s life is constantly breaking before him; now in front of his own mother, Frigga, the only one who Loki felt truly loved him and held him in the same standing as Thor, saw his plan fall apart.
Loki’s suddenly finding himself desperately fighting with Thor. Something not too new to him, he’s fought him and fought alongside him throughout their childhood and time growing up, but it’s never been like this. Loki needs to prove himself. He can’t let anything stop him no matter what. If he destroys Jötunnheim, Odin will finally accept him, right? But Thor is refusing to truly fight Loki. He doesn’t want to fight his brother. He wants things to go back to normal aside from Thor’s newfound perspective on life. Loki knows this about Thor and know that the only way to bring back the reckless Thor from before is to bring up the woman whom he sees as responsible for his brother going soft. Getting under Thor’s skin, their fight ensues. In the end, Loki gets pinned down by Mjølnir but sees he’s plan to destroy Jötunnheim unfolding. There’s nothing that can stop it.
But then... Thor does the unthinkable. He starts destroying the bifrost. Loki is shocked and immensely confused. Why would his brother be doing this? Why is he trying so hard to stop him and save Jötunnheim, even at the expense of never seeing Jane Foster again? Thor manages to succeed in destroying the bifrost, saving Jötunnheim from destruction. The brothers find themselves in a precarious situation as Loki is clinging onto All-Father’s spear, held by Thor, trying desperately not to fall into the collapsing bifrost. When it seems all is lost, none other than Odin shows up to save them. In a final, desperate act to prove himself to Odin, he proclaims “I could have done it, Father! I could have done it! For you! For all of us!” But what response does he get from Odin? Simply “No, Loki.” Suddenly, Loki feels empty. Defeated. Pointless. He lets go. He falls into the collapsing bifrost expecting and accepting his certain fate of demise. But that wasn’t the last he’s heard of.
To Loki’s unfortunate luck, he falls into the grasp of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Promised power and a planet to rule, Loki is equipped with the scepter containing the mind stone. Not much is known about what exactly occurs during Loki’s time with Thanos, but needless to say, it leaves him gaunt, weakened, exhausted, and appearing to have been burned. Loki is instructed to locate and obtain the Tesseract on earth and return it to Thanos. The Other reminds Loki of the consequences should he fail, “If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he can not find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain.” Loki arrives on earth. More desperate than he’s ever been in his entire life. Furthermore, warped and twisted in the head. This scepter grants him dominion over the minds of others, just through slight contact on the chest.
Unbeknownst to Loki, the effects of the scepter are not limited to touch. It’s affecting him too. Amplifying Loki’s own desires to rise up and prove himself capable of ruling, capable of what his brother is supposed to be entrusted to do. This, combined with the threats and looming consequences that weigh on his mind drive him beyond himself. He’s no longer Loki Odinson. He’s Loki, and he his burdened with glorious purpose.
As the events of The Avengers (2012) unfold, we see glimpses into Loki’s mindset. We see him determined and twist looking. He’s enjoying it. He’s enjoying the attention and the recognition. He is feared. He is a force to be reckoned with. Everything is going to plan. There’s a group trying to come after him? Well that’s no biggie, he knows of the beast inside of Bruce banner. He’s confident he can take them down. Captured in Stuttgart, everything seems to be fixed in the eyes of the Avengers, but Loki knows otherwise. Of course his brother Thor has to pop by and pull him from the situation. We see Thor desperately pleading with Loki to come back home. But Asgard isn’t Loki’s home; not anymore. Thor manages to get under Loki’s skin a bit when he mentions that someone else must be controlling him. “Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?” Even Thor knows that this is beyond his brother, beyond what he would ever do in a normal headspace. What Thor saw of Loki in the first Thor shocked him as well. This is not the Loki he knows. When things seem to be escalating and Thor appears to be ready to start a lecture, Thor is sent flying form a tackle from Iron Man. Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America have a brief fight in the woods below Loki, all the while Loki waits. He waits; he doesn’t try to run, he’s waiting because he needs to follow through with his plan.
When the three avengers stop their fighting and come to a resolve, Loki finds himself being brought on board a massive helicarrier and locked into a secure cell. All according to plan. What he’s not aware of is the scepter having effects on the avengers while their conversation devolves into arguing; they too are affected by the scepter’s proximity based effects. Soon enough, he is visited by one Natasha Romanoff, surprisingly to him as she manages to approach without his knowing. But he knows all about her thanks to Clint Barton. He knows how to attack her weak points, he knows her past and her dark secrets. He’s reveling in the power he feels even within a cell. But when he thinks he’s fully gotten to her, she pauses. She knows his plan to use the Hulk... but how? Now he’s confused but also intrigued. He’s not too worried though as things are still going to plan. The Hulk is unleashed and Hawkeye follows through with the plan. Loki is able to send his brother Thor down from the sky after tricking him into the cell. This Loki does so without hesitation; he laughs at the prospect of his brother’s potential demise. This is not the Loki we knew. Loki makes his escape, losing Hawkeye in the process, and gets to Stark Tower to initiate the final phase of his plan.
Fast forward and the portal is opening. Of course, Thor stops by and crashes his moment. But not the way you might expect. Despite what Loki has done, Thor still approaches him with compassion and love and the desire for him to return home with him. He wants Loki to see what he’s done, he still has hope that this isn’t truly Loki or his desires.
Thor angrily chastises Loki, “Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?”
Loki looks around, fear and shock within his eyes as if he can’t believe what he’s doing. He simply responds, “It’s too late. It’s too late to stop it.”
Thor hopes this is his chance to bring Loki back. “No. We can, together.”
For a moment, it seems like Loki might come back, but he doesn’t. Any hope for himself he has in his eyes is squandered. He really believes he’s “come to far for anything else.” He’s still twisted from the scepter. His thoughts are only of his twisted desire for power and the overwhelming, looming threats of what would come if he fails. He stabs Thor, but not anywhere that could be fatal. He states one thing with an uncertain and wicked smile “sentiment.” He doesn’t stick around to try and kill him either. When Thor gets back up and tries to fight, Loki simply rolls off the edge of Stark tower to be caught by one of the Chituari vehicles. He’s got his eyes elsewhere, he’s not going to waste his time on Thor. He can’t risk the chance of Thor snapping him out of his plans.
Fast forward more, and he is eventually defeated. The raw, physical might of the Hulk is too much even for him. He’s failed. He’s been defeated. He could not deliver on his order from Thanos. Chained and muted by a muffle, Loki follows Thor to be brought back to Asgard for judgement. Something he can only assume to be his death.
Arriving in Asgard, Loki is marched to the All-Father’s throne. His mother Frigga watches from the side. Loki, pretty much numb at this point takes things less than seriously. He is lacking some sanity from before but not so much where he can’t comprehend what’s happening. Just so much to the point that he doesn’t care what happens, or so he thinks. Frigga begs Loki to not make things worse to which Loki retorts “Define worse.” Loki feels like he doesn’t really care since he expects death. He even asks Odin if that is what he will be sentenced to; Loki does so without seeming scared or sad but rather uncaring at his fate.
Odin states, “All this because Loki desires a throne.”
Loki defends himself, calling back to what Odin told him and Thor back when they were children. “It is my birthright!”
And Odin, showing his true colors and a fit of rage responds, “Your birthright was to die as a child! Cast out on a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me.”
Loki is understandably taken aback by this. “If I am for the axe, then, for mercy's sake, just... swing it!”
But when Odin replies with what Loki truly will be sentenced to, Loki’s face changes. Not death, but eternal imprisonment. Eternal imprisonment away from everyone and Loki’s mother who he loves, Frigga. Loki is taken aback. He was content with dying. If he was dead, he would neither have to fear Thanos hunting him down nor feeling of emptiness and worthlessness. But instead of that sweet release, he is sentenced to living out the rest of his life, secluded from his mother but isolated with his own thoughts. This is a fate worse than death in his eyes, especially when you consider how long Asgardians live.
Over a year passes with Loki still in prison. A prison break occurs around him which piques his interest and mischievous nature. He clings to any idea that could provide him with a feeling of life outside of books. Seeing the apparent leader of the group, Loki informs him of the path to take that would lead him to Asgard’s shield generator. It’s uncertain what exactly Loki’s motives are for doing this, but it can be assumed it’s because of his desire to have any impact, to do something that will have an effect, to rile things up. He doesn’t know how truly dangerous these people are. He could easily think that they would be no match for the Asgardians and that he is simply causing a little trouble. Unbeknownst to Loki, these are powerful and dangerous Dark Elves... and his dear mother Frigga was in the path of the Kursed. Frigga dies protecting the location of Jane Foster.
After the matter, after the dark elves had been expelled, Loki, still in his cell, is approached by a guard. A guard; that’s who tells Loki of his mother’s death. No visit from Thor or Odin or even Sif and/or the Warriors Three... While Thor and Odin and the rest of Asgard gets to attend Frigga’s funeral and mourn her, Loki is left all alone in his cell to mourn alone. Distraught, broken again, angry at the Kursed and the Dark Elves, but especially angry with himself. Undoubtedly he feels guilt having been the one to, unintentionally, lead the Kursed directly to Frigga. Loki destroys his cell. He is shattered. The one person he felt true love from. Loki is utterly empty. The last thing he had left is gone, and he didn’t even get to say goodbye. Overwhelmed, he uses his magic to lash out, destroying the entire room. In an absolute rage, he rampaged throughout his little cell, not caring much in the process, even stepping on broken glass and cutting himself. Eventually, he collapsed onto the floor, exhausted, disheveled, and utterly broken.
When Thor comes for Loki’s aide, he finds Loki looking his usual self. Loki inquires if Thor is there to gloat, to which Thor, knowing his brother, tells Loki “no more illusions.” Loki drops the illusion, revealing the trashed state of his cell and himself. “Now you see me brother.” Loki asks if Frigga suffered, but Thor isn’t there to comfort Loki or share their grief. He instead implores Loki to assist him in going against Odin’s wishes to go to the dark world and stop Malekith. Of course this prompts Loki to ask Thor what makes him think he can trust him, to which Thor replies, “I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me, and I will kill you.” Thor is desperate. He’s angry. He’s scared. He’s lost his mom, Jane is in danger, and as far as he’s aware or concerned, he’s lost Loki to the darkness. But he can’t let that stop him now. He needs Loki. He needs someone who has tricks and knowledge of Asgard to help him escape.
Loki ventures with Thor to the dark world, showing him the way (with brotherly banter in between). Loki muses Thors attachment to Jane, a mere mortal. Loki can’t understand why a powerful godlike being such as Thor could grow enamored with someone who will die long before he will. “This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing! It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you prized will be snatched from you.”
Thor is of course angry with this response as (at least at the time... thanks Taika...) he loves Jane, “And will that satisfy you?”
Loki only has to say, “Satisfaction's not in my nature!” This line alone gives us so much insight to Loki, much more than it may seem from surface value. Loki isn’t doing this for self satisfaction. He’s never satisfied, because he’s never been allowed to be. Until he can be equal with Thor, he doesn’t care. Loki appears selfish here, he embodies a persona of self confidence and defiance; as someone who only cares for himself. But this is far from the truth.
We see Loki appear to betray Thor as he cuts off his hand and stabs him before kicking him and sending him down a hill. He then roughly grabs Jane and throws her to the ground in front of Malekith. To the surprise of the audience and Jane, this was all part of Loki and Thor’s plan. Having Malekith off guard, Loki allows Thor to attack. Loki, against what appeared to be his nature a bit ago based on what he said, he immediately rushes to Jane to protect her. Twice. Once to cover her, the second to push her out of the way of one of the Kursed’s attacks that would have killed him if Thor hadn’t managed to get him out of the way last minute. The fight continues and Thor is beaten down and about to be finished off before Loki jumps to his rescue, stabbing the attacking Kursed. Unfortunately for Loki, he was too confident in this attack and the Kursed had enough energy left in him to impale him onto the other end of the blade Loki used to stab him. Loki appears to be dying. He fully expected to. Loki genuinely apologizes to Thor for what he’s done, calling himself a fool.Thor mourns and cries out, promising Loki “I'll tell Father what you did here today.” Loki’s apparent final words are “I didn’t do it for him.” This could be interpreted as Loki doing it for Frigga, Thor, or even himself. This time, Loki didn’t do it for Odin’s approval or recognition. He’s fine dying here. He’s done his part. I personally believe he did it for a mixture of all three of them.
Thor believes Loki to be dead and leaves, heartbroken and mournful, losing his mom and then his brother. Loki, however, did not die. His wound, will appearing to be fatal, did not kill him. It was not enough for a being such as him. He recovers in time and makes his way back to Asgard. Having survived, he has a newfound resolve. He’s done doing things for Odin. He’s going to do something for himself. To prove to himself and the others. Using powerful magic, Loki banishes Odin, the All-Father, guardian of the nine realms, to earth. He clouds Odins memories and leaves him (either in a care home or as a homeless man depending on which you accept as canon in Ragnarök). Loki assumes Odin’s identity as king of Asgard, the All-Father. Eventually, Thor comes to him, believing him to be Odin. He hears Thor honor Loki, giving Loki the praise he always wanted to hear. Loki, as Odin, encourages Thor to keep mjølnir as it belongs to him, and to go on as he wishes as Thor does not desire the throne. Thor thanks Odin and leaves. Loki, returning to his true form, thanks the absent Thor.
Loki rules over Asgard for four years. He avoids any issues, no conflict with other realms, no damage or anything. He enjoys his time in the light, even if others believe him to be Odin.
Then one day, Thor returns. Ragnarok unfolds. Loki finds himself torn between helping Thor or not and keeping himself safe, but ultimately decides to join Thor and fighting to protect the people of Asgard, risking his own life in the process, nabbing the tesseract on his way (c’mon... what’d you expect?). Loki seems content with himself and Thor as king of Asgard. Loki no longer worries about meeting Odin’s expectations, he just needs to meet his own.
Unfortunately, good things don’t last forever. Thanos has finally found Loki. Loki can decide to join Thanos, granting him safety, or to stand by Thor and his people. He chooses the latter. He stands up for Thor. He accepts himself as a Jötunn, but also as an Odinson. He promises Thor, “I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again.” He makes a desperate attempt at Thanos, one that fails. Loki dies, choked out by Thanos. His final words, an insult to Thanos but also a self aware reflection for Loki himself, “You will never be a god.” Loki saves Thor’s life by giving his own. Loki died a hero.
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