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fan-maddson · 6 hours ago
All she could do was blush at his words, happily kissing him. As they headed down the stairs, she held his hand tightly, a broad smile on her lips. From the backyard, she swore she had overheard Gareth, who was more than likely having an argument with one of the guys about music.
It's a Friday night. Surprisingly, they've got a big crowd tonight. What's even more surprising is there is a group of girls here. He makes eye contact with one of them. He thinks he's seen her around school. But he doesn't know her well. He never pegged her for a metal fan. He can't help but give a soft smile before he grabs the mike.
" We are Corrid Coffin ! Get ready to rock !!" He shouts as they start their set.
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This was his chance. The only way to get through to the person who is so hard headed and nasty. "This goes out to my boyfriend. This little song is just for you..." He says and clears his throat.
"Fuck you and your mom and your sister and your job
And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art
Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off
I swear I meant to mean the best when it ended
Even tried to bite my tongue when you start shit
Now you're textin' all my friends asking questions
They never even liked you in the first place
Dated a girl that I hate for the attention
She only made it two days, what a connection
It's like you'd do anything for my affection
You're goin' all about it in the worst ways
I was into you, but I'm over it now
And I was tryin' to be nice
But nothing's getting through, so let me spell it out
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
And your mom and your sister and your job
And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art
Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
You said you just needed space and so I gave it
When I had nothin' to say you couldn't take it
Told everyone I'm a bitch, so I became it
Always had to put yourself above me
I was into you, but I'm over it now
And I was tryin' to be nice
But nothing's getting through, so let me spell it out
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
And your mom and your sister and your job
And your craigslist couch and the way your voice sounds
Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
A-B-C-D-E, F-U
And your mom and your sister and your job
And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art
Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again
Everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off."
It was clear that by the way his now ex boyfriend stormed out of the bar before he could even finish the song he got the message. On top of that the whole bar joined in. When Kyle was done he just got off the stage went to go get something non alcoholic to drink he was approached by a looming figure. It was someone despite his size was less menacing and had more of an air of a golden retriever. When he realized who it was he blushed and jumped. "J-Jesus it's really you!! You're massive but you snuck up on me. That never happens..." He says in shock.
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the-eternal-sunflower · 8 months ago
You're a what?
She should be glad it was nighttime; she should be grateful that she was in the middle of nowhere America. Sun wasn't. She was in pain and falling from the sky as a giant fiery lizard into a very unforgiving hard ground did not help matters.
Sun groaned and held back the roar that threatened to escape her throat as she felt her body slowly change back to human form, her wings and claws merging back to her body. She laid in the crater she had made, panting as the pain slowly subsided, staring up at the night sky.
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phoenixmuses · 16 days ago
♡ Continued from here ♡ For @stuffandthangsandangelwings
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Adrian hadn't seen him like this before — something wasn't right, despite the things Billy had or hadn't done. He exhaled softly, crouching down to his level and subtly studying him, a slight frown on his features. "Listen to me," came his low and steady voice, pausing to make sure the blond was paying attention. "You might have made some bad choices or mistakes or whatever, but that doesn't make you a bad person, okay?" His brows knit together as he noted the tears streaming down his face.
Slowly, Adrian reached out his hand, yet stopped halfway. Maybe it wasn't a good idea — his reputation for aggression wasn't exactly a secret, after all. But something pushed him forward, already gently cupping his cheek and brushing away stray tears with his thumb. "Take a few slow, deep breaths for me, all right? Come on... I'll do it with you."
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fan-maddson · 6 hours ago
Jason looked at Steve, surprised. "Honestly, man, we're not. We're close, yeah, but we've been friends since we were introduced her first semester," he told him honestly. "I kissed her tonight, but...it wasn't planned. It was the first time, and it was awkward as fuck," he smiled, shaking his head.
"I love her, always have, but I'm not gonna stand between her and Eddie. Never have, never will. You have my word on it. Guys think I'm whipped, but...I respect her, is all. And of course, you can take her the letter; you don't have to ask for permission. Hell, I was hoping you'd have Eddie here, honestly. She's hurting...still...and I'm being a dick by leaving so soon."
He looked at Steve and Billy, worry in his eyes. He was being honest with them; he loved her, but he would never stand between her and Eddie. And damn if he didn't love those babies. "Mind if I hold them before I go?"
Can’t Breathe
“You know,  you can use the front door,” Fannie called to Eddie from her bedroom window. “We’re not kids anymore…besides, you’re useless to me dead or injured.” She flashed him a sweet smile, excited to see him. The summer was winding down and she was getting ready to head back to classes. In fact, she should have left last week, but the idea of leaving him again was too much. They’d always been friendly during school, but when she ran into him over winter break her freshman year, something changed. 
Maybe it was being away from Hawkins, actually being able to be herself without feeling like she was constantly being compared to the other girls in town. Maybe it was getting out of her head, and getting the courage to say more than hi to him. Whatever “it” was, this thing between them had grown to be more for her. But she doubted he would ever see her as more than a friend with benefits, another notch on his belt. But gods, when she looked at him, he was all she could see. All it would take was him asking her to stay, and she would. Even if it only meant there was a slight chance there could be something more.
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endlessxrealities · 2 years ago
@stuffandthangsandangelwings​ (Steve Harrington)
‘continued’ / next chapter from {X} ‘starcourt incident’
“Oh, my god, you didn’t just take notes dude, you organized, and annotated and bound it-” Robin rambled on from the back seat, whilst flipping through the book she’d insisted seeing proof of existence, after Steve’s telling of it. “You’ve seen The Evil Dead, right?”
Lauren rolled her eyes, reaching around from the passenger seat, took it back from her. “- Forgive me for wanting to keep track of all the batshit insanity."
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“Writing it out, helps me grasp the information. - and making it pretty, gave me something to do with the rest of my summer, since, oh you know - a giant mind-controlling monster attacked and subsequently burnt down my place of employment.” She tucked it underneath the resumes she’d held in her lap; one belonging to herself, the other, her boyfriend, who was driving them around, to hopefully find a new job, given well.. what she’d just said.
“I’m just saying, if we start levitating and talking in tongues... burn that shit.” Robin said, continuing her reference to the horror movie genre.
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merlexxdixon · 2 years ago
{{ @stuffandthangsandangelwings cont’d from here}}
Soft footsteps have him aware of who must be there and he just keeps the swaying gait a moment before finally shifting his attention to find the other merely staring at him from the doorway seemingly surprised. “She’s almost out,” he whispers, “An’ promise then I’ll be outta yer hair.”  No violence meant that at least he was going to be reasonable for the sake of the small sleepy angel in his arms. Her eyes droop again and she snuggles into the material of his shirt and he can’t help the soft grin. 
Last time he’d done this with a form this small he’d been eight and a proud new older brother but he still knows how to manage. He hums softly deciding if he was just going to stand there then he’d do as he thought was best in order to get her fully to sleep and then gently tucks her into the post office box they’d made into a make shift crib. “Sleep well, l’il angel,” he murmurs. 
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fan-maddson · 3 months ago
"Fuck," she hissed to herself as the jeep rolled to a stop. Thirty hours on the road, and she still wasn't done driving. Well, for now, she was. She'd been having issues with her car for the past few weeks and had hoped it would at least make it to her new home on the East Coast. After who knows how many trips to the auto parts store and way too many hours with her ex-boyfriend trying to get it ready, she put all her faith in her car. Just like she'd put all her hopes in this new job.
Pulling out her phone, she googled the nearest mechanic and then called a tow truck to take her to the nearest town. Hawkins. What bum-fuck kind of town is this? She asked herself as she looked at the exit sign on the interstate. Not like she had a real choice. She was pinching pennies as it was.
As the tow truck pulled up, the rain began to pour down, beating rhythmically on the roof of her jeep, the cargo hold, and her surfboard. Each offered a different sound, the music calming her and her mind. Her eyelids grew heavy, threatening sleep. At least until she heard the knocking on her window.
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fan-maddson · 1 day ago
“I’ll make a list,” Fannie smiled. Soon she was jotting down everything they’d need for meals for the next week, including Wayne’s beloved meat and potatoes, being careful to make sure she’d have everything she’d need for a meatloaf.
Billy gripped the steering wheel tighter. His vision was swimming as he tried to keep from crying. He's bruised up. His right eye swollen shut. He took a deep breath. He didn't feel like partying. Not like this. He covered his face with his hands. Glad no one was around. Everyone inside at Fannie Maddson's house.
He let go, tears rolling down his face as he sat at the end of the street.
Glad for the nights coverage as he sobbed into his hands.
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Kyle knew of THE Yennefer of Vengerberg and what she had done during her massive chaos surge. How powerful she was. He respected her as an individual but at the same he was a small time student from Ban Ard who never thought he’d get a random gift from his betters. Nor from someone who he thought never knew he existed. He did have a rare gift for shadow manipulation sure. But this was just bizarre.
Now on his way after receiving a note of the gift said to be in his room he opened the door only to recoil backwards out of embarrassment and shame. Did he really see THE master Dandilion bound and gagged naked on his bed? “I-I’m so sorry! I-I.. by all the gods above please help me.” He whimpered in embarrassment before peaking around the corner. “Ser Dandelion. I don’t know how we came to this scenario but I will free you. And I apologize profusely for this. I-I’ll untie you now.” Staring at anywhere but the bed he walked sheepishly towards the bed.
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It’s the year 2113 and things have advanced to the point that artificial intelligence has become the norm. People and robots coexist quite harmoniously. It’s there that Kyle lives.
He’s an eighteen year old that has gone through extreme hardships and isn’t quite used to relationships with people. Whether they be friendship or romantic it’s still uncharted territory for him.
One day he’s running down the sidewalk and is about to cross the street as the light changes to the pedestrian walk signal when a car almost fails to stop causing Kyle to fall back and shield himself out of fear.
The man in the backseat gets out before the driver has a chance to react. He comes to Kyle’s aid and helps him up asking if he’s OK. Kyle nods not really speaking much. The man just keeps apologizing. He then thinks of an idea.
The man’s name is Rick Reynolds and is the president and founder of a major robotics production company. He asks for Kyle’s ID chip which is a device that people carry that holds their entire identity in it. He gives it to him and the man scans it saying he’ll be in touch with an apology gift.
All Kyle can do is accept not really knowing what else to do. A week passes and Kyle gets a delivery. It’s a human sized box that has a card from Mr. Reynolds. Kyle opens it inside. When he does it’s a guy. A naked guy at that. Pinned to his chest were instructions. Kyle reads them out loud.
“Welcome to the one of a kind mate model S.T.EVE. This robot isn’t like the rest. He can think, feel, and adapt like a partner would in a romantic relationship. He can even grow old along with his partner. The first and only step to installation and configuration is to kiss him.” Kyle finishes reading.
He gets extremely flustered at the present and starts pacing. He even calks Mr. Reynolds. When he answers he doesn’t let Kyle get a single word in and just talks about how he’ll love this present so much before hanging up.
Kyle looks over at Steve. He sighs and walks over to him stopping just in front of the open box. He hesitates a moment before saying screw it and leans in to kiss him. He doesn’t notice the robot wake and wrap his arms around Kyle and caress him deepening the kiss.
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“Whoa, whoa,” a low voice cried. The horse snorted and Kyle heard the soft thud of hooves hitting the earth alarmingly close to where he was standing. It was so close that he could feel the muffled reverberations in the packed earth. Then, “Oh my God, are you okay?”
No, he wanted to shout. He was trembling all over, knees actually shaking. Kyle slowly dropped his arm and dared to blink open his eyes. He looked up—and up—and up—until he met those green eyes, just as open and bright as the whole damned sky country prairie in a face that was, oh God yes, really incredibly handsome. The sharp words dried on his tongue; the fear drained away. He could actually feel his brain derail. Holy crap, that was one hot cowboy. “Um,” Kyle said stupidly. “I. Yeah. I think…yeah. Hi.”
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fan-maddson · 6 hours ago
"Sounds like a great plan, Stevie," she smiled sweetly. She couldn't wait to get home, to play with their new toys. Especially eager to see the look on Steve's face when she wore what he'd picked out.
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The party was still going strong. But he didn't feel much like celebrating. It was hard to when her words kept bouncing around his head.
" Bullshit...You're bullshit. This is all bullshit..."
Steve had heard how he'd sounded. How his voice had broken and nearly cracked when he asked her those four words:
" You don't love me ?"
He sighed heavily, moving to take another swig from the bottle in his hand.
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Kyle was in an armored truck with Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff and they were on protection duty for him. They didn’t know why he needed to be protected and neither did he because he had lost most of his memories of his childhood. But all of a sudden he knew what would happen next. Like he was clairvoyant or something. And he told Steve who was driving that he shouldn’t have gone down this street and that somebody would be ambushing them. Sure enough it was the Winter Soldier. He stopped the truck with his metal arm then shot up the windows. Kyle had been hiding on the floor in the back seat. He came around to the back right door and ripped it off and tried to pull him out. He was trying to fight him off but he shot Kyle up with some drug that slowed his heart down to the point as if he were dead. He had been carrying him away but Steve and Natasha got out and tried to stop him. Natasha got him back and thought he was dead. She gave him an injection of something in his neck and in his left arm nearest his heart and he started to move again. It was then that he realized what was going on and got super angry and gained my super strength due to the adrenaline. He got up and started fighting the winter soldier trying to break his metal arm but he was always step ahead of his rage filled strength. He was able to knock him out and actually make off with him this time. He came to in some hide out and he was sitting in the winter soldier's lap leaning on his shirtless chest as the other sat leaned back in some chair.
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endlessxrealities · 1 year ago
@stuffandthangsandangelwings (Dean Winchester)
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It was late at night-early morning, around three o'clock, but Lauren still sat curled up in a chair in the bunker's library; clad in in a baggy cardigan, tank top, and her favourite pair of old sweats the boys had given her way back. With a knit blanket across her lap, and an empty mug of hot chocolate, she read through yet another of the many books the place offered.
Though the book had been open on the same page for some time now, as the girl seemed to have drifted off in thought. Her eyes went forward onto the floor further ahead of where she sat, and her hand loosely played with the leather cord that hung from her neck - a piece of black obsidian laying as it's charm.
Her mind was busy elsewhere, she did not notice when she was no longer alone in the room.
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fan-maddson · 8 days ago
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