#stuffandthangsandangelwings rp
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endlessxrealities · 2 years ago
@stuffandthangsandangelwings​ (Steve Harrington)
‘continued’ / next chapter from {X} ‘starcourt incident’
“Oh, my god, you didn’t just take notes dude, you organized, and annotated and bound it-” Robin rambled on from the back seat, whilst flipping through the book she’d insisted seeing proof of existence, after Steve’s telling of it. “You’ve seen The Evil Dead, right?”
Lauren rolled her eyes, reaching around from the passenger seat, took it back from her. “- Forgive me for wanting to keep track of all the batshit insanity."
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“Writing it out, helps me grasp the information. - and making it pretty, gave me something to do with the rest of my summer, since, oh you know - a giant mind-controlling monster attacked and subsequently burnt down my place of employment.” She tucked it underneath the resumes she’d held in her lap; one belonging to herself, the other, her boyfriend, who was driving them around, to hopefully find a new job, given well.. what she’d just said.
“I’m just saying, if we start levitating and talking in tongues... burn that shit.” Robin said, continuing her reference to the horror movie genre.
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endlessxrealities · 10 months ago
She glances at him, then back over the horizon.. feeling faintly woeful that the experience was indeed at an end.
"Okay." Lauren says, looking back at him, the faintest, accepting smile twitching at her lips as she takes in his beautiful blue eyes once again, before pushing herself up and off the hood of the car, and towards the passenger side door again, to get back in, and to head home..
Billy looked out to the horizon with her. He shyly reached out, taking her hand in his as they basked in the late sunlight. He enjoyed the moment with her watching as the sunlight faded, giving way to moonlight and stars.
Yes tomorrow was a different day. First thing in the morning he’d give Tommy the money for the bet.
Then he planned on asking Lauren out properly. He really hoped for a second date with her soon.
Billy sighed softly, he gives her one another sweet kiss.
“ Let’s get you home, Beautiful.”
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the-eternal-sunflower · 8 months ago
You're a what?
She should be glad it was nighttime; she should be grateful that she was in the middle of nowhere America. Sun wasn't. She was in pain and falling from the sky as a giant fiery lizard into a very unforgiving hard ground did not help matters.
Sun groaned and held back the roar that threatened to escape her throat as she felt her body slowly change back to human form, her wings and claws merging back to her body. She laid in the crater she had made, panting as the pain slowly subsided, staring up at the night sky.
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phoenixmuses · 16 days ago
♡ Continued from here ♡ For @stuffandthangsandangelwings
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Adrian hadn't seen him like this before — something wasn't right, despite the things Billy had or hadn't done. He exhaled softly, crouching down to his level and subtly studying him, a slight frown on his features. "Listen to me," came his low and steady voice, pausing to make sure the blond was paying attention. "You might have made some bad choices or mistakes or whatever, but that doesn't make you a bad person, okay?" His brows knit together as he noted the tears streaming down his face.
Slowly, Adrian reached out his hand, yet stopped halfway. Maybe it wasn't a good idea — his reputation for aggression wasn't exactly a secret, after all. But something pushed him forward, already gently cupping his cheek and brushing away stray tears with his thumb. "Take a few slow, deep breaths for me, all right? Come on... I'll do it with you."
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endlessxrealities · 1 year ago
@stuffandthangsandangelwings (Dean Winchester)
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It was late at night-early morning, around three o'clock, but Lauren still sat curled up in a chair in the bunker's library; clad in in a baggy cardigan, tank top, and her favourite pair of old sweats the boys had given her way back. With a knit blanket across her lap, and an empty mug of hot chocolate, she read through yet another of the many books the place offered.
Though the book had been open on the same page for some time now, as the girl seemed to have drifted off in thought. Her eyes went forward onto the floor further ahead of where she sat, and her hand loosely played with the leather cord that hung from her neck - a piece of black obsidian laying as it's charm.
Her mind was busy elsewhere, she did not notice when she was no longer alone in the room.
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willyoustilllovemeifimbroken · 10 months ago
@stuffandthangsandangelwings @the-winter-dork-rp
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CHRIS EVANS 2021 | Tecno Mobile CAMON 17 Series
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ithinkmyskullburns · 7 years ago
It's just a flesh wound! //closed rp
“Fuck! Damn!” Johnny cursed and groaned in pain and leaned back against the car, holding his bleeding hand where he got bitten by a walker while he was fighting a bunch of these undead bastards.
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thesebrokenboys · 6 years ago
((So my blog turned five today!
I cant even begin to express how shocked i was lol. I cant believe i've been here for five years. Lots of people have come and gone, but i love all my mutuals and i thought i would celebrate turning five with a quick follow forever. So in no special order, here are some mutuals, old and new, that i love and cherish.
@stuffandthangsandangelwings and all your blogs, @glorypast @dragxnfall @thefandomforme @thearthurcallahan and your blogs @troubledgunslinger @pinkhardtd @gettingjunkywithit @outlawjustice @dexdeye-whiskey @highnoon-cowboy @deathmimedream @deadlockcowboy @ask-whitewolfebarnes and last but never least, @collectionofethics
Thank you all for making my five years here amazing and for all you do for your respective rp communities. Being a multimuse oc blog is never easy, but you all opened your blogs and your muses to me, and i love you all.
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willyoustilllovemeifimbroken · 10 months ago
@stuffandthangsandangelwings @the-winter-dork-rp
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SEBASTIAN STAN as BUCKY BARNES Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
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fan-maddson · 7 years ago
Just a little shoutout to some amazing RP partners on here. They’re amazing writers, and totally understanding of life outside of Tumblr. (no particular order)
@miscl-muses @skallagrimulfhedinn @starspangledtightsman @themightiestavenger @stuffandthangsandangelwings @cheryl1967 @we-are-equally-destructive @deviliishly @dcspairwings @naughtyjimkirk @created-to-protect
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pxlxtixr-blog · 7 years ago
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So wow - never thought I’d get here --
Here’s to those who follow me and I RP with! <3
My boos: @stuffandthangsandangelwings, @mistfade, @miserieah, @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable, @apocalypticsavior, @hcmmcrcd, @missusgrimes, @one-eye-grimes, @aintmadeforthisworld , @spillcdblood , @daryliisms ,
People I stalk and want to do LOTS of things with:
@drtywork , @prayingfxryou , @leadyou , @notglennrhee , @aintxjudas , @aintashes , @neverfittedin , @theprixrity , @soldier306 , @vestwings , @brokenarcher . @alwaysasurvivor , @stcmpass To my first follower - thank you!  @sheriffwithagun
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cristinatheincredible · 8 years ago
&&&& more
send ‘&’ for 3 blogs i recommend:This might be the last one I do of these because I've gotta get back to replies 😂- @lixncourt: I love finding great, well-written muses that are a part of fandoms I love but don't usually see, and that's totally what I get from this mun. Plus, if you're a fan of Interview with a Vampire, you'll know right away that their Lestat is spot on which really makes me love it. - @cornelthecursed: I have no idea how or why I haven't mentioned this blog before. I love the character, I love talking to the mun, I love the chemistry with Cristina. There's literally nothing not to love about this blog, so go follow. - @manyimaginativemuses: Again, I love finding uncommon muses with very good writing and extremely true interpretations of them. This is it. Everything from Rock of Ages to American Gods to The Princess Bride, this blog is straight up awesome. - @aintmadeforthisworld: As a big fan of The Walking Dead, I have to say that all the writing from this mun is really true to the show and I really love that. From Rick to Negan, this mun really nails their personalities in their writing and I love it. - @spywriter27: This mun has some really amazing writing and beautifully genuine characters that anyone would enjoy writing with. I definitely say that their blog is a must follow especially if you love creative OCs. - @winterfading: This is one of my favorite Bucky Barnes RPers because the writing is really amazing and the mun is always super great about responding to asks, and the inbox memes they reblogged are just super fun to do with them and reblog onto your blog too. - @magicinthestory: I love a really great OC and this blog has a ton. The mun's writing is awesome and I can't gush about them enough because writing with them is really a lot of fun. - @stuffandthangsandangelwings: I love Walking Dead blogs, especially really good Walking Dead blogs and that's what this is. Following them is awesome and their characters are really true and spot on which is something I can't go on about enough. - @jackpittgregor: One of my favorite Lokis, hands down. The mun really brings a human and empathetic aspect to Loki on top of their beautiful writing. Also, all the pictures of Tom Hiddleston that they reblog is just an added bonus. - @blackcowledbat: This is a great Bruce Wayne. Simple as that, it just is. This RPer is really great at what they do and they can do all forms of RP and really amazingly at that too. - @bloodsoakedfangs: I haven't RPed with them a ton but the mun is super friendly and came in my inbox right away to ask if I wanted to plot and they have a number of really amazing muses that anyone would be happy to RP with. - @luciustaker: This is a great OC. One that is really sweet and works really well with Cristina which I love. Definitely go follow them because you'll enjoy RPing with them, I can guarantee that.
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willyoustilllovemeifimbroken · 10 months ago
@stuffandthangsandangelwings @star-spangled-dork-rp
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steve's tight little shirts
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thesebrokenboys · 7 years ago
Okay, PSA time
So, i’m thinking about doing some excusives/faves on this blog. Just because if other people can, i can too. So this is only a working list of how i would break things down:
@horus-amari @hacked-servers @stuffandthangsandangelwings @dont-ask-about-the-angel @savethatdanceforme @talonxtracer
I will only Rp those characters (Ana Amari, Sombra, Daryl Dixon, Dean Winchester, Lena Oxton (talon version) and Steve Rodgers) with those people. This could be subject to change as I said this list is no where near being finalized.
@glorypast @whitewolfebarnes @tactical-offense @deadlockcowboy @deathmimedream @emindierp @swcctserpent
These people all portray their characters well and some are the same muse so i don’t want to make them exclusives. But their characters will probably get more interactions with my ocs on the level of exclusives. Again, not a complete list.
If you want to be added to either list, IM me and i’ll think it over. I might be doing a small unfollow thing in August, so i can clear my desktop a little before i go off to college. However i’ll make a post about that when/if it happens.
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endlessxrealities · 2 years ago
Billy Hargrove x Lauren Henderson @stuffandthangsandangelwings
"Ceilings, plaster.. can’t you just make it move faster?
Lovely to be sitting here with you.. You're kinda cute.. but it’s..
Raining harder, my shoes are now full of water...
Lovely, to be rained on with you."
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endlessxrealities · 2 years ago
“How could we ever just be friends?         ...I would rather die than let you go..“
“Oh, I used to say... I would never fall in love again until I found her..” “I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her..   ...I found you.”
Steve Harrington X Lauren Henderson
This is absolutely their song, brb crying.
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