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Ok, for a long long time I've been wanting to draw the map of realms from my AU and this drawing took me so long to finish that I dropped it halfway through BUT I finally picked it up again and finished!!! I present to you:
Yggdrasil and its realms
In my AU, there are 14 known realms and among them, we have:
Sólmani, the realm of Sun and Moon and the kingdom of Dellingr, deity of day/night;
Viðbláinn, the new place for the remaining humans and gods after Ragnarök;
Andlangr, the “bunker” for all humans when Ragnarök happens;
Asgard, realm of the Æsir gods. Here we have Valhalla, Valaskjálf and Hliðskjálf, Þrúðvangr and Bilskirnir, Fensalir AKA Sökkvabekkr, Breiðablik, Glitnir, Himinbjörg, Belivalr mountain and Ýdalir, Iðavöllr and Glaðsheimr and Vingólf, Hvergelmir river, Lanvidi, Nóatún, Hildarvangr.
Vanaheim of the Vanir gods. A place full of magic and where the first witches came. Here you can find Fólkvangr and Sessrúmnir just to name a few. It’s the place of rest of a giant who fell in the hands of Lilith, turning into Vanaheim upon his death. The Ylgr river flows through Vanaheim and bathes the giant skeleton of the realm.
Midgard is Earth, where most of “Hilda and The Allmother” characters came from. Among thousands upon thousands of known places, few stand out. They are: Trolberg, Toføten, Vanæsvalr AKA Hexental, Gnipahellir, Húnaland, Hreiðgotaland, Gästrikland, Bjarmaland, mountain Rerir, mountain Hár, mountain Halldór, Munnin’s peak, Járnviðr forest, Myrkviðr forest, Nótt forest, Huldraforest, Steinnharr and Jötunnstone, Björgfjord and Björd lake and Liten, the ruins of Whiteridge castle, Byrstrfossen, Towe's tower, the Highwood, Philosopher's Watch, The Signalhan's barrow, Possegrim, Fjörm, Fimbulþul and Sylgr triplet rivers just to name a few.
Jötunheim, the realm of giants of old. Hnitbjörg, Útgarðar, Fjällenótt, Þrymheimr, Vimur AKA Við and Hríð river are few of the most famous locations on the realm. When the giants left Midgard, they went to Jötunnheim.
Muspelheim, is the realm of fire and magma and where Surtr lives. Vígríðr and Eldrhellir are two of the most famous places of the realm. The river of molten metal, Leiptr, flows through Muspelheim and leads to Svartalfheim, where the dwarves can use the metal to forge.
Helheim is the realm of the dead and where the ship of the dead Naglfari sails. Niflheim is located here and the entrance to Niflheim. The Gjöll river cuts the land of the living from the land of the dead and where the Gjallarbrú bridge stands above, protected by Angrboða and Garmr. There’s another river, the Sliðr and lastly, the Svöl river from where the Náströnd is born. The Éljúðnir hall, home of Helgeisten and his daughters is the last known place.
Ránarheim is the realm of the drowned. This is where all drown people go to rest and the kingdom of Rán. Hríð rive from Jötunnheim leads to this realm. Gunnþrá is the second river from where the drown can use to go to Ránarheim.
Gefheim, the immense fields where Gef uses to plow the dirt with her oxen children. All of those who died virgin go to Gefheim to become he oxen. She’s the responsible for rowing giants portions of land for humans to settle. The river that flows through Gefheim and nourishes all plants and gardens is Vimur river, that flows through Jötunheim
Svartalfheim is the second darkest realm to live. There you will find the dwarves, where they can mine from the caves to forge all of their itens. It’s connects Niflheim to Muspelheim by a hidden entrance. Its most famous kingdom is Niðavellir and where the molten metal river Leiptr ends.
Niflheim, the realm of mist and darkness and the prison of Lilith and Níðhöggr, alongside other monstrous dragons who gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil. There, móðguðr and the three nornir Valkyries Skuld, Svipul AKA Urðr and Verðandi fight with the dragons. There you will find the Náströnd river, the Mímisbrunnr, Urðarbrunnr and Hvergelmir wells protected by the nornir and Níðhöggr’s lair: Niðafjöll.
At last, Ginnungagap, where Yggdrasail and Svartrfligr, “the eternal black” live. A neverending space that leads to nowhere and from where the Éligávar river was born. Frozen by Niflheim’s coldness and evaporated by Muspelheim heat, all life began at this river and this river runs through all of Yggdrasil, flooding the realms with life. From Éligávar, tons of rives flow, among them we have: Hvergelmir, Sliðr, Vimur, Ylgr, Hríð, Gunnþrá, Fjörm, Fimbulþul, Sylgr, Leiptr, Svöl.
I really hope you people like it and I’m so sorry it took me this long to post. Hope the next doesn’t take as long.
#Hilda#hilda fanart#hilda netflix#hilda the show#hilda the series#hilda au#au#alternate universe#hilda and the all-mother#realms#yggdrasil#ginnungagap#sólmani#solmani#viðbláinn#vidblainn#andlangr#asgard#alfheim#vanaheim#midgard#jötunheim#jotunheim#helheim#muspelheim#svartalfheim#ránarheim#ranarheim#gefheim#niflheim
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