#Izumi Sumi
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Today's Beauty-Marked Beauty is: Sumi Izumi from Nande Ikiteru ka Wakaranai Hito Izumi Sumi 25-sai
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anzuhan · 2 months
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ravenovni · 2 years
My confort character is "sad introverted girl with no friend that slowly finds friends that accept her" and "friendly normal girl that is kind and cares about the shy main character girl and teaches her to open up to people"
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insickur3 · 2 months
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sanguinesucker · 28 days
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jujumin-translates · 4 months
Misumi Ikaruga | [N] One-Man Show (Summer) | One-Man Show ~Number One Popular Rental Boyfriend~
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Misumi: What’s my one-man show theme~?
Kazunari: Hold up, Sumi! What do you mean it’s “Number One Popular Rental Boyfriend”!?
Tenma: R-Rental boyfriend!?
Kumon: Huh, I never woulda guessed that!
Yuki: Does the Trianglien even know what a rental boyfriend is? Someone better explain it to him before the performance--.
Misumi: It’s okay~!
Kumon: Wait, it’s okay? What kinda rental boyfriend are you thinking of, Sumi-san?
Misumi: Yeah. I’ve seen part-time job listings for rental boyfriends before! I talked to Tsuzuru about it doing it, but he stopped me…
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Muku: Eeh? Misumi-san, you were going to take a part-time job as a rental boyfriend!?
Kumon: No way! This is the first I’m hearing of it!
Yuki: How’d you even come across a recruitment thing like that?
Tenma: Wait, Misumi, you know that kinda thing in a theater company is--.
Izumi: H-How about we stop talking! Let’s just get on with the performance!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: “Thanks for waiting!”
Misumi: “Sorry for making you wait~. Are you cold? Here, c’mere.”
Misumi: “Let squeeze your hand like this and… there, you won’t be cold like this, right?”
Misumi: “Now, how about we go to that ice festival you’ve been talking about going to aaall day?”
Misumi: “Ah, look! The snow sculptures over there are full of triangles! Like this one here… Hehe, it kinda looks like a kitty, don’t you think?”
Misumi: “...Wait. You don’t happen to be hungry, do you?”
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Misumi: “I knew it! Then how about you have some of this warm onigiri~? Yeah, I’ll eat, too, so let’s eat them together!”
Misumi: “Nomnom…”
Misumi: “...”
Misumi: “Ah. S-Sorry. I spaced out.”
Misumi: “When I eat with you… I don’t know why, but it makes my chest feel kinda warm and fuzzy.”
Misumi: “Heh, I hope you’re a little fuller now. Ah, right!”
Misumi: “Hey, hey, let’s make a snow sculpture, too~♪”
Misumi: “Hmmh~m, make a triangle, connect this, scrape off that… Umm, a little more detail and…”
Misumi: “--Done!”
Misumi: “Are you done? So am I~. Then let’s show them to each other!”
Misumi: Ta-daa! I made triangle you ♪ What do you think? It looks just like you, right?”
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Misumi: “Why you? That’s not a fair question. You know why better than anyone.”
Misumi: “...Yeah. ‘Cause you’re my precious triangle--.”
Misumi: “Ah! It’s about time, isn’t it? …Yeah, that’s what you paid for.”
Misumi: “Thanks for today! I’ll be waiting for you to call on me again ♪”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Done~! That was fun!
Kazunari: Good work, Sumi! You were supes cool ☆
Misumi: Ehehe, thanks!
Yuki: No, where’s the fun in a date like that?
Tenma: I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t get them to request you again after that…
Kumon: Huh? But I thought he might get some repeat clients! What did you think, Muku? …Wait, Muku?
Muku: T-That was so cool…! It was like at first the relationship was just one between someone and their client, but then it slowly got more and more serious and--.
Muku: No matter how many times he’s been requested, he’s always struggled with the fact that there’s a server-client relationship between them, but neither of them can say it out loud and…!
Yuki: Aaaand Muku’s gone full delusional yapping mode.
Kazunari: Okay, but if Muku’s giggling and kicking his feet in the air over it in this much, then…
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Kumon: It’ll be a huge success!
Misumi: Wooo, yaay!
Misumi: Then if they’re still looking for part-time rental boyfriends, maybe I should give it a try~?
Muku: Huh? Y-You…
Tenma: Hey, Misumi. I’m not Tsuzuru-san, but as Summer Troupe’s leader, I’m gonna stop you right there.
Kazunari: Exactly, Sumi! What if you get so popular that it starts causing problems?
Kumon: Right!? Especially with all the repeat clients you’d be getting!
Yuki: For the love of God, please just get a part-time job with literally any kind of security.
Misumi: Huh~?
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ichinisankaku · 6 months
Event Translation - Spotlight ~Tsukushi High Side~ (Part 1)
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Muku: Today's food was delicious too.
Juza: Yeah. I like how this stew tastes.
Izumi: The stir-fry's also delicious! As expected of Omi-kun.
*door opens*
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Kumon: Haa, that was a good workout!
Izumi: Kumon-kun, were you training by yourself?
Kumon: Yep! Or, well, rather than training, I was practicing my dancing.
Since I'll be dancing at the school festival this year, I gotta learn the choreography!
Sakyo: Right, Tsuku High's having its school festival soon, isn't it.
Kumon: Yeah! It's Tsuku High tradition for some third year volunteers to put on a dance show at the post-festival party, with all the most popular songs of the year.
I saw the previous year's performance and decided that I absolutely wanted to take part, so I applied for it!
Sakyo: Sounds like you.
Muku: Is Azami-kun doing something too?
Izumi: (Azami-kun doesn't really seem the type to take part in these things, but…)
Azami: …
Kumon: Azami's doing a rap show that night!
Juza: He's also takin' part in a voluntary performance like that?
Azami: …Seems like some guy from another class saw one of the rap etudes I do with Homare-san sometimes.
I was basically dragged into it against my will.
Izumi: I see…
Sakyo: Sounds like Bon's fitting in well.
Azami: Mind your own business.
Kumon: Only people affiliated with the school are allowed at the post-festival party, though.
I wanted you guys to see my dancing and Azami's rapping~
Azami: Well I didn't.
Kumon: But but, I'll absolutely make sure to video it! And I'll show that video to everyone!
Plus, anyone can enter during the day, so come and have fun. Our classes are putting stuff on too!
Mine is doing a bubble tea house, and Azami's is doing a haunted house.
I actually wanted to do a haunted house too, but I got to do that with everyone in the dorm.
And our bubble tea house is gonna be super hype!
Muku: I'm looking forward to Tsuku High's festival. I'll make sure I'm free then.
Kumon: Great! Ah, that reminds me, Sumi-san said he'd come too!
Juza: Right, that guy also went to Tsuku High, didn't he.
Muku: Let's go talk to him too, then.
Azami: You better not come, shitty Sakyo.
Sakyo: What was that?
Izumi: (Fufu, everyone seems to be having fun.)
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Kumon: Lunch, lunch~
Azami: I'm starving…
Kumon: Hey hey, Azami, are you practicing your rapping?
Azami: Eh, here and there… you?
Kumon: Of course! I've got plans to practice after school today! Yamaguchi's joining in too~
Azami: Huh, that's a bit surprising.
Kumon: He said he was invited by his classmates.
Speaking of, let's go around the festival together!
Azami: Hah? Isn't that something you'd normally do with your own classmates?
Kumon: I wanna go around with everyone, and that means you too! C'mon, it'll be fun!
Azami: Well, I guess that's fine…
Kumon: Yaay!
Azami: Anyway, let's eat our food.
Kumon: I'm hungry too! I bought lotsa bread today.
Azami: I've got salad and onigiri… and a yogurt drink.
Kumon: Ah! That sounds good! I'm kinda interested in that one.
Azami: Yuki-san said it's pretty good.
Kumon: Hu~h!
…Y'know, it's just occurred to me, but going to school with you and regularly eating lunch together like this…
I never would've thought it would happen when we joined the troupe~
Azami: I mean, that's 'cause you-
[Prologue | Flora 1 | Flora 2 | Flora 3 | Flora 4 | Flora 5 | Flora Epilogue | Tsukushi 2 | Tsukushi 3 | Tsukushi 4 | Tsukushi 5 | Tsukushi Epilogue]
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 26: Making Dreams Come True
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Kumon: Kay, and we’re done. How was it?
Kazunari: I feel so much lighter now! Thankies, Kumopi!
Kumon: Who wants a massage next~?
Muku: Could I ask for one, then?
Kumon: Of course!
Tenma: Huh? Where’s Misumi?
Kazunari: Oh yeah, he’s been gone for a while.
Yuki: He probably just went to find triangles again.
Tenma: But still, it’s almost–
[Misumi sneaks behind Tenma]
Misumi: Can’t find it~...
[Tenma jumps away]
Tenma: !?
Tenma: That gave me a shock! Don’t come in without saying anything!
Kazunari: What can’t you find, Sumi~?
Misumi: Grandpa’s photo…
Kumon: EHHH!? But you had it with you when we filmed that video to upload on social media, right?
Yuki: Maybe you dropped it while changing?
Misumi: I already didn’t have it when I changed clothes, so I think I dropped it somewhere…
Kazunari: Let’s all look around the dressing room and the theater for now!
Misumi: Okay…
Kazunari: Hmmm… Can’t find it…
Tenma: It wasn’t at the audience’s seats, either.
Muku: I asked the staff, but no one saw it anywhere…
Yuki: I also asked everyone else on LIME, but they also didn’t see it.
Izumi: Then you must have dropped it while handing out flyers.
Kumon: Let’s look on the streets until it’s time for the performance. It’s gonna get dark soon.
Izumi: Good idea.
Misumi: Nuh-uh, it’s okay.
Misumi: I don’t wanna bother everyone before such an important performance.
Kumon: Don’t call it a bother–
Misumi: Yuki, sorry for losing it after I had you make that holder.
Yuki: I can make something like that any time, but there’s only one of that picture, right?
Muku: Exactly. Hakkaku-san wrote your name on the back of that picture. You won’t get your hands on another like it.
Misumi: Grandpa, sorry… But I’m sure that now he’s telling me to do my best in the performance.
Izumi: That might be true, but…
Tenma: … Director, we still have time, yeah?
Izumi: Hm? Yeah, of course we do.
Tenma: Misumi’s desire to have Hakkaku-san watch him up close, and Hakkaku-san’s dream to see Misumi on stage…
Tenma: We can’t just let them be on our important first day. We don’t ever give up, do we?
Kazunari: Right. Let’s keep looking till the end, Sumi!
Kumon: If we all look, we’re bound to find it!
Yuki: You didn’t hand out flyers at too many places, we definitely have time to look at the places where you did.
Muku: That’s right, let’s go!
Misumi: Everyone… Thanks!
Tenma: Did you find it?
Muku: No… I went all the way to the station, but I didn’t find it anywhere.
Yuki: That’s weird. We didn’t go anywhere else…
Kumon: Maybe someone picked it up…
Kazunari: I asked at the police box, but they said no one left it there either.
Muku: Hmmm…
Misumi: … I’ll keep looking for a little longer!
[Misumi runs off]
Kumon: Ah, Sumi-san–
???: Hm?
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Hyodo Kumon - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Feature (1/3)
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Special thanks to @asteroidtaker for sharing this backstage story with me! 🐶🎂🎊
*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kumon: Zzz~… *snore*…
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*something falls*
Kumon: …Nrgh!? Chacha…?
Misumi: Morning, Kumon~!
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Kumon: Ah, Sumi-san. Morning!
Misumi: Why’d you call Chacha~? Did you dream about “WONDER RUSH”?
Kumon: Ah, nope. I didn’t mean that Chacha. I meant the corgi plushie I got way back from the arcade! Chacha fell on my face just now… I wonder if I was sleeping in a weird position today?
Misumi: Maybe Chacha got bumped by your pillow or something~?
Kumon: Ah, that’s possible! …Come to think of it, Chacha hasn’t appeared in my dream even once since I brought him back from the arcade. Even though Tenma-san has dreamed about his black shiba plushie Rio before…
Muku: These are Kyu-chan’s results, right?
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Izumi: Yep, that’s right.
Tenma: Oh. We’re the same, huh?
Yuki: I see. It can also end up being the same play.
Kazunari: Awesome! Kumopi was a cutie pie in this play, wasn’t he~!
*door opens*
Misumi: Ah, everyone’s here~.
Kumon: What’re you guys looking at?
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Izumi: Ah, great timing, you two! We got the results from the poll to decide your side character.
Kumon: The poll for my side character…
Tenma: Yeah. For that project where we’re streaming spin-off stories of our side characters.
Yuki: All the troupe members are supposed to do one each, remember?
Kumon: So you mean the role for my side character spin-off has been decided!? Which role is it!?
Izumi: Drumroll please. Kumon-kun’s role for his spin-off is~… Chacha from “WONDER RUSH”!
Kumon: Woah! “WONDER RUSH”? That’s the same as Tenma-san’s! Hey wait, I was just talking about Chacha this morning. What sick timing!
Kazunari: Ooh~, really!
Muku: Kyu-chan looked incredible Chacha’s costume.
Misumi: Kumon looked adorable~.
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Yuki: I made it, so that’s only natural.
Temma: He fit the role to a tee.
Kumon: Hehe. Aw, shucks. Anyways, I’m super stoked to be able to play Chacha in a brand new story!
Izumi: Talk to Tsuzuru-kun about the script, okay?
Tenma: You can give him a request too. That’s what I did.
Kumon: Nice! I wanna put in a request for sure!
Izumi: Fufu. Please have a meeting with Tsuzuru-kun then. I’m going to head out now.
Kazunari: Catch you later, Director-chan.
Muku: Take care.
*door closes*
Misumi: Kumon and I were talking about Chacha in the morning, so that was a big surprise~.
Kumon: I was shocked too! The timing worked out too well!
Yuki: You mentioned that earlier. What happened?
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Kumon: It’s not a big deal or anything. The Chacha plushie I placed on my bedside fell on my face this morning.
Muku: Really? What an amazing coincidence.
Kazunari: Oh, you sleep together with Chacha!
Kumon: Yeah! I placed him beside my bed thinking he might appear in my dreams. And that’s how it turned out.
Tenma: So did Chacha end up appearing in your dreams?
Kumon: Not even once… Has Rio appeared in your dreams after that, Tenma-san?
Tenma: No, that was the only time.
Kumon: I see…
| next
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haru-desune · 2 years
So i got polls
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sankaku-translations · 4 months
Misumi Ikaruga SSR [Mankai Treasure] Treasure Hunt: MISUMI /1
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Good work at the meeting, you two.
Other than the leaders, Yuki-kun and Azami-kun also attended today, so it was nice that we were able to make decisions on things relating to costumes.
I’m looking forward to making the costumes I’ve always wanted to try making. 
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Sakuya and the rest of Spring Troupe are also anticipating those costumes too.
Sumi–san, I knew it, it’s incredible!
But it definitely feels weird without you, Kumopi~
Let's see what the next show is–!
Seems lively in room 202.
Now that you mention it, in the Summer Troupe’s LIME, there was a message saying to meet in room 202 after the meeting was over.
What are they making a fuss about?...
Well, anyway, should we go and take a look? 
Since we’re here, how about coming with us, Director?
Are you sure? Then I’ll stop by for a bit. 
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We’re here.
Ah, Tenma-kun, Yuki-kun, and also Director! 
Thank you for your hard work.
Welcome, all three of you–.
Just now, we were watching a video of “Sky Pirates”! 
“Sky Pirates”?
Yep Yep! I was sorting through the videos, and it felt like a viewing party, so I thought I might as well call everyone and watch it together.
So that’s what happened.
Is your meeting over?
Yes. I've been talking about this for a while now, but we’ve decided to release birthday goods this year, too.
For real!?
Let’s go–! I’ve been waiting!
What kind of theme is it this time?
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The costume will be made out of PVC material, with plans to make use of the light reflections. Yuki-kun suggested this.
PVC material?
What is that~?
This, the material that I showed everyone at the meeting before.
I guess the image is something like this.
Uwaah, it’s sparkling!
Amazing! It’s so cool–!
To be able to make this, Yukki, you’re seriously a genius!
It's a different vibe from the costumes we've been wearing, and it looks good with a birthday feel to it.
Since it's such a special occasion, I'd like to come up with some kind of birthday-related project. I do something every year anyway.
I’ve got a few guesses (ideas) myself, but I’m still not sure what to do~.
……Treasure Hunt.
Treasure hunt?
Ah, um……the costume this time, it's really sparkly (キラキラ)!
I was wondering if we could do a treasure hunt, since They both share the common point of sparkly things.
And also, we were just watching “Sky Pirates,” so I thought it was pretty timely.
That’s, really good!
Mukkun, nice idea!
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I want to do a treasure hunt!
The costume’s sparkly vibes definitely link with the image of treasure.
Yea, not bad.
I’ll incorporate the idea into the costume, too.
I'm all for it too! This project is becoming so exciting! 
Ok, then I'll think about things based on that!
Is it okay, Director-chan?
Of course, I’m also looking forward to it.
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Everyone, thanks for gatherin~!
Recently, with Mukkun’s hint of “Treasure Hunt,” I’ve thought about the details of the birthday project.
What kind of project is it~?
On the day of their birthday, they will receive from Director-chan, treasure……..
A memo with a hint of where their present will be.
Someone from the company prepared the present and hint, so until you find out who it is, have fun!
So, based on the details written in the memo, you go and find the present and the person who prepared it. 
BTW, I'm thinking of having each of us film the event 𝅘𝅥𝅮
I see. So, while taking a video and commenting, they will search for the treasure and the participants.
YES! So I was thinking, why don't we take pictures of the treasures we find and upload them at the end of the project?
But even though it's a project, the only thing shown is the final photo posted on Inste……
I'm planning to have the camera rolling, but it's more for recording purposes or maybe for memories.
It’s going to be like a home video, so you don't have to pay much attention to it!
Waah, it seems so fun!
On top of that, it seems like we can make great memories.
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Looks like a lot of funー!
I wanna do it, I wanna do it!
I guess we can get creative in many ways with the present and hint.
I think Instagram will be a great way to please fans.
Birthday Treasure Hunt, I’m so excited!
It goes perfectly with a birthday, so I think it’s a great idea. Let’s try this project.
Ok–! Thanks, everyone!
Let’s let everyone else know right away 𝅘𝅥𝅮
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ーーHere, this is the camera I got from Kazunari-kun.
When you start looking for the treasure, turn on the camera ok?
I got it~!
And, here is the hint. 
Based on this information, try to look for the treasure.
Well then, have fun!
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Okay—, treasure hunt, let's go~!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Top
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Bracket C Round 1
Poll 6
Alyssa Barlee (@radiozap777) vs. Hikaru Akagi (@foxes81ofanime)
139. Alyssa Barlee (@radiozap777)
Alyssa is a shy, quiet girl who always feels like she's done something wrong. Coming from the world of Epithet Erased, she herself has the epithet ""Seed,"" giving her plenty of plant-related powers. Despite how much of a shrinking violet Alyssa is, she is nothing if not determined to hone her powers. It's gotten to the point where she tirelessly drains herself, putting all of her strength into short bursts of powerful spells, making her the glass cannon of the team.
As a child, she was once very outgoing, friendly, and trusting, but ever since a strange accident, Alyssa has become lonely and avoidant. She's also become very secretive, swearing to herself that she will never let history repeat.
She's on the short side, standing 5'1"" (I think roughly 159 CM??), and is rather skinny, actually. Her hair is short and tousled, almost a leafy green color. She's pale and covered in freckles. She also has heterochromia, with her left eye being green and her right being blue. She always wears big round glasses accompanied by a red scarf pulled up to cover her lower face.
Usually, she wears a green sweater with yellow stripes. It's somewhat oversized. She also wears blue jeans (the pockets have daisies embroidered on them!) and yellow sneakers. Alyssa typically carries around a leather backpack, which she uses to carry a vast assortment of items.
art is by my friend @mrkanman
140. Hikaru Akagi (@foxes81ofanime)
After being abandoned by his parents at a young age, Hikaru grew up on the streets as an orphan, learning how to steal, pick locks and pockets, and do many other things most kids would not do. He lived in a cardboard box in an alleyway on Veludo Way, and stored his trinkets and treasures there, even when it got cold.
He became known as “The Fox Thief” from his sneaky way of stealing, running, and the fox headband plus tail he found in the garbage one day and fixed up, wearing it every day afterwards.
Eventually, he became desperate for a warmer place, since he had heard it was going to be exceptionally cold that winter. He lived there in an abandoned storage room used for props, and tried living there in the winter to keep warm.
He was found out by Sumi and some of the ghosts, but nobody told on him, and he made friends with the ghosts there.
He ended up getting caught and permanently living there instead of temporarily, since Izumi wouldn’t let him go back out onto the streets.
Hikaru is a young boy with messy, unbrushed pink hair that looks similar to Muku’s. His left eye is green, and his right eye is red. He wears his signature fox headband on his head, the fur also unbrushed and unkempt. He also wears an orange crop-top vest with a white sweater underneath, the left sleeve longer than the right, exposing his midsection with nothing but a few suspenders to hold it, and he wears orange and blue bandages on his face.
The left side of his pants go up to his knees, like shorts, with frayed, torn edges, the legs having cuts, scars, and bruises all over them. The other side is intact but muddy, with holes ripped into them exposing more mud and scars.
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anzuhan · 4 months
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
[Sakyo Furuichi] Weapons Specialist SR — MANKAI Weapon Factory
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"When I was a kid, everyone used to fold shuriken."
Translation under the cut
Misumi: Do this over here~…
Kumon: Got it! Like this?
Izumi: (Misumi-kun and Kumon-kun are making something…? They look really serious, but…what the heck is it?)
Misumi: Yeah, like that! Next, just fix up the shape, and it’s all good!
Kumon: —Alright, it’s done!
Izumi: Good work, you two. What did you make?
Kumon: Director! We just made some origami shuriken.
Izumi: Shuriken?
Kumon: I’m gonna be playing a ninja for our next event, right? So it’s like, part of my role study!
Misumi: Kumon asked me for help saying his role-building would go faster if he had a weapon~.
Kumon: It’s cuz Sumi-san made these for the ninja play, too!
Izumi: I see. It’s good that you’re working so hard on your role.
Kumon: Ehehe, thanks!
Kumon: So, now I’m gonna use the shuriken I just finished to play around in the courtyard!
Kumon: Sumi-san, let’s gooo!
Misumi: Okay!
Izumi: Have fun.
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Misumi: “Waaah, run awaaay!”
Kumon: “I won’t let you get away, hold it!”
Sakyo: (Good grief…they’re as noisy as ever.)
Sakyo: (What’s that? Something just landed at my feet…)
Sakyo: …An origami shuriken?
Misumi: Ah, Sakyo!
Kumon: Sorry, we threw it too hard~!
Sakyo: Jeez, are you guys playing with these again?
Kumon: We’re not just playing! I’m playing a ninja in our event, so this is role-building!
Sakyo: Even then, there’s no reason for an origami shuriken to be inside—
Misumi: Sakyo, you’re playing a ninja, too, right? You should make shuriken and do some role building with us!
Kumon: Yeah, yeah! Since we got the offer to perform and all, we gotta do some proper role studying, right!?
Sakyo: …
Sakyo: …I can’t argue with that. But remember. This is just for role-building.
Kumon: Yaaay!
Misumi: I’m gonna show Sakyo how to fold them right away, then!
Sakyo: …You don’t need to teach me, I already know how.
Misumi: Really~?
Sakyo: When I was a kid, everyone used to fold shuriken.
Kumon: As expected of Sakyo-san!
Part 2
Izumi: Thank you for helping me with the shopping, Taichi-kun.
Taichi: It’s nothing! Just lemme know whenever you need anything!
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Taichi: We’re home~!
Misumi: Ah, it’s Director-san and Taichi~.
Kumon: Welcome home!
Sakyo: …
Taichi: Ooh, Sakyo-nii is making origami!
Izumi: If you’re making shuriken, does that mean you’re taking part in the ninja role study, too?
Sakyo: It just ended up happening.
Taichi: When we folded shuriken that one time, you were all “What are you, kindergarteners?”, but you’re just as bad!
Sakyo: …What was that?
Taichi: Nothing! If you’re making origami, though, I wanna do some, too!
Misumi: You should do some, too, Director~!
Izumi: Yeah, I wanna try, too!
Kumon: Yaaay, it’s decided!
Sakyo: Sigh…
Misumi: I’m dooone!
Kumon: Oooh! Sumi-san, your shuriken are always super high quality!
Misumi: You’ve gotten better since we started, too, Kumon!
Kumon: I’ve gotten used to it since we’ve made so many!
Taichi: Look at mine, too! How is it?
Izumi: Woah, it looks pretty solid! That’s so cool.
Taichi: Heheh, right? Right? I’m making use of my skills thanks to my hyper-origami hobby!
Misumi: Are you done, Director~?
Kumon: I wanna see!
Izumi: Here’s what mine looks like!
Sakyo: …It’s unbalanced.
Izumi: Well, I’m sorry! Besides, what does yours look like- oh.
Misumi: Woah~! Sakyo’s shuriken is a beautiful triangle~!
Izumi: There isn’t even the slightest misalignment in the folds…
Sakyo: Naturally.
Taichi: His true colors are showing!
Kumon: Hey, hey, do you think we can make ninja items besides shuriken with origami?
Taichi: I think we can!
Misumi: Yaaay! Then, let’s all keep making them!
Sakyo: Good grief…
Izumi: …Hehe.
Sakyo: What are you laughing about.
Izumi: Nothing…I just thought, you’re so cute, making origami with everyone.
Sakyo: What are you talking about? Neither my age nor my personality scream ‘cute’.
Sakyo: Anyway, this is part of my role study, too. If I’m doing it, I’ll put my all into it.
[Choice 1: Even more than you are now?]
Izumi: Even more than you are now? Your shuriken earlier was perfect, though.
Sakyo: I only did that well because I learned how to long ago.
Taichi: I guess you had a lot of analog pastimes like origami in your era, huh?
Kumon: You didn’t even have game consoles or smartphones, huh? And you’re really good at cat’s cradle, too!
Sakyo: Hey, don’t treat me like more of a old geezer than I am. My childhood wasn’t all that long ago.
Izumi: Ahaha…
[Choice 1 end]
[Choice 2: I look forward to it!]
Izumi: I look forward to it!
Sakyo: Even if it’s just origami, if I hear it’s for role building, I can’t help but be serious about it.
Izumi: Basically everyone in the company is the same, but…Sakyo-sun, you really are an acting junkie. Ah, I mean that in a good way!
Sakyo: …I mean, being called an acting junkie is the highest form of praise.
Izumi: Huh? You’re being unusually honest.
Sakyo: …Dammit. I was just trying to go off what you said.
[Choice 2 end]
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Itaru: I’m home.
Itaru: Hm? Something’s lying by the front door. This is—
Itaru: …An origami makibishi [1]?
Itaru: No, more than that, there are a lot of them scattered around…What’s all this about?
Tsuzuru: Ah, Itaru-san, welcome home.
Itaru: I’m home- wait, before that, what’s up with all this?
Tsuzuru: Ah, about that…
Izumi: Ah, Itaru-san, welcome home.
Itaru: Director, what the hell is th-
Sakyo: That’s no good. You won’t do any damage to the enemy with an angle as blunt as that.
Kumon: Huh!?
Sakyo: Ikaruga, makibishi [1] should look more like thorns than triangles. Nanao, your kunai’s [2] blade is too round!
Misumi: Sorryyy.
Taichi: I-I’ll remake it!
Itaru: …What’s going on?
Izumi: We were making origami ninja items, and it looks like that flipped a switch in Sakyo-san…
Sakyo: Bring the folds closer together for sharper edges. That way, the lethality will blah blah blah…
Itaru: When did this place turn into a weapon factory…?
Tsuzuru: No, this is just origami!
A Japanese tool similar to a caltrop. The makibishi is a sharp spiked object that was used to slow down pursuers.
Ninja throwing knives.
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meenatranslates · 2 years
[SR] Misumi | Childlike Lady
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Do you want some tea~? It's delicious and also very warm~! Your heart and body will feel nice and cosy~!
Lead Skill: Get warmed up with tea
Adlib Skill: Change of shoes s'il vous plaît?
*Skill name may change
Translation and notes under the cut!
Let's Trade Triangles, Please! - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
—Living Room (Day)—
Homare: Hm, this tea has such an excellent aroma.
Muku: It's perfect for afternoon tea.
Izumi: (This feels so relaxing that I'm feeling sleepy...)
Misumi: Yah!
Izumi: WAHH!!! That surprised me!
Muku: Hello, Misumi-san.
Homare: Hey now, Misumi-kun! You came in through the balcony yet again! That is not an entrance, I must say!
Misumi: Sorry~!
Homare: Hm, what is the matter?
Misumi: That thing in your cup, it's triangle!
Homare: Ahh, you mean this teabag. Indeed, it does shape like one...
Misumi: How lucky~... Triangle~...
Muku: I'm sorry! I already used the last one of it just now...
Homare: It would be improper to give you a used teabag, wouldn't it?
Misumi: I see... Too bad~.
Homare: Hm, just in time that we're running out of teabags... That being the case, would you like to come with me to a tea shop together?
Misumi: EH! Can I?
Homare: Of course. I planned to buy more soon anyway.
I'm quite sure there are many other shapes of teabags at that shop.
Misumi: I wanna go, I wanna go!
🌸CHOICE 1: Good for you
Izumi: Good for you, huh, Misumi-kun?
Misumi: Yeah! I'm gonna search for lots of triangular ones!
Izumi: I'm sure you'll find many wonderful teabags at Homare-san's favorite store.
Misumi: I'm so excited~!
🌸CHOICE 2: Hope you get good ones!
Izumi: I hope you'll get some good ones!
Misumi: I'm gonna find lots of triangles!
Izumi: I'm kinda excited to imagine what kind of teabags you'll discover there.
Misumi: I'll show you what it looks when I find one!
Izumi: Fufu, can't wait for that.
Homare: Well then, we shall depart there once we finish our teatime.
It may not be a triangle, but would you like a cup of tea as well, Misumi-kun?
Muku: We've also prepared some sweets!
Izumi: You can sit over here!
Misumi: I can? Yay~!
—Tea Shop—
Woah, there are so many...
Ah! I found a triangle!
Yay~! It's a triangular can of tea~!
I wonder if there are other triangles~?
Homare: Misumi-kun, here's the section for the teabags.
Misumi: Wahh, you're right! There's even the triangle that was in your cup~!
Homare: There are many different types as well.
In addition to triangles, there are unique shapes such as animals and fishes.
Misumi: So many kinds that I've never seen before~. Are there any other triangles?
Homare: We've come all the way here, so let us take a look at other products as well.
Misumi: Yeah!
Homare: ...Now then, let us head to the cashier.
Misumi: Ah, wait for me~.
(Umm, the one with triangles is...)
(This! ...I think! )
—Entrance (Evening)—
Thank you for today, Arisu!
Homare: I'm glad I could be of some help to you.
Misumi: I wanna hurry up and open it!
—Misumi & Kumon's Room—
I'm back~!
Kumon: Where did you go, Sumi-san?
Misumi: Fufufu, I went to look for triangles with Arisu!
Here, look!
Kumon: What's this?
Misumi: Apparently it's a tea! There's a pretty triangular teabag in—.
Kumon: EH! An octo-shaped teabag?! No way, that kind of thing exists?!
Hella awesome! So cool~!
Misumi: Oh no~...
Kumon: Sumi-san?
Misumi: It's different~!
Kumon: EHH?!
Misumi: It's not what I wanted~...
Kumon: What? You didn't pick it yourself?
Misumi: I was in a hurry, so I bought the octo teabag that was next to the triangular teabag by mistake...
Kumon: Really?!
Misumi: ......
Kumon: I-is there anyone here who has a triangular teabag?
Misumi: ...That's it!
I'm gonna trade this teabag with triangular teabag!
Let's Trade Triangles, Please! - Part 2
—Living Room (Night)—
Misumi: ......
Izumi: (Huh, Misumi-kun? He's writing something on the whiteboard...)
Whiteboard: "Please trade your teabag with my teabag".
Izumi: What happened? I thought you went to a tea shop with Homare-san...?
Misumi: We did, but... You see...
I bought the wrong teabag, so I was thinking of trading teabags with everyone~...
Izumi: I see... You made a mistake...
Misumi: Yeah... I couldn't buy the triangular teabag...
Izumi: (He looks so down...)
(He was looking forward to buying it after all...)
Hopefully you'll get it in your hands soon.
Misumi: Yeah, I hope everyone sees this...
—Next Day: Living Room—
Tsumugi: Ah, Misumi-kun! I saw the whiteboard.
I actually bought some tea just the other day. Let's exchange it if you like.
Misumi: Wah! Thank you, Tsumugi!
Muku: I also brought a teabag. As an apology for yesterday...
Misumi: Muku... You're a good kid.
Kazunari: I've also got one here! Let's trade, Sumi~♪
Misumi: You're okay with it too?
Kazunari: Ofc! There's nothing like this kind of exchange, right? It's great cuz both party gets to enjoy various flavors!
Yuki: I've got an extra. Might as well give it you while you're here.
Misumi: Thank you, Yuki! Here, I'll give you one too.
Yuki: Wow, the details on this thing are so pointless... Hold on, isn't this octopus teabag a pretty expensive one?
Misumi: I bought it at a store that Arisu recommended.
Yuki: No wonder...
Tsumugi: It should be fine if you have this much.
Misumi: Yeah! Thank you for your cooperation, everyone~!
—Misumi & Kumon's Room (Night)—
This one's a rabbit-shaped, and this one's a goosefish... A bear... A coelacanth...
Kumon: Woah! They all look so detailed!
Misumi: It's not here~...
Kumon: Eh?
Misumi: There's no triangular teabag~.
Kumon: Ah! Now that you said it...!
Misumi: Oh right, I forgot to write down on the whiteboard that I wanted a triangle one~.
I messed up~...
Kumon: Let's try asking everyone for it again! Say that you want a triangle this time.
Misumi: ...I'm gonna go take a breather for a bit~.
*Misumi left*
Kumon: Sumi-san...
Misumi: So sad~...
Homare: Misumi-kun!
Misumi: Arisu...?
Homare: Thank goodness you are here. I want to give you something.
Misumi: What is it...?
Homare: Hm, it's a box of teabag.
I received a similar item that I bought yesterday from a fan of mine, so I was thinking of giving you the one I purchased.
Misumi: ...Thank you, Arisu.
Homare: Try open it. I'm sure you'll be cheered up.
Misumi: ...?
AH!!! This! It's the triangular teabag!
Homare: Fufu, they were quite particular about the ratio of triangle to maximize the taste and aroma of this tea——.
Misumi: Yayy~!
Thank you, Arisu! It's exactly what I wanted!
Homare: I'm glad you're all happy now.
Though the day has almost come to an end, how about I brew a cup of tea? I'm sure it will taste wonderful for today.
Misumi: Yeah! Please do!
Story Clear!
Card original name is "天真爛漫な貴婦人".
A person who is honest, unpretentious, and cheerful is loved by many people. Such a person can be described as "天真爛漫" (tenshin ranman).
"Tenshin" expresses a natural, unadorned appearance given by heaven, and "Ranman" refers to the appearance of flowers in full bloom or shining brightly. Together, the two become a word that refers to innocent and dazzling, innate purity.
The four-character idiom 'tenshin ranman' literally describes a person who is pure and bright/cheerful. I went with 'Childlike' since it sounds the closest to the idiom.
References → 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
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sanguinesucker · 28 days
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