monsterhuntermusic · 3 years
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monster-huntologist · 4 years
Monster Ecologies: Velkhana
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Entry 37 - Velkhana
Name: Velkhana
Aliases: Iverukāna, Ice Dragon, The Iceborne Wyvern, The Frigid Gale
Classification: Reptile, Elder Dragon
Biology: Previously believed to be nothing more than fairytales, Velkhana are an extremely elusive species of Elder Dragon. Their sleek upright posture is reminiscent of other Elder Dragons such as Kushala Daora or Vaal Hazak. Its body is covered in silvery-white scales with some areas having a deep blue colour. Unlike many others of its kind, its tail is thin and highly flexible. It seems to also possess some avian traits, as its mouth is almost beak-like and its wings are structurally similar to those of hawks or eagles. As befitting their title of Ice Dragon, Velkhana have unparalleled control of the substance. Rather than a subzero breath or producing shards of ice, they instead expel supercooled water stored inside their bodies. The temperature of this water is below zero yet somehow not frozen, freezing rapidly the moment it comes in contact with an object. Some of the blue coloring on its body isn't from its scales, but actually pieces of ore that it has attached to its body. This ore is made when the Velkhana rapidly cools magma, which many obtain from deep below the Hoarfrost Reach. By secreting some of its supercooled water through its skin and onto the attached ore, it will become a white mist that floats around the area. This mist rapidly changes states on contact with projectiles from Velkhana, turning into giant shards of ice.
Behaviour: A highly intelligent and usually peaceful species, Velkhana seldom interact with other large monsters or even their own kind. They spend most of their lives in solitude, content with spending their time alone amongst the ice and snow. They have a habit of freezing any prey solid after they've eaten their fill to serve as a warning to those that may enter its territory. Once angered or upset however, they are known to go to great lengths against those who have wronged them. During the mass ecological panic that resulted from the actions of a Shara Ishvalda interacting with the Everstream, one specimen became aware of the presence of the earthen Elder Dragon and attempted to fight it. Being swiftly beaten but taking notice of its weakness to the cold, it tried to corral a flock of Legiana fleeing the Coral Highlands and direct them towards Origin Isle to aid it in battle. This failed however, as the Legiana refused to go near the island and instead settled in the Hoarfrost Reach.
Habitat: Originally native to the Hoarfrost Reach, numerous Velkhana migrated elsewhere after their supply of magma was lessened by tectonic shifts caused by Shara Ishvalda. They have ventured into every ecosystem in the New World, but don’t stay in a single area for long. If they eventually find the magma they’re searching for in the Elders Recess, they will return back to the Reach before eventually repeating the cycle again. Some Vekhana have not left the Reach at all however, as the magma that is left is more than enough to sustain those small few.
Diet: Velkhana are carnivores, feeding on numerous different prey found throughout the Hoarfrost. This can range from herbivores such as Popo or Anteka to small predators like Cortos or Wulg. On rare occasions, they have been seen fishing by using their tail akin to a harpoon. Using this method allows them to have access to food such as sharks, young Beotodus and other large fish
Attack Method: While still attacking the typical swipes, bites and charges most Elder Dragons are known for, Vekhana physically attack primarily with their tail. With a pointed tip and highly flexible bones, it can be jabbed repeatedly like a lance or swung quickly like a whip. But their true prowess can be seen in their elemental ability. Velkhana are masters of ice and cold, covering wide areas in ice near instantly. It uses this alongside its already impressive agility to outmaneuver and outpace its opponents, tiring them out before it strikes back.
Place in the Food Chain: Velkhana are separated from any normal food chains due to being Elder Dragons. The only thing that they have to fear is a Ruiner Nergigante hunting them. Savage Deviljho, Seething Bazelgeuse and Rajang are capable of holding an even fight with the Elder Dragon, but it often comes out on top unless severely weakened beforehand. It is unknown if Velkhana are also present in the Old World, but it's believed that they would often fight with Ukanlos over territory if they do.
This has been a report on the Velkhana. Thank you for reading.
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vixlenxe · 4 years
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Velkhana | イヴェルカーナ | (Iverukāna)
Ice Dragon/The Iceborne Wyvern | 冰龍
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Velkhana is a traditional-looking Elder Dragon with the slim, upright body structure similar to that of Kushala Daora’s. Its scales & shell are a unique crystalline blue. Its head has a tiara-like crown of small horns. It summons ice to cover its wings, limbs, & tail. Its thin, lance-like tail is highly flexible & can jab at enemies. Velkhana has not been confirmed to exist by the Hunter’s guild.
According to legend, Velkhana freely controls ice & cold wind, & can cover wide areas in ice in an instant. It breathes beams of supercooled fluid that can instantly freeze almost anything it touches. When covered in its ice armor, ice crystals form nearby, & when struck by Velkhana's ice breath they form large spires that soon explode. Small ice platforms sometimes form, which can be jumped off of. Occasionally, spikes of ice rain from clouds close to the ground when it is enraged.
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Though Velkhana remains unconfirmed by the Hunter’s Guild, many legends speak of ‘The Iceborne Dragon’ & it’s icy majesty, which has drawn in many R.I.C researchers to look for answers. The reason for this creature non-confirmed is due to the fact that it’s believed Velkhana lives in only the coldest reaches of the world, which would be the Southern Isles. This intensely cold area is believed to be at it’s arctic levels due to Velkhana’s presence there, freezing over the area at her will. Recently, a base has been built on one of the southern isles, known as The Arch-Frost, which is now the coldest place on the planet that can be inhabited by humans. With the addition of this base, research can now safely be conducted of this arctic area in limited expectations.
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Velkhana is a Large Monster in Monster Hunter World (MHW). イヴェルカーナ (Iverukāna) in Japanese. Species: Elder Dragon Velkhana freely controls ice and cold wind, and can cover wide areas in ice in an instant. It breathes beams of supercooled fluid that can instantly freeze monsters. When covered in its ice armor, ice crystals form nearby, and when struck by Velkhana's ice breath they form large spires that soon explode. Small ice platforms sometimes form, which can be jumped off of. Occasionally, spikes of ice rain from clouds close to the ground when it is enraged. #Capcom #FigureBuilderVol14 #Velkhana https://www.instagram.com/p/B3CpT_jhO9_/?igshid=192elzmo2gn0y
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monsterhuntermusic · 4 years
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monsterhuntermusic · 4 years
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monsterhuntermusic · 4 years
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monsterhuntermusic · 5 years
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monsterhuntermusic · 5 years
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monsterhuntermusic · 5 years
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