#Iván Zulueta
m--bloop · 1 year
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Arrebato (Rapture) dir. Iván Zulueta (1979)
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certainwomen · 4 months
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will more en arrebato (iván zulueta, 1979)
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1979enthusiast · 1 year
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Arrebato (Dir. Iván Zulueta, 1979)
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macarraqui · 10 months
Vampiro en Súper 8
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En este edificio madrileño de la Plaza de los Cubos de Madrid, cuyo nombre oficial es Plaza de Emilio Jiménez Millas, se filmaron las mejores escenas de terror de la película Arrebato. La obra del director Iván Zulueta (1943-2009) fue rodada en 1979 y estrenada en el año 1980.
El cineasta, que dirigió dos largometrajes y diversos cortometrajes, trabajó también como cartelista y artista gráfico. Participó también en numerosos proyectos de Televisión Española como Último grito, un conocido programa musical de finales de los sesenta.
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(El cartel original de la película es también trabajo del director).
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byneddiedingo · 11 months
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Will More in Arrebato (Iván Zulueta, 1979)
Cast: Eusebio Poncela, Cecilia Roth, Will More, Marta Fernández Muro, Helena Fernán-Gómez, Carmen Giralt, Max Madera. Screenplay: Iván Zulueta. Cinematography: Ángel Luis Fernández. Film editing: José Luis Peláez. Music: Negativo. 
Pedro Almodóvar became the face of post-Franco Spanish filmmaking in the United States, where we often overlook the powerful influences on his work by other Spanish directors. He was, for example, a great admirer of Iván Zulueta's Arrebato, for which he dubbed the voice for Helena Fernán-Gómez's character, Gloria, and he later cast its lead actor, Eusebio Poncela, in his films Matador (1986) and Law of Desire (1987). Certainly it's possible to see how the uncompromising work of Zulueta in Arrebato, his second and last feature-length movie, may have liberated the imaginations of Almodóvar and his fellow Spanish filmmakers after the death of Franco in 1975. It's a movie about the intoxication of making movies, and about intoxication and its consequences. Zulueta, who was a heroin addict, gives us a film about a similarly addicted filmmaker, José Sirgado (Poncela), who just after finishing the production of a horror movie receives a package in the mail from Pedro (Will More), a man he has met only twice before. It contains an audio tape, a reel of Super 8 film, and a key to Pedro's apartment. And so begins a complex tale in which José becomes entwined in Pedro's very odd life and obsessions, at the end of which José becomes obsessed himself, absorbed into the strange experiences that Pedro has documented on film. Arrebato (which means "rapture") is an often muddled and maddening film, but muddle and madness are what it's about. It flopped commercially, but gathered a following at midnight movie screenings in Madrid, which eventually led to its video release and a wider audience.  
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cinevisto32 · 2 years
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Arrebato (1979)
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kaiarose89 · 5 days
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Arrebato (1979) | Dir. Iván Zulueta
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lispectadora · 2 years
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Rapture (1979) dir. Iván Zulueta
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pierppasolini · 6 months
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Arrebato (1979) // dir. Iván Zulueta
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god-like-storm · 9 months
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Arrebato (1979) dir. Iván Zulueta
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djservo · 9 months
it’s that time of year again… 🎄🎅🎉🎊 no. the highlights of your 2023 media consumption of course! just like last year, i want to know your top 5 films, books, tv shows, songs/albums, pop culture moments if that’s your thing, and as a bonus: any favourite personal moment/achievement in the last year? new to you, new in release, either works! can’t wait to see your response and wishing you a happy new year! 😁🩷
oh man I'm late but YAYYYYYY I luv these round ups + appreciate U so much for asking each year! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 🫂🎆
films: sooooo many good first watches in 2023, surprisingly a lot in the first couple months which I think set a precedent for a year of fruitful viewings 🔮 I made a top 25 list so shoutout to the other 20 that I painstakingly sifted from 300+ watches but ok my top 5 were:
Rapture (1979) dir. Iván Zulueta
Tampopo (1985) dir. Jūzō Itami
The Last of Sheila (1973) dir. Herbert Ross
Mirch Masala (1987) dir. Ketan Mehtal
Pickpocket (1959) dir. Robert Bresson
I also finished Pedro Almodóvar's filmography (except for the latest short) which was really satisfying so I feel like that also deserves a shoutout + I hope to complete other fav directors' filmographies this year too!
books: Dogeaters by Jessica Hagedorn, Near to the Wild Heart by Clarice Lispector, The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel, The Carnivorous Lamb by Agustín Gómez Arcos, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison -- ALL FICTION, CAN YOU BELIEVE!! I really loved a lot of the nonfiction I read last year too but these stories stuck with me the most/lingered on my mind the longest
music: I'm bad at keeping up with new music so I don't really have new releases to gush about like if I had to think of strictly 2023 releases I probably enjoyed Mitski + Kelela's albums the most but if I'm so real I didn't really come back to either of them often -- the artists I did consistently return to throughout the year were Danza Invisible, Chanel Beads, Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions, Pixies, and like all 3 of Kathleen Hanna's bands 🧘‍♀️
tv shows: I'm even worse at tv we know this but I got my sister hooked on early Survivor seasons so that's a win in my book 🙏 the last few months of the year I watched a lot of Boy Meets World + Portlandia randomly, probably bc I got sick for the first time in years n just wanted some easy watching that I knew I'd like.. OH and The State!! overall, yet another great year of watching irrelevant television that hasn't been on air for years 🙌
2023 was a really good year of reconnecting with friends + family for me!! I saw people I hadn't seen or spoken to in yearssssss just because of life and distance and whatnot but I've been more willing to go out of my way to make things happen/make my desire to reconnect #known and it's been really fruitful + reminds me of being in college doing the most just to go to a concert or meet up with some friends for the weekend IDK like the "inconvenience" of the process making the result that much sweeter or whateva :-) this one's silly and random but I cancelled my spotify premium subscription a few days ago (missed the billing cycle by a day so technically I'm still a premium user til the end of this month smh) which I've been meaning to do for a while but Finally I did it and I feel like this
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m--bloop · 1 year
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Arrebato (Rapture) dir. Iván Zulueta, 1979
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celuloideycarbono · 2 years
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Will More appreciation post (in Arrebato, the underground masterpiece of Iván Zulueta).
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vehementegomez · 2 years
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Arrebato. 1979. Iván Zulueta. 
“With a voyeuristic streak akin to Norman Bates, Pedro pathologically captures time lapses of everything around his rural domain using a Super 8 camera. Meeting José, who he perceives as a real filmmaker from the capital, serves as a dose of inspiration for the perturbed adolescent trapped in a deceiving body. The “arrebato” (rapture) that he so vehemently references throughout refers to the trance-like state that overtakes him when filming people, places, and things he’s never seen before; when narcotics send him into similar ecstasy, or when he's near a tangible memory (a toy or a sticker from childhood) that preserves his juvenile capacity for wonderment.”
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macarraqui · 10 months
En un pasaje de Torremolinos
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Este álbum de 1969 de Los Íberos es el mejor resumen de lo que fue la movida malagueña de los años 60, en el Torremolinos de la Costa del Sol y de espaldas a la dictadura.
Por aquel Torremolinos pasearon estrellas del cine y de la música, como Brian Jones, Brian Epstein o John Lennon. Mientras tanto, Enrique Lozano, el fundador de la banda, se recorría el circuito de clubs de Francia, Alemania o Reino Unido, coincidiendo en los escenarios con The Rolling Stones. A su regreso a España creó la primera formación del grupo, con Adolfo Rodríguez, Cristóbal de Haro y Diego Cascado.
Los Íberos tuvieron un reinado corto pero fundamental para la música pop y rock de nuestro país, llegando a participar en las películas Un, Dos, Tres, Al Escondite Inglés, de Iván Zulueta y Topical Spanish, de Ramón Masats, con la artista beat Guillermina Motta.
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julio-viernes · 2 years
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Cartel de "Con J de Zulueta" o "Plena Pausa" de Javier Aramburu. Del proyecto se ha publicado el single “Natalia dice” + “Arrebato (un buen día para Iván)” de J + 107 Faunos + Srta. Trueno Negro, pero lo suyo sería que todas esas canciones salieran en un álbum que espero que en algún momento vea la luz.
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