#Italia RL
delinquenzanews · 2 years
Italia RL: ecco la formazione per la sfida ai campioni del mondo in carica dell'Australia RL
Italia RL: ecco la formazione per la sfida ai campioni del mondo in carica dell’Australia RL
Tutto è pronto per la sfida più attesa del Mondiale azzurro: sabato a St Helens, infatti , i ragazzi di coach Leo Epifania alle 19.30 (ora inglese), sfideranno l’Australia RL. Gli Azzurri arrivano a questa gara ben consapevoli di affrontare una partita estremamente difficile, ma allo stesso tempo la gara è stata preparata nei minimi particolari per giocarla al meglio delle possibilità. Tra i…
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ictadmin · 2 months
Metodologie e Strumenti per la Valutazione dei Rischi sul Lavoro
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La valutazione dei rischi sul lavoro è un processo fondamentale per garantire la sicurezza e la salute dei lavoratori. In Italia, questo processo è regolato da normative precise, tra cui il D.Lgs. 81/2008 e successive modifiche, che stabiliscono i requisiti e le procedure da seguire per identificare, valutare e gestire i rischi presenti nei luoghi di lavoro.
La Normativa di Riferimento per la Sicurezza
Il D.Lgs. 81/2008, noto come Testo Unico sulla Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro, insieme al D.Lgs. 106/2009, costituisce la base normativa per la valutazione dei rischi. L'articolo 28 del D.Lgs. 81/2008 impone al datore di lavoro di effettuare una valutazione di tutti i rischi per la sicurezza e la salute dei lavoratori, compresi quelli relativi a gruppi di lavoratori particolarmente sensibili a determinati rischi.
L’obiettivo della norma è quello di tutelare il più possibile i lavoratori dai rischi a cui possono essere esposti. Prenderei consapevolezza dei rischi presenti sul luogo di lavoro e procedere con l’attuazione di misure di prevenzione e protezione. Ad affiancare il datore di lavoro in per la corretta redazione valutazione ci saranno alcune altre figure professionali che si occupano di specifici aspetti del documento.
Documento di Valutazione dei Rischi (DVR)
Il risultato della valutazione dei rischi è formalizzato nel Documento di Valutazione dei Rischi (DVR), che deve essere redatto dal datore di lavoro in collaborazione con gi altri attori della sicurezza. Il DVR deve includere:
Relazione descrittiva dell’attività svolta in azienda;
Descrizione dei criteri e metodi impiegati nella valutazione dei rischi;
Elenco di rischi valutati per tutte le fasi di lavoro;
Organigramma della sicurezza;
Indicazione delle misure intraprese per il contenimento dei rischi e dei DPI (dispositivi di protezione individuali);
Descrizione delle attrezzature e sostanze utilizzate sul luogo di lavoro;
Piano che indichi gli aspetti migliorativi da attuarsi nel tempo, in ordine di priorità
Il DVR deve essere aggiornato ogni volta che si verificano modifiche significative negli ambienti di lavoro o nei processi produttivi, o in caso di frequenti infortuni sul lavoro.
Il Processo di Valutazione dei Rischi
Il processo di valutazione dei rischi può essere suddiviso in diverse fasi:
Identificazione dei Pericoli: Individuazione delle potenziali fonti di pericolo nei luoghi di lavoro.
Valutazione dei Rischi: Analisi della probabilità e della gravità dei danni derivanti dai pericoli identificati.
Elaborazione del DVR: Redazione del documento che riassume i risultati della valutazione e definisce le misure di prevenzione e protezione.
Implementazione delle Misure di Sicurezza: Attuazione delle misure previste nel DVR.
Monitoraggio e Aggiornamento: Controllo continuo dell'efficacia delle misure adottate e aggiornamento del DVR in base alle necessità.
Figure Professionali Coinvolte nella Sicurezza Lavoro
La valutazione dei rischi coinvolge diverse figure professionali che cooperano per garantire un ambiente di lavoro sicuro. Ad affiancare il datore di lavoro troviamo, ad esempio il Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione (RSPP). Questa è una figura chiave nella gestione della sicurezza sul lavoro, responsabile della valutazione dei rischi e dell'implementazione delle misure di sicurezza.
Altro attore importante è il Medico Competente: questo partecipa alla valutazione dei rischi con particolare attenzione ai rischi sanitari e alla sorveglianza sanitaria dei lavoratori. Il Rappresentante dei Lavoratori per la Sicurezza (RLS), invece, è il portavoce dei lavoratori in materia di salute e sicurezza, deve ricevere una copia del DVR e partecipa alle riunioni periodiche della sicurezza assieme agli altri.
Formazione e Consulenza per la Prevenzione dei Rischi
La formazione continua è essenziale per garantire che tutti i dipendenti siano consapevoli dei rischi e delle misure di prevenzione. I corsi di formazione per la sicurezza sul lavoro coprono una vasta gamma di argomenti, tra cui:
Corsi antincendio aziendali: Addestramento specifico per la gestione dei rischi legati agli incendi.
Formazione di primo soccorso: Formazione su come fornire assistenza immediata in caso di infortuni.
Corsi per RSPP e ASPP: Formazione specifica per le figure responsabili della sicurezza e per i rappresentanti dei lavoratori.
Valutazione dei Rischi sul Lavoro: Considerazioni
La valutazione dei rischi sul lavoro è un processo dinamico e continuo che richiede l'impegno di tutte le parti coinvolte: datore di lavoro, RSPP, RLS, medico competente e lavoratori. Solo attraverso una corretta valutazione dei rischi e l'implementazione di adeguate misure preventive è possibile garantire un ambiente di lavoro sicuro e salubre. Garantire la sicurezza sul lavoro è un mix di skill e abilità acquisite attraverso corsi specifici ed esperienza. Affidarsi anche a consulenti specializzati in salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, potrà aiutarvi non solo ad ottemperare gli obblighi di legge, ma anche a tutelare dipendenti e collaboratori.
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unita2org · 6 months
https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=un+compagno+di+nome+enrico&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:703104f3,vid:2WtTIIJTCT8,st:0 Un compagno di nome Enrico (Italia 2023, 66 min) regia di Andrea Sangiovanni, è una docufiction che racconta l’incontro tra Berlinguer e l’Abruzzo tra il 1972 e il 1982, anni in cui è stato anche capolista del PCI in Abruzzo e nei quali la regione…
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lcvelymel · 1 year
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
Sto sentendo tanti - anche di sinistra, almeno a loro dire - fare battutine sull'ipocrisia degli Stati Uniti, della serie "tanto progressisti a parole, però alla fine eh...", e boh a parte il cattivo gusto di base e la noncuranza e crudeltà nei confronti delle vittime della decisione della corte suprema, perché questo sono, ma con le elezioni a meno di un anno e FDI in testa ai sondaggi alla gente come cazzo passa per la testa di scherzare su cose del genere quando qua per 3/4 i medici sono tutti obiettori di coscienza vuoi per bigottismo, vuoi per fare carriera e tra la classe politica che ci ritroviamo, il Vaticano e altri cazzi vari stiamo lì lì per fare la stessa fine
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the-iron-fjord · 5 years
How much would it cost to replace my blood with pasta sauce?
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evadingreallife · 7 years
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[Picture by me, don't repost without credits]
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insanityclause · 5 years
Mmm Laing. Or how about that Coriolanus? But LOVE the longer hair and beard. Even when it was fuller but trimmed like Early Man promo. I think his hair was the Perfect length during the Shanghai trip this past summer.
Shanghai was great:
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JW3 was great:
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RL was great:
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IW premier was great:
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Style Italia was great:
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davenzii · 5 years
Rank the Almost First Kisses from all the Remakes if you want to 🙂 I'd like to know what you think.
1. Davenzi obviously!! who would've thought lol. everything abt that scene is just... matteo having a panic attack and then seeing his crush cleaning up in his kitchen sjsjsksk. david saying "you look good today" and matteo just thinking it was irony instead of a compliment bc he doesn't believe that any boy could ever find him pretty. and then matteo literally tearing up and smiling and being relieved when david told him he was single. and the way matteo accidentally looked at davids lip but then david looking back at his and matteo smiling bc david looked at his lip sjsjsksksks. the tension in that scene!! the swallowing!!!!! the chemistry!!!! and the way matteo literally closed his eyes when david was still a mile away urghh and how david kept closing his eyes and opening them again in order to make sure matteo was fine and comfortable with it. their lips were sooooooo close and the entire scene is just the cutest and purest shit to ever exist. i don't make the rules
2. Evak !! even being totally even by teasing isak was just pure comedy. isak still seemed super shy and like he didn't know how to act around Even but the way Even was coming closer and closer was sdjdkskks super soft and just og superiority. so much tension in that scene urgh
3. Nicotino probably *never thought I'd ever rank italia that high lol* but that scene was super soft. them holding hands sjsjjsksks. and they were super smiley and cute when they realized that the other one wanted to go in for a kiss as well. the music choice sucked tho
4. Croana. i mean they had like 2 or 3 almost kisses which was a bit too much, but having the first almost kiss scene in episode 1 still suited their characters and their school partners- storyline and maybe girls in general to be that close from the beginning already, so it made sense. I liked what they talked abt and it was pretty cute and there was tension
5. Elu. didn't rly feel the tension and I still think their faces were too far away for it to even count as an almost kiss?? but I loved eliott saying "not necessarily a girl tho"
6. sadly rosander. I liked the scene, just not as much as the others ig. and bc of the timing it just still doesn't make sense to me.. their dialogue was good in it, but they were still standing too far away from each other and there wasn't rly any tension. sander and robbe were both super cute tho and I'm rewatching that scene 24/7. rosander has great chemistry as well. but mainly bc of the timing and how little they know abt each other, the scene still feels kinda weird to me. i get that it might be realistic in rl life to already kiss but it just wasn't a smart writing decision to introduce sander in ep 3 just for the sake of changing shit and him being on vacation with the others. feels rushed and they didn't have as much dialogue as the others. but yk maybe if s3 was actually in robbes pov, I'd feel different abt it if we had seen robbe stalking sander eg before but the way they did it just feels off
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delinquenzanews · 2 years
Italia RL, ecco la formazione per la sfida alle Fiji RL
Italia RL, ecco la formazione per la sfida alle Fiji RL
Per l’Italia del Rugby League inizia uno dei week end più importanti della propria storia: sabato alle 14.30 al Kingston Park di Newcastle gli Azzurri sfidano le Fiji RL, in una gara che mette in palio il passaggio del girone. I ragazzi di coach Leo Epifania arrivano a questa gara dopo la bella vittoria contro la Scozia RL (4 – 28) nel primo turno di questa Rugby League World Cup 2021. Nel gruppo…
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retegenova · 5 years
Recco, 27 luglio 2019 
La città si prepara alla finale del Concorso Canoro Città di Recco
21 finalisti, un’orchestra di 25 elementi: Recco è pronta per uno spettacolo d’eccezione
Non poteva esserci cornice migliore del Belvedere dedicato a Luigi Tenco, per la finale del Concorso Canoro Città di Recco. Il 27 luglio 2019, a patire dalle ore 21.00, i 21 finalisti del Concorso, si esibiranno accompagnati dall’Orchestra cittadina, diretta dal Maestro Alessandro Arbocò. 
A valutare i finalisti una giuria presieduta dal Maestro Massimo Morini, 29 presenze consecutive al Festival di Sanremo in qualità di Direttore D’Orchestra e Direttore Tecnico con 7 vittorie all’attivo, produttore discografico, cantante e leader del gruppo musicale ligure Buio Pesto.
Presentatore della serata, come sempre, il frizzante Andrea Carretti, ormai da diverse edizioni padrone di casa dell’evento e già coinvolto per la serata della semifinale. 
Anche l’edizione 2019 si conferma un successo. Circa 50 le iscrizioni alle selezioni, arrivate da diverse zone d’Italia: “Quest’anno abbiamo cercato di facilitare i concorrenti più distanti, introducendo la formula delle candidature online. – ha dichiarato il Comitato Organizzativo – Questo ha permesso ai cantanti di non partecipare fisicamente, almeno alle fasi delle selezioni, ma attraverso l’invio di un video, valutato da una giuria tecnica. La procedura andrà perfezionata ma siamo certi potrà dare un nuovo slancio alle prossime edizioni”. 
“È un onore per noi essere promotori di un Concorso Canoro come questo, motivo di visibilità e orgoglio per la nostra città. – ha dichiarato Luisa Capurro, responsabile manifestazioni Pro LocoRecco – La qualità dell’evento è in crescita, anno dopo anno, e le candidature arrivano ormai da tutto il nord Italia, sebbene la presenza di artisti liguri sia piuttosto significativa”. 
Sabato 27 Luglio sul palco saliranno i sette finalisti di ognuna delle tre categorie in gara: junior, big e senior. Per ogni categoria, saranno decretati 3 vincitori (primo, secondo e terzo posto). I primi classificati di ogni categoria, si aggiudicheranno una registrazione professionale del brano in gara e la diffusione su Radio Personalizzata Network. 
Sarà inoltre assegnata la menzione speciale “Luigi Tenco” per la migliore interpretazione, valutata da una giuria specializzata. 
Per informazioni ProLoco 334 875 4058
rl comunicazione 338 4167207
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Il Secolo XIX
MusicforPeace Che Festival
MusicforPeace Programma 29 maggio
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Genova Celebra Colombo
Concorso Canoro Città di Recco Recco, 27 luglio 2019  La città si prepara alla finale del Concorso Canoro Città di Recco…
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam Italia season 2, episode 1 reaction
Hello, how’s everybody doing? We survived the first week of a S3 remake. I wrote a little (a lot) about it.
Just to be clear: I completely understand if people just want to hang on and enjoy the ride because it’s S3 again, we love it, it’s an important story for many people! But so far there are aspects of Skam Italia S2 that I am positive about, and there are areas where I have criticisms. Don’t read if you don’t want to hear some comments that are not 100% enthusiasm. For real, I’m not trying to be a buzz kill, like I’m fine with posting these to crickets, lmao, because it’s a fun exercise for me to analyze the remakes even if I’m essentially talking to myself. 
Thank you so much to everyone translating this show! Imagine if no one was translating this season. The fandom would lose its goddamn mind. You are literally saving the planet from destruction, thank you for your service.
At the risk of sounding pretentious, I’m going to put additional disclaimers here, because people have strong feelings about Skam S3, and people also have strong feelings about Skam Italia, and there is already drama when those feelings bump up against each other:
The reason why I started doing reactions to the remakes was to compare the versions of Skam and analyze what worked and what didn’t in the adaptation process. This was a clever change to fit this culture, this was awkward and didn’t work, etc. While I do want to judge S2 of Skam Italia on its own merits, I’m not going to leave the original series out of it and look at this season as something that exists in a Skamless void, because that’s not my aim with these recaps. So if you are really not interested in comparisons to the original show (positive, negative, or neutral) then perhaps don’t read further.
I’m also taking into account this is a different culture than the original show and noting how that might affect this story, and that it’s a big deal to have an LGBT Italian lead in a series and Italian fans are very excited. So I’m keeping that in mind! But I also think that, should Skam Italia bungle something, it’s okay to call it out, it doesn’t get a free pass. We criticized parts of the original series while praising it where it succeeded. Sana’s season, for example, is extremely progressive as a concept (a Muslim girl lead is extremely rare) but had numerous aspects where it stumbled, and as a fandom there was no shortage of criticism. This goes for both the social justice and educational aspects of Skam as well as writing, directing, acting, and other basic storytelling stuff.
Okay? Okay.
Episode 1
Right away, I loved the voicemails. They sound like real accounts of homophobia, and I don’t know if these are actors recreating them or real people sharing their own experiences, but it was a powerful intro to the season.
I also like zooming in over the city while these voicemails played, over all these dark apartment buildings, because it felt like those voices could be coming from anywhere. They were anonymous. Your neighbor could be gay, the woman who lives downstairs could be a lesbian, and you might never know because they’re in the closet. You might never know how much they’d suffered due to homophobia. But they’re also everywhere. Despite their treatment in society, LGBT people aren’t “the other” but can be anyone you know. That’s why it zooms into the party, to link these anonymous voices to a face that we we do know.
I saw some people suggesting that maybe these have to do with Martino’s involvement in the radio station, and that this will be some part of a project that he does, and while I think it’d be awesome if the radio station came into play with his personal development, I’m ehhhhh about these turning out to be part of Martino’s project all along because it doesn’t seem like it goes with the real time format, and IDK, it seems too literal. But I’d be OK with it these were more of a thematic device and Martino has a literal confession along these lines later on. 
Rainbow logo 🌈🌈🌈
...who’s that blue-haired girl?
I feel like Edoardo being immediately on screen was to reassure any OG Skam viewers and Incantava fans who hadn’t yet gotten the message that EDOARDO IS DEFINITELY NOT GOING ANYWHERE THIS SEASON DO NOT PANIC.
Silvia is watching some girls dance and for a hot second I hoped they were finally hinting at the lesbian Vilde story we deserve, but it seems like she is watching them because of their slim figures, because she reconsiders the piece of cake she was going to eat. Silvia, no.
Silvia is very upset about the hotties at the party and Sana says there only would have been four people there and reassures her that she’s beautiful, awwww. But Silvia is upset about some Argentinean girl, who I assume is an apex hottie that she fears will outshine her, perhaps?
Silvia waves at Edoardo, who ignores her. You know, Edoardo’s apology to Silvia would feel more genuine if he acted like a baseline decent human being toward her instead of refraining from basic politeness because OH NO he has to shake her off his back (except when he can exploit her interest for his own gain).
It’s Italian Eskild! He says that Edoardo’s hair is indeed shit, suggesting Eleonora has told him all about it (something for the Incantava shippers) and I mean, I support him giving Silvia a boost, and I support any dragging of Edoardo, except Edoardo’s hair is like the one thing about him that is not shit.
He takes Silvia to dance and comments about checking her boobs to see if she is a virgin, so this is filling in for S2’s “It’s Britney bitch” moment. I guess they’re going to incorporate some Skam S2 material into this season in order to accommodate for the switch in storylines.
Hey, you know what I could have strongly done without? Filippo grabbing Silvia’s tit out of nowhere. There’s sometimes a tendency for gay men to grope women and get away with it because it’s obviously not sexual, so what’s the problem? Except the problem is that men, no matter what their sexuality, feel like they have unfettered access to women’s bodies. I’m not saying HE’S CANCELED or anything, but it irritated me that they threw in such a small moment that wasn’t needed, especially because this is our introduction to this character. Thanks, I want casual groping to be my initial impression of this guy. (Just to be clear, this dialogue happens in the original, but there is no unauthorized tit-grabbing from Eskild.)
And the fact that this moment went so unremarked upon is a sign of how normalized this behavior is, frankly. But they played it off as a funny moment so it’s okay!! Lol Filippo, you’re supposed to be gay!!!
Incantava shippers get a morsel before Eleonora leaves for London as she and Edoardo share a ~glance.
So Filo is Eleonora’s brother, which is a good way to incorporate his character considering it’s unlikely for Martino or Eleonora to live with a random roommate instead of their families, and they hadn’t set up the Filo character in S2 so his appearance in Martino’s life is going to need to be established quickly. So that makes both the Eleonora-Filo and Martino-Filo relationships more plausible in this culture.
Although lmao, imagine some of Eskild’s S2 scenes now that he and the Noora character are related. I’m sure Eleonora will need to bleach her eyeballs if she walks in on her brother getting his dick sucked to Circle of Life.
Eva catches up to Martino in the kitchen, and the flirtatious vibes are there right away, you know this isn’t going anywhere good. She tries to kiss him, so this is basically that scene from S2 where Eva tries to make out with Isak at a party, except way more awkward because this Eva actually manages to get a few kisses on Martino. Yikes.
Of course he’s not into it, and she’s just like yeah, go to your friends. Go find Gio. She knows where his real interests like. 
Martino answering some random landline is pretty endearing, especially when he has cans of beer he needs to balance to do so.
Him being like “I am not the owner.” Lmao, he’s a sweetie. I suppose this was maybe a neighbor or someone wondering about the noise level and activity at the party, and that was why the police show up later? But I like to imagine that they were filming in this building, the phone rang randomly, and they were like, eh, throw it in.
So now we’re moving into the OG S3 content, with Martino entering the bathroom and sitting in the tub with his friends drinking and getting high.
Elia is the second person to mention the Argentinean girl, so I guess she must be a stone cold babe. Are we ever going to see her? Or will her hotness exist only in legends?
They do the whole song and dance where Martino pretends like these girls aren’t hot enough for him, while the other dudes are not having it. Well, to be fair, he really isn’t into them. I’m not sure what to make of his reactions, because Isak was very performative, and Martino just seems indifferent.
The boys claim to have gotten Fede a present, I wonder what it was? Probably just booze or something?
Lmao I was wondering why this girl would use this random out-of-the-way bathroom, but apparently two dudes are fucking in the other one (what are the odds it’s Filo).
What assholes, get out of the fucking tub for two minutes and let the girl pee in peace! I guess they’re just lazy and stoned, but JFC.
Instead of saying the girl looks like Eleven from Stranger Things, Martino tells her she looks like a frog… I kind of see it? But she’s also a babe, soooo. 
Not gonna lie, I really did not like how they adapted this scene. “We’ll leave you alone to pee but you have to hook up with one of us” is not … cute … like it takes it out of negging teenage asshole territory and gets creepy. Maybe because of the hellscape that has been RL politics for the past few weeks, but I’m not in the mood for any of this boys-will-be-boys shit.
We know that one new dude must be Magnus because he is instantly rejected.
Martino gives the boys the thumbs up once Italian Emma starts making out with him and they’re leaving.
Martino didn’t actually do anything to win over this girl, really? With Isak it was a performance: Emma came in and he made a determined effort to flirt with her, he negged her, he complimented her, he got out of the tub and was more active in his pursuit. All of that was because he was trying to seem straight in front of his friends. Martino, on the other hand, was far more passive. He made the frog comment but that seems less like negging when all four of them are sitting there being dicks to this girl, rather than him alone, and she just happened to choose him out of the four. Isak was putting some effort into it and pretending to be interested until the boys left and things got steamier, but Martino just plain is not trying. He ain’t feeling it.
This is one of the disadvantages of writing recaps episode by episode as they air and not when you can look at the full season, though. Because on the one hand, making Martino more of a passive participant in his fake heterosexuality is fine, but on the other hand, if that’s not their intent - if they’re more or less going to follow Isak’s character arc for him - then I think they missed a big point of this scene in not making Martino pursue this girl more actively. But we don’t know exactly if this is a thoughtful, deliberate choice or an oversight. (For example, in S1 of Skam Italia, several of Eva’s key moments of “who are you?” were eliminated, Gio’s skate park speech was rewritten with a different focus, etc. which made me wonder about her character arc. It could have worked if they had intentionally made these changes to arrive at a different conclusion, but in the end Eva’s final speech to Gio is the same, the arc is supposed to be the same even though crucial points have been left out, and it didn’t feel as strong. So it’s hard to say whether Martino’s character is supposed to be written with subtle differences that change his characterization, or if they don’t realize how small edits can affect the perception of this character.)
I am a little alarmed that the girl goes for the blowjob like immediately after choosing Martino? Isak was hardcore flirting with Emma so it made more sense she was trying to do that with him. With this girl, she’s just trying to pee and some random guy’s like “Hook up with one of us and we’ll leave you be” and she’s like, “Sounds like a plan!” Damn girl, didn’t you need to really use the toilet? But you’re going to stop to blow him? Okay.
Eva is stumped by seeing that Martino was in the bathroom with a girl,  probably moreso because he just rejected her upstairs. Well, this girl isn’t his best friend’s ex, sooooo it makes a smidge more sense, Martino’s sexuality aside.
Incantava moment: Edoardo brings up the deal with the apology to Silvia, so that made it into this remake. Part of the deal was to erase the wall of conquests - smart of Eleonora - and I guess Edo did that, hopefully, but he also reminds her that she agreed to a date.
What a power move of Eleonora to go to England to avoid this date.
At least Edo was not pursuing her prior to this, apparently. It would be a shame if they suddenly had him pressure her into a date in Eleonora’s season.
Okay, I realize that Martino didn’t appear to have the best options to hide his weed,  but he’s really just gonna put it in a box on the railing where it could easily get knocked over the balcony or blown away or something? Lmao.
The scene of the boys running away from the cops was cute and had that “reckless youth enjoying the night” vibe.
So Martino clearly still has Giovanni feelings, and Giovanni is going to be crashing at his place tonight. Look at that hand on Martino’s shoulder, probably burning through his shirt. I like perhaps acknowledging the idea that all this casual affection between guys in this culture can take on a hidden toll for a closeted gay kid.
Martino mentions that his mom is freaking out, so they’re openly acknowledging Martino’s mom situation in front of the other guys (when Isak was less open about it) and Giovanni gives him a hug that fucks Martino up. It seemed like Martino didn’t want Giovanni to come over, probably both because of his crush and because of his mom situation.
Clip 2 - Sad boy slumber party
Martino wakes up and stares at Giovanni, who’s still sleeping. Martino is not on the bed, but on the floor, ostensibly because Giovanni threw him off the bed but really because he doesn’t want to be so close to Giovanni. He pointedly turns down Giovanni’s invitation to get back in the bed. This is a really delicate situation; this is such a casual thing for Giovanni that he doesn’t even think about it, but for Martino it’s this extremely loaded scenario that comes with dangers, so better not risk it.
Eva calls and wants to talk to Martino, but he can’t since he’s with Giovanni. Giovanni says that he’s been trying to get back together with Eva, and making a fool out of himself, so Martino is certainly not enjoying about this reminder that Giovanni likes girls, Giovanni loved (loves?) Eva, it will never be Giovanni and Martino in the way he wants. Also, awkward of course because Eva tried to kiss Martino, which says a lot about how she thinks of Giovanni - probably not keen to get back with him if she can make a move on his best friend, even when drunk.
Okay, I have a deeply unpopular opinion and that is: while Skam Italia’s cinematography is often visually impressive, at times it does not work with the material it’s supposed to be conveying. It’s not style over substance, but style against substance. There are several examples, but to go into one now: why the fuck is the lighting so dark in certain moments. Whyyyyyy.
And before you tell me, I do know why the director is perhaps doing this. It’s supposed to reflect Martino’s state of mind, it’s supposed to make things seem bleak, it’s supposed to contrast with the sunnier scenes such as later in the episode with Niccolò, etc. etc. The problem is that I do not think it is effective for the format of this show. Here’s the thing: we are supposed to be in Martino’s POV for a reason. His reactions should not be hidden from us, this audience, and to me the lighting is a barrier from getting closer to him and getting fully into his mindset. Like, the camera should be eating this shit up! Give me all the microexpressions! Federico Cesari is doing a nice job of acting so far and it bugs me that the lighting is obscuring some of his facial expressions. Now it makes sense for ambiguity on the part of say, Niccolò, who will be keeping secrets for most of the season (based on Even’s role) but this is Martino’s season, and we as the audience should be deep into his head every step of the way. This is supposed to be an immersive experience. There is zero reason to obscure Martino’s reactions from the audience. Martino may have a barrier between him and his friends, his family, his schoolmates, society at large - but not us, the viewers. (And not just the lighting, but for example, that his face is shot in profile for part of this scene, which again doesn’t give us a full range of Martino’s reactions, or the amount of distance between the camera and Martino at times. Even if you can assume what Martino is thinking and feeling enough that you don’t need really clear reaction shots, it’s like there’s a gap and we’re not supposed to get too close.) 
Like obviously this cinematography is working for people, and if it is for you, great! If this were a different show, I could be fine with it. But not with a series that is supposed to put me fully into this character’s head, not keep me at a distance.
Covitti is the girl from the bathroom? She’s followed Martino on IG. I feel like, if they’re doing a repeat of Emma’s involvement, then it doesn’t work as well as to why she’d suddenly be interested in Martino. With Isak, there was something karmic about it, because he blatantly pursued when he met her, and it’s like he reaped what he sowed, you know? Don’t get me wrong, he absolutely did not deserve the much later repercussions with Emma outing him, but the immediate aftermath of him flirting with Emma showed that his actions had consequences. He couldn’t just make out with this girl for the benefit of an audience and then drop her. With Martino, he was so much more passive with Covitti, that it feels less earned. I mean he’s very cute, but him being doggedly pursued by her doesn’t have as much to do with his characterization, unless the point is that he refuses to put his foot down and reject her. (A valid characterization choice! But hopefully an intentional one.)
We get to see Martino’s mom and on the one hand, it’s pretty cool that she’s around in this version, but on the other hand, goddamn am I apprehensive about how they will depict her.
Martino really does not want to eat lunch with her. Apparently they have chicken and potatoes four times a week. Credit to Giovanni, he acts normal and is polite to Martino’s mom and is eager to eat with her.
Eva apologizes for trying to kiss Martino. So Giovanni is trying to get back with Eva and Eva made a move on Martino. Awkward! Eva is also probably dying to bring up the topic of that girl in the bathroom with Martino, let’s be real.
Giovanni chides Martino for being an asshole and says if he didn’t treat his mom like shit, maybe he would help her! Hey, no offense, Giovanni, but fuck off. I agree that Martino was not nice to his mom, I agree that he should treat her better. But Giovanni is a visitor. He is a guest in this household. He doesn’t know shit about what it’s like to live there or what’s the best course of action. No, actually it’s not as easy being kind to someone and it’ll fix their mental illness.
If I sound weirdly pissed about this, it’s because I am speaking as someone who has been a caretaker to a mentally ill parent. One of the most frustrating things was when people who were completely outside of my situation told me how to deal with it. It’s fucking easy to think you have the answers when you don’t live in this situation, when you have the freedom to go back to your own home when shit gets really rough. When you likely haven’t seen a loved one at their worst. 
To clarify, this isn’t necessarily a flaw of the show, just an area where I think a character is flawed. But I would hate for Giovanni’s POV to be validated. Of course Martino should not treat his mother poorly, but he needs to do that on his own, not because some outsider who has no idea what is going on in this house thinks so.
Anyway. Shut the fuck up, Gio. 
Eva also doesn’t want Martino to tell Gio, so you know Gio is going to find out at some point. Here’s the thing: if this drama is more along the lines of ~ooo Eva kissed Martino and he didn’t tell Gio and Gio feels BETRAYED when he finds out~ then it sounds tedious and exactly the kind of drama I don’t want. It’s not necessary, it’s honestly a very low-stakes situation. However, if it’s more of a lead-in to S1’s drama being revealed, and Gio learns about what happened with Martino ratting out Eva, that would be interesting. I’d be very interested in seeing where it goes. I think the writers have to know that this would be the most compelling aspect, so here’s hoping.
Not gonna lie, one thing I liked about S3 was the lack of heterosexual relationship drama (other than what directly serviced Isak and Even’s relationship), and I don’t want this season to stray too far into Eva/Gio stuff. Though I realize that by switching S2 and S3, they probably feel like they have to account for their relationship.
In S2 of the original, we saw the remnants of Eva/Jonas more on Eva’s side, through Noora’s eyes. Eva told herself she was over Jonas and they were just friends, but we could see that wasn’t totally true. With this season, though, we’ll probably see Eva/Giovanni more through Giovanni’s eyes, because even if Martino is Eva’s friend, he’s Giovanni’s best friend.
Clip 3 - The Phantom Clitoris
Lmao, Luca being like “Guess what happened to me” and Gio being like “Did you put an egg in the microwave again?” (I mean, you can cook eggs in a microwave even if it’s not the best way!)
Luca hooked up with a girl! If we believe him. She didn’t have a clitoris! Except he didn’t know what it was called. I don’t know whether to think that if it he didn’t know what it was called, he probably didn’t know how to look for one, or that he’s straight up lying. But this is interesting because Jonas was the one who went down on girls in the original and had this dialogue, and then Magnus was the virgin seeking wisdom from Isak, and here apparently Luca is already banging girls? Or he’s pretending to.
Martino sees Niccolò for the first time! Niccolò is adorable. He’s got the Even denim jacket and a nice smile. Sana and Silvia are shown going up to him while he’s talking to another dude.
Luca is like, I watched a 20-minute porn tutorial of how to eat a girl out. No offense bro, but I doubt you were in a very studious mindset during that. Or maybe he was! Maybe he made flashcards.
Martino gets a text from his dad about having dinner “with us” and I’m guessing that his dad has a new girlfriend or something, because it’s kinda weird to text your kid “have dinner with us?” about both his parents when his dad left his mom.
Silvia and Sana come up, Elia brings up the girl with no clitoris to them (why was that the first thing out of your mouth, dude), and Silvia mentions that she and Sana are now in charge of the radio. So this is our kosegruppa! I wonder if the radio itself will have more plot relevance for the season.
The guys are conveniently too busy to help on Thursday! But Sana thinks they’ll be helping soon enough.
For a moment I thought Luca was frightened by Silvia and saw that as a point toward Luca/Silvia happening, since it would be in line with Magnus’ sado-Vilde dreams, but then I was like, oh right, he probably means Sana, lol. (Silvia is way less intimidating than Vilde. Silvia is cheerful, Vilde was sugar layered over a core of menace when she pitched kosegruppa to the guys.)
Martino checks out Niccolò again, because who wouldn’t, and Niccolò is talking to the other guy … maybe Niccolò is flirting with that guy?
The boys suggest smoking a joint but Martino didn’t get the weed back yet, so the boys are bummed, but Gio keeps his disappointment restrained to a few jovial  throttles of Martino’s neck. Martino dies inside and tries not to develop a choking kink.
Niccolò did not look at Martino in this clip, there’s no evidence he saw him in this scene, and he was in fact preoccupied with conversation with another dude. So ... has Niccolo seen Martino yet? In an “I saw you the first day of school” way? Because with that knowledge in mind, in the original we could look back at Even’s first appearance in the cafeteria and see that he had obviously grabbed a seat with a good view of Isak and was sitting there alone, possibly sketching him. I guess you could say that Niccolò was standing there to get Martino’s attention, maybe even trying to make him jealous by talking to another guy, but that seems .... really convoluted. If they do include the “I saw you the first day of school” line, they should have had Niccolò look at Martino for even a brief moment. It didn’t even need to be eye contact! Like you could show Niccolò looking toward Martino when he’s out of focus, as a background event, a little Easter egg for the eagle-eyed viewer.
This is one of those original clip comparisons, so hold on to your butts. In the original clip, the way the scene is shot and acted combines multiple details to demonstrate Isak’s alienation from the other boys. Tarjei’s acting shows that he is disconnected from this conversation - he’s picking at his sandwich, checking his phone, he’s not really engaged with the cat tongue/clitoris talk. He has a few mild smiles but his facial expressions and body language show he’s checked out. He doesn't participate in that conversation at all, actually, other than a look or two. There’s no dialogue from him. And the camera contributes to this impression that he’s withdrawn: it’s often just on Isak with the conversation coming from off screen, rather than showing him in the shots with the guys. It shows him alone instead of showing him connected to the group. When it does show him with the group, he’s not reacting to them much. So when he hears a boy's laugh, it seems plausible that it would get attention as the boys’ conversation is not holding his interest.
With this clip, Martino might make a comment like "Oh no, don't tell us your dirty story" but he is otherwise very engaged in this conversation. He leans into it, he's listening, his face makes him seem eager. He's frequently shown in the shot with the other guys, part of the group rather than isolated. Gio repeatedly looks back at him and shares looks with him so there’s something reciprocal happening. Martino speaks to Luca and he high fives him. He's just a definite participant in this conversation, so there isn't much of a feel of alienation here. I mean, we know he's gay, and maybe we can assume that his participation in this conversation is forced or half-hearted, but that's not coming through in how it's portrayed. And I like Federico, I think he's one of the better actors on the show, but I also think he's playing it too comfortably, though I blame Bessegatto more for that since his direction is what guides the performance. It seems like Martino's a nice guy with some friends, who doesn't seem too detached this conversation and who seems totally fine with looking at a cute guy over there. Not much of an internal struggle. Not much of an external struggle either, really. 
It felt like there were missed opportunities. For example, when Martino says he doesn’t want Luca’s TMI, and Gio is like, “Yes we do, don’t listen to him,” we don’t even get a reaction shot from Martino to see how that affects him? We could have seen him annoyed, or exasperated, or uninterested in this conversation. We could have seen him drifting and doing something with his body language to indicate he’s not comfortable, and then THAT is when he sees Niccolò, because his mind is already wandering. Not when he’s engaged in this conversation. Or keep in Luca asking Martino about going girls and wanting to know how Martino finds the clitoris, and Martino having to struggle to answer that when the boys are all looking at him.
I mean, again, it makes me wonder what they’re going to do with Martino’s characterization because they’re playing up his struggles with his attraction to Gio, but he does not seem to be struggling as much with the public performance of liking girls. Or even perhaps the internal conflict of liking boys. And that would be fine except it seems like it should be. Martino was the one who introduced the idea of liking Eva back in S1, before Eva had even suggested it herself. He was definitely on the defense then, so what’s going on now? 
Also, Isak glanced at Even and Even looked back, which made Isak look away. Julie pointedly did not show Even again in that clip because Isak was clamping down on his attraction and forcing himself not to look. Martino allows himself a second glance. It frames the scene way more comfortably.
Clip 4 - Fede almost had it all
12:12 ...it begins...
Martino sees Fede and Sana, so he approaches them. He calls them “rays of sunshine,” which is cute! Though he’s totally doing it to butter them up so he gets his stash back.
LMAO I love the part where Federica is like, I found a drill, who brings a drill to a party? (Someone you pray to God remains sober.)
He asks if he can come over and Federica chokes on her drink. She’s really cute in this scene. Honestly, she didn’t make a ton of impression on me in S1 compared to other girl Chrises from the remakes, but I enjoyed her here a lot, she’s sweet.
They can “study” together in the living room because Fede’s parents are gone. Oh babe, I think you’ll be disappointed at the amount of actual learnin’ that would take place were such a study session to take place.
Sana sits there texting Martino that she has his weed while he’s right there next to her. I guess Fede was just really excited by the prospect of having Martino in her house, but did she really not notice that Sana was texting and Martino just so happened to receive a text at the same time?
Sana saying that it’s “a friend of her brother’s” who has Martino’s “necklace.” Is that an actual nod toward Niccolò or just a coincidence? If she means Niccolò, then why is she bringing him up?
Like I know people like this theory, but I don’t think it makes sense that Sana was trying to hook up Isak and Even all along (or Martino and Niccolò if the circumstances are the same), because how does that explain her reactions to being asked about Islam’s view of homosexuality, or to Isak being outed? Of course they could be going for a diferent approach in this remake.
Federica is really adorable freaking out over how she ALMOST had Martino within her grasp. Poor girl, I’m sorry to tell you that your day is never coming. (Lmao, I guess one day a remake could swap out Emma for Isak hooking up with the Chris character? I mean Chris >>>>> Emma, but then I’d feel so bad for her.)
Clip 5 - Here we gooooooooo
So the carrot cake (made by Silvia) suuuuucks. Martino’s disgusted face is pretty good.
The girl squad is trying to Skype with Eleonora. Meanwhile Martino sits there by himself, not having a great time. As a contrast to the girl squad who are laughing and having fun, Martino is on his own because his dumbass friends ditched him.
Sana wants Martino to let them use his Internet connection to continue the Skype call, he’s like lmao, she’s ditching you guys on purpose. Gonna go out on a limb and say that he’s projecting.
Tbh I do think it’s odd that they wrote out Eleonora so much if they didn’t need to. Like I know people think they switched S2 and S3 for dramatic, important reasons, but I get the feeling it was just a matter of actor availability. I could be wrong!
That random curly-haired dude at the meeting is the true star of this clip. He was INTO everything that was happening.
SIlvia says it took forever to make her cake. And it still sucks, apparently. Good thing that the girls never seemed to get her pineapple cake from S1? Was Silvia behind the Jell-O disaster, too?
She doesn’t want another piece, which might be another hint at her ED, but the cake is garbage soooo maybe she just has taste buds and a self-preservation instinct, IDK.
It’s actually intriguing that Silvia seems to be baking cakes for people and yet she monitors her own eating so closely.
Lmao at there being dead noise when Martino sees Niccolò enter the room. Everything fades except this smiley hottie. (For a second I was like “is he flat-lining?”)
Niccolò walked in with some other people, including Covetti. He sits on the table beside Martino. Martino keeps glancing at him but Niccolò will NOT glance at Martino. Again, if they’re going to go with “I saw you the first day of school,” I don’t think they set it up that well. It’s fine if they don’t, but there are really no fun “extras” you get from these scenes with that reveal. In both of his scenes Niccolò has been hanging out with other people, he’s not glancing at Martino. There’s no foreshadowing. You can be like oh, Niccolò positioned himself outside the school for Martino to see, he DELIBERATELY didn’t look at Martino for reasons! But that’s not very enjoyable on a rewatch.
The way Martino begrudgingly greets that Uglydoll or whatever is the best part of the episode.
Covitti notices Martino looking over at Niccolo, by the way.
Okay, WHO IS THAT BLUE-HAIRED GIRL. Like it seems as if she would make a good Sonja, she reminds me a little of Theresa. 
Covitti whispers something to Martino but we don’t know what.
“Bad story about Chicco Rodi” Who was that? I vaguely remember the name from S1? Oh wait, was he the guy who got the award for worst attendance? I hope that “tutorial” is foreshadowing for Martino and Niccolò breaking into the school at some point.
Silvia comes across as positively chill compared to Vilde. It must be Osvaldo’s influence.
Why is Covitti even there, since she’s not interested in what Silvia’s saying? To stalk Martino? How did she know he would be there? Emma knew Isak was going to be there because of signups, were there signups for this? (This is nitpicky and I’m sure that’s what they meant, it’s just that they’re skipping over some parts where her motivations become clear.)
Martino: Sorry I have to take this totally real and not at all imaginary call!!!!!
Wow, no finesse, just like our man Isak.
Martino’s fake phone call is pretty funny, like he lets it go on way longer than necessary.
He plops down in a chair in the radio room and then he starts talking to himself and pretending to be on the radio. I really do like the idea of Martino finding his voice through the radio, literally and metaphorically. And actually, when he starts speaking by himself, he sounds pretty good to me! Confident, composed, his voice sounds good, the words come easy. So maybe this is a move from him being passive to speaking up for himself.
That shot of Martino, fractured in the glass, when Niccolò turns on the light is fabulous. Showing how Niccolò’s introduction is going to break apart Martino’s sense of self. And Niccolò‘s image is clear and whole so Martino perhaps sees him as this cool, confident dude who’s got his shit together. So he thinks. (Plus Niccolò literally turns on the light on and all.)
Niccolò says it’s a shame Martino stopped talking, basically, and they laugh about Silvia’s dry-ass cake.
Niccolò has a shitty ancient phone? Would that play into his avoidance of social media because of his manic episode? Since you can’t post to IG/FB/any apps from one of those. Or is he just a hipster who hates technology? Or something else? 
Lol, I didn’t have to wait long before the “breaking into the school” prophecy was fulfilled. They end up climbing into a part of the school that’s closed.
Beautiful view on the roof, obviously. I guess for O Helga Natt, Martino is going to run and find Niccolò here, maybe? And then he’ll be in the radio room instead? Will they stare at each other from behind the glass? 
Niccolò asks if Martino knows Silvia, and he says no, she’s a friend of a friend. Niccolò asks which one, so he’s probably wondering if Martino is good pals with Sana.
Niccolò notes that Martino doesn’t seem happy to be there, and neither does Niccolò. Taking him at his word, he’s doing this as part of school-work interchange. So I guess he didn’t show up just to meet Martino? Again, I have no problem with that changing that (I loved it with Evak but I’m fine with them not repeating it), I just want them to do a good job of foreshadowing if they do go with that.
We get the conversation about Niccolò being from a different school, but there’s no line (as in the original) where Isak notes with some incredulity that he transferred during his last year, so there isn’t as much of a hint that something happened to Niccolò, provided they are still keeping in his backstory. (I think he’s still in his final year?)
The camera gets very close up in the boys’ faces as they talk about more personal topics, THANK GOD. Like I do think the coldness and distance in other clips is intentional, I just don’t think it works with this show, but at least we can get warmer, closer scenes when necessary.
Covitti (whose first name is Emma, by the way) shows up and literally comes between them. They do the whole thing where Martino “introduces” Niccolò to Emma, except they’re not trying to pretend they’re already partners to avoid her. 
“Fares” means horseman or knight in Arabic, so I guess Niccolò is going to be Martino’s knight in shining armor? Or fight for him? That would explain his flipbook in the trailer with stick figure Niccotino on a horse.
Covitti isn’t very awkward as a person. She and Niccolò have a polite, maybe even flirty conversation when filtered through certain jealous ears; it’s Martino who suddenly feels like a third wheel. Covitti is still making eyes at Martino, though. Niccolò says he and Martino will stay back and smoke, which pleases Martino, but she invites herself to smoke with them. It’s awkward but way less so that with Isak, Even, and Emma, in my opinion, maybe because Covitti seems like she’s enjoying herself even if the boys aren’t. 
The poppy indie song at the end of the clip feels out of place. Like if they wanted to emphasize the awkwardness, they should have just ended in a stranger song or complete silence to drive home how Martino did not want her there. If they wanted to use this song to emphasize Martino’s crush, show closeups of Martino glancing at Niccolò with the sunlight bouncing off his face without including Covitti in there. 
Oh god. Don’t kill me for this. Okay. So we have Niccolò’s introduction in this clip, obviously, and I like him in the sense that he's a friendly guy with an utterly beautiful smile. But I felt like they made him just like ... a really nice, smiley guy, in a way that was one-note. And I’m NOT criticizing the actor’s abilities, because I’ve seen his acting clips from other projects and I think he could do justice to the character. This is more about directorial decisions.
Part of the reason I love Even is because he’s fucking strange. Sure, he’s Isak’s dream boy with his denim jacket and styled hair, and he’s got a smile like the sun, and he just feels cool, but he’s also a bouncy, twitchy weirdo coursing with energy. In his first clip he makes a HELL of an impression and it’s by pulling a bizarre stunt in the bathroom with paper towels and then by making a blowjob joke as one of his first lines to Isak. Now I don’t think every Even of the remakes need to do that, not at all, but Even felt like a really specific character to me, someone who was weird and strongly himself and presented in a way that made us fall for him piece by piece. And one fear I have about the remakes is that they’ll remove some of his weirdness to make him more of a general artsy hipster type who gets along with the Isak. (Or maybe him an artsy hipster asshole, but that’s another story.)
I feel bad because I do actually want to love Niccolò I think the actor is tremendously adorable and enthusiastic about is role, and I think he can make Niccolò into someone specific and memorable. But the way this scene was directed and performed, it felt like Bessegatto told Rocco to be charming by smiling a lot. And I mean, he DOES have a great smile, but Niccolò has the same amused, benign friendliness the whooooole clip, and my gut feeling was that they were trying too hard to make us like him and eliminating anything that might make the character off-putting, which is unfortunately some of what makes the character compelling, especially this early on as he should be something of a mystery both for Martino and the audience. 
Where this approach would have worked more for me is if Niccolò was this unstoppable force of sunshine against Martino’s constant grumpy iciness, and he couldn’t help but melt in the face of it. But the thing is, Martino isn’t a constant grump who’s freezing people out. He’s actually pretty friendly to people. So it was like radiant sunshine against slightly less radiant sunshine, and there wasn’t a lot like I felt I could mull over, IDK. 
And yes yes I know this is only the first clip. Niccolò has tons of time to make himself into a distinctive, memorable character. I’m aware of that. But I don’t want to lie about my reaction. 
General Comments/Social Media:
Continuing with Martino’s crush on Giovanni makes sense considering only a few months have passed. Though it should be said that I never thought Isak getting over Jonas from S1 to S3 without any elaboration was like .. a flaw of the show? It depends on how deep you think Isak’s feelings were. Personally I never saw him as in love with Jonas, I saw it as an intense crush, compounded by Isak’s bad home life so that Jonas, his best friend who was always there for him, was someone who really made his life better at the time, and whose attention he craved.
There was almost a year between the end of S1 and the start of S3, and during that time, Isak had seen Jonas go from Eva to other girls, so I’m sure it sunk in that Jonas wasn’t suddenly going to go for him just because Eva was out of the picture. And Isak had moved out of his parents’ home so there was less of an immediately chaotic situation where he was more dependent on Jonas for support. I mean he’s clearly not in a great place at the start of S3, but he was able to get some independence and distance from his parents. I think his life was more stable on a day-to-day basis. So it’s not hard to see how Isak’s crush would have faded with those factors in mind. Martino, on the other hand, has had less time to get over Giovanni, Giovanni perhaps has not moved on to other girls since he’s still trying to get with Eva, and Martino is still probably depending on him for more emotional support since he has to deal with a more directly stressful environment at home.
In the texts, Giovanni refers to Sana as “Sana Escobar” in reference to her taking the weed. Pablo Escobar is obviously extremely well-known on his own, but I do think it’s a nod to all the Narcos/Escobar mentions in Isak’s season. Or at least they took inspiration there.
Elia is apparently one hell of a dumbass according to an essay he wrote that showed up on IG.
I wonder if they’re going to swap out the Grindr clip with Eskild for the first meeting with Filippo. I really do wonder how that relationship will come across, because I know people are excited about seeing them meet (and I am too) but the thing is, a big part of what made Isak and Eskild’s relationship in S3 meaningful was that they had months of trust to be established between them. Eskild saw Isak repressing his sexuality for months, and when Isak finally came out to him, there was pride in seeing this kid’s long journey to acceptance. We also got plenty of little scenes between them so the dynamic wasn’t just a big dramatic thing, we saw the casual side of their relationship. So I’m not sure how they can replicate that with a relationship that cannot help but have less buildup.
Niccolò is a pianist and there’s a video of him playing on YouTube! I’m really glad they incorporated the actor’s talents into the character and gave him his own artistic skill to make him a little different from Even. I assume that Martino will find the piano video and watch that endlessly. And it’ll be fun if Martino is all convinced Niccolò is a serious classical music snob but then Niccolò is like, “YES, this is my JAM” over a cheesy pop song.
One big problem I have is that it feels like a lot of potential for conflict or tension (both internal and external) is being minimized across various relationships, in multiple situations. It just feels safer for Martino despite him still going through some major problems that Isak was not at this point, and so it really shouldn’t. And that makes it harder to get involved in his POV or to immerse ourselves in his struggles. For example:
The boy squad isn't angry or annoyed with Martino for losing the weed, they're just kind of like lol, get it back. 
Sana and Martino don't clash with as much tension, and does Sana even explain why she’s holding onto Martino’s weed instead of giving it back? Sana B. was disgusted that Isak left the weed in Eva’s house where Eva could get in trouble if it was found; Sana A. is just doing it to be sassy, so far? Knowing that she found Isak’s actions distasteful upped the animosity of the Sana-Isak relationship, whereas Sana-Martino doesn’t have that element. I mean it’s certainly a reasonable inference that Sana is mad at him for potentially getting Fede in trouble, but it’s not a clear motivation. Martino doesn’t know why she’s randomly holding on to his weed. Does he think she’s doing it because she’s Muslim and disapproves? Because she wants it for herself? Just to torment him?
Italian Emma comes across way more of a chill, tolerable girl than Nowegian Emma and less of a persistent nuisance causing him stress just by existing.
Martino is less alienated and uncomfortable and more like a chill dude who likes to look at guys. The boys talking about going down on girls doesn’t make him uninterested and detached from the situation, he just mildly protests about TMI but continues to engage. He can look at Niccolò without having to make himself look away. He puts up less of a show to perform heterosexuality than Isak.
Martino doesn’t want to get involved in the radio show, except when he’s left alone he starts talking into a mic and pretending he’s on the radio, suggesting that it is of interest to him even if he’s not into Silvia’s leadership or whatever (as opposed to Isak who just didn’t want to deal with kosegruppa).
Even the Martino and Niccolò meeting had them bantering right away, practically as soon as they spoke, rather than encountering any moments of uncertainty or confusion, no time where they had to find their groove. And people are going to be like “They got along right away when Isak and Even didn’t!” when the reason Isak and Even were a little awkward at first was not because they clashed but because they were attracted to each other. Isak was shy about talking to a cute boy and taken aback by Even’s approach; Even was overwhelmed about talking to the boy he’d liked for weeks. It’s also a mark of how genuine Isak’s interest was: with Emma he was all slick and insincere, with Even he was real and tongue-tied. I mean, think about episode 2 and what a great moment it is when Isak runs into Even on the tram and they fumble for words at first. It’s so good! It’s human and real. It’s vulnerable, especially from Isak’s POV since we know how hard he has been pining over the last week, but also from Even’s POV especially when you know he’s liked Isak for a long time. The thing with Martino and Niccolò is that they settle into conversation so instantly, without any bumps, that I don’t think I would buy a moment like that happening. It’s not like I expect them to immediately become best friends but it would feel strange after this scene. And personally, it’s not like this relationship needs to develop the same as Isak/Even, but it’s good to leave some room for build-up from a narrative perspective. That’s why it’s so satisfying when Isak goes from barely being able to speak to Even to getting so comfortable with him that he can joke around and laugh with him. Like, let Martino say the wrong thing, or not know what to say, or make a mistake, so he can earn that more comfortable place with Niccolò, or so we can savor the moments that show him as vulnerable. (I mean, did people not enjoy Isak and Even being shy around each other? Because the awkwardness, the long silent pauses, the fumbling for what to say ... I ate that shit up. I loved it.)
Now on their own, it’s not wrong for any of these plot threads or scenes to go more smoothly. But do you see how cumulatively, they don’t contribute that much to creating a stressful internal and external climate for Martino? He’s just so much milder about everything, and the people around him are milder to him, and from a dramatic perspective it’s not as engaging.
I mean fandom does this thing where it’s like “These characters get along better! Things are Softer! Cinnamon rolls!! It’s an improvement!!!” but that’s not ... actually great from a narrative standpoint. We’re at the beginning of Martino’s story and it makes more sense to emphasize what a shit place he’s in so we can build him up over the season. 
The conflict that IS there, and felt like it had more of a presence on screen when it was addressed, is Martino still having feelings for Giovanni and Martino’s issues with his parents. I’m not sure how much farther they’ll take Martino’s crush on Gio, since now Niccolò is in the picture, but they’ll likely have Martino keeping secrets from Giovanni that are Eva-related. And we have Martino living with his mother and dealing with her problems, but I felt like that should have been more emphasized in this premiere episode and not just one clip, since it’s really fucking huge. It’s not a problem he can kind of repress like Isak because Isak can just ignore his mom’s texts. Martino has to go home and deal with it every day. (Like I would have put the radio/weed stuff for episode 1 and kick off with Martino’s parental problems and meeting Filippo, since that should set sooo much of the stage for this season, emotionally.)
I’ve also seen the idea that this season will focus more on Martino dealing with external homophobia than internalized homophobia, and that’s certainly a good idea, but then they really should have hit the ground running with that theme. Show the boy squad making casually homophobic comments, show him fearing what his mom will say. Show some random assholes making gay jokes about Filippo at the party and Martino overhears. 
I think they’re doing the meeting with Filippo in episode 2, so hopefully we get more meat to Martino’s conflicts.
I sound like I’m being negative, probably, but I’m aware this is only episode 1, and there’s plenty more to come. There are things that I do like, such as Filippo being Eleonora’s brother and the introduction of the radio. I think those could be really cool for the season. And I’m still intrigued by everything else, because this is S3 and of course I’m wondering how they’ll adapt it!
Please feel free to correct me if I missed or misinterpreted anything!
If you got this far, thank you for reading! Especially if you disagreed with me, lol.
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allthingsroleplay · 5 years
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Adam Levine wanted as Future Love Interest for Keira Knightley 
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James McAvoy wanted as Identical Twin Brother on RL Portland Site
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Robbie Amell wanted as Future Love Interest for Italia Ricci
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Open Redhead as Former Unrequited Love for Ewan McGregor
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mentalcurls · 6 years
Sono contenta che Skam Italia abbia successo, che sempre più persone la guardino perché è una bella serie, mi sono affezionata a personaggi e attori e persino a LudoBesse, voglio per loro le cose migliori, sia sul piano della storia sia nella RL.
Però sono terrorizzata.
Vedo i cartelloni nelle stazioni, vedo gli appelli di alcuni fan di portare in prima serata il cast a parlare, vedo richieste di trasmettere in prima serata la serie.
Tutte cose bellissime, se fossimo in un mondo ideale. Nel mondo che il fandom si costruisce nei suoi spazi. Nel mondo dove le persone sono tolleranti o possono essere convinte che le loro idee sono sbagliate guardando una serie, o almeno iniziare ad essere convinte.
Nel mondo reale, però, quello che vedo io, la gente non ci metterebbe molto a sporcare i cartelloni, a far spuntare scritte omofobe; nei talk show si farebbe prestissimo a manipolare il messaggio della serie o le risposte degli attori, oppure a chiedere sempre le solite quattro puttanate banali e lasciare stare i temi importanti di cui si dovrebbe parlare, oppure al contrario a far parlare voci provocatorie contro Skam per fare solo polemiche vuote, rendendo inutilmente controversa la serie. La serie trasmessa sulle normali emittenti rischierebbe censure, sarebbe infarcita di pubblicità magari anche contrastante o al contrario sarebbe boicottata dai marchi che si rifiuterebbero di accostare le loro pubblicità a Skam per i valori che porta, o ancora, potrebbe andare in onda in seconda serata con la scusa dei “temi forti”.
Io credo che tanti, nel fandom, non realizzino quanto autoreferenziale sia far parte di questa community sui social. Di quanto pesi il confermation bias, di quanto ogni informazione che ci scambiamo tra di noi non faccia altro che rafforzare la bolla di convinzioni condivise in cui viviamo noi fan. Appena una voce diversa emerge infatti, a volte giustamente, a volte no, si scatena il discourse e la polemica. E capita a tutti noi, penso, di cercare di portare “fuori” il “verbo” di Skam e di trovarci di fronte persone a cui non frega nulla, che non capiscono o anche persone che rigettano l’idea di una serie del genere, con i suoi temi e i suoi messaggi.
Ho anche un altro timore. Il fandom è composto per la gran parte da ragazze e da persone che fanno parte della comunità LGBTQ. Non oso immaginare cosa potrebbe essere detto di noi. Come potrebbero prendere i nostri tweet, i nostri fanwork, gli headcanon, le ship e farle a pezzi. Usarle contro di noi per dirci che siamo immaturi, che siamo solo ragazzine ossessionate, che siamo pervertite, che abbiamo il fetish per i gay. Rabbrividisco al pensiero di cosa potrebbe venir fuori se a qualche giornalista di quelli polemici e moralizzatori giungesse voce dell’esistenza di ship come la Elippo. Immediatamente partirebbe lo scandalo, due personaggi che neanche mai si sono incontrati, però subito le fan malate che devono inventarsi personaggi omosessuali anche dove non ce ne sono, ci sono solo normali ragazzi che rincorrono gonnelle, e per di più vorrebbero vedere insieme un ragazzino minorenne, appena 17enne, con un ragazzo maggiorenne, all’università, un uomo maturo praticamente, quale perversione, sostengono la pedofilia (per non parlare di tutti gli altri casi in cui un simile ragionamento potrebbe essere applicato, compresi Niccolò e Martino).
Non lo so, saranno le mie esperienze negative passate che parlano, sarà che non mi sono ancora scrollata di dosso la descrizione di  me e delle mie amiche e compagne di fandom come “a dark-pink oil slick that howls and moans and undulates” e gli sfottò, sarà che sono in un qualche fandom da troppi anni e sono diventata cinica, o forse è stato studiare comunicazione che mi ha reso cinica. Contribuisce sicuramente l’incertezza sullo status del fandom di questi giorni. Questo è anche il primo fandom della famiglia Skam in cui sono, non ho avuto l’esperienza dell’og quindi magari anche questo mi toglie parte della prospettiva che alcuni altri fan hanno.
Fatto sta che io sono felice per il successo Skam Italia, ma rimango terribilmente spaventata dalla sua esposizione al pubblico di massa.
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globalhappenings · 3 years
Antitrust: Amazon fine 1.12bn, abuse of dominant position
Antitrust: Amazon fine 1.12bn, abuse of dominant position
(ANSA) – ROME, DECEMBER 09 – The Competition and Market Authority has imposed a fine of more than 1 billion euros (1,128,596,156.33) on Amazon Europe Core S.à rl, Amazon Services Europe S. à rl, Amazon EU S.à rl, Amazon Italia Services Srl and Amazon Italia Logistica Srl for violation of art. 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (abuse of dominant position). According to the…
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sabrina-spellman · 6 years
it goes both ways tho, kinda.. like, i am only watching skam italia so far and a lot of d*uck fans are everyday in the skam ita tag reminding why people should watch their show and not skam ita because it's a "white show" (just because the actress playing sana isn't muslim in rl doesn't mean the show is shit).. this isn't fair, they're shitting on benedetta for not being in norway with Josefine & co.. they're shitting on the whole cast and I mean, IN THE DAMN TAG. Personally I haven't seen -cont
-cont / skam ita fans being rude towards the other remakes’ fandom.. sure i’ve seen people saying skam it is better but i’ve never seen people being bitter or mean which is the only thing skam italia and its fandom is getting: spite and rudeness literally shoved in their faces
I have seen some of that from the dr*ck fans but I mostly just gloss over and block or ignore it largely because it’s not going to affect my opinion or whether i choose to watch something. I think people on tumblr and esp people who watch skam get into the whole herd mentality so easily and like to act like their consumption of the show/remake is totally based on their own opinion but at the same time co-opt opinions as if they’re fact (ie those who love tossing around the word “toxic” when it comes to s2 and noorhelm as if their own white fave isn’t problematic as hell).  people in this fandom exercise rigidity and take on the role as morality/purity police when it suits them and their opinion but cant extend that to others, and I honestly just got so tired of it when watching the og. I dont have the patience or desire to convince them about my stance or really care about theirs. I follow people that watch all of the remakes and all have diff opinions and that’s totally cool! at the end of the day its literally just a show. 
tbh this is partially why I dont go into the tags much or even engage in the fandom. if I’ve learnt something from og its that there’s so much vitriol in every direction, which is ironic considering these are the same people that preach “alt er love” but i mean *shrugs*
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