#Itachi birthday
Itachi Birthday Story ( Fem Reader X Itachi)
Here is a small story for Itachi's birthday. I hope you enjoy. Itachi and Sasuke deserved so much better..
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You were a Jonin ranked shinobi from Konoha and you were taking a break from the shinobi life. Or at least that is what you told everyone. You told them that you were taking some time off to go see family in other villages. Which wasn't totally a lie. Your father was from another village, and had family up in the north . You were leaving Konoha. As of late you had felt a heavy shift in Konoha, and you only stayed for one reason.
Itachi had asked you too. You were Itachi's eyes in the village, and would send him messages every so often. You wrote to Itachi telling him of what was happening with the village, and what Sasuke was doing in his current time with Team 7. Because of that Itachi knew Sasuke was on a team with Naruto, and Sakura Haruno. Itachi was also aware that Kakashi Hatake was Sasuke's sensei. But now you felt like your time in the village was over. You loved Konoha with all of your heart. You were born , and raised in this village. Even after the death of the Third Hokage your trust in your goverment had started to wane. The atmosphere in the village had become heavy. Itachi had asked you to stay up until Sasuke left to find his brother. And you had. After Lady Tsundae's coronation as Hokage , Sasuke had left the village. You didn't tell anyone where you were going. In fact you hadn't for the last two years. When not on missions you and Itachi met up at least once a month. Itachi would summon you, and you both met up. But after several discussions it was your choice to follow your heart. Of course Itachi tried to talk you out of it. But you were firm in your choice. It wasn't that Itachi didn't trust your skills. As long as Itachi knew you he knew you were a excellent shinobi. But Itachi had many enemies that could do serious harm to you. Even so you didn't falter.
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It was June 9th when you left the village. You remembered it was also Itachi's birthday. Even when he didn't seem to care for his own birthday. You still remembered. When you left it was night with a dark inky sky filled with stars, and a half moon. You walked through the village only stopping to get a small present for Itachi. You quickly left before anyone noticed you, and you headed towards the path going towards the only entrances and exit to the village. You didn't look back as you passed through the gates leading out of Konoha you were met by a loud call of a crow. A crow sat in one of the trees outside the gate. Your large black bird escort flew off its perch, and into the sky leading you to where you would meet Itachi. Even now Itachi was cautious knowing the life you had chosen to be with him. The life of a rouge wasn't going to be easy. You knew many would call you a traitor to the village. Continuing through the dead of night the crow you were following stopped flying into a tree. You found Itachi standing on the edge of the cliff that over looked the village. You didn't need to say anything as you approched him. Once you both were standing side by side did Itachi finally say something. " Are you sure ? " Itachi asked something you had heard several times after you asked him to come with him. " Yes." You answer. You feel a arm pull you towards Itachi as you both continue to look down at the village. It could be the last time that you ever saw Konoha, but it was important that you left. You knew Itachi didn't have long in this world, and you knew that your time together would be short. But you still loved him, and wanted to be there with him until that day came. Seeing you were still serious you both stepped away from the over view of the village. But you don't go very far as you both find a place to sit down. Itachi had already traveled a good distance to come and get you. And it was a good time for you to give him your present. " You didn't have to get me anything.. I have what I need now." Itachi told you . " Then I might have to eat these without you. " you tease Itachi as you take out a package of dango you had picked up earlier. You giggled until you felt a tap on your head when you looke back at Itachi. Finally you both share Itachi's birthday treat. You both are smiling at one another and Itachi kisses you forehead. " Come . We have much to do. Once that is done we can celebrate. " Itachi tells you taking your hand leading you into the night leaving Konoha behind. You both travel until you come upon a small village and stop at the inn to rest for the night. It also gave you, and Itachi a chance to have a meal, and Itachi's birthday dangos you had gotten him in Konoha. In exchange Itachi also gave you a gift. Something that would symoblize to those around you that you were Itachi's now, and forever. It was dangerous for you to be wearing a Uchiha crest, but Itachi had gotten you a necklace with a gem that was half red, and half white. " Will you be mine forever ? " Itachi asked. " Yes.' You answer holding the necklace in your hands before he took it from you, and placed it around your neck. " I love you. " you said to Itachi " And I love you. I may not always show it but know I'll always love you ." Itachi answered you as you both fall into a kiss. You felt Itachi pick you up and carry you to the futon waiting for the both of you. " Ready ?" Itachi asked you. " Yes." you answered. " Itachi.. " " Hm ? " Itachi questions. " Thank you for being born today." you say as he kisses you again celebrating your union.
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adhdnojutsu · 6 months
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Happy belated birthday, Kisame!
They partied too hard..
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liss-art · 1 year
Uchiha week. Day 7. Happy birthday, Sasuke!
Let your dreams come true!
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I almost late again
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sasukeless · 3 months
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— kaleidoscope, NARUTOツイログ-4
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theheirofthesharingan · 3 months
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This is nearly afternoon on 06/09/2024, and I haven't seen a single happy birthday, Itachi post on Tumblr yet.
Anyway. Happy birthday, King. You were the best. You deserved better.
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ladykissingfish · 1 year
*18-year old Naruto going to Sasuke’s house for dinner*
Sasuke: Such a long walk out here … but I guess it helps us build an appetite for dinner, eh?
Naruto: True.
Sasuke: Mom’s really excited that you’re coming, you haven’t been able to come in so long. Her and Itachi have been in the kitchen all —
*Naruto abruptly lets go of Sasuke’s hand as they come within view of the house*
Sasuke: Hey … why’d you do that?
Naruto: Don’t want him to see …
Sasuke: Him? Oh, you mean Madara?
Naruto: Yeah. I’m pretty sure your grandpa hates me, dattebayo.
Sasuke: He’s not my — he doesn’t —- well okay you’re probably right. But to be fair he hates pretty much everyone.
Naruto: He doesn’t hate you …
Sasuke: No, and I can’t really figure that out. But Itachi thinks that maybe it’s because I remind him of his brother Izuna.
Naruto: Whatever the case, I know he thinks I’m not good enough for you, Sasuke. Last time you left us alone he called me “an inferior carrier of the Uzumaki genes” and insulted Kurama so bad I almost lost control of him!
Sasuke: You think that’s bad? Obito brought Kakashi over two nights ago because Kakashi wanted his permission to “court” Obito, right? He didn’t even get the words out before gramps tried to impale Kakashi with his cane. Took everyone in the house to hold him back from trying to take out Kakashi’s sharingan with his soup spoon.
Naruto: Wait … does he expect that? Like, should I have gone to him for permission to date you??
Sasuke: He expects a lot of things as the clan elder. But we’re already dating. Asking “permission” seems a bit unnecessary.
Naruto: It’s unnecessary but like you said, he’s your clan elder. It’s probably a respect thing to him, dattebayo. Okay! It’s too late for it tonight, but next week I’m going to come at him full-force. I’ll wear a kimono and bring gifts for everyone in your family, the biggest present of all will be his. I’ll kneel in front of him and formally ask his permission to marry you!
Sasuke: M-marry?!
Naruto: Yeah! If he’s gonna try and kill me anyway, I may as well go all the way with it, right?
Naruto: Oooh I know, I’ll do it on Tuesday, my birthday! That way if he says Yes, it’ll be like I’ve gotten that one dream present I’ve always wanted; my Sasuke! *kisses Sasuke*
Sasuke, blushing: A-and if he says no?
Naruto: Then I can be one of those cool people who can say that their birthday and their death-day is the same day, dattebayo. Man, suddenly I’m super hungry. Let’s go! *runs ahead of him to the house*
Sasuke: He goes from saying the sweetest thing imaginable to the dumbest shit possible. And the sad thing is I want to marry him more than anything.
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queenmikoto · 3 months
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shartingan · 2 months
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sasuke listens to tyler, the creator for the first time
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sassykinzonline · 3 months
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i fight to protect this weirdo
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comikadraws · 3 months
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June 9th <3
Old (crappy) version
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madcorny · 3 months
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Has anyone done this yet
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adhdnojutsu · 3 months
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Happy birthday, Itachi! Spent an eternity wondering what to draw for his birthday and was gravitating towards sad stuff again, but went with what he deserved to have Ö.Ö
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domoz · 3 months
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weight of the clan
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itachis-eyes · 3 months
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Sasuke Every Day Until He's Freed From Tree Prison: Happy Birthday, Itachi :)
June 9th, 2024
Got an idea? Askbox!
Send me a Kofi maybe? :3
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slamongflobo · 11 months
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sustober day 19: shisui (+itachi)
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