#It's not even funny anymore
handofkings · 1 month
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RHYS IFANS as Hector DeJean in BERLIN STATION 1x05
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mawrrbid · 1 month
I want to kiss him... Please... Just... One kiss...
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
Me after another episode of my man Daemon being tortured at Harrenhal:
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literary-motif · 14 days
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Me typing up an upcoming Isaac fic.
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landonsmuse · 7 months
one thing about me i'm the baddest alive (i will bawl everytime i see itfs/stsg fanarts)
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littlemisstrashcan · 7 months
me when more than anything
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starkiller419 · 1 year
An apology.
pairing : Anakin Skywalker x F!Padawan reader | wc : 2.7k |
summary : just a wee little drabble. you hurt Anakin in battle (accidentally of course) and share a bed together. may be working on a pt. 2...
warnings : idk it's definitely fluffy. a little bit of violence but not directed at either Anakin or the reader.
a/n : this came to me in the middle of working on something else and I just had to get it out before I forgot. I didn't do any smut because idk it just didn't seem right? anywayssss enjoy <3
(PS mans is literally an angel. that's all.)
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Ever since you've met him, you've been in agony.
You haven't slept one night without his blue eyes taking high precedence in your dreams. his voice, his laugh, his entire being clouding your dreamscape. And then when you wake, and he isn't there, you are in more agony. He has managed to consume your entire being in a matter of months. Granted the months have felt like years, but still, it should be considered a world record. How easily you have fallen for him, and he is clueless. He has no clue of your true feelings.
He does not know why you follow him the way you do, basically nipping at his heels as you walk steadfastly behind him. Half the time you don't know where he is going, and you don't care. He never wanted you in his life, he made that very clear in the first couple of months of your apprenticeship. You are simply an obstacle to him, an obstacle in place by the council, an obstacle he cannot ignore.
And while you are still an obstacle, in the utmost sense of the word, he has grown accustomed to your presence. He finds himself feeling deep apparitions of sadness when you are not near. He has come to enjoy the way you follow him like a lost puppy, with your wide eyes watching him, observing his every move.
He feels flattered that someone as spectacular as you found him equally as spectacular.
Sometimes he catches a glimpse of your thoughts mid-mission. How your mind seems to stray from the war and destruction before you to more simple things. The way his dirty blonde curls frame his face. The way the certain spot in his jaw clenches when he is frustrated, or concentrated. the way his eyes seem to become brighter when he is happy, and darker when he is sad. He enjoys how all of your escapist thoughts are of him. He takes pride in being able to give you the comfort of escaping the tragedy that engulfs your life.
Right now, for example, the two of you are engaged in a battle on the planet of Alderaan. The separatists have planned an attack against Senator Organa and his wife, and the council chose Anakin and you to protect them. One thing led to another, and within the first four hours of your arrival, a flock of separatist droids had invaded the Senator's home. As you fought alongside Anakin swinging your blue lightsaber to dodge and deflect blaster shots, you couldn't stop your mind from straying to the way his body moved so effortlessly in combat.
You regained some composure and redirected your attention to the droids before you. There had been about thirty of them when you started fighting, and now you were down to the final ten. You approached two from behind, taking the sneaky approach, and sliced clean through their midsections with your lightsaber. You smiled slightly at yourself, proud of your work, before redirecting your attention to the blast you could feel heading toward you.
You spun around quickly and directed the shot away from you, directly into Anakin's shoulder. Your eyes widened as you felt fear and shock flow through your veins. He stumbled slightly but somehow managed to maintain his composure and sliced through four droids, leaving only four remaining to fend off.
"Anakin!" you called out as you rushed to his side. You each took on two droids and the battle was over as soon as it had started. He turned to look at you, the pain in his shoulder was barely there, being fended off by the adrenaline coursing through him. "I'm so sorry! I-" You began apologizing profusely but stopped when he brought his hands to cup your face and softly stroked your cheekbones.
"I'm okay." He smiled brightly at you and proceeded to move his right arm around, showcasing the lack of pain and damage the blaster shot had caused. "You did well. I'm proud of you." His smile remained as he praised you. You didn't like it when he praised you, it just made your affection grow stronger. The way his eyes were shining brightly and the way the corners of his mouth curled into that deviously charming smile made you weak in the knees. Something, as a Jedi, you could not afford to be feeling. much less for your master.
"Are you sure?" Your voice is laced with concern as you stare into his eyes, unwilling to break eye contact. He nodded softly before his smile faded and he looked behind you with a stoic expression on his face. You turned to see where he was looking and saw Senator Organa walking from his hiding space in the room beside the one you were currently in.
After exchanging a few words with the Senator, mostly just him thanking you for defending him and his family, you and Anakin were shown to the rooms you would be residing in for the evening. One of the many servants in Organa's home had led the two of you up a long staircase, and down a long hallway, before stopping in front of one room. "This is your room for the remainder of your stay," she spoke with no emotion in her tone as she turned and swiftly walked away, leaving you and Anakin to stare at the door.
You looked at Anakin and saw he held that same smile from earlier on his lips, making you feel somewhat uneasy. He opened the door and motioned for you to enter before him. You were greeted with a lavish room, a large king-size bed situated in the middle, and a doorway leading to a bathroom over on the left wall. Anakin spoke first, taking in the surroundings, "I'll sleep on the floor." He moved to grab a pillow and a blanket off the bed, quickly creating a makeshift sleeping space on the hard ground.
"No Master, you're injured. You can have the bed, I don't mind." You said as you motioned to his shoulder. In typical Skywalker fashion, Anakin had insisted he was fine and didn't require any medical attention. He said he would apply some bacta upon your return to the temple. You didn't believe him after watching him remove his robe and wincing slightly in discomfort.
You made your way into the washroom, searching through the golden-plated cabinets and cupboard until you found a white box with a red cross on it. You re-entered the bedroom and placed the kit beside where he sat on the bed. He eyes you with curiosity, and then the box, his curiosity soon turning into arrogance.
"Y/n, I told you, I'm fine." He spoke in an irritated tone as if you were a child and he was putting you in your place. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, gripping onto his right shoulder and watching as he flinched in discomfort due to his injury.
"Oh really?" You scoffed again and laughed slightly at his childish behavior. "Just get over yourself, Master. There's nothing wrong with accepting help when it is offered to you. Besides, I owe you." You spoke softly as his demeanor changed from arrogant to calm and he began to remove his tunic to allow you to treat his injury.
You had seen Anakin shirtless a few times, only passing glances however as you tried to avoid looking at him in that context. It just added to the flame you already felt near him, and you couldn't stand more than what you already had to deal with when it came to your unrequited feelings.
He sat on the edge of the bed with his legs dangling off the side and you crawled behind him, sitting on your knees so you could look at his wound properly. It wasn't bad, he was right about that, but if it were to be left untreated it would become infected before you made it home. It was about the size of a quarter, his skin singed around the edges from the heat of the shot, the middle of the wound red and bloody. You took a cleansing wipe from the kit beside you and spoke in a whisper, "This may sting a bit." to which he scoffed and responded in a hushed tone,
"I'm sure I've felt worse." You rolled your eyes at his neverending arrogance as you placed the wipe against the wound, and he didn't even flinch. His back muscles had tensed slightly, showing his discomfort, but besides that, he was as calm as ever. Well, as calm as Anakin Skywalker could be. After cleansing the area you began to apply the cool bacta gel using your finger. Your touch was light to not risk hurting him in any way as you touched his open wound. He took a deep breath which startled you slightly, but not as what happened next.
"Why do you admire me so much?" He asked in the same hushed tone he used moments earlier. You thought over his question for a moment. You knew the answer, but you also knew you couldn't tell him the truth. However, you didn't feel right lying to him.
"I'm not entirely sure. You're strong and powerful, as a Jedi and as a person. You are smart and calculated, sometimes. And when you care for or about something or someone, you give it your all." You say trying to sound confident, but the shaking of your hand as you apply the gel tells Anakin otherwise.
"Is that all? There's no… other reason?" He asks in a shy tone. Anakin doesn't usually get shy. This was a new side of him you were seeing at this moment.
"Should there be?" You rebuttal, and watch as his back muscles tense up once again, but your hand was nowhere near him at this point.
"I guess not." He said quietly. You grabbed the gauze from beside you and placed it on his wound, securing it with tape before boldly leaning down and placing a soft kiss against it. He turned his head to face you and you felt a blush creep onto your cheeks.
"For good luck. Y'know, with healing and all." You smiled as you spoke softly and gazed down to look at the bed. He brought his hand to your chin and pulled your head to face his, "Thank you." He said sincerely, the look in his eyes matching the sincerity in his tone. Your face is only inches away from his own, and you're overcome with the need to kiss him.
You've imagined what his lips would feel like many times before. What it would be like to share something so intimate with the only person who was able to awaken these feelings in you. Your eyes drift from his down to his lips, only momentarily though as you know he's watching you. That's the thing about Anakin, he's so attentive and observant. It gets harder and harder to hide your desires from him as each day passes.
In another uncalculated bold moment, you lean forward and place a soft kiss on his cheek, pulling away to see the pink that tints his cheeks. It wasn't exactly what you wanted, but it would do for now. His breathing has increased and grown heavy, you take note of the rising and falling action of his chest. "What was that one for?" He asks as he stares into your very soul, his eyes holding an unknown feeling to you.
"An apology." You say as you smile softly at him, his eyes placing you in an unbreakable trance. He smiles a soft smile back at you and looks down, his curls fanning over his face. You want to reach out and run your fingers through his hair, but you've made enough bold moves for the night, and resist the urge.
You move off the bed, grab the kit as you do so, and return it to the washroom. You then remove your outerwear, leaving you in the tank top you wore beneath your Jedi robes and the loose linen pants. You had packed pajamas for the trip, but seeing as Anakin and you shared the room, you didn't want to wear the silky black shorts and top.
Well, you did, but you shouldn't.
Anakin watched as you removed your clothes with your back facing him. He admired every curve of your body, the way your shoulder blades moved when you pulled off your tunic, the tight black fabric that adorned your torso. He found his mind drifting to sinful places as he watched, so he forced himself to turn onto his side and face the opposite direction.
You lay down on the floor facing the ceiling and your mind was racing. The floor was uncomfortable, but you didn't mind if it meant Anakin could be more comfortable. That's one of the downsides to your ever-growing affections for the Jedi, the way you'd sacrifice anything for him. Even something as small as a comfortable place to sleep.
You closed your eyes and tried to sleep, only to open them moments later as you heard rustling coming from the bed beside you and a soft "Psst." coming from Anakin. You were met with his head hanging off the bed a couple of feet above you, and you couldn't stop the smile that formed on your lips.
"I'm trying to sleep." You said quietly and closed your eyes again, hoping he would return to his spot and leave you be.
"You didn't actually think I would let you sleep on the floor did you?" He laughs and you hear the sound of the covers being thrown off his body, and then you hear him lay beside you, the floorboards squeaking under his broad frame. You open your eyes again and turn to see Anakin laying beside you with his head on a pillow he must've grabbed from the bed. He's on his back as well, his eyes now closed as he fake snores. You laugh at his idiocy and sat up, hitting his chest as you did so. He laughed as well, giving up his facade of false slumber, and looked up at you.
"What are you doing?" You asked through your laughter, trying to stifle it as best as you could.
"If you sleep on the floor, I sleep on the floor." You smiled down at him before wiping it clear from your face and speaking in a serious tone, "Master-"
"Anakin. You can call me Anakin." His words make you blush,
"Anakin.." His name sounds so foreign coming from your mouth. But he loves it, and so do you. "you're injured, you really should sleep in the bed."
He smirks charmingly and sits up beside you, leaning in ever so slightly, "If I sleep in the bed, you sleep in the bed." He rephrased his earlier words as his smirk only seemed to grow.
You rolled your eyes, "You're not going to give up are you?"
"Nope." He said, popping the 'p'. You exhaled softly and looked over to the bed. It did look comfortable. Before you could stand, Anakin had moved closer and wrapped his arms around your waist and thighs, carrying you bridal style to the left side of the bed. You erupted in giggles and a blush spread across your face at the slight intimacy of this moment between you two.
You could feel his toned chest against your cheek, his heart beating ever so rapidly. It sent chills down your spine, and electricity through your veins.
You wouldn't know it, but holding you in his arms like this sent the same feelings through Anakin. The bottom hem of your top had lifted ever so slightly when he picked you up, so his hands were able to feel your bare skin and it sent him into a frenzy.
He placed you on the bed before walking over to the other side. You laid on your side facing the middle, as did he. You were a mere inches apart, neither of you making an effort to create space or distance. No words were exchanged as the two of you just stared at each other for a few long moments. He broke the stare by leaning closer to you and placing a soft kiss on your forehead, mumbling a "Goodnight." into your skin.
Not long after, you fell asleep.
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lletsrrumble · 5 months
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officialkendallroy · 3 months
i have my driver's license now for three years and i still can't park for shit. literally stalled the engine at least 3 times LMAOOO
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boba-beom · 4 months
I'm coming out to tell y'all I am a solomon disguised as a bamtori. taehyun's my type, and I'd date a guy like him irl 🫠 thank you for coming to my ted talk
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purpledovefeather · 2 days
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theprettieststarfr · 7 months
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As soon as I saw this in the study we had in psychology, I thought hey, that kinda sounds like the wizards I'm obsessed with (highlighted part)
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ykwyisl · 2 years
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Cho Gue Sung | MBC | 2022
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pardonmydelays · 2 months
and what if i start a new tag on my blog
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top-secret-replier · 8 months
its so funny to me like mutuals from my main account will be interacting with this account and not know that it's ME, you know?
i've only told like one person what my main blog is and everyone else just thinks that i'm someone else? thats crazy to me
also im curious - do y'all think you can figure out my main? if so message me any answers :D
what's my main?
what's my main?
what's my main?
my main is ______!
______ ki jawani!
(sorry this just came to me, a horrible horrible unfunny joke, if you know which song i'm referencing then i love you - also i guess this is a clue then!)
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iwantteaandsleep2403 · 5 months
Y'all I was bored so I decided to make these
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I didn't know which way would be more likely to happen so I made two versions:
That's it, that's the post
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