#It's not a zero sum game
eri-pl · 2 months
One day I need to write a thing where Melkor finds Rumil's description of the Valar (the one later incorporated as the Valequenta chapter) and reads that "from the start, Eru loved Manwe more than Melkor" and this (along with Finwe's bad parenting drama) is the cause of his relapse.
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its-time-to-be-silly · 6 months
People can be so bitter about the support that disabled folks need to live. "I wish I had someone to pay my rent and help me cook" yeah well I wish you had that too. you seem really tired. I'm sorry you have to work so much
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fireflywitch · 2 years
there’s this rush and this pressure, sometimes, for huge, mind-blowing numbers on ao3. thousands of kudos and comments and ppl obsessing over ratios, but like - there’s something so incredibly wonderful about, idk, even ten kudos. ten? you mean ten people, TEN total strangers, found something I wrote and clicked on it and read it and liked it? ten comments: you mean ten people took the time to tell me what they thought about my work, took the time and energy to write about MY WORK in their little comment bubble? ten people?? fifty?? one hundred???
but even just one - if one single person took the time out of their day to tell me how much they appreciate the little bit of my soul I just put out into the world - idk, it just means everything, doesn’t it?
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kunosoura · 3 months
Man it’s crazy how there’s always a plausible reason for why the terms Trans women use to identify each other and talk about their particular issues are either evil or actually belong to everyone. CAGAB terminology is misgendering and Transfem belongs to everyone and “Tranny” can be reclaimed by everyone who’s trans and “Transfem” can be used by anyone who feels it describes them and so for that matter, can “trans woman” (and saying otherwise is intersexist), TMA/TME is binaristic/misgendering/whatever.
Like I’m a very relaxed person in general and I have zero interest in policing lgbt slur reclamation or individual identities or anything but like is it not glaringly obvious who is being systemically deprived of the language to discuss their particular circumstances here
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restlesshush · 4 months
The end of supernatural is basically impossible to resolve because what it boils down to is Cas has two favourite items, and if you take either of them away from him he will start crying, but they should absolutely Not be in the same place
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toupeetoucher · 17 days
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day 4.....clover and custard........one of my fav assigns its too good
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i dont have a specific animal i associate w clover so i made her a baby chick just like custard enjoy
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bogkeep · 10 months
idk why there's so much discussion around the ~*morality of traumadumping*~ when it's a VERY solvable social conundrum. all you need to do is ask something like "hey is it ok if i talk about this thing? it's kind of heavy" and respect the answer
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miabrown007 · 7 months
Adrien is so tired of the new wave of fangirls every time he makes it to the Vogue's most eligible bachelors list. so Marinette jokingly suggests this year he should date someone while the results are being complied, thus avoiding making the list.
but Adrien thinks, dragging an unwitting girl into this and dropping her the next week would just be cruel. and Marinette thinks, as Adrien's very good friend and achingly platonic superhero partner, she should have really shut up instead of offering to help.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 4 months
It seems, sometimes, like people sometimes almost expect converts/converting people to hate where we come from, and if I'm honest... I think connecting with judaism has made me want to connect with my roots even more.
I'm thinking about starting to learn the languages (some of) my family would have spoken before emigrating to where I live now (german and italian), and, hell, I've learned a lot about xtianity since officially embracing judaism and diving head-long into it.
In my experience, judaism doesn't inherently demand that you forsake everything you were or are. What is asked of you is to embrace judaism. To recognize g-d, to worship g-d, to willingly join the jewish people. That is not the same as demanding you to spit on what led you where you are now. Nothing will change my past, my heritage, and judaism has actually helped me appreciate where I come from. I want to connect with myself, my family, because I embrace judaism.
I don't want to speak to other people's experiences, so just a reminder that this is only my story as a student, as someone who adores judaism and appreciates the experiences that were a one-way ticket right to where I am now.
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tea-and-secrets · 2 months
I will never understand why people can’t just use proper pronouns for others. It’s not hard and all misgendering somebody does is make you look like an asshole or an idiot. It’s not gonna change the pronouns that you “don’t approve of” or whatever they’re just not going to talk to you anymore. “I’m not calling one person a them” “it pronouns are dehumanizing” “Neopronouns bring down the movement” all I hear is “I’m too stupid to learn a new word because it’s scary” like damn. Get a grip.
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sealrock · 4 months
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coming to a store near you.
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yinyuedijun · 4 months
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ok I guess this is happening
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sparklingmusicofstars · 4 months
The cover of the July 2024 issue of Comic ZERO-SUM magazine
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ear-motif · 5 months
how does one cope with knowing that every moment of their happiness can only exist with the continued exploitation of colonized nations. like even if i kill myself it wont be enough and even if i devote my life to change it wont be enough because all forms of my happiness are predicated on theft and destruction.
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quasi-normalcy · 2 months
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spoopy-moose · 1 year
reading scholarly articles about pathologic when its so obvious that the writer didn't even properly play the game and actually only played like the first half of 2 and then confidently putting their opinions out there like SHUT UP
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