#It's nonfiction. [ooc]
nmakii · 6 months
Cuteness with Yan! Alastor... Imagine Alastor drinking too much and getting drunk with the reader (the reader hates Alastor, because he is always irritating you)... Well, what no one expected is that Alastor was drunk and drunk reader with these are being cute with each other, as if they were a couple (something they are not).. Well now reader is in her bed with drunk alastor by her side, while reader caresses his ears (it wasn't because a drunk Alastor threatened the reader not to leave him and that she had to cuddle him).. Imagine the two of them waking up the next day in each other's arms, it would be funny
— alastor sucks. he sucks even more when he’s drunk cause he acts so weird.
— i drank likeee 6 shots n a beer tday! i wanted more but my friends cut me off thats sucks fam i also kinda puked a bit after i swam
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after the battle against heaven, lucifer helped make the hotel much more grander than it ever was; magnificent rooms, beautiful decor— it was like a heaven in hell.
and to celebrate the rebuilding, what better than a few drinks?
as you uncapped another beer, alastor caught your eye— swishing the whiskey in his glass as he talks with niffty. that remaining smile on his face as annoying as ever.
taking a huge chug of your beer, the sour taste lingering on your breath as you glare at him. quite obviously, to add.
“my dear, is something the matter..?” alastor asked, smile seeming strained from his confusion. “shut up, bitch” you huffed and walked away, sitting onto the sofa with angel, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“what’s wrong, toots? ‘ya had too much already? party’s just started like 25 minutes ago…” angel laughed. “noooo… ‘m just a little sleepyyyy…” you whined, gagging slightly at the vomit that threatens to come out.
you take another sip of your beer, settling onto angel’s shoulder properly before your eyes slowly shut.
angel had let you rest for the majority of the party. that is until cherri dared him into doing something for money, something he couldn’t resist.
“yo, smiles! sit in my spot for a bit, will ‘ya?” angel called out to alastor; quite intoxicated already, but not quite showing it. “hmm..? alright then” alastor nodded, taking angel’s spot.
as soon as alastor sat down, you clung back onto him, as if you thought alastor was angel. a little hiccup came from you as you settled your head in his chest.
alastor— taking the opportunity to be close with you, since you had a particular distaste for him, decided to bring you in closer. he had wrapped an arm around you, pulling you onto his lap, close enough to rest his head on your’s.
“‘m sleepy… you… smell super nice” you sighed, bringing some of alastor’s coat closer to your face, breathing in the scent. “mmh… why, thank you, my dear…” he grinned, the static in his voice making his thanks sound disingenuous. “come now, let’s get you to bed.” he laughed as he carried you to your room.
as alastor dropped you on the bed, he fell down with you. “go nowww… small bed, y’know?” you pushed alastor away, settling into your bed. alastor was, unfortunately though, stronger than you. he was able to keep still despite your pushing. “don’t act like that, dear. just sleep on top of me, we’ll fit.” he said, pulling you onto his chest and laying a hand on your head.
as you dozed off again, your hands reached to touch alastor’s fuzzy ears. under your touch, alastor hummed, quite comforted by your warm palm.
you yawned out, covering your mouth as the scent of alcohol reeks from you. alastor laughed at how adorable you seem as he pats your back. “go to bed already. i’m quite sure we— or at least you’ll be hungover tomorrow.”
unbeknownst to the two of you, charlie and angel had gone searching for the two of you. “ahh, where could those two have gone..? and more importantly— how did no one see them leave?!” charlie frowned as she checked the rooms in the hotel.
“calm down, charlie… alastor’s an overlord, rememba’? he could totally protect s/o. there’s really no need to worry…” angel told charlie, comforting her.
“oh, they’re in here!” charlie yelled out as she opened the door to your room. “aww… they’re cuddling! so cute…” charlie cooed at the sight. “ahh, sure…” angel hesitantly agreed.
“c’mon, let’s leave them alone. wouldn’t wanna wake them up…” charlie beckons angel to leave as she quietly closes the door, leaving to return to the party. “tch, can’t wait to see if someone’s getting murdered tomorrow…” angel sarcastically mumbled to himself.
the next morning, you woke up. curtains still closed the way you left it when you settled in, and one pounding headache.
your head reeled as your vision blurred, losing your sense of balance as you rolled off alastor’s chest. wait— alastor’s chest..?
you slapped him awake as you yelled at him. “what the fuck are you doing in my bed?!” you scowled. “hm? ah… i believe we were both drunk, nothing happened, i’m quite sure.” alastor assured you.
“i’m not worried about that, fucker! why the fuck were you being all cuddly?!” you frowned, pushing him out the room. “my dear, i believe it was you who kept touching my ears.” he smugly reminded you. “urgh, get. OUT!” you enunciated as you slammed your door shut.
“alastor!” charlie waved her hand out as she ran towards him. “sooo, i saw you and s/o last nightttt… did you two figure out your differences and become friends now??” charlie asked excitedly. “ah, unfortunately not, dear.” alastor’s eyebrows furrowing with annoyance.
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spiritdreamt · 1 year
OK OK im locked in a mortal battle with my adhd trying to do lesson prep but while i do... maybe either send headcanon prompts or send stuff to my usfw sideblog
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Bookish | Wolverine/Logan Howlett X [Male Librarian] Reader
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 What made libraries so special? Logan might have answer to that, and it's the guy behind the desk.
 Quick notes :  This was an idea that came to me randomly! I liked the idea of having a more softish reader since it’s a personality that contrasts so well with Logans - think opposites attract! As usual, this story is set from Logan's POV (I’ll do Reader POV at some point, most likely in a oneshot rather than in these drabbles)! There will most likely be a few things (or many) that aren’t accurate to the X-Men comics/movies lore, and this is because I have yet to see the movies… I will be changing this shortly, however! [Side note, I will be completing a request sometime today and posting it alongside a part 2 to the Iron Man variant reader drabble.]
Story Details :  About 1,300 words, Male Reader referred to as ‘You/Your,’ Reader has a soft personality, Reader’s outfit is vaguely described, inaccurate implied history of mutants and their evolution, so much fluff, Logan slightly OOC (?)
Chuck wanted him to go to the damn library. He didn’t even like the library. Apparently the old telepath needed some specific books on mutants for a presentation he was going to give to the students at the school. So, of course, he sent Logan. Asshole.
  The older mutant pushed one of the front doors open, stepping into the building with his mouth set in a firm frown. A few of the guests looked up at him, but otherwise remained focused on their own book searching or reading. He huffed, his brows furrowing slightly as he took in the large area of books - not counting the second floor. Logan did not want to spend the whole damn day in this stuffy library, so he swallowed his pride and approached the librarian desk nearby.
 To his surprise, however, he was met with you. You had a knit sweater on, with a button-up beneath it and a pair of dress pants; Logan couldn’t help but admire your form for a beat, taking in the small details about you. It took a moment before you looked up from the book you were reading, a warm smile gracing your face as you set it aside and gave the mutant your full attention. 
  “How may I help you, sir?” 
  Your voice made something flutter in Logans’ stomach, but he pushed the feeling aside. He cleared his throat, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looked away in an attempt to straighten his thoughts.
  “Does the library have books on mutants and their history?” He asked gruffly, fixing his eyes on you once more as he continued, “Specifically the mutation history?”
  The way you blinked, pursing your lips in thought as you rubbed your chin made his heart thump oddly; why were you so… cute? At the thought, the mutant shook his head slightly, trying to clear his mind and focus on the task he’d been assigned.
  “We have a mutant section in both fiction and nonfiction, but what you’re looking for is more likely in our history catalog,” you reached forward, typing something into the computer just beside you as you tapped your fingers against the wooden desk, “It might be in nonfiction, though. Is there a specific book you’re looking for?”
 Logan watched you closely, his fingers twitching subtly as he felt the sudden urge to smoke; a cigar would’ve helped loosen him up, he guessed. He blinked when you suddenly addressed him, his focus shifting to what you’d said as he nodded and pulled out a small sticky note from his pocket. Written down in Chuck’s neat handwriting were the titles of the four books he needed, and the mutant handed it over with little a word.
 You took the note in your hand, your fingers brushing against his as a shiver ran up his arm at the contact. The small hum that left you was, admittedly, kind of cute - it reminded him of a puppy trying to remember a command it was learning. As you scanned the list of books, a small smile graced your features, making the large room practically light up.
  “Ah! We have three of these books!” You stated excitedly, turning back to your computer and presumably typing in their titles, “I know the one on mutant evolution in cells should be in mutant nonfiction - numbers 400 through 500 - but the other two I’m unsure of.”
  When you got the answer you were looking for, your hand swooped as you scribbled out the location of each of the books Logan needed on a small slip of paper, the smile never leaving your face.
  “They’re all very good books, you know,” your voice brought him out of his thoughts, “I’ve read the one on cell evolution and mutant development over the decades; they’re both packed full of information I think more folks should know.”
  The fact you were pro-mutant - something so rarely seen these days - made a small part of Logan feel almost grateful. He had been expecting you to be closed off and aggressive (he didn’t know why that was his expectation, but considering how mutants were treated, he figured it was just how it was when he went out and about), but the way you so openly discussed that you thought people should learn more about mutants made him reconsider his opinions. After a pause, with the only sound nearby being the scratching of your pencil against paper, Logan spoke up.
  “Do you have any other recommendations?” His fingers flexed, “On mutant history, that is.”
  He watched as you seemingly perked up, the smile on your face turning to nearly a grin as you typed out something on the library computer,
  “Actually, I do!”
  When you found what you were looking for, the older mutant watched as you added a few more titles to the list of what he wanted and their location within the library.
  “There’s a book on mutant inventions I always recommend, as well as one on the PTSD epidemic currently affecting mutants - that one is less history focused, but it’s still rather insightful,” He listened as you spoke with such certainty and excitement, as if the topic was one you were deeply invested in, “The only other one I could recommend would be by Dr. Hancock, a leading mutant researcher in cracking the X gene in mutants. That one is the last one on this list.”
  With a slight tilt of your head, you set the paper with the list of books down on the desk in front of him, tapping it with your fingers as you seemingly thought for a pause. Logan glanced down at the paper before taking it in his hand, his eyes scanning your writing as he let out a grunt of approval - you were quick and efficient, and that was something he could appreciate.
  “Can I ask you a question?” The mutant found himself asking, unable to keep the words from leaving him.
  You simply nodded, still smiling so kindly as waited for him to ask.
  “Why are you so… interested in mutants? You seem to know a lot,” 
  It was a harsh question - incredibly straightforward and blunt, just as he was - but you seemed to take it in stride, simply rubbing your chin as your gaze went upwards in thought. Logan decided he liked the way you looked when you were pondering something; it reminded him of something, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
“Well, my interest started primarily because I had a mutant friend when I was younger,” you admitted honestly, finally refocusing on him, “They taught me quite a lot - about the oppression and lack of rights - and after that I devoted time to learning as much as I could because I never wanted to make a mutant feel less than.”
  Your answer had Logan pause, his eyebrows near lifting to his hairline as he stared down at your seated form; that was not the answer he was prepared for. He was prepared for you to say something like ‘I wanted to learn about others,’ or, ‘Mutants are fascinating,’ not that you wanted to make them feel equal. The thought had a slight smile tug at his expression, the sincerity in your words ringing true even for him.
  “Bleeding heart, then,” He said with an amused huff, looking back down at the list in his hand before he gave you a slight nod, “Thank you. For the help.”
  Logan watched as you laughed softly, picking up your book and flipping to the page with your bookmark in it,
  “I’ll be here if you need more of it, sir.”
  The smile on his face widened slightly as he finally stepped away from your desk, his fingers brushing over the paper he held as he began to step towards the part of the library you’d indicated was where the books he needed would be.
  It was only when he found two of the books that he realized he didn’t have a library card. Fuck.
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pkmn-monochrome · 29 days
We, the anon messager, are the man with thousand faces. We can be nice, or can be the cruelest man imaginable. So don't set yourself too high expectations. This is nothing but parasocial relationship.
[OOC: Please do not address CODY in a way that would break the fourth wall. In this universe, you are not a collective of people anonymously sending online messages to CODY through a computer screen. From CODY's perspective, and from the perspective of "you" in-universe, you are all real people who are physically taking turns holding them in your hands. Here, this is not a parasocial relationship between a nonfictional asker and a fictional ask blog character - it is in fact a real, tangible, relationship between you and CODY.]
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teamcuriosity · 1 year
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Announcement: Team Curiosity's Annual Book Fair and Science Conference will commence on the 15th!
When: July 15-16th
Where: Veilstone City, Sinnoh, in the Veilstone Convention Center
Hello everyone,
It is my pleasure to announce the annual Team Curiosity Book Fair and Science Conference is still on! We were worried about putting out any announcements considering recent events, but we're now confident enough to announce the event in earnest.
The event will be open to all ages and levels of knowledge. The book fair is a pay-as-you-can event. The books are all free to take, as we believe that money shouldn't be a barrier to information, but if you do wish to pay for them, we will have a tip jar set up. Though we can source the books on our own, we are also accepting donations. The books provided can be directed towards any age range, and can be fiction or nonfiction. If you would like to donate any books, contact us, and we'll make arrangements.
The science conference will be mainly targeted towards those with professional knowledge on different subjects, though all are free to attend. Scientists, tradesmen, academics, anyone with a professional level of knowledge in a specific field or topic. Experts in both science and humanities-based fields are welcome to apply as educators and hold presentations and workshops for the general audience. Contact our admin team if you want to schedule something!
Speaking of our admin team, all admins will be present and willing to answer any questions you may have about the team or their specialties. We realize that pokemon trainers are likely to challenge us as we have yet to fully shake the "team" stigma, but we do request that you not challenge Dr. Alston or my husband Theo. They take no pleasure in battling, and it's simply rude to pester someone for a battle if they don't want to participate.
It'll take place in the Veilstone Convention Center. If you're unfamiliar with where the building is, it's where the Team Galactic Headquarters used to be at the northeast corner of town.
We can't wait to see you all there,
—Professor Marianne Hazel
((pspsps hello rare OOC stuff down here
This is an open low-stakes event with some behind the scenes planning involved. If you want to get involved in the planning, I have a Discord here that's like 95% set up.
Otherwise, your OC can still attend and interact, but don't do anything that would severely alter the events put in place. No blowing up the convention center, no bringing Reshiram to the book fair, leave the Entei egg at home, refrain from hospitalizing Ryan even if he is a dick, if it's anything above "general mischief and funny" then at least ask me first
Beyond that, have fun with it! This is just going to be a very chill and casual event, and I don't really bite, so feel free to just chill out and use the fair as a backdrop for your own personal low-stakes plots.
See y'all on the 15th!))
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
https://olderthannetfic.tumblr.com/post/738837493190934529/httpsolderthannetfictumblrcompost73871242031#notes Oh it's definitely not. Otherwise I wouldn't be looking for a word for it. That's why I explained what I meant, because I kinda knew that author's voice would probably be wrong.
Interesting to find out more about it though. Heard it thrown around here and there, but was never sure what it actually refers to.
Though I wouldn't even say it's an OOC issue, because it happens in original works too, so technically it could be considered "in character." I have encountered it in both fics and original works, and an additional quirk of that writing is that the character/s will have mindsets that don't match the world they're in, or it will be so over the top that it comes across as an unwanted parody just by the tone of the story.
Weird meme speech, pop culture references, dialogue/monologues that sound like the author just copy-pasted from their twitter/facebook rants, and a lot of that superficial knowledge on topics/issues/problems that is key for all that mouth frothing.
There's also often this weird poorly blended mix between ideas they like and the world, that makes it even more obvious. Like if they write a story where they want to show a the backdrop to be this super oppressive world where everyone has base level education to not have an uprising. Our main lead though, for some reason is the one unique individual with all the knowledge of a modern internet user, and has seen right through everything, but the story never explains why. This is super popular with both further on the edge sides of the political spectrum, and it screams mouth piece to the max and a lack of reflection.
Why does this character know everything when the Government is apparently so effective that no one questions anything? Fuck you, I'm the author and I wanted to show how smart I am and how stupid everyone else is. Here's my facebook/twitter rant!
I know it technically is bad writing, but it's such a specific type of bad writing, and it happens so frequently I would love a simple name for it.
Interesting to find out more about it though. Heard it thrown around here and there, but was never sure what it actually refers to.
Re "voice", it's the set of things that make you go "Ah, this sounds like X wrote it", basically. The actual POV might be a specific character, in which case, X is trying to sound like that character, but they still have a particular way of writing that's a little different from other authors trying to write a similar character. It's even more obvious in nonfiction.
Like... on tumblr, I sound like me. Sure, some of it is my actual personality or views, but there's also just the manner in which I write. I could have the same personality but communicate it differently or more poorly. How often do I use big words? How often do I use slang? How many clauses are in my sentences? In my case, I do kind of sound like this out loud too, but that's never a guarantee either. A lot of it is about the writing craft the person has consciously cultivated over time.
I think subject matter can be relevant to voice, like authors who love to describe food in every work or something, but a lot of it has to do with whether the person is funny overall or what kind of sentence structure they tend to go for. It's a broad vibe thing.
(Certainly, horrid PSAs are part of some authors' voices, but you can use the term to describe any general "Sounds like so-and-so" vibe.)
Honestly, the thing where only the protagonist is ~So Special~ that they alone have twitter brain see through the evil government is one of the obnoxious traits readers often brand as a Mary Sue. That's certainly not the term for this whole phenomenon though.
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uraharashouten · 2 months
💋 Are you silly ooc? Casual? Chatty? Do you prefer or enjoy things like small talk, when not rping?
[[ meme || Mun Communication Preferences ]]
Lol you tell me! I think I can be all of the above, depending on mood. There are definitely times when I'm sillier than others... and I suppose I might be a bit more casual in chat than when I'm writing something for tumblr? I do use punctuation a bit more than most, and almost always correct grammar...
But in terms of small talk and general chattiness, I really depend upon the social energy of others to carry the conversation. I can certainly get excited about characters, meta or lore, and in-depth discussions of other nonfiction subjects that interest me, and I am always curious about people and their challenges and want to learn about them, but when it comes to chitchat about mundane things or something that doesn't hold my interest, it's harder to work up the enthusiasm.
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pertinax--loculos · 2 months
Books Read in 2024 (so far)
(Looking at my Goodreads, where I've been keeping track of this, I apparently only started keeping track in March? But I guess that's fair, there's a chance I didn't read anything before that. So let's go with that. ^_^)
The Foxhole Court, Nora Sakavic
The Raven King, Nora Sakavic
The King's Men, Nora Sakavic
-> These kicked off my reading binge for the year. Also, how have I never read them before? Because my god. Instant favourites. Don't talk to me.
Like Real People Do, E.L. Massey
-> My attempt to recapture the All for the Game vibes. It failed. The book was okay, though.
John Dies at the End, Jason Pargin
This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously, Dude, Don't Touch It, Jason Pargin
What The Hell Did I Just Read, Jason Pargin
If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe, Jason Pargin
Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits, Jason Pargin
Zoey Punches the Future in the Dick, Jason Pargin
Zoey is Too Drunk for This Dystopia, Jason Pargin
-> Some of these are technically rereads; JDatE, Spiders, and the first Zoey book. Regardless, Pargin is an insta-buy for me.
Leech, Hiron Ennes
-> Tumblr recommendation off a random post. Very good.
American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis
-> I enjoyed this. If you can say that about this book. Taking it as what it is, I thought it was very well done.
Dead Girls Don't Say Sorry, Alex Ritany
-> Go check out @aritany if you haven't already! Wonderful human, incredible writer, new book coming out soon!
Tales from the Gas Station: Volume One, Jack Townsend
-> Trying to recapture some of Pargin's bizarre humour. Pretty similar, and I did enjoy it, but I was starting to move away from that vibe, and to be honest this just wasn't as good as Pargin.
Maze-Born Trouble, Ginn Hale
-> My only complaint with this book is it was too fucking short. 😠 Astonishing worldbuilding and a very rich story for what amounts to a novella. Love.
Altered Carbon, Richard K. Morgan
-> Following on from the scifi of Pargin's Zoey series and Maze-Born Trouble. This was good. I doubt I'll read more in the series because from the blurbs they're quite disparate, but holy hell the world that was built was incredible.
Mystic River, Dennis Lehane
-> Complicated reason why I read this that actually has to do with OOC. Also technically a reread, from a while ago. Love Lehane, though, and this as a standalone is very good. Has some examples of omniscient POV that I would almost classify as head-hopping that actually works, and as a thriller, so an interesting read for a writer as well.
Educated, Tara Westover
-> The beginning of my brief nonfiction binge.
I'm Glad My Mom Died, Jenette McCurdy
-> Because, obviously.
Eggshell Skull, Bri Lee
-> Highly HIGHLY recommended. Some heavy stuff regarding sex offences and the legal system, and quite centred in Australia, but a brilliant nonfiction read.
The Sunshine Court, Nora Sakavic
The Foxhole Court, Nora Sakavic
The Raven King, Nora Sakavic
The King's Men, Nora Sakavic
-> Why yes, I did see that The Sunshine Court had been released and immediately read it, then immediately reread All for the Game, because what the fuck else was I gonna do? Not reread it? C'mon.
Icebreaker, A.L. Graziadei
-> Note the author there, cuz I know there's another book by the same title. This one was excellent. Still not the AftG vibes I was seeking, but closest I've found reading something immediately after finishing that series.
The Ministry of Time, Kaliane Bradley
-> I know everyone's talking about it. Read it anyway.
Summer Sons, Lee Mandelo
-> currently reading. Currently loving.
...and that's 27 so far this year -- 23 if you don't count rereading books I read for the first time this year. 0.o Still, not a bad effort!
If you'd like more info or just wanna chat about any of this books, feel free to hit me up. Also if you've got this far without being intimidated by my awful formatting choices, congrats! And thankyou. ^_^
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daringtosing · 6 months
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@starsailingcaptain said: Headcanon question - Once on shore, how does Ariel grow into her position as royalty? Once the world-above no longer is new to her, what do you feel she treasures and connects with the most?
It takes her a while, royalty above the ocean is much different than that below. Along with that, after marrying Eric, she'd be crowned as queen, whereas under the sea, that position was going to fall on her eldest sister, Attina. She was never going to be queen under the ocean, she'd be free to, while still maintaining her status as princess, explore her own interests (which I have a verse for o: )
As she grows older, as she learns more about the human world, she just loves it. It feels like true home. But Ariel never loses her connection to the sea. There are still times that her father turns her back into a mermaid, so she can spend time with her sisters, her old friends, and of course, her father. She's never hated her father, just wished that he could understand her viewpoint.
Silly enough, Ariel still treasures forks. Dinglehoppers, as she still chooses to call them, if just for how silly she feels for thinking they were for doing your hair. But she does love to learn the names of absolutely everything, constantly reading nonfiction books, and she grows a penchant for gardening.
The flowers above the surface are so beautiful to her, within a year, Ariel has a massive garden in the castle courtyard. She tends to it every single day, even those that rain, and speaking of rain, she never uses an umbrella. She loves feeling the water wet her hair, and skin. Wet clothes don't bother her in the slightest.
I'M SORRY THIS GOT LONG, it was really fun to think about though! Thank you for the question!
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iceeericeee · 7 months
A Birthday? In This Economy?
This oneshot is for @matxhstixkers. Happy birthday bestie!!!
(Also, so sorry if this is ooc, I haven’t seen Good Omens in a hot sec lololol) (also, I made up a random last name cos I don’t know what urs actually is fjdjdjs)
It was quiet in the bookshop, until Aziraphale burst through the door and started frantically scanning his mini calendar he kept on his desk. Apparently, he hadn't noticed Crowley lounging on his armchair, and who was now lying on the floor because he had fallen out from Aziraphale’s loud entrance.
"Angel, what's going on? Does it have something to do with heaven?"
His eyes finally landing on a specific date, he replied to Crowley, "Oh no, nothing that terrible. It's just... it's someone's birthday today, someone special, and I had forgotten."
“Well, what do you propose we do about it, then?”
“Oh, I don’t know… I had been thinking maybe we could pop over, and wish him a happy birthday!”
“Right, yeah. We should just waltz on over, unannounced, to tell some random human that they’re getting older. Fantastic, Angel.”
“But it’s not just someone random, Crowley! His great-grandmother was a dear friend of mine, back when heaven had an assignment for me across the pond. The Smith family is very important to me.”
“Oh, well now, that’s different.”
“Don’t be so sarcastic, dear.”
He raised his hands in defense.
“Anyway, I need to get him a gift, something special. Something he’d really like.”
“How about we get him a book, eh? If you somehow know him, then there’s a pretty darn good chance he’s likes books.” Crowley suggested.
Aziraphale bristled a bit at the idea. “You aren’t suggesting giving him one of my books, are you?”
“No, Angel. I’m saying we get him a brand new book.”
He settled a bit at that. “Oh, well, that’s a good idea then. What do you think he’d like? Should we get him something nonfiction? Or maybe something more fantastical?”
“I don’t know. You’re the one who knows him, not me!”
They scratched the idea, and thought some more.
Aziraphale’s head popped up. “What if we got him a video game? All the kids nowadays love that sort of thing, don’t they?”
Crowley shrugged. “Yeah, sure. But what game would he want?”
He thought for a moment. “Oh! What about that newer one! ‘Fourteen days’, I think?”
“You mean ‘Fortnite’?”
Aziraphale nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, that’s the one!”
“No. It’s… how do I say this. It’s not exactly, new, anymore.”
“What do you mean? It came out only 7 years ago.”
Crowey sighed. “Look, Angel. These humans move fast. Like, ridiculously fast. Seven years ago to them might as well be a hundred years ago.”
“Aziraphale, we’re not getting anywhere. Why don’t we compromise.”
He paused at that. “Well, alright. What did you have in mind?”
“How about, we send a card, yeah? A nice, simple, card. We’ll sign it, maybe put a bit of cash inside.”
He slowly nodded. “I guess.”
“Then we’ve come to an agreement.” With a small wave of his hand, a small, cheesy, happy birthday card and envelope appeared. With a flourish, Crowley wrote out a short happy birthday wish, and handed the card to Aziraphale. He, instead of something small, wrote out a long note, with more thoughtful undertones.
Aziraphale snapped his fingers, and there appeared a large sum of money — in pounds, of course.
“Nono, Angel. He’s American, remember?”
“Ohh yes. Thank you, dear boy.” And with another snap, it turned into American dollars.
It’s a sunny Tuesday morning when Charlie’s mother has a strange feeling, the need to check the mail, even though it wasn’t due to come until midday. And when she opened the mailbox, there, sitting neatly in the very middle, was a letter addressed to the birthday boy. But, strangely, it had no return address. There weren’t even any stamps.
You can imagine, then, the surprise on Charlie’s face when he not only saw it, but also the excitement when he opened the wonderful card. The card in which he promptly hung up on his wall, displayed for him to see every morning.
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joshua whats the name of your podcast
What podcast?? heh. UNLESS YOU'RE SPEAKING OF MY. Alpha male podcast. subscribe (/ooc i dont know what people do on nonfiction podcasts do u subscribe o r like) 💯💯💯 🔥
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archaeval · 1 year
ooc. someone remind me to write up my dc verse proper this week so i can have my shapeshifting spibrarian cause problems in metrocity. blurb below :0
the basic rundown is about 250 years ago she came to america when the sprawling city was all cobblestone and carriages, pre-revolutionary war. Her library seemed to spring up unusually fast, when in reality she commissioned an empty facade of a mansion to be built and she, having always been a genus loci of sorts connected to the sprawling basements and corridors of her library, settled in. (Like a hermit crab lol)
since then, she's done the bare minimum to hold up the facade that the library has been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries. The city grew and spread until the land was no longer surrounded by countryside but by urban life, and the lark private library is a staple of the community. Though it will never fully adapt to the times -- computers don't work well in there, and she still isn't sure what to do about their sorry excuse for wifi -- ruby makes sure that she's got up to date nonfiction and research material, and gladly accepts requests and donations for modern fiction and literature.
Ruby has done everything she can to keep her true identity a secret. at night, she transforms from someone who looks 95% human, into her spider form, and of course there are urban legends galore about people getting lost and eaten in her basement corridors. They don't know how true it is. But, in her defense, she's got the stairwell door locked and clearly marked employees only, so it's not like anyone can wind up there by accident.
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deiscension · 2 years
▐ 「 DEISCENSION. 」 —  semi-selective / sporadically active / mutuals-only / multi-verse
unaffiliated shi qingxuan from tian guan ci fu. written by lain (they/them, 21+). pfp & header by meru90. currently on semi-hiatus!
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﹄ her personality was like the wind; fair and free, going wherever it pleases. 
a study on how living in eternal sunshine blinds you to the shadows; on the wonders of a world too big for your hands to hold; on a life that will never be worth the prices paid; on how to fall without grace and find a way to stand again.
personals do not interact! carrd linked above, in the process of updating info.
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you do not have to be familiar with tgcf to interact. i have various verses available and will happily discuss how to best interact if you’re unsure!
and then there’s the usual: i won’t tolerate ooc bigotry of any kind. if your blog promotes ped0philia, nonc0n, hom0phobia, and/or transph0bia, it’s an insta-block. there’s a difference between having fiction which contains these topics vs using them for a shock factor; what i look for is the understanding that your fictional scenarios are someone else’s nonfictional experiences. 
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﹄ shi qingxuan. lady wind master / the young lord who pours wine. ( VERSES )
genderfluid, transfemme (she/they/he) | ~400, give or take | bisexual | boundless and free
lord wind master is boundlessly talented, lord wind master is funny and carefree, lord wind master is kind and righteous, lord wind master is aged sweet sixteen. truer words have certainly never been spoken of a god such as shi qingxuan before (with the exception of being aged sweet sixteen-- but that’s about capturing the spirit of things, of course)! a kind, generous, and righteous soul, shi qingxuan is known to many and beloved by all. or something like that. maybe not exactly like that. her peers flock to her in times of fair weather, but it can’t be said they would be so quick to stick by her side. but that’s alright; she has a sensible older brother, an unflappable best friend, and all the luck in the world to keep her from going astray. that’s not to say she doesn’t try to handle her own affairs. she makes every effort possible to earn the awe and worship placed at her feet by her worshippers. it’s just, well... lady wind master has a long way to go with truly understanding what it means to have a fate as wondrous as hers.
*note: i default to writing sqx before the black water arc as well as with using she/her. if you’d like to interact with her as she is during and after black water arc, just let me know!
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satohqbanana · 2 years
yo that latest ask meme? i challenge you to answer every single question on there (or whichever ones you want to)
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...juuust kidding. XD Snow pls why you always want cop outs (affectionate)? Anyway, this is way too many questions for me, so I'm just gonna pick some of them to answer.
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
Arcanium is my OC story - and now that I think of it, I’m not sure if it really has any central theme to it beyond I guess character relationships. I hope I finish the game (with Gracie, Ireus, Des, and Charles) and write its actual main story (with Lyarshu, Rena, Erudan, Silver, and the Devourer) at the very least.
12. If you write in more than one language, what's the difference?
Besides obvious language rule differences, it's that I exclusively write romance and nonfiction in Tagalog. English is my main creative writing language.
16. Are one-shots really underrated?
Not totally underrated, but often misunderstood. I feel like a lot of writers in the circles I frequent are too eager to talk about certain lore, certain plot twists, and certain developments, that their plans end up being too big to handle. Oneshots then become a no-no to them, because then how would they be able to explain XYZ things that happen later down the line?
I feel like they don't really understand or appreciate how oneshots are a great way to explore the characters and the plots in some actual form of prose. For example, I used to create oneshots for a multitude of AUs to look into crossovers, silly/crack ideas, super overwhelming ideas I'm not confident enough for, and so on and so forth. Oneshots, while usually utilized to zoom into characters and character relationships, are underrated as tools for developing the world.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
Working on many at the same time is the way to go for me. I can't focus on only one project at a time, or else I'll end up getting bored - the same way that if you only eat one thing for a long period of time, you're gonna develop some form of hatred towards that certain meal. Yes, I end up dropping projects left and right, but some progress is better than none, I at least delivered some entertainment to some people for a short period of time, and I discover more things about my own skills in writing and tastes in fiction.
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again?
Sometimes you just can't get enough of certain things, even if this specific version is a little bit to the left or to the right. I mean, what is it about replaying games you've completed before? Rewatching movies you've already seen? Visiting places that you've already visited before? Familiarity is safety, and seeing that love affirmed again and again touches your heart, the way that coming back home (to a safe, warm, and loving home) is.
Doesn't matter if it's the same two (or more) idiots falling in love over and over, or the same found parent/s-and-child/ren groups finding each other over and over, or the same band of friends meeting each other and clicking over and over, through a thousand AUs or a thousand lifetimes. That's home, right in your hands.
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
Writers out there could get more creative than overtly labelling each flashback/flashforward as a flashback/flashforward, such as using italics, using worldbuilding, and using a character's thoughts.
25. Is writing outlining the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go?
For nonfiction writing, outline is the way to go for me. For fiction writing, writing it as I go is usually my thing. Unless it's a large story that needs to be tracked from start to finish.
26. What would you describe as OOC?
OOC is being out of touch with the character's branding or essence of being. But you really can't go OOC if the canon doesn't give them much room to be somebody beyond a trope or two.
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dragonskxn · 5 months
Psst hey hi. Hi. I know this is OOC but do y'all have any good book recommendations. I mostly read horror and fantasy but I'm trying to dabble into poetry and certain genres of nonfiction like nature writing and memoirs.
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circumference-pie · 2 years
Yuletide 2022 letter
Girl Genius, Gunnerkrigg Court, The Peregrine, Elana Series
Thank you, anonymous Yuletide writer!
AO3 name: circumference
General likes: broken characters, pining, fluff, character introspection, worldbuilding, identity shenanigans, canon or canon divergence universe, in-world artifacts (e.g. a historical document, a news article, the script of a TV advertisement, an in-universe movie review, etc)
General DNWs: coffeeshop/high school/roommate AU, crossovers, pregnancy, porn without plot, non-canon dubcon
I am open to treats!
Girl Genius
Characters requested: Higgs, Gil, Zoing
Fandom-specific likes: zaniness and whimsy
Fandom-specific DNWs: Agatha/Gil or Agatha/Tarvek without the third.
Brain empty, all I want are Higgs & Gil & Zoing shenanigans. Castle Wulfenbach era, current era, post-canon, anything!
Note: I'm up-to-date on the comic, but it's all kind of a blur, so please don't worry about being a stickler for canon.
Gunnerkrigg Court
Characters requested: Any (Tony, Annie, Kat, Robot)
Fandom-specific likes: Kat being a geek, Gilletie Wood mythology, Tony and Annie's difficult relationship, robot society, Tony/Surma
Fandom-specific DNWs: no Tony-bashing. You can find my (largely starry-eyed) opinion on Tony here.
Robot society! Tell me more about it. Was there a system of low-key worship before Robot came in, guns blazing, with his new religion? What do robots do in their free time? Do they share urban legends about spooky human behavior? Has Robot met the robot king? Why is boxbot the worst?
Annie meeting a mythological being she hasn't met in canon yet.
Tony and Surma's days in the hospital.
Perhaps OOC and perhaps belated, but I want Tony to hug his daughter and Annie to have some catharsis there.
Kat doing something awesome.
The Peregrine
Characters requested: Any (Narrator, Tiercel, Falcon)
Fandom-specific likes: This is a nonfiction book, so feel free to play fast and loose with my general likes. Like everyone else, I am in awe of this book's description and prose, but for Yuletide I am wondering more about the inner lives of the narrator and peregrines.
Fandom-specific DNWs: please no beastiality
A story from the point of view of the peregrines, about the weird two-legged creature who follows them.
I avoid humans, but hiding is difficult now the snow has come...I use what cover I can. It is like living in a foreign city during an insurrection. There is an endless banging of guns and tramping of feet in the snow. One has an unpleasantly hunted feeling. Or is it so unpleasant? I am as solitary now as the hawk I pursue.
The narrator talks several times about ways in which he has become like a peregrine himself, and seems to long for the freedom of the wild. What if his wish was granted? What if through some fantastical transformation, he actually became a bird? Inspired by Robert Macfarlane's article on this book.
One of Baker's journal entries, told through another medium. A hunter telling the story about this humanoid figure flitting through the land, maybe, or a sheriff's daily reports.
Elana Series
Characters requested: Elana
Fandom-specific likes: worldbuilding, backstory
I’ve always been dissatisfied with the way Kari needs to stay ignorant and on her planet. What if she pursued this case to the ends of the earth? What if she found traces of the universe beyond? What if she was also able to take to the stars?
Elana, in her waning years, takes a self-indulgent visit to Andreica to observe what became of it.
I want to know Evrek’s take on the events of Enchantress.
What does the Federation file on our planet look like?
...damn I should have nominated worldbuilding for this one
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