#It's my blog and I'm allowed to vent in the tags if I want to
lesenbyan · 1 year
If i didn't need money so god damn badly I'd be writing a new pinned post right now, I want you all to know this.
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velvetvexations · 3 months
just need to rant but today i found out that the author of the pills that make you green comics is against the use of transandrophobia as a term and i feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest. literally her comics were so affirming and felt so transmasc positive and now shes reblogging posts saying that "pro transandrophobe" people are like gamergate men. im hurting so much inside and i dont know what to do. i just want somewhere safe, i want safe blogs that are affirming and not always debating whether or not my oppression is real. i feel like even though its so bad for my mental health, the only place where im safe is discourse blogs, because i Know what their stances are, im safe with blogs like yours and corey's, even if seeing the arguments hurt it hurts less than feeling tricked and lied to. im sorry, i dont have anything really Important to say i just needed to vent 🥺😭
maybe, do you know any pro-transmasc blogs that do more positivity rather than engaging in discourse? i think i really need more of that on my dashboard
@tpwrtrmnky As my anon pointed out when I asked if they'd allow me to tag you in this response, you've already deleted the post that inspired this ask and you say you're going to address why you were unsatisfied with it soon, so I'll wait before adding, if you would consent to it, my own commentary. However, I'd appreciate it if you could read what's been written because it's very emotionally moving to me and I feel as though it's important for you to hear it. Thank you.
I want to say to you, anon, that I understand how it feels. Similar things have happened to me, which I won't get into so as to avoid discussion on if the situations are entirely comparable or not because that's not really the point, and it's crushing.
As to your question, as a result of how easily I'm triggered I follow practically no one who ever even mentions queer issues at all so I'm unfortunately not the best to ask for recommendations of that nature. I recently started following Corey's side blog where he sometimes does trying to keep it mostly positive, but since you mentioned him you're probably aware of that'n (corezy if anyone else would like it).
If anyone else has any recommendations please put them in the replies or send me an ask.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
-`ღ´-Hello, welcome to my blog -`ღ´-
I am an 18+ blog so MDNI
Hi! I'm Kasper, I'm a 21-year-old fanfic writer for the COD fandom. You probably know me as blingblong55, so Hi!:)
Join my tag list
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I write for pretty much any COD character, with that said, I am a straight woman so I do apologise if any LGBTQ+ fanfic aren't so well written, (but I will try to make them as good as possible).
Also, I don't really ever check my grammar or how well I punctuate my stories, just had to make that clear:)
I write 18+ stuff so if you are a minor please do not interact with my blog. Thank you.
If you are a minor please be respectful of the MDNI tag I always leave on my NSFW stories. Now I know I can’t confirm if you are indeed a minor or not but be aware that the topics I write for can be unrealistic standards for sexual intercourse and they can/will ruin your own perception of such intimacy.
Rules for requests: -Themes that involve paedophilia will be deleted immediately. - I write on pretty much everything, from kinks, fluff, angst and incorrect quotes to any little drabble I can create from your ideas or mine. - will not write anything that has to do with the reader getting r**ed. -I can maybe...just maybe allow consensual non-consent (CNC), but those are very minimal, Dub-Con is acceptable but rare -will not write anything that has to do with racism, incest, or homophobiaಠ_ಠ -Full-on smut is an obvious yes. -I, at times do AUs so you are welcome to make a request about anything like that -if you want to make a request whether it be Male, Female or GN reader, let it be known or I will end up choosing the gender\pronouns.
Side note:
GN, M, F reader's call sign is 'Grim'.
Kasper Team/Squad is non-canon and has been created by me for my stories.
Anon's can claim emojis!
I’m more of a angst writer than anything, so don’t be afraid to cry
(yes....I named a team after me...but you would too..so shhh)
Please remember that if I haven't done your requests it's either because I am busy or I am in the process of writing it. :)
Also, my inbox is always open for when you just need to rant or vent, just lmk if you wish to keep it only in my inbox lol
4.68k pookies and nasty whores (and counting)
Much love xx <3
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Some dumbass (who I'm not allowed to name for legal reasons, but let's just say his name starts with a ☀️) decided to make one of these shitty little confession blogs. Whoo-hoo good for fuck-all him and their happy little family.
Well, some other lovely striped individual decided that would be a "great idea" and help us "connect with the community". Unfortunately, other's on the staff agreed and so now I'm here to make sure they don't burn this to the ground. Can't trust those idiots as far as I can throw them.
I don't wanna be here any more than you want me to be here. I don't care. I'm here now, this is supposed to be "good for revenue" or some stupid thing like that, and stars knows we could use the publicity. So let's set up some ground rules so everyone plays nice.
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The Rules
No name-dropping. No vaguing. No harassment.
You can vent about discourse, but if I don't like the vibe you're giving I'm gonna call bullshit. "Treat people the way you want to be treated" or some shit.
I am under no contract to keep my opinion to myself.
Harassment in reblogs/comments/etc will be screenshotted and then you'll be blocked. Don't do it.
Don't claim something is canon if it isn't. And vice versa. Don't claim something that's canon is "just someone's headcanon"
I'm not gonna entertain any bullshit behavior, if you're gonna be here I expect you to act like an adult.
You can send asks about myself, I don't really care, but keep in mind that I am not the same Eclipse from your silly little show. Even if there are similarities we are from two different dimensions. Do not assume you know me personally just because you know him.
Ships and characters will be tagged appropriately.
#tsbs confessional - confessions #shitting in the playground - character and ship hate #prying eyes - asks about myself #plex things - posts about the plex and such
Lore Archives
Connections: Lunar, Sunrise, Nexus, Moon, Ruin, Solar, Earth, Solar Flare, Miku, Solstice, Nebula, Killcode, Puppet, Bloodmoon
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chaosqueery · 2 months
I am just gonna go ahead and say that I am FUCKING FUMING. The accusations against some Buddie blogs for that disgusting fanfic are some of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. I'm not gonna name them, because I'm not gonna spread these accusations any further, but I will say that I've been reading these blogs religiously for a while now and nothing they've ever said would lead me to believe they would write something like that and they wouldn't cast someone out to take the blame for something. One reason why I love these blogs so much is that they are very kind positive, people, who have been able to keep hope within the Buddie tag. Honestly, I have barely been in the Buddie tag, I have just camped out on these blogs to avoid the ugly sides of fandom that does nothing but tear each other apart. These bloggers are smart and mature and I have never seen them encourage this kind of horrific behavior. They will vent about their dislike for T/L, but in a healthy manner. They have a right to their opinions and you don't have to like them. It doesn't mean they would go to the lengths of going undercover to write that shit fanfiction as an attempt try to educate people on how crappy Temu is. I mean, it's a pretty stupid method, don't you think? They already have all the evidence they need within canon that he's been racist and sexist and that while he might have grown out of it a bit, he still puts off all the blame n Gerrard. No one needs to write a fic of him harming a child to get people to see reason. They might not understand why some will bend over backward to defend the guy, but they allow fandom to think what they want without pushing some agenda.
Why are they being accused of this then? My best guess is that they have been making Buddies feel too confident. Which is another thing that makes their involvement so unlikely. They aren't threatened by Temu or BTs. Someone is mad about that and trying to push them out so Buddie fandom can take a blow after all of this encouraging news we've been given. I mean, there are people out there forging Ls contract to try to get a win and now we are supposed to believe this shit?
Anyway, I just hope people see through this. To those three bogs being attacked, I stand with you. I just wanted you to know that and hope the rest of the buddie fandom with be there to support you.
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edennill · 3 months
If Tolkien characters had Tumblr blogs part 2:
part 1
url: waitingtothewind
pfp: drawing of a fictional crush in pastel colours (babygirl fulfills her royal duty to exercise patronage over artists by comissioning reams of fanart lol)
bio: ✧˖・* princess finduilas of nargothrond :) ✧˖・* 47 ✧˖・* poetry appreciator ✧˖・* romantic at heart ✧˖・* girl of many fandoms ✧˖・* favourite animal: doggos ✧˖・* favourite food: strawberry juice ✧˖・* and if I had a voice that could make mountains melt I would walk over stars just to see how it felt ✧˖・*
title: ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
has a very pink custom theme with a fancy font. runs a fandom/aesthetic blog and stays clear of discourse. writes really good meta that is quite popular and poems that get notes in the single digits. doesn't really know how to deal with anon hate. participates in every tag game she comes across.
url: keeps changing it between @molelol and @twilitdark because he likes small animals, but wants to sound edgy.
pfp: keeps changing it between a baby mole and the kind of very dark photo where you can't really see what it's supposed to be.
bio: M / not a minor
title: the dark under the trees
guards his personal info incredibly closely (a good practice, but how much of it is due to his father having been so controlling that he learned secrecy early on is up for discussion). rarely posts, mostly reblogs photos and shitposts. vaguely vents about his idril/tuor/gondolin/treason problems. when he gets into discussions with people he can be uncomfortably fierce, has sent anon hate on occasion.
url: craftingsilver
pfp: red eight pointed star (default variation, not technically fëanorian) on yellow background
bio: older/younger than you think | look I've seen the Trees that's enough | Noldorin jewelsmith | male
title: time and soul, wrought and tempered
mostly posts and reblogs crafting tiktoks and tips, sometimes adds a dash of science, philosophy or something personal. has made a resolution to filter out any posts pertaining to his family on his dashboard and keeps to it almost till the end. shows a strong sense of humour and has gathered quite a following.
url: celebrin-does-things
pfp: blurred photo of her with her back to the camera
bio: 500s - architect, wife and mother - everyone is welcome
title: "ammë, there's winter in my boots"
started off as a miscellaneous blog, but shifted to being mostly about Eärendil's shenanigans. she vaguely vents about maeglin/gondolin/cousin's treason sometimes, but still comes off as way more laid back than irl. hardly used her tumblr before her son was born and still treats it mostly as a place to document things he has said + a way to talk with like three treasured mutuals. the architect part in bio is mostly a ruse because she has only ever completed one or two projects but can hardly reveal she's a princess, can she? (before the fall of nargothrond if she got on tumblr it was to nag Finduilas to remove her personal info from bio hah)
@eri-pl, this is in part because you asked (a while ago, sorry), though I'm afraid I don't have much to say about all your suggestions. I prefer not to get into Sauron's headspace actually, but the idea of him having access to social media is horrifying lol. And Pharazon has all the worst characteristics of Reddit atheists, non-ironic modern white supremacists and racist trolls rolled into one with the added horror of the new unsavoury state cult. Míriel is not allowed a sim card🙁😬
also I'm just now realising I tagged a compatriot in something I wrote at 3 am so if you have time stamps on you now know my messed up sleep schedule and if you don't I've just told you lol but never mind.
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jetts-angsty-page · 3 months
Intro Post
Mkay, so heres a intro post
I made this venting side blog cause too many people on my main kept getting offended cause im edgy af
This was also kinda inspired my main therapist, my homeslice, my pocket-sized Mick Jagger @oh-look-a-homosexual-punk-bitch
I'm trans masc so plz use he/him. I got by EJ or Jett, I don't really care which one you use.
I talk a lot about; SH, relapses, depression, ex stuff, dysphoria, daddy issues, stuff that pisses me off and so on
.IM A MINOR, so no creepy asks
.Dont be a dick
.Dont make my vents about you, if u want to vent plz DM me or put it in my ask box
.Please dont go telling me to kms or call me slurs
.If you do find this, please only reblog it on vent accounts and plz not ur main
The ones i allow on here cause I trust yall w my life ;-; (please only interact if ur comfortable)
This is MY safe space for me to vent and post stuff I don't feel comfortable sharing on my main. Plz don't follow if I didn't tag u
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antiendovents · 5 months
i just wanna make another post addressing the whole issue of the vent that told pro endos to kill themselves (link to original post here, link to response / explanation post here)
I just wanted to say that one; I do not condone harassment or telling people to actually kill themselves (I mentioned this in the tags of the original post but I'm not sure if I made it clear enough), by that I mean I don't support people actually going to pro endo blogs and telling them they should kill themselves and stuff. But, I also do not support harassing people for "thought crimes". Sure, it's not the nicest thing to wish death upon those you hate, but as someone with NPD who does this quite frequently in my head I kind of understand it. And I'd rather that person come here to vent their frustrations than say actually go around telling people to do it. You get me?
Two; this is a vent blog, made for frustration at it's core. We made this blog because endos made us mad. They made us frustrated and upset and hurt. So we made this blog for us and other anti endos to vent their anger about it, and that's what we'll allow. We have said multiple times we do not condone harassment nor do we condone actually telling people to kill themselves, but if you wish to come here and vent about it and about how you feel then you are welcome to do so.
And finally, about the delusional statement; I don't agree with that either. I don't believe delusional should be used as an insult but I feel it's important to recognise that they likely didn't mean it in that way or maybe didn't even know it was a insult.
I don't know, I'm not them and I can't comment on their actions or why they did what they did, but I can comment on why I posted it, which is because well, that's what this blog is made for. I'm sorry if you were hurt by their words, I can promise I didn't intend to hurt others, but this is a vent blog and while yes I do like to keep some things light hearted here it's also important to understand that well. As I've said. It's a vent blog.
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mercurygray · 5 months
Small vent:
I keep running into posts in tags I follow where people say 'I want more [x]!!!'
Which is fine. We're all allowed to want more of whatever it is that's twirling our beanie this week.
But when x is a thing that you and several friends already do, and this person hasn't liked it, or reblogged it, or commented on it, despite the fact that it uses the same tag, or spoken to you or those people about the previous bits of it that already exist, I have to say, you're not helping your case here for having me jump back on the wagon to make more.
I know I don't create on command, but it sure helps when I know my work will be recognized, acknowledged, and appreciated afterwards, and people come to talk to me about it. This is a community. That's what communities do.
I don't see the expression your face makes when I post more, and I don't hear the squeal of joy when you get to the good part, and the simple fact is I don't know what you meant when you clicked the like button. And I can extrapolate a little when you do it on 10 or twelve posts in a row - but I don't actually know until you tell me.
(And I'm so lucky in this! There are so many people who follow my blog who *do* already do this! Thank you for being awesome! )
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sol-consort · 1 month
I think I need to find a way to stop being gay it's too hard 😞. Because I'm always falling for the most obscure fem characters that have almost no fanfiction written about them/hardly any fandom. 1st, it's Ashley who's really hard to find the gay fandom for (you're a dimond in the rough fr) and there's only a handful of fanfiction for and then today I've just seen that deadpool wolverine movie and I'm thinking 'obviously there's gonna be a lot of fanfiction for this sexy evil bald lesbian like this is a major motion picture' only to be met with reality fist straight to the face when I tried looking up fanfiction and there was none zero. I think I'm freaking too close to the sun.
(Srry for venting, but I fear we share the struggle of what is essentially being in a half dead fandom)
I feel you, it's so jarring how little attention gay women characters get in fandom spaces. Unless the source media itself is explicity sapphic, then finding any fanfics about lesbian characters is akin to panning for gold at the edge of the river.
The "older" a fandom is, the more obvious this phenomenal becomes. Mass Effect, for example...I mean let's just call it what it is. Blatant misogyny. Why doesn't Vetra get the same treatment as Garrus? Why isn't Miranda celebrated for her genius as much as Mordin is? Why does EDI get reduced to hot sexy robot while Legion gets the cool badass design? Why does Ashley get so much shit about her ME1 alien racist remarks when even Kaidan, Jacob, and Joker had some racist lines? Renegade Shepard is the epitome of human supremacy yet here we are.
It's still prevalent in new big fandoms. In BG3, for example, I wrote so much for Minthara, my longest and most intricate fic ever was made for her. Yet my stories that got to most attention and requests for updates are about male characters. One of them is a literal npc with no relevance for the plot.
I was happy finding out that Kaidan actually has presence in fanfics, but when I scrolled through Ashley's AO3 tag expecting something similar, I was so fucking stunned to find nothing. It's why I even wrote that Ashley fic, I was so frustrated at the lack of content for her. It started this blog.
Much like my frustration at the lack of content for Minthara started my other blog.
I wish women characters get the same treatment in fanfics written about them as men. By that, I mean they deserve shameless smut. They deserve casual sex. They deserve silly fics, parodies, and memes made about them. They deserve dating HC and having flaws that they don't feel guilty for.
Allow them the exact same courtesy extended to the token hot male characters of a fandom. Why doom the yuri constantly? Let it breathe for a second. Give it the space to be any genre it wants.
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silly-baba · 6 months
Intro post
Hello little ones & welcome to my CG blog. I'm Nathan, but you can call me Baba!
I'm 25 (birthday is on August 15th) and live in Germany.
I contemplated for a while if I wanted to make this blog and now I finally did.
I mainly go by he/him pronouns, I don't mind if you use gender neutral ones or masculine neos though.
I tend to use gender neutral nicknames/ pet names like kiddo, bug, sweetheart, darling, kid, munchkin... If you're uncomfortable with that, please let me know. Also inform me, if you prefer a certain pet name to be used for you & I'll do so.
My asks and DMs are open, so feel free to message me any time!
This blog is for SFW age & pet regressors, aswell as therians and anyone else who seeks support! I will not accept any kind of hate or NSFW topics/ interactions, this blog is a safe space!
Swearing is allowed, I won't cuss myself & flag any posts that contain swearwords with a tag I'll mention below.
My main blog is @dino-boyo-agere, I'll most likely reblogg my posts from there a lot, if they fit this blog and vice versa.
My tags:
Comfort stuff I write in CG headspace: #baba space
Me gushing over cute kiddos: #proud baba
Tipps & tricks for CGs & littles: #advice
Ideas for activities & such: #ideas
Asks I answered: #asks
Asks I sent: #questions
Stuff I reblogg: #reblob
Venting posts: #vent
Posts that contain swearing: #cw: swearing
Anything not AgeRe related: #non agere
・.*.゚☆❗please only interact if your blog is SFW❗☆ ゚.*.・
Anons under the cut:
cloud: ☁️, Maya: 💌, Ash: 🧸🌷, James: 🐾, Mimi: 🌈, Dox: 🪲, pebble: 🐌, Fry: 🐱, Jasper: 🦄, nameless anon: 🌸, Leo: 🐢,
cloud = @cloudsageregression
Maya "cutie" = @little-baby-bird
Ash = @aew-kun-age-regression
James "pup" = @tummy-rubs-for-wilson-pup
Mimi "Fluffster": @littletism
Dox "Bug": @doxisalive1
Pebble: @pebbletot
Fry "Kitty" : @ragdollkittyspace
Jasper: @is-it-nearly-naptime
Leo "Turtle": @leo-the-turtle-brother
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vampvalerian · 2 months
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Call me Valerian! or whatever you want honestly He/him pronouns!
Sanguinarian vampyre
Labelas Enoreth, Lord of the Continuum
Other types here
I'm a writer, artist, and musician Send in asks! I love talking to people :D
Tags, userboxes, credits and more below cut :)
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prickvalerian - Where I complain about things and make other generally negative posts that I don't want on my main blog. Not a vent blog though, just me being a whiny bitch. I also post takes and reblog politics on there.
My Tags
I started using these in the beginning of Aug 2024
Original posts - #valerian doesn't shut up
Vampyre related posts - #vamposting
Otherkin related posts - #valerian the strange
Baldur's Gate/D&D related posts - #dungeons and castles
Art - #vampart
Labelas kinposting/memories - #time is forever ticking
Divider credits: @sister-lucifer
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All the userboxes above are either made by yours truely (the first two) or allow use without credit. The “this user is beyond mortal comprehension” and elfkin redesign are made by @kthecritter , thank you for it! Please do not use my original userboxes without credit. If I accidentally used something of yours without proper attribution please let me know.
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archivalofsins · 25 days
I really want to vent about something Milgram related, but I don't want to spread negativity either. It's about my general experience in the fandom.
Something that has been less than ideal and the ways it has led me to engage with fandom as a concept in general.
It isn't fair to myself not to use my blog for me, though. This is my space to recount my experiences and opinions on Milgram as a series. The way the fandom has personally impacted me is a huge part of that. Regardless of how impartial I attempt to be, the experiences I've had within this fandom will impact how I engage with the content to an extent.
To the point that I've committed to trial three verdicts already based on the actions of people in this fandom.
I'm not above being petty.
So, I'm going to explain this as politely as I can and move on.
People who have been around on this blog long enough have seen a lot of the experiences I've had in the fandom. I wish I had whined about it publicly more in hindsight instead of going on defense immediately. It's not like I'm ashamed of being defensive or regret my previous actions. On the contrary, in fact, I was going through a lot of stressful and downright dehumanizing shit publicly and privately.
It was a terrible time, and if I knew it was going to be that way quite, honestly, I would have never posted any of those theories and just kept them to myself. Honestly, I'd like to see what the fuck this fandom would be like if I didn't. Considering some of the stuff I'll touch on here.
I'm going to be candid.
I've been spoken about vaguely on more posts than individuals in this community care to admit to the point that I literally had to stop engaging in the tags. I've been directly messaged emotionally manipulative remarks and then blocked by the sender from people in this fandom.
I've been basically called out on confession blogs because people are cowards and the first time they're given the ability of doing something under the guise of anonymity of course they're going to use it to harass someone else in ways they know they could never do publicly.
I've been harrassed and emotionally abused by other fans. Who I considered friends in private. Had my lived experiences and feelings consistently diminished for several months by those people. Plagiarized numerous times which I'm most mad about like you actually stole the fucking words out of my mouth that is a whole different form of disrespect.
I have been gaslit numerous times by well-meaning people again using the guise of ambiguity and anonymity to go,
"Well you can never know for sure, so you should just let it go! Be the bigger person."
And I just gotta go,
"Yeah, you're sooo right. I should have thought of that. I'll never know for sure! Anyone here could have said this. But do I have to stoop to their level? No, I should just be happy that I can't go in the tag because this keeps happening."
Then I gotta feel like I'm losing my mind because no one recognizes the previous thing is more fucked up. It's weird no one sees how that's fucking worse. If someone suspects I vagued about them, they block me and spread rumors in the back that I did vague about them that eventually come back to me anyway. They have this face, this image of me in their mind that they are allowed to act against and keep out of their vicinity. I have nothing, I have to sit here and see people in this fandom and think,
"Was it you? Did you say that?"
Then go no, no, that's not a healthy way to think. Then, I attempt to course correct when it feels like everyone here hates me. Because there's nothing else I can do other than control my response and how I navigate moving forward. I can admit that sometimes I don't navigate these things in a mature and considerate manner. That I get defensive and my language invokes that regardless of how jovially I attempt to take it.
Because when the shoes on the other foot. When I'm just discussing something that it seems as though everyone is discussing. Then someone feels as though that is me speaking vaguely about them regardless of how much i preemptively state it's not about anyone.
Then I inevitably get a,
"Like, hey, why did you do this? Why did you vague about x?"
In a way, that has made it so apparent how heavily policed I am in this environment and how hostile it is toward me. To the point that I can't even speak about something occurring in real time without being perceived as hostile by someone.
Something that felt like it was the case so much that I have post in my drafts that's in fucking Morse Code,
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That just says Fuck- because at the time I really felt like I couldn't say a fucking thing without someone taking offense. Then i didn't fucking post this because at the time I was like no even that will be misconstrued just say nothing. So, it's just sitting in my drafts as a reminder.
To just shut the fuck up you don't have to say anything on or engage in this.
This has not changed either. I've adapted, of course, but this has not stopped. When I post, I am now incredibly particular about my wording and overexplain a lot.
Yesterday, I was hanging out with friends while editing that Kazui post over a discord call and said aloud,
"No, I can't say it that way because someone might take offense."
And my friend literally went,
"Who cares if they take offense let them."
As I changed it like no, no... Oh, that wording is too candid and curt, which will be perceived as anger. Then they're going to respond as though they've been attacked or belittled. So, I have to say it this way instead.
Do you know how many times someone has discerned a tone from my texts out of the clear blue sky and gone,
"I didn't like x's tone."
I had one mother fucker go I didn't like "his" tone and gender me as he throughout all of a convo until corrected like uh hey this person is genderfluid they use he and her. It is kind of dismissive and sexist that because you viewed them as hostile and forceful that you immediately gendered them as he.
Other times it's like eyy nice when that happens. Because it's usually not done in a,
"Ew, you're making me uncomfortable. You're scary, and I view you as a dangerous entity. So, I will now project masculinity onto you in order to highlight the danger I see you as."
Be me genderfluid use he and her. See how you experience text-based sexism where people call you her when they view you as more harmless, timid, and uninformed than switch to he when they view you as more hostile, dangerous, or direct. Something that is just what people do to blunt or straightforward black women generally and the fact that's happening through tone policing text really fucking highlights how inescapable this is for me.
To the point that just speaking how I normally would through text, which I very much type the same way I speak is something I have to work to tone down now and be attentive to. I felt as though I couldn't just post like everyone else. This is because that over time, it became apparent to me that regardless of what I said or how much I tried to articulate myself in a more docile way, someone was going to take offense.
I literally talked about a bird and got a lecture. There is no winning. If something is too short, it's like, did you think of this. Too long no one is reading all that. Then, if someone feels as though I was discussing them regardless of how much I truly can't even go in the tag to see whatever they're discussing.
It leads to me having to apologize to that person. Even though I am not responsible for their assumption. I push that to the side and suck it up to the best of my abilities, and apologize. Because my intent, my feelings at this revelation, and the unfairness I feel about it does not change that my actions have negatively impacted and hurt this other individual's feelings.
There is a point that this does stop being on me, though.
However, when an instance in which I've genuinely hurt someone's feelings is brought to my attention, I won't dismiss that. Take note of this it leads into another problem later. I am not responsible for imagined slights and did not have to apologize at all. A good few people who consider themselves good individuals and are would not have apologized.
Because the assumptions of others simply are not their responsibility. So they would consider this an instance of someone taking them egregiously out of context because they choose to view them through bad faith. Then would have gone,
"This seems like something you did all on your own that should have stayed that way. I owe you nothing."
Or would have just ignored it.
Now, I want to touch on how invasive and entitled some people within this fandom can be. I have had so many people ask for private medical information that they are not entitled to.
Yes, saying-
"If you don't have x, then don't speak on y."
Is pushing someone else in a corner where their options are to give personal information on themselves that again wrapping around back to point one is not the business of person saying this nor will giving this information change their opinion. People who say this don't care if you have x they just want you to shut up. People who say this do not care about people who have what they are discussing outside of themselves. It's that simple.
At best, if a person says
"Yes, I have x."
This sort of person will either state the person is lying or that it doesn't matter because what that person said was still wrong. And having x doesn't change the fact that they just think this other person is wrong actually so they should still shut the fuck up. This is really annoying when it comes to how this fandom engages with dissociative identity disorder specifically.
Because they say and do shit like this, then still have the audacity to be wrong about how the disorder works. I've seen posts that state with their full chest that Dissociative Identity Disorder is when there is an existence of three or more distinct personality states.
Just legit redefining the term to exclude two. I've been told two alter system don't deserve representation because they're so rare and it's less likely to occur. Again, it's wild to me how no one recognizes how that sounds. Like to me, that sounds like this specific presentation of this disorder is a minority. Therefore, it is an inaccurate depiction of the majority of individuals with this disorder and should not be represented in media in any nuanced way actually.
That sounds suspiciously like people who said black people rarely buy comics as such, they are not our target demographic and should not be represented in the media. Because it just won't sell, they don't read comics. Girls don't read shonen manga. We do not need well written female characters here. That's not our demographic.
Furthermore, when I have told people that I trust this very sensitive information about myself and my mental health. They weaponized it against me to abuse me for several months. Literally stating in response to me being like hey what you're doing is really upsetting me and hurtful with,
"Well, you have x and y. So, you have to accept that and recognize how you telling me your emotional needs is actually unreasonable. It's holding me to a standard that's far too high. Something you're only doing because you've yet to accept your own limitations due to your impairments. Causing you to project the high standards you put on yourself onto others around you as well and straining your relationships. You need to accept you're disabled. Something that means there are just certain things you won't be good at and won't be able to receive or achieve in life."
Bro, I would just like to not be ghosted. What the fuck does that have to do with this? This person's reaponse to me saying,
"Hey, if I continue to get treated this way, I'm going to leave. Because this isn't even a relationship at this point if most of it is spent avoiding proper communication. It seems neither of you want me here because you're actions and avoidance are displaying that to me."
Was to say,
"If you did that, then that would make you no better than us. Plus, all your relationships will continue to be this way. If you're incapable of compromising here."
That's been my last ten months in private on top of the Milgram shit. At a point, I spoke about the incident semipublically in a shared discord server. Then these two people had me apologize for doing that, like stating how they treated me-
In a space, they were already discussing the situation in instead of communicating with me privately by the way. Yet, me doing it was crossing the line, actually.
Yeah, they had me apologize for this over text not once, not twice but five fucking times in a row, each apology longer and more in depth than the last.
Because me doing that was just such an inconsiderate breech of their privacy and dismissal of their feelings. They even said this was something to be handled in private despite ignoring me privately for months and taking it there.
I want to sit here and say I have no more sympathy or good faith to extend to individuals within this fandom. It would be incredibly fair for me to say this given my experiences. However, I fundamentally believe just because the world can be cruel unreasonably so and kindness is rarely rewarded. That is no reason to spread pain. I would like to believe in people. To believe that they can be considerate of those who exist outside of themselves and respectful of those others.
It is just very difficult to enjoy a space that has seemingly been hellbent on breaking me in every sense of the word.
I didn't think it was possible to say this in a way that didn't feel self pitying or unnecessarily harsh. This may still be harsh to some. Yet I can not comfortably move forward without honestly writing down for myself the impact these experiences have had on me.
It makes me want to engage with fandom less.
Make myself less accessible and that's been reflected in how I do fanfiction now. I'd like to get comments and feedback on the labors of love and appreciation I've made for this series. Yet these experiences have been so damaging that I'm not even comfortable leaving comments on for fanfics anymore. Comments are now off on all my fanfics, not even just milgram ones, and I don't think I'll ever cut them back on.
I locked all of my fanfics for a while, so only registered users could read them. I reached out to be in the milgramblrgram thing because I thought it would be a fun thing to do and a nice way to get more feedback on these things on my own terms. Yet I truly don't think it matters how I do it or how much work I put in because to a lot of people, it just being attached to me makes it wrong.
Because they've built this impression of me that simply isn't true and is isolating.
It makes this a little less fulfilling to continue doing. I only really continue doing it because I do enjoy Milgram a great deal, and it matters a lot to me. Like one of the reasons I was so cool with dumping those people was like well one of you is literally trying to tell me to stop engaging with my hobbies and interests because sometimes I have complaints about them. Which makes it a lot easier to go mm fuck you I had this hobby before I met you and probably will have it after you. Because unlike you this brings me joy it is fulfilling sure I don't like the treatment I've received from other fans but don't get it twisted.
I love Milgram.
That's not going to change. Milgram is not its fanbase. Regardless of how the fanbase can impact the series. I'm writing this to move forward more comfortably with everything that has occurred in this going on two years.
And it may be too much for some, but it's just what I've gone through for me.
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call-me-chips · 27 days
Figure I should probably put the DNIs before the cut, so uhh
● Homophobes
● Terfs
● Racists
● Sexists
The usual DNIs
Now that that's out of the way,
I'm Chips
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/them (Also ok with he/him)
Zodiac: Gemini (May)
Fandoms: Bnha/Mha, Kny, Spy x Family, B99, Tadc, Fnaf, Toh, Helluva and Hazbin, Star Wars, Lackadaisy, Sonic, Zelda, Marvel, the Renegades trilogy, Dsmp somewhat, Zeyn_Syre, and I know I'm missing at least one more but oh well
Likes: Women, art, music/singing, cosplay, cats, guns, kpop, photography, formal outfits
Dislikes: Peanut butter, olives, mushrooms, bananas, eggplants, the government, any kind of nuts, iced tea
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This is my blog of art stuffs! I post about my own art, as well as others' art and any other interests of mine. I am very gay, so expect what I post/reblog to follow suit.
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Some little rules/things to know about my blog:
● I don't draw/interact with NSFW stuff, as I know there are minors on here and want this to be a safe place for everyone, so please keep that in mind
● I consider myself to be a Christian. However, due to personal stuffs, please refrain from talking about God/Jesus/Bible things here
● I may post about religious things occasionally tho. They will be used under the tag "chipsvsgod" for bible vents and "chipsandgod" for anything else christian related
● I also plan to post more vent related things that could touch on topics such as toxic family, sh, su1c1dal thoughts, etc., so if you would not like to see that, I will try my best to label all vent things as #chipsvents so you can block it :)
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Random things about me:
● I am Canadian (And no, No Name doesn't sell shirts.)
● I dislike peanut butter and dislike bananas, yet I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches
● I have a son. His name is Cody and he's some sort of orange tuxedo tabby mix. I love him. If you ask, I will give pics of my precious boy
● I have flat feet, so going into town for longer than 20 mins really hurts. Woo!
● Some of my fav clothing aesthetics are grunge, dark acedemia, emo, tech wear, and unique gender neutral suits/formal fits (Ik this isn't an actual aesthetic, shut up)
● It took me an embarrassingly long amout of time to realize that Helluva Boss is meant to sound like Hell of a boss, then it took me EVEN LONGER to realize that Blitzø is the Hell of a boss, as the title suggests
● I am what my family calls "A crackshot" and have three gold medals in marksmanship that I got in a conpetition when I was 14 (I beat all the 18 year olds hehehe)
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Rules about sketch requests:
● The sketch requests are to cure my boredom/practice and improve my art skills, so they are free
● Don't request anything too specific. I obv won't be able to recreate the exact pose you have envisioned the character in, so just suggest the character and I'll handle posing
● Anyone can send requests
● Will only do 1-2 characters per page, but I may make an exception if the characters are small
● All characters are allowed, minus characters from adult shows/movies, such as Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss
● I can draw Ocs, so long as 1 or more reference photos are provided
● BEWARE, if you don't want your request to look like crap, I recommend not sending in Sonic characters (or just animals in general). I will still try to draw in Sonic's style if you ask, but you have been warned
● Be prepared for the request to take a few days to complete. I'm slow, sorry lol
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Tags I'm going to try and use (might forget tho)
● chipsdraws
● chipsvents
● chipsvsgod
● chipsandgod
● askchips
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mamuzzy · 4 months
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Hey All, remember when I vented about how I will start my own re-reading because I'm annoyed about the existing fan-takes over this series, discouraging new fans to engage?
Now it's happening!!!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
This one is an Introduction post about my personal thoughts before actually starting, not an actual chapter.
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I don't have a specific agenda on what I want to achieve with this blogging, other than I want to share my thoughts with you, share my enthusiasm, collecting favorite or thought-inducing quotes, hunting for lore (clone, jedi, mando, kaminoan and character lore in general) and most importantly: thirsting over my favorite blorbos.
Maybe a bit want to counter all that negativity that surrounds this fandom with providing a different perspective.
Is this a masterpiece? Probably not. Do I enjoy it? HELL YEAH. And in the end, this is what counts.
I won't tag this as pro-jedi, or anti-jedi, or [insert a name/faction/author here]-critical or similiar kind of fandom faction fuckery. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
But before reading it, I wanted to share some thoughts...
-- About Critical Thinking... --
My first reading of the books happened without the influence of knowing anything about the author and I avoided repcomm side of tumblr like a plague. I didn't want the author's personal worldview or the existing factions on the internet influence me in any way while reading.
I think this helped me completely immerse in the story itself and not just looking it through a glass wall like an outsider under peer-pressure and with a strict community guide how is allowed to engage with the books otherwise you will be called names.
If you follow me through, I still encourage you to read it yourself so you can form your own opinion. But don't forget, you can always put down a book if you end up not liking it.
Everyone interpret the books differently: enjoyment or hatred depends on different life experiences, how old are you, what culture are you from, and often what opinions have you heard before about the said media. Sometimes it's just about basic reading comprehension (or the lack of it).
Critical thinking is not "skipping 20 pages because it contains Kal Skirata who is a shitty person and it taints you if you read". Critical thinking is able to form an opinion outside of the existing factions influences and resisting peer-pressure and being open minded for new information.
I'm just a random dude on the internet who will share you with his experiences about the books. But that is just one part of the truth. Just as an anti have their own truth. You will have your own truth.
But Mamuzzy, how can you be so gullible! This book is a bad representation to [insert a group here]! It conveys the wrong message!
What do you do with the wrong messages? You follow it through like it's some kind of ultimate truth anyway?
If you need fiction to hold your hand and tell you that you shouldn't treat your friends/family/partner/pets bad, the problem is not in the fiction, the problem is in YOU. If you feel you can act shitty toward people because that one fiction validated your urge to hurt people, the fault is not in the fiction but in YOU.
In the end of the day only that matters how do you behave with a living, breathing person in front of you.
-- Republic Commando IS A FANFICTION --
Bear in mind that mostly every written Star Wars book is a published fanfiction. Treat Republic Commando as such.
-- Star Wars is a fairy tale. RepComm is not. --
The Original Triology is a fairy tale. Good guys with blue lightsabers beating the bad buys with red lightsabers who hurt people and destroy planets and in the end good guys win. The roles are established. You know who to root for, you are spoon-feed with the narrative.
Republic Commando is not a fairy tale. Mando'a doesn't have a word for heroes, and this book doesn't have heroes either. Just people.
Protagonists =/= Heroes with unquestionable morals.
Am I supposed to root for THESE PEOPLE?
You are not obligated to do anything. Just know that this is not a traditional hero's journey story.
In my reading this story is about broken and lost people trying to find their place in the world while trying not to die. A literal found-family story.
-- About Jedi lore --
Karen Traviss doesn't make it a secret questioning the jedi about handling the whole war situation, about handling the clones, about being the puppets of the Senate/Sheev Palpatine and with it, Darth Sidious. But the conflicts and hostility between the Mandalorians and the Jedi are not Karen Traviss' invention.
Her characters are mostly Mandalorians who have grudge against the JEDI ORDER as a faction, and other characters who are influenced by mandalorian culture.
In the prequels, the Jedi Order is introduced like any other religious cult with govermental support behind them and George Lucas uses the same black-and-white thesises in this grey area. Darth Sidious didn't destroy the jedi with his sith force powers. He could destroy the jedi because he was damn effective politican and a master manipulatior who found the perfect pawns to execute his plans. That's my take on the jedi order in the prequels.
Also note that Karen Traviss' lore about the Jedi and the Force is completely different from George Lucas' thesises about the Star Wars universe.
I'll try and point it out these differences as we are advancing through the chapters.
-- No inhibitor chips in RepComm --
Inhibitor chips don't exist in Republic Commando universe and the concept wasn't introduced until The Clone Wars series. The troopers are very well aware of the 150 Contingency Orders, including Order 66.
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Throughout my reading, comments and thoughts are appreciated! I'm open for conversation ^^
Because this is the first time I'm doing such thing, I can't say how much time I need to process a chapter, but I plan to do at least 1 chapter/week so I won't neglect my other hobbies, while surviving my increasing workhours as I go into the summer. :D
See you soon at Prologue + Chapter 1! (* ^ ω ^)
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beyond-far-horizons · 2 months
Hey, I'm always on the lookout for sfw and non-slash-focused Tolkien blogs because they're unfortunately all too few, so your pinned post really made me hope I found another one - you do say you occasionally reblog explicit fics though, do you tag them?
Sorry if this is a weird question 😕
@marietheran  Thank you for getting in touch. It's always great to connect with a fellow fan that looks like they share your views/way of appreciation regarding a beloved story.
No offense to anyone else on here, but yes, I too find the 'tumblrisation' of Tolkien's works difficult to deal with/interact with. There are some amazing fanworks, but mostly the way the majority on here filter the Legendarium through their modern lenses and shipping goggles (while understandable) is a total turn off to me. I try not to engage mostly as I loathe gatekeeping and fandom-fighting so I try not to neg people the way I wouldn't want to be negged. Which is why I won't tag this post in the main tags this time - too much scope for drama and backlash!
To answer your questions (no harm in asking at all - I too try and be careful who I follow because I'm very sensitive about what I see too), allow me to clarify. It depends what you consider NFSW of course, but generally anything that I see as being a bit risque I tag. Obviously, my views on that and yours may differ. I try to tag everything I post so people can filter regardless of what it is, but I don't always tag a pairing or a fandom if I'm venting because that would be rude and I don't want to get hassle from fans. That point about explicit fanfics on my pinned post was in case I wrote anything myself. In fact, I don't think I've ever posted anything most people on here would consider explicit - I feel quite awkward about that stuff myself! Not to be a prude and each to their own, but I also loathe a lot of the explicit stories and reader fics on here. I wouldn't reblog them I don't think. But yes, anything x-rated I would tag. I also would tag on the rare occasions I might reblog say a femslash pairing or something. You may also wish to filter some of my JJK stuff as some of that could be a polyship/OT3.
Regarding Tolkien, I have adored the Legendarium for 25+ years, ever since I was a child. The Silmarillion is one of my all time favourite books as is LOTR. I tend to return to my perennial hyperfixation yearly, but I do post about a lot of other things - mainly SF/F and nature pictures. Tolkien, as one of my all time loves and a childhood fandom (plus the way it's written and his own views) means I tend to engage with it mainly as it was written. Meaning I don't really like modern interpretations of it, lots of different types of shipping etc in the way I might do of something like say...an anime I just got into. So I think you might align with me on that. The only thing you might not like is the fact that Melkor is my favourite Tolkien character even though I deplore his actions. I find him such a fascinating character in various ways. Also I'm a person of faith too, although not via organised religions...I love the deep metaphysical aspects of the Legendarium, even though I can be a little critical of Eru and the Valar's actions at times. I also love all of Tolkien's ladies, Fingon, Finrod, Feanor (again deplore his actions), Maedhros, Varda, Nienna, Aule, Manwe (sometimes when he isn't playing faves with the Elves), Beleg, Mablung, Gandalf, Celebrimbor, Aegnor (love him and Andreth), Gimli and so on... If canon mentions the characters are family and/or friends I don't ship them and generally get irate when I see this in the fandom (although, you know, sigh, ship and let ship and so on...). The only non-canon ships I have a soft spot for are Melkor x Varda (I do see it as canon unrequited and more in a Timeless Halls/metaphysical way, although I also love Manwe x Varda obviously), Finrod and Andreth (although I love Andreth x Aegnor and love Finrod and her being friends) and Caranthir and Haleth. Also, I'm very much a fan of platonic relationships across fandoms, but especially in Tolkien where they are so beautifully and at times intensely portrayed.
I think that's it! Apologies for Wall of Text TM!
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