#It's just.
thatweirdnoise · 8 months
imagine you're qCellbit
_you're divorced to this blond guy (no one knows when you got married, they just know you're now divorced)
_you go to this island (why? no one knows)
_there you find the guy who fucking raised (strong word, more like guided) you in a war, and he looks exactly like the last time you saw him 10 years ago.
_the guy who raised you starts flirting with your ex-husband
_they are really homo and it's making your fanfiqueiro son homophobic
_but you decide to try and help them
_it goes terribly wrong
_you hate 4halo now
_the blond guy disappears??????
_you start eating people again.
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mrmosseater · 6 months
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i love poly old men yaoi
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byfulcrums · 2 months
my favorite moment in invincible is during the 5 year time skip (INVINCIBLE COMIC SPOILERS)
i do agree that the time travel was done in a somewhat awkward way and that if the series ever gets to that scene, it should try to change it for the better. but-
but that moment, man.
“saving the world would mean killing my daughter”. mark is given the chance to fix everything, to save everyone. but he doesn't take it, because he has a little kid back at home
this is mark grayson, at his most selfish. this is the hero deciding to not be heroic. it would mean killing my daughter, he says, and It's surprised that he didn't choose the more heroic path. he would trade the world for his daughter. he wouldn't trade his daughter for the world
he chooses to let everyone die again. he chooses to not fix it, to not save them. he doesn't regret it (he would do it again in a heartbeat)
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I'm completely normal about this entire episode.
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paronymph · 10 months
they should create a new word for yearning specifically about aros and/or aces yearning because there is nothing that exists that comes close to expressing what we feel.
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trashie-nerd · 8 months
grian wanting to scream "SCAR" when joel jumped off in limited life as a force of habit and then mumbo in secret life, screaming ''GRIAN" when joel brought creepers close to them. they make me very. sane.
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Chemtrail - Day 28
Race: Fiend
Alignment: Neutral
April 29th, 2024
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Most demons throughout the SMT series are mythological beings, cryptids, historical figures, or just plain demons, but sometimes, they like to experiment. Sometimes, they make demons like the subject of today's Demon Spotlight, Chemtrail- a demon not based upon a historical account nor a religious belief, but rather, based on a conspiracy theory.
The idea of chemtrails originates in 1996, particularly from a report published by the US army regarding the idea of weather modification being used in warfare- as the conspiracy goes, the trails of condensation left behind by jets, known as contrails, are actually lines of chemical agents sprayed all over the public for nefarious purposes by the world elites. Many of these conspiracies blame these so-called chemtrails for things like diseases, mental illnesses, or many deaths around the globe, or even mind control by the elites to keep a populace subservient to their overlords.
Later in the 2000’s, the report was revealed to be a hoax, though many were left unconvinced by that turn, and chemtrails are still a widely held belief in conspiracy-laden circles of the United States. Many debunks have come out to explain what the trails in the sky truly are, that being trails of condensation left behind as water vapor in the jet's engine combines with the dry ambient temperature of the sky, though many remain unconvinced. The belief in chemtrails is surprisingly common, even to this day, though I suppose that is to be expected. You give someone in the bible belt a reason to hate the way the world is without blaming capitalism, and they'll snatch it up like a fish does bait.
Commentary aside, the conspiracy of chemtrails still retains relevance in pop culture, commonly cited as a ridiculous example of the conspiratorial beliefs of many people. However, while I personally doubt the existence of chemtrails, as do many others, the idea does have some credence to it- crimes like Agent Orange have given real weight and truth to the idea of world governments spraying chemicals down onto countries. However, given that this is a literal war crime, I'd hope that the US doesn't do that to their own citizens? But I wouldn't put it above them. Sorry to get a bit political, but it's somewhat unavoidable with this topic.
Segwaying back to SMT, though, I'm more surprised by the fact of the matter that this demon exists. It really just goes to show that, throughout the series, anything can be a demon- whether it be folklore, history, mythology, or anything in between, Chemtrail really feels like an example of both the experimentation that took place during IV, as well as being a testament to how widespread the moniker of demon truly is throughout the series. Anything can be a demon, as long as people believe in it, and that's oddly touching.
I don't know why it's a fiend, though. The idea of chemtrails being a skeleton brings up more questions than answers.
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cyborgpulsebooks · 1 year
actually you know i bitch about shb!thancred a lot and how his whole arc in the expac (as well as in post-hw let’s be real) reduces minfilia to haunting the narrative and also he doesn’t always treat ryne great, BUT,
i would be lying if i didn’t say that his relationship with ryne makes me uh, fucking cry. the fact that his first instinct when he hears that she exists and that she is being locked away and abused by a theocratic dictatorship with the largest military in the world is to go free her as soon as possible no matter the cost makes me cry. the fact that even with all his butthurt and trauma and his flaws he has the presence of mind to eke out some semblance of family with her and urianger makes me cry. the fact that he teaches her how to defend herself first makes me cry. the fact that despite everything he fucking pulls his head out of his ass and learns to relate to her as a real father and child instead of a standin for someone he misses makes me cry. the fact that despite everything ryne keeps him in her life and in her heart makes me cry. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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nicollekidman · 4 months
you didn’t want Emma to win or wdym it’s gonna be bad?
i love emma and in any other year i'd be like hell yeah dude take it home miss stone (and i'm still happy) but winning over lily (and kotm getting dust) is going to make people direct outrage and disappointment towards her (again) and is like. not the environment and reception you want to win your second oscar in when people are already meh on your first one. unfortunate!
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gorkaya-trava · 7 months
the nonbinary urge to change your name every three months
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
Black trans people are just getting murdered left and right in the US, it’s so fucking scary. When it’s Black trans women, it’s “just another murder” to some of y’all. When it’s Black nonbinary people, y’all will usually misgender them before going, again “it’s just another murder”. When it’s Black trans men, you think it’s an anomaly for a second and then go “it’s just another murder.”
Black trans people crowd-fund on here and get such absurd amounts of hate, just for asking for help and can’t get anything in comparison to a lot of white people who crowdfund on here. It’s almost like y’all don’t care about Black trans people at all. Which is almost more horrifying than the amount of us dying in mass from these murders. We’re fucking people. 
You could fund all our crowdfunds and yeah, that’s great, do that, but it’s not gonna replace us if we’re murdered. Black trans people in the US are some of the most likely to be hate crimed and it’s not just police brutality, it’s the fact we don’t have the same support, we’re fighting anti-Blackness on top of transphobia, we’re fighting some of you. It’s just. Some of y’all won’t even pretend to give a fuck about us once we’re dead. That’s unfathomably disgusting to me. There is no justice for dead people but y’all keep pretending you can dish it out by reblogging a post or two.
Support the funeral crowdfunds, sure, but that doesn’t mean jackshit if you don’t support us while we’re alive too. Why can’t you just support us while we’re alive. 
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wr3nns · 1 year
hollow mind changed everything forever.
the symbolism of luz constantly reaching out with her right hand. the constant bird imagery. flapjack's name reveal. the scene revealing the kid as belos with the portraits of belos' actions against himself framing that gruesome transformation and you understand why he's like that. the evolution upon rewatch. the subtle shifts in facial expressions and body language. hunter subconsciously shielding luz all. the. time. the birds. the parallels between hunter being pulled underground in hollow mind and hunter being pulled underground in asias. luz reaching into her pocket for glyphs when belos reveals himself but she doesn't actually use any because how do you even act in that situation, they could die, she's doing the only thing she can. the palpable difference between luz's shock and hunter's shock. the visceral fear i remember feeling upon first watch. some of these scenes live in my head rent free. i am always thinking about them. the fact that they went through all that. the fact that no one else really understands to the full extent. the tragedy of it all. the necessity of it all.
the constant attention to hunter's cloak motion, the hair motions, the fluidity of the animation. the fact that the palismen have a different effect on the memory portraits. luz's intense emotions, hunter's denial, the constant concern and care and they're looking out for each other even though they're trying to convince the other of their stance. the fact that hunter is trying to convince luz (and later on, himself) instead of just fighting her. the composition. the birds. the parallel between belos crushing that bird in hollow mind and. and that thing we don't talk about in th.
and the parallels between the characters and the memory portraits. the framing. the cinematography. the building dread and anxiety. the background storytelling. the way everything folds together. gosh. luz and hunter's interactions going forward all being influenced by that shared experience. that episode almost gets to the point of haunting the narrative (like some other people we know) because it influences so much. major turning point. ghh.
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fivewholeminutes · 9 months
Does anyone also hear sounds of distant chattering/children's playing together(?) at the end of the night does not belong to god or is it just me
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rose-the-nerd · 2 years
I just realised something. Is the entirety of malevolent just Harlan Guthrie?
Because I thought at first that Kayne took Arthur's appearance because he sounded exactly like Arthur. And then neither John nor Arthur said anything about it so I was like are my ears playing tricks on me? Is it just the same voice actor but no actual similarity in universe? So I checked, and it WAS the same VA, but then I looked at the rest of the characters and it was all the same guy.
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iqmmir · 4 months
Imm gonna eat and. See if there are other things i can do
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irregularcollapse · 7 months
i will not respond to fandom posts. i will not respond to poorly-thought-out takes. i will not contribute to bad faith discussions. i will not point out the selective analysis.
i will not respond to fandom posts. i will not respond to poorly-thought-out takes. i will not contribute to bad faith discussions. i will not point out the selective analysis.
i will not respond to fandom posts. i will not respond to poorly-thought-out takes. i will not contribute to bad faith discussions. i will not point out the selective analysis.
i will not respond to fandom posts. i will not respond to poorly-thought-out takes. i will not contribute to bad faith discussions. i will not point out the selective analysis.
i will not respond to fandom posts. i will not respond to poorly-thought-out takes. i will not contribute to bad faith discussions. i will not point out the selective analysis.
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