#It's just a dream
vixtura · 2 months
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i love them sooo much><
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womp-womp-waa · 3 months
@shuutingstar @thurio-edau for you two. Why did i write this why-
Ceiling chan felt their face flush as soon as she saw Aiden enter the room. He's so cute. That thought immediately invades her mind, she couldn't help it. She just loves how his smile never leaves his face and how his hair bounces whenever he moves. It just looks so soft! A blush came across her face as her thoughts continued to gush about how cute he is. Ceiling chan knew there was others in the room but that didn't matter to her, she only had eyes for her senpai.
She couldn't help but wonder how she could possible get Aiden to notice her. No doubt it would be hard, he's so amazing and she's just... mediocre. As much as it hurts to admit it Aiden deserves so much better than her, who wouldnt want him? He's probably already taken anyways...
Pressure suddenly grew on top of her causing her to start to fall on top of AIDEN?! "Senpai!" The unexpected movement left her shocked as she fell and covered up Aiden. Her face was burning hot with embarrassment. That was so bad, sure she wanted his attention but not in this way! Why did the universe have to be so cruel?
Hands started to push her aside. She saw a girl with ginger hair start pushing her off of Aiden. Who was this girl? Who gave her the right to just push her aside like she's nothing. She's not nothing, Ceiling chan isn't nothing! Right..?
She watched as the girl uncovered Aiden, blood running down the left side of his face. Oh god did she do that? How could Aiden ever love her now. Horrified by her actions, she just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Why did she have to ruin this? Why does she always hurt those who she cares about?
A brunette girl joined the ginger both sharing the same shocked and horrified expression (as if this couldn't get any worse). The brunette girl picked up Aiden's unconscious body and dragged him away from her.
Maybe it was wishful thinking. Maybe it was just stupid hope. But she really manage to convince herself that maybe Aiden wanted her back. But why would he? Especially not anymore. How did she convince herself that she deserved to have Aiden? How did she convince herself that she deserved to be loved?
Her heart continued to shatter into pieces as she watched the two girls cover Aiden up.
Of course, why would he pick her?
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darii-thegreat · 1 year
Is it gay to go overseas with your bro for a whole summer, then live together and help him with his business, and of course, continuously trying to save him from his imminent death and reverse time when he dies?
- Lu Guang XXX years old
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kuranalex · 9 months
what do you think about the recent vkm chapter
What can I say, I think I finally get it. The problem is not whether she moved on with her life and was happy, it's the most natural thing in the world, what really bothers me and is not natural at all is that everyone, EVERYONE in the fucking world of VK has been able to continue with their life except for Kaname. Ruka, Aidou even Ai with her stupid crush on zero, but Kaname just can't. why? I understand that within the story there is no place for him to find someone else (although being a human without memories I don't see why not), but leaving that aside the fair thing for him is to find happiness in some way… but nooooo… always always tied to the memories of a woman who, although it is true that she loved him, for me did not love him enough, or maybe, just maybe, she did love him enough, but he simply loved her too much.
At the end of 143 chapters, this is it? Kaname is the guy who loved too much and there is no place in the human or vampire world for someone like that?
I remember a friend of me saying that Kaname should never have been human, because at the end of the day it's about being happy being who he is, and he is a vampire, but he was always alone and to be honest Yuki never fulfilled his physical or spiritual loneliness, Yuki was never enough, he knew that but he still loved her.
So here is my anger, if not even the person you love the most is enough to fill your existential void of the years, why then not love yourself enough and take one step at a time? In the end we know that Kaname blamed himself for every damn thing what happened, and Yuki never lived up to it, not because she was a bad person, maybe simply because she couldn't, because she never understood him, not even when she saw his sad and lonely past.
So at the end of the day I think that everything that Hino has sold us about two beings predestined to love each other, but who tragically could never be together more than in moments has been a total lie. Kaname was able to put up with all the shit that has come and gone in the more than 11 centuries of his existence, but he is not able to get over a woman like Yuki? Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.
As I already got it, I think I can say almost with complete certainty that our yume reunion is nothing more than that….A Yume.
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cult-of-the-eye · 3 months
do i know what the nightmare was about? no. do i get a painful sense of unease every time i close my eyes? yes.
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altheterrible · 5 months
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sunthroughdarkclouds · 9 months
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Penélope Cruz as Sofia in Vanilla Sky (2001), directed by Cameron Crowe
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wiresinbetween · 10 months
*A creature can be seen moving in the near by forest, something about it is eerily familiar.*
*Tessa sees it in the corner of her eye, the mere glimpse of it sent chills down her spine, even if she didn't see the full picture.*
*The creature reminded her too much of the one in her dream, but that's impossible, isn't it?*
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ladychlo · 8 months
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Motaz Azaiza interviewed by Ajstream after fleeing Gaza, please do watch the whole interview...
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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The math just adds up!
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lithium-poet · 3 months
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the dichotomy of girlhood
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christadeguchi · 5 months
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those!!! are!!! his!!!! tits!!! be gentle 👉👈
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roseforviolet · 6 months
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bambiali · 6 months
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beepboopappreciation · 3 months
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Is this anything
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hamoodmood · 3 months
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