#It's cause Sora and Tangle make silly faces
pkrockinon · 8 months
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Any KH & Sonic fans?
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valorxdrive · 2 years
She's running her palm over his arm. The rest of their limbs tangled together as they share space on one of the gummiship bunks. His arm is smooth, but she remembers how horrible it looked before they got to casting cura on it, earlier that day.
"We used to go through so many band-aids to cover your scrapes, way back then. Hehe... remember when my cutey kitty ones were all we had on hand?" she wrinkles her nose whimsically at him before softening.
"With magic... you don't need stuff like that anymore... but I hope you'll always need these--"
She presses her lips against his arm.
[ from @maregiis ]
♕ - Moments tucked into this sacred sanctity were events that couldn't quite be put into words. A treasure from the dearest childhood days, innocently beginning, to gaining welcomed realms of intent and understanding as their growth promoted more than solely new heights to their bodies. Before his eyes, there was a distinct witnessing to all the wondrous ways Kairi was personified in her current form, wearing such an equally lazy smile while the shifting scapes of violet nebulae and starlight echo brightness through the windows.
Her voice molds into a soft song that just makes him smile. Silly as it is to note, he just loves hearing her talk, hearing how emotion and quiet strengths readily adjust themselves with her tone. Even as nostalgic framing coats her words, he listens, finding his own itchy aches for such a time blooming with a curious thought she brings.
It immediately makes his face crinkle in the case of harmless second case embarrassment. A laugh couldn't resist being barked due to practically feeling the heat swath a crimson hue in his face. "Like I'd ever forget?" Those blue eyes were ever eager to focus upon her visage, loving the scarlet flare of her strawberry hair adorning her head like a crown.
Always looking so lovely.
"The way you'd distract me from having to clean my cuts? Cause sheesh those burned.. but you always made that lil fishy face to make me laugh.." The moment that memory is verbalized, it stuns him into a welcomed sort of silence, once again, driving forth a reminder of just how incredibly lucky he happens to be as they remain like this.
Kairi's strength didn't hesitate to 'rend' even the more egregious injuries away from the concept of being a wound. Instead, there was wholeness, a return to glory as her resolve burned in the warm light she used to bring him back to pristine shape.
Just as he was about to ask about what he could need when she was the shining sun in his eyes.
A kiss from a princess signifies her affections with selfish tenderness.
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That plume of fiery warmth emboldens senses and the intent of the heart. To reach, to bask in the giddiness that flocks within his veins as a hand carefully draws a stir of her hair upward, adjusting itself in a tender cradle as he cups her cheek. Sora's palm gently caresses that face that always gave a sense of home that could never be replicated. As if she carried the music of the ocean itself with her, above that, the steady beat of her heart was music that could even make hell look like paradise.
Right now? He just really wanted to appreciate this view before him. Sora's eyes were fashioned with a potent sense of love that glows while he adjusts upon the bed, adjusting in a way to where they could simply stare at each other.
It really did feel like they were floating among the stars.
"Can I get another, Kairi?"
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nobodies-png · 6 years
modern!au is a CONCEPT. bless y'all. could u do some hcs for modern! roxas, ventus, vanitas, xion, and sora + having a disney marathon w/ their s/o? like what movies they pick, do they sing along, r there snuggles, what snacks are brought, etc. (pls feel free to add any other details u want. i love lil details.) (this might've sent once already, my page refreshed. if so, sorry!) hugs & kisses!
o this is such a wholesome prompt, thanks for sending it !
Sora : 
You’re looking at the Disney King himself. He knows a shit ton of movies and almost every song in existence so you bet your ass he’s gonna sing. And you’ll probably tag along too, his enthusiasm is just so contagious - hell, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the lyrics, just sing whatever you want to the rhythm of the song with him ! 
He’ll b e g you to watch Big Hero Six and the Lion King movies with him. After that, you can choose anything you want but just p l e a s e let him watch those, they’re his absolute favorites. Also, remember to keep some napkins around cause Sora will cry no matter the movie, the messages just hit d e e p and he’s just a softie. Just snuggle with him for a bit and pat his back while he just stutters about how cool the movies were, he’ll eventually stop with the waterworks. 
You know what ? Sora probably has a lot of Disney merch. If you guys are having a disney marathon, you’re gonna do it properly. He won’t hesitate to prepare his entire house just for this movie night - building a pillow fort in the living room so you two can chill comfortably, hoarding a lot of snacks and like a thousand popcorn bags, wearing his Stitch onesie (and probably lending you his Winnie the Pooh onesie if you’re up for it !) 
Like the whole concept could feel childish, but not to Sora ! He grew up with Disney and he holds those movies very dear to his heart, so he’d be so happy to know that you’re willing to pull an all-nighter with him ! You’re never too old to enjoy these things.
You know Sora would suggest inviting absolutely everyone, but he won’t complain if you wish for a more intimate date. That’s fine with him too ! The two of you would have such a fun time and then pass out in the pillow fort at like 4 am. 
Vanitas : 
You know those people who are like “Pffft, Disney is overrated” ? That’s Vanitas right there. The guy looks like he’s fueled by kicking puppies and being a generally mean jerk - but you know better than that. Vanitas has zero knowledge about Disney cause he was never interested in cartoons as a kid so he simply assumes it’s bad. It’s up to you to show him the real deal.
At first he’d be against the idea of having a marathon. The guy can barely pay attention to class or hold a normal conversation and you want him to just sit there and watch movies ? U n b e l i e v a b l e. Are you singing ? Please stop, no singing allowed in this house, no he doesn't want to be part of your world, plEASE SPARE HIM - Accepts in the end just to avoid doing homework. He’d let you pick whatever movie you want, but if he were to choose, he’d probably go with the Lady and the Tramp, Treasure Planet or any Pirates of the Caribbean movie. 
No one will be able to wipe off that shit eating grin off your face after seeing Vanitas go from constantly talking over the movie, critizicing everything, teasing you for being so childish to just being dead silent, completely absorbed in whatever movie you two decide to watch. Feel free to catch him off guard with a smooch here, he’ll probably have a hard time processing what the fuck you just did cause holy shit did you see Hercules beat Hades' ass?
If you introduce Vanitas to the whole conspiracy theory about all Disney movies being related, you better be ready for 3 hours of him just rambling about the posibilities. Now THAT’s something that interests him. The movies would just be background noise as you two just talk away into the night, probably in the kitchen while preparing some weird food combination cause you two ran out of snacks. 
If you expect Vanitas to admit that he was wrong and that Disney was, in fact, something pretty cool then you better sit down, honey. The closest thing you’ll get is him just stubbornly saying that “he wouldn’t mind spending more time with you, watching movies for kids.” 
Ventus : 
Ventus is a casual fan. The type that just knows the old 2D princess classics because he grew up with them, but just slowly lost track of what the hell Disney was doing. Like he probably didn't even get to see the Princess and the Frog - But's all good cause he's eager to see your favorite Disney movies !
If you make him choose a movie to watch, he'd go with the safe choices. Stuff that he knows like Snow White, the Little Mermaid and Cinderella. I can see him loving Pocahontas, Moana and the Three Musketeers, though.
If you want to pull an all nighter to watch as many classics as you can, he won't stop you and he'll try to stay awake with you (and pass out a little after midnight, lmao) - but he'd insist on taking breaks cause looking at a screen for over 6 hours straight can't be h e a l t h y.
Ventus would gladly cuddle and snuggle with you - and he'd also love to sing along, but the poor dude doesn't really know any of the lyrics. Solution ? Just put on those good subtitles and there you go ! He'd love to sing Aladdin's A Whole New World with you or just any duet. You two would get so into it that your neighbours would propably have to knock on the walls a few times so you'll lower your volume.
If you ever mention your favorite (s) disney character(s), you can totally expect Ventus to show up one day unnanounced with a plushie of them, just for you. Consider this his way of saying thanks ! And also apologize for passing out so early - he'll make up for that inviting you to yet another movie night with him.
Roxas :
Another casual fan, but the complete opposite of Ventus. Roxas never got into 2D Disney as a kid and he's more into the 3D additions like Brave, Coco or Frankenweenie. He's also that type of controversial fan who actually enjoyed the liveaction remakes of the old classics.
But don't get him wrong, he's still a r u t h l e s s critic. Roxas gets bored pretty quickly with movies that have such obvious and bland plots and twists that he can see them coming from a mile away. I see him being more of a Pixar fan, just quoting Shrek in his usual deadpan voice on a daily basis. Roxas' brain in a 1000 heartless fight : "and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they-"
If you want to watch movies with him, prepare to discover Roxas' more sassy side - the guy just can't hold back all these funny remarks and jabs at Disney Fairy Tale Logic™. "Oh good for you Gaston, trying to send your crush's father to a psychiatric ward just so she can pay attention to you is SUCH a powermove. You should've dated Lefou instead -" "Do you think Ariel's daughter was born with a mermaid tail or legs? Imagine the monstrosity -".
In the end you two wouldn't even pay attention to the actual movies, since you'd be too busy mocking and impersonating every character and just rolling on the floor laughing your asses off. Your snapchat and instagram stories would be filled with videos of each other doing dumb stuff, calling out all the tiny mistakes as if you two were CinemaSins.
In the end, this Disney Marathon would just turn into a weekly movie night where you two just watch everything and anything. Sometimes it's fun and goofy, and sometimes you two actually get into the plot and discuss all the h i d d e n lore. Roxas would feel super special to have this little new tradition with you.
Xion :
Xion is the definition of a Disney Princess. She absolutely loves every princess movie and you bet your ass she screamed when all of them appeared in full 3D during Ralph breaks the Internet. Like she's a natural romantic and a dreamer at heart, so all the fairy tales just get to her, always tearing up during the climax of the movies.
Ironically, most of her favorite Disney movies aren't princess related : Aristocats, Peter Pan, Tangled and Brother Bear. Xion is that type of person who just points out all the similarities between her friends and the characters. Like Kenai and Kods's bond remind her of her and Roxas' friendship with Axel, Saix reminds her of Randall from Monsters Inc, Kairi is totally Lilo and Aqua is Nani - You get the idea !
Even if you suggested the idea of a Disney Marathon, Xion would just plan the best course of action and take the lead almost immediately. She's just so excited to be able to spend this night with you that she wants to make the most of it ! Snacks ? Check. Netflix and other sites to see movies ? Check. A shit ton of blankets and hot cocoa ? Check. The perfect partner ? Check.
Xion would do her best to not break out into fullblown singing - mostly out of respect for her roommates and neighbours, but you'll definitely hear her hum along and mutter the lyrics under her breath. And if the song is catchy enough, she'd love to pull you in for a dance !
At the end of the night, you two would be exhausted but content. Probably giving up on seeing all the movies, just listening to a disney playlist on Youtube while you two do stupid and silly Buzzfeed quizzes like "What Disney villain are you based on your aesthetics" and such. Xion has trouble sleeping, so you'll most likely end up falling asleep on her first. She'll stay awake till sunrise, taking a few sneaky selfies with you peacefully sleeping by her side.
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twinfanfics · 6 years
The tale of the three head beast: the marching fishes (11/21)
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, our extra large Digimon Game of thrones Au, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
The Queen Sora tries to live with the problems in the palace that the war had caused.  
The Crown had declared the veto. On the Capital of the Living Land it was forbidden the loud music, the festivals and the civil unions. The Light dedicated all its religious mass at the well being of the King, the pagans painted black signs over their doors and every child that dare to born on the time of the veto was named after the King or one of the heroes that hadn’t return to home yet.
On the middle of the angst of the city, was The Queen, inconsolable woman who soon could be an inconsolable widow, left behind without a heir.  Sora tried her best to pass all her anger for sadness. Taichi had left her to fight in a war that didn’t need him, just to pass his time on the company of some beauty that wasn’t she; and if he died by his stupid decision the royal family, The Light and the royalty of the Burning Mountains are going to argue all over if she had to conserve the throne or it is going to pass to Hikary Yagami, who hold the blood of The King. The right to be Mother Queen.
“Mother Queen” a soft voice called Sora.
To her surprise it was Hikary Yagami the only one who called that. The irony of the life she gues.
“Mother Queen” Hikary called again “The kids wish to sing a song on your honor”
She passed the morning listened at the children, surprised that they can sing when they barely eat. She could go at the orphans and the refugees and let the people get amused by her present, but no matter how many times Hilary explained the blesses of the crown, the Queen still felt that standing and clapping was quite useless.
At least the young girl has recovered the color of her face. Sora cannot stopped to remember the trembling of the girl who jumped of the balcony.
“Thank you, for all of this Mother Queen” the girl repeated with dearest “You truly doesn’t need to do me any favor”
“Don’t talk like that” the queen answered “you are part of my kingdom and the sister of my husband, we are family Hikary”
Takuya opened the door of the royal carriage and the princes and the Queen found them face to face of Takeru who was guarding the Queen.
Hikary left the carriage with hurry and run discreetly at her chambers. The prince was a statue looking at her missed steps and as soon as the Queen called for him he left, leaving Sora alone with Takuya.
“You had to apologize at the prince, your majesty, he is passing…”
But the Queen just walked by him and entered the castle. The day was young and she was unoccupied. She was bored of the drama of the children. Hikary Yagami had to be able to get the vows at the Light and Takeru must to married one of the many, many girls who would jointly passed the rest of her days with the handsome prince. But the life wasn’t that easy.
Walking by the palace, she heard voices on the war room.
“I assure you that your fears are senseless” it was the voice of the summon alchemist “the King is going to come back victorious”
“You cannot know that” it was the voice of her mother “we hadn’t  had notices from the expedition since they left, it is a war, he could be death”
“I trust that the true god of the Light would kept him safe”
“And I know that I am not the only one worried by the survived of The King”
“Or are you going to tell me that The Light has no words about the married of the sister of the King”
“The wellbeing of our sister Hikary is one of my biggest concerns and you had know by now that I had insisted with the King and Queen of the burning mountains to aloud their daughter to do the vows” Said the alchemist after an unusual pause. The heart of the Queen raised at the possibility of freedom for the poor girl.
“The married of the princess of the mountain and my nephew is a trick to snatch the throne from my daughter”
“I don’t really understand why you called me to this reunion, your highness”
“Because the cousin of the King is serving on the army of The Light and if the King doesn’t come back my daughter is going to need to marry him as soon as possible”
Before the Summon Alchemist answered Sora opened the door.
“Mother!” the Queen scream “what are you doing?”
“Darling, you come back early”
“What are you doing?”
“Some business with the summon alchemist, nothing that you had to care about”
“How you dare? how you dare to discuss my remarried when the King is still in the war and at my back”
“This is not are your back” the oldest woman said as she fans herself with boredom.
“Don’t you think that I had to be present to discuss my own marriage?”
But the mother didn’t answered.
“It is my duty as the royal adviser and your mother to look after you, darling”
“Majesty” Sora said “you had to call me Majesty, I am the Queen”
Toshiko stand up and left the room without hesitation.
Sora stayed, imagining a thousand of ways to stab her.
“If you allow me to said it” the summon alchemist talked “the King is going to came back with life”
“I don’t allow you to tell me nothing” the Queen said “You are not qualified to give me any advice”
The Queen turned the back at him and walked at the door.
“You must converted at the Light” the man said “you need better advices that the ones that your mother could give you, your majesty”
Sora closed the door behind her, letting the mysterious man alone.
Her mother want to married her again, her husband could be death or loving another person and the woman who was her biggest threat was the kindness and sadness  girl that Sora had never know.
The castle was in silent when the night arrived. Sora was tired of the stillness. The dresses weighed over her body,  the mute of her mother and her court were even heavier on her heart.
She undressed herself and take the black hood over the old dirty armor that she had stolen some years ago.  As so many nights before The Queen opened her widow and scaped  to came to the highest room of the highest tower of the castle. She closed the door and ignited the torches on the ceiling. Only the birds on their nest wake up.
Sora knew that this secret was also a lie. The Light was watching. The guard could see the light turning on in the tower. Takeru was skilled enough to noted her absent. Even then, she needed to do it this way. So everyone could lie to each other.
She had a sword, a bow, an axe and a spire. And a little room. And her anger, her energy to waste against imaginary enemies. The wedding dress was hanging close to the door, she could cut it the times that she wanted and sew it together the next morning. A pass of her sword and it was parted again, the heavy skirt fell to the ground as the breastplate was still haggin of the ceiling.
How much she hate that dress. She cursed the day of her wedding, when the Light come to overshadow her father's legacy. When Taichi made her promises that he cannot fulfill. When her mother sell her to best bidder.
She was sweaty, tired of moving the sword, to jump and exercise for a war that she cannot win. Why everyone could fight except she? If only she could left the King, punished him for his ridiculous coldness, if only she could kill Izzy Izumi.
She stopped at the thought. The summon alchemist, the head of the Light on the Capital, death by her hand. She could started a real fight against The Light. What a silly thought. A silly and stupid child hidden in a tower imagining killing the men that make her unhappy.
A noise on the stairs and the Queen turning to saw at the intruder.
“What are you doing here?”  Her mother asked with an annoyed tone.
“You know what I am doing here”
“You are embarrassing yourself and me”
“Yes, this is so about you”
“Well, if I it’s not me, why don’t you tell me what is wrong, darling?”
“What you think? The Kingdom, the war, the people on the street with hunger and cold, the Light hunting sinners, the name of my father dying and you doing nothing to help it.”
“I have done everything to help you.”
“You married me with a liar!” Sora yelled.
“I married a liar! All the Queens had married liars and murders and stupid, stupid men, Sora, that's what we had to do.” Toshiko scream too “I convinced a King to married me with tricks and low lies so my daughter could had dozens of kings fighting for married her, who cares about your dump husband Sora? he could had been the first of many, the only thing that you should had done was to be pregnant for when he had left you, but your little pride got in the way. God know why you are like this.“
“You think I’m don’t want to get pregnant?” the girl asked incredulous
“I think god doesn't want you to be pregnant, your to weak to raise children.”
“It’s all your work, mother”
The cold hand of her mother slapped her on the face.
Sora scream and cry as she raised the sword that she still hold on her right hand.
The sword stopped at an inch of her mother´s neck. The older woman doesn’t even blink, her cold eyes were over her wrecked daughter.
“You should be better than this” She whispered.
Sora dropped the sword and lost the least of her sanity. Her both hands pushed her mother away of her, the queen mother backed down to steps, her left foot get tangled with the skirt of the old wedding dress and the right one slipped on the worn floor. Sora saw the dark stairs behind her mother and raised her hand to pull her safe, but her fingers get an inch of her mother’s. Toshiko fell and Sora saw red blood over her wedding dress at the bottom of the stairs.
Suddenly, the silence of the night turned terrified.
“Mother” Sora called on a quiet voice. But there was no response. The bloody body kept inmovil on the bottom of the stairs.
I had to go and check her, I had to go and help her, maybe she just need help
Sora repeated the words on her head. But her legs were on the floor and her arms were trembling as her chest and her lips.
“Mother” she repeated.
The bird on the high nest over the ceiling fluttering its wings, trembling one of the torch.
Sora looked over the small creature and its small eyes. If only it would be her only witness.
The mortified girl stand up and extinguished all the torches on the ceiling, living the room on the darkness. She could left the place, pretend that she never left her chamber, fake surprise when someone found the death queen.
Since the dark of the night on the highest tower, Sora saw a light, a tiny candle shining on the window of the tower of the Light´s church. She could not saw with clarity who was the figure standing on the window holding the candle, but she can guess. The Queen light up a single candle on the window and for a moment, it felt as a conversation. The light on the other window extinguished. And Sora waited.
The Queen finally came down the steps until the corpse of her mother. Her neck was broken and the white wedding dress was impregnated with the blood. Sora kneel next to her and closed her eyes.
A calmed steps are getting closer. The Queen turned to face at the Summon alchemist who had come with two guards behind him. He had a candle on his right arm and she still had the old armor.
“I will turn into the Light” She said “And you are going to fix this”.
He agree with a small reverence and she saw a spark of light on the dark eyes of the alchemist.
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