#It's been a while since I boot that game up lol
supermacaquecool · 9 months
Starting to wonder if I'll ever finish HK
0 notes
starsinthesky5 · 17 days
nothing's gonna hurt you baby || joe burrow x reader
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description: the first game of the season doesn't go as planned and it kills you to see joe like this. you can't help but feel deja vu...
a/n: ahem, is this thing on 🎤🎤.  i'm backkkkk… after a much-needed tiny break (not planned just life getting in the way). this is a little something i cooked up! still working on "taste" which is a slow work in progress but that's the main next fic that'll be coming soon!
as always, thanks for reading & showing love :)))) i hope this wasn’t too much yapping and nonsense lol. the smut isnt my best because i wrote it while i was half asleep but i hope you enjoy it. there’s also plenty of song references throughout the fic (biggest one and the inspiration being this CAS song)
warnings: angst, fluff, smut. that's literally the whole fic :)
word count: 12.2 k
You leaned back against the wall across from the entrance to the locker rooms, anxiously picking at a thumbnail on your finger as you waited for your boyfriend to come out so you two could go home. You were standing in your orange halter crop top with a little '9' embroidered on the bottom left side and matching white jean shorts with the same '9' embroidered in orange on the back right pocket. The '9' on your shorts was a little bigger than the one on your top which Joe loved because according to him ‘everyone knows who your ass belongs to’. His adorable possessive nature was always something you admired and appreciated. He was very secure in your relationship and knew nobody would take you from him, but that didn't stop him from ensuring everyone knew you were his at any chance he got. 
You were also wearing orange stiletto knee-high boots which adds to the overall orange vibe of your game-day outfit. The theme was 'open in orange' so you were wearing as much orange as you could possibly make look cute. Your '9' necklace was the only piece of jewelry you had around your neck, and your wrists were decked out with bracelets given to you by Joe–each one even more polished and expensive than the previous one, and various rings on your fingers. Your favorite one, the beautiful promise ring Joe gave you for your 2nd anniversary, shined brighter than any of the jewelry you had on. It was a ‘secret garden’ inspired ring, one of your favorite books of all time, and also the reason you and Joe met back in college. 
There was a growing pit in your stomach as you stood there gazing at the large ‘B’ on the wall outside the locker room, a slow-burning sensation that started about two minutes into the game, and it was only getting bigger as the minutes passed by. By the end of the game, you were the most on edge you had ever been in your entire life. 
Since this was Joe's first real game back after his wrist injury, your anxiety was already pretty bad by the time you got to the stadium. Your brain was swarmed with 'what-if?' scenarios and it was eating you alive. Joe, however, seemed the exact opposite of you. He was completely calm, normal, and focused like this was any other game. His peaceful temperament wasn't surprising since he had always been like this before every game but it also should've been expected since he worked through most of his emotions with you the night before and didn’t have anything left to get out. You on the other hand did a complete 360; you were so calm with him last night but right now you were on the verge of ripping your eyelashes out. 
Flashback to the night before
You reached over to grab your glass of water, taking a big sip to help wash down the spicy chicken you were eating for dinner. You looked up at Joe as you were swallowing your water, noting how he was playing around with his food on his unusually full plate. You had been eating for almost 15 minutes and by now, his plate should be empty given how much of an animal he was once dinner rolled around. 
“Not hungry?” you broke the unusual silence and asked. 
Joe's eyes glanced up to meet yours, his cheeks burning because you took note of his behavior, which you weren't supposed to. “Uhh, not really,”  he sighed as he placed his fork down and leaned back in his chair, his sweaty hands sliding up and down his thighs out of nervousness. 
“You do know you have a game tomorrow, right?” you chuckled as you placed your fork down and leaned back in your chair like he was. “You need all the protein you can get,”.
“...Y- yeah, I know,” Joe mumbled after a few seconds of uneasy silence. 
You instantly noticed the change in his body language at the mention of the game; the way his eyes fell down to his lap after his mumbling response, the way he started bouncing his left leg, his shoulders tensing up a little bit, the way he was constantly doing something with his hands as if he was uncomfortable, the way he was chewing at his bottom lip. These were all things Joe did when he was feeling anxious. 
But why was he anxious?
“Hey, you okay?” you asked while leaning forward again, his body language making you worry.
“Yeah, I'm fine,” he swallowed, still not meeting your eyes. He knew all it took was for you to get one look at his eyes to figure out he was lying and he really didn't want to burden you with his complicated emotions tonight. 
“He’s lying,” you thought to yourself. The fact that he was avoiding eye contact with you was a dead giveaway. “Joe?” you said while lowering your head to get into his view. 
“Yeah?” he said, his voice slightly trembling as he finally looked into your eyes. 
“Why are you lying to me?” you said as your face dropped at the sight of his tired eyes and shaky voice. 
“I’m not ly-,” he began to say before you interrupted him.
“Yeah, you are,” you interrupted. “I know you, remember. I know you better than you know yourself,” you softly laughed. 
You weren’t wrong there, you did know Joe better than he knew himself and he was the first one to admit it. You knew exactly what he was thinking, exactly how to put his feelings into words even when he couldn’t do so himself, and exactly how to handle him. There was a reason why you were the only person he let into the bubble that he had around himself once football started back up. You were his shelter in the hurricane that became his life once he was back on the field and without you, Joe would be a mess. 
Your response earned no reaction from Joe, he just sat there in silence and continued to bounce his leg up and down as he started to play with the wristbands on his wrist, yet another anxiety-related mannerism. 
You let out a tired breath, “I’m not doing this, I can’t have him shut me out again,” you thought to yourself before scooting your chair back, walking around the dining table, and sitting down on the seat next to him. You turned your chair to face him and grabbed his hands, feeling the thin layer of sweat that coated his palms which made your heart hurt. 
“Joe, it’s just us right now. Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, talk to me,” you said while giving his hands a soft squeeze. You were feeling deja vu right now, you found yourself in the same situation you found yourself in many times over the early months of the off-season, only then it was 10 times worse than it was right now. 
Joe looked into your eyes, his body feeling heavy as self-doubt, anxiety, and fear crept into his mind. He was nervous about tomorrow’s game. Joe had never been nervous about a game like this and you were sitting in front of him, trying to get him to talk which you shouldn’t need to ‘try’ to do, he should be openly talking to you right now about his feelings. He always let you into the bubble, so why was it so hard for him to do it right now?
He realized that he was shutting down again, just like he had when he first got injured back in November. He didn’t want to go back to that dark place again, especially since coming out of it was a struggle that affected you both very badly. “I’m scared,” he choked out a few seconds later, trying his best to push through the wall he was unknowingly building again.
“Why?” you quietly asked as you felt your heart shatter because of the tone of his voice. You hated seeing him like this, it broke your heart to see him like this. You moved your hand up to cup his neck, the pads of your fingers were softly rubbing his tan skin which was a gentle action that you knew would calm him down. 
“It’s my first game back from injury. An injury that could’ve easily ended my career. It should’ve ended my career,” he said while lifting his hand to wipe a stray tear from his eye.
“But it didn’t,” you smiled. “It didn’t end your career then and it won’t end your career now,”.
“How do you know that? I haven’t played in a real game since November. I haven’t gotten hit yet, I haven’t gotten sacked yet, and I haven’t been putting that much pressure on my hand. Tomorrow could easily be the last game of my career. Just one wrong move and-,”.
“No.” you interrupted. “You’re not doing that. Not on my watch,” you sternly said, trying to prevent him from getting too far inside his head about everything. Overthinking was his worst enemy.
“I’m being realistic, Y/N. Who knows if I’ll be the same Joe I was before,” he said while blinking away a few tears. 
“You don’t need to be the same Joe you were before,” you soothed while continuing to rub his neck. “What you went through was unlike anything anyone has seen before, if people are expecting you to get right back to where you left off then they have no heart or brains. You’ll get to where you need to be, I promise. Things like this take time,” you added. “The Joe you are now is more than enough. You have grown in many ways that you might not have been able to unless you went through what you went through after November. You’ve worked on yourself and become more open, honest, and loose. You’ve put in the work on the field, in the weight room, in training, and even at home. You’re coming out of this a better person and a better player. A better Joe,”. 
“I just don’t want to let anyone down. What if we lose tomorrow? With the slow start narrative getting louder and the aftermath of my wrist injury, this could be really fucked. This year is so important and I just don’t want to let anyone down; the organization, the team, the public, you,” he continued, his grip on your other hand becoming tighter. “I know I have a chip on my shoulder and have a lot to prove this year, but the thought of people not seeing that is killing me,”.
“You won’t let anyone down, Joe. And you could never ever fucking let me down, never say that again,” you said as you continued to rub his neck, seeing that he was getting more loose from your touch. “You’ve worked so so hard the past 10 months to get back to where you want to be and everyone and I mean everyone has seen that. I’ve seen that. Adversity always makes you better, it ignites that fire inside of you. That fire makes you who you are,” you said to him, feeling a little more comfortable yourself after seeing his body relax a bit. “Remember who you are. You’re Joe Burrow. Heisman winner, College Football National Champion, the first overall draft pick, one of the Top 5 quarterbacks in the league, one of the highest-paid quarterbacks, Ohio’s golden boy. You’re all of those things for a reason, Joe. You have it in you. You don’t need to be afraid or doubt yourself because you did all of those things, nobody else, just you,”. 
You moved your hand over and wiped the tears that slowly were sliding down his cheeks before feeling Joe grab your hand and press a wet kiss to your palm. “I love you,” he sniffled. “I genuinely don’t know what I would do without you,”.
“I love you too,” you smiled before you leaned up to kiss his forehead. “Tomorrow is unpredictable, I will admit. But you control the narrative. You control what happens and what doesn’t happen out there. It’s just you and the football like it always has been. I know you and I know you’re going to kill it,”. 
Joe gave you a small nod as he let your words sit inside of his head; you were right and he knew you were right. He did all of this himself, he single-handedly built his reputation and although there was an immense amount of pressure on him to maintain it, he knew that it was his reputation. He had control over his story, not anyone else. He didn’t need to work at anyone else’s speed except for his own. He knows the narrative that the media has been running with since November, that his career has been hindered by continuous injuries and he’s ’injury prone’. He knows what that title has done to the public's opinion on his career and rank as a player, but they don’t get to define him based on what they think. He is defined by everything he does himself. 
It’s not their story, it’s his. 
He reached out and placed his hand on your waist, gently pulling you from your chair and into his lap. You instantly looped your arms around his neck and pushed his head to the crook of your neck, this warm hug from you was the final thing he needed to fully calm his nerves. “You always know what to say to me,” he mumbled against your collarbone as you ran your fingers through his slightly grown-out frosted tips, his hands softly massaging your plush skin. 
“It’s my job,” you chuckled. “I signed up for this when I met you in English class all those years ago and I plan on staying true to what I signed up for as long as I can,” you added before you dropped a kiss on his cheek, your mind calming down once you felt him relax against you.
“You better plan on it. I’m not letting you go anywhere,” he said as he pulled you in tighter. 
“Well it’s a good thing I don’t want to go anywhere,” you giggled in his ear before pressing a kiss to it, then turning back to serious to finish off your little pep-talk. “I’m so proud of you, Joe. More than you’ll ever know. You’re truly the hardest working man I’ve ever met and you continue to amaze me with your dedication and determination every single day. Never think that you’re not good enough and you’re not who everyone thinks you are. You’re Joe Fucking Burrow. Never forget that,”. 
“I won’t,” he sighed contently, finally at peace. “I won’t forget,” he said again before he pulled you closer and closed his eyes, getting lost in your palliative embrace. 
End of flashback 
You were so calm last night and now you were the complete opposite; you couldn’t figure out where and when things went south with your emotions. During the game, your brain was running a mile a minute as you thought of everything that could go wrong: Joe re-aggravating his injury, someone else on the team getting badly injured, and the team not being able to beat the slow start narrative. You were anxious, nervous, and deeply scared once the first quarter of the game started, and your feelings were validated when two minutes into the game Joe got sacked and fumbled the ball. 
You remember your heart stopping once you saw him go down as this was the first time he had been hit since November. 
“No!” you screamed as you shot up from your seat, your hand gripping the necklace around your neck as you looked down on the field and saw a bunch of large behemoths on top of him. “No, No, No,” you panicked as your breaths got shorter, your anxiety getting worse and worse as you saw flashbacks from the Ravens game in November. “Please be okay,” you thought to yourself as you were on the verge of tears. 
Then you remember your heart dropping to your feet once you saw the ball come loose and even though he recovered it, this whole play left a bitter taste in your mouth since it was literally the first few minutes of the game and things were already not going as planned. Luckily, his going down didn’t seem to affect his wrist, but you could only imagine how it affected him mentally. 
You thought that would’ve been the only sack of the game, but once again you were wrong. Each time Joe went down, you felt your heart stop. Each time he ran, your heart stopped again as you got flashbacks from early last year with his calf injury. Each time the camera panned to the sidelines and focused in on him, you felt like crying because you could tell the way the game was going was eating away at him by his facial expressions. 
Every sack, every fumble, every drive that ended without scoring, and every turnover was killing you because the things Joe feared were happening even though you told him they wouldn’t. Seeing him flex his wrist on the sidelines and in between plays was the one thing that really did it for you. You didn’t know if this was just to keep his hand loose because he was feeling some tightness or whether this was because something was actually bothering him, your brain was in panic mode for the rest of the game. 
“I hope he’s okay, that was ugly,” you thought to yourself before you jumped at the sound of the locker room door swinging open and snapping you out of your daze. 
You watched as Joe walked out of the locker room, his eyes exhausted and defeated as he gave you a small ‘reassuring’ smile, however, it wasn’t very reassuring because his eyes gave his true feelings away in an instant. 
You returned his smile with a smile of your own, opening your mouth to ask him if he was okay but before you could he leaned forward and dropped a kiss on your lips. He held it for a few moments as he melted into your touch which was the only relieving feeling he had felt all day before pulling away, entwining your pinkies, and leading you out to the car. 
“That’s not good, he’s never this quiet when I come to meet him after the game,” you thought to yourself. If you didn’t say something first, he almost always did, but he wasn’t saying anything which was concerning. You stayed quiet as he led you out to the garage, your eyes not leaving his weary face for one second. You could tell he wasn’t okay, you could tell he was beating himself up over today’s loss.  
A few moments later, he led you over to the passenger’s side of the car, an unusual move since you always drove the both of you home after a game. “I thought I was driving,” you gently said as you looked up at him. 
“I got it,” he said with no emotion in his voice, dropping your pinky and looking into your eyes with his now cold and emotionless ones. 
“But Joe I-,” you began to say but before you could finish your sentence he turned around and walked to the other side of the car. 
“He definitely heard me,” you thought to yourself as you watched him open the backseat door and roughly throw his bag in, then slammed the door shut with a little more force than usual which startled you. 
You let out a deep breath before opening your door and sliding into the passenger seat, your body stiff and frozen because of the way he was acting. You were scared to say something, scared to do something because you didn’t know what reaction you’d get from him, “He’s not doing this again, right?” you worried. 
10 minutes into the drive home, you started getting agitated. He had yet to say anything to you, not even asking you if you were cold and if he should turn down the AC which he always asked you whenever you were in the car since he knew you got cold easily. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were practically turning white and his eyes were so locked in on the road in front of you that he hadn’t even noticed that you started shivering a little bit. 
“Are you okay?” you finally broke the tension and asked, your bottom lip in between your teeth out of nervousness. Joe rarely ever raised his voice at you or got irritated by you saying something to him, but that didn’t stop you from getting nervous around him whenever he was acting like this. 
You saw his jaw clench for a brief moment, your heart skipping a beat as you braced yourself for a potentially explosive reaction, but then you saw him unclench it. “I’m fine,” he said, once again with no emotion in his voice. 
You gave him a small nod and then a few seconds later asked another question since he wasn’t budging, “How’s your wrist?”.
He let out a sigh, one that you could hear from his nose so it was definitely coming from a tired place, “It’s fine,” he said again, not giving you much to work with. 
“He’s not fine, lying yet again. Maybe I could make him laugh? I need to do something to get him to loosen up” you thought to yourself, your brain scrambling to think of something to make him laugh even if it was for a brief moment. 
“At least you guys scored a touchdown this time,” you smiled a few seconds later. “Even though you didn’t win the game, I’d say it was better than week 1 last year against the browns,”. 
You studied his face carefully after you finished your sentence, searching for any tiny muscle movement that resulted in his lips curling up into a smile, but nothing. “Yeah,” he nodded, once again with no emotion. He then reached over to the center console, turning the knob for the volume up so that the once softly playing music was blasting throughout the car. 
You felt your lip quiver and your eyes started to pool with tears as you continued to look at him, praying that he would look at you for even one brief moment, but he didn’t. “He’s doing it again,” you thought to yourself as you fell back into your seat. “He’s fucking doing it again. Just like he did after he got injured. He’s shutting me out,” you thought as you felt a tear slide down your cheek, your head turning away so that you were looking out the window so if Joe did happen to look over at you, he wouldn’t notice your silent tears. 
Joe did look over at you. He was waiting for you to stop looking at him because he couldn’t look into your eyes right now, not when his brain was all over the place and he could regret the things that potentially came out of his mouth. He looked over at you when he saw you turn your head to the window from the corner of his eyes, his eyes softening when he saw your body shaking. You were cold. He always asks you if you’re cold, and this time he didn’t. 
“I fuck everything up,” he muttered under his breath as he reached over to turn the AC down. 
30 minutes later
After a car ride filled with deafening silence, you made it back home a half hour later and were pouring two glasses of water for you and Joe. He was sitting at the kitchen island behind you scrolling on his phone, still quiet as ever. You grabbed his glass and placed it in front of him, getting a peek at what he was looking at on his phone. 
Media reactions. 
Joe never looked at what the internet was saying about a game after it happened, it was one of his ‘blocking outside noise’ methods, so why was he looking at them? 
“You really shouldn’t be looking at all that bullshit,” you said to him as you took a small sip of your water, the cool liquid feeling like a quiet unraveling of tightness within your body.
Joe was so focused on his phone that he didn’t notice that you were talking to him, the only things that he could hear were the voices of reporters talking about the team’s constant slow starts, his poor performance–saying that he played scared, rusty, and didn’t look like himself and that this team is constantly setting itself up for failure. 
A video came up on his phone, an analyst was talking about his performance in today’s game, “We have to talk about Joe Burrow. He said he was ready, he said he felt great, and he said that this team was ready. But did that Cincinnati Bengals team that played against the Patriots today look ready? Absolutely not. Did the Joe Burrow who stepped out onto that field look ready? Absolutely Not. He looked scared, he didn’t look like himself. The lack of Deep Balls, the lack of throwing down the field. That’s not the Joe Burrow we’ve seen in years past. What’s truly going on in Cincinnati? Is there a deeper issue within that we aren’t seeing?”. 
“They see right through me,” Joe thought to himself, feeling his eyes sting from the hot tears that were threatening to come out. He felt like the room was on fire, and there was invisible smoke. Nobody could really see what he was going through, all they saw was the burning room. 
You felt your heart drop as you heard the reporter talk about Joe’s performance in today’s game, knowing that Joe was probably already criticizing himself and this was going to make it worse. “Joe?” you said a little louder, snapping him out of the dark haze he was stuck in.
“Hm?” he hummed as he looked up at you, noticing your pursed lips and worried eyes. 
“Are you okay?” you asked again, feeling uneasy from the look he had on his face.
“...I said I’m fine,” he replied, his voice a little rougher than earlier. 
You shook your head, “I know you’re not fine. Stop lying to me,” you said with a more rigid tone. 
“I’m not lying to you. I said I’m fine. I don’t think it could be more simpler than that,” he rolled his eyes as he picked up his glass of water, taking a big sip. 
“If you are really ‘fine’,” you say, making air quotes around ‘fine’, “Why are you looking at all that bullshit? You never look at any of that because you say it messes with your head,” you say.
“Because I can?” he scoffs, standing up from the barstool and walking around the island to place his water glass in the sink. 
You take a deep breath, trying not to point out his snappy attitude because you know he isn’t in the right headspace right now. “Joe, seriously. I know you’re not fine but it’s just me. You can talk to me,” you gently say as you walk over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder but he quickly turns around and walks back over to where he was sitting to grab his phone which made your hand drop from his shoulder. 
“I know you had a shitty game, I know you’re in your head about it, I get it. Trust me I do, but just let me-,” you begin to say as you walk over to him before he interrupts you. 
“Do you though?” he asks. “Do you really get it? Sweet talking and hugs don’t magically make everything better, Y/N,” he says, his voice a little louder. 
“Ouch.” you thought to yourself. “No. Remember, he’s not in the right headspace, Y/N. He’s not trying to be hurtful,”. 
“I’m not saying that,” you say to him. “I know that doesn’t make everything better but talking to someone about your feelings does. You know that. You spent weeks working on that, remember?” referring to the therapy sessions he had this past off-season to work through the emotional and mental effects of his injury and just overall mental health. 
“I know, but I said I’m fine. I don’t need to talk about anything, especially with you,” he said, his words feeling like a punch to your gut. 
“Okay, what the fuck?” you thought to yourself. “What do you mean ‘especially’ with me?” you asked, your tone switching from gentle to slightly angry. 
Joe stays quiet for a few seconds, his gaze fixed on the concerned look on your face. He knew what he was saying to you was most likely hurting you and you were coming from a place of worry, but he couldn’t control the things that were leaving his mouth right now. “I’m not doing this with you right now,” he shook his head and turned around, walking over to the stairs.
“Doing what?” you said loudly, following him over to the stairs. “I’m just trying to get you to talk to me but you’re making this a bigger deal than it needs to be,”.
“How am I making this a bigger deal?” he grumbles, turning around to look at you. “You’re the one that won’t leave me alone. I’ve said that I’m fine to you like 5 times now,”.
“You’re making this a bigger deal because you’re shutting me out, again,” you say, feeling your cheeks burn with anger, frustration, and sadness. You and Joe hardly fought, and whenever you did, it broke both of you. You felt like absolute shit right now and you couldn’t even imagine how Joe was feeling. 
“No, I’m not. You’re being unbelievable right now,” he rolled his eyes again and started walking up the stairs with you hot on his tail. 
“No, I’m not,” you say, echoing his words. “You are shutting me out just like you did after your wrist injury. What happened to letting me in your bubble? Because right now it feels like I’m being pushed 100 feet from your bubble for no reason,” you said, your voice a little shaky as you tried to hold back your building tears. 
“I’m not shutting you out, Y/N,” he said loudly, his voice even more rougher. “Just because I don’t want to talk to you about how shitty I did today doesn’t mean I’m shutting you out. I just don’t want or feel the need to talk to you about it,”.
“See, you aren’t okay. I knew you weren’t okay. You know you played like shit so you’re clearly not fine,” you huffed as you made it to the top of the stairs.
“Is that all you wanted to hear? That I played like shit? Okay, yeah, I played like absolute shit. You win. Now will you leave me alone?” he said, trying to hold back from shouting at you even though he was dancing on the line that separated shouting from talking loudly. 
“That’s not what I want to hear, Joe. You know that,” you said, your voice cracking once you felt a hot tear slide down your cheek. “I just want you to talk to me about your feelings, especially after our conversation last night. I don’t want you to go through all that again because I know how hard you tried to move past this mentally. You shut me out before and dealt with all of this on your own, and I saw how badly it affected you. I don’t want you to do that again. I can’t see you like that again,” you cried, your body shaking as all of your built-up emotions from the entire day were coming out. 
You wiped your eyes as you followed him down the hallway, both of you walking past your bedroom and heading toward his office. You made it to the door and watched him open it and step inside. You were going to follow him in, but he turned around on the doorstep which blocked you from going inside. “No,” he shook his head.
“But..Joe I-,” you cried harder.
“No. Just please go away,” he said, his jaw clenching again like it was earlier, but this time it stayed clenched. “I can’t deal with you right now,” he said, his words feeling like a stab to your heart now. 
There was nothing behind those eyes now. He had built up that wall again, that wall you tried so hard to prevent from being built because you knew you’d never be able to get over it. The same wall that he had built back in November after his injury. He did it again. After working so hard to be more open and honest about his feelings, thoughts, and emotions, he went straight back to square 1. 
“Joe, please,” you pleaded. “Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, if you just talk to me,” you cried more forcefully.
Joe stared at you for a few heartbeats, his heart-shattering at the sight of the state he had brought you to. It was all his fault. Everything was his fault; the game and now this argument. Deep down, he knew you were right, but he just couldn’t see it because the wall he had built was too high. 
He was about to open his mouth to say something, trying to listen to you and talk to you about how he was feeling, but he backed down once he saw you start to shake. He saw your distressed face, your red eyes, your trembling lip, your shaking body, and your rapid breathing. He knew this was all his fault. If he unloaded all of his incredibly heavy, intense, and dreadful feelings on you right now, that would be so incredibly selfish of him. 
Joe backed up in the doorway which made you think he was letting you come inside, but just as you were about to come in, he shut the door on your face. 
You stare at the closed door for a few seconds, not processing what just happened. He really wasn’t letting you in. After all that, after everything he went through? After everything you both went through these past 10 months?
“Do you know how scared I was the entire game? Do you know how every time you went down my heart stopped? Do you know that I spent 5 minutes crying in the bathroom during halftime because I saw the look on your face?” you shouted at the door, your sobs getting louder. “I know this is hard for you but I’m here, Joe. I’m always h- here,” you choke out. 
“Just leave me the fuck alone!” Joe shouted through the door, tears sliding down his cheeks as he squeezed his eyes shut because he instantly regretted saying that to you especially with that harshness in his voice that he knew would hurt you. 
You backed up from the door once you heard him shout at you, he never shouted at you, not even when you had arguments worse than this. You looked around the hallway, trying to collect your thoughts but there were none left to collect. You said everything that you could’ve possibly said to get through to him, what more was there left to say?
He wanted you to leave him alone, so you were going to do just that. 
“Okay, I’ll leave you alone,” you whispered to yourself, turning around and walking to your shared bedroom, your sobs echoing throughout the house as you disappeared inside your room. 
On the other side of the office door, Joe was sitting in his office chair, hot tears sliding down his cheeks as he was drowning with regret. He lamented saying those things to you, he doesn’t know what came over him. What was wrong with him? 
“Why did I do that to her? Why the fuck did I do that to…her?” he sniffled. He knows his anxiety and fears are controlling him right now, but there was absolutely no reason for him to take it out on the one person who always is there for him no matter what.  
“I fuck everything up,” he cried as he looked at a photo of the two of you sitting on his desk, a photo his mom took after he got his wrist surgery. 
Flashback to November 27th
“Babe, can we go skydiving?” Joe laughed as he rolled his head against the pillow to look at you. He had just woken up from surgery so he was feeling the effects of the anesthesia, and boy were they funny. The things that were coming out of his mouth were nothing but lighthearted, pure fun. It was good to see him laugh and smile especially since how melancholic his attitude had been since he got injured. 
“Absolutely not,” you said while giving him a serious look. “You are not jumping out of a plane as long as I am on this earth,”. 
“But why not? They have parachutes,” he pouted. “I think it would be sooooo fun,”.
“This is the same man who hates flying. Can you believe it?” Robin laughed as she finished typing up a text to send to family members to let them know the surgery went really well. 
“I know right?” you laughed with her. 
“How long did they say I can’t do stuff with my hand for?” Joe asked you with his adorable wide-eyed stare. 
“I think they said to have it in a sling for at least a month right now until your first follow-up,” you said as you brushed his hair out of his eyes.
“A month?” Joe dramatically gasped, his jaw dropping to the floor.
“Yeah,” you laughed. “Sorry baby, you’re not Deadpool and can’t heal within 5 seconds,” you smiled. 
“Wait, does that mean we can’t have sex for a month?” he gasped again.
“Joe!” you shrieked, your cheeks turning red because his mom was right in front of you both.
“Ah, wait. Loophole, duhh. You can just be on top which I know you love,” he winked while using his finger to point at you for emphasis. 
“Oh my god,” you whined as you hid your face in your sweatshirt sleeves, hearing Joe’s mom break out into a fit of laughter. 
“Hey, don’t hide your pretty face from me,” Joe pouted as he used his good hand to lower your hands that were covering your face. “Ahh, there she is. My beautiful, adorable, sexy-as-hell, fiance,” he said after you uncovered your face.
“Fiance?” you raised an eyebrow and asked. “Is this your way of proposing?” you giggled. 
“No. When I actually do, it’ll be way more grander, sexier, and special than this,” he winked. “Like I’m talking maybe on the top of the Empire State Building, maybe in the middle of the football stadium, maybe at the top of the Eiffel Tower, maybe even while we go skydiving type special proposal. But I know I’m marrying you and I like the word fiance better than girlfriend,” he laughed. 
“You’re insane,” you laughed as you dropped your head to his chest, feeling him cup your head with his good hand and drop a kiss on your head. 
“I love you like a lot,” he giggled. “Like a lot a lot,” he giggled again.
“Ohh, I know,” you cheesed. 
“You definitely don’t. I love you more than words can describe,” he smiled, you craned your head up to look into his sweet eyes before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. “I love you too, Burrow,”. 
After you pulled away you were about to get up from his hospital bed but his mom spoke up, “Wait, stay like that. I’m going to get a picture,” she smiled.  
“Yesss,” Joe nodded. “I loveeeee pictures, especially with my fiance,”. 
“You are really something,” you giggled as you sat up straight.
You moved your hair back and helped Joe scooch up in the bed before turning your head and pressing a kiss to his cheek, placing your hand under his chin as he had a giant grin on his face. His good hand was wrapped around your waist and was holding you as close as possible to his body. 
You two were so happy. For once this past month, you were laughing, you both were smiling. 
“Are you going to be my protector for the next few months?” Joe giggled. “Not let anything bad happen to me and my wrist?”.
“Oh, 100%. I am your nurse, personal bodyguard, and protector. Nobody is hurting my man on my watch,” you grinned again as you smothered his cheeks with kisses. 
You both knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but as long as you were by each other’s side, nothing was going to hurt you. 
End of flashback 
“Nothing’s going to hurt me as long as she’s with me. I can’t keep pushing her away,” Joe whispered to himself as he snapped out of the sweet memory and wiped his tears. 
2 hours later
It had been two hours since your fight with Joe so it had been two hours since you had last seen him. After going into your bedroom earlier, you spent about 10 minutes crying in the bathroom as you tried to change into some comfier clothes. You felt awful about the whole thing. The way you lost your cool a few times, the way he was talking to you, just everything–it was horrible. 
You were currently sitting on the couch, sipping on some water and scrolling through some photos on your phone of the two of you. You let out a small laugh when you came across a silly photo of the two of you at a Hurricane Party you dragged him to at LSU. You remembered he was fully against the idea of going to a party during a hurricane, saying it was ‘batshit crazy’ and a ‘death wish’ but you managed to drag him along with you because you didn’t want him to sit inside and stress about the storm. In the photo, you two were standing on the deck of your friend’s house, the wind blowing so hard against you that Joe’s hat was flying away, and you with the hat you were trying to catch. His hand was tightly gripping onto yours and there were silly, drunk, lovesick smiles on both your faces as you were being soaked from the rain.  
“We’re insane,” you sniffled, realizing how batshit crazy it really was to party during a hurricane. 
As you were looking at other photos, you heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. You looked over at the bottom of the staircase, seeing Joe coming down in comfy clothes and wet hair which meant he showered and came out of his office at some point. 
“At least he wasn’t in there for the entirety of these two hours looking at stuff from the game,” you thought to yourself. 
Joe met your eyes as he walked into the room, seeing how red and puffy they were which was yet another thing that made him feel like absolute shit. He turned his head away at the same time you turned yours and walked into the kitchen, pulling out a glass from the cabinet. 
He started pouring you a glass of water, adding a few ice cubes because he knew you loved to chew on ice after you cried. At first, he didn’t understand the correlation, but then you explained to him that the ice has this cooling effect that can reduce heat and swelling around the face that happens after crying for a while. 
He grabbed the glass from the counter and slowly walked over to the couch, standing in front of you and holding the glass out. “Here,” he softly said, his voice just as heavy as yours which told you that he was crying too.
You slowly looked up at him, noticing that his eyes were also red and puffy. He definitely was crying too. 
“Thanks,” you quietly say as you take the glass from him, taking a big sip and letting the ice cube float into your mouth. 
“At least he remembered the ice,” you thought to yourself, appreciating the fact that he added them. 
You start to chew on the ice as you see Joe plop down on the couch next to you, your body freezing up because you remember everything he said to you earlier. You knew he was coming from a place of anger and guilt, but it still hurt. Joe noticed you tense up next to him, because of him, and that felt like a knife to his heart.
You both stayed quiet, staring at the random re-run of an episode of Friends that was playing on TV, but your minds weren’t focused on what was happening in the show. They were focused on each other. 
Joe felt his bottom lip start to quiver as his eyes once again pooled with tears, all of his emotions were coming out again. He fucked things up with you so bad tonight that he didn’t even know how to fix it. He hurt you. You were just trying to help him for his own good and he shut down on you. He shut you out. The one and only person that he let into his bubble. The one person he needed in his bubble. 
His brain was already crowded with anxiety and fear regarding football, but this was the worst thing out of everything. He didn’t want to go back to that dark place again, he didn’t want to deal with this on his own.
You heard soft sniffles come from beside you so you looked over, your heart shattering again as you saw Joe on the verge of tears, his eyes so red and his lip trembling like he was trying to hold it together. 
He didn’t need to hold it together, not around you. You knew that. You needed to make sure he knew that. “Come here,” you whispered to him as you put your arm around his shoulder and pulled him into your chest.
Joe immediately snaked his arm around your waist and rested his cheek against your chest, letting his tears fall from his eyes onto your pink tank top. You wriggled your hand into his frosted tip hair, scratching his scalp and pressing kisses to his head as he cried harder into your chest. 
You hated seeing him cry, but you knew he was feeling a lot right now and he needed to get his feelings out and this was the best way for him to do it. “It’s okay,” you soothed as you rubbed his back. “I’m here,”.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m s- so fucking sorry,” he cried harder. “I didn’t mean to yell at you, I didn’t mean to say all of that horrible shit to you. You don’t deserve any of that, you were just trying to help,”.  
“I know, baby, I know,” you said, blinking away a few of your own tears. “It’s okay,”,
“No, it’s not okay,” he said. “This is all so fucked up. I fucked everything up,” he sobbed. 
“No, you didn’t,” you said to him as you continued to rub his back. “You didn’t fuck anything up, Joe. Everything’s fine,”.  
“I did. I fucked up in the game and then I fucked up things with you. Nothing’s fine,” he sniffled. 
“Listen, Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby. As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine,” you said to him before pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Like I said earlier, I’m right here. Just talk to me,”.
“...You’re right,” he sniffled, breaking through the mental wall he had built. “You belong in my bubble, I can’t keep you out of it,”.
“So don’t,” you said, pulling him in tighter. 
“I’m scared,” he breathed out a few seconds later. “I feel guilty about everything. This game was supposed to be different. I was supposed to be different. I feel like all of this was my fault because I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was. This was my first game back and I played like absolute shit out there,”.
“Oh, Joe,” you said as your face dropped as well as your heart. 
“I disappointed everyone. Most importantly, I disappointed you. Even after everything you told me last night, I couldn’t do it. Everything that could’ve gone wrong went wrong and I didn’t do anything to fix it,” he said as a few more tears fell from his eyes.
“You didn’t disappoint anyone, Joe. Nobody expected you to go out there and play like you had a completely normal year. You went through so much with this injury, obviously things weren’t going to go back to normal in one game,” you gently said. “And you could never disappoint me. I told you, I know you. The public doesn’t know you like I do so they’re going to run with whatever bullshit they want as an explanation for why the game went the way it did. I know why things went the way they did, I’m not disappointed in you at all. I’m proud of you for going out there and doing what you did today,” you said as you pressed another kiss on his forehead and moved your hand back up to his soft hair. 
“I just feel like I had the shinest wheels, you know? There was so much hype and fire around me when I first got drafted, but ever since then, I’ve just disappointed everyone. It feels like the wheels are rusting. I know what everyone’s been saying, and I get it. I would say the same thing if I was in their shoes. It’s been 5 years of nothing but injuries, slow starts, and coming up short. I feel like I’m falling behind everyone, everyone keeps getting better and I feel stuck. Right now, all of my cages are mental and that’s why I’m scared. If I keep doing this, I’m wasting my potential. I’m stuck as the ‘injury prone’ and ‘wasted potential’ quarterback,” he said, the vulnerability in his voice comforting you because it meant he was letting you in.
“I haven’t done what I promised to do when I got drafted, so why should people believe me when I say that I’m built for this? Why should they believe me when I say that this year will be different? And you know what? They don’t believe me, at least not anymore and I saw that today. They see right through me. Even I see right through me,” he said.
“Can you see right through me?” he asked you, looking up into your soft eyes. 
“Yes,” you nodded, his brows furrowing at your response. “Not in that way though,” you added. “I see right through you because I know you. That’s why I knew you weren’t fine the second you walked out of the locker room. Remember, the media, the fans, and the public don’t see through you, they only see the surface level because they don’t know you. They don’t truly know how hard you work, how strong you are, how much passion you really have for this. They’re going to spew whatever bullshit they want because that’s what they do. If they were in your shoes, then they would know why these things happen and the reality of the situation. They can’t see through you, I promise. And as for the not getting better, you’re crazy if you think that. I saw you in practice, your throws have never looked better. You have never looked better, all this muscle and beefiness is a part of getting better. And like I told you yesterday, you control the narrative. You don’t have to be the ‘injury-prone’ quarterback, you can change it. Deep down, you know who you are. Don’t let these trolls and interlopers define you,”. 
Joe nodded as he felt his breaths steady out and his tears start to dry up. “I played scared yesterday, and I don’t know why? I thought I was ready, you know? We weren’t supposed to lose that game,”.
“I know,” you sighed. “But you’ve gone through so much these past 5 years, it’s completely normal to be hesitant and nobody should be blaming you for this. Yesterday’s loss wasn’t just on you. You’re on a team, Joe. They didn’t play perfectly either and the blame shouldn’t only fall on you. You’re a piece to the puzzle, a big piece, but not the only piece. The media always wants to pin everything on one person. One thing that I admire about you is how easily you block out the outside noise, don’t change that. Block it out like you always do,”. 
“This is game 1 out of 17. Don’t let this define you and don’t let the noise get to you,” you said as you used your thumb to rub the skin underneath his eye, wiping away the wet tear trails.
Joe nodded again, taking in all of the words you were saying to him. You were right, about all of it. He was so in his head about everything and so panicked that he couldn’t use logic and sense to think clearly. This was just one bump in the road as you explained. He had 16 more games to play and 16 more opportunities to show everyone what he’s made of. 
“You’re right,” he nodded. “This was one game. I can take this, learn from my mistakes, and get better,”.
“That’s exactly what I like to hear,” you smiled after hearing him work through his complicated feelings. “You’re going to get better. The team is going to get better. If you want to fix the blaring issues, do it with a calm, collected, and cool mind. You’re called ‘Joe Cool’ for a reason. Live up to that name,” you giggled. “Don’t lose your cool, don’t lose your composure over shit like this. I know you feel awful about how things went today, but one bad game doesn’t define a player and doesn’t define the entire season. Things were rough, but you always, no, you will bounce back,”.
“Thank you,” he sniffled against your chest, his brain feeling like it had just been given a nice comfy king-sized bed and cloud-like blanket to sleep in for the night. You were the only person that could make him turn his brain off and he couldn’t thank you enough. “I think I just got panicked after seeing everyone’s reactions and seeing how things looked out on the field plus everything I was feeling yesterday made it worse,”.
“Of course,” you smiled as you gave his head another kiss before holding him tighter against you. “And I get it. Sometimes it feels like the walls are caving in but that’s why it’s always important to talk to someone when you feel that way. Bottling up those feelings only makes it worse,”.  
“You're 100% right, Y/N. I’m sorry about earlier,” he said while looking up into your eyes again. “That was so fucking uncalled for. And I’m sorry for raising my voice, I was a dick to you the entire night,”. 
“It’s okay,” you smiled. “You were a dick, I agree,” you began to say, earning a laugh from Joe which made your heart smile, “But you’re my dick and I know how to handle you,” you smiled, then quickly furrowed your brows. 
“Wait, that doesn’t sound right at all,” you slapped your hand against your mouth after realizing what that sounded like, another laugh coming from Joe’s mouth. 
“I know what you mean,” he smiled. “But seriously, everything I said was straight bullshit. You mean the world to me and without you, I really think I would end up in an insane asylum. You’re the single most important thing in my life and I appreciate everything you do for me. Don’t ever leave me alone if I ask you to. Like please, I can’t live without you. Chain yourself to my wrist if you need to,”.
“Noted,” you smiled. “Just don’t freak out on me like that again, okay? You worked so hard this past year to get out of that zone, break free from that dark cloud, and I don’t want to see you back there,”. 
“I promise I won’t go back there and if I ever feel like I am, you’ll be the first person I come to. I’m never going to keep you out of the bubble again,” he said as he pressed a kiss to your chest. “I love you,” he said with another kiss to your chest.
“I love you too,” you smiled down at him. “I love you like a lot a lot,” you giggled, echoing what he said to you after his wrist surgery. 
“You know, sweet talking and hugs do make everything better,” he laughed as he looked up at you with his child-like smile you loved to see. 
“Oh, I know,” you winked. “But you still feel pretty stiff right now. Are you sure you’re 100% okay?”. 
“I think it’s just all the tension that I didn’t get to release out on the field. And I guess everything that happened after made it worse,” he grimaced. 
“Ah, that makes sense,” you nod, trying to think of a way to help him get his tension out because you knew if he didn’t, he’d be whiny all night about it. “How about some hot, post-loss sex to make you feel better?” you wiggled your eyebrows and asked. 
Joe’s eyes jumped up to meet yours as he was a bit taken aback by your straightforwardness. “For real?” he asked as he got up from your chest. 
“Mhm, the perfect way to get the tension and aggression out,” you said while licking your lips and giving him a sultry smile. 
“I love you, so fucking much,” he growled in your ears before shooting up from the couch, snaking his arms under you, lifting you up, and leading you up to the bedroom bridal style.
“At least the wrist seems to be just fine,” you giggled as he quickly ran up the stairs with you. 
Not even 5 minutes later, you two were mostly naked, on the bed, and attached to each other’s lips as if you had never kissed each other before. His lips moved against yours hungrily, signaling that he was feeling that way tonight and that you should brace yourself for what was to come.
You felt him pull away from your lips and start pressing wet, sloppy kisses down your body. “I thought we were getting right to it?” you asked him as you felt his gentle lips on your belly. 
“Mmm, I gotta make it up to you first, then we can get to it,” he smiled up at you. 
“But I said I-,”.
“Nope. I have to make you feel good first, you deserve it,” he winked before he continued to kiss down your body. You felt him attach his lips to the skin of your inner thigh, rhythmically sucking and biting which would surely leave a mark while his hands crept up to the waistband of your lace panties. He then moved his lips to press a kiss to your clothed core before pulling your underwear down, tossing it to the side, and then flashing you a devilish grin since he saw how you were squirming around on the bed because of the undeniable ache between your thighs. 
The next few minutes passed by like a blur and the next thing you knew, Joe’s head was buried deep in between your thighs and your back was arching off the bed. “Joe,” you moaned as you felt him push you back down, the expert swirl of his tongue sending jolts of pleasure throughout your body. “J- Joe,” you whispered, your head falling to the side as your eyes fluttered shut. 
Joe couldn’t help but smile into you as he continued to eat you out like a starved man, the beautiful sounds coming from your mouth making his heart happy but also, his dick.
“Mmm, fuck..,” you whimpered as you gripped the silk sheets, tossing your leg over his shoulder and lightly gliding your foot along his muscular back. The sudden touch made Joe groan into your core which sent vibrations throughout your body, your heated touch feeling like fire against his cold frame.  
He continued to lap at your drenched folds, all while his hands were tightly gripping your hips and massaging your plush skin. “You’re so fucking good at this,” you whispered with another loud moan following after as you felt his perfect ski-slope nose rubbing against your aching clit.
You placed a hand into his hair, softly pulling on the strands as you pushed him closer to your core and yet another moan came from your mouth. Joe lifted his head out from in between your thighs and looked up at you, “You’re extra vocal tonight,” he smirked, his lips and chin coated with your wetness. 
“Shut up,” you whined before you pushed his head back down, a smile appearing on your lips when you felt him attach his lips to your bundle of nerves and flick your clit with his warm tongue. You felt yourself fading away, getting lost in the sensual supernova that was happening down below.
“...Oh my god,” you whined a few seconds later, feeling him thrust a finger into your core which pushed you closer to your orgasm even faster than before. “Don’t stop,” you said while pulling on his hair, your leg lightly wrapping around the back of his neck. 
You felt him move his other hand down, his thumb resting on your clit as he rubbed slow circles around the bundle of nerves–this movement made you see stars. The combination of his thumb rubbing your clit, his finger thrusting in and out of your slick core, and his mouth going unhinged was making the imaginary band in your stomach tighten harder than it ever had before. 
“I’m close,” you whimpered, your hips gently bucking at the jolt of pleasure moving through your body. “I’m..s- so…c- close,” you whimpered, this time a little louder because his thumb started moving faster around your clit. You then feel him add another finger into your core, your hips grinding against the bed as you search for any form of relief, but the only thing that could relieve you was taking his sweet time. 
“Baby, please,” you begged, your eyes fluttering shut as your back arched off the bed again, his fingers rapidly thrusting in and out of your core while you felt a more extreme feeling begging to be released from inside of you. “Oh, fuck,” you moaned, the feeling about to break through in just a few seconds.
Joe curled his fingers inside of your core and moved his mouth back up to your clit, roughly attaching his mouth to the bud and sucking you in a way that he knew drove you crazy. And then just a few seconds later you dropped back down to the bed as you felt yourself tip over the edge, his name falling from your lips like some seductive chant while you came undone. “Joe!” you screamed, tightly closing your eyes and feeling your entire body shake with the force of your orgasm. 
Joe looked up through his eyelashes, watching you restlessly move around and hearing breathy moans leaving your beautiful mouth as he lapped at the juices of your intense–still going–orgasm. He was slowly getting more and more worked up as he watched you come apart, knowing he was the only man who had ever seen you this vulnerable and raw and was the only man who was going to see this. 
A minute later you open your eyes, your chest heaving as you recover from the intense high that washed over you, “Holy fuck,” you panted as you saw Joe smiling at you, his lips and chin completely covered in your release, his face showing that he somehow enjoyed this just as much as you did. 
“Did I just-,” you asked, feeling the soaked sheets below you, as you caught your breath. Your eyebrows shoot up in amusement as you watch Joe wipe his chin with his fingers before using his tongue to lick them clean. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “You did,”. 
“Oh my god,” you said, hiding your face with your hands out of embarrassment. 
Joe let out a throaty laugh before kneeling on the bed again and hovering over you, then moving your hands off of your face, “Why are you hiding,” he smiled.
“Because I just…,” you said while biting your lip, his bedroom eyes making you want to pounce on him right that second even though you also wanted to run and hide for some reason.
“What?” he said while trying to hold back his cocky smile. “Squirted?” he asked while moving your hair out of your face.
“You don’t have to say it like that…,” you said while hiding your face again. 
After all this time, you still felt shy around him. He’d seen your most embarrassing moments, your best and your worst. He’d seen it all. The fact that you felt embarrassed about this little thing was adorable and another reminder that you were the most precious girl he had ever met. 
“Don’t feel embarrassed, babe. It’s not the first time and it’s definitely not the last time,” he softly said while leaning down to kiss your forehead. “I think it was super hot and super sexy,”. 
“Really?” you asked while peeking out at him through your fingers.
“Mhmmm. Besides, I’ve seen way worse than this. Can’t forget the time I walked in on you fingering yourself while I was away at practice,” he grinned from ear to ear, as if he was proud that he made you so worked up even when he was away from you.
“Joseph Lee,” you screamed while playfully slapping his bare chest.
“Hey, it was a great show,” he shrugged. “I can still remember the sounds,” he said while clearing his throat. “Oooh, Joe. Ohhh Joe, fuck. Joe, ah… Joey!” he moaned as he mimicked you, all while laughing because he couldn’t be serious about it. 
“You know, I don’t have to offer an outlet for you to release your tension,” you shrugged as you started to get up from the bed but felt yourself being caged in by your large boyfriend. 
“Ahem, I don’t think that’s how this works, baby,” he shook his head. “Once you put something on the table, you can’t take it off,”.
“Oh yeah?” you teased. “What if I do?”.
“You don’t wanna know,” he whispered in your ear before slamming his thick cock into your dripping entrance with no warning. 
“Joe,” you gasped, the sudden feeling of him stretching you out and filling you up so extreme and lively. 
“That’s it, baby,” he groaned as he threw his head back, his cock moving at an instantaneous pace. “That’s it…,” he said again but a little quieter while he dropped his head to the crook of your neck, the feeling of your warm walls wrapping around him so intense and special. 
“Joe, fuck,” you whimpered as you felt his cock repeatedly slam into your cervix, his body moving against yours recklessly and roughly. His thrusts quickened as he moved deeper and deeper inside you, the sounds of your breathy moans getting louder with each snap of his skilled hips. He sported a euphoric look on his once-tired face, a sign that he felt relaxed and it was all to your credit. 
The next few minutes were hot, steamy, and messy as he whispered filthy praise into your ear which matched the pure vulgarity that was happening between you two on the bed right now. His hard thrusts made it difficult for you to hold it together, your nails clawing at his tan back as you bit down on his shoulder and got lost under his touch. “You’re so good to me,” he moaned in your ear, his hand moving up and wrapping around your throat. 
“Joe,” you struggled to moan, feeling his grip around your throat becoming a little tighter as the pleasure inside of you was rapidly building.
“Ah, fuck,” he panted as he picked his head up and cupped the back of your leg, and lifted it over his shoulder; this new position opened you up even more and made it easier for him to hit all the right spots inside of you. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whimpered, the sight of his lip in between his teeth and his thick body moving against you making your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
“I’m close,” you moaned as you looked down, moaning again at the sight of his shaft rapidly moving in and out of your slick heat.
“Fuck, me…too,” he groaned, his pace getting rougher and rougher as sounds of your skin slapping against each other echoed throughout the room. “I love you,” he moaned loudly once he felt his cock start to twitch inside of you. 
“Joe, fuck…please, I need to come,” you whined, his grip on your leg getting tighter. 
“I know baby, I know,” he whimpered, “I’m almost there,” he added as he dropped your leg and moved his hand to the headboard, gripping it tightly as he used it as leverage to slam into you even harder. All the tension, all the aggression, it was all coming out in the most fruitful way possible. He was getting away from himself, and it was all thanks to you. 
“Ah, fuck,” you screamed, feeling yourself on the brink of pleasure, stars filling your eyes as his pace remained rough and hard. 
A few seconds later, you felt him shoot endless ropes of cum into your wet heat which were accompanied by another loud moan from him. “Fuck. Oh fuck,” he panted as he slowed his thrusts into you, making sure that his release stayed inside of you and that you reached your high.
“Joe, please,” you pleaded, needing to feel your high right this second. 
“I’ve got you,” he said while giving you a lazy smile, his hand moving down to your clit and rubbing rapid circles around the sensitive bud as he slowed his thrusts even more.  A few seconds later, you clamped down on his cock, arched your body up into him, and felt yourself let go for the second time tonight. “Oh my god,” you moaned before you felt him press gentle kisses all along your neck and eventually your face, your lips meeting in a sloppy kiss as your highs washed over you. 
A few minutes later, you were both lying against the messy sheets, your head tucked into his chest as he played with your hair and once again apologized to you for how he acted earlier tonight. 
“Joe, I promise, It’s okay,” you giggled. “You’ve made it up to me in more ways than one. The fact that I can’t walk right now is an apology enough,”. 
“Okay, I’ll stop now,” he smiled. “Thank you for everything though. This and for everything you said earlier,”. 
“No need to thank me, baby. I told you, this is my job. We’re in this together and I promise that nothing’s going to hurt you as long as you’re with me. Like I said to you back in November, I’m your protector,” you grinned. 
“That you are,” he laughed, his body feeling loose and light under you for the first time all day. 
“Thank god he feels better," you smiled to yourself. Joe was the most important thing in your life, having him relaxed, focused, and calm was all you wanted. He deserved all the happiness, success, and love in the world and you needed to make sure he knew that. Moments like this were going to happen all throughout his career, but they were controllable and you were a big reason as to why they were. He wasn't kidding when he said he needed you inside his bubble or he'd end up in the insane asylum. You were his safe haven, his place of tranquility, his calm in the storm.
“I love you more than anything, Joe. Everything's going to be alright, I promise,” you smiled up at him, then leaned in for another kiss before you felt him pull the sheets over you both. 
“I love you too, Y/N,” he smiled as he nuzzled his nose against yours and leaned in for another kiss. 
–The End–
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strawberryjimin13 · 2 months
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— Pairing: members x f!reader
— A/N: Hey guys! This is my first time uploading in forever. I already had a prologue of a series here I was planning on writing but got caught up in life (I’m still caught lol) but writing has always been my passion and this is my way of distressing. Although I can’t focus on writing the series right now, I thought I could start uploading little reactions or drabbles that have been sitting in my drafts unfinished for a long time! Any feedback or suggestions is appreciated :) although go easy on me I’m trying my best XD
— English is not my first language so I apologise in advance for any mistakes or typos!
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It was a calm and clear night. You had planned to meet up with your friends for a night out and were undeniably excited as you bounced around your apartment getting ready. It had been forever since you last hung out with the girls as everyone got caught up and busy with life. This whole thing was planned by your best friend so everyone could meet up and destress while enjoying some gossip.
Seokjin smiled to himself as he sat on the bed watching you apply the last of your makeup. He couldn't deny the fact that you looked incredible in your outfit. A simple black short, tight and long sleeved dress reaching you mid thigh paired with stockings and platform knee length boots.
It was a simple combination but Jin loved it. He got up from the bed and made his way towards you, standing in front of the dresser. He would usually take this time to annoy you by making dad jokes but he felt particularly worn out today from the harsh dance practice. He wanted nothing more than to cuddle with you but he understood how much you were looking forward to this meet up and said nothing, instead opting to hug you as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your neck.
"Have fun and be careful jagi" he whispered to you slowly. "You don't have to worry Jin, all the girls will be there. Why don't you put on one of my face masks and destress playing a game while I'm gone" You suggest as you run your hand through his hair.
Jin chuckled softly at your suggestion, his breath warm against your neck. "That actually sounds like a good plan," he murmured, reluctantly pulling away to look at you. His eyes were full of warmth and admiration. "You look stunning, by the way."
You smiled, feeling a rush of affection for him. "Thanks, Jin. I'll be back before you know it." After a final quick kiss, you grabbed your coat and headed out the door, excitement bubbling inside you. The night air was crisp, and the city lights twinkled as you made your way to the meeting spot. The bar was lively with chatter and laughter when you arrived. You spotted your friends at a corner table, waving enthusiastically. As you joined them, the evening quickly filled with animated conversations and catching up on each other's lives.
Midway through the evening, the topic shifted to hr es and interests. Your best friend, who had always teased you about your love for a particular TV series, couldn't resist making a comment. "Oh, and how's your little obsession going?" she said, a smirk on her face.
You felt a familiar twinge of embarrassment as the others laughed lightly. Before you could respond, Jin's words from an old discussion echoed in your mind that you shouldn’t feel ashamed of your interests. You took a deep breath and tried to stand your ground. "It's going great, actually. I even got Jin hooked on it. We've been binge-watching it together."
Your best friend seemed slightly taken aback but quickly recovered. "Well, I guess if Jin likes it, it can't be that bad," she said, a hint of reluctance in her voice.
The conversation continued, but the initial comment had left you feeling unsettled. Despite your efforts to stay engaged, the teasing from your best friend didn't stop, and soon, her laughter felt more like mocking that made even your other friends uncomfortable. The hurtful comments began to pile up, and you could feel your confidence waning.
Finally, it became too much. Making an excuse about not feeling well, you left the restaurant early. As soon as you were out of sight, tears began to stream down your face. The drive home felt endless, your mind racing with all the hurtful words that had been said.
When you reached your apartment, you were barely holding it together. You opened the door to find Jin lounging on the couch, a game controller in his hand. He looked up, immediately noticing the tears in your eyes. Concern washed over his face as he rushed to your side.
"Jagi, what happened?" he asked, gently cupping your face in his hands.
You couldn't hold back any longer and broke down, sobbing into his chest.
"She just kept making fun of me, Jin. It hurt so much." He held you tightly knowing exactly who you were talking about and started comforting you. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. You don't deserve that. Your friend should support you instead of making you feel bad about things you love."
You clung to him, feeling a mix of relief and sorrow. "I thought it was just joking, but it really hurt." Jin pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes. "Jokes shouldn't make you feel this way. You need to talk to her about how you feel, or maybe it's time to reconsider who you spend your time with."
You nodded, wiping your tears. "I know. I just didn't want to lose her. I've known her literally since we came out the womb"
"You won't lose true friends by standing up for yourself," Jin said softly. "And no matter what, I'm here for you." he smiles softly at you.
He led you to the couch, where you sat together in silence for a while. Jin's presence was soothing, and slowly, your sobs turned into sniffles. He handed you a tissue and stroked your hair gently.
"Do you want to talk about it more, or just relax for a bit?" he asked.
"Can we just relax?" you murmured, feeling drained.
"Of course," he said, grabbing a cozy blanket and wrapping it around both of you. He picked up the controller again and handed it to you. "How about we play a game to take your mind off things?"
You managed a small smile, grateful for his understanding. "That sounds perfect."
As you played together, the weight of the evening began to lift. Jin, in his usual playful manner, started making his signature dad jokes, which never failed to make you giggle.
"Why don't scientists trust atoms?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.
"Why?" you responded, already smiling.
"Because they make up everything!" he exclaimed, grinning widely.
The joke wasn't that funny but you couldn't help but laugh. Jin's antics continued, his exaggerated expressions and goofy behavior working wonders to distract you from the earlier events.
"Thank you, Jin," you said after a while, your voice full of gratitude.
"For what?" he asked, feigning innocence. "For being the incredibly handsome, hilarious, and charming person that I am?"
You laughed again, feeling the tension ease out of your body. "Yes, for all of that and for being here for me."
Jin wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close, giving you light pecks on the lips. "Always, jagi. I'm here for you, no matter what."
As you cuddled together, you felt a renewed sense of strength. With Jin by your side, you knew you could face anything.
୨♡୧ MIN YOONGI ୨♡୧
The practice room, typically alive with the sound of music and the energy of rehearsals, felt unusually heavy today. The mirrors reflected your troubled expression, your movements sluggish as you tried to focus on your routine. The tension from a recent phone call with your best friend lingered in your mind, making it hard to concentrate. Frustrated, you finally gave up and sat on the floor, staring at your phone.
Yoongi, who had been practicing his own routine nearby, noticed your unease. He quietly walked over and sat beside you, offering silent support. After a moment, he gently asked, "What's wrong?"
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "It's my best friend again. She keeps forcing me into doing things I'm uncomfortable with. Today she wanted me to flirt with some random person, knowing full well that l'm in a relationship with you. When I told her I didn't feel comfortable, she just brushed it off and said I was being too sensitive and uptight."
Yoongi frowned, his usually calm demeanor now filled with concern. "That doesn't sound like a friend, Y/N. You shouldn't let her treat you this way."
You shrugged, feeling a mix of shame and confusion. "She's been like this for a long time. thought it was just her way of joking around, but now I feel like she wants to humiliate me." you mumble.
Yoongi shook his head slowly. "Y/n….Jokes aren’t meant to make you feel uncomfortable or pressured. A real friend respects your boundaries and listens to your concerns." he says looking into your eyes.
You looked down, feeling a lump in your throat. "I know, but it's hard to confront her. She always makes me feel like I'm overreacting or being too sensitive. She even says I'm boring now that I'm with you, and I'm just imagining things when I tell her how I feel."
Yoongi placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, his touch comforting. "Y/n friends don't gaslight you and they don't force you into situations you don't like." he says knowingly. Having been part of a large friend group. He knows what healthy friendships should look like.
His words resonated deeply with you, and you felt a tear slip down your cheek. "I just don't know how to stand up to her." you replied, wiping the tears off of your face.
Yoongi sighed softly, his eyes full of empathy. "You need to be honest with her about how you feel. If she truly values your friendship, she'll understand and change her behavior. If not, then maybe it's time to reevaluate if that's the kind of friendship you want to be a part of."
You nodded slowly. "You're right, Yoon. I need to talk to her." you say as you wiped the snot from your nose.
Yoongi offered a small smile. "You're stronger than you think, Y/N. And you're not alone in this. You have a lot of people who care about you and who want to see you happy."
You managed to give a small smile. "Thanks, Yoon. You always know what to say." He chuckled softly and pulled you into a warm embrace. "I try. And I'm always here for you, no matter what. "How about we take a break and get some fresh air? Clear your mind a bit." he says looking down at your face.
You agreed, and the two of you stepped outside, the crisp air helping to lift some of the weight from your shoulders. As you walked together, Yoongi shared stories and made lighthearted jokes, his quiet humor easing the tension you felt.
By the time you returned to the practice room, you felt a renewed sense of determination. You knew the conversation with your friend wouldn't be easy, but with Yoongi's support and advice, you felt more confident in addressing the issue.
Later that evening, as you prepared to confront your friend, you replayed Yoongi's words in your mind. You took a deep breath and dialed her number, ready to stand up for yourself and your boundaries.
It's late evening, and you're in your apartment, the soft glow of lamps casting a warm light over the room. Despite the comfort of your home, the tension from another exhausting interaction with your best friend weighs heavily on you. Your friend's constant need for attention and the guilt-tripping over spending time with others had left you feeling drained. You pace the room, your phone clutched tightly in your hand, trying to process the conversation you'd just had.
Hoseok, who had been visiting and lounging comfortably on your couch, noticed your stressed demeanor. He sees the way you're moving restlessly and decides it's time for a heart-to-heart conversation. With a cheerful smile that lights up the room, he stands up and walks over to you, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, what's got you so worked up?" he asks, his voice radiating warmth and concern.
You look up at him, your frustration evident. "It's my best friend again. She's always demanding attention and making me feel guilty for spending time with anyone else. I try to explain that I need a balance, but she just makes me feel like I'm abandoning her.*
Hoseok's expression softens, and he gently guides you over to the couch, encouraging you to sit down beside him. "That sounds really tough, baby. It's never fun when someone makes you feel guilty for wanting to live your life and have other relationships."
You nod, feeling a mix of relief and continued frustration. "I've tried to explain to her that it's not about her, but she just doesn't get it. She keeps saying l'm changing and that I don't have time for her anymore. It's like I'm constantly walking on eggshells."
Hoseok listens intently, his hand resting comfortingly on yours. "You shouldn't have to feel like that. Friends support you and understand that you need a balance. I mean me and the boys have always kept a healthy bond and if not we discuss our differences and find common grounds. It sounds like your friend might be struggling with her own insecurities and is projecting them onto you."
You sigh deeply, feeling the weight of Hoseok's words. "I know, but it's hard to set boundaries without feeling like I'm hurting her feelings. I don't want to lose her, but I also need to live my life and be fair to the people who care about me."
Hoseok's eyes light up with a burst of his signature sunshine personality. "Hey, you've got every right to take care of yourself, and you don't have to feel guilty about it! Sometimes people need a little nudge to understand what friendships look like. Let's make sure you're feeling good too. How about we turn this evening around and have some fun?"
You look at him, intrigued and curious about what he was thinking. "What do you have in mind?" Hoseok's face brightens as he gets an idea. "Let's have a mini celebration of our own! We can start with a fun dance-off to some of our favorite tracks and then watch a movie or two with all the best snacks!"
You can't help but smile at his infectious enthusiasm. "That sounds amazing, Hobi. Let's do it!"
As you set up for the evening, Hoseok's bright energy turns the room into a lively, happy space.
He puts on some of your favorite upbeat songs and shows off his best dance moves, making you laugh and forget your worries. The movie marathon that follows is filled with laughter, cozy blankets, and delicious snacks.
You're sitting in the cozy cafe, surrounded by your laptop, worksheets, and notebooks from university. The low hum of the city outside barely penetrates the quiet, creative atmosphere of the cafe. Despite the vibrant and inspiring environment, your downcast expression suggests that something is weighing heavily on you.
Your best friend, who had been chatting with you about your latest project, suddenly makes a comment that hits hard. "Honestly, Y/N, you're such a perfectionist. It's almost laughable how you stress over every little detail. Do you really think this assignment is going to make a difference? You act like it's some huge achievement. It's just schoolwork."
You try to keep your composure, but her words cut deep. "I know it might seem like a lot, but I really want to do well. This is important to me."
Your friend rolls her eyes, clearly dismissive. "Important? You're making a big deal out of nothing. It's pathetic how you put so much effort into these assignments. Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with getting everything perfect, you'd actually have a life outside of your textbooks."
The harshness in her voice makes you feel small and inadequate. You force a tight smile, a small part of you believing what she said. "Yeah, maybe you're right."
You focus on your work, but her toxic comments linger, gnawing at your confidence. Just as you're about to give up on your task, the door of the cafe swings open. Namjoon walks in, spotting you immediately. His warm, friendly demeanor brings a smile on your face. He makes his way over to your table, greeting you with a bright smile.
"Hey, babe! How's everything going?" Namjoon's presence is a welcome distraction, and his positive energy starts to lift your spirits.
Before you can respond, your friend interjects sharply. "Oh, Namjoon, you're just in time. We were just talking about how Y/N gets so worked up over her assignments. I'm honestly amazed at how she can make such a fuss over something as trivial as schoolwork. It's like she thinks she's doing something world-changing."
Namjoon's expression shifts from casual friendliness to a serious one. He notices the tension and hurt in your posture and eyes. "Really? I think it's important to recognize how much effort Y/N puts into her work. She tries her best in everything"
Your friend's face flushes with anger. "You don't get it, Namjoon. I'm just being realistic. Maybe you should stay out of it." She stands up abruptly, clearly offended by Namjoon's defense. "| don't need to listen to this. I'm done here." Without waiting for a response, she storms out of the cafe, leaving you and Namjoon behind stunned at her outburst.
Namjoon turns to you with wide eyes. "Are you okay, Y/N?" He reaches out, gently taking your hand. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. You don't deserve to be treated like that."
You nod, feeling a mix of relief and lingering hurt. "Thank you for stepping in. Her comments really got to me."
Namjoon pulls you into a hug, his warmth enveloping you. "You're doing amazing, Y/N. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. Your hard work is something to be proud of."
He places a tender kiss on your forehead, his affection bringing a sense of calm. "You deserve to be treated with kindness and not someone belittling you or your work. Don't let anyone's negativity get you down."
As you lean into him further, you feel the tension slowly melting away. Namjoon's presence is a soothing balm, his gentle touch and kind words helping to heal the sting of your friend's harshness. "Thank you for always supporting me Joonie."
Namjoon smiles down at you, his eyes full of love. "I'm always here for you, babe. You're strong and incredible, and I believe in you. No matter what happens, remember that you have someone who truly cares about you."
With Namjoon by your side, you felt your feelings validated. The negative comments fade into the background and the evening at the cafe becomes a reminder of the positive and caring presence Namjoon brings into your life, making you feel valued and loved.
When you leave the cafe, you're not only carrying the weight of your work but also the knowledge that you have someone who stands by you and supports you unconditionally.
୨♡୧ PARK JIMIN ୨♡୧
You arrive home from work, the exhaustion of the day heavy on your shoulders. The apartment is quiet, the only sound being the soft hum of the refrigerator. You drop your keys on the hallway table, noticing the faint aroma of the lavender candle Jimin likes to light. The warm, golden glow of the evening sun filters through the windows, casting a serene light over the living room.
As you step into the room, you see Jimin standing near the window, his back to you. His usually bright and cheerful demeanor is replaced with a tense, rigid posture. The sight sends a jolt of worry through you.
"Jimin? What's wrong?" you ask, your voice soft and concerned.
He turns to face you, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and hurt. "I heard something today," he says, his voice shaking. "Your best friend told me you've been seeing someone else behind my back. She said she didn't feel right hiding such information."
Your heart plummets, the weight of his words crashing over you. "What? That's not true! I would never do that to you, Jimin. You know that..." You trailed off. "You can even check my phone or anything if it means we can clear this misunderstanding." you add desperately. You couldn't believe what you were hearing, especially the fact that it came from your best friend? You felt sick to your stomach.
He runs a hand through his hair, his distress evident in his every movement. "Why would she say something like that if it wasn't true? She's your best friend. Why would she lie about something so serious? She said she wanted to warn me."
Tears well up in your eyes as you step closer to him. The room feels colder, the once comforting ambiance now a backdrop to your situation. "I don't know why she's doing this, but I swear to you, Jimin, I've been faithful and I will continue to remain faithful. I love you more than anything."
Jimin's anger starts to wane, replaced by a deep sadness. He looks around the room, his eyes lingering on the pictures of the two of you that decorate the walls. "Then why would she try to hurt us like this? I just- I knew deep down you wouldn't have done something like this. I trust you...I just felt hurt" he mumbles the last part.
You reach out, taking his hands in yours. "She's been causing problems for a while now, ever since I got this job. Gossiping, spreading lies... I think she enjoys creating drama because of the fact that the fact that she can't make fun of me anymore. But I promise you, my feelings for you are real. I would never betray you."
Tears start to fall down your cheeks as the emotional toll of the situation overwhelms you. Jimin pulls you into a tight embrace, his own tears mingling with yours. The soft fabric of his sweater presses against your cheek, a small comfort amidst the chaos. "I'm sorry for doubting you. I just...love you so much, and the thought of losing you terrified me."
You hold him tighter, your voice trembling. "I love you too, Jimin. You're the most important person in my life. I need to cut her out. She's toxic, and she's trying to ruin everything in my life."
Jimin nods, his grip on you tightening. "You're right. We don't need that kind of negativity. We'll deal with this together."
You both sit down on the couch, the plush cushions providing a small respite from the emotional storm. The soft glow from the candle flickers, casting dancing shadows on the walls. Jimin wipes away your tears with gentle fingers, his touch reassuring. "We'll get through this, okay? Our relationship is stronger than any lie she can tell."
The ticking of the clock in the background is a steady reminder that time moves forward, regardless of the pain. "Thank you for believing in me. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He kisses your forehead softly, his lips lingering. "You're my everything, Y/N. We'll move forward from this, stronger than ever."
You're at a serene park, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows on the ground. The tranquil setting, with its lush greenery and the soft rustling of leaves, opposite of your internal turmoil caused by your best friend's constant rivalry.
You sit on a wooden bench near a small pond, watching the ducks glide effortlessly across the water. Your mind is a whirlwind of emotions as you think about your upcoming wedding with Taehyung. The excitement and joy you should be feeling are overshadowed by your best friend's actions. She had planned her wedding for the same week as yours and hadn't even bothered to tell you, despite her recent engagement. When you confronted her, she called you hurtful things, saying Taehyung was with you out of pity and accusing you of always copying her.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, but the words still sting. The rustling leaves and gentle breeze do little to soothe your aching heart. You're so lost in thought that you don't notice Taehyung approaching until he's right beside you.
Taehyung, who was walking Yeontan around the park returns and sits down next to you, his usual playful and lighthearted energy noticeably subdued. Yeontan, his fluffy dog, sniffs around your feet before settling down with a contented sigh. Taehyung looks at you with his soulful eyes, full of concern. "Hey, what's wrong? You look really upset."
You glance at him, trying to hold back your tears. "It's just... everything with the wedding. And my so-called best friend. She planned her wedding the same week as ours and didn't even tell me. When I confronted her, she said I don't deserve you and accused me of copying her even though we have been engaged for a while and our wedding plans have been happening for months."
Taehyung's expression shifts from concern to a mix of anger and irritation. He reaches out his arm and wraps them around your shoulder to bring you closer. "That's not right. You don't deserve to be treated like that, especially by someone who's supposed to be your friend."
You squeeze his hand that is on your shoulder, finding some comfort in his touch. "I just don't understand why she's doing this. It's like she's always trying to compete with me, to one-up me. And now, this? It feels like she's trying to ruin our special day."
Taehyung's eyes flash with a protective fire. "You deserve better than this, Y/N. Our wedding should be about us, about our love and commitment to each other. If she can't be happy for you, then maybe she doesn't deserve to be a part of your life."
You look out at the pond, the ducks still gliding peacefully. "It's just so hard. She was my best friend for so long. But now, I don't even recognize her."
Taehyung pulls you even closer that your head is resting on his chest. "People change, and not always for the better. But you have to focus on what's important."
You nod, leaning into his embrace, feeling his steady heartbeat against you. "You're right. I need to let go of her and focus on us and people who actually care about me."
Taehyung's voice softens, filled with his signature gentle care. "Exactly. We'll get through this together, just like we always do. And I'll be right by your side, no matter what."
He kisses the top of your head, his lips lingering for a moment in a gesture of reassurance and love. "And remember, you deserve all the happiness in the world. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."
You're at a lively party celebrating your recent promotion, the room filled with upbeat music and the buzz of cheerful conversation. The glow of string lights and colorful decorations creates a festive atmosphere, with people mingling and enjoying themselves. Despite the celebration around you, you can't shake the feeling of disappointment.
Earlier in the week, you had received a major promotion at work, a milestone you were eager to share. You had organized this party to mark the occasion, hoping to celebrate with friends and loved ones. However, your best friend's response was underwhelming. She had offered a brief congratulation before quickly redirecting the spotlight to herself, as if your achievement was merely a backdrop for her own.
You're standing near the snack table, trying to enjoy the festivities while feeling overshadowed. The party's vibrant energy contrasts sharply with your inner frustration.
Just then, Jungkook arrives, his charm adding to the party's atmosphere. He spots you standing alone, looking unsettled, and makes his way over to you.
"There you are baby! it's your special day!" Jungkook says with a wide smile. Before you can react, he sweeps you up into his arms, spinning you around with playful enthusiasm. "Congratulations!"
As he sets you down, he leans in and places a series of soft, celebratory kisses on your cheeks, his eyes sparkling with joy. "I'm so proud of you. This promotion is amazing! I know how hard you worked for this. I'm so proud of you babe."
Your initial surprise and delight quickly fade as you catch sight of your best friend nearby, her forced smile and dismissive demeanor still fresh in your mind. You let out a sigh, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on you.
Jungkook notices the change in your mood, his expression shifting from playful excitement to concerned seriousness. "Hey, what's wrong? You don't seem as happy as you should be." You explain, "I'm glad about the promotion, but the way my best friend reacted? It feels awful. It's like my success doesn't matter unless it's about her."
Jungkook's smile fades. "Hey don't let that take over your mind. You should enjoy your celebration without feeling overshadowed regardless of how she acts. This is about you, pretty."
As if on cue, your best friend approaches, her smile now strained and forced. "Oh, Y/N, you're still here?" She says as if this party wasn't organized by you to celebrate your milestone. It made anger bubble up in you. "I was just thinking about how great it is that you got a promotion. It's nice, I guess, but let's talk about my new project. It's really making waves." She continues.
Before you have the time to reply, Jungkook sweeps in. "Actually, Y/N's promotion is a big deal because she worked very hard to achieve it. Maybe you could try being genuinely supportive instead of making it all about yourself."
Your best friend's smile falters and she scowls. "Are you seriously calling me out at your own party? I was just trying to be polite!" she says looking towards you as if she expected you to defend her behavior.
Jungkook remains firm, his tone unwavering. "Politeness isn't enough. If you're going to be here, you should show some real respect rather than always making everything about you."
The atmosphere of the party is now charged with tension, your best friend's frustration evident as she struggles to respond and instead she decides to storm out of there.
"Thank you for standing up for me," you say softly. "I really needed that."
Jungkook pulls you into a warm, reassuring hug. "You're worth celebrating, and I'm here to make sure you know that. Your success is important, and I'll always stand by you."
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© strawberryjimin13 — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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springwitch26 · 9 months
green like her eyes (part 1) (melissa schemmenti x fem!reader)
part 2
summary: you and melissa enjoy smoking weed together to blow off steam from work. this time, things get really steamy.
warnings: sexual content (18+), recreational marijuana use, some emotional/romantic story elements (fluff? more like intense mutual pining), trippy scenes and a general dark aura at times but it's cute
notes: i'm back! consume drugs responsibly, folks. this story is different from my usual content and loosely based on an ex-situationship lol. part 1 sets up the relationship between mel and reader, and part 2 (hopefully coming in the next few days) will feature some more sexual tension and smut. comments and feedback appreciated as always 💚
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melissa never would have guessed that you were as young as you were when she met you. unlike other teachers your age, you had a natural air of maturity about you. you were confident but not cocky, passionate (but not annoyingly so, like janine), and smart but not smug about it. in a word, you were cool. and melissa was hooked. with the natural chemistry between the two of you, you became fast friends.
you never meant for melissa to find out about your extracurricular interest in marijuana, but it just slipped out one day. you were too comfortable around her to hold anything back.
"god, what a week it's been," you mused, sitting on her desk as you watched her pack up for the weekend. "i just need to curl up on my couch, put on some netflix, and maybe smoke..."
"smoke what?" she asked reflexively, and you knew she was a keeper.
in the conversation that followed, you and melissa made plans to smoke together that night. what started as a fun experiment soon became routine stress relief. you'd go over to melissa's house every friday night and make full use of the weed from one of her many 'guys'. because melissa cared about your safety, she never let you drive home. you'd just have to sleep over. and since she wouldn't let you sleep on the couch—'the last thing ya need at your age is back pain!'—you would just have to sleep in her bed. with her.
with the introduction of this shared interest, your relationship with melissa became much more intimate. for starters, melissa's touches were always bolder on friday nights. while she wasn't shy about touching you sober—drifting her hand along your lower back as she brushed past you, rubbing your shoulders when you looked stressed in the breakroom—the touches were different after a joint or two. hungrier.
where you were a giggly and whimsical stoner, melissa was definitely a touchy one. you two would sit on her couch, practically on top of each other while you watched movies or played video games. you'd talk animatedly about whatever was happening on the tv; she'd watch your face and trace featherlight patterns on your thighs. and your belly. and maybe also the swell of your ass, when she thought she could get away with it.
she always could.
after the success of ava fest, the two of you were on top of the world. tonight's would be the best sleepover yet.
"we got lots to celebrate, sweet pea," melissa had covertly whispered in your ear as people filed out of the gym. you knew what she meant and your face warmed, causing you to look away bashfully. melissa thought you were the cutest thing.
when you let yourself in the front door that night, you were met with the mesmerizing sight of melissa rolling a joint on her kitchen counter. she smirked as you faltered in the doorway, eyes lingering on her working fingers. she rubbed the flower between her fingertips, and your mind betrayed you with a filthy image.
"y/n? you comin' in?" melissa's amused voice brought you out of your trance and you kicked your boots off, closing the door behind you. melissa didn't miss the way your skirt lifted and swirled with your movements.
"looking good, chef schemmenti," you gestured between melissa and the joint-in-progress. at this she smiled, trying not to stare at your breasts and legs as you moved closer in that damn outfit.
you leaned against the counter across from her, making sure to push your tits forward while doing so. you winked at melissa, whose cheeks had turned a shade pinker, and motioned for her to continue rolling up.
"thanks, hon. this stuff's supposed to be top-shelf. gelato, i think they said," melissa's south philly accent was clear as she spoke.
you smiled in appreciation. melissa knew you liked to research what you smoked before you got high on it. you picked up your phone to look up the strain, but then you saw melissa bring the paper up to her lips.
her tongue darted out and drew a line across the paper, allowing melissa to seal the joint. she held eye contact with you the entire time, and you swore she could read your mind. it was like she knew you were thinking about her tongue sweeping through your folds and circling your bundle.
you knew it was wrong; it had to be. she was your coworker, and so much older with more experience in every aspect of life. but that was exactly what attracted you to her.
"whaddaya say? wanna light this one up?" melissa held the joint up to your line of sight, an amused glint in her eyes.
minutes later you were standing on her balcony, huddled together to keep the wind from putting out the flame. melissa took the first hit, blowing an impressive cloud of smoke from her full lips and into the sky. you felt dizzy watching the way her lips curled into an 'o' around the smoke.
when she passed the joint to you, you were determined to prove yourself. you took a long inhale, and in seconds you were coughing furiously. melissa chuckled under her breath, but reached out to rub your back. her touch felt electric.
"you okay, hon? i would call an ambulance, but this community doesn't need to know what ms. schemmenti and ms. y/l/n do behind closed doors," she joked, drawing circles on your back.
"yeah, i'm alright," you rasped out, brushing tears from your eyes. "my lungs just need a break." melissa paused a moment at that, looking deep in thought.
"do you trust me?" she finally asked after a prolonged silence. you nodded firmly, staring deep into her probing eyes. they were as green as the trees in her backyard.
melissa took another hit of the joint and leaned in, and before you knew it her mouth was on yours. her tongue swiped along your bottom lip, and your lips parted to welcome her in. she blew a steady stream of smoke into your mouth, and you accepted it greedily.
"there. feel better?" melissa whispered as she pulled away from you. her pupils were blown, and you felt high on the look she gave you alone. you both grinned.
the rest of the session went that way. melissa would take sizable hits of the joint, then shotgun the smoke into your mouth for you. you didn't touch the joint for the rest of the night; if you wanted a direct hit, melissa would hold it up to your lips while her other arm rested on your waist.
melissa was right about the weed being high-quality. you felt like you were floating in her arms as she held you by the waist—keeping you upright in your disoriented state. as she finished off the last of the joint, you looked out at the woods behind melissa's house. the trees seemed closer to you now, and you felt like reaching out and touching the branches as they danced in the wind.
"honey?" melissa's soft voice echoed in your head and you turned to face her. her eyes seemed to swirl and sparkle like emerald pools. but there was also a dark edge to them, reminding you of the beckoning woods.
"let's go for a walk."
though it wasn't your typical pastime, you quite liked walking while high. your legs moved on autopilot, and you could hardly feel them carrying you across the dark earth. there was a walking path through the woods behind melissa's house. you strolled side-by-side with the older woman, leaning on her for support when your balance failed you.
"mel, look!" you grabbed her hand and stopped on the path, your other hand pointing up to the sky. "it's a full moon! pretty, right?"
"beautiful..." melissa responded, not at all looking at the moon. her gaze was fixed on your face, which seemed to glow under the moonlight. when her finger stroked the back of your hand absently, you shivered and looked back at her. the expression on her face was soft, even peaceful. with her mouth forming a half-smile and her eyes slightly unfocused, it seemed like she had finally dropped her guard. realizing she had been caught staring, melissa quickly pivoted.
"i always liked the sun better, though," she said as you both resumed walking. the moon's shine weakened then, as if obscured by a cloud. melissa stole a glance at you, noticing how your hair looked a shade darker in the dimmer light. she wanted to stroke it, hold it up to all different colors of light and watch its hues and highlights change.
"huh. why?" you wondered aloud. melissa considered your question a while before answering.
"because you can't run from it," melissa said plainly. "i never liked hidin' in the shadows. you can do that at night. but then the sun comes up, and it's bright and warm, and you can't stay down. you gotta wake up and be somebody."
you heard her words in every corner of your head, her deep voice flowing through you. maybe you were high, but there seemed to be a strong force—almost like gravity—pulling you towards melissa. not just physically, but mentally. you wanted to tell her how smart she was, how charming and powerful and fucking sexy. you wanted to tell her that she was the sun burning brightly at the center of your world.
unfortunately, in your hazy headspace, you couldn't find the words to express all this to her. but you sure tried.
"and the sun is hot and fiery, like you," you almost whispered the last two words, but melissa caught them. she brushed off the compliment with a low laugh and a squeeze of your hand, still clasped in hers.
"sure, hon," she murmured. then you started to feel the stirrings of a rainstorm. cold droplets of water kissed your head and ran down your torso, and you looked to melissa for guidance. by now, you two were pretty far from melissa's house; you'd need to head back soon to avoid getting soaked.
melissa gave you a nod and you both began to run back towards the house, the wind howling in your ears and water beating steadily on your joined hands.
to be continued...
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Hello lovely! Could I please request Ruby for Dogma x female reader where they both have huge crushes on each other, but are too shy to say anything; one day after Dogma comes back from a long tour and she just decides to go for it and she glomps him, kissing him on the lips over and over again while his brother's are just standing there, jealously gawking lol. I hope this inspires you and I hope that what you're coming down with doesn't last long!🌼
Take A Chance
Summary: You’ve been crushing on Dogma for, what feels like, years. But you’ve always been too nervous to actually put your feelings into words. But, after your closest friend tells you that she’s going to invite Dogma into her bed when he returns from his deployment, you decide to take a chance.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Dogma x Reader
Word Count: 852
Warnings: Some angst at the beginning, but there's a happy ending. Also, reader has a toxic friend
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I didn't follow your prompt to the letter, but I think I'm happy with this, so I hope you are too!
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Anxiety twists your stomach as you lean against the flowering tree on the base that the 501st call home when they’re not deployed. 
The Resolute docked about an hour ago. It’s only a matter of time before they actually come back to the base, and that’s the thing that is making you so anxious.
Not that they’re coming back, no. 
But the fact that you’re going to see Dogma.
Kind Dogma. Handsome Dogma.
Dogma, who you’ve been crushing on for months. Who you’ve been too shy to confess to, because he might not feel the same.
Dogma, who your best friend decided that she was going to try and bed, even though she knows about your crush on him. Her argument was that since you haven’t said anything yet, then he’s free game.
You warned her that if she did this, she would lose your friendship forever. And she just didn’t care.
So that definitely isn’t helping your anxiety. It’s not like you have so many friends that you can afford to lose any of them…even bad friends are better than no friends, right?
You lift your head when you hear the familiar sound of heavy boots on the paved road, and a small smile crosses your lips when you see the 501st trekking back to their barracks.
Knowing them, most of them are going to change and hit up the bars or go and find their partners.
They deserve it.
And then there’s Dogma, talking to Tup, joking about something based on the wry grin on Tup’s face, and your heart lurches. You love him. You want to be his and him to be yours and…
And you can’t do it.
Your hands curl into fists and you drop your gaze away from the man that you love so much.
He deserves…more. So much more.
You jump when a pair of boots stop in front of you, “Credit for your thoughts?”
“They’re hardly worth that much.” You reply automatically, before you lift your gaze. Dogma is standing in front of you, concern written clearly on his face, “Ah…welcome back, Dogma.”
“Thanks.” His dark eyes scan your face, “What’s wrong, you look upset.” His brow furrowed, “Did someone threaten you?”
“No. Nothing like that. Just…coming to a realization about myself, is all.”
“Wanna share?”
“It’s not important.”
“It’s important enough that it upset you.”
You hesitate, “Well…” You fold your arms, “There’s a guy-” Dogma’s expression twitches slightly, but he just motions for you to continue, “And I just realized that I’m never going to be good enough for him.”
“If he thinks that then he’s a karking idiot.” Dogma replies, “You’re amazing.”
“No, he didn’t…” You hesitate, “That was me coming to that realization, not…” You sigh, “Like I said, not important.”
Dogma is quiet for a moment, “Well,” He finally says, “Since you have this…guy,” His tone is odd, but he continues before you can question it, “I guess you’re not interested in getting a drink or something with me?”
“Like, caf. Or maybe something else, since you don’t drink caf.” Dogma adds, and then he flashes a wry smile, “Sorry, I had a plan, but now that I’m standing here, I can’t quite remember it.”
“A plan?”
“For asking you out. On a date.” He rubs the back of his neck, “But, you just said there’s a guy, so I guess you’re not interested-”
You stare at him, blankly for a moment. And then you step into his space and press your lips against his in an awkward kiss. You pull away quickly, and Dogma stares at you, as though his brain needs a moment to reboot.
He stares at you for long enough that you shift nervously, and avert your gaze, “U-um…I shouldn’t have-”
You’re not able to finish your sentence before Dogma’s lips are hot against yours, and he has you pressed against the tree behind you. Unlike your kiss, which was hesitant and very chaste, his kiss is sure and quickly becomes passionate.
And you’re helpless but to match his intensity, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck and he pins you against the tree.
There’s a loud whistle and a shout of, “Get it, Dogma!” Which causes him to break the kiss, but he doesn’t pull away, instead he presses his forehead against yours, and he raises his hand to flip off whichever brother that was.
There’s the sound of laughter, and then the audience disperses, not that you notice that, as your focus is locked on Dogma, who has all of his attention focused on you.
“So,” Dogma says as he leans in slightly, his lips hovering just over yours, “I’m the guy?”
“You’re the guy.” You agree.
Dogma exhales slowly, his breath fanning across your face, “Good.” He breathes out.
“Yeah.” His gaze drops to your lips, “So…that date?”
“I’d like to go get some caf with you, Dogma.”
“Then I’ll go change and we can do that.” He murmurs, “But…first…” He trails off as his lips catch yours one more time. 
And, eagerly, you kiss him back.
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monst · 12 days
LOVEE your tim fics🩷🩷 i keep coming back to read them again 🥹 if its okay can i ask if youre planning anything else for him?
Aww Thank you! That really means a lot!  And it’s more than okay to ask! Eeeekkk I’m like obsessed with Tim so there’s so much I have planned for him. I try to hold myself back cause I don’t wanna be stingy and hog the tags >.<
Ahhh okay okay I’m just really excited! Right, so imma separate this into two categories Sfw & nsfw(Under cut)
WC- 800 
Tim drake General hc’s: We’re sitting at 2.3k words for this so I’m tryna cut this down. 
A couple of cute date fics: Sort of like “Go for a drive” and “Watching the sunset” Ex: Watching movies in the car (Drive up movie theater), Skateboarding, and slushies (Some graffiti)  Gala shit, Maybe some sports stuff cause he’s low-key sporty (Multifacited this one, probably why I like him so much lol) Magic shenanigans while play their version of D&D (Kinda like that one Gravity falls episode, gotta bring in my witch boy Klarion) Mostly fluff
Another edition of ‘High Ramblings about Tim Drake’: I mean I typed it out and I figured I might as well post it- just general ideas on what DC can do with his character. Hypothetical story arcs, his position in Gotham, his age and alias, etc. 
Father, there's something wrong with Timothy: Aftermath of Joker Junior, Mostly from Damian’s pov. This one is more of an Elseworlds au since I didn’t want it to be the Batman Beyond version. Anon requested the batfam’s reaction to his relapse so it’s canon adjacent? (Not an x reader) Thriller/Horror. 
Executive Tim: Anon req. Yandere Tim Drake. He’s already got a killer migraine and Tam’s replacement already screwed up. Screwed up may be a bit harsh but with the week he’s had he wasn’t feeling quite charitable. The mix-up with one of their outside distributors has Tim calling different vendors. Multiple calls later and he swears if he gets transferred to a different department one more goddamn time he’s going to- “Hello you’ve reached (Your name) how can I help you?” - Employee poaching lol, Unhealthy power dynamics, Gratuitous abuse of power.
Around the world: Series in no particular order. I hc that he’s learned to make the most of his time with his partner. (Past relationships failing due to not spending any time together) So even if you're not a vigilante he takes you with him on missions if you're also free and down. Needs to do a stakeout? Going undercover? Trailing a suspect? Or just general boots to the ground investigating? He’s asking if you’d like to tag along. However, anything that involves him in the mask or anything that involves physical combat is off the table. You walk into his apartment and see Tim's bitchy face and he just asks you “You wanna go to Switzerland?”
Old friend: Some call it being at the wrong place at the wrong time others prefer to call it fate. Honestly, he never pondered fatalism. But the joker was dead and there were no leads. Whoever had done it didn't leave anything behind nor did they announce it. It had to be fate. After all, this was the kind of death the psychotic clown would have despised. It’s been two weeks and the blame game had already been played. Solid alibis. He was told not to investigate. So he was in some dingy laundromat with Ives; catching up with old friends to curb his need to investigate. But he recognized the employee refilling the quarters “(Name?)” - Mystery, suggestive themes, smoking, gang affiliations, Hypocrite Tim Drake
Not your typical office romance: Multi-chapter, your company sends you as part of a team to initiate building reforms in Gotham. As a result, your introduced to your new colleague for this project Tim Drake from Wayne’s R&D department. You're eager to get to work, but your flakey coworker is halting progress. Your polite facade comes crumbling down due to massive misunderstandings. Lots of antagonism, Bitchy Reader
Escalation 2: This one is mostly done just need to edit. You found a way to play off not seeing the snap but my boy is shameless. And you may have started something you'll lose at.
Deal with the devil: Dark! Tim drake (Borderline Yandere) Hmm. This one is fucked; He should have left you to your fate. You knew better than to go investigate that cave alone but that’s just who you were, reckless, fickle, unburdened, hardheaded. He didn’t know whether he hated you or if he was just deeply envious. But even so, he couldn’t just leave you alone, not when you actually used the emergency beacon he gave you. Not when you actually kept it. He should have expected that it was Ra’s Al Ghul’s doing, he should have ignored his words, he should have but a snake seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden, and wasn’t Ra’s a devil? 
Five minutes: Oral fixation reader, Tim’s playing Apex (Octane or Horizon main) with some old friends but you really need him in your mouth. Subspace. Why Apex? Because everything I know about it has been involuntary. 
Vacation: Sort of a spin-off of Across the World. This series involves trips around the states and the world. He’s a vigilante but he’s also a very public figure that still needs to attend certain social events. Ex: Ski trips(This one* mhm), Weekend Conferences, or just a vacation. (Cases might align with an event)
Indecent: You come up to his office while he’s busy. But you came up looking too distracting how on earth is he supposed to concentrate? Spoiler he doesn’t. 
Boudoir pics: Cute flirty pictures of each other that's what this was supposed to be.
Impatient: The fact that your boyfriend could so easily hold you down was very hot. But you're so over it, if he didn't stop teasing you were going to die! Tim x M. Reader
Lastly: he has like two days in the upcoming kinktober event.  Maybe an add to possibility ft Poison Ivy
  A/N: My undiagnosed ADHD won’t let me write things in order so that’s the reason why most of my stuff takes a while and/or sits in my drafts for ages (Ex: I have Bruce Hc’s that have been done for weeks…) Also, thanks for the ask! I had all of these all over the place this def helped me organize it all. 
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multifandombitxh · 2 years
Midnight Massacre
Pairing: Ghost x Reader (tried to keep it gender neutral)
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort
Warnings: Depictions of violence/blood/death/k*lling, g*ns, knives, bullets, strong language, mentions of s*icide and PTSD
A/N: And I'd fuckin do it again. I'm playing MW2 and I swear to GOD this man has me in a whole chokehold. Lovin' it. I will not apologize. Enjoy lol
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It had taken a few minutes for your heart rate to return to normal, the nightmare leaving you in a cold sweat and pumped full of adrenaline. The dreams were never the same, so you never knew what to expect when they reared their ugly heads. One night it could be slow torture from a faceless enemy, the next it could be fire, horrifying screams, and death.
No matter the context, the scenes haunted your sleep on random occasions and left you feeling weak and helpless by the time you woke up. Tonight's dream, however, was especially traumatizing, and it did a number on your perception of reality.
Once you were fully aware of your surroundings again and realized you were awake, you shook the images away and covered your eyes with your palms. Sweat dropped down your spine, leaving a cold trail. You all but ripped your t-shirt off, searched for a replacement in the dark, and settled on a tank top.
With shaking hands you left your designated sleeping area for the night, slipping on your black cargo pants and boots. Leaving behind all thoughts of blood, gore, and the sounds of your friends perishing, you made your way down the dark, dusty hallway.
You'd only joined 141 recently, but it had been long enough now that you weren't exactly considered new blood anymore. One of the more interesting men in the unit had caught your eye from day one, despite the fact that he had little interest in getting to know you on a personal level. In group conversations he rarely engaged you, but one on one was a different story. There had been plenty of nights where the others had gone to bed while the two of you played a little game to see who would cave and take first watch.
It was usually you.
Ghost had a fucking novel of shitty jokes; some crude, some cheesy, some straight up cruel. Every now and then he'd crack one that would have you accepting defeat and taking the first watch of the night. Granted, he always took the second one if you took the first, and vice versa. None of the others dared to complain about this strange ritual, since it left them each with a later watch.
Tonight, Ghost had caved in first, finding your story about summer camp as a teenager unbelievably boring. It did offend you in a way, but at the same time, you knew it would get him to give in quickly. A man can only hear so much about how to make a friendship bracelet in vivid detail, or how to do a proper French braid.
Because of this, it allowed you to get some sleep first, but that obviously didn't work out. You'd all found shelter in a warehouse that wasn't far from your destination, and had to stay the night since the plan had to take place during the day to work. As you traveled down the hall, using the wall to guide you in the darkness, you finally stumbled upon the main area of the warehouse.
A circle of chairs sat in the middle of the room where you'd all gathered earlier that night, where you claimed your victory over Ghost. He was still there in the dim yellow lighting, arms crossed tightly over his chest and his eyes trained forward. Most of his own gear was absent, the only thing covering his torso a thick black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You shuffled into the room, kicking the concrete floor to make your presence known.
"Your watch hasn't started yet," Ghost stated without turning to look at you.
"I'm aware," You replied, leaning against the hallway entrance.
He looked over his shoulder at you, black makeup smudged around his eyes as if he'd just been rubbing at them. "Come to relieve me early, then? Sweet of you."
"Sure," You said, throwing up your hands in defeat. "You caught me, boss."
"Don't get all soft on me now, Sledge," Ghost said, blowing air out of his nose.
The use of your call sign made you visibly cringe; you didn't even choose the damn thing. After running out of amo and breaking your only knife during a firefight, you made do with your surroundings and found a sledge hammer. Needless to say, the unit was shocked at the amount of damage you managed to inflict with the thing. Thus, your call sign was born, and from that moment forward, you were affectionately known as Sledge.
You hated it.
There was nothing worse than a daily reminder of the carnage you witnessed at your own hand.
Shaking off the memory, you made your way over to a table with weapons and amo scattered all about. Rolling your eyes, you carefully examined the guns to make sure they still had their safety on, and made sure every knife was sheathed. After organizing the mess a bit, you snagged a hunting knife and a pistol, tucking them away and looking for the proper ammunition.
"I know you're not actually here to take your watch," Ghost said, his voice dangerously close to your ear. "What's goin' on?"
"Nothing," You shrugged, "Concrete floors are hard on my shoulders. Makes it hard to sleep."
"Sure, sure," Ghost hummed, "Wanna tell me the real reason you're up, Sledge?"
"Quit calling me that, you know I hate it. And no, I'm not telling you."
"Shame. Was hoping you'd tell me Johnny's talkin' in his sleep again."
You threw him a half-hearted smile over your shoulder, now fully aware of just how close he truly was. "Maybe you should go check on him, then. He might be."
His eyes locked with yours and you felt your insides shrink. It was easy to feel small under his gaze, considering he was a brick house of a human being and looked like he ate bullets and nails for breakfast. The mask certainly didn't help, that was for sure. Feeling uneasy with the eye contact, you returned your attention to the table of weapons.
"Y/N, look at me," Ghost whispered.
Hearing him say your name was enough to make you shiver, his accent making it roll off of his tongue like silk. It was nice that he listened to your request to stop calling you by the nickname you despised, considering you'd normally be taunted for expressing your distain for it. Even still, you did your best to ignore him.
"Do you remember which amo we use for these?" You asked, hoping to change the subject and gesturing to your empty gun. "Can't remember to save my life."
"Don't try this with me. Won't work and you know it."
"I always get them mixed up."
"Y/N, look at me, that's an order."
With some reluctance, you turned on your heel, leaned back against the table, and looked up at your lieutenant. His arms were still crossed over his chest, and you couldn't help eyeing the tattoo you hadn't seen before on his forearm. How long had that been there? Realizing you still weren't looking at him, Ghost placed his index finger under your chin and raised your head to meet his gaze.
"If something's going on with you, I need to know," He explained, "If you're not okay, that's something we have to take into account."
"Oh, for Christ's sake," You muttered, shaking your head. "Is anyone in this unit actually okay? I mean, really. I'm pretty sure everyone gets nightmares every now and then, Ghost. I'm fine."
"So it's nightmares, then," He said with a nod, "Could'a just said that."
"Didn't feel relevant."
"Come sit down."
Groaning like a teenager about to be grounded, you followed him over to the circle of chairs, sitting down beside him and crossing your arms. He leaned forward on his knees, his hands clasped together in front of him. You waited patiently to get the scolding of the century about 'paying attention to your mental health' and 'you know what happens when a soldier starts displaying signs of PTSD'.
But it never came.
Instead, an uncomfortable silence fell over the room. The only sound you could make out was the faintest rain drops that began splattering the old windows of the warehouse.
"Go on, tell us about it," Ghost said after a few moments.
"The nightmare?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're joking, right?"
He didn't respond.
With a deep breath, you turned your head to the side, focusing on the many different objects that dotted the floor before you began.
"It's always different," You sighed, "I'm used to them by now, I can shake them off just fine usually. But this one... I don't know. I woke up, but I was still dreaming. Everyone was here, just talking like normal. These soldiers came out of the shadows and stood behind everyone. One for each of you. They all had guns, and one by one, they just..."
Tears welled in your eyes at the images that flitted through your head, forcing you to shake them away. You rubbed the back of your neck anxiously, taking a small breath and willing away the pain. A large hand closed over your knee, startling you.
When you looked up at Ghost, he had turned fully in his seat to face you. His arm was outstretched as his gloved hand sat carefully on your knee. The gesture made you shift in your seat, and you unintentionally found yourself facing him as well. Something in your subconscious knew he was safe, despite your efforts to avoid this whole encounter.
"Tell me what they did," Ghost said, his tone soft like you'd never heard it before. "Go on."
"Do I really have to say it?" You asked in a weak voice.
"Trust me."
You drew in another shaky breath before continuing, "They executed everyone."
"Sounds pretty serious," Ghost said with a nod, "Then what?"
"I was trying to stop them, but I couldn't move," You recalled as you fought back tears again. "It was like I was stuck in quicksand. I was just... Frozen. All I could do was watch."
"What would you have done?" He asked, "If you could've moved, what would you do?"
Anger bubbled in the pit of your stomach, overtaking the sadness. You balled your fists and dug your nails in hard. "I would've killed them myself. I don't care how long it would take, I'd do it. I wanted to, I'd make them suffer."
"I know you would," Ghost said with a small laugh, "I've seen you take big groups out for less."
"But I didn't," You said, lowering your head.
Ghost stood from his chair to move in front of you, crouching down on the floor in the space between your legs. He had to crane his neck to look up at you, and when you avoided his gaze again, he gently took your chin in his hand and held you in place. With no other choice but to stare into his eyes, you gave in, your shoulders slumping.
"It wasn't real," He said slowly, "If it was, none of those soldiers would have made it out in one piece. But it wasn't real, and it didn't happen."
"That doesn't really make me feel any better," You said with a small, broken laugh.
"How can I make it better?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper. "Anything, just tell me."
"Why do you care so much?" You asked in return, puzzled by his question. It wasn't like him to act like this, and you wondered to yourself if this was some kind of prank. "It was just a dream."
Ghost released your chin and let his hand slide down to your arm, slowly trailing downward until he reached the palms of your hands. When his fingers began lacing between yours, heat flooded your body and you tensed. Sensing this, Ghost loosened his grip and used the pad of his thumb to stroke your knuckles.
"Like it or not, I do care about you," He explained, and you could swear he was smiling beneath his mask. "Nightmares are serious business. I've seen soldiers off themselves over nightmares more times than I can count. I don't want that to happen to you."
"I wouldn't do that," You scoffed, "I don't think I'm capable of that sort of thing, anyway."
"Keep it that way," Ghost said, his tone firm. "You even start thinkin' like that, you come straight to me. That's an order."
"You sure like dishing out orders," You joked, allowing yourself a small smile. "When are you gonna quit telling me what to do, huh?"
"When you start listening," He shot back, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Definitely a smile under there, you were sure of it now. "Head back to bed, yeah? I'll take your watch."
"You don't have to do that, seriously-"
"I'm not asking, I'm telling," He cut you off, standing from his spot in front of you and pulling you up with him. "You've had more than enough excitement for one night."
Before you could further protest, Ghost did the unthinkable, pulling you in close by your wrist so you were flush against his chest. Your breath caught in your throat as he looked you over, his eyes trailing over your face, down your nose, and landing on your lips. A different hand snaked around your middle and you froze, his palm pressed flat against the center of your back. When it began sliding downward, you thought you were going to pass out.
For the first time that night, you were just fine with maintaining eye contact, waiting for him to do something, anything. His hand traveled lower and lower until it reached the hem of your pants, one of his fingers lacing through a belt loop.
"Make me a promise, yeah?" He asked in a deep, gruff voice.
You swallowed hard. "Depends on what it is."
Ghost leaned in close until he reached the shell of your ear, his hot breath barely grazing your skin through his mask. Your head was running marathons as you tried to comprehend what was happening, but for whatever reason, you didn't want it to stop. Using what little bravery you had, you dared to reach up and lay your hand over the left side of his chest. Even with the thick fabric in the way, it was easy to make out every detail of the muscle there. He tensed under your touch and held his own breath for a moment.
Ghost released your hand and raised it to his own face. You were sure what he was doing until you felt warm, chapped lips ghosting over the skin of your ear.
He pulled his mask up.
"Promise me you'll keep this between us, love," He murmured, his tone close to that of a purr. When he spoke, his lips made contact with your ear, and goosebumps raised on your skin.
"What if I don't?" You dared to ask, feeling bold.
He fell silent, humming once as the hand on your lower back abandoned its position. For a moment you thought you'd gone too far, and when he removed your knife from it's place on your hip, you took in a sharp breath. It clattered to the floor beside you, the protective case around the blade muffling the sound slightly. Next he took your still empty gun, placing it in his own holster and making a point to shove it in roughly.
"Guess I'll have to make it an order, then."
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zepskies · 2 years
Never Say Goodbye - Part 4
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 4,400 Warnings: Language, cliffhangers (lol). 
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Part 4: Guessing Game
The next morning was a Wednesday. Despite the monumental, life-changing things that happened yesterday, unfortunately, you still had to go to work. You also had three class finals to finish.
Still, you woke invigorated with a new energy you had never felt before because you had finally, finally met your soulmate.
…Okay, not so much met him, but at least you had shared a telepathic conversation! That still counted!
…No matter how actually insane that sounded.
So you got ready for your day with an added pep in your step. You dressed “work casual”: white blouse tucked into a black skirt, tights because of the cold, black boots, and your favorite red winter coat. It hung to about your knees, so it would protect your legs. You even had the energy to put on some makeup and style your hair a little, fixing the frizzy kinks into some smoother waves down your back.
You looked into the mirror and you felt proud of your reflection. Not just how you looked, but of how you were able to carry yourself with your head held high. 
With your purse and books gathered, you ventured downstairs and found your dad already puttering through the kitchen. You accepted the mug of coffee he offered and sipped at it while you packed a lunch.
Hmm, getting low on groceries. I’ll have to swing by the store on the way home, you thought.
There was one other thing that snagged in your mind, and that was having to reschedule your visit with Bobby. After you “hung up” with your soulmate (who frustratingly refused to give you his name yet), you realized how late it was and called your uncle for a rain check. But you fully intended to keep your word and visit him today, after work.
Now, you eyed your dad as he read the paper at the small kitchen nook. You took your coffee and sat down across from him (you still had a few minutes before you had to leave). 
“How’s the world?” you asked him, nodding at the newspaper.
“Great,” he replied dryly. “Just one big dumpster fire.”
The corner of your mouth quirked upwards. “Any local flames?”
Jack sighed and lowered the paper, meeting her eyes. “Unfortunately, yes. You carry pepper spray, don’t you?”
You nodded. “Of course.”  
“And your handgun? Where’d you put it?” he asked. You frowned. 
Your father was a cop and this was the Midwest. You did have a concealed carrier’s permit, but you weren’t allowed to have your gun on you at school, so you typically stored it in the nightstand by your bed. Jack knew that.
“What’s going on?” you asked. 
“There’s been a series of home invasions across town, two of them in our neighborhood,” he said, giving you a firm look. “Watch yourself when you leave the house, when you head to your car, when you leave campus.”
“I know, Dad,” you replied. “By the way…are you planning on going to see Mom today? I didn’t get a chance to go yesterday, so we could go together if you want.”
You were attempting to lend an olive branch after yesterday’s argument. Jack, however, wasn’t getting the hint. 
“I can’t.” He shook his head and tapped at the newspaper headline. “I’m actually heading this case…most of these have been what we call ‘push-ins.’”
“What’s a push-in?” you asked. You could guess, but you didn’t like how serious your dad was right now.
“Let’s say someone knocks at the door. You’re not expecting anyone, not even the pizza guy. What do you do?” Jack asked. 
“Check who it is through the peephole,” you answer.
“What if your door doesn’t have one?”
This was easy. Your father had drilled this into you since you were eight years old. “Ask who it is through the door. Don’t open it unless you know them, or unless you can smell pizza through the door crack.”
“Good. Most people will just open the door without checking,” Jack said. “The guy shoves his way in and attacks you. That’s a push-in.”
Goddamn. You didn't know there was a name for that. 
“And how many of these have happened so far?” you asked.
“Four that we know of,” he replied. “It hasn’t hit the news yet but…Mrs. Jenkins was killed last night. We found the poor thing literally clutching her pearls.”
You blanched, setting down your coffee. Shock hit you first, then sadness. Mrs. Jenkins was the sweet old lady who used to make cookies for Sunday school when you were a kid. She’d given you $50 for college textbooks when you graduated from high school, and then flowers when you graduated with your bachelor’s degree. 
Your eyes burned with emotion. “I can’t believe it. He was after her pearls?”
“I imagine she didn’t want to give ‘em up,” Jack said. “Or she held on out of reflex. When you’re afraid, logic tends to fly out the window.”
You understood that, but you couldn’t believe she’d died for her jewelry. You rubbed the silver ring on your right hand and rationalized to yourself. You knew you could give up your mom’s ring if it meant the difference between that and a bullet in your brain.
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Your dad was still telling you to be careful when you left the house that morning. He only nagged and rode your ass about your future career because he cared. You knew that. But the nagging was a test of your ever-thinning patience. 
Once you got on the road, you had an hour to kill on your commute. Then a flash of an idea occurred to you, making you smile. With a deep breath, you sought that thread of energy inside your mind. You didn’t know if this would work. It wouldn’t be long until you were driving away from Sioux Falls and headed to Vermillion, but you hoped the connection would win out.
The thread brightened with your focus on it, and suddenly you could feel him. Your soulmate. 
Good morning, sleepyhead, you greeted cheerfully. His response was more sluggish.
No, it ain’t.  
His grumpy voice made you laugh. Aw, someone’s grouchy in the morning.
This lumpy couch killed my back, he complained. And I could hear my brother’s snoring from downstairs.
So he had a brother. That was an interesting tidbit of information you’d save for later. You smiled. 
You’re a cute grouch.
Excuse me, princess. I’m not a “cute” anything. He sounded mildly offended, but you sensed he was just as amused as you. 
So what’s your brother’s name? you asked.
He hesitated, but eventually he replied, His name’s Sam. 
Okay, so his brother’s name was safe, but his name had to be a mystery. And his job. That annoyed you, though you supposed it was part of the game.
What’re you up to? he asked. 
On my way to work. 
Oh, yeah? What do you do?
Even though you shook your head at the hypocrisy of his question, you decided to answer honestly. Well, I’m finishing up grad school next semester. This week is finals, then we break until January. But I also work part-time for one of my professors as her assistant.
Look at you, he said with a whistle. Beauty and brains.
You quirked a smile. If only your dad were that impressed. Technically you haven’t confirmed the “beauty” bit. I could be a potato with legs for all you know.
You sensed rather than heard his laughter.
Nah, a voice that sexy can’t be Potato Girl. 
You blushed up to your ears at that one. No one had ever described your voice that way. Quiet, mousy yes—and mainly by Dr. Birch—but never sexy.
Your soulmate was definitely a flirt, if nothing else. 
Hmm, you had that line locked and loaded, didn’t you?
Nope. That was fresh, sweetheart, he said. I’m just that creative. 
Sure, you laughed again. It’s already 9:00 a.m. Don’t you have somewhere to be?
Yeah, now that you mention it. I’ve gotta get going to work too.
That was disappointing, but at least you’d learned something new. Your soulmate wasn’t a morning person, and he had a brother.
Do you and your brother both have the same mystery job?
…Yeah, actually. We work together, he said. Good question, Nancy Drew. 
Yes! You smiled in triumph. 
You made a few more guesses about his job: police officer, teacher, leader of a biker gang—all of which were apparently wrong. 
But keep ‘em comin’, he said. You’ll get it eventually.
You let out an annoyed huff. But then you felt his amusement, like he was genuinely enjoying himself while talking with you. That warmed you up enough for now.
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After a long day at the university, you relished coming home knowing you only had two more days until winter break. 
You stopped at the grocery store on the way home, like you’d planned, but now you regretted it. There were only two cashiers open despite a packed store. Ugh. Just my luck.
You chose the one that didn’t have a screaming child throwing his mother’s apples out of the cart, but you did stop to help her pick them up. 
“Thanks, hun,” she said tiredly. You nodded with a sympathetic smile.
“How old is he?” you asked.
“Two and a half,” she said. You tried to hide your reaction, but she gave a wry smile and returned to her child.
Good luck, you wanted to say, but you kept that yourself and returned to your cart. As the line inched forward, you wondered if you wanted kids. 
Never really thought about it before, you could admit. You supposed there was a lot to consider, but maybe most importantly: It has to be with the right person.
You wondered if your soulmate was that person, or if having kids one day (or not) was going to be a dealbreaker for him.
Then you snorted, shaking your head. Okay, you’re getting very ahead of yourself. You haven’t even met the man.
“Hey, look who it is!” 
The cashier’s voice startled you from your thoughts. When you broke out of your reverie, you realized you were at the front of the line, and Danny Schmitt was once again your checkout guy. Part of you withered, but you tried at a polite smile as you busied yourself by emptying your cart on the conveyer belt. “Hey, Danny. How’re you doing?”
“Been good. And yourself? You look good,” he said. He wasn’t very discreet about checking you out. You blushed, but more from discomfort than flattery. 
“Thanks,” you said, a bit awkwardly, and started bagging the groceries he rang up.
“What have you been up to?” he asked. “Every time I see you, you’re dressed up like you’re goin’ to a Broadway show or something.”
Broadway? You glanced down at your work casual blouse and skirt. To the movie theater, maybe. Less Mamma Mia and more Magic Mike.  
“I like it though. Skirt and boots, always a sexy combo,” Danny said, and gave you a wink. You had no doubt that many a girl had swooned at the move, but you were less charmed and more annoyed. You finished bagging your stuff and paid with your credit card in silence.
The high school version of yourself would’ve blushed at Danny’s attention. After stapling his fingers together in freshman year, he’d gone through a growth spurt the next. He’d joined the wrestling team, and paired with his light blonde hair and square jaw, the girls hadn’t stopped stumbling over themselves to get with him. 
After high school, though, Danny didn’t get that sports scholarship for college. It also looked like he didn’t have the drive for anything else, either. He’d worked this same job at the Piggly Wiggly since you graduated six years ago.
All right, check your privilege, you reminded yourself, feeling guilty for judging him. Not everyone’s cut out for college. You don’t even know exactly what you want to do with your life.
“Have a good one,” he said, handing you the receipt. “And hey, let me know if you want to get a coffee sometime, or dinner. Flannigan’s has a two-for-one special on beer pitchers…I’ll pay. Or, you know, we could split it. You know, equality and all that. Hell, even you could pay if you wanted to.” He laughed.
Tempting, you thought. Though you’d have to remember about that two-for-one special. Uncle Bobby might want to make that your beer pilgrimage tonight.
“You know, I’ve been pretty busy lately,” you said, trying your best at a smile. “But I’ll let you know!”
Maybe it was rude of you, but you didn’t give him a chance to reply as you took your cart and waved goodbye.
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Bobby welcomed you into his home, with what could only be described as a “gruff smile.” You shed your winter coat, but finding no hooks on the wall, you just draped it over the back of the living room couch.
“Come in,” he beckoned with a hand. “Don’t mind the mess. I was just finishing up some…work.”
Indeed, there were several books strewn across the coffee table, the dining table, the little accent table next to the couch—basically every available space in the living room was covered with books, manuscripts, and loose papers. Your eyes scanned over some of them. Raising a brow, you picked up one of the books. 
“Omens, Trials, and Tribulations: A Guided Study on the Book of Revelation,” you read, and gave Bobby a curious look. “Doing some light reading alongside the New King James?” 
Bobby shrugged. “It’s a hobby.”
Somehow you didn’t think that was the whole story, but you smiled in amusement. Then you noticed some rumpled bed sheets on the couch, a green duffle bag dumped on the floor. 
“Do you have someone staying over? Should I come back another day?” you asked.
“Nah, I’ve got a couple of knuckleheads staying over, but they’re not here right now,” he said. “I sent them to work on somethin’.”
“Oh, towing a car for you?” you asked. 
“More like, checking out a possible job,” he explained, though that didn’t really explain anything at all. It left you even more curious as you got the sense he was leaving something out again, but you didn’t press it. Instead, you followed him into the kitchen.
“Want a beer?” he asked.
“That’s why I’m here,” you joked. “Dad drinks ‘em like a fish. By the time I get home, the fridge is damn-near empty.”
“How is he?” Bobby handed you the beer and you took it gratefully. 
“He’s the same. Buried in cases. I made him something before I left, for when he gets home,” you replied. Then you sighed and sat down at the two-seater table in the kitchen. “He didn’t even go to visit Mom on the anniversary.”
Just then, you realized something. You hadn’t actually visited Mom either, because you’d been distracted…hearing your soulmate’s thoughts for the first time. 
Damn it… 
Well, in this case your mom would probably forgive you, but you felt guilty all the same. You slid your ring around your finger absently.
Bobby sat across from you at the table. “The past can be a hard thing to let go of, but the real bitch of it is, it’s also hard remembering.”
You nodded in agreement. 
“How’re you doin’ then?” he asked. Instead of a customary fine, or busy, you actually thought about it. 
“Yesterday…I don’t know. I felt stuck. Like, I was hanging onto the train but I wasn’t in the driver’s seat,” you admitted. “Today, I woke up and things were different.”
“That’s specific,” Bobby remarked. You shot him a wry smile. 
“I don’t know. I’ve spent a long time just, like…trudging through the snow. Trying to keep the flurries out of my eyes,” you said. “But for the first time, I feel like I can see the sun, you know? There’s a reason to hope things might change. Like something good is coming my way.”
Bobby’s mouth lifted into a subtle grin. “Very poetic. You should think about writin’ for Hallmark.” 
You uttered an incredulous laugh. “All right. See if I pour my heart out to you again. God.”
“My apologies, princess,” Bobby said dryly. “Okay. In all seriousness, you’ve got a lot goin’ for ya, kid. You’ve got a right to be optimistic.”
You nodded with a superior smile. “Thank you.”  
“Listen, I’ve got a lasagna waiting in the oven. You want any part of that?” he asked. 
Your uncle was asking if you wanted to stay for dinner. You considered it and realized he was trying to connect with you. It wasn’t the first time he’d offered, and you regretted declining his loose invitations in the past. 
“Sure,” you said. “Lasagna sounds great.”
“All right.” He nodded. “Gimme a sec.”
 You had never understood the seemingly one-sided animosity between your dad and your uncle. Sure, Bobby was known as the town drunk. He’d gotten arrested a few times for publicly intoxicated antics, but he wasn’t belligerent. He wasn’t a bad man by any means. 
“You know, speaking of Italian. I like making spaghetti and meatballs, the latter from scratch,” you said. “Maybe I could make some next time.”
Bobby glanced over at you with a bit of surprise. “Uh…sure.”
You smiled. 
Later, as you and Bobby shared a meal together, you caught up on safe subjects, like how his business was going. He likewise asked you about your job. You admitted Dr. Birch was driving you up the wall this week. She’d asked you to grade two more of her classes’ final exams, putting you behind on your thesis draft. 
But then you drew enough courage to delve into not-so-safe subjects.
“All right, I’ve gotta know,” you said. “Why the hell did you and my dad fall out, Bobby? What is this thing?”
Bobby looked very reluctant. “It’s complicated.”
You stared back at him for a moment. Curiosity was eating at you, but you didn’t want to push either. Today was going well. Maybe it was better not to spoil it. 
“Complicated,” you echoed, smiling ruefully. “Right.”
After you two finished dinner and the dishes were cleared, you thanked Bobby and surprised him with a hug. His arms came around you briefly before you both let go, just a little awkwardly. 
You put on your coat and headed out the door, until his voice stopped you on the porch. 
“Look, regardless of where your dad and I stand, you’re family,” Bobby said. “You’re always welcome here.”
You gave a warm smile. “Thanks, Uncle Bobby.”
Then you returned to your Camaro and drove away from Singer Salvage, waving to his through your window as you went. 
You made a left at the main road going west, so you didn’t see the black Impala come in from the east road, turning into Bobby’s driveway.
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“What were those smooth wheels doing pulling out of this junk heap?” Dean jabbed a thumb behind him as he and Sam came into the house. They’d gotten nothing from that potential lead on John Winchester’s whereabouts, and neither of them were in a great mood. But the smell of food cheered up both of them, especially Dean.
“What?” Bobby asked.
“That blue ’93 Camaro Z28 that just peeled outta here. She was nice,” Dean said. Sam glanced at him, impressed. Dean smirked, an Aw, yeah, I know my shit kind of look.
Bobby smiled in amusement. “My niece stopped by for dinner.”
Sam shared a look of mild surprise with Dean, who said, “That’s a shame. Would’ve liked to meet her.”
Bobby shot him a warning look. “Down, boy. Like you need any help findin’ dance partners.” 
Dean grinned. Sam nearly rolled his eyes. 
“The lead didn’t pan out,” Sam said. “So we’re gonna head out in the morning, if that’s all right.”
“Fine,” Bobby shrugged. “Drink my beer, eat my food, and run up my water bill. Just do me a favor and clean up after yourselves. I don’t need a roach infestation.” 
“What, don’t you think the rats need company?” Dean teased. Bobby raised a warning finger at him, making Dean hold back a laugh.
Bobby went upstairs for bed soon after, and Dean gave Sam first shower this time. It was good timing too…
Dean realized he could hear his soulmate again. 
 You were rocking out to a Billy Joel song.
He smirked. Figures.
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As you drove home blasting “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” you chanted along with the long verses, sometimes forgetting words, sometimes stumbling and saying them wrong. But you came in strong with the part you knew: We didn’t start the fiiire. It was always buuurnin’ since the world’s been tuuurnin’—
Figures, your soulmate’s voice cut through everything else. It almost startled you, but feeling his amusement made you blush hotly. 
He laughed, and it was a rich sound that made something flutter in your stomach. 
Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt the performance. But come on, ‘80s pop?
You scoffed. All right, Mr. Power Ballad. Billy Joel is pop rock.
Gotta say, I expected better from you, sweetheart, he teased.
Ugh, you sound like such an old man. Tell me you don’t just listen to mullet rock, you rejoined. 
All right. Let’s take an inventory, shall we? he challenged. ACDC. Led Zeppelin. Boston.
You made a face as you continued to drive through your hometown. You knew these streets like the back of your hand, even in the pitch black of eleven at night. 
Yes to Zeppelin. The other two are…loud, you said. You heard him sigh, but he accepted this.
Fine, how about Hendrix?
Absolutely. You smiled. I take your Hendrix and raise you Prince and Beyonce.
Prince, yes. You can keep Beyonce, he said. Sorry, I’m not Team BeyHive.
You chortled in response. The fact that you know what that means give me hope. At least you’re aware that you live in the 2000s. 
Whatever. I was raised on two things: classic rock and the open road.
His grumpiness was entertaining, but this gave you an excellent opportunity to play your little game.
The open road, huh? Are you some kind of traveling salesman? you asked.
Definitely not.
Hmm. Perhaps he sensed your frustration. He surprised you by giving you a hint.
Travel is part of it though.
Aha! I knew it.
Oh yeah? How?
This morning you said you were sleeping on a couch, you began. You typically don’t do that if you’re not at home in your bed. So I could assume you were traveling, and you had to work today. But I didn’t know you had to travel often for work until you just said it.
You felt proud of your deductive reasoning. So now I know that you and your brother have the same job. It’s unlikely you live in Sioux Falls. And you travel often for work.
Dean whistled lowly. Damn, girl. Somehow you’re reminding me of Sam right now…what are you studying again?
You noted a brief tendril of sadness from him, being quickly brushed off. You didn’t dwell on it, but you would make a mental note of it for later, maybe.
History, you replied.
Oh, okay. Gonna be a teacher or something?
I…don’t really know yet. I’ve been scoping out jobs…
You’ve almost got two degrees and you don’t know what you wanna do with ‘em?
All right, that was hitting a nerve. 
“You know what? Don’t change the subject!” you said. Realizing you said that out loud, you made sure to think it at him this time.
You don’t live in Sioux Falls right? Or South Dakota even? you added.
Look at you go, little miss detective, he replied. You thought he enjoyed teasing you a bit too much. No, I don’t live here. But a family friend does.
Okay, so that narrowed it down to everything.
You turned the street corner into your neighborhood. The streetlights were sparse here ever since the last snowstorm knocked them out. Your dad had talked about installing ground lights in the front lawn for years, but he’d never gotten around to it. His job was too demanding to take care of much at home, which left you with most of the responsibility. Sometimes you wondered how your mom did it…
Anyway, back to the game. 
Plumber, electrician, flight attendant? You guessed. You had a feeling from the way he talked about your schooling that he hadn’t gone to college. You didn’t mind that. If this stupid game was anything to go by, it sounded like he had an interesting way of making a living. 
Nope to all three, especially the last one. Ugh.
Goddamn it. Okay, do you own a business?
You could say that. It’s a family business, he said. There was a playful note to this voice, as if he was dancing around the truth.
Dear Lord. All right, a family business… 
It was probably something small-scale. A diner? Hardware store? 
It’s not a physical store. More like a…a service.
You were getting warmer! With a smile, you made your way down your street and pulled your car into the driveway. Surprise, surprise, your dad wasn’t home yet.
Got it. You nodded. Okay, truck driver. Service engineer, electrician…oh shit, I said that earlier. Hmm…exterminator?
You grabbed your purse and finally got out of your car. You’d made it all the way to your front door when you realized that your soulmate had gone quiet. You sensed he was thinking, contemplating. 
You nearly bounced in excitement as you unlocked the door to your house. I’m right, aren’t I? Which one?
After stepping inside and closing the door behind you, you turned on the hallway and living room lights. 
The last one, he said at last. You paused in your excitement, your brows furrowed.
Exterminator. Really? That was curious. Who’d ever heard of a traveling exterminator? Like rats and stuff?
And stuff, he said with a chuckle, but somehow you knew it was hollow. You frowned, until you looked into the living room and noticed something weird. 
A black duffel bag that didn’t look like your dad’s. You don’t remember it being there this morning either. 
Hey, you okay? he asked. You realized that he was probably sensing your confusion. You headed toward the duffel bag. 
Yeah, I just got home—
The moment you set down your purse on the coffee table, a hand closed over your mouth and muffled your scream. 
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AN: Yay, cliffhangers! (I promise they'll meet in the next chapter lol.)
Also, I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you reading, reblogging, commenting, etc. I didn't think this little fic would generate that much interest, but getting your feedback is inspiring me to write more!
Keep reading: Part 5.
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Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
@curlycarley @buckywenal24 @jamerlynn @iprobablyshipit91 @globetrotter28 @deamus-liv @irgendwas122 @deans-spinster-witch @dogbarkbark4445
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rougepancake · 1 year
PROMPT 14!!! (“You heard me take it off”) WITH HANGE/HISTORIA/ANNIE/YMIR!!!
(I’m so Downbad for them😭)
Prompt 14 - “You heard me. take. it. off.”
Ft. Hange Zoe, Historia Reiss, Annie Leonhart, & Ymir
Warnings: Strip poker in Hange’s, zest all the way around tbh, Annie and Ymir being mean (who’s surprised tho), not full smut (sorry everyone LOL-), Historia being cunning (mentions of cheating in hers), dubcon. Not proofread lmaooo-
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“You want to play what?” Levi scoffed, looking at Hange with a disgusted expression. He was leaning against the doorway of Erwin’s office, having recently returned from an expedition with his crew. He was going to report to Erwin and leave, but now Hange has his attention.
“Strip poker.” Erwin chuckled, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the idea.
“Hange how exactly did you come up with this?” You tilted your head and crossed your arms, giving them a slightly judgmental look, only to follow it up with a giggle. You couldn’t keep up the act, so you just gave in and looked over at Levi.
“Well- it came to me in a dream! Whoever loses has to take an article of clothing off and so on and so forth.” They grinned and placed their hands on their hips, wriggling their eyebrows at Levi. “What? Are you scared?” They teased and Erwin snickered softly.
“The hell I am. I’m great a poker.” He grumbled and sat down at the table near Erwin’s desk, waiting for the rest of you three to join him.
A couple rounds in, and you were losing bad. You had already taken off your corps jacket and your thigh high boots. If you lost one more game then you’d be taking off your shirt, and while it did sound like a good time, you had some rather nasty scars on your torso- and you weren’t about to sit down and explain it.
“Ahaha!” Hange laughed, smiling as you lost the game once again. Erwin gave you a reassuring smile and Levi simply scoffed.
It was always those three getting you into trouble.
“You know what that means Y/n. Take off your button up.” Levi pointed and Hange hushed him, looking at you expectantly.
Nervously, you took a swig of the whiskey before you before slowly unbuttoning your shirt. You stopped and looked at Erwin, who would hopefully be your saving grace here.
“W-Well I’m feeling sort of tired, you know?” You faked a yawn, letting out a surprised gasp as Hange leaned in and glared at you through their glasses.
“You heard Levi, darling.” They whispered lowly, a dark smirk forming on their lips. You swallowed thickly, Hange’s hands coming up and resting on top of yours. “Take. It. Off.”
You had been drinking with the rest of the troops, but snuck away to hang out with Historia. The blonde had you behind the barracks, kissing you silly, which was terrifying for you since you knew Ymir had a thing for her.
She was taking control of the whole situation, which was definitely unexpected compared to her whole personality. She was just an easygoing girl with strong morals, and a damn good set of lips.
It was like she had done this before, with how her hands just slid up your sides effortlessly, making you breathless as her lips continued to move against yours.
You were unable to say anything when she pulled away, stunned into silence by the mischievous look in her eyes.
“Ymir would love you.” She whispered, her fingers quickly unbuttoning her shirt. And while she was fast, she was still a tease. Once she had unbuttoned hers, her hands went to yours, but you stopped her.
“H-Historia I don’t know if this is the best thing to do. I mean just look at where we are.” You tried to explain to her that the chances of you getting caught were high, and you didn’t want to risk it.
But she didn’t care.
Of course.
Blondes and their needless determination.
“Come on Y/n. Just take it off. I promise we won’t get caught.” She smiled, and you felt your heart skip a beat. She was so sweet, but you knew what she was doing.
She cut you off, placing a finger against your lips as her seemingly innocent smile grew. “Didn’t you hear me?” She giggled. “Take it off.” Her eyes shined beautifully underneath the moonlight, and you couldn’t turn her down with how damned sweet her tone was.
She was addictive, and if she wasn’t with Ymir, you’d put the prettiest rock on her finger.
After months of training and preparation, you had her right where you wanted her.
Or so you thought.
“What the hell are you doing?” She asked, kicking you to the ground with ease. You hated how she was your sparring partner, but you had no other options, so you were stuck with her.
With a groan, you got back to your feet and dusted yourself off. The crowd around you watched in surprise, silently rooting for you.
“Doesn’t matter what I’m doing now. What matters is what I’m going to do.” You smirked, squaring up and taking the defensive side as Annie reared up for another kick.
“Oh yeah?“ She scoffed and brought her leg up and hit your arm harshly, but you countered it by grabbing her leg with your left hand and pulling her to the ground. She hit the ground and the crowd around you cheered, clapping at your victory.
As they cleared out, you bent down and helped Annie up, only to be pinned to the ground by her.
Great. She was pissed.
“What the fuck was that?!?” She whisper shouted, her fists clenching your shirt as she straddled your chest.
If your life weren’t on the line right now, you would’ve found this all very attractive.
“Payback.” You huffed, moving to shove her off but failing. “I’m tired of your ass pushing me around all the time. I don’t care if you’re my sparring partner or not, it’s annoying.” You rolled your eyes and rolled over, pinning her underneath you now, your hand resting lightly on her throat.
“You’re an easy target.” She sighed and loosened her grip on your shirt. Her arms fell down to her sides and you took this as your moment.
“And you’re hot.” You smirked and removed your hand from her throat, sitting back some so she could prop herself up on her elbows. She didn’t seem phased in the slightest, but her eyes betrayed her curiosity.
You lazily stood up and pulled her off the ground, dragging her behind the storage shed and pinning her up against the wooden wall. You put your knee between her legs and applied pressure, your lustful hatred for your rival growing.
“Take off your pants. Let’s get this over with.” You watched her expression change to a challenging one, her eyes shining defiantly.
“Do it yourself.”
Ugh. Blondes and their needless determination.
“You heard me.” You leaned forward and smirked. “Take. Them. Off.”
She was oddly illusive, and you couldn’t help but be drawn in by her false sense of confidence. She acted like she was a god, like she was better than the rest of you.
And you hated it.
It was her, Annie, and Mikasa that put themselves up on these high pedestals that they used to look down on everyone.
They all looked out for themselves.
No one else.
Which- in a way - wasn’t that bad. Cause why get attached if you’re just going to die anyways?
Sasha waved her hand in front of your face, pulling you back to reality. She grinned and called you out on your ‘broodiness’, which only annoyed you further.
Jean and Connie dragged Sasha along and left you to deal with Ymir, who had made eye contact with you and was now walking over to where you stood.
“Like what you see?” She smirked and leaned against the table before you.
Wow the sun had really brought out her freckles…
“I don’t typically fall for women with god complexes.” You shrugged it off and raised an eyebrow, staring into her eyes.
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that.” Ymir winked and took a seat at the table, waving you over with a singular finger.
“Oh really? So you know my type better than I do? Is that what you’re saying?” You smirked and sat down across from her, your eyes shining.
You couldn’t lie. You were invested.
But she was still a bitch.
“Of course.” She chuckled and leaned forward, her voice lowering. You felt your breath hitch and your heart rate quicken. “Just look at you, Y/n. You’re a mess and I haven’t even gotten to touch you yet.” You felt your face flush harshly, your tough act breaking.
“Shut up. You don’t know jack shit about me.” You argued, shooting a glare as you attempted to cover up your embarrassment.
“It’s embarrassing to watch you lie like this. But I won’t stop you.” She winked and stood up, walking over to you and grabbing your wrist, dragging you behind her as she walked.
“What the hell are you planning?” You spat, pulling your wrist from her grasp. With a huff, you followed her off the base and into the forest some, coming to a clearing and stopping behind her.
“Well. I figured that since you want me so bad, that you’d be able to give me a test drive.” She smirked and placed a hand on her hip, looking over her shoulder at you. “Now go ahead and get undressed for me. And behave yourself.” She teased, running a hand through her hair. “You’re all bark and no bite, but I’m both. So watch it.”
You froze and looked down at your clothes, swallowing thickly.
Damn you hadn’t expected it to be this easy.
“Can’t you help me?” You raised an eyebrow, your tone wavering slightly.
“I know damn well you heard me the first time.” You could feel her ego grow, and you blushed profusely. “Take. off. your. clothes.”
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a-casual-kpopfan · 2 years
Now Streaming: Game of Life - Sakura
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A/N: I guess Ghost and I are really expanding our tastes to other groups and idols. Lol
Sakura doesn’t understand love.
Or more specifically, romantic love.
Working at a manga café, Sakura has been exposed to every kind of manga there is. Among them, romance takes the cake for the most liked genre of all time. She always hears teens gushing over a certain couple and how “sweet” they are. Even in action or horror manga, she can always hear people talking about how these characters are “OTP”, and they are “sailing the ship”.
Sakura doesn’t get it.
She tries to understand it by reading about it a lot, both manga and novels. But she just can’t bring herself to imagine what love feels like. Is it a deeply passionate kiss? Is it a candle-lit dinner at a fancy restaurant? A public confession or proposal? The nervous feeling of ‘butterfly in stomach’ or the giddiness of being close to the ‘crush?’
When she asks other people, most, if not all of them give her answers that are basically the same as in the manga and light novels she read.
‘The feeling of wanting to be with someone, despite their flaws.’
‘The attractiveness they feel towards their loved one.’
‘Wanting to keep all of them to yourself and not sharing them to anyone.’
It’s not like Sakura has never felt loved. Her family loves her. Her mom, her dad, her younger brother. They love her unconditionally and would be willing to do anything for her. And she would do the same for them. After all, she loves them as much as they love her. Although, familial love and romantic love are two different kinds of love. So back to square one.
In one of the vain attempts in understanding love, Sakura tried dating apps. Though she quickly finds it boring. Most people are either too flirty, saying that they can give her a hell of a time later (aka, trying to get into her pants) or aren’t even confident enough to hold a proper conversation with her. Needless to say, she has never gone on a second date with anyone.
Though, there’s another kind of love that she understands, one that most of her friends don’t even start to comprehend. Video games. Sakura can be categorized as the rare specimen known as a gamer girl. She plays a lot of games, from action, to horror, to multiplayer, she’s played it all.
 She doesn’t understand why her friends don’t play them. They are fun, entertaining, and sometimes, wholesome or heart wrenching. Though Sakura usually focus on more multiplayer games. She likes to interact with other people when they are focused in the game, and not in trying to flirt with her. After all, playing games is how she got to meet her best friend, after all.
Anyways, no matter how much effort Sakura put in, she still can’t understand that kind of love that she hears her peers love to talk about, so she just gives up on understanding it. Why waste time on something that she can’t figure out? It’s not like she needs it to live anyways.
Not when she has video games.
Today was supposed to be a chilly day for Sakura.
It’s the weekend, her day off, and she decides to spend time at the PC bang, playing games to her heart’s content.
All is well, until a certain guy starts to bother her again…
“Hi Sakura.”
The receptionist greets Sakura warmly. Since Sakura is a regular customer at this place, it’s inevitable that almost all employees recognize her. And as the receptionist of the PC bang, he obviously knows Sakura very well.
Politely, Sakura offers him a smile back and heads to an empty PC, doing her prep of checking the headphone, mouse and keyboard to make sure everything is ok.
As she boots up the PC, excitedly thinking about what games to play today, a less than favorable voice appears from behind her seat.
“Haven’t you seen you here for a while Sakura. I was sad thinking that you won’t be coming here anymore. But seeing you here is great! It seems like you still miss me huh?”
As soon as Sakura hears his voice, she automatically tunes out his words, and opens a music tab to drown out the ‘noise’.
That plan doesn’t last long though, as her headphones is promptly yanked off her ears, the man who’s been yapping away is now facing her, his expression less than happy.
“Hey, I’m giving you my precious attention, why are you ignoring me?” The man then raises an eyebrow, his lips curving into a smirk “Oh I see, playing hard to get huh? It’s ok, I know how hot I am, hehe~”
Now, Sakura doesn’t understand the concept of love and crush and whatnot, but she isn’t oblivious enough to not recognize that this guy is trying to chase her and has been for a while now. His insufferable attitude causing most, if not everyone, employees include, to have a less the favorable view on him. However, since he doesn’t break the rules, they don’t have a reason to chase him out.
“Who said I want your attention?” Sakura rolls her eyes, taking her headphones back. “I just want to play games, so please go away.” She turns back to her screen, promptly ignoring him.
“Hah, games? Girl you are talking to one of the best gamers at this place, I will carry you in any games you want, as long as…” he wiggles his eyebrows “you accept to be my girlfriend~”
Sakura doesn’t even need to take off her headphones to hear the sigh of everyone in the vicinity. Ever since she caught his eyes, he’s been flirting nonstop, and it’s driving her insane.
What do I do now? Sakura groans, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. How do I get this guy off me?
“Come on, don’t be shy, I know you want to be my girlfriend, you’re just playing hard to get.” The man continues “No one can resist my charm~”
Amidst his yapping, Sakura suddenly thinks of someone. Her best friend. If it’s him, it should be fine, right? Sakura thinks to herself.
“I’m waiting for your answer~” With her patience at the boiling point, she turns to the man suddenly. “Sorry but I already have a boyfriend, so please don’t bother me anymore.”
Her answer instantly stuns the man…alongside the employees and other regular customers who know Sakura.
“You…you have a boyfriend?” The man stutters, not believing in his ears.
“Yeah, it’s Lunar, the streamer.” She fearlessly announces her friend’s online alias. Her fingers seamlessly search his streaming channel to see that he is also coincidentally streaming right now.
“You’re bullshitting me. There’s no way your friends with the Lunar, not to mention dating him!” The man voices his disbelief, and for good reasons of course. Lunar might not be a big-time streamer, but he is still pretty popular, due to his good looks, charming personality, and insane gaming skills.
“Don’t believe me?” Sakura asks with a grin, to which the man shakes his head profusely. “If he’s a streamer, why doesn’t he come here to play?”
“Are you stupid? His set up at home is better than most pc bang, why should he come here?”
His stupid question earns some snickers from nearby customers, but he has yet to give up. “I still don’t believe that you know Lunar.”
Snickering, Sakura takes out her phone and dials a number. Mere moments later, Lunar can be seen grabbing his phone on stream and talking the call with his shoulder holding the phone to his ears, pushing his right earphone to behind his ear. His eyes are still trained on the screen with his fingers tapping rapidly.
“Annyeong, Kkura?”
Everyone gasps the moment they hear his voice, fully not expecting her to actually know him.
“Annyeong Lunar, what are you doing?” Sakura replies cheerfully. “Uh, streaming Elden Ring, what’s up?” His constant typing can be heard through the call.
“Nothing, just feel like calling you.” She smiles mischievously, although Lunar doesn’t know that.
“Oh ok- YAH, STOP SPAMMING THAT SKILL! I’ll call you back later. Kind of busy right now.”
Sakura bursts out in fits of giggles as she glances at the screen, seeing Lunar constantly dodging Malenia’s infamous attack while still in an awkward position with his shoulder propping his phone.
“Okie, see you later Lunar.” Sakura hangs up the call, turning to look at the man. “Questions?” she asks in a sassy tone.
The guy can only stay silent, then goes away.
Sakura finally lets out a sigh, leaning back against her chair, before someone else approaches her.
“So, you really know Lunar?” an employee asks her.
Sakura can’t help but chuckle at how the employee’s eyes just glow when she confirms it.
Glancing back at the screen, she sees Lunar finally giving his attention to the game again, focusing on beating the boss.
How ironic, that the first time they met in a game, they yelled at each other almost every time they met. And now, he becomes her best friend, her confidant, when she wants to share things that she is too embarrassed to share with her parents.
She then thinks back to the declaration that she made just now, about him being her boyfriend.
It’s not like he’ll ever go here anyways, Sakura shrugs. What’s the harm?
True enough, Lunar never really visits the PC bang. Until today.
It’s been a few months since that particular incident. Things have gotten better than before.
That man annoys her less than before, seemingly not believing her lie, but still a bit cautious about it. Which Sakura doesn’t particularly care about, as long as he leaves her alone while she is at the PC bang.
Surprisingly enough, most people don’t bother her about questions relating to Lunar. Is it because they are afraid of him? Or is it because they are polite enough to not ask questions, unlike a certain guy? In any case, Sakura is glad she doesn’t have to deal with it anymore.
Well, until today.
Lunar’s parents seem to be visiting him. They nag so much about him sitting in one place and not doing anything else. He does protest that he works out a lot, but it has fallen onto deaf ears. This results in Lunar not being able to play or stream games with his usual schedule.
So, how else does he play games without being nagged by his parents? PC bang, of course.
He casually asks Sakura about her most frequent place. And like any good friend, Sakura first teases him about the fact that he must go to the PC bang to play games despite having a set up at home, then she tells him about her usual place, completely forgetting the lie she made a few months ago.
It isn’t until they meet up together, and walk to the PC bang, that Sakura suddenly realizes what she has just gotten herself into. The realization hits so hard, she stops mid-step, completely still like a statue, causing Lunar to notice it as well.
“What’s wrong?” He turns his head to her, tilting it slightly. “N-nothing! I just remembered that I forgot to do something.” Sakura tries to find a way to stop Lunar from going to the PC bang. “Should we take a raincheck?”
Immediately she could see a light pout on his face. “I’m only free today, Kkura.”
“I’ll just go alone then, you go do your stuff, Kkura.” Lunar shrugs, start heading towards the PC bang. “W-wait!” She catches up to him.
“I can just do it tomorrow. It’s not that urgent anyways.” Sakura plays it off. “Are you sure?” Lunar raises an eyebrow, looking at her. “Yeah! Besides, it’s been a while since we play games together, no?”
“Mhmm, it’s really been a while.” Sakura’s attempt to divert the topic seems to be successful, as they both head off to the PC bang again.
With no way to persuade Lunar, Sakura decides that it’s better to do damage control instead of letting him go there alone and let things potentially go even worse.
Arriving at the place, things happen almost like how she imagined it would be.
Employees greet her and recognize the youth besides her.
A few customers recognizing Lunar and start to fanboy/girl.
A certain guy who smiles when he saw her, only to be fuming with anger at the sight of Lunar. Sakura tries so hard not to let out a smirk at the sight.
“So, you finally decide to bring your boyfriend here huh?” An employee teases her, causing her breath to hitch slightly as she glances up to Lunar’s face. (As much as she hates to admit it, Lunar is one head taller than her, a fact that he’s been polite enough to not mention, but one that still makes her feel unfair.)
Instead of a confused expression like how she predicts, Lunar keeps a calm face as his eyes seem to scan around the room, taking in every bit of hints that he can get from other people before he flashes his iconic ‘streamer smile’, putting his arm over Sakura’s shoulder.
“Well, I’ve been quite busy recently, so I have not been able to follow Kkura to her usual place.” His words shocked her greatly. Out of all the things she guesses he would do, playing alone was not one of them.
Lunar seems to not notice her expression, as he expertly socializes with the employees and other customers before asking for a VIP room for the both of them, then leads her to it.
“Is there anything that I need to know, my girlfriend?” Lunar teases her right after they enter the room. “I don’t remember asking you out, you know.” Instead of being angry to confused about this, Lunar seems to be…relaxed? Sakura can’t really tell.
Nonetheless, Sakura still tells him the full story with the other guy, and how she uses Lunar as a shield against him.
“That explains his gaze from earlier…” He muses to himself.
“I’ll go clarify with the others later, don’t worry.” Sakura feels quite guilty about pulling her friend into her business but was cut off midway by Lunar. “Why?” He asks her quizzically.
“Uh…because we aren’t really dating, and I just use you to deter the guy?” Sakura is now truly confused. “Don’t bother, I don’t particularly care.” Lunar shrugs “As long as it keeps you safe, I can play your boyfriend.”
“Jinjja?” Sakura’s round eyes stare at his side profile, while Lunar is just booting up their PCs.
“Yeah, why not?” He glances back at her. “I’m not dating, and you need protection, so I’ll gladly provide that.” He shrugs.
Sakura only stares at Lunar for a long while, before saying: “Have anyone told you you’re handsome?” Bursting out laughing, Lunar clutches his stomach lightly. “Yeah, my fans.”
His answer earns him an elbow to the ribs. Gently.
“Ow-” Lunar rubs his ribs. “Let’s play some games!” Sakura pointedly ignores it, rushing him to play games with her.
For the first time in a while, Sakura really, really doesn’t enjoy her time playing games. It could have been that because she was too worried about the other guy, she couldn’t focus 100% on her games. Or maybe it’s because Lunar is here today with her. Who knows? Sakura doesn’t.
But she doesn’t care either. She manages to resolve the gnawing issue that is the other guy following her, and she can enjoy games with her best friend. And that’s all she asks for.
“Hey Kkura, I need my girlfriend’s help.”
“So, this is what you meant by, ‘needing your girlfriend’…” Sakura murmurs, standing in front of a restaurant.
“Yeah, my parents have been nagging at me to find someone, and I don’t exactly have someone else to help me with this….” Lunar scratches his head sheepishly.
“It’s ok, I got the gist of it already. Besides, you agreed to play my boyfriend, so it’s time I return the favor.” Sakura lets out a giggle, patting his shoulder, before wrapping her arm around his. “Now lead the way, boyfriend~”
“Also, one more thing.” Lunar says, “Don’t call me ‘Lunar’ in front of my parents.”
“Then what am I supposed to call you?” Sakura raises an eyebrow. Throughout the time she knows him, she has always been calling him by his nickname ‘Lunar’.
“My real name, of course.” He rolls his eyes.
“Alright then, Hyunwoo~” Sakura deliberately calls him in a cutesy voice, causing him to shiver visibly.
“Ugh, let’s get this over with….” Lunar, or Hyunwoo, leads Sakura inside the restaurant, where they proceed to meet with his parents. Little did they know, their lunch might have gone a bit…. Too well.
A few hours later….
“Your parents were a bit too excited, weren’t they?” Both are currently at the PC bang after their lunch.
“Yeah, it’s the first time I ever introduced someone to them, so they overreacted.” Lunar lets out a sigh. “Don’t worry, they’ll go back home next week, so you don’t have to worry about them for long.”
At his word, Sakura turns to stare at him, ignoring the fact that she is letting her character be shot to death. “Aish, what are you doing Kkura-” Lunar complains while trying to save her character, only to be asked a question instead.
“You’ve never dated anyone?” Sakura asks curiously.
“Hmm? Why are you asking that?” Lunar now glances at her face instead of the screen, letting both of their characters die in-game.
“I don’t know, I just felt like you’ve good a pretty good grasp on being a boyfriend.” Sakura muses, thinking back to the lunch date. Despite what his parents say about him, never introducing anyone to them, Lunar, or rather, Hyunwoo displays most, if not all the points of what a perfect boyfriend would be like.
Attentive, respectful, charming, keeping his parents from asking something that might be sensitive while managing to not let the atmosphere become tense, all around an almost perfect boyfriend.
“Me not introducing anyone to my parents doesn’t mean that I’ve never dated, Kkura.” Hyunwoo lets out a small chuckle. “I’ve dated a few people, but it just didn’t end up well.”
“Why?” Sakura is genuinely curious, just by interacting with him one can see how gentle and kind he is.
“Well, let’s just say I couldn’t keep up with them, so we fall out of touch.” Hyunwoo lets out a self-deprecating laugh.
“Anyways, should we start over the heist?” Hyunwoo points back to the screen. Sakura wants to say something, but she ends up swallowing it back as she smiles at him. “Yeah, let’s start over.”
It’s been a few months since then.
Sakura and Hyunwoo still pact as each other’s boyfriend/girlfriend when they need to. Having Hyunwoo act as her ‘boyfriend’ whenever someone tries to flirt with her eases her up a lot. It’s nice to have a shield.
On the other hand, Sakura agrees to act as his ‘girlfriend’ whenever his parents video calls him. Watching them nagging at him for various stuffs, while doting on her greatly is a great contrast, especially to see him pouting whenever that happens.
Unbeknownst to them, whatever slight awkwardness they might have between them has faded, as they become increasingly familiar with each other’s habits. Hyunwoo always seems to avoid anything red bean paste related snacks when they go out, knows how to act accordingly whenever a guy comes up to her, and even automatically grabs her hand while at crowded places to not lose her.
Even in-game, Hyunwoo seems to pick up on her little quirks and acts according to it, allowing her to have a great time playing games whenever she’s with him.
Sakura, in her own way, learns more about Hyunwoo in ways she’s never known. How he acts while streaming compared to how he is in real life, although the changes are miniscule and not worth paying attention to, Sakura did. She learns of his self-discipline by going to the gym every day, without missing a day off. She notices how he tends to scrunch up his nose whenever he’s in deep thought.
Despite how much they have progressed, they still regard themselves as nothing more than best friends. Sakura once joked that they are “friends with benefits” to the amusement of Hyunwoo. They do have benefits being friends, just not how people would expect.
“Your boyfriend really is something huh?”
One of Sakura’s coworker comments randomly, catching her off guard.
“Who?” She asks confusedly.
“Your boyfriend Lunar? The streamer?” her coworker points to Hyunwoo who is helping with loading the boxes of manga at her workplace.
“And?” Sakura is too busy with her own work to reply.
“How did a bum who has never dated someone like you manage to snatch such a fine guy?” Her coworker sighs disappointed. “He’s literally the perfect boyfriend described in almost every romance manga ever, and a bum like you snatched him away first.”
“I told you many times, already, we aren’t dating.” Sakura seems annoyed at this point.
“Yet he comes here in his free time to help you, he always brings you latte, he does whatever you ask for, and on top of that, he does free advertising for us on his stream! Do you know how much people would pay for him to advertise something?”
“He’s just being kind.” Sakura shrugs. “Mhmm, keep telling yourself that, hun.” Her coworker rolls her eyes, before a naughty glint appears in her eyes.
“Say, you said that you guys aren’t dating, right?”
“Yeah, and?”
“Can I date him, then?” Upon hearing that, Sakura immediately glares at her coworker before yelling “No!”
“Heh, and you say you guys aren’t dating.” Her coworker snickers, walking off, leaving only Sakura at the reception.
Sakura, meanwhile, was shocked at her own action.
Did she just get angry at the thought of Hyunwoo dating someone? She thinks to herself, then glances at him.
She never realized how dependent she was on him. How she smiles lightly whenever she receives his messages. How much more natural she is as playing his ‘girlfriend’ in front of his parents. How she wipes the sweat off his forehead like it’s just a natural thing for her. How their hands automatically intertwined with each other when they went out together. How she sometimes misses his warm hugs late at night.
Hyunwoo isn’t just a friend to her anymore. Sakura has a revelation to herself. She still doesn’t feel romantically interested in him, but she is sure that she can’t just view him as her best friend any longer.
But…If they aren’t best friends, what are they?
“How long have we been doing this couple act?”
Currently, Sakura is just laying on Hyunwoo’s bed, as she watches him mindlessly fight a random boss in Elden Ring.
“Uh…. Close to a year now.” Hyunwoo answers absentmindedly. “Why are you asking?”
“Nothing, just, thinking about stuffs…” Sakura answers, staring up at the ceiling for a while. “Should we stop?” Hyunwoo freezes at her question. “Huh?” he turns around on his chair to look at her, controller thrown onto the table. “Why?” He asks.
“Well, it’s just been going on for long enough, I think.” She raises her head to look at him, then proceeds to sit up on his bed with her legs crossed. “Don’t you think so?”
She watches as Hyunwoo falls into contemplation, his nose scrunching up as usual as he leans back onto his gaming chair, his feet tapping lightly against the ground as his eyes wander to whatever seems to catch his interest.
The silence stays for a while, each second seems heavier than the next as Sakura eyes Hyunwoo intently, until he finally looks back at her with an unreadable expression on his face.
“What if I don’t want it to end?” Hyunwoo stands up and moves to the bed, sitting down next to Sakura, but still facing her. “It doesn’t matter that it was an act at the beginning because it benefits us, it means something now, at least to me.” He looks straight into her eyes. “I might not understand what romance feel like, but this, what we have right now.” He points to her, then to himself. “I don’t want to lose it.”
Hyunwoo has no idea when it happened, or how it happened, but he knows one thing for sure that he doesn’t want anyone else besides Sakura. And it is the same for her.
Hyunwoo becomes the novel’s definition of how a loving partner should be, and Sakura has no idea when it happened. Sakura might not still understand what romance is, but what they have here, commitment and care, is a form of love between them, and Sakura refuses to abandon it.
That’s why she pounces at him, shoving him down on the bed while she’s straddling him, giggling. “I was just kidding~” Hyunwoo is dumbfounded. “You were?”
“I just wanted to confirm to myself if you feel what I feel as well.” Hyunwoo starts to sit up, his face so very close to hers as she sits in his lap instead of straddling him. “So…what are we then?” Hyunwoo asks her, chuckling. She joins him as well.
“We are whatever we want to be.” Sakura answers. “Best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, partners, anything.” Sakura’s arms wrap around his neck. “But you’re mine.”
His eyes soften at her words, his arms wrap around her waist.
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virgoilluminati · 1 year
World Class
next chapter
Chapter 4.
Previous chapter
A/N: hey guys! It's been a while, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in AGES but I started Uni! And its honestly just one of the weirdest experiences of my life. This is the next chapter of this world class series, honestly dk when this will be finished or when the next chapter will be but enjoy :)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: y/n being main character lmao (the angst is so extra and unnecessary but i wanted to make this story so extra). Jude Bellingham being a cutie pa tootie and swearing lol. 💕
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Liked by y/nmorrison, maryearps, lucybronze and 200,000 others
leahwilliamson we won the fifa match
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keirawalsh you may have won the battle but i will win the war 💥💥
leahwilliamson Leah 1, Keira 0. Easy peasy!
y/nmorrison @leahwilliamson I have now officially had a coffee overdose thanks to you two.
The soft morning light struggled to pierce through the curtains, and there you were, dragged into an unexpected adventure. Leah, the early morning dynamo and the team's captain, had leaped onto your bed with the grace of a ninja sloth.
"Rise and shine, superstar!" Leah declared, bouncing on your bed like it was a trampoline.
You, still half-asleep, attempted to process the bizarre situation. "Leah, what on earth are you doing?"
But Leah was on a mission, grabbing your wrist and dragging you downstairs like a determined detective chasing a criminal. Downstairs, in the living room, she pointed to the TV with the seriousness of an FBI agent about to crack a case.
"The TV."
You blinked, slowly realizing the gravity of the situation. "Leah, it's just a TV."
"No! It's FIFA!" Leah protested with the conviction of a conspiracy theorist. "I've been trying to beat Keira since the dawn of time, but she always wins. The only way I can beat her is by practicing."
You, still in your pajamas and jet-lagged from a recent trip to Spain, sighed. "When's your next game?"
"Today at 8 AM," Leah replied, her eyes gleaming with determination.
"So, let me get this straight," you said, trying to wrap your head around it all. "You woke me up at the crack of dawn to help you practice FIFA so you can defeat Keira at 8 AM?"
Leah nodded vigorously. "Exactly!"
You rubbed your eyes and reached for the coffee maker. "Alright, alright. But first, coffee. Lots and lots of coffee."
As you all gathered around the TV, your FIFA boot camp began. Mary joined in at 6 AM, bewildered by the early morning antics. "Leah, Y/N, what are you—"
But one glance at the TV, and she got it. "You've been sucked into the Keira vs. Leah saga, haven't you?" she asked, shaking her head.
You, already on your second cup of coffee, groaned and begged Mary to show you how to take a penalty kick, realizing that this absurd adventure had no end in sight.
As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing the towering figure of Bronze, the star defender. She surveyed the scene with an arched eyebrow and a bemused smile.
"What on earth is happening here?" Bronze asked, her voice a blend of curiosity and amusement.
Leah, still fervently determined to achieve FIFA greatness, answered before you could. "We're gearing up for the ultimate showdown with Keira. It's a matter of life and death, you know!"
Bronze chuckled, crossing her arms. "Alright, let me show you kids some of my international soccer wizardry." With that, she grabbed the controller from your hand and began demonstrating advanced maneuvers, earning impressed nods from the rest of you.
The living room had transformed into a battleground of FIFA enthusiasts, with tips and tricks flying faster than a Messi free-kick. The clock ticked on, the sun climbed higher, and the smell of coffee became a permanent fixture in the room.
Just when you thought your day couldn't get any stranger, the door creaked open again, and in strolled Daly. She eyed the chaos with a raised eyebrow, her imposing presence making the room feel smaller.
"What's all this commotion?" Daly asked, her deep voice cutting through the virtual crowd.
Leah, still on her mission to recruit everyone for the Keira vs. Leah face-off, eagerly explained. "It's Keira vs. Leah, Daly. I need to outmatch her at FIFA, and we're in intense training mode."
Daly considered this for a moment, then grinned. "Count me in. Let's give Keira a run for her virtual money."
With Daly on your side, your team was complete. The living room had evolved into a makeshift soccer arena, where tactics and skills were honed with determination. As the sun reached its zenith, you were more resolved than ever to dethrone Keira from her FIFA throne.
Keira, little did she know, was about to face a united front. A team of fierce competitors, armed with newfound FIFA skills, and fueled by caffeine and sheer determination, was poised to take her on in the virtual soccer showdown of the century. The saga had become a sideshow in itself, and it was only a matter of time before the epic showdown unfolded on the pixelated pitch.
The living room had been transformed into a battlefield of pixelated glory as Leah and Keira prepared to face off in the ultimate FIFA showdown. Each was seated on one end of the sofa, clutching their controllers like they were the keys to victory. On either side of the room, their respective teams had gathered, divided into passionate discussions of strategy.
Keira's dream team consisted of Millie, Chloe, Alessia, and Ella, all known for their formidable FIFA skills. The tension in the room was palpable as the match commenced.
Leah, her eyes fixed on the screen, whispered to herself with determination, "I've trained for this moment. It's time to show Keira what I'm made of."
Keira, on the other hand, couldn't resist a sly grin. "Ready to be humbled, Leah?"
The virtual soccer field came to life, but it wasn't just about the game; it was about the comical chaos that unfolded around it.
Millie cheered enthusiastically for Keira. "Go, Keira! Score that goal!"
Georgia, on Leah's side, leaned in and whispered, "I heard Keira practices her penalty kicks in her sleep. No pressure, though."
Alessia, trying to distract Leah, chimed in, "Hey, Leah, did you hear there's a new cafe in town? Great place to celebrate your impending defeat."
Ella, sipping on a smoothie, added casually, "Oh, sorry, Leah. Were you trying to concentrate?"
Leah's team wasn't about to be outdone in the banter department.
Daly couldn't resist mocking Keira. "Keira, did you confuse the FIFA controls with your phone again?"
Bronze joined in, feigning shock. "Oh no, Keira scored? Must be a solar eclipse or something."
Mary, pretending to be a commentator, announced, "And Keira makes a pass... to the wrong player. Classic Keira move."
The living room was a cacophony of shouts, laughter, and exaggerated victory dances. Even the cat decided to join the spectacle, chasing an imaginary ball across the floor.
Leah, nudging you for help, said urgently, "Y/N, give me some tips!"
You, struggling to concentrate amid the chaos, replied, "I can't, Leah! I'm still recovering from the espresso overdose this morning!"
As the match intensified, the score remained neck-and-neck, and the room's atmosphere became increasingly charged with suspense. It all came down to the final minutes of the game.
Keira, her nerves showing, urged her team, "Come on, team, we can't let Leah win!"
Leah, filled with unwavering determination, rallied her team, "This is it, folks! Let's show Keira what we're made of!"
Then, in a moment of sheer absurdity, Leah's team executed an unexpected maneuver, resulting in a goal that left Keira's team in stunned disbelief.
Leah's Team erupted into cheers, shouting, "We did it! We did it!"
Daly laughed heartily, "Looks like Keira's reign of terror is over."
In the final seconds of the match, Leah's team secured their victory, much to Keira's chagrin.
Leah, grinning triumphantly, declared, "I did it! I actually did it!"
Keira, grumbling and refusing to accept defeat, growled, "Rematch. We need a rematch!"
As celebrations erupted and laughter filled the room, the living room had borne witness to a chaotic, comical, and utterly unforgettable FIFA battle. The rivalry between Leah and Keira had reached a new level of absurdity, and it was certain that this saga would be recounted with laughter for years to come.
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liked by judebellingham, leahwilliamson and 600,000 others
y/nmorrison football ilysm
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realmadridofficial thank you for coming to see us perform
y/nmorrison @realmadridofficial you guys never disappoint
y/nmorrisonno.1fan. Wait- she came all the way from australia? For a match?
user234 @y/nmorrisonno.1fan and it was jude's debut?
user345 are they making it official?
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liked by y/nmorrison,harrykane and 900,000 others
judebellingham Thank you to everyone that came out. Tonight was extra special. 3 points up, we go on...
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user190 extra special for what reason jude? 😏
y/nmorrison no.1 fan <3
user2457 not y/n using the same comment as jude earlier this week!
user567 guys! they are soft launching so hard right now.
You sat in your hotel room in Australia and a phone call come through. You answered, and fran's voice came through the line, tinged with concern. "Hey, Y/N, it's Fran. We wanted to talk to you about Jude. He's been a bit down lately. Missing you, I think."
Your heart sank at the thought of Jude feeling lonely and stressed. "Oh, Fran, I miss him too. I want to do something special for him. Can you help?"
Fran grinned, even though you couldn't see it. "That's exactly what we were hoping you'd say. We've got a plan to surprise him before the match. Wear his favorite color and bring his favorite flowers. We'll make sure he is ready."
The Santiago Bernabéu stadium buzzed with electric anticipation as you prepared for your most anticipated match of the season. Jude, your beloved boyfriend and the newly signed star player, was about to make his debut in the iconic white jersey. The air was thick with not just anticipation but also an underlying sense of suspense in the locker room.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, you found yourself in Australia for the Women's World Cup, where you were a talented soccer player yourself. Your team had a few days off, and while you were enjoying the thrill of the tournament, you couldn't shake the longing to see Jude before his momentous match.
You had planned meticulously, coordinating with Jude's teammates for your surprise visit. You knew that blue had always been his favorite color, and you had chosen a stunning blue silk dress to wear for this special occasion. In your hands, you held a bouquet of fresh white lilies, knowing they were Jude's preferred flowers.
As you entered the stadium, your heart raced with excitement, but there was an undeniable sense of suspense in the air. The journey from Australia had been long, but you were determined to be there for Jude on this significant day. Your presence would serve as a symbol of your unwavering support for each other's soccer careers.
The match began, and the stadium roared to life. You sensed that something extraordinary was about to happen, and the suspense was almost unbearable.
As the final whistle blew, signaling Real Madrid's victory, the crowd erupted in jubilation. Jude had played brilliantly, scoring a crucial goal. The suspense that had been building throughout the match reached its peak, and the stadium lights shone brightly, casting long shadows across the field. The cameras and microphones surrounded Jude as the interviewer started asking questions about the game and how he felt scoring the goal.
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liked by bbcnews,fifaofficial and others
skynews: Shortly after his much discussed transfer to Real Madrid, Jude Bellingham scores on his debut! Full interview in our bio.
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user120 his eyes are somewhere else...
user618 @user120 i think you mean on someone else 😏
user120 that boy is absolutely smitten 🥰
judebellinghamsswife this man is so fine, y/n is a lucky girl🔥
Jude began to speak, trying to keep his focus on the interview. But then, amid the chaos, his eyes searched the stands. And there, like a beacon in the night, he spotted you. Your blue silk dress seemed to glow, and the bouquet of white lilies in your hands was a vision of beauty.
The suspense that had been lingering suddenly exploded into a moment of pure astonishment. The crowd held its breath as Jude's face lit up with surprise and joy. His voice wavered as he answered the interviewer's questions, clearly distracted by your presence.
"You're stunning," Jude whispered, his voice filled with admiration as he gazed at you in your beautiful blue silk dress.
You blushed, a warm smile gracing your lips. "Thank you," you replied softly.
His eyes were locked onto you like a magnet, tracing every curve of your form. Unable to contain his affection, Jude leaned in and showered your face with a cascade of sweet, tender kisses, each one filled with his overwhelming love and joy at your surprise visit.
"Ew, Jude, you're sweaty," you teased, crinkling your nose as you embraced him.
"Just how you like," he replied with a playful smirk, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile at his charm. You leaned in to hug him tightly, reveling in the familiar scent of his sweat and the warmth of his embrace.
As you shared this intimate moment, Jude's keen eyes caught sight of a nearby camera. Concern flickered in his eyes, knowing that your surprise visit might not sit well with some fans, and your typically discreet nature when it came to public displays of affection.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice low and cautious, "there's a camera over there."
You, ever fearless and passionate, followed his gaze and spotted the camera as well. Instead of pulling away, you pulled Jude closer, capturing his lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. The audience erupted into a loud cheer, their love and support for the couple evident in the thunderous applause.
Your relationship with Jude had always been a beautiful blend of openness and privacy. While you never officially announced your romance to the public, it was an open secret among your closest friends, family, and avid fans. You chose to softly reveal your relationship to the world, letting moments of your love story unfold naturally, leaving fans to connect the dots.
Your relationship became a game of reading between the lines for your followers, who delighted in the subtle signs of affection you occasionally shared. There were stolen glances and knowing smiles, but never a direct confirmation of your romance. Well, until now.
Jude, momentarily surprised, couldn't help but smile into the kiss. He realized that sometimes, the world just had to know about your love. As you finally parted, he whispered, "Well, I guess everyone knows now."
You grinned mischievously, "Let them cheer, Jude. We've got nothing to hide."
In the post-match interviews, reporters couldn’t resist asking Jude about that iconic moment. “Jude,” one interviewer grinned, “that kiss with Y/N at the end there was quite a spectacle. Can you tell us more about your relationship?”
Jude, initially taken aback by the attention but never one to shy away from his feelings, chuckled and replied, “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag. Y/N and I have been together for a while now, and she’s an amazing person. We met through our love for soccer, and it’s been a fantastic journey together.”
Another reporter, eager to keep the conversation going, chimed in, “Jude, your girlfriend is a phenomenal player on the Women’s England team. Can you share your predictions for her upcoming match?”
Jude’s face lit up with enthusiasm. “Absolutely! Y/N is incredibly dedicated and skilled on the field. I have all the confidence in the world in her and her team. I predict they’ll give it their all and come out with a resounding victory. I’ll be there cheering them on, just like they were there for me today.”
Just as the interview was hitting a high note of positivity, a third interviewer, with a stern expression, jumped into the conversation. “Jude,” they began in a somewhat accusatory tone, “some people argue that women’s football is not the same as men’s football and that your girlfriend, Y/N, might have gotten away with some questionable plays. What’s your response to these critics?”
Jude’s smile faded, replaced by a determined look. He leaned forward and replied firmly, “I have to disagree with that sentiment entirely. Women’s football is just as competitive, skilled, and exciting as men’s football. Y/N and her teammates train just as hard, and they play with the same passion and integrity that I do. Accusations of cheating or undermining their abilities are completely unfounded.”
Jude’s words resonated with a sense of conviction, and it was clear that he was ready to defend not only his girlfriend but also the entire Women’s England team. The interviewer, taken aback by Jude’s strong response, quickly changed the subject, realizing that they had struck a sensitive chord.
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liked by user156, user781 and others
hellomagazine Real Madrid and English football player Jude Bellingham spotted kissing and holding hands with fellow english footballer Y/N Morrison after she came to a real madrid match during her camp at the womens world cup in Australia.
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user156 leave them alone, poor guy looks so bothered
user350 poor guy is just trying to get to his car and protect his girlfriend
user103 i heard one of the paparazzi started harassing y/n, and he had to step in. Why can't people just leave them alone man. They are humans too!
But as Jude and you tried to leave the stadium, you find yourself surrounded by a persistent crowd of fans and reporters. Despite Jude’s best efforts to steer the conversation towards your respective careers and love for the sport, the questions about your relationship grew increasingly personal and intrusive.
“Jude, can you tell us more about your romantic getaways with Y/N?” one reporter pressed.
You, visibly uncomfortable, interjected, “We’d appreciate it if you could focus on our soccer careers and the game we love.”
But the questions kept coming, probing into their private moments, and both Jude and you began to regret ever announcing your relationship in such a public manner. You exchanged frustrated glances, realizing that your intention to celebrate your love had unintentionally invited a wave of invasive curiosity.
Before you could reach the safety of the car, the relentless paparazzi continued to hound you, snapping photos and shouting questions.
Paparazzo 1: (shouting) “Jude, over here! Tell us about your relationship with Y/N!”
Paparazzo 2: (shouting) “Y/N, how does it feel to be with Jude? Any wedding plans?”
Jude, his patience exhausted, turned towards the paparazzi, his voice filled with frustration.
Jude: (shouting) “That’s enough! Show some respect! Give us some space!”
His voice rang out, commanding attention, and for a moment, the paparazzi fell silent, taken aback by Jude’s sudden outburst. In that brief respite, he continued to guide you to the car, determined to protect you from the invasive questions and cameras.
Furious at the paparazzi who had continued to hound you with intrusive questions and cameras despite your distress, Jude couldn't hold back any longer.
Jude: (shouting) "Can you all just fuck off."
His voice carried a powerful anger, and for a moment, the paparazzi fell silent, taken aback by Jude's fierce outburst. In that brief respite, he continued to guide you to the car, determined to protect you from the invasive questions and cameras.
But before you could reach the safety of the car, the situation took a horrifying turn. An angry fan, infuriated by his team's loss, shoved you away from Jude with a forceful motion. You stumbled backward, your shocked expression giving way to one of disbelief and fear.
Jude's reaction was immediate and protective. His face contorted with anger as he stepped between you and the fan, his voice laced with a threatening edge. "Touch my girlfriend again and I'll fucking kill you. I don't know who you think you are, but you're a fucking idiot. It's a football match get over yourself.
The fan recoiled, shocked by Jude's intense response. The surrounding crowd, already outraged by the fan's behavior, now watched in stunned silence as security personnel rushed in to apprehend the individual responsible for the attack. They ensured that you and Jude were safe from further harm.
Once inside the car, the overwhelming emotions finally overcame you, and you collapsed into Jude's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Jude held you tightly, his protective instincts firmly in place, as you both sought refuge from the relentless scrutiny.
Inside the taxi, after the harrowing encounter with the fan, you and Jude found a moment of respite. Emotions still ran high, but the leather seats and the warm glow of the city lights outside offered a semblance of security.
Jude held you close, his protective instincts still coursing through him. The trauma of the fan's aggression weighed on both of you, but the taxi ride allowed a brief pause in the turmoil.
Y/N apologized softly, "I'm so sorry, Jude. I just wanted to surprise you."
Jude, gazing into your eyes, furrowed his brow in confusion.
"What?" he asked, curious.
You continued, "I'm sorry-"
Before you could finish, Jude cut in, a mixture of concern and frustration in his voice, "No. Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong. If anyone is in the wrong, it was that fucking fan. If I see him again, I'll-"
At that very moment, the taxi's engine roared to life, propelling you away from the chaos. The vehicle became your sanctuary as it glided through the city streets, the comforting embrace of the backseat cocooning you both.
A faint smile crossed your lips, appreciating Jude's protectiveness.
"You'll what?" you teased, looking at him.
Through the taxi's windows, the city lights passed by like a shifting dreamscape.
"I'll kill him.," Jude declared,before cringing. "He touched my girl. He atleast deserves a good punch."
As the taxi journeyed further from the ordeal, you and Jude found solace in each other's presence. Gratitude welled up between you, an unspoken acknowledgment of the support you had offered each other during a trying moment.
Amidst the hum of the engine and the soft glow of the taxi's interior, you shared affectionate glances. The city's rhythm became the backdrop to your unspoken connection.
Jude winced slightly as you two shared another embrace, the ordeal now safely behind you.
"What?" you asked playfully.
"Nothing, it's nothing-" Jude replied.
You pressed further, "No, what is it?"
Jude couldn't suppress a mischievous grin.
"It's just... you smell like booze," he teased.
Smiling, you responded, "You like it."
With those words, you nestled your head on his chest, finding solace in the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat. The taxi carried you both through the city, offering a sanctuary where you could cherish these moments of connection and affection amidst the chaos.
y/ns story
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After the chaotic surprise at Santiago Bernabéu, Jude and you decided to make the most of your precious time together in Madrid and not let the match get to you. You strolled hand in hand through the enchanting streets of the Spanish capital, admiring the architecture, savoring delicious tapas, and enjoying each other’s company.
As you walked along the picturesque cobblestone streets, you couldn’t help but express your awe at the beauty of the city. “Jude, Madrid is incredible. I can see why you love playing here.”
Jude nodded, his eyes never leaving you. “It’s even more incredible with you here, Y/N.”
You found yourselves at a charming outdoor café, where you settled into a cozy corner table with a view of the bustling plaza. The warm evening breeze carried the scent of flowers and laughter from nearby tables.
Over glasses of rich Spanish wine, your conversation deepened. You talked passionately about your journey in the Women’s World Cup, describing the dedication and hard work that fueled your ambition.
“Imagine if you did win the World Cup,” Jude mused, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
“Jude,” you started, a hint of modesty in your voice.
“What?” He leaned closer, his gaze locked onto yours. “You must have pictured it! Imagine scoring the winning goal! It would be life-changing.”
Your cheeks flushed, but you couldn’t help but smile at Jude’s enthusiasm. “Hmm, I guess.”
Jude chuckled, his hand reaching across the table to gently squeeze yours. “You guess! Y/N! You’d be everywhere, I’d be chasing you around. Billboard after billboard. It would be inspiring—”
You interrupted, your voice filled with humility, “It would be pretty amazing, wouldn’t it?”
Under the Madrid moonlight, Jude and you felt closer than ever. Your love was as boundless as the cityscape before you, and you knew that no matter where life's journey took you, you would face it together, hand in hand, just as you did on that unforgettable night in Spain.
Your conversation about the future and the Women's World Cup continued to flow, weaving seamlessly into your dreams of a family.
"Imagine the things you could do with that kind of influence," Jude continued, his voice filled with wonder. "The futures you could inspire."
Your eyes sparkled with the possibilities. "And imagine our future. Imagine our kids running around and being able to play wherever we are in the world."
Jude's heart swelled with warmth at the thought. "Now that's something I would love to imagine..."
As you gazed into each other's eyes, your thoughts turned to the family you both longed to create together. Jude's expression softened with a dreamy smile. "I've imagined it, you know. Two boys who look exactly like me, brown scruffy hair, brown eyes, and that mischievous grin of mine."
You laughed, picturing the future he described. "Two little Judes running around, huh? They'd be a handful."
Jude nodded, his gaze filled with affection. "A handful, but they'd have your spirit and determination. And then," he continued, his voice gentle and dreamy, "our little girl, a perfect mix between you and me. With your beautiful eyes and my stubbornness."
Your heart melted at the image he painted. "Our family sounds incredible, Jude. I can't wait for that day."
You held onto that vision of your future, where love, dreams, and the joys of parenthood awaited you. In that moment, as you shared your hopes and dreams under the Madrid moonlight, you knew that your love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle life might throw your way.
The Madrid morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the hotel room where Jude and you lay tangled in each other's arms. The night had been filled with laughter and whispered promises, but the dawn brought the inevitable parting.
You sighed softly as you gazed at Jude's peaceful sleeping face. You knew you had to leave for your training camp in Australia, but the thought of saying goodbye tugged at your heart.
Jude stirred, his brown eyes fluttering open as he felt your gaze on him. "Morning," he mumbled, his voice husky with sleep.
"Morning," you replied, your fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest. "I have to go soon."
Jude's arms tightened around you, pulling you closer. "Can't you stay a little longer?"
You smiled sadly, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "You know I can't, love. Duty calls."
Jude sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. "I'll miss you so much."
You returned the kiss, savoring the taste of him. "I'll miss you too, Jude. But we'll be together again soon."
You both reluctantly untangled yourselves from each other's embrace and got out of bed. Jude, determined to make your last morning memorable, surprised you with breakfast in bed. He had ordered a delicious spread of pastries, fruits, and coffee, arranging it all on a tray with a single red rose.
Your eyes sparkled with delight as you took in the sight. "You really know how to make a girl's morning special, don't you?"
Jude grinned, handing you a pastry. "Only for you."
You spent your morning indulging in breakfast, sharing stories and laughter as if time were standing still. But the clock on the wall ticked relentlessly, reminding you of the minutes slipping away.
As the moment of departure drew nearer, Jude showered you with kisses and cuddles, trying to make every second count. His lips found yours repeatedly, and his arms refused to let you go.
"I wish you didn't have to leave," Jude whispered against your lips.
You held him close, tears brimming in your eyes. "I wish that too, Jude. I love you."
"I love you too," he whispered, leaning in for a tender goodbye kiss.
Then, with a heavy heart, you stepped out the door, leaving behind a piece of yourself in Madrid as you embarked on the journey back to Australia, where training camp awaited. Your love would endure the distance, and you both held onto the hope of being reunited soon.
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Liked by y/nmorrison, leahwilliamson and 1,000,000 others
judebellingham <3
view all 350,000 others
user1890 they finally announced it!
user3567 you guys!!! I am so happy for you
user2019 they are so cute!
y/nmorrison my no.1
judebellingham @y/nmorrison mine
128 notes · View notes
sotwk · 8 months
WIP Snippet Game: Taken (Eomer x Reader)
I was tagged in a few snippet games last month, but I haven't had anything decent to share until now!
Thank you for the tags, @hobbitwrangler @lathalea @sverdgeir @cuarthol! (and I might have missed someone else, it's been that long, LOL). And a tag for @scyllas-revenge is mandatory at this point.
Snippet from Taken, Part 3
It is only for several weeks, you told yourself, to ease the weight of doubt that sat upon your chest. As you turned to walk back toward the cottage, a fierce wind rose and ripped off the cloak that was loosely draped over your shoulders. With a startled cry you grabbed for it, but not quickly enough to save it from landing in a large puddle. You retrieved the soaked fabric from the mud with a sigh. A fat raindrop landed squarely on the top of your uncovered head, and was immediately followed by another and another. Spontaneous rain had been pouring on and off over Gondor since the King’s coronation, and you heard the locals welcome and praise this tumultuous weather as a blessing, a sign of war’s filth being washed away to cleanse the lands for rebirth.  Shielding your eyes from the sudden deluge, you looked up at the roiling clouds overhead, further entranced by the sight of jagged lightning flashing over the White Mountains.  But when your gaze dropped back down to the horizon, you were alarmed to notice a horsed figure crossing the fields through the storm, approaching fast, in your direction.  It was him. Without proof of his face or voice, or even the support of logic, you just knew. It was him.  The very thought of that froze you, mind and body, in place. Pale and immobile and increasingly drenched, you stood like a deeply rooted tree while the rider drew closer and closer, on a horse powerful enough to sustain its determined gait over the sodden ground and lashing winds. Dumbfounded and dazed, you remained, until at last he came to a stop just several yards away. He dismounted Firefoot, his heavy boots squelching in the muck, and that sound snapped you to your senses.  “My lord,” you rushed forward with the soiled cloak twisted uselessly between your hands. “The stables are around the back. Let me take Firefoot there while you get out of this rain.” “I shall stable him,” Éomer said sternly, but not unkindly, to warn you against arguing. “Go and wait for me inside the house.”
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The Tumblr post for Taken (Part 1) is just 3 notes away from 500 notes, which is the highest count by far that any of my fics have!
I am so happy this story has resonated with readers and Éomer lovers, and I am so grateful to everyone who continues to support it even though I'm so very slow with updates.
I keep your kind words in mind as I work hard to finish this "last" chapter. <3 Please wish me energy and inspo. Lots of love to you all!
35 notes · View notes
jerzwriter · 1 year
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Thank you to @brycesgirl for the suggestion: Ethan, Kaycee, celebration from this ask. (I don't know litg, so I hope this works!) As always, I ignored the 100-word thing, but it's under 1,000 and that's huge for me! lol I hope you enjoy it.
Book: Open Heart (Post-Series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan) Featuring: Tobias Carrick Rating: Teen Words: 869 Summary: Ethan isn't happy when Tobias announces he's leaving on a WHO mission. Kaycee humorously helps him understand why while getting a little payback to boot. In the end, is there anything to celebrate? A/N: Participating in @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 Day 22 Friendship
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“Oh, these are perfect!” Kaycee beamed as the balloon bouquet was delivered to the diagnostic team’s office. “He’ll love this!”
Ethan looked up from behind his desk and grumbled something unintelligible under his breath. Ignoring his lack of enthusiasm, Kaycee continued arranging decorations.
“You know, if you start feigning the slightest bit of excitement now, Tobias might actually believe you’re being supportive when he arrives.”
“You’re wrong,” Ethan deadpanned. “If anyone could see right through me, it would be him.”
Noting Kaycee’s raised eyebrow, he quickly corrected himself. “Next to you, of course... dear.”
“Fair attempt at a save,” she grinned. “I don’t understand why you aren’t happy for him. Being selected for this mission is a big honor and a phenomenal opportunity... not just for him, but for the team and Edenbrook, too. The positive media coverage alone has been helpful, and he hasn’t even left yet.”
“Mmmm,” he replied, barely paying attention.
“Oh, I see,” she replied sarcastically. “We’re only supposed to be enthusiastic about WHO missions if the person is using the trip because they’re too much of a wuss to face the feelings they’re developing for the love of their life. I understand now.”
It worked. She had his attention.
“Wait... what? That’s not the only reason I went on that mission!”
“Only,” she smiled triumphantly. “So, are you finally admitting that was one of the reasons?”
He could argue and try to make his point, but he merely smiled with a shake of his head.
“I’m never going to live that down, am I?”
“Hey, I accepted your proposal twice,” she winked. “I’ve obviously let it go, but I will be ribbing you for the rest of your life, so...”
“Fair enough,” he grinned.
“But Ethan, honestly, why aren’t you being more supportive of Tobias? He’ll never admit it, but it would mean so much to him.”
“Because it’s six months. That is too long to be away from the team.”
“Says who? Harper and Baz both agreed to pick up cases, and we have the new fellow beginning next month. We will be more than able to handle our caseload. Otherwise, administration wouldn’t have approved this.”
“So we have to bring a new fellow up to speed down one permanent member?”
“Dr. Ramsey, are you saying we can’t survive without Dr. Carrick?”
“What! No! Of course not!”
“Then what are you saying, my love?”
He didn’t appreciate the condescending tone, no matter how adorable she looked delivering it. But that wasn’t what was eating at him; it was his inability to come up with an answer as to what had been nagging at him ever since Tobias made his announcement.
“It’s OK, you know,” she whispered.
“What is?”
“To admit that you’re doing to miss him.”
“I did not say I’m going to miss him!”
“Of course you will!” Kaycee insisted. “There aren’t that many people who find your curmudgeonly demeanor endearing, and now one of them will be on the other side of the world for half a year... just when you’ve gotten used to having a buddy to watch Red Sox games with again.”
Ethan inhaled deeply as he leaned back, acceptance reluctantly settling in.
“I suppose I will miss the ass.”
“See!” Casey beamed. “It kind of sucks when someone you care about just takes off on a WHO mission. Of course, Tobias told us about his, but...”
“Are you finished?” Ethan interrupted.
Happy to know she hit her mark, Kaycee sat on Ethan’s lap in a fit of giggles.
“I am,” she replied with a quick peck on his cheek. “It’s OK, baby. I already talked to Bryce. He promised to make some time for you while Tobias is away.”
“You what?”
“Hush, hon. It didn’t cost me that much; you can thank me later. For now, I need you to help me set up the room. Breakfast will be arriving any minute, and I want everything to be set up before Tobias arrives.”
“Too late for that,” a voice chimed from the door.
“Tobias!” Kaycee yelled. “Why the hell are you early! I wanted this to be a surprise celebration!”
“Oh, it’s a surprise, all right,” he jeered as Ethan sighed uncomfortably.
“How much of that conversation did you hear?”
“Enough,” Tobias grinned. “Admit it, man... you love me.”
“I’ll admit no such thing!”
“Ethan....” Tobias chided, when Kaycee stepped in.
“Tobias, really? It took him how long to admit he loves me, and I do some things for him that you just... don’t.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” Ethan spat as two of the people most dear to him chuckled at his expense.
“It’s OK,” Tobias said with a pat on his friend’s shoulder. “I know the truth now. So, you need help with the decorations?”
“For your celebration?” Kaycee mocked.
“Hey, if he’s not gonna help.”
Ethan stood up with a huff. “Sit down and shut up, Carrick. I’ve got this.”
Tobias quickly claimed Ethan’s seat, placing his feet up on his desk. “Man, I’m feeling the love.”
“I didn’t really plan for this,” Kaycee laughed, pointing to Ethan decorating as Tobias hogged up his seat.
“Gotta give it to you, kid,” Tobias grinned. “You really know how to celebrate.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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dreadsuitsamus · 7 months
The Reunion | Renji Abarai x Reader |
author's note: this is for @actuallysaiyan, and it's a week or so late lol but here it is, finished. i hope you feel better, bacon, and that it stays that way 🩷 and special thank you to @yeowangies, who supported me on this when i felt it wasn't right. thank you, vero!! 🩷🩷 this is part of the mechanic au, and is chronologically the first out of all i've written so far.
pairing: renji abarai x fem!reader
warnings: a slight bit of angst but far more comfort
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You’ve been staring at the email for a good little while now, having blanked out sometime ago as memories and past feelings of dread rise up your spine. Somehow it’s already been ten years since your graduation from high school, and it’s around that time for a good ole reunion, apparently. The mere idea of going back and seeing those people, the ones that made the experience worse than it needed to be and even those that didn’t particularly do anything to you, is less preferable than using cinder blocks for pillows. High school could’ve been worse, and historically for many it was in comparison to your time in those final years of school, but it never left a good flavor in your mouth. Perhaps it’d be different if you’d managed to find a clique to be part of and shape the way you looked at things, but it always felt like nobody really wanted you around, and as such you were a loner.
Things haven’t changed much ten years later.
The sudden sound of plastic crinkling startles a gasp from you alongside a slew of goosebumps down your spine. Somehow you hadn’t heard the garage door open and the heavy footsteps of your mechanic’s steel-toed boots stomping to the small kitchen area. Renji perks a brow, pausing just as he’s about to toss the bag of popcorn into the microwave. “Head in the clouds today, eh?”
Shaking what’s left of the scare away, you close out the email forwarded to you. “Sorry… Just got caught up and didn’t hear you come in.”
“Must be something heavy if you didn’t hear me.” You’ve chided Renji for just how noisy he is many times, ever since you partnered up with him to run his shop just over a year ago and have lost count of how many times you’ve been on the phone with a customer and they could hear the sounds of Renji yelling in the shop.
“I don’t know if heavy is the word for it. It’s stupid, really… But some things are hard to let go of even ten years later.” You murmur the last part to yourself more than to Renji, and he soon settles into his usual chair in front of your desk with his freshly popped snack.
“Well, what is it?” He gathers up a handful of popcorn, dropping in a few pieces into his mouth and chewing expectantly, raising a brow at your hesitation. You were fine the last time he came up here! What could’ve happened in the two hours he’s been hard at work in the garage?
Sighing, you pull the email up again. “My high school reunion is coming soon.”
“Oh. And… it’s a bad thing?” He asks carefully, considering each word with more finesse than when he does electrical work. Oh god, are you about to enter some weird, way too early midlife crisis?? He can already barely handle you while on your period, he’ll never survive this—
“I mean, I guess it isn’t? Or it shouldn’t be. I dunno… High school wasn’t really great for me.” Your lips twist as that sinking, dismal feeling claws back into your gut.
Renji shuffles more popcorn into his hand. “I don’t think it was for most people, really. ‘S why I dropped out and started this up.”
“I wasn’t really bullied or anything. I just always felt like I didn’t belong, y’know? Nobody really talked to me or got to know me, and I kinda just stopped trying after a point. I had a few friends I’d made, but never ones that I’d meet outside of school or anything like that. I never went to the dances or football games, or even the skating rink when I was in middle school and that was the thing middle schoolers did every Friday night. And going to this reunion, I think it’d just… Be more of the same. I don’t wanna feel that way again. I doubt anyone would even remember me!”
Who could forget a face like that? Renji thinks to himself. “‘S up to you. When is it?”
“The end of next month.”
The redhead nods thoughtfully, dumping the last of the popcorn into his palm. “Let’s make a deal. You go to that reunion, and I’ll be your plus one.”
“You sure? It’s probably gonna be boring…”
“I’m a dropout, so ‘s not like I’m getting any other opportunity to be bored to tears and watch guys that peaked in high school football reminisce about how they almost got to go pro. C’mon, chin up! If it’s no good, we’ll make it good. Okay?”
A warm feeling pushes out the nastiness in your tummy and a warm smile replaces the unsure pout on your lips. “Alright. We’ll go to this stupid thing.”
The corner of his mouth perks up a tad. “I can even pretend to be part of the British monarchy to shake things up, if you want.”
“Ren, no.” A giggle bubbles at the mere idea of Renji attempting any sort of British accent. And this guy, the one with tattoos that start at his forehead and go all the way down to his ankles, playing royalty?? Only a fool would believe him!
Though thinking about it further after Renji’s head back into the shop to finish the day off, you surmise that it’s not entirely impossible that you attended school with just the idiots that would think a foreign prince is at their ten year high school reunion, and on your arm!
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The day comes quicker than you’d hoped. It’s been a miserable slog to prepare for (figuring out what to wear to a ten-year reunion was far more difficult than it had any right to be!) but with the help of Renji’s assurance over the last few weeks, you’re quite calm as you add the final touches to your hair, makeup and outfit. He’s on his way now to pick you up, surely in one of his restored classic cars to add just a little bit of style to your entry, and your heart thumps quickly in the face of his impending arrival. Having been a friend and business partner of Renji for over a year now, you still haven’t spent much time in these sort of scenarios together— this could almost be a date. Your cheeks scorch at the thought of your friendship with Renji taking that sort of turn. It’s unlikely at best and absolutely impossible at worst! Your threads just can’t cross like that, even if the attraction was there. Too much rides on the line of your professional relationship, and to lose that would lead to a litany of problems that would only drag you right back into the messes he and you both were in back when you first met.
Cracking down as your curious mind almost starts contemplating the what-ifs, the doorbell is ringing with Renji waiting on the other side. His grin nearly blinds you, though the roaring of wanton blood rushing through you overwhelms all of your other senses. Here this man is, handsome and sweet-smelling and on your doorstep.
For a non-romantic evening spent around your former high school peers. It’s a wonder how life manages to keep kicking you while you’re down.
“Hey, you ready to go? You look great.” Those warm eyes of his are hungry and he’s not afraid to show it. You opted for a tried and true classic in the form of the little black dress, and while it’s no trendsetter or daring attempt to make any statements, it’s certainly going to draw eyes. Renji’s got half the mind to ditch the dumb reunion entirely and take you out somewhere more deserving of such beauty— alas, he doesn’t tend to frequent any place that isn’t his garage or a dive bar, and it’s not what he’s been asked to do anyway.
And getting the opportunity to take you on a date is something he can only achieve in his daydreams.
“Me? Let’s talk about you for a second!” A flirty giggle bubbles up. This is the first time you’ve seen his hair down and it’s gorgeously spilling over the shoulders of his deep green suit jacket that compliments him like no other color you’ve seen him wear. He’s delicious, tantalizing, so radiant and, criminally, is not here for any of the things you’re wishing he’s here for. “Goodness, Ren, you look amazing!”
Renji’s cheeks dust a rosy shade. “Had to clean up nice for you. The foreign prince offer is still on the table, after all.”
Snorting, your purse is hooked over your shoulder while you step beside him and lock the front door behind you. “No, it isn’t.”
“You’ve never had fun a day in your life!” Renji’s pout is pitiful, but quickly wiped away as he leads you to the car. Your assumption of his vehicle of choice was right, the exterior particularly shiny after a fresh coat of wax Renji applied earlier today. You’re certainly set to turn heads when you arrive at the country club the reunion is held at!
Your palms begin to feel clammy as Renji closes your door and crosses over to the driver’s side. The club is about a twenty minute drive away, maybe thirty if there’s traffic, and then you’ll be face to face with your graduating class. Have they been successful? Will they remember you? You can’t decide if it’s for the best or not if they have no ideas about you. What will keep them from shutting you out like they had ten years ago?
Renji’s curved knuckle taps beneath your chin, guiding you to look over at him. The car is small, and your proximity to your mechanic as such is far closer than you’ve ever been. His breath is minty, fanning warmly over your skin as his deep voice coaxes at you gently. “Hey... Relax. This is only gonna be as bad as you let it be. High school didn’t mean anything back then and it damn sure isn’t gonna mean anything now.”
“I don’t wanna feel left out again.” You whisper with glossy eyes and a wobbly lip that threatens to ruin your makeup.
“You’re not gonna be left out! I’m gonna be there the entire time, right by your side. We’re gonna drink and talk to people and have a good time. Don’t psych yourself out, okay??” He murmurs sweetly, and he may as well be chanting don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry over and over with that look on his face. He’s really the biggest sweetheart despite what your first impression of him had you thinking way back when—  a pretty girl in tears may as well be his kryptonite!
“Promise?” You blink away your tears with a sniffle, and Renji’s lips curl into a smile.
“I promise. And you know it’s true because I’m a terrible liar. Just trust me and it’ll all be over before you know it.” He winks at you and turns to start the car up, and the fears in your chest fade away rather than strengthen the closer you get to the venue. What’s there to truly be afraid of? You’re in a beautiful car alongside a wonderful, handsome man that's doing his best to make you happy. A smile blooms on your lips, and you give Renji a strong hug upon exiting the car.
“Thank you, Renji.”
His cheeks blush the brightest pink, clashing awfully with his scarlet hair as his strong arms loop around you tightly. “Hey… Anytime.”
After parting, Renji offers his arm up to you, and you gladly take it! Walking into this reunion on the arm of a handsome man was the last thing you planned on doing when you first got the email, but for once life has decided to give you lemonade rather than lemons.
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aztarion · 4 months
I finally booted up Night Road over the weekend... after meaning to play this when it came out, but hey, it only took me a few years? 😅 The VtM art community here has been astounding (including yours!) and definitely motivated me with that, so thank you 🙏
It's been scratching the itch left since I played Bloodlines, like 14/15 years ago 😱 So good! I hope you don't mind me asking, but will you be working on more Night Road art pieces and I'm curious if you had a music playlist on during the game? Feels like something that would be make it more atmospheric! 🩵
ok but same!! i knew about night road when it released back in 2020 but i think thats when i was still in my bg3 early access madness so i never got around to checking it out… which is a freakin crying shame because it is absolutely objectively one of my favourite games ever. cannot kiss the authors ass enough. and agreed, the vtm & larger WoD creative community is insanely talented. im still a beginner at digital art but thank you for including me anyway ♥️😭 although i am a little sad being 4 yrs late to the night road party when nobody is making fan art for it specifically
i dont mind at all omg & YEAS! i have so many night road doodles im trying to clean up a little before putting into a sketch dump, plus that lettow render & a julian render, a bigger lettow/courier sketch, & a night road style portrait for my courier!! all going at the same time because i have no impulse control, but its making me learn new techniques & helping develop some sort of cohesive style between pieces i guess…….. we can only hope lol. im currently playing through book of hungry names & working on 2 commissions so im a little slow but ill be back to night road soon bc im literally in love with it. if u have any ideas or requests as well for night road art definitely send them my way or @ashlandr & ill get to them whenever im supposed to be working from home i have time :D <3
i dont use spotify much but i tried to gather up a lot of what ive been vibing to on soundcloud & other places while playing thru night road over the last month!!
and thank you for being so sweet!!!<333
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girl8890 · 2 years
Needing You
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Request: Could you write something about Chishiya, guy who has a nightmare about the reader, this would be outside of Borderland's. I would really appreciate it and I love the way you write, by the way english is not my first language.
By: @cresentmoon8
Summary: After meeting you and escaping borderlands, Chishiya thought that the nightmare of a life he was living was over. But the nightmare of almost seeing you die during a game still follows him. He’s always put up a front as being a strong person, but after this last nightmare he can’t help himself and carry out the need to hold you close and cry in your arms.
Pairing: Chishiya x reader
Genre: nightmares, fluff, angst
Rating: V
Warnings: post borderlands, nightmares, murder, blood, crying Chishiya, cuddling, neglectful parents, familial pressure, one kiss
A/N: Not me writing a AIB fic LOL! It’s been so long since I even thought about writing for AIB (even though I’m still obsessed with the fandom), but once I got this request I was all for it. My requests are still closed for this fandom, but I thought this was such a good idea, and I needed a fluff cleanser anyway XD Enjoy bbys!
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Drip… Drip… Drip…
Chishiya slowly opens his eyes, the fog not letting his vision stay clear. The outlines of his vision is still hazy even after he blinks his eyes a few times.
Drip.. Drip.. Drip..
He goes to rub his head, a sudden sting hitting his temples or at least he thinks there should be, but realizes he’s tied to a chair - unable to move anything, but his head.
He hears the sound of something dripping on repeat drip faster. The sound doesn’t have him looking around in search for its owner, though, but the smell that is coming from it. It’s the smell of bone and blood. Two things he’s been accustomed to longer than he would like too admit.
It’s then he realizes he doesn’t know where you are. If he’s strapped to this chair, then where could you be? The last time he saw you was when entering a game-
Turning his head slightly, he finds his answer. You’re strapped to a chair, head down, and blood dripping off your face. Chishiya goes to scream, yell, anything to get your attention but no sound comes out. He struggles in his restrains, trying to get to you, but somehow the ropes around his body get tighter - stopping himself from having any ability to move.
Step. Step. Step.
He hears a new sound, and stops his struggle. It’s a sound of footsteps that’s owner he hasn’t thought about in a long time. Something you helped him forget about, but always in the back of his mind would know forever. The steps of a man always filled with determination and pride, but he would use those boots to stomp on Chishiya’s own pride and determination have change he got.
Chishiya looks around, wondering where the steps are coming from in this extreme dark room. After looking behind him, he looks back at you, and sees the man right behind you. The man’s who’s footsteps halted, and look down at him through his glasses.
“What a disappointment you were Shuntaro. Can’t even save your own girlfriend.” His father says, although his face is extremely dark to see the usual strong features his father has.
Chishiya’s father then grabs at your hair, pulling your head back and pulling out a knife that he aims at your throat. Chishiya screams at him to stop, but once again no sounds comes out. This time, as he moves to get out of his restrains, his chair also starts to move backwards. Away from you slowly and getting faster by the second.
No matter how tight the retrains get he still try’s to get to you, all the while not taking his eyes off of you. Your face is bloody, and the blood continues to pour off of you profusely. Your eyes slowly peel open, and Chishiya freezes. Your eyes are like a void instead of there usual bright color. The whites of your eyes gray and creamy.
“Why, Chishiya?” You cry to him, blood increasing as it starts coming out of your eyes now. “I thought you loved me.”
Chishiya does love you, he tries to scream that to you even as the horrific sight of you bleeding from nothing is making his heart beat like crazy. He feels tears fall down his face, this all to much for him to hold it back.
His father chuckles at him, and how white teeth shin against his dark face. “Pathetic,” His father says before slitting your throat. Him undoubtedly cutting the right jugular to kill you.
Chishiya screams, and screams, and screams, but it’s all silent. His ears ring, and tears fall from his eyes while he watches you slowly die and choke on your own blood. With one last big breathe to scream at his father all of his hate, he…
Chishiya jolts up out of bed, the scream from his dream joining him as he wakes up from a terrifying nightmare of almost watching you die in front of him again. He clutch’s at his chest, feeling his heart against his palm through his shirt and beating to fast to be okay.
You jolt awake when you hear Chishiya scream next to you, rolling over to hold him by his hips even if he’s not sensing you’re there at the moment. This has been happening a lot lately. Ever since you both exited the games, the last game being the worst of all, Chishiya has been suffering from nightmares.
He never tells you what there about, but the way he jolts awake always wakes you up too. The games making you wake up from the slightest movements now, and that trait following you even after escaping.
“Chishiya… it’s okay… I’m here, your alive-“ You stop your usual soothing words when you hear Chishiya start to cry. It’s a small sound, but your ears catch the sound nonetheless.
You sit up, look at the love of your life with his face in his hands as he shakes with a sob. You pull him to lean against you chest, and you don’t even think he feels you doing so, but you try your best to comfort him anyway.
You’ve never seen Chishiya cry before, not since the last game, at least. The last game had you close to death, and if it weren’t for Chishiya saving you, you would have died. It was a game like no other. One where you were on top of crates, and you had to get to the other side without touching the ground.
Each time you jumped a crate, though, the ones it front of you would get further and further away. Like the metal boxes knew you were coming, and wanted to see just how fast all of you could run.
Well, you couldn’t run fast. You weren’t the most athletic person, and instead relied on your wits to get through the games. Your foot slipped on the edge of one of the crates, and you smashed your face against the metal box in the process. Your hand slipped next, the blood from your smashed nose that you hit against the metal create making your vision dizzy. If it wasn’t for Chishiya catching your hand at the last second, you would have died.
You never saw Chishiya shed a tear before that, but one drip of the salty liquid did leave his eyes that day. Almost seeing you die, and then the blood on your face making it hard for Chishiya to keep his control. The blood proving just how close you were to dying.
But this isn’t just one tear. There’s streams of tears coming down his cheeks, and you keep trying to whisper insurances that whatever he dreamed about was just that… just a dream.
“I-it wasn’t fake. It was real… You died… I failed you.” His last three words are said so small, you barely hear them. If it wasn’t for his close proximity, you would have missed them. You clutch onto him even closer to your chest, realizing what he probably dreamed about by his words.
“You didn’t fail me, and I’m not dead. You saved me, Chishiya. You saved me. Not Arisu or Usagi, but you… And for that, I’ll be forever grateful.”
Chishiya slowly picks his head up off your chest, wiping his eyes quickly as he does. He blinks at you, his vision finally clearing from his tears and being able to see you. You show him a small smile, and Chishiya’s lips part as he takes your appearance in.
Your not bleeding, your neck isn’t slit, and you aren’t looking at him with dead eyes like his dream depicted. You’re your same beautiful self, and now reality is crashing down on Chishiya. It was all a dream… and he was crying about it.
Chishiya was taught at a young age to stay strong in every situation, but seeing his own shitty father hurt you was to much for him. Especially when you said you thought he didn’t love you. The whole thing broke him. Broke him to the point he cried so hard that it woke him up from the dream.
He swallows against the lump in his throat, and with a shaking hand touches your cheek. Feeling your soft skin under his finger tips and confirming that you are, in fact, alive. Chishiya closes his eyes, suddenly feeling a boat of shame hit him in the chest from him waking you up like this.
“I’m sorry,” Chishiya says.
Your eyes widen ever so slightly, and your smile vanishes. You, being the best girlfriend in the world, crawl into his lap and make him wrap his arms around you. Your arms go around his neck, and then you clink your foreheads together. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, Chishiya. The past is the past, and now we’re out. I will also always be here for you. No matter what the situation.”
Chishiya blinks his eyes open up at you, seeing your pretty eyes so close to his. Although your words warm his heart, he still has to confirm something. “You know I love you… right?”
It took so long for Chishiya to admit he loved you, to the point it hurt you a few times while you were both in borderlands. It wasn’t until he almost saw you die that he admitted his feelings for you right then and there. He never wanted to hurt you or see you hurt again. That’s why you saying you didn’t think he loved you in his dream hurt so badly, making him start to cry in real life.
You raise a confused eyebrow at him, and take your forehead off of his. You don’t understand why he’s asking now, but you don’t need to. You see in Chishiya demeanor that he needs this. He needs you to answer this question because if you don’t it will shatter his world. He’s needing you to answer this question truthfully, but there was no way you were saying the opposite of the truth, anyway.
“Of course I do. I always have, baby.”
Chishiya’s lips twitch up in a smile, unable to help himself as he pulls you in for a singular deep kiss. Your confession clearing his head of all doubts, and making him feel ten times better then he was a few seconds ago.
The both of you then lay down, still holding each other like if you don’t the other person will disappear, and soon fall asleep.
Not before Chishiya whispers in between the two of you, you already asleep so you don’t hear, his own confession of how he feels about you.
“I always loved you too.”
The End
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