#It's an “I” not a lowercase “L”.
toasteaa · 8 days
Next post I see that says "Ludex" instead of "Iudex" is getting thrown in the pit.
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sexhaver · 2 months
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every time the NYT Crossword uses a long, load-bearing word that nobody outside of NYC has ever heard of, every subscriber should get a groupon voucher allowing them to break the editor's kneecaps
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eirianerisdar · 5 months
Danica: "And I think Daniel's - I mean if I were him I would be nervous, you know? THERE'S SO MUCH MORE PRESSURE UP FRONT-"
*Camera pans to Daniel dancing and blasting a kilowatt smile on the side of the grid*
Ted: "...Really?"
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paperlovesadness · 7 months
My niche, funny problem in this fandom is the times when there's a universal discussion going on about Artificial Intelligence and even little fandom blogs weigh in with their posts & reblogs - and almost every time I just sit there, extra confused before I finally realize that we're not all just suddenly bashing on Al (ex Turner) for stealing our jobs and starting a war on creativity itself.
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an-icky-yucky-blog · 10 months
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AIice and MeIIy should take care of their three cringefail men I think
Chibi Commissions!
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shedeltaonmyrune · 2 months
I absolutely hate to say it but if I were to make a romantic sans playlist Too Sweet by Hozier would be the premier fucking song
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vioyume · 6 months
I know this has been said but I'm tired of the word "AI" being used for everything.
Firstly it's not AI! It's a program that's meant to consume data and regurgitate it into an amalgamation of that data. Which can be useful in CERTAIN fields with the proper ethics and backup. I am not 100% relying my life or savings to it.
Second, it's not new, we had this technology before, we just gave it more data and gave it the ability to steal our information and works. Take a look at face filters, we had those for a while and now I'm seeing ads that says there are AI apps that can turn you into a beauty queen. Chat bots are a prime example of that too, do you remember when YouTubers played with Eve bot? Or Chimp bot? That was around 2014, and we simply just gave those kinds of programs more info to reference off of.
The AI Coca Cola ad still pisses me off to this day, AI is not telling you what is the ideal Cola, it's a fucking database full of analytics and sells data!
AI is just a face to make more money, and it's also killing the environment!
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nina-scribbles · 2 years
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‘He stared at it, silhouetted against the frost-blue glow through the window, his breaths coming in quick and shallow as he waited for it to lunge. But even as he sat there shaking, it didn’t move. Slowly, his trembling arms eased their vise around his knees. Only then did the being finally move. Still, it wasn’t much. The bird-beak opened a fraction of an inch, and, in a voice as soft and low as the hollowing of the wind, it spoke.
“You seem cold.”
The fact that it— she —could speak, didn’t make her any less of a threat. Only a threat of a different kind.‘
So my brother ( @booklovertwilight and author of Glitter and Gold, where this is from)  needed a shinigami OC for his fic -- we talked, he showed me a few designs, and after six hours crafting an appropriately creepy design... Kroshi was born. :)
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reikaniichan · 1 year
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mesaprotector · 18 days
this is a very random question, but for anyone who prints their handwriting (not cursive), is there any difference between how you write lowercase/capital c/C, o/O, and s/S, or it just size? i've gradually changed my handwriting to make all letters unique (and still readable), but those three still bother me. same with capital O and the number 0.
i'd be interested in seeing what handwriting-like fonts do, too.
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onewingedsparrow · 4 months
I love knowing that whatever Death Note creations I make will get low numbers on Tumblr simply because out of deep respect for his character and mystery I refuse to tag L's full name even for post visibility purposes Related to that, I also respect AO3 for upholding the same idea and keeping his character name as just "L (Death Note)." Good job. L can be many but there is only one L.
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consulting-squip · 4 months
can we pretty please get that cool little base64 in plaintext *blinking my big eyes at you*
> MiBJTiBQUk9HUkVTUy4uLg==
> SG93IGJvbGQu
Future codes in images will be tagged with plaintext.
> What was that about base64?
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anti-potato · 10 months
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lone-starlight · 2 months
Okay so i made your link work by replacing the L at the end with a capital i
Oh. Yeah that worked, thank you so much!
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wizardcleric · 2 years
interesting that robin makes it super clear that her relationship with steve is “platonic with a capital P” (because they are nothing more and never will be) and yet the song “The First I love You” (which plays when el says “I love you too” to mike AND when robin comes out to steve) is not love with a capital L? awh🤕🤕🤕🤕🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
See, like, normally I know it’s not worth the effort and energy to interact with The Stans, but like I mentioned about that anon who basically said it’s okay if soldiers die because they’re not innocents, there’s a line to be drawn in a discussion of fictional media and people being so thickheaded and hurtful/harmful that they actually cause legitimate grief to others.
Even if people think it’s stupid that they have views that basically erase her of any wrongdoing, there’s a point where I have to stop and evaluate, is this actually them defending a favorite character or is this how they actually think and like her because of that.
Like I said in that ask, the anon I once got that effectively told me it’s okay for soldiers to die doesn’t know me or my life. They didn’t know I have a sister who used to a sergeant in the military. They didn’t know this woman has kids, and at the time had three very young children (they’re teens now, but when she was deployed they were a lot younger and still just kids). That’s not counting the rest of the family of course, but it says a lot when their ask implied to me that a soldier is no longer a person with a family but just an expendable device to be eliminated for warfare.
And that’s the problem with a lot of these people. They defend their extreme, terrible views by saying extremely moronic shit without applying it to real life and realizing how disgusting they actually sound. When my nonnies and I were discussing why we didn’t enjoy GW, that was just discussion and disappointment of a great character being altered in another game. It was harmless discussion and we weren’t sending people comments that might actually upset someone.
I know some of these people do it on purpose, and then there are the people who genuinely just don't seem to realize how stupid they sound. It’s one thing to explain why you love a favorite, but imagine if I actively defended Jarod from RD simply because I enjoy his character. If he were real, I’d probably hate him. In a video game he has funny one-liners and says some badass things, but he’s completely willing to murder innocents, children and elders simply because lolz they’re from Daein and that makes them worth being killed. Imagine if I defended that viewpoint, simply because Ashnard, the previous king of Daein, started a war! Because some of its citizens were in fact trash! But suddenly, all of them are horrible! Mind you, this is what The Stans do regarding Faerghus. If you’re living in Faerghus, off with your head, in their eyes.
That’s why I need to draw a line between “this is just another annoying person on the internet” and “okay, this is actually rude and if you believe this applies to real life too then you are literally a fucked up person”. I didn’t reply to that ask I got from that anon bc it would not have been nice, it would not have been polite, and it would have definitely been a response without the boundaries of just fiction. I did laugh at how stupid they are on my blog, but the reason I didn’t directly reply to it is because it was not just stupid, but extremely insensitive.
Imagine if Dimitri had stans like that who said it was okay for all of EdeIgard’s siblings to be used in experiments and tortured until they died simply because they were her siblings/royalty from a particular nation.
That’s the shit they do to fans who just don't like their favorite character. You don’t even have to have Dimitri as a favorite, but just not like her. It’s just that Dimitri fans don’t like her because his and her views and goals are so extremely different and on the opposite end of everything that they can’t see eye to eye, and the reason his fans usually don't like her character is precisely because of that: they like Dimitri’s story and character, but it’s too opposite of hers. That’s okay. That’s fine.
It’s not okay or fine anymore when people start acting like they can say whatever they want to justify their pixels, no matter how horrible it is.
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