#It's about the manipulation of another party into believing they should trust you. It's about knowing you're still at their mercy.
anonymouseeverything · 6 months
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"Crown of Shadows (Coldfire Book 3)" - C.S. Friedman Astarion Bite Scene (Baldur's Gate III) - Larian Studios ------ I don't know what I have here, but I have something.
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interstellar-wanderer · 5 months
Theory about The Ghoul/Cooper: Highly influenced and vulnerable to dishonesty.
Cooper Howard trusts deeply in the people he loves and the idea of the American Dream that was sold to him during the Sino-American war. He fought for those ideals, his country and the people he loved, and before the Great War and drop of the bombs he can't stand any other perspective for his own sanity.
The problem is, he is not a very good actor you see. He usually creates the character of a highly dignified cowboy because it is a projection of what he wants for himself, an ideal version of a man, openly criticizing the choice of the character not doing what he would do in real life (shooting someone), and in his other movie, he plays a role of a man with a dog, with the help of his own dog and not another random dog, I believe because he wanted to portray his own relationship with his loved pet rather than a random role.
He lives his characters and roles, to the point of turning one of them when becoming the Ghoul, this lone cowboy and bounty hunter hurt by his past and tired of the cruelty and dishonesty around the Wasterland.
He uses his emotions and all his heart for his roles and forgets everything else because through his roles he is showing a part of himself in the process, but with the consequence of leaving nothing to protect himself, because he has never created a facade around his person, he is honest and true, th same way we see The Ghoul as he is, no lies nor attempts at dishonesty; he is clear with his intentions to the very end.
But because of this, Cooper is vulnerable and ignorant to true deep dishonesty, to someone who would straight up lie to his face, to someone living two parallel life at the same time. He prides himself on knowing his wife's true motivations and never thinking bad about her, he also sees Lucy and believes her just as transparent but never thought of her surviving SnipSnip.
When Barb showed her real colors during the Vault-Tec meeting, declaring they should drop the bombs themselves, he broke in such a way he went into shock. One would believe he is in fact a good actor, and would try to be good in hiding it, but I would say Barb was a better one by playing two roles at the same time God knows how long and Cooper suspecting nothing of such. This happens when:
1) she convinces him to pose as Vault boy and be part of their promotional campaign
2) then when she invites everyone to the wrap party to their house without telling him, subsequently not showing remorse at him being abandoned by his Hollywood friends
3) then gatekeeping him regarding her status as worried housewife during the war in Anchorade and how stupid his idea of a ranch was
4) ultimately convincing him to accept his dog should go (something we all know made him suspect of Vault-tec and her), for the sake of their security.
But this caused a drift between them, him starting to suspect something was up when she told him they wouldn't be safe if they buy a bunker themselves because it wouldn't work, then trying hard to "put everyone in one of the GOOD vaults, one which would oversee all others".
This is when his world started to crumble. Not only her lying, but she not trusting him enough with the real truth of their situation, manipulating him instead with a dishonest facade.
The worst part is that it is very likely she knows this about him, his soul is rooter in honesty, fairness, and dignity, do the right thing the same way Lucy envisioned before coming out of Vault 33. He doesn't expect his wife to lie to him or represent a version of the world he fought against, he doesn't expect his country to betray him regarding their safety.
We can understand now why he became such a bitter man, and why he seems to avoid the old version of himself.
Maybe he thinks, if he had known, if he hadn't trusted so damn much, if he hasn't been so vulnerable and hasn't opened his heart expecting the same back, maybe he could have done something to stop it all.
Now every time he looks back, he seems to hate the man he was so very much.
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
In your opinion, do you think V was fully at fault for what happened to Saeran? There's no denying that he is partially responsible, but honestly I don't think he should be as blamed as much as he is? From Rika's Behind Story, we find out that Rika had told V that Saeran was "moving boarding schools" when in actuality it was a lie to distance V from Saeran and cut off any contact between them, so that she can deceive Saeran into thinking V abandoned him later on when she kidnaps him to Magenta. Still, V insisted on seeing Saeran, even asking for the apparent school's name, but backed down when Rika was adamant about not giving him answers. I agree that V was wrong here for not looking into Rika's words more, but he only relented because he genuinely trusted her—that this was for the sake of protecting the twins, and because he literally had no reason to suspect Rika had any malicious intentions towards Saeran. It took a month for V to find out about Mint Eye after Rika left, and he definitely needed more than a month's time to gather enough materials and intel to infiltrate the place himself, so by the time he managed to enter Mint Eye and find about what Rika did to Saeran, it was already far too late. A lot of people blame him in this part; that he didn't do anything to save Saeran or get him out. But truthfully speaking...what can V even do at this point? It's not like he can just grab Saeran and book it unless he wants a gun pulled on his ass 😭 he had to resort to taking Mint Eye down from the inside. A lot of people also brought up that V should've called the police, but wouldn't that jeopardise Saeran's position to Saejoong? He is actively looking for the twins, and while it may seem like he'd pay no mind to an ordinary cult takedown case, he is desperate. I can see him having his people keep tabs on potential "suspects" from all sorts of places. Sorry this turned out so long, I would really love to hear from your perspective as a passionate Saeran fan. I hope this doesn't start any discourse :'))
I think I'll preface by saying Mystic Messenger suffers in terms of the writers not communicating with each other between routes. There's a lot of differing information about what happened to Saeran. The diary plants one story, and Another Story and Rika Behind paint something else... and in Casual and Deep Story, there are parts of the story a lot of players aren't sure about in terms of what happened since there's a slightly different vibe there.
So, when it comes to errors in continuity, you have to take it with a grain of salt and make your own assumption.
I think it's hard to have a conversation about this subject because neither Jihyun nor Rika are innocent. We can't assign blame to one without assigning blame to the other, but the rate at which they're guilty differs because of the choices they made. There are people in the fandom who place all the blame at Rika's feet, but she's not the only guilty party here when it comes to what happened to Saeran in the end.
It's important to understand that neither of them is innocent, and at the same time, it's even more important to understand the dynamic Rika and V had in the first place.
Rika tortured, manipulated, brainwashed, and abused Saeran. That fact is undeniable. The things she did to him are unimaginable and I hope she pays for it every day after the events of the RAE take place and she has to face judgement day in the court of law.
Jihyun's greatest failure was his decision to uphold his promise to Rika Kim. He promised he would never abandon her in her time of need, no matter what, because he didn't want to fail someone like he "failed" his mother. He believes in his heart that he has to give all he has because of his mother's sacrifice.
This is what causes him to avoid telling Jumin about what happened, because as much as he wants to save Saeran, he wants to "save" Rika, and that's why his greatest failure in the route comes from the player fighting to convince him to do what he should've done in the first place. Ask for help and admit that sometimes, promises aren't worth keeping if they destroy everyone you love, including yourself.
When we compare the choices Rika and V made, yeah, it's easy to see how Rika has done the worst to Saeran, but it's important for players to know that V's inaction served to hurt Saeran, too. That's something he acknowledges during the route, but ends up shooting himself in the foot over by the end because he decided to uphold his promise to Rika despite knowing it wouldn't help her or himself in the end.
Yes, Rika and V are both guilty of failing Saeran and Saeyoung. There is no doubt about that. But, their guilt comes in different flavors and it's important to understand how those choices hurt the boys. Rika's blame is widely understood and correctly spoken about with hatred and ire by fans, but when it comes to Jihyun, it's not often I see fans assign the appropriate blame to him.
It's all or nothing with a lot of players. Either you're a saint or you're a guilty monster. There's no wiggle room in the middle for the grey area that covers choices people make that aren't inherently good or evil. It is the choices that fall in the middle that are hard to understand and easy to misconstrue.
Jihyun Kim is a man I like to refer to with the old saying, "The path paved to hell is made with good intentions."
I think people should be upset with V, and I understand why people hate him for his inability to act when it counts. But, that's one of the things that makes him human and some as a person. You should be angry with V because he outright confesses that he's aware that what he's doing is wrong and that he should be doing more to make things right. You should be disappointed in him.
Because, if you decide to sit down and play V Route, you'll see him make the right decision and do what he should've done from the start.
Ask for help.
Do you want to know what I think Jihyun should've done? He should have told Jumin he was in over his head when discovered the plans in the apartment for Mint Eye. Jumin has proven time and time again to be someone who will do the right thing, no matter the cost, and if he had simply trusted his best friend, they could've done something for Saeran to get him away from Rika and take down Mint Eye with it. I'm certain that Jihyun knew he could do that.
But, to do that would mean breaking his promise to Rika. He told her he would keep their promise. So, if he told Jumin, and then Jumin did everything he could to take down Mint Eye, Rika would likely lash out at Jihyun for "breaking" their promise.
I think he could've feared that Rika might've revealed the truth about Saeran or Saeyoung to spite him in the process, despite making her own promise to Saeyoung to do the right thing, and her promise to Saeran to "take care of him since she killed his mother." So, he was weighing that fear on top of the shame of breaking a promise. But, I am certain that if Jumin helped, Saeran would be safe far away from Seoul, and they would be hunting for a way to get Saeyoung out of that fucking agency.
Jihyun could've continued to investigate Saejoong in private with the help of Jumin's team. Even if Rika let something slip to the police and sided with Saejoong, I think they could've found a way to make things work out. Would it have worked out well? I don't know, but I think I've got enough faith in Jumin Han to trust that he would make it right as soon as he could.
Jihyun was the one hunting down information about Saejoong Choi to take him down. He was away most of the time for that reason, and Rika took it upon herself to take care of Saeran when he wasn’t in classes at the cathedral. He had no way of knowing what Rika was doing to Saeran. He gave her an inch and Rika took a mile in terms of control.
He trusted her to do the right thing and uphold her promise, and he had no choice but to believe in the idea she would keep her promise to protect Saeran because it was the two of them against the world. Two broken people in a relationship that was bound to fail from the start, trying to help two little boys who needed more help than they could provide on their own, it was a recipe for disaster. 
Truthfully speaking, the only thing he could have done when he discovered that Rika lied to him was talk to Jumin. His best friend would have been the only person in the world who could have helped him, but he didn't ask his friend for help out of shame and regret. So, while Rika and V are both guilty, it's important to understand the why and how.
It won't change their guilt, but it does give you more insight as to why Saeyoung doesn't bite Jihyun's head off in the VAE like he tried to do to Rika. Oh, he's still angry with Jihyun, but he's realized that Jihyun's choices were different from Rika's. Still terrible because his promise was broken tenfold, but he can despise Rika far easier because she actively tortured his twin brother and Jihyun's failure of his inaction in the face of weighing promises.
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tht0nesimp · 10 months
Yandere Losers Club Headcanons
tw; kidnapping but like...less organized and only mentioned a little bit, manipulation, violence, drugging, hypochondria, forced religion,
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-he is much to his dismay like his mom
-He's like a constant nurse, even when you promise your fine! Hitting your knee on a rock hurt for sure, but its not like your going to die..well hopefully not, maybe he's right? thoughts like those will become common as he worms his worries into your mind
-He's willing to share, but only with the club, he continues to promise that its what's best for you when he gives you a prescription of Cyclobenzaprine, just enough to not give you too much serotonin syndrome, but a little extra joy is normal! Not being able to get up just means he needs to get you another prescription or eight! You trust him, dont you?
-Eventually when you try to distance yourself, all the drugs hes been giving you, all the prescriptions you now dont take will come crashing down on you. Hes not going to necessarily mock you when the kidnapping happens and you go through extreme stress and withdrawl...but this wouldn't have happened if you!-
-He gets along best with stan and mike, since all three want what's best for you
-He has his problems with, surprisingly, bev. She got you hurt once and he still hasn't completely forgiven her though he will back her up when you try and vent to him about her manipulating you
-Your overreacting! hes hurt you think she would ever spread rumors about you when she was bullied herself. shame, shame, shame on you
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-Manipulation to the max, she will make you want to spend time with her. There is no other option
-She's one of the more patient of the group though, when you finally start to distance yourself she will calmly help create a plan to help bring you home. You will inevitably be back after all whether its due to drug dependency or the loser club knocking you out on your way back from a party, is up to the universe
-She wouldnt hurt you to a certain point, if she believes its for the greater good then your tough out of luck. But she prefers to just make you feel guilty and dependent
-she gets along best with stan and ben, as the other two are too scared to stop her
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-Its not that he doesnt want you to not be a tad scared of him, but you make it so difficult! I mean, hes the worst at hiding his tendencies about you
-He doesnt fully get why you get bothered when he curses out your crush? What could possibly be wrong?
-Dont worry, he would never hurt you EVER. Well, not on purpose, a few scrapes on an adventure is different!
-He gets along best with mike and bill, as they both enjoy going on adventures with you as well
-Eddie and him clash sometimes, mainly just because of eddies naturally overprotective nature around you getting hurt
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-Mike is a bit more gentle, hes one of the few who feels guilt about what hes doing
-Hes also very jealous of the others at times, and although hed never take it out on you..sometimes he gets clingy when he thinks you might be prefering the others over him in any capacity of the sense
-It goes without saying that he wouldn't hurt you, but he cant bring himself to rat on the others when the kidnapping happens. He locks the guilt even further back in his mind at that point and refuses to acknowledge when you call them crazy
-He gets along best with eddie and bill, all three are deeply concerned for your safety just about constantly
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-Pomegranate??? When he's especially feeling in debt to god for giving you to him, he encourages you to pray! before bed...when you wake up...before eating....whenever you feel like leaving him...yknow when you should be grateful for things!
-If your not super religious he's...ok with that. Sometimes he may wish you were willing to engage with that stuff but he tries not to bring it up too much
-Besides that, hes somewhat tame. But he doesn't feel guilty
-He goes with the vibe of the group so if you do something wrong or when the kidnapping comes around and they feel you need repercussions he's not going to stand up for you but he wont be cruel to you
-He gets along well with bill and mike, theyre all pretty chill with you
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-You wont know hes a yandere unless they kidnap you, he's a scrawny little guy with a stutter who is barely keeping on after georgie's death...do your really think hed ever do stuff like that?!
-You help him with his stutter, your one of the big reason he tries to overcome it when hes a bit older
-Theres not much he does besides a bit of manipulation about him feeling guilty for what happened to his brother, after all, who wouldn't feel bad for this poor guy!
-He gets along best with bev, they both like each other...and you so it works out for them to share you
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fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
The more I think on it I think the lack of the time skip may have affected how GRRM wanted to have the dynamic between Littlefinger and Sansa to play out. With the time skip we'd be coming back to an 18 year old Sansa who's had 5 years of either learning to be his protege, being under his manipulations, or secretly plotting against him. Without it we're coming back to a 13 year old Sansa newly traumatized by her aunt trying to kill her who's still figuring out how much she can and should trust the him. An 18 year old Sansa probably would've been in on the plan to resolve to be Sansa Stark and take North but now he has to restructure the plan for a younger Sansa, who ends up being a more passive party going along with what Littlefinger wants than a more active participant.
It actually does help a lot that we have access to a couple of different AFFC drafts. Sansa's the only character to have all her chapters in that book accounted for as early as October 2003 but the talk with Littlefinger at the end of Alayne II was still missing as of the June 2004 version. His dialogue about Cersei in GRRM's other note isn't an exact match to the published version either, he sounds more amused by how quickly she fucked things up for herself than saying she's overreached and will soon be done. GRRM hadn't even written the part where he explains Harry the Heir's role as her betrothed, but her next planned chapter is all about her needing to seduce him.
What actually seems to be new material is what he crossed out involving Sweetrobin and news from W(hite) H(arbor), along with killing the Mad Mouse (but were those two points crossed out because he pushed them out of the book or scrapped them in favor of focusing on Shadrich?) I definitely think GRRM is setting Sansa up as one of the driving conflicts involving the Stark succession crisis in TWOW with Littlefinger whispering in her ear about her deserving Winterfell and possible news of her siblings being fakes. Definitely the basis of the season 7 fight between Sansa and Arya came from GRRM, no matter how painfully poorly written it was. The question of who ends up ruling the North isn't compelling if it simply involves them all saying they don't want it and another sibling can have it, you need to have a least one who truly wants it and believes it's their right.
I wholeheartedly agree that the lack of a time skip changed the dynamic between LF and Sansa. If we'd had the time skip it would've allowed time for Sansa to grow + learn from her time with LF and we likely would've come back to her being more politically savvy and confident, which would've set the stage for her doing her own scheming. Instead, like you said, we have a Sansa who is (currently) going to be more passive in his plans. It's a little disappointing because that growth would've been interesting, but it seems like her development has taken a backseat to LF's planning. She could still have that development but it won't be anywhere as dramatic as it would've been because that's not how George develops his characters. With her TWOW sample chapter, it seems that her development will be dependent on when George wants to reveal LF's plan. When that comes out, we'll likely start to see Sansa becoming more active.
As for the other plot points in the outline, the crossed-out ones could still be on the table. Arya has a crossed-out point of "mercy at the gate" and "Mercy" is her opening in TWOW. SW "woos/weds" is very interesting to me and could signify a change in LF's plans. I don't believe that they're going to be a "driving force" for the Northern plot, I believe their actions will be reactionary, but I do think that whatever happens North will have an impact. LF believes that Sansa is the only Stark left to claim the Winterfell so that meant he could take his time (with the time skip he would've been waiting years); the exposure of Robb's will + four other Starks coming back into play will significantly change things and his timeline. We don't know what LF's real plans are but getting this news (from white harbor?) will affect what he's told Sansa and her feelings on the matter. She's going along with his plans because the idea of retaking Winterfell has been presented to her, and I can see her latching onto that. If Jon becomes King, which is very likely, it could lay the ground for conflict between them. While Sansa has been pretending to be a bastard she hasn't really confronted her classism or behavior towards him. We know that Arya and Sansa are going to have issues to work out, to whatever level, so I don't think it's impossible that other sibling conflicts will exist.
There are also the developments with the KL (southern?) plot to consider. With JonCon making trouble for the Lannister's + Tommen's reign facing problems he could try, or be forced, to interact with that plot. The Northern plot won't be the only thing to influence what's happening in the Vale, or LF's actions. His main goal probably wasn't ever to claim Winterfell, it was just a bonus to him having Sansa in his grasp. If things become too "active" there he might readjust his attention. There are a lot of different things that could impact the plot, some things that will only be introduced in TWOW, and ways the plot could play out so it's hard to say anything concrete about it.
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terrence-silver · 8 months
Do you think that Terry has kept anything from his military days? A uniform, weapon, any kind of trinket? Or would he want to get rid of it all? Does it change over time across the KK3/CK Terry eras?
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Think he kept it all.
I mean, look at this guy. Really look at him.☝️
Does this seem like a guy who wouldn't? C'mon, now.
Uniform, the weapon he used in his service, whatever medals he won, if he won any; the very combat boots he wore, if at all possible. Photographs, trinkets, dogtags, newspaper clippings, souvenirs, memories of exclusively sentimental value. He preserved it all. Because, contrary to popular belief, I don't think Terry Silver ever felt ashamed of his military service, in fact, in the 80's, man seems downright proud of it, saluting in public and he doing it with all the gusto in the whole wide world: man's as patriotic as they come (possibly to worrying and maybe even toxic degrees, because I doubt there's anything Terry can do mildly). I simply think that in his older age he was wise enough to know not everyone would react favorably to him saying he served, least of all, in Vietnam of all places, one of the more controversial wars the US ever fought to date. No pats on the back would be given for that and Terry is clever enough to be able to read the figurative room and the sensibilities of the era, as he goes ahead and adapts to them, flying under the radar, keeping the nitty-gritty aspects of himself neatly tucked away because I feel he understands only a fool goes around being wholly transparent. He is a shrewd businessman, after all. He knows what to reveal and what not to reveal, or at least, what not to highlight and what not to. It was a subject so personal and hidden in plain sight one almost gets the impression it's publicly known he served, but outside of John Kreese and ironically, while manipulating Mr. Miyagi, another veteran, it is never really mentioned, discussed, brought up or talked of by Terry to anyone else in too many details because he possibly didn't want the most important, formative, meaningful and traumatizing years of his life even talked of by unworthy mouths who wouldn't understand what the heck he's talking about and it's inherent gravitas, and if they did, doubt he could guarantee containing himself.
After all, who would?
Would anyone talk about such a meaningful event casually?
Can it be talked about casually?
Like, do we really think Terry Silver would be here talking about his years in the war in front of, oh, I don't know, Emile and Cheyenne over brunch at a garden party, for example? His time as POW and everything that went down out there in the jungle? Lets be real for a moment. Of course Terry would be deliberately vague and brush it off like 'there's not much to say' because these aren't the type of people you can talk about anything more serious and impactful than the next round of Mimosas. Know your audience. Know the audience's limits. Naturally, whatever keepsakes he brought back from the war were and remained hidden too --- his and exclusively for him. All throughout the many decades. His own personal museum.
But, I do believe he's brought back a ton of things; and not just his own.
I'm prone to imagine Terry Silver owns a whole shrine, in fact.
If it was at all conceivable for him to retrieve anything of Ponytail's, trust and believe he's in possession of that too, because if he could take the man's hair and the man's mannerisms, usurping them like a virtual facestealer, he could collect his posthumous belongings as well --- uniform, personal items, letters from home, journals, records, magazines and whatever else his friend had with him seeing as how he fashioned himself into his friend's mirror image, a walking doppelganger, a walking, talking grave, so why not have his things too? His stuff? It's only right he should have them. Be their keeper, guardian and owner. Halfway usurping him and his very personhood, halfway paying homage to him.
Stolen valor galore.
A stolen life too.
What if he owns something of Captain Turner's too? Now, there's a freaky thought.
Or enemy personnel he's encountered and terminated out on the field or in combat, because, regardless how boyish, skinny and doe eyed he was while he was Twig, I have no doubt in mind he killed, at least someone. Is it even possible to survive the Vietnam war as a soldier without taking lives? Don't doubt he collected trophies too. Someone's molar, for all we know, because the rabbit hole, oh, it can go very deep and it can go very dark indeed. I like to think that's exactly why Terry was giving such a gleeful, near enviously hateful glare when faced with Mr. Miyagi's medal, almost as if he was thinking 'Why not me?' right before he pocketed that too and added it to his excessive collection of army memorabilia.
Perhaps, indulging in some hero worship and giving it to John instead.
Feeling John deserves it more. That John deserves all the accolades in the world.
Regardless, I am convinced Terry Silver owns a virtual treasure trove of army stuff and has for decades --- both his own and those pertaining to other people, because it simply makes sense for his character to be in possession of such a thing. This is a hill I'll die on; this is a stash so private and concealed it might as well not exist, shrouded like the ultimate vulnerability, perhaps even from himself at times. For all anyone could be concerned, he did dispose of everything a long time ago, but I don't think he's a man who ever disposes of anything meaningful to him in any way --- a man who can't let go of grudges, creeds, rivalries, promises, oaths and friendships for half a century isn't likely to let go of a uniform he fought in either.
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2econdlaw · 9 months
By both nature and necessity, Charlotte is a wholly and persistently unpredictable character. She always has been in almost all aspects of her characterization; from the fact that she does not have any conscious control over the distortions to reality, memories, and perceptions that occur in her presence to the fact that she rarely has any political, moral, or personal stakes in any given conflict, Char's unpredictability is, ironically, perhaps, one of the few constant things about her.
However, because it isn't easy to predict how she will behave or react to certain people, situations, etc., I get that this might make it hard to plot with her as well as create a coherent picture of her. ( Of course, some of that ambiguity is deliberate and it's not the goal of this post to do away with that ambiguity, but only to clarify a little bit about how said ambiguity works. ) I've spoken about this in various contexts during plotting, but figured it'd be helpful to have in one post for everybody's reference since we should be on the same page about why Char is a headache.
As stated above, Charlotte will rarely have any political, moral, or personal stakes in any given situation that might arise and/or involves your muse. This means that if you want to gauge where she might stand in a conflict, how far you can trust her, where her loyalties ( if any ) would lie, etc., you may have to rely on what you know about the conflict itself, the players involved, and who ( if anyone ) Char is answering to. Obviously, this isn't a foolproof method and it is very possible that Char could be planning to betray people, working for an unknown party, or looking to make some trouble on her own terms. Therefore, in this case, you cannot predict with a reliable degree of certainty whether Char is "on your side" or not.
Charlotte does have standards. It may be hard to believe and even harder to predict, but she will draw the line at certain actions and behaviours. I don't want to attach any morality-talk to these standards, however, because Charlotte herself doesn't see her standards as markers of her "goodness" or "evilness;" they're simply the limits of what she is and is not willing to do as a person, and are, unfortunately, also subject to adjustment if she feels the need to cross certain lines for whatever reason. It's important to remember that Char is extremely goal-orientated and will not let go of a "victory" easily. Therefore, these "lines" she draws can be unpredictable themselves.
That being said, you can trust that Char will never personally perpetuate acts of animal cruelty, infanticide, the willful abuse/avoidable traumatizing of children, extremely cruel and unusual punishments or torture methods, egregious or needless violations of another person's bodily autonomy, or emotionally-driven acts of sadism, maiming, or homicide.
In short, while Charlotte is willing to go to great lengths to achieve her objective and will engage in a wide assortment of extreme and criminal methods of manipulation to do so, she is not an inherently cruel or sadistic person. She is capable of cruelty and sadism, but she also knows when enough is enough and finds little personal gratification in going beyond what she considers "fair" or "fun" in a given situation. This means that she won't likely go out of her way to torture, maim, or kill someone if it no longer serves her goal; it means that she is much less likely to inflict egregious pain or confusion on someone she believes cannot, in any sense, "fight back." Her actions and choices, like everything else about her, aim to push events, people, and reality itself towards her nearer criminal objectives as well as her greater, more general objective of catalyzing chaos. Once she has done enough to "feed" these plans and processes, Char backs off considerably in terms of her hostility. What sustains her unpredictability in this case, however, is how you can never know when Charlotte will decide if enough is enough or if there is more chaos to be squeezed out of a certain person and/or situation. . .
Therefore, the best way to parse Charlotte's unpredictability is to consider the immovable neutrality of chaos and, by extension, Char herself as a vessel of the primordial void and old Khaos itself. It is crucial to remember that, more often than not, to the point of near certainty, none of what Char does is ever personal. It is all for chaos. It is paramount, where Char is concerned, to never mistaken her friendly and even caring actions for any actual care on her part for your muse. ( There are, of course a handful of exceptions to this, but that's an entirely different story ). I cannot emphasize this enough: Char may take actions to care for your muse, such as feeding them, checking in on them, buying them gifts, housing them, etc., but she does not actually care about your muse in any of these cases. At all. Not beyond what they can do for her in terms of her objectives. As such, you cannot expect any sentimentality or loyalty from Char in almost any situation ever.
The flip-side of this objective and cold neutrality is that you also do not have to worry about Char ever developing feelings of personal resentment, hatred, or vindictiveness against your muse. No matter what has gone down between Char and another person or organization, she will more likely than not continue to view the other with indifference... maybe mingled with some wariness, curiosity, or even mild fondness. This is to say, you can expect her to leave your home, loved ones, overall safety, and livelihood alone as long as you do not become a person of interest for her again. It is only important to remember that this "peace" is conditional, and you cannot predict when she will, in fact, turn around and decide maybe she does want to use you, mess with you, or need something from you again.
So, it seems like there is very little you can count on when it comes to Charlotte, and this is as expected. However, amidst all this unpredictability, there are a few other points on which you can trust will transpire when it comes to Charlotte. The first and most widely applicable is her resolve, determination, and objectivity when it comes to getting a job done. Before all else, Char is a chaos agent with a singular purpose; this kind of mindset has translated seamlessly to her career as a master criminal. She does not like to lose and believes half the fun is the dedication with which she throws herself into a job. The fact that she is not in control of the effects she has on reality and is herself subject to these distortions and the unpredictability she fosters, and yet has trained herself to use these distortions in such a way that not only makes it seem like she's in control but to great yet improbable success, should, alone, testify to the power of her resolve.
Second, you can usually count on the fact that Char does not operate from a place of emotion, and is rather cerebral and logical. This means that, if your muse is up to the challenge and has the capability to do so, you can expect Charlotte to respond to reasonable arguments and negotiations. In short, Char can be reasoned with; it's just not an easy thing to do as she usually has her own logic already in place behind a plan, but she won't ever shut you down outright for voicing your own reasoning. You can expect her to respond best to logical arguments, analytical or scientific evidence, and when you can show why you're championing a particular line of thinking.
Lastly, and this is not even close to being widely applicable, but in the case where your muse has earned Char's genuine friendship, love, and/or loyalty, you can expect her to show up for you consistently and unconditionally. Though extremely hard-earned, Char's loyalty is the real thing. She will be there the moment you call. She will side with you and do almost anything you ask of her, even if she disagrees, because it was you who asked. She will never leave you to face a challenge alone and will persistently look out for you. Perhaps a little unexpectedly, this is the only case ( hence its immense rarity ) where Char will set aside her own objectives ( to considerable consequences ) and turn her dedication to someone else's goals and success. That being said, this should not be translated as Char becoming "good." She may be good to you, but her choices and actions will still reflect her morally chaotic mindset. This means that the ways in which she will support, defend, and show up for you will still run towards unpredictability because you will never be able to know 100% what she has planned and how far she is willing to go for you.
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crybabyhearts · 10 months
Think outside a the box this Holiday Season! Who needs socks for their cold feet, or a new video game ta keep kids happy? When you've got--
Introducin some terms an conditions-- I am here in the Tumblr multiverse market ta play with fate!
So say goodbye ta basic sales, an say hello ta fast service mail!
Do ya want a bottle a liquid youth for your grandma? How about a checkbook that dont run out?
Need help crammin for exams? With my help you can perfectly memorize everythin you just read for up ta 3 years time! Oh my!
Further Information an Rates Below! ♠
All transactions an trades made on Tumblr will follow a "Thou Shall do No Harm" business model. While Salut Inc is the property of Hell, we believe in Good Business.
This means that there will be no intent ta harm, maim, or kill. Some may see the word "Demon" or "Nightmare" an think that we want nothin but cruelty. But in fact, we simply want happy clientele!
An how you'll be happy can be shaped by you! With our new an improved flexible payment system!
All potential clients are more than welcome to, an even encouraged, to choose this plan! Cash (digital or otherwise) is the easiest way ta get your promised wishes without havin to worry about payments later down the line! All wishes come with their own rates an conditions. Choosin this payment method will lock you into a fixed rate calculated at the time of wish makin. No payments are required prior to delivery or exchange- givin you a window of time ta cancel the transaction if you so please! But I don't know why you'd want to!
Do you have something extraordinary on your hands? Somethin you could live without but would make others go "WOAH!"? Then you've got yourself a trade! No deposits, payments, or otherwise! We are always in the market for the freaky shit the multiverse can crap out! Ain't nothin sell better than somethin no one's ever seen before! All ya hafta do is match your request with an item, skill, or potential working contract a equal value! Easy as PIE!
When you hear "favor" you usually think "I'm screwed.", but I am HAPPY ta let ya know that, that? Ain't the case! Favors are a special kind a currency, somethin ta build trust with. An I don't believe in fuckin up my flow. SO let's get inta em, shall we? ♠ Endless Checkbook - Endless Checkbooks come with a steady favor of Promotion, as every check is Salut Inc branded. ♠ Three Years of Crystal Clear Memory - This can include favors such as; The Use of Your Voice*, An Extra Tax Taken from Your Income, Promotion, etc! *When agreein to the conditions of Salut Inc usin your voice you are hereby consentin ta the followin examples: marketin lines on the radio, covers of songs, advertising campaigns, and more! ♠ A Bottle of Liquid Youth - Can I ask you a favor? Will you sign your soul away ta me so this bottle a youth can find its way to your loved ones lips? Now I'm sure this one sounds like a doozey! But you hafta consider the weight a life. Other RATES apply! (Soul favors do not increase the risk of death, or expedite it. Soul favors are simply that, a favor. Once the signed dies (a death without ANY second party involvement, even manipulation an hirin) their soul will simply be that of Salut Inc's jurisdiction, an will result in a specified Hellscape (Ours).)
Raph's been on my ass about takin breaks an makin friends. So bein my friend could count as a sort a favor. But you've gotta play the part! ;* Parties, board room bitchin an ventin, an hangovers galore!
That should be most things important or another! Business Inquiries @ IM's.
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lebienquifaitmai · 1 year
thoughts about The Emperor
I want to just put all my thoughts about The Emperor while my memory is still fresh after beating the game. Obviously spoilers ahead, obviously personal thoughts and perception, and doing it mostly for myself from the future, but feel free to reply if you have something in mind.
I keep seeing takes about how the Emperor is using Tav for his own goals, but his main goal is, basically, destroying the Absolute. Which is not a bad goal, if I must say it's a heroic goal. But he's not able to do so alone, he needs allies for this, however who would want to go through countless challenges one after another, challenge chosens of the Dark Gods, and face the Elder Brain on top of that? Only someone whomst life would depend on this, someone who not only would die if they fail, but their soul and their very being would be destroyed after turning into mind flayer.
So the Emperor and his crew (not sure if they are also rebels, or Emperor is fooling them around) is gathering anyone they can catch through the worlds, Emperor is putting magically altered tadpoles in their brains, then the nautiloid crash happens. Again, it's unknown if Emperor knew, expected, maybe even planned it from the start, or he wanted to do it the other way.
But it is what it is. He can't stop just yet, when stakes is this high. He starts to manipulate the party into thinking that they are protected by some mysterious dream visitor, I assume that he searched trough the minds and made the most personally appealing appearance for each, just to make it easier. He's successfully pushing the party forward their goal. Trying to put in their minds an idea that they shouldn't get rid of their tadpoles, but they should embrace it's potential instead.
And then there is Act 3. His true identity is getting revealed, a lot of stuff is going on.
About Ansur: Emperor tried to turn him down, to make him leave and go live his on life. The letter we can find on Ansur's dead body is very sweet and very sad. I don't think that it could be staged, since Ansur is laying down below the castle, it's very hidden, to access it you have to pass trials, and Emperor is trying his best to make Tav go back, instead of looking for the dragon, and it's not like there is something that could truly expose him, nothing here hints us that he was doing it not out of pure self-defense.
About Duke Stellmane: We know that he was visitting her every tendays, and that's it. There is a thought that he could be the cause of her condition, but it could also be something else. Emperor himself is not saying anything about it if Tav trusts him, but if Tav is being hostile towards him, he'll show Tav how he'll say "the truth" but. He'll show it even if Tav doesn't want to look, and Emperor will make sure to make the vision the most unsettling thing he can come up with, and on top of that he'll completely clash in tone after that. I think the reason behind of this is that Emperor is getting scared about the possiblity that Tav can do something unpredictable and fail everything when they are so close to the destruction of the Absolute. If Tav doesn't want to cooperate willingly and on a good terms, then Emperor is trying to make them act out of fear. If it's easier for them to put everything in black-white terms then Emperor is gonna play the role of an "evil mind flayer who is here only to bring disaster" I don't think we can wholeheartedly believe what we saw there, especially since he keeps her portrait among his old stuff under the Elfsong tavern.
And my final thoughts: the Emperor wants to survive, this is his first priority, his second priority is keeping his city safe. It's good and very understandable desires. He wants to kill the Absolute, and you can only try to persuade him to do otherwise; also he's not even in a cutscene if Tav is becoming an Absolute themselves. Emperor is getting sad if Tav is turning him down on romance, and I think it means he's not living rent free in Tav's head just to lie or/and manipulate them in all ways possible, because then he'd know about Tav possibly not having a romantic interest in him, so he wouldn't even try to engage. And in the end of the game Emperor is still here to say his farewells, and he feels genuinely sad that his journey with Tav is over, and he's being nice even if Tav is acting cold and rude. There is no point of manipulating in the end, and if all of it wouldn't matter for him, he could just simply leave without saying a word.
I personally think that Emperor is not just "another evil mind flayer" and also I think that he has some real feelings for Tav.
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mono-bloom · 1 year
Gen 2 Playlist Analysis
Now that we know exactly how important and foreshadow-y these songs are, I decided that I have too much free time so here’s my shitty prediction of the songs meaning on the Gen 2 playlist. This is not serious at all so enjoy the rambling of an insane man. Sidebar: I use the word “Showfall” as a collective term and for legibility and could be interchanged with Hetch(s)
Kaisarion by Ghost - It seems to be either talking about a lowly grunt of Showfall’s POV talking about the company, or could be a nod to one of the new characters, but seems very much a Showfall song. Confidence: 7/10
Spillways by Ghost - CHATS SONG OMG! This reeks of a song that taunts the viewer/listener for their choice at the end of Gen 1. Could also be about G1!Characters but considering the lack of CCs in later seasons, it is very much about chat. Confidence: 9.5/10
Faith by Ghost - Hetch’s song. The lines “I am all eyes, I am all ears, I am the wall” are so telling. It could also be Showfall song in general. I want to say that this is for a new villain, but I believe that there were multiple Hetchs in every episode, so it could be a variation. Confidence: 7.5/10
He Is by Ghost - Unknown Character that could either be working with or fall under the corruption of Showfall. This is a hymn almost. While this could be about “The Savior” from the games, I hold firmly that “The Savior” is a false savior and should not be trusted. Confidence 5/10
Kiss the Go-Goat by Ghost - Trickery. We’ve/The Characters have been tricked into something. “It ain’t always what it seems When you cling onto a dream”. There is a false reality at play that will kick us onto our asses. Osculum Obscenum, Kiss of Shame. Confidence: 8/10
Square Hammer by Ghost - This is what I feel is The Savior’s song. Nowhere is there evidence that The Savior is a holy and righteous figure. I don’t think we will get to see them in this Generation but they will become more prominent, possibly with a grave sacrifice (GL!Ranboo perhaps? “Hammering the nails into a sacred coffin”?) Confidence: 5/10
Crucified by Ghost - I am honestly not sure why this is here. It could be a callback to Gen 1, it could be showing us a pattern for Showfall, I’m not sure. Either way, it makes me curious. Confidence: ??/10
Another Believer by Rufus Wainwright - This one is interesting. Depending on the lens you look through it could change the meaning. From the characters' POV, it could simply be a break of trust and/or seeing through the veil of Showfall and being re-indoctrinated, or it could foreshadow our own manipulation, trying to convince the characters to trust us. Confidence: 5-7/10
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears - Power struggle. I imagine we will see more moments like those we see in The Choices. The struggle between fighting against the tide and letting it guide you. I think this one is like a theme song for Generation Loss as a whole. Who’s right? Who deserves power? We don’t know, but we want it. Confidence: 7.5/10
Homage by Mild High Club - This is a character’s song. This is about someone with borrowed time that has let the tide guide them to their end. I can imagine the exposition with flashbacks of happy memories before they let the tide take them under. Tears will fall and we will be angry (/lh). Confidence: 6/10
Jesus He Knows Me by Ghost - The Founders’ anthem. These are the words of a seemingly omniscient, malevolent cult leader(s). Confidence: 9/10
 You’re at the Party by Lemon Demon - I’m not entirely sure if Gen 2 will follow the same idea as Gen 1 with this being a television show (the latest video on Generation Loss’s YT gives me hope that it is) but if so, this seems like a parallel to the moment GL!Ranboo wakes up at the end of episode 2 and realizes it’s all a game. A morbid, fucked up game, but a game nevertheless. Confidence: 6.5/10
 He Needs Me by Shelley Duvall -  This one is interesting. I feel that this one is about the cat-and-mouse game that is going on between us and Showfall. Showfall needs us to be a part of their show, to have us tune in and pay attention. To potentially be a weapon against their enemies, as shown in The Choice. However, we need Showfall. We need them to give us entertainment. And even though we kicked and screamed and cried over our Hero, in the end, we watched till the very end, and they saw that. We are in a loop. Confidence: 8/10
 Misery Fell by Tally Hall - I feel this one ties into the previous song and goes into more depth on the relationship we have with Showfall.
 Cannibal by Tally Hall - Once again, this is our relationship with Showfall, however, this is how we feel. We are trapped and being bled, but we are willing. We tune in and watch the show each and every time. This could also be about the protagonist of Gen 2, but the more information we get about Generation Loss, the less I think the characters matter.
This was so dumb and took me over an hour to do, and I’m not sure how coherent this even is but here it is lmao
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Pokemon could just be regular magical fauna, dnd style? Not types, just one or two magical qualities in place of like dragons, displacer beasts, oozes, etc. But no regular animals, just pokemon like normal. Generally moderately intelligent, like crows maybe, but still animals. But if they're a familiar to a human, like rei's pikachu, then they have above average intelligence and can understand human speech and whatnot because of the magic binding them together. Does that work? I don't doubt pokemon battles as a sport like in the games, but lots are dangerous and so are raiders and stuff. Battlemage and healer for hired protection and damage control maybe?
yeah!! there could even be regular animals (or, the regular animals are like... rattata. pidgey. etc.) but pokemon are very common alongside them. i DO think that canon pokemon are sort of...made more recognizably human-intelligent via a trainer bond, actually. if that makes sense. i keep vaguely referencing trainer bonds and not elaborating, but it really is a unique connection that opens a lot of new mental pathways for both parties. like being high-level competitive and having a deep bond of trust with your pokes will rewire your brain. and theirs. which suits very well with the familiar bond idea i think! and another ask here and my response to it actually, hang on
[Anonymous: You think 'pokemon' still have pokeball equivalents? (More of a transportation bc I refuse to believe pokeballs magically make pokemon follow your orders like Black and White Npcs say bc theyre my friends :( I dont wanna mind control them ) I remember a nuzlock comic fantasy style that used cystals n such as pokeballs. that or 'contacts' and they have markings left on your body signaling u have companions. I dont think it would be as commonplace to have 'pokemon' tho. Maybe Ingo and like the wardens are the only ppl to have em? idk but I think Jubelife would like pokemon even LESS than canon does. ]
ooooh so i think having like, bonded markings for familiar/companion bonds is a fun idea... i could see that being a big like, life/green mage thing in particular. physically binding your soul to another feels like a big life force manip thing. tho i do agree that it should be a rarer thing than pokemon training in canon is. i think if there is this kind of bonding process, it's also different than just befriending them. like, maybe rei and pikachu don't have one, or don't at first anyhow? it might actually be more of a pearl/diamond thing in general, which would be an interesting inverse to canon.
or maybe rather than being a bonding process that anyone can do, this is a specific magic effect done by green mages, and it can be either intentionally with the agreement of all parties, or forcibly. either way you form a sort of link of will, which makes me think the marks maybe show up on your head/neck/chest rather than hands? consensually it's an empathic bond, nonconsensually it's almost a mind control effect. ...maybe this is a lake trio related thing, even.
the wardens all having noble bonds i think is good, and that could also go a ways towards explaining why nobles are more powerful/smarter/etc than their non-noble counterparts, if that thing about familiar bonding materially changing the animal/pokemon is true. in which case one of the wardens should be able to cast it. or it's adaman and irida's responsibility, which adds some explanation to "what are they doing in this verse, what are their responsibilities" and also suggests irida has these capabilities, which could further mean that she could materially put a lock on ingo's magic via the same sort of manipulation of life force. which also implies interesting things about their relationship that i sort of dig, if he was so suspected of being unable or unwilling to safely control the magic that she felt the need to do that.
...maybe his own making warden wasn't even like, a position of privilege, it was just using the life link as an entry path to get access and basically impose that link as a block between him and his magic. which almost makes him feel like a suspect that they're trying to control. at least at first, since they'd also inadvertently assigned him to [whatever being a warden means in this world] they sort of had to get to know him and then oops, now they like and respect him as a colleague. fuck. i might also keep none of this entire tangent. idk. what were we talking about again.
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mobolanz · 10 months
For the not-so-nice ask game: Betrayal, hate and alone! You may choose the OCs you want to talk about. :3
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Okie dokie!:") main babydoll for this one because it's really moving my brain gears to her backstory aaaaaaaaaaa 🤧
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Been betrayed: hearing the first sense of security she had telling her maybe she had it coming. Those things that probably happened between her biological family's estrangment to her foster officers' wife finding her tossed in a dark alley. After ONE thing to ask. Ever since she's outright keeping anything she has to say on a leash.Because apperently after what she did both parties instilled in her the mindset that even the bare minimum would be "too much" for her to have a nerve to ask for. That girl to them has rooted evil in her. So she should be thankful for whatever she only had yet to lose.
(then tf did those fuckers take her in for?? If they're bent on the idea that acting sympathetically for someone "cruel", makes the sympathiser cruel themselves too then what are they trying to prove even? I guess It'd be bad for their image to enstrange her themselves too. I'm SO killing them off at like the liberio attack or something. 😀(I say as if I'm not the one writing them xD. At the same breathe I mean it is questionable asf for their image if you consider the condition they gave her to stay and where they made her enroll and work because"they won't tolerate a freeloader" )
But anyway she ends up being so much better then them- finding the soon to be love of her life in a fucked up and weak position after he can no longer go back, who also believes himself to be irredeemable and terrible, treating him tenderly and not demonizing anything about him. (Man I love parallelism 🥹🥹🥹)
Oh yeah... and the catalyst to cause for her estrangment to begin with, her first "love"- she was manipulated by him into sneaking something valuable from her family , something sealed in a box at her father's room specifically.
And I suppose that in a way, it also counts the object being more important to her biological father than her enough to push her out and consider her unforgivable. To spit out that he hated her the whole time and that he's never been more disappointed. She's ended up worse to him than the sister she's meant to replace. Not that there was any genuine personal sentiment, it genuinely was a matter of materialism in his case- he values a slient artifact passed down by the family more than an actual member of said family, and his own blood. But she proved a fear he had lingered by the look in her eyes since she was born- so he's fed up with this girl leeching him dry. (Bro. She's your kid. And you've brought her to a life of extremely sheltered rich upbringing telling her one day she'll have your status. That's in one way or another on you 😭. I say again as if I'm not the one writing this qkfjakdjajfjw )
Betrayed someone: She'd hate that. But wouldn't be a softhearted who put it as a devilish and dubious act that's beyond her- because she doesn't see herself as that great at all after all. she hasn't been placed in a situation that called for it as necessity so she can't say she wouldn't have done such thing. But it only really stings on her heart if you add to the question someone she deeply cares for
It's a luck if she won't lose her composure by then and resort to smacking whoever asks her to.
Tho In a way she feels like she already did, both her first love and her dad. - claiming that the idea that her father prioritized that object over her can be said about herself too. That No matter the pretty words and promises that boy gave her if she'll give it to him (about taking her for him in the future after she spent a lifetime barely knowing much of outside , also not being completely capable to understand the consequences), she apperently "could've said no." She made the choice so she has no place pulling the blame on that boy but on her feelings for him. Prioritized empty promises to feed her greed and focus on what she wanted and doesn't have than her "loving" parent and the lifetime he gave her all in his ability to tolerate and give her chances.( a completely conditional love from someone who took her wish from the former quite too literally - want to get out? Then never come back again. ). Even if maybe he'll allow her back if he'll see how much better she's becoming and trying? he'll forgive her. She's not that stupid anymore and understands the value and weight of things for others, and values the smallest of things on her life knowing her place (like being protected even though someone like her wouldn't wake up to the next day with how weak she is by all means, especially considering where her foster parents put her therefore feeding to that idea of "be greatful for every second you even breathe" to a fault). So she won't rob anyone from their precious again.
No that's a delusion. An arrogant one too of someone that thinks too highly of themselves getting too comfortable far away and thinks they'll have it easy and get rewarded. (Oh gosh parallels fuckkkkkk)
Man where's that "obsessed with those hour long analysis vids on why this character is a Terrible person and it's a teenage girl' post because that'd be a summary-
Sheesh I wrote a whole ass meta here 🤧🤧🤧
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
Okie copy-pasting from previous similar asks I had since it's pretty much the same
I used to say it isn’t as much as dislike as it is either mild irritation or intimidation in case of her superiors… but a close pick would surpsingly be her “foster parents”, haven't picked name for the male officer cuz I planned his existence like... only this week but the woman is named juliet . The resentment is there even if she lies to herself it isn't . Like yes girl reminds herself on daily basis they're the reason she wasn’t tossed longer to die in some dark alley and there are points to the things she said especially in the early days taking evy in about Evelyn’s overly sheltered outlook on the world but
More than once she came to figure both if them, especially juliet -is a mad hypocrite, calling her naïve girl yet turning out quite prejudiced herself, first known instance being her asking evy to come with her for a certain task , and in a tone the girl couldn’t tell was cynical or genuine saying “to see some monsters” (actually even mocking) . One time even muttering under her breathe “if I’m stupid for my lackings back then, what does that make you…?”. Then it’s slowly began with her struggling to surpress a groan of annoyance whenever this lady opens her mouth. They have that inevitable rift as soon as Evelyn’s eyes open to her situation, that maybe she’s not under any better influence after all, and quite ironically the very source indirectly tells her that
Still when it comes to handling it she’s very alert, because who knows what THEY would use against her considering their power position. And since she’s tending to be very aware and understanding of her surroundings, even if being dragged to anger she ensures to at best have immense restraint with it, reminding herself that lashing out would do no good and just stay silent until it passes. Even if she’s visibly shivering. It's a survival instinct in a sense too. To a core of even being angry with herself to being “so easily” driven to that. Should she almost snap, she’d hold it in her throat and pause for a few good seconds, lowering her gaze. One example of why though would be open narrow-mindedness and lack of care for a full context of thingd and outright nasty attitude. With that in mind she keeps herself in check because… maybe the other person has their reasons to act like that? That said both of them display it a lot. It angers her when they talk like that about anyone else... but what about herself?
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
She's normalizing it. She already sees anything and anyone she has in life as what she could eventually lose deservingly so in karma if taking for granted- meaning she needs to actually appreciate whatever time she has with them and earn having them around at all, and who is she to argue when it's beyond her control? Because then it'd be her CHOOSING to get upset over what isn't even her bussiness. Because more on the instilled mindsest, "woops you can't always have what you want, accept it :)" meaning it's also nervesome of her to ask more - not being left behind included. Apperently she needs to be taught a lesson except never actually giving her a room to learn anything because she’s just acting out with fear that it’s gonna haunt her because it does, she should dwell on it for the rest of the life that’s probably not gonna be long anyway if she's not relying on anyone and by herself. (But isn't that the same for many people?).
(not to mention especially reiny being on limited time to live due to something he ended up being signed for years before knowing her. 😭)
She indeed have been in a way one or another- isolated upbringing, to being tossed outside out of nowhere exposed to dangers she never heard of, to be taken by people who don't genuinely care for her safety and well being but use her presence for their image, so she can't exactly count on them to really be there for her in case she wants to turn to anyone. They instilled that harmful mindset in her after all, so they won't be there to ease on her once she loses anyone- they'd reply with "life goes on." At best. Probably without even facing her. In complete disinterest like "oh that again? you really learned nothing. "
Then again no matter what that doesn't stop her from crying her eyes and heart out as soon as she's alone at night and thinking about it. And the way it's inevitable, been decided before she could even understand what it's gonna cause her and the surrounding.
Deep psychoanalysis dive onto Evelyn Marianne Auroré D:
Oc asks: not so nice edition
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noroi1000 · 2 years
I've read one of your match-up asks for jujutsu kaisen and thought "ooh they're so on point! I should ask one as well!" So if you're willing and have the time setting me up with one of the bois ~ ^^
How should I start this.. (honestly first time asking anything lol),oh well:
Im 24 y/o gal, gemini sun (libra moon and rising if it means anything), and an INFJ. Apearance wise im an averege height and weight, green eyes~ hair changing all the time cause I love coloring it lol. I love animals, learn and experience new things, and the color pink :p
Used to be super shy and quiet and some people would say I still am, but I've become much more social thru the years. I'm very curious about people and.. anything really- I believe the more you study the world and talk to more people the closer you are to what we call "god" (So I'll be glad if we could become friends too lol). So its not a surprise that i dvelve pretty deep in conversations and subjects- if something peeks my interest I'm obsessed with it for a loooong time.
As a partner I usually pretty affectionate,light hearted (unless I'm in a bad mood), love to surprise and just vibe with whatever feels like it in the moment.
Umm.. wellp idk what else to add. Dont wanna write a whole autobiography here.
Cant wait to see who u picked to be my boo~♡ lol
And thank you in advence ofc 💕
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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You wrote that you used to be shy, but now you are more and more open. Well, with him you can say it's the other way around.
He's not shy. More mysterious and sometimes eerie. That would be a good term.
He likes to spend time with people, as long as they are people close to him. People around him must be someone he can trust.
He keeps quiet and ignores strangers. Among friends, he is almost the soul of the party. He talks, he laughs, he'd do the wildest shit there is. Even though he is a more reasonable person. If you look at it another way, he always takes responsibility. He does not blame anyone, but evaluates the situation rationally. If anything has a greater share of his fault, he will take it all upon himself.
Topics that attract and interest him will be explored by him. It doesn't matter what people think about it. The important thing was that it caught his attention and he couldn't look away.
Besides, every theory can be explained. Anything that doesn't make sense to someone else may actually make sense. That's why he always finds solutions. Even if it's to find out the truth or win something through manipulation. But he would never do that to his loved ones.
He cares about someone he cares about, he is kind and affectionate. He shows affection and closeness. He supports at all times and there is no moment when he will not be there. He is always with you, especially when you need him.
• The first encounter is almost terrifying. He saw something intriguing about you. And if you were interested in him too? After all, anyone can meet anyone. What matters is that you both want it.
There are different types of people. You are someone who learns more after each conversation. Guessing the state of a person. Understanding other people's feelings. Perceptiveness to the intentions of others and to lies.
During your first meeting, there was not a very developed conversation. It was more quiet. Your friends may have told you to sit with him until you finally get along. Same with him. A moment longer made you find out that your behaviors are similar.
You learned more about the mysterious man who was just too observant. You found out that you caught his eye 😉
• Finding answers to all your questions. It's something that connects you. Even though he finds the answer often by accident.
The more you talked, the more you found answers and learned more and more about him. Making it always nice to surprise him and making him smile.
• The most carefree, calm and minutes when you are alone at home. Where you can be together and just cuddle. He would let you do anything. He pampers you. You get everything you want. And he does all this just so he can always see your smile on your face.
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tulpafcker · 2 years
yeah reading that webebed comic is making me think about like. growing up On Line and knowing there was something wrong with me, KNOWING i had a personality disorder and just not knowing Which One, but knowing it was most likely one of the two that people dont give much sympathy to
but then also being surrounded by people who do the same things i did and DIDN'T have those disorders
is such... a wild fucking experience. i joke like "haha more people should think theyre a sociopath growing up, it humbles you and makes you painfully aware of how people see the shit youre doing" but like, even if the people i knew thought that of themselves, they wouldnt care! theyd brush it off or think theyre one of the good ones (tm) with no self reflection!! and thats because I did it!!
like. as a teenager, i genuinley thought "its not that i dont FEEL remorse, its just that i havent done anything that was bad enough to feel remorse over!" and concluded that i didn't have aspd
like. i was simultaneously self aware and not self aware, except since i was more self aware than most, it was easy for me to believe that nothing escaped my field of view
and even to this day, it's like... why?? i was in a whole fucking group of remorseless assholes who were overly violent about people we didnt like! we were ALL quick to turn on each other, and we were just a small group of a huger group! we couldnt ALL have aspd?? and WE DONT!!! WE DIDNT!!!
some of them were just being teenagers, some of them have other shit wrong with them that they either got help for or... didn't.
its just. aaaaa!! and yes depending on who it was directed on, my anger issues and impulsivity were both used to help the group and ostracize me! my friends LIKED when i could turn on people on a dime and drive them out of the group if they did something percieved as Bad. some of them genuinley WERE horrifically manipulative people and it was good that they got out of there SOMEhow. but they got out because the server admin was too pussy to do her job and Administrate The Server so it was My job. but if the admin herself or her friends hurt me (for instance, by saying that i was selfish for wanting to kill myself,) then suddenly i was scary and irrational and couldnt be trusted. fun!
and this suuuucks but wrt the webbe comic i see myself a lot in gage in that his Go To Excuse (im traumatized!!!) was MY go to excuse back in the day. plus i struggle w like. just because i dont MEAN to be manipulative, doesnt mean that i cant BE manipulative, plus its not the other partys fault for feeling manipulated
gage is lowkey also kinda unempathetic to milo cuz he finds milo annoying at times and uhhh thats a hashtag struggle of hashtag mine
and like. id never date an actual fucking murderer (but then again i can just SAY anything. in another life i could see myself justifying it if i was in a worse spot) but the reaction towards gage vs milo by the commentors of the comic is telling imo
in that gage (as far as we know) has been thru shitty situations and we dunno how he grew up yet (or maybe we do idk im not done) and he has maladaptive, manipulative, and hurtful coping mechanisms just like milo does but in the comments milo is seen as a wrong but still sympathetic guy while gage.. isnt
and thags kind of how it felt, yk. growing up the way i did. like i wasnt the best person but neither were the other guys but they got sympathy because they *appeared* good and pitiable and soft, they were treated like flawed yet human individuals going thru it, and i was lowkey dehumanized even before i ever really thought i had Dehumanized Implicitly Personality Disorder
ALSO the "sorry for saying s*ciopath i didnt mean to offend people w aspd" part in the comic Gets Me because there are people who do say that BUT thats the begining and end of anything they say abt aspd and its kiiind of hurting it ngl
cuz like. i agree honestly! i think people should maybe not say sociopath as freely as they do anymore. for one its not used diagnostically anymore and for two; in the layperson, the word paints a picture of a very stereotypical moviefied version of someone with aspd. so not only is it not used medically, its used in a way that dehumanizes people with actual aspd- in fact a lot of people dont even know that its CALLED aspd!
and of course, Not Saying Sociopath Anymore isnt gonna solve ableism (i learned the term aspd from an Ableist Video after all) but like. it would be nice? maybe?? to have the basic decency to not be referred to by a word thats used to either treat me like a dogshit criminal implicitly OR sell a warped version of the thing i struggle with to hollywood audiences and or true crime affecionados
but because of people who ONLY say that stuff and nothing else, the notion isnt really taken seriously by anyone and is brushed off as Stupid Internet Stuff + a smattering of "if you REALLY had REAL aspd you wouldnt CARE wether or not someone called you a sociopath!!!"
which of course is ironically another example of ableism not being solved by Changing Terms but uhh yeah since the fauxtivist puriteen blogs r where a lot of people first heard of the concept its IMMIDIATLEY written off as stupid internet stuff and i just think its very very funny that milo webcomicboy said that just like. as a microcosm of him? say/do shit that sounds progressive but does stuff that actually is either a) irrelevant or b) hurts people more than it helps them
also just bc i relate to gage doesnt mean i like him theyre all pieces of shit. i like him as a character not as a person. everyone here sucks assssssssssssssss but im just. observing plus a lil like. not exactly recognition of self thru the other but "oh god that COULDVE been me if i didnt get very very very lucky" self awareness did not fix me and it did not save me but it saved me just a leeeeeeeeettle bit and thats enough babeyyy
if this makes no sense im SORRY ive been soo traumatixed also im LITERALLY neurodivergent and a minor???? ugh!!!
(nah fr fr it is late as all fuckkkkk idk if this is coherent. if its not just shhhhh let it fade into obscurity thanks i appreciste it)
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saintofswords · 2 years
tell me abt ur scorpion boy 🔫🔫🔫
Oh wow, I'd be happy to! I'll try to post some highlights of the current adventure the group is wrapping up under the cut!
Alright, so my character is a Shosuro courtier named Maekawa Kenji. A big thing for him has been the tug of war between wanting to be a good, dutiful samurai and of being as decent of a human being as he can. As you can guess, a lot of issues have arisen during our campaign because of this. He's slowly been moving more towards the side of goodness, likely in no small part due to the influence of the Lion shugenja in our group. Said shugenja is a pretty noble samurai and an all around decent person, so he's been a great influence. A big thing for Kenji in most of the previous adventures has been balancing secretly doing the right thing (helping the commonfolk, the downtrodden, etc), while also accomplish whatever tasks the Scorpion have for him.
This conflict has all come to a head in the current adventure we are playing, in which he needed to solve an issue with a certain lord of one of the Imperial family's castles being unable to pay their taxes. The Imperial Family sent Kenji (He rescued a lost child of one of their nobles awhile back) to fix this, with no clear instructions about how to do so; he was simply told to get the castle to paying the taxes again. Upon his very first day at the castle, he learned that a coup was being planned, and set himself in alliance with one of the leaders of the coup, the Steward of the castle. Lots of social manipulating later, The big conflict between the insurgents and the lord of the castle's forces is going to occur, with Kenji having played the field the entire time, unsure of what to do, having simply pushed and pulled here and there in the hopes of pulling out as much corruption as he could.
Lost, he goes to secretly meet with the other Scorpion in the party to discuss what should be done. She believes the lord of the castle should be killed, and Kenji reluctantly agrees that it's for the best. They agree to plan more later that night. Kenji is dragged off by the rest of the party to help with something, and she heads off on her own. She often does that.
Some more things happen and we are brought in to the chambers of the castle's lord afterwards. His court shugenja has been doing a terrible job of his duties for a long time (he was in with the Steward, it was intentional sabotage), so the party's Lion is just doggedly pursuing him with evidence from our investigations, trying to get the court shugenja locked up or executed for his crimes. Kenji, wanting to keep that piece on the board, urges the lord towards mercy when the Lion is out of earshot. He's now, unbeknownst to our Lion, betrayed the trust he has for Kenji. It's not come out yet, but I think the Lion is on the cusp of potentially discovering that. Even if he doesn't though, Kenji really regrets doing that to his friend.
Fast forward to the morning, and there is an invading force outside the castle-the Steward's allies! Kenji worriedly slips away from the party and goes to check on the lord of the castle (He later realized the man was not NEARLY as bad as his reputation had suggested), only to find out from the lord's niece (his heir) that the lord of the castle and his wife were slain in the night. The other Scorpion is also missing. Kenji, worrying about where his fellow Scorpion is, and what she has or hasn't done, sets out towards the battle in hope of negotiating. This doesn't happen, and Kenji will be forced to align himself in the mass battle about to occur.
Unsure of what to do, but feeling that too much of his honor is at stake to simply abstain from fighting, Kenji looks to our Lion. He hopes the Lion will choose a side, and Kenji can follow after him. The Lion abstains, instead waiting in the castle to serve as a medic for the wounded after the battle is concluded one way or another. Kenji, feeling that he needs to do what is best for his Scorpion ally, allies with the coup. As does the ronin in our group, simply wishing to join what he thinks will be the winning side. One mass battle and the coup has succeeded, with the niece slipping out of the castle unnoticed at some point. A new daimyo is immediately installed by the lord above the castle's last lord, and she promptly has the Steward executed for being such a treacherous snake. Things seem good! The party (minus the one missing ofc), are called into to meet with the new daimyo and they advise her about the situation of things and how best to move forward. Finally dismissed for the night, after one of the longest days of his life, Kenji returns to his quarters to find a letter.
"I expected more from my friends. The way of the Scorpions is to serve the best of the empire. Putting traitors, murderers, and backstabbers at the head of power is not the best for the empire. I will see you all after [niece] and I meet with the Imperial Family. Goodbye, Kenji."
The trust of two close friends has now been lost.
We stopped at that, so I have no idea what is going to happen for my character next, but he is NOT feeling happy right now. Mission accomplished, and all he had to trade for it were two of his only true friends and comrades!
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whydoineedvpnforkodi · 5 months
can you get a virus when using vpn
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can you get a virus when using vpn
VPN security risks
When it comes to using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for online security and privacy, most people believe that it provides an impenetrable layer of protection. However, there are certain VPN security risks that users should be aware of.
One of the main risks associated with VPN usage is the potential for data leaks. While VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and mask your IP address, there have been instances where data leaks have occurred due to misconfigurations or vulnerabilities in the VPN software.
Another significant risk is the logging policies of VPN providers. Some VPN companies claim to have a strict no-logs policy, meaning they do not store any information about your online activities. However, there have been cases where VPN providers have been caught logging user data and sharing it with third parties.
Furthermore, using a free VPN service can also pose security risks. Free VPNs often generate revenue by selling user data to advertisers or other third parties. This compromises the user's privacy and security, as the data collected can be used for targeted advertising or even malicious purposes.
In addition, some VPN protocols may have security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers to intercept or manipulate your data. It is essential to choose a VPN service that uses secure and up-to-date protocols to minimize the risk of such exploits.
To mitigate these VPN security risks, users should thoroughly research VPN providers before choosing one, opt for paid services with strong privacy policies, and regularly update their VPN software to patch any known vulnerabilities. By staying informed and proactive, users can enjoy the benefits of a VPN while minimizing the associated risks.
Malware through VPN
When it comes to cybersecurity threats, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) has become increasingly popular for individuals looking to safeguard their online activities. However, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with using VPNs, such as the infiltration of malware.
Malware through VPN is a concerning issue that can compromise the security and privacy of users. Cybercriminals may exploit vulnerabilities in VPN services to inject malicious software into users' devices. Once the malware gains access, it can steal sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial data, and personal details. This can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and other serious consequences.
One common method of spreading malware through VPN is by targeting insecure or fake VPN services. Users must be cautious when choosing a VPN provider and opt for reputable, trusted services to minimize the risk of malware infiltration. Additionally, keeping VPN software up to date and using additional security measures, such as antivirus software and firewalls, can help enhance protection against malware attacks.
In conclusion, while VPNs offer many benefits for online privacy and security, users must remain vigilant against potential threats like malware. By staying informed, adopting best practices, and investing in reliable VPN services, individuals can better safeguard their digital presence and minimize the risk of falling victim to malware through VPN.
VPN encryption vulnerabilities
Title: Understanding VPN Encryption Vulnerabilities: Protecting Your Online Privacy
In an age where cybersecurity threats loom large, virtual private networks (VPNs) have emerged as a popular tool for safeguarding online privacy. By encrypting data transmitted between devices and remote servers, VPNs create a secure tunnel, shielding sensitive information from prying eyes. However, recent revelations have highlighted potential vulnerabilities in VPN encryption protocols, raising concerns among users about the efficacy of their chosen security measures.
One of the primary encryption vulnerabilities facing VPN users is the susceptibility of outdated or flawed encryption protocols to cyberattacks. Protocols such as Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) have been shown to possess weaknesses that can be exploited by malicious actors, compromising the confidentiality of transmitted data.
Furthermore, the implementation of weak encryption algorithms or improper key management practices can render VPN connections susceptible to decryption attacks. Hackers equipped with advanced tools and techniques can intercept encrypted data packets and employ brute-force methods to decipher sensitive information, thereby undermining the fundamental purpose of VPN encryption.
Moreover, the proliferation of VPN providers offering substandard encryption solutions amplifies the risk of exposure to vulnerabilities. Users must exercise caution when selecting a VPN service, opting for reputable providers that adhere to stringent encryption standards and regularly update their protocols to mitigate emerging threats.
To mitigate the risks associated with VPN encryption vulnerabilities, users are advised to employ robust encryption protocols such as OpenVPN or IKEv2/IPsec, which offer enhanced security features and resistance to decryption attacks. Additionally, maintaining vigilance through regular software updates and adopting strong encryption key management practices can bolster the resilience of VPN connections against potential threats.
In conclusion, while VPNs serve as a valuable tool for preserving online privacy, users must remain cognizant of the inherent vulnerabilities in encryption protocols. By staying informed and implementing robust security measures, individuals can safeguard their sensitive data and enjoy a heightened level of digital privacy in an increasingly interconnected world.
Protecting against viruses with VPN
In today's digital age, the threat of viruses and malicious software looms large over our online activities. From phishing scams to data breaches, cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in our devices and networks. However, one powerful tool that can help protect against these threats is a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
A VPN works by encrypting your internet connection and routing it through a secure server, thereby masking your IP address and location. This not only safeguards your online privacy but also creates a barrier against viruses and malware.
One of the primary ways VPNs protect against viruses is by preventing malicious actors from intercepting your data as it travels between your device and the internet. Without encryption, your sensitive information – such as passwords, financial details, and personal communications – is vulnerable to interception by hackers. By encrypting this data, VPNs make it virtually impossible for cybercriminals to decipher and exploit.
Additionally, VPNs can help safeguard against malware by blocking access to malicious websites and ads. Many VPN services offer built-in malware blockers that automatically detect and prevent connections to known malicious sites, reducing the risk of inadvertently downloading harmful software.
Moreover, VPNs enable users to bypass regional restrictions and access geo-blocked content safely. This can be especially useful when downloading files or accessing websites that may harbor viruses or malware in certain regions.
In conclusion, investing in a reputable VPN service is a proactive measure in protecting against viruses and other online threats. By encrypting your internet connection, blocking malicious websites, and bypassing regional restrictions, VPNs offer a comprehensive solution to safeguarding your digital security and privacy.
VPN cyber threats
VPN cyber threats pose a significant risk in today's digital age. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are designed to provide users with online privacy and security by encrypting internet traffic and masking IP addresses. However, despite their intended purpose, VPNs can also make users vulnerable to various cyber threats if not used properly.
One of the main concerns with VPNs is the potential for data leaks. While VPNs are meant to protect user data, any vulnerabilities in the VPN software can be exploited by cybercriminals to intercept and steal sensitive information. Additionally, some free or low-quality VPN services may log user data and sell it to third parties, compromising user privacy.
Another common threat associated with VPNs is the use of malware. Cybercriminals may distribute malicious software through fake VPN applications, compromising the security of users' devices and networks. This can lead to data breaches, financial loss, and other damaging consequences.
Furthermore, using a VPN does not guarantee complete anonymity online. In some cases, VPN providers may be compelled to share user data with law enforcement agencies, undermining the purpose of using a VPN for privacy protection.
To mitigate VPN cyber threats, it is essential to choose a reputable VPN service with robust security features and a strict no-logs policy. Users should also regularly update their VPN software, use strong and unique passwords, and be cautious when downloading VPN applications from third-party sources.
In conclusion, while VPNs can enhance online security and privacy, users must remain vigilant against potential cyber threats associated with their usage. By taking necessary precautions and staying informed about VPN security best practices, individuals can better protect themselves against malicious actors in the digital realm.
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