#It's Yarn ✨ It's just such a cute name <3
sysig · 2 years
I have just realized a problem if [baby] turns out to be male;
I already have a Scriabin tag
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lemons-beignets · 2 years
team rocket things that ✨just make sense✨
meowth calling james jimmy/jim/jimbo and james tolerating it even though it doesn't seem like anyone else is allowed to call him any of those <3
the trio helping the twerps, like in some of the early movies (see also: the twerps helping the trio, i.e. when misty leaves the salveyo weed out for james & meowth to find because she knows they just wanna help jessie)
alternatively, the twerps just watching the trio suffer (see holy matrimony)
the trio using any of the twerps' real names
meowth doing cat things like playing with yarn, curling up to sleep, or referencing his nine lives
meowth doing non-cat things like playing guitar and forgetting he's a pokemon
james loving and protecting his pokemon, especially chimecho
the trio fighting over food and james usually losing (like in a farfetch'd tale when jessie & meowth literally starve him ajsnsjdk)
((the trio fighting over anything and james usually losing tbh))
the way they split all their food into three equal parts no matter what (most of the time) !!!!!
the trio coming as close to swearing as they're allowed (ex. jessie: to protect us from all that chafing and itching! james: it might finally stop all of jessie's ... complaining!)
"james dear" & "jessie sweetheart" <3333
jessie & james having mutual respect for each other's fashion sense (ex. jessie: i'll always remember what a wonderful dresser you were! james: so will i!)
jessie being a total diva and james & meowth accepting and supporting her even when she says/does absolutely outlandish things
james roasting his teammates and them just letting him because he thinks his own jokes are so funny
jessie roasting her teammates and them just agreeing with her because there is no other safe option
meowth roasting his teammates and them lovingly beating the shit out of him in response
crossdressing crossdressing crossdressing crossdressing crossdressing!!!!!!!!!!!
meowth using fury swipes on jessie & james
the trio taking random gig jobs together and nobody questioning two cute weirdos and a talking meowth all three seeking employment doing something like landscaping at the same time
sleeping all together/on top of each other !!!!!!!!!!!!
meowth grabbing onto one of his friends when he's scared
okay i was just thinking about some cute shit about my three faves and i needed to share because i Love Them
also because i rewatched meowth rules tonight and that's such a sweet episode where they're all total softies so i'm in my feels a little bit
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retronamic · 2 years
Arcane Women (Oddly Specific) Hobbies
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Г Vi |
- If I said boxing or any vigorous activity would be tooo damn obvious. Sooooo I slept on it, and vi definitely collected and trained bugs (yes i said trained)
- I mean look at her and tell me she wasn't the type of kid to have some random bug on them
- Ik it sounds gross asf but hear me out.
-In Zaun there isn't much to do to pass the time that won't result in you running for your lives. Soooo the kids of the Undercity held underground ✨bug fights✨ (kinda like dog fights but for bugs)
- Here you brought your best bug didn't matter the species and you made them battle till someone was eaten or turned over
- Vi was the undefeated champion since she snagged herself a stag beatle, who she named Caesar.
- Caesar was a big boi soo was no surprise he became the undefeated champion of the bug fights
- She loved tf outta that bug. So much so that when Caesar sadly passed away, Vi was devastated. They held a funeral procession at the back of the Last drop. Everyone gave a eulogy and paid their respects (No one really cared bout the damn bug they just wanted to make Vi happy)
- It took Vi 3 months to recover. During those 3 months Vander had to help her do the basic tasks of life like eating and showering
- She thinks of him every now and then when she goes collecting. She collects for fun. She finds them, admires them, tries to guess the bug and takes a pic or two. No more bug fights for her, plus it wouldn't feel the sameeeee
Г Sevika |
- Miss Sevika can sewwwww (I prolly saw this from some other creators blog posts yet sadly I can’t remember who they were s but yea she definitely sews)
- Embroider, patch up or make a whole as dress, she can do it allll
- I see her developing this skill as a means of survival. In Zaun, clothes ain't cheap. Sooo it's best to keep the ones you have now for as longggg as you can
- Later on in life, when she began working for Silco, she suddenly could afford more clothes than she needed
- Being one to be stuck in her ways, she still prefers to repair or make her own clothes cuz, one it helps her relax and 2. her body portions like her arms and thighs makes it hard to find clothes that fit her well and still her enough mobility to fight 
- If yall have been together for a while then she would make you a scarf or two and that's onlyyyy if yall have been together for long. She’s not going to wasting her yarn on a one night stand. 
- Those stitches are made with loveeeee ok and you better wear them even if the designs are ugly asf (since sev is more the dress maker rather that the stylists) 
Г Grayson |
- Lovesssssssssssss wood work
- I can see her as the type to make bird houses or build her kids a whole ass tree house from scratch
- All her cupboards, dressers and even the bed frame are hand made by yours truly
- She doesn't do it much as she is the sheriff and duty calls. But sometimes, you catch her wilding a piece of wood to make a cute little animal sculpture
- When she proposed to you, she presented the ring in a hand crafted wooden box (you only noticed that after cuz the diamond on that ring was blinding) 
Г Mel |
- Ik she's the residential arts and crafts bish of the show (she had them 64 Crayola crayons on stand by) but have you seen her family, cause I have (Hiiii miss mel’s mom~)
- Girlie can fighttttttttt. She’s definitely trained in hand to hand and long distance combat. Perks of having a warlording family yk?
- But Mel being the girl boss she is, I feel she would take it a step further and do something like capoeira
- Capoeira is a martial art-infused dance thought to have originated in 16th-century Brazil, which draws attention for having an acrobatic, athletic style. 
- To me that screams Mel, it’s elegant yet deadly (and smth her mother probably hates soooo all the better fit for her)
- You would sometimes watch from a distance and admire how she delivered powerful blows yet graceful blows to the sand bag, all without breaking a sweat
Г Caitlyn |
- Runs a tumblr blog. That’s it. 
- Most specifically a Lana Del Rey tumblr blog (pppfffffttttttt ahhahahhahaa)
- Daily Lana quotes, gifs, and she even used Lana song lyrics as words of daily affirmations (the projection is really shining through with her)
- She mainly did it in her past time as a way to interact and talk with people who shared her love of the goddess Lana herself
- On a date, she accidently slipped up and mentioned it to you and you beggggeeeddd her to show you. Ofc she said “Absolutely not.” She was not bout to relive her tween cringe years, she rather get run over by a freight train than show anyone her blog
- After an hour of begging, she caved and you saw it
- Make fun of her alllll you want, but she had a color palette. The pics were on point, man every post correlated with the main page’s theme
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