#It's Haylijah with a Y :)
elijahstwink · 1 month
Hello! This is my first time doing an ask thingy 🤭 But I was just wondering if you did male reader stuff for Elijah? If not, it's totally cool! But if you do 👀 Can we see Elijah turning someone new? Maybe someone he met at Rousseau's that he asked to be his new assistant. The reader starts catching feelings (cuz who would 🥴) and Elijah catches on, but doesn't say anything. Just walks around doing his usual things, knowing the smallest stuff sets the reader off (in both good and frustrating ways😏)
Hi! Thank you for the amazing request! I really hope you don’t mind that I changed the plot a bit. Instead of being Elijah’s assistant, the reader becomes almost like a apprentice. Elijah also doesn’t willingly turn the reader but it is still his blood that turns him.
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𝓜𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂
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You accidentally become a vampire, killing the first person you feed off in a way that only a ripper could. Confused and alone you go to the only person you think will help. The man who turned you.
Warnings : Violence, the reader is not a child just looks like it.
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You wake up alone.
Your head is pounding. Rain is hitting your face and you realise you’re lying on the side of the road. You shiver from the cold as you sit up. Why does the rain sound so loud? How did you get here?
“Excuse me sir? Are you alright?” Your head shoots up, you clutch it as pain stabs at the movement. A lady stands infront of you, no more than 30 years old. She looks concerned.
“I-I don’t know where I am” you mumble, trying to stand. She quickly puts her shopping bag on the ground before helping you stand.
“Thank you ma’am.” You shiver at the cold of the night. When you look into her eyes something weird happens. It’s like your whole body is pushing you to do something, to feed something inside you.
“Is there someone I can call? Do you……” Her voice fades into nothing. For some reason all you can focus on is the sound of blood pumping through the veins on her neck.
You don’t think twice as you pounce on her, almost like a natural instinct. You bite into her neck with sharp fangs that shot out your gums. The pain of teeth tearing through you mouth was covered by the immense satisfaction of finally feeding the hunger inside you.
Your mind shut off, nothing mattered but the crimson liquid flowing down your throat. The lady’s screams were nothing but white noise, the coldness previously overwhelming you had converted into a beautiful warmth. The feeling was different from anything you’ve ever experienced and you wanted more. More, more, mor-
The feeling is stripped away from you suddenly. You gasp in a breath of cool air before looking down. It was like you had been splashed with freezing water, or woken up by a bright light as you take in what’s in front of you. What you’ve done.
What was previously a young lady, who was trying to help you, is now a headless corpse, covered in flesh and blood.
You stand above her, horrified. The rain causing blood to run down the flooding street. You can’t scream, you can’t cry. You’re frozen, still taking in the insanity of your day. You clutch your head, pulling at you hair as odd flashes of memories flood your brain in small bursts.
You’re walking down bourbon street. People are partying in the night air and getting drunk in the nearby bars. You’re on your way to find somewhere to settle down for the night.
The splashing of water against plastic rings in your ears, separating from any other sound. You look down at the bag she was holding. A toy truck is half out the bag.
It hits you then. This was a person. She had a life, maybe kids. You drop to your knees, sobbing into your hands.
It’s like you suddenly teleported. You’re inside a large central courtyard, surrounded by balconies going up multiple floors.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, oh my god I’m so sorry!” You scream.
A hand rests on your shoulder. You spin around. A man is looking at you, his eyes red with veins emerging from the skin under his eyes and fangs sticking out from his mouth. You don’t have time to scream, he grabs you, biting harshly into your neck.
Even during the storm worthy rain and the sound of your own wails, your hearing inhumanly focuses on the sound of footsteps going down a creaky wooden staircase and a chain latch unlocking on the front door behind you.
You stumble to your feet, running as fast as you can down the road. You’re completely shocked for the one hundredth time tonight when you look back and realise you just ran the length of a football field in about two seconds. Turning around, you find a secluded bench to sit on.
You force yourself to breathe, the hunger begins to bubble inside you again. In a feeble attempt to distract yourself, you focus on the memories still floating around your head.
These ones are more clear.
Pain, so much pain. Fangs are piercing your neck. You’re about to pass out when a voice booms through the space.
The sharp pain leaves your neck, the only thing keeping you upright is the hands holding you against a wall. You hear the person holding you sigh as footsteps approach.
“Brother what have we said about bringing locals into the compound?” The man scolds, “Wait- is that a child?” .
“Don’t worry Elijah, he looked homeless.” Kol explained, seeming completely relaxed.
There’s a sudden gust of wind, and the body holding yours is gone.You’re about to fall, unable to keep yourself upright, when a pair of arms catch you.
You don’t know how much time passes, perhaps you passed out. All you know is your now spring upwards, coughing and gagging around, a wrist? You realise your back is pressed against a strong chest, but not the same one as before. You try to push the wrist away, as a horrible metallic tasting liquid fills your mouth. But whoever this is, is stronger than you. The strangers other hand brushes your short hair out of your face.
“Shh, it’s alright. Just a little bit more, sweetheart.” A deep voice hums in your ear.
The wrist slowly pulls away and the hand from your hair retreats. You spin around, suddenly feeling energised and awake. A man stands before you, clad in a neat black suit and wiping his bloody wrist with a previously white handkerchief.
If you were in any other situation you would probably be completely flustered by the attractiveness of him. His strong jawline is littered with stubble and his onyx eyes are staring at you with a kind look. His brown hair was neatly styled.
“W-who are you?” You stutter.
“Elijah hurry up, we don’t have all night!” A man from the balcony above you calls out. You assume it must be this Kol guy.
Elijah grabs your shoulder gently, meeting your eyes. You suddenly felt as though your gaze was locked in place, unable to do anything but look into the hypnotising darkness of his pupils. You weirdly felt safe around him.
“You are going to forget everything that happened here tonight. Now leave.”
You open your eyes, jumping up from the bench and starting the walk to Bourbon Street. This Elijah guy must be able to help you.
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Thanks for reading. Don’t worry it’s gonna get spicy soon enough ;)
Please send requests I love to hear from you all! Oh and point out if there is any spelling mistakes or anything, sometimes tumblr deletes entire paragraphs lol.
(Should I start a tag list? If so message me if you want to be on it!)
- 𝓓𝓮𝔁
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Title: A new Christmas love
Pairing: Haylijah, One-sided! Elijah M. x Original!Reader,Bruce W. x Original!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Hints of smut, Jealous!Elijah, Cute Reader and Bruce moments
A/N: wanted to do a two part Christmas fic also Happy Holidays 😊
You sighed watching Hayley and Elijah as they danced leaving you in heartache which Klaus noticed and quickly was at yourside. You were an Original Heretic, the first wife to Klaus when you both were human.
And you were deeply in love with Elijah and had only married Klaus because the hybrid wanted to protect you from your abusive father. Once you became vampires, Klaus and you split up since you both were just close friends. Klaus knew of your feelings for Elijah but the noble vampire loved Tatia and now Hayley.
"You alright, love?" Klaus asked taking your hand worry shining in the blue eyes you adored for him since you had confessed to Elijah on Christmas of 1913. You still remember the words Elijah spoke to you.
'It wouldn't be right of me to take my brother's ex wife on as a lover.' Elijah had told you yet it was alright for him to sleep with the mother of Klaus's child.
"Yes Niklaus....I'll be okay." You said softly to Klaus who frowned looking to Elijah and Hayley, anger bubbling in Klaus's chest. When you were human, Klaus admired how strong you were but now it just angered Klaus.
"My brother is an fool. He knows the truth of our marriage yet keeps his stupid sense of what is noble and sleeps with Hayley." Klaus mutters lacing his fingers with yours and kissing the spot where your wedding band once was.
"I will move on....it is clear Elijah loves me not. Now go see that cute bartender. Her name is Camille, is it not?" You teased your ex husband who flushed looking away then kissed your forehead before going over to Camille. You sighed heading over to the bar to get a drink.
"Is this seat taken?" You heard a smooth voice asked making you look seeing a handsome man. Dressed in a good suit, the man clean shaven, black hair slicked back with beautiful blue eyes. Your heart fluttered looking at the man as your cheeks warmed.
"No. I'm Y/N Mikaelson." You say holding your hand out to the man who smiled kissing your knuckles making your heart jump.
"Bruce Wayne, a pleasure Mrs. Mikaelson." Bruce says sitting next to you with a smile.
"It's just Y/N, Mr. Wayne. Nik is my ex husband." You said grabbed your wine as Bruce smiled leaning close.
"Then just called me, Bruce." Bruce says smiling at you and you felt like a little school school talking to the most handsome boy in school.
"Looks like mama got someone's attention." Hope commented making Rebekah blink looking to where the 12 year old was pointing. The blonde grabbed Finn's and Kol's arms, biting her lip to keep from squealing.
And her brothers looked surprised to see you swaying with Bruce. You were giggly and your cheeks were flushed clearly enjoying the attention from Bruce.
"Yes and it seems Elijah had noticed." Kol says pointing out Elijah who stopped watching you with Bruce.
The siblings watched noticing how Elijah seemed jealous as the vampire watching you while talking to Hayley.
You giggled again when Bruce whispered in your ear again, your heart fluttered feeling Bruce's lips lightly brush along your skin.
"Shame I'll have to fly back to Gotham in the morning." Bruce says looking at you when you pulled away just a bit.
"I could give you my number. And maybe fly up to see you for dates....if you want." You said looking away as Bruce smiled.
"I would like that." Bruce says making you look up at Bruce seeing his smile and you smiled at him. By the end of the night Elijah found hisself watching you lead Bruce up to your bedroom as jealousy sat in his chest.
"Elijah? You okay?" Hayley asked seeing Elijah give her a tight lip smile hearing your bedroom door close.
"Just fine my love." Elijah says following Hayley upstairs while the others gave each other knowing looks.
You snuggled closer to the warm body in your bed making you jolt awake and saw it was Bruce. You smiled gently touching his cheek rubbing it as memories of last night since Bruce had gave a world of pleasure more than your past lovers. You were startled feeling Bruce kissing your palm and saw a playful glint in his blue eyes.
"Goodmorning beautiful." Bruce said his voice husky from sleep getting you to rub your thighs together. Bruce had gotten you to feel things that you thought you only flet for Elijah....yet here was Bruce lighting your heart on fire with desire.
"Goodmorning. Didn't you have a flight?" You asked wrapping your arms around Bruce's neck. The human smirked cupping your cheek kissing you deeply as his other hand gripped your thigh rolling you both over.
"I can always fly out later. Right now I really want to enjoy you." Bruce says leaving more marks on your neck as you flushed. You noticed how small you were under Bruce making you shiver with excitement.
"Very smooth there Bruce." You giggled leaning up kissing Bruce and he kissed back with his hands gripping your hips.
Elijah narrowed his eyes when you finally came down stairs with Bruce. Elijah noticed you had a slight limp, you had freshly showered and was showing Bruce out. The family watched Bruce leaned down to kiss you softly and listened to you and Bruce.
"So I'll see next weekend?" You asked as Bruce smiled kissing your hand.
"I would love that. I shall fly out, is alright to call you when I get home?" Bruce asked brushing a few strands of hair from your face. You nodded smiling up at Bruce feeling like that you could be with Bruce.
"Had a good night, love?" Teased Klaus as you flushed pouring a cup of tea when you joined the family. Elijah watched you closely feeling jealousy creep back up when you sat down.
"Yes. Oh Bruce is just wonderful, he is a gentleman and so sweet." You gushed eyes twinkling with such joy that Klaus hadn't seen in a long time.
"Are you going to see him again?" Elijah asked staring at you making you stop noticing the tone Elijah used.
"Yes, Bruce and I are making plans to spend Christmas together." You said wondering why Elijah was seemly jealous. Elijah narrowed his eyes cutting into his omelet as the siblings blinked.
"Making plans with someone and not spend it with family." Elijah said making you flush feeling bad but Klaus moved in to save the day.
"Or Bruce and his family could join us. After all brother you should be happy that our dear Y/N seeing someone for the first time in a century."
"Yes, of course Niklaus." Elijah said giving a tight smile watching you talk to Rebekah about last night. Elijah pushed down the jealousy and tried to be happy for you and hoped he could get though Christmas.
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Starter cerrado para @xlittleprinccss​
El híbrido se había quedado a cargo de Hope, en lo que Hayley y Elijah se habían ido a su luna de miel, y no podía reprocharselos su hermano y su cuñada se lo merecían después de todo lo que habían pasado, por primera vez Klaus sentía que toda su familia merecía lo que deseaban y lo habían obtenido incluso él. —¿que estas pintando princesa?— preguntó con curiosidad mientras entraba en el cuarto de su hija, la cual a pesar de ya ser una adolescente seguía siendo su princesa y su loba mas pequeña.
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Los Originales (Temporada 2/Capitulo 14).
Tenemos que aprender a decir lo que sentimos o pensamos,por que puede ser demasiado tarde y nos arrepentirnos de ello.
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princessofwessex · 5 years
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╳┊ @inaternum
¿Qué creíste? ¿Qué no te dejaría un regalo más? Muy equivocada 8) Te dejo estos match icons tan nosotras bcs es vida, es amor. Ya se que no están tan bonitos como los que tu haces pero aún así con con muchooo amor. Además nuestro otp es eterno (con dramas y dramas + sus cinco minutos de amor + hope y andrew <3 ) ¡TE AMO! <3
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horrorvacuis · 7 years
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  I was wrong when I said that you were a Mikaelson. You're not a Mikaelson. You don't have a Mikaelson heart. There is too much good in you. It's why I love you. I love you too.
happy birthday @princess-mikaelson !!
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noblemxn · 7 years
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elijah mikaelson x hayley marshall + happiness
Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.
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Hello! I’m your Klaroline Swap gifter👀 I am sorry it's taken me this long to reach out but I've finally gotten to it! I am excited to be writing for you and wanted to ask a few questions about your gift. Wanted to know about your all-time favorite tropes and side pairings? Any Caroline friendships you like? Any tropes or pairings you don't like? Any pet peeves with KC fic? Any smut preferences? Anything you especially want to see or any info you'd like me to know? Hope you have a great day!💖
Heyyy!! Thank you for sending me this ask, and please don't apologize, it’s all good 💖 I hope you're having a great day too! So I’ll just jump in and answer all your questions ✌🏾✨
I am so so sorry it got this long, like so long, I really tried to condense it, but I have no concept of short and concise so now I have to put this below a cut 😭🙃😭
All time favourite tropes:
[see here's the thing I dont exactly *know* what tropes are so I'm just gonna yeet a bunch of HIGHLY specific prompt-thingies that make me tingle at you and you can do w them what you wish- like take out certain parts you want to use, or base other tropes off of them anything you wish really, even if you choose to ignore all of them I won't be holding it against you dw!]
Ok so I love love the "I was just captured by the bad guys and very harshly uh demanded to sell you out, but I didnt, bc even though I might posture like you’re the scourge of the earth and would gladly see you dead, I in fact, do not want you dead and will therefore not be selling you out and will handle mild -emphasis on mild please do not hurt either of my babies too much- torture instead and oops! look at that, you just overheard this exact exchange where I stand my ground and refuse to betray you, and now you’ve gone feral over your loyalty kink and are spouting promises of never letting go of me, which honestly I cannot bring myself to be mad at."
I love love love the forced bedsharing trope which then leads to accidental cuddling, where one party [caroline] is just very very annoyed that their body sought the warmth of a cockroach fucknugget being [klaus] and the fucknugget party is just very very smug about being the other party's personal space heater, and nuzzles them and cuddles tighter and asdfghjkl I'm getting tingly just thinking about it, and like says w a husky sleepy voice “don't move” and cuddles closer. jfc please I’m a basic bitch with very basic wants.
I absolutely LOVE the "we work on opposite enemy sides, but now we have to band together to defeat one common enemy and honestly I am NOT glad that I constantly wanna throw you against a wall, and not all reasons for said wall-throwing are strictly to inflict violence on you."
I also LOVE the "fuck youre bleeding/hurt/injured and fucking hell I dont know why my hands are shaking while I attend to your wounds but god it is, and now I'm not sure exactly how deep you've furrowed into my heart and stuck yourself there like a dickheaded leech."
Now I feel like I have given you many tropes, but I also feel like i didnt in fact help you at all, bc I'm not sure these are uh tropes?? but anyway those are some highly specific...scenes?? I have a very deep bias for
[you obviously dont HAVE to write ANY of them if you dont want to]
And also if I had to give you a clear cut trope to follow, I absolutely LOVE the enemies-to tentative allies-to lovers trope, in which one party is just working really really hard to get to the lovers part, and the other is working really really hard not to get to the lovers part, but caves later on, bc really the fucker grows on you. [Featuring Klaus as the "high key besotted already pursuing Caroline"-person, and Caroline is the "I am very very annoyed w this wooing, but I am more annoyed this wooing is working"-person. And also, I like my Klaus E V I L, But really really really *soft* for Caroline.]
Also if by tropes you meant settings, Like AU's, literally anything works, I have a personal bias for Crime AU's when it comes to enemies to lovers, and Canon is the ultimate enemies to lovers AU, but honestly you can use which ever one you want, I am not entirely sure myself if I have a specific preference here, AH, Fantasy, Supernatural, Scifi, it's all good.
[I however am not extremely fond of Historical Settings]
Again you are not required to follow any of these tropes at all if you don't wish to, I just require you to have a lot of fun writing and love the beauty you write yourself first!
Side pairings:
Ok I LOVE me some Kennett [kol + bonnie] but I also LOVEEE kolenzo [Kol and Enzo], I also am extremely just *heart eyes* at Bonenzo [Bonnie + enzo], but I absolutely DIE for Kennettzo [which is OT3 of Kol Bonnie and Enzo]
Kalijah is also a-ok w me, and I feel like I dont have any other side pairings I'd like die to see I guess. If you choose not to go with these side pairings its perfectly alright.
Caroline Friendships:
Ok this I can answer without rambling like an idiot, I love love love love :
Bonnie + Caroline [like i love this so much it physically hurts me, they both deserve so so so much better]
Kol + Caroline [I will literally touch a frog, and I have a phobia of frogs, to have one full conversation w these two idiots]
Enzo + Caroline [Honestly enzoline brotp makes me wanna sob happy tears bc they are so perfect together]
Katherine + Caroline + Rebekah [bad bitch meets head bitch meets super bitch, what could possibly go wrong]
Tropes and Pairings I dont like:
Kolvina, stebekah, delena, stelena, datherine, steferine, Haylijah, Marcel+Rebekah, Matt+Rebekah, Bamon, Kai+bonnie, beremy.
And I think that's about it? mostly I just hate elena stefan damon and hayley and I am not fond of them w anyone, I hate all canon Rebekah relationships, and I dont like seeing Bonnie with anyone other than enzo or kol.
I am totally not fond of the Kill Liz for plot reasons trope, like seriously killing Caroline's mom is not ok w me, but I am totes fine if she's like already dead as part of Caroline's backstory, just don't show me Liz dying in the story as a part of the plot.
Any form of sire-bond-y or like sire-bond adjacent or like any form of deal/bargain/agreement that gives Klaus even a tiniest bit of power over Caroline's free will and choices, is just not for me, like at all, no matter how well it's done, I can't stand it.
not fond of any form of prisoner/hostage tropes, like klaus kidnapping caroline or caroline kidnapping klaus and holding each other hostage and stuff like that.
Death as a plot point doesnt work for me? and really I'd prefer if there were no major character deaths at all.
Friends to lovers trope is not for me, childhood friends to lovers trope is definitely not for me.
I don't like any sort of redemption arc really, anything that starts with Klaus as a “bad” dude and ends with him being a relatively “good” dude is not for me.
Any form of infidelity, like ofc especially in between Klaus and Caroline is just [shudder] hard pass, but like I also hate it when Caroline or Klaus cheat on anybody at all.
Also all the tropes and like themes I'm not comfy w that I mentioned in my original Gift Request still stand.
KC Pairing Pet peeves
ok This I can answer easily bc I have like a FEW,
I hate a woobified Klaus so much, like so much, I hate all TO!Klaus characterizations but this one is the worst, absolutely not here for it, I am not here to feel sorry for this mf I want to feel really deliriously GIDDY at how evil he is and how whipped he is for Caroline, but like concentrating on Klaus's manpain is not something I really wanna read.
Caroline excusing Klaus's bullshit, or like being a push over-y “it's ok, I understand why you did it” person is not for me, bc she never was one to begin w, she never did rationalize or justify Klaus's behaviour, she always held him accountable and told him what a difficult son of a bitch he is every chance she got.
I don't like arcs where Caroline is Klaus's redemption? like Caroline bringing Klaus into the "light" or whatever I am not here for it, like at all, I like Klaus staying evil while being endlessly in love with Caroline, and Caroline being able to be w a man she knows is a selfish evil ruthless grade A asshole, but will literally also choke himself to death for Caroline, cuz the man is whipped as fuck.
I also absolutely am not a fan of arcs where like Caroline remains "pure" or whatever, like that's just not for me, I am totally fine, actually MORE than fine for ruthless Caroline who is willing to do deplorable shit to get to her goal and protect her people, like Caroline being extremely almost evilly pragmatic just gives me a boner, and pretty sure gives Klaus one too. Klaus "protecting" Caroline's so called innocence is uh off putting for me personally. And her remaining this pure white light princess of good and Klaus being attracted to the *good* in her is um, nope.
Smutty Preferences
Honestly I’m very easy when it comes to smut [and u totally dont have to write me any if you dont want to]
I do not like:
non con/dub con, anal sex, Strict and/or elaborate Bdsm themes, [light undertones are ok], drunk sex, sex that’s basically infidellity [like caroline/klaus cheating on someone else w each other] , gagging, choking, Extremely rough emotionless sex, sex as a bargain, or as a part of a bargain.
Smut preferences:
I like reading oral sex, especially Klaus going down on Caroline
light bondage like being tied up [either Klaus/Caroline I enjoy both]
Sex toys are really really good, like love reading Klaus using one on Caroline, or Caroline using one on herself and Klaus watching
I do have a special love for praise kink, especially Klaus being really just in awe of Caroline during the do and expressing it uninhibitedly
Dirty Talk is GREAT
I enjoy both Klaus and Caroline in a dominant role, but I usually love it when both of them share the dominance equally, I’m just not into “Yes master” and “Yes mistress” level of dominance. I guess the word I’m looking for is Vanilla dominance lmao.
Bloodplay is also great if they're vampires.
And Klaus and Caroline leaving marks on each other is *swoon*.
I love reading possessive!klaus and possessive!caroline in equal measure so really your choice.
Hot and Dirty sex with a an undercurrent of emotion and devotion, want and need and all that nice stuff is great!
But I do have a list of words I’m not really a big fan of coming across when I’m reading smut:
Any word for vagina that’s not wetness, or folds or lips, is squicky, cunt is not a problem, pussy however is squick.
Clit is clit; little nub, bundle of nerves, all of that makes the med student in me really anxious lmao.
Any word for Cock that’s not cock is squick.
Juices, cream, semen are squicky, I just prefer come or release.
Ok these are seemingly innocent words but moist, engorged, gaping, drooling, sopping are not words I like seeing in context of smut.
So yeah that’s about it, I know hi, it’s been what, eleventy bajillion years since the beginning of this ask, I am so so so sorry for being this difficult, and really, LIKE SERIOUSLY, except for my squicks you are more than welcome to just skip past everything else, since I’m not really that hard to please, as long as the no-no’s are not there in what I read and the dynamic I asked for is even just vaguely followed I will be really really really happy and really I just want you to have fun writing whatever you feel like cooking up, I’m superrrr excited to see your interpretation of my request!!!
[Also Please please send me another ask clarifying you got my answer and also telling me I haven't frightened you with this long ass rambling list of okay’s and no-no’s bc honestly I am just anxiously debating if I should answer this ask like this or yeet half of it and vaguely rewrite the answer.]
Hope you have a great day lovely!! I am once again sorry for being this difficult. ✨💖🤝🏾
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barrnes · 7 years
4 seasons. 4 seasons and we finally got the Haylijah we all deserve I am.... so happy
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littleangelbg · 5 years
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Cuenta exclusivamente para Role Player. (Spanish' RP)
Nombre: Hope Mikaelson Marshall
Fecha de Nacimiento: 02 de mayo
Lugar de Nacimiento: Nuevo Orleans
Lugar de Residencia: Mystic Falls
Especie: Tribrida (Loba, bruja y vampira)
Idioma: Español/
✓No llevo tal cual al personaje, tiene ciertas características canon, pero no llevo como la proyectan en la serie porque no es como yo me la imaginaba, así que le doy mi toque personal.
✓Llevo una trama aparte, un final alternativo en donde Elijah, Klaus, Camille y Hayley sobreviven, por lo tanto Hope tiene hermanos.
✓Puedo llevar role desde la etapa de la infancia (por ejemplo cuando ingresa al instituto Salvatore) o cualquier etapa de los saltos de tiempo que aparecen en la serie.
✓Si gustas planear alguna trama aparte, con gusto podemos acordar algo ¡Manda un MP!
✓Los únicos hermanos que acepto para Hope son: Klamille, Haylijah e hice una excepción con los hijos Klaroline, en este caso último solo acepté 2.
✓Todo lo escrito aquí es de mi propiedad (algunos relatos están basados en lo que ocurrió en la serie de Legacies/The Originales). Por favor, no hacer plagio. Hoy por mi, mañana por ti.
✓Si leíste hasta acá ¡Felicidades, no eres un flojo y te mereces un buñuelo! Broma, esos no los comparto ni de chiste.
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Santa solo dice la verdad, no puede mentir. Ships that you currently like a lot. (del rp) PD. Amo como llevas todos personajes
Yeiihh!! y Josie te ama a ti santa estoy segura :3 porque yo te amo jajajaja
Bueno, tengo un monton de ship xD jajajajajaj 
*Kairol se lleva mi  número 1 jajajajaja charlie nunca dejes a Kai pls!! pls!!
*Haylijah!!!  ¡Dios! ¡Blake y Charlie son los perfectos user para esos dos personajes! ♥♥ aprovecho para decirles que llevan perfecto a Hayley y Elijah, respectivamente 
*Zape: jajajaja el mejor nombre de todos los ships jajajajajajajaja son bien lindos♥♥  Luna gracias por tus personajes tan geniales. 
*Lubekah: JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA que idea tan más brillante tuvieron Sol y Luna HAHAHAHAHAAH me estoy divirtiendo con ellos xD no lo dejen pls!! jajajajajaj 
*Ivder ( no tengo un nombre aun para ellos): Es el mas reciente ¡Es con un psicótico como Ivar!  hahahahahaha xD y yo tengo un problema con los psicóticos así que este ship no puede faltar. 
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Title: His new babe
Pairing: Past!Haylijah, Elijah Mikaelson x O'Connell!Rocker!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, a bit smutty, Jealous!Hayley, Camille and Klaus playing cupid
A/N: I adore Halestorm so I kinda base Reader off the lead singer, song here will do a part two
Klaus smiled seeing his fiancée get giggy as it was the first time since they started planning the wedding that Camille was excited about something as wouldn't stop telling him about her older rockstar sister. But really got Klaus's attention was that Camille suggested that they set her sister up with Elijah since his nasty break up with Hayley and agreed with his future wife.
You laughed when Camille pulled you into a crushing hug when she came to pick you up from the airport with your future brother-in-law. You were surely different than Klaus imagined as you were dressed in tight skinny jeans and corset under a leather jacket with ankle boots, your hair a light brown hair in loose curls.
"Cami! Look at you, just gorgeous." You say dark green eyes twinkling as Camille smiled brightly holding your hands looking you over before having you meet Klaus. You were happy for your baby sister watching her with Klaus as you three headed for the Mikaelson home and you were happy to be somewhere without photographers following you every where.
"So how was your tour?"
"Amazing but Cam you should have let me fly you out to England." You say following your sister into the Abattoir getting the attention of the others and watched as a sixteen year old Hope grip Elijah's arm tightly squealing when she saw you.
"It's Y/N! 'Lijah she is like the best rock singer ever. I didn't know Cammi knew her." Hope said quietly squeezing Elijah's arm as he looked at you finding you just beautiful and was surprised that he was attracted to you. Camille took you into the den to meet the family.
"Everyone meet sister." Camille says smiling as you met everyone and made Hope very happy when you signed your newest album and chuckled as Hope hugged you. You looked at Elijah finding him just gorgeous making you want to sink your teeth into him but learned from Camille of his nasty break up and you weren't going to try anything with Elijah.
"Wasn't aware you had a sister Camille."
"Well I don't like bragging about my single rockstar sister, Elijah."
A week into your stay, Elijah found hisself slowly falling for you but wanted to ask Camille first if it was alright for him to date you to which Camille was more than happy to give Elijah the okay. Elijah headed for the kitchen that morning swallowing when he saw you dressed in an open oversized flannel letting him see the lacy bra and panties sitting on the counter eating a bowl of cereal.
"Morning there handsome." You say as Elijah was trying not to stare moving to get some coffee. You licked your lips finding Elijah delicious dressed in his suit but without his suit jacket.
"Goodmorning, sleep well?"
"I did. Would have slept better if you were in me bed, that handsome face of yours between my thighs." You teased hearing Elijah choke on his coffee before looking at you seeing the smirk on your face. It was no secret to those around you that you and Elijah that you two clearly liked each other with the playful flirting two did.
"Is that so?" Elijah tells you moving between your legs making your smirk bigger putting your empty bowl to the side. Your hands came up moving up Elijah's chest looking up at him as he trapped you on the counter.
"Very much so." You say leaning up brushing your lips against his before squeaking when Elijah kissed you. Elijah took control easily pulling a soft moan from you as you wrapping your arms around his neck. You got a groan against your mouth when you bit his lip deeping the kiss as his hands found your hips pulling you close feeling you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Come to my show tonight?" You asked softly kissing a spot under Elijah's ear making him shiver as he moved his hands along your thighs enjoying the feeling of your soft thighs. Elijah was falling more and more for you as his feelings for you were stronger than when he had feelings for Hayley which wad off putting to the vampire because you weren't his kind of woman yet here he was deeply attracted to you.
"Yes, though this would be my first time going to such a show."
"Then I'll make it worth your wild."
Hayley joined the family with Declan who was excited to see his older cousin while Hope seemed overly excited with Klaus sticking close to his daughter as the show you made sure to give them the best seats. The lights cut off as the spot lights cut on and the crowd began cheering as you showed up on stage with guitar in hand and Elijah couldn't look away as you dressed in the flannel from that morning over corset and skinny jeans with heels.
"How is everyone tonight?!" You yelled into the mic making the crowd cheer as Hope and Camille cheered the loudest and Hayley saw how Elijah couldn't stop staring at you along with Klaus who smirked.
"So I am going to start off the show with a song for a special someone. He stole my heart and y'all know how I like my men." You joked as the crowd cheered and Elijah felt his cheeks warm as Camille and Klaus smirked. You played the first few notes making the women in the crowd cheer.
"You don't know that I know, you watch me every night. And I just can't resist the urge to stand here in the light, your greedy eyes upon me and then I come undone and I could close the curtains.... but this too much fun." You sang winking up at Elijah who felt his heart stop, blush coloring his cheeks.
"Your sister is going for it, love."
"Good." Camille whispered back to Klaus as Hayley frowned looking to Elijah who was engrossed with your music.
"I get off on you, getting off on me. I give you what but nothing is for free. It's a give and take, kinda love we make. When the line is crossed, I get off... I get off." You sang as you played fully aware that Elijah hadn't took his eyes off you.
"So much left unspoken between the two of us. It's so much more exciting to look when you can touch, you could say I am different and maybe I'm a freak but I know how to twist ya to bring you to your knees."
"I get off on you getting on me, I give you what you want but nothing is for free. It's a give and take kinda love we make when the line is crossed, I get off....I get off." Hearing you sing, Elijah could see why you were a big rockstar so knowing you shared the same attraction as him was little intimating.
"What you don't know what you can't see, is what I do for you I do for me....I get off on you getting off on me. I give you what you want, yeah." You had the crowd singing along and Elijah in awe as he was really enjoying hisself.
"I get off on you getting off on me. I give you what you want but nothing is for free, it's a give and take kinda love we make. When the line is crossed, I get off....I get off."
"Yea, I get off. Yea, I get off...I get off." You sang ending the song as Elijah swallowed seeing your chest heave as the crowd screamed and cheered. Declan moved next to Camille as you started up another song as Declan had questions about you and since Camille knew you better she could answer them.
"Is Y/N seeing someone?"
"Kinda I think. Maybe testing the waters?" Camille answered looking at Elijah who was clearly very much enamored by you. Camille snapped her head to the stage hearing you clear your thoat.
"I want you all to cheer loudly for my baby sis, cause she is getting married." You say as the crowd cheered loudly making Camille flush as you raised your glass to Camille.
"Now let's get loud and kick up the show!"
Elijah truly enjoyed your performance as it was exciting to hear you dedicated a few more songs to him about your feelings for him. Elijah now wanted you even more and looked over seeing Hope cheering loudly as your show came to an end. You looked seeing Elijah winking at him again smirking when Elijah looked away flustered and Declan noticed looking at Elijah.
"Is it okay that Y/N is going after Hayley's ex?"
"Yeah why? Hayley said she doesn't have feelings for Elijah anymore and Elijah wants to start dating again." Camille answered Declan watching Hope drag Elijah backstage excited to meet the band. Declan frowned a bit thinking you should be with someone that wasn't his girlfriend's ex. You grinned seeing Hope bounced excited letting her meet the band with Klaus watching closely and you moved next to Elijah who smiled down at you.
"See me in my bedroom at home?"
"Yes. I must say you were gorgeous up there." Elijah said making you flush as he gently took your hand kissing it with Camille watching squealing really hoping that you and Elijah would get together.
"Elijah." You breathed feeling Elijah kiss along your back and your tattoo on your lower back, you were marked and bruised in the best ways mostly on your thighs as you found Elijah really really adored your thighs as he spent time marking your thighs. Elijah moved his hands along your sides groaning when you pushed back against him and he moved to your neck marking it also.
"Need something of me, my darling?" Elijah asked pulling back a moment letting you roll onto your back and Elijah leaned down kissing the fleur de lis drop tattooed under your breast as it one of Elijah's favorite things was to find where are your tattoos were.
"Touch me, I want to feel you." You tell Elijah gasping when he pressed closer as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Elijah swooped in kissing you deeply growling when you pulled his hair.
"Does my baby want it rough?" Elijah purred lowly lifting your legs as you smirked leaning up to his ear.
"Give it to me then big guy."
Hayley was upset seeing you in Elijah's lap kissing his face as he smiled nuzzling your neck placing kisses on your neck. Elijah wasn't in his usual suit while you were dressed in Elijah's shirt and Elijah rubbing your thigh whispering in your ear making you giggle.
"Aren't they cute?" Camille gushed seeing Elijah nuzzle his nose against yours until you pressed your face in his neck.
"I guess. Are you really okay with Elijah dating your sister?"
"Yes, both deserves to be happy. Elijah is taking her as a date to the wedding." Camille said annoyed before leaving a jealous Hayley behind. You kissed Elijah again as he melted against you as you both just spent the afternoon wrapped up in your own little bubble.
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inechoingsilence · 6 years
Silence does a Thing
Answers are in italics
A: Your current OTP.  Queliot
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.  Mystrade
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t. Clace
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? I’ve been RPing since 1995, so I can’t remember. Of recent memory, Sherlock or The Originals
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? Fillory Curse Words: Mothman Motherfucker! Tik the Prick!
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? Um...
G: What was your first fandom? Hmmm...
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? Real life, always
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? Not really, I just don’t contribute to them anymore. 
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.            Shadowhunters
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). It’s all good. I block the haters. 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? A fic with one of my OCs. 
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. I don’t remember..
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). Shadowhunters, for sure
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? Anything of Ruelle makes me think Shadowhunters
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). Eliot needs to be a lifestyle-makeover specialist and Quentin could be a celebrity genius who desperately needs his service. 
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. I..don’t know?
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. All the ships are accounted for, I think
S: What’s a headcanon you have? I have to pick just one? Unfair!
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? Queliot, Malec, Kady/Julia 
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? Mollcroft, Quentin/Alice
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what? I can’t think of any?
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. Magnus Bane, Eliot Waugh, Molly Hooper, Genevieve from The Originals, Spencer Reid
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. Malec, Prentiss/Reid, Haylijah
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. ??? Is that possible?
Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it? None - if I ship it, I say it. Block or ignore exists for a reason.
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princessofwessex · 5 years
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╳┊ @inaternum
¡Muchas felicidades, MDQ! Otro cumpleaños juntas <3 Sabes de corazón cuánto deseo que este día y todo lo que viene sea muy especial para ti. Y a pesar de esa vida adulta que tenemos siempre estamos aquí bien y felices. No ha sido un camino fácil, pero a pesar de todo siempre sabes que me vas a tener aquí para ti, en las buenas y las malas, always y forever. Sabes que siempre puedes venir conmigo para reirnos, Oye, ¿Sabes que es mas gracioso que 24? Pues 25! HAHAHA  Pero sabes que también para cualquier momento bueno o malo, venir a quejarte, desahogarte, divertirte, pelear, patear, para quemar 8) para todo! No llores, tenemos una reputación que mantener 8)  Te mandó de regalo una barbie gillies gigante edición cumpleaños 8) Quiero que comas mucho pastel y helado para hacer una fiesta tan grande que va a llegar Elijah a jugar Twister. Espero te guste este edit, es una edición lenta de Haylijah 8) Sabes como te apreció mucho mucho mucho.Te agradezco por siempre venir estar ahí para mí, tanto en rp como fuera de esto porque esta amistad es mucho más grande que nada <3 Y te amooo, mucho mucho muchooooo <3 Por toda una vida juntas, llena de alegrías, ideas, dramas, diversión y que todo sea hermoso *patea la vida adulta*. 
PD. Tan nosotras <3 
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urwarriorangel · 7 years
dine and dash (stefan salvatore ft klaus mikaelson, pt iv)
Plot: You and Stefan dated for three years while in high school. You both thought your relationship would last, but college managed got in the way. You wanted to move out of the region and Stefan couldn’t find the strength to let go of his life and home in Mystic Falls. So you two decided to break up. You left to college in Massachusetts and Stefan stayed in Mystic Falls. While you were gone, things changed between you and a certain original, but you hadn’t yet let go of Stefan. Now, almost six years later, you’re both invited to Bonnie and Kol’s wedding. It’s time for a reunion. While trying to figure out what to do with Stefan, you lose another lover.
Pairings: Delena, Carenzo, Jalaric, Mebekah, Tyliv, Stefivy, Haylijah, Konnie/Kennett, Damon x Bonnie x Reader (friends), Klaus x (you’ll have to read and see)
Warnings: anger, cursing, heart-wrench (sorry no smut)
A/N: I know I know I know... I need to work on the stupid plot :( sorry! I just wanted to get this out bc I really love it. thank you for reading this series! this part is a little more based around your friendships than anything. Your feelings for Klaus remain a little unclear but also become a little clearer... if that makes sense? pls let me know what you think!!! (no gifs are mine!!!)
dine and dash masterlist
“Looking for this?” Damon holds out the clipboard, eyes on Elena as she help cleans the mess they all made.
“Yes, and shouldn’t you be helping?” You grab the clipboard and Damon raises a brow.
“Do you really think I’d get in the middle of that chaos with the threat of you ripping out my throat hanging in the air?” He turns around and faces you, feigning hurt.
“Are you telling me you had nothing to do with this mess?” You raise your brows at him and Damon scoffs.
“I didn’t say that. I just said I wasn’t in the middle of it,” he smirks and you roll your eyes, flipping through the pages of the clipboard.
“Why am I not surprised?” You whisper, not really paying attention to Damon anymore.
“Because you know me too well,” he shrugs and keeps an eye on you. “How did the talk go, by the way?”
“It went well. He’s moved on, he’s happy. He’s in a good headspace and I’m happy for him. It’s time for both of us to leave the relationship in the past and open our hearts to other people,” you look over to Damon, a soft sigh leaving your lips. “It’s a bit of a relief. I don’t have to feel guilty now.”
“Feel guilty for what?” Bonnie walks over to you two, grabbing a bottle of water as she sits next to you.
“Stefan and I talked and it’s a weight off both of our shoulders I think,” you whisper and look up at your best friend. “I don’t feel guilty about wanting something else. You know?”
“Yeah, I get it,” Bonnie whispers and makes eye contact with Damon as you look back down at the clipboard.
“So have you--?” Damon speaks up and you cut him off.
“Wait… Klaus has a plus one to the wedding?” You whisper, catching both your friends by surprise.
“What?” Bonnie grabs the clipboard.
“There’s no way,” Damon narrows his eyes and takes it from her, staring at the page. “Who the hell is Val--WHAT? There’s absolutely no way.”
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“Who’s his plus one?” Bonnie raises a brow and rests a hand on her hip.
“It’s no one, I’m sure it was a mis--”
“Valerie. Klaus’s plus one is Stefan’s Valerie,” you clench your jaw, staring straight ahead as you try to steady your breathing.
“Excuse me? There’s no way she’s-!”
“Guys, please,” you whisper and your friends immediately turn to face you. “It’s okay. As long as he’s happy, it’ll be fine, yeah?”
“Don’t give me that shit, Y/N. Everyone knows how much you care about him,” Damon scoffs and shakes his head as you let out a weak chuckle.
“I just feel like a jackass for pairing us together in a room, you know?” You shake your head and sigh. “I’ll let him know he can share the room with Valerie. I’ll make other arrangements.”
“I’m so sorry, babe,” Bonnie wraps an arm around you and rests her head on your shoulder while Damon kisses the top of your head.
“Seriously it’s only your first day back and everyone’s screwing you over,” Damon observes and you laugh.
“I’ll be fine. I have a wedding to plan,” you kiss Bonnie’ head and Damon’s cheek. “Now, you two finish cleaning while I figure this shit out, yeah?”
“Do I have to?” Bonnie sighs and looks up at you.
“No, you can grab a glass--just ONE glass--of champagne and lounge for a little, somewhere I can see you,” you raise your brows at her and Bonnie escapes while she can.
“Do I have to?” Damon gives you puppy eyes.
“Yeah, what the hell are you thinking? Get your ass over there and clean,” you push away a grumbling Damon and head over to the hallway in search of Klaus. He doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight.
“Hey, Tyler,” you grab the person closest to you.
“Yeah, what’s up Y/N?” He and Liv look over to you, a few bags in hand.
“Have you guys seen Klaus by any chance?”
“I saw him leave right after you walked away earlier,” Liv speaks up, shrugging. “He kind of ran off.”
“Wierd. Thanks, guys. You’ve been a great help,” you smile at them and walk back to the bar, taking a seat. “Alright, here goes nothing.”
You look at your phone for a few minutes, not sure what to say or how to say it without conveying your hurt. You realize this won’t get any easier, so you just go for it.
After the deed is done, you set your phone aside and make yourself another drink. You turn around to see that the cleaning’s finally done and all your friends look more than just a little exhausted. So you follow through on your deal: you make everyone drinks, and they could not be more grateful.
You all spend the night talking and laughing and catching up and playing drunk charades/pictionary. If you were being honest, this is how you wanted your time back home to be like. You apologized to Ivy. You and Stefan managed to smile at each other a couple of times. You got to know Kai, Luke, and Liv better. You had some intellectual conversations with Marcel. It was overall a great time.
“Alright, I think it’s time for us to hit the hay,” Kol announces as Bonnie yawned yet again. He waved goodnight as he picked up his bride-to-be and took her to their bedroom.
“Yeah, we’re gonna head home, too. We’ll be back tomorrow, eight am just like it says on that damn clipboard,” Alaric groans as Jo smiles at you all and they head home to their precious little ones.
“Us too!” This comes from Damon and Elena.
“And us!” This from Tyler and Liv.
“Same here!” And this from Caroline and Enzo.
“Alright, you old geezers,” you roll your eyes as Matt and Rebekah chuckle nervously.
“Oh all right. You guys go, too,” you shoo them away as all four couples make their way to their respective rooms.
“Hayley and Elijah, you two should also probably head out. Hope is in the guest room at the end of Kol & Bonnie’s hallway,” you smile at the couple who hugged you and said their goodbyes. Yes, they grabbed Hope.
“Stefan? Ivy? This is your chance. The night is only gonna get wierder,” you shrug as the couple looks at one another.
“Yeah, we’re gonna take off, too,” Stefan holds Ivy close and you smile at them.
“Your room is less than 100 feet away. Go to sleep, losers,” you scoff as the couple laughs and leaves.
And, true to your word, the night got a lot wierder. At one point, you all played strip poker (you’re very sure that was either Marcel’s idea or Kai’s); sometime later, you guys went skinny dipping in the Salvatore pool (definitely Luke’s idea); soon after that you guys drank some more and finally managed to pass out in the living room.
Freya and Cami managed to snag one couch and Luke and Jeremy another. You were left on the floor with Marcel, Kai, and Davina. You were tossing and turning for a while until you felt someone lay next to you and hold you close, calming you almost immediately. You slept the whole night through.
You wake up the next morning to shouting around your head and some slight nudging around your feet.
“What the hell?” You whisper, groaning as someone snatched the sheet off of you. “Leave me alone.”
“Y/N you need to wake up before Klaus murders someone,” you recognize Damon’s worried voice and you sit up, rubbing your eyes open as the arms from the night before rest on your lower stomach..
“Why the fuck does Klaus want to murder someone? And--ooh here’s a better question: why the FUCK did you guys wake me up?” You whisper aggressively, opening your eyes to glare at Damon.
“Because of THAT,” Damon hisses, pointing at the person next to you.
“What is THA-oh god, no,” you murmur as your eyes rest on a sleeping Marcel who’s got his arms wrapped around you. “Oh no no no no no.”
“What the hell happened last night?” Damon helps you up, careful not to wake Marcel.
“Nothing happened, Damon. We all passed out, and I guess I couldn’t sleep so Marcel helped,” you shrug, stretching as Damon leads you outside.
“Yeah, well Klaus seems to think something happened, so--”
You two step outside and are met with the sight of Klaus and Valerie making out.
“Did you need me for something, Niklaus?” You mutter spitefully as he slowly pulls away from that demon witch.
“Me? No, not at all. Please meet--”
“Oh you don’t want me to meet anyone right now,” you glare at the two asshats and walk inside, brushing against an apologetic Damon.
“Look, I swear I didn’t know she was gonna be out there. He saw you two and kept spewing angry bullshit and I don’t--”
“Damon, sweetheart. I’m too hungover to feel anything or say anything. I’ll be fine. I just have to show him what he’s missing… after I get some food and coffee.”
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austennerdita2533 · 7 years
Tagged by these lovelies: @strongbeautifulfulloflight and @klarolinekolvina. Thanks ladies!  xx
Dee’s Questions:
1. Spend the rest of your life surrounded by beautiful music or beautiful sights?
Beautiful music. I could always imagine beautiful sights.
2. What Pop Funko would you want to see that isn’t already created?
Hmm, I’m not sure? I can’t think of one off the top of my head.
3. Favorite classic Disney movie?
Beauty and the Beast! Always has been, always will be.
4. Which person in your family are you closest to?
I’m pretty close to everyone in my immediate family, tbh. My mom and I are like Lorelai and Rory from Gilmore Girls, my brothers and I are more like friends than siblings (we go to movies, plan outings, hit the bars together etc.), and my dad is the Cookie Monster King, whom I tease mercilessly about his eating habits and his cursing at sports teams on TV. 
5. Did you belong to a clique in high school? If so, which one?
Nope. I was never a clique person. I vacillated back and forth between academic, athlete, and accepter of differences which was a problem for many of my peers in high school.
6. Immunization - yay or nay? (Sorry I’m doing a research paper on it rn lol)
YAYYYYY. You’re at risk for numerous serious but preventable diseases if you’re not immunized. 
7. What holiday do you wish you celebrated that you don’t?
Hanukah perhaps?  
8. Is there a culture you wish you were more educated on?
There are so many I wish I knew more about, tbh. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, African, Hispanic/Latino, Jewish, Muslim, Greek, Roman, Native American, Aztec etc. etc... I could go on forever. My curiosity is endless and I always want to know more!
Alicea’s Questions:
1. Do/did you ever post something that you were nervous or shy about?
Yes. Literally every single piece of writing I post. No exceptions. You should see how long I hover over the post button haha.
2. If you could be any superhero or super villain who would you choose?
Either Wonder Woman (because she’s freaking badass) or Iron Man (because flying is a superpower I’ve always wanted and Tony’s suits are AWESOME).
3. Marvel or DC?
4. Kolvina or Kennett?
Kennett!!! *wails: we could have had it allllll*
5. Kalijah or Haylijah?
Kalijah without question. *still bitter*
6. Jimmy Fallon or Jimmy Kimmel?
Jimmy Kimmel
7. Favorite band?
Maroon 5 (I’m listening to “Cold” as we speak haha.)
8. Favorite Disney princess?
It’s tied between Belle, Rapunzel, and Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty)
9. iPad or tablet?
Either one
10. Worst character in TVD/TO?
Camille or Hayley for me.
11. What is the song that gets stuck in your head the most?
Lately, it’s been “Unsteady” by X Ambassadors and is most likely a consequence of my obsession with all things Lucifer.
I’m only gonna answer these instead of tagging/creating my own because I’m lazy. And also because I’m supposed to be working. Shhh. 
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