#It was horrible
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luyo-mi Ā· 1 year ago
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Never drawing again
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kindaasrikal Ā· 4 months ago
So like do you guys think that after Nya became unmerged with the ocean she felt withdrawal symptoms and bought five packs of 50 water bottles and started chugging them all in the span of ten minutes and then desperately proclaimed ā€œā€¦its not enough..ā€ like someone begging for relief.
Do you guys think Kai tried to burn/evaporate it all, only to get thrown across the monastery. Do you guys think they then dragged Zane into this mess, who just froze the water cause at least sheā€™ll slow down her intake??
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fearmeeeee Ā· 1 month ago
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Soooo my laptop broke in half I just replaced it, that's why I was completely offline, but it set me back real bad
(Kofi donations in case you can help me out a bit with the new pc costs </3)
I'll get back to drawing asap, I missed it so much
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lazyjellyfishcreation Ā· 8 months ago
My thoughts on witcher!jaskier
So, so. I have been looking at a lot of witcher!jaskier shit lately, and eventhough bear!jaskier strikes a cord in my heart, to me, jask will always be a cat. So, with Jaskier being a cat, he would know Aiden, that would be logical. My question: what would their relationship be? my headcanon, Jaskier is Aidens teacher! Hear me out. Julek (jaskier's first actual name) was a promising young witcher of about 50 years old when it happend. He doesn't go to the caravan often because he doesn't like his siblings all that much, but he occasionally does to gamble and drink without having to worry about prejudice. He gambles his fun money away and gets drunk as a skunk in the process. He then remembers just how much he doesn't like being at the caravan and in his drunken mind decides to leave the caravan then and there to continue on the path. On his way out he stumbles into the wrong cart and finds Aiden. Aiden came out wrong. When he went trough the grasses (i hc that eventhough the cats do take in witchers from other schools that came out wrong, they also made their own, and aiden was one of the later.) Usually, a cat comming out with weird mutations isn't a problem, that's the cats school's specialty. But Aiden was a step too far. Aiden was deaf after the grasses. And the mages wanted to know why, so they strapped him to a table, to dissect him later. that's where Julek finds him. at 12 years old, scared, feverish from the grasses, alone, unable to hear, and not knowing what is going got happen to him. Julek, drunk as he is, decides that this is the perfect opportunity to make a shit decision and just. Takes. The kid. Julek just steals this child, and when he sobers up he realizes that that was a shit desicion but can't go back now, not when the kid looks up at him with scared sad eyes and go god he is gonna get so attached to this kid. So, Julek raises Aiden to the best of his abilties. He feeds him, trains him, teaches him the speech of hands (sighn language). Aiden is a smart boy, and phenomenal with trowing knives, he truly has impeccable aim. He's large too. Whatever took his hearing made him grow fast as fuck. Eventually, just when Aiden is getting used to not hearing, after a year or so, fate is cruel to him once again and takes his silent safety. Getting his hearing back is excutiating. Everything is loud, and sounds are so sharp now and it is overwhelming and aiden just want's it to be quit again but it is never quiet and and and. He's not having a good time. It takes him well over a month for him to adjusted to sounds. But now his hearing is better then any witcher's. It's overwhelming and it hurts but at least he can hear the monsters coming now.
All the while they are getting chased. Rememeber: Julek took a kit that wasn't his, not only that, Aiden was supposed to be a sience experiment and the cat mages want him back. so, 3 years after aiden getting stolen they make the desicion to go back to the caravan and claim aiden as julek's kit, to keep them from being hunted.
only problem: only grandmasters can assighn a witcher a kit to go on the path with, and the current grandmaster won't do it, because the mages want to keep him. so, Julek does the sane thing and chalenges the granmaster. If he wins and kills the grandmaster, then he becomes the grandmaster and can claim Aiden. if not, well... he wont be around to witness what they would do to his kit (son) nobody expects this 50 something year old witcher to beat the grandmaster with a century of experience under his belt. Julek is good, but he's (relatively) young. They are all wrong. Julek wins. Aiden is his. He claims his kid, steps down from the grandmaster position and fucks right off. I have so much more for this au but it's late so i might write that later if you want.
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hehehereliesmysanity Ā· 1 year ago
me at young royals: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before.
people: so there is no skips?
me: i did not say that.
rousseau's screentime in s2 : is it me?
me: no, it is not you.
felice and wille making out: is it me?
me: close but no.
wille's initiation scene: is it me?
me: iS It Me?
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johnnysuhbmarine Ā· 2 months ago
Best friend finally gave official verbal confirmation that sheā€™s not a Mark ult and hardly a Mark bias at this point (something about Jisung and Renjun, idk I wasnā€™t listening to that part) WHICH MEANS I CAN FINALLY LIVE MY TRUTH AND NOT FEEL GUILTY HI HELLO THESE PICTURES OF MARK AND THAT FUCKASS CLIP MAKE ME CRAZY
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Thereā€™s probably more Iā€™m forgetting and will have to add later. I literally didnā€™t have any of them saved on my phone because I felt like I was betraying her so Iā€™ve just had these locked away in my memory waiting for a day like today and then had to go on Pinterest and find them all again so I could post this šŸ’€
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skyloftian-nutcase Ā· 11 months ago
The evening brought a chill as Abel held Link closer. Tilieth was working on cooking dinner for the family, and they were in an area he had just cleared of monsters, so he knew they would be safe for now. It left him time to just hold his son, to look him over and be content in the moment.
Considering such moments came so rarely, he would take what he could of it.
It hadn't even been a hard day. Aside from the skirmish with the beasts, they'd found nearly half a dozen shrines, and they'd all been simple puzzles. No strenuous climbing, no catapults, no endless pits... and at the end of it all, Link's wounds had improved greatly with each spirit orb they found.
And now, Tilieth hummed off tune as usual, bringing a smile to Abel's lips as he gazed at his boy. Link looked serene, resting comfortably on his father's lap, and he turned his head slightly to snuggle in closer. Abel felt his heart speed up a little at the sight of it, considering the boy was usually not reactive at all. Were the spirit orbs really helping that much?
Link sighed steadily through his nose, and then his eyes fluttered open.
Abel jumped a little, reaching for some broth they had set aside for the next time the boy woke. He sat Link up a little, whispering, "Hey, little knight. Time for some food, okay? Can you stay awake?"
Link kept his eyes open, drinking the offered broth as Abel tipped the bottle back for him. The boy had been far more interactive lately, though still clearly not really lucid. At least the fear of him dying of dehydration or starvation was greatly lessened than it used to be.
Link hummed when he was finished, leaning against his father's shoulder and smiling. Abel stared at him, blinking, completely caught off guard. Slowly, he put the bottle down and poked the boy's chest. Link scrunched his nose in response.
Could he be...? "...Link?"
He looked at him.
His boy was looking at him.
Abel stared into the teenager's blue eyes, breathless, his own eyes blown wide. Link blinked blearily, tired, but smiled a little more. "Hi, Papa."
Tilieth's humming stopped immediately, and the sound of a ladel clattering to the ground came next as she rushed over. "Link?!"
Their son turned his head to look at his mother as she fell to her knees beside him.
"Link!" she sobbed, holding him as Abel continued to stare in shock. He--he was--
"Oh, honey," Tilieth cooed, rocking him and holding and probably never ever letting go again. "Honey, you're okay, you're awake!"
"Mama," Link muttered into her collarbone. "You're squishing me."
Tilieth laughed. "That's all you have to say at a time like this?! You silly little goose, do you--"
His wife sobered for a moment, and continued hesitantly, "D-do you remember anything?"
Link watched her curiously, face still bright and open, as if he had no recollection of the Calamity whatsoever.
He doesn't remember it.
Abel came back to life, eyes stinging, hiccups tearing out of him. Link immediately looked at him, wiggling out of his mother's grip. "Papa?"
Abel's lip wobbled, and Link scooted back to his lap, letting his father practically collapse on him. "I missed you, son."
Link stiffened a little before returning the hug in full. "It wasn't your fault, Papa."
Abel jolted. "I--what--"
"It wasn't your fault," his son repeated, emphasizing his words and holding him tighter. "I love you, Papa. I love you so much."
Try as he might, Abel couldn't stop the tears. Something about the boy's words and tone, the fact that he was awake--everything poured out of him at once, sorrowful and joyful and beautiful, and he held his boy so tightly.
"I love you too, little knight."
Link held tighter. And tighter. And tighter until it felt like he was squeezing the life out of him, like he was trapped, and--
Abel opened his eyes, tangled in blankets, hearing Tilieth snoring beside him. Breath tickled his neck, and he looked down to see Link, pale, frail, and injured, sleeping between the parents.
The former knight poked the boy. He didn't stir.
Sighing, Abel wiped away the tears that had somehow managed to fall despite just dreaming, and went back to sleep.
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zoennes Ā· 3 months ago
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kouzzy Ā· 9 months ago
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I'm drawn to you like a magnet
Even if I left we would find each other again~~
I don't know if this has been done, I'm sure it has but I HAD to draw them like this because I was that vocaloid kid while growing up
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luyo-mi Ā· 1 year ago
hi hello if you do floyd and jade (and all the others really) like that ruggie and leona i'll just die on the spot (very positive)
3 a.m. and you activated my brain just now
-hypmic anon (this time i'm bringing a blanket for u)
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Get ur coffin ready hypmic anon šŸ’Ŗ
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bethanydelleman Ā· 9 months ago
I had a nightmare last night that woke me up from a dead sleep:
Three lanes of traffic were trying to make a right turn with no traffic lights onto a busy highway (it was a T junction). The cars wanting to turn right were on a steep hill, turning onto a steep hill. It was dark and icy. If you tried to start your car to turn, you would slide back into the car behind you which had pulled up way too close. People were attempting to switch lanes on the icy hill.
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(a rough picture of my dream except I was in my car)
Worst dream I've ever had and I used to imagine a horde of snakes under my bed.
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thetorturedlovergirl Ā· 8 months ago
Canā€™t play sims bc last time (and first time) I played I created a SOC universe (which I spent hours creating every character to perfection) and in the same week my Inej died in a tragic way and now Iā€™m traumatized
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sadie-shrimp Ā· 3 months ago
Do you ever look at all the paint on your lips from trying to keep your paintbrushes pointy and think ā€œI wouldnā€™t have stood a chance being a radium girlā€
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radaverse Ā· 1 year ago
Gus, how did you find Peppino earlier?
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...I- ...
I was... entering the pizzeria... through the back door... I was... gonna work.
I-I called Peppino but... he didn't answer. I kept looking for him... Then...
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I found him there... on... the floor...
T-There was... blood everywhere...
He was... not... M-MOVING I-...
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I need a moment.
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shuckstruck Ā· 2 months ago
new year new me. iā€™m finally living on my own again. iā€™m sleeping in my condo for the first time!!! Iā€™m so fucking happy!!!!
iā€™ve cried several times today: both because I was sad (mostly for leaving my momā€™s dogs- especially angus, who Iā€™ve raised since he was a puppy. Not to mention Oliver, whoā€™s been especially sad bc of Siriā€™s passing.) and for happiness (Iā€™m a first time homebuyer! this is the first place Iā€™ve ever owned!! my finances are in the red but Iā€™m going to figure it out!!!).
Either way, Iā€™m so excited to finally be on my own again. Iā€™m a different person when I donā€™t live with my mother.
My tipsy mother said I have to drink the champagne she bought me on the floor. like she did when she bought her house, and like mothers before me. AND I DID. on the floor of my bedroom- and my cat got up to butt his head into the back off mine when he heard my voice <3
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