#It was VERY apt for Khare
oculusxcaro · 1 year
What is your Life Trap?
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The emotion most recurring in you is shame. Shame is what you feel when your defects are exposed. You will do almost anything to avoid this shame. Consequently you go to great lengths to keep your defectiveness hidden. You feel that your defectiveness is inside you and not immediately observable. You feel like you have to pretend to be someone you are not to be accepted. You hide your true self to fit in, but that also means that many people in your life will never know the real you. At your core you feel completely unworthy of love. It is possible that you struggle with feelings of depression – a kind of low-level depression always lurking in the background. You may be drawn to partners who are critical of you and put you down. They generate high chemistry, but reinforce your feelings of defectiveness. It is likely that you spend a lot of time comparing yourself unfavorably to others and feel inadequate as a result. You feel like an impostor when you are successful. You are anxious that you cannot maintain your success. Your sense of well-being is fragile, and even small setbacks or failures may be enough to make you nervous and stressed. To feel humiliated and inadequate, as if the whole world is about to catch sight of your defectiveness.
Tagged byStolen from: @draggeddowntothedark Tagging: Whoever would like to do it?
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yocreativ · 6 years
Search Engine Optimization Company/Agency in Gurgaon, India
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Search engines and particularly Google have changed the way the world operates and particularly the digital medium. There is a cut throat competition for every website owner to rank high on the search engines to gather traffic and hence the sales. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become the foremost digital marketing work required by and brand with a website to showcase. SEO is basically optimizing your website to rank higher on search engines for eventual traffic and in many cases sales. YoCreativ is a top SEO company in Gurgaon and providing SEO services to many brands. YoCreativ has a solid track record of getting brands of brands on the first page for searches in a month’s time. Not just organic ranking, it also does SEO works too. Let’s look at all the SEO activities done by YoCreativ.
 1. Keyword Research: YoCreativ starts work with an extensive keyword research based on which the future SEO efforts will be targeted. The keyword research uses a range of tools and software which checks the amount of traffic each keyword generates and where the website stands as per the list. Around 15 keywords are then selected on which the SEO efforts will be targeted. These keywords are the ones that will give the website good traffic and hence sales.
  The list of keywords and associated research is then submitted to the client for approval and information. After a mutual consensus, phase-wise targeting of keywords is then finalized.
 2.Website Hygiene: After the keywords are finalized, website hygiene is then checked and corrected. A good website is of prime importance for a good digital marketing result. Website hygiene includes:
 A. Checking for copied content: YoCreativ makes sure that the content on the website is 100% genuine and apt for the website. It changes the tone and style of the content to make it read-worthy for users. To facilitate content, YoCreativ has good content writers and copywriters with it which can write nice engaging content in a short time for very good rates.
 B.Right Imagery: YoCreativ then ensures that the images presented on the website are good and in accordance with the sector the brand is in. The images if required are made in-house to maintain the brand aesthetics and also deliver a sense of engagement to the users. To facilitate this, YoCreativ has a team of graphic designers that make powerful creative and imagery for the websites.
 c. Mobile Responsiveness: A key part of mobile hygiene is its mobile responsiveness. We check the website on various sizes of mobiles and screens available and make the change to the website to make it mobile responsive. This has a huge impact on the SEO of the website as Google pays a lot of emphasis on the mobile responsiveness as it is a huge source of searches for them.
 D.HTML Validation errors: YoCreativ ensures that the website coding is in line with the set guidelines and does not have errors in its codes. Corrections in the code are done wherever applicable and required. YoCreativ has a team of website developers with it to ensure highly responsible websites of all kinds.
 3.On Page SEO: YoCreativ then starts with on-page SEO of the website and in this, it first corrects the Meta tags namely tile and description. Each page is marked for the specific keyword and the content on the page is aligned accordingly.
 4.Content creation: Content input on the website through blogs and pages. Blog topics are finalized as per the keywords and engaging content is prepared accordingly. These blogs are the further good medium for sharing on social media too and add to traffic.
 5.Backlinking: YoCreativ creates backlinks for the website on multiple platforms. The backlink profile is kept good in order to ensure that it does not fall under the spamming. High PA DA of the backlinks ensure that the link juice being passed is good for the website and a tight ratio on following and no follow backlinks are kept.
Moreover, a list of the backlinks is always maintained for the clients to refer to in future.
 5.Adwords / PPC: In addition to organic SEO, YoCreativ also runs campaigns on various search engines in form of Pay Per Click Campaigns also known as Google Adwords. These campaigns are carefully planned, executed and monitored as they can drain your budget very quickly. YoCreativ is one of the best digital marketing companies in India when it comes to running PPC campaigns. It makes sure that you get your returns in form of sale for the money you spend on PPC. The cost of customer acquisition in PPC is kept very low for clients.
 6. Monitor and Report: Regular monitoring of SEO results are done and a detailed report on the same is provided to the clients every monthly. These reports show how and where they are faring on each keyword and how the traffic is responding to the SEO activities. The reports are delivered to clients every month right on schedule and with full details.
 If you are looking for a digital marketing agency to take care of your website, YoCreativ is the best option. The team is led by two IIM Lucknow marketing graduates who themselves burnt their hand in finding the right digital marketing firm for their earlier venture only to realize that the digital marketing landscape does not have good players in it. It is this when they decided to start Yocreativ which has made name for itself in digital marketing in a very short span of time.
YoCreativ has a good team of digital marketing experts that make sure the targets and deliverables are bang on target. The team is very responsive and has a very good track record in delivering SEO results. YoCreativ ensures that you rank on the keyword identified within the first months and in the next six months you rule the sector. For more details you can visit https://www.yocreativ.com/search-engine-optimization/
Author Bio: Amit Khare is atop website developer based out of Gurgaon and has been highly active in the space of digital marketing for last 10 years. He is an expert in wordpress, digital marketing and a graphics work.
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Which "evil" woman from Mythology/Folklore are you ?
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Medusa is a gorgon in Greek mythology who has the ability to turn men to stone and is beheaded by Perseus. Different versions of her story involve her being impregnated in the temple of Athena by Poseidon, then turned into the legendary monster by a vengeful Athena. Her name comes from the ancient Greek word for "guardian". Like Medusa, your legend precedes you. You are well known and beloved by those in your circle. You have known pain in your life but you're resilient and have come through the other side all the more loving and kind. Love is important to you, whether the presence or the absence of it. Those closest to you know you as warm and strong.
Tagged byStolen from: @draggeddowntothedark and @the-rorschach-mask (♡) Tagging: Whichever one of you HOOLIGANS hasn't done it yet!!
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Tagged by: @goldenmedic (♡) Tagging: @arkhmlcst, @dcmonshcad, @gnarledbite, @freak1ish, @made-of-archimedes, @muppeteyes1001, @pains-illusions, @sanguine-salvation, @sebastianshaw, @sheldoney, @the-rorschach-mask, vitrumbra, @xxlordalexanderxx and anybody else who'd like to do this?
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~ Salamander ~
The Salamander is a sometimes overlooked little creature, with many impressive abilities to make up for their size. For example, they are able to not only regenerate their tails, but limbs and even organs if they are badly injured. In the same way, you never let life's problems drag you down, and come right back strong as ever! This fiery determination of yours is still kept in balance by logical thinking and always being prepared for change in life. A Salamander familiar helps to heal their master physically and emotionally, as well as giving them the drive to continue through anything.
~~***~~ This familiar represents ~~***~~
Healing - Determination - Adapting to change - Balance - An opportunist - Resourcefulness
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
What is your role in the found family?
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The "Comic Relief"
Yes, alright, you tell your jokes and do your bits. You break awkward silences and sing silly songs. But what about when you're not keeping the levity? What else makes up the person who makes others feel good? You're kind. You connect with people. You hate to see others sad. You have a vice or two--who doesn't--but the point is, you are the epitome of what it is to be human, and you are able to encompass the absolutely zany improbability of life as we know it. People are comforted by you. They cherish your spirit and relate to you. But it can be difficult when you're not laughing. Comedy becomes a wall to keep worse feelings out, or in. A person who feels any emotion to the extreme will undoubtedly feel others the same way. Laughing is great, but... perhaps a big reason you appreciate your family is because there's something you can't stand in a silence.
Tagged by: @made-of-archimedes, @satrniid, @the-rorschach-mask (♡♡♡) Tagging: Whoever would like to do it?
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Dark Earth Zodiac
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The Bat
Creature of the halflight, you fly along the line of the brink, the almost-- the bat zodiac embodies the inbetween. They are often considered strange by their peers, but in the right setting their feeling of discomfort fades and they become a unique voice. Those under the sign of the bat tend towards anxiety, longing to live unwitnessed-- the bat is most comfortable in the dark, but not alone; this sign craves to exist without judgement. They tend to become lost in their thoughts, their own worlds, to the extent that they can forget to engage with the world around them. But those who love the bat know that they will always return. For all their shadows, the bat actively seeks to be compassionate. Having themselves felt both the harsh sear of the sun and the lonely chill of the moon, they find themselves able to sympathize with almost anyone.
Tagged byStolen from: @nightshrovd (♡) Tagging: @avisxe, @babydxhl, @demone-volpe, @goldenmedic, @halfghcst, @nervousleaderr, @qu-tipie, @smilingmxsk, @the-rorschach-mask and whoever hasn't done this yet?
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Which corvid are you?
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Magpies are symbolic of intelligence and wit. These black and white colored birds show an extraordinarily high IQ and are equally resourceful as well. However, due to their shrewd nature, they’re also known to symbolize deceit, opportunism, and illusion. Magpies are the only non-mammalian animals that have the rare ability to recognize themselves in the mirror. They also are able to use tools, hide and store food across seasons, and predict the behavior of conspecifics. Bravery runs in these birds who are not afraid to land on deer, elk, and other animals to eat ticks from their fur. These social birds are bold and gregarious, and adapt well to living around humans. They are familiar sights around farms and barns. Australian magpies are described as one of Australia's most accomplished songbirds. They have an array of complex vocalizations and can mimic over 35 species. In winter and spring, a group of magpies sing a short repetitive version of carolling just before dawn and after dusk, called their dawn and dusk songs. - Katelyn Wilde, Animalia
Tagged by: @envychosen (♡) Tagging: @elisethetraveller, @halfghcst, @smilingmxsk, @thecursedraven and anybody who'd like to do this?
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
☀️   best friends
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 !
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That would be fantastic! Khare is in dire need of more friends and Ava would be such a good one to have! Being so sweet and friendly, Ava's vibes are just the sort that Khare can feel chill around and it doesn't hurt that she's got a career in Paleontology also. Khare LOVES dinosaurs and anything prehistoric, it's so interesting to her so it's quite apt that these two who can find it hard to break out of their shells (haha) can end up being very good friends? Khare would definitely look into new recipes for Ava to try (including her favourite fried crickets!)
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