#It seems like it's gonna be a duo of gaining this month
nhularin · 2 years
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OT7 ★
crack! headcanons
bf! Text messages
bf! Text messages pt.2
bf! insta stories
enha as newjeans songs
hey reddit! AITA...
hyung line x reader
→ in which four idiotic lovesick men try to find comfort in a shitty app after their break up. but! what happens when you find their burner account?
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Hes cool! But...
→ OR : three things that make you question your relationship
cool with you
-> you loved him, and always will.
do you get deja vu when shes with you?
-> nothing hurts more than seeing lee heeseung doing the stuff you both used to do with another girl. Watching him wrap his jacket around her, playing the same song you both liked around her. everything, from the way he touches her, gives her gifts, was a carbon copy of your relationship. does he get deja vu when he’s with her?
boyfriend heeseung who...
hee with an idol s/o
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JAY ᵎᵎ
→ OR : three things that make you question your relationship
im not gonna be the one to get hurt
→ right person, wrong time, and a lot of miss communication
1 step forward, 3 steps back
-> you had to describe your park jongsaeng in one word, it'd be unpredictable. he was a gentleman, absolutely selfless when it came to his loved ones. somehow you seem to be the only exception. you didn't understand then, and you sure as hell don't understand now.
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Forever, always (soulmate! au)
→ In this tale of destiny, two souls longed for that extraordinary connection
smau, coming soon!
→ yn has no ambitions. Except for graduating and getting as far away from this mess of a town as quick as possible. With too much free time and an oh so annoying teacher coming at her back, she signs up to be the broadcaster of the Basketball club. Only problem is: she suffers from chronic shit talking and Jake Sim is having none of it!!
you dont even know my name do ya?
-> in which jake is head over heels with that cute barista
hes COOL! BUT...
-> OR : three things that make you question your relationship
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Perfect duo
→ when sunghoon forgot his lines, you just know what to do
→ your friends have warned you about him, will you listen to them now?
written series
→ A mage who struck himself and a heroine who couldn't defeat her inner monster
-> you tried everything, you really did. as the school's hottest student, park sunghoon was in constant spotlight, might it be with classmates or being the light of the party. and for that, you did your best at making your presence worthy in his life. but deep down, you knew you couldn't compete with the girls who seemed much better than you, people who are enough for him
boyfriend sunghoon who.....
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SUN00 ᵎᵎ
oh my, oh my god!
→ your friends are curious about the mysterious guy you've been seeing. well! today's not the day!
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Idol SMAU !
→ Life is not easy as a rookie and you know that! After going viral with your fancam you have gained not only the attention of the public but also that of Enhypens cat like leader. What happens if you wake up one day with your names trending on twt ?!
late night shenanigans
→ two lovers enjoying their presence in the glistening moonlight
breezy mischief
-> you and jungwon spend a summer evening with joy
oh, say it ditto
→ you love him, you really do, but does he feel the same? or in which you hope for his words of affirmations
Yang Jungwon's goal of being Employee Of The Month
-> the two of you have always been competitive. from the moment you both started working at taco bell, there had been an unspoken rivalry: who could wrap burritos better? who could handle the most customers during rush hour? with your good for nothing manager announcing a new incentive to boost team productivity: the employee of the month, a race between you and your oh so annoying co-worker begins
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NI-KI ᵎᵎ
perfect sacrifice
→ niki realizing that despite the hardships, he will alwas have someone by his side
oceans away
→ young love doesn't always last, but the memories do
you got me looking for attention
→ you had done all you could to subtly show your affection, and yet, it seemed he remained oblivious to your efforts
-> "show the world whar a real egoist looks like, nishimura"
smau, fluff
-> being a writer is hard, especially when you're a hardcore stan on tumblr.com. so when the legendary niki writer disappeared out of the blue, the readers were naturally heartbroken! but! what happens when their beloved nishirikithinker got revealed as THE yn of the hot new girl group?!
boyfriend niki who...
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black-berryies · 2 years
This was beautiful and sad at the same time…
“One thing I’ve never done was listen to you”
Just Tommy finally understanding his worst enemy and seeing: they both weren’t so different…. He finally understands it all, he apologised, they were going to be on the same side, Dream and Tommy finally would become friends! Tommy sees that Dream just wanted to be happy, just wanted George and Sapnap back, just wanted the good old times back( not even a god could do this), just not wanted to be alone, just one big family… And Dream felt understood, he seems to trust Tommy, he saw a chance in finally gaining his big goal, the reason why he was evil, why he hated Tommy so much, why everything went wrong….
Of course we won’t get our happy ending…of course this sweet moment had to end and holy shit, after all that I’m getting trauma by loud alerts… those.fucking.nukes… it was obviously this is gonna happen but still… Dreams voice of pure panic and betrayal, trying to flee out of his own home, own prison, own hell; Tommys voice, so…sad and full of regret over losing a new gained friend, his enemy who isn’t his enemy anymore, losing his best friend Tubbo, losing his happy ending… knowing he’s gonna die any second…
“It’s too late, Dream”
Just Tommy beating up a tree, Tubbo somehow watches him, Dream appears behind him
“Wanna be friends?”
Season 2
I can’t believe the Dream SMP- the fandom I’m in since 1 1/2 years- is actually over now
That thing actually changed my life… This is the reason why I still do art, this actually taught me so many things, this gave me something in life-and I don’t know what- and this made my english grade four times better… it sounds awful, but… I felt home… one big family… even tho it just were Philza helping me to calm down after a fight with my parents, Tommy just messing around and forgetting about life, Technoblade and his dumb jokes helping me through the hardest times of my life, Dream against the whole world but never giving up or Ranboo living who he is and be happy and so many other people… I don’t know yet if I’m going to leave the fandom, I could say I’m free now and it’s the perfect time to change things or maybe I’ll stay and annoy all my friends with it… Who knows…
AAAAAAAAH! THIS ALL MADE ME SOB SO BAD! Like what happened to Punz and Jack?! Why weren’t they in the new world?! Happy c!disc duo incoming?! Will Punz and Dream still be friends? (Please, I need to ship them) Will Dream turn evil again or actually be one of the main protagonists? What will happen to the good old #dreblr? Will season 2 be as angsty as season 1 was? How is it supposed to be fun without Techno? What will happen to all the animatics I still haven’t finished since a year? At least I have a month til’ Christmas to finish it and upload, but I have so many questions and no answers…
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magicalara · 1 year
I've finished ouran and I have 2 questions
1. (unrelated) but have you ever tried Kraft Mac and cheese because I bought some the other day from this random shop, idk it was imported or something and why is it violently orange??
2. The ending to ouran made me cry for some reason, what do you think the club would do once like honey and Mori came out of high school and they slowly all grew out of the club? How close would each of them be to eachother?
I mean obviously life gets busy with all of them. No doubt Haruhi has a flourishing career in something or other and Kyoya is obviously busy. I'd like to see the twins mature a bit and actually gain a bit of independence from eachother and branch out to different things. Maybe they'd meet again after a few years and find out what changed about them.
(Or maybe they didn't know about Haruhi, Kyoya and Tamakis relationship until now)
Also do you think any of them would eat the violently orange Mac and cheese I ate
Anyway Ouran over, Bsd next... I sense a storm coming....
And yea tag me as Briccy if you like! I don't really have a preference.
Okay first question:
Yes, I have had kraft mac n cheese lol. To make it short, sweet, and simple: it's violently orange bc ✨chemicals✨ This is America after all and it seems that that is our main ingredient to..well a lot of things. But also I don't like Kraft or even the god forsaken Velveta because honestly I can make better with minimal things I have in my house lol
And yes, Tamaki probably saw the orange cheese noodles online and proceeded to buy like five packs for him, Kyoya, and Haruhi to try and then proceeded to send them to everyone as like a random gift or something idk. Whatever the case may be, Tamaki started the idea and Hikaru always keeps some at home as he liked it the most.
Putting a read more on this bc it got longer than expected 💀
It made me cry the first time I watched it too lol then again i was also neck deep in crisis and impending debt bc my college didn't process my scholarship right and it was a MESS but that's a story for another day
I think that it isn't until Tamaki and Kyoya graduate that certain things drift off. Tamaki being at the center is, imo, what really holds the group together and him graduating is probably what hurts it the most. Obviously with Haruhi there, at least her and the twins' last year won't be void of Tamaki, but I think it's void of everyone else and that includes Kyoya. I'll explain further:
Honey and Mori as a duo stay close no matter what; they're family and best friends and Mori's loyalty will not have him leaving Honey's side outside of educational obligations. Even the businesses (I say lightly given what it really is) of each of their separate families is close enough to where they can probably work together on a lot of things. But when it comes to the others, sure they keep in touch separately but after Tamaki isn't physically at Ouran to head the club, there aren't a lot of group activities to do anymore. I think Mori and Hikaru keep in touch the most outside of Tamaki's mandatory group bonding and zoom activities and Honey and Haruhi with the same idea.
Kyoya, especially once he's graduated, isn't full into the whole calling and texting thing so if they don't reach out to him, he's not gonna remember to reach out to them lol. He cares, he's just busy with the whole family business thing. I want to think that his father probably sent him abroad too for at least a year during his studies and that caused a bigg rift as time zones really limited communication. Regardless, Tamaki always made sure to text him everyday, even just a simple good morning or good night and a reminder to drink water and sleep. Haruhi would try and message at least once every two or three weeks and they'd have long calls every other month to catch up. He only really speaks to Honey and Hikaru at group events but plays games on his phone like the farming game thing (HayDay?? is that what it's called?? idk but the thing where you can send shit to friends and all that) with Kaoru and Mori. Kaoru also calls every few months and they text like once every other week if they both remember.
I could make a whole post on the KyoTamaHaru relationship starting and honestly I just might bc, like I said before, after graduating, he kinda goes off and so obviously the relationship can't start then. I wanna say it starts at least three years after Haruhi graduates when Kyoya comes back for a longer period of time and Tamaki welcomes him back with such open arms that he both did and didn't expect and it's just a rush of feelings and he gets closer to Haruhi than they ever were now that they can have their deep talks in person and they end up feeling like home and fuck now I have to make an actual post about this.
Anyways, the twins try and text everyone equally but end up talking to Haruhi the most jointly and Mori (Hikaru) and Kyoya (Kaoru) the most separately. When it comes to university, they probably start at the same one to keep the theme of twins going strong but after like a year and a half or so, they find their own wildly different interests and probably split off. It was emotional for them and so hard at first, but they both were able to grow into their own persons as a result of it more than they could've if they just did different majors at the same universities.
As for Haruhi, she does her best to text everyone when she can, but doesn't stress about it. Her and Honey go on little outings to cafes and stuff and Mori will come along when he can every so often, but that's the extent of that. Outside of Tamaki at first and then adding on Kyoya later, though, the twins are who she talks to most. Either it's the three of them in their group chat or them separately, but those three are always. texting. each. other. She was one of the first people to get super close to them, after all. Omg can you imagine their grad photos wait I think they'd be so cute gasp waittt
Last but least there's Tamaki. He's planning all the reunions and has a stockpile of ideas for outings that they have AT LEAST once a month. Not everyone can go each time, obviously, but he still makes the effort to plan them. He has a rotation system for texting the twins and Honey and Mori too: every other day he texts one of them and then he's basically talking to them once a week. The only exceptions are Haruhi and Kyoya but he sees Haruhi nearly everyday so like duh and I already said about him texting Kyoya everyday so yeah.
All in all, Kyoya's the worst at keeping in touch, Tamaki is the one who talks to everyone the most, and Haruhi is the best out of everyone when it comes to giving enough time in between while still definitely caring (though they all care about each other regardless)
BSD hehe 😈 I can't wait to hear about certain reactions from you, and I hope you like it. I diced in head over heels to the point where I bought all the novels like a week after I started watching the anime lol but I've read already 6 of the 8 total and they are so so good.
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uncovering-sumac · 2 years
I did it! I wrote my first article!
Although that means now people will read what I wrote… eek. Maybe I should have thought this through.
4 Bars You Should Know in Sumac, by Del Blaushild
Hello, Sumac! My name’s Del and I’m the new tourism writer in town. I never got to meet the last writer, Pat Davies, but I’ve been reading a lot of his articles, getting to know him just a little bit. For my first article I’ve taken one of his old pieces and updated it, revisiting his recommendations and adding a few of my own. Let’s get started!
1. Sprout’s
A controversial favorite on the corner of West and Maple, this bar and grill has held the award for Best Vegan Restaurant for three years in a row. When Pat visited after their first win, a crowd of plant-rights activists had been demonstrating outside for hours. “They’re upset because we’re not afraid to stick to our traditions,” the owner Dave said of the demonstrators. “They may not like it, but nothing’s ever gonna replace plants. Think of a veggie burger. The taste, the texture- no dry, flavorless hunk of meat can come close to that. Americans love plants, and that’s just the way it is.” Three years later, Dave seems to be right. Sprout’s still draws a healthy crop of locals, and curious visitors stop by for a chance to taste the controversial “Veggie Lover’s Pizza.” During my visit I didn’t see any protestors, but a few posters were taped up outside showing vegetables being diced and soybeans being pressed into tofu in graphic detail.
2. Rosencrantz & Guildensterns
Brother-sister duo Frank and Becca opened this Sumac mainstay ten years ago, hoping to create a place “where friends can get together, talk about books, and make weird art.” Their bar is a popular hangout for Sumac’s creative types, who donated the paintings hanging on the walls and have featured it as a location in countless short films. In his original article Pat wrote about the friendly people and spectacular taxidermy assortment, which are both worth a visit on their own, but I also want to shout out their music and poetry parties on the first Friday of the month. Attendees bring records and play them backwards, then everyone writes down what they hear and writes poems out of it. If you’re lucky, you may even see Acacia the cat on one of her weekly visits.
3. Ozzie’s
This bar’s location on the edge of Candor Lake attracts locals and tourists alike. Even in the dead of winter, patrons will sweep snow off the benches on the wide deck to enjoy the view into the steep basin of the lake. An affordable happy hour and weekly live music keep the bar bustling year-round, and the new owner is keeping it cleaner and safer than ever. Sumac’s lake-watching club also meets here. Founded when its members were young kids, this close-knit group of nature enthusiasts has recently started gaining new members due to its welcoming and relaxed attitude. The small group of retired men who made up the club when Pat visited has grown into a diverse group with members of all ages. I learned an amazing amount about freshwater fish while sitting with the group, and the bartender makes a mean margarita.
4. The Ellicott Inn
What list would be complete without Sumac’s oldest establishment? Built in 1810 by Nathaniel Ellicott, the inn has hosted figures such as Rosetta Douglass, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Kate Gleason, as well as countless Western New Yorkers visiting to take the waters of Candor Lake. On its first floor Gertie’s Tavern serves up historically accurate dishes from the town’s heyday, while the second and third floors still function as an inn. Go on the Sumac Haunted History tour and you’ll finish here, as the ghosts of Ellicott and his family are said to roam the halls to this day. The stable boy, who spent most of his free hours in the tavern in life, is said to appear beside you if you sit alone at the bar, and he’ll challenge you to a drinking contest. What do you get if you win? Nobody’s ever won, but my guess is some kind of medical record for liver damage. Pat recommends the Fox-sister-style seances, which I haven’t had a chance to attend but which he says are thrilling and most fun with friends.
Thanks for reading, Sumac! I look forward to doing more of these and getting to know the town better. If you’ve got a spot for me to visit, or any information about Pat, please write to me or stop by the tourism office. See you again soon!
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happy-krystin-day · 2 years
We're 19 and We're on Fire
Hello, baby! Happiest birthday. I can't believe we're 19. We are so fucking old now haha. Feels fucking bad. I don't want to grow old, it's the scariest thing in the world, y'know! The uncertainty, the ambiguity of it all makes me want to throw up.
Anyway, thank you for being there for me (as always). Like c'mon! Aren't you supposed to be sick of me now? Haha! This year has been one roller coaster of a ride. We graduated high school, got into univ, gained so many people—lost some of them, too. But one thing remained constant: we're still the matthew-krystin duo that I've come to love waaaay back in 8th grade.
I love that I made this Tumblr page. I've decided to tone it down on social media (I'm probably not gonna commit to this, as always). But I'll try hard to be more "in life" than "on phone" in 2023. Isn't this neat? We have a whole Tumblr page for us! This is too iconic hahaha.
Okay enough with the ramble, here comes the sincerest (I tried) birthday greeting for the one and only Krystin Biscocho!
First of all, baby, I know you've been down these past few weeks—hell—even months! Please know that I'm always here to listen to you. I'll always try to reserve a time lengthy enough to listen to your rants, a place secured enough to pamper your cries, a heart willing enough to always treasure the greatest friendship that is ours.
Thank you for always believing in me. Every night, when I feel like I'm working hard without anyone rooting for me, you always somehow appear. Then I get sucked in back to reality: Krystin's always got my back, then I stop worrying. Thank you for giving me that power. I hope that you will carry with you the same power wherever and whenever—I'm here, always believing in you as well.
Allow me also to apologize on behalf of my friends who have harmed you. They just don't know the real you and honestly, it's their loss. This year, I've become so obsessed with how people perceive me. I guess it's one of the downsides of studying in the Ateneo. You get so conscious, the people make you conscious. It didn't help that I got Grindr cuz that got me soooo obsessed with male validation lmao! We are so problematic, lemme book an imaginary therapist for us. But one thing that I realized is that what other people think of us really doesn't matter at the end of the day. It sounds so cliché, but it's so true! I hope that when people you don't love judge you, you'll come to neglect them, because first of all, who are they to say something about you when they haven't experienced being comforted by you after getting harassed by straight guys in the middle of the night? Who are they to say something when they haven't seen you mourn a relationship you treasured for three years, only to be ended by the fear of what's to come next if said relationship is to be continued? Who are they to say something when they don't know you at all? Your complexities, your identity, YOU.
Listen, baby, if they got something to say, LET THEM FUCKING SAY IT. Free yourself from the stress of it all. Protect your peace. Only the people you love and the people who matter to you should be heard. Choose which criticisms to take, and which to throw into the void.
This is getting quite long, so I'll end this with one of my favorite poems (I've been so obsessed with them huhu). This one's by my fave, Louise Gluck.
The Evening Star Louise Gluck
Tonight, for the first time in many years, there appeared to me again a vision of the earth's splendor:
in the evening sky the first star seemed to increase in brilliance as the earth darkened
until at last it could grow no darker. And the light, which was the light of death, seemed to restore to earth
its power to console. There were no other stars. Only the one whose name I knew
as in my other life I did her injury: Venus, star of the early evening,
to you I dedicate my vision, since on this blank surface
you have cast enough light to make my thought visible again.
Thank you for being my first star—thank you for being this Earth's Venus. And like the fiery red that is Venus, may we proudly sing: WE'RE 19 AND WE'RE ON FIRE! I love you, baby. Happy 19th birthday.
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amethyst-drem · 2 years
I only got one (1) feedback and that was enough
Ok so! The Tommy that first joined MCC up to like, MCC 6 was SMPEarth Tomzo. This is particularly obvious in MCC 4 where Techno, Phil and Wilbur have some hostility directed towards Tommy which lines up in SMPE with how Tommy's enemies with all 3 of them.
MCC 7 is Tommy from DSMP! This is when we start to see him more in the Lmanburg uniform and multiple hints to Lore. This ties in with the Christmas MCC when Tommy and Tubbo were understandably awkward since this was during exile arc.
–>In Halloween 2020, he was turned into a ghost because he didn't have a costume and his last minute idea was "Cosplaying as Schlatt" which is a funny nod since his back up costume is a suit, but we can also view this as Tommy cosplaying the emperor of manburg at the time of the MCC.
–>after MCC 13, Lore started to kick up in DSMP and doomsday happened. I wanna believe that Scott saw c!Tommy having extreme problems so he decided to postpone the MCCs for maybe a month or so, he planned for it to continue in March then Tommy dies so it's postponed again. And then c!Wilbur got revived so Scott decided to just leave that version of Tommy alone.
MCC 14 until present is definitely Origins! Tommy. This ties in with how around this time, OSMP starts to gain more traction and a Scott variant being in this server. It works with how this Tommy is having more fun with Niki and Tubbo, both friends of his from MCC, and his lack of excitement around Vikkstar, who he doesn't know in MCC.
–>In MCC 15, he teams with Fundy and Philza, again, both of which are his friend and Dad respectively. There's a noticeable increase in paternal jokes from both Tommy and Phil. Connor gets along with him cuz everyone likes Connor.
–>Now, MCC 16 is by far my biggest proof. All 3 of Tommy's allies are from Origins. The one that sticks the most is Ranboo and their Rommy bit. Around this time, allium duo besties / soulmates /platonic marriage have started to circulate around more in the OSMP circle. And the streams that follow this that directly references Rommy also contains lots of clips of Tommy flirting with Ranboo jokingly. It just doesn't seem like a thing that dsmp! Allium duo would ever do. (All of this /p don't be weird. I have to say that cuz people like to say shit)
Aside from AALLLL this, Wilbur and Tommy really starts to nail down on the Dadza bit. And as we all know, Tommy is only canonically Phil's child to two (2) servers at the time. The 30smp one and Origins. Considering that 30smp died immediately, Origins is definitely our go.
–> MCC17, Dream and Tommy actually got along. There's no way that's c!primeboys. Nuf said
>MCC18, Phil and Jack. Yeah
Now MCC 19 is weird. It features Sapnap as his ally which ties nicely with the fact that at this point in time, Sapnap and Tommy allies with each other due to c!Dream excaping. And the fact that Phil is also there, knowing that they also start an alliance to protect Tommy, albeit a shaky one. But I wanna say Origins SMP because of Sneegsnag. Now, it is possible that Scot picked Tommy and Sneeg from origins while Phil and Sapnap was taken from DSMP but why would scott ever make it that complicated.
Last but not the least, MCC 20. I feel like it's gonna follow the one from the MCC prior. So if I interpret MCC19 to be c! Tommy, then this one is gonna be dsmp and the same goes for the other one. Might need more input honestly. I'm not sure yet.
In MCC 21, it seems like it's gonna be O!Tommy again based on the team. I really can't imagine c!Tommy being teamed with Dream. He wouldn't like it right now. He's too stressed. I don't want to put the raccoon in stress.
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kouomi · 4 years
Family Secrets
Summary: How long would you be able to keep your relationship with your brothers’ best friend a secret? (F!reader x Suna Rintarō)
Warnings: slight jealously (basically none!)
Word Count: 3,813
A/N: the beginning of this is a little rocky sorry about that(it’s explaining a lil background I didn’t know where to put it)! This is also my first fic for Haikyuu and on this account so sorry if anything is off!
Posted: March 3rd, 2021 6:26 am EST
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Having two older brothers isn’t easy for any girl. Especially if those older brothers are twins and especially if you were all in the same year at school.
Everyone at your school knew you as the Miya twins little sister and while you hated the title it was one that you’d had since you were born so overtime you grew used to it. You constantly lived in their shadow, especially when they started playing volleyball so in an attempt to gain your own title you started playing as well. You’re a setter for the girls team at Inarizaki, set to take the position of captain next year once your current third year captain is out of high school.
Your practice had just ended and after taking a quick shower in the locker room you headed to the other gym where the boys team was still practicing, silently slipping in the door and sitting on the bench.
“Little Miya is here!” Akagi exclaims, a few heads turning to face you. You give a small wave without looking up from your phone, rolling your eyes at the familiar sound of your brothers starting a fight.
“Why are you here?” Osamu asks on one of their water breaks, staring down at you from where he stood.
“Mom won’t let me walk home alone after practice and Yaku wasn’t here today.” You explain with a sigh, “So I have to wait for you two.”
“I forgot we’re going home today.” Atsumu groans, “She’s gonna kill me.”
“He failed the maths test.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles past your lips, Atsumu glaring at you and your other brother as you laugh at his expense. He starts going on about how it wasn��t his fault but you don’t pay much attention, instead your gaze meeting another a few meters behind him. Almost as soon as you lock eyes they look away and you do the same, resisting the blush that tries to rise up your face.
After another thirty minutes of their practice they’re finally let go, everyone else on the team heading towards the dorms while you, Atsumu, and Osamu make your way towards the front gate.
“There’s at least two girls on my team that have a crush on you guys.” You add to their conversation after listening in on them talking about their fan girls for the past ten minutes.
“Eh? Why would someone like ‘Samu?” Atsumu asks.
“You literally have the same face.” You blink, watching as he goes to argue but can’t seem to find any words that work in his favor.
While the twins on either side of you kept talking you pulled out your phone, a small smile crossing your face as your fingers danced across the screen to reply to a text. You’d turned down your brightness and tilted your phone closer to your face so your brothers wouldn’t be able to read anything but they still eyed you suspiciously, silently sharing their questions with each other over your head.
“Y/n? What’re ya doin?” Atsumu asks, making you turn off your phone and shove it in your pocket.
“Texting my team.” You answer coolly, “Some of us actually have to put work in outside of practice.”
“Oi it’s not my fault yer a vice captain and we’re not!”
“What about organizing makes you smile like that?” Osamu asks. You cringe at his words; of course he’d be the one to pick up on that.
“When did this turn into twenty questions?” You ask, voice slight squeaking as you spoke.
“Does our baby sister have a boyfriend?” Atsumu grins, resting his arm on your shoulder.
“No, and don’t call me that! You’re not even a year older than me!” You exclaim, shoving his arm off and picking up your pace so you walked ahead of them instead of between.
“Hey, get back here!”
After dinner with your family you sat in your room, repeatedly setting a volleyball into the air above you and occasionally groaning as you hear your brothers through the thin walls of your home. While you were practicing your mind wandered to how close you’d come to being found out by the duo all because of a stupid smile. You’d managed to hide your relationship for nearly five months now but it was getting harder and harder, especially considering your boyfriend was one of your brothers close friends and teammate. You’d wanted to tell them before but it would just cause unnecessary awkwardness and maybe even distrust among the four of you so you decided to keep it secret. It did make things more interesting sometimes but also immensely difficult to find places you could go on dates without risk of being caught, as things as simple as texting nearly exposed your relationship.
Your train of thought is interrupted by a knock on your window, the volleyball above you coming crashing down on to your face when you turn to look at the source of the noise. Rubbing your nose you stood up and crossed the room, gasping lightly when you see the main topic of your thoughts standing on the branch of the tree outside your window.
“Rin?!” You whisper yell after pushing open the glass, sticking your head outside.
He flashes you a small smile as you reach out to help him inside, leaving the window open behind him in case he needed to use it as a quick escape route.
“What’re you doing here?”
“Thought I’d stop by.” He responds, reaching out and pulling you towards him with one of your hands before his arms snake around your waist, “We haven’t hung out in a while.”
“Ya could’ve just waited til tomorrow.” You say though find yourself melting into him, “‘Tsumu and ‘Samu are literally on the other side of that wall.”
“Well I was on my way to the store and thought I’d stop by.”
You shake your head with a sigh as your arms move around his back, one of your hands between his shoulder blades and the other on the back of his neck. He leans down, face hovering in front of yours for a moment before you close the space between you and press your lips to his.
“You really can’t stay.” You mumble, pulling apart momentarily to talk.
“Just for a little bit.” He says, pecking your lips again before lowering his head to the crook of your neck.
“Rin.” You warn though your words lose any authority when he presses a delicate kiss to your jaw making you subconsciously lean closer into his grasp with a slight intake of breath.
“Okay, maybe just a bit.”
You feel him smile before he peppers your neck in kisses, one of his hands moving up to lightly hold the side as his thumb gently pushes up your chin. You turn and press a kiss to his temple before you angle your head up and to the side, giving him more access as you both take a few unstable steps back until the back of your legs hit your bed. Slowly you fall back on to the mattress, Suna following and hovering over you with one of his hands hooked under your lower back.
“Hey Y/n?” He asks quietly, thin eyes baring into your own.
You hum, eyes flickering away for a moment to brush some of his hair out of his face.
“Can we take a nap?”
Your face falls at his question before a small laugh bubbles past your lips, “We can’t, my brothers might walk in.”
The middle blocker gives a disappointed groan before he lays down on top of you, his head resting on your chest as his arms encircle your waist.
“Just five minutes.” He mumbles.
Before you could respond you heard a loud crash from the wall next to you followed by shouting and a yell of your name. The color drained from your face as footsteps approached your room, Suna quickly jumping up and scanning the room for some where to hide. You jester towards the window and he narrows his eyes before climbing out, nearly slipping as he steps on the branches of the tree.
“Y/n!” Atsumu yells as he throws open your door, “Help!”
“What do you-“ Before you could finish your sentence the boy in front of you is tackled to the ground by a flash of grey hair, the two rolling around on the ground of your room.
“Give it back ya asshole!”
“I can’t! I already ate it!”
You watch with wide eyes as they fight, neither paying much attention to you as they carry whatever they’d started on in your room. Even being their sister you had a hard time distinguishing between them with how fast they were moving around, flashes of grey and blonde the only indicator of who was who.
“Stop! You’re gonna knock me over-!” Your words are cut off by the heavy sound of you being sent to the floor, yelling as you’re unwillingly dragged into their fight.
“What is wrong with you two?!”
“He ate my Onigiri!” Osamu exclaims, narrowly missing a punch to the gut, “I spent two hours making that!”
“It’s not my fault ya left it out!” His twin yells back, using his knee to keep down one of his opponent’s legs.
“You’re fighting over food?” You ask exasperatedly, hissing when your hair is violently yanked to the side. As you tried to pull yourself free from their tangle of limbs a swift fist swings into your eye, a yelp of pain leaving you as you reach up to cradle your face.
“Look what ya did now!” Osamu says, reluctantly pulling away from your brother and kneeling in front of you.
“Yer both stupid ya know that?” You hiss, cowering away when a hand reaches out towards you.
“Shit- Y/n I’m sorry, are you okay?” Atsumu asks, any previous fight now long forgotten as they both crouch in front of you with concerned looks.
“Is it bad?” You question, lowering your hand and cringing when you notice their eyes widen.
“Ya think you could pull off purple eyeshadow?”
You groan before taking his hand and letting him pull you up, walking towards the small mirror on your desk and withering at the sight. The area around your right eye was already red and starting to turn purple and swell, reminding all three of you of the strength the brothers had that they often forgot about.
“‘Tsumu, stop eating everything you see, ‘Samu it’s kind of your fault for leaving it out.” You sigh, watching them both deflate and go to argue with you before looking back at your eye, “Now get out.”
“Are you sure? I can getchya an ice pack or somethin?” Atsumu asks but you shake your head.
“Just go, I’ll be fine.”
They reluctantly walk out of your room, flashing you an apologetic look as you trail behind them and close the door with a heavy sigh.
After inspecting your eye a little while longer you pull out your phone, scrolling through your contacts for a moment before finding Sunas.
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You roll your eyes but still do so, cringing at the sight of the ugly purple that’d started to develop before you hit send.
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The next day you after you’d gone back to campus you’d gotten a lot of questions about your eye, especially once you went to your morning classes. You’d started to grow annoyed with the persistent, never ending same question over and over and by the time your free period rolled around you were ready to spend the rest of your day in your dorm. On your way to the front of the building you stopped at your locker, unable to resist the smile that pulled at the corners of your lips when you saw your favorite food sitting in a bag next to your books, a small note attached to the top.
Hope you can see this with one eye
You tuck the note in your pocket before pulling the food out of your locker, making your way towards where you and your friends always met up for lunch. They seemed surprised about your black eye and thankfully didn’t bring up the topic after you explained the story behind the ugly mark.
“You know, some of the boys on the boys volleyball team are pretty cute.” You hear one of the girls say, effectively gaining your attention.
“Especially the second years.” The girl next to you say, “No wonder the twins have so many fan girls.”
“You guys are gonna make me throw up.” You groan, wrinkling your nose at the thought of seeing your brothers in that light.
“Hey, you can’t deny that they’re cute!” She giggles, shoulder bumping into yours as she does so, “Maybe you could set me up with one of them.”
“In your dreams.” You scoff and she frowns.
“What about Suna?” Your other teammates speaks up. You have to resist the urge to shut down the conversation, not wanting to hear other girls talk about how attractive they found your boyfriend.
“Hm, now that you mention it he is pretty handsome.” Another girl weighs in, “His eyes are kind of hypnotizing.”
“What do you think Y/n?”
“I guess he’s cute.” You shrug, trying to seem nonchalant as you refused to make eye contact.
“We should go to the boy’s practice after ours.” Your friend suggests, “We can just watch for pointers.”
“Kori is trying to pick up a new boyfriend!”
As the rest of your team continues laughing and talking about the boys team you find yourself pulled into your own thoughts, worries and insecurities already working their way into the confidence you had in your relationship. What if one of the other girls made a move on Suna? Would he play along with it just to keep the guise of being single? How far would he let her go? Would he realize that he wants to be with someone other than you? Perhaps someone prettier?
By the time you were brought back to reality everyone else was already packing up their things, forcing you to shove the thoughts in the back of your mind though they whispered to you through out the rest of your classes.
“Alright you girls can pack up, we’re done for the day!” Your coach announces. You walk with the rest of your team towards the locker rooms with a towel wrapped loosely around your neck, your breathing heavy from the effort from practice. You were excited for it to finally be over and be able to spend the rest of the night with your boyfriend, though your plans are quickly thrown off when someone calls your name from the other side of the gym.
“Y/n, I need you to stay behind with the third years.” Your coach says making you inwardly groan though you still nod and jog towards the small group.
“You know where we’ll be Y/n!” Your friends call out, waving as they close the door to the gym behind them.
The extra practice goes by painstakingly slow, another half hour passing before you were allowed to shower and leave. You practically ran to the other gym, internally panicking at the thought of what you might walk into when you pushed open the doors.
Finally you made it, wasting no time in stepping into the familiar room and quickly scanning the people littered through out. You notice a few groups split off talking to each other, rolling your eyes as you see Atsumu flirting with the girls around him while Osamu stood next to him with an unamused expression. Moving on from them you looked on the other side of the gym, finding your boyfriend standing on the corner of the court.
Relief floods you as you begin to approach him though it’s short lived when you see the girl standing a little too close for comfort. Suna had his signature neutral expression as he spoke to her, not even flinching when she lays a hand on his bicep and steps closer, looking up at him with a coy grin. A sick feeling makes it’s home in your stomach as you watch them and how unbothered he seemed by it all, even giving her one of his rare smiles. You find it harder to believe it’s all an act, that his actions weren’t genuine and he wasn’t actually entertaining her advances. Maybe he was thinking about other options; he had to be tired of how secretive and sneaky he had to be with you and was looking for someone else, someone he could be public with. Maybe you were losing him.
The final straw for you is when you see her hand trail up to hold his face, the action chilling you to the bone and sending you across the room. You’re quickly within range of the two as you approached from behind the girl, Sunas eyes meeting yours and lighting up slightly.
“Oh hey Y/n, I didn’t know if you were going to make it.” Your teammate smiles, her hand still resting on Sunas arm as she turned around to talk to you.
“Yeah. So, what’s going on?” You respond, getting straight to the point as you shift your weight uncomfortably.
“Just having a little chat with Suna here.” She responds, turning towards the man in question so she was practically shoved against him now. You not so subtly cringed at the action which he took notice to, finally taking the opportunity to throw the girl off.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” Suna says, peeling himself away from your teammate and stepping closer to you, “Ready to go?”
He tightly loops an arm around your waist, his thumb running up and down on your uniform clad hip. You’re caught off guard by his sudden public display but quickly cover it with a smile, feeling relief flow through you as he distances himself from the girl.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting.” You say as your arm goes behind his back, “Coach had me do extra practice with the third years.”
“It’s fine, Kori was here to keep me company.” He responds, both of your gazes flickering to the girl who stood almost dumbfounded next to you.
“Wait are you two...?” She asks, neither of you quite answering though the answer was heavily implied, “Miya? With someone like you as a boyfriend? Either you’re lying or-“
You notice Suna roll his eyes before he pulls you flush against himself, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours in one swift motion. You melt into him as your hand reaches up to cup his face, pulling away with an ethereal smile.
“Or you’re really good at lying.” Kori finishes, blinking at you both as if she’s trying to catch up to the sequence of events. After a few moments of the three of you intensely staring at each other she gives a smile and walks off to your other teammates by the door, a rapid conversation bursting out amongst them complete with constant glances and gasps.
You cringe at the sudden, all too familiar yell of your brothers as they quickly push through the girls around them and rush over to where you stood. Suna tenses slightly and turns towards them, his arm loosening so you could stand beside him though it still stays comfortably wrapped around your body.
“What was that?!” Atsumu exclaims, eyes dancing back and forth between you and his friend, “The two of you just...”
“Are you... dating?” Osamu asks, narrowing his eyes slightly as he spoke.
“Yeah.” Suna answers, watching as their expressions fall and they look at each other before back at you.
“How long?” The blonde questions.
“Five months.” You respond this time.
“Well it was great talking to you but we better get going.” You say, gently pushing Suna towards the door in an attempt to escape your brothers.
“Hold on a minute,” Osamu says, as they work their way between you and your boyfriend, “Suna, do ya really think ya can get off that easy datin our precious little sister?”
“Didn’t you give her a black eye?”
“That’s besides the point! Ya know if ya do anythin to hurt her I’m gonna-“
“Why would I hurt her?” Suna interrupts, the three Miyas turning to face him, “She’s my girlfriend, I care about her.”
It’s silent for a moment as your brothers stare in surprise, their minds finally catching up as they search for something else to say.
“Tsumu if you keep this up I’m gonna tell em about your little crush.” You say before they can start again, watching as his face loses color and his expression falls, “And ‘Samu I’ll take all of your cookbooks.”
“... Yer safe for now Suna.” Atsumu says quietly, giving his friend a soft glare.
You take this as an opportunity to escape the twins, wasting no time in quickly making your way across the gym and out the double doors. A breath you didn’t realize you were holding finally leaves your lungs, Suna looking down at you and noticing how exhausted physically and mentally you seemed. Silently he laces your fingers together and gives your hand a gentle squeeze in an effort to help you relax even if it were only slightly.
“We don’t have to hide anymore.” You say quietly though it’s loud in both of your ears, the sentence one you’ve been wanting to say for a long time. Suna responds by pulling your hand up to his face and pressing a kiss to your knuckles before letting your interlaced hands dangle between you. It was a luxury you hadn’t yet been able to experience, holding his hand out in public. Something about the simple action made your heart flutter, your eyes flickering towards Suna momentarily before back towards the path. It was as if you were confirming your relationship, announcing to the world and more importantly your brothers that Suna was your boyfriend.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” Suna asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Just admiring.” You answer, smiling as he gives you a weird look before squeezing your hand.
“I think I’m gonna like this.” He mumbles, abruptly pulling you into himself by your hand.
You stumble for a moment before relaxing against him, your arms finding their place wrapped loosely around his neck while his hold you firmly in place by your waist. Your hand cups his cheek as you lean closer, stopped centimeters away close enough for his breath to dance on your face and lips to barely graze your own.
“Me too.”
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dork-empress · 3 years
Singing In The Dead Of Night Ch 2
Harley and Barman set up a playdate for their wards.
forgive the long post, i'll edit and clean it up when im home. chapter can also be found on my ao3, url in the description.
Harley made it back home, which was actually the manor of some billionaire who only really used the house for tax purposes. Harley had taken it over when Lucy came to live with her, deciding she needed more room, and they quickly changed it to suit their needs.
“Luuuucyyyy, I’m hooooome,” Harley called out to the manor, heading through the living room/gymnasium.
Lucy was balancing on the beam by her hands. “Never heard that one before.” She went into the splits and stayed on one hand.
Harley looked over her form. “Point your toes more...there ya go.” Lucy did as recommended. “I got candy for dinner!” She dumped her stolen lollipops on the table.
“I already ate, Aunt Harley,” she said, “I made extra pasta if you want.” She pointed over to the kitchen, before switching hands and flipping herself over.
“Oh,” Harley said, going over to make a plate, but feeling like ants were crawling in her skin. “You know, you don’t have to call me your aunt when it’s just the two of us,” She said, swirling her fork through the noodles.
Lucy shrugged, “Force of habit. Plus it’s a good idea in general, ya know, in case someone’s secretly listening in or we mess up some other time.”
Harley shrugged her shoulders. “Makes sense,” and it did, but it still kind of hurt. “You can have the lollipops for dessert though. You like cherry?” She tossed her the red candy.
Lucy looked down at the wrapper a second. “Can’t, I’m allergic to the red dye.”
“Oh,” Harley said, silently cursing herself. That was something that mothers should know about their kids, allergies and crap. “Well. Lemon then?”
“Sure!” They traded the lollipops, and Harley sucked on hers between bites of the pasta. Sweet and savory combined, delicious.
Lucy swung her legs as she sat on the beam. “Does...my father have any allergies?”
Harley blinked at her. Did Joker have any allergies? It was hard to say. Even now, Harley didn’t know a lot about the Joker. That’s how he liked it. “Best not to talk about it,” she said instead, “In case of those listening things or whatever.”
Lucy hummed, but didn’t seem satisfied. “Hey,” Harley said, trying to distract her from the ‘dad’ talk, “You wanna go out with me tomorrow?”
Lucy brightened, jumping a bit, “Where are you gonna go?”
“I dunno,” she said, “Go lookin’ for trouble. Let the trouble find me. Punch out a couple people but only if they REALLY deserve it!” And maybe if they only kinda deserved it, Harley thought.
Lucy hummed again, thinking. “I dunno. I think violence often begets further violence, and while it is occasionally necessary, efforts should focus more on the community building and personal improvement area.”
Harley blinked at her. Right, she was a reader, Delia had mentioned that. Not unlike Harley at her age, really, although Harley had focused on psychoanalysis instead of philosophy. “Ah, of course,” she said, “Well, what do you wanna do?”
Lucy thought for a second. “Well, there was this girl I wanted to go inspire to fight her eating disorder.”
“Oh,” Harley said nodding. It was a noble cause, really, but...also seemed really, really boring. “I...sure!” she smiled.
The truth was, when Lucy came out to live with Harley full time, she had really thought they would be a lady dynamic duo, a proper partnership mother/daughter team. But Lucy wasn’t much like Harley. Or, she was but, she was different, a goody two-shoes. Or, a goody tutu. Ha.
More than that, she followed a strange sense of logic that was oddly reminiscent of...Harley didn’t even finish the thought.
“You don’t want to go, do you?” Lucy asked.
“Hmm? Of course I do!” Harley said, “I’d do anything with you sweetheart,” she gave Lucy a wink, then went to the kitchen to hide her facial expression.
She didn’t see that Lucy had followed her until she was directly behind her. “Oh, Jesus!” She said, clutching her heart, “Gotta look out there, sweetie. Almost brained ya!”
“Is Dad like me at all?” she asked, head tilted to the side.
Harley blinked at her. She felt like her bones were shaking inside her skin. “Why would you ask a thing like that?”
Lucy spun a little in place making her tutu swish. “I’ve been reading about him. People think he’s crazy. I mean, he says it. But that’s not what your records say.”
Harley frowned, backing away as though physical distance would get her out of the conversation. “What’re you goin through my records for? What, are you a snoop?”
“They got published after one of your arrests,” Lucy said, “Other people were more interested in the little notes you left in the margins, but--”
“Alright, stop.” Harley said, hand clutching her lollipop stick so tight it might break. “Look, Mr...your father is mean and cruel and manipulative, and nothing like you! He wants to drive other people crazy, and for some people, self included, he succeded. But I grew out of it as best I could and now...you don’t need to worry about him, ok? He ain’t ever gonna know about ya, and he ain’t ever gonna find ya. Got it?”
Lucy hesitated a second and there was something strange in her eyes. Something familiar. “Got it,” she finally said.
Harley lightened, smiling at her. “Why don’t we play a game or somethin? You like Monopoly? I make up my own rules!”
Lucy smiled, “That sounds nice,” she said, all bright again. As they set up the game, Lucy said, “You don’t have to come with me tomorrow, by the way. I can take care of myself.”
“You sure?” Harley asked. Lucy nodded. For the rest of the evening, Harley felt like something was…off.
She slipped the burner phone out of her pocket. She typed, ‘Wanna set up a playdate?’
“She called it a WHAT?!” Damian said, nose wrinkled in disgust.
“Aww,” Tim said, over by the batcave computer, “Little Damian’s got a plaaayydaaate.”
“I will end you, Drake.” Damian snarled, fingers twitching for his sword.
“Enough,” Bruce interrupted the both of them. “Damian, if it helps you can think of it as a mission.”
“I thought I was forbidden from Robin duties for the next two months.” Damian said, arms crossed.
Bruce groaned. “Harley has taken in a ward, her niece Lucy. She has some petty crime charges, but from my recon, she’s not a villain. Harley wants her to spend time with someone her age, and I need someone who will watch over her.”
“Watch out for her, or watch out because of her?” Damian asked, scowling.
“Oooh, good question,” Tim said, still at the computer. “Hey, how come you didn’t set me up with vigilante kids?”
“Because you found them on your own,” Bruce shot back, “Look. Damian, you just have to spend the day with her. Follow her around, help her out as long as it’s not hurting anyone. Don’t let her get killed. Invite Jon if you want.”
“Uggh, Jon’s off world with his Dad,” Damian said.
“Oh right,” Bruce said, massaging his temple. “Why do interdimensional crises have to happen at the worst times?”
“Why is it we need a plural for interdimensional crisis?” Tim asked.
Bruce gave him a side glance to let him know he was coming up on the line that breached from ‘annoying’ to ‘problem Bruce will deal with.’ “Damian…”
“Fine, I’ll do it,” he said, “But I won’t be her friend by you forcing us.”
They met up with Harley at a neutral location downtown on top of a party goods store. “Hiya Batsy, Hey Bird Boy!”
Despite himself, Damian liked Harley. She was usually of a like mind about which villains did or didn’t deserve to live, but he didn’t tell Batman that. “Harley,” Batman said, “Where’s your niece?”
“Just doin some high-wire practice.” Harley said, “Lucy-goosey!”
From the side of the building, a girl faulted up from where she was hanging on the flagpole. A girl wearing a tutu and white paint. “Nice to meet you, Batman,” Lucy said, “Aunt Harley’s told me….a lot of mixed things.”
“YOU!” Damian said, before he could stop himself, and all three of the others turned to him.
Lucy trotted forward on her tiptoes. “Have we met?” She asked, tilting her head, and looking him up and down.
Damian swallowed. “Uhh….”
“Blackbird!” Lucy said, and swooped him up into a hug, “Oh, I knew you were a Robin, why’d you lie to me?”
“Blackbird, huh?” Batman said, and he couldn’t see, but he knew there was a very pointed eyebrow being raised at him.
Damian, still being swung like a ragdoll by Lucy, tried to gain his balance. “I didn’t...I mean I wasn’t…”
“We’ll talk about this later,” Batman said, “You kids go on, I have something to talk about with Harley.”
“Kids?!” Damian said, offended, especially that he was going to be left out of whatever this conversation was. But in doing so, he left himself vulnerable as Lucy pulled on his cowl to the edge of the building.
“Come on, birdy, whatever color you are. The city awaits!” And she jumped from the roof, grappling on outcroppings to reach the street safely. Damian grumbled, but eventually followed.
Harley looked to Batman, and her face fell. “He’s out there, isn’t he?”
Batman gave one slow nod.
Lucy skipped everywhere. It was very irritating, because it was faster than walking, but slower than running, so hard to keep pace. Also,it was just very perky, which made it hard to sulk.
Lucy claimed she had deliveries to make around town. Something about girls who were bullies in high school and were treating others poorly, but it was only because of the societal pressures that were put on young girls of America and...and thats about where Damian lost interest.
She carried a cartfull of boxes like a damn girlscout, and left them on the girls doors. Damian could have followed in his sleep...except there was something about one of the boxes….
“What’s in that one?” Damian asked as she brought it to the next home.
“Huh?” Lucy said, “Same thing as in all of them, some cookies, a letter, balloons of course and--”
“It’s beeping,” Damian said.
Damian didn’t wait any longer, he grabbed the box out of her arms and tossed it as high into the sky as he could, tackling her to the ground. The box then exploded.
Lucy gasped in excitement, clapping her hands together. “Birdy, look at it! It’s fireworks!”
Damian growled, jumping off of her and taking out his sword. “I knew it, I knew you were up to no good.”
Lucy tilted her head. “Whatcha talkin about, Birdy?”
“You--” He pointed to where the box was still smoldering. “You were going to put a BOMB on that girl’s doorstep!”
“I didn’t put that there,” Lucy said, getting up with no care of the sword pointed at her.
“You-” Damian stammered. “What?”
Lucy bent down and picked up a scrap of paper from the ruins. “Change of plans for the evening, Birdy!” Lucy said, “We’re going puzzling!”
She tossed the paper at him and he grabbed it quickly. It read ‘I’ve the tallest of trunks and thickest of stumps, a switch in the breeze, but I’m no tree. What am I?’”
They came quickly to the elephant pasture at the zoo. Damian couldn’t help it, he held out his hand for the elephant. She reached out her trunk and wrapped it around him. He couldn’t help but laugh.
Her baby came forward this time, trotting on new steps. He was already the size of a small horse, but he stole Damian’s heart all the same. He tried to bowl Damian over like a large puppy, and Damian couldn’t help but laugh. “Didn’t know you could laugh, Birdy,” Lucy said, kneeling over a shady patch in the enclosure.
Damian’s scowl returned. “Stop calling me ‘Birdy,’” he said, “You can just say ‘Robin,’ if you want.”
“But aren’t there other Robins?” Lucy said, fiddling with something, “I’d love to call you something unique to you.”
“There’s already a Blackbird, you know.” Damian said, continuing to pet the baby elephant.
“There is?” Lucy asked, “Picking a superhero name is HARD. I’m still trying to get Commedia to stick. You know, like, Commedia del arte? But I’ll end up getting called ‘Tutu girl’ or something if I don’t watch out.”
Damian gently pushed the elephant away, seeing what she was doing. She was hands deep in another box like the one they’d found in her cart. “Careful, it could be another bomb.”
“Fireworks,” Lucy corrected, “and I already diffused it.”
Damian leaned down, looking. She had indeed done so, quite efficiently. “How did you know to do that?”
Lucy smiled, “An uncle of mine taught me. You’ll meet him.” She dug further into the box. “I wouldn’t mind some more fireworks, but I don’t want to scare the elephants.” She pulled out another slip of paper.
“This has all the hallmarks of The Riddler,” Damian said, “We have to be careful. He might have bombs all over the city.”
“Fireworks!” Lucy corrected again, “And, probably. See, we already have the next clue!” She waved the paper and read out “Can you hear me make a sound, only when you are around.”
“Of course you can only hear things when you’re around.” Damian said, frowning.
“But only when someone’s around does it make a...Oh!” Lucy said, jumping to her feet, “An echo! We have to go somewhere there’s an echo!”
Damian sighed, “I have an idea.”
Technically they weren’t IN the Bat cave. They were at a far entrance to it, another end of the cave system. So he wasn’t breaking any rules. “Hey, is that Wayne Manor?” Lucy asked. “I tried to break in there once, but they have some crazy rich person security system.”
“Funny that.” Damian said, trying to seem completely ordinary.
Lucy stood at the edge of the cave and yelled into it. “ECHO!” listening for the echo in return. She skipped into the cave, humming all the way, the sound bouncing off as she went.
“Lucy?” Damian said, following her, “Don’t go too far, there’s all sorts of--” He heard a squeal and rushed forward.
He stopped short, his flashlight falling on Lucy. She waved at him to put it down, squinting. “Look here!” She brushed aside some dirt to find some rusted over metal. “Isn’t it fascinating! This cave system must go on for miles! Maybe people hid treasure there!”
“It’s just the old mining system,” Damian said, truthfully. “It’s all blocked off.”
“That can’t be hard to undo,” Lucy said, intrigued by whatever lay beyond.
Damian grabbed her hand before she could continue. “We have to catch the Riddler. There has to be another package here.”
Lucy sighed, but nodded. She took his arm with the flashlight and swung him around the cave. “Ah! There.”
She took the package and skipped out of the cave. “Careful!” Damian urged. “Come on, just diffuse it.”
“Nope, not these ones.” She tossed the package high in the sky, and Damian saw the fireworks light up.
He felt his phone buzzing, no doubt Tim could hear an explosion out here, not to mention Alfred. They’d come investigating fast enough. He leaped up, grabbing the fallen slip of paper, and grabbed Lucy again to pull her along. He read it quickly and passed it to her as he made his way away. “Even in the city scape, nature comes to take its place.” Lucy read. “It must be the park!”
“No,” Damian said, still pulling her, “I mean, yes, that is the answer to the riddle, but that’s not where we’re going.” He texted the police to inform them of the location of the hidden package so they could diffuse it, and dragged Lucy away.
The original Gotham Ice Cream shop was one of the oldest remaining buildings in Gotham, although was clearly closed for the night.
Damian saw a flash of green from the kitchens and rushed inside, finding none other than the Riddler standing there. “Stand down, Riddler,” Damian said, holding out his sword, “We’ve got you now!”
Riddler snarled, backing into a defensive stance. “Robin! How did you possibly find me?”
Damian smirked, “The beginning of each clue was clearly spelling out your final location. I-C-E. I didn’t need to follow 5 more clues to figure that out.”
Riddler cursed. “Those clues weren’t for you! They were for--!”
Lucy came skipping up to join Damian. “Hi, Uncle Eddy!”
“Lucille!” Riddler said, immediately warming. “I had so many sights around Gotham for you to see, why’d you go skipping to the end?”
Lucy skipped up to him, and Damian was once again left dumbfounded. “My friend Birdy here isn’t much for riddles, I think,” she said, “Although he enjoyed the elephants! And he knew about the mining carts in the caves, I want to explore those later.”
‘Uncle Eddy’ hugged Lucy, and Damian came to his senses, “THIS is your uncle?!”
Lucy shrugged, “I mean, that’s what I call him. I met him when I was visiting Aunt Harley a few years ago.”
“I heard you had moved to Gotham full time,” Riddler said, “I wanted to be sure you saw the sights. But the bat-brats have to ruin everything I suppose.” Riddler glared at him, and he glared right back.
“I don’t-” Damian started, but cut himself off, “You can’t just be leaving BOMBS around the city!”
“Fireworks!” Lucy and Riddler both corrected.
“Whatever! They’re explosive and they’re dangerous!” Damian hated having to be the safety one. It felt wrong.
Riddler rolled his eyes. “He’s just as much a barrel of laughs as the big one.”
“Aw, he’s sweet, really,” Lucy said, coming over to Damian and linking their arms. “Aunt Harley and Batman set us up on our own little playdate.”
“It is NOT!” Damian said, squirming away from her, “It is NOT a playdate.”
“Uncle Eddy, can my friend Birdy have some Ice Cream too?” Lucy asked, ignoring him.
Riddler and Damian glared again. “Fine.” He pushed his own bowl of ice cream towards Damian and went to get his own. “It’s MYSTERY flavor!”
Damian looked at it hesitantly as Lucy sat down to enjoy. Riddler went back to the kitchen. “It’s coconut,” Lucy said, “But Uncle Eddy likes to think it’s a mystery, so I let him.”
Damian frowned at her. “You’re really weird.”
“Thank you!” Lucy said, patting the seat beside her. “Come on, even you had to admit you had fun today.”
Damian thought about the elephants, and skipping around with Lucy, and watching the fireworks at the mouth of the cave, and seeing her all excited about mining carts for some reason. “Fine,” he said, “But it’s NOT a playdate.”
“Alright, alright,” Lucy said, digging into her ice cream. “Just a regular date then.”
“I--” Damian started, his head exploding with so many protests that he ended up just short circuiting. Lucy continued chowing down on ice cream like she didn’t say anything of importance. So, Damian just sat beside her, and ate his own.
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good-rwbyaus · 3 years
Emerald Bargirl AU: well, since you bought it up.
What does Emerald think of the prior batgirls, and what was her first meeting with them like?
Glad you asked~
if Dick is her big brother then Barbara Gordon is Emerald's cool older sister
Emerald didn't know what to expect when she heard there was a genius information broker called Oracle who fed intel to tons of heroes including the already damn smart Batman
Finally being sent to meet her at her headquarters inside a Vale clock tower and being greeted by a beautiful redhead in a wheelchair was definitely not something she knew to expect
Barbara of course gives Em her blessing to be the new Batgirl after explaining to the flabbergasted young woman that she had been the first to hold that title
The two of them design Emerald's Batgirl suit together and share some laughs over Barbara's recollections of prior bad outfits, both for herself and the Dynamic Duo. "It took HOW MANY Robins before he gave them pants???"
After a month or so she feels comfortable enough to address the seated elephant in the room, and her horror in learning what some lunatics would consider a "practical joke with a few lead jacketed buddies" is understandably overwhelming. Barbara assures her that none of the family will let the same thing befall one of their own again, and Emerald is definitely one of them now
Sometimes Em will come to the clock tower just to chat over tea, and Barb always regales her with the latest tale of some hero accidentally leaving their comm on and saying something embarrassing or stupid.
Y'know how canon Emerald couldn't stand Ruby's cheerful attitude at first? Combine that with all the clash of personalities she had with Yang and you've got something close to the whiplash of meeting Stephanie Brown.
She knew Barbara had told her there had been a few Batgirls between her original tenure and Em taking up the cowl now, but this girl? She seemed more at home in a shopping mall than on a dark rooftop. That changed quickly the first time they patrolled together and she saw Stephanie fight. Girl was trained well, and took the job seriously
They have become the closest of friends, practically sisters, and Stephanie is definitely the one to help her gain a proper social life and live a little as a real teenager
The bonding really started when they swapped backstories and Em learned why Steph called herself Spoiler. Foiling your own dad's crimes because you just want him to come home and be a father? That's rough, buddy. But Spoiler? For real?
Naturally Stephanie is also happy Em has become Batgirl and thinks she's gonna be great at it, especially when she learns about Emerald's "super cool Semblance!!!!"
They definitely go for runs together out of costume and do some people watching afterwards.
Emerald’s first thought upon meeting Cassandra Cain was to make a gimp suit joke
Her second and more rational thought was to fear for her life before she had even uttered a syllable because this girl radiated deadly vibes and Em was the one taking over the Batgirl name directly from her
She waited for Cassie to say something first, out of courtesy and fear she’d say the wrong thing if she lead the conversation. That wait lasted about 5 minutes before Tim cut the tension and told her Cassie was mute
After shaking hands and being told Cassandra’s name from Tim, Emerald nervously rambled about how she hoped the other woman wasn’t too upset that she was taking her spot as Batgirl and that she would try to learn sign language so they could communicate going forward... only to be met with laughter from the more senior Batfamily members. Cass revealed she actually could talk but had been taught communication through body language by her assassin parents to make her a better fighter, and all Emerald could think to say through her embarrassment was how useful that kind of skill must be. 
Just like the others Cassie gives Emerald her approval to be the new Batgirl, and the two enjoy comparing and complimenting each other’s costumes
As time passed Em has become acutely aware of Cass’ terrifying mastery of combat and sheer strength. Nevertheless, she’s come to treat Cass like her sweet baby sister whom she wants to protect and support. She knows Cass could easily protect herself and Emerald while she was at it, but it feels nice and Cassie appreciates it too. 
She does learn sign language and the two use it to have secret conversations and inside jokes the rest of the family won’t know about. No one has the heart to tell Em that Bruce can also understand sign language and knows they’re making jokes about him
With her sharp reflexes, Cassie is the only person besides Bruce whom Emerald can never get the drop on with her Semblance
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yeongwvnhi · 4 years
Them as your college boyfriend
Pairing - Oneus x genderneutral reader
Genre - fluff, angst, suggestive (yet again the whole package)
Warnings - bullying, language, nosebleed, two vague mentions of sex (for the jokes) but of course nothing explicit
Taglist - @twancingyunhoe
Word count - idk,, sth between 1k-2k words
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Most likely your seat mate or classmate first of all
Since he's such a sweetheart everyone loves him
A lot of girls in your class probably have a crush on him
He befriended you at the start of the first semester because he just immediately liked you (platonically at first)
Guess that didn't sit right with some of your fellow classmates
Let's assume you're not his seat mate for this
The jealous girls who sit behind you are talking shit about you and laughing
Some might even throw balls of paper at you with insults written on them
Of course Youngjo notices that something isn't right because you're acting weird
He's going to ask you repeatedly what's wrong
But you won't tell him because you think it's silly and that they will just stop
Of course it sadly doesn't work like that
The girls go even further,, purposely hitting your shoulder when passing by
Or tripping you
They even go as far as to spread rumors
And when they finally reach Youngjo he's going to be FURIOUS
First of all he's going to look for you to comfort you
But when he sees the girls in your class cornering you he gets mad again, yelling at them to back the fuck off
They try to pretend like they don't know what's going on, but quickly run away when he looks like he's gonna explode
Youngjo is going to hug you tightly and tell you that it's going to be okay and that he's there for you anyways
And even though this is a shitty timing, tells you that he really likes you
Of course you say that you like him back and he asks you out djjxjdg
After that he'd quickly make it a point that both of you are off-limits and he'll protect you
Will probably walk you to all your classes, even if you don't share them and give you a kiss in front of the classroom
Nobody messes with you anymore and you finally found nice friends
They always tease you for Youngjo being so protective, but they're not serious because they understand where he's coming from
And because he's a little shit you bet your ass he will always manage to give you at least one hickey
Because he's possessive but in a good way 💔
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You only share one class with him and that is chemistry
He immediately caught your eye from the first lesson you shared because he sits diagonally in front of you
Ironically he was kind of late on that day and clumsy him forgot his pencil case
So he turned around and went "pssst"
When you looked up at him, confused and all, he shyly smiles and asks if you've got a spare pen
Lucky for him, you never leave the house with less than two pens, so you lend it to him
"You can just give it back when we see us next time" you tell him and he thanks you a few times before going on to do his task
After that day you couldn't get that small encounter out of your head
Why? Because the two guys behind you gossip a lot,, saying Seoho is mean and cold etc
So next week when you have that class again Seoho sits down next to you instead of his original seat
He smiles at you and holds out your pen towards you "Thanks a lot for last week, you really saved my ass"
You tell him it's no big deal and introduce yourself to him finally
Turns out it's very fortunate for you that he decided to sit next to you now because you're not getting anything the professor is teaching
Seoho sees you struggling and kindly explains everything you don't understand
After that the two of you become really close and even hang out after classes to grab something something drink or to eat
This goes on for a few months before you finally just gain the courage to talk to him about your feelings
"What did you want to talk about?" He asks you after your classes for the day are over, the two of you met behind the building for more privacy
"I uhm... realized that I really like you... I just wanted you to know that" you tell him rather quietly, but he heard it all very clearly
"I really like you too, Y/N!" Seoho smiles brightly at you when you meet his gaze, and asks if you want to go out with him
Of course you say yes!! Jxjdnh
So since you knew he wasn't a big fan of PDA or skinship in general you never really initiated much of it unless he decided he wanted to hold hands or hug you
Of course that went differently when you weren't in college
Mostly he was chilling over at your apartment/house/dorm after classes were over for the two of you
He loves to give you random kisses out of nowhere or just grab your hand to play with your fingers
If you were over at his place, you'd just be chilling somewhere or you'd be laying in his lap and taking a nap after a stressful day while he was stroking your hair
But there were also days where he texted you in the middle of a lecture to meet him in the hallways of the toilets
When you got there he just pulled you behind the corner to make out with you for a good two or three minutes just to walk away shortly after, telling you that's all what he wanted
"Are you serious?! I hate you" you'd grumble and walk away, pissed off because he left you all riled up
Whenever he did that, you'd straight up ignore him until classes were over just to get him all whiny and clingy, begging for your attention and saying how he was sorry
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You two befriended each other during the last year of high school and coincidentally enrolled into the same college, so you were glad to have someone you knew
Sadly you two didn't share a lot of classes, so you only saw each other during the breaks or after classes were over
But you had each other's number so it wasn't all too bad
He'd often text you during his free periods how he was so bored and that he hated the teacher he had for the next class
You'd jokingly tell him to stop being a baby and to toughen up
Of course he'd get cocky and say how he already was tough since he works out a lot, always getting you flustered when he (jokingly) offered to demonstrate it to you
Everyone knows the two of you as the bickering duo because you're always at each other's throats, but the second someone says something mean to one of you it's on sight
Geonhak always (again, jokingly) complains about how difficult or annoying you are, but he'd never let someone bad-mouth you on his watch
You also bet that he's always going to pick you up when you've got a shared class next or when classes are over
And he's going to walk you home (whether that be actually home or just the dorms)
Right from the beginning everyone just automatically assumed y'all are dating
But you aren't ✨surprise✨
Of course Geonhak soon realizes that he actually has feelings for you
And the second he's sure of it, he tells you
Like... in the middle of the walkway on your way from college
Of course you're perplexed and need a few seconds to comprehend what the hell he just said to you
When it finally clicks, you tell him that you feel the same
I swear the cutest, most wholesome smiles breaks out on his face and he hugs you
Catching you off guard yet again, but you hug him back
From then on the two of you stopped denying the questions about dating, and all your friends are like "we knew right away"
Even though Geonhak also isn't big on PDA or skinship, he doesn't mind holding your hand or giving you a quick peck here or there
But behind closed doors he's just a giant teddy bear, always wanting to cuddle
Or, well.... or he's gonna be pinning you against the next best wall the second you two are alone
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He's your seat mate in all the classes you share
Which are... literally almost all wnjdjdjfh
You're just bound to become friends, so lucky for you that Keonhee is such a nice and cute guy, trying to help you out whenever he can
For example that one time when you forgot your P.E. bag in the last classroom and were just on your way back
There was Keonhee, meeting you halfway and handing you your bag with a chuckle and ruffling your hair "be careful with your stuff" He jokes and smiles before leaving
That's what made you fall in love with his unnecessarily tall ass in the first place
You decided to be subtle about your feelings and just opted for asking him about stuff concerning your curriculum or assignments more often than usual
But Keonhee isn't stupid, of course he noticed how you seem to be initiating more conversations with him
He didn't mind at all though, he thought you were cute and he already knew that he had a crush on you
Keonhee was also rather popular among the girls, so you decided to not get your hopes up just in case
Well lucky you because he decided he wanted to confess to you on a Friday to give you time with your answer
So he asked you to meet him behind the gym after your P.E. class, saying he's got something important to tell you
That phrase left you on your toes all day and you had a hard time concentrating in your P.E. class
Which led to you getting a volleyball right on your nose, causing it to bleed and someone had to take you into the gym's infirmary room so you could lie down
At least your nosebleed stopped after 5 minutes, so you washed up and checked if your nose was okay
Luckily your nose is fine and you can continue class with your mind now more focused on paying attention
After class is done, you wash up, get changed and then realize that Keonhee is waiting for you behind the gym, making your brain go haywire
When you meet him, his gaze instantly falls to your, still red tinted, nose
"What happened? Are you okay?" He immediately worries and gets in your face, flustering you unintentionally
"N-Nothing! Just a small accident!"
Keonhee pouts cutely and playfully scolds you for not being careful
Then you remind him that he wanted to tell you something
You watch him get nervous but that doesn't last long when he puts his big hands on your shoulders and meets your eyes
"I uhm I really like you, Y/N" He blurts out and you blink a few times, perplexed
Keonhee takes that as a sign to leave, but you stop him and also blurt out how you like him back
A huge smile breaks out on his face and he hugs you excitedly
After a few weeks everyone on campus knew you were dating and Keonhee wasn't shy on showing his love for you at any time or place
He'd always hold your hand, have his hand on your waist or give you back-hugs
Also loves to make out in empty classrooms during breaks, but you didn't hear that from me
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Big surprise, but you've already been dating him before you entered college, so it was a huge bonus to hear you both made it into the same one
But sadly you don't share a lot of classes, so you always sit together during lunch and meet at who's locker is closer during breaks to talk
Word quickly went around and by the 2nd or 3rd week, pretty much everyone in the facility knew you two were dating and therefore off-limits
But of courseeeee it wouldn't be college without a little drama, right? So obviously there were girls who were hitting on Woong and guys/girls who were hitting on you
The two of have been dating for a long while though, obviously nothing would drive you apart
So the two of you had enough of the constant flirting that you just decided to be bold as fuck and made sure to make out whenever people were around who were hitting on you😳
Pretty soon everyone realized the two of you were happy together and FINALLY!! left you alone
But did that mean you two stopped being nasty in the hallways? Hell no
Your friends learned the hard way that it was better to not look for the two of you when you were gone during the breaks
Because one of your female friends had walked in on you two doing the dirty in an empty classroom at the end of a hallway 👁👄👁
Poor girl ran away for the sake of her eyes lmao
You two have no shame smh even the teachers make sure to leave you alone when you're not to be found at your lockers or in a hallway/the cafeteria
Surprisingly enough, you two were quite decent in your classes though
Your classmates would often come to you when they had problems with a topic
Woong and you even founded a study group for everyone in your year who needed help,, available every weekend aside from vacation
Everyone loves you guys even though you're nasties😭
At some point during the year there was a transfer student who didn't know you two are dating
So when he asked someone about your whereabouts, one of your friends deadass said that you're either eat each other's throats somewhere aka making out
Or that you were doing the deed
Poor guy thought they were joking and didn't listen to your friends' warnings and stupidly went looking for you
Instant regret is all I'm going to say here
So basically Woong is just your horny boyfriend who loves you to bits and pieces though and will fight anyone who dares to hit on you and vice versa
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Dongju is a transfer student and you got assigned to show him around and make him feel welcome
Of course you didn't mind and even though he looked really intimidating at first
He actually is really cute and a giant sweetheart 🥺
You became his first friend that day and you even exchanged numbers 👀
If he ever had a problem in finding a classroom or literally anything...
He'd come to you
He wouldn't even consider asking a teacher or whoever was close by
No, you were always his first option and I- he's so cute pls😭
Anyways,, after a month or two he got the important bits of the building down
You bet he will walk you to your classes and meet you after they're over
Because he just really likes you
And you quickly realize you like him too~
So you two meet up after the day of exhausting classes to get a bite to eat or have something to drink somewhere and talk about everything and anything that comes to mind
And a month or two again after getting even closer, Dongju decides to ask you out
He does it when you two are sitting in your usual cafe and you're so happy and excited,, immediately telling him that you'd love to go out with him
No one is surprised when they see you guys entering campus while holding hands and giggling to each other like little middle schoolers
But they all support you and wish you luck
Your friends will tease you for it but of course not in a mean way
Knowing that Dongju is a little inexperienced, you two take everything nice and slow and not rush anything
You tell each other whenever something bothers you, because it's important to build a relationship on communication and trust
Since Dongju is really mature, he handles everything like a professional 😳👍🏻
Your classmates are surprised about how you two never argue and just have such nice chemistry
I think that a relationship with Dongju is just very... well mature, because he handles everything so good
No one ever caught you two kissing in college or outside because you're not too big on PDA
It was mutually decided that holding hands and hugging is more than enough when you're out in the open
Doesn't mean you don't come to classes with hickeys on your necks occasionally tho 👀
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
She’s the Alpha - Part Two
Series Summary: Gen and Y/n have been together since they were in high school. They’re true mates. Only problem is that they’re both female and are unable to satisfy the other’s heat/rut. When Gen gets a job on Supernatural they meet Alpha Jensen and his Omega Jared.
Part Summary: Y/n and Gen begin to see the dangers of not having someone to help them through their rut/heat
Warnings: Y/n treated like an OC, smut, girl on girl smut, angst, fluff, cursing, violence, slight dubcon
Reader: Alpha Female Reader
Pairings: Alpha Female Reader x Omega Genevieve, Eventual Alpha Jensen x Omega Jared x Alpha Female Reader x Omega Genevieve
Word Count: 6,084
A/n: So, I know I said Jensen and Jared were gonna be in this part but I completely lied. This parted ended up being much longer than I originally planned and wanted to avoid making it too long. I swear to you they will be in the next one. I promise promise promise!!!! I said earlier that this was going to be a long series so two parts without Jensen and Jared is fine, you guys will get so much more of them from now on!
Part One
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You’re scent consumes the air within the room. It seeped under the door and began to spread throughout the house. Luckily, you and Gen had moved into your own place not too long ago. Although, despite it being your own space, you two rarely had the place to yourself due to not only your siblings but hers as well spending the night frequently. Tonight, however, you and Gen were alone.
Gen had made sure nobody would be over. She knew what was coming up. After being with you for 11 years she knew everything about you, especially the signs of your upcoming rut. She knew a few days ago that it was coming and made sure she would have you all to herself. 
The last thing she needed was for you to fall into your rut while her sister, who’s an omega, is in the house. She also wanted to avoid having either of her brothers, or your twin, at the house. It was either her sister try to shack up with you or the brothers try to fight with you. No, she wanted you all to herself.
This time it was different, however. Your scent seemed more potent. Your body temperature raised higher than it normally does. By the time Gen woke up, due to your restlessness, your entire body was covered in sweat and your scent was practically suffocating her.
“Y/n...” She mumbles, her hand rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. She breathes in deeply. Your scent consumed her. Her pupils widened with lust, her eyes landing on you.
She throws the covers and sheets onto the floor. She turns the fan on a higher setting before going to get some water. She knew you needed to take care of you and as much as she desired to wake you up to satisfy you, she knew you needed a lot of water. She also grabbed some food wanting to avoid leaving the room unless absolutely necessary.
By the time she returned your discomfort had grown. You were whining and trying to find a release while still deep asleep. She wasn’t surprised you were asleep. You would sleep through the end of the world if she’d let you.
Setting the water and food on the nightstand, she straddles your hips. Instinctively, your hands slide under the shirt to grab her sides. Gen smirks and tosses her night shirt off leaving her only in panties.
“Gen...” You whisper in your sleep.
“I’m right here, baby,” Gen whispers, hovering her body over yours. She peppers light and sparse kisses along both sides of your neck. It’s only when her lips graze the mark she made a little less than a decade ago did you finally wake up.
“Hmm... ‘mega,” You whisper, your hands tightening around her sides. Gen smiles lifting her head to look into your eyes. The two of you share a silent moment, simply gazing into the other’s eyes, before you snap.
Gen gasps quietly when her back suddenly lands on the soft bed with you hovering over her. You’re lips claim hers. Gen whines not bothering to put up a fight for dominance. Normally she’d entertain you but right now she knew what you wanted, what you needed.
“Alpha,” Gen whines against your lips.
“I need you,” You whisper, trailing your kisses down the sensitive side of her neck. She leans her head away from you, moaning when you nip at her scent gland and whimpering when you suckle on your mated mark just below the gland.
Your rut’s and her heat’s are always tricky. While you could give her and she could give you mind blowing orgasms it never completely satisfied either of you when you were like this. You couldn’t knot her and neither of you had considered getting outside help.
You didn’t want to suggest adding someone to your duo. To you, Gen is enough. It didn’t matter to you that she couldn’t completely satisfy your primal desires. It’s only a short period of time every couple of months. Outside of that time, Gen is absolutely perfect. You didn’t mind suffering a bit of discomfort for her.
“Let me take care of you,” Gen whispers. You raise your head and press your forehead against hers. Her eyes gaze into yours as her hand travels down your bare stomach.
You growl, wanting her to go faster. Gen smirks a bit, happy to have a little bit of control. Her hand slowly slides into your underwear. A low moan ripples through your chest as her fingers glide up and down the slit.
“Push one in,” You growl in her ear. Gen does as told electing another moan from you. “Curl it,” You whisper trying to keep your voice strong but slowly succumbing to the pleasure.
Gen curls her finger, massaging your g-spot. She begins to go off on her own as you focus on the feeling rather than telling her what to do. She thrusts her finger in and out, each time she does she spends a moment to rub the roof of your cunt. She adds another finger when you manage to choke out an instruction. She picks up the pace when you begin to grind on her hand.
Her legs rub against each other as the moans and pants coming from you turn her on. She could feel her own wetness soaking her panties but she knew you needed to get off first.
To help you reach your climax sooner, she applies pressure and circular motions against your clit. Your fists clutch the pillow at the sides of Gen’s head. Growls mix with your moans and heavy breathing. Gen purrs in your ear and kisses your shoulder as she adds another finger.
You desperately wanted to rut her but you knew if you tried you would hurt her fingers. The last thing you wanted was to hurt her... in a way she or you didn’t gain pleasure from.
“I’m close, ‘mega,” You breathe, in her ear. She kept thrusting her fingers in and our of you, while adding stimulation to your clit, up until the last moment. She pulled her fingers out and continued to stimulate your clit as you reached your orgasm. She welcomed your weight as you practically collapse on her. “You’re so good to me,” You whisper kissing her neck. “So good, so beautiful, so perfect,”
Gen smiles, rolling with you as you lay on your back. She observes you as you rest against the pillow, regaining your breath. Her finger lightly traces along your jaw, down you neck, over your collar bone, to your breast and around your nipple.
Desire sprouts through you, your eyes snap to hers with an eager growl. You slither your fingers through her hair and bring her lips to yours. You kiss her with enough passion to make her see stars.
You push her onto her back. Your thigh slides between hers applying pressure against her pussy. She whines into your mouth.
“You’re ready?” Gen pants, when you pull away. Normally it would take you a few minutes before another wave of your rut hit but this time it was barely two minutes.
“What can I say?” You smirk, rubbing your leg against her clit. “You’re absolutely irresistible,” Gen moans, lifting her hips against your leg. “Besides, I gotta take care of my girl,” You whisper, taking a hand and moving it to her breast, rolling the nipple between your fingers. Gen moans, pressing her head against the pillow.
“B-but your rut...” Gen murmurs.
“I’ll be fine,” You reassure her despite feel it begin to take over you again. You felt the need to release, the need to knot something, but you also really wanted your midnight snack. 
Sliding down Gen’s body, you grab her legs and rest them on your shoulders. Your eyes glance to her, happy with the fact that she was already watching you. Keeping your eyes connected, you lick up her slit. Your fingers dig into her hips as your ears pick up the sweet sound of her whine.
You watch as she struggles to keep eye contact as you eat her out. Every time she looked away you would growl and vigorously suckle on her clit which would bring a high whine from her. Her eyes always returned to yours which you would reward with finger penetration and a g-spot massage.
“Alpha,” She growls, after you prevent her orgasm again. Her frustration amused you and turned you on beyond believe. However, it was getting to the point where you were starting to need a release. Your cunt was throbbing, it was painfully begging for an orgasm but you were determined to give Gen the orgasm she deserved.
Your free hand traveled down to your own pussy as you began to bring Gen to the edge again. You fingers mercilessly pumped in and out of her while your mouth worked on her clit. She was a whining, moaning, begging mess.
“Please, please, Y/n...” She pants, her back arching off the bed. “Alpha, please don’t stop... just don’t... fucking.... stop,” You moan against her as your own fingers enter your cunt. “That feels so good, baby,” Gen whispers, grinding her hips against you. “Don’t stop... oh... oh God...” Gen stutters her body freezing yet twitching. Her body convulses as she finally comes. You growl lowly, feeling her walls clenching and unclenching around your fingers.
Your fingers quickly stimulate your clit until your coming as well. Your face buries into her stomach as the both of you ride through your highs before slowly coming down. You relax against her, laying the side of your head against her stomach.
You hum softly feeling Gen’s fingers run through your hair. A lazy smile comes to your lips when her nails begin to scratch your scalp. She would have sent you to sleep if your rut didn’t come crashing through you again.
“Already?” Gen whispers, when you give her the look. You grin crawling up her body. You hungrily press your lips against hers. You straddle her leg and begin to grind against it. “Baby, wait... baby,” You ignore her and continue to kiss her face. “Y/n,” She says, finally gaining your attention.
“Yes, darling?” You ask, struggling to hold yourself back. She looks at you in concern. She lifts her hand and presses it against your forehead. Your eyes close as your head presses into her palm.
“Your temperature is still pretty high,” Gen whispers.
“I need you, Gen,” You whispers lowering your lips to hers. She humors you for a moment before managing to get you on her back.
“Will you drink some water for me?” Gen whispers, rubbing her hands over your shoulders and up the sides of your neck. “Please,” She begs kissing the edge of you lips.
“I just want you, baby,” You tell her, going to another kiss but she sits up. You whine when she gives you her motherly look.
“I want you to drink some water and then we’re going to take this to the shower,” Gen says, causing you to smirk.
“Shower sex, huh?” You smirk sitting up. She rolls her eyes playfully as your arms lock around her.
“Drink. Water.” She says slowly. She doesn’t wait for your answer. You refuse to let go of her as she reaches for the bottle and opens it for you. “Drink, Y/n,” Sighing, you give in knowing she wouldn’t let it go. You grab the bottle. The instant the first drop hits your lips you realize how thirsty you were. “Slowly, please... I don’t want you getting sick,” Gen says, but you hardly register her voice as you chug the bottle.
Gen frowns a bit and presses her hand against your forehead again. It practically burns just to touch. Your entire body is one step away from combusting. 
“Ok,” Gen says slipping out of your hold. You whine and reach for her. “Shower. Now,” She states knowing she needs to get your temperature down.
“Baby, come back, I need you,” You say holding your hands out to her. “Please come here,”
“If you want me, I’ll be in the bathroom,” She says, walking away. You growl watching her hips sway. You don’t even debate whether to follow her or not. She has her hooks deep in you. You follow her like a lost puppy.
You don’t even register her turning on the shower until she’s practically shoving you under the water. You gasp at the sudden wetness but then sigh in relief. You tilt your head back not even noticing that the water is set on the coolest setting. To you, it felt amazing.
Gen slips out of the bathroom to grab you some more water to drink. She also grabs ice packs and puts them in a cooler before setting the cooler by the bed. She didn’t understand why your temperature wasn’t going down nor didn’t she understand why your rut continued to come back so quickly.
Although, if she thought about it, it would make sense but she didn’t want to think about it. Every rut she had been through with you was like this but at a much lower rate. Rut waves are usually 45 minutes to an hour apart. Yours have always been 15 maybe 20 minutes apart. Now, they’re hardly two to three minutes apart.
If this is how your rut is going, she could only imagine how her heat was going to be. Her heat practically mirrored your rut because you both shared the same problem. A problem you were both going to have to address sooner rather than later.
“So, who’s actually coming?” You ask, preparing some food in the kitchen. 
“Umm, I know Sarah is coming but Johnny is working and Ben is out of town at the moment,” Gen says, thinking through her siblings while pulling out plates and silverware. “Did Omi ever decide if she was coming?”
“No, she’s not coming,” You shake your head. “Something about a date with some guy, I don’t know,” You shrug.
“She’s already going on a date?” Gen asks, pausing from whatever she was doing to send you a look. “Didn’t she just break up with Dave?”
“Like two days ago? Yep,” You nod, shrugging. “Haley, on the other hand, will be coming,” 
“Oh, good! Is she bringing her boyfriend?” Gen asks and you shrug. “Ok, um, what about Ash?”
“Last I heard him, Carmen and Zoey are coming,” You inform her. Gen gasps before squealing excitedly.
“They’re bringing Zoey?!” You wince at the pitch of her voice.
“I doubt they’d leave a year old child home alone,” You tease but Gen ignores you. There’s a knock at the door that has Gen racing to answer it. You laugh at your omega, shaking your head.
“Hey, sis,” Ash says, carrying a cooler into the kitchen. You greet him as he walks through and onto the deck outside. You laugh again as you listen to Gen going nuts over your niece. “What the fuck are you making?”
“I have no idea,” You mumble. “Some recipe Gen found on Pinterest that she just had to make me make,” Ash laughs shaking his head.
“You should have never shown her Pinterest,” You grumble in agreement as you toss the dish in the oven. Ash opens the fridge and grabs the burgers and hot dogs. He quickly slides outside when his wife comes into the kitchen. You laugh quickly catching onto the fact that Ash needed a couple moments to himself.
“Hey, Carmen,” You greet hugging your sister-in-law of 2 years. Ash had found his omega 5 years ago. While you weren’t surprised he had found Carmen you were surprised when he said he was moving back to town. Carmen wanted to live here, for some reason, and he’s never been able to say no to her.
“Y/n, you look beautiful,” She compliments, returning the hug.
“I see your pup’s been kidnapped,” You tease, seeing Gen holding the yearling securely to her chest. “You’ll never give her back,” Gen sends you a look before looking lovingly down at Zoe. 
“Maybe then I’ll finally get some sleep,” Carmen jokes. “I know Ash has been on the brink of insanity lately,” 
“So, he’s no worse than usual,” You shrug causing Carmen to laugh. There’s another knock on the door. “i guess you want me to get that one?” You ask Gen, already moving to the door.
“Shoo, shoo,” Gen says, slowly carrying the pup outside ruining your brother’s alone time. You laugh as Ash hangs his head when Gen and Carmen join him. The two instantly spark up the gossip talk. Ash will deny it all he wants but he crave gossip as much as a suburban mom.
“Hey, gorgeous,” Sarah, Gen’s sister, greets flirtatiously. You inwardly sigh and smile at her kindly.
“Hi, Sarah,” The smaller girl latches onto you, nuzzling into your chest. 
“You smell good,” She whispers.
“Umm, thanks,” You mutter, slowly prying yourself from her grasp. “Uh, Gen is outside with Ash and Carmen,”
“Did they bring the little pup?” She asks, excitedly. You nod causing her to squeal at a higher pitch than Gen hand. You groan holding your head as she dashes outside. You knew it would be a long day.
“Hold the door!” You turn your head seeing you sister jogging towards you.
“No, boyfriend?” You ask her.
“I am so done with men,” Haley groans rolling her eyes. “I think I’m gonna try the who lesbian thing, like you,” You roll your eyes closing the door after her.
“You do that and dad’s gonna be pissed,” You warn her. 
“Dad’s pissed no matter what you do,” She shrugs nonchalantly. “There’s no pleasing him. Besides, after your epic battle with him, the rest of us look like angels,” She winks at you.
“That was years ago,” You remind her.
“And nothing’s been the same since,” She hums walking towards the backyard. “I’m honestly surprised him and mom are still together,” 
“They’ve mated and claimed, it’s not like they can simply leave each other,” You remind her.
“I don’t know if I can do that,” Haley says sitting at the kitchen table. You grab a beer for the both of you. You motion for her to continue. “The whole commitment thing. I mean, we grew up as mom and dad as our examples of what being mated is like, I don’t want that,” Haley shakes her head. “I don’t want to mate with someone and be miserable for the majority of my life. It scares me,”
“It is scary,” You agree with her. “But not all pairs are like our parents. In fact, our parents are the rare percentage. Take it from me and Gen, even Ash and Carmen, we’re both happily mated. Neither of our relationships are remotely like mom and dad,”
“How are you and Gen?” Haley asks, with a small smile. “You two always seem so happy. If I’m being honest, I didn’t think you two were gonna last. Especially after the whole thing with dad. Then you marked her and shocked the hell out of a lot of people,” You smirk laughing a bit.
“Shocked the hell out of myself as well,” You tell her. “But when you know, you know,” You explain.
“You knew right away?” Haley asks.
“There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Gen was meant to be mine. I’ll do anything to make her happy and she’ll do the same for me,” You tell her. “You just have to be patient and wait for that one person,”
“It’s just hard to get out there, ya know?” Haley mutters nursing her beer. “I wish I was more like Naomi,” 
“Naomi doesn’t know what the fuck she wants,” You deadpan. “She jumps from person to person. She’s just as scared at commitment as you are, she just handles her fears differently,” Haley smiles a bit. You can tell your words were getting through to her. You glance outside noticing that Gen was still refusing to give Zoey up causing you to smile.
“I’m surprised you two haven’t tried to get a pup yet,” Haley comments. “I would have thought by now that you would be going through the adoption process by now,”
“Gen doesn’t want to try right now,” You tell her. “She’s still focused on her career and doesn’t want to go down that path right now,”
“She still trying to be an actress?”
“Yeah,” You nod. “She’s gotten a few gigs but nothing big yet, I have faith in her though,” Haley smiles sipping on her beer.
“Is that why you’re waiting to get married?” Haley pesters. You sigh shooting her a look. “You know she wants to get married, you’ve been together forever already. What’s stopping you?” You lower your gaze, sighing slowly. “Y/n, what is it?” She asks, concerned.
“Do you remember mom talking about the... complications that would happen if I mated with Gen?” I ask, lifting my gaze.
“She talked about a lot of things,” She reminds you. “What’s up?” You sigh, taking the seat beside her. Haley leans a bit closer. “My rut hit a couple weeks ago” You explain. “It got bad,”
“Bad?” Haley whispers, tensing slightly.
“My temperatures was through the roof the entire time. I was continuously chugging water, practically living in ice baths and cold showers,” You tell her. “The waves were minutes apart,”
“Holy shit,” Haley whispers.
“Gen’s heats usually mimic my ruts,” You growl clenching your fist. You hated the idea of Gen going through a difficult heat knowing there was little you could do about it. “It’s only going to continue getting worse as we get older,” I tell her staring at the table.
“Until you both go feral,” She mutters, you nod your head. You sigh running your fingers through your hair.
“I can’t marry her and say those vows knowing that I can’t give her everything,” You tell her. “I can’t promise to take care of her, I can’t promise to bring her eternal happiness, I can’t even help her through her heats,” You say, looking into her eyes. “I love her with everything I have but I can’t give her what she needs,”
“I know that this is serious, it’s a serious concern,” Haley says, firstly. “But you can make her happy, you do make her happy. You two will figure out how to solve this problem together like you always do. Don’t let this stop you from marrying her. She wants to get married and so do you. Get married, be happy,”
You smile a bit at her. You take her words into consideration. Your eyes go to your omega, smiling when you see her happily chatting with the family. You desperately wanted to give her a family of your own. You wanted to give her everything she needed, everything she deserved but you just couldn’t.
“Have you ever considered getting help?” Haley suggests. You glance at her “There are agencies out there that provide help to same sex pairs, single Alpha’s and Omega’s,”
“I’ve heard of them,” You grumble. “Not only are they outrageously expensive but I don’t know if I can trust them,”
“Are you worried that you won’t be able to trust them or do you not want someone else being with Gen?” Haley asks. You growl warningly making her back down slightly. You sigh finishing off your drink.
“Yes,” You grumble. Haley glances at you. “I’m worried I won’t be able to trust them...” You press your lips together. “And I don’t particularly like the idea of someone else touching my omega,”
The more you thought about it, the more tense you became. When you glance toward Gen again, she’s already staring at you. You can see the concern and curiosity in her eyes. You send her a tight lipped smile knowing it did nothing to pacify her thoughts.
“I get your concerns but I think you should look into it,” You clench your jaw, looking away from Gen. “At least talk to Gen about it,”
“Fine, but I’m done talking to you about it,” You snapped. Haley sighs understanding why you snapped but still feeling uncomfortable under your angry gaze.
“Hey, Haley,” Gen greets, coming inside. Haley smiles standing up. They two share some words before Haley gets the hint to go outside. “What’s up, baby?” Gen whispers draping her arms around you from behind. You close your eyes, relaxing against her. “Why don’t you relax for a little bit before coming outside?” You nod, tilting your head up towards her. “I love you,” She whispers.
“I love you too,” You pucker your lips causing her to grin. She kisses your lips lightly.
“Are you sure this is something you want to do?” You ask, standing in front of your omega. Gen gives you a nervous smile. “You don’t have to do this, baby,” You whisper.
“We’re going to have to try it eventually,” Gen whispers. You press your lips together. “It’s something we need to do,” She says, wrapping her arms around your waist.
The last few days Gen’s been showing signs of her oncoming heat. She’s been perfecting her nest while being practically glued to your side. Plus you could smell it in her scent.
“Just don’t leave me,” Gen whispers. Your arms wrap tightly around her.
“I’m not going anywhere, omega,” You mutter to her, purring in her ear. She relaxes in your arms before she’s pulling you back to her nest. You smile knowing she hates being away from it during these times.
A few days pass before Gen’s heat gets to the point where nothing you’re doing is helping her. You hated how she continued to beg for something you couldn’t give her. As much as you didn’t want too, you called for help.
By the time the agencies sent you someone, Gen had managed to fall asleep. You managed to slide out from under her and answer the door. The Alpha they sent was very large and bulky. You instantly wanted to send him away, your possessive and protectiveness wanted him as far away from Gen as possible. But Gen needed something he could give that you couldn’t.
“Y/n?” He questions, his voice gruff and deep. You nodded letting him into the house. “I’m Percy,” He introduces. 
You press your lips together and nod. You signs some papers and listen to what you call ‘the agency speech’. A speech you’ve been listening too since you considered them to help you. It’s basically a bunch of words used to help reassure you, and Gen, that this is the right thing to do. 
“So, where’s the omega?”
“Gen,” You growl. He ignores you and follows her scent. You sigh pushing down your annoyance before following him.
“It would be best if you stayed out of the room, I don’t need you trying to interfere,” He says, as if his word was law and you had no choice in the matter.
“You’re not kicking me out,” You growled. You could practically hear his eyes rolling.
“Look, I’ll take care of the omega, why don’t you go get some coffee or something?” He suggests, entering the room trying to close you out but you don’t let him.
“Listen, asshole-” You start to growl when Gen begins whimpering. Your head snaps towards her.
“Alpha,” She whines, squirming in her bed. “Please,” She begs. Percy begins undressing and you instantly begin having second thoughts. Before you know it, Percy is climbing on top of Gen and it takes every ounce of control you have to stay back. 
“Easy, ‘mega,” Percy coos. You growl not liking him calling her omega. She’s your omega and someone else calling her that angers you.
“Alpha,” She whines, her eyes searching for you. “Wait, Y/n?” Percy ignores her and kisses down her body. You quickly walk so that you’re within her eye sight.
“I’m right here, baby,” You promise. She whines, squirming under Percy. Her distress instantly begins to blend into her intoxicating scent. You could feel the alpha within you pushing out.
“Stop, stop, please,” Gen says, suddenly pushing against Percy. “I don’t want this, Alpha,” She whines reaching for me.
“You heard her, stop,” You growl, glaring at Percy.
“Look, they all get nervous and try to back out at the last second,” Percy explains to you. “You just have to show her who’s the boss and follow through,”
“No, no, no, please,” Gen whines.
“Get off of her,” You growl, giving him a chance to walk away. Percy growls back.
“Why don’t you fuck off and let me show her what being with a real alpha is like?”
Snapping, you wrap an arm around his neck and drag him off of Gen. Your omega whimpers burrowing into her nest as if she were trying to disappear. Percy is quick to get up and throw his shoulder into your abdomen. You groan as he pins you against the wall. He leans back just enough to punch your face twice and your stomach once. He then grabs your hair and slams your head back into the wall before throwing you to the ground. He sends a strong kick to your stomach before marching back toward Gen.
Your entire body felt like it was throbbing in pain. If Gen wasn’t in the room, you’d be tempted to just stay down but you knew you couldn’t let him take Gen. Mustering up the rest of your strength, you push yourself up and tackle Percy before he could get to Gen.
He’s surprised by your attack and you know you have to use that to his advantage. You manage a few punches but you know they’re mere love taps to the large man. So, you rip the alarm clock off the bedside table and slam it into his head again and again as hard as you can. You yank the cord out of the wall, wrap it around his neck and pull as tightly as you can.
He begins to fight back. He rolls you onto you back and throws punches. Each punch hurts more than the last but you don’t relent. You can see the lack of oxygen begin to effect him until he eventually passes out, only then do you release him.
“Alpha?” Gen whimpers peeking her head out of the covers. You force yourself to sit up, groaning quietly as you move. Gen whines clutching the covers.
“I’m ok, baby,” You breathe. “Gen, I want you to go to the guest room and lock the door, I’ll handle this,” Gen whines, to terrified to move. You push yourself to a stand. “Come here, ‘mega,” When your arms open, Gen quickly leaps out of the nest towards you. “Come on,” She clings to you tightly as you lead her towards the room. 
“Stay with me,” Gen whispers. You smile, gently caressing her face. You press a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Give me a couple minutes, I’ll be with you,” Gen whines but releases you. You close the door before going off to deal with Percy.
Job Opportunity
When you woke up you felt your precious omega kissing down your neck. A lazy smile comes to your lips as you release a content sigh through your nose. Gen grins against your neck and continues to assault it with light kisses.
It pleased you to see her initiating intimate contact. Its taken the two of you months to get back to normal and even now it wasn’t the same. You understood, you were patient and never pushed her to go faster than her own pace.
When you think back to the night that Percy had come over you’re always surprised that you didn’t kill him. You wanted too. There’s nothing more you wanted to do than to kill him but the police took him away before your reserve could crack.
“Good morning,” Gen whispers in my ear before nipping at it. You grin, your hands sliding under her night shirt slowly. You pay close attention to her body language. You wait for her to tense or show an ounce of discomfort but she never does. You draw soothing circles with your thumb into her skin.
She smiles down at you. You notice her lowering her head to kiss you when you smirk and quickly flip the both of you over. She gasps as her back hits the mattress causing you to smirk amusingly.
“Good morning,” You whisper, staring into her beautiful eyes. Lowering your head, you connect your lips to hers. Instead of freezing, she relaxes into you. In return, you begin to relax onto her until your completely relaxed and laying on top of her. She smiles, slowly grazing her nails along your back as you nuzzle your head into her neck. “We should be sleeping,” You whine, noticing the time. “Why have you awakened me up at this ungodly hour?” Gen giggles a bit.
“Baby, it’s only noon,” She points out, scratching the back of your head with her new nails. You purr quietly causing her smile to deepen.
“Answer the question, omega,” You mumble, nipping at her neck.
"I couldn’t sleep last night,” She admits, softly. Slowly, you lift your head and look into her eyes.
“What’s wrong baby?” You whisper, concerned. She had been having nightmares but they were starting to go away.
“It’s not that,” She whispers, knowing where my mind was going too. “I have good news,” She says, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. Your concern washes away before curiosity pushes forward.
“What’s got you so excited, baby?” You ask her. She bites her lip and begins to sit up forcing you to move to the side. The two of you sit on the bed. You could feel her anxiety radiating off of her. Not understanding what had her so nervous, you pull her into your lap, purring to calm her down. Gen relaxes within your embrace. “Talk to me baby, what’s up?”
“I sent in an audition tape for a part on a tv show,” She explains to you.
“You did?” You ask, looking into her eyes. You begin to smile a bit but continue to look at her curiously. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I didn’t know if I’d get in or not,” She whispers, shrugging. You gently cup the side of her face and encourage her ton look at you. “I didn’t want to disappoint you if it didn’t work out,”
“Love, you couldn’t disappoint me,” You promise her. “You try so hard at everything you do. Tell me about it, what happened?”
“They liked the tape and said that they could contact me soon,” You grin, nodding eagerly for her to continue. “Well, they emailed me this morning,”
“And... I got the part,” Gen admits, with a sheepish yet excited grin.
“Oh my God! Babe, that’s amazing!” You shout, wrapping your arms around her tightly. “Oh man, I’m so happy for you! I’m so proud. Oh, so proud,” You grin holding her even tightly. Gen laughs snuggling into your arms. “Baby, this is great news,” You whisper, turning her head to look at you. The moment her lips are within range you’re kissing them. Gen pushes into the kiss, deepening it. 
“There’s a catch,” She whispers when she manages to pull away.
“What is it?” I ask, unable to wipe the smile off of my face.
“The show is filmed in Vancouver, Canada. I’ll have to move there temporarily. I don’t know for how long but if I accept then I have to go,” She whispers.
“If you accept? Baby, you’re accepting,” You tell her knowing this is what she wanted. “Don’t worry about the move, it won’t take us that long. Plus I’m sure the show will help us find some place to live. We’ll pack what we need and we can rent this place out to my sister, she’s been dying to get out of my parents house,”
“Wait, you want to go to Canada with me?” Gen whispers.
“Of course, I’m going to go with you,” You laugh, kissing her nose. “I’m behind you on this 100%. I’m with you the whole way, baby. You’re not doing this alone and I’m going with you,”
“So, we’re going to Canada?” Gen realizes.
“We’re going to Canada, baby,” You smirk, pulling her lips back to yours.
@akshi8278​ @vicmc624​
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So you see, I got this ever so compulsive urge to rewatch Tommyinnit’s Railroad war VOD after these past couple months, because I am starved of c!dream content especially the earlier days. And honestly with the knowledge gained from future events it’s rather interesting! This may be disjointed, but it’s just me rambling!
(Warning I won’t be writing c! For the characters because that is a lot of work, but I will only be referring to the canon characters and not the ccs)
First off, attachment is not a word anymore. Tommy and tubbo repeated that word during the beginning, I could practically taste Wilbur’s influence in the rp, not that it’s bad. Just really heavy handed.
So Dream dies, not a canon one, but pretty significant as it is the first instance of a minecart related incident. Just sorta stared of into the distance. He asks for them to save his stuff and they immediately start up with the attachment talk and about holding everything hostage for Mellohi, the disk given to Dream to gain independence. (Technically, my opinion, a disk Tommy is not owed.)
They know what they’re doing is not good and could spark another war despite the peace treaty, but they do it anyway. Tubbo going so far as to behind every one’s backs to stow away Dream’s sword.
Skeppy is also there, very pissed at Tommy’s ignoring and sorta sides with Dream as a friend during the insuing standoff in which they are both killed two to three times for resisting or trying to renegotiate. There is no sugarcoating that that didn’t happen or the duo didn’t know. They are kids and child soldiers hardened by one war and emboldened by the success of independence. Tommy is shanking Dream whilst wearing his armor.
This is also the conflict in which Tommy gets Spirit. Dream offers spirit to get his stuff back, knowing Tommy would use it against him, though I doubt even Dream could predict how.
Tommy was also trying to give skeppy spirit for cat, and honestly skeppy had the most respected response with a “fuck no, stopping trying to give me my friend’s beloved horse’s carcass” which is honestly the sanest thing done.
Honestly this all feels like real big set up for Dream’s unhealthy obsession with attachments, knowingly being without control or the safety of his gear, forced into choosing what is worth more, the attachment of spirit or the control of the disk. It doesn’t help that sapnap helped Tommy and tubbo out after the trade because they assumed Dream was carrying mellohi.
All Tommy and tubbo had to do was say that he might have it and sapnap just said fuck yea, I hate the green devil. And though I do love redeemed Sapnap and his dteam angst fuel, it sorta feels disconnected when I’m watching him referring to Dream as the devil after watching him say that his dream is gone in the prison arc. Especially after Sapnap eagerly and gleefully murdered dream looking for mellohi. Then he immediately turns again like it’s the fucking hokey pokey and says he’s being threatened which can’t be confirmed or denied because we don’t hear anything and Dream had no weapons because sapnap had just murdered him and what is even going on.
Tubbo has 50 sticks and Dream kills him, and know he has 50 sticks and that is the only thing he uses rather than the shank Tommy gave to him after “losing” Dream’s. Skeppys got lost in the mix Ponk was lurking and Wilbur told them to run and then scolded them for running. Tubbo would rather play fall guys...
Honestly, I’m so exhausted and this was just something I fixated on and they dumped my thoughts onto the internet 5 months after it was recorded. Maybe I’ll think of a clever theory about how this seemed to be a push That led Dream to spiraling down into the state in which all attachmentshe had could and would be used against. Not the main one but one of many rocks thrown against the glass of his mind, cracking but not yet shattering him. That sounded really fucking pretentious, but in all seriousness these are just my thoughts. Good night I’m gonna pass out.
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sugarydolli · 4 years
Orange Juice | [REPOST]
Title ~ Orange Juice
Word Count ~ 2k
Pairings ~ Leon x Chubby!reader
Warnings ~ Body shaming, Bullying
Okay but do y'all see my new icon like 🥰
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Repost from my wattpad storie lulz lemme send link 🖇️ https://my.w.tt/KjSStSQYkbb
"Come on Y/N," junko smirked "hes never gonna like you if your fat, keep throwing it up." You pushed slightly on your stomach to trigger more vomit.
With Junko standing behind you, taunting you as your breakfast pushed passed your lips.
You could see Mukuro start gather tissue for you to wipe your mouth off with.
You sat in class one day as the teacher rambled about nothing you cared about. The sun ran over the curve of your cheeks and lit up your (E/C) eyes as you were deep in thought.
"What if I was smaller"
"Would I be prettier?"
"Would he notice me?"
Not even noticing that class was over until two particular known sisters made their way over to you.
Junko slapped her hand down on your desk taking you out of your thoughts. Her sinister smile was a clear warning of her intentions which were obvious to you.
You expected nothing but harsh words, more things to make you regret your weight. But she unexpectedly had other plans.
Junko came to you as if she wanted to help you. She said she could make you look pretty. In your desperate state of mind you accepted.
Ever since then her way of making "pretty" was meeting her outside of the bathroom every 2-3 hours, practically shoving you face into a toilet and forcing you to gag your meals.
"Hey Junko.." you said weakly, your stomach aching being the 5th week you skipped lunch. "Did you ever find out what type of girls Leon is into?"
She thought about it while she chewed her food. "Why of course I did, and you know what he told me?"
You were practically leaning over the table, dying to know what the baseball player told her. "He said and I quote, "tight waisted bimbos with huge tits" end quote."
It felt like a spear ran threw your heart as you sunk into deep thought. "I'm sure he'll like you for who you are rather than what your physical appearance is Y/N."
"You filthy liar! I told her exactly what he told me."
"But Junko I was right ther-"
"Shut up!"
The thoughts in your head shut you out from the twins bickering. Your mind festering on the idea of fitting into Leon's type.
The sadness you felt turned into determination. Thinking about how you can cut out a few more meals, and exercise even more times a day. Wearing extremely heavy hoodies in raging hot weather to shed.
You were determined by the end of this month you'd fit his standards.
Standing up, you caught her attention before she shot another insult to Mukuro. "I think I'm ready now."
A large malicious smirk panned across her face, rising up from her seat. "Let's go."
You shoved two fingers down your throat, nearly missing your uvula. Not much at first shot out but as you progressed more and more came out as your throat burned.
Beginning to feel dizzy, you leaned against the bathroom stall. Not having the energy to continue the assault on your throat. Once you gained your composure you restarted, plunging fingering back into your throat. Murkuro held your hair back away from your face as Junko unbeknownst to you recorded your gagging.
You finished up rather quickly, wiping spit from the corner of your mouth. You rummaged through your backpack looking for your tooth brush.
You walked over to the sink ignoring a few girls who just walked in stares of confusion. The first thing you noticed was your cheeks, usually a soft looking round was now turning hallow.
Your body over all seemed to be getting slimmer over the past few weeks. So much so you'd start to get compliments and praised.
For once you've felt good about yourself, Confident.
Until, from an anonymous account you were exposed. Several videos of you forcing yourself to barf was posted on this account.
"This you?"
Mukuro texted you while you got dressed in your uniform. Sending the account.
As if the multiple videos weren't enough, pictures of your dazed expression began circulating. Tears threatened your eyes, you reported each video and picture one by one.
You went into school, head hung low as whispers and giggles could be heard around you.
You would look up to see several faces looking at you with disgust, some occasionally with pity.
Ultimately, you decided that you weren't gonna let this stop you from reaching your goal. Even if it was draining you.
Today being mile day in PE made you teensy bit woozy, but still you convinced yourself of the "benefits"
The long track taunted you, seeming like it stretched for miles. "You've never seen any interest in mile before, Y/N..are you sure." Your PE teacher placed a hand on your shoulder, giving you a understanding look.
You nodded gulping slowly before starting to sprint. At first it wasn't as bad (you told yourself) as you got about half way down the long course.
Your eyes were starting to get a bit heavy as you tried regulating your breath. The temperature only seemed to get hotter as you tried to block out the feelings.
"Was this a heat wave?" You asked your as you tried to push through. Darkness seemed to be clouding over your vision rather quickly.
And surely you passed out.
Condensation slid down your face making you wince. You blinked a few times before taking in the bright light on the ceiling.
You rose up quickly only to be pushed right back down. The school nurse, Mikan, giving a frighten shriek from your sudden movement.
"Please let me help you get up." Her worried tone, placing a hand on your back while you rose. "You passed out on the field." A quiver still in her voice.
Panic started to rise in your gut. "I..I did?" You didn't want to believe her words, seeing it more as an embarrassment than an health concern.
"A teacher carried you here with the help of a student." Mikan tried calming you down to prevent any other health problems.
Sadly her efforts wasted as you began to worry yourself on who the student was. Your nightmares only coming true when Leon suddenly walked through the door.
"Mikan is she alright? I heard talkin' and" Your eyes met sending a rush of pink to your cheeks. His pale blue orbs gazed into your F/C ones.
"Are you... alright?" Leon's gaze never leaving your eyes. Lips quivering to much for a verbal answer, you nodded.
Tears brimmed your eye line, you didn't want to met like this. This wasn't supposed to be this way. But his next words caught you off guard.
"Good. hate to see a pretty girl like yourself hurt." He followed up with a wink before sliding out of the office.
Awe casted on your face causing you jaw to open slightly. You were in shock, not even hearing Mikan rambling.
Once you were released from Mikan's office you headed to your locker. You managed to pick your jaw up off the floor but shock and awe still lingered.
You opened your locker open-mindedly. A small blush colored envelope fell out, you practically tore it open to see in somewhat messy handwriting:
A actual compliment..did I hit my head that hard? Am I in a coma?
Hey cutie ;), I'd call myself a hero for saving you today. How about you reward me with a little date later today?
- Leon
A squeal errupted from your mouth causing whoever around you a confused look. You were to caught up in your joy to even realize Junko and Mukuro making their way over.
A hand placed firmly onto your shoulder, turning you around to face them forcefully.
"Whaddya got there Y/N?"
Junko's tone too sweet for her own good, you held the letter up slowly in which she snatched it. "This has to be a fake." She said without looking.
Eyes widening, you look the letter back reading it over for any indications. The thought of this being some prank didn't even register to you.
"Well if you are going you know what you have to do" Her tone lowering to something darker. You have her a nod before once again walking to the dreadful bathroom.
You've grown tired of these plain walls as you stick a few fingers once again down your throat. Your senses activated causing you to hurl.
Junko chuckled, getting a sick sort of kick out your suffering. Mukuro narrowing her eyes at her sister, quickly sending a text to someone.
About five minutes later the sound of the bathroom door being slammed open caused you to rip your fingers out of your mouth.
Various shouts coming from behind the stall door as it was suddenly swung open. Leon stood in the frame with ishimaru not far behind.
The sudden appearance caught Junko off guard, almost dropping her phone. "Leon you can't just-" The short haired male turned his attention to the scene.
"Y/N...what are you doing?" Leon's face in confusion, you quickly wiped any remaining spittle off your chin before turning around completely.
Leon bent down, wiping your cheeks with his thumb. "I don't give a shit about your body, I like you just the way you are." He lifts you up, giving you a hug.
"Nothing, just a-" Junko was quick to cut you off. "A hard case of bulimia." Your hair fell down into your face, Junko continued to laugh.
She spoke in a bragging fashion as she told the two men of your dirty secret. Tears brimmed your lash line seeing Leon's eyebrows furrowed in disgust.
"And the funny part about it is...she it did all for you!" Leon's eyes widened, his mouth almost fell open as he quietly repeated her last few words.
"You told me that he likes small waisted girls and I-" a sob breaking your sentence, you fell down onto the bathroom floor sobbing uncontrollably. You felt hands gently pry your hands off your face.
Your usual small pink envelope fell right into your hands, causing a smile to stretch across your face.
You snuggle into his neck, now happy tears rolling down your cheeks.
- timeskip brought to you by the iconic cheez duo -
- about a month later
"You know, Princesses are usually found in castles. How'd I meet you here?"
Cheesy. You smirk to yourself before feeling large arms wrapped around you. Leon placed a kiss to your temple, filling spinning you around for a kiss to the lips.
"I guess the answer to your question would be, sometimes princesses get bored for waiting on their prince." Leon chuckled, sneaking in another kiss. "Well, it's not easy  finding the right princess."
His hand instinctively latched onto your as you two walked down the hall to your first period.
Leon doesn't like you cause of your skin, your weight, or your face. He likes you because of you.
Uhh I know the themes in this got like really fucking dark and usually I don't like to to talk about these topics cause all around this is supposed to be a happier book and shit like that but it was actually requested of me once before.
I thought it was time to get out of my comfort zone and address this. You all are beautiful no matter what you look like, your body doesn't define you!! Your beauty inside and out. And if anyone tells you otherwise me and cheez will beat the- I mean kindly slap them around with kindness.
Anyways I love you all and everyone around you should to! You don't have to fit into what someone wants you to for them to love you. If they really love you, they'd love you for you! Appearance doesn't matter in love!! ((Praying I'm saying the right things))
And it is okay if you do wanna change how look. Just use the reader as an example not to do, please don't hurt yourself or take the easy route. Please choose healthy and non harmful ways to improve on your already beautiful self.
I'm really not good at this so I hope this little message didn't offend, comfort is nawt my strong suit BUT I love you all tremendously and I'll always be here no matter what.
- Cheez it chan & Cheez <3
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secretpeachtea · 4 years
Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 1
Title: the predicament
Genre: gen fic, reader insert
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.
disclaimer: manga spoilers
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“...and that’s about it for training. I might even teach you how to make some of the recipes one day, but for now, you’ll be in charge of register. I’ll be right over there if you got any questions.”
Today was your first day working at Onigiri Miya. After spending countless hours looking for a way to earn some money, you finally scored a part time job in this quaint onigiri establishment. You originally wanted to avoid working at a food joint due to their notorious obnoxious customers, but you didn’t really have much of a choice if you wanted to be able to pay for next month’s rent. As a student, you’re pretty limited on time as well, so it was nice that the work hours matched up with your schedule. Despite your initial hesitance, you lucked out in having such a kind boss.
“Glad to have you here, (Surname)-san.” Miya Osamu gave you a soft smile that almost made you swoon right then and there. Luckily, he was too busy wiping down his work area to catch you staring. 
Yup, you definitely lucked out in having such a handsome boss as well.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the bell above the entrance ring, signaling the arrival of a customer. Putting on your best smile, you straighten your posture and fix up your black work hat.
“Welcome to Onigiri Miya!”
“Hey, hey, hey! Akaashi! This place is pretty nice!”
Two men walked into the shop casually and looked around with interest. The one who had spoken adorned a black and grey hoodie that matched the color of his hair, while the bespectacled figure wore a white button down to match his professional aura. Quite the duo as your first customers.
“Bokuto-san, try to keep your voice down indoors. We wouldn’t want to disturb other customers.”
Although the two were unfamiliar to you, Osamu seemed to recognize them almost immediately. “Oh, hey guys. What brings you here today?”
Akaashi adjusted his glasses and responded first. “I heard Onigiri Miya was deemed as the best onigiri restaurant of the year in Japan, so I wanted to come see for myself.”
“Tsum-Tsum said that you make the best Onigiri in the world, so I really wanted to try it out too!” Bokuto sported a wide smile while gesturing his arms for emphasis like a young child.
You just watched the three make some small talk, slightly surprised by how your boss was so familiar with the new customers. You haven’t become fully acquainted yet, so it was interesting to see the type of people he befriended. 
It wasn’t until you briefly heard Osamu say your name, did you snap out of your little trance. “(Surname)-san can help you with your orders today.”
Placing a smile on your face, you set your eyes on Bokuto and Akaashi. “What can I get for you today?”
“I’ll have a Miso Onigiri,” Akaashi ordered after briefly eyeing the menu. His friend, however, seemed to have some trouble choosing.
“Um...hmm...mmm.” Bokuto stared at the menu for a few minutes with furrowed brows. One of his hands traced each menu option rapidly while the other hand rubbed his own head in contemplation. “There’s so many flavors! How do I choose?!”
You blinked a couple times at his exaggerated reaction, but quickly made the effort to help him by using what you remember from training. “Well, I can recommend you something. Are you in the mood for meat?”
The owlish male stared at you with sparkling eyes. “I’m always in the mood for meat!”
“If you order the Nikumaki Onigiri* special today you can receive two gyoza* on the side for no extra charge.” You pointed to the small chalkboard sign that stood next to the counter with the mentioned special that was written out by Osamu before the shop opened for the day. 
“Then, I’ll order Nikumaki Onigiri because meat is the best!” Bokuto declared wholeheartedly.
Relieved that he was finally able to make a decision, you didn’t really think about the consequence of your next question. “Pork or Beef?”
You sweatdropped at Bokuto as he once again frowned at his predicament. Osamu just quietly snickered behind you, fully aware of Bokuto’s indecisive tendencies when it came to food. Thankfully, Akaashi was getting a bit impatient himself. “Beef. He’ll take beef. And, I’ll just pay for both.”
“Alrighty! Your total will be 300 yen.” You grab the money from Akaashi and pass him the receipt. “Miya-san will take care of your order soon.”
“Thanks, (Surname)-chan!” Bokuto yelled out.
The two didn’t go far and decided to just sit at the counter space right next to the register as they waited for their food. 
Only the four of you occupied the shop at the moment and so far there haven’t been any phone orders since the day was still young. You consider yourself pretty lucky since you aren’t overwhelmed with customers on your first day. You didn’t really have much to do aside from standing in front of the register and daydreaming, so your ears automatically pick up on the conversation next to you.
“How have you been, Bokuto-san? I heard your team has been doing well this season,” Akaashi began.
Bokuto gave off the brightest smile he could manage at the mention of his favorite sport. “Yeah! We’ve been practicing every day and playing some practice games with other teams. We’re actually starting tryouts next month to scout some new players on the team!”
“Oh? I thought your team had a pretty solid roster this year?”
“My teammates are definitely strong, but after we lost to the Adlers in the last tournament, Coach thought it would be interesting to add some new faces to catch everyone off guard.”
Akaashi nodded his head in understanding. “I do think the element of surprise is very effective in volleyball.”
“It’s gonna be like a fun, surprise birthday party! We’re gonna be up against a strong team but then...BOOM! SURPRISE! They’ll never know what hit them!”
“I suppose so.”
“But, I guess it wouldn’t be as exciting since it’s no one’s birthday…” Although Bokuto no longer transitioned into his depressed phase like he did in high school, he still had moments where he’d randomly fall into a melancholic mood. “And, there wouldn’t be a big party either…”
Akaashi, already sensing the first signs of Bokuto’s altered mood, quickly thought up a solution. He held a certain glint in his eyes as he focused on his former teammate. “Anything can be exciting for everyone if volleyball is involved, Bokuto-san.”
Bokuto’s head perked up at the mention of volleyball once again, and you could’ve sworn that his hair spiked up along with his brightened expression. “You’re right, Akaashi! Man, volleyball is really great!”
At this time, Osamu finally finished putting together the two onigiris and set the plates down on the counter, putting an end to the silly conversation. There were wisps of steam coming off of the freshly cooked meat with a heavenly scent that would make anyone’s mouth water. You can definitely make out a thin line of drool threatening to fall down on Bokuto’s chin at the sight in front of him.
“A Miso Onigiri for Akaashi-san, and a Nikumaki Onigiri with a side of gyoza for Bo-san!”
The two guys thanked Osamu for the meal and each took a bite of the savory food. Their satisfied expressions were all it took for Osamu to laugh with a triumphant smile. Even you were affected by the positive reaction.
Before taking another bite, Akaashi looked as if he remembered something and turned to Bokuto. “I almost forgot. You said you wanted to ask me about something you were having trouble with?”
“Oh, yeah! I don’t really know how taxes work!” Bokuto nonchalantly replied with a chunk of meat hanging from his lips. 
“Bokuto-san,” Akaashi paused, “have you not been paying your taxes?”
The volleyball player took another large bite out of his onigiri and stared at his friend while chewing. “Was I supposed to?”
There was a brief moment of silence, the only noise coming from the appliances in the shop. Not knowing what to do, you just stood still and tried your best not to make your shock obvious. You never thought you’d become a witness to a tax evasion confession, but there seems to be a first for everything. There was a small part of you that also wanted to laugh, but you didn’t think it would be appropriate with the fact that you didn’t know the two men sitting in front of you very well. Although, you think you might’ve heard a soft snicker come from your boss, but maybe it was your imagination.
“Has anyone contacted you recently about finances? Perhaps a bank or, um, the police?”
“Hmm...Not that I know of!” Bokuto scratches his head in thought. “But then again, I might’ve missed some calls during practices. I don’t answer unknown numbers either ever since Omi-kun told me about the scary people that try to take my money!”
With his half-eaten onigiri resting between his fingers, Akaashi’s distressed eyes make contact with yours. You two just stared at one another for a couple seconds, while Bokuto casually finished the last of his onigiri, moving onto the gyoza eagerly.
“Please don’t tell anyone about this, (Surname)-san.” You’d be lying if you said you felt nothing when Akaashi asked with such a pleading tone while trying to maintain his stoic face.
Lips are sealed. Ears are plugged. Mind is clear.
“I didn’t hear a thing, Akaashi-san.”
“Thank you.”
Not wanting to waste any food, Akaashi took the time to consume the last of his meal, albeit with a bit of a stressed aura, before getting up from his seat. Bokuto had finished all of his food as well and just followed suit.
“We should get going, Bokuto-san. It’s going to take a bit of time to help you with your um...predicament.”
Bokuto, still unaware of his situation at hand, turns to smile at you and Osamu. “Thanks for the great food! It was definitely as good as Tsum-Tsum said it would be! Next time I visit, I’ll bring the team!”
Akaashi bowed while Bokuto energetically waved before the two took a step outside and slid the door closed. You could still hear the boisterous volleyball player mentioning how excited he is to spend time with his close friend to do taxes for the day.
You and Osamu share a look before bursting out in laughter together. If this is how your shifts are gonna be all the time, maybe working at a restaurant isn’t so bad after all.
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“So, what’d you think of your first day?”
It was now late into the evening and you and Osamu were getting ready to head home soon. Osamu was wiping down his work area, while you were sweeping the floors. Your first day went well, and you surprisingly only made a few mistakes when taking calls. Out of all your first days from previous part time jobs, this one went the smoothest.
“I think it went well! I’ve never worked in an onigiri restaurant, but all your customers seemed pretty respectful,” you responded as you set aside the broom. 
Just as you were about to head to the back room to put away your apron, your stomach let out a distinct grumble. Heat rose onto your cheeks because you’re sure that the handsome man near you most definitely heard it.
Osamu let out an amused laugh. “You hungry?”
“Maybe a little?” You put on a sheepish smile, silently cursing your body for betraying you like that.
“How about you get your things and I’ll whip you up something to take home?” Your boss smirked.
“I thought we used up all the ingredients for today? I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way for me.” You ask even though you secretly are dying to actually try one of his godly onigiris.
Osamu just shrugs his shoulders. “I set aside some things for my brother, but I’m sure he can go a day with takeout.”
You get the feeling that he won’t let you leave until you take his offer, so you just agree and head to the back room to gather your things and stop by the bathroom. You eventually make your way back to the counter area and see that Osamu already has a small bag filled with an onigiri and a sweet tea drink. He sports a lax grin as you walk towards him and hands you the bag gently.
“One Minced Tuna and Spring Onion Onigiri.”
Your face stretched into a wide smile, already looking forward to having a taste of Osamu’s recipe. “That sounds delicious!”
“It’s my brother’s favorite. Hope you’re not allergic to fish.”
You shake your head fervently. “No way. I’d be so upset if I couldn’t eat something that smelled as good as this! Your brother has good taste.”
“I guess. He’s still got some loose screws though. Definitely knows how to irritate me to no end.” The man in front of you slouches and lets out a tired sigh.
“Well, I suppose I’ll have to meet him someday to find out.” Now, you were getting a little curious about Osamu’s brother. “I’d like to meet the guy that knows how to make my composed boss look like he’s ready to murder.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
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Nikumaki Onigiri = basically rice wrapped around meat
Gyoza = dumplings, potstickers, whatever you wanna call them
A/N: super excited to share this series with y’all! I’ve never shared my writing on tumblr so we’ll see how this goes oof. I was originally going to post this later in the week, but it’s the twins’ birthday today, so I had to do it!
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modecaisnow · 4 years
Fitness Roommates
**This story contains topics suitable for 18 YEARS OR OLDER! Read at your own digression. This story contains themes of realistic(ish) weight gain (ie. 150 pounds – 800), mentions of challenges being overweight. This story is 3360 words, and 6 pages long, was gonna be part 1+2. This was a story I had saved for a bit. ENJOY!**
[This story follows Tyler and Zach, a dynamic duo of health and fitness. Zach, a bodybuilder with all the know how of exercise, and Tyler, a healthy and fit nutritionist, have teamed up and opened a business together. However, their business has gotten slow and not as many people are getting memberships anymore. As a marketing experiment, Tyler agrees to pack on some weight with the ultimate plan to lose it all following their dieting and exercise plan. But, it turns out gaining weight is a little more enjoyable than Tyler expected.]
Zach and Tyler have been friends for years. They first met in their freshman year of college, and Zach and Tyler were both fitness buffs. Their bodies were toned with dense muscles, but Zach was much larger. Zachary studied Athletic Training and Tyler studied Nutrition over the years. After 4 years of college, they decided to open a gym together and become business partners. Zach would help train people and show them how to exercise, and Tyler would teach them about nutrition. However, a couple of years later things have changed. Zach walked into the living room of their apartment. His face was akin to a greek god – high cheekbones, square jawline, and a strong nose. He was a tall, tan-skinned, with a body covered in rippling muscles. From his thick neck and massive traps to his softball-sized calves, which everyone used to tease him and call them ‘steers’, Zach was the personified ideal of fitness. His broad shoulders and flared out lats created the classic ‘V’ shape all bodybuilders aspired to get. His arms were absolutely massive, with cannonball-sized biceps, horseshoe triceps, and forearms that were as large as a normal man’s biceps. Zach’s torso and legs were just as impressive. His barrel chest must’ve been 60 inches and was covered in brown hairs. Beneath his meaty pillows that were his pecs was a wall of abs that looked like bricks. A dark trail of hairs led down his carved abs and into his boxers, which were being stretched from both ends. Zach was blessed with large junk in the front and a lot of junk in the trunk. His bubble butt was made of pure steel and bounced along everywhere he walked. Further down were two thick quads with equally powerful hamstrings. Bellow the knees were the most well defined and muscular looking calves anyone has ever seen. Tyler, on the other hand, was not nearly as much of a ‘greek god’ as Zach. He was very toned, but also on the skinny side. His face was square with a pointed chin and a sloped nose. His hair was cut short, and he didn’t have much facial hair. Being a nutritionist, he knew all the ins and outs of healthy eating and dieting. He was part of the reason why Zach looks the way he looks. He kept Zach on his meal plan. Tyler has helped countless gym-goers reach their goals faster and easier with the help of his dieting plans. Tyler looked up at Zach. He stood in his boxers in front of the TV, blocking his view of it. Zach crossed his arms, causing his large slabs of chest meat to squeeze together. Tyler grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. “Is everything okay, man?” Tyler asked. “We have to talk about business.” “What’s up?” “It’s been slow recently-“ “-Yeah-“ “-and I have an idea,” Zach sat down on the brown, cloth couch next to Tyler. Zach widened his eyes and tried to look innocent. “Well, …what’s the idea?” “Well, bro, what if we have an experiment where one of us puts on some weight, and then we both work together to try and get that person back to a healthy weight?” “That might be good, but it might take too long. We need people to join now, not after months of gaining and months of losing weight.” “Well, with our expertise, we’ll be able to lose the weight pretty quickly,” Zach snickered. “Also, I’m sure you know of some quick weight gain techniques.” “I mean…I guess,” We both sat there quietly for a moment. Zach continued to stare deeply into Tyler's eyes. “So…do you want me to put on the weight?” Tyler hesitantly ask. “…Do you mind?” “I mean…I guess…” Zach jumped up. His face brightened up and he fist pumped into the air. The two immediately started to plan out how this would work, and Tyler got to work researching foods and gaining techniques. He started planning out a grocery list filled with unhealthy fats, carbs, protein, sugars, as well as a plan for minimal movement for himself. Zach started to create exercise plans so when Tyler finishes putting on the weight they’ll be all set to take off the pounds. Before starting it all, Tyler stepped up on the scale to take the initial weight. He was 154 pounds. At first, gaining was an awkward feeling. Tyler’s flat abs slowly started to look more and more like a gut. He was continuously shoveling food into his mouth, even while at work. It made it difficult to work with new patients, given that their nutritionist was eating junk food, and had a little bit of a belly while trying to give tips on staying healthy. After explaining the experiment to every single patient, they all seemed to understand. After the first week of constant binging, eating even while Tyler was stuffed in order to expand his tank of a gut, he had managed to pack on 15 pounds. His flat wall of abs had officially become a rounded, flabby belly. When he sat down, it would flop over the waistband of his pants. Tyler’s hips were stretching his pants to their max. The waistband would dig into his hips, and his thighs actually ripped the seams of one of his favorite pair of pants. And still, Tyler continued to gain weight. He added more meals into his daily diet and doubled the serving sizes. Tyler added two snacks between meals, as well as a “weight gain” shake between snacking. All this food, along with his restricted movement, helped him gain weight exponentially. Tyler’s face was looking rounder and fuller. His arms were softer and would stretch the sleeves of his tightening shirts. The once toned chest started to sag down over his belly, which was spilling down lower and lower towards his crotch. Even his pubic area was softer – a layer of fat was forming and starting to creep towards his junk. Everything about Tyler was getting flabbier. This continued for weeks. Tyler had to expand his entire wardrobe. One day, when he went to sit down, his shorts gave in and ripped all the way down his ass cheeks. From that day on, Tyler only wore stretchy pants – no more khakis, or dress pants, just the stretchy kind. His shirts also went from XL to XXL, and then just as quickly to XXXL. Tyler was officially 330 pounds. His chest continued to sag lower and lower as his belly continued to get larger and larger. Tyler had patients who were as large and some who were much, much larger, and they used to tell him what it was like to be big. However, now he lived it. The sagging breasts slid and rolled over his belly, which seemed to weigh him down. As Tyler walked, he needed to lean back a little bit so his substantial belly wouldn’t pull him down to the ground. Even sitting in chairs, which now had to not have armrests so his hips could fit, he needed to slouch and lean back so his belly could spill over his lap. It was quite the feeling. After a while, Tyler started to like it. It felt nice to be big, but he didn’t feel big enough yet. Zach asked him if he was ready to start their little experiment. Tyler told him that he wasn’t ready, and Tyler asked for a couple more weeks – business picked up anyway since it was about a month away from New Years. Tyler continued shoveling fattening treats into his mouth. Serving sizes became even larger, he went from 6 meals a day to 9, and he started doubling the size of the gainer shakes. This was to help break out of his weight plateau. His arms started to feel even heavier, and Tyler’s thighs always brushed against each other. His feet also started to get fatter, to the point where he needed to purchase ‘wide-fit’ shoes. At night, he would slouch on the sofa, which started to feel slightly smaller, and he would balance a 60ounce cup of soda on the crest of his soft belly, and slurp it down. All while lazily watching whatever was on TV. After chugging the entire soda, Tyler would rub his belly to help with all the bubbles. His blubber was warm and malleable. He could no longer see his belly button, or feet as a matter of fact, but Tyler could still poke a finger in the deepening cave that was his belly button. When he waddled onto the scale, it showed he was about 423 pounds. Eating only got easier and easier as the holidays came. Zach and Tyler usually went their separate ways to see their respective families, since Zach’s are out west, and Tyler’s are up north, but this season they had decided to just relax and focus on the experiment. Tyler continued to bloat up and shovel food into his face, and now that holiday cookies were out and on sale, he made it his goal to eat at least 3 boxes of cookies a day. Zach would tease him and say that Tyler surpassed ‘Santa-size,’ and Tyler laughed along with him. Deep down, he was excited to see how far he could push this. Tyler’s neck had officially disappeared into the fat on his shoulders and chins after a couple days of gorging. Actually, his chins were now flopping onto the crest of his flabby chest. Tyler’s moobs hung down, almost as far down as his elbows – not quite, but close. His fat arms started to feel very heavy. Despite always being hungry, after hours of grabbing for food, it started to feel like an arm workout. When sitting down, he would have to spread his legs far apart to give his substantial belly room to flop down. On the topic of his belly, a fold had started to form above his belly button, creating the double-belly look. Tyler’s belly was getting hard to contain in shirts, so instead, he started to get even larger pants to pull the waistband over it. Speaking of, Tyler’s pant sizes went up a lot faster than his shirt sizes did. He needed extra stretchy, 6XL pants in order to try to contain his growing belly. The fat over his junk also grew, making it hard to reach down there, as well as use the bathroom. However, he figured out how to manage in both areas. Tyler started to just sit on the toilet when he needed to pee, and just reach around and push his fat pad down towards the toilet bowl. Tyler also started to sleep on his side at night, it was much more comfortable, and whenever he’d need to shift his belly, Tyler could just dig a finger in his belly button like a hook, and shift it manually. After the holidays went, Tyler stepped on the scale for the first time in a few weeks. He was officially 546 pounds. Zach was proud and impressed. He asked Tyler when he would want to start buying healthy foods and start training. Tyler told him to instead buy a larger scale. Zach looked a little concerned at first, but Tyler explained that in order for them to make a bigger impact, they would need a bigger test subject. Zach eventually agreed and continued to go along with everything. He even did buy a larger scale, one that went up to 850 pounds. At this point, food became really expensive for them to afford on their own. In order to eat a meal every hour, on the hour, the two needed to dip into their company’s profit. It would be fine since it would all work out in the end. Thanks to their excellent accounting skills, Tyler was able to eat as much as he wanted, when he wanted. Tyler truly blew up in size after this. Walking became really difficult…well, if you can call it walking. It was more like a waddle. Tyler mostly spent time sitting on the couch, eating, watching TV, with the occasional trip to the fridge, or to the front door to great the delivery boy. After a while, Zach mentioned it would be best that he didn’t walk too far, so he moved the fridge into the living room, and anything else that was needed, he would get for Tyler. Tyler rarely went to the gym anymore to meet patients in person. Instead, Zach set up an online messaging system for him to reach out to their “premium” customers. That way they wouldn’t be able to be turned off by what a huge blob of lard Tyler was becoming. His ass cheeks started to take up a considerable amount of space not only on the poor little couch but in his bed as well. Tyler was just about as wide as his full-sized mattress, so Zach thought it was best to buy him a larger one. Zach was about to buy a larger sofa too but figured that he didn’t need to since he never really sat on it. Zach was rarely in the living room anyway, unless it was to drop off Tyler’s next heap of food. He was always working or working out. Shirts and pants both struggled to contain all of Tyler. Folds and rolls of flab started to ripple and slide over one another as he walked, hiccupped, or burped. His breasts had become so large that a pillow of flab had connected his moobs to the wings of back flab. This gave Tyler’s arms more support, which made it less work to shovel food into his fattening face since all he needed to do was just bend his elbow. Tyler’s cheeks were very fat and flopped down his face and onto his shoulder flab. Sweat almost constantly dripped down from his brow, and he was almost always out of breath. When Tyler finally stepped on the scale, he was up to 623 pounds. He still shoved on…well, he still shoveled more food in. At this rate, he was just eating one large, nonstop buffet of food a day. Tyler was always ordering pizzas, Chinese takeout, donuts, and delivery from every fast food joint in a 10-mile radius using those new food delivery apps on his phone. Tyler continued to gorge, slurp, and chomp down food for a few more weeks. As it got closer to the end of January, he had officially changed his wardrobe to 12XL shirts, and God only knows how many X’s for his XL sweat pant shorts. It was interesting to wear them because, with each day he grew fatter and fatter, one could see the ends of the drawstrings slowly disappear, as they were pulled deeper into the expanding stretchy waistband. As Tyler’s stomach grew so did his fupa. It became impossible for him to reach even close to his fat pad anymore. Whenever Tyler used the bathroom, it came to the point where he would have to just sit and pray that it went in. His old technique of digging into that deep belly button to shift his mound of a gut had officially been rendered impossible. Tyler couldn’t reach down that far anymore. Tyler sat on the ever-shrinking couch, with his ass cheeks spilling outward on both sides and behind him by a foot, and shoved more food into his deep mouth. His moobs had officially started to hang lower than his elbows, which were now a series of folds of flab. Tyler’s arms were incredibly flabby and even when he raised them over his head, some of the fat would still be weighing down against his torso. That massive belly of his hung down, past his knees as he leaned back. Tyler’s fat feet didn’t fit in normal shoes anymore, and Zach had to measure them to get custom made ones. Tyler was a mound of flab, and he loved every soft, wobbly inch of it. When Zach finally brought the large scale into the living room, Tyler placed his feet down and rose up off the couch. He was officially 710 pounds, and he was not quite done yet though. Tyler had one more goal he wanted to reach– to officially take up all the space on the couch. Zach, after trying to convince him that enough was enough, finally caved in and agreed to help Tyler gain even more weight. To do so, Zach raised the price of their gym membership. He told people it was for “marketing purposes,” and most people thought it was a good idea. Little did they know, it was to stuff Tyler’s fat face with food. It only took a couple weeks before he met that goal. It was hard to increase the frequency of Tyler’s feedings, so instead, he increased the amount he stuffed in at one time. Since his cheeks had bloated up, Tyler found there was more room in his mouth to hold food. As a result, he ate multiple pizza slices at once, instead of one at a time. He also would dump food in by the containers. This included containers of french fries, chicken nuggets, candy, Twinkies, devil dogs, breadsticks, bowls of pasta, you name it – Tyler just dumped it in. It must’ve been the sight to see. His downstairs neighbors hated it though. They had started to leave complaints about an “elephant” walking around, making their ceiling rattle. Tyler used that as more fuel to his fire. He continued to stomp around his apartment like the whale of a man he was, in order to get to his next source of food. The ground would groan and the couch would creak with every little shift of motion. Tyler’s folds and rolls of flab rippled and jiggled as he chewed, burped, hiccupped, scratched, pretty much any type of movement caused him to undulate like a waterbed. Tyler’s arms were extremely heavy and tremendously difficult to move. However, his insatiable desire to eat and feast gave him all the strength Tyler needed. As his hips started to finally touch the armrests of the couch, he called out for Zach. Zach was thrilled. Not only for Tyler, but also for the publicity this would get the two of them and their business. Tyler couldn’t help but smile and think about how much larger he could get. To celebrate, Zach went all out and hired caterers for the evening. That night, Tyler went all in on the food. The caterers pulled in carts, and tables of food, and set them up all around Tyler. They all circled around him, and he would eat from whichever one was in front of his fat mountain range of a body. As Tyler finished off one table, they wheeled the emptied table away, and immediately wheeled in the next one. He just ate and ate and ate all evening, until there was absolutely nothing left. Tyler probably could’ve eaten a little bit more, but his arms were incredibly tired. As the caterers all funneled out of their place, Tyler’s stomach gurgled and growled for more. He rubbed and pat his fat sides with his hands sending tiny ripples reverberating through his gelatinous form. Tyler leaned forward and moaned as he felt his heavy love handles slide against the armrests of the couch. His folds all glided against each other, and the two massive ass cheeks seemed to rise up out of the deep crater they formed in the cushions. He was massive. Zach quickly grabbed the massive scale and placed it right under Tyler’s fat feet. His massive thighs made it hard to keep his feet close enough to stand on the scale. Zach grabbed Tyler’s fat fingers and pulled him up onto his feet. Tyler’s bulky flab slid off of the couch and flopped downward. As he stood up, the scale buzzed. “What…does it…say?” Tyler huffed, out of breath from standing. “It says ‘Error.’ Damn…” Zach muttered and smiled. “What’s the…weight limit?” He wiped the sweat from his brow. “850 Pounds.” Tyler was massive…and he loved it… -THE END-
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subarublue · 4 years
Sparda Family Bonding Time Series - Part 1
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Series Description: It’s family bonding time! Sparda family style! A series of short stories revolving around platonic familial relationships between the members of the DMC crew. Warning: Lots of fluff and bonding ahead.
One Shot
Title: Kindred Spirits
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Timeline: Post DMC5
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 4153
Read on Ao3
Summary: Losing a brother is hard, even if you don’t always get along. Which is why Dante is ever grateful for this second chance with his...because he knows someone who’ll never get another chance with hers.
Notes: Mostly just some platonic comfort and family fluff between Dante and Kyrie with a splash of Vergil, Nero, and Nico.
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It was inevitable, really.
They’d been back from the underworld for almost a month now, but they were still adjusting back to normal life. They’d been down there for so long, after all; constantly fighting for their lives and sparring each other in between. It wasn’t easy getting back into the normal swing of things. Well, normal for Dante, anyway. Vergil’s definition of normal was a whole other story.
So it really wasn’t surprising that a fight (a real one and not a sparring match) had finally broken out between them. Honestly, Dante was surprised it had taken this long to happen. Then again, he had been trying not to start one, not that he could say much for Vergil’s effort, if there had even been any. He didn’t quite know for sure. Talking wasn’t exactly Vergil’s strong suit; of course Dante wasn’t much better in that regard, either.
He wasn’t even sure what had started it. It probably didn’t matter; whatever it was had likely been trivial. This had been brewing ever since they got back (probably before so, even) and one wrong thing was bound to set them off, eventually.
Because things always ended up like this between him and Vergil. Yeah, sure they were capable of getting along for long periods of time, but somehow, no matter how good things were going, it always ended up in a fight eventually. That was just how it had always been, ever since they were kids. It was just unfortunate that this time it happened at Nero’s place.
Luckily, it was late so the boys were all in bed, sound asleep. At least, Dante hoped they were. They were making quite a ruckus outside and this was not something kids needed to see. Nico and Nero were watching on the sidelines and the latter was trying his best to not resort to yelling at his father and uncle, which would make even more noise. Dante was certain it wouldn’t be long before his nephew dove into put a stop to their brawl.
Except that Nero never got the chance.
Vergil had just given Dante his usual spiel of “Die!” which Dante was sure was only said in anger and he didn’t actually mean it (probably) when a distinctly feminine voice pierced the air with a ferocity he had never before heard from the young woman.
It was like time had stopped for everyone, including Vergil and Dante who both froze in mid-strike. Everyone turned to look at the petite woman standing on the steps of the porch. Dante wasn’t sure when they had gained another audience, but he now knew that in addition to Nero and Nico, Kyrie was bearing witness to the traditional Sparda way of ‘discussing your problems.’
Apparently though, she was far less than content with the way their family handled their issues. Her hands were fisted in her skirt with a white-knuckled grip and the look on her face was one of absolute fury; an expression Dante had never thought the innocent girl was capable of. When he saw her angry tears beginning to fall, he felt panic well up inside him, though he tamped it down as best he could. He was never good at dealing with crying women. Not that he would have to worry about that. Nero would take care of her.
“If you two want to kill each other, then go do it somewhere else! I’m not going to stand around here and watch you two make the biggest mistake you’ll ever regret. This is our home and I WON’T STAND FOR THIS!”
No one dared to say a word. By now Dante and even Vergil had lowered their swords and while the latter appeared mostly stoic as always, there was the barest hint of shame in his expression. Dante’s expression was more akin to a scolded child. Even Nero and Nico were taken aback, though Nico recovered more quickly. She snickered a bit, but seemed to realize that was a big mistake and tried to stifle it, though the glare Kyrie shot her told everyone she hadn’t been successful.
“Um, Kyrie?” Nero addressed her tentatively in an effort to distract her. This was new territory even for him. They’d had disagreements before of course, but nothing that had ever brought out this kind of anger in her.
She leveled her heated look at Nero, and he stiffened in response until she looked back at the battered duo on their lawn. He didn’t get another word in.
“I won’t repeat myself. Either put those away and get cleaned up or leave! I’ll not have two grown men who are supposed to be brothers trying to kill each other at my house.” Her voice had calmed now, but only because it was devoid of emotion; as if she didn’t have the energy to feel any more. Without another word, she turned on her heel and strode back into the house, slamming the porch door behind her causing everyone except Vergil to flinch at the sudden noise.
The silence that followed in her departure was tense. Nero slowly turned to glare at his father and uncle with a look that rivaled his girlfriend’s from just moments ago.
“You two finished, then?” he said through gritted teeth. Dante could tell Nero was trying to rein in his temper.
“Yes.” Everyone was surprised when Vergil spoke first, but Dante was more so by his answer. He’d been certain Vergil was going to drag him off to finish their fight elsewhere. Instead, his brother sheathed Yamato without any complaint. That was definitely a change.
Huh. Guess he really is trying… But his thought didn’t get far before being interrupted.
“Dante?” Nero’s voice still held that angry tone, obviously waiting for a confirmation from his uncle, as well. Dante almost felt like a little kid again, being reprimanded for not paying attention.
“Yeah. No complaints from me.” He dismissed his sword as well to hopefully further appease his nephew.
“Soooo, uh, that was new. Didn’t know she had in it her, ya know?” Nico spoke up then, her curiosity getting the better of her.
Nero turned his glare on her, but it only lasted a second before worry settled on his face and he turned to looked at the door his girlfriend had left through.
“No, it’s not like her at all. I mean, she always gets a little emotional around this time of year, but she’s never gone off on anyone like that before...” Nero trailed off, obviously confused as to exactly what had Kyrie so upset all of a sudden.
“What significance does this time of year hold for her?” Surprisingly, it was Vergil who spoke up out of curiosity this time.
Nero looked stunned at first that his father had even bothered asking, but the look on his face quickly turned into a sorrowful grimace. Whatever the significance was, it affected Nero too, Dante noted.
That’s when he remembered.
Of course. This was the same time of year that the Savior incident occurred. They’d both been kidnapped by that old codger and used for his own, personal world-domination plan. Kyrie had been the bait and Nero had fallen right into his trap. It had been a horrible situation for the both of them. He was lucky he’d been able to rescue them...or well, Nero anyway; his nephew did all the damsel in distress saving. Either way, it stood to reason that the whole event left lasting scars.
“Her brother, Credo...he died around this time.” Nero looked pained as he spoke; Credo had been a brother to him, too. “I had to watch him die, but Kyrie? She never even got to see him one last time or say goodbye.”
At the mention of Credo, Dante’s eyes widened in realization and he suddenly felt very stupid for not putting two and two together immediately. Of course she was upset with them. Kyrie would have probably given anything to have her own brother back and here he and Vergil were, trying to make pincushions out of each other with their second chance.
He remembered Credo’s death clearly in his mind: questioning the dying man for information. Information that he gave freely in hopes that it would put an end to Sanctus’s plans. The man using his last bit of strength to stand, to ask Dante for one final request: to save Nero and his little sister.
God, I never even told either of them about his last moments. Nero probably didn’t even know he was still alive after the Savior took him. I should have...
Movement from Nero drew his attention away from his own thoughts. It was clear, despite what he’d just told Vergil, that Nero was still in the dark about exactly why their fight had upset Kyrie so much, but he was already moving to go after her. Dante panicked before he could stop himself.
“Wait, kid!”
He almost cringed as Nero turned to regard him with an angry look. What had possessed him to stop his nephew? Nero knew his girlfriend better than anyone so the kid was the logical choice to go and comfort her. Hell, he could probably do it better than Dante and Vergil combined, though relatively speaking, the two of them combined was almost never a good thing. Not to mention they both were complete shit at comforting others.
“What? You got a problem? You’re half the reason she’s upset so unless you’re gonna go fix this, just shut your damn mouth.” It was clear Nero was still angry with them, and Dante didn’t blame him. He didn’t like his father and uncle fighting if his stopping their fight right before their little underworld vacation was anything to go by.
But now, Nero was turning back to go after Kyrie, not even bothering to wait for an answer.
I should just let him go. They’ve been together long enough, surely she’ll tell him what’s bothering her and he can comfort her way better than-
Nero was opening the back door now and Dante couldn’t stop the words that left his mouth.
“Let me talk to her.” He regretted them the second he said it.
Stupid. This was a stupid idea. He was no good with crying women. Why was he doing this? Why was he putting himself in a situation where he was probably just going to make matters worse?
Oh, who was he kidding? He knew very well why he was doing this:
Not only did he feel somewhat responsible for what happened to the both of them and Credo, he’d never even told them about the man’s dying wish for Dante to save them. And here he was, fighting with his own brother right in their backyard.
Nero couldn’t cover his shocked expression, not that Dante expected any different of a reaction. In fact, even Nico and Vergil had surprised looks on their faces. When no one made a move to say anything, too stunned into silence, Dante figured he’d have to explain.
“Look, I think I understand what’s really bothering her, so...just let me talk to her. If I make it worse, you can step in and fix it.”
“If you make it worse, I’ll do more than just bitch-slap you this time.” Nero crossed his arms and leveled Dante with a glare to show he meant business.
“Deal.” He nodded to Nero as he passed him to head through the door. He really hoped he didn’t screw this up; for Kyrie’s sake...and his own.
It didn’t take him long to find her; she hadn’t gone far. She was sitting on a swinging bench on the front porch as he stepped out the door. When he heard her quiet weeping, he felt the panic rise up in him again.
Why? Why’d he volunteer for this again? He wasn’t any good at this whole comfort thing. Where was he even supposed to start?
Sorry’s usually a good place. He sighed. Yeah, right. What the hell was he supposed to say sorry for?
Sorry my brother and I not-quite killed each other and bled all over your lawn? Sorry your brother’s dead and mine’s not? Sorry it looks like we’re wasting the second chance we have when you deserve it a hell of a lot more?
God, he was terrible at this…and he hadn’t even said anything, yet.
He heard her try to stifle a sob, apparently now aware that she had company. He swallowed hard. He was not prepared for this at all.
Guess it’s time to do what I do best: wing it.
He took a seat at the opposite end from her. He watched her stiffen when his weight shifted the swing of the bench, slightly. Still unsure on how to start, he looked straight ahead, only glancing over at her every now and then as she tried to quiet her tears. He was half-hoping she’d say something first, though it soon became evident that would not be the case. He was just stalling because he was afraid; more so of upsetting her further than of Nero’s wrath.
He caught her out of the corner of his eye, chancing a glance in his direction to see who was currently sitting with her. He heard her choke back another sob, though whether it was from realizing it was him or some other reason, he didn’t know. It still solidified his thoughts that this was bad idea, but he was already here and Nero was expecting him to fix this. Besides, she deserved to know about her brother’s last moments. It was the least he could do. If he made things worse, he’d just have to let Nero beat the crap out of him. Maybe that would make her feel better, though he doubted it. This was Kyrie, after all. She’d never wish harm on anyone.
He cleared his throat finally, trying to gather up some courage. He knew he couldn’t stall forever.
“I’m no good at shit like this, so you’ll have to bear with me a bit.” Probably not the best start, so he paused to give her a chance to tell him to leave in case she didn’t want to talk to him. When she finally spoke, she didn’t tell him to leave, but she didn’t bother to turn and face him, either.
“It’s very rude to have fights at other people’s houses, you know?” There was a tinge of anger to her voice still. “Especially when you should be happy to have each other back.”
There it was. There was no mistaking the disdain in her voice. She really did think they were taking advantage of this second chance they had. So he’d been right, after all. Now, what to do about it?
Well, set her straight, of course....hopefully.
“I know it doesn’t look like we’re thankful to have each other back, but that’s not the case. Well, for me anyway. I can’t really speak for Vergil, but...he seems to be trying, I guess.”
“Is that how you show it? By trying to kill each other?” He could still hear her sniffle now and then, but her anger was overriding her crying for the moment. He sighed again.
“I ain’t gonna get into why we do things the way we do. We’d be here all night. What I can tell you is no matter how serious it looked, we weren’t gonna kill each other. Maybe a long time ago that might’ve been the case, but not anymore. Things are different now.”
“Because of Nero.” The anger was gone from her voice now, but it was replaced with an emotion he didn’t really think he could deal with well: sorrow.
“Yeah.” The silence following his admission was terribly uncomfortable. She was back to crying quietly again and he decided he should go with what his first instinct had been: apologize. Though he had far more to apologize for than just the brawl in her backyard.
“I’m sorry for what happened back then.”
“Just don’t fight here. I know Nero hates it.”
So do you. He didn’t say it out loud, though. Instead, he opted to correct her assumption. “I wasn’t apologizing for that, though I am sorry for that, too.”
He saw her in his peripheral vision; she slowly turned to face him. He was really glad he wasn’t looking directly at her. He could tell her face was tear-stained and it would have probably shot down any confidence he had to say what he needed to next.
“What are you apologizing for, then?” Her voice was strained from all the crying, but the confusion was still evident.
“For what happened to your brother.”
Her gasp was so quiet he would have missed it if he didn’t have exceptional hearing and he glanced at her briefly. Her eyes were wide and her hands covered her mouth in shock, obviously not having expected his answer. He swallowed thickly.
No backing out now, he thought. “I guess you could say I know what it feels like to lose a brother, too. I thought Vergil was dead for a long time. Even before that, I lost him to his own desire for power. We never really got along very well, but…it still hurt.”
“What happened that made you think he was dead”? Her shock had died down as she’d listened to him, now voicing an obvious question he should have anticipated.
A pained look crossed his face at the memory. She just didn’t know what can of worms she was trying to open. That was something he might tell them someday (or maybe Vergil would, if he really remembered it), but for now it was better left unsaid. They were getting off topic, anyway. Fortunately, she’d seen the look on his face at her question and understood it was a subject he didn’t want to get into.
“Sorry. I should have known better than to ask that thoughtlessly. It still hurts to talk about how Credo died, too.”
They were getting back to the reason he originally came out here in the first place and he was never one to pass up an opportunity, so he took it.
“You probably didn’t know it, but I was there…when he died, you know?”
“Yes, I know. Nero told me. He said you were there to catch him when he fell,” she said it like it should have been obvious and he knew she didn’t understand what he meant.
“No. Nero only told you what he knew.” She looked at him as he spoke and he turned slightly to face her more directly. Surely if he could face demons on a daily basis, he could face this. “He was still alive after Nero was taken by the Savior.” There was a long stretch of silence as she realized what this meant.
“But…Nero said he was probably dead when he fell from the Savior. He said that Sanctus…with Yamato…” She faltered, unable to talk about how her brother had died at the hands of someone he had respected and served. She was crying again now, and it took all his resolve not to look away again.
“Well, he wasn’t.” He met her eyes. He could barely catch the small glimmer of hope in them through her tears. She hadn’t had a body to bury and he suddenly realized that all she’d ever really wanted was a bit of closure, since she’d been practically comatose through the whole thing.
“I talked to him, before…you know.” He refrained from mentioning the man’s death again to try and avoid more of her tears. He turned away again, finding he couldn’t handle the look on her face. “He told me what the old man’s plans were. I guess that was his way of trying to right any wrongs he’d done in his last moments.”
“He was always very noble and selfless. He really thought what they were doing was for the better of the world.” She seemed to have gotten her crying under control somewhat as she reminisced about her brother, but her tone was still heavy with sadness. “And he was never one to be afraid of accepting responsibility for his own actions. I’m glad in his last moments that he wasn’t alone…and he was thinking of redemption.”
“Those weren’t his last thoughts, though.” He braved another glance at her before looking away again to stare at nothing in particular.
“W-what do you mean?” She seemed confused, as if she couldn’t think of anything else that might have mattered to Credo in his last moments.
“What do you think it means? He was pretty stubborn. Even as he sat there bleeding out, he forced himself to his feet so he could meet me face to face and ask me to honor his one last request-” Dante turned back to look at her fully this time “-to save you and Nero.”
Her eyes widened ever so slightly before the waterworks started up again and he felt more panic welling up in him. Great. He made her cry more. God, this is exactly what he was afraid of.
“At the end…h-he was thinking of us?”
She was staring at her hands in her lap as more silent tears fell from her eyes. She wasn’t really talking to anyone in particular; just thinking out loud, but he countered her question, anyway.
“Did you really expect any different?” Her tearful gaze met his and he willed himself not to look away. “You said it yourself: he was pretty noble and selfless. Seems very much like him to be worried about the two people he cared about most rather than his own fate.”
He’d hoped that would be of some comfort to her and stop her crying, but he jerked when she suddenly let out a rather loud sob and lunged forward, gripping the lapels of his coat as she practically fell into his chest and started weeping. He swallowed nervously, half-expecting Nero to come out the front door ready to knock him around a bit, but no one disturbed them and he settled for awkwardly patting her on the back as she cried her heart out.
They sat like that for a while; long enough that awkwardness dissipated for him somewhat. He eventually opted to rest one arm around her back in a gentle half-embrace, which seemed to do far more at comforting her than anything else. Eventually, she stopped crying and he hoped that was good enough.
He looked down at her as she pulled away from him and the panic came back full force when he noticed there were still tears running down her cheeks. There was something different about it this time, though. This wasn’t the sorrowful weeping from moments ago. Instead, the silent tears were a stark contrast to the gentle smile on her face.
“Uh, yeah?”
“Thank you.” She said before attempting to dry her eyes with the sleeve of her dress.
He let out a short huff of relief. It seemed he wouldn’t get the crap beat out of him for the second time tonight. At least he could say that Vergil hadn’t faired too well, either. More so, he was just happy he could give her that little bit of closure that was long overdue.
“I’m sorry I never said anything before. Nero told me once he was the only family you had left and I guess I just didn’t know how to bring it up. I’m not real great at dealing with cryin’ women,” he admitted. That prompted a quiet laugh from her as he stood up from the bench and offered her a hand up, which she accepted graciously.
“I can understand that.” She gave him a knowing smile. “He was wrong, though.”
“Huh?” Now it was his turn to be confused.
“Nero. He was wrong. Credo wasn’t my only family left.” The smile on her face held a bit of a teasing look to it. His confusion bled into his expression as she took one of his hands in both of hers. “I have a new one now, in all of you.”
Tears started forming in her eyes again at the admission, while his widened in surprise this time. Her expression was anything but sad though, and Dante now recognized these tears for what they were: tears of happiness. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips as he pulled her into a gentle hug.
“It’s a bit late and maybe Nero hasn’t made it official quite yet, but...welcome to the family, Kyrie.”
“Thank you, Dante.”
When he pulled away, her smile was brighter than ever, despite the tears, and he thought that…maybe not all crying was so bad.
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Part 1 of this series • Part 2 →
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