#It appears this is the year I finally started using more brushes and more texture in my art!!
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AITA for lying about my hair routine?
So, I (25F) don't have a lot of things that I am proud of, appearance wise. But the one thing i AM proud of is my hair. I have these, like, really soft and pillowy brown curls. Like, big fluffy 3A-3B ringlets.
My hair has always been curly, but I was bullied and harassed as a kid for it because I am the only person in my family with curly hair. As such, no one knew how to help me take care of it, so I'd have people both in and outside of my family telling me that I looked like a slob, that I looked lazy, that I looked like I'd just rolled out of bed, etc.
My hair WAS frizzy and messy, but whenever I tried to do something about it, I'd have people tell me I was just trying to be special, and that I knew it looked better straight, so I should just get over it and do the thing that I knew would make it look good. I grew up in Mormon country, so the pressure to look "professional and respectable" (read: conventionally attractive, thin, and white) was very heavy. I either straightened my hair or put it in a tight braid for about a decade before finally going to a curly hairdresser, having her cut it all off and starting fresh some 4 years ago.
Now that the damaged hair is fully gone and I know how to take care of it all, my curls are flourishing. I can't go anywhere without someone complimenting them. It's really lovely.
Now to the part where I might be an asshole. A lot of the people I grew up with (family, my mom's friends, people that go to my parent's church) have also noticed my hair, and are always asking me about my routine.
Now that the natural hair movement has sort of taken off, suddenly the women that got on my case about looking "lazy" and "ratty" and "homeless" all want curls, even if (especially if, in a lot of cases) they don't have a naturally curly hair texture.
Like my mom, for example, has had thick, gorgeous straight hair her entire life--like, it could barely hold a curl even if you used an iron and gelled that shit in place. And she was always complimented for it! But now that the women on her instagram page are showing off their curly girl methods, it's the only thing she can think about, and she talks about how jealous she is of my hair all. The. Time.
So, it usually goes like this. Someone I know compliments my hair and asks me about my routine. I try to laugh it off, then they ask for products, and I tell them that I just use normal head and shoulders shampoo from walmart. They ask me what method I use, I say that I just wash it, sleep on it, then brush it out in the morning--the same routine they always told me to use as a kid. And they seethe, because that's what they've BEEN doing, and it clearly isn't getting the same results. And I just go "well, I guess it has more to do with your natural texture :)" and move on.
I told my sister about this, and she told me I was being an asshole--that these ladies have moved on from their weird prejudice, so I should let it go and explain what I do and why it probably wouldn't work for them. I know it's petty. I know the nice thing to do would be to explain how my hair texture works and so on. But I take a lot of satisfaction in watching these women be jealous of something that they used to shame me for, so I'm okay with being petty. I guess I know I'm an asshole, but am I justified in it?
What are these acronyms?
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[NC_RES]_17112045-NCA arki_portraits_010_DA_KB_WA.file ///core:_arki.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Akki/Arki belongs to @nervouswizardcycle. ♥️
First picture is the cover artwork for:
///CH01_THE_GOLDEN_DEMON_OF_KABUKI.file\\\ from Cyberpunk 2078 – Pandemonium
Additional info behind the cut:
Tbh I always didn't like the existing menpo masks of the game as they look weird to me and not 'classic yokai/oni mask' enough. The more happy I was about the 'Yokai International' mod by manavortex. Once I saw them on nexus I knew that this is the point where I could finally vp the starting artwork picture for the story.
There's lot's of textures and brushes added as I knew right from the start (through another vp project I haven't posted yet) that the ingame given effects won't satisfy me so I had to add them in post process.
I've done stuff like that years ago (mostly for work) but have always been too lazy to do it right from the start in vp (plus I was learning how to use my ingame tools first). And tbh I will only do it where I think it is neccessary as it eats a lot of time until my annoying perfectionism is 'okay' with the result.
Spent three evenings/nights (after work) on both pics. Second was faster done as of the existing layers/settings from the first, just tweaking the effects a bit differently. The second pic is only an addition for the normal vp post as I didn't use it for the chapter pdf.
The golden mask is recolorered as it appeared red in the original picture due to me having a red light spawned for a more dangerous feeling. Hair that clipped through the mask needed to be retouched by redrawing it and then it was just basically playing around with effects.
Here's the (already color tweaked with Lightroom) non-effects pics, so you get an idea of what has been added and what has been there already.
I took only two pics – nothing more as it was exactly the poses I wanted to have. I lightened up the 'maw' part of the mask to give a feel of a real maw at first but when you look closer you see Arki's beard and bottom lip. The second pic doesn't focus so much on this as mentioned it got not used as keyvisual for the chapter.
'The Golden Demon' refers more to his golden coat and the golden gloved claw, rather than a golden mask. Yet for the key visual I wanted the mask to appear golden as we do not see his coat and the mask was more important in my opinion.
#cyberpunk 2077#masc v#male v#oc: Arki#night city urban legend#Akki#the golden demon of kabuki#cyberpunk oc#original character#cyberpunk 2077 photomode#cp2077 photomode#cyberpunk screenshots#chev.graphics#oni#oni mask#cover artwork
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art journal: Bellara
Final image: sweater weather
Notes below the cut!
I’m not a professional artist; whatever I’ve learnt is from books, online tutorials and lots of trial and error. (This is the start of my second year of drawing regularly as a hobbyist and I'm keeping notes to document what I've learnt.)
Using a thick, transparent brush for the sketch, then drawing the clean lineart right over it forced me to be less precious about the initial sketch, and helped me save a lot of time. I think I'm becoming more comfortable with lining on the tablet with this brush as well, rather than defaulting to sketchier charcoals.
New work flow: I'm using a pen tablet (without a display) and Photoshop (my old nemesis) for colouring and shading so I can take advantage of a full size monitor at eye level and avoid craning my neck and wrist.
For the cell shading, I used a combination of the lasso tool, an airbrush and erasing/smudging certain edges to make for softer shadows. (General rule: Where you would put a faint stroke in lineart is where you can draw a hard edge to your shadow.)
I used a masking layer to paint in the yarn texture on the sweater (similar to Lucanis'). The eye is drawn to lighter values, so those should be less busy. More details appear in the shadowed areas.
My reference picture was blown out, but I added two light sources - a warm light behind Bellara and a cool light in front, which mirrors the lighting scheme of her room in the Lighthouse.
I think my colouring still lacks the vibrancy and loose-ness of the lineart step, but I'm much happier with this coloured piece than earlier ones. I used too much soft airbrush on her face because I was worried about the stark shadows under her full cheeks, but now that I'm looking at this again, I could have been more daring.
Total time: about 16 hours over 3 days
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art tips
here's some traditional art tips from me:
acrylic painting:
different brands do different things with their paint and one of them has to do with pigment characteristics versus consistency. For example, most of Liquitex’s paints are the same texture and consistency because they adjust their formula to act as such, whereas Golden Acrylics doesn’t and the pigments characteristics are allowed to shine through. Learning about specific pigments can be a pain but it can also help you make sure your painting ends up how you wanted it to.
if you’re doing a layered painting “proper painting”- THIN LAYERS. THIN THIN LAYERS. acrylic loves to clump up on itself like nail Polish. Go slow and pay attention to how it dries.
acrylic paint appears lighter than how it will dry. If you’re planning a color scheme, get some paper or a sketch page and swatch your colors and let them completely dry. They will also appear a lot lighter if you dilute them with water.
one note of the characteristic of acrylic paint is that it doesn’t tend to have the depth or luminosity of oil paint. If you get the right paints, you can do it. Some paints are more transparent and they work great for this. Work in thin layers, layer and layer and layer, and add opaque paints to add definitive layers so once the painting is done, there is depth. Phthalo paints work great for this.
when mixing colors, the paint can start to look foggy, and a lot of times this is from air being whipped into the paint. If you’re worried that this foggy paint won’t look how you wanted it to, swatch it and let it dry. In my experience, it applies and dries fine.
oil painting:
this is for really people who had terrible instructors or self taught: fat over lean does matter. fat over lean is the concept that the oilier paint should be for the final layers while the thinned out paint, or lean paint, is for the first layers. this helps to prevent cracking on both traditional oils and water mixable oils. so your leanest paint is for your under painting while your fattest paint is your final layers. this isn’t really a “learn the rules to break them” concept, it’s more of a “you want your painting to survive more than 5 years” concept.
oil paint appears the same color it will dry as if it is at normal opacity. This gets effected by diluting or fattening the paint, however.
if you’re gonna paint on paper with oil paint, use thick paper. I mean at least 300g/140 lb paper. If you can, prime it with gesso. And it’ll work great.
Water mixable oil paints work the same as traditional oil paints without the need for solvents or mineral spirits.
watercolor & colored pencils:
colored pencils: treat these like newborns. gentle. the pigment can break easily, like pencil graphite can. use circles to blend and lay down a more opaque layer. sharpen them gently. i have a whole separate, manual sharpener for my colored pencils.
watercolor paintings: use cotton paper or paper with cotton in it. trust me it works better. the paper warps less and you can add more water than just normal paper. cotton paper is more expensive though. kinda like using wood board instead of canvas for an oil painting.
Watercolor: take care of your brushes like they are your one and only begotten son, okay? You can paint with a messed up brush in acrylic or oil but watercolor depends on the brush a lot of times.
general art tips:
Get a heavyweight paper sketchbook if you want to sketch out paintings or swatch paint and keep them for future reference.
Paint in general: PAY ATTENTION TO THE LIGHTFASTNESS ! This is very important if you ever intend to have your art in galleries or for sale. Lightfastness just means how long the pigments in your paint stay the same as when they were packaged as when they are on your painting. Improved lightfastness pigments are normally marked with “permanent” in their names, like “permanent alizarin crimson”.
General safety: PICK UP YOUR PAINT WATER OR SEAL IT IF YOU HAVE PETS!! Even if they won’t get fatally sick, it won’t make them feel good, and in my experience they don’t care if the water is bright red.
Painting: have a designated paint water cup. Do not drink Out of this cup. Learn it is a paint water cup. Then you will Not drink out of paint water cup.
GET SOME BRUSH SOAP!! Get it!! I promise you it makes a difference. If you can’t invest in any, use something like Dawn or Mrs. Meyers dish soap but keep an eye on how dry the brushes are if they are natural hair. The paint soap I use is the Masters brush cleaner and preserver and I got a massive tub of it for $20 at my local art store.
find a local art store if you are able! And I do not mean Michael’s or Hobby Lobby. I mean local. A lot of times they’re competing with these stores and they have cheaper prices and some even have student/professor discounts. The one I go to has a lot of stuff under MSRP and I get a discount. And they don’t sell any bad quality items.
if you’re struggling with a concept, find a book on it. Internet Archive as a library with a lot of art books, some stores sell art books. Art books are useful insight; even if you don’t agree with the author, it can help you realize what you’re trying to achieve. However, if you’re buying it, make sure to skim it and see if it’s actually useful for you. I have a lot of DK published art books.
if you feel stagnant in your art, look at art. I mean it. Look at photography, painting, fashion, sculpture, jewelry— look at things. This is how I ended up painting fish. And guess what? I freaking love painting fish. I again have a library of books just so I can look at them For inspiration.
General art: if you want to be able to travel with your supplies but don’t know how to do so, let me give you some tips in this tip: Get a massive bag. I mean a big ole canvas bag. I got one from Aldi for $8 that works great. If you already have one, even better. If you have a big enough backpack, you can use that too. Get a palette that can cover. You can DIY one, probably, or you can buy one. Then if you have any wet paint, you don’t have to throw it out or risk getting it everywhere. If this isn’t a concern of yours, no worries. Use a hair tie or scrunchie to bundle your brushes together. This keeps them from going everywhere. Situate your paints so they won’t be crushed if you’re taking tubes. Bring a small amount of brush cleaner with you. I reused a skincare jar for mine. Bring what you’re going to paint on.
General art: reuse jars. I mean it. I have some skincare jars that I’ve reused to hold paint oil and brush cleaner and I use old pasta sauce jars for brush cups. They work great.
here’s how to wash off different paints from your skin- oil paints— get a true soap. Dish soap works too. Acrylic paint— let it dry and you can brush it off with a nail brush or old toothbrush. watercolor paint- wipe it off with a wet wipe or a dampened paper towel/hand towel. If you’re going to use a hand towel, have a designated towel since it can stain.
Stretched canvas; if you’ve damaged or pierced your canvas, you can probably fix it with gesso and acrylic paint, or just acrylic paint. You can also sew the canvas back if you really want to save it.
Here’s some art stuff I like and use but you don’t need it:
Masterson oil palette
Pentalic Nature Sketch 25% cotton sketchbook
Winsor & Newton Artisan Water Mixable oil Colour
Golden Professional acrylic heavy body paints
The Masters Brush cleanser and preserver
Liquitex palette knives
#art#art tips#art help#art advice#art process#artist on tumblr#artists on tumblr#oil painting#acrylic painting#watercolor painting#traditional art#🖤 art tag
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Of Pencil and Paper
(Trigger warning: mention of Sexual Assault and self harm)
People often ask why I stay with analog medium? The world is moving, digital art is growing fast and it does perform better on industrial scale. But I can never find how to answer that question without it sounded like I'm selling a sad story. So a lot of people only get the "I don't like it" answer. Short and simple. Yet sometimes, I can see the prejudice in their eyes, how arrogant, they said.
It's unhealthy. I almost conviced myself that I simply didn't like it when the root was deeper than that. It's easier to tell the lie, to sounds like an arrogant old school artist who dislike digital art with passion. No, never that. I like the texture of paper and the smell of wet paint. Not in the artistic sense, at least not at first, I found peace in that because they once saved me from my darkest days. Thus, they are familiar.
I always love a story. Consuming one or writing it myself. Yeah, I used to write. Ten years old me have a dream to be a novelist. And it all shattered when I'm thirteen. I'm sexually assaulted by one of the teacher in my school. At school hour, in an empty classroom because everyone else in a middle of morning prayer and I'm the only kid at that time with different believe. And everything spiralling down from there. It was a prestigious school I study hard to get in, that jerk used to be everyone favorite teacher including me, now, I saw that place like a hell on earth.
I never get justice. Never. Me and family being silenced for the sake of keeping the school reputation, with just a word of apology and so called promise to never repeat. As if the SA trauma can be healed like that. But world is unfair and the society is in the hand of the rich. My family is in minority from every aspect, ethnic, religion stance, society, even economy. The school even has the audacity to blackmailing us, they said I'm alone in the classrom that day because I've been writing porn on my book. The book they already confiscated and read. The book where thirteen years old me write a silly treasure hunt story. I've never saw that book again.
You see, I have a lot of issue at that time. We don't even have money to pay for therapist. Nor we can get a free counseling for victim because the case was never disclosed. The school have connection with the local police and I can just bury that injustice deep in me. At one point it almost reach a self harm. I used to scrubbing my skin until it was red, but the phantom hands still there, and I very tempted to peel it out. My family hid all the sharp object, I think I scare them badly. But I found a single pencil. Unfortunately (or fortunately) not sharp. I run it across my skin, but they didn't tear. So I take it on paper.
At first, maybe I'm doing art as some kind of therapy. I pour all that anger and disgust on paper, for months it was all angry lines and colours. The texture as I scratch the pencil, the slash of black it made across the white paper, it strangely satisfying. A little bit sadistic perhaps, because I'm doing it with the face of a demon that appear every night in my dreams, that person face. But my family keep giving me more paper, they told me to keep going. By the time I'm calm enough, when I finally graduate, I start to turn that lines into a drawing. I love a story. And because words now terrify me, I finally learn how to draw.
With times, I learn to enjoy it for the fun and all the beauty in it.
The thing is, all that sensory experience became a habit. I need to feel the paper, I need to hold a wooden pencil, a wooden brush, I need to smell the paint, so I feel safe enough to concentrate and lose myself in arts. So I can loosen up a little bit and not being so hypervigilant. Maybe I'm afraid the screen and digital art can't provide me that sense of safety. That smooth glide on the screen gave me dissasociative feeling and freak me out. I try it before and nope out so fast my last bit of paint on the pallete was not even dry yet. I enjoy digital arts when I'm not the one doing it and good for all those illustrator that can make it to the industry. But I'm here first and foremost to keep myself sane.
I'm okay now. Fabulous. Fewer and fewer relapse over the years. By the time I'm fixing all my family financial problem and finally have enough to find a therapist, they said I already handle myself good. I'm carrying thirteen years old me crawling out from that dark pit with sheer spite and luck for finding the perfect outlet to regulate that negative emotion. Giving myself an art therapy without even realise it was one. I can talk freely about that now, maybe I finally find that peace with myself.
So, do you see how long this is? Thats why I take a two minute silence whenever someone ask me why I did not do digital art when I have a potential to make more money with it. How do you even explain this? And I don't think they will care. We Asian do not believe in mental health issue 😂😂 why so weak? So saying I simply doesn't like it looks like the fastest way to give answer and switch topic. Not a lie, but not the truth either.
But my therapist told me to write this out because they think it can help someone out there about the story of art therapy, and here it is. Next time when you are about to ask and pester someone about why they didn't switch into digital art, perhaps do it on a kinder tone. Maybe they have more story behind that, big or small.
If this resonate with you, here, let me give you a hug. You are a survivor and so damn strong, I'm super proud of you!
May the world be kinder to you today, tomorrow, and many years to come.
#personal ramblings#I know there is some grammar mistake#but nah I don't have energy to edit this#not mlc#talk about art
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Happy Happy New Year my friends of SAACA! I have recuperated from my 8 day road trip with my family where we trekked up to Lake Placid, NY from Georgia for a quick ski trip, the kids are now back in school, and I’m reinvigorated to start this new year with some fresh content for you ladies! If you didn’t catch my last of post of 2024 on my Low Key Winter Beauty Checklist, please do so! To kick off my first post here for 2025, we are going to talk about how to incorporate the Pantone Color of the Year into your makeup routine and why this specific shade is a fabulous choice. WHY does Pantone pick a Color of the Year? A single and distinct hue is chosen to engage the design community and color enthusiasts in a conversation that surrounds the relationship between color and culture. The color chosen is to help express a global mood for the year that captures the global zeitgeist. WHAT Color did they pick this year? Pantone has unveiled its Color of the Year for 2025… and it is PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse. This shade is described as a mellow, warm, rich brown hue that nurtures us with a suggestion of delectable qualities of chocolate and coffee, that exudes a desire for comfort and sophistication. Personally, I love the idea of feeling comfy, yet chic and sophisticated heading into 2025, what a great combo. Why Choose Pantone Color of the Year Mocha Mousse? Mocha Mousse is a universally flattering shade that complements a wide range of skin tones and is the perfect cozy shade for this winter season. Its earthy warmth adds depth and dimension, making it ideal for us mature ladies. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Incorporating the Pantone Color of the Year can provide a subtle yet impactful update to not only your makeup, but can also to be added into: your home with a luxury faux fur Pottery Barn blanket, $125, your wardrobe with a rich pair of suede Jeffrey Campbell boots, $189, and nails with Essie polish in shade “Crochet Away,” $10, as well. How to Incorporate Mocha Mousse into Your Makeup Routine I’ll be doing my makeup for this look in kind of a reverse order than normal, so I’m just trying new things this year! Let me know what you think. Pantone Color of the Year for Skin Hydrated skin, that not only feels, but appears hydrated and glowy, is very important to me for using these tones of brown. Mature skin often benefits from well-hydrated products. So opt for cream-based formulations in one or all of eyeshadows, blushes, or foundations to maintain a dewy, youthful appearance. I used the following skin TRIO to ensure my skin doesn’t look dry like brown dirt! First, my new obsession is the viral Amazon product – d’Alba Piedmont Italian First Spray Serum, $24, that I spray before I apply my makeup and then throughout the day to get my dewy appearance back! Feels and smells incredible. Second, the Haus Labs Triclone Skin Tech foundation, $48, in shade 120. This foundation is made with 20+ skincare ingredients, specifically arnica to help reduce redness, and delivers ultra-comfortable, medium coverage that is weightless with a serum-like texture. And finally this Laura Mercier Real Flawless Weightless concealer, $33, in shade 2C2, to spot treat over my dark circles and to brighten up high points of my face. Always using the BK Beauty kitten paw concealer brush, $24, to flawlessly apply my concealer each and every time! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Blush A blush shade that leans more bronze-like is a great choice to add warmth and dimension to your complexion. These shades can provide a healthy, natural-looking glow that enhances your features gracefully without being super bright. One of my go-to shades for a pink with a hint of bronze and champagne, is Charlotte Tilbury “Pillow Talk original” blush, $42. It’s perfect for this look because of its subtle warmth with a hint of glow due to the pearlescent center. This powder blush gives a dewy glow without being a cream formula. If you’ve been looking for a gorgeous neutral-ish blush, this is a keeper! Lip Color A lipstick or gloss in this warm brown shade adds sophistication to your look. It’s versatile enough for daily wear and can be layered for a more dramatic evening appearance. My lip combo of the Buxom lip liner in “Hi Def Honey,” $22, with one of my all time fave cheap glosses, NYX Butter gloss in shade “Praline,” $6, aligns nicely with the Mocha Mousse trend. If you’re more of a true lipstick girly, treat yourself to a YSL Candy Glaze lipstick in “Scenic Brown,” $42, you won’t regret it. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeshadow A Pantone Color of the Year mocha mousse-inspired eyeshadow look can create a soft, smoky eye that’s perfect for both day and night. Its warm undertones enhance eye color and add depth without being overpowering. I chose to use the liquid eye paint shadows by About Face, $16, in shades Capulet (soft brown) and Cloned (warm terracotta) to create the most gorgeous brown-inspired eye! If you haven’t tried this formula yet, go do it if you love cream shadows. They blend out softly like a dream, you only need a slight dab of the color, then diffuse edges with a plush eyeshadow brush, $24, for best results. Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeliner You could use a true brown-toned eyeliner to define your eyes subtly, offering a softer alternative to traditional black, like the Victoria Beckham Satin Kajal liner in “Cocoa,” $34. (You all know how much I looove her eyeliners 🙂 However, I chose to use a deep black shade liner and then added the darker of the two liquid paint shadows on top to diffuse the black and give it a smokey vibe without being too dark! I lined my inner lower waterline and upper lash line with the black, then added the shade “Cloned” on top of both with my trusty skinny M443 eyeliner brush, $8, to smudge out. Finish off with curled lashes and lots of mascara of course. I’ve loved the Caliray Come Hell Or High Water tubing mascara, $24, these days. Don’t forget to Blend Well! Blending is crucial, especially with darker shades like browns. Ensure seamless transitions between colors to avoid harsh lines, which can be unflattering on mature skin. Need a great blush brush, foundation brush, and/or eye makeup brushes to ensure your blending is on point for the rest of 2025? Then check out BK Beauty brushes now on Amazon – they’re some of the best-made quality brushes I’ve ever used. The rest of my look details: Similar brown 2 piece loungewear set on Amazon, $48. // My zodiac charm + semi-precious choker necklace combo from Sequin Jewelry gets worn quite often, $200. Such a personal piece. // Brown faux fur jackets similar to mine here at Urban Outfitters, $99 and here at Neiman Marcus, $695. // My double Drusy Kendra Scott ring, is now half off, $78. If you have any burning makeup or skincare questions or topics you’d like to see covered here on SAACA this year, please leave me a comment below this post. I’d love to hear what you’re most interested in when it comes to the beauty category! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content About The Author Jennifer Duvall Jennifer is our beauty & makeup contributor. She posts a weekly column on Saturdays She also runs her own website & YouTube channel, which you can find by clicking below. Source link
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Happy Happy New Year my friends of SAACA! I have recuperated from my 8 day road trip with my family where we trekked up to Lake Placid, NY from Georgia for a quick ski trip, the kids are now back in school, and I’m reinvigorated to start this new year with some fresh content for you ladies! If you didn’t catch my last of post of 2024 on my Low Key Winter Beauty Checklist, please do so! To kick off my first post here for 2025, we are going to talk about how to incorporate the Pantone Color of the Year into your makeup routine and why this specific shade is a fabulous choice. WHY does Pantone pick a Color of the Year? A single and distinct hue is chosen to engage the design community and color enthusiasts in a conversation that surrounds the relationship between color and culture. The color chosen is to help express a global mood for the year that captures the global zeitgeist. WHAT Color did they pick this year? Pantone has unveiled its Color of the Year for 2025… and it is PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse. This shade is described as a mellow, warm, rich brown hue that nurtures us with a suggestion of delectable qualities of chocolate and coffee, that exudes a desire for comfort and sophistication. Personally, I love the idea of feeling comfy, yet chic and sophisticated heading into 2025, what a great combo. Why Choose Pantone Color of the Year Mocha Mousse? Mocha Mousse is a universally flattering shade that complements a wide range of skin tones and is the perfect cozy shade for this winter season. Its earthy warmth adds depth and dimension, making it ideal for us mature ladies. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Incorporating the Pantone Color of the Year can provide a subtle yet impactful update to not only your makeup, but can also to be added into: your home with a luxury faux fur Pottery Barn blanket, $125, your wardrobe with a rich pair of suede Jeffrey Campbell boots, $189, and nails with Essie polish in shade “Crochet Away,” $10, as well. How to Incorporate Mocha Mousse into Your Makeup Routine I’ll be doing my makeup for this look in kind of a reverse order than normal, so I’m just trying new things this year! Let me know what you think. Pantone Color of the Year for Skin Hydrated skin, that not only feels, but appears hydrated and glowy, is very important to me for using these tones of brown. Mature skin often benefits from well-hydrated products. So opt for cream-based formulations in one or all of eyeshadows, blushes, or foundations to maintain a dewy, youthful appearance. I used the following skin TRIO to ensure my skin doesn’t look dry like brown dirt! First, my new obsession is the viral Amazon product – d’Alba Piedmont Italian First Spray Serum, $24, that I spray before I apply my makeup and then throughout the day to get my dewy appearance back! Feels and smells incredible. Second, the Haus Labs Triclone Skin Tech foundation, $48, in shade 120. This foundation is made with 20+ skincare ingredients, specifically arnica to help reduce redness, and delivers ultra-comfortable, medium coverage that is weightless with a serum-like texture. And finally this Laura Mercier Real Flawless Weightless concealer, $33, in shade 2C2, to spot treat over my dark circles and to brighten up high points of my face. Always using the BK Beauty kitten paw concealer brush, $24, to flawlessly apply my concealer each and every time! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Blush A blush shade that leans more bronze-like is a great choice to add warmth and dimension to your complexion. These shades can provide a healthy, natural-looking glow that enhances your features gracefully without being super bright. One of my go-to shades for a pink with a hint of bronze and champagne, is Charlotte Tilbury “Pillow Talk original” blush, $42. It’s perfect for this look because of its subtle warmth with a hint of glow due to the pearlescent center. This powder blush gives a dewy glow without being a cream formula. If you’ve been looking for a gorgeous neutral-ish blush, this is a keeper! Lip Color A lipstick or gloss in this warm brown shade adds sophistication to your look. It’s versatile enough for daily wear and can be layered for a more dramatic evening appearance. My lip combo of the Buxom lip liner in “Hi Def Honey,” $22, with one of my all time fave cheap glosses, NYX Butter gloss in shade “Praline,” $6, aligns nicely with the Mocha Mousse trend. If you’re more of a true lipstick girly, treat yourself to a YSL Candy Glaze lipstick in “Scenic Brown,” $42, you won’t regret it. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeshadow A Pantone Color of the Year mocha mousse-inspired eyeshadow look can create a soft, smoky eye that’s perfect for both day and night. Its warm undertones enhance eye color and add depth without being overpowering. I chose to use the liquid eye paint shadows by About Face, $16, in shades Capulet (soft brown) and Cloned (warm terracotta) to create the most gorgeous brown-inspired eye! If you haven’t tried this formula yet, go do it if you love cream shadows. They blend out softly like a dream, you only need a slight dab of the color, then diffuse edges with a plush eyeshadow brush, $24, for best results. Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeliner You could use a true brown-toned eyeliner to define your eyes subtly, offering a softer alternative to traditional black, like the Victoria Beckham Satin Kajal liner in “Cocoa,” $34. (You all know how much I looove her eyeliners 🙂 However, I chose to use a deep black shade liner and then added the darker of the two liquid paint shadows on top to diffuse the black and give it a smokey vibe without being too dark! I lined my inner lower waterline and upper lash line with the black, then added the shade “Cloned” on top of both with my trusty skinny M443 eyeliner brush, $8, to smudge out. Finish off with curled lashes and lots of mascara of course. I’ve loved the Caliray Come Hell Or High Water tubing mascara, $24, these days. Don’t forget to Blend Well! Blending is crucial, especially with darker shades like browns. Ensure seamless transitions between colors to avoid harsh lines, which can be unflattering on mature skin. Need a great blush brush, foundation brush, and/or eye makeup brushes to ensure your blending is on point for the rest of 2025? Then check out BK Beauty brushes now on Amazon – they’re some of the best-made quality brushes I’ve ever used. The rest of my look details: Similar brown 2 piece loungewear set on Amazon, $48. // My zodiac charm + semi-precious choker necklace combo from Sequin Jewelry gets worn quite often, $200. Such a personal piece. // Brown faux fur jackets similar to mine here at Urban Outfitters, $99 and here at Neiman Marcus, $695. // My double Drusy Kendra Scott ring, is now half off, $78. If you have any burning makeup or skincare questions or topics you’d like to see covered here on SAACA this year, please leave me a comment below this post. I’d love to hear what you’re most interested in when it comes to the beauty category! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content About The Author Jennifer Duvall Jennifer is our beauty & makeup contributor. She posts a weekly column on Saturdays She also runs her own website & YouTube channel, which you can find by clicking below. Source link
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Happy Happy New Year my friends of SAACA! I have recuperated from my 8 day road trip with my family where we trekked up to Lake Placid, NY from Georgia for a quick ski trip, the kids are now back in school, and I’m reinvigorated to start this new year with some fresh content for you ladies! If you didn’t catch my last of post of 2024 on my Low Key Winter Beauty Checklist, please do so! To kick off my first post here for 2025, we are going to talk about how to incorporate the Pantone Color of the Year into your makeup routine and why this specific shade is a fabulous choice. WHY does Pantone pick a Color of the Year? A single and distinct hue is chosen to engage the design community and color enthusiasts in a conversation that surrounds the relationship between color and culture. The color chosen is to help express a global mood for the year that captures the global zeitgeist. WHAT Color did they pick this year? Pantone has unveiled its Color of the Year for 2025… and it is PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse. This shade is described as a mellow, warm, rich brown hue that nurtures us with a suggestion of delectable qualities of chocolate and coffee, that exudes a desire for comfort and sophistication. Personally, I love the idea of feeling comfy, yet chic and sophisticated heading into 2025, what a great combo. Why Choose Pantone Color of the Year Mocha Mousse? Mocha Mousse is a universally flattering shade that complements a wide range of skin tones and is the perfect cozy shade for this winter season. Its earthy warmth adds depth and dimension, making it ideal for us mature ladies. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Incorporating the Pantone Color of the Year can provide a subtle yet impactful update to not only your makeup, but can also to be added into: your home with a luxury faux fur Pottery Barn blanket, $125, your wardrobe with a rich pair of suede Jeffrey Campbell boots, $189, and nails with Essie polish in shade “Crochet Away,” $10, as well. How to Incorporate Mocha Mousse into Your Makeup Routine I’ll be doing my makeup for this look in kind of a reverse order than normal, so I’m just trying new things this year! Let me know what you think. Pantone Color of the Year for Skin Hydrated skin, that not only feels, but appears hydrated and glowy, is very important to me for using these tones of brown. Mature skin often benefits from well-hydrated products. So opt for cream-based formulations in one or all of eyeshadows, blushes, or foundations to maintain a dewy, youthful appearance. I used the following skin TRIO to ensure my skin doesn’t look dry like brown dirt! First, my new obsession is the viral Amazon product – d’Alba Piedmont Italian First Spray Serum, $24, that I spray before I apply my makeup and then throughout the day to get my dewy appearance back! Feels and smells incredible. Second, the Haus Labs Triclone Skin Tech foundation, $48, in shade 120. This foundation is made with 20+ skincare ingredients, specifically arnica to help reduce redness, and delivers ultra-comfortable, medium coverage that is weightless with a serum-like texture. And finally this Laura Mercier Real Flawless Weightless concealer, $33, in shade 2C2, to spot treat over my dark circles and to brighten up high points of my face. Always using the BK Beauty kitten paw concealer brush, $24, to flawlessly apply my concealer each and every time! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Blush A blush shade that leans more bronze-like is a great choice to add warmth and dimension to your complexion. These shades can provide a healthy, natural-looking glow that enhances your features gracefully without being super bright. One of my go-to shades for a pink with a hint of bronze and champagne, is Charlotte Tilbury “Pillow Talk original” blush, $42. It’s perfect for this look because of its subtle warmth with a hint of glow due to the pearlescent center. This powder blush gives a dewy glow without being a cream formula. If you’ve been looking for a gorgeous neutral-ish blush, this is a keeper! Lip Color A lipstick or gloss in this warm brown shade adds sophistication to your look. It’s versatile enough for daily wear and can be layered for a more dramatic evening appearance. My lip combo of the Buxom lip liner in “Hi Def Honey,” $22, with one of my all time fave cheap glosses, NYX Butter gloss in shade “Praline,” $6, aligns nicely with the Mocha Mousse trend. If you’re more of a true lipstick girly, treat yourself to a YSL Candy Glaze lipstick in “Scenic Brown,” $42, you won’t regret it. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeshadow A Pantone Color of the Year mocha mousse-inspired eyeshadow look can create a soft, smoky eye that’s perfect for both day and night. Its warm undertones enhance eye color and add depth without being overpowering. I chose to use the liquid eye paint shadows by About Face, $16, in shades Capulet (soft brown) and Cloned (warm terracotta) to create the most gorgeous brown-inspired eye! If you haven’t tried this formula yet, go do it if you love cream shadows. They blend out softly like a dream, you only need a slight dab of the color, then diffuse edges with a plush eyeshadow brush, $24, for best results. Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeliner You could use a true brown-toned eyeliner to define your eyes subtly, offering a softer alternative to traditional black, like the Victoria Beckham Satin Kajal liner in “Cocoa,” $34. (You all know how much I looove her eyeliners 🙂 However, I chose to use a deep black shade liner and then added the darker of the two liquid paint shadows on top to diffuse the black and give it a smokey vibe without being too dark! I lined my inner lower waterline and upper lash line with the black, then added the shade “Cloned” on top of both with my trusty skinny M443 eyeliner brush, $8, to smudge out. Finish off with curled lashes and lots of mascara of course. I’ve loved the Caliray Come Hell Or High Water tubing mascara, $24, these days. Don’t forget to Blend Well! Blending is crucial, especially with darker shades like browns. Ensure seamless transitions between colors to avoid harsh lines, which can be unflattering on mature skin. Need a great blush brush, foundation brush, and/or eye makeup brushes to ensure your blending is on point for the rest of 2025? Then check out BK Beauty brushes now on Amazon – they’re some of the best-made quality brushes I’ve ever used. The rest of my look details: Similar brown 2 piece loungewear set on Amazon, $48. // My zodiac charm + semi-precious choker necklace combo from Sequin Jewelry gets worn quite often, $200. Such a personal piece. // Brown faux fur jackets similar to mine here at Urban Outfitters, $99 and here at Neiman Marcus, $695. // My double Drusy Kendra Scott ring, is now half off, $78. If you have any burning makeup or skincare questions or topics you’d like to see covered here on SAACA this year, please leave me a comment below this post. I’d love to hear what you’re most interested in when it comes to the beauty category! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content About The Author Jennifer Duvall Jennifer is our beauty & makeup contributor. She posts a weekly column on Saturdays She also runs her own website & YouTube channel, which you can find by clicking below. Source link
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Happy Happy New Year my friends of SAACA! I have recuperated from my 8 day road trip with my family where we trekked up to Lake Placid, NY from Georgia for a quick ski trip, the kids are now back in school, and I’m reinvigorated to start this new year with some fresh content for you ladies! If you didn’t catch my last of post of 2024 on my Low Key Winter Beauty Checklist, please do so! To kick off my first post here for 2025, we are going to talk about how to incorporate the Pantone Color of the Year into your makeup routine and why this specific shade is a fabulous choice. WHY does Pantone pick a Color of the Year? A single and distinct hue is chosen to engage the design community and color enthusiasts in a conversation that surrounds the relationship between color and culture. The color chosen is to help express a global mood for the year that captures the global zeitgeist. WHAT Color did they pick this year? Pantone has unveiled its Color of the Year for 2025… and it is PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse. This shade is described as a mellow, warm, rich brown hue that nurtures us with a suggestion of delectable qualities of chocolate and coffee, that exudes a desire for comfort and sophistication. Personally, I love the idea of feeling comfy, yet chic and sophisticated heading into 2025, what a great combo. Why Choose Pantone Color of the Year Mocha Mousse? Mocha Mousse is a universally flattering shade that complements a wide range of skin tones and is the perfect cozy shade for this winter season. Its earthy warmth adds depth and dimension, making it ideal for us mature ladies. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Incorporating the Pantone Color of the Year can provide a subtle yet impactful update to not only your makeup, but can also to be added into: your home with a luxury faux fur Pottery Barn blanket, $125, your wardrobe with a rich pair of suede Jeffrey Campbell boots, $189, and nails with Essie polish in shade “Crochet Away,” $10, as well. How to Incorporate Mocha Mousse into Your Makeup Routine I’ll be doing my makeup for this look in kind of a reverse order than normal, so I’m just trying new things this year! Let me know what you think. Pantone Color of the Year for Skin Hydrated skin, that not only feels, but appears hydrated and glowy, is very important to me for using these tones of brown. Mature skin often benefits from well-hydrated products. So opt for cream-based formulations in one or all of eyeshadows, blushes, or foundations to maintain a dewy, youthful appearance. I used the following skin TRIO to ensure my skin doesn’t look dry like brown dirt! First, my new obsession is the viral Amazon product – d’Alba Piedmont Italian First Spray Serum, $24, that I spray before I apply my makeup and then throughout the day to get my dewy appearance back! Feels and smells incredible. Second, the Haus Labs Triclone Skin Tech foundation, $48, in shade 120. This foundation is made with 20+ skincare ingredients, specifically arnica to help reduce redness, and delivers ultra-comfortable, medium coverage that is weightless with a serum-like texture. And finally this Laura Mercier Real Flawless Weightless concealer, $33, in shade 2C2, to spot treat over my dark circles and to brighten up high points of my face. Always using the BK Beauty kitten paw concealer brush, $24, to flawlessly apply my concealer each and every time! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Blush A blush shade that leans more bronze-like is a great choice to add warmth and dimension to your complexion. These shades can provide a healthy, natural-looking glow that enhances your features gracefully without being super bright. One of my go-to shades for a pink with a hint of bronze and champagne, is Charlotte Tilbury “Pillow Talk original” blush, $42. It’s perfect for this look because of its subtle warmth with a hint of glow due to the pearlescent center. This powder blush gives a dewy glow without being a cream formula. If you’ve been looking for a gorgeous neutral-ish blush, this is a keeper! Lip Color A lipstick or gloss in this warm brown shade adds sophistication to your look. It’s versatile enough for daily wear and can be layered for a more dramatic evening appearance. My lip combo of the Buxom lip liner in “Hi Def Honey,” $22, with one of my all time fave cheap glosses, NYX Butter gloss in shade “Praline,” $6, aligns nicely with the Mocha Mousse trend. If you’re more of a true lipstick girly, treat yourself to a YSL Candy Glaze lipstick in “Scenic Brown,” $42, you won’t regret it. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeshadow A Pantone Color of the Year mocha mousse-inspired eyeshadow look can create a soft, smoky eye that’s perfect for both day and night. Its warm undertones enhance eye color and add depth without being overpowering. I chose to use the liquid eye paint shadows by About Face, $16, in shades Capulet (soft brown) and Cloned (warm terracotta) to create the most gorgeous brown-inspired eye! If you haven’t tried this formula yet, go do it if you love cream shadows. They blend out softly like a dream, you only need a slight dab of the color, then diffuse edges with a plush eyeshadow brush, $24, for best results. Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeliner You could use a true brown-toned eyeliner to define your eyes subtly, offering a softer alternative to traditional black, like the Victoria Beckham Satin Kajal liner in “Cocoa,” $34. (You all know how much I looove her eyeliners 🙂 However, I chose to use a deep black shade liner and then added the darker of the two liquid paint shadows on top to diffuse the black and give it a smokey vibe without being too dark! I lined my inner lower waterline and upper lash line with the black, then added the shade “Cloned” on top of both with my trusty skinny M443 eyeliner brush, $8, to smudge out. Finish off with curled lashes and lots of mascara of course. I’ve loved the Caliray Come Hell Or High Water tubing mascara, $24, these days. Don’t forget to Blend Well! Blending is crucial, especially with darker shades like browns. Ensure seamless transitions between colors to avoid harsh lines, which can be unflattering on mature skin. Need a great blush brush, foundation brush, and/or eye makeup brushes to ensure your blending is on point for the rest of 2025? Then check out BK Beauty brushes now on Amazon – they’re some of the best-made quality brushes I’ve ever used. The rest of my look details: Similar brown 2 piece loungewear set on Amazon, $48. // My zodiac charm + semi-precious choker necklace combo from Sequin Jewelry gets worn quite often, $200. Such a personal piece. // Brown faux fur jackets similar to mine here at Urban Outfitters, $99 and here at Neiman Marcus, $695. // My double Drusy Kendra Scott ring, is now half off, $78. If you have any burning makeup or skincare questions or topics you’d like to see covered here on SAACA this year, please leave me a comment below this post. I’d love to hear what you’re most interested in when it comes to the beauty category! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content About The Author Jennifer Duvall Jennifer is our beauty & makeup contributor. She posts a weekly column on Saturdays She also runs her own website & YouTube channel, which you can find by clicking below. Source link
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Happy Happy New Year my friends of SAACA! I have recuperated from my 8 day road trip with my family where we trekked up to Lake Placid, NY from Georgia for a quick ski trip, the kids are now back in school, and I’m reinvigorated to start this new year with some fresh content for you ladies! If you didn’t catch my last of post of 2024 on my Low Key Winter Beauty Checklist, please do so! To kick off my first post here for 2025, we are going to talk about how to incorporate the Pantone Color of the Year into your makeup routine and why this specific shade is a fabulous choice. WHY does Pantone pick a Color of the Year? A single and distinct hue is chosen to engage the design community and color enthusiasts in a conversation that surrounds the relationship between color and culture. The color chosen is to help express a global mood for the year that captures the global zeitgeist. WHAT Color did they pick this year? Pantone has unveiled its Color of the Year for 2025… and it is PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse. This shade is described as a mellow, warm, rich brown hue that nurtures us with a suggestion of delectable qualities of chocolate and coffee, that exudes a desire for comfort and sophistication. Personally, I love the idea of feeling comfy, yet chic and sophisticated heading into 2025, what a great combo. Why Choose Pantone Color of the Year Mocha Mousse? Mocha Mousse is a universally flattering shade that complements a wide range of skin tones and is the perfect cozy shade for this winter season. Its earthy warmth adds depth and dimension, making it ideal for us mature ladies. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Incorporating the Pantone Color of the Year can provide a subtle yet impactful update to not only your makeup, but can also to be added into: your home with a luxury faux fur Pottery Barn blanket, $125, your wardrobe with a rich pair of suede Jeffrey Campbell boots, $189, and nails with Essie polish in shade “Crochet Away,” $10, as well. How to Incorporate Mocha Mousse into Your Makeup Routine I’ll be doing my makeup for this look in kind of a reverse order than normal, so I’m just trying new things this year! Let me know what you think. Pantone Color of the Year for Skin Hydrated skin, that not only feels, but appears hydrated and glowy, is very important to me for using these tones of brown. Mature skin often benefits from well-hydrated products. So opt for cream-based formulations in one or all of eyeshadows, blushes, or foundations to maintain a dewy, youthful appearance. I used the following skin TRIO to ensure my skin doesn’t look dry like brown dirt! First, my new obsession is the viral Amazon product – d’Alba Piedmont Italian First Spray Serum, $24, that I spray before I apply my makeup and then throughout the day to get my dewy appearance back! Feels and smells incredible. Second, the Haus Labs Triclone Skin Tech foundation, $48, in shade 120. This foundation is made with 20+ skincare ingredients, specifically arnica to help reduce redness, and delivers ultra-comfortable, medium coverage that is weightless with a serum-like texture. And finally this Laura Mercier Real Flawless Weightless concealer, $33, in shade 2C2, to spot treat over my dark circles and to brighten up high points of my face. Always using the BK Beauty kitten paw concealer brush, $24, to flawlessly apply my concealer each and every time! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Blush A blush shade that leans more bronze-like is a great choice to add warmth and dimension to your complexion. These shades can provide a healthy, natural-looking glow that enhances your features gracefully without being super bright. One of my go-to shades for a pink with a hint of bronze and champagne, is Charlotte Tilbury “Pillow Talk original” blush, $42. It’s perfect for this look because of its subtle warmth with a hint of glow due to the pearlescent center. This powder blush gives a dewy glow without being a cream formula. If you’ve been looking for a gorgeous neutral-ish blush, this is a keeper! Lip Color A lipstick or gloss in this warm brown shade adds sophistication to your look. It’s versatile enough for daily wear and can be layered for a more dramatic evening appearance. My lip combo of the Buxom lip liner in “Hi Def Honey,” $22, with one of my all time fave cheap glosses, NYX Butter gloss in shade “Praline,” $6, aligns nicely with the Mocha Mousse trend. If you’re more of a true lipstick girly, treat yourself to a YSL Candy Glaze lipstick in “Scenic Brown,” $42, you won’t regret it. Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeshadow A Pantone Color of the Year mocha mousse-inspired eyeshadow look can create a soft, smoky eye that’s perfect for both day and night. Its warm undertones enhance eye color and add depth without being overpowering. I chose to use the liquid eye paint shadows by About Face, $16, in shades Capulet (soft brown) and Cloned (warm terracotta) to create the most gorgeous brown-inspired eye! If you haven’t tried this formula yet, go do it if you love cream shadows. They blend out softly like a dream, you only need a slight dab of the color, then diffuse edges with a plush eyeshadow brush, $24, for best results. Pantone Color of the Year for Eyeliner You could use a true brown-toned eyeliner to define your eyes subtly, offering a softer alternative to traditional black, like the Victoria Beckham Satin Kajal liner in “Cocoa,” $34. (You all know how much I looove her eyeliners 🙂 However, I chose to use a deep black shade liner and then added the darker of the two liquid paint shadows on top to diffuse the black and give it a smokey vibe without being too dark! I lined my inner lower waterline and upper lash line with the black, then added the shade “Cloned” on top of both with my trusty skinny M443 eyeliner brush, $8, to smudge out. Finish off with curled lashes and lots of mascara of course. I’ve loved the Caliray Come Hell Or High Water tubing mascara, $24, these days. Don’t forget to Blend Well! Blending is crucial, especially with darker shades like browns. Ensure seamless transitions between colors to avoid harsh lines, which can be unflattering on mature skin. Need a great blush brush, foundation brush, and/or eye makeup brushes to ensure your blending is on point for the rest of 2025? Then check out BK Beauty brushes now on Amazon – they’re some of the best-made quality brushes I’ve ever used. The rest of my look details: Similar brown 2 piece loungewear set on Amazon, $48. // My zodiac charm + semi-precious choker necklace combo from Sequin Jewelry gets worn quite often, $200. Such a personal piece. // Brown faux fur jackets similar to mine here at Urban Outfitters, $99 and here at Neiman Marcus, $695. // My double Drusy Kendra Scott ring, is now half off, $78. If you have any burning makeup or skincare questions or topics you’d like to see covered here on SAACA this year, please leave me a comment below this post. I’d love to hear what you’re most interested in when it comes to the beauty category! Shop the Post Turn on your JavaScript to view content About The Author Jennifer Duvall Jennifer is our beauty & makeup contributor. She posts a weekly column on Saturdays She also runs her own website & YouTube channel, which you can find by clicking below. Source link
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The Life of Maxim 'The Carver' Kuznetsov
A Tale of Art and Controversy
Maxim Kuznetsov, known in the art world as 'The Carver,' was born in the gritty outskirts of Novosibirsk in 1985. From a young age, Maxim was different; he didn't see the world in colors or shapes but in textures and forms. His father, a former steelworker turned scrap metal dealer, often brought home materials that sparked Maxim's imagination. The young Maxim would twist and bend metal into bizarre figures, creating his first pieces from what others saw as junk.
In his teenage years, Maxim's fascination with metal turned darker. He discovered that his artistic expression could be more... visceral. His motto, "I am an artist, the blade is my brush and anybody who stays in my way becomes a canvas to lay my path," was born out of an incident where Maxim, in a fit of creative fervor and teenage rebellion, carved his initials into the side of a rival gang's car. This act, while juvenile, set the stage for his later notoriety.
As Maxim grew, so did his infamy. His art installations, often involving large, rusty blades and provocative themes, began to appear in abandoned buildings and dark alleys of Moscow. His work was not just about the material; it was about the statement. One of his most controversial pieces was an installation titled "Justice," where he hung several discarded judicial robes from meat hooks, each with a blade slicing through them, symbolizing his critique of corruption in the legal system.

However, Maxim's art took a sinister turn when he started using human elements in his work. Rumors swirled that his 'canvases' were not just metaphorical. The disappearance of a rival artist, found weeks later with Maxim's signature carvings on his back, fueled these rumors. Although never officially charged, the shadow of suspicion followed Maxim like the dark hues in his sculptures.
His gallery openings became events of both fascination and fear. Art critics were divided; some hailed him as a revolutionary artist pushing boundaries, while others condemned him as a psychopath exploiting art for notoriety. His pieces sold for exorbitant prices, often to collectors who were either too intrigued or too afraid to question the origins of his materials.
The peak of his career, or perhaps his downfall, came with "The Last Canvas," an exhibit where Maxim showcased a series of life-sized human figures made entirely from scrap metal, each holding a blade. The exhibit was shut down after activists claimed it glorified violence, and the mysterious disappearance of an art critic who was writing a scathing review added fuel to the fire.
Maxim Kuznetsov's life story is one of art, ambition, and ambiguity. He thrived in controversy, his creations both celebrated and feared. As time passed, Maxim became more reclusive, his final known piece being a self-portrait made of countless razor blades, reflecting his life's motto in a literal sense. Whether Maxim sees himself as an artist or something darker, his legacy remains a sharp reminder of where art can cut deep into society's fabric.

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Farewell Fungus, Hello Healthy Nails: My Positive Experience with
For years, I'd been self-conscious about a discolored and thickened toenail. It started small but gradually worsened, becoming a stubborn fungal infection. Traditional creams and ointments offered little improvement, and I was hesitant about resorting to harsh oral medications. Looking for a natural solution, I came across Kerassentials, a topical nail oil designed to combat fungal infections.
A Natural Approach to Toenail Fungus
Kerassentials appealed to me because it offered a natural approach to tackling stubborn toenail fungus. The formula boasts a blend of essential oils and botanical extracts known for their antifungal properties. Ingredients like Tea Tree Oil, Clove Bud Oil, and Lavender Oil stood out for their ability to create an inhospitable environment for fungus growth, potentially promoting healthy nail renewal.
The focus on natural ingredients resonated with me, as I wanted to address the issue at its source without harsh chemicals. Kerassentials offered a gentle, topical approach to potentially eliminate the fungus and promote the growth of a healthy, clear toenail.
The Kerassentials website provided clear information on each ingredient and its antifungal properties. They also offered studies and research highlighting the potential effectiveness of these natural components. This transparency and the focus on a natural approach instilled confidence in the product's safety and effectiveness.
Easy to Use and Integrate into My Routine
The ease of use of Kerassentials is a big plus. The applicator brush allows for easy, mess-free application directly onto the affected toenail. The recommended dosage is twice daily, which I seamlessly incorporated into my morning and evening routines.
Gradual Improvement and a Healthier Toenail
Within a few weeks of consistent use of Kerassentials, I noticed a subtle improvement in the appearance of my infected toenail. The discolored areas seemed to lighten slightly, and the overall texture of the nail appeared smoother. While the change was gradual, it instilled hope that the product was working.
Over time, the improvement became more pronounced. The discolored area shrunk further, and the healthy nail underneath began to grow in. After several months of consistent use, the unsightly fungus was finally gone, replaced by a healthy, clear toenail. This transformation not only improved the appearance of my foot but also boosted my confidence in wearing open-toed shoes.
Sustainable Support and Long-Term Foot Health
Kerassentials offers a natural and sustainable approach to potentially eliminate toenail fungus and promote healthy nail growth. Unlike one-time treatments, consistent use of Kerassentials allows for gradual improvement and long-term healthy nail maintenance. This topical oil has become an essential part of my foot care routine, promoting a healthy nail environment and preventing future fungal infections.
Important Note: It's crucial to remember that everyone's body reacts differently to topical treatments. While my experience with Kerassentials has been positive, it's always advisable to consult with your doctor before starting any new topical regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.
Maintaining proper foot hygiene and wearing well-fitting shoes remain crucial for optimal foot health. However, Kerassentials can be a helpful companion on your journey to healthy and fungus-free toenails.
A Reliable Partner for Healthy Feet
Overall, I've been very impressed with Kerassentials. The easy-to-use applicator, the natural formula, and the gradual yet significant improvement in my toenail health have made it a valuable addition to my foot care routine. If you're struggling with stubborn toenail fungus and are looking for a natural solution, I highly recommend giving Kerassentials a try. Remember, maintaining proper foot care habits remains important, and Kerassentials can be a helpful tool on your path to healthy and confident feet.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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#It appears this is the year I finally started using more brushes and more texture in my art!!#do I look like my art :0 ?#muii art#artvsartist#art vs artist#artvsartist2021#my face#muii irl
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just wanted to share a few comparisons to show how my digital painting skills have developed over the years!
(these were all done with the same brush type on the same program btw!)
see below for a mini kinda Art Advice post where i go into each of these comparisons!
wanna start by saying the brush i used for all these pieces is the 'watercolour' brush on firealpaca... essentially just a default flat brush that usually comes with most software!
the first two are to show unintentional messiness vs intentional messiness. a lot of my early art had a pretty messy quality to it purely because i was still unfamiliar with the mechanics of digital! (though i will say, i think i was going for a more painter-ly style in the 2015 art anyway because i was basing it on pre-raphaelite works)
i think once you become a lot more familiar with certain mediums, you allow yourself to be a bit more confident with the brushstrokes you make! the 2022 piece is one where i wanted to create a sense of texture, almost like a digital version of impasto (aka thick layers of paint), and i know better now how to use digital software to create this kind of effect!
and you can see with the next row & the 2016 piece that i managed to create a much smoother, more blended appearance whilst still using the same brush! a part of my improvement came from me allowing myself to spend a little longer on pieces, especially in those first few years. i think a lot of beginners to digital (or any other kind of medium for that matter) think that if they spend the same amount of time on a piece as they would in another medium that they're more familiar with they'll get the same results, but it doesn't really work that way lol... especially if you're very new to digital... my advice here, then, would be to allow yourself to be slow at figuring out the medium (and let yourself make mistakes!)
going back to the 2016 vs 2022 comparison, i wanted to include this to show how sometimes you can keep things still messy, but still controlled and complete looking! also, remember that in digital most programs will let you adjust the 'colour mixing levels' or another similar 'blending level' option, which essentially just means how much the strokes blend or don't blend into what you've already painted... (knowing this would have made blending a whole lot easier back in 2016 lemme tell you lol.....)
(i also wanted to include that comparison cos it looks like they're looking at each other and i find it funny pfft)
the final comparison is, again, to show how controlled brushstrokes can give a piece a simultaneously painter-ly and smooth appearance! in both the 2015 and 2023 pieces, i wasn't super precise in my painting skills. but the 2023, to me at least, doesn't look as messy purely in the way i've been able to use the brush!
i mainly wanted to share this because i spent a long time trying to make my paintings look smooth, and i definitely do still do this in some artworks (particularly if i'm using fluffy/textured brushes), but i realised that i really enjoyed being able to create messy works that overall feel more finished due to the painting skills i've developed over the years!
i also just want to say that i'm not saying that either of these sides are 'better' than the other, they're just a few different ways i've approached art in my years as a digital artist! my observational drawing skills have grown a lot since the left side pieces, but i still think there's a lot to like in my early works and i'm definitely still very proud of them!
thanks for reading & feel free to check out my other art advice posts and consider tipping me here on tumblr or heading to my kofi if you wanna support me! (no pressure ofc!!) <3
#art advice#digital art#art advice for beginners#digital art advice#firealpaca#portraiture#digital painting#painting advice#i havent actually posted the full 2023 piece yet 👀 so you're getting a sneak preview lol
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Test of strength
Did you think Hunt's season was over? I just took a little break xd Au belongs to @smalltasteofhoney
Being accepted into one of the most successful witch academies was like a dream, from which you didn't want to wake up. Honestly, you sent your questionnaire, not hoping to get a positive response. Therefore, you looked after other educational institutions that were an order of magnitude lower than the Academy, but also a good option.
When you, not fully awake, saw on the table an envelope with an emblem that was difficult to confuse with any other, you decided that you were still sleeping. You went to the bathroom to wash your face, brush your teeth and change clothes.
The letter was still on the table, in the same place as you remembered.
When you were completely convinced that there was no trace of a dream left, you slowly approached the envelope. Taking it in your hands, you felt the characteristic texture of the paper and, holding your breath, you opened it in a matter of seconds and ran your eyes over the contents.
You have been accepted.
You remembered that you forgot to exhale only when you started to lack oxygen. Bending over and taking a few deep breaths, you did not let go of the cherished letter, your ticket to the fulfillment of all dreams.
A year has passed since then, and you, having settled into the Academy, felt better than ever. You never regretted the decision you made, even with the appearance of an uninvited, annoying guest. Never in all the time of your training you made mistakes like this for sure. You drew a simple circle to call a familiar, cast a spell, but instead of the expected magical little animal, he answered your call.
Once again, looking through the recipe for the potion and stirring the brew in the cauldron, you reproached yourself for it. It would be better if you did not become sophisticated and, as most of witches, went and picked up a kitten from the street. At least you did a good deed.
You looked up from your book, feeling movement beside you. One glance at Hunt's pleased face was enough for you to barely hold back a tired breath, so you turn away and again began to check all the ingredients.
Although a lot of time has passed since that incident, you still periodically recalled your first meeting. The way you couldn't hide your surprise at who was supposed to be your future familiar. The way that even though the same emotion appeared on the demon's face, he didn't look very upset or furious.
You had been told more than once in the lessons that it was impossible to summon a demon without preparation. That it was not uncommon for a demon to eat a summoner. However, you proved by your very existence that it was quite possible to do this and survive.
You had to, by one of his clothes, aura and a barely noticeable sweetish aroma that gradually filled the air, understand which class of demons responded to your spell. You should have, but then your thoughts were elsewhere. Deals with creatures like this never end well, so you immediately tried to get rid of him. You tried to cast a dispelling spell, wipe the summoning circle, and finally splashed holy water on him.
All the while, Rook, as he later introduced himself, stood still, patiently letting you try out all the different ways you'd been taught over the course of the year. He stood with an unchanging smile, as real as before.
"Mon amour," the incubus, who hadn't moved, finally made his presence known aloud. "Your potion is amazing! However, it is missing something."
Rolling your eyes up to the ceiling, you pursed your lips. Despite his character and the not so pleasant circumstances of the beginning of your joint `cohabitation`, if it could be called that, Hunt was useful. More precisely, his inexhaustible knowledge of spells, potions and herbs, which he shared with you from time to time, was useful. Not for free, of course.
"Is it," was your short answer.
You weren't going to go along with him, so you began to intensively review the recipe again. Boiling temperature was perfect. There was still five minutes before the end of the time. All the ingredients were of the best possible freshness. Some of the herbs you gathered this morning, they could not have time to lose their properties. However, even without the hint of a demon, you felt like you missed some detail. You'd get a solid B for that potion, because it wasn't enough for A+.
You felt hands on your shoulders, gently shifting your attention from the book to the speaker, "You know, don't you? You have one of the best sources of magical knowledge at your disposal! I can help you," Rook caught your eyes. "You should say only one word, ma cherie"
You were silent. His offer sounded tempting. All his offers sounded very tempting, if you could be completely honest at least with yourself. Sometimes you forgot who he was, remembering his true nature only at such moments. When he tried to sway you into a contract.
Other witches would gladly agree, but you felt some kind of catch in his words. As if Rook was constantly keeping something back, and only the knowing light in his eyes did not allow you to finally give up. However, sometimes you madly wanted to do it.
You couldn't deny his charm, even if it was a hallmark of his race, his ability to talk anyone. The way he skillfully lulled vigilance to attack when the victim would least expect it.
"I prefer to earn grades with my knowledge".
The words came out of your mouth too quickly and confidently not to sound memorized. You threw Hunt's hands away from you with a habitual gesture, and gestured for him to move away. Rook's face did not change, he just smiled peacefully and obediently walked away to sit down at the chair and continue to watch you.
Naturally, he wasn't going to leave you alone. However, even when he was not in sight, you still felt his eyes on you with your back. It was more like paranoia, so you asked him not to hide from now on. It was better to see and know that he was near, than just to assume.
You sighed. This game of cat and mouse had been getting on your nerves for a long time. A game in which you did not feel like a `cat`, but a `mouse` every living second. You just hoped that Rook hadn't run out of patience yet, and you could find a way to exorcise him before you would answer `Yes` to his offer. Before his existence would so ingrain into your life that to get rid of him would become impossible.
#tenshi talk#I thought for a long time where to start#and then the setting in obey me came to my mind.#but this is not a school of demons#but an academy of witches#where they learn to summon them.#nevertheless congratulation everyone with 6th rook drabble!#he has a new job!#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland#twst#twst oneshot#twst fic#twisted wonderland x reader#rook hunt#yandere twisted wonderland#twst rook#rook hunt x reader#yandere rook hunt#rook x reader#incubus au#incubus!rook hunt#demon!rook hunt#demon au
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Unstoppable Desire
Pairing: Ruvik X F!Reader
Warning: Masturbation, Dirty Imaginations
Summary: Ruben caught himself of having fantasies of Y/N and him in his head which lead him to an unknown feeling.
Words: 1,600
Note: Beta-read by @bruhvik
"You can be such a lovely person, Ruben, you just haven’t realized it yet"
This made him shake his head with a chuckle, "Oh (Y/N), I don't know if you're either blind or just in love with a monster, my dear."
When he saw her reaching her arms out for him, offering a hug, he widened his eyes in surprise. But who would he be if it weren’t for accepting this offer
Ruben graved for affection and acceptance all his life. It had been years since he felt so close to someone, his sister. When she brushed her warm hand over his naked back which just got free of his bandages, he took a deep breath, leaning into her touch completely; enjoying this moment.
He felt his heartbeat starting to rise rapidly. This feeling wasn't familiar for him.
"Relax, it's okey. Stop judging your appearance all over again", she looked up at him when she let him go of their hug. How she expected, he looked in another direction with squinted eyes. She bit her bottom lip and it made her sigh, "No - no, I know that expression! I know what's going on in your mind again. Listen to me just for once!"
The scarred man rolled his eyes and felt his cheeks starting to heat up when looking at her. Oh how much he hated how submissive, innocent and shy he may look there. This isn't his personality and nature. He pressed his lips a bit together and finally glanced over her.
"I know it's because of your scars again. That you might think I would find you ugly and hide this opinion. I still have no freaking idea how you would come up with that thought again. How many times do I need to prove you the opposite of it? Your scars can tell the story by themselves and they make your personality and view so much stronger. You're unique in your own way! When I first met you, I already was fascinated by your presence ... and I thought", she took a breath with a smirk, "Phew, that guy is so sexy, damn! And I-"
Ruben shrugged out of his daydream and rubbed his forehead while groaning. By sliding down his blanket, he noticed sweat drops on his body. It felt like he was just sitting in a whirlpool or sauna.
He was such a dumb fool. What was he even thinking? Despite the fact that Y/N would never just spit out so many compliments and fall into his arms so suddenly. She wasn't that type of person, way too stubborn as well. Also, he wasn’t the person who would melt so quickly for a woman. There was just one girl whom he fully trusted and who understood him: Laura. Any girl could just try to get him around her fingers and he wouldn't allow that. But when he remembered the time he spent together with Y/N, he kind of felt safe and calm in her presence. Not at their first meeting but after some small-talks, her offer to help him, he started to trust her a bit more. He hated to admit but she actually brightened his day sometimes. She had such a caring heart when it came to ’his’ patients or listening to Ruben whenever he had a bad day, raging about mistakes in the machine. But he still didn't tell her his full past yet. It was still way too private to just tell her all the informations. Deep down in his heart, he was always looking forward to the next day to meet her in his laboratory. It never seemed like his appearance bothered her or that she judged him ... well except at their first meeting when she saw his experiments. Neither of them could have imagined becoming 'friends' one day ....
Ruben tried to relax again and close his eyes but the thoughts and daydreams hit him like a brick. In front of him, he saw her admirable body and imagined the smell of her favorite perfume.
He leaned his head back on his bed and moved his hands over his chest, down to his stomach, to the area where he didn't have any burns. At least he was able to feel a bit but the building heat in him was way stronger anyways. The thought of her fingers stroking slightly over his skin was enough for him.
"You really want me to prove it, don't you?", she whispered in his ear, "I know that you have something in your mind right now. Tell me ... what do you want to do with me really?"
She kissed him gently and slowly on his rough lips while traveling with her fingers over his chest.
"I've never seen you so nervous before, Ruben. This intelligent scientist really does have a soft heart deep down but he doesn't like to admit it. But he also hates to get submissive all out of a sudden, am I right?
What has gotten into you?"
When he caught himself letting out a quiet but noticeable moan, he opened his eyes.
How could he be so sensitive already?
Was he graving that badly to get touched and admired?
But that didn't matter to him for that moment anymore, the wave of heat was starting to take control over him.
He imagined how he’d quickly bend her into the bed to show his true nature. His ego wouldn’t allow to represent him like a whiney puppy graving for her attention.
"Oh my dear, be careful, you seem of not knowing what's going on in my mind. You really thought I would literally cry and beg for you to touch me? Just because I haven’t touched anyone yet? You've thought that, haven’t you?", he sounded like he was almost out of breath just due to his adrenaline.
He stroked her thighs playfully, his grip went more firm after seconds. Ruben watched her closing her eyes in pleasure with an opened mouth.
"I asked you something, sunflower!", he moved dangerously to her private parts.
" - I'm sorry - No, I didn’t think that. Really!", she almost whimpered desperately because of getting touched.
Ruben felt how his distressed pants got more and more thight. He rarely had the need of pleasuring himself if at all. This time he couldn't hold himself back., He slowly stroked himself, hand disappearing in his pants, taking his rough textured pen*s out of it. He gave it a few strokes on the shaft; one of the only parts left on his body which weren't totally numb. Oh, and how sensitive he was there!
"You're lying to me", he shook his head in amusement and drew circles over your now exposed panties, "You really dare to lie to me though you know that I can read expressions almost perfectly?"
"I - I just wanted to make you feel good and -"
He bent down to her and gave her a kiss on her lips with a chuckle, "Oh, I know that very well."
Ruben stroke up from the base of his cock, which was covered with some veins, with a tighter grip down to his tip. When he focused on the soft tip, he went a bit gentle and teased it with one finger.
His imagination skipped a bit forward, leaving out the foreplay.
„Are you sure you wanna do this now, princess?", he stared down at her in a missionary pose. He already lined up his cock to her entrance and teased her hole with it.
"With you, absolutely! Just stop the tease now, ... please!", she took a deep breath and looked at him when he entered her slowly.
He took his average sized member entirely in his hand, pretending like it would be in her slit. Ruben pumped it with smooth movements and he let out some moans here and there.
He was alone in his huge mansion anyways. The full moon did shine straight through his window down to his bed as if he was in spotlight. Everything was playing around him and about his pleasure right now.
Ruben was fully concentrating on pictures of a naked Y/N, whom he owned in his act. How she would praise his name all over again, filling him with deep kisses , changing positions to experiment of getting deeper.
By speeding up the pace and tightening his grip, he felt how something was building up in his lower regions.
He breathleassy slipped out her name by accident (which he would be truly ashamed of later).
To reach his orgasm, he played with his tip, this time using his other hand. It didn't take him much to release his seed on his pants. It was more than he ever released before, during his previous sessions where he didn't have any naughty fantasies about a specific person.
The afterwave took his sharp eyesight for a while. He couldn’t control his breath, nor his awareness. It didn’t take him much to pass out. He did build way too much adrenaline which his body couldn’t handle very well. He was literally on his limits with his body. Being so exhausted, he didn’t have the time to think and reflect on his sinful thoughts. So, with shaking hands, he slipped out of his dirty pants and threw it on the floor before closing his eyes to fall asleep immediately
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