#It also eats into my professional life and my attention span and. Ugh.
fantasy-costco · 2 months
Ramble vent in the tags about. Tumblr.
#I feel like I need to get off this website but I have sort of mixed feelings about it#This place is. Fucking terrible for my mental health#Most of my anxiety spirals go back to this place in some way shape or form#My doctor said I'm exhibiting ocd symptoms and I feel like the. Let's say culture if this app is Not fucking helping with that#For years now Ive been afraid to post my own interests and opinions on my own fucking blog because I'm afraid of some imaginary backlash#That I've never actually been the target of but I've seen it so often I'm like. Terrified of it#I'm afraid even admitting that because I feel like people will think the worst of me based on my own fear#Even though I've done nothing wrong and I don't owe anyone an explanation for like. Thinking voting is good actually. Or whatever.#Or thinking the way that people here talk about history#And religion. The things that I study and teach professionally! Could maybe be more nuanced#But also like. I pretty much grew up here. I met my fiancée here. I have people here who I used to be extremely close friends with and#Now this is the only connection we have#I delete tumblr and there go the first conversations I had with my fiancée#And also I'm chasing this high of like. Being a 13 year old nerd posting about doctor who and Percy Jackson and making friends and feeling#Like part of a community for the first time and I don't think that's ever coming back#This isn't the website it was 10 years ago and I'm not a kid anymore#I'm just stressed. All the time.#I don't know man. This is fucking bad for me.#It also eats into my professional life and my attention span and. Ugh.#Yeah. Anyway.#Tmi cw
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bomberqueen17 · 3 months
holding it down
currently am being held down in the chair by Chita, who was waiting patiently next to my recliner while i was in the other room packing up my clean laundry. I'm going back to the farm today, and need to leave sometime before noon to arrive in time for dinner. The only productive thing I really did this week is that last night I made a Vat of Borscht that i'm going to bring to serve for dinner tonight so my sister doesn't have to cook. anyway. Oop Chita just had enough of absorbing my body heat / qi (we joke that's what she's after, absorbing qi by sitting on people) and has transferred herself to the other chair, where she will sleep for six to ten hours without moving much. Her life is hard.
anyway wittering on behind cut
my dreamwidth crossposter broke so i should figure out how to set up an RSS thingy there, idk how to do that though. i think tumblr did something that broke how they do RSS and that's why the crossposter went down.
I'm trying Vyvanse again, a slightly higher dose. One pill a day, I can do. Yesterday I just felt scattered and ran around not getting things done. I did go double grocery shopping with Dude, and there was a Pokemon Go thing going on so I was catching cyndaquils while wandering through the grocery aisles, and i just-- sometimes I can feel that what I am doing is really bad for my attention span, and I could super feel that this was not helping me at all.
"I need to meditate," I said, sweating, on the ride home in the car. (It has been so hot. It was so hot yesterday. It was 87 and so humid and even with the ac in the car I was just sweating. ugh.)
"So meditate," Dude said, but I don't know how.
I probably should start writing in my journal again. I had been using a like day planner thing, and I was doing pretty poorly at it-- i'd write goals but they were never concretely connected to anything, and mostly I was writing down what I did after I did it, but at least that tied me to reality somewhat. So I should at least go back to that, I stopped the last week at the farm when things were so fucking hectic I didn't do anything but work, eat, and sleep.
I don't know if it helps but doing nothing doesn't help either.
And it's a lie to say I did nothing this past week. I was very off my game, but I did consult two different medical professionals for whatever that's worth, and I did manage to get past a huge writing block that's been deviling me for over a year really.
The horrible heat is supposed to break, which is good timing, because there is no climate control at the farm, and the only air-conditioned room is insufficiently conditioned and so is usually warmer than the surrounding spaces. I would have had a miserable week if I'd been there this past week, when it was over 90F most days and wasn't getting below 75F at night. (It was 81F here this morning at 6am, but it is supposed to rain and the day's high will only be 82. So.)
I did get some sewing done this week, though not as much as I wanted. I did a bunch of laundry. I did not clean the house or make any progress organizing any spaces, which were things I had wanted to do. But the writing, I can't describe how important getting that writing done was for me.
I'm having trouble being confident in my writing currently, a couple of scenes I feel are not emotionally true to what I was trying to say. I did rediscover some old notes though, and I think I've figured out what was bugging me in the Geralt/Emhyr scenes, and what I should work on with them. (I think the background information that Pavetta was an unhinged little gremlin monsterfucker and that was what formed Emhyr's id is really important and I have to work out how to incorporate that into everything going forward.)
I also keep finding myself yearning to write some original stuff. So we'll have to see, if I can get through the backlog of ideas in the Witcher stuff and start winding some of that up (??!!?!?!) then maybe there'd be some time to poke those ideas.
Anyway. Cat tax, here is what Chita looked like as I began this post, being a feline seat belt holding me into this chair:
Tumblr media
[image description: small gray cat, head turned and eyes closed, is lying on my green-clad lap and has one paw outstretched toward the camera, touching the gray arm of the chair we're sitting in, holding me in position.]
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
Stray Devil Blues - Eng Translation
And so I decided to translate Stray Devil Blues, the newest theater/stage play from A3! as my first project. I love the story and I don’t think I can do the translation justice because the words are just beautiful, especially the prompt and the ending.
I have uploaded the theatre/stage play from the game for the everyone and below is the link:
Translator’s Note:
Bear in mind that my translation is not perfect, I’m doing this for my own growth and if you’re looking for professional translation, this is not the place. I do believe that my translation can obtain a passing mark though, so do check out my work if you’re interested~
There is a word directly translated to ‘divine protection’. I actually translated it to ‘blessings’ here to make it consistent with the initial prompt and shorter for conversation.
Any other question, feel free to DM me or leave a comment~
Translation will be below (1st Proofread and will be updated accordingly) ~
Stray Devil Blues
Version: 4th Proofread (27052020) - Some sentences adjusted for the flow of the story, Fixed a mistake on sentence said by robber
Nanao Taichi as Mark
Tsumugi Tsukioka as Lucifer
Tasuku Takato as Satan
Izumida Azami as Cliff
Guy as Beelzebub
Fushimi Omi as Walter
In the time of industrial revolution. As the economic inequality becomes more widespread, the unemployed youths resorted to crimes and the town is filled with a lot of the so-called street children.
One day, Mark who was accused of a crime he never committed, was freed from his imprisonment and he was finally released from the prison.
The radiance of the soul that has travelled through thousands of years, shining brightly towards the surface of the earth. Bringing to distraught, the accursed heaven’s blessing.
I won’t come back here again.
Thank you for your care.
…… Fyuh ……
Give me your money!
---- I don’t have any money.
I just came out from the prison.
I don’t care, just hand me over your bag!
---- Ugh
Ha, ha …...
It’s not my fault you’re such an easy prey!
This is a lie isn’t it…
My life, is it just going to end like  this…...?
Do you resent your own fate?
Do you detest yourself who has fallen?
I can give you the power.
The power to overturn your fate, a sword to accomplish your revenge.
A devil……?
If you let it be this way, you won’t accomplish anything.
You’ll rot away and everything will end here.
You’ll end up alone, not being acknowledged by anyone.
…… I hate it.
Then make a contract with me, in exchange for your soul.
A contract……
In one month time, you shall give me your soul as the compensation.
One month?
Is this the only way for me to stay alive?
No one can escape from the contract’s term.
If it’s like that, then there’s no meaning to it.
There’s actually one method to break free from the contract.
You can hunt the soul of another who has contracted with a devil.
That way, you can replace your soul with that of another.
Your soul will then be released from the contract’s term.
Another contractor’s soul ……
So, what are you going to do?
Alright, let’s do the contract.
Then with your soul, the success of your revenge shall be guaranteed.
What I want is not revenge.
I just want the proof of my innocence.
…… That’s alright.
And here, the contract shall be established.
After the unprecedented assault by a hoodlum, the demon Lucifer appears in front of the injured Mark.
The devil promised to bestow him a power to exact his revenge, and in exchange, his soul shall be taken away as a compensation when the contract ends in one-month time.
When Mark found no meaning in the limited time-span, Lucifer offered him the only method for his soul not to be taken away. That is to hunt for another devil contractor’s soul and by doing so, Mark’s soul will not be taken away when the contract ends.
With that in mind, Mark finally accepted the contract with the goal of proofing his own innocence.
No way, that guy is the culprit ……
And I thought he’s my friend.
Humans are such a fragile being. They fall into despair and corruption so easily.
Speaking of which, devils are also very persuasive, huh.
Both are favorable for us, devils.
Will you always be by my side, Lucifer?
With a high-ranking devil like me as the master of the contract, I am not bounded by any limitation. However, I won’t go to the human world without any reason.
Heh, so when I call you out, you will always appear before me.
That’s very convenient.
Don’t treat me like a tool. It’s unpleasant.
My bad, my bad.
So, the story goes like that.
But I wonder why.
That time when I heard his word, an unpleasant feeling rose in my gut.
I lost my sight and I could not differentiate between good and evil anymore.
I felt nothing but contempt, and when my friend fell ---
Repent for your sin, starts anew, and your crime shall be forgiven.
That way, God will bring salvation to thy soul.
…… Thank you very much, Father.
I sense the presence of another devil.
I haven’t seen another contractor around though.
Smells like a familiar pest.
Are you talking about one of your devil acquaintances?
Before that, it’s time for a meal.
I want to eat stew today.
…… Really, this stew eating devil.
Just listen to me for once.
Don’t forget to put a lot of meat inside.
I get it, fine.
…… Another devil, huh.
Oh God, I pray to you, extend your hand towards your stray children and bring salvation to their grieving souls. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.
By borrowing Lucifer’s power, the culprit finally confessed to his crime, providing closure for Mark.
At the same time, the devil, Beelzebub, whispered his evil to Walter. With the intention to purge evils, he formed a contract with Beelzebub and took the name as one of the devil’s contractor to hunt for other’s souls.
Long time no see, Cliff.
When did you come out from the prison?
A week ago. Thank you for a lot of  things.
Nah, I was powerless.
It was such a misfortune.
Not long ago, the true culprit just surrendered himself.
Really, if he’s going to surrender himself, he should have done that earlier.
Regardless, I’m glad that you are finally proved innocent.
So, have you decided on what are you going to do next?
I’m looking for a job, currently I’m just doing day to day work to get by.
Then, why don’t you work in my place?
I’ll be very delighted if you join.
Thanks for the invitation, but Cliff’s ‘work’ is impossible for me.
If it’s not because of our ‘work’, there will be a lot more children dying on the street!
I know but, I still can’t do it.
Then, when you change your mind, come and find me. I’ll listen to you anytime.
Thank you, Cliff.
Why do you refuse to depend on Cliff?
Cliff’s work revolves around threats and blackmails.
It’s a lot of illegal works.
Of course, if it’s not like that, I know that more people will suffer from starvation on the streets.
But I don’t want to do that kind of thing.
Then quickly find an honest profitable job that you can do.
I don’t want to be summoned to this dirty room again and again.
For a devil, you sure are fussy about cleanliness.
That’s none of your business.
My bad, my bad.
Then, since it’s impossible for me to move out now, let’s start by helping me with the cleaning.
Why do I need to do this kind of thing……
Mark met Cliff, who was his childhood friend from the same institution.
He offered his gratitude, for Cliff had provided him with a lot of assistance during his imprisonment.
Cliff was glad that Mark was finally proven innocent. He offered for Mark to join him in his work, but Mark was unable to resort to illegal activities.
Since his contract with Lucifer, Mark notices that the world is filled with little devils called demons and he became able to see them.
What’s that?
They like to meddle with the little corruption in human’s heart.
The so-called evil deeds are actually their doings.
…… even in Churches, there are demons around.
That looks really strange.
Anything troubles you?
Eh, nothing---
Please, come in.
We will listen to any kind of worries you have.
Maybe, you are troubled by the barrier?
You seem to be in need of a consultation.
You know something about the devils?
I guess you can say that.
We can purify people who has been possessed by inferior devils.
We also accept consultation for those who have made a contract with a devil.
Contract with a devil ……
They demand the soul of the contractor as a compensation for granting wishes.
Don’t you want to find a way to break free from them?
Such thing, does it actually exist?
Anything can be achieved with God’s power and protection.
More than this and we will attract the public’s attention.
This way ……
This place is ……?
It’s a place where the devil’s power won’t reach.
Then, about the way to break free from the contract ……
We have to provide salvation to your corrupted soul.
--- !?
There’s no mistake, Walter.
This guy is a contractor.
A devil!?
A God’s envoy working hand in hand with a devil, what a surprise right?
But this is a necessary evil.
Lucifer, come!
You sure cry loud for someone who just went inside a barrier.
As I thought, it’s you, Lucifer.
Then, this is the one you mentioned before ……?
If you get it, just release him already.
Unfortunately, that’s not for me to decide.
I won’t get my lunch if I don’t work properly.
So you’ve been had with food, huh.
You tricked me?
You want to break free from that devil right?
Then there’s only one way.
--- Tch
It’s alright.
No need to worry, there are a lot of other people out there who are willing to sell their soul to become a contractor.
Don’t be sad.
So you’re hunting for other contractor’s soul.
I’m not hunting, I’m just providing salvation.
That’s the same thing isn’t it ---!
You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you.
As expected of Lucifer’s contractor.
Break the barrier, Mark!
I won’t let you ---
What do I get?
Contract established.
--- Ugh
Playtime is over.
Before Lucifer appears ---
You’re too slow.
Sorry for the wait, Beelzebub.
Tch, so troublesome ---
Stop it, Lucifer!
Anymore than that and they’ll die.
--- Beelzebub, retreat.
…… I guess I won’t get lunch today.
Why do you stop me?
I’m not going to hunt for the soul of other contractors.
You want to break free from the contract’s term, don’t you?
Of course, I can’t just agree to die in one month.
But, that’s exactly why I refuse to hunt other people’s soul too.
As usual, you’re such a naïve guy.
That day, Mark was called out by Walter in front of the Church. Lured by his story, Mark went into the Church, just to find another devil appeared before his eyes.
Mark was put in a bad position because of the barrier, his soul was hunted in a two against one fight, but Lucifer managed to break in and helped in time. After Walter’s retreat, Mark asked for a way to break the contract with Lucifer.
Mark decided that he won’t hunt Walter’s soul just to achieve his freedom.
Father Walter is dead? What is happening  ……
How am I supposed to know, I’m not that free.
There’s another contractor who hunted for Walter’s soul.
You guys too, be careful around here.
Huh, you meddle too much.
You even took your time to transform into a fly to warn us, what’s the deal.
He left behind the last quiche he prepared before his death, I came here for that.
If that’s the case, just go home already.
Nothing is going to change if you just do whatever you’re comfortable with. Other contractors are going to target you.
I know that.
But regardless, I ……
Do whatever you want, I don’t care anymore.
Whatever it is, as long as I can hand over the soul, is it.
…… That’s exactly the point.
What are human souls for you, devils? A fodder, food, what is it?
It’s akin to a source of power, I guess you can call it our nourishment.
But, it’s not something that we can’t live without.
Then what would be the reason for you to go out all the way to establish contract with humans?
It’s just an activity to pass time.
You’re just bored!?
Don’t you know what kind of existence a devil is?
We are an existence who seek pleasures from human’s misfortunes, we found amusements in people’s sufferings.
Somehow, I cannot really see it that way.
It’s my first time staying with another person for a long period of time and it’s surprisingly easy to get along with you, even though you’re a devil.
Like I said, you’re just too naïve.
…… Human souls are, bound to Heaven otherwise it’s forsaken.
When it is out of reach.
When your soul’s conscience no longer desires the God’s blessings.
…… Basically, your soul won’t be able to reach Heaven anymore.
No matter what kind of good places there are out there, you won’t be taken into consideration anymore.
Lucifer, are you actually not a devil before?
I have nothing to say to you.
Eh, why.
I mean, just now ---
Anyway, you won’t remember it anymore.
Eh ……?
The day after, Walter’s body was found. Beelzebub who has turned into a fly, went to see Mark to warned him about another contractor who was hunting for souls.
In the street, noblemen were seen to be oppressing the orphans. Cliff looked at the scene with hatred as he glared at the noblemen with a piercing gaze.
The demons are behaving weirdly today ……
They seemed to be gathering at the mansions in this area.
Nobleman A:
Have you heard about it?
The masters and the guards of the mansions around this area were massacred recently.
Nobleman B:
That’s very scary.
Nobleman A:
But, what kind of thing can possibly pull that off. It doesn’t seem to be a simple falling off between the noblemen.
Serves them right, that’s what they deserved.
Oh, it’s you, Mark.
Such a coincidence, are you working now?
Ah, yeah.
Good luck to you.
Mark who was following the trails of the demons arrived in front of a row of big mansions.
Afterwards, he heard from the people passing by, that several people including the masters and guards of the mansions were found dead due to unnatural causes.
Cliff who was passing by was heard to be laughing, while muttering sinister things and Mark who witnessed the scene was left with nothing but uncomfortable feelings.
That is ……
It’s Satan.
--- Huh!
--- Cliff!?
…… Mark?
Cliff, you are Satan’s contractor!?
Mark, you too.
So, it’s you guys who hunted Walter.
Walter? Oh, that old man.
I don’t really remember but I think that’s his name.
That’s a lie, Cliff, why would you ---
If you’re also a contractor then you should have known why. With other contractor’s soul you can exempt your own soul from being taken.
Then, in exchange for your own, Walter’s soul is ……?
Yeah, with just a soul, your wish can be granted.
It’s very convenient that Mark is also a contractor.
Do you want to help me with my ‘work’?
Your ‘work’ is ……
Using the power of the devils, I will change the world.
It’s time to turn things around, I will destroy this world.
Using the power of the devils ----
The one controlling the demons were you, Cliff?
Controlling them, I guess it’s only correct to a certain degree.
I can only lead them around; they don’t have their own will after all.
They won’t listen to any order.
Don’t you realize that it was because of those demons that your friend was imprisoned.
I don’t really have a choice but to use them.
I have limited hands on my side you see.
That kind of thing ---
Hey, Mark, you’re already fed up with this world aren’t you.
You will never gain control no matter how hard you work.
Every single time, they exploited us, only throw us away after they’re done.
But, that’s kind of thing.
There’s no connection between that and people’s misfortune.
That way of thinking is wrong.
Enough with that bullshit.
Since long time ago, I really hate that childish thinking of yours --!
--- !
Stop it, Cliff!
There’s no need to rush.
How many years have it been since I last clash with you?
I don’t remember.
There has been no chance in the past thousand years.
You’re right.
I’ve always been waiting for this time to come.
Finally, after such a long time, come and face me seriously.
--- Ha!
Give it up.
You can’t win against me.
It won’t be interesting if that’s the case.
--- Tch!
Cliff, please listen to me.
It’s useless!
No matter what, you won’t understand!
--- Tch!
Retreat ---
See you again, Lucifer.
I’m grateful that you introduced me to a good contractor.
Thanks to that, every day is not so boring anymore.
Eh ……?
Lucifer, you were the one who introduced Satan to Cliff?
I only found him as a suitable person.
Why, that kind of thing is ---
I remind you, Devils are beings that lead humans to fall into corruption.
Human, I’ll teach you something good.
Even if you hunt for other contractor’s soul, you can’t break free from the devils.
Humans who formed a contract with a devil will already be devoid of God’s blessings.
For devils, human souls without blessings are such a pleasant treat.
No matter what you do, you can’t escape from the devils.
Stop meddling too ---
Oh, it seems I’m called by my contractor.
That talk just now, was that true?
If it is, then?
So you tricked me.
I only did not say the truth.
But, you tricked me.
You don’t exactly expect honesty from a devil.
Enough, go away already, I don’t want to see your face anymore.
If I’m gone, Cliff will soon come back for you.
Go away.
Mark was surprised to see that Cliff has formed a contract with the devil, Satan.
Cliff had been hunting for other contractor’s soul to overwrite his own contract. He wished to change and destroy the world which oppressed the weak. Taking into consideration Walter’s soul who has been hunted, Mark refused to give his cooperation.
The refusal has brought Cliff into a rage and he rushed in to attack Mark. At the same time, Satan rushed in to attack Lucifer. After realizing the difference in power, Cliff pulled off a retreat.
 When Satan passed his gratitude to Lucifer for his encounter with Cliff, Mark started to question and doubt Lucifer’s action. What would be the reason for Lucifer to pull people into despair and corruption.
 At that time, Satan whispered to Mark.
Even if Mark is to hunt for other contractor’s soul, he would not be able to break free from the devils. The sin for being a contractor was to be devoid of God’s blessings, to be exempted from the cycle of rebirth. Mark who just realized that he was being deceived, casted Lucifer aside.
You seem to be having a rough time.
Don’t come near me.
Again, you’re going to run away aren’t  you.
This time I will hunt him for real.
Hoo, are you going wreak havoc in Hell?
If you are banished from here, you’ll really have nowhere else to go.
Get out of my sight.
In the realm of Hell, Lucifer was caught by Satan in a bad mood. Satan announced that he will be going to collect Mark’s soul and Lucifer was brought to rage.
At that time, Mark went to see Cliff. One more time, he wanted the chance to talk to him.
Cliff, let’s talk.
There must be other methods for us to change the world.
You, the only thing you do was being a hindrance to me.
That’s not my intention!
Shut up! I don’t need any lip service!
You will never save anyone that way!
--- Ugh, uhh
Glad aren’t you, Satan.
This way, Mark’s soul will now be yours.
Yeah, I’m going to enjoy looking at Lucifer’s resentful face later.
Damn, brother complex.
Do you even listen to what you said?
Even this guy was someone akin to a brother to you right.
You’re right.
In the past, this kind of thing is ---
Thanks to you, I really get to enjoy this.
In the end, only devils will follow me ……
This is goodbye, Mark.
This time, it will be farewell for real.
Tch --- Lucifer!
You’re late.
--- Ugh.
This time, finish him off, Mark!
Do you think you have the time to look away?!
--- Ugh.
Satan, obliterate that guy!
--- Tch.
I’m sorry, Cliff ---
Damn it, I’m running out of time.
At least your head ---
Stop it!
Wha ---
Tch, he took all the damage.
What are you doing?
Who in the right mind will try to protect a devil?
Now you’re badly injured…
…… Is that so.
But that’s alright.
Regardless, tomorrow will be the end of the one-month time period.
 My soul is yours.
You hunted Cliff’s soul.
According to the term of the contract, your soul will no longer…
Ah, is that so ……
It’s no good.
My head’s spinning from the loss of blood.
Still, to lose something like blessings.
You can still hunt my soul, can’t you?
It’s okay you know, you already helped me a lot.
I was angry for being deceived, but I really enjoyed the time I spent with you……
It was fun……
You really are naïve.
Goodbye, Lucifer ……
Your soul won’t be saved by sacrificing yourself.
If God’s blessings really exist, I won’t let go of your hands.
Again, everything’s falling apart under my hand.
No matter how many times the cycle of rebirth continues to repeat itself, your soul will no longer……
Oh God please, if you have to save someone, please save him.
Don’t let him be just a sacrifice, a victim in this cruel world.
Oh God please, if you can show your compassion…
Voice from The Sky:
Lucifer, we heard your call.
The Heaven cannot excessively intervene with the Earth as it violates the law of Heaven.
Things like the law of Heaven, how am I supposed to know about that ---
If even God won’t be willing to save that person.
 There is no need for any blessings.
The radiance of the soul that has traveled through thousands of years, shining brightly towards the surface of the earth. Bringing to distraught, the accursed heaven’s blessings---
And when it’s finally freed from the crime it was accused for, his one and only light will be saved.
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gotboredwrote · 5 years
Mini-Us // JFM
Pairing: Joseph Mazzello x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.3K Style: One-Shot Warnings: Pure unadulterated fluff, swearing Summary: Y/N and Joe are ready for the “Bohemian Rhapsody” premiere in every way but one – Y/N has no idea what to wear to such an important event in Joe’s life, and Joe has no idea until the morning of. Thankfully, John and Veronica (Tetzlaff) Deacon are there to rescue the situation. Permanent Author’s Note: To clarify, I write because I get bored. Nothing is meant to be professional in any way, nor is meant to offend, cause anxiety, cause anger, cause sadness, or promote disagreement among readers in any sort of (semi)permanent way. A/N: In case this isn’t obvious, these stories are completely fiction, so please, PLEASE take it with a grain of salt that I am saying Deaky was involved with the “Bohemian Rhapsody” shoot. For the sake of this little blurb, I would like to imagine our dude and his wife-dude were involved, at least at the premiere. It should also go without saying that we as Queen/Deaky fans completely respect his choice to stay in retirement and remain a legend. Also, me posting two days in a row is not going to become normal so haha sorry enjoy anyway!
All the nerves buzzing around the room were infectious and electric – everyone’s adrenaline was sky-high knowing that the world would soon be able to appreciate all the hard work the boys, the producers, the crew, and Queen themselves put in to make this project a reality. The amount of detail and fist-pump-worthy music that was crammed into the two-hour film was enough to keep even a child with the world-record for the shortest attention span focused and entertained. It was a crowning-achievement for all involved, and no one could change their minds on that, including critics. Everyone had gathered in the lobby of the hotel the morning of the premiere to have the events of the day spelled out to them, that way things went as smoothly as possible. Everyone was with their plus-one’s, talking excitedly about the night’s events. Small talk being made here and there by crew and cast members who did not really know each other well, but enthusiastic nonetheless. At one point, Lucy made her way over to you and started excitedly babbling about her gown for the evening, and you smiled and complemented her choices whenever she took a breather and you had a moment to respond. Once she finished talking, she asked you to do what she just did – and all you could respond with was an averted gaze and flushed cheeks. At first, Lucy initially took that to mean that you were wearing something scandalous and that would make Joe react the same way you just did, with a little less aversion and a little bit more gawking. However, the polar opposite was true. When you spoke your truth, she entered full on crisis-mode, which made everyone spin around to listen in to your conversation.
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“What do you mean, you FORGOT?” She was not screaming at you because she was mad at you, she just genuinely could not comprehend the fact that you forgot an outfit to wear to the premiere.
“H-honestly, I really don’t know. I was packing stuff for myself and Joey and I even had a list, but I guess that never made it on the list. This is so unlike me! I mean, I even picked out a special pantsuit with dinosaurs all over it for the Jurassic World premiere, and Joey wasn’t even in that! Ugh, you can’t even understand how frustrated I am with myself right now!”
It was at this point that the whole aggregation of people who were in the lobby, including those that had nothing to do with the premiere, turned to look at the two jabbering ladies. The main cast and crew noticed there was some tension in the way words were said and the way bodies were standing, so they made their way over. Joe, breaking the silence from the peanut gallery, said “Everything alright, girls?”
“Yeah, Joey, we’re just-”
“NO! Things are NOT fine, Y/N, don’t lie to him!”
At this point everyone was looking at you guys like you were speaking a foreign language because you both were exclaiming something is wrong, but would not elaborate on what said thing was. Eventually the glare Lucy kept giving you, along with purely concerned faces from Joe, Rami, Ben, Gwil, Allen, Brian, Roger, John, and their wives, forced you to break your silence and explain just what was going on. “Well, you see, in-in my haste to get here in time for the premiere with everything Joe and I needed for the weekend, it somehow slipped my mind to pack a gown, or any kind of professional outfit for that matter, for-for the premiere tonight. I did bring some stilettos, but unless leggings and a cropped tee shirt are acceptable, I’m kind of shit out of luck. Y-yeah…” To your surprise, Lucy was the only one who was not calm. The boys of the cast and the band seemed pretty neutral about the whole thing, and the plus-one’s among the bunch did not seem to take any real interest in your problem at all. The only one who actually seemed to want to help you in some way was Veronica Deacon, the wife of the man Joey portrayed. She listened carefully to your explanation, sauntered over to John, and asked him a question with some seriously convincing puppy-dog eyes. John’s reaction was simply a smile that brought out the crinkles by the corners of his eyes, which preceded a small squeal from Veronica who then made her way over to you. At this point you were sitting with Joe, Lucy leaving a few minutes prior to latch onto Rami’s arm, on one of the lobby couches going over the options you had about squeezing in a shopping trip in between the other stuff you needed to get done today. You both her the clicking of her small, dark green heels, and looked up.
“Hi, darling. I couldn’t help but overhear what you were talking, er, rather enthusiastically discussing with Lucy. Have you figured out a solution yet?”
You sigh, eliciting an upper-arm rub from Joe. “No, I haven’t, and honestly I don’t know how I’m gonna fix this. I’m not a forgetful person, if anything, I over-prepare for everything. And I am not missing this premiere.”
“And you aren’t going to miss it, dear. I just spoke with my John and I think I have a solution for you. And I promise, I will not be offended if you decline.”
“I truly have no reason to decline, Mrs. Deacon, not after everything you and John have done for Joey and myself these past months. Whatever you want to suggest, I am all ears.”
“Alright, but there is one condition – Joseph; I would need you to stay here and be okay with letting Y/N ride with me to the premiere, and I’ll send John with you.”
Joe simply looked at you adoringly, yet with a tinge of melancholy, gave you a small peck on the lips and said “She’s all yours as long as I get to walk the red carpet with my best gal.”
The beginning of the day went off without a hitch on everyone’s end. Each pair or group of people ran their errands, stopped for bites to eat, and made their way back to the hotel around 2:30pm to get ready for the premiere. Veronica was sat patiently in the lobby, chatting with John about various things, such as their children and something to do with money, and waited to see you and Joe pop back through the front doors of the hotel. Within seconds of your figures gracing through the doorway, Veronica grabbed John and explained the circumstances of what was about to happen, and then quickly ushered you back up to their room, John and Joe falling behind but eventually catching up with you. Once in front of the Deacon’s door, Veronica ran inside, grabbed everything John needed, and practically threw it out in the hallway. Joe’s face was the definition of deer-in-the-headlights, which got even worse when John simply started walking away asking Joe to take him to yours and Joe’s room. Veronica ushered you inside her room before you could ask any questions, dragged you over to the large bed her and John were sharing, pushed you to sit down and grabbed your wrists excitedly.
“So! My plan!”
“Honestly, Mrs. Deacon, you were starting to scare me a little bit. I think Joe is also pretty mortified right now,” ending your sentence with a lighthearted laugh.
“I sincerely hope you know that wasn’t or isn’t my intention, sweetheart. I just got so excited when John agreed to my idea for you that it kept bubbling up like a fizzy drink! Oh, also sweetie, please call me Ronnie. There is no need for formalities at this point.”
You continued to sit in front of Veronica, genuinely confused as to what was currently going on, but enjoying every second spent with her. You could see why John considered her his best friend.
“Since you’ve been on set quite a bit, I am sure you were aware that anything the boys had that fit the ones portraying them were loaned over for the duration of the film, so at least some of the costumes were accurate, right?” You nodded, but not following where she was going with this train of thought.
“Well, when the writers addressed that bit to them, they also turned to the wives and said that there would be a couple girls for two or three scenes that would be portraying us! Imagine that! So, they asked us if we could do the same! You know, bring some of the clothes we wore back in the late seventies, early eighties to see if they would fit those girls!”
You continued to nod, starting to get an inkling of an idea of where she was headed with her words.
“I actually still have those clothes with me! I didn’t keep a lot of them, my body changing after having six kids, as you can imagine. Which I am not complaining about! My children are my greatest accomplishment! But it’s common knowledge that the body changes with age and extreme conditions, and I would say bearing children is one of said conditions, wouldn’t you agree? Any who, I am going on a severe tangent, dear. My point is that you are a similar size to what I was back in those days, and I cannot help but wonder if something that I have would be worthy of trying on! I know that some of the patterns are a bit, how would you say, dated? But I have a couple things that are solid that just might do the trick. Would you like to see for yourself?
By the time she was finished explaining her idea, there were tears of gratitude spilling out of your eyes that you simply could not control. Now it was Veronica’s turn to be scared of you because she genuinely thought she said something that made you this upset. All you could do before words would form was grab her hands and hold them to your chest so she could feel the rapid beating of your heart. Eventually, the words you wanted to say braved the world, and you were able to choke out a thank you.
“I ser-seriously don’t think you *hic* understand h-how much this means to me, Mrs.- Mrs. Deacon. Ronnie. Wh-whatever. I was already eternally in your debt f-for everything else, but now it’s e-eternity plus one.”
The laugh of relief that escaped her throat at your words was enough to make you laugh just as hard, and at that point the plan had gone into full effect. Her room became a walk-in closet itself, and all that was left to do was find something that fit, text John to bring your heels up so Joe would not see you in advance. You glanced down at your hands, which had been trembling slightly ever since Veronica let them go, and immediately calmed down at the sight of your perfect-for-you engagement ring. This plan of Veronica’s was actually really good preparation for the wedding that would be in one year’s time.
It was 4:30, and it was time for everyone to get in their respective cars to head over to the premiere. Joe and John were forced to head out before Y/N and Veronica so they would not see you in advance of stepping onto the carpet, which worked smoothly. Eventually the cars all made their way to the venue, and everyone had made it to the premiere except for you, Veronica, Lucy, and Rami. John noticed your car pull up in front of the start of the carpet and tugged Joe’s sleeve to get his attention focused on the most important thing. The car came to a gentle stop, the driver hopped out, came around, and opened your door. Joe held his breath because he had no idea what was happening, and he was honestly slightly worried that something was wrong. But all that worry went away when he saw you stiletto-clad foot plant onto the carpet, a stark black against a bright red carpet. He was able to take in each element of your presence slowly and meticulously as you stepped out of the car, seemingly in slow motion. First, he noticed your shoes, which he had seen before, but for some reason looked different with all the anticipation. They were three-inch stilettos that had crisscrossed laces from the start of your toes, up the top of your foot, coming to a stop as a thicker band at the start of your ankle. The bottom of the shoe was no more than half an inch thick, which made him wonder just how the hell you walked in those without falling flat on your face. Then he noticed the finite amount of jewelry you were wearing. Nothing overly fancy, just the emerald-leaf promise ring on your right-ring finger, your engagement ring on your left-ring finger, and the gold-diamond tennis bracelet that hung semi-loosely on your left wrist he had bought you for your anniversary gift to go with the engagement. No other jewelry, and he could not help but think that it was just the right amount for you, considering you did not consider yourself a flashy person. Before he looked at your dress, his eyes made their way to your head, where he noticed your signature lack of makeup – again, not a flashy person, and your hairdo. A simple far-reaching side part, with the lesser volume side tucked behind your ear, and the more voluminous side bouncing gently with each step you took, your natural Y/H/C shining in the afternoon sun. Finally, he looked at the dress you were wearing, finally realizing what Veronica’s plan was all along. By today’s standards, the dress was not “in,” but boy, did you make it work. It was a full-length, thin, flowy light-blue denim dress that stopped right at the top of your feet, which he had to admit he had never seen before. There were no slits on either side, which was different from the normal gowns you wore to events. The dress hugged your curves just to the point where you could tell where Veronica was smaller than you, but not by much. Hip accentuated somewhat, but nothing provocative, the same happening at your waist, and the top laying just right on you. The dress was completely off the shoulder, top of the dress coming all the way down to the halfway point of your upper arms, hugging you just enough to stay in place but not be squeezing your arm enough to leave pesky lines. The simple denim was accentuated by a snow-white border of lace across the top all the way around, with the same pattern around the entire bottom of the skirt, as well as complimenting the ends of the flowy sleeves that went right past your elbows. It was… simply stunning. Gracefully you made you way over to Joe, who had not said anything to anyone since your car arrived, including you. You knew it should not have made you concerned, but it did. Especially considering you were now on your own, as Veronica had sauntered to John, peppering him with kisses after not having seen him all day and asking him if she did a good job. He seemed to think so, as he was staring at you both with a look that Veronica could not pin point. Once you were planted in front of Joe, nervously awaiting his response, you started to panic, thinking he thought you looked terrible. In an effort to get him to say SOMETHING, you spun around on your heels, prompting the skirt of Veronica’s dress to spin lightly in their air, revealing your bare legs underneath. After Joe had still not said a word and was still gawking at you, you finally broke your silence with a question.
“Are you not happy with how I look? I actually thought this dress was beautiful and was so excited that it fit and matched the heels. I’m really sorry you don’t like it, Joey. I didn’t want to ruin your night.”
“…are you actually being serious with what you just said?”
“I mean, you aren’t saying anything, so I thought maybe you-you hated this…”
“Y/N, I truly do not think I have ever seen you wear a dress that matched you as well as it does and looked as miraculously stunning as it does. I mean, you always look good in everything that you wear, and you know that I prefer you when you’re as comfortable as you want to be. But, like, I-I’m honestly stunned. You look absolutely ravishing, babe, I- wow. I feel like I’m drooling, am I drooling?”
Joe always knew how to make you a giggling mess, but you appreciated his comments nonetheless. You gave him a swift and passionate kiss that ended with you both grinning ear to ear on each other’s lips. You then wrapped your arms loosely around his waist, and his around yours, his head resting on yours, peppering kisses to your hair while you turned and mouthed a “thank you, Ronnie” in hers and John’s general direction. They both simply smiled and you could not help but notice that Veronica has some of the same eye crinkles that John has, and it made your heart flutter. Joe eventually pulled you away to hold your hand and escort you over to the carpet where the rest of the main cast was about to make their grand entrance, and Joe did not want you to leave his side the whole walk. The members of Queen and their wives followed suit behind them. Throughout the walk on the carpet, you kept your mind occupied with thoughts about Veronica and John’s relationship. It fascinated you. Despite everything they went through in their personal lives dealing with the grandiosity of Queen, they still managed to have a simple, loving, domestic life that was still as passionate, full of care, and days where they still seem to be wearing honeymoon-tinted glasses. Their relationship started in a slightly similar manner, wherein John was in the middle of the start of a long-fledged career that was going to bring temptations. But no matter what, he remained faithful to his best friend. You glanced down at the ring on your left hand again, then looking at Joe with doe-eyes, who, despite being preoccupied with about one hundred cameras pointed his way, still managed to glance your way. He gave you a sweet smile that basically confirmed the question that was swimming around your mind in the back of the Deacon thoughts: will Joe and I be like them? And with that simple look, you knew that the answer was a solid yes. Meanwhile, a little further behind you and the cast, Veronica and John were actually having a conversation similar to what was going on in your head.
“Ronnie, honey. I can’t help but notice something about Joe and his fiancé.”
“What’s that deary?”
“With Y/N wearing your dress, and Joe in that particular suit, I can’t help but realize that they are ironically similar to us, both in their actual personalities and their looks. Like from back in the day. I have to make it a point to ask Joe that I would be honored if their first dance as a married couple was to ‘You’re My Best Friend.’ They embody that song more than any couple I have ever met, and I mean, it just seems appropriate, y’know?”
“I couldn’t agree more, Johnny.”
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persona-minty · 7 years
Persona 3 & Persona 5 “Crossover” drabble. Minato and Hamuko Arisato (twins AU). During Persona 5. Under 2,000 words. Feedback is always appreciated!
“Have you heard about those ‘Phantom Thieves of Hearts’ lately?”
Minato looked up from the omelet he was in the process of making. Hamuko was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, fully dressed with her phone in one hand. Her hair was still damp from the shower.
“Why are you asking me this now?” Minato asked. He felt half-dead from staying up longer than normal last night, and he just wanted to eat his stupid omelet in peace before being forced to change into actual clothes and act like a functional member of society.
“Oh right,” Hamuko said, leaning on the counter next to him and peering at his face. “You were working on that thing for Rise last night, weren’t you? I think I might see some dark circles, even.” She playfully poked at his face. Minato swatted her hand away.
“Maybe you should take the night off,” Hamuko suggested. “That place is shitty anyway. The only good thing about it is the music, and that’s on you isn’t it? They can’t get mad at you for one night off if you’re practically holding the place together. All my friends prefer other clubs, you know?”
“You can pry my DJ shifts from my cold, dead hands,” Minato said in a deadpan. He took the omelet off the stove and grabbed a plate to slide it onto. Once he’d done that he grabbed a fork and headed for the living room.
“Alright then,” Hamuko said, skipping after him. She grinned at him out of the corner of his vision. “I’d glad you found a job you’re so passionate about, even if it is at a shitty club.”
“...Thanks,” Minato said, sitting down at the table in the living room. He glanced at the clock on the wall, and then back at Hamuko. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work? It’s 2:05.”
“Half day today,” Hamuko said, plopping down next to him. “That new girl needed more shifts, and I don’t need the money that much. Besides, I’ve got my studies to focus on.”
“If you expect me to believe for even half a second that you’ve been studying since you got off, you’re talking to the wrong person,” Minato said.
Hamuko pouted at him. “You’re so cruel, Minato. You’re right, but cruel. It’s rude to call people out like that.”
Minato took a large bite of him omelet and eyed Hamuko. “If you’re expecting me to be nice to you this early in the day, you’re talking to the wrong person.”
“It’s two in the afternoon,” Hamuko said.
Minato glared at her. “I work a night shift. I just woke up.”
“Fine, fine,” Hamuko said. “I’ll give you that much. Anyway, back to my earlier question, have you heard about those ‘Phantom Thieves of Hearts’ lately?”
Minato took another bite of his omelet and chewed and swallowed slowly before finally answering Hamuko. “See, I know this is all scripted in your head to lead up to a conversation, so I’m just going to ask you to cut to the chase.”
“You really are no fun when you’re tired,” Hamuko said, pouting. She began fiddling around with her phone. “Maiko got into them recently, actually. I think a lot of younger people are.”
“You say that like we’re not young people,” Minato said.
“You’re at least eighty in spirit,” Hamuko replied without missing a beat. She turned her phone around and showed the screen to Minato. “Look. Did you know they have a fansite? Or, um, ‘Phansite’.” Hamuko grinned at him. “That’s with a ‘ph’, like phantom.”
“Clever,” Minato said in a deadpan.
“I wish I could believe you actually meant that,” Hamuko told him. “I thought it was cute. Anyway, Ken and I were talking about them a couple days ago. What do you think of the morality of brainwashing someone, but doing it so that they confess to their misdeeds and try to become a better person?”
“Why?” Minato asked.
“It’s interesting to think about, and I want to know your opinion,” Hamuko replied.
Minato sighed and thought about it. He twirled his fork in his fingers and stabbed another bite of omelet. “How are they doing it?”
“Doing what?” Hamuko asked. “The brainwashing? How should I know? Why do you want to know?”
“This is a ‘do the ends justify the means’ question, right?” Minato asked. “If we’re assuming that the Phantom Thieves really are changing people for the better, that is.”
“Which they are,” Hamuko said.
Minato shrugged. “I guess I haven’t been paying that much attention to them, but yeah, let’s say they’re turning people better. If the Phantom Thieves are changing criminals into ‘good’ people, so the question is ‘Do the ends justify the means?’, right?”
Hamuko tapped her fingers against the table top. “I guess, yeah. In which case, you’re saying that unless we know more about the means we can’t decide if they are?  You have a point there, actually.” She went silent, and there was a long enough pause for Minato almost finish the rest of his omelet in silence before Hamuko said, “So what if I have a suspicion of how they’re doing it?”
Minato brought his head up to look at her and just stared. She grinned cheekily back, and he sighed heavily. “Hit me with it,” he said.
“You know about the mental shutdowns, right?” Hamuko asked, but it wasn’t really a question since they’d talked about those before. “Remember how we agreed that the whole ‘public health crisis’ reminded us a lot of apathy syndrome, and then so did the mental shutdowns themselves come to think of it? Well, that’s not where the similarities end. They’re sort of like… really similar to apathy syndrome.”
“Oh no,” Minato said.
“Oh yeah,” Hamuko said back. “The Shadow Ops are actually testing some victims of the mental shutdowns at the labs in Yakushima right now. I only learned about that this morning, actually, but it makes sense to me. So far, Fuuka told me she thinks the conditions are at the very least spookily similar, if not the exact same thing. So… I’m not saying it’s 100% percent shadows, but it’s probably like 90% probability of shadows with a slight chance of pain.”
“Please don’t compare shadows to weather forecasts,” Minato said.
“Okay,” Hamuko agreed, nodding. “I’ll admit that sounded kind of strange the second it came out of my mouth. But anyway, if there are shadows making a mess in Tokyo, I figure it’s probably likely that the other strange, unexplainable activity in Tokyo might also be related to shadows. And, you know, maybe the psychotic breakdowns too. There’s no guarantee, of course, but…”
“But it makes a disturbing amount of sense,” Minato finished grumpily, and then groaned.
“Oh, don’t be so frowny,” Hamuko said. “I’m a considerate sister who took your odd hours into account. We can look into this casually for now, no professionality necessary, considering there’s no absolute confirmation on whether shadows are involved or not just yet. So I’m thinking we could investigate in shifts. Anything happens while you’re up and awake at night, you be the one to look into it, and if anything happens while I’m up and awake during the day, I’ll be the one to look into it. No waking up early necessary.”
“Oh,” Minato said. “Well then, this might actually be tolerable.”
“Oh don’t pretend like fighting with your personas isn’t the light of your life,” Hamuko said, swatting him lightly on the arm. “Your two passions are music and fighting, in that order. Maybe with relationships and food trailing after.”
“And yet, acting like an amatuer detective doesn’t fall on that list,” Minato said, finishing off his omelet. “Huh, wonder why.”
“I didn’t ask for your sass, Minato,” Hamuko called after him as he picked up his plate and fork and began walking towards the kitchen. “Also, it’s your turn to do dishes!”
“It’s always my turn to do dishes,” Minato said, rolling his eyes.
“You do them better than I do!” Hamuko called back, and Minato could hear the pout in her voice. “It’s not like I don’t try! You have some sort of magic power over dishes that helps you along!”
“Also known as a sponge,” Minato said as he set his dishes in the sink. “Or an attention span longer than that of a goldfish.”
“I can hear you!” Hamuko yelled. “You’re the worst brother ever. If that’s how you really feel then I guess I should just move out, huh?”
“Never,” Minato said, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his pajama pants and walking back into the living room. “Who would vacuum the apartment, then? Or answer the door whenever people come around? Or act as a much more annoying version of an alarm clock when I forget to set my actual alarm clock?”
“I don’t need you,” Hamuko said, but she was grinning at him. “I can buy a really fancy dishwasher, and that’s basically the same thing, right? I bet it would make better conversation than you do.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Minato said, flopping down beside her. “Make sure to get the model that cleans bathrooms and kitchens too, and you’ll be good to go.”
“You’re terrible,” Hamuko told him. “Don’t you have something better to be doing that being mean to your poor twin sister? You should respect your elders, you know.”
“You’re only fourteen minutes older than me,” Minato said, and then sighed. “But yeah, you’re right. I gotta shower, change, and get ready for class. Ugh…”
Hamuko made a sympathetic noise. “I wish I could tease you, but ‘ugh’ pretty much sums up my feelings on going to class right now too. And I have to leave in like fifteen minutes. Comfort me, Minato!” She flopped over to lean heavily on his side.
“Comfort,” Minato said tonelessly, patting her awkwardly on the head. “Now get off of me. I have to shower.”
“Yeesh,” Hamuko said, frowning at him as she straightened up. “I suppose I should expect this from you, though. So cold! You’re right, though.” She waved her hand in front of her face with a sly smile. “You do need to shower.”
Minato shoved her shoulder, and then got back to his feet while Hamuko laughed. He stretched his arms above his head, rolled his shoulders, and then began walking towards the bathroom.
“Have a good shower!” Hamuko called out after him. “I’m gonna make some coffee, and I’ll leave some on the counter for you just because I’m such a nice sister. I know you’re not that fond of it if it doesn’t have about a billion cubes of sugar in it, but you do look pretty tired this morning.”
“Whatever,” Minato said. He looked over his shoulder at Hamuko. “I think it’s more because you make bad coffee.”
Hamuko made an offended noise. “I do not! I make fantastic coffee. I work at a café!”
“Whatever makes you feel better,” Minato said, hiding a slight smile as he stepped into the bathroom. He ignored Hamuko’s offended huff by closing the door behind himself to block her out. He looked forward into the empty bathroom and sighed. Ugh, time to get ready for the day.
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