#Israel nt
imvges-football · 8 months
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curvascirea · 19 days
La quantità di cagate che mi tocca leggere perché giochiamo contro Israele
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rodribentancur · 3 months
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nelsonakis · 10 months
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anatolienne · 3 months
anyways now that türkiye is gone (💔) I'll be rooting for anti zionist spain btw ❤️🇪🇸 vamos or whatever yall say
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1-jar-of-stars · 5 months
I hope to god Kendrick's not a Zionist, because I really can't otherwise
honestly me too. in my mind i’ve logicised that there’s no way he could be a zionist but the amount of celebrities that have shocked me throughout the entirety of this im not completely at ease.
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woso-scotland · 6 months
We're finally free off them after 6 long years
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head-post · 11 months
How will the Israel-Hamas war affect Germany’s economy?
The Middle East is a growing market for German firms, in addition to energy dependence. Large regional players are also major investors in Germany, so what would be the consequences of an escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, according to Deutsche Welle.
Israel has long been one of Germany’s key economic partners, although Berlin exports to the Mediterranean country account for just 0.4 per cent of the country’s total exports – renewable energy, cars, auto parts, machinery, chemical and pharmaceutical products. Rolf Langhammer, a senior research staffer at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel), told DW:
Trade and foreign direct investment between the two countries is small, but for technology transfer and cooperation in research in natural science and physics, Israel is extremely important and has been since the 1960s.
Learn more HERE
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syrupoison · 9 days
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liberty1776 · 10 months
N. T. Wright and Mark Kinzer: A Dialogue on the Meaning of Israel
Christian Zionism is a contradiction in terms. Christians should see all Bible prophecy is about Jesus.
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dino0316 · 2 years
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As the number of estimated hostages rises to 240, there is only one song in my heart and that is Acheinu:
אַחֵינוּ כָּל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל, הַנְּתוּנִים בְּצָרָה וּבַשִּׁבְיָה, הָעוֹמְדִים בֵּין בַּיָּם וּבֵין בַּיַּבָּשָׁה, הַמָּקוֹם יְרַחֵם עֲלֵיהֶם, וְיוֹצִיאֵם מִצָּרָה לִרְוָחָה, וּמֵאֲפֵלָה לְאוֹרָה, וּמִשִּׁעְבּוּד לִגְאֻלָּה, הַשְׁתָּא בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב.
As for our brothers,​ the whole house of Israel, who are given over to trouble or captivity​, whether they abide on the sea or on the dry land:
May the All-prese​nt have mercy upon them, and bring them forth from trouble to enlargeme​nt, from darkness to light, and from subjectio​n to redemptio​n, now speedily and at a near time.
(Transliteration, recordings, and source for translation here: zemirotdatabase.org)
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rodribentancur · 3 months
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For that lazy anon:
Istanbul, you have  Besiktas / Emlak Konut / Fener / Galatasaray
Ankara : Botas / Ormanspor / Nesibe Aydin
Mersin's region : Mersin / Tarbe
Important to note, there are 13 teams in Turkey, so 1 team is not playing per week.
4th match : No luck because Mersin will play in bursa when Fener will play just near Mersin (in Tarse)
7 November : They’ll play together with NT in Jojo’s Normandy against Israel
10 November : NT against Latvia.
23 November :  Fener is not playing this weekend so Gabby can see Jojo, Fener and Mersin both have euroligue matchs mid-week but both in Turkey
30/11 : They’re playing against each other and no Euroligue match so they can stay together for a few days
4th January 25 : They’ll both be in Istanbul 
1st February 25 : They’ll both be in Istanbul 
6 February 25 : NT against Irlande
9 February 25 : NT against Israel
16 February 25 : Gabby is not playing but Jojo will be in Ankara so no luck
22 February 25 : They play against each other
15 March 25 : Jojo is not playing so she can go to Istanbul
+ Euroligue matches if they play against each other.
I love you 🧡
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kygerbearr · 5 months
Can you educate me on license plates? Sexless style?
Sorry for putting this off for so long, I got reaaallly busy but I'll go ahead and break down most what I know about license plates.
First and foremost we need to establish a few types of license plates, that being US, European, and then pretty much everything else. I group US and Europe into their own groups because those two all follow the same format, albeit with some variations. In addition to this, some countries and US states have front plates in addition to back plates, which will be relevant in the future.
Since I have a lot of European followers I'm sure you guys already know that European license plate standards are white with a blue strip and then 2 initials to represent the country in question. There is some variance on this however.
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Here is a Denmark license plate showing the format. (ignore the red border, thats part of the image, not the plate)
Great Britain is an exception to this, as it has a yellow backplate and white frontplate.
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Similarly to this, Netherlands has a yellow backplate, but it also has a yellow front plate as well.
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This is the only country to have yellow on both front and back plates to my knowledge, so it is a telltale sign that the car is from Netherlands or that you're currently there. I have seen yellow license plates in Belgium before but I don't know if that's the standard there.
On to the next thing, we have (old) portugal backplates that have a yellow strip in addition to their blue strip.
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This is the old design but is still present on many vehicles in the country.
France has something similar, but it is two blue strips on them like so:
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Italy also has this as well as on front plates
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Mexico is most distinct for their shorter, stubbier front plates compared to most others. It might be hard to tell, but here's a comparison of Mexico license plates with United States license plates
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Interestingly enough, there's a lot of similarities between three different South American license plates in that they all have the blue strip at the top. I don't know why this is the case because I'm not very learned on its history. It makes sense for EU license plates to be the same, but I'm not sure why these are the same or why Chile, Peru, Bolivia don't follow the same format.
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In addition to this, it's worth noting that Colombia's license plates are yellow as well, and I believe the only country in South America to have yellow? but I could be entirely wrong, my knowledge is limited to whatever has google streetview coverage.
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For a change of pace, in Bhutan they have very distinct red license plates like this one
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Fun fact about bhutan: there is a lot of phallic imagery present on many houses
And as a side note, Israel has yellow plates as well
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Laos has yellow plates too, not many countries in Southeast Asia have yellow license plates to my knowledge besides Japan (though only some of them are yellow)
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I could go over areas like Russia and Ukraine but they are just white license plates and aren't that remarkable. Before I hit the image limit I want to cover US license plates as they're quite distinct, starting with the only yellow plates, Alaska and New Mexico.
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Bear in mind that plate designs have changed countless times and I could have an entirely separate post showcasing some of the most striking changes I've seen. For comparison, here are more from New Mexico
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Alaska has a variant with a kodiak bear on it
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New York is more orangeish
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This state loves to move in circles and features Arches National Park
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Wyoming is the most stereotypical yeehaw cowboy plate
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Kentucky has nothing.
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Arizona features everything that made me fall in love with the state. The mountains, the desert, the cacti, the sunrise, it's perfect.
Bonus round: Canada. NT has a polar bear
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Nunavut has a polar bear
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I'm out of images but there's plenty of other variants you can see on Geohints, two separate sections for most of the world as well as a separate section for just US plates
I feel like there's more I could cover but with the image limit it's a little difficult, but some other details I can say is that Manitoba for some reason has Hebrew on their license plates, Czechia license plates' first 3 digits represent the region they were manufactured in, a lot of countries like Peru and Bolivia have their flag on the license plate as well.
I hope you learned something about license plates
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beta-lactam-allergic · 8 months
Hey I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support of the Jewish community, it really means a lot to us (any time, but especially now).
I noticed that you said you're an Indigenous Australian, and I was wondering if there's any ways we can help support you and your community? (Indigenous Australians in general, or your specific nation) I'm not Australian, but I know y'all have definitely suffered discrimination and worse at the hands of the government and society (and still are).
I honestly wasn't expecting thanks. It seemed like the bare minimum, it should be the bare minimum. The fact that it isn't & is rare enough that you felt the need to thank me is more an indictment on the failures of most people in my opinion. I admit, it does feel nice to be thanked though.
If I had donated to multiple Israeli charities I would feel worthy of praise. But the only one I have donated to is Ogen's "Swords of Iron Emergency Economic Relief Fund". I donated about $100USD (they didn't give the option to donate in AUD).
If you still want to help my people than I would suggest donating to the Aboriginal Legal Service (for Aboriginal people needing legal support in NSW & ACT), North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, abbreviated as NAAJA (same as the Legal Service but for NT), ALSWA (literally just the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia), The Fred Hollows Foundation (it's owned by white people, but it does good work, & without it the blindness rate for us would be double what it is), or one of the many Aboriginal Medical Services. Each community has their own AMS with their own names (the AMS abbreviation comes from the very first such organisation, AMS Redfern, which is the one you will most likely find if you do a Google search, it serves the Aboriginal community in Sydney, which isn't where I'm from), with widely varying level of effectiveness depending on management. The one servicing people in my area is one of the less effective ones, though most of us rely on it for lack of alternatives.
Once again, most of us can't afford either legal representation or visits to the GP, so donating to an AMS or an aboriginal legal service will help most of the us. I actually have some money, so I don't use the local AMS, instead going to see a GP who mostly services the LGBTQ community.
Calling out antisemites when they are being antisemitic is just the right thing to do. From a moral perspective, letting people victim-blame Israel for the war Hamas started is wrong. Letting people peddle falsehoods & antisemitic libel without calling it out was the same as condoning it. I saw people celebrate the October 7th pogrom outside the Sydney Opera House, long before the Israelis were able to launch counter-attacks on Gaza. I saw people on this site act like Hamas were angels when those murderers bragged & posted the footage of their atrocities for the world to see. I couldn't stay silent as these terrorists were praised after murdering people, raping people, kidnapping people. I couldn't stay silent when people denied these crimes happened despite the overwhelming evidence, despite Hamas not only admitting to it, but proclaiming their desire to do it again & again until there were no more Jews to attack. To stay silent was at best condoning those who would deny what happened.
That alone was enough for me to pick a side, but that's just emotions. If emotions hadn't moved me, my logical side would have still intervened to back Israel & condemn antisemitism.
Defending Israel's right to exist is just basic logical consistency. Even without the moral component of the fact that Hamas committed atrocities on October 7th & are proud of it, I have other principles. Admittingly, some of these started pretty self-serving but applying these principles consistently rather than only when it benefits me leads to altruism, so here we are.
I was going to write the list of principles, but it's a very long list, so that's a separate document. In the meanwhile, I'll summarise two of the parts of the principles list affecting my POV here (though not the only parts, they're the easiest parts to point out).
In essence, I consider the Jewish people to have a better claim to being the native people of Israel/West Bank than the Palestinian Arabs do. I know that some Palestinian Arabs have Jewish ancestry, but I consider indigeneity to be as much about culture as blood, so if they fully adopted the invader's culture & identify as Arabs, they voided any claims to indigeneity they once had as far as I'm concerned. Yeah the first 9 points in the principles list were about native sovereignty. I still think a two-state solution is the best chance for a long-term peace, but that's pragmatism over the fact that the Arabs are there now & aren't going to leave, not an endorsement of their claims to indigeneity.
In addition, I'm a transwoman, not straight (bisexual, not sure where on Kinsey scale) & an atheist. Hamas would kill me if I was somewhere they could reach me for being myself regardless of anything else I did or didn't do. It's just logical to back the side that won't kill me for being a queer non-believer & which actually gives us rights. Actually LGBT rights also made up several more points in the principle lists.
Basically I was locked in to supporting Israel on basic morality & on ideological consistency. I don't see the point in thanking me, but it does feels nice that you did thank me so I guess thanks in return.
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