#Isolated Echoes
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marejadilla · 4 months ago
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Keita Morimoto | 森本啓太, “Isolated Echoes”, 2023, oil painting. B. 1990 Osaka, Japan. Based in Tokyo and Toronto. "As we didn't know it" exhibition, November 11 - December 22 (2023)
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spiderbitesandvampirevenom · 7 months ago
what? only interacting with a small group of likeminded individuals of the same lived experiences as me online could have a detrimental impact on my intellectual and social development? no, you're just a bigot who wants to divide and conquer us. surely the correct response is to further close rank and tighten the requirements for who's a "real" member of our group. this will not exacerbate the problem at all.
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apocalypticvisions · 1 month ago
just found out I am not the only lesbian who loves bioncle and it's making me feel incredibly vindicated
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butchhamlet · 7 days ago
this is sooo funny to me because im a comedy girlie at heart and ive had shakespeare related beef with kenneth branagh since much ado. emma thompson does her very best but kenbran manages to make so much of that play boring. he makes benedick boring. i think he just doesnt understand that shakespeare doesnt have to be Serious. and for that i want to hit him with hammers
i saw his much ado in high school and i remember liking it a decent amount but i haven't seen many versions to compare it with and also this was like six years ago now. crazy. i WILL say i think he is a better benedick than he is hamlet, but that's not because of anything he's doing; it's because you can make benedick boring but you cannot actually take ALL the silly out of that role no matter what you do. whereas with hamlet... someone in the comments of my liveblog said "his hamlet is what people who hate shakespeare think shakespeare is" and that's literally it. he's the strawman boring shakespeare image in people's mind's eye
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scenesandscreens · 1 year ago
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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (2023)
Director - Kelly Fremon Craig, Cinematography - Tim Ives
"I've been looking for you, God. I looked for you in Temple. I looked for you in Church. I didn't feel you at all. Why ? Why, God ? Why do I only feel you when I'm alone?"
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spocks-kaathyra · 11 months ago
born to cuddle everyone I love all the time forced to live in a society where casual platonic affection is socially unacceptable and be too scared to challenge that notion
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kazzeyy · 4 months ago
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If I could shout this from the rooftops I would
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warlenys · 2 years ago
i feel like i’ve been boxed by the world into the version of womanhood that barbie portrayed. that every person that saw that movie now perceives my girlhood the way that barbie presented it. but like. weird barbie was ostracised and mocked and then, without reparations, forgave all these women just because they decide to include her in the version of womanhood she chose to escape from. is that what they want from me?? because sure the job she wants and gets is quirky. they don’t erase her weirdness. but have they instead considered that this singular idea of womanhood is not for every woman?? that one roof cannot provide for all?? do they realise that weirdness doesn’t need to be accepted and embraced to be valid??? and that often weirdness doesn’t fucking want that???? they acknowledged that women outside of that box exist with more knowledge than people in it. like she is the key to the escape. and she then gets boxed back into it. and of course many might want to be accepted into this kind of womanhood but i just don’t think i do. because barbie’s womanhood was completely devoid of queerness. and whilst obviously it couldn’t tell every story i don’t like that it thought it was. that it thought it was casting an umbrella over every single woman. i don’t like that all these cishet women have been given even more reason to be completely ignorant of queer women’s struggles. that men(!!) have been given reason to believe we’re all the same. that we can be weird but only when accepted by the women that branded us as that. that being gay doesn’t affect our relationships with gender at all. that we just want to be accepted by cishet women into their cishet bubble of womanhood even after they’ve made no fucking attempt to understand that queer women might have a different experience of womanhood than they do. i don’t actually hate the movie. but i do think i hate what it has made me feel. i don’t like that a film so popular and successful has condensed womanhood into something that i didn’t feel represented by at all. it’s made me feel the way that “girls and gays” makes me feel. i am both of those things but when i hear that phrase i feel like neither. i don’t wanna be a fucking barbie. i wanted kate mckinnon to scissor someone.
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good-beanswrites · 1 year ago
omg what’s the Forsythhhh WIP about :0
Ahh it was actually a little assignment I had for school that I've always wanted to expand into something big -- we were working with figurative language and metaphors, and I wrote my three on him (from Python's pov). One was about him breaking down people's emotional walls, one was about how he's like the sun (not just warm/bright but that does contribute lol), and the other was something about breaking into relationships like getting used to hand-me-down clothes. I was happy with them, but it's kinda all figurative language and no plot so it never got anywhere 😅 I may end up just cleaning up the sections and keeping them as three standalone little snapshots, though....
There, across the fire, Lukas’s eyes were bright. He was talking with Forsyth, more expressive than in the weeks that they’d known him. Python had spent all this time trying to get the stud to open up; he’d used every last flirtatious remark in his inventory, every pickup technique he’d learned to get Lukas to let his guard down. All he’d learned was that Lukas put up stronger walls than anyone Python met – he had the kind of reservation that could send anyone packing. And yet, here he was, laughing freely over something Forsyth had said. Letting his smile spread across his face, Gesturing his hands as he spoke.  That was the thing about Forsyth. He would come along, chatty and enthusiastic and always with the most innocent smile you’ve ever seen, and go tripping straight into the walls people put up. The sheer force of his misstep would cause it to crumble down, and he’d just waltz right in, oblivious there had been a wall up in the first place.
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sunlightfeeling · 1 year ago
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Drink SMAP 2002 Live Report from Nagoya
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oceanreveuse · 7 months ago
every time I see you’ll be gone for a while I feel bad for not interacting with you that often 😔😭
this might have sent me to tears i can’t lie
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organised-disaster · 8 months ago
I just bought the whole pack for Outer Wilds because it was on sale and I'm already having so much FUN!!! I've experienced hilarious situations such as:
Anti-gravity cave! Yay! Down I go and off to the spot that requires repairs! Matching velocity and wait stop why is it moving away come back why am I spinning dear God no eeeesaaauuuuggggggGGGHHHH
To the geysers! And in I g- [blrbrlrbrlebrlblrlggh] oh yaya! A crystal like in the observatory! And it's got its own signal! Quantum displacement? What happens if i- [is subjected to the nightmare chorus] oh
And now we leave planet! Oh a roll function? What does that do? Let's find ou- [timeskip ten seconds, screaming as I spiral out of control into the gravitational pull of the sun]
Oho the universe locator!!! And there is Giant's Deep and the Sun and NOT the eye of the universe teehee and eugh [said with utter contempt] dark bramble
WHERE ARE YOU MYSTERY WHISTLE MAN. I WILL LOCATE YOU BY GETTING UP HIGH ENOUGH AND [exits Atterlock's orbit] oh no. guck. oh heaven help me. please no
I've accidentally locked onto the Interloper instead of Brittle Hollow, guess I'm heading there. [there] Wow this place is Barren™️. Guess I'll hop off now and - [narrowly avoids plummeting into Dark Bramble] WHAT THE HELL INTERLOPER. I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS. WHY NOT DROP ME OFF SOMEWHERE AWESOME LIKE GIANT'S DEEP.
WJERE DID MY SJHIP GO [parked on the Ember Twin]
Distress beacon? What? Oh no, I need to find the source of it before - [the music]
[stares directly at a supernova while accelerating towards Timber Hearth with the intention of cooking a marshmallow and watching the solar system end from there]
Round two hjahaja! Destination one: Brittle Hollow! Now I just need to not plummet directly into the Black Hole That Sends You To The End Of The Known Universe©️ and I'll be good to start exploring! [ship smashes into the surface at 600km/h] nevertheless I am unharmed!
And now I will carefully descend so as not to fall into the Black Hole That Sends You To The End Of The Known Universe©️ and I can be on my merry [smashes into an overhang at Mach 2, corpse falls into the Black Hole That Sends You To The End Of The Known Universe©️]
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mask131 · 8 months ago
It is always such a sad thing when you want to reblog another person's insanely cool reblog, but you can't and you don't understand why so you check... And it is just that the original poster, whom you never interacted with, blocked you apparently... And you shall never know why because again, you never interacted with this person or ever saw their blog.
Tumblr is always a place for weird introspection
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ievaxol · 2 years ago
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talk to me about how Haurchefant has rooms set aside for his family members both for common courtesy but also with the fleeting hope that one day there'll be a visit that isn't borne out of duty, that his brothers might one day decide to acknowledge him beyond what is simply necessary the game says he 'was treated with the same respect and responsibilities as a trueborn' but that does not tell anything of love or warmth.
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girl4music · 2 years ago
I’m not saying I don’t appreciate the storytelling aspect of it but I just really cannot stand how much this woman suffers throughout the entirety of the show. Believe me, I get that this is the point. I also get that I am meant to feel this way about it. But there’s a distinct dissonance between me understanding it and watching it that I just cannot abide. And it will forever make watching BUFFY for Buffy the hardest of all.
On the one hand, you have to applaud that Whedon and Co went there. Created something so emotionally compelling that you can feel this disconcerted towards it. On the other,… ‘Ouch’…. am I right? 🫤
I don’t know how to put it to be honest. I think it’s spectacular writing that it’s able to hit me this way. But it’s the hitting me this way that makes me want to avoid it. It’s very difficult to watch her struggle and suffer and sacrifice constantly throughout her arc. But it’s the fact she does this constantly and still triumphs and overcomes which makes her such a legend. I wish I could articulate my thoughts better on her character because I think she’s written and portrayed so well that I actively want to avoid watching her scenes because my heart just gives out and goes to her.
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zellk · 2 years ago
re: Lana, what is the 'energy between energies'? That sounds super interesting.
Hi there ! So, to explain roughly, in my head world there's 3 kinds of energies :
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White Echo : the most known and used of the Echoes. Most living beings on the planet use it to exist. It is also mostly ruled by 'logical rules' that are studied and learned by people who wanna use this energy for magic. When manipulated, it manifests most often and easily as 'physical reactions' and 'physical phenomenons' like fire, wind, wood/trees, light, etc. .
Black Echo : Much less known. This is the Echo that created and is used by the Eadras, who live on the planet's moon. This energy is more flexible as it is governed by emotions (a lil bit like Dynamis in FFXIV if you're familiar). It tends to manifest outside of Eadras' bodies either as sporadic bouts of raw energy (lasers, explosions), or in invisible & abstract phenomenons (Rena uses hers to 'eat' other people's emotions sometimes :) ) . These two Echoes are communicating vessels! If you empty one it will fill the other, and vice versa (Things Happen if there is too much of an imbalance between the two). .
Blue Echo : The 'energy between energies'. It's the state that Black/White Echo takes when it transitions into the other one after being used. It also acts as an isolating layer between the two energies (who cancel & destroy each other out if put in direct contact)! Barely known by anyone save a few people (some are keeping the knowledge, some die by experimenting with it, some study it but keep a very small Knowing Circle). It is also sometimes refereed to as 'Entropy' ! Blue Echo is very unstable and tends to quickly grow exponentially in intensity and consequences (think a little flame that would suddenly touch an open barrel of gasoline). There are (complicated) ways to 'manage' it and finding it is one of Lana's main challenge while learning to use her powers (after first learning what the fuck is going on with her). Blue Echo is the only one (so far, because tbh I haven't given proper thought to all of this in like a decade) of the Echoes that can physically manifest as pure stable energy. You can give it shape and have it take up space etc! It's the most flexible Echo but also the most unruly. Most of its users use it sporadically (preferring to convert it to either white or black echo before using it to stabilize it) because really no one actually found a way to use it continuously without fucking dying. But Lana is very stubborn and her out-of-the-box thinking and inquisitive mind help her experiment with ways to manage Blue Echo (which is a whole other thing in itself). Out of all my characters, she's the one with the slowest start and a very hyperbolic power spike. But watch out :)
And here you go ! It's nothing really new under the sun, but I hope it was interesting to you \o/ ! Don't hesitate if you have more questions :>
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