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#islam#allahﷻ#makkah madina#sayings of the salaf#tawheed#holy quran#islamicquotes#islamicreminders#quranic verses#muslim reminder#akhirah#jannah#islamiyet#namaz#taraweeh#qiyamah#tahajjud#tawbah#explore#inspiration#repentance#time to repent#quranicreflections#deenislam#deenoverdunya#salafiyyah#emotional#ramadankareem#muslimah#لا إله إلا الله
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إنَّ الله إذا شاءَ أمرًا كان، ولو عَارضه كُلُّ من في الأرض أجمع، ولو عُدِمت أسبابه، ولو وقف كُلُّ شيءٍ في طريقه، إذا شاء الله أمرًا فلا مردّ له.
Indeed, if Allah wills something, it will happen—even if everyone on earth opposes it, even if its causes are absent, and even if everything stands in its way. When Allah decrees a matter, there is no turning it back.
"وإن يُرِدك بخيرٍ فلا رادَّ لفضلِه"
“And if He intends good for you, there is no one to repel His bounty.”
#islam help#duaa#islamdaily#islamic#islamicreminders#islampost#islamquotes#muslim#welcome to islam#islam#islamicreminder#islamicquotes#islamic knowledge#islamislove#revert islam#islamic quote#islamicpost#islamic reminder#quranandsunnah#quran#إسلاميات#إقتباسات#إسلام#اسلاميات#لا إله إلا الله
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Shaitan may be chained, but your Nafs is not.
Take control, be mindful of your actions, and remain aware of Allah’s presence. Ramadan is an opportunity to purify your soul, deepen your faith, and strive for self-improvement.
Don’t let your desires misguide you—turn to Allah for mercy and guidance.
#islamic#ramadan#quranandsunnah#islampost#islamicpost#islamdaily#welcome to islam#islamic reminder#islamicreminders#islamic knowledge#islamicquotes#convert to islam#islam
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#allah#islam#muslim#peace#books#sunnah#hadith#quran#quranverses#muslimah#ramazan2025#ramadhan#ramadan#islamicpost#islampost#islamislove#islamicreminders#islamicquotes#islamdaily#welcome to islam#revert islam#islamic#holy quran#quranandsunnah#al quran#quran ayah
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Remember it's not about how you began Ramadan, it's about how you finish it. Don't lose hope in the Mercy of Allah. It only takes one Dua for a miracle to happen & we are so blessed that, we can make Dua to the One Who can make miracles happen with ease! Keep making Dua and put your trust in Allah.
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Fasting is proof that you can stop bad habits. Taraweeh is proof that you can pray voluntary prayers at night. Suhoor is proof that you can wake up for Fajr. Islam isn't hard, you just haven't realized your potential yet.
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Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying that:
Allāh spreads out His hand by night to accept the repentance of the one who sinned during the day, and He spreads out His hand by day to accept the repentance of the one who sinned during the night. This continues until the sun rises from the west. (before the Day of Resurrection).
(Sahih Muslim 2759)
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Be the ease in someone's hardship
#deen#islam#muslim#muslimquotes#islamicreminders#muslim reminder#deenislam#quran#quranquotes#islamicquotes#islampost#islamic
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Imām Mālik Bin Dīnār said:
O people, indeed the dog does not know the gold and the silver when they are offered to it, And when a bone is offered to it, it bites it,
This is how your ignorant ones don’t recognize the Haqq.
📚 al-Hilyah
#islamicquotes#allahﷻ#islam#makkah madina#sayings of the salaf#tawheed#holy quran#quranic verses#islamicreminders#muslim reminder#taraweeh#ramadankareem#islamquotes#muslimah#quranandsunnah#salafiyyah#deenoverdunya#prayer#allah is one#knowledge#sabar#shirk#tevhid
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"إذا صمت فليصم سمعك وبصرك ولسانك عن الكذب والمحارم، ودع أذى الجار، وليكن عليك وقار وسكينة يوم صومك، ولا تجعل يوم صومك ويوم فطرك سواء".
“When you fast, let your hearing, sight, and tongue also fast from lies and forbidden acts. Avoid harming your neighbor, and let your fasting day be marked by dignity and calmness. Do not make your fasting day like your day of eating.”
جابر | لطائف المعارف ط: ابن حزم (١٥٥)
#islam help#duaa#islamdaily#islamic#islamicreminders#islampost#islamquotes#muslim#welcome to islam#islam#islamicreminder#islamicquotes#islamic knowledge#islamislove#revert islam#islamic quote#islamicpost#islamic reminder#quranandsunnah#quran
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لا تجعل هماً واحدًا ينسيك ألفاً من النعم.
Do not let one worry make you forget a thousand blessings.
#deen#islam#islamicquotes#muslim#allah#deenoverdunya#hadith#islamdaily#islamic#islamicreminders#muslim reminder#muslimquotes#muslimah#deenislam#duaa#reminder#إسلاميات#اسلاميات
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