#Iskierka<3< /div>
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yelling-screaming-crying · 2 months ago
None of my friends know about the Temeraire series so I look to tumblr
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chiropteracupola · 7 months ago
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granby + iskierka + keynes
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mercymornsimpathizer · 3 months ago
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"is there anything to eat?" - kulingile
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wildtornado-o · 4 months ago
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When you get captured by the French for the 3rd time <3
Original Meme here & under cut
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blueggrass · 5 months ago
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heathcliffgirl1847 · 2 years ago
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tem cats B) and modern clothes
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elexuscal · 2 months ago
Ingredients of a Temeraire book
pick any 11 out of 16
Supply logistics
Someone tries to separate Laurence and Temeraire
Cross-cultural confusion
Napoleon deploys mad cap new strategy utilizing dragons
In-depth descriptions of meals
The Admiralty Commits A War Crime
Inter-species misunderstanding
3+ month long journey by ship
Alternate history worldbuilding
Iskierka Causes Problems (TM)
Laurence overcomplicates something due to propriety
horrifyingly frank description of violence
In depth description of fine clothes/jewels by Temeraire
egg hatching at inopportune times
Temeraire Radicalized Laurence
Tharkay Deus Ex Machina
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wanlingnic · 1 year ago
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And because I've just finished book 3: Iskierka! She is the literal embodiment of that "Send me an angel; the nicest one you have," meme. I think that's probably why she's so popular.
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lordbrezel · 2 years ago
Iskierka taking prizes
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I spent the last 3 days drawing Iskierka 24 times to make an animation of her attacking a French ship. Most ships immediately surrendered when seeing a Kazilik approach, but “most” means there are exception. Turns out those exceptions have fiery consequences.
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aqua-beam · 1 year ago
calling all mootmoots!! yes, all :'D
@crossedwithblue, @alamia, @shortgremlinman, @iskierka, @tyranniclark, @gmodragdoll, @scarlette-foxx, @caw4brandon, @starsilversword, @grassbottle, @00---1, @sleepwakehopethoughts, @animalsandskyyy, @lepetitfruit, @devil-with-three-heads, @freshcupofangst, @nootjeli, @pifanjr, @anariefox11, @jangletam, @0klwkan, @nem0-nee, @officialdaydreamer00, @shyhaya, @mangocat21, @azulashengrottospiano, @the-v-lociraptor, @valerie-leech, @i-like-forgs, @taruruchi, @starry-night-rose, @shkrmpp, @totallymem3, @synchronize03, @ceruleancattail, @cookiesandbiscuits, @names-are-dumb, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @vioisgoinginsane, @luvneuvillette, @perfectlyunadulteratedjellyfish, @allioaro, @shinysparklesapphires, @katriniac, @dove-da-birb, @honkai-freak, @somany-fandoms-solittle-time, @murderisokayforme, @luxstring, @violetesensou
my sincerest apologies for the sudden tag, but i have gathered you here today to ask opinions on tag games! for context, my tag list is uhhh yeah that^, but please tell me if you wish to be tagged or not in tag games so i can make a comprehensive list and not spam people :'D a simple yes or no in the replies will do <3 thank youu!! (and sorry again! 😅)
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myslodsiewniav · 6 months ago
Tatuaż i studia
Mój pierwszy dzień z tatuażem. Pierwszym. Pierwszym ever tatuażem!
I to takim, że nie wahałam się ani chwili jak dostałam propozycję! Kurde, chyba właśnie tak powinnam się czuć robiąc tatuaż, nie? Po prostu patrząc na jakiś wzór, albo wyobrażając siebie (swoje ciało) z jakimś wzorze, albo myślisz o jakimś wzorze i radośnie, bez lęku, bez niepewności czujesz "tak, chcę to zrobić".
Zawsze mi się podobały tatuaże i ciała z tatuażami. I podziwiam wszystkich, którzy tatuaże mają! Bo zdecydowali się na wzór. Już nie mówię nawet o tych zapodawanych w dzieciństwie hasłach "A jak będziesz wyglądać z tym tatuażem, jak będziesz stara, tusz się rozleje, a skóra obwiśnie, wzór się znudzi?" - z tym od wielu, wielu lat mam mir. Po prostu pytanie wydaje mi się niezasadne: zadaje je osoba, która nie chce mieć tatuażu (lub boi się oceny, lub jest zależna od czyjejś oceny) osobie, która chce mieć tatuaż i ma pełną świadomość tego, że stanie się integralna częścią jej ciała, będzie się starzał razem z nią. To wybór. I to jest okay.
Nie wspominam też o tych wszystkich moich dawnych obawach, że to będzie WSTYD pokazać światu, że jestem fanką czegoś-tam (po do tej pory uśmiecham się z sympatią do obcych ludzi, który mają wytatuowany symbol Insygniów Śmierci z Harry'ego Pottera - prosty tatuaż, a jednak jest we mnie poczucie nostalgii i wspólnoty, taki kod kulturowy, który czuję). Tym moim młodzieńczym lęku przed wyobrażeniem sobie siebie samej 20 lat później: że przecież za 20 lat będę w ogóle w innym miejscu, z innymi przekonaniami i to będzie po prostu kompromitacja za którą może mnie spotkać ostracyzm by nosić na ręce/plecach/nodze symbol Yin-Yang (który bardzo za mną chodzi, uważam, że to symbol mojego życia, trochę drogowskaz, trochę wentyl bezpieczeństwa: w każdej nosy trochę światła, w każdym dniu trochę ciemności, w każdej chwili radości trochę smutku, w każdej chwili dołka iskierka szczęścia itp. I to przypomnienie, że tak bywa w życiu i że warto jest dążyć do osiągniecia balansu, który daje poczucie bezpieczeństwa... Naprawdę jak o tym piszę -nawet teraz- jako o swoim tatuażu, o symbolu jaki chcę mieć na sobie, a wracam do tego od jakichś 15 lat to czuję radość i spokój, przekonanie, że to jest coś MOJEGO, ale tak się złożyło, że przez te 15 lat jeszcze nie zobaczyłam projektu graficznego Ying-yang w takiej formie graficznej, żebym poczuła "to jest to, chcę by ta grafika była częścią mnie!")
Tym czasem teraz jestem te 15-20 lat później w swoim życiu, w ZUPEŁNIE innym miejscu i myśl o tatuażu wcale mnie nie opuszcza. A o dziwo opuścił mnie lęk przed oceną w tej sferze. :D Po prostu dawno, ale to dawno temu zaakceptowałam, że przecież za te lat będę w ogóle w innym miejscu - i to nie oznacza, że ta ja z przeszłości będzie przeze mnie oceniana i pogardzana za swoje decyzje. Bałam się, że będę dla siebie surowa i okrutna, jako "dorosła" (to chyba dużo mówi o czasach w jakich dorastałyśmy). A tym czasem z dzisiejszego punktu widzenia jestem dla tamtej siebie czuła i opiekuńcza, oswajam jej lęki i po prostu akceptuje jej decyzje: bo ja nie mam wpływu na to co ONA zdecydowała, a co stało się ostatecznie MNĄ. Ja mam wpłay tylko na siebie Tu i Teraz. I mam naprawdę duże przekonanie, że kobieta z przyszłości, którą się stanę będzie starała się być wyrozumiała i wspierająca dla moich decyzji podjętych TERAZ.
Bardzo to ciepła myśl.
No i właśnie...
Od jakiegoś czasu podobają mi się OGROMNIE dobrze zaprojektowane RĘKAWY. Całe rękawy na dziewczynach, wijące się od ramienia do dłonie, czasem po palce. Tak, jak tradycyjne hinduskie ozdobne tatuaże całych kończyn henną. Ale nie henną tylko tuszem, może nawet kolorowym. Nawet od 3 lat mam na radarze 2 artystów, którzy robią takie cuda, że wiem, że CHCE ten styl, ale nie zaproponowali czegoś, co by było MOJE... a zarazem nie odzywam się do nich sama w tej sprawie, bo, ech... No właśnie. Taka decyzja się kłuci się z moim poczuciem bezpieczeństwa.
Najpierw chcę - chciałam - sprawdzić czy tatuaże są faktycznie dla mnie?
Czy może tylko mi się wydaje, że są dla mnie...?
Dlatego MOŻE lepiej by było najpierw zdecydować się na maleńki tatuaż i zobaczyć jak wygląda proces gojenia? Dbania o tatuaż? Jak się czuję z tuszem pod skórą? Jak reaguje moje ciało? I czy faktycznie potrafię zintegrować tę ozdobę ze swoim poczuciem siebie, tego kim jestem (przecież to jest dla mnie najtrudniejsze: ja w ogóle przecież większość życia miałam dysmorfię, doświadczałam z tego i innych powodów traum na ciele, na skutek której moja psyche dokonała dysocjacji ciała od reszty "ja" - dla mnie nauka własnego ciała, które de facto mam od zawsze to wciąż NOWA i ciężka praca, jakbym uczyła się prowadzić nowy samochód; to wciąż łapanie się na integrowaniu go z pojęciem czucia siebie, z braniem go pod uwagę, z dbaniem o nie) itp.
No i miałam gdzieś od 2020 (jak @pantokratorka uczyła się tatoo i temat nam się przewijał w rozmowach, a @indira2004 pochwaliła się swoim wybranym wzorem i gotowością jego wykonania) w sobie dwa wilki: jeden mówił "Spróbuj coś małego, delikatnego, zobacz jak się z tym czujesz." W tym czasie drugi mówił "A pamiętasz ten folder w którym zapisałaś inspiracje tatuaży? Coś malutkiego tam jest, ale czy ty dziewczyno, dziewczyno widziałaś ile masz zaaaaaczepistyyyyych tatuaży całych rękawów? No po prostu cuda, weź rzuć tam okiem!".
No i nagabywana przez te dwa wilki nie podjęłam od tamtego czasu ŻADNEJ decyzji xD
Mam taką siateczkę fajną:
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Ile razy w niej chodzę tyle razy słyszę, że ten mój pomysł z rękawami to byłby jednak świetny (niektóre osoby mówią o tym, jak z zaskoczeniem odkrywają, że to bluzeczka, a nie prawdziwe tatuaże). Mój chłopak ile razy mnie w tym widzi tyle razy powtarza, że byłoby mi pięknie z obydwiema rękami w tatuażach. Nawet, gdyby to był taki właśnie gradient kolorystyczny, jak ten na siateczce.
I to kuci, a myśli o tatuowanych rękawach mnie nie opuszczają.
Ale zaraz odzywa się ten pierwszy wilk "...coś małego...?" i znowu dopada mnie paraliż decyzyjny.
Aż kilka tyg temu moja kumpela ogłosiła, że szuka dawcy skóry na swoje pierwsze kroki - po szkoleniu i uzyskaniu certyfikatu przed dwoma miesiącami! - i to pierwsze kroki w konkretnej dziedzinie...
I jak to przeczytałam to poczułam ze spokojną pewnością, że chcę właśnie takie tatuaże mieć. :P
I zgłosiłam się.
Po konsultacji umówiłyśmy się na 2 tygodnie po moim powrocie z wakacji, aby skóra była nieco odpoczęta po kontakcie ze słońcem. Ja i tak latem się nie jestem w stanie opalić (na czerwono najwyżej - na brązowo barwią się tylko moje piegi) używam filtrów 50SPF, więc jestem idealnym obiektem próbnym na teraz, na wiosnę/lato.
Najlepsze teraz!
Mam dwa oblicza kolorystyczne od zawsze: latem złocę się od słońca: włosy nabierają złotego blasku, szaro-brązowe włosy rudzieją do miedzi, czasem do rudego-blondu (strawberry), a cała twarz, ramiona, ręce pokrywają się piegami. Brwi są śmieszne: jeżeli ich nie potraktuję henną to przechodzą od brązu w rudy i od rudości w BIAŁY, jak potraktowane wybielaczem, co rzuca się szczególnie w oczy za każdym razem jak się skalę na słońcu: ryjek w kolorze pomidora z kreskami białości. Mija lato, idzie zima, a ja blaknę: włosy, które rosną nie mają nic z rudości, te, które odbijają u nasady są brązowo-popielate, przetykane siwizną; białe brwi (gdybym nie farbowała ich henną) są zastępowane ciemno-brązowymi włosami, których w zasadzie nie muszę farbować na okres zimowy, a piegi bledną i znikają z twarzy, ramion, rąk, za to uwidaczniają się cienie pod oczami, siność skóry cienkiej jak papier...
Bardzo nie lubię zimy i siebie w wersji zimowej. Jakby ktoś wyłączył światło.
Całe szczęście są farby do włosów, korektory pod oczy i piegi można zrobić henną jak mi się chce z tym dziubać.
No i właśnie: teraz już piegów nie będę musiała dziubać!
:D :D :D
Mój pierwszy tatuaż wykonałam DOSŁOWNIE JEBNIĘTY NA CZOLE, i nosie, podbródku, policzkach, przy ustach. :D
:D :D :D
Kumpela poprawiła maszynką moje blednące po Turcji piegi! Tam, gdzie zwykle się pojawiają! Ich kształt, rozmieszczenie, ilość.
Teraz co prawda mam strupy na twarzy xD i boli bardzo.
Ale taaaaaak się cieszę! Tak fajnie!
Będę od teraz miała swoje piegi, jak promyczki lata, przez cały rok! A ja bardzo lubię w sobie akurat piegi!
Co prawdą boli teraz i nie mogę całować psinki, ale jeszcze kilka dni i będzie luzik :D
Czeka mnie jeszcze kilka spotkań w celu dopigmentowani. Cieszę się bardzo. :D
Muszę teraz poginać w czapkach - muszę sobie kupić nową baseballówkę, bo poprzednią zeżarł mi piesek jakoś rok temu xD
Byliśmy wczoraj na spotkaniu. Pan chłopak od "cool kids" się nie pojawił, nie dał znać czy będzie czy nie. Nie dał znać czy woli być online czy na żywo. Dopiero jak przyszłam do domu zczaiłam, że typ dopiero na 11 minut przed spotkaniem powiedział, że będzie online i że jakiś pokój spotkania otworzył. No kurwa. A ja specjalnie i 6 maja i 7 maja dawałam mu znać kto i jak woli, prosiłabym aby się opowiedział co wybiera. Nie odpisał mi nic, aż do "za 11 minut zaczynamy umówione spotkanie"... Zła jestem. Ale też chyba czuję ulgę - chyba jednak nie chciałam z nim pracować.
Fajną mam ta grupę.
Będzie fajnie się pracowało - tym bardziej, że potem graliśmy w planszówki.
Potem niestety się dowiedziałam, że z jednego rozwiązania rezygnujemy bo stracilibyśmy prawa do zarabiania na naszym pomyśle. Nope. Nie pozwalam.
Poza tym... nie wiem czy to przez ten tatuaż, czy po prostu niedoleczone zapalenie pęcherza, ALE dzis w nocy nie mogłam spać, bo wstrząsały mną dreszcze. Boli. I krocze i twarz i zatoki.
Kupiłam dziś rzeczy na badania - jutro oddam do kontroli by jak najprędzej zaczęli mnie leczyć.
Z rzeczy jeszcze ciekawych - szef będzie się mnie czepiać... Ech. Wkurza mnie.
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thiefbird · 7 months ago
Can I ask about "Granby Pining™"?
This is one of the ones that I only have notes for, sadly, but here are my Thoughts:
a handful of unconnected scenes starting with their first meeting and going thru the series
1) Laurence is hot and Granby does not find out he's "That Navy Guy >:(" until after he's had a good chance to appreciate that during the game of football(?)
2) "Oh my God this man is so stuck up. he needs to remove the stick from his ass. how is he still so hot?? ;-;"
3) "oh shit he's actually a decent person too?" *cue gay pining for many. many years*
?) touch on Granby's thought process on letting Iskierka abduct him to Australia to stay with Laurence and Temeraire (Iskierka wants Temeraire to give her an egg. Granby has Similar Wishes)
(also a random bit from Little's perspective because I feel bad for the guy. your fuckbuddy's got it down bad, Captain Little, and not necessarily for you)
Poor Granby's perspective on Laurence's masterclass "How NOT to respond when your best friend is forced out of the closet in the 1810s by his chaos-monger of a dragon"
Granby (maybe now over his all-encompasing Laurence Crush, maybe not) learning that Laurence IS bi and is just an IDIOT and had to be hit over the head with it by Tharkay
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a-pepper-honey · 9 months ago
Granby or Rankin for the character asks? :)
First impression: I can't remember and it's killing me :( Basically I read 2.5 Temeraire books 4 years ago and then completely forgot about the series until I gave it another chance. So when I reread HMD I already knew the dumbass lieutenant was actually Friendly and Nice and I didn't pay much attention to him :(
Impression now: He's like. That extrovert who adopts introverted kids in middle school. I am firmly convinced this is what happened with Tharkay offscreen. "Hi we are besties now :)" I absolutely adore him and he would be my fave character if fanon hadn't made his boyfriend..... *gestures vaguely at Little* like that.
Favorite moment: him falling off Temeraire's back in book 3 and then going "blimey. could I get some soup now?"
Idea for a story: dude I have so many. Uhhh that one angsty AU I wrote two paragraphs of in which Granby actually marries Anahuarque and Little comes to visit him after the war?
Unpopular opinion: Granby wears his hair short in most of canon and you cannot change my mind about this. (My deepest apologies to your long haired Granby design which I love anyway <3)
Favorite relationship: nghhhh I'm very torn between Granby/Little and Granby/Tharkay but Granby/Little might be the closest to my heart. I love them as lovers, as an angsty one-sided crush, as friends with benefits, as besties-who-used-to-fuck, as we-have-been-pining-continuously-for-twenty-years, as everything. This ship has so much potential!!
Favorite headcanon: Among all the numerous jewels and ridiculous gifts Iskierka showers him in, there ends up being one (ring? earring?) he actually finds acceptable and wears all the time <3
First impression: I was absolutely gobsmacked by this guy's rank because the French translation made his father a duke instead of an earl for some reason. "There's a lord just chilling in the Corps???"
Impression now: I hope he gets bitten by a venomous snake :))) (but also I think he's great as a what-could-have-been Laurence comparison)
Favorite moment: That one time Laurence pulled him off the floor one-handed and forced him to apologise to Levitas on his knees. Really, what else?
Idea for a story: I really think we need fic of Celeritas refusing to take him as his captain. The scorned feelings! The disgrace! The disappointment on both sides!
Unpopular opinion: my opinions aren't really unpopular lol. Uhh I've seen posts saying him and Caesar deserve each other. They're not wrong, Rankin and Caesar are a match made in heaven, but that's the whole problem: Rankin doesn't deserve a match made in heaven. Justice for Rankin (throw this guy in a pit)
Favorite relationship: there are like, 3 fics on ao3 for unrequited Rankin/Laurence. And. They're onto something. I swear they're onto something. (This is absolutely not canon to me but,,,,, fun to think about)
Favorite headcanon: post canon, Caesar keeps insisting that Rankin should let his hair grow. Rankin adamantly refuses for the sake of FashionTM, even though he literally lives across the world from Britain. Caesar just wants to see his luscious golden locks flowing in the wind :(
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capeline-cutemeister · 9 months ago
Jesus Christ three of yall messaged me about Granby why does everyone want opinions on him specifically First impression: It feels so long ago but i started the first book like less than a month ago bwahhhhhhh. At first I had mixed opinions on him. I thought he was going to be like Dayes (so cringe), and my opinion of him really didn't change that much until like, he obviously started not being a dick lol lmao. I honestly really like his character arc in the first book specifically because like. Mans got the courage to be like "Fuck im sorry for being rude and uncouth but I *cannot* let things continue this way" and honestly thats a really cool and chill moment. Like i love long and drawn out sentences (i love Jane Austen i love Jane Austen) but also i really like it when a character is real blunt and just doesn't drag it out. That also especially took guts because the last time that he did something like that Laurence threatened to get him in trouble for insubordination (very smooth Laurence)
Second Impression: Thats right baby Granby gets three impressions because hes that cool. This is Granby precisely from the beginning of Throne of Jade to *right* before he gets Iskierka. Just absolutely most badass guy imo. Super reliable. Best friends with Laurence, super competent. This is Granby at his best and treated with the most respect, and I think Novik had to give him Iskierka to nerf him.
Impression now: I feel so fucking bad for Granby. My severe dislike for Iskierka is not really hidden but she has dragged my poor Glorbo through the mud. When I think of Granby now i just think of that cat that had its face in milk and looks miserable and sad. Like goddamn what did they do to you. Hes still a really strong and awesome character, and it was AWESOME seeing him storm up to Poole in LoD; but he gets so much horrible stuff just tossed on him because Iskierka is a petulant child. Genuine princess behavior, hes a tired king.
Favorite moment: Its a tie between him telling Iskierka to fuck off and listen to him for once, and him in a blistering rage and storming up to Poole. Like you cannot understand how much i love those moments. Just Granby finally putting his foot down and going "No. I will not deal with this bullshit any longer, there are going to be consequences now." Of course that doesn't really go anywhere in LoD because Laurence is also a fucking badass, but meh. The heart was there, man was about to commit civil war in the Aviator Corp just for his friend. I really appreciate that <3 But also on the other hand I REALLY like him standing up to Iskierka in Crucible of Gold because HOLY SHIT she was so insanely disrespectful to him. Like I don't *care* that she is 'his dragon', it was like borderline homophobia in my eyes and the fact that it came from someone so close to him and the entire point of his service in the corp just broke my heart. So i'm glad that he put his foot down for once and made her listen to him. Setting boundaries is really important, and I think that he set them quite well.
Idea for a story: Any of them where he gets a better dragon than Iskierka. JKJKJKKJKJKJKJK Nah but fr i think my only real story idea with Granby would be to explore all of the things that he was doing when he wasn't with Laurence. His constant Struggles with Iskierka and having to deal with being friends with someone that committed treason for a cause he believed in. Most importantly how he developed and maintained any sort of relationship with Little. I dont have anything super unique unfortunately, its hard for me to do something that would be in character without getting rid of the things that make his character, if that makes sense?
Unpopular opinion: Hmmmmmmm well I haven't been around the fandom long enough to really see what is and isn't popular opinion with the blorbo, but i think that my most controversial statement about Granby is that I don't find him that amusing. I love and adore him and i think hes great but he is very sincere in my eyes and that leaves very little in the way of him actually being funny. I think there are only a couple of moments where I think hes funny/in a funny situation. But oh well.
Favorite relationship: Finding any non platonic relationship in Temeraire is so hard for me. I want to say my favorite relationship is him and little, but also i dont care about little that much. I think hes cute! But i was given very little to work with in the books in the way of *their* relationship other than that they have fucked. And like, idk. I think my favorite relationship in general though, is probably him with Iskierka, funnily enough. I think it shows the best of both characters whenever its done right, and I think it really let Granby Be His Own Character. Like everyone in the Corp wants a dragon. Duh. But when Granby gets his, she's a nightmare! He has to go through this long and twisting road where he is afraid to take too wrong of a step because Iskierka, and because hes friends with Laurence(traitor adjacent), and because hes always wanted dragon and hes afraid to fuck it up and etc etc etc. And he kinda has to learn to stand up for himself and others in a way that he probably hasn't had to before. Its not really a path that the other Aviators get to take, they just become background characters after they get their dragon. I mean even Ferris just drops off the face of the earth when he gets his Prussian.
And Iskierka is great because despite how horrible she acts she really does care for him, im not blind to that. But her path in their relationship is that she has to learn to stop being so overbearing, so crazy, so difficult to work with. She has to understand that she is not infallible, and that the things that hurt her are not the same as the things that hurt other dragons, and that realization comes at a pretty horrible time in her life. She has to grow up, which while we see other dragons grow up in this series (like mentally i mean), i dont think that theres ever so stark a comparison as with her.
Idk if that makes sense, but I like their relationship the most out of Granby's relationships because its the most unique for both characters, imo.
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wildtornado-o · 2 months ago
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More doodles done with @a-pepper-honey !!! Had lots of fun <3<3<3
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daisychainsandbowties · 2 years ago
Okay, okay... this is so exciting, but I will try to order my thoughts...
First of all, Ava with a Kazilik: yes yes yes, absolutely yes. (I am laughing remembering Iskierka's relationship with Temeraire and Ava&Bea somehow mirroring a little bit of that at first.) And it really has to be a Kazilik because it has to be a super important dragon that has its own mind and won't just follow orders from any person or group. I can just imagine the trouble Ava would get up to with her dragon, but also the trouble she would have with him/her at first lmao.
I like the idea of the Kazilik being Shannon's dragon's baby, with Mary cradling the egg in her arms to rescue it. I can imagine Mary returning to their camp, and being super protective of the egg.
And then there's Ava (and yes she loves dragons), but maybe another corps had adopted her (in her home country--I'm thinking Portugal or Brazil) and then she's sent to the international contingent camp to be part of the ground-based crew (because she's good with dragons, so she kind of like got promoted?), and she's the one helping Mary taking care of the egg, but then Mary goes off fighting people (not physically, but maybe also physically) to figure out what had gone so wrong that they'd lost not just one of their most important dragons but also one of their best captains. So Ava is left being the one taking care of the egg, so when it hatches (during the scene you described) Ava is of course the one the baby Kazilik latches on to.
And you know what, you're right, Bea deserves a Celestial. I'm imagining her as being part of Temeraire's crew when she was just going through the ranks, but then she's given the captainship and you know how possessive Temeraire can be. He will moan so much about it, until he learns that they're giving her his baby. He would be so angry when Bea is sent away, and Bea has to be the one to calm him down. And when she comes by to visit, he would not let her out of his sight for one second.
I can imagine Bea's corps in England not caring one bit that she's gay, but her parents do and they want her away to not tarnish their reputation with her just right there, under the watchful eyes of English society, and they're super important so the dragoncorps had no choice but to indulge them to a certain point. (Although I can imagine what her parents really wanted was for her to stop "playing with dragons" because it's also giving her other "strange ideas", plus it's also still not a reputable career for English high society.)
(Oh, unless your idea of where she's sent away from is China and not England?)
And then Bea and her Celestial will just be nerds together reading from old Chinese books.
Lilith and and a Longwing is definitely the perfect combination. I mean, the longest wings? Acid-spitting? That's Lilith right there. And oohhh... I absolutely adore the backstory you've come up for this, with Lil rescuing a Longwing egg. That's adorable!
As cute as Camila would be with a Levi of her own, I kind of like the idea of Cam with a Fecha-del-Fuego? Because then it means she doesn't have to be away from the others for an extended period of time.
Maybe Yasmin can have the courier dragon. Like a very excitable one that she would def take great care of.
And yes, I would love to see Mary with a Regal Copper. Or maybe, is there a heavyweight American dragon? But yes Mary having her own dragon!
I can just imagine how frightening their formation would be, with 3 -- or 4! -- heavy weights. It would probably never be allowed to happen in an English corps, but they're a special international contingent, so yeah... :D
yes! i mean, consider that ava’s dragon will be really smol for a significant period of time (during which, maybe?? ava works on bea’s crew to learn the ropes, and they figure out how to design a harness that will give her the flexibility she needs to move around on dragonback quickly). & you can bet it will be nearly impossible for mary or anyone to stop ava from sleeping down in the courtyard underneath her dragon’s wing (i am already doing research for their names - there are obviously the conventions of the corps which has a tendency towards latin/roman names - lmao the idea of ava calling her dragon Avernus. ‘hi i’m ava and this is my dragon Hell.’) also yeah not only will ava have a fire-breathing drago (bc halo) who will also have a famously tempermental and willfull type of dragon, who is very intelligent but also just unbelievably possessive of ava. (this is eventually something that bea & Avernus are shaking hands emoji over. #1 goal is protect ava)
oh! i LOVE the idea that they are transporting the egg (from America?? to the corps in britain because that’s where lilith is) when they go down over the atlantic (attacked by a demon/demon-possessed dragon) & mary washes up on the irish coast with the egg & is incredibly protective of it. won’t leave the egg, but maybe she knows ava vaguely from travelling back & forth on missions so she asks for her specifically to help look after the egg & ava starts teaching the egg portuguese by talking non-stop around it & avernus inside is LOVING ava’s multi-lingual puns & when he hatches it’s like lilith who?? 
& yeah you’re right ava is adopted by the portuguese corps & sent to the ocs because she propoerly STUDIES these dragons (& the ocs specifically needs people who understand dragon anatomy, & can help with injured dragons, but the army is loathe to lend them any of their specialists). & yes. mary leaves ava with the egg and goes off (basically commandeering a dragon captain & crew, to scour the ocean for any sign of Halo’s remains or the dragons that attacked them) and meanwhile the egg is suddenly ready & there’s a scramble to get lilith down to the corps because they thought it would be several weeks and she arrives breathless, brushing ava off, only to be usurped by this wise-cracking girl who probably never had even the most remote chance of getting a dragon. 
i’m thinking Bea’s parents are diplomats in england, & tem insists on letting her try to harness on of his hatchlings so she gets the captaincy basically for nepotism reasons (tem moaning for days and days) even though she actually fully deserves it (bea has been on a dragon-crew since she was seven & has worked her ass off to become a competent sharpshooter and fencer and also is a dab hand with munitions and strategy and Everything). she’s all set to join the army when Thing Happen and her parents instead decide she has to go to the ocs, where at least she won’t be publicly court martialed for her ‘proclivities’. but yeah, there’s a lot of ‘this rich kid has probably the best dragon in european service because she’s a rich kid’ & bea fighting against that perception. being just perfect. & then ava throwing a wrench in that. wrecking the flow of their formation. making her stumble in her steady denial of her queerness. fuck yeah! also tem meeting ava!!! they would be so cute together omg. bea and her dragon would be SUCH nerds she’d have a whole travel-box (bc she learned how to pack like a navy-officer from tem) of books for them in like 8 different languages, including several of tem’s. (much more research needed even for an attempt at naming bea’s dragon. it’d be Deep Lore you just know it)
lilith and longwing are a match made in heaven. i like the idea of her rescuing it but maybe something happens to the egg so that the longwing has a weakness in one of its wings and ava ends up being really helpful (bc she gets disability and she knows dragon anatomy & it’s kind of a thing that makes them become grudging allies because they both care immensely for dragons) & this is why we can have a formation with so many A+ dragons, aside from the ocs being strictly non-military, though it’s organised pretty much the same, because lil’s dragon can’t stay in the air for as long as the others and it struggles with some of the more intricate formations & i just think it’d be a cool arc for them, lil who just fucking loves her dragon so much & learns that being strong isn’t the only thing there is. 
i think cam should get her fire-spitting spanish dragon. & it’s still a lightweight so it’s strengths are quick-attacks. god i kind of wanted to give someone a Fleur-de-Nuit simply because they are wicked cool, but i think a dragon whose name means ‘fire-arrow’ just suits cam down to the ground. but she would probably the most adaptable in terms of positioning in formations, & do a lot of work covering lil’s dragon & being the balance for when they need to rest her or let her fall back. i think yas would do well with a courier, because she’s not really combat-trained. she specialises in research and recon, so she’d have something like a Winchester or a Greyling (i’d love to give her an African dragon, but there aren’t really named breeds. i could probably look into it and sort of make one up though)
for mary there are def a few heavyweight american dragons. (her having a feathered dragon would be so cool!) but i also think a regal copper would suit her personality, & it’s always a case of dragon hatchlings being available so it’s reasonable to assume that the ocs collects them from everywhere & people just get whichever one they get.
this au!!!!! their formation would be so cool, & the dynamics are amazing what with buttoned-up bea (as usual) and ava who is just… god i’m in love with ava whose dragon is so fond of her, camping out together, reading the worst serialised novels & making dumb puns together. ava trying to use it’s dragon breath to toast marshmallows. the one time they try to make a really big marshmallow for avernus because the little ones ‘are very sad, ava’. cam & lil who are this support system for her longwing & cam who is also occasionally just a menace in a skirmish with her fire-spitter. 
i love this i love all these ideas!!
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