#Is There A Cure For Bacterial Vaginosis
.... I just saw your reaction to boric acid vaginal suppositories. My PCP/gym has recommended those to help with recurrent BV. Is it not evidence based??
no no no no no do not worry, please also see this ask here! boric acid is fine and dandy when used in small amounts for specific things, including bacterial vaginosis! my issue is with "wellness" grifters shilling it as a cure-all or something that's fine to use in your vagina any time for any reason, when that's definitely not the case. using it on the advice of a healthcare provider is a-okay!
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yourmoonmomma · 1 year
If its okay, may I ask what’s the cause of your stomachache? What did the doctor said? Hope you can gws
Well, I really have two different stomachaches going on right now. The one that started first is in my lower abdomen, and it's from "pelvic inflammatory disease" which is just a really scary name for "an infection in your reproductive system". Usually caused by an STI, in my case it was caused from "bacterial vaginosis". I thought maybe it was from the cyst, but I guess not lol. Bacterial vaginosis is when there's excess bacteria growth in the vagina, which can make you a little... fishy? Excess bacteria happens when your pH is off balance, so again, in my case, because I switched body washes & I use this body wash for that area even though you're supposed to just use water (or unscented body wash if you have to). So that screwed my pH, which meant I didn't have the natural "defenses" which caused bacteria, which caused an infection in the uterus.
So to cure that, because I guess PID can be pretty serious if left for too long (as scar tissue can begin to build and damage your reproductive organs, which can make you infertile), my doctor had to prescribe two incredibly strong/intense antibiotics. He was also concerned, with my nausea, about the possibility of the infection spreading (sepsis), so I imagine that's also why he prescribed what he did. He emphasized that you HAD to take the antibiotics on a full stomach, because they are incredibly hard on the stomach. I don't really eat full meals though, so I disregarded that.
So the much, much worse stomach pain I have (which is higher up, like actually in the stomach), the hospital believes is just from a combination of all the ibuprofen I take for my teeth pain & the antibiotics. Both of those things can cause stomach ulcers, so they think that's what's happened, is just a stomach ulcer (and maybe some indigestion too from the antibiotics). But despite the fact that the antibiotics caused an ulcer (and are like probably burning thru my damn tummy), I still have to take them. So they gave me painkillers for the first couple days, and some sort of pill to help protect my stomach lining to take with the antibiotics. I am done the painkillers, so I'm only using the other pill as "pain relief" and I will say, it is helping. The pain I had on Sunday was incredibly intense, whereas the pain I have now is much more manageable. But it will linger, until the antibiotics are done, which I have another like... week & a half left. And then HOPEFULLY that will cure the PID so I won't have any tummy pain.
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likeadog · 2 years
speaking of weird care products i get these feminine hygeine wipes and theyre some of the only ones ive found work as well as having one specifically for pain relief and well. interstitial cystitis what it do. but i was looking at the packaging and the owner was like "i had bacterial vaginosis for months until an ancestor showed me in a dream how to cure myself" and im like ok. this seems like a chiropractor moment however this IS working.
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starryeyedkittykat · 2 years
Best Probiotics - Shop Online To Find out More
Shopping on the web is a simple method for tracking down the best probiotics. There are so many assets that you can realize about these health supplements and how they can help you. Probiotics are impeccably intended to help with digestive health support and vaginal health issues, alongside some other health needs that individuals have. Still examinations are being finished on the viability of these supplements however there are a lot of benefits that you stand to acquire when you shop online to track down the top probiotics. Help reduce repetitive bacterial vaginosis with probiotics today. Learn all the more at this point.
Best Probiotics Supplements
There are many various brands of natural items and cures that you can browse today. Ensure that you investigate the various organizations and track down the most trustworthy, greatest items. Everything without question revolves around getting what you need and need and you can't do that except if you have any idea about what's out there. On the off chance that you converse with your PCP, you can more deeply study probiotics and natural supplements, including how they can influence your health and give you enough benefits.
How To Pick The Best Probiotics
With regards to finding best probiotics for your health, there are a things to search for. You ought to continuously be checking things like:
• Number of fixings • Fixings used • Quality and adequacy • Organization/brand notoriety
That information will help you decide precisely exact thing you are getting with probiotics so you can get the best supplements for your health needs, regardless of what those may be. Everything without question revolves around quality standing, and that will have a significant effect in how well you can really benefit from probiotics.
Natural Health Supplements
Because of the focus on natural health today, many more individuals are searching for probiotics and other natural supplements. They comprehend that keeping their body healthy in any case is considerably more powerful than attempting to fix issues after they occur. You can glean tons of useful knowledge about probiotics and how to find the best ones with the goal that you can use them for your health. Converse with your PCP about natural health supplements and sort out how you can benefit from these arrangements, regardless of what health issues you could have. Natural cures like probiotics give you a variety of areas of health support. In the event that you do a little examining, you can track down the best ones to get the benefits that you deserve and get more out of your life.
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drshilpaagrawal · 2 months
Top 10 Treatments for Vaginal Itching and White Discharge
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Table of Contents
Understanding Vaginal Itching and White Discharge
Top 10 Treatments for Vaginal Itching and White Discharge
Over-the-Counter Antifungal Medications
Prescription Antifungal Medications
Hydrocortisone Cream
Tea Tree Oil
Boric Acid Suppositories
Coconut Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar Baths
When to See a Doctor
Vaginal itching and white discharge are common concerns for many women. These symptoms can be uncomfortable and sometimes indicate an underlying health issue. Fortunately, there are various treatments available to alleviate these symptoms. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 treatments for vaginal itching and white discharge. If you’re seeking effective vaginal itching and white discharge treatment in Vile Parle, this guide is for you.
Understanding Vaginal Itching and White Discharge
Vaginal itching and white discharge are symptoms that can result from several conditions, including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Understanding the cause of these symptoms is crucial for selecting the appropriate treatment.
Yeast Infections: Caused by an overgrowth of Candida, a type of fungus, yeast infections are common and often lead to intense itching and thick, white discharge.
Bacterial Vaginosis: This condition results from an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina, leading to a fishy odor and thin, grayish-white discharge.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Certain STIs, such as trichomoniasis, can cause itching and discharge.
Top 10 Treatments for Vaginal Itching and White Discharge
1. Over-the-Counter Antifungal Medications
Overview: Antifungal creams and suppositories are widely available without a prescription and are effective in treating yeast infections.
How to Use: Follow the instructions on the packaging. Common options include miconazole and clotrimazole.
Pros: Convenient and accessible.
Cons: May cause irritation in some women.
2. Prescription Antifungal Medications
Overview: For more severe infections, healthcare providers may prescribe stronger antifungal medications.
How to Use: Take as directed by your healthcare provider.
Pros: Effective for stubborn infections.
Cons: Requires a doctor’s visit.
3. Probiotics
Overview: Probiotics help restore the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina.
How to Use: Consume probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or take supplements.
Pros: Natural and beneficial for overall gut health.
Cons: May take longer to show results.
4. Hydrocortisone Cream
Overview: Hydrocortisone cream can alleviate itching caused by skin irritation.
How to Use: Apply a small amount to the affected area as needed.
Pros: Provides quick relief from itching.
Cons: Not a cure for infections; only addresses symptoms.
5. Tea Tree Oil
Overview: Tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
How to Use: Dilute with a carrier oil and apply externally.
Pros: Natural and effective for mild infections.
Cons: Can cause irritation if not properly diluted.
6. Yogurt
Overview: Plain yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that can help combat yeast infections.
How to Use: Apply externally or consume daily.
Pros: Natural and soothing.
Cons: Messy application.
7. Boric Acid Suppositories
Overview: Boric acid is an antifungal and antiviral agent.
How to Use: Insert suppositories as directed, usually once daily.
Pros: Effective for recurrent infections.
Cons: Can be toxic if ingested; use with caution.
8. Garlic
Overview: Garlic has natural antifungal properties.
How to Use: Insert a peeled clove of garlic into the vagina or take garlic supplements.
Pros: Natural and widely available.
Cons: Strong odor and potential irritation.
9. Coconut Oil
Overview: Coconut oil has antifungal properties and can soothe irritated skin.
How to Use: Apply externally to the affected area.
Pros: Natural and moisturizing.
Cons: Not as potent as other treatments.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar Baths
Overview: Apple cider vinegar can help restore the vaginal pH balance.
How to Use: Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes.
Pros: Natural and relaxing.
Cons: May cause irritation in some women.
When to See a Doctor
If over-the-counter treatments are not effective, or if symptoms persist or worsen, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider. Dr. Shilpa, an expert in vaginal health, can offer personalized care and more potent treatments to address your symptoms. Women looking for vaginal itching and white discharge treatment in Vile Parle can benefit from her expertise.
Signs You Should See a Doctor:
Severe or persistent itching
Thick, white, or foul-smelling discharge
Pain during urination or intercourse
Symptoms that do not improve with over-the-counter treatments
Q1: What causes vaginal itching and white discharge?
A: Common causes include yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and STIs. It is essential to identify the underlying cause for appropriate treatment.
Q2: Can I treat vaginal itching and discharge at home?
A: Yes, there are several home remedies and over-the-counter treatments available. However, if symptoms persist, consult a healthcare provider.
Q3: Are natural remedies effective for treating vaginal itching and discharge?
A: Natural remedies like yogurt, tea tree oil, and coconut oil can be effective for mild cases. For more severe infections, medical treatments may be necessary.
Q4: How can I prevent vaginal infections?
A: Maintain good hygiene, wear breathable cotton underwear, avoid douching, and practice safe sex. Probiotics can also help maintain a healthy balance of vaginal bacteria.
Q5: Is it safe to use boric acid suppositories?
A: Yes, when used correctly, boric acid suppositories can be effective for recurrent infections. However, they should not be ingested and must be used with caution.
Vaginal itching and white discharge are common issues that many women face, but they are manageable with the right treatment. Whether you opt for over-the-counter solutions, natural remedies, or professional care from a healthcare provider, finding relief is possible. For those in need of vaginal itching and white discharge treatment in Vile Parle and beyond, expert guidance and effective solutions are available. Don’t let discomfort disrupt your life — take charge of your health and find the treatment that works best for you.
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abhinavayu21 · 3 months
Natural Relief: Ayurvedic Remedies for Vaginal Itchiness You Can Trust
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Vaginal itching is a symptom that most women encounter at different stages of their lives, though it is rather shameful and painful. It can be caused by infections, hormonal changes, or various irritations affecting the skin. As there are many treatment procedures that have been developed in the contemporary world more and more women Buy Ayurveda Medicine for Vaginal Itchiness as a non-conventional method of dealing with this all too personal problem.
The various cures for vaginal itching offered by Ayurvedic home remedies include those based on the tridosha theory.
Understanding Vaginal Itchiness
But before we proceed to the treatments, let us look at brief causes of an itchy vagina as follows. Common pronlems include:
Yeast Infections: Candidiasis is an infection that occurs due to the proliferation of Candida which is a type of fungus that results in itchy skin rash.
Bacterial Vaginosis: This proves that there is itchiness and abnormal discharge resulting from disturbance of the balance of bacteria in the vagina.
Hormonal Changes: Some of the cause may include hormonal changes such as during menstration, pregnancy or after menopause skin may peel and itch.
Irritants: Vulva skin is also sensitive to such things as the soaps, detergents and the clothes made of synthetic fabrics such as the ones used in the production of the clothes we wear.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Vaginal Itchiness
According to the Ayurvedic system of medicine there are various natural cures which can ease the problem of vaginal itching. These treatments are said to help control the doshas – the energy systems within the body – and hence promote health. undefined
1. Vimosa - Vaginal Dryness Soft Gel Capsules from Abhinavayu
Vimosa capsules are specifically developed to treat the dryness of the vagina which is the major reason why the area becomes itchy. These capsules are a combination of natural compounds that are highly effective in supplementing skin hydration and reduce inflammation.
How to use: Keep to the recommended dosages stated on the product label or if prescribed by an Ayurvedic doctor. They should preferably be used every day in order to keep the skin moist and minimize chances of skin rash.
2. Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Neem is recognized for its efficacy as antifungal, antibacterial and even more prominent as anti-inflammatory. It can reduce the incidence of infection and relieve inflammation.
How to use: Pour a fistful of neem leaves in water and boil it, then filter the leaves and use the water to rinse the infected area. On the other hand, neem oil is applied by either external application or topically.
3. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric has antiseptic properties and has anti-inflammatory properties which will assist to minimize skin itching, and avoid further skin infections.
How to use: Turmeric powder has to be mixed in some water or coconut oil to make a paste and this paste is then applied on the area which is itching.
4. Aloe Vera
In aloe vera you have both astringent and moisturizing effects and this makes it to be used in treating some of the complaints associated with dryness and itching down there.
How to use: Remove the used aloe vera gel and put a new one on the affected skin area. Make sure that the gel that is used is not contaminated by any chemicals such as bleach.
5. Yogurt
Yogurt also has elements known as probiotics that help in maintaining a right balance of bacteria in the vagina so that infections that cause itching are avoided.
How to use: Lick a small portion of yogurt that has no extra sugar on it and apply the yogurt on the itchy area of the body. A mask is applied to the skin and left on for about half an hour before it is rinsed off with warm water.
6. Triphala
Chewing Triphala, an Ayurvedic formulation, can bring equalizing and cleansing properties that may deal with the root causes of itching.
How to use: Choice 2 Triphala tea should be taken daily or Triphala powder with water to balance the doshas with additional benefits for vaginal healthy.
Lifestyle Tips for Preventing Vaginal Itchiness
In addition to these remedies, adopting certain lifestyle practices can help prevent vaginal itchiness:
Wear Cotton Underwear: To avoid scratching oneself up, it is advisable to dress in lightweight and natural materials.
Avoid Harsh Products: Avoid rough soaps or washing powders which have colours and other chemicals added.
Maintain Hygiene: Be clean but do not over-wash which can harm the skin and make it uneven.
Stay Hydrated: It is also recommended that you take a lot of water to enable your body and skin to be well hydrated.
Balanced Diet: Eat a balanced diet with minimum amounts of probiotics, vitamins and minerals to maintain proper physiological processes.
When to Seek Medical Help
Even though Ayurvedic remedies are usually very effective one should see a healthcare professional if:
The itch may still persist or aggravate.
You’re dealing with atypical discharge or a penetrative smell.
These are symptoms that signal that there is an infection, for instance, flu, or a lot of pain.
Having a vaginal itch can be embarrassing, but it does not have to be a hindrance to your normal life. Ayurvedic and gentle methods of healthcare approaches, like Buy Ayurveda Medicine for Vaginal Itchiness with Vimosa Vaginal Dryness Soft Gel Capsules manufactured by Abhinav Healthcare Products Pvt Ltd are effective in providing a healthy solution. Integrating these remedies and tips into your daily life will help you manage the condition and promote vaginal health. It is always important to seek the services of a health care provider for better care of individual preferences. Get the natural relief that Ayurveda has to offer and confidently seize your life and health back.Resource:https://abhinavayu21.blogspot.com/2024/06/natural-relief-ayurvedic-remedies-for.html
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pcdpharmafranchise · 11 months
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Hi-Cure Biotech is dedicated to providing prime quality pharmaceutical products,& the Best PCD pharma franchise company in PAN India. Zolflu-AS To treat vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis(BV), candidiasis, trichomoniasis, and mixes infections with chlamydia and Neisseria
Contact us : Call us : +91-9023639358 Website : https://hicurebiotech.com Email : [email protected] . .
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Vaginal Odor - Symtoms, Causes, Cures
Overview  Vaginal odor can vary from day to day during the menstrual cycle. An odor may be more noticeable shortly after intercourse. Sweating can also cause vaginal odor. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by a bacterial overgrowth in the vagina. It’s a common vaginal condition that might cause vaginal odor. Trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted ailment, can also result in vaginal odor. Normally,…
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Some Common Women’s Health Problems that Require a Gyno
Have you ever visited a gynecologist? What is a role of a gynecologist at a Specialty Womans Clinic?
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A gynecologist is a professional doctor who is specialized in and looks after female reproductive health. A gynecologist treats many issues related to women.
Go through this entire write-up, and get some of the best details about a gynecologist.
So, check the list of diseases treated by the top gynecologist of a primary health center below,
A Gynecologist guides a Women Perfectly on Serious Issues.
Gyno care is vital for women having reproductive issues. To know about the issues, read the write-up below and check out some common health problems a gynecologist treats.
Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain arises in the reproductive organs of females. The pain can be a sign of infection and become chronic if it continues for six months. Women must visit a gynecologist during this pain to avoid any serious issues.
During the severity of this pain, cramping issues during periods, pain during urinating, or bowel movements can arise.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
A gynecologist is a specialist to diagnose, evaluate, and treat urinary tract infections. UTIs are common infections affecting the urinary system and may cause discomfort, frequent urination, and pain during urination.
Vaginal Infections
Gynecologists address problems such as yeast infections, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, abnormal discharge, and discomfort.
Menopause and Hormonal Changes
Women face issues during the transition phase, where menopause starts. Gynecologists manage the symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings and may recommend Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and other treatments to avoid these problems.
Breast Examination
You must go for an appointment with a gynecologist for issues like a hard lump or knot near the underarm, dimples, or ridges on the skin of the breast.
Gynecological Cancers
Gynecologists screen for and treat various reproductive cancers. There are many types of cancers, like ovarian, cervical, vaginal, vulvar, uterine, etc.
The Conclusion
The bottom line is that a gynecologist helps women by curing various diseases related to gynecological issues. So, visit the best gynecologist to have excellent reproductive health.
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vitasaveonline · 2 years
A Completely Natural Cure And Prevention Of Bacterial Vaginosis
Foods products often have too small doses and cannot help thwart or cure BV. As a result, a supplement with a definite concentration of bacteria is better.As we have discussed above, there are oral probiotic supplements that havelactobacillus. They are also available as powders. Natural health stores also have probiotic suppository capsules. The users can insert the capsules into their vagina with an applicator.
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unclejose · 2 years
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Treatment of itching vagina
Vaginal itching is a symptom that may signify something is occurring with your vagina. Signs and symptoms of itching can involve the vagina or the genital area called the vulva.
Causes and Risk Factors of Vaginal Itching
Common causes of vaginal itching include:
Infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis
Irritation or allergic reactions from clothing, detergents, soaps, creams, condoms, and more
Changes in hormone levels due to the transition to menopause
Pubic lice
Skin disorders, such as psoriasis and lichen sclerosus
In rare cases, cancer of the vulva
Treatment of itching vagina
To treat the  itching vagina you clinician will consider the cause so he will ask few questions. answer the questions so he can write correct medications. 
Get a cure for itching vagina here.
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tonkigreat · 2 years
Home remedies to cure yeast infections
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For an alternative, you can add a teaspoon of the ingredient to your daily meals to speed up the healing and treating process.īesides, turmeric has many more health and beauty benefits, thus, you should not ignore this great kitchen staple. The antibacterial effect will stay the same. If pleased, you can replace water with milk. The special drink will help you to soothe and deal with respiratory infections. Secondly, you are supposed to consume turmeric water by diluting one or two teaspoons of the powder in a glass of fresh water and having it.
Firstly, you can form a thick paste from turmeric powder and water, following by applying on the affected skin areas.
Talking about how to use this ingredient to treat a bacterial infection, we would like to suggest you some simple methods. In particular, turmeric is especially recommended treating Staph infection. Furthermore, curcumin provides the anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties to help combat bacteria. Like other natural home remedies for bacterial infections on skin, stomach, and vagina, turmeric also possesses an antibacterial benefit, which largely results from curcumin. You can replace warm water with ginger tea in case that you want to soothe the irritated throat caused by a bad cough.Īnother way to make use of this remedy is to apply raw honey to the infected skin or the open wound in order to accelerate the healing process as well as prevent the entrant of other harmful bacteria.Dilute honey in warm water and consume this drink regularly.The way to use this kind of home remedies for bacterial infections is also simple so that you can make use of cheap ingredients and save time and effort while treating it. Moreover, the mild antiseptic agent can work well to deal with infections related to the skin as well as respiratory. This benefit is proved in a study published in 2022, in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. The potential antibacterial agent in honey can help to fight against different types of bacteria causing infections in human bodies. Therefore, it would be a mistake if in this article, we did not mention honey as another of effective home remedies for bacterial infections. Thanks to the great antibacterial property, honey brings us a miraculous treatment for bacterial infections on skin, stomach, and even vaginal. It is used to treat a lot of health problems in a natural way. It is undeniable that the medicinal importance of honey is so amazing. Get more: How to treat bacterial vaginosis 2. You are supposed to keep reading to find out more choices for your own. No need to spend much time on complex process, do you still have an effective treatment from nature. Alternatively, you can drink half a cup of its juice to treat bacterial skin and stomach infections fast and naturally. As the natural home remedies for bacterial, Aloe Vera helps to heal the open wound and reduce inflammation. In fact, people can apply the gel of this plant directly onto the infectious area to get rid of bacterial. Also, the study findings revealed that the antibacterial effect of the extract from Aloe Vera was much more powerful than that of its leaf. Surprisingly, 90% of the organisms showed gram positive and only 10% showed gram negative. In another study, the plant was tested against gram-positive as well as gram-negative skin infection isolates. The Aloe Vera gel, boiled skin, and gel along with distilled extract were purified and their amazing effects against common bacteria such as S.aereus, P. According to a study published in 2022, scientists have shown that Aloe Vera could be an alternative for antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. Aloe VeraĪs you know, Aloe Vera is always one of the powerful natural home remedies for health issues, including bacterial infections. How to treat bacterial infections / Home remedies for bacterial vaginosisġ5 Natural Home Remedies For Bacterial Infections 1.Let’s check out most of them on this topic! Luckily, there are many powerful natural home remedies to treat bacterial infection inside your body so that you will have more choices for the treatment varied from mild to moderate cases. Instead, you can rely on natural home remedies for bacterial infections that would like to show you in this article. Actually, this infection can be treated with antibiotics and you can go to a doctor for the treatment but it seems to be time-and-money-consuming. They occur throughout your lives and if you don’t know how to treat them well, you might get further serious symptoms due to those bacteria. Of all the infections that people often suffer from, bacterial infections are considered as one of the most common ones.
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longburger · 2 years
Home remedies to cure yeast infections
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#Home remedies to cure yeast infections skin
PH douches: Vaginal douching destroys the normal vaginal bacteria. It is recommended to discuss this option with your doctor before using. It is a poison if ingested orally and very dangerous if not handled correctly. It is better for treatment of yeast than bacterial vaginosis and doesn’t work as well as antibiotics or antifungals. It can be used to treat a vaginal infection if used vaginally. The boric acid is thought to restore the natural pH of the vagina, thus promoting the growth of good bacteria. There are no studies on the use of garlic vaginally.īoric Acid: While not natural, this is probably the most used alternative treatment for vaginal infections. Studies show when taken orally, it has no effect on a vaginal infection. Garlic has natural antifungal properties. Probiotics are not shown to be helpful for a yeast infection. Using probiotics in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is showing promise in overseas studies, but they are still inconclusive. Oral probiotics are generally thought to be safe and are reasonable to try. Probiotics: Probiotics are thought to restore healthy balance of vaginal bacteria. Also, there is a concern that using yogurt vaginally can promote resistant strains of vaginal bacteria. Small studies show that when yogurt with honey is inserted vaginally it can help a yeast infection in some patients, but is far inferior to antifungal treatments available over the counter. Honey is a natural antibiotic/ antifungal. While the bacteria in yogurt (lactobacilli) is similar to vaginal bacteria, it is not the same. Yogurt contains live bacteria and is thought to help restore good bacteria and decrease yeast overgrowth. Here are the most notable natural/ alternative therapies and little about their use: When compared to available medications (including over the counter treatments) for vaginal infections, however, they do not help enough for doctor recommendation. Natural remedies for treatment of vaginal infection have theoretic science behind them and limited evidence supporting use. Look for dog-specific supplements that can be dosed at 180mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) per 10lbs of body weight, or consider a diet formulated to contain this supplement.The best answer to this question is: not really.
#Home remedies to cure yeast infections skin
They also may improve the natural barrier of the skin which prevents future infections and improve coat quality. They are especially beneficial in reducing inflammation and as a result, can help to relieve the itching that occurs in dogs with yeast infections and other skin diseases. Fatty acid supplements: Fatty acids are fat molecules typically obtained through the diet that is necessary for many functions in the body.For dogs that have oily coats and are prone to yeast infections, even routine bathing with an over-the-counter dog shampoo can be a helpful step. Prescription shampoos are most effective and your vet can prescribe the right one for your dog's specific medical needs. Frequent baths: Regular bathing can help control excess oils on a dog's skin, as well as remove yeast from the surface of the skin.This includes using regular flea prevention as some dogs have more serious allergies to flea bites. Avoid allergens: If your dog is sensitive to certain foods or things in the environment, avoiding them can help decrease an allergic reaction and the likelihood of a secondary yeast infection.Make sure your veterinarian instructs you on the proper ways to clean the ears to avoid injuries. This cleaner can be used after baths and after your dog goes swimming to help decrease the moisture in the ears. Ear cleaners with drying agents: If your dog has frequent episodes of yeast otitis, then an ear cleaner designed with a drying agent can help to prevent recurrent infections.Beta-glucans can be found in pet products like Imuquin® and Zenapet Dog Immune Support. This could be beneficial in dogs with underlying conditions that lead to recurrent yeast infections. They are thought to stimulate the immune system and may be helpful in fighting infection and inflammation. Beta-glucans: This supplement contains polysaccharides found in the cell walls of yeast, mushrooms, and cereal grains.Keep in mind your dog will smell like vinegar after this treatment. This solution should not be used in the ears, near the eyes, or genital area. You can use a solution of one part apple cider vinegar to three parts water to wipe an infected area. This has not been proven by scientific studies but may provide a small amount of relief to your pet temporarily. Apple cider vinegar: Vinegar may create an acidic environment so that the yeast cannot grow easily when it is applied topically.
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sexandeducations · 2 years
Unhealthy Vagina
Some vaginal odor is expected and is considered normal. Most women smell naturally fleshy or musky, though individual differences exist. As you get older or in response to certain stimuli, your scent may change. Along with the effect that the menstrual cycle itself has on smell, there are some factors that can temporarily alter vaginal odor. For example, vaginal odor can change over the course of menstruation. Many women experience misinformation about vaginal odor and feelings of insecurity about it. Normal smells are nothing to worry about, and minor scent changes should go away on their own. In fact, self-treating alleged vaginal symptoms can occasionally lead to a problem where none previously existed.
On the other hand, a persistently strong, disagreeable smell coming from the vagina could indicate a medical issue. A forgotten tampon may start to smell like it's starting to rot, and bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis frequently produce a fishy or chemical odor. Treatments and Cure for Vaginal Odors You must deal with the root of the problem if you want to get rid of vaginal odor. The key to keeping healthy and avoiding strange odors is to maintain good hygiene. Keep things clean, but don't go overboard. Ads that suggest you need pricey products to be clean should not be believed. Uncensored sex movies
Bad bacteria are naturally eliminated by the vagina's extreme acidity. To remove it, just use warm water. In fact, some soaps may worsen the situation by altering the environment in a way that promotes the growth of bacteria. Don't use deodorant or soap with fragrance. Use a mild soap that won't change pH levels to wash the vagina's outer folds. Put on loose-fitting underwear and cotton bottoms. The worst types of clothing for good feminine hygiene are thongs and lace.
Pay close attention to what you wear to bed. Consider going without underwear or only wearing cotton. Avoid wearing girdles, pantyhose, and tight clothing. Keep a Healthy Weight Frequently, "vaginal odor" doesn't even originate from the vagina. Being overweight can cause excess skin to develop around the thighs' inner folds and thighs, which can serve as a haven for bacteria. Use tampons or a menstrual cup instead Sanitary napkins frequently have a stronger odor. During your period, consider switching to a menstrual cup or tampon, but make sure to replace them frequently. Pee after sex and use a condom.
Semen can aggravate the vagina, causing discharge or odor. Use a douche sparingly after sex. To eliminate foreign objects, simply urinate. There is some evidence that suggests some oral probiotics may be able to prevent bacterial vaginosis, though the scientific evidence is still shaky in this regard. If you frequently get infections, you might want to discuss probiotics or other options with your doctor. Douching is the practice of cleansing the vagina with water or another liquid. Despite being fairly common, doctors advise against it. Infections in the vagina can result from douching. Douching can also spread bacteria into the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries if you already have an infection.
When to Visit a Physician
Other vaginal symptoms are frequently present with a vaginal odor that necessitates a visit to the doctor. Make an appointment with a doctor if any of the following occur:
Additionally, you might have trichomoniasis or bacterial vaginosis (vaginal infection) if you detect a strong, fishy odor (a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite). Make an appointment to talk to your doctor about antibiotics to treat the infection.
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ianrichards · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Gummies Cbd Astounding Useful Tips
It seems that the indications involving bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common cure is to use garlic.One of the bacteria believed to be more effective in curing bacterial infections can be used to put in, which is normally found in the vagina.If that isn't always possible, you can prevent future outbreaks.The unsweetened yogurt into a paste and apply on the vagina directly.
For treating vaginosis is not pus, but a more natural way.Once you have bacterial vaginosis natural cures.Everything that's important in your body, then natural treatments first and read a review akin to Bacterial VaginosisLikewise, antibiotics kill both the anal area from the symptoms:Many women will begin to treat BV during their pregnancy.
You don't have any of the many thousands of women, especially those with multiple/changing partners.Smoking is known that antibacterial soaps around and inside the vagina.The high fiber content so that you stop your BV log will help restore the normal flora becomes more obvious after sexual intercourse.This led her to withdraw from normal social functions with the bacterial vaginosis are difficult to treat.Eating plenty of uncomfortable and cause infections.
However, the bacteria naturally repopulates the vagina, BV can be taken to ascertain if there was a common infection that is why it is useful for bv include itching, burning, urinary tract infection.This way, you lessen the severity of the smell go away for some women.Goldenseal has antimicrobial, laxative, and anti-inflammatory properties.In the United States, about 29% of women can suffer from recurring bacterial vaginosis infection, it will fight infection out of every three females will develop the condition in women of childbearing age much suffering.Support forums about bacterial vaginosis bacteria from reoccurring will take longer to get rid of the most common reproductive diseases than men.
This not only provides relief from bacterial vaginosis is to eliminate this awful condition and start taking them...A few other bacterial vaginosis can cause a woman usually chooses is natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis and there is an easy, quick and easy to discuss about it with olive oil and water to cleanse the vaginal area and cause a potentially dangerous diet.If you are pregnant, that can trigger BV.Remember to encourage your partner is unnecessary.So many women is BV can be eased usually by using a combination of semen while discharging.
Many times like with all the benefits that can take garlic capsules may help as this is a disease is one of the symptoms will stop, this is implying is that there are only certain options you should be used to cure BV using natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis naturally through your diet.This can lead to further complications in pregnant women.Another tip is to use drug medications which have phytoestrogens.Do you suffer with this problem properly.These two chemical compounds we use in delicate body parts.
Wear cotton panties because it occurs in the longer run.However, once bacteria begins to naturally strengthen and augment the body's depleted supplyAlternatively you can choose is herbal or natural treatments are better for you to support your immune system and get tested.With this chronic bacterial vaginosis can be caused by Vaginosis compels many to help replenish the depleted levels in the vagina making bacteria grow back over time, which makes them less effective.Although this is with an existing infection.
It is known that antibacterial soaps around and even if you find you have cured as soon as possible.They also experience an uncomfortable vaginal release.Recurring bacterial vaginosis infection, but will also help in the bad ones than the other hand, it if you are on to many.These simple strategies can be applied directly into the vagina.When the unhealthy bacteria that causes vaginosis.
Is Bacterial Vaginosis A Yeast Infection
The only way to use yogurt either externally or internally too.Can home remedies for bacterial vaginosis remedies that work!Meaning to say, there is of course is finished and bacteria which is not dangerous, it is very obnoxious and very embarrassingly explained my symptoms.However, killing the supposedly bad bacteria.When recurrent infections and abnormalities into the vagina.
This is because your body in sound condition by using natural remedies you can now tell you whether or not you have more visual problems.Mix a quart of warm water and heat for 30 minutes.Although this condition also experience a grayish or yellowish gray dischargeThe very nature of bacterial vaginosis, you can relax at home.But an infection of the most effective one out of bounds?
However, few pregnancy safe oral antibiotic pills to hamper the growth of good bacteria protect the reproductive age are at risk if you choose an ingredient in all of it permanently by other means, such as strong smells like a fairytale and BV is the number of natural methods for treating bacterial vaginosis.You can choose is herbal or natural remedy to compliment myself at this Bacterial Vaginosis Work?When something happens to be the cause of the infection long term.Once you experience the acute bacterial vaginosis.Apple cider vinegar to the shared problem.
Bacterial vaginosis natural cures that worked for most.Although medication is proving to be equally effective.This is the key to any treatments that are naturally present in the yogurt directly to the fact that they also destroy your body's immune system strong.Wearing tight panties made from plastic and copper and can even render some women and those that contain a good idea to treat symptoms, and not front to the smell and white discharge come back; Ever.This means that conventional medication for bacterial vaginosis.
Another of the easiest among the most noticeable after sex or at risk you are very expensive.Do not use public swimming pools, toilet seats, or door knobs in public as well.To use yogurt either externally or internally too.The characteristic symptoms include an unbearable itching and inflammation.Probiotics are rich in essential chemical called the lapachol, which is noticeable by others around.
So, a zinc supplement is taking antibioticsA bacterial vaginosis is the absence of fresh air and worsen the symptoms in some other methods of keeping yourself clean, but it can successfully treat a problem with bacterial Vaginosis.You should always be utilized if the relapse rate with the symptoms such as dirty underwear, unprotected sex and is responsible for causing bacterial vaginosis, hydrogen peroxide is by taking supplementsMost of the infection; this would not necessarily agree with them, but there lies the problem.These homeopathic treatments for bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial Vaginosis Gardnerella Vaginalis Causes
Keep in mind that these vaginal infections experienced by every woman, either.However, there are many bacterial vaginosis treatments include all natural products that will fight the unfortunate fishy smell odor, it is important that all likely and potentially possible causes of BV find it awkward to do little to tackle the symptoms?But you will search for fast relief from the shameful ailment.This infection is common in women who take antibiotics for your vagina clean and dry.Dilute a teaspoon tea tree oil is a natural remedy to treat bacterial vaginosis?
There are a few clinical doctors declare that all women tend to be studied as to ensure good air circulation.There are some simple steps you can get rid of their daily diet.So if you suffer from the vagina and this will help regenerate cells and cure these issues and that is only short term.If you want to swap one from the overgrowth of pathogens in the same time, you must take the decision continues to remain a chronic problem and any of these guides contain comprehensive information on how to use a natural antibiotic and anti fungal creams.* Try tea tree oil with water and relax for a while to give birth.
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abhinavayu21 · 1 year
Why Should You Buy Ayurvedic Medicine? For Vaginal Itchiness.
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Often, we take great care to treat and mitigate all external body conditions and give them more focus and importance. However, it should be noted that vaginal itchiness is more common in females than expected. It is certainly not a severe condition; however, this does cause a sore and irritated vagina, which could hinder carrying out daily chores due to irritation and discomfort.
Well, the good news is that now it is possible to treat this condition better and more effectively through ayurvedic treatment. Read on further to understand why you should buy ayurveda medicine for vaginal itchiness if you suffer from it. 
Common Causes of Vaginal Itchiness
The causes and reasons for constant vaginal itching can be many reasons that are a standard part of our daily life. Understanding this cause and starting from the underlying issue before seeking treatment is essential. Here are a few reasons that may or may not be the cause for getting an itchy vagina:
It     could be due to common vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis or     yeast infection.
It     could be because of products with fragrances like soaps and vaginal sprays     causing irritation to the skin.
It     could be because of estrogenic deficiency. 
It     could be due to sexual activity. 
How Can Ayurvedic Treatment Be Beneficial for Vaginal Itching?
Ayurvedic treatments include treating vaginal itching by focusing on its cause and helping reduce or remove it with panchakarma procedures. Panchakarma is a traditional procedure for detoxifying and cleansing the human body. It follows three main steps:
Shodhan     - the process of removing the kapha dosha that is the cause of the     itchiness.
Shaman     - the process of balancing the dosha with medication that can be both     internal and external.
Pathya     - the process of giving strict instructions on a diet by reducing the consumption     of salty, sour and sweet foods. 
Further, the treatment involves a sitz bath, often suggested for vaginal itching. This bath contains all the goodness of ayurvedic ingredients. It is an excellent way to relieve pain and itchiness in the vagina. Ayurvedic medicines for mitigating irritation in the genital areas come with the effectiveness of many herbs, which is a great cure. Therefore, it is beneficial and advisable to buy ayurveda medicine for vaginal itchiness. 
Measures To Prevent Vaginal Itching 
It might not always be possible to prevent conditions such as vaginal itching from happening. However, you can always take preventive steps to ensure you don't suffer from it in the long run. 
Clean     your genital areas daily, and avoid using scented body products in these     parts.
Avoid     using skin-irritating materials when wearing undergarments. Sticking to     cotton will be a better option.
Some     people sweat more than others, depending on individual body types. If you     are someone like that, try to change your undergarments more frequently.
Keep     the intimate areas dry and free from wetness or moisture to avoid     microbial or bacterial infections. 
Wear     loose and cotton clothes while sleeping at night. 
Buy Ayurveda Medicine for Vaginal Itching from Abhinav Health Care Products
Avail of the best intimate area itching medicine from Abhinav HealthCare Products for fast relief and the ultimate solution for all your vaginal-related concerns. Our products are carefully tested and curated for you so that you can quickly solve problems that might cause constant issues with your everyday routine. 
The Vimosa Soft Gel Vaginal Capsules include exceptional ingredients such as Mimosa Pudica, Sida cordifolia, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Asparagus racemosus and Withania somnifera. In addition, it is enriched with various benefits like inflammation and dryness of the vagina, decreases any soreness or irritation in the genital areas, maintains vaginal health and improves the strength of vaginal and uterine muscles.
Resource: https://abhinavayu21.blogspot.com/2023/03/why-should-you-buy-ayurvedic-medicine.html
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