#IronStrange x OC
braveclementine · 21 days
Dates and Depression
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, mentions of smut/sex, angst
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Penny's date with Steve, Bucky, and Sam was not the only date that she ended up going on in the short time between the spy being found and Christmas. 
Steve, Bucky, and Sam took her to a gorgeous café restaurant. They stayed for almost two hours, before going through a strip mall that was putting up early Christmas decorations. Then they came home and went to bed together in hot, steamy sex. 
Natasha had been next to ask her on a date, but a few days before the actual date, she went into labor. It was a difficult one and Penny and Vision were very worried about her. They were also the only ones who were allowed to stay by her side. 
Natasha's body was not meant to be having children and it was only doing so because of magic. They ended up giving her a c-section, which meant a long time for recovery so they pushed the date backwards. 
Natasha and Visions' little girl was absolutely adorable. She had Natasha's flaming red hair, but had Visions eyes. Well, his human form eyes at the very least. She was named Anastasia Yelena Romanoff. 
Then Rhodey, who made good on his promise on giving her a wonderful date. They went to the movies which was doing old reruns and they watched The Wizard of Oz in the theaters. It was packed full of people who wanted to see the movie in the theaters for the first time. Since it was a cheap movie, they simply sold tickets and people sat in the aisles or on the stairs, anywhere there was space. 
The chairs were comfy though and Rhodey sat down, before pulling her in his lap and they cuddled the entire time. It was a movie experience that Penny had never been in before. People singing along to songs and cheering and yelling. 
Rhodey took her a restaurant afterwards where they just got dessert to split and share, cuddled up together on one side of the booth. Rhodey was even cheesy enough to feed her off of his spoon, but she loved it. Especially when she got to tease him, licking his finger as she did so and he turned red under his dark cheeks. 
When they got home, they went up to his room and spent the night together with almost no sleep, but a lot of satisfaction regardless. 
Loki took her up to Asgard for his one-on-one date. They strolled through the open markets while the normal citizens looked at Loki in awe and Penny in curiosity. Loki watched Penny and whatever she squealed over as beautiful or cute, he would either buy or sometimes haggle for. 
Penny would have scolded him for haggling, but realized that he haggled in normal things from Midgard, like Tony's tools, or Midgardian books. 
Loki explained as they walked, eating some sort of Asgardian dessert made of fruit and icing in a cone. "The people of Asgard long for things from Midgard. Odin may have lifted his rule of being in relationships with soulmates from Midgard and other realms, but there are still things that Midgardians have made that aren't allowed on Asgard." 
"Won't they get in trouble then?" Penny asked anxiously, looking over at two little girls that Loki had given barbie dolls to. They looked so happy to have them as well, running off with them into their house. 
"No." Loki said. "Odin is aware that we are visiting the markets. He will know that the Midgardian things came from us. Heimdall will also make sure that none of them suffer or are punished." 
With that comfort, Penny was able to relax more and even haggled some of her own possessions, which was actually quite fun. 
They did go back up to the castle for dinner, where she was able to see Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, and Sif again and the six of them ate together and talked. 
"Heimdall is miserable." Fandral complained. "He needs a good fuck." 
Hogun chuckled but Sif rolled her eyes. 
"Yes, well, let him be a dumbass." Loki replied dryly. 
Fandral gasped in mock shock. "My word. The prince has used foul language!" 
Penny started to giggle while Loki glared daggers at Fandral. 
"Fair lady, come away from the uncouth man." Fandral declared and Penny giggled harder. Sif even cracked a smile while both Volstagg and Hogun laughed loudly. 
"I hope you don't value your hands Fandral." Loki said in a bored tone. "You're very close to losing them." 
Despite the bantering, that was the date where Penny ended up in Fandrals' room on Asgard in an orgy with the rest of them, Loki orchestrating most of what everyone did. It was definitely a turn on, watching all of these mighty warriors listen and follow Lokis' orders. Especially when it was for giving her pleasure. 
She had a variety of other dates with Tony and Stephen, then Violetta, then Clint and Bruce did a double date with her and Natasha, the four of them together as a square date. Pietro did one and then Wanda and Vision together. 
Elijah took her on a date after he was sure that Elizabeth was stable on her feet. The ice superhero had taken to being very secluded afterwards. Penny didn't blame her in the slightest, nor did she blame Elijah for putting all of his focus on her. 
She also became a little surprised when repeat people came back for dates and soon she was going on dates three or four times a week. 
She realized soon that a lot of their time had been sex and worrying about the spies and keeping each other safe. Now that the spy and the enemy was dead, there was time for relaxation and there was time for things like this. Going out without an entire crowd. Private dates, small things. Really getting to know each other. 
She definitely felt much more prepared as they started going into the Christmas season and they had to start looking for presents for each other. They went to the same mall that they had gone the first round. 
Penny found her presents much quicker this year, including presents for Bucky and Steve through what she had learned about them during the dates. 
They slowly started to regroup after an hour or two. She saw that Violetta and Katya were in line for Auntie Annes. Natasha and Wanda were just coming out of Dillards', a baby carrier in Natasha's hands with the cover pulled down so her baby was protected from sight. She refused to let the child out of her sight, no matter what. 
Penny herself had Chamber with her, mostly because it was his first Christmas and she wanted to show the mall around to him, even if he wouldn't remember it in years to come. 
She found Elizabeth in another shop, with a few presents, but definitely not enough for everyone. She looked overwhelmed and Penny immediately felt guilty for leaving her by herself. 
"Hey, you doing okay?" 
"Yeah. I wrote a list, I just don't know what stores hold which items." Elizabeth said, fingers fumbling as she pulled out a neatly written down list. She had crossed off for people she had the presents for. Penny also couldn't help but notice that Steve and Bucky's spaces were empty. 
"What do you get Steve and Bucky?" Elizabeth asked desperately. 
Penny found the irony humorous. Last year she was standing here asking Elizabeth what to get Steve and Bucky. Now the circumstances had been flipped. 
"Well, you usually get them something from their time period. Like last year you got them records- which are like song discs. You could probably ask Viden if there's anything in particular they're hoping for though." Penny offered. 
"Mm, maybe." Elizabeth said hesitantly and they moved on through the stores. 
Clint and Bucky took Penny out on another date for the Christmas holiday. It was bitterly cold, but Bucky was warm and they were inside most of the time anyways. 
It was turning to be one of the best years of her life. 
🏧🚪 𝐏oV ς𝓱άN𝕘𝕖 💥 🔥
Elizabeth's depression had hit an all time low. She had been feeling off ever since Steve had left her room and she knew that she still had the babies. The problem was, there was a little baby that was teetering on the edge of death. 
She had secretly seen a doctor about it with Katya, because Katya was the one that could keep all of her secrets from anyone, including Elijah. The doctor said she needed to eat plenty of food, keep her fluids up, and not do any strenuous activity, including sex, until cleared by her. 
Well, the last part was easy. She hadn't even seen anyone in the past four days besides Katya. She was keeping solely to her room except early mornings when no one was awake, to cook breakfast, or when F.R.I.D.A.Y. gave her the all clear and she would go and see her kids. 
She wasn't sure why she had sunk so low into depression. It was a state of feeling like she was constantly on the edge of crying or feeling nothing at all. Days passed easily, mostly because she just slept through all of them. 
She felt isolated from the others. She wasn't sure if she blamed it on Penny or the spy. But it felt like ever since the spy and her mother had been killed, that the others sort've stopped rallying around her. They had put all of their attention towards Penny and she suddenly felt like. . . like. . . like she had been loved on just because she needed protection. Now that the threat was gone, they didn't need to protect her anymore. 
Even Elijah hadn't been around. He had taken Penny out on three dates so far though. Elizabeth wondered when the last time he took her on a date was. 
But then again, she had always figured ever since she learned about this sort've thing, that it was just sex. The love was one sided. Go figure. 
At the same time, she had also purposely stayed away from them to stop herself from giving in to sex, so really, the isolation was her fault. But the isolation was still giving her anxiety and making her doubt. Even if the doubts were because she was keeping them away and not necessarily because they wanted to stay away. But she also felt that they were staying away, because they hadn't tried to see why she'd locked them out, and it was a whole complex cycle of psychological feelings and emotions. 
She did start having morning sickness, which was super fun. It also worried her and she went to another meeting with the doctor. The baby was a little more stable, but not by much and Elizabeth's blood pressure needed to come down, but she didn't have a way of not stressing. 
She tried reading, which would sometimes work. Sometimes she could lose herself in a good book. Until she would hit the romance part and everything just sort've seemed to crumble again. 
She started to research other things. Specifically about Cryo. If it would freeze the babies growing as well so that they could find a safe way to save her baby without her risking its' life. But there wasn't sufficient information on it to begin with. 
She didn't know what she was going to do. 
🍿👆 ᵖᗝ𝓥 Č𝒽卂𝓝ģE 🖕🍩
Penny laughed with the others at the stupidity of the movie. Well, except Katya who seemed to be in a bad mood. She had a notebook in her lap and was making marks in it, looking frustrated. Clint had picked up on her mood and was trying to look at the book, but every time he looked over, she snapped it closed. 
"Mr. Stark, Director Fury is here." F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced. 
"Uh huh." Tony said uncaringly, his head in Pennys' lap. Penny was stroking his hair while relaxing against Pietro. 
It was only two minutes later when her father came striding into the Community room, "Where's Elizabeth?" 
"Hi Dad, nice to see you too." Penny joked, earning laughs from the others around her- except Katya. 
Fury rolled his eye. "Elizabeth hasn't answered my text and I sent it four hours ago. I just-" 
Katya started to laugh. Except it was more bitter than that. "God, Fury, I love you." 
Everyone looked at her. 
"Four hours and you come check on her. Meanwhile, the last time anyone here has seen her was five days ago." Katya continued to smirk, standing up and grabbing the notebook she's been writing in. "Considering that, you might actually be able to get to see her." 
Fury raised an eyebrow and looked at the rest of them, who looked rather frozen in their seats all of a sudden. 
"Really?" Fury asked. "You're telling me that she's gone through a third traumatic experience and they still haven't learned from the first two in thinking she doesn't need any help?" 
"She doesn't need help." Katya replied scathingly. "In fact, she just thinks she was right about the whole thing, in thinking she was just this damsel in distress and now that the threats gone, she's not needed anymore." 
"That's not-" Bucky started but Katya turned on him. 
"You haven't even seen her in nine days James so just don't." 
 "Hey." Clint said, sounding hurt. "I saw her today and yesterday and the day before. I've been checking on her every day but recently she's always been asleep so I haven't gotten to talk to her." 
"How have you even been seeing her?" Katya grilled. "She coded F.R.I.D.A.Y. so only those with a certain password can even get in." 
"The vents." Clint said softly. 
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.-" Tony started but Katya bit into him next. 
"No." Katya snapped. "You don't get to override Elizabeth's command on F.R.I.D.A.Y. now. You can't just force yourself into her life after being out of it for sixteen days Anthony. None of you do. Except maybe Clint at this point." She turned back to Fury. "I'll go up with you. You'll need me for the password." 
Her and Fury left. Elijah was the next to leave, just jumping out the window and taking to the skies. Trang slipped out of the room next, slamming the door behind her to go to the lab. Violetta and Ghaida left next and Penny noticed Loki was suddenly gone as well. 
"Can you feel her?" Steve asked Wanda. 
"Yes." Wanda said softly. "She's. . . sort've just numb. She's stressed about something as well." 
"I'm going down to the gym." Bucky grunted, heading for the elevators. Natasha and Steve got up and joined him. 
And the rest of them just sat there in guilty silence as the movie continued to play on the screen.
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darsynia · 2 years
Main Masterlist
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Welcome to my Masterlist! You'll find stories for Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, other MCU characters, and some CE ones (tba).
MCU Masterlist
Steve Rogers Series and Oneshots
Bucky Barnes Series and Oneshots
Tony Stark Series and Oneshots
CE fics under the cut (to be added)
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I'm an elder millennial/xennial mom of three from Pittsburgh who loves to crochet and knit. I've been writing for most of my life--the first fanfic I ever wrote was a history project placing myself in various moments during American history! I was 8, but let's not talk about how long ago that was...
On Tumblr I post mostly female reader/canon romantic stories, primarily with Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Tony Stark. My writing is often smutty, always full of feelings and character moments, and the resulting stories can be fluffy, angsty, funny, or profound.
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{ Fave: 💚 }{ Romance: ♥️ }{ Angst: 🖤 }{ All Audiences: 🤍 }{ Smut: 🔥 }
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Coming soon, other CE characters than Steve (who has his own masterlist)!
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itsagentromanoff · 2 years
Tony: What? What do you want?
Strange: You.
Tony: Excuse me?
Strange: You can be manipulative, you can be aggressive. I've known you to stretch the truth on occasion. But the fact is, when I'm not around you, I miss you.
Tony: You do?
Strange: What can I say? I've fallen for you.
Tony: Well this just may be your lucky night. I have an extra Hot Pocket.
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divinesayer · 9 months
commission info!
hi, i'm kay! i'm an english BA & creative writing MA graduate who is opening fic & poetry commissions via my kofi! i have a few different tiers:
fics/original prose is priced at the following: 200 words - £20 1000 words - £50 2000 words - £100 5000 words - £150 (please message me regarding any alternative lengths)
poetry is priced as below: short form (2-3 stanzas/one prose paragraph) - £10 long form (4+ stanzas/two prose paragraphs) - £20 (please note that rhyme schemes are an additional £5)
please send a message with any questions or requests; i'll do my best to accommodate!! see below for extra information.
if you do not see anything on this list, please ask about it! i probably haven't thought of it lol. feel free to message regarding anything i will write with limitations too. please see here for fandoms/ships i will not write for.
here are some things i am happy to write:
prose, poetry, lgbt content (especially sapphics!), romantic ships, platonic & familial relationships, horror, mild gore, smut (with limitations), kink (with limitations), fics with your ocs (includes oc/canon), self-insert (not x reader, sfw only), any pov, letters from a fictional other (sfw only), mecha (sfw only), fantasy/sci-fi, monster of the week concepts (includes original monsters), vampires, werewolves (sfw only), genderbends (trans headcanons, cis-swaps - please specify), historical fiction (with limitations), fics based on songs/albums, age gaps (adult/adult only), mild violence, angst, dubcon (nothing too intense though), characters from media i don't know (please provide info!!), polyam ships, AUs, crossovers, pregnancy (sfw only)
things i will not write:
incest, underage smut, adult/minor ships, noncon, suicide, dead dove, smut for minors, aging up minors for smut, zoophilia, rpf, hard gore, hardcore kink (please ask if you need clarification), furries, mecha nsfw, x reader, nsfw self insert, hard violence, major character death, over 1000 words, multi-chapter (with exceptions), human/non-human (excluding vampires), omegaverse, zombies, prison aus, royalty aus, sex worker aus, slavery aus
some fandoms i will write for:
yugioh (duel monsters, gx, 5ds, zexal), the x files (seasons 1-3), death note, doctor who (seasons 1-4 of reboot), superstore, how i met your mother, madoka magica, fire emblem (sacred stones, awakening, fates), legend of zelda (botw/totk), marvel (mcu up to phase 3, + dsmom & wandavision), howl's moving castle (studio ghibli movie), classic literature (rebecca, wuthering heights, sherlock holmes), pokemon (most familiar with gens 1 + 5 and original anime run), avatar (atla), twilight, five nights at freddys (no ships), sabrina the teenage witch (seasons 1/2), stardew valley, + more as i think of it
ships i enjoy writing:
my faithshipping, mulderscully, doctorrose, lawlight, gx rivalshipping, matsuda/misa, peachshipping, violetshipping, scoopshipping, amy/jonah, lily/marshall, barney/robin, zelink, howl/sophie, chrom/robin, chrom/frederick, bella/alice, leo/takumi, bella/rosalie, bella/edward, ironstrange, stevetony, peppernat, tonynat, pepperony, palmerstrange, homura/madoka, frostiron, strangefrost, wandavision, doctor/jack/rose, misa/rem, doctor/jack, matsuda/light, mello/matt, gameshipping, mastershipping, fianceshipping, chaseshipping, puzzleshipping, thiefshipping, sherlock holmes/professor moriarty, dragonshipping, wishshipping, heathcliff/catherine earnshaw, edward/jacob, katara/zuko, katara/aang, sokka/zuko, + more as i think of them
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panfluidme · 7 days
Wild Kratts:
I won’t do x readers or Krattcest, any ships with Martin (oc or not), or things with characters I don’t know
The two ships that I like are Jimmy/Chris and Aviva/Koki
I enjoy angst, so don’t feel afraid to ask for it. I’ll start posting one-shots that I do have onto here for you guys if you’re interested
Send me an ask and say that it’s specifically a one-shot request. This way, I can tag you in it, and you have the option of having it be anonymous
There’s no deadline, so ask whenever you have an idea. It might not come out right away, but it will happen
Just in Time
Snake Bite
Figuring Himself Out
Too Late
Captured and Hurt
Taken Away Forever, This Goodbye Means Forever
Humiliated and Hurt
Almost Gone
Can't Think Right
Lost in the Woods
Last Breath
I'll write smut for any of the ships (as long as everyone's over eighteen)
Go as fluffy or as angsty as you want
I will not write about suicide or eating disorders
I will not write about homophobia/transphobia/racism or anything of the sorts unless if the victim of this hate is later comforted by friends and/or family
Feel free to DM me your request if you don't want me to give you credit
If you want me to write a ship that isn't in my list, lemme know. I will not do any incest ships, so don't even try
No x readers
If you request anything and break one of these rules, I won't be writing your request and will delete your comment or DM
Rules for commenting:
No bullying
No slurs
No hateful speech
No sexual advances
Tangled (this includes the show):
Rapunzel x Eugene
Varian x Hugo
Eugene x Lance
Honeymaren x Elsa
Anna x Kristoff
Anna x Hans
Anna x Hans x Kristoff
Hans x Kristoff
Julieta x Agustín
Pepa x Félix
Dolores x Mariano 
Alma x Pedro  
Night at the Museum:
Larry x Ahk
Teddy x Sac
Jay x Carlos
Mal x Ben
Parksborn (only for MSM)
Spideypool (Peter is aged up or Wade is aged down)
Parkner/Parley (Peter x Harley)
Peter x Ned (idk if this is an actual thing, butttt)
Symbrock (I think that's right? Eddie x Venom, no smut on this one, sorry)
Quill x Gamora 
Turning Red:
Mei x Miriam 
Luca x Alberto
Big Hero Six (the movie only):
Honey Lemon x Tadashi
Milo Murphy's Law:
Zilo (Zack x Milo)
Melissa x Amanda
Dakota x Cavendish 
Martin x Bridgette 
Goldie x Scrooge
Launchpad x Fenton/Gizmo Duck 
Donald x Daisy
Launchpad x Della
Gravity Falls:
Ford x Fiddleford 
Star vs the Forces of Evil:
Star x Janna
Star x Oskar
Angie x Rafael
Moon x River
Anne x Sasha x Marcy
The Owl House:
Hunter x Willow
Hunter x Edric 
Eda x Camila
Phineas and Ferb:
Baljeet x Buford 
Candace x Jeremy 
Linda x Lawrence (the parents)
101 Dalmatian Street:
Percy Jackson:
Percy x Leo
Percy x Grover
Frank x Hazel
Jason x Leo
Jason x Piper
Piper x Annabeth
Sally x Paul
Sally x Poseidon
Magnus x Alex 
I own none of the characters (minus a handful of OCs for plot convince) or any of the art used in this book! If you see your art in this book and don't want it in here, lemme know!
School Dance
A Picnic and A Movie
Car Crash
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tondw0o2blog · 15 days
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hi! :) thanks for the ask, I love receiving asks but sometimes its a little bit overwhelming.
Self/job: I'm an introverted hobbyist. I do clay sculptures as well besides drawing and tipped my toes a tiny little bit in animatronic but ufff that's rough. But I still want to work on my Monty animatronic head (fnaf).
I work as a kindergarten teacher.
The Hobbit, BBC Sherlock, Supernatural, Good Omens, MCU, One piece, Dragonball, Haikyuu, KnB and more.
Ships: Bagginshield, Johnlock, Destiel, Ineffable husbands, Gabriel X belzebub, Ironstrange, stony, stucky, thruce and many more I think.
Story snippets, ideas and prompts:
I love receiving any of it, if I do them is another story. But if I really like some Im gonna draw it.
Pets: Unfortunately I don't have pets ( I would love to have a cat but my landlord doesn't want that) but we had cats when I was a child. And a bird ( don't know what bird though).
Me and a garden don't work together no no.
Well...drawing, sculpting, felting(relatively new hobby), reading, listening to music.
yeah building, crafting stuff.
Hope you have a nice day! :)
- ToNDW0o
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mckiwi · 1 year
Little Announcement
I’ve just finished reading all 714 pages of competed Stephen fics. I’ll be posting a Rec List tomorrow morning. There’s Gen, IronStrange, PalmerStrange, Wongrange and other ships as well as Oneshots, drabbles, multichaps… there’s something in that list for you, I promise. Only thing that isn’t really included is Stephen x OC/Reader fics, Stephen x Minor, and explicitly smutty fics. I’m aiming to have a little over 50 fics on there.
Hope y’all can find something out of the list and enjoy.
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aelaer · 1 year
Just saw your post about having to block the doctor strange x reader tag, and I must agree it's become the predominant DS fic that comes up as recommended on my feed as well. There are several authors I enjoy reading in that category (although lately the overall amount of fics is overwhelming), but I only started writing them myself as my stephen x ofc fics could never gain a bit of traction. I have a theory that if I went back and changed my ofc's to reader inserts, I'd probably gain a lot more readers--but I can never bring myself to doing that as I wouldn't be true to myself as an author.
I suppose that's just a writerly woe I'm sharing with someone who might understand.😏 But I'm curious; are you open to reading non-romance fics featuring original characters? I've found that tumblr can be quite snobbish towards that species of fic.
I wanted to reply to this ages ago but it requires my computer and some thinking, so I kept pushing it off again and again and again and whelp, here we are. My bad. ><
I'm the same way where being true to myself as an author is writing what I want, so I get you there. Doesn't get As Much Engagement as other tropes would, but y'know what, I can live with that. If anything, I've actually found that the fic I compromised most on (because it was for a themed exchange) is one I want to reread the least. So if anything, a lot of me writes for "do I want to reread this in the future" and that has helped me since.
It's funny since OFC romances used to be pretty popular way back when, but I guess "reader" took over that audience over the last decade because the majority of the people just wanted to insert themselves into the position instead of reading about a full-fleshed character? Honestly not sure.
Right, I keep delaying the reason I took so long to get back to you - non-romance fics with OCs. The answer, by the way, is yes. Great OCs are fantastic, but you don't tend to see many OCs outside of romance, or you only see them as side characters in another pairing's fic. They don't often have starring or co-starring roles. But I wanted to find examples with great OCs which would take time.
And now I'm taking that time. Here's some good OC-starring fics that I scoured through the tag. They're difficult to find. I had to smudge that requirement after a while. Then I gave up after I got to 2 years back in the tag.
Some of the stories that I know have very good OCs are also IronStrange, but I know that's not your cup of tea so I left it out. But I found a handful.
Keshwyn was the author that came to mind when you originally sent this ask, but I wanted to have more than one author when I wrote this. Read their series, highly recommend, top-tier OCs across the whole spectrum, with the main star being female.
This fic by LexLemon is technically PalmerStrange, but the OCs are her parents, so it's basically a delight in my eyes as Stephen's fish-out-of-water act is always funny to me.
Dragonnan writes good OCs, usually the mean sort though, the ones who hurt Stephen rather than befriend him (male and female lmao), but if you're in a whumpy mood at some point...
This isn't technically an OC, but I don't know the character from the comics, so she's an OC to me! This Stephen's new apprentice is Casey Kinmont fic by Stratagem. They just updated recently too, need to cheer them on at some point.
*sigh* Sorry love, I ran out of good OC fics that didn't have background/primary IronStrange that I could find/remember. But yeah. There's some fic/author recs.
(If anyone wants to add to the list, feel free to leave a comment or reblog. I was avoiding IronStrange for the asker in particular but I don't think the asker sees reblogs so go for it if you'd like).
Also, I love the OCs that I've come up with for my various stories in both LOTR and the MCU. I'll ramble all about them if you (or someone) wants me to, quite happily.
Hope that answers the question/reason for the ask, mostly.
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yourfriendlyauthor · 1 year
Requests guide for story/roleplay fandom verse
1.) Marvel/DC/Justice League/X-men/Guardian Of The Galaxies
2.) Golden Trio
3.) Maurauders
4.) New Gen.
5.)Teen Wolf
6.) My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia
8.)Demon Slayer
10.) Black Butler
11.)The Vampire Diaries
12.)Sex Education
13.)Fifty Shades of Grey/Fifty Shades Darker/Fifty Shades Freed
14.) Twilight
15.)Mortal Instruments
17.)Umbrella Academy
18.)Orange Is The New Black
19.)Henry Danger/Danger Force
20.)Percy Jackson And The Olympians
21.)One Direction
22.) The Vamps
23.)The Outsiders
29.)Once Upon A Time
30.)Star Wars
31.)Hunger Games
32.)Game Of Thrones
34.)Fantastic Beast
35.)BBC. Sherlock
36.)Indiana Jones
37.) Miraculous
38.) Avatar:The last airbender
40.) Why don't We (WDW)
Add: (Specify)
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐏./𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
1.)Brother Sister/Brother Moments
2.)Husband/Boyfriend Scenarios
4.)Sister Sister/Brother Moments
5.) Parents Children Moments
6.) One-Shot
12.) Wife/Girlfriend Scenarios
13.)Song Prompt
Add: (Specify)
1.) x Y/N
2.) X OC
3.) Pepperoni
4.) Stony
5.) Ironstrange
11.) Steve x Sharon
14.)Clint x Laura
16.)Bruce x Tony
18.)Natasha x Bruce
19.)Bruce x Betty
20.) Bruce x Dr.Cho
23.)T'Challa x Bucky
26.)Peter x Harley
27.)Peter x Eddie Brock
28.) Batman x Joker
29.) Joker x Harley
30.)Superman x Wonder Woman
36.)Ron x Blaise
37.)Pansy x Hermione
38.)Ginny x Luna
41.)Snape x Lucius
42.)Snape x James
44.)Lily x Marlene
45.)Marlene x Sirius
46.)Bellatrix x Tom
47.)Narcissa x Lily
48.)Narcissa x Lucius
49.)Remus x Tonks
50.)Tonks x Charlie
51.)Scorpius x Albus
52.)James x Rose
53.)Bakugo x Deku5
4.)Deku x Uraraka
55.)Shoto x Bakugo
56.)Kirishima x Bakugo
57.)Bakugo x Mina
58.)Shoto x Momo
59.)Adam x Evan
60.)Mauve x Otis
61.)Ruby x Otis
62.)Steve x Ella
63.)Otis x Ola
64.)Christian x Anastasia
65.)Bella x Edward
66.)Tyler x Wednesday
67.)Xavier x Wednesday
68.)Xavier x Bella
69.) Ivan x Bella
70.)Mika x Bose
71.)Chapa x Miles
72.)Charlotte x Henry
78.)Larry Stylinson
86.)Katniss x Peeta
87.)Katniss x Gale
88.)Dumbledore x Grindelwald
89.)Captainfrost (Loki x Steve)
90.)Ironpool (Tony x Wade)
Add: (Specify)
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hi. Not sure how this works but I thought I'd give it a go.
21F looking for someone to write a Marvel roleplay with.
My preferred ships include IronStrange and FrostIron and I could also go for an OC x Canon pairing. I'm more than happy to do doubles.
Please be over 18 to interect.
If you're interested, interact with this post and I'll reach out! Thanks :)
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darkkitty1208 · 2 years
Hullo. Welcome.
I've been thinking of doing a pinned post for a while now but never got the chance to (read: I thought about it, procrastinated, and then forgot), so... yeah. It must be weird for my long-time followers to suddenly see a "Hey there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet!" post but, here we are. A couple years late, too. Anyway.
I'm Kitty. I go by she/they. I'm a fanfiction author. All my works are posted on my ao3.
This blog is for me to share my writing, interests, and/or other hobbies. Feel free to drop an ask or slide in my messages if you fancy a little chat -- I don't bite. :)
My current fandom focus is the MCU, mainly anything about Stephen Strange, but I tend to shift through different fandoms like BBC Sherlock and the lot. I'll do you a favour and not list them all here because, well, in that case, it'll be practically endless.
I used to post incorrect quotes, but not so much nowadays. If at all. Ah, also, fair warning: I generally do not tag any of my reblogs and could go on reblog sprees from time to time, or be inactive for days on end. There is no in-between.
This is my own space and I have the right to express myself and my opinions freely here, although I will rarely engage in anything with heavy discourse/debate and the sort. But I am always open to them if anyone's interested. Just don't ask for trouble.
More details regarding my blog under the cut.
Despite the messiness of my blog, I do, in fact, use some tags for my own posts. Surprise, surprise.
I use #my writing for all fics I've written,
#incorrect quotes for, well, my incorrect quotes,
#ask for basically all the asks I've answered,
#personal when I'm sharing something about myself or how I'm doing,
#ramblings for random thoughts or things in my head I decided are worth writing in my blog,
Occasionally #writing when I share (hopefully) relatable stuff about writing or when I'm sharing my experience in writing, and
#kitty makes up scenarios for when I share thoughts and scenarios about fictional characters and will likely not write about them.
If you're wondering whether I'm open to prompts or not, currently I am back to receiving prompts. This will update from time to time.
You can send them in my ask box. :)
Here are a couple of things I'd like to emphasise for those interested:
I am not a fast writer. I will not respond to your prompt immediately. It could take me weeks, months, and maybe even longer to get to you.
I would prefer if you'd leave some space in the prompt for creative liberties and not put in too much detail. (You might as well write it your own if you want it in a very specific way.)
Don't pressure me into doing your prompt. Please keep in mind that I can and will send it back/refuse to write it if the prompt you send isn't doable to me for one reason or another.
I can be sensitive to some topics like alcoholism, physical/domestic abuse, etc. but it is negotiable so long as it isn't heavy on the topic. Just send me a DM to discuss.
It comes without saying, but underage and sexual abuse is a definite no.
Physical de-aging is OK, but I won't do ageplay or age regression -- whether it's sexual or not.
Yes, I am open to writing NSFW but please, for the love of god and all that is holy, do not send me anything about mpreg or genderbending. Or anything too... weird, for that matter.
In case a clarification is needed: yes, hurt/no comfort or even MCD fics are definitely OK. Yes, yes, yes, 100%.
Yes, I ship. My ships include IronStrange, Frostrange, Wongrange, Strordo, Johnlock, and am open to other ships if you wish so. Again it is negotiable and I am flexible regarding this.
Genfics are 100% OK, too.
If I happen to reblog/participate in an event with a prompt set, I am usually alright with receiving requests about them.
Unquestionable, but, prompts from other posts/not an original prompt you made is, of course, welcome.
I don't write/read x reader or reader insert. I don't read/write x OC, either. Sorry.
I do not write "Not [X] Friendly" fics. I do not like character bashing.
The rules may update from time to time. Please check them before sending requests.
Last updated 12/10/23
My preferences
I'm not exactly that picky of a person, but I do have preferences when it comes to reading and/or writing. And I would greatly appreciate if you'd take them into consideration, as I want to enjoy doing requests as much as you do when reading it.
I tend to prefer Hurt!Stephen or Whumpee!Stephen in h/c or whump scenarios, but I am not opposed to writing him being a caretaker. In the Sherlock fandom I prefer Hurt!Sherlock but, again, totally open to otherwise.
I love a lot of various tropes and things but am practically obsessed with whump and hurt/comfort. Angst is another one I absolutely love. I write fluff as well, but it usually requires a certain mood, so fluffy prompts might be replied to later than whumpy/angsty ones.
Most of my works are IronStrange but I love Wongrange just as much, if not more. Other ships are, again, totally alright. Although I am not very fond of these ships in particular: SpideyStrange, ScarletStrange, and x reader.
Other things
Be reminded that I am an amateur author and a human, so, despite me not being averse to 'constructive criticism', it'd be appreciated if you would kindly hold your opinions to yourself instead of sending hate asks/comments -- unless you can say them without being rude. Both explicitly and non-explicitly. I am not confident with my writing (as I should be, haha), and doing so will just discourage me further.
I post from a lot of fandoms. This is not an IronStrange-exclusive blog. Filter tags if and when necessary.
Minors are allowed to follow as I do not post anything too explicit; at least without tagging them. They would be tagged #tw suggestive or #tw explicit. I do however advise you to beware as I can be... a little bit... unhinged, sometimes.
Ask me if you want to translate/post my works to other platforms. You must have my written permission.
If you disagree with me (e.g. you characterise/see/view [Character A] as ... but I write them as ...), please keep in mind that all of this is fiction and everyone is allowed to have their own opinions. But well, feel free to discuss with me if you'd like.
Please don't hesitate if you have any questions! ^-^
I thiiiiink that sums up pretty much everything. If you've read this far, thanks for letting me waste your time!
Much love! Cheers! xoxo
- Kitty
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braveclementine · 1 month
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, fem x fem smut, m x m smut, threesome, foursome, orgy, oral, anal, pet names, Sergeant kink, sir kink, Captain kink
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
🎣🧰 тh𝕚Řᗪ 𝓅𝑜V: wI𝕃𝕃 𝔯��тᵃtє Ⓒόℕ𝕤ⓣᗩ𝓝𝕥ᒪⓨ 🤓🥯
Unlike the first orgy, this one did not develop slowly at all. All of a sudden, clothes were coming off of everyone, hands were grabbing at each other, and suddenly the room was full of pornographic moans, groans, whimpers, whines, and pleas.
Violetta, Natasha, and Wanda all converged on Penny, all of them undressing her although Natasha made her keep the crown on. Violetta sat underneath Penny, her tongue licking through her folds slowly. Natasha knelt next to Penny, her hands firmly on her breasts, pinching, twisting, and licking them.
This kept her to focus on Wanda who sat on the chair in front of her, allowing Penny to eat her out.
Penny reached a hand up to touch Wanda's nub, rolling it slowly between her fingers as she nipped at her folds. Wanda cried out above her and Penny cried out herself as Violetta's teeth scraped across her clit.
As Penny felt Wanda coming closer, she moved her hand closer to Natasha, to start helping the older woman come to her own brink. Natasha was also bringing Vi to her orgasm.
The four of them all came, close to the same time. Almost immediately, arms were lifting Penny away from the girls and she was faced with Thor as Loki plopped her down on the couch. Thor laid back on the couch and Loki positioned Penny over his thick cock.
Penny slid down slowly on Thor, while feeling Loki push two slender fingers into her backhole. She laid forwards on Thor's chest, reaching up to kiss his lips while he slowly rotated his hips, gently thrusting into her.
Loki meanwhile, had finished warming her up, gently pressing into her from behind. The two Godly brothers started to thrust into her heavily, alternating their paces.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Tony had laid Trang gently on the floor, thrusting into her gently. He thumbed her clit as he nibbled at her breasts. He cupped the back of her head as he continued to thrust harshly into her, capturing her lips in his.
Trang's hands clutched at his shoulders, and as the two of them grew closer, her hands shifted under him so that they could clutch at his back. He could feel her nails digging gently into his skin and he relished in the slight pain as he came closer to his orgasm.
"Fuck, daddy." Trang whimpered, burying her face in his shoulder and biting his skin as her stickiness washed over his cock.
"Atta girl baby." Tony murmured, kissing the side of her head as he finished inside of her as well. He prayed deep down that his seed would take root and make a baby there.
Trang captured his face in her hand gently and kissed him softly as he pulled from her warmth. "I love you Tony."
"I love you too sweetheart." Tony murmured back.
Stephen came up behind Tony, running his hands down the front of his chest. Tony hummed in content, tilting his head to the side and kissing the underside of the Sorcerer's jaw. "And I love you Stephen."
Stephen chuckled deeply, nipping at Tony's sensitive earlobe. "I love you too bubs." He turned his gaze on Trang and smirked.
Penny cried out as Thor brought her to her second orgasm, before he pulled out, cumming down the front from her breasts to her bellybutton. Penny was slightly surprised that he didn't just finish inside of her, but couldn't comment as she felt Loki still. He was near silent as he released with a small, satisfied grunt. As he pulled out, she could feel his sticky fluid dripping slowly down the inside of her leg.
Loki smirked, kissing the side of her head before sauntering off into the throng of bodies to find his next victim.
Thor on the other hand, lovingly pulled her into his lap, completely ignoring his release on her chest as he kissed her deeply and passionately, one hand pulling her long hair out of its bun. The crown came off her head as well as he set it aside.
"Ready?" Thor asked someone over her shoulder. Penny looked over to see that Steve had come over by himself, leaving Bucky and Sam with Elizabeth. His prick was standing straight up and Steve was looking at her with heart-filled desire.
Penny blushed, willingly taking Steve into her arms. Steve slipped inside of her easily because of her several releases.
Mai kissed Ahni deeply on the couch. The both of them were pretty much done, simply watching as the rest continued to fornicate on the couches and floor.
"I love you." Mai said, kissing Ahni's bare shoulder and curled into her closer.
"I love you too." Ahni replied softly, turning so that she was laying fully on the couch and pulled Mai closer. Because of Ahni's super soldier serum, she was warmer than most of the others and Mai relished in that warmth.
"Fuck, Sergeant, please." Elizabeth begged, head in Sam's lap. Bucky thrusted into her lovingly, yet teasing.
"Don't cum doll." Bucky cooed. "Not yet."
Sam chuckled, running his thumbs over Elizabeth's nipples over and over again. Her breasts were so soft, they felt like silk. And her nipples were hard and sensitive. Not to mention, they were bigger as they were starting to prepare for the birth that would happen soon, getting ready to produce milk.
"Sergeant please! I can't hold it any longer!" Elizabeth cried out, clutching Sam's hand tightly as she begged Bucky to let her cum.
"What do you think Sam?" Bucky asked, lowering his face inches from Elizabeth.
"Ah, give her a little something." Sam laughed and watched Bucky kiss Elizabeth before pulling back and little and commanding darkly, "Cum slut."
Elizabeth released with a near scream, tossing her head back further into Sam's lap. As she came down off cloud nine, Bucky pulled out of her slowly and Sam pulled her into his lap.
"Safe word?" Bucky asked, cupping her face to force her to look at him. Ever since Elijah had warned him she wouldn't safe word, he had been keeping an eye on it, just as he swore he would.
Elizabeth shook her head, "No, I'm very green."
"Good girl doll." Bucky murmured, kissing her forehead.
"Hey sweet mama." Rhodey said, coming up behind her, kissing her bare shoulder and then also kissing Sam on the cheek. "You wanna come with me?"
Elizabeth nodded eagerly, turning in Sam's arms to kiss Rhodey.
Steve exploded inside Penny with a deep groan. His hands were firm on her hips and he crushed Penny's lips to his as he finished.
"I fucking love you so much cookie." Steve groaned, rolling over on the couch so she was on top of him now. "So fucking much."
"Language cap." Pietro teased as he came over and winked at Penny.
Penny bent down, kissing Steve passionately. "I love you so fucking much too Captain."
She carefully slid off the couch, letting Pietro take her into his arms. Quicker than Penny could realize, she was suddenly across the room, pinned against the wall. Pietro's mouth was on hers and she found her hands in his hair, pulling the blond-ish strands with her fingers harshly.
"You are so beautiful Princessa." Pietro murmured, nipping the under skin of her jaw. He hoisted her up in his arms, pinning her tightly against the wall and spreading her legs far apart before thrusting up into her.
Penny whimpered, tightening her arms around the speedsters neck, burying her face into his neck.
His thrusts were so much faster than anyone elses, the way that she imagined a vampire might fuck.
"Pietro please." She gasped, feeling her entire body growing hot as her orgasm started to approach. Her cunt was tightening and fluttering around his cock, arms shaking as she moved them so her hands were clutching at his back. Her legs tightened as well, toes hurting from how hard she was curling them.
"Cum Princessa." Pietro said, kissing her on the lips, swallowing her scream as she orgasmed. It was a more powerful orgasm than any of the others she had had that night.
Pietro pulled out like Thor had, cumming down the front of her before carefully lowering her to the floor. He smirked at her, but kissed her sweetly at the same time.
Natasha ran her hands across Bruce's chest as she rode him, her pussy tightening around his thick cock. She watched his normally brown eyes flicker with green, his self control evident. "I love you so much." She smirked down at him, pinching his nipples lightly.
Bruce groaned, bucking his hips against hers, his hands running across her thighs as he pulled her slightly to him. "Fuck! Love you too Nat."
Nat felt him explode inside of her as she released on him. She leaned down, letting him capture her lips with his. His arms wrapped around her waist and he rolled the two of them over on the floor, starting to fuck her harder.
"That's it sweet mama." Rhodey whispered, thrusting lightly into Elizabeth. He ran his hand lightly up her hip, kissing her collarbone slowly. Elizabeth arched her back, hands gripping his shoulders, the sweetest little moan coming from her mouth as she came.
Sharon watched Steve over Scott's shoulder. Scott was kissing down her collarbone, so there was no risk of him realizing that she wasn't paying attention to him.
She could only get off on these orgies if she kept Steve in her sights. Other than that, she was faking everything, which was one of the reasons that she didn't participate that much, because most everyone only went one round with each person unless it was a smaller group.
But Steve wasn't going to fuck her anytime soon and she was pissed off at the ice girl. Why hadn't Rumlow just fucking taken her to Lucinda? Then she'd be gone, out of Sharon's life, and she would have Steve mostly to herself. She'd figure out some way to get rid of Penny later.
Steve turned and Sharon turned her head to kiss the skin underneath Scott's ear in what she hoped as a sweet way. "Oh fuck yes. Right there Scott." She lied. She looked up once and saw Steve's eyes just glance over her before locking on Elizabeth, who had just finished with James Rhodey.
Sharon felt red hot anger in her bones. Scott pulled out of her, cumming on her body. She allowed him to kiss her before he was off looking for another woman to fuck.
Sharon pulled herself out of the orgy, grabbing a washcloth and wiping the disgusting substance off her body. Watching Steve fuck Elizabeth made her to jealous and she left, lifting her phone to her ear to call Lucinda.
Penny hummed in content as she rode Lan's cock while Katya kissed down her shoulders. It was a very short experience, as she was mostly sensitive from the past orgasms. Everyone else was also tapering off and she caught Elijah's dark eyes as she finished on Lan's cock.
He smirked darkly, something that sent delicious foreboding chills into the pit of Penny's stomach.
Penny pulled off Lan, who immediately took over fucking Katya. Penny was surprised when Elijah approached her, picking her up in his arms to carry her over to the chair he usually sat in when he watched. He gently cleaned her up with a washcloth and let her lay in his arms as she watched Steve finish fucking Elizabeth, Thor pulling from Wanda's warmth, and watched Bucky cum down Clint's throat while Sam fucked him from behind.
Elijah was quiet and warm, which was comforting.
Unfortunately, things would get uncomfortable real soon.
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darsynia · 2 years
Tony Stark Masterlist
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{ Fave: 💚 }{ Romance: ♥️ }{ Angst: 🖤 }{ All Audiences: 🤍 }{ Smut: 🔥 }
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PLUS ONE (Tony Stark/Partyguest!Reader kiss fic) ♥️
UNTIL MY STEPS RETURN (Tony/OC established smut) 💚♥️🔥
THE SACRIFICE PLAY (Steve/Tony mid-Ultron) 💚♥️
GOODNIGHT, FAREWELL, & AMEN (IronStrange angst) 💚🖤
REPEAT AFTER ME (Tony/f!Reader Soulmate AU 'mob AU')🖤
IN SEARCH OF A FAIRY TALE (Tony/Reader (3rd person) smut) 💚♥️🔥
Part I | Part II | (Complete at 8k)
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Tony/Engineer!Reader IM2 timeline ♥️ | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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MASTERLIST (Tony/OC, MCU rewrite from IM1+) ♥️🔥
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MASTERLIST (Tony/OC fan in the world) 💚♥️🔥
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MASTERLIST (Tony/Steve Titanic AU (not Jack/Rose, no death) 💚♥️🔥
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MASTERLIST (Tony/Natasha fake relationship amnesia) ♥️🔥
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MODERN MYTHOLOGY (Tony/OC soulmate AU) 💚♥️🤍
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 (complete at 12k)
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(Tony & Bruce friendship, Bruce/OFC) Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | TBC
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upwards-descent · 1 year
dawg ur art is literally the best. i originally found u thru ironstrange, do you still have any thoughts on them??
Aw thanks babe 😭 I still adore Ironstrange but the fandom is so toxic, so many fics and art are dedicated more to shipping wars than actually appreciate the ship so I ducked the fuck out. Plus I've had 0 interest in the MCU after the shit that was Endgame and only cared about Multiverse of Madness (which I LOVED). I'm much more inclined to do self-insert Doctor Strange x My OCs now because of it but I'll ALWAYS love Ironstrange 💕♥️
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late-to-the-party-81 · 7 months
Requests Info
Hi all!
If my requests are open, and you wish to make one, please check out this post first.
Thanks you for making your request - please note that I reserve the right to not fill requests that I don't vibe with or do not fall within my boundaries.
Ship fics - I happy to write for the following ships
Any combo of the Cap Quartet, be that 2,3 or all 4 of them.
Starker (only with aged up Peter)
Various CE/SS characters (e.g. Lloyd x Nick, Ransom x Lance etc.)
Winter Baron
Combos of Poly Avengers
X reader fics - I'm happy to write the following characters with a reader insert or OC
Frank Castle
Eddie Brock (with or without Venom)
Dr Strange
TASM or MCU Peter Parker
CE/SS Characters (please check - I'm not familiar with some of the newer ones and will not do Tommy Lee)
Types of reader insert characters I will write
Any gender (including Trans, Enby or GN) but please provide details if you would like details smut, including squicks in terms of vocabulary usage and kinks.
Always racially neutral. I actively avoid mood board pictures that imply race - I will only use pictures like this if I cannot find something else. The race shown in the mood board does not alter the way I write the reader insert.
I do not use Y/N - I will always find some kind of nickname for the reader
Types of fics I write
Smut (soft, explicit and/or kinky - remember the Kink Tomato!)
Slice of life
Dark (Violence and/or Non-Con/Dub-Con)
What I WON'T write
Underage (I am from the UK - age of consent here is 16. I would never write an adult with someone of that age, but would write two people of about that age together.)
Scat or Golden Showers (Omoroshi is a bit different - please ask)
Incest (that includes Thorki)
Requests can be for new, original fics, or for a continuation of any of my one-shots or series. Please note that if you use the anon function I will not be able to clarify your wants with you or notify you when a story is posted. Anons are allowed though.
When my requests are open, they will be fulffilled and and when the muse and real life allows. Fics will be as long or short as the muse dictates.
If requests are closed, (or even if they are open) please do send asks about my current series - you never know - it may spark something.
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incorrect-st4r-ocs · 3 years
Felix: How did you find me?
Stephen: With the combined effort of tracking your unique magical and aura, and a few helpful eyewitness accounts on-
Tony: We put "little bitch" in the GPS and it lead us right to you.
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