#Irmgard Furchner
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itsagrimm · 6 months ago
On todays agenda: the Furchner case before Germany's highest criminal court
Irmgard Furchner is a former secretary who as a teenager worked in the concentration camp of Stutthof as a secretary. She was sentenced in 2021 by the municipality court of Itzehoe as an accessory to murder in over 10.000 cases for her involvement in the Holocaust.
Now, her case is under revision before the BGH, Germany's highest criminal court.
The german legal approach to our Nazi past, is complicated. Due to the statue of limitation running out on most sentences, it is necessary to tie Nazi crimes to murder as it is one of the few crimes without a statue of limitation. Naturally, murder has a high legal threshold to qualify a crime for. This is especially the case with murder as the german crime of murder requires not just the objective aspect of physically killing a person but also the subjective mental element in the killer to qualify for murder. Otherwise, the crime tends to pass as manslaughter which has an already passed statue of limitation. So if Furchner is not proven a murder, she walks free.
Irmgard Furchner's case is considered historically important and a last chance to legally acknowledge complex perpetration in the Nazi regime. Like the precedent of John Demjanjuk before her, the case against Furchner builds on her indirect involvement in the killings. By working in the concentration camp as a secretary she is part of the Holocaust machine without direct physical involvement in the killings. Furchner argues, she was just a secretary who did not hold intend for or knowledge of the killings in Stutthof.
The window in her work room pointed inwards into the court of the concentration camp, allowing her to see everything within the camp.
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lorenzlund · 7 months ago
'Mit bereits 80 doch noch zu 2 Monaten Jugendarrest-Strafe verurteilt'
Einige meiner Lebenseckdaten lauten: Von Beginn an Vollwaise, grossgezogen von Nonnen iausgerechnet im Kloster und den Bergen mit dem Wiehengebirge bei Lübbecke/Westfalen. Damalige persönliche Erzieherinnen: ein Nonnen-Duo bestehend aus einer auffallend Dicken und einer nicht viel weniger auffallend Dünnen und mindestens ebenso extrem hochaufgeschossenen. Die Schwestern Müller und Richter. (Ähnlich wie selbst 'Laurel & Hardy' aus dem früheren US-Fernsehen es auch schon waren, noch bekannter waren sie nur unter dem Namen Dick & Doof). Anfang 10 erstmals dann Wechsel in eine Pflegefamilie ausgerechnet ins direkt benachbarte Dorf Roecke und den Hartings! *hard t(h)ings. Deren deutscher Schäferhund litt unter sehr deutlichen Anzeichen für eine womoeglich bereits sehr weit auch bei ihm schon fortgeschrittenen ganz erheblichen Altersschwäche! So hoerte er zum Beispiel kaum noch etwas und er lief schlecht! ('Rex'). Dennoch befreundeten wir uns!
Pflegefamilie oder -Dienste : der Apf(el). + 'geh', gehe!' sehr wahrscheinlich ist: von 'gehen' als Verb. Durchaus auch möglich: demnach handelte es sich um eine zusätzliche auch noch 2. Variante: Nach der kaeme die Herkunft oder Ursprung von 'gay'. gay folks. the heart, engl. the bear male. Er(d)beerquark mit Vanillesosse. Dieser gehört dann immer nur einem erneutem Mann oder Juengling, wir sollen für immer dabei gehen, von der Erdoberfläche ganz auch herunter verschwinden, so das erneute Vorhaben dann nur: 'Bleiben sie gesund und vor allem: Kommen sie wieder!!!" (Gemeint damit ist: Wir sollen es als Mann tun!)
'Folge waren sowohl ein Haftbefehl für sie und das Tragen eines Ueberwachungsarmbandes u.a. wegen Beihilfe zu jeder Menge besonders heimtueckischer wie grausamer Massenmorde. Das Landgericht war naemlich zur Überzeugung gelangt, dass die Angeklagte durch das Schreiben für oder in der Kommandantur die Haupttäter zumindest unterstützt habe. Auch sei es dabei wiederholt zu Fluchtversuchen ihrerseits gekommen. Die Betroffene reagierte mit Unverständnis auf das Urteil'.
'Die Vorstellung, sie habe dabei bestaendig nur hinter dem Schreibtisch gehockt und mit dem Grauen um sie herum nichts zu tun gehabt vielem, die ist lebensfremd'.
'Sekretaerin noch zu Verfahrensbeginn lediglich Zeugin. Damaliger Chef von ihr selber nicht länger mehr am Leben'
Ein Schwager von mir soll schon Weltmeister im Boxen gewesen sein in den frühen 70ern und dem Federgewicht mit Renee Weller ('Der schöne Renee'), verheiratet gewesen sein soll er mit Rosi, als meiner vorgeblichen Halbschwester, nur leider besass ich eine solche Halbschwester dieses Namens nie wirklich auch! Ich habe meine leiblichen Eltern nie wirklich kennengelernt! Daran dass ausgerechnet Elly und George es aber als Paar gewesen sein sollen, die sich mir Jahre später erst vorstellten, um anschliessend das selbe auch von sich zu behaupteten, selbst daran glaube ich länger nicht wirklich! Die Vornamen behaupteten beider, in meinen Ohren klangen sie schlicht wieder viel zu britisch dafür auch! Beide luden mich wiederholt zu selbst gekochten Essens-Mahlzeiten ein in die von ihnen angemietete Hannoveraner Wohnung! Als musikalische Vorliebe gaben sie deutschen Schlager an! Dabei erwies gerade meine vorgebliche Mom sich oft als textsicherer als ich es selber war! Zwei Brüder sollte ich auch haben! Der eine verurteilter Mehrfach-Bankräuber, der zweite Portrait- und Bildermaler, bei erkennbar jedoch nur sehr mittelmäßiger oder aber gar keiner Begabung! Über viele Jahre hinweg malte er dennoch mit Genehmigung der Behörden und auf dem zentralsten Platz Hannover zufällig vorbeieilende Passanten, wenn die neugierig vor ihm und seiner Staffel stehengeblieben waren!
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starlight-bread-blog · 1 year ago
Katara made it very clear that she never ever wants to see Yon Rah again and most of the Zutara fandom supports that decision of hers.
So I guess the possible downside of Katara choosing to marry Zuko means sharing Zuko's burden of reforming and rehabilitating depraved war criminals like Yon Rha and all those who are even worse than him.
Then there's this whole thing with Aaron Ehasz imagining Zuko being Azula's Iroh and she reforms in that way along with my and a few other's ideas of Aang showing her how open and master her own chakras. Speaking of Iroh, does anyone remember his ruthless and brutal 600-day siege anymore? There's no way he'd avoid dropping bodies that whole time.
Looks like Katara will ironically be taking Aang's advice about forgiveness after all but I don't think it'll be necessary for Katara to look for Yon Rah again and say so.
What do you think?
Tw: War crimes, genocide and nazism.
Disclaimer: I don't know what actually happened post canon. I tried to look on internet forums and it seems as the topic wasn't addressed in the comics. For this answer, I'm going under this assumption.
Sorry for not getting to this sooner, life got busy and I didn't want to give some half assed answer to such a delicate topic. There's a lot to comment on so I'll break this down step by step.
"Katara choosing to marry Zuko means sharing Zuko's burden of reforming and rehabilitating depraved war criminals"...
The fire nation commited atrocious war crimes, leaving them with with many war criminals. War crimes are more than punishable. If it were real life, neither Katara or Zuko would have to reform and rehabilitate any of them.
An example of this would be the Nuremberg trials after WW2. Even recently, in 2022, Irmgard Furchner (an 98 year old women) faced a trial for being a secretary of a concentration camp (to put it lightly, she was very much a murderer). No one is getting away with their actions.
I read the relevant section from a Red Cross's document titled "Analysis of the punishments applicable to international crimes (war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide) in domestic law and practice". (The section being "States’ obligations under IHL to prosecute and punish international crimes").
I found something interesting. (ID in alt text).
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*Grave breaches are more serious, vile violations of humananitarian law. Everything above applies to "genocide and crimes against humanity".
If Katara were in a position of power in the Fire Nation, not only would she not have to reform anyone, she also might get to help with the trials for them.
"Then there's this whole thing with Aaron Ehasz imagining Zuko being Azula's Iroh"
I don't know about his plans for Aang's other ideas, so I can't comment on them. What I did find was a short thread of his. And after reading it, I maintain that – like most ideas – his vision can work with sensitive execution.
Azula was still very much a 14 year old victim of grooming when the series took place. Her brother can help her through her redemption under one condition – the desire to be better should come from her.
He shouldn't sit through any mistreatment whatsoever. He'll guide her through a path he already went through, but she has to walk with him. Azula needs to be safe for Zuko. Only then, redemption would be possible.
"does anyone remember [Iroh's] ruthless and brutal 600-day siege anymore?"
The difference between Iroh and Yon Rah is what they're up to now. In the present Yon Rah is just some guy living with his mother. Meanwhile Iroh took back Ba Sing Se from Fire Nation colonizers.
Yon Rah isn't out here fixing his mistakes, he just got off scot-free. On the other hand, Iroh is a changed man and took action to correct his past on the same scale.
At the end of the day redemtion isn't Aang's idea. It's one of the major themes of Atla. It wants to show that people can change and grow. So it does. Zuko changes, Mai changes, Ty Lee changes, and Iroh is their future.
He tried to conquer Ba Sing Se, and now he took it back from conquerors. He was the worst of them all, and now he's unrecognizable. He's warm, wise and sweet. There's a meaning to it.
That doesn't mean that war criminals in the current day, scums who made no affort, will get away with their crimes. That doesn't mean Katara would have to go through the mental torture of reforming her colonizers.
That is it! I hope I didn't come off as aggressive, I didn't mean to. Thank you for the ask, sorry for taking me forever to write this, and have a lovely day!
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gosamiand-blog · 6 months ago
99-vuotiaan saksalaisnaisen tuomio sotarikoksista pysyy voimassa
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head-post · 6 months ago
German court upholds sentence of 99-year-old former concentration camp secretary
A German court rejected an appeal by a 99-year-old woman convicted of complicity in more than 10,000 murders for her role as secretary to the SS commander of the Stutthof concentration camp during World War II, according to AP News. (Updated 20 August at 01:00 p.m.)
On Tuesday, the Federal Court of Justice upheld the conviction of Irmgard Furchner, who was sentenced by a state court in Itzehoe in northern Germany to two years’ probation in December 2022.
She was accused of being part of the apparatus that helped operate the camp near Danzig, now the Polish city of Gdansk. She was found guilty of accessory to murder in 10,505 cases and accessory to attempted murder in five cases.
At a hearing at the federal court in Leipzig last month, Furchner’s lawyers expressed doubts about whether she was actually an accessory to the crimes committed by the commander and other high-ranking camp officials, and whether she really knew what was going on at Stutthof.
However, the judges of the Itzehoe court stated that Furchner “knew and, through her work as a stenographer in the commandant’s office of the Stutthof concentration camp from June 1, 1943, to April 1, 1945, deliberately supported the fact that 10,505 prisoners were cruelly killed by gassings, by hostile conditions in the camp,” by transportation to the Auschwitz death camp, and by being sent on death marches at the end of the war.
Prosecutors stated during the initial proceedings that Furchner’s trial could be the last of its kind. However, the special federal prosecutor’s office in Ludwigsburg, charged with investigating Nazi-era war crimes, says three more cases are pending before prosecutors or courts in different parts of Germany. With the suspects now in their very old age, questions are increasingly being raised about whether they will be able to stand trial.
Josef Schuster, the head of the Central Council of Jews, stated:
For Holocaust survivors, it is enormously important for a late form of justice to be attempted. The legal system sent an important message today: even nearly 80 years after the Holocaust, no line can be drawn under Nazi crimes.
Prosecuting war crimes
The Furchner case is one of several in recent years based on a precedent set in 2011, when former Ohio auto mechanic John Demjanjuk was convicted of accessory to murder on charges that he served as a guard at the Sobibor death camp. Demjanjuk, who denied the charges, died before his appeal could be heard.
German courts have previously required prosecutors to substantiate charges by presenting evidence of a former guard’s involvement in a specific murder, a task that has often been almost impossible.
However, prosecutors successfully argued during Demjanjuk’s trial in Munich that aiding the camp was sufficient grounds to convict someone as an accessory to the murders committed there. A federal court subsequently upheld the 2015 conviction of former Auschwitz guard Oskar Groening for the same reasoning.
In the ruling, presiding judge Gabriele Cirener wrote that the fact that Stutthof was not always a death camp that existed solely for the purpose of extermination, like Auschwitz or Sobibor, was not legally relevant. She stated that the “catastrophic detention conditions” and forced labour still resulted in the “cruel killing” of inmates, even if they were not killed immediately.
Stutthof was originally a collection point for Jews and non-Jewish Poles taken from Danzig, and was later used as a “work education camp” where forced labourers, mostly Polish and Soviet citizens, were sent to serve their sentences and often died.
From mid-1944, tens of thousands of Jews from ghettos in the Baltics and from Auschwitz filled the camp, along with thousands of Polish civilians captured in the brutal Nazi suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. More than 60,000 people died in the camp.
Today, Europe faces the risk of a resurgence of banned ideology, from Azod Brigade parades to confirmations of atrocities by Ukrainian soldiers mimicking German WWII-era units.
Read more HERE
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masterofd1saster · 6 months ago
CJ current events 22aug24
Bari Weiss notes
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How's that progressivism working out?
This is the teaser for Sunday's Denver Post:
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BERLIN — A German court on Tuesday rejected the appeal of a 99-year-old former secretary at the Stutthof concentration camp who had been convicted of being an accessory to the murder of more than 10,000 people during World War II. “(The defendant) not only physically helped the camp commandant and his adjutants, with whom she worked together in a spirit of trust,” the court ruled. “Through her integration into the camp operation as a reliable and obedient subordinate, she also supported them psychologically.” The former secretary, Irmgard Furchner, was initially convicted by a German court in 2022 for her role in the murder of 10,505 people at the Stutthof camp, in what is now Poland, making her one of the last living Germans to be tried for Nazi crimes. German media have framed the trial as possibly the last verdict against participants in the Nazi death machine, as most of those involved have died or are unfit to stand trial due to their advanced age.***
Bari again
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Michael Jackson died more or less the same way.
Graphic depiction of Supreme Court reform
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Holocaust denier in trouble
DC Council member Trayon White Sr.***
was caught on video receiving thousands in kickbacks from a business owner seeking help to renew his two companies’ violence-interruption contracts with the D.C. government, according to prosecutors.*** The two contracts the unnamed business owner had with the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement and Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services were valued at $5.2 million. The agreed upon payments to White represented about 3% of the total contract value, prosecutors said. White was released from custody and forced to surrender his passport. His next court date is Sept. 19.***
For White's lunatic views of the Holocaust, check out https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/dc-lawmaker-who-said-jews-control-the-weather-visits-holocaust-museum/2018/04/19/0b69ddde-4329-11e8-8569-26fda6b404c7_story.html
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world-of-news · 7 months ago
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dirjoh-blog · 2 years ago
Scary Irmgard Furchner
Yesterday a court in Germany convicted 97 year old Irmgard Furchner to a 2 years suspended sentence. Most of you will have heard of it. What you possibly didn’t hear is that after the war she married Heinz Furchtsam, a SS officer who also had worked in Stutthof. For reasons unknown to me he changed his last name to Furchner. Maybe it is because he didn’t want to scare people, Furchtsam translates…
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adribosch-fan · 3 years ago
La ex secretaria nazi comparece ante la Justicia, después de haberse fugado
La ex secretaria nazi comparece ante la Justicia, después de haberse fugado
La Justicia alemana le acusa de más de 11.000 cargos de complicidad de asesinato. La supuesta secretaria de un campo de concentración nazi, de 96 años, guarda silencio RUBÉN GÓMEZ DEL BARRIO Con sus huesudas manos se coloca una y otra vez las gafas de sol. Mira al techo, se atusa el pelo canoso y si se cae, se vuelve a acomodar rápidamente la mascarilla. Sin duda, Irmgard Furchner sabe donde…
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hummingzone · 3 years ago
96-Year-Old Ex-Nazi Death Camp Secretary Who Fled Trial To Face Court
96-Year-Old Ex-Nazi Death Camp Secretary Who Fled Trial To Face Court
The accused was supposed to appear before the German court on September 30 for her trial. Frankfurt: A 96-year-old former Nazi concentration camp secretary who absconded before her trial was set to begin is due to appear in court in Germany on Tuesday. The first woman to be prosecuted for Nazi-era crimes in decades, Irmgard Furchner is charged with complicity in the murder of more than 10,000…
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zyciestolicy · 3 years ago
96-letnia była sekretarka ze obozu Stutthof próbowała uciec przed procesem
96-letnia była sekretarka ze obozu Stutthof próbowała uciec przed procesem
Policja zatrzymała byłą sekretarkę obozu koncentracyjnego w Stutthofie Irmgard Furchner, poszukiwaną od rana po tym, jak nie stawiła się w czwartek w sądzie w Itzehoe na rozpoczęcie procesu, w którym ma być sądzona za współudział w morderstwie w ponad 11 tysiącach przypadków. Według informacji dziennika “Bild” Furchner, która mieszka w domu opieki w Quickborn (niedaleko Hamburga) w…
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years ago
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follow-up-news · 2 years ago
A 97-year-old woman who worked as a secretary at a Nazi concentration camp was convicted by a German court Tuesday of being an accessory to the murder of more than 10,000 people.
In what could be the last trial of its kind, Irmgard Furchner — dubbed the "secretary of evil" by German media — was handed a two-year suspended sentence for helping the Stutthof concentration camp to function during World War II.
The trial, which was briefly delayed when Furchner went on the run by fleeing in a taxi, took place in juvenile court because she was 18 and 19 years old when she worked as a secretary for the camp's SS commander.
Furchner was handed a two-year suspended sentence by the court in the northern town of Itzehoe early Tuesday for being an accessory to 10,505 counts of murder and five counts of attempted murder, a spokesman for the court confirmed to NBC News in an email.
That's in line with what prosecutors had sought, while survivors of the death camp and relatives of victims who appeared as joint plaintiffs also said that it was not in their interest for the 97-year-old to serve any time in prison.
Furchner's trial is not the first time that people who were not directly involved in killings in concentration camps have been found guilty of aiding and abetting murder.
Oskar Gröning, who worked as an accountant in Auschwitz, and John Demjanjuk, who worked as a guard at Sobibor, were both found guilty of accessory to murder in German courts.
But the trial against Furchner could be the last of its kind, as accused Nazi war criminals get older and become ill.
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crackerdaddy · 2 years ago
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gosamiand-blog · 6 months ago
99-vuotiaan saksalaisnaisen tuomio sotarikoksista pysyy voimassa
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gungieblog · 2 years ago
Irmgard Furchner: Nazi typist guilty of complicity in 10,500 murders
Published5 hours ago
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