#Ire's CH
kingdom-of-ire · 7 months
Here's my draft for an Ireland (and the rest of em) Intro!
it'll be coloured in final and there'll be a voice over because I can't compose for crap man so no music
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dedahblog · 1 year
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"I'm going away smiling" by Yoko Ono (I prefer Iggy pop cover )
"I'm going away smiling
Thinking about our life
How we were good for each other
And how we knew"
Video format
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aita-alternia · 13 days
hi! (hi!)
i believe i am familiar with the island situation (situation), and if so (so), hi island rust :-)
i only recently figured out the internet (internet), so i have been communicating with the island group via smoke signals in lieu of palmhusk. (palmhusk.) i don't really have an asshole question to be honest i just wanted to say i am also here (here), you can ask me things (things)
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gloomforrestrunes · 1 year
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Gooood evening all, prompts, as mentioned, will be back next Monday. On the occasion of this tiny two week hiatus however, I thought it would be good to do an *ask day*
There are plenty more of you than there were a year ago (thank you!) and I need something to fill the void this week, so!
Send me any questions about prompts, writing, books, pie baking, me, whatever!
I’ll tag all my responses as ‘L Answers’ if you want to block the tag:)
Stay weird and see you (with new prompts) next week ✨🌻
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desitenya · 2 years
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deep below the saiki k iceberg this guy swims around like he owns the place
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blairwaldcrf · 2 years
dan humphrey, the chronically abandoned and blair waldorf, the woman who cannot help but go back. x
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jmiehyter · 1 year
charlotte go away
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actually I think writing made me more outspoken irl. so many of my ocs fight back and argue and are stubborn especially when they're right and for so long I had kept my mouth shut and internalized everything but the more I wrote the more I began to actually speak up about stuff and now I push back and I argue when I know I'm in the right and I'm going to defend myself instead of letting them keep kicking me
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Wasn’t it Safran or someone else from the show who said on Twitter that Chair & Derena got divorced or that Dair just ended up cheating with each other while their spouses just got drunk every night or something like that?
ummmmmm I don't recall anyone from the writer's room of GG confirming any divorces (because that would be chaos and if bluck got canon-confirmed divorced me and the mutuals would never shut up about it).
I believe the tweet you're thinking about is the famous "wonderful, confidante-esque relationship" tweet. I've no idea how to go about finding it @strideofpride S, help?
the gist was that Safran (?) said that the endgame couples were still married and would be couple friends and Dan and Blair would talk about all their pretentious things while Serena and Chip knocked back the wine. but he also said wonderful confidante esque relationship which very much sounds to me like DAIRFAIR
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kingdom-of-ire · 8 months
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China the lion dancer!
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ever-ire · 2 years
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Chapter 1 - Pages 1-4
EVER IRE CHAPTER 1 IS OFFICIALLY OUT!! You can either read the full thing on WebToons or follow this page where I'll be posting 3-4 pages a day until we're caught up!!
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aita-alternia · 1 year
WIBTA for refusin” to go to my ex-matesprit”s moirail”s flush commitment ceremony?
My (10, olive, “Anthem”) ex-matesprit”s (12, bronze, “Breach”) moirail (12, gold, “Cannon”) and his matesprit (12, teal, “Dollie”) are havin” a flush commitment ceremony in several perigees. They started plannin” this ceremony while I was still datin” my ex. I”ve been friends with “Dollie” outside of the scope of her bein” my ex”s moirail”s matesprit, though that is how we became close. Both “Breach” and I were asked to be in the commitment party for each of them, me on “Dollie”s” side and “Breach” on “Cannon”s” side.
However, I”ve been asked to step down from bein” in the ceremony. Rather, “Dollie” said that another friend of hers whose wasn”t originally available is now available and I”m bein” treated as a back up if someone else can”t make it. This is after I”ve already bought an expensive outfit to fit the ceremony color palette per “Dollie”s” specifications.
I”m hurtin” because I think I was only ever invited to join because our matesprits were moirails and I”m not sure she ever really saw us as friends. Part of me doesn”t wanna be a part of any of it anymore, but my palecrush (11, gold, “Elliot”) is also in the ceremony on “Dollie”s” side and I don”t want to cause a huge fuss and risk “Elliot” going ashen on us. I don”t have any blackrom feelings for “Dollie,” if anythin” we”re just hatefriends. “Anthem” and I are still friends too, so I don”t wanna mess up our entire friend group.
Would I be the asshole if I told “Dollie” I wasn”t interested in bein” a backup party member and didn”t go to the ceremony?
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gloomforrestrunes · 11 months
Mmmm theory time!!!
I’m already pretty sure that Ire is the necklace & headpiece that Laxo wears while in the Dark Realm, or is at the very least connected to it. I feel pretty confident in this assumption. As for what it does… well we know it suppresses Laxo’s demon powers, but I feel like it goes deeper than that. The way Laxo’s eye changes color to that same orange, and with Nex posed behind him, makes me wonder if it’s some kind of possession, or some other means of mental control. I also think that Nex CREATED Ire as a means of further controlling and abusing Laxo. We see him studying a spell book of some kind at the end of C’est Toi, after all…
ooooh i love getting theory asks!!! very interesting thought process here!
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nikkiruncks · 17 hours
That 70s Show/That 90s Show 🤝 Modern Family 🤝 Gossip Girl
Having amazing (potential) enemies to lovers ships with chemistry that’s out of this world, yet sticking with the same on and off relationships (Kelso/Jackie, Nikki/Nate, Haley/Dylan, & Chuck/Blair).
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attachmentbarbiee · 3 months
which pair is worse, ch**r or g**nc*n?
as much as i hate romantic gwuncan, i really like their friendship. chair is a DV case + not to mention chuck has attempted to sa blair’s best friend and a 14 year old jenny humphrey, so chair is worse for me even though they both suck
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